_ .71, 7 -..!`:::.!::, f .:-..', L:i.ii-..%. Minlets - ' • _ - INTALV r U&VEI.ERS T 444: IL etavidelf wi th i...;. ,_ t i l e4444iC . 1 bills printed witka ..a1...r,e of t he;' rut you are not deeeteed' b* is :ents stating their boatate'hi; --- G ward , sir he u tbey are Pit elates* The Rottonflay, is alba ef-haaht t y Guard at the Port of eittlibi ne „ first on the list have the Isspravii p i l l ii pparatos it is impossible Csiraties SAVANNA, ro 1 il RARITAN, NIAGARA, ~ • Illt ( ORLEANS, • JO No CANTON, _ , : ii LADY OF LYONS, CAtiN VALLEY FORGE, MUM FORT PLTT, * OALLt BREAKWATER, ~ QUEER EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE( ALPS, , WWII GASP I AN, - ECI.IP I DA. WEST WIND, M A R QU ETTE, T A I.L EY RANI), PANAMA, ED* - i CICERO,. , AN, , . SARAH ANN, - 31. ME• ~ NAR RAG ANSEI T, StßAi f :, AMARANTH, OAP: MUNGO PARK, 08Ri,.., NEPTUNE, cECAT.C." ADELAIDE, J. 11..6 • 1 Nttn." H BEND, GALS`: 74 AI: I ETTA, - Mk:NT *, BR l 'N ETTE, Calf .' HT EA. NI FERRY BOAT, The 1. a velta: roam - tinnily are t f r iielo+lT titf . V tn.ke a choice of aloal, . ' a :,,1 ~-e , het lic r it worthd not he and F-cra HI) To chOOSe a Safety= .--, ' pasaafe a +tr. freight , in preference le nainsl e‘T,lctrinn—and that they ~. t ihi= invett ion has the. unqua Pity rani engine builders--geatlesek. Is nhdersland the salject, apd lillerf,ltl—br.S.itle..S a number of reriip:' .zenllr 4 ll-rn :Ind others—all or erlatii;• 11 , ‘ nffi,r. ''c) 10. Water Areet,whereir r n 1 :111 limes to eiltiLit tur ti in lake lie trouble to pit Pfp 10 CA DWALI 1.1" It r. EA) . .. ESTATE ••: The ,ul,‘'criber offers for file.* tile zreaier part of his rot the tt!i..= ritt,thurl.th and Anezifell , Brick lAThrel,nitF-e: -, , Di-arty new. a 73,-I,et st reel 1 eiVreell Stift( 4‘.0.11 54 feet by 60 Ire. 111 . ,eparat.ply losuit pu!chamre. A Ir,i in atizti...p 01 350 feet in 4 1 1 ,I• r 1,115) I vania C3ll-2ill, =III A to; :Id:port:tog , /+e aiteVe. urarly tivr in depth, MI-Incline I _ant ma 12.0 m, house Which I now occll A Iso.:, I " with two two glory brick *I n;c on;. e corner I:A - Market and.Fraid Fitti ground rent, and now twrnokil ALEX. UIIACEI _noA a q uanthy of Flax aril : 01 of C4tIBITY Produce la • I ~ 1" ?noels al U ARRISS In 01'1114.6,10t, Warrbotor, .f4S II NIIT. enwrnriseo.; Artrchst dryre crd ( - rime Mausafastaws, I! VF II TO- Pi ttsbero. r: JEo. Grier. Eq_ A won Dart, J., C •Arran or C.'d Jr, D. DiVIF. WV:O' Jr Hanna, Ave, y 02.tirn 4 en. •` Cl'oodt.ournr, E.:q.,1132130' on ATA LC ABLE FARM FOR 8 4 Fare: on Wli it'll I five, leer. coesaininz one c , ‘: iwut 70 acres of which isc There are upop, it 1T,,, imp rrri .1 a tern 63 feet by ryt.; an appleert A z seventy aerecor-Fopt. T _ to that 01 any uptand Terurg made k,own on applielifinnni4 • in Itn- WILLIAM WA __-••••=111 WL 1 A bI C. WA - LL,'• Pisa' *it, arid Piegre Fe gri h Street P2tts burg c for A rtists. alvCaes oti promptly framed to etrikr- --teronn est notice. - Particular attention. paid 10 cry descrip. ion. Persons fitting n p Steam-BOiffiler theiradvantage to call. , ... _ . %W RITE LEAD.—The Wee ..-- VV' to furnish paielem,sed ~....- chase pure W bite Lead Made Of ibe‘ ranted equal. if not fretxrlorte all ".. All °oder: addreased to DeeMP-4 ..... 7_, : 4- co, No.ilo Secoo4 street. rii i, "' l " ' aitended t 0.110.17, ..,, L AMES FASEHONABLV.B"..r ,i,..OftFifth St.. tyre flo•rirsiss - , The Snieetibee respeettsily. 0110111`. Pit:Fburgit and Vicinity that . be l l ' . tailing Shoes of hisown saanitfacilli where he will keep eaniatantittlo-m". mein of all kin - 4s of tad 1 and shoes. of ihe hest qualitywolll recto run the tinien. ' tie Wailltrd -' i rote of fancy work•-•-onietlot '- ; ;sippers. colored gaille.aVitb,.c_ u.... 'ehildrereselfslers..ailk aaitera.V:, " iwill be made.at die shortest node" tier. Ladie; will please eattirtid- ~ I hs the subscribes feeizonfacif, eil l -, any article , is .114 One Iheylsolg , ~. FeP 10 P. S.• Don't ForrettbeßPOP— door from ilarris•o4nte,llioP9s,. * MEEM=_P_ hl/ MIA - 3 " D lii 33Thavi l latAi VV' ' bilviarss italtaff 4 11 . 11 .1 Liaerty suer:vend 42 - Nisaket JT; 'imam to I be lIIIMHWOgg riFiricorlilii firm, for the very liberal , 1 leaded-to Vim. ID ilarit*ailie ...g wilihes to ajoaqe,thTlit i1110!1140-1.,' merit the continuation of the ate" Pe fogy invite their afteatiosi li, rA OitithittgOririattl i W r pjf IIOP Limi than has 01' p the whotes sibleArdiga*/0 eSAh theoliON.,*:._ _ . •, • 'WOW*. . - ,_ ~..,,,,. A ...,,.t.. „ ~..„- Erithai llw 4- poi! 0 1 4 , 1 441 ! "AO* aillAkriiir# - belie Ifirie inIV =II4F.III°P ii tw..' 1.--NO. 5.8 ;I,IBIIED BY W. H. SMITH, of WOOD 4. FIFTH STIL s DOLLARS a year, sate he 10 TWO aOtTO—Tor sate at te In a by SCW, Barb pa Manufacturer •y, It the sante office, on &One To DO EIS LLARS a pear, In an. CENTS. r:/ ---- of AdWerilfillig. TWELVE LINP2I , OR LEAS 0,50 1 One month. j. 5.00 (05 1 Two m0m5.6.00 1,00 Tbree month*, 4K) 1.50 Four months. ~ SAO 390 Six months, 10,00 4.00 One year, 15,00 ADVERTISE MENTS. 11.1611 AT ri core ti s. 1 nee Srarr /COO SIX months, VS.OO 25,00 One year. elevate prororOon. 35." nes Szx DOLLARS a year. C OFFICES.&C, . Third heiween Market and Wood . Postmaster. sier.4lll door from Wood st. Peter ar Jaen W Mock, Collector. wood het ween Firzt and Second want, Treasurer. Third- street, next door to the porch—S. R. Johnsion,Treasurer. girth. between Markel 3nd Wood Mayor, . rice , Fourth, near Market st BANKS. en Market and Wood streets. on reef. .O::FaCTCR[Rs' •D FAILMILIS. Ds !.Yin: Fund.) Fourth, betwten reel. near Wood. BOTCLI. f .t. Wait , forret , near the Etrldge. orner of Penn and St. Cin,ir, • . corner of Third and Wood. corner or Third and Smithfield. riser f o ..treet and Canal. etc ,11(44, rear Seventh. Ilotst.Unenv ht. opposite Rayne •cr , His - st Penn Sloppnitte Canal I Ds, ATTORNEY AND tR AT LAW,—Office remo ces on G an( neatly opposite , next rooms to Johii D. Mallon, sr', 10 LIOTT• I).— Office reveteva to r, bee Penn and Libers P ty Sts-, 10 —Preston fr Mackey, wholesale and in F,n: , iftl. French, and Domes'lie m r arkel..P,ttsharzli cep 10 & M'CLURE, Altorr‘eys and 461 OlCe ibe Diamond, ,se.PFPsllorgh. sPp Nlorrow. Alder nano; otTlee north r...belteeen Wood and Smithfield w•p 10 RertifOnz Dr Orr 111 "rollre arl4 Pillphnrgh 1,2;, No. 2.21 Li bertg Street, Pitts- Pea 10 AI DIL WO R TFL --W holnr. r. •ucc arldeolarniS,oll MeiCinl c, and Manufactured article,. So- 29, se n 10 RA ROBINSON, ‘ttor.eY at Law; "( I he Lhamo:ql.beiwee , • efu; 131) si a ifs cep 10 ORA.W., Attorney at Law; tendert. Fr, ices 10 t it. pahtie. Offlee ter art,t. above D. Lloyd 4- Cros Sep 10 J A , N. KgLrir KEAN. urAclurers Of Copper. t trop Vti‘ , o. No B , J. Frost st . • 11r.; a::d work p-ompuly sep 10 I f: A NCI.9 L.. YOUNG: UNG 4 CO., Furniture Ware Hard k Exchange Alley. find. it to z. . Itl I ly wtsfted that sep 10 • ll= . —Jar rere!ved 160 choice Mul ti cared and for sale cheap by the do- ISA AC HARRIS, Fittlt It. —A y of Landreth's Fresh au- Whet different varieties of Turnip nd for sale at atDCCID micas at the e of F. L. SNOWDEN, o. 1&1 Liberty street, head of Wood. , SEYA Boot and Shoe 111111111filthl - Fourth St.,.nest door to the U-States urns, Kid and Satin Shoes "lade in ,aon by the newest French patterns. ;US MULTICAULUS. i n lots to snit chasers; to I.e dispoNed of by F. L. SNOWDEN. o. y street, bead of Wood. S. Flowers ard Flower &edit OC ev , rt. can al wa ya be had -at the Drug F.L.SICOVVOE/C 124 Liherty street. brad or V 170041. Annul Mammoth Onion Seed,. for Drop and seed store Of F. 814 OWDEN.,_ 114 Liberty street, head of Wood. w JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, !ell received by- F. L.-SNOWDEN, No • 184, I,i heel y head of *aid Si, enctsisl ing of Roes.Fadc, Spade s . Trowels. 1 7 ~liiinr Took.: Badding Wet, trtlntwz Shears. et.e., `stet re F. L. SNOWDSN. lA.' etIF street, bead of. WOod. 13 " 4 ---lust received vismall fttett Veoison Eatnv, en retail 4 plopey. I$A AC 11 It It RIM. Agent: 7 and Com. Merchant der Seed, Orchard Grass *Mt • *Grata, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. kit' Liberty wee, head if • CHAN AS, .11 1 1ari harntoltri the Dimond. to -.Attornere%Pwi . area, between Market and Wndd sep 70 BLANKS. for proceediop in At nielatt law. Car sate at Jab Oilfate. oe the North Ent come at Cod ham. A pot,' to D&lLLtscroir. Market. Bear *11.4. . adreib's ?react+ Seger SeerlsBl2s4l.l amd for sale at tbe Drag mod seed 1 0 .1..r6ed0WEIES: LiMettystammEllestotaitoma. OF PAR T wwwhir en , qtr eels team:. ** 41Z , VOPEMlLtisible swami Sisrphinaimitietilf i tniefinettit tuntspoth e 'llBllat impirmum - . • - • Du. E. 1111111ERITT, DENTIST, Of ciai faggot ? field, ictsocat Soma slut Thini SIL . up 10 , • Prrntermils; - - TOHNSTOS4 ErTOCKTOPI, Boolusellers, Printers and II Pb per lit arellictiarera.lN - 9- 37. Market et pep 10-11 TOEII4 A NOEISabI, Etealseetd Pckidry.: Water It.. near the IN onconvdirla Roes., Pittstergb. sep 104 y SONARS S. SOtINS, /Mensal:, St.Chdr street; se -I_l - rood door from Liberty. ley 10--1 y DI, S. R. HOLMES, Office In Second street, next door to Malvany ¢ Co'S OM, Warehouse 5 P 18-17 SBIINR 4. VINDL/Y - . Atthraeya at. Law, Fourth 21., near the Mayor's lets 10-11" Tuos. N Au KTON. Attorney at Law. Mb. betimes; Wood and Eaditideld sta.. Pittsbniih. sap 10-41 Ir. TONER, Attorney at Law, North Earl corner Ir . Smithaellf-aarl Foorttt streets. sep TBONTSON HANNA - 'AIMS Ti7llllllCli. lIANNA 4- TrJRNESULLIaI Paper Warehonse„ No -104. Wood st.. where may he had a general %MAI of writing. wrapping,, printing, wall paper, blank ixtoka, school books, ice, ke. scp 10-17 ----- --- TOWNEMD 4. CO.. Wire Workers Rita 11 .Martafeetarers, No. 43 Market street. between 2d and 3,1 streets. sep erIACH k E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and st ,eeis, by McKIRBIN smiTH. .ep 10-1 it TG 11ETAL.-11 ions soft Pi! Mrial for Web! JG.* AGORD3N. No. 1q Water lure. LBf3. B aCON HAMS- 16.000 IhA. Bacon 3,000 Shoulders, for sa:e by J. G. 4- A. GORDOSi. No. 'l2 Vl;valer'fAreet JAR. PATTERSON, Ir.. Sirminzimm, near Pittsburgh, -Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hinses and lions; To. Karen, Faller, &Inland Timber Strews; Houser Screws for Rolling 'dills, fa. 'MP 10—f y JOUN 21PCLOSKEY. Tailor and Ciciliier, Laber,lr et,eet, between Sixth ana Virgin alley, South side. soft 10 yvv BURBRIDGP. k CO., wbota.ate Grocers and el COIIIMiSS/011 Merchants--Second street, between Wood and Smithfield 49.,Pitobut:h. ly G. 4- •. GORDON. Commisaien and Forwarding J. l!derctrar.ts, Water at., Pittabar: , ,h. cep 10—ly A 1110.--4 earl's hams, a good a rticSr, reteivPd ner S. Corsair, and for sate by J. G. 4. A. GOR DON, sep 10 No. I. tv er street_ QuGArt MOLAsz3ES.-40 !Olds New Orleans Su ear; 30 bbls New Orleans Motasref: for sale seP 10 J. G. 4- . oit DON: Q GA 'l.-7 tihd; prime. N. 1).. Siy_rar. rer•ort - eil per S R Blaine. and for sale by J. G. Br ....GORDON. Fe n 10 No. 12, Water stree by fh BACON CASKS—in order. tin hand and for Sale It/ 1 J sep 10 J. G. 4- A. GORDON. No. 12. 'Cater st CIGAR AND MOL ASSES.—I 3 hlwle and 4hl JA N. G. Son r . 3 2 bbis N. 0. Molaises, recei veri per Sleamboa I °Torte,., and for sale by J. G. A. GORDON. sfp 10 No. 11. Water greet BBL S. 1..% . 110 OIL. for sate hy B. A. FA-FINESTOCK ft , M.. =en 10 comer of 6th and - Wood Mg- 1631 PAPEES Germantown Lanip L'lncli for sale hy B. A. FA II N £7;;TOCK Co.: - gen 111 corner of ei h and WOW s". Nee 4)00 Lb Prepared Chalk.for sale by . B. A. FA HN ES 10C1(...1 CO corner of 611: :tort Wneel /Thr4 Q.C.G P. A\[) 3IOLASSES.-60 tihds. \.O. Sugar., tki. do.. 100 do. Plantation Mnlassre. for sr 4.G:01100N. yep 13 . tin. 12 Water street. BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— 1 6 he used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Good p.,per,and in the farmsapproved by the Court,for sale ti ,e Office of the Mercury and Democrat. rep 10 NfrA./M. HUBBARD, I.3diee fashionable boot an d V ghee Manufacturer. No. 101. Third 9 , reet, between Wood and 3stintiserd streets. Pittsburgh 9ep 10 BUCKMASTER, ATIRSEY AT LAW, 11 . has teiniiiri-11 his alive to the turner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley. between Smithfield and Grant AI reels. Piiislitir4l.h. sett 10 FOR RENT.—Thetlwelling and lot cot.taining 4 acres,. In Allegheny,' near the Beaver Road, lately occuoledlyv Mr. Serowe' Church. Apply at the Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank. to W. H. DENNY. gep 10 Cashier. AVID SANDS, lA , ATCII & CLOCK D MAKER, No. 7 . Si. Clair street, Pius burgh, DEALER IN TCRES.,C LOCKS, BR E.SSYPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, CO ALBS, sep 10 LANDRETH'S GtRDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, atatlyli on hand, and for sale at Ills agency, the Dru2sinre of F. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street. bead of Wood. J R. DAVID WARD hat hie office and residence on Fourth Street,. nearly Booth of the Court House, second dwelling from Ron:street. lie will faithfully attend all calla pertaining to hia profeartnn. Night cans should he made at the door above the basement. sep 10 RE iIIOVAL —Matthew Jones. Barter and flair Dress er, has removed to Fourth at mut, opposii e he HAY' ors office, w here he will be happy to:walt upon permanent yr transient customers. He enlicits a share of public nat• cep 10 W3l. A. WARD / DENTIST, Penn at three door helots Irwin street. Hour. of business. ftom Ht. st., until 5 r. Pt...after which Time he will attend to no one etrent in eases of areal siet•sissity. He would further inform those who mas think proper to employ him, that be expects immediate payment. without the necessity.on his part ofsending In bills. sep 10 OLIN IMPFAILLAIVD, Uplolsierer gad °ablaut .M..ker, Third at bettases Weed it iderdat street*. reapcctful infi u his friends and the public that he, is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Stiehoartie, Bu reaus, Chuits, Tahlea, litedweads, Stands, Halt mud Spilng Mattranswg„ Curtains. Carpet!, all surta of frphrOsterins wont, which he will warrant equal .o any made lo the city, and on reatrinsabie term. seplo (103ILEILCIAL AUCTION ItOOMS, 'iv 110 word /West, PittatbitrOL—R. A. Bausman. Arlo ;weer and Commbrrisot 'Merchant • is nom prepared to receive and sedi all triads at Goads and Siereirartdme, at his Jar*, 711{14 eapankuni 4.OOAMS. No. 110. North Bast :Corner - of Wpod.and FILL Steeds, Fittsherth. Regular cater/ of Dry donde,. Furniture,. Groceries and other ariteles,:tio illandaYs 'Ord Thursday of sack week. Bard ware. Cuttery,,Dry Goons, and Fancy articles. on Tuesday. Wedoerday, and Thursday evenings. Books. #c. - every Saturday evening. . Liberal advances matiernit fiensivimentswhen vented. . • Eseultuncam. ' Mews. John D. WO:. Esq., s i " aWale/ it MAIM I ' " Dangnna l FA* 14 /1 . C... . 1 , f • “ F. Lanai , Ilt Ont. I : 1• ' ~ J. W. BiAtidge t CO.. 1 1 • M S. WM* if TO: 1 " AO Capt. Junes Dralool. } nits l M o o..- /.. 11., fliumien. pct. I% 4. Jobs I.llldidest F. - •- , .• Loges* ieueiir. - i 5. A I JIJ. hinonjonsil *Co:, " Jol6lP.. 44 V ri _ . - ..*llr o Capixkw , 3r 7 , , A .. meritfabomm. c•- i; wperniiip m m 6 sir '' ' ' Leireprp:" Ake* X -. ,,i77. '~'v ..FlTTslivgqit;'..w_p!li3;o;. .1 S • • _ • '2 • Those" .esekst. 7 - Stansdnrst • =Mr:Wank - - HEXPRILL, .114144dr, a AS easinieneed her regutar trip*, and reiß run drai. ly 011ndays exceilled-) Leaves _Bearer at 80' e k - A. al., leaves Pittsburgh at '3 hiloeitl , :' - It. "cos ainla at Beaver with the , • ' ' Pennsylvania and Oitia-kin'o of Freight and Packet Canal heats - between "leaver. and - Cleveland OW, and Greene - 61e, Pennsylvania. Leaves Reimer daily it 6 o'clock P. Y. This istiimissi with o daily line's on the*Penesylvania eanakto Philariel iafaind with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio mama. al. so with Morn freight - and passage heats, "brigs and sirnaoaers. on the Lakes. The Prelwlehirs of lbw well known line will be prepared on the nitre/slag d!` itaviga tion to transport merehaadine to any. of the Cranford'. ate ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ea tats; to airy port on Lake Erie. and the Upper Latent° and from New York City and Philadelphia. ' •-, McClure 4- Dickey, Deaver, Pa.. Cobb Wormer 4 C 0... Cleveland, Cf., Rees f Taylor. Warren, 0., Preprietsrs. JAMES A. VENZY: Agee*, N 0.60 Water street, Pittattarab rep 10 PITTSBURGH CiAirtGAND iurfirE.. STRAW PACKET MICEICAN, B.' BOIES. "WINS daft (eloandasp eieipied.) bairn ea PITTS. BURGH k nesiir_Eß. leavine Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsbur:h at 2 P. M. pronliltd toitl Eianes Sofa ly Omani to prevent Explosion of Bailors.' • - Thisirdendid and fax ronsinz Steam east bait Nat oe.io rompie; ed erprenly for this trade, and tans in °anew ion wit h cLARKE 4- ` cis Pinsintrik and Cleedinul Line of FBEIGHT.OND P.R.SB.NOR BOATS, daily to Cleveland. Ohio. • _ Or down the Ohio canal to Stan=Hon, 4-e. and Erie Et tengion - LineloGreeraviile The Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the-businme conducted um ihe Most prompt and economical system. Having a tonnee lion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel; tibia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the phio river; also, throth,h oar Agents at Cleveland, with Reed'a Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and :the Troy and Michisan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie tonal, we am prepared fur the transpottation f Fre-L....hi to and from all points on the canal, the lakes :and the Ries r, or the Eastern cities, at, prices as !ow as 'any other line. Apply to 0. M. Hartev, N 0.55 Water pt, or a t steam, boat klielliaan's Landing. Pittsburgh. Clarke 4- C'e. Braver. Hotta ard 4 Wsztkerbes. Warren. Whetter dr C0.. - Akron: Thomas Rickwend 4- Co. Cleveland REFER TO J. R. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville; W . C. Ma ten. Sharon, R. W. Citn“inizham. New Castle. John Kirk, Youngslovvn, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell k Miller. Campltellstown; Raheoek e Bride, Ravenna; C. 4 D RhoileP. Franklin; N. A. Miller k Cnyatiote Fall.; Welteman 4. Whitehead, Massillon: Cardin) Wititants. 4- co., Detroit; Kinne, Davis 4- Co., euffaio; Cowin;, Richatond, Williams 4 Co.. New York. sep 10 111GBY — wvo. 12 I. Corner of Wood and Front • ..S'treete, Pitzshi_erk. has on hand a eomplete na eortnietilof Querii,w n. rniied to the ells nr c.ountro trade. Also. a mice sr-leelion of pure while and gold hunt D.17.+:1 NG AND TF.IW AR la, in large or small sets, or aeriaratc pier-es to snit purchasers _ A cask of 4S. SO. or 93 picot: sets. mperhlv painted mail Olt Etiffli94) Citing Toanare, al very low pvie Toy Teaware. place, and rich - painted and gilt, from 1.00 to $5.00 per set Children's titts. of ever v {let riid ion . White China Shaving Sdnest. Granite Dining a. d Tea tr.erviees, In wattle and with splendid American scenery printed in til*.and black. A large ea rict y of Steamhoat Dining aWd Breatfat imported to match. complete. Fire Proof alone baking !states amedislies. from the Drrhy•hfre Potteries. Flint and Green Glair., In all thvarlettey. Window Glass, of every size. Patent Pocket.. Tula; and Keeler:. stone Pipe i-lrndo. km. 4-c. All of which are respectfully .offered to the pub. lie on the most fa vorable terms. Jan 26.1842-1 y T.! FOXA LOP.N Attorsey avui Cana seller at • Law. Cif( rs ht 3 profe*ional renters to the cit izens of Pitishortli and hopes for a share of pribliepat rona2e. Ile will extent e all k Inds nf writing with neat new• aad distra! ch. Cases in bankruptcy alteilded to on reasonable terms.—Office to Smithfield street, at the house of Mt. Thomas to whom he refers. sop 10 T. 3. FOX ALDEN: DAVM CLAIM. _Ser. .renekionable soot Maker,— fits removed to No. 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where lie wou'd be hinny to see his old rustoitiers. and nil othrrs st, Ito feel dispos. ed to patronize him: tie ages noihine trot first rate stork, and empfoys the beet of workmen; and as he gives Ins ronstant personal attention robustness. he,troststirat lie will deeerve and receive a fair share or patronage. sent() Pennsylvania and Ohio Line- Easing rented the ware- ICE CIIEA kt ir CON FECTION A RY.— I hnn " CnrmnilY ntruPlH hY Flll.lll'S, Dirminibain Jly Co— 101.'60 Water Street. tyt ores.n ,Wonti and Stnithleld. In prepared Hunker respectfully Informs his friends arui the 1 it , t ; to receive and forward, goods to any port On tke,Ohiqur public that t hey can always find the Fred quality of Illl , sitwippi river on reasonable terms. Creams, tosether with all kinds of confectionary and fruits. in t heir reason, at his mtattllshrneut—So. 11. sep 10 Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. B.—parties supplied on the shorteit iootice, with cakes. or anytkinz in his Nee. Also families tarnished with Bread. sap 10 pm:EN B. GUTHRIE, Auctinnear and Commis cir Finn Merchant. X°. 106, earner of Weed It Fifth SU. Pinabitetik! Haring beenaPpulnted one of the Auctiom eers fo. the C::;: of Pitsbctrati. tenders is services to Doti hers, manufacturers and dealers. who May be disposed to make trial of this market- He is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick Salary and speedy ',and favorable returns. That the various interests which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings To the Ilia of his own experience in business and actlinsintsnee with merchandise generally, the services or Yr. FsHaLSTOCC heretofore advantaleonsly known. as an importer and dealer In Hardtrare and Cutlery, with whom a permanent enviztement Is made. REFER To Ream. Si. Tiernan, Presh. of M. 4. Hanle. • Dariington # Peebles, 1 Robert Galway. - 1 •• James M. Cooper. •• lames May, i •• R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh •.• Wm Robinson. Jr. 'stet • I of Exebange Bank. •• flamploo.l3mith,,4 Co.. • • Jobn D. Davis. •• Runnel Church. 1 •• J. R. Moorhead. •• Jas. %%Brown 4. co. •• Jobn M. Brown. 4. co. • Smith if ft tole!. Yardly f th were, •• Johns. Riddle, •• John- Dalaell, •KWANWS CAMOMILE PILLLIV.r—Og*. ,11.44 - DAM CLEM Mt, residing al. 66 *ea view. New York rens etitiehrel with .Idynfirosis In its in.osa rig:ravaged fora. - The ayesseanne r*.re,vloeat *sik inebe, great debility. Omer, eeentreners, coup. heart, ; ;OM pi* In tits chest siod.siesmiteigiegisallier.nrehm; Ifilieldeed-IPPOPer lesolefia_ Seit 0 4 11-At.o 4 4o44l 4l Piath. firendtailignei.leserllntilliSbark*S Al* Milt re Wed sad loMleMrs. 1 1 !ain had Penihidtedeip,, 4nisiacaPiretfanallb; Whea•', l . o l WV.? eillieikigit COW" pitreek And riedneittleg uk. his 4*, 4 1•01 410 4 1 - had aiMl*likt poide-PruYitimo,lbeirolog . lei! restored What*. the 40 1 t *We o r 6.46l•RiaosiadiFkfeist mrlthsato ik4e b esdiIIPOL4 ed. Vain! ease forward Intkilgliktell4**lloor4 l *; „For wale, Whishosiilsadalieffa.liff 4L. . 4 PPM I, - -6 1,4 4* *3O; 4 11, 1 1 1 9 . 504:411104 pla:66010 , 8 tel l 46iith/ * Rismare TM • Thele ' 1 - I,lb are itreszly ntenthothded th themtelee of the lodes as a sate and eilithist -- 41 to reelieeddt tbearesethiadthr peculiar td their set sweid'ed sx eniee,or detwerat delithy * Ikeoy o ... They ederiate - , , seethomd thanteme; all awl Nerving I adleethaer.. These M. 47, vie* the ,theetioa and. alemedsailth. of th e neat bleat IN7aWase to td stiles, itud away lid ~* (Moi97% Foraide Wtithinde 'and ~stmt 67- ! H. E. SIZLEILE; - Apia. • sep 10 * its. VOL Weed Etreei; below Second. W' ADAM Ikelisiti Shan Ifidter. Dierte lit, opposite the &sad ri Ziertthjteht - Pitteleargrk,-- The suimetherbarieji tektite the idea . of the late Thomas- Itutierty_,,decesaltd. has ettosolossed booklets la the old amid st )11c. litf.aed Is. prepared to execute all deecriptions of wertc le "deltas, Rothe beat emitter, and ab the shortrit notice. LBe keepo earitently on hind Mee areerfateet °fame Ifrethigs of all deveriptleire led ache hist qaatity. fie sol'elta the pats:siege et the pub lic asd ache era*. 'WU. AttApt, `IQ ' VICITBB_ URI= • 111=ACTORY's - au .arrdes An; - - at gosters Ps4sat. Tbs, - sult*cribera saar*facture and keep coustatttly Cu .0 band Ccßeb,eaed.psdi4 13prlap fwarruded„) ; istsba4a El sa iron Asir*. Sliver and ridaind Dish Prpair„lhass and plated Tiabliseda. NIP joists ! Pstest - Leather.: .Silviiaint Ems latimsr:Vittti Ibld - fie* Elatklitd* l , I roailisor Bandies *ad gilt"' a& ite..*e. i JONES 1 COLEMAN. 'St•li nrilto4 *ear al* • tifirbeify ligidar.. Lll 17. 11.131r4LERS,11. °Mee and in Fourth. • • near Perry street.' sepl3- 1 y The attention_aftbae v4to have bee* somewhat - seep. heal in refertneetta thanronamertifinstee pubibbed in favor Dr-Ittyayne's Syrup efWildelser- , lim it ry,atra a . tSr being inknovrtkin this.see thin of certlfici ter w ich has been a chine +if thin baron& . ywra; and is knoon as a gentleman . of int - Alrealionsibility. To the Arse, Mr. I. Kralti- f bane Dr- Samyrie's Comp and Syrup of Witd ! efterrY r a &Mel, with which f have been severely of fof about fonr months, and I have no hesitation , In miler that it lathe cositt effective medicine that I have-, been able to procure. It composes all aneasinesa. and agrees wet with my'diet,and Grantees a regular and good appetite. I can freely recommend ft to alt others similarly afflicted. J. Mnrimit.Soroughof Cirsasbersl4. March 9, 1340. sett 43 For male !iry WILLIAM '''l3,oll.N, No. 53 Markel overt. FRUIT, SHADE; D . OItNAMFSTAL TREE'S. 'EIIiPERSONS desirous 14 procuring Fruit. Shade. and, Ornainental Trees,' or Shrobberr, from Philadel• ptia or Nen York, are reirieyted to make application as :won as poisdhle, at the tiros and Seed Store of Ow sub scriber, where can be had catalogues. gratuitously. of the mostexceltent eatielies. F. L. SNOWDEN, ssep 21 No 184. Liberty street„head of Wood NDIVIDGAS. ENTERPRISE. S:PORTkI3LE BOAT LINE. For ilia Ta-anapartatfoa of alcrchandize.tii suriffrem eittsirlik: irefialurre.Pkiimixtrkia, New Fort,stad Bei fon. TO mirk in tie altOrteSt time. . THE -United States Portable Boat Line, le composed of Boats built in four sections. each sect ion eapailde of containing.svven tons. *iid sits.ceptible of being_separaie or detnelW4 and transfe'rred from Cabal to 5311 Spoil, t inns, as it 4iiere, forming a complete i rain of Cats, ac present tag lite tiocel'aptiettrance of a float =Mai on land opt Atieree!t4reetatol 4 tree ,rear deny' oceidAsited'iiyi - OE.' Shipping at the several jiict ions and itirmi (111 Writ: of Ca na is and Rail Roads. the expense of transhipment and the .damage the gOrMif , . ustain by ire/la/mt handling; and rendering it impossible to separate lots of gionis on the way_ -owttlx to the peculiar construction of the Boat having four separcfr aparlateal s in which goods are'sio red, renders them less liable to &maze goods by water or otherwise than by any other mode Of transp9riation. The system of Tran3pOrt ition.no recommended by the Canal Commissioners 'and lately adopted bi, the Stair. refers particularly to this clam of Boats. gibe . Boats of this Line are owned by resitonsible =Plains that ran them, and is the only Line now . 16 operation free from. • monopolies or combination. • Coodtteonsignei to the untleigizned agents trill be 're eeived free of commission and shipped without delay at the lowest rates". All charges Paid and every instruction I promptly attended to. - iC. A. fiI*NULTY 4- Co. light. 1 t. F. F. POPE. Agent. ry'SWlarf, Baltitvore. S rrt tPiill:: sePl6-tf ILIARBLE MA NUFACTORY.—Fatriek Cair:field Ire.• 1 1 1.11: - F pro fn fly am:taints his friend* and t he public erntly, t hat he has enmnieneed the Marble businessal the corner of Fifi h and Liberty sts.. whore will be constantly on band. tomb stones, mantel pleres„ monuments, bead and foot stones. table Ails for cabinet ware, irird every, art Fete a t erlainior, to the business. Mewtll watrOnt work to he -veil done, and his ehar es will be moderate_ Heimrneet fulls asks a sSare of public patrotray. scp 10- TAMES A. VEAZEY. Foneardistg and Countissden J Aerni for Steaaltemq. Cleveland and CaPART.NERSHIP.—G. P. Smith Demptfla. having associaled thermtelvea together under Ala firm of Hampton 4- Smith, will enntintie the wholesale Dry Goods business id the bonne ititently occupied by Hampton. Smith 4- Co; where they win be receiving to a few days a new stock of Pall and Wtotei Goods. They ; respectfully invite their old friends. and merchnots gen erally. visiting Pittsburgh, to caft and ernrchse their stock, Sept 28.70 m. Portable Platform Ocala as wheels. to weigh!,sool W, ot $55 00. do do do Air 2.(105 *t 848,..50 do - ' - dia'l:sothit 35 $0 de • do- - - ' 1.000 al do -do - ; do - do -500. at 25 00 With raising 'Went an addition of V3'itt each stale. Dormant scaleh for the we of WarcholiWir. Mills. te...timptittle pikes as above. - Atm, Whibew. Pateht Counter Seale. with ,b T* ll, lo, impnereateirx variety of other compisier'44llry Which they ttHli sell for from 8 to $l5, They alqat: manufbettme Steam Engines Ow- , iBmithmi MIRK Saw Mills. Salt Works. doable - initiate* geared atidehithes.fodt and other fathealWilmicitliwridig arachlwo for Itostoirm chairs. pliblioe-maciiiallii.--ditejr and sash awmitioes. nail's patent bows wirer, whit er without tirmidag machines, a surFn - 'or attic* ctitailar mar Abitibi, 'machirbm fbr aswhielath. TiaaerNi iimMtraiot 4# 0 4 1 1., 11 0 -41,0441 big .4*-445!)!, for ettehlit odhlid.i Oka: *ilk, iiiiMiliC4ihrialt4a isiliditortiiio makfieilMilivit'*4s o lolloll**Wev , ..11114"1211414-fire3trefilProffiseciftliffp!., LE; SSP iikt thtladel% 1 icP la _ 521211 LOOK A.T'THIS: ' : - Farr publisLu* s mop Deny Pips , *Os Nal ion* 411 14 *of tqat Lite DAILY MORNING SS T -PO TabSulloathers Isavlpg wade arriagements memo s Aneriaut Illaseitetafer and Ptualiargh Ser'. TY-flamtege SinitAld.lavltcombeiled iii.pititak s Oily !tapir with tbq aile,ef the Dent ihr,Lip s ,e.o. The Inidin•, object Or the wlllbet thoo,l3seisles . tior tint delksate au* polfileittprivelpyikaltailiave mere , Were IMO Peariatitned,by the Edispis. isr tbdc rispealTe PPM. and their bait eirodawm it9i blealevelop tu.tbe Iroise:efts of those doctrine*. Adthaa=4:ln pantie , . the paper will le thoroughly. detwerenc, yet .the Editors hope. by gilin an lianas. Candid Wary of wining Tolkleal emits. Intake antneutellie lutelligesneowd brief Donee. of all neat tented earanrenowthatainte übe l° llol . eta Ruill4 Joscual. to wake their 'payer, gutnifieta l ir tot enitine to'catitir. the pateitams ofghis POW. 1r respentlee yenrcaniidendloss," in additkin_tolhapolitical and &engird 114111 R that "WM het:Width the ...mire AM." the &Mors wy_ riake pain* to abrikh the bienisleie 'eolluntotty wit% the.,litten act, ao*.t. talautellug. Couezaat ittllaFF MIMI free turbot tbe country, "end to Male prow, yekeekriatesretsof the Markets alit the Skate* Toe*. 1 10 trill be loYanttitatt to our Merchants and Bludoest lieu Ti Meer seers; eattlega: • ' Twww--The - Pose will be etblislusi pa. brio how* al Waal alb* Inktier. peartenientrad esoariallY ibr tide lowitil):0 I be. oneiroalti top rotpter FIVE DOLLAItI3 per arwes.payabie In advasee.',"ft will also be sold,by anerwieye at:the low Woof TWO CflWits * eon?: . _ _ qd ,iiihntifeautata.will low 1 At the. lowest Wes ehateedity th e other deli? of the thy. ErTIMENLMV,,sweive lades weiflett,t,o'vell the Poet. who will be relaxed on the most liberal terms . . - ISOM PHILL IPS, W.H. SMITH. Amyl St. DM- 81 . Y3. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in mote 'and 1.00 Il ibt site by J. 0.4 A 00E - BON. sip IS So.= WACO siliTt- lORISOis.IS PILLS BY Morrison § co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, Corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley Pittsburgh Pa. and IC Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is loin-agent for Western Pennsylvania. seplo' ruts' FOR SA Le.—Ttye undessiltaed oirt.re foi ale a tr,ci or rang sitspiW 4 sign. fri.ta ?inepott. in the ilirection of Klitianninff. Bunk) towriehip, Armstront 'coma*. containing UV aerea.lBs cleared and notify good fence; l 0 of whlcn are in meadow— a rood agnare lag dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple cciehaed of 80 br.arlax. : treep—and a spring of excellent water convenlent to the boom. FOB TERSIIii apply , to tbe subscribers residing at tile Saltworks oo the Penn.givania Canal, I mile above Free port. rro TELE WISE. -Nis nos well andel:stood how mock disorders of t he mind depend for their cure upon a doe attention to the body. lila now understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid aecumulat iorkwithout weakening the bodily power. it Is now understood that there is a reciprocal influent* be. !amen the mind and the body. it 'snow understood that purging with the Brandreth - Pilts will remove a melan choly, and even insanity is eared by pereeVerinely,usimr, them: it Is now understood how much doptestie happi ness depends upon rite healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known - that the Brardrelh Pills hate cared thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physttlans bad pronounced" them beyond allimman means of relief: It "Is now not only well known that the Itrandreth Pills7lo cure, trot It is AIM Mt derstood how they en re: that It is by their pnrifyin; effect on the blond that they realm the body to health. - The - ralie of the medicine la becoming more and more manlfest,it is recommended daffy from &amity to family., The Brandreth Pills remove in. en &Mod imperceptible manner all noxious ma:mutations and purify and tarriger-: rate the biood.and their good erects ant not countetbalan eed by any inconveniences; being ettili7mmd Mandy cd' vegetables they do not expose those who use them to danrr; and their ekes are as certain es they are twin tary; they are.datly endsafely administered to infancy, youth, manhood, and old ar. and to women in the most critical and deliestetircemstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal fanctions, but restore their order and ettabtish their health. , Sold at Dr. Rracdreth's Office, No. on, Wood street. Pittsburgh. Prime 25 cents per las. with fnll directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where the genu ine Pills can be obtained, is the Loctor's own Aire, No. 9S Wood street. sep 10 Da, J. B. TIBBITT'S. Berpectfally inform the citi zens of Pittshergh c arld skinny. that be has return ed to the city. Be hope' to sharethe confidenee'of his former patrons and the oxidic genirally; sod solicits a venereal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion he would observe.ttrat the operiolen of Lithotrity, gor breaking the slosiein the hiadderand allowing It to pass of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep est lutenist. flatworm tor/lend the brnefit ofthis branch of his profession lb the afilicied. Strictures. Dhows of the Bladder and Xidneys,--which occasionally follow,— will likewise recetve attention. _ Thole from a distance svishise further information .will apply personally or by letter. or if desired can be aeosmiredated at his dimeilias, in a 'retired part of the ci ! ty, on Vltird. between Ferry ited Liberty sin. Pep 10 - ..BRANDRETH PILLS. - - LET ISlralids -read the following account of s Sailor cured of a nomptimition of allietioas in latitteta , days by OW um of Brandt - tit PM. :Ii dirSinetly proves there are herbs fa natdre which hare" malty cure:be mune of dis ae.andßrandreth'sPiilsarenude ibr them lead and hemonvitmed. . Take the aMdicine andbe eared EXTRAORDLATARFCVRE OP 'RREVII.IIIIdr" DLORRHOTA AND ANFECTION OP THE LriNGS ions Pilaw. of Pembroke, Washineton county, Maine. beteg dnly morn. says, that he was taken viotestly akk about slx months since. The pales in ,his head, breast, back, tett side and instep being so bad that be was one. . Wet* help himself:mad was taken Into the Chebea eft. pltai la the eity of komens. That after being la- slid hospital live weets.Doctor Guissmid lie -did not. know 1 what was the mattes wish him, mut that he maid do nothing for. him. port:mid be ,preserilmt Any - ssedidue_ That he, therefore, was conveyed frein the Cbittfilli Hag- Phew the Sailor% retreat on Statist" Island. _ That he was there plays irked with anwirta of *medicine Iry aiterl , od "Mar mintbs, suffering all Meths* the most heart readies misery.— Thai, 'besides leta allettiou of his bones homes:troubled much with a Meuse of the taagmsarist. tip he wall! AA avian of phlegm in the day; betides . 4 biS a*CUP II haled a had Draribcce, which bad more oslessattended himileat the ommencemsmt of his sick. neat: That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he would have dreaded death; that he has compare the feel into mebirg mire that of knives passing - through Ids bowel:. Allay saffeting Worse Mut death at the Baden' Retnotte.m.Mateu Islamd,thildector mit the Mot meat , Mae wasp( so mato him. that kelestat try to . strateM. - yot this thug-he was sheering the Meatestratisery. , Tbat his bones swum tattler he could not tremilte tessepinoo t ore upon she elbow or upon the knee, Hiatt/is, instep was moetWthifel. the* as the . Doctor be would give hi melon medicine be determined' to procure mime Tri4 ilithadieth's tills . which' lie did. fruit 241 limedway flew Tent; ilMthe coulmtatedirithibre Olds* and Wm.' thassdneremeithe daps to eight. The dent week', ass sanneelt benched hint, that the doctor, net knowing - What ; ilelwas . wan& iiid,ssow,Shaw, von took Hie a spas wish,- . llyou Iwitayre lak this way. you will soon be well.' Thathelotied every:Om of Me Brandied' Pilli relived hini." - trat they cured blm of the pain whet* at stool', tbat they mitt irSd the diarrimmt, sad finally the piles isrlis bimies-That the Medicine: seionegto add stems, to him - eirerviai. fivaid - tile doctor - yesseis: da the Illiebeseistohat be left blesself waif. and aim; that 44 swot .his recovery to` Bramirehe Pills -ceder Pwerldwieg, that he Migrate", the medichielellerpdap Ilir fitinyletlWl tliegoctorisiti at iota hyrifoowli hit_ bid get 9 talliwgitilktiadifille, be elbow 'millilris *pow, lIIIILEW Valli 14iilleolie • - • e4llo6a r tlirfilliitari - - tirl emPetilitsteelfig dedesimt RV'S Illishieilik Weir afteneroo sithoOkthatiwiekiWat IW-alut lieltildildaW •inprpTed Play Alfeetnied be ttt between 'tree!. two . Pel; Pitt; IfextuteaS the fpfter;:. scalp •l compared of tan: rci 1; rod riattani scuts ea wqa b 3604 i Ands* 565 e PROSPECTUS wm. PHILIP BAKER. • , tz--.4 4 -41 31 4, 'T - 0 „ - *-4 - 1 , - - 44 . 1- '.'.-ii!i-..,.4'i . 1 ... .c . ..... 1:.'.. ..e.;;,.::44.4..1'.. mumble-sew vs.- There are-many young plods* .15, i q nsp very Fad ti 46 about things, when •1100% after all, mistaken. ' 'There a le- Smith.' says Pairlp. ' 4 Whevel 1 thnt . 04 1 14 1 1 471 him.' lays Adm. ' I WItY . , there, Y 7 thetli Oldie b il l: 'Oht that ain't SETertek Smith." Why, yea it is.' No II'l: jimeill" that's Seth Mead.' 'I tell you $ ,Wlll - if it isn't rill eat him, -= '-- '''' Such is the (Endorse; but'prettyaotnetg boy comes along, and behold_ it it IMilf Mead, and not Jerry Smith.— TWO" k.s. 2 I says John--Anow you've got to eat I Phil!' -SOW _ - ,- ..-....: t: 1 *Whetais the-hatumer. Petotrr nisi.- father.. - Ll don't know air,' is Lite reply ll"'' 'But you had it last,' 'No, I did'ot, eir.".44‘ , ' ' ' Yee yOu did; you took It yesterday.' 4311 W- 1,,, yes, I remember--I-took it—but I - pal IV - io the drawer again, where I got It.' ' :Are y o u sure!' 'Yes sir.' :'I think ye. Sec ~ istiken—for if you had put it tbetrii 4k7 ,7, would have been thereetitt.' 4 rtir-ntrow-: inly sure I pat it beak tkette."' tifolt -- now, my st.a, I Attald it out on tbe Ilittor'' where you had been at work.' *Dideb -4 you leave it therel'. *Oh—yes-4 believer I did. Yes, I remember—l did kailriC: l there.' • Well,' now take *lesson**ol thik,iwitk bOto positive,when you are not SKIM: 114 :- two instances you have been Inisialataill Veit ` a int Said that yoa - had not taken the below tner out, and you were quite sure; you the t' -- said you had put it wheye jolt - hog got i and you were again quite positive.- /bit remember that in both cases you viejirtu mistaken. Let this teach you to- be more* m3dest and careful in fear.; and, inetsiiik of saying you are ante, say 1 think 'essicci•- so; or, I believe so and so. ought ever t 3 say that he is pasitivir.etw: - 1 thingrwheve there is the least chime rot: utista4lo iMother," said Ellen, 4may I go 0.41-* *O -, ' Jane Hanson? ahe asked rite to coisoe..L.a(ng 'When did ahe ask your said the tantlier,' 2 •Yeaterday—yesterday afternoon' 'Nor nt yesterday, my dear.' 'Yes - 4..ras yestetw-i aay, mother, I saw her on the green layt4w* church.' 'Don't be too positive, Ellem could not have been yesterday.' l'ea is . was yesterdsy—l'm certain It was yea:MN , '1 day,l met her on the green, and sheeska4. meto come. Why, mother, how coaldi be mistaken? I know it was yesterday , 'That cannot be, Ellen, for 1 have jusvbeen • at Mrs. Hanson's and Jane went, to•Prbvii dence in the seven o'clock train 0(44106 yesterday morning.' •flid mell-4t,Thooks . have been dhy_ before yesterdarr.yes,4searr?' I recollect, it was day before yekterdapi.- 'Well. my child, I am sorrytotsee ro-06•4 certain—oo positive, when you are- resdlr.j not sure, and when in point effect are mistaken. Pray he mere cavert**. future, You may go nod 800 •Togqt as you go along, say it aver in "w= till you cannot forget it-,Doa:t teat* iliac.--;Mercy's Meg. Now that I am talking of doettota, - whee strange set they are, and what a airsgel,* - position they hold in socieryl , Admiiteirt top. the fullest coufideeee of the woild. yeU ijr a strange perversion; while they see therbsel militaries of secrets that - bold together-AO whole fabric of society, their, influtitesairt, neither fully recognised, scir emir-ptl!w f. acknowledged.. -;The doctor is 110*: Ihrktrni' the monk was once; with his additional - 114 W.. . vantage; that, from the nature Of his stellleg i i and the research of his art, he_reedi - isiciiir deeply in the human heart. and penetradit into its inmost recesses. For him liklarl little romance. The grosser eying or *, - body, teaming ever on the operitions ati . lk‘ ‘sto Mind, destroys many I poetic - day, ~ land many . a high-wrought illusioo,,. - :Vie him alone dote a man:speak "sot ric I I :tv more' wfAle to the briiyer the leanings self-respeet will make Mai alwaystepat(ii. f a vorable view of his isilie. Ta tdie phyve , ,v sician he will be eardid. Yet tbravesre tom` men who, watching the secret Isiah*re human Passion, can trace the tirovies' . _ 4:. mankind in virtue and is vice. Wfillesslit,.: istering to the body, they are esp f eriegaiwt mind; and scarcely is-the hour* allett -4 ger past, scarcely - the shadow of feat.divits pated,,, when they fall back to their iiiii*;_: hie position in life, bearing with tbeskteit.T. little, gratitude, and, strange - to sey, noleer .The world expects them - tete isiireadir'i tvell-kved, kind, considerate, and Mtn - Ovilr patient*, their queruloniness, and,e44,047 . under their capric and aftei 41410,140 , I humbug Leinceopathy, the prepitisoillies surdity of the water cure, or the- ._ , - .l' fehessible Mitsehiefortsissoteltt. - - _ 0 .: -. ises*:-. mote ravel is their sight than the. , :,.4 order of ability, accompanied 'by great*ev-4/' to advantages. - -';' Every man—.andetinittore every ivotattlf4 imotio' et hinivelfts , be a doter. lllO-fs taste for physic, likea - a - porkies. is * i t, with ni t - ssil _nothing' seomv esilier thasitika repair*. isiitriesi of the efrostitatioO, wig ,t ,001_110, er of *woe or-ef the -inErpriduw , ,vpiero.g. Ihatt sot sees, river and over ate;_ Mans of 'rho first eminence pefaigd.o4, p C the mostrum of some ignorant propsi or the sug4estioe of atwadting elldlits' teasel should be, se is.tenned,ttietif - - -..t,„;...reE--" EOM .-J.:O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers