'''-'). ,: . , ••',. - -i:.-:-tf - .•:..• ^ 1'444 I , MinaMM =MI IMRE zam TriIAVELERS TAXI 11 prewided.wo4lllwpaomrp„„„ L bins printed with a *evict ibei — •r fni yob are nailer:4**k " :entastating their boatain Guard, when 'lvey areirat" aonni The following Ives UM or lowa ty Guard at thirort Or ?Arai firn on the list have the talircoevalAPPlni a pp:sr-alas te istppvisityle Imellgail i fi SAVANNA, - RARITAN. • N LAG ARA. , ptl QUIN ORLEANS. ' • : JEW - mt. CANTON, 31O4ivii LADY OF LYONS. CAtitio. - - NT ALLEY FORGE, INMAN' 4 FORT PITT. - • 6 8 1111,01 BREAK; ATER., QUEENr n EXPRESS MAIL._ DUKE IX A LPS, Eiltr.Ll4 cAsPiAN, . - ECLlptit I DA. YIOTRtai .\‘‘ EST WIND. - - ymi r tnik ‘i A CQU E'TTE.uivzi,. , T AILEY RAND. - FENELA PANAMA, ROW INAI AC E RO, -AGNEs, .: - •zARAH ANN. MI. .SE th NAR RAG A N SETT. SiAAT* AMARANTH, flßPlian M UNG 0 PARK , 01110, 1 \ E PTU N E, CECILIA - •fj \ DELAIDE, J. II BAIA NORTH BEND, GALEM, "A MARIETTA, ' MENTIAL,' BRUNETTE, COL ' , TEA NI FERRY BOAT. • .: The I ,aveliog. comehhhilY.:llllll eforf they inat.e a chrgere of a brial,to, and see %%be-titer it would sot le la and security to ollooFe a Safely Gaatd .sage ant: fre4,4it, in preference tow 7 2 a.nst explosion—and that theY.arit ',i4at this invention has ttre Flea m boilderr--gentitiata :1 Io io u odermand the-subject, and wk. eres - ted —besides a number Of reef eenitpti r n and others—aft whielt me office. No 10. Water streetorlare 7 0. EFure a t al tin:ex to elbildt ho lake the trouble to call.. cep 10 CA DWAI,L VA Ll' AP. LE REAL ESTATE The t.uh,criher offers for sale, at t rrd ralr-s,ltte venter part of hit teat - the cities of rittshureh and Atteghel7• fir ir lr rf•bon.es, n rarly new, a t 5i!, , a , e cm crkel Weft , PrtOsa fi iron , of Rl , out 54 feet by 6(1 (07: i.c, of Sf . p3traClti to Suit putchuvr:-..,a14,,,, Alm, a Peer , I..,lldinz lot in Alletb , Ps etentlll , ,l , u7Avaiel or 350 feet in &V I or:I.. 0. , e on 11.1 r,r_nsyfe-znia eafialt Vt . zo..:;i11 - 1,7 , f, .. , rt-.‘ . A si.o. th, 1,1 ::klair.irsz it,e aboye..l i I lty toear!r 350 feet in depth, inciridit4 , Ran! macskiii boa Which I now meg) ings. A r.o. i for with two two story brick via! n , e On I te ro.”er of Market and Front Arm rr odera• e :r ound root, and now orfordest ALEX. BUACII rneery 111 , J -IXTED akteig iff ras rr :00d5, a qoantilY of Flaznad t . 'mos' 3'l k., , of Country fiance tab* fur Ca.`i <4 gods at HARRIS'S liven 21--. f ConootvAion Waret•rnet. r FI! a RT. Ceirerissios ,jarichrk4 tP p.d .27z enema ilidnriVealtreS.. E R TO -Ino E-q-, A 3 ron'fla.,. C ..ci.an of Vti. Paste. !irVay Floono. A yeti y. ONlen 4- co. Wc•odlwinrne. Eig..Stadigla VALE ktil.E FARM FOR.-FAILL on which I live, in WIC' containing etre 16 4;" Tea. a trttit. 70 acres of which i„vei,ett , oubercd. There are span it.t • 83 feet by 34; an apple= 0. ch o f tacrenCy acres cif .coat.' 'gnat to that 01 any upland * fits "14 r Tn.= toneic k cown on applirteklisi olbe in the premiz-tt. WILLIAM WA NVI LLI A N-1 C. WA LL a f:kii i . 61 4 and Picture Frain, Awe Street PulsourgL — C licirge 4'c fnr At - Ochs, alwacs on !MIX prop - ptiy framed Wolter, , est novice. rarlicUiaratlention paid to ggr 4b4 ert, • Persons fitting up Stearn Otso, heiradvantar.k to call- NVHITE LC?. Et.,—Tbe sulscittert , to furniAt painient. sod *Me m* ("5e PUre While Lead Made of =Otero ranted equal. if not SllneriOr 1° „....mu1 Y A P. elders addressed to Dtnitap a• 4 Co . Nn- 110Secorrd StreetiP tit all , Nded to.' flloll ------------- mit I A DTEit'l FASHIONAB LE mo d . - J Fif't fi. St_ etre door fess Olif Stin. 4 l Tile Sute-criber respectfully ishonta-_. Pi"Fburrh and ole,rnity that be let: fa it inf Shoes of bisoiworssu factale. . „ 7l6 where he wit' keepiorodautte Olk . .7 meat oral] kiudsof ladiedroUeelh,.7 and shoes, of Ihe Kilt . quality, *Molt 1 teg Co suit the times Bo W ill 'else _-,A. k rots of fancy work—each as OR% ....21 ctrl peen, colored railer% *ea beF k .4 c hild t en's etWerit. t..ltit gailels.l.' - • wilt he made at *he sborteat ' ner. ',tidies mill please tall ..i us allte subscriber feels cosiaest t a 10 "r1 any article is bits liar liber 11 " 1 - ...-- A Pep 11) , ~_ P. S. Don's forretthei door from tlaerleit loteintleer 1 from Market Street: __._.-... t.L. I Alit ulosy asvog._ It V bagmen, Of Dintlreff -•- literty tetteetttot•42444lo4(l:l; • thanks tote nitinietiols. fitnt. fort Iterflib egal agfir.6.oolt' • tended tnitint, bt cottnegO. et taws meth t be eentOttat c peel futlf Cuattlovwhiets ?els!. __.eldffilt' titan boa imett. t • • the whole of the Ittlek;' , " tittle; ar d 'site ;•• curb. lattotneng..,,tite!=-;.i..: • •'. surpass-Witter:lk' — r„ , sensor - • ?lenge Ig tared ' i}t i r iwo r; - • s.i *iii..o*." • oneet.vork. 9 1 -10, ! 10 !: , •r - r• - • • :•• - • - 1.--NO. 59, ro,isHED BY igs dr. W. 11. SMITH, ji OF WOOD k FIFTH ST& g DOLLARS a year, payable in WO CENT:3-4°r sale al the 'bp Sews 6.-oys. aqd Mauttfacturer at:t lie same office, on a doable LP) LL, ARS a year, in ad. 2, CENTS. of AdVeriiiillig. F TWELVE. LIES OE LESS: 030 1 One mooed, *s.oo 0.7.3 1 TWO 0 10111 i, 6.110, Leal Twee monde. 7,00 1.5431 Four mon th s. 8.00 301 ) 511 m onths. - 10,00 4.00 i Or.e year. 15,00 A INES.Ti i•ENI ENTs. cLELE ,r PI L. 151: ft P. Tye Square, .13.00 Sis r notas, 8.13;00 23,00 1 Oar .“..3f, 35,00 -menu in prorortion , e.. RI DoLLAr.s a year. _—_—__------------- C OFFICES,&C. I I;i:tit:MANGE HOTLL. Corner of Penn. and 'I. Clair Third neteen Market and Wood i Ej st , e . e ,, , hs , IkleKtBßlN 4- SMITH. rominaster. s'o 111--1 v ,alrr..itti door from Wood i 4. Peter ior Jon* W Wiork, ~.:ollector. ,L,lc M E TA L.-77 tons soft Pis Id.-tat for -itie he Wood between FirA and Second 11 ^" J.G.* A . GORD IN !WV/gal. TreaAlittf. SPTI 13 J No. 12 Water street. i. 'fiord street, Dell door to the ! - , ~,,),__s_ 1 4 J0hn,0,,T,,,...-er. : • )9 LBS. B %CON II A M.S. 16.0H0 il.r.i. ll.ocon i 310 f ~.lirtil, l'ellyeen Market and Wood :Am:riders. for :alt ekv Mayor r-• - • ) J. G. 4- A. GORDON, ~G r. Fn. rill. near Mak. I ,:t. i . Nl3. 12 IVater street 11 NNKS k,-,n Mattel and Wood streets. on g LAT T ERS'ON. Jr- 6,rotinr.tato, near Pdtsburgli, Manufacturer of Lock_s. Ilin:mg and Bolls; To orrt7.-rt rtt s' FAR plea 6 . De- ; i•aren. and Timber Screws;nousen Screws for Fu Fourth.' Volwren Rolling Mills, kc. OIL:\ YUCLOSK EY. Tailor and ilothser„ Librr.y aua Virgin aLe), :-louth side. 5..0 ll f,A. near the Er.,tige:l C:a, -.ll* rd end Wood. - Strfllzfiel+E „ aod.Canal. MIZE IVayne Si 011141;11e r:It1111 —_- ---- I MS. ATTORNEY AND I OR AT I. A. W.-061.v rem , .rcs i; neatly opposite rrit rO , :0,10 JOllll M sap 10 ; r D.— arid rcmorcdlo 1 3 ,11 C.Td LibCrZly S u 10 .inn,- Mackey, wll4,leicale and French, Dom.filic Fep 10 M'CLU RE, A,Larney, and Law: ()dice get the lhantond. %sack sPp 10 kleterman; erfi.e north e .• Wet:iet and Smithfield 'rep 11l r ..c !Ir. er .i Piti,:hUrth No 221 I. rot 1., Ito '• & aid Con, lI IO t M F C 11,4 , N. 29 R t ROBINSON, tllor..er al 1.1. ,•116c Diatitm.6.l.eiwo••• F^n 10 NV. .V , orney at Lass; tender: blir. OttiC - 1., t•vve D. Lloyd 4- Co'- J. N. is -innof Co;aptr Front st , hF:V. WU( p 01n;. 1 1' S•P 10 YOUNG. t r . NI; & (0.. ' :. .t lure Warr t `i El, Alley. fine It 10 4st 'sited that srp 10 qua rec,•ved 160 choice Mut 'l cured and (or Faieciwap by , he do- ISAAC HARRIS, 1C0.3, Flub cl supp'y of Land, fq h's Fresh Bo °lief different varieties of Turnip •nd for We at tcsoccso reuse at the rc of F. L. BtiOWDE`c, o. IP4 Liberiy iorect.. head of Wood Ey r s Boot and Shoe 'Holmium. Fourth St., next dgor to the U. States 11f:ta, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n ,aria by the newest Freud) patterns. R 1: ? LTICA ULLTS. to lots to suit I:a..rs; to Fe dispcord of by F. L SNOWDEN. 0. 184 Ltbert ySI reel. be-ad of Wood. TS, Flowers and Flower Steeds of ev !on, can always be had at tite Drug F. L. SNOWDEN, 134 Liberty surer, in-ad of Wood. Annual Mammoth Ouiun Seed; for Drag arid 'Sced store of F. L SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. W.11.3.5EY SWEET POTATOES, received by F. L. SNOW [FEN, No. 134, Ltheriy head of Wood .fu tOtiStk 'fog of Hoes. FATICY Spades TroAets.., F.,:ding Tools. Sodding at-3, Craning Shears. etc.. just re- P. L. SNOWDEN. " L'kft y street, head of Wood. Hays --Jest /mewed a sum ti sap "°lc'e e:;re.l Venison Eiams;en retail treat inorAsy. 1 ..1e H SRC'S% Agent, and Com. Merchant ek'i'r - Sred. Orchard Graas and Blue Gras, aitrays on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. 0.1 4 Liberty street, head of Wood. 'CEIAN AN, atieoeveye et Low, office m the Dmasond, to - , Attorney'sßour." b fie. ',veto - emu ilartet and Wood seplO E . S'BLANKS, for proceedings in Mt. • - the late taar,for rale at this Office. on the North Sat corner of Coal street- Apply tO D ARLINGTON, Market, dear Altb st. " adnah's French Saw lieeinieed-insl and for sale at the brut ted Seed • P. L. tP:M:DES* /84 Libettl Kraal, kali Of Woo& PMetpillivtinic—Tts bemoan, espitiaLletweealViir BUJ 4.lllll4lQPNWXLVisaistilv a ""ent• Wink* biotixsoloss_ of thefirla Ij4llrll BOA. 7..M00W, .410 MiffNM F. 311312Mirrs D sOJTisSfa" Add, bakrus &Mid ea Third Su., sep 10 • rmaisitgo. JOFINSTON 4- BTOoK.TON, 8040e/tsp Nji . atersand Psper antifaelurerg. Ko. 37, Starke/!a. asp itY-11 , on N ANDERSON.-Seetblield 04alidry, *alter 'in— n.arr the Slonoaxa , bele Sense, Pit - mm6...601071,7 LEONARD tz, !CHINS, Aldenthrr,St.Gthir sr feet, se cond door froth Liberty. sep 10---ly DR. S. R. HOLMES. Offireio 'Jerrold street. next dexii to Mslvan, 4- Co's Glass f'►arihonee oerle—ly SUIThiK FISDI.A Y. Altortiet4atLinr, Fonntrat.,, near the Mayor's Office, Plitsblintb. sett 10-l7 THOS. HASH ETON. Attorney at I. Fifth, between Wood and :Smithfield raw.. Pittsburiz h. elm 10—ly Roc , . TONER. Attorney afbalic, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. sep 10--ty TM:MASON HANNA ......3 AIMS TA lINZIII L. HANNA $r TIJILN BULL'S Paper 'Warehouse- No. 104, Wood st-, where may be had a teseratsllPPlY 14 wrii.ing. wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c, S. iel,l-43-11 C. TOWNSEND ir CO.. Wire Workers suit R. afactarers, No. i3llarlitt street, between 3.d and 3d streets. cep 10-7 Y Jlt E1..11.1111111G .S• CO., 15. - .1?olc_le Grocers and Conn:ll,7.l°n Me , chants-- F•eenud St re. t, between 1l oi4l urd Sing lifield As.. Fit sep 10— . 1 y • J - 4 . GORDON. an,l Fortsa-din: *-1 , • 9t,•rrt , ar..l ,- , Wnier 11A c asks haws. a toad fr , rivr4 ne'lr S R (.7orsaur, and for sale by J.O 4- A. GORUON. sep 10 No. ti, Water Ft reel . 0..1111A11 dr mu r. iitzs:Es.--40 tilt& :slew Orleans Su /...7 ear; SO btliS Sew Orleans Motas-e_.; for sale by sep 10 J. G... - A. GORDON: ----- 0.13 G It 1)1.1 4 rn - ime N. 0. Sala , . rt--etet-td ner B Manse, and fur .:aie 1:3 1 J. G. dc' A . CORDON. sep 10 Nu. 12, Water street UM/ BACON CASK wier, on hand :rod fur gale by set , 10 J. G. 4" A. GOB DON. No. 12. ‘V.-,tlrr C UGAtI. AND 1001, A 'SSE:S.-13 ;awl 4b' c. 7 Sun r, 32 6L46 N. D. NI rr , rive o p , r Plea fuhroal I wparter, and 14. -Qie by J. 111 A. (V)11DON. wp 10 N. 12. lVabi , r arrrf BOLS. LA111) OIL. for fly C. A. PAII.M 4 T.IfIf. -- 4 - CO. eep 10 COg net of 61 ood le E63lr t ."; G e i s till . 3 A i I O r W ‘ t; 91 4. f0 r r 0. 7. , set , I 0 cur:ter of e ,l a and Wood :3‘lo 1•\• ow/V, E. A. F. S 101 - g it- ( - 0 , ;-en 10 rnroer, ()I 6th and Worla I4i.l.airt , 111 1 c-Or QUA: Alt A 'SD MOE. ‘SSES.-61) Idols. N. Sugar. 1,1,1,. du. do.. WO do. Ptauratiun Mulzprsr. .s. for tte. -e 71 BLANK PETrrioNs, & c.— 1 o ut=ed is Bankruptcy procerdiups, printed on 400 d iy3per,and in the forms approved by the Court,ror sale the 01fire of the Mercury and iternocrat. seri() ITUBB_IRD, fdstlionable !Awl and M.,”uf.,cturr r. No. 1101. Third street, ! . .etween Vood aud Wield streets. r ittstm Sep 10 ;Ikj RUC IiIIASTER, ATIR'NEY AT ILAW, 1. • . ha, remored his office to the coiner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant st reels, Fill,burett. sep 14 FOR RENT.—Thedwelting., and tot containing 4 acres.in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road,tately occapiedivy Mrf Paume! Chnrctt. Applyat I he Al erchams and Manufacturers' Bank. to W. H. DENNY. sep 10 Cashier. DAVID SAN DSV4I . ATCH & CLOCK :!A K ER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pius- S. - bu,r4t DEALER IX WATCHES,CLOCKS,BREAVPINS FIXG ER RINGS, CHAINS, K E COAIRS, M sets 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Laudteth's Carden Seeds, alSrays on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Dru 7 !ogre of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. hat his office and r Bence DR. DAVID WARD on Fourth &mei, nearly south of the Court douse, second dorelflogfrodajteizsgsfel. Ile will al tend all calls pertaining-ILO his procession. Night calls should be made at the dour above the basement. gep 10 Barter and Hair Dress- R ellOV A L —Matthew Jones, er, has removed to Fourth street, oppositethe May• ors office, *here he will be happy to:wait upon pennianent ur transient customers. He solicits a simse of public pat cet. 10 la 7 M. A. W ARO, DENTIST, Penn s;. three door I.e;ove Irwin street. H.,nrs of busine4s. from 9 null! 5 r. n., after which tome he will attend to no one except In rases of acilinf neretsity. Ile would further inform those who may think proper to employ him. that he experts immediate payment. Without the nter,.:.. , ity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 JIIN 31"FARLAND, Upholster,er and paint/ .IJ-ker, Third St. henget* Wood 4- dvarka {areas, resp^ctful inf rn s his friends and the public..that he is prepared to execute all orders fur Sofas, Sideboards. Bu reaus, Chair, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Curtains. (...rpets, all saris of epliallsterin: work, which he will warrant equal i,o ,any coado in the city, and on reasonable terms. 60 10 COMItiERCIAL AUCTION S , No 110 Wsed Street, Pittsbarik.-11. 'A. Bansman, Auctioneer and COMILli';6100 Merchant, is 110 W prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Mlerc at his large and capacious wows, No. 111), N o N orth Ea Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Eittshucgh. ' i t: mrtear sat= of Dry Goods, Fara iture. Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goodie.. and Fancy articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday eveniags. Books. 4.c... every Saturday earning. . Liberal advances aside on Coasigunteutswhen wanted. Rurso.aircws. Idesare. John D. Davie, Elm., ) o flagaley* Smith. o Hampton. Sishb. 4 co, o F. Lomas * Co., o S. W. Iturfavifte4 Co.. o S. 101'F.eu 4 Co. .. akin. James Ill'lDarslll, -li• Pittsburgh. rr C. 'thinnest, Eon: , nl-k ; 1 . - o - - Jaen ilrFaikbra gob . II - ' .• ri ' 1 4 4. 47 11144 mbeall ice"ed, i 1.00 ;. i i i o Jas. P. Shunt. DR. ' 711 *1 6141 • 111 MYR. 1 11: . - . *loot. 4ito. May. "' f • - ' : .:OrialliaalifiiWt To:- -7 , ; : - :' , • - • - ' t ••• "11100" • .:•:,: ,o p. it ..-:. ,- ,—-, i - , ,-- ~, • - -. '..:: : - - - - &:Ic _ ...'-,:' , . - .....,- . si , --: 1 ,11, 3 1, 4 .1. —1 Pittsburgh' Poi Baler Pknitt: Stettatdomr , ' orannEt s 4Orp' E3.11"L. .11114ter,.. FLEAS commenced tier r e gulartripar, and wilt rue jai.' iy {Sundays eirseoted.) Leaaw .lammaer 4-8 tiock 441. 111., leaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. W -con lleriS at Beaver with the rerrnamimanisi' and Ohio. , Line : of Freight and Packet:Canal boats bet ween &Mier, and Cleveland Ohio, and Creenviile, Peniurylvania., Limes Beaver daily,at 6 o'clock P. M. This tins compacts With twodaily lines on the Penrsyhrania canal leePtiliadef phiatand watt toe New York and Ohio line opine Eric * tanal, and New York and Ohio line and Oblo canal, al. so with freight and pamage bitatiOnigs and, schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of. Ibis well known line Mill. be peepared on the opening ofmailgir' lion to transport merchandise to any, of thepalennedi , ate ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Oh i o ca nals; to any port on Lake Erie, and-the .6ipper Ladtelati . , and from New York City and Philadelphia. McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver, Pa-, Galin Wormer CO., Cleveland, 0., Recs 4- Taylor. Warreu, 0., PITTSBURGIVIFIGLEVELAND LINE.. - STEAM PACKET MICUIGAN, 71?— W. B. BOILS. Xmas"- - RUNS daity (...-4unda‘ s excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH .1- BEAVER:leaving Strife - I : at It A.. 11. and Pittsburgh at 2. P. N. provid.d tcrt/E Evans's. Soft ty Guard to prevent Explosion of Rollers. 'lllisop'endidi and fast running Steam Beet has just t•c , n conipie- expte& - >ty for this trade, and taus in onneri ion urn ti CLARKE 4. Co's Pittillarglx sod Cleveland Line of Or down the Ohio canal to Mas-iion, fre..."%erod Erie Er, The Canal floats of this Line are towed, to and from Pitist.nreli direct, and the Itostiims conducted r•o the most t•romt•t and economical system. Minting a ctmnen. tion with the renns)lvania Canal Lines to Phiiailel tibia and Baltimore, and Steznitmais running town the Ohio river;also, 'brut:art our Agents at Cleveland, with 2. M. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Ves,sels, and he T roy atvi slichigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Elie canal, we a'rE prepared• Co. - the transpoOation or Frcieht i. 041111 It 011) all poillaS on the canal, the lakes and the 1: iv. - r, or the Cd-icru cittes,at prk.es as !ow as anv other Wye. Apply to 0. N. Lfa,:oa, N 0.55 Water to, or at Steam. boat Michi•zan's Ciarkz A- Co. Beaver. liwbf:ard eatiterbee, Warren. Wheels, 4- Co. Akron: R;ckmood 4- Co. Cleveland J O. 4- A.OOIIDON. No. 12 Water itreei 'i 1 t i z*r.,•4l - : PITFSBUROIt,,I4QER I Si; 42' 1 All A. VE4ZY. Ageng. 1419.60 Watett„, rittsionerb . _ FBEIGBTA.VD PASSAGE BOATS, daily to C/iisetagrd: bkia. teneiou Lint. to G.r'ec,vtlte- R P.YYR TO B. %Viet k Co.. Greenville W. C Ma!en.:F.haton, C. .Co'. i New Castle Join. Aire. VennL.ertown, John Campbell Newton Faits; Campbell k %lifer, Campbell,lown Babcock .- Mcßride, Ravenna; C. k Franklin; 11. A Aldlrr k Co.. City:dire/a Fall=; Well-non k Whitehead, Mas,illen; Ort.tin Woliallvis.. 4- Detroll; K inne, Davisk Co., Br' !Tato: Crewing, Rit itioPd. lViiii7am. 4- Co.,New York sep 10 1i• ill( ;BY ! Corver of Tread and . Fellow( 1 street s. Al lsbt.rak, bas on hand a complete as- QUeru-W are sUlied to the rily or cowntry td.adc. Also, a ch, , ice selection of pure white and told hand CM N NG AND TEAWAR E. in large or rattail xiCIA. Oreepa hate parzeS to snit purchasers. A cask of 46. Ell, or 81 piece SAS. Superbly painted and gilt Ctona T.-... are, am Vr , v lore priee, Toy Teaware. plain, and tit.h painted and gill, front 1.00 85.00 per set Children's Muls of ever y des - crept ion. White China Shavind Muss. Graisite Dinky_ at d Tea Services, in white and with p!endici American scenery printed in blue and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets. imported to match , . complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derby...hire Potteries. Flint and Green Class, in all their varieties. Window Glass, of every Fl7.e. Paten , Rnekets, Tubs and Keeler& Stone Pipe HMds. 4-c. 4-c. 4-c. All of which are respectfully offered to the pnb. lie on the most favoraltle terms. Jan 2.6, 18.42-1 y fIJ. FOX ALDEN Attorney and Counsellor at • Cif, r> his orofe--sional services to the cit izens of rilistiorgh and hones for a shareol publiepat ronage. He will execut ?all kinds Gf writing with beili nes , : and disria , ch. Cases in ttankroptcy attended to on reasonable terrns..—Of f iCe ir, Smiltifield Ft reef, at the house of Mr. 7 hotnas io whom he 'vier,. Pep 10 7. J. FOX ALDEN DAVID CLARK, _let. easkifneable Root Maker,— Has removed to . No, 34 Market street. between second and Third , t rect.,. where he wou'd be happy to see his o!d cuWonters. and all others who feet dispos. ed to patronize him. tie oses notbint but Arst rate sleek, and en.ph.ys the'hest of workmen; and as he elves its constant personal attention tobusiness, he truststisal t.e will deserve and receive a fair share or patronage. wn 10 FRUITn', ICE cr.E:Am. ¢ CONPECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully informs his friendsand the public that they can always find the ben quality of lee Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. •in their sea.con. at his estatdisitment--fin. Fifth street, lief wet*. Wood and Markrt. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest nodes: with cakes. or anvtliing in his line. Alm families furnished with Bread. WM 10 JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and commis sion Merchant, Nw.lo6,cornwrai Fri Pod 4- Ala sto- Pius trvg..k: heel, appointed one of the AueliOli eersfot the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his ..1 - strees To jute bets, mum/fact litrfS and dealers. who way be,dispased to make trial of this market- He is prepared to snake advancea on consignments of all saleable cantinodities, and trusts to satisfy cum rpondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various interests which may Le confided to hint, shall he adsqua'ely protected, he Itaings to the aid of his own expertilice in business and acquaintances:with merchandize g enera I 1 v. the services of Mr. EIAISCLL FAEINPArrocig heretofore advantageously known.as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent ingagenicat is made. ' ILEFEa TO Messrs. M. Tiernan. Piesl. of 4- M Bank. •, Darlington 4- Peebles, • Robert Gatisay. James 3iltooper, James lay, S.. M. Riddle, - Pitisbusg,b •• Wm Robinson. Jr. Prm't: of Exchange Salk. iismrimm,Smiih, 4- co., .1 John D. Davis, Samuel Church. 1 .1. Moorhead. ** Jas. W. Brown Er Co. John H. Blowy. 4. co. • &obit 4. ft matey, • Yordly fts 'Mfg, John S. 111.1. He, o John Dalton. rVANSIS CAMOMILE PILLL - S.--AsitA= HAM J. CLEILER, -wakiliag. At 66.11aivaareft, Sri, York, was agitated with Dyspeprja is ifs lead a masked form. ?be ammo= Warevioleat,healilk: be, great alkiritity, imillawteps.otowArk. been. . TB, paii la the chest and stamina Wharateafter (Wait; . palter! appettle. - 14 ( .1N 1 0.9 f rredioagae.nawies.villi finegiestarwairjaponargiseme . aad 1 , 11 " ell- ritir-kal'esollibl**P rd a sorreleeeteastr,7lrben. m ecersalibig Cbalbser sitree4 serarrilablaieria _ at sag agreeable mak f/Ar , l/Wiest eceelierely roamed Ur brilike.alipii Amite • • ,sod .the ' ' adv. tiII 4 WWW 6OI IOIOI OII 1 , 1014 1 100 11 01 4 = Sr.=~:_ ate; f~;:c~.. :~~. .~`_ Y '' 4 7910416.713:ift cdis4saiw Taist g to ihe:iretie . ir or . the tailiVatia nage and ediothstit:rentedr iw ifincnrhig' those comptiistripeniriar to-tbetraercfrout areal of ear ' etrisevoritemesat debility; ofthe-systest. Opaline . cautiventata, and counteract ail Hysterical and' Nerroust atrecric. reuse Pitts base ;aimed the sanction and. of the it itattnent Ptlikcians is the Uut: tedStallektaisidisitty litotbertn Fathato Witnarali :told tßetaii_'H. E. sw.satk, Avat. salt 1 . No-fit:weed Street, titles re-001141. Wit= 4otatabls .Ir 4 kef, LiIP4N St, oppityits' the laid gf Sasitileht st., Pittsesrik.— The milpitirille riming hieuht out the sloth of the -lite Ifitotias4llllfetty, deetuird. his tuutomeoeed busies!' is the old Maud of Dr. R and Is prepared to execute rill dmAilaitui week in his Hue; in the hest mow+ sect ss stll.lm. De beeps accidently ea hand I taige unipeameut ofshoe iodises of all descriptions acid If the toist'quality. He solicits the' patroune of the pub fie atUrotibe'expll. WM. ADAIR. I wg! . • • IFIrrifibMWIEK go' aset:=Msles, ler , Camino* Esstsra Frkes. Theehhe. *OM eneleesad" are and, keeps ettastaatty on hand Coleko aid Mode Springs (warranted.) Juniata !rem ikikik.AlMsertad herb Frames, Brass and idaked.,Mahnoads. Slatiajoishats, ?Vest Leather, Silver eftt aches Lamps, Three Cold Steps, Malleable I roe, ilosiikaadles atid Shwa. ; XlS** ♦ COLEMAN. St.Ciair at„ nears a tUajbrny Bader. Proprietors. HD.IIIII.I.F.RS,M. D..ciine and dwetiine in Fourth. near Ferry street. sep 13—ly • The attention slthwe who have been, somewhat -seep. beat in reference to the numerous certificat published in favor of Dr. ftiwayietes C.Ampoand Syrup t.fWitil elf& ry,on 2CCOIMI of the persons !mina unknown in OWL see lion of the State, ta respectfully directed to the followide certificate,the writer of which has hero a citizen of this bocriugh forseveral years, and is know ti as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. Krary. have ogle Dr_ SWaSSIC'S Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a mush, with which I have been severety al flitted for nlinnt four month., and 1 have no hesitation In saying that it isthe most effective medicine 115111 I have been able to procure. It ennipitifeg all uneasiness. and agrees well with my diet,—and mantalas a regular and good appetite. I car freky recommend it to all others similarly a Mitcicd. J M task's, Borough of Chawther,b'e. Maricli 9. 1 tin_ ger tl For fate ty,W11.1.1 AM THORN No. 5-3 Martel H ref FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. PF.RSON? desirous of proeurine Fruit, S:mde. and Ornamental Trees, or Shrnbherr, from Phsladel pHs or .I',-se York, are requested to make applieatiim as Foon as pnagibir. /RI the Drug and Seed Flom of the c uh scriber, where can he had ratalort. eratuitnusly, of the most excellent .rarteties. F. L. SNOW DEN, sep 21 No 184. Liberty' street. head of Worat For the Transportation of Illerchandize to and frost Arm Yerk,ead Bea tea. TA. end in - the shortest fine. TH E •:Staien POrtahle float Line, is onspowd of Boatsboilt in few sections. each section capable of containint seven trios, and susceptible . of brine separate 4 or detached ayil icannferord from ('anal to Rail Road, I hat, as - it area calaptela of Cars, or present MS. the tinsel appearance of a Boat sailint on land, and tlicichy :loonies. the trtP:IT delay orcashoned t-y - to ,nippin ?. al tiw srvrrat j,.ct ions and terminal for s of Ca natsand Rail Roads. the expeti,e of transhipment and the damage the goods i.o.tain by treq nerd t.wridlins; and rendering it imponnibie to separate lots of gums on the way— -owns.; to the peculiar construction of the • Boat having , . faux separate apartments in which toed= arc sto ted, renders Them Iris liable to damage goods ny water or otherwioe. than by any other modeof transportation. The Aram of TranAport Whin, as retommended by I lie Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State. refers particularly to this class Of Boats, The Boats of this Line are owned by responsible captains that run them, and is the only Line now. in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goodsconsigitei to the undersigned agents will he re ceived free . of eonunisgion and shipped without delay at the lowest rates. AU chartes paid and every instruction promptly aucoded to. C. A. M'SIII,TY 4- Co. A els. Canal Basin, Pitilstaargb„ MARBLE NAMUFA4 TIN:V.-IPatrick Cawteld re spectfully acquaints his friends. and the public ten erally, that he has commenced the Marble busineal the corner of Fill h and. Liberty sts—where will be constantly on hand. tomb stones, mantel piece.. monuments. head and foot stones. table rlalxq for cabinet ware, and every art icte attpertainine to the business. He will warrant his work !obesel done, and his eharves will he moderate He respect fully asks a share of public parentage- sep 10- TAMES A. vgAztv; h.rdi nr and conahrsi.. it. A/seeAsia, Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. flaviny. rented the ware haute formerly oceniiied by. Birmiim,ham A. Co— No. 60 Wafer Sumo, I•etween Wood mut Smithfield, is prepared in reeeive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio or SliMitrappi river on reasonable terms sep 70 CO-PART.N.ERS47I,P.—G. P. Smi th *W. Hampton, having associated - - themselves together ender the brio of Hammon * Smith; will contmue lite wholesale Pry Goods business in the house recently occupied by Hampton.. Smith 4- Co. where they will be receiving. in a few days* new stock of Fan and Winter Goods. Tbev respprtfulty invite their old. Menda; and merchants gen_ eralty, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and examine their Sept 28-4t3m. Phitadier,a - w4lO LOOK AT THIS. I!fDITIDGAL ENTERPRISE. U. S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. P. F. POPE. AfeOL 73 Bowlys Wharf, Baltimore_ THOS. 801181[1OG H. Agenebita Portable Platform sales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 H. at do do do do 2,005 at 845 00 -'do do •• do • do Isooat 35 00 do . do do do.l,oooat Al_oo do do do do 500 at 25 00 Mith, raisin-based; weadditios 9f-E3 to. each state. - Ikormaat scales for the we of Warehouses, Flouriojg Mills, kc.,the same prices as above. - Also. White" PewitAmster Seale, with O. Yocum!! *lopPrommarli. sod owietr-of ott e r '4oloOdr -kudos. which they will senior from 8 toMIS. • - - :They :OA* aissiatiOdire Slaw ''4 ees Gorr allOutiwg 1 040 1 6- $ lO l - 1 11444 . - , WArkiK4.4;;dosifowaild -WWI geaciukolideladis%toOt aodoidow*ithes for wood tondo; olaadoirolacidoeiC circa *ma ~1 1 41 . **elanfo4b Ie l i Plea *Mr 1 10 7irgtliilll °S . aiki44lllfii akirk.oll47o4.ool,l“bfur4lll-Alickii;l4/411r:!:-Illt looloofilliewriptiopo,l* fee wain 'black iiiudoodoldoideaokdoddlot...; " 141111e4 ,- 141144.11"5,,,,F.„, . _ - _ • "tkilC64,l"i Z:ti4:er•A t e - V - ; _ _. • . .. . Fir pttniakiar,'s ram ThAly Nom tie tkecity 0 Pat. a Qtr[ _a_. __. _ _ tine _ ikattlit,.te - 44 siniaild ate - ,- : Clager.‘ M. ffiIMIWRIMIDAR e RR DAILY MORNING POST iticean-extnionii„mcliev— ... .... ._ scribed by Fregum is bit work s rync si• am Thera ha vin ving.....-;•=destent-- . ..,-,..--.. e ..ts - to merge ' Dingerous c lasses - of ., the „p eac h 4 II the American Manufacturer and Pritabarith Keith- I wing? ]e a n o de s , n i rt ie c d m h z)hc , , T y Imo one loornal; haverotehtded to pitinish II daily ;.,,. 1 , ...L ige; wa d s i s ui i --p re,_. -73...,. paper with the title of the Detly.dietraftry Trot- "`'. '''",.' e. The trading objeet of trits.. - P allthetion.issetnina- attorneys, ootariea. kr ik ie ae d defin i te enhepolitimE PliatiPietabift have ° f ie' about one homlredand , toforeherst maintaised by.the Edhore, in UseiCirmiteglife .„.„...... -„„ in t - that LI SS papers. and i heir beet efforts will Mill be devoted to the '''''w‘li la a advameetnead itµl3lllo[lllll of titeserksetsiim. - , , , they employ exceeded:At siusou z a, in, politics, the natter wilt be ibe "" ehi l l these clerks. indolenas drawer/die. y et the Editors htme.ltitivin tie 1 " . 14- * - - ......,:_,g l Caudid, history of Fuming Political meads. For:ciao brutal vice s are,s-alsros,t: nd Domestic Intelligente, and brief notiem Of ail 'mai- it is ajffi ss k to.conte i rs , terabobtobbanvwestaatribbspeppactalon"o" 6l4 " flosses...od of some degree of a Public Journal, to make their papet.entheiemiy in r --. • „ —. d escea l crestinettrentitle it lathe palms* of the Wilk. it-. e d ucation cou ld 011110131011 L rememire of party considerations. - copyists give toils*, In 'Malawi to the political and general news that will I._ ..t_ _ • .. b e ; n e w t i n. the•.Msceiag Paat,"- this Fates will , take t o e Bums l.ll reeet". pains in furnish She basimems community with 10 each establishment,l the helms and must httcreithig Datelocactic Irratu- b ers . so t h at the- f our or, cum. from all parts erne minify, arid to have prepa- r . ..... ~a. r red such amounts of the Markets and the State of Trade 51 " i 1"..." 'WA as wiltheadvautageoun to oar Merchants and Bosiums ly gains range from .1, 1 Men in their several callings. but Ilia more skilful. _ [ Terses.—The Pori will be puldiebed era largeMiperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured mpecially ror this who write a fine hand] Joann!) at eh. entematty low rate of FIVE DOLLARS franca. - Some of these per annum, payable is adMmee.. It• will also le sold by _ _.. e th e ir. . news-boys at the tow tale of TWO CENTS a copy. stain or moray Advertisements will he bisected tit the lowest' rates own abodes. The, charged by She sillier daily papeirs of , the cily. melancholy exceptito ar-vw RSTY active lad. are wanted to sell the Post. who will he engaged on the most liberal terms well educated_ young , TEOS. PHILLIPS. lathers of families, w'. w-H- " Mt ' into it by poverty, is a vile componl4 of _ expelled students, dismissed m= , clerks, bankrupt: schoOlmasters, ' ''' ''''-1r officers, and liberated convicW-• --Tiafr6fl prominent vices are dillfiktElitiill; ellitorliNf* gambling, and idleness; the yilieddiarks panted and set off by a degree of in and disregard of: die' deer:licks clkliffik?- 4 - which almost surpasses belief. • -- - - - --I '''-." - --- -1 It was from this crowd - thst L*- - - 7 stepped forth, eminent alike for his -1 and excesses. The favorite patilifiWeAkt. this 'felon wit' were gambfi.4 and I topy; all that escaped ohe was 111.1f14 another. Eight or ten fratni'ffart / AW- 4 breakfast or dinner were air' rkwofitsaW expenditure for this manorid- tusconadtotle lion of coffee was unbounded. Frilidriffnt ..'-' robbery were his most usual Modell-611a,"!; t d. taming funds fur these indulgent:Oaf . ' 4fir,'-' was only at intervals that liiiminsid .rxMalsier.:4: scend to have recourse to his peen':' - Iticke. be bad entirely shaken eff alt Witherialf-t. - i, trains, and bad devoted bin -- luta that body, to crimes orate die/oat-dye — ,-bistililit* much bought after by the treater copfOi6l4;: in consequence of the beauty of h i and his marvel ecution. Sometiines,r, 'rate of payment offered. dertake along piece-: at it, fixed at his desk, even forty-eight hours, tennission. His _task ished, than the garnbt ous champagne breal him penniless. Law called a copyist; he t use his pen in momet when no robbery mode of fillinfi his poi 'Many of these men the ragged and- offensi dress. The soiled ragenw. .---. "lot, .' 7 I thil , displeasingtO the ' %loci_ : sertmea l _ ..,, I, humble and careworn ap .; _.. who wears 1 hem converts disgust ; ~, ~ ! - -" ,37,' It is far otherwise with the clasawf, ,• "..., I am speaking: their inaolentand ,- .7 1 "7-'. - .. - .-„. ous manner, sensual look and__'''-, filthiness, combine to, render_ : tjga..,. most . revolting objects that :the ~. meet, and strange as it may - - 4 9 1 0 1 %- ap j of the most skilful of - the Alio Aro 0404* ._ description. Others again carry 41 ft-VW of idleness to a pitch scarcely -Us 11.6.416w ved. Men who could. with ease.Oiltal* ya__ ~. twenty or thirty sass a ;lay, prefert+ rliW away their time, and juateopy a 11146e614 - number of pages to keep therrisehrOekft - sheer qtanoition. Doing nothing iatkprkk supreme happiness; a dry crust andway6,-- 7... for their breakfast; a dinner kw isti;ipoloy . , and a night's lodging' for still leas,! altarks them. The rags worn by tbese,t6o6.46s . actually infectious, -nor dotthey , sl6lmplais , replace them by others tratiltheylerMs* longer hold together. - Ther ply for work at some'of the' molio whew they are known...gain's- few friuml.-- - imilia# I themselves in a setofhetterrega t trotif i sW lback at once into a, state of torpad,elalhiY fulness. The master-copiem.valielfr ,Ilk_ they- despise these men, are canrfel nighar offend them. This class, tittilimike~! tively, is the most disregarded in.itadieims! Phila. .enquirer. .. , - :,' --- . 1,-.- - • ,!,1,--gr,i:, Anzasi 31. 1842. Otil - R. KT- LEAF TOBACCO. lark store 21,41 100 fur i , sl IC Ity J. C. 4. A GORDON. No. I.2.Waier re - Wickersham, rornpr of Wood sir,et nod Virgin alley Piiishorah !'a. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Wetere Pentra)lirania aep 79 FARM FOR SALW.—The undersigned otl , rs for sate a tract of land situated 4 miter fn.. ereepott, in the direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township. Arnistrong county. containing 100 acres. 65 cleared and under good, fence; 10 of whicri are in meadow- a 200 d square log, dwelling houseand cabin barn erected thereon—an appte otchard of 80 bearing treer•-•-and a spring of excellent water convenient bottle house. FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 ni;le above Free port. sep 10 W 34. 4- PHILIP BAKER.. TO THE WISE.—It is wevinderstood how much dis inters of the mind depend for their cure lona due anew ion Lathe hody. It is cow understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumulations without weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there Is a reciprocal influence he. I wren the mind and the body. ft is now understood that purging with the Brandretityills wid removes melan choly, and even insanity is, cured by perse.verin.gly using them: it is now understood how moth dontecite kappi flC.c depends upon the healthy condition of [he di; dive urttatig. it is now well known-that the Mandrel. Tins home oared thous:lnds of hopeless and helpl es s persons, even when the first. physicians bad prOsionneed them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only-well known that. the Brandreth Pills so core. hot it is also isn derstotid how they cure; that it T by - their purifying effect on the blood (het they restore the body to health. The value el thc medicine is becoming more and more' manifst,it t recommended daily front family to' family. The ftrandrelit Pills rentove in an almost imperceptible manner all notion , accumulations and purify and invigo rate the biood.and their good effectsare not counterbalan ced by any inconveniences; being composed eat rely of vegetahles thee do not expo.` those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are situ tars; they are daily and safely adminWerr d to infancy. youth. manhood, and old age. nod to women in the most critical and rielidttecircum:- - tanees. They do not disturb or shock the animal (inactions, but restore their order and et tabu =h their health. Sold at fir. graadret h's Office., No. 91, Wood street, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box, with foil] directions. 7.1 ftK—The only riare in Pitfshurtil whe're lim frnn litp Pills can he obtained, is the ',moues own office, No. 9.3 Wood street. sep 10 D'' J. B. ill BBITT'i.', Respectfully inform the citi zens of Pittsburgh and vicinity. that he has return. rd to the city. He hopes to share the confidence of his former patrons and the politic generally; ned solicits a renewal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion he would olemrve. that the operation of Lithotrity, (or breaking 11.estone is the bladder and allowing it to pass of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep eat interest- Be hopes to extend the benefit oftbis branch of his profewirm to the afflicted. Strictures, Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys.— which occasionally follow,— will likewise receive attention. set , 16—if Those from a distai.ce wishina further information Will apply personally or by letter. cot( desired" can be accommodated at his dvrellina,in a retired part of the ci ty. ors Third. between Ferry and Lauri* stn. tarp 10 BR AN DR ETfITILLS. TET invalids read the following account of a Sailor 4 cured of a complication of of in nineteen daysby the use of Drandreth Pills It distinctly proves there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be cause of disease, and Drandrellev Pillsare made for them Read and hr convinced. Take the medicine andbe cared EXTRAORDINVIRY CCItE OF Rill' ITATIS)I - 4FFECTIONOFTHE L &NO* Jona Salm. of Pembroke, Washimeon, coanty.Maine, being duly sworn, says, that lie was taken violently sick shoot six months since. The pains in WE head, breast. hark, left side and instep being no bad that be was na hie to help laimself.and was token into the Chtlora Boa phial in the city of Boston. That after being in said hospital five weeks,Docior Otis said be did not know what was the mallet with hint, and that he could do nothing for Win, nor could be presitiLe any medicine Thai he, therefore, wag conveyed from the Chebira Hos obal to the Bailorts retreat no Staten Island. That he was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a peri od of four months, suffering all the time the most heart rending misery.- That, besides his affection Of his hones tewas troubled much with a disease of the lungs: some torte: he would spit a quart of phlegm in the day: be this affection be had a had Diarrhea, which had store or less attended him from the commencement Of his sick- new. That all itues he dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded deis h; that he can compare the feel intglo nothing save that, of knives paa , -lug thralls* his bowels. After suffcritts worse than death at the likukies Retreat. on Staten Island, the doctor told hint that naafi rine was of no use to him. that he mu-t try to stir about. At this time he was mifferingtlre grisalt That his bones true so tendeille could not bear the least press- are Opowtheelhow or sport tbigksete, that Wilmot* was waa palatial. that as the Doctor said he would give hint: no mare medicine deterarined practise sesta Dr:. Rraodrettt'a rills, which be did,,: from 2414 Broadway. New York; that he commenced with five pint, and some. tinamiameased Medals toelightz The first 'wrielli's.tole - so asite,is benefited Tiro, -that. the ductOT , pat knouriar„„. What Ise Was iaid, taale,Sitair, you Wok - tike a nailk/lOin/ITYRlallawastre iattikSways yOa ,will soon be Thalthe fated every dose altos Brandreth Pills relieve • 4sitin trittheirl'oured Matcif the mils Whin -IS S!! o 94tliaillt!Y.celeat cared the diatrhoa. aad , the. pains"tri file tioneM—Tacit the mediate seemed to - add Ammo .#0 huts- everyday. ,;the dotter yeter day the 11th instant. that he felt himself well. and also, that be. owed. his recovery to ersadreitis Pills wake Vrovidetteeolael be bad taken the , medicine leteety_day YdiilJ>Ya> the &elk midenmilitticst Ithresett be bakkewiattfing tisk! medl lokshmald one bamrstayeds akistrier' theta*. Re ainitkient 'Otis-414 tis twaltethlsonbliniiideMiesill tbribettell itiliesed; t!1:41-1401 WOE woe* Agora, i lib sday : of *Mkt** imOr0iimitill104 1 6111""" - .. ospraved Play mufaelured be heir Machin!. between Dia- Ftreet„ two ,e hall, Pitt: tnufartnre and Id the follow • seales(whot com . posiA-1 of 1.31): No. 1, Port le Piiitforna :ye_ an .4"II'LL,. weigh SAM oniuls.at -7- • - ,- • EINEMI ~~ ffl===a -er• =~~~ _~; - , . MMMEMM PRICE' -- ,TWOi.'. P:7'A great event , doww. what the-Pt:4o2nd Bulletin meet A friend of ours has »been Isscilting tale% risibilirica by relating a clicurnstsicallW took place on the railroad. as-the cere4sl* coming in the other riflernoono -NA* the fire steed was pot( ban 111104Aing sloop teor;-the engineer man swaying to-an , if making elec..:: accithint might have or that some iinpwir way, he prudently put on all force to the cars, so that the: on - aniring at 'l c6s stood -,What *II- solitter.. . . doctor. - thandiegat inghifflidekell" l o l4ll " .lll.l " I . V. hiciatielow .14016414 - 0 vailliONick.4s**se' '4Ol-4theekr---.4\4' NMkVbu 7 :1. 4' ;& --414 ty , .. -7 7:-.7.- .4 1 t7m:: - .. - ' , 4' , 4' -: , `, - er.' tt: 1 -. ,~~