Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 15, 1842, Image 4

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    ? AMOY. liMUL4o9linliagitaiMUSlC,l4sr
.. . tOimitemiNfyini b t
zat IA . gl. 41 1 10. - eir olle4 a
-• . • ciirkliimiliforietkieirsktiatra
! W ow
irlartigadt,oo"rarelliale . 4.5 1 4 11,
aratlifielkW iit.,l6 G. OetkrdArecte
41141111,0CdOrain;thfihrOvibil, by viricuitt
4a~lifektiltlitglatef litenhastmentotkilti ttaterthher
bitliagllhtiglollllooellelidelititu. Mt' will belieepateld
heitiOIIOPPILIE eoltruelde tieuntea,llfent, (*Moos 'and
ithiffeewthltut en ,theeltosi Ahern I terms. Calls Aim the
t4V7 IllWottlintapity attended-itw,
pllidemot is la., the fatnn building with,his Ware
11 00110* Irllcat,ghnee who -need' On itorteee.etay lint hint
ow Imit. - - women=
w.Wrigletel. : . Ley. 4eseet.t.ce.. v. rt.
1 1 .11. 4 0 AlVita I, ?XV. aossaT ale= Ig. v. D.
.16/01“, INIXTOO, airy. • smanst,.wtt.tanun, D.-
11r,1*14.531.maa, - Rev. JOINPIG itspfrii,
t WARP, -. Axe. JAUCS M. DAYiS,
geo le - ' • 7 wee. s. 1.".. SWIFT.
. ,
VSIB 7430 1 t 11 4 4 .
:=GBIIII HORtg Ott,r,Fs
:lEr!*-SittriG cAzDS,
- t ag., - • 'llltiBltP3l3 DO..
atm* - - po.,
• • - • '1 1 114 , 141)
Wistf F LADING,' ete.631419; 4-c, 4-c,
riiiitither *Ai h everk 4 ileserip9on of tette, , Prqs Print
liftiirtiblhed-with neatness and despatch, and on tnoitre
terthiroathe alike et the rin.ily Morning Post.
-,--r-r"-----'---------- _
4r1P44193E- WIIOEI4 -00UPATIO 1 4 8 TEND 'PO:',
i.f..11.; 8,,Q41,-AGGSA-VATE DISFASE.,-Thitie,
'cr,141(4,1010414,14ja eery nhyterous. They are these I
ntiir i rk,lo sa_hubealthy aimosphere. Printery, work ;
z,feittbaeld,irins, atone cutlets, bakers, white lead
seoistlscAkrgre,..afestkenure .or less , subjectto disease ac,
c 400 0 ,9 thestcongth Aar their constitution. The only
nie:thOta,prevept dlsettse„ is the d'exaslonal -use of a ,
111141(elhe Which abstracts from the circulation alldelede
rieetetbutttars, and eSpelb them by the bowels.. Tellies -
In, 07 f orm; are , injurious, as they only :"..1( off the .evil
day,lii,siakellmore fatal. The use of Brandreth's tilts
wilt knaareheiith, because they take all impure imarter
oujosil„the_Wood; and the body is not weakened but
stre,attlieied by their, operation, for these valuable Pills
.. isid. l. fOrce t hut ihey asstd. nature, and. are not opposed,
• , ;inian with her. .
ir k tt
. , afpr. Brandreth't Of fi ce, No. U 8 Wood . street ,•
PlOshaigh.. Price 25 cents per hos,. sv ith.full directions..
*MIK—The only place in rittstutritt w tivre-, the.
GBNiintiE" Pitts can he obtamed,is the Doctor's owrtep
flee, NO. 98 Wood street. . sep TO
W.:rra...—The subscriber respectfully in
faring his . old friends and the public that Ike has
opiehala 'Temperance •Botel,in fifth Street, near the Ex
etrikollank. anifin the house. tat ely occupied by Mat•
the* ratritic, and ha's hoisted ant ron it gn,..The Iran
Citeilatei." where be ivili. be very hac;y to accommo.
dati'illC who May pleaSe, to call ow. him. Ills Aside
with the best fare, and every possible
nceontinoittacitt to town and country customers and
cow boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
fittett t .imo he-taken, and gentlemen who live out or town
eakhove Their dinners daily.
ge• .11 ea large and g,ood tables, rind the best Hay and
oa4.,And ,g,ood ,flostler, s
and will accommodate travel.
em.,4osentlemen who have horses.
.oairders taken. by the day, week or year: Charges
more moderate than at any respectable HotelH
N in the city.
vir4stifNClTON 'RA:T.L.---Tite subscriber has
gigue( the - laic residence of „lames Adasos, Esq.,
fcir the reeeption a( visitors .and hoarders;
the' ' *wise is very pleasan , ly situated on the hank of the
-.oafa,:.2..ellies from the city— possesAing all the delight
ful accompaniments of a country residence, without
Mtn, too far Aldan forpersans doing business in the
.ifisltors will be. furnished with eve-y delicacy of
4b e season. •
klraiglettalbas regularly every hots t the Alie
glsroguenacif the Budge.
• ill.olticoholle beverages kept.
OWE*ui ON. QF Tlil UNIOMI—The, eopart•
!Mishit , egisitnghetween_ James .E..K.,ilbourn and
Ua 44111orgart-lathiS day, dissolved- by mutual consent.
Tree eilinllittrins reinbe 'duty noticed, with the signatures
iilfloli,pactieSueneXed, and Barry Ball will lte-conthoted
•epaeltthe sulisctibei until other arrangements ate per
fetttetit, : •
fyientlei onlhe premtses,,l4o bbls. choice winter ap
pliifjtaPplied for Immediately. JA:s.E,K.II,BOURN,
bn_tr • .. No 9. Market, and 74, Front st;
111100.KBINDING.. - 7.
;LP and Paper
▪ Rulers, R. W. corner -, of,:Welid and
north streets, are now prepared toe*.
S. elute alt kinds of Bookbinding, and N.
per Ruling with neatnti and despatch.
▪ . k books ruled and bound to ,
attriiiiten pauerwat the ortest notice.
N. B. All work done Ate aboveis warranted. (sep 10
- . . _
BMW" Surgeon . Deatist, has returned to
• Mei' Mod,: 1.07; ) Smithfield Street,
,sue:.-kre can.be consulted soy tiour during the day,
on Mititrt4l4l4lM: th ey 10
AL:--Georg.e Armor, Merchant Tailor, -
:ysepeettillyi announces to his '! friends and pa
tettenV,thathe hat-r,erdered his establishment from
old stand, in Third ,street,lo - ._ Llic corner of Front and
Smithfield, in the basement story of the Monongahela
Hone; where he intends keeping on hand a- general as.
sortment of FashiOthable Goods, suitable for Gen
t lenien!swes tr. , • , .
it. hopes, by close °optic:ition, to, merit a share of the
onsinemonlitterally. extended to him at his old stand.
iliksll.,alteing made arrangements in New, York and
Ploiladeithtat,wittt l i ke most Fashionable Tallorai for
the feelnidioie customers
may rely OrfitaVing; their orders: . etech I ed. according to
_ rfAftw . DIE:—TItiRu..... h.
eritter would most respectfully
.2...1'1001itf the pahile in genet : a that he has an article of
a f.ii4ltllref a seperitm; q dal i ry, ate nu fh eta red at the Ciotti);
natiOllWnifactdry,by R.VV.Lee f Co.,which is Warran:
tiatirievinit tolhe best Sperm.-Oil; loath for Light and
MitiflirViy.- Thil 011 is entirely fiee from any glutinous
*tier, imcilte, or Unpleasant odor, and it is as Clear and
as white assuring water. Not a particle of Crust is left .
on the wick. The tight is' pore Mid brillaill,
aid Will tat as` icing, if not' twiner, thin that from 811. 1
coma qUaniity of Sperm. Oil. The suhscliher i r nforms
the public that he has taken n place nearly opposite the
Post °tete, where he will
_ileht op several different lamps
osepli4iiiiint,Und he Would - respectfully invite the in •
taatithUtii Of PittaiMigh, 'A Ileghen y, and their viciniti. to
' calf sat lailgettik themlietves: Re ries confident they
Wilfiftettitivineed'ilit the , abbse`staletrient 'ls perfectly
tit: , Out of two hundred Individuals who have`fried
the 011,there has Wit been a single fault found with !t-
Thitirittd Odeon's one - third less than eipeem. ' lie would
riesOtieffitity solicit the early attention of Dealers and ein
&deists 10 the above,. . . • -
The following Churches are now using the Lard 011;
- - Aititeshid Presbyterian Church. Pitt-burgh,' ' '
t 'ziliiiurettiebertane Presbyterian Church, Ph oilluigh,
Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, '._ •
' .tl! a Reihreled Churth, • do. •
MlitleOirterr iitehrended it. W. LEE 4' co 4 Oman.
agtelote ~,t.,- ,
_ - . .
14.0,-.,r--1:"3 ..t. 1.. ;' ,
' 41trabnieli, June '2lst, 1842
-- ' 0140! 4;triigiiim- of the tiPr*. l . l- iiicit
f o
11;*iire payiyania.cauel, have tried and are
.7.-. --- it **Wee cis rd Oil titre/dined here by. ,Matthew
y y ssalt.nseetiftWilife4hl: ll,, w? - lie +..C/ o .rat 1 41 -
t a
Cr ,ttl Oil ticioly:,. -- - - -• ' '7!
Amilidehilimiiiiiilei that the,llMielirerikal
. A ... 4it fin'l3ii:ltiiili. iv etitirilY Preirrrom smoke
e l -' - i . c ii;,4 .: ; ghillitir . whilt,tUri The light it 00-,
; ~,. ti,i.4%,1,:" briliiiiiit,lind .wittlitit - is long,lf ecit
to '-- Y''' ---' ' •-•" en equal'tpiiiiihy of Sperm.' Oil;
' 440.11.t.M1111,, Hi Ie recommending Rio our frleida
sod topetereetirmareit , -- . 4
BerltY lettink-CdPikin, Packet John Adams.,.
411011,4111LWIIIIIIAlltD; Caged. Podket -- lolve'Elpiecoeik,
-*MI 44 160 1:; - " 37 - 3• =,.. - ' •^4•3: , do zSettil ssioxiii;
14m..fflicasesetic , .•--- the , ',
la ' :.attfsksrgh` '''
.e . .
1 . „
e 1 • --,BUTCHALB3- , ..-AP.II I rii.L18....=
• .IF i . ~, - • eletage*lkril . OK which exert
a ,?, -7r-ri *
. , the !matt, give Impuise .or
0. , ..:'', ri
rA l4l 4l4 l **l. l *# ol PslM
~, ' -.— 1 ..' ^9Filirt 044,101101 0 114
l-,, 1 ,, ~:;/;.,. , irisest, i,
.*,--x .- - ... - I KAbe i , bulk, n •
• l''.
I."141,-VIL. taool44*or,f,
4144 . _ : , , -
.4411citt or 1.•,/.
' -74 '''
- ---.--- t.vi,o4.o..t.tivv . .... -11"411111 / 4 1 - nit
d. 4 11141. t e body
~..iv.,4' -vii,e,.. c,f f, , ,sc ''):
,4, 1 _ -' --- -- - .41 ' , lto - twitqlt, 11111111
.„,,----... ',, , - ~ , - 14-. tie *ti:-.,.0 le4410::
!t t 2 ;' , /,,.. ~.4.00..i. •" 1„ # „.. t . 40'' . 4. 11 4: . ; '-
...4 -- 4 .37- 0 4 '
..:....,... 5..v...,,zi.,...,--,..4..,.„.:..,..;..e,„.1&.„.„..,;,;..-,,-.-..,-,..,-....,,
44*!'• • : 0.,„41; 2 •:.° wgir•rm • , 'T; -77 - 3---it
, -i• , - ''‘ IC AN ? ‘l . ; '440.4?, '. . - ` 11 :14 -4 •-! - "i...;1:4f!'
&444"1"*.t.' 11404:2 : . 1 0 4 0 1 W...
Actor A-. - vir i ! e r...-• I.' ' 147.'" Al.!
IW 0,4 R 4044414." 1 , 11.
ai, ‘10*191,017,Viii4A.7 OP !lll°ll* 'CI t!, .91,111*e.:
Pie t 4 e C e O ro l g ,PPIPRI°I4,-T AO- '341" rite ku t 4r:
orks. ari ftlf,c4keS•RiliPol4*,', ille(!vniileerl;*4-,.,TP
pnbtleriale, ailhi MerChasiiit Exibingein the `city,.cyr.
.P. 1144004494 YV1104164117*-the=4:oa9Of liovember,
nitztlatifio'4l,4el!o4,l4-.44, f4lifrki44otePlilir . 4 1 01 4 41
PleP'"ltili2lfialik,..CONlll . ,
.• -, ..:,• - , •.- '
37504,cf. ilt9.C4lo44alikAlt-teilliSYlYiPtit- '
''.sV3' do initterhiladniphiri'llank.,,' ~ •
.. !
noa, do . in l.i,e. armors and_ Meshruales . Bonis.7
900 t ..d0,.:in Hie, 011itah(*6a1F'asid Ili iggetpniOxiy ,
f r
12500 ~ "rici . Ark. the. itiotYranniGentseeY. I _
1500' do to the enerly l YOOlit aid ohie 'Canal:Gnat -.
500 do inth Chesapeake andPelaware,...Conal.
Cotq a 9
1000 do is tint ..olidilk ilrNaSlgallOn Critettart3i , „,„ ~..,
320, do in theficistolSteein Toly.hriat:ii,itikTranii.,
.ptiktatkotiCiirppditi. :- : . • .
_, ~ ,;
Also; at, Pie ' Hi att( 00:94e. 1) , 1 the ikOrliOgh: of 010,0:
intrg - ,Oit Monday; the 28th it'll) , of goserither neat..at.l.o
o'clock, • is
2905' alt . ares 'of" stiCelr -In the, Etatvijle.44l,Foilrripe
•lielirOlik e4o lii ii4,, '
2000 do In tiutPkinberlartd'i r illey : Railroad Oita
.. .
..• . .
2000 do Franklin Railroad - COsepany. ..
490. do Virrilklitesille, y
, o-k and Get,yslmig
'Railrad Co -' • ' ''' '
. , . _
'6OO • 'do . Codorite Navhation , Go.
"995' do
- ' :milieu 'Co': '-' - '
2500 do Idonongehela NaVl'itii.loll CO.
4500' dO ' 'llarri.sliurg 'Bridge CO.
2400 de - '.' ltforlittirriberland Bridge Co.
2160' dO ' ' ' 4 ittimiiiigahelaßritige CO.
1600' 'do +Minh'sair Bridge Co.'
- 560 do tWilkleshiree'Bridgeto;
'4OO do lLewiabitcg Bridge Co.'
600' do Big Bedver Bridge' CO.
600 do ''Danville Midge CO. ' •
180;, do - INesiopeek Bridge Co.' , _
250 do ,'"Frenetf - Creek Bridge'Co. -
100 do Letiftetnathib 'Bridge Co.
60 do ' tochaylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co
.100 do . Loyal Hanna 'Bridge Co.
92 'do ' Milton Bridge Co.
171 - 4to IR ohbstown Bridge co.
200' do .Towanda Bridge CO.
1250 do : Franklin and Allegheny Bridge CO
110 'd o ' Schitylkitl Bridge.(at Malaria's ford)
Company. .
Williamsport Bridge CO.. Washing:
ton - county.
Also,stock In the, following Turnpike Road Compa
nies: lo Wil: - I -
2124 shares in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers.
' Chambersburg and Bedford
Bedford and Stoystown.
- Stoystown and Greensburg,.
, Greensburg and Pittsburgh.
' Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perkiomenand Reading. •
' Gap . .arid NeWport.
I . Waynesburg, Greencastle and Mer
Morgantown, CilUrchtown and Blue
Little Conest oza .
'Berko and Dauphin
Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid•
300 - do
4310 do
2154 do
2564 do
1780 do
3477 do
100 do
1360 do
512 do
250 do
180 do
200 do
580 do
100 do
250 dO 1
100 „lib
1240 •
640 do • ;
400 do
1600 d"
400 do
116 do
500 do
909 do
5600 do
323 de
516 Bo
967 do
322 do
!;158 do
947 do
660 do
882 do
1010 do
700 do
520 do
500 do
280 do
300 do
660 do
672 do
100 do
717 do
779 do
500 do
100 do
800 do
256 do
980 do
360 do
154 do
560 do
329 do
855 dm
-400 do
280 do
.1160 do
200 do
1610 'do
204 do
240 do
408 do
200 AO
280 .. !do
360 • do
24 do
.320. do
128 do
160 -..d0
40'. • do
96 - do
224 t do. ;
110, do
.80 • do
80 do..
200. do.- Snowshoe and Packe.rsville.
do Lackawaxen., -
200 do • Butler and Freeport_
64d0 , Sterling and Newfoundland.
96 --do- • I_,eriox and Harmony.
224, do • Pittsburgh Partners and Mechanics'.
169, do • Bedford and Holtiday.daira.
1160 - ,Luthersburg - and Purizatawriey,s
1 60 • do • Birmingham and-.E.lizalmildourn.
64 do . -Bal4.,Edele and Plittanyyaller,
Theterumand,comptiompar,said.,4iles will lie_ made
knoivnimikiedays nfOresaid, or by an application,at any
tlme„,tot.ttis office. State stock will be received ,in pikr ,
merit at oar, or certificates of credit, which have been
enteral olythegflgit bf the A b di tn r ` Genera)fiturau
-once of a resolution of,titegenanat . i Assembly, passed on
the 7th day of A prit,
By.cirdei•of the Hovertiorl'
M. C. EDEN - , Agent; '"
DR. WILLIAM EttikteS'ill 1300 T NM •NY WU P:- 4 .: -
1.1" This infallible remedy has preserved , 11titidiethr
when tliotiettinist•reioverylilronf.coniulsltinu'gs iolin
'au the ilyriNittraubbed , on .trin - inme, - 1.11 - 0 ehildWlltretatv:
AIL '. This plinit*r . air* it so.ilsnoterit, sottlitackiiii, and'uo
ptesasant, ttrat toreblld *lll Ireittse to let Ili , tirinirhe' rub
hue -with It. •Wheft tufentelare ntlfietike ;of flittretouth's' ,
tho' there is no appeuraneei of teeth, 'One borne id' the
SyriitishoWtreilikkitii open the pores. Parenta-Utilatild
never be l yithn%qm'syrupin: - the nursery whgre'lllelt
are keitiiiMiji t *O.TO.OrA4fiqfilw -Ikitelilli'*4.Attitt- 11 6 1 4
piittlit the lutirqtftel9o/0 1 1 111 dedratek
_.. - Alij ,
,opening tie p °Pei, Weell6lliitthe giiiiisteliereberg
luveanlVllllous,-Ifterlits;'-die., ll'oritele 111 1 1ineeleittelitd
Atteil-by. '1 .-.', ..-..: 7 k:..T.`'•: i-414141.431116L8Rth Agiertli , ;- 4 .
, sep 10 No. 20. Wood street. WM"; SeitosuN
—. • -.-. -
- 11401111B1301 1 RAVVirOdor'v' t 4lindaA' niNdroPr if -iirily
Alik. 4 "Varearirtan. Wqrded 86404t!Vatabraltd,I s a:. 1 ..;
_Rano always on hand anlitlinallkernailertiala - tat IsrAir .-
Go i airimviraiswitmizionmantann. TO =laid.
liadtailtr its* itartaCitidd ' arfdlkhitirdso
-dlo4lloo4l6.ololAltedhildrinireadi andArMaabata.wri
; I'-‘l6lllo4lo,lllbeallifitiAll*OWlnwt-clillThliell--1 '-‘161110410,111beallifitiAll*OWInwt-clillThlie11---
PflatileiWASNO olo6 " Ainalita4 - • ''• •• •
not. *WOO , cAirtila,lo4o l 4 l oo ll6 o 4ll dlrlitidge
Oittiltisan. Aid' 4tas4Ritededity
`,llralitOGßAlNgattho' iitbaist t , t*', 4' ...' , v- , -
1 , a0104:4 - 411111* iiiiiiiimEttatlagaMtalft
eiliiiikieft lwaya On hand and for saliVaddinviL
- 1440114441 illitiiKaAreetoinie.
!taki . "
,Easion and. Wi.kesbarrc. -
'"SrlOrinehttnni and Lehigh:,
!Naiad and'Ovrono.'
Thburningtditi.-Ephrata arid flan is .
Centre and risharognillas.
Susquehanna and York borough:
York and GettyshUrg.
New Holland.
Spr ng Mcrae, No
'C'aynga-rind Susquehanna.
Suarpretianna and Waterford.
Sumnehatinn and Tioga.
Bridgewater 111 , 11 Wilkesharre.
Pittsbnrgh and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conematrgh.
Belmont an dilaston.
Pittsburgh and Butler.
Philirieburgand SesqUellanna.
Butler and 'Fiercer.
/Mereer and Meadville.
AnriersonS Prrry, Waterford Ind
New naven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
Ridge Rand.
Bethany and Dingmatt's Choice.
itobbstown and Mount Pleasant.
altiunt Pleasant and Somerset.
Somerset and Baked-
Hanover and Carlisle..
MillerstoWn and Lewistown.
Bellefonte and Philipsburg.
Philadelphia, Brandywine and
Belmont:lnd Oghqunga.
Harrisburg and Millerstown.
Philadelphia-and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
Armstrong and Indiana.
Clifford and Wilkesbarre.
Indiana a.nd Ebensburg.
Washington and Milliamsport.
Lyconsing and Potter.
Middletown and Harrisburg ,
Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Young •
- manstown. -
Butler and Icittanning.
,Milesburg and Smethport.
Derrelow a and Youngmanstown,
Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
Ylltilriliaven.and Harrisburg bridge.
Abingdon ami-Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisbuys and YOUDgMarISIOWII.
Sqmerset and Conernaug,h.
Carbondale and Lackawana.
Lewisburg and Jersey Shore.
Ligonier and Johnstow u.
Warren and New York State Line.
Titusville and Union Mills.
Arrostrongand Clearfield.
• Warren and-Franklin.,
Sugar Groveand.unlon..
BrOWItillgt01). Harrisvilleand Prank
A . V. l'AtSttNS,..
Secretary or the Cominoit'llb
, . ,
Fero 20--dts
.._ R 4 ,,
-*irk,* • . - •
.. !,. r . , - iftti ~4 • --1... r -r
tuf t . or - , , .
...-:' ` ~-, ,'":; 9 1 , •
.. t • lit -,,
s f i_, ~ -.. ' .... ~ ", rt . - . Ift# 4c
vi l k
-- Mefifi .4, tliaititii 'Ai - ,i ,l •- - ii jit,
C ute; "A 06 1 1 kiie, - AIR" it s ; iFiiii*:.
catin4 - 4 11int nifttetfli t edt:-i0 - pr i'l e
itihertfAr(tilii'S, Jentilietrittniilriiiiktiiiiititia: it r ,' il4in
toailifOf the4,iirseirirreilitesi;tfriorittif,o
iiiinertifidin'thebinaf . ' " 9--
liiittlitsCiii tiletisiiver, they niiii l f . . '''
`-- -
vo I tripfir otki the decision of 'sraine - ii f fika - e body
indite) , requir'efinfAeritileilliii4titirfifel 414.. ~.,
In .Iliqt. thiAtu_atun;l2fuly isiiettil Itifel lectisi frrwith.
oaf hiftlity,, tbi„ltiettotiericAt t thg. , wcutlier,,w, De u ude
the influence oft fits Mediae a eitipsfi 4i 0,1 eYal ' llFa
tinolleMni then it iiii - otbei l ff me. z'' 4
rid idirmartance_ of a mil'ellect ..t.libs.Lor seimen iie _
travelers is. I - f ilifeiglifilliL4s;Mt '
Dy tbellinelythiealf %has bledieiner him mit Stinit
. and sickuess,Allightme,lant, priviintir Atehlit Mous- f
fectionsiTypliusr Scarlet alit feseladreulksiti 0 0441
° imitator:twin -Ent- - *hero , sickness , iition:" .-40 t:
tinge be Joe, let; itie.,RRAND,REWHiti PHs 'aims
sent for, that the Remedy may Airtioppbbirt Itir
ther loss of timm- 1 - , Tti- as Runattataixf; 3l .‘ ,l T-.:` '-1
That Brandreiii's Dina- havellitondet; - tieveir eure test
in thesiktlien-Stalits.--., t:a F. .., “..
~,‘ , - .1-,,•2; :01. -: '
That they area,veggtiblesad: intiocentrtinedicine. yet 1
all powerful for-the removal.dfAireann Wheat r - chronic
recent;iafeetioustircitherwlee. ire ~-,v, - , • -.-
That they purity the:blood.' „ audatill 7 the fu r Pro
gress-of disease in; the Zeman body.; ---,--_-st, .". ::-, - "'
That, in many cases,. where ,ther•dreadfitt . sages of
ulceration had laid bare Itgament , ',linth -, bone,"- a Arbere;
to alt appearance, no human means tepid wave iite, :.. have
patients by the use of pills, beerrie,storesi - to - good
health; the devouring disease baring,. been tionatiletely
eradicated. ._ - - -: ,--- - ' ",,.:1
That each of the genuine has upon it THREE corcatoirr
That each label bas-two , signatures !f Dr. [Benjamin
Brandreth upon it., -•-.;;. • •.,-. !-• • i. 1 ,
Thattbere must-he.upon. eaen.- box three ,eignatures,
t hue:
B. Ete.• 1111)11xT4,.111.D,
And three signatuies,
"All acute fevers ever requireaonte evacuati9n to bring '
them to it urfect crisis and solution, and
. I . ltat even by
stritilletr 'must be promoted by s t rijiiii-dt:iiiture '
dideitnn,- dO • the business itself. On 'Ms:,'. 'anti an
ilk-tick* stintttiO
iusness about the weaknetitir. Abe body
is of Lad , consequences ; for ittsiliat which : s MS chiefly'
to make evacuations necessary , which nntur atlempts
after toe humors are fit to be expelled ~, but is not..abie- to
accomplish for the most part in these diseases; nod I can.
affirm,-that I have given a purge when the_ puiXelms been
so low that it could hardly be Cello* the debility_ ex.
!refine, yet both one and the (titer have been destored by.
it." The goottetfect to be derived from thelrAnctreth
Pills have to be experienced. to he fully . be haved; By
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typing; fever or
small pox would ever a2Stlille their'malignant tin M. _.
To appreciate to the full extent ,the, incaletifable.'l)ene
fits of BR A N DRETEPS PILLS, they mast housed when
thb First Symptoms of Diseade present them_t Ives. One
dose' hen, and their good effects wilt be Celt' tirou;hont
the attack—lx ts Tallinn THESLLN =Kt that . 0 the great
secret in the core of all appearances of disease arising:,
from bad blood, and 1 presume there are-few 4t the pres:
ent day, will say anything of those-dlseastis Vothictruffect
the body when the blood is pure. '`Such 'diseases I have
yet to see.
Hoping that some who read this may be bendfitted by so
doing. 1 am respertfully, -
the publia's 'servant, l
241 Broadway, Neiv York: - • ••
The pithilc will please obseiie..thliC hb Brandreth Pills
are gennine-unlees the box huts three labels Upoll It,
each containing a fac shnilie signature of my--hand
writing thus—B. Brandieth. These labels engra
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and. donn at, an ex•
pense of several thousand dollars. Ileureniberl the top
—the side—ands he bottom. . ; ,--
Ent red according to act of dot - tare/re in theiy,ear . 180;
Ber ja in in Branfiret in ; the Clerks Office In the Dis
tjict, court of the Soi there District nf.New YPrk, ,
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, Ne..,98, Vtlood Street.
Pittsburgh. Only place in Pittsburgh, w bete (the genuine
Title can be obtained. Each Agent who set the true
Era ticket h Pill, has, an engraved certificate . or Agency
renewed every , twelve months, and has eutere4 into hones
of $5OO to sell none other Pitts than those reCitived from
Dr. 8.,0r his special General Agent. filerli,Ahe certiti
,eate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in-his.ownliand Observe.,on each certificate
there is an exact copy of the three labels
on each box en
graved thereon. Purchaser, see that the,migraving
I lie labels on the certificate correspond with lcmae on the
The following are. Dr. Renjamin Brandt's:lib's Agents
for the sale of his Vegetahle Univt rsal Alleghe
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the nets labelled
Price 25 cents with reel lons.
Principal Office, No. 98,-Wood -Street, Pittsbur
Allegheny, Mr. JOAN GLASA.
McKeesport, IL ROWLAND. t
Noblestown, Joon imanson. _
SiewartsTown-, - Cusismari 4. Sgaolaino
A LEXATIDen Atlni.l.4. • Clinton.. .t
Etw At RD Titers e son. WII kl nsburgh
Giroatlic Pottrza..'Fairvicw.
ROBZ/IT Sxtrx Posetra,Tarentuin.
Elizabet litow n C. P. DIEM.
East -Liberty, Darinit NsoLLY-- - • -
• Pagestgir inicur,Tteatrant
.Da.Trui R. Coos—Plumb Township.
Wx. 0. ElllNTEß— . :Allen's Mill. Isup,to
IMW cared by the t:se of Dr. ltartich'e Compound
. Strengthening mid German Aperient Bills - -
Dr.liarlich- , —Dear Sir=—Shortly ;after t- received: the
Agency from- you for the•rwla ,of year medicine... , i
formed an. atonal:trance wi:h a lady 'of •thisVacm•tetto
was severely afflicted with the. Piles.- -Pm :eight-or ;ten
years this lady was sutler: to frequent paihfet attacks,.
and her physician considered her case. so eouthlteatedi
that he very seldom prescribed medicinefer. her. Threw:lt
my persuasion, sheenmtnehced using your Pitts. add was,
perfectly cured. You - WI, kc. JAMES itiIKIRBY , '.
October 3, 1840. ' Chbilibeistinig, Po.
a t
-. ' Of fi ce and General Depot, No. 'l9. titorlir Eighth
Sire t,'Philadelphia. And by Saretnef , Fteirv: terrier 'of
L ' y and Wood 'streets, Pittsburgh: , ' 1 -Settlil -
1 .- . • -
EERESTING CURE performed fryDr.Smayne's
)! npound Sy icp of Primus Virgillignapor.
ry. Bo vingmadertse of this i nvalnhbte.Syropittmy lam try,'
which: . entirely'cated Mai aymptoms Were •
wheezing and choking'f phim,roi.diffitmitylof breathing".
attended with constant cough,:ripasnith cortvalshnleote,
of which I had given opal! hopes of its recovery , uniti4
was', advised to snake trial- of this invaluable. medidlife.
A fosr seeing the effects it, had upon my 'MI ild, and- con
cluding to make the shine trial. stpoir-myself, Which mrt
t i rely relieved me ofazeough that I W is itifireted with :Coy
many years.. Any person wishiwto.seo , nie .catrinv. at
my house in Beach Street, above the btarkeSASensington:
.1 Dll4 . SW AY tirs-sYRur-oß.:witawfaisaux.
We ea-ti .be attention . ai. lite public erAlie rstaitieMek
certificatemeisieb; have:beanie Rcismilatiori - kieuil-paper ,
and some oilers. of thie,eitypliglikriciempratlelier .
Swavires Comport ridllyrup : oftWild , Cher,irire4 l .
Seen ile origittai cetaifteetesoliatitavezepalieb l 4 4 E - AbevF.
come frourtrulyi gnatErfaUteasiiiiezprimiveloktuybooldts ,
which hey :haft receive' from ILIA; teluatim eeMplel Oil
We lave -acqualliteacee ,wililleve from aily:Ausied the:
- above mediciam-etimr.eantintealkorittistoadefteeiotAti l.
virtues.—Saturday Chroni Zc. r is prc
• t 1.15
. -
-Fet:Low 'Crtuuist , —Yritit artinevitgrl , tureitidt-advbw
ytiti one anti alt-ituils sink suuksseiii,l4Wiigentoll9ttfetle
bottletifiDr liweitionNeouttiowst.lityrutirittitl 10Anttr$ 1
lel yoise: houtis—itictitivaltuthipAtt • I : 4 . Di reamillaillegi
such nelffitakigtsofniflood;:it 0" - ~ ....lp ,
Coughing, which is often th
Violent—diervAws -Affect-lent
.flOnPtAlAiiidell Ccittit,t lOW im
tunk•uniiikitit,•Mi WSW Agiki
BillyhUgePlepiPPAll4o44 l .4l!
is my ItMbiltsfimil OPEC
yemmumemktb with contidet._
l iit y wsr.-
public.ir ~ ' • ' l. "'
.40 1 .134 1 0 9;,W,1 1 t Igeitt r
' 4 1 4111(614W' 440 1
"„w n c , ..• • „ C; ,
Ak.,..k.140 , ..;s 4.- ..,:i•t-i, l , -'
that b. bail
mam' decorifies4bitonir
*id siNgtiIf. I IIFISEPII
pitronalry.4.-Z ,
dit0W 1 , 16146 4 1
eitaill~ 4l r l4ll
.Yn g 4-4
"f? ~~ _..
rt/17511.1-'l,?*f T'Or 4 r "I` , 1 ,
reel "littialllll/141.411"...liftlikallMerit ofMillnal
Otalte to tb1(B WMOLI
thiteltniblerlier to introduce theastestaishkoaandsh oW
'Wft r erim m-t, „ lrp loir ei
„. atteg the Istr:
diiiE on; is r tempi&
—LtJwgigkxwtruleace-mx&—T...uxcuameßik Tiefreitchi
nod tAidalitiadi OfliefirinhiolAt*-10teldbMilioitiOikt:
Wirtrntiolietikitivtiielc i fs eiiiieftif to ,'llnytttliglyet Tnft-o
-dffettßit''tlits country: it theltideAllaily '4..tnen;tommi
iiogßkitolgtlY l ZWl * , VPC 4t r i ; : R em t• -4inst i *:
Evening 'east u me,' L'O act. rlars ciors„ re
reedy ittritkeirtiottrOttetowlitt-titit,ffiti cir antober4itiliW
blit*Pl l l-41 Wtittßrpdietattikvii of her Bon nets fFoth
Ellrope,qa NlN,42"Call•striet, between Liberty and
Fourth stitgelfie
f•• • • .
- ,
Amirivieftkmi Ul'ON, Attorttere at Lltri:-Estik ,
2 . 91 % .1 #1,11eir.C415e. to ilnere,slacncco :: - A , ,
ir‘a..4ptqftitrqtt'i,typ-44 I,e Sinlthiliild., ii I _p. :
.7 ..?FT -IN% %V AR EH OUSE.—Jirs,
.9, _ Fonra
lip.A -r # S , Between-Wood and Stetahleld .gts.
titri*ittittfinKttre Miter of - INitiod street :` Co!.
it 01 "oil-v - 44 aa' assortment of 100 ready tinge
..• 'eo IN9Viilf every size and description; co n
,:inje:4.'- Vilielt., - Wk:• I f akOrYl-4911err, .Y...•Blafat
• : Witlllll(;,eckplactigkEine_ °tilos..;,,
L.Atoo;riitei,i)* t ii,kri.r.pvcal,llikOsks:4 4 - c4ftlaies
fa ; r4yeapfaaaragk.§.a al l aetv ces rendere d
tliat friincla may reipiire. -
-A itedit.given-in athcases.eitber-o [coffins or carriages,
requested. 41121rfa , ,Y,..8EA ItES, Undertaker.
. • et) 10 - . , ~.
4 idr
upe.ioeit c
T 14114 itiwre:los.4 DoN
s G ,s e A ,
14'5' sitleb G . IVateritteet.
I7STy-4s/st•reccived, from. Ne4s:4York,,•3o oo
TPlnParatice #itnatlO:i f9c13 43 fioo c,ol , ks Of the
Journal of the American Temperance Union and Yont4's
TerriperanCe Advocate for September. A Iso, 2000 Ciir
daft Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Magig
zinc and Pittsbitrid thirraliklinldagazfne and Com
mon Almanacs for".l4l3l3;llscAtte gross, dozen or single;
250 cophlitiaff9 t Stlf w f!it takti tr nd , Lin n
sidetis-Direlory and-Stringetstufde for 6riceitt.S. IA NO;
Cottage.Aranfity; Scheml 'ROA Pt . :kiwi Bibles'and Testa
ments, David's Psalms; ,Methcidist arid-Temperance Hymn
Rooks; the beauties,orliarmony, lotroductiou.to Sacred
Music: Mason's Saul with Tonna and patent notes; Christ.
Ilarp.and.alinost all kinds of School Books; Guno's Do.
mestic 3ledicine; Day Books ,and Ledgers; tVriting, Let
ter, and Wrapping l'aperOdue black, and red ink, by Ike
grossolozen,Or bottle; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and
itafersiCyclopeakt of iii*iory, :Western POOL. and a con.
whim:able varlet v of Books...arid Stat ion ery,.for sate on ac
commodotirg-terms for gash or country prAnce.
ISAAC El A 11111 S, Agent. and. Commission. Merchant,
sep '2 - No. 9, Fifth street.
J. K. Moot 'GA. WARNER. • 3: PAINTER.
TTNION COTTON - FACTORr, Alleghe yCity, at the
W.-1 end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yarn;Ccuton 'Milne, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting,
.tc.,,00d are prepared tc fdi orders' at t he.shortest notice.
'Helping selected the latest - and most improved mechi
nery,and employed the manager who has attended to t he
Dori PAc-roev for the last five years, they are manufactu
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warp§ 'Uncle to ordet, -
Orderethroligh the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the
store Or J' C. Fainter 41 , Co., Liberty street; or Logan
k Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with nrompt atten
tion. Address—J. K. MOORHEAD /I- CO.
sep 12-1 y
YllO FENIA LE,S.—Tnereis a large class of, Ventates
this City whafrom their continued sitting, to which
heir, occu pxt loos Obliget he qt,tire affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitatiOn at the heart on the least ex
ertion,sense ofheavmess extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light.and sound ,an inability of fixing the
attention to any mentaloperatioor, rumbling to the how•
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals. when any exertion its used, as going quickly up
stair's; teinprefickle; these are syrapttinis which yield at
once to a few dosesof the ,Brandreth Pills The occa
sional use of this medicine would saves deal of trouble
aud,years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Villains'. before dioncr, are °fen found
highly.heneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way; they aid and assist digest ion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition, ehtiven the spirits, impart clear
nese to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of ,ftealt.li .rincl
Sold at Dr. Witudiati4-111ffiee;•No.. 98 Wood street,
Pit tsbu with lull directions.
MARItZ-thehttly place in Pittsburgh, where the
fa, EN TJ fNE Pills can . be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
fice, No 98 Wood steel. sep 10
Si'RUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgira/
instrument Maker, Thir4 street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
struments made the subscriber of a superior quality
and at. Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent. Shears and Scissors al ways on hand.
alio Batters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect_
fully .
N. R.. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality, and
jobbing done as usual. sep 10
Lni"Fit CONIrLAINT:—this disease often ternd
tiniest(' another of a More - serious 'nature, If pro
per remedies hie pot restorted to in time. In all forms
of this dfsease, Dr: Finflith's Compound Strenethentne
and Gerintin Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
by cleansing tha-stomaeh and bowels, thus remo
ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of theDer
man Aperient Pills;aller :which the Compound Strength
ening Fills are taken to eive - strength and tone to those
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
permament . cure. ....These Pills bre -neatly: put up in
small paelnigee, wlth-luttadireitions. • For sale at No. 19
NOrth . Eight Street 'Also, for sale hy Sam
uel Frew corner of•Wood , and Liberty sea; Pittsburgh Pa..
- .
ALLEN KRAMER, Ezchanke,Brolcer,
ner 4 Wood and .Third .Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gol4.SilVer, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities., for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
Pettsintreit,Pal - Wm „ ffell 4- Co.,- John D. Davis,
Ldrenz, J. Painter* Co., -Joseph Wcrodtvell, lames May
Pkitadeipitia; Alezindet Bronson it Co., John H :Brow n
Cifitinnati,•:a, lames M'Candless. St. Louie,
lit'Lltmardi. Loilisoille, W. H: Pone,. Esq.
Preet Bank Ky. Rep .
113 - rlitOyAl;;—The'undersigned begs leave to i to rin
ttiepittille, tbat„lie has removed from Ids old stand,
to'ilie corner or 'Pend anti St. Clair ste., oppositetlie Ex
change. Iloiel, w.h.erehas fittedup a largeyisvieri'currs
licrirte °oat, and "now Offers for sale the Most splendid
assort ttitstosever. offered,in ti.o market ~
nlano - s consist of., different' patterns, of Superior
Rove VV:tiod'and :finished and mo
deled, and consttnetedit brotfitiont of the very be e t ina
terials,which.fordarahillty, and",quality of tone, as well ,
as toucli be wariaiita aver:to' to any ever seen
AS he has enlarqed hlS.lrianuraetork , and made arrenqe
meuts lo suppli , the tr t iago..oni,..depp.od rot OILS Instru
nwat,) re.spectfuq,riquest s Intending to pdr.
eitasO, 6d.4l.ailiaß asqartnient fierote. p reli a.
slrfiki,qe*lierf aq lid a glsltiiped tq Fell, Lowari, for
qih,1.114.6 any 4therAtildtment. east or west of the
.and fit .Clair .ireets7
•!_4"io eh ani Hote l : - fifielio rah. Pa.
ittriNg. De l ' William
AilitANT , • 1. i V,— • . '
V*, pus), cl w ifi l I e Ml,*: .4 ; A 4 - I A VROrpi el
, !IA • ' ' ' jee rrayr tile J44'141-: c r.4 r d.
rEgwari.ca str - •• - ge,moerct gr es s:
bi turAk d o awr y
. 4 1 ., 04 -- 183 g •
J 0,1 1' , , M .E . -' , sinNotcoy# .P 4% %, ' •
qi(k lot
I seirloma of
gty-4,44f4lW,FirA- ib.lt.°Y--I'Ve- ,f.sat,O,
,Qaa 04. 1 r atty..
O -
,` ilici.
ne 10. -
11C-Joirn Veissltirsc-t-ettree.gir—linvisg .lteen Kimmel,
yesterday, Meek perlittent which yott -wererphiesetilb
inakeelrethe iirelenceOf arnunaleer .uarletsintan.snest,
iltstbetifelyef, your tIION.CIIESTS, case of. iite4*-it
eyed Inc pleasure to Say,- tbatlicrfar avg.. was capable of
"judging!, rife test.was fair, and the.resultirry
eltpectsrions...-. _ j;••, •
The Chest wad a emelt-one, about. 30 inches high, by
abed' 10cir 20 , i nches.in breadth and 'depth, and was Pia
ced on a block of wood about a foot in thickness, so
elevate* 'ailraut t hat height from the ground; -seieral
.-books and'newspapers were deposited *wide Of it, in kite
mxnaerin which blerchanis and 'others wouhl u4ualey,
place theur.!--ti large quantity of lightilhine , wood [slabs
fronton adjohilog Saw was then plated armuul
endabovell, arid the firekindletimn the windward side,
sons tOd rive tlitila me against the back pert of the chest..
The fire waskept ap abbut hree quarters of an boar,
until you had gotteamting the spectators nod received .
from them -their universal answer that lite test -was
sufficient. The chest was then drawn out or the fire;
avid ettotetie and -opened, and exaniined. The contents
weren't safe, ana the only injury done was to 'tieback.
of one Nook-which appeared to be a little charred. From
what i witnessed, I - think that these chests ile...v
are ry
Mg of confidence, as affording, per haps, the hest secu y
to Merchants for their hooks and papers, which they can
bave without intitdi tie large, thick, and expensive vaults.
consider them a better see,trity than many VatiliS
which I have seen built. Your friend,
We concur i n the above statement, having been prat
sent when dm chest was tested .
W. .IW. Cooper, J. H. Shacnberger,
J. laughtin,' J. Painter,
R. Niiler,Jr. C. L. Armssraa,g,
1 Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard,
Eztraet of a Leifer front Pag,k 4. Alvord, dated Cin
einnatt,29th .Marth,lB42.
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend! We
have the eatisfact ion to state as the hest recommendation
we can give of-the utility of your - irun Safes, I hat we
haw, one of- them which was in an exposed shunt inn in
our count ing MOM, at the time of the fire, on the-morn
lug of thelOt h inst., which consnmed our Pot k house to
gether with a large portion of the - meat, lard, tt, which
it contained; —and that our hooks and papers which were
in the Safe, were entirely , uninjmed, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever tieing discolored.
Yours, 4-c. PUGH 4 ALPORD..
Extract of a Letter from Stater 4- Ifoltrrook, dated ,St.
Louis, Feb- 24th, 1841.
DRNI4TP4O, Dear Sir: Ole of your ,t coed size chests
was boned a few days ago, in a teal her store-1i pre
served its contents. Respect fully yours,
11 - 4 1VER. COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Dar
itch's compound Si rengt hciting and Aperient
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ enth el) , cured of
the above distressing diseaze. flis symptoms were pain
and weight in the left si.tc, Ices of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache;
furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, diffi
cull y of breathing, disturbed rest, attended iN jilt a cough,
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard=
had the advice of several physicians, but received' no
relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which terminn.
ted in effecting a pe-fect cure.
Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of . 'Ober
ly and Wood streets. pep 10
Cincinnati, February 15. 1:140'.
Dr. SW AYNE—Dear Permit me to take the ittufrik
of writing to you at Ibis I npe to express my appri.bation.
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others 'your invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virginiatirt, or W:ild Cherry Bark. In
my travels of tate 1 have seen in a great many instance:*
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving-chit
diett.spf very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, Cloaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic apnea
4c. i should not have written this letter, how ,at
preSent, although t have fe't it my duty to add'my testi.
mony to lt for some time, had it not ben for a late in.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was instru
mental in 'restoring to perfect health an "only child,"
whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my- ac.
quaintance. - t.l thank Heaven.," said tire duatiag multi.
er, "my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how 4
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup - of
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in thiseir tiny
other country. lam aertain t `.ave witnessed More than.
nne hundred cases where it. hasbeen attended. with corn.
Mete success. am using it myself in an obstinate al.
tack oP - Brartchilis, in which it proved effectual in a , ex
ceedlugly skirt time, considering the severity of the case.
I ran recomend It in the fullest confidence of its !unifier
virtues; t would advise that no family should heyitilopt
it; -it is very pleasant and ..always lieneficial—worth
double and often ten times its vice. The rultlic are
cured ihereisno quackery about it.. R. JACKBOII. D. 0.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian . Citurefi,
Sold by WM. TilClLig, wholesale,,, , retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. - N0.53, Market street. sep
what will destroy Life. and you are a great man.
Disc - deer what will prolong Life, and the world will
call you Impostor,"
"There are factaties, bodily and intellectual, within us;
wit. which eentain,herbo have affinity, and over, whioh
they. have-pelece." • - .
Dr..8.-Brandreth.'s Rxternal., Remedy, or Linkmen*,
whichiby its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or.
Soreness; thus Sprains, Eta Sinews,. White Swellings,.
Rheumatic. Pains, or . Stiliness„ Stiffness of„ the Joints„
Tutoors, Unnatural
,fiardness, .Stiff Neck. Stite Throat,
Croup, Conteactions of *he muscles, S.crofulitats
lareentents, Tender Feet, and every description .of M
inty --affecHng-the-Hkierior of-the Human- Frame, are
cured DO - br •efficiently
eral Band
dy, speak.
Dear Si
your exct
kind I ha
knee, abet
product ivf
nal injur
which w:
bin; her ,
edy. Itl
for genet':
have herr
- _
kith U 1146144 , tit* ' York, and at kis
lifftc,g4q,'O'Whoitniiireat;;Pitiahorth;'r ftloigiLti)tOte
P:10,9 ' lleef(r-
~,.., • ~.,,,,,,.:,., .*Zgal"Rllo 0 /7=41
? rm
,;. ' -,,'... J2l4oittlill. August 140 :Aar
Qiii.i4 ,Cir-7,743 PA gAa l - Atin*A ll 4 ll4 4oa. , • Pr,
Q ii.oNG4a: TP.Tl!uat4Tht , ;-solo, l9l tOx , Ft:
veil_ Ago* itrolvqkw . 10 4-1!0 , ,, i1gYglif"11 1 11-4.lepfcs-A ,
1 itiow—metivokit. iwirWct.,9l'keFlio3tuktif tlie.„.#44X exiefi*hAy,
passed the gkik4 0, 4,41q&APP , Ilreio. l l4. tylp: e**ks
/yes Nfivole.itt*e4ktryte.tinient until the lestohly , liirrutu-
L hernextiforrftie-eale4f.4 ll - WI "cool. of ttiVO4.ools.aite
:n, as
fog to
to the
: I ta l
In get
the Se.
Rail Row!' balpaghliti-lwathltaaftWorialdtb, for which-
Att.inakVaiSee wittbermitatanivlVCßlSlA
;inswitoka Qr. cimpast IfAoW APIEURSIY_• I4 .
*Wittig9l4e*,...,i4 l ,l. l PkilWtr birmt.i.,x •..
?hey daretti pufthase, - thit noun 61 6 ' -:.rrgle,,, ,
'bttlitaitlys,f, thiiVna sad auxesmalof.allcpa tofpAea, w
r ti t it'P l w i r i fliill f hlieir i rflaiieternideike.
lerfka r•
iaturii. 1111410-ii
1 "rfirs - , - 6 - 7 - r. r - Aiiiiiiiiiita iittiralte4Rtir to - the
. . , .it ' ike
'' , ilv MK ' '.:
tilt Vittitla
A i
: efitik-Vb4 Aqiilltataiti ~. ,i• Wos.,A , Ref
, 'O,4OIWW I.o•lll.tin..slits V . iVOR-91 . 16tvirk . • ' 43, agiet '
14110 furief.
~,"..,, gieinr- - 'T
. - s -11 , .... .4.. - lc At 4 , ira•we.r4 -
1_ t W.,
!.! 41014,*
Robe Bell . ,
A. Cordell,
A. H. Hoge,
J. Hi. Hogt.
.-provided with the Safety
i)illa_printed with a figtre of the
fdriati are not dereiVed by a.
genie Outing their hoots to be'
Gnard,'when they are not ea .
The foilowin% is a list of himi a
ty , attar(' at the Port of Plush
first_ Oa the list have the Wpm"
apparatus it is impossible for art
VALLEY FORGE, 11`11114
ALPS, 131214
IDA., •
MUNGO PARK, 01110,
Thiel aveliog commually ate rc
before they make a choice aisles,'
and see whether it would vat he
and security to choose a Safety C •
passage and freight, in preference!,
against explosion—and that they
that this invention has the union
fifty *learn engine builders—gentle
it is id understand the sal ject, and
interested—besides a number of rea' ,
is gentle') en and others—all of MAI
my office, No O. Water street, what
pleasure of all times to WIN) II
who will lake the trouble to con,
Fen 10 CA DWA
The subscriber offers for saki
red rates, the greater part of his ss
the chles of Pittsburgh and AileglirO.
Brick Warehouses, nearly new. a r
silltnie on Market street ,1 el wren Sr
bracing a front of about 54 leer in 611
ire, or separately losc it purchasers,
Alsn,.a select bnildins lot in All&
qeadth,b) upward of 350 fen in
one on the Pennsylvania cabal
Vn'sliins.inn al reel. •
itiFC), I 111 101
by - he-a - 0y 2.5D - ret , tit depth, indinlinf
rantinanistorehOuse Which nnov neeD
i rigs.
150,,a lot two two clot . ) , kick
ale on.the conic r oc'MaT4,o and TOO }I
ll:moderate ground rent, and unto net nr.
as a grocery. ALEX. BRA
pen to
L4X SEYD auc
casO or good=, a quantity of Flab
Alamot all kinds of Country PTCNIU(I.
for ca-b or .2 nods at iimmts's
sea 21—tf -Co 111 111 ion
Jt)fir: It A wr, 0077 , 1110 8 i 0 M iferei
deice and America.. Nemfartvres.
J no. Grier, Hai., Pinsburett ,
-Aaron Hari,
Jane..' C , cliran of It'd.
inn. D. Davis,
1491:ay 4- Hanna,
`Avery. Ogden 4- Cn.
Jnn. WPOdbourne, EN , 51adigm
V ._ Farm on which 1 lice, in WI
Brailthicristield, containing one he
.ae.rels;about 70 acres of which is el
well Tiiiitiered. There are IlpOn
an& a -harn 63 feet by 34; an appler
A let) ! about seventy acres of coat.
I be egoa.l-19 that of any upland fart
Tersai Made known'on annliratino tei
in the premises. W I LLI S
raid' Picture Fra /it AO/
Fourth Street Pztta burgh. -C 3 r" 3
4e., for A rtiF4, alivays on link •
promptly. framed to ortler•
eat notice—
Particular attention paid to reel*
cry deanrlp9oU. -
!Persons fitting up Steam Sotto
tfieiradvantage to call.
IMPUTE LEA D.—The snive
l' V: to furnish painters, and
chase pure White Lead made of Or
ranted 'equal, it not superfor to an!
AII - orderu addressed to Eluniar4 B
4 Ca ., :41010 Second street, Pill
attended to. Or.
FOk St., ore door ft oar 011S 1
The _Subscriber respectfully ir
Pittsburgh and vicinity th atIS.,
where' he will keep
tailing Shoes of his own manutactsta,
trient of all kinds of ladies, utiotki/
and shoes. oft he hest quality.so;
restosurt the times lie wit ako
toast aptly 00
kendsof:fancy worksuch as 11 0
slipper*, colored goiters, and host/
children's &tilers. silk gaiters,
efbe mode atilt I he shortest notice.]
net% Ladies w please cannon eta
as the ariltsicrlber feetsconfulent dal
any article In his line they may tat
fercet the place— g'
dm:4'4mm Oar/ is's Intelligente 0
fr(111} Market Street
boti'le of
st of the
my eon's
found it
of oiler
1110 e, my
,by rub
nal Rem_
It, as you
tVV—"--------7—rP::4iIILLIA.SI DiGBY basing
• business Winona 4. tfe
Liberty street and 42 Market strt:"
Iltanks to the numerous friends lel
'ffrni, for the very liberal supper,' 0
teidodto him, ih conneition witILAH
wishes to unsure them that on
. merit the continuation of tbe 0
.pectfully invite their Bilehtio..
Calthblrirkkh iteinielt.,g , , ._ho
Allah hail been ever Ogren, P.'' , '
the whole Of the
tan of ihirlld
aribleireAttehelotanditie Cl/12.,-;,;
)111.1,..11101-eatts-lte OA etteporl,
,Irg-16c0Ma104P, . . 4 ,, 40 4
. . x34w iek , takinoticom.A.
ii t o i n„..1.0,..460. --; 00 1
.. 401
woo l
,le.• .-? 4. ,Skeet frirslinertd.l,
Imfaa eik Mirka' Stretta -ii
initalltl litthe shoffirmii
ilifillhifiriftrief lefted:rew.
14"indiarimirliti iiii , .4
iti teriet:' 4 '
ti *ins; 101110 r.
Irt %IA
4,0000 4" "
ge a ittaf
A k eOwn 114# 1 4-ti
rtt"4`.- XIX t
,004 same *Ace
re mesas
Itto moats.
'Three stool
Four months,
, One Year ,;
*X- rt KA/CR
Tee S ,
4 St= months,
bee_ Year'
tietareei Mark
41(.0oor from W.
,Wiliock, Cone•
•. between Flea.
iliii % Treasurer. -
Or 4 street, next
cji --S. R;Johnim
Matwaan Mark
roerth, near Ma
Markeli, and W •
Acreßees' *MD
man Fund.) Fo
t est r ii l i enct o or. t rc r t
.pte e s
,c .f l ; eTle
tn ; h i etes i e :at .
nat e end rTes i rde I
ta r Sonlapvdti
on; Grant
,its.t room. to Jo
f. D.- 0
sestets Penn and
itiiiob 4- Mackey.
avvrOthee in the
orrow, A.ldernin
between Wood
Wholesale Cr ,
Ott lh PreldllCP
J 9 40. 224 Liberty
Vnotih side or he Ui
'feet*. till el Alro
RAW, Attorney
servieev to tht. po
Streets, above
. (Snout - act
• n Ware. No. 8&.
g and; Steamboat
G tic CO.,
Used rt. t
Lase Fernittir. .
it tail, being f
&ad price.
- just rece!ve.
- 184
)ik.aitap.y of Land
r - different var
or sate at REDILYC
F. L.
; 84 -Liberty street
Bunt and S
tiSt.oeit don ,
Rid and Satl n
by the newest.
rin,to be di!po
F. L
Li)* r y stireet
krtiers and
tett wa pa be
• - • F.[
... -Liberty 51 re
s 11484TIMOt
ate} geed si or .
rt y stree
afir,Y SW£
received by
Ilia, or H
towels. Eddie.,
14tuning She
y street,
lust ree -
ate, 0