Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 15, 1842, Image 3

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a ' W Cor n ot ,
Tat proprieloinet
*an blantrenereiu m
and e "
trIZrAD T *`'
- -
Pi etm• 4 - 71 ary to alutorst e .
i Pr. i
EYW , ..;,,
PaniPilfels, 14*
-. 11....LgAiiiilk,
liandbills. ' mane - pheiiiii 4 •
- - ittitithiliSiet , -
; eit ni......
5t ,,,, g4 ,, 5t....
. .
... , ,
Printed on the • alotkeinvir,'
we respeetfu y.,11r the . . ..
he public la . iembenitilr ' • . ' e
_ _ _
nerstqp foramero eveh i ;
Dilworth 4" Cs*: was distwative
ofTlismao Simla
i The rnanoractoring or a
in boards and contrastiasfa r
ed as ofoat by the s .
obeeet . tei,
Dilworth. ta - hb _ '
1 in t heir Fine on Atte motet
! fir patronage.
N. B.—Tbebustees► of-GaT,
sewed up, at theold steed br
14-6 t corner of Pisa
I.A. B.WSWArii...finetpaeee.
every day this weektont, : '
n .,,,t extensive andiraklable 44„er .
DRY GOODS ever ratted.
as Lich have just been tereivesi fnii i
e„lnqn 'slog more -than Mt +!**. A ri t
West of England Clotho,
...,. -•
Seaver and PllOl,, do
.. ta9 • . .
Pain and Fled. Cusidutetts i
7 .•:::
Fme 4- Superfine. sairioetti, . ~
Frenchi A- English 'derision.
Fe,thet 4- 'Felton, Flannels, lOW .
Miiit:ird Green, do. .:.•
'tV lute 4- t'ol'd. Doeskin*, %en.
'Ca mhrir A- Parr MUSikity e:•
Rear I,‘ci . 'Shirt it. Es. Pi + ,
5 4 do Sheetines, • 80111,
i Srotch G ivgtznms.
Wit.. a great many °ibex, a:
of dealriv. •
I ly-Saie every day a.* ..10
a , e a Hy C;744 Lizia until cumber .
'U T HE Committee on Lastige, cif .
for the Fuortb CO ,
put.l c that they Lace made
tt.e. Lectures on Tlmrsday .es •
Lectures of this course will be A ••
Tne entniniitetb. detinatts.Ot
t k:e I ng, Mute I favorite men
ure and 1.7.. n 'encl.. as well as Si* •
no 'Zen ions in proett•lU popular
bo , ll a•. borne and abtoatt.
course of two week's rtetii
! , e and Tickets °Skill.
r.ffers for osJe,ab
ar,rorourOdatin -
I - I.i c.. n VA:4'4 4 4147 1 01F.541Waied
i:4l ,1 . e r,j.7 1.,124 GU' fed 3hy_lbe
4:1,4d nflyreen said road and
f.ank of she . 41011027 e2beilf—.411* •
ic.r.s c.f.-0W Lop ear .i.e repo &Jr. - •
the 18th Nov, 1641i1n.,..•."
c rr
y tumay to (seed Soar,
,/ 70n anititratiolllo Itte4;1111 -
4 • ,renrion Of tfeIOOOO.
r rponPv JO inviest. }evolve-stip
aelrautOrMOSlO , Oitely
rosst is detertoimod to feil, .
7d• be sold OcrOtono;
C ,1,-ItreptionaNie tiara begform;
A ppy to DAT*
f . Perm
Nevi - Duel
Bo:-eau of Provis' into
{ Oeli
`F.9 LED PR OPOSALit. endow,
i 1..7 ry Clothisg, wilt he neerireta
Lcciori, P. Ai . of tt e blab star 1 .4
5. ,. ;... and de li vering. (OR
trt .; a: each or either a the
. Vy=sa chusettr. Broxitlyn.lCeW....-
: :: , lr. , sucl quantities of any; r ar. ~.,
riles of Navy Clo th ing as war
e , .. - 1843. by the Commandastssil
• •-.
t;-,Ttict 'rely. via:
Flue Bluth P. Jackets ad 1 4 1 .
‘Vt olen Stocking, • . -..
Woulen Sotilli. - 7
Tliiek, sewed Leather Shness
Se wed Leather Pinar, _.
Woolen Blanket.% • --
All the wookin :wads arttalmioal
Americas manufacture. • Altlha aid
i equal to the sacophs. whit* riai tali
vy Yards at Ruston, ifeWi r aft."
i 1 , 77 Norfola Baltimore Nava! baits
All the aforevaid *Moles east bell
.peciion and survey as theChiefsf al
Ion; and Clothing way direeterar do
of the said articles wilt be receOWil l
ICllkke samoks or owitertmill ib L all
1 ma nithip. and tortritinlialli.POK lNdatw i
1 to the StIFIVII2ttaftS - and pariabliim a :-
.. . - ..,.,
i made.
I The clothing. as &Vida 1, 4 1) . _ .__ lfileilli
toys -and the offers - - West
class, and mast be eartoratiOlial Oag-7,
tending the litHtfaieit 'of the Valil l !
C`-'5'. ,- .lry metal and 'itivaitOiloas .;
The whole Wald be deliver
!he eon..rartors. he reem4lllea , 7:::iii
' ing boxes or hO•SibtlitthtS 4 V.l2S -7 0 . -
of char g e to the United datitobap•_;„ .
lion of the. respect Iva rwr . ...
delivery. . ~ -- j i,;
Separate pro' pow - is onati 1a ... . i ..* -7 - - ... --
Shoes and Pcoupr,„' awatat4-..pa r r a.-
so , kik: fitirdi . l . o FAH the abate . 14
at be r ra nide& as of is 4;a4 f•Srl st4 . _
_., , I
claw-and those who are ealitar', - -i
Stockings. Sochs,Slalted.."l l4ll ".__Ana j". . -11
ponsibite ilaildita,,, witi.hatre a 11 0 7
will admit of h. - -
in c ase or mosso& she P01_...„L
nigh anJ deliver the arotanail
dared from theik, in . ptalaarl all. s o
; -
the °Meets nrocenorof rite_.s ll7 , o o
purchase what maybe telialr en _t'd!
and any orseissicait Oltaltst,l7:4o
by the eontrow..,shall; hotta , ateo`" ',..„
wave cositrietoro.
..,.. 1
Ronda da"tawelltire gar .. , - 4 , 4 00 1 1„
Wei:Diaries wilt be-nraprry .
ties, and ten Orrowaut...' l , l
the amentorof bleb 'illielaiOt. , -ii":: ,
1 for thelaithfitt Oetfacilielige -------_________
Which wilt a* on awettaist herr'
W ~
dalllffieli Witt hir ',all 'ir!ti , .
~,,,,, , Mii CASStritERES
. . .
theineoistitaa - - 7,-..-: R ig tierces. 251 Lido* Street.
wink. sitooigiio 6 ._ ~ ~ ._., ::,-----
.. . nealsaa tawny dtatendha r 'inuietias of
mitt" that attif,„*.o l l7. , : , ,:rr '', N . _ Whe t , ' ,-=- --- - - -
ofteth Paiiiiitta*Z .. :- .'' ' 4 . i t:,, , :-
11- 2as a llianli aC tad ilall i l li C . 81 1 1 16 1,,.. e'
ao the United; .I._ ~,.--' -- : :Ad ,--.
.''.. a° Ir eth"l ilki,l4o. l are.
e1aw04.11601 - 1104: - -',---i- -- - - r . - -. ---- .
- - 6 ribeeesioge..4o 11.141W.iPire -
44,-0.70,:. ',- -,,,•:-,..- . ' ..f,- - -'•: ~ -h inhat cWi e. lk*lsala allktaladOSVONai
e:1100rkai.P.400,.,-- - t illimilW
.. •
._._ -., • ,Ikaltiaalk-fitr f4 l :
._,...,,,'--.., bee m .. " Calialigt. '"*OkkaPaN edi ff*.ife.
tat; ilta . 7. . - ,' '.4.e7"er7001r. or
. p ent fellaalla.oo44lo l ll4faldiatlF,
laiblitt7,' • :4 - 6„ . ",4041 ,4,,,- v.:..2,-, 1N41'41-41114,100,94k.A.
. Neatio."-antima " :-- -‘
, „mum.. imptiggiftrissaigo - '''
. -..: ......... .
. ~',,,r -,f -r
. A kulaislas— l i t 4 '!/ 4 '-i.g ll •
. WM) i t. shaniugi-
• cal
i 1 11.
.. „ - 141010 ,
0011.111=Pit Pt.
—Vie would direct the
stho desire to learn this
to the advertisement or -Mr
which will be found in our ad
tor's• Mr H. is now organ
of pupii3. and from the tee
which he exhibits there , is
his a bility to teach all lie inre
For t h e Morning Post.
ts Water Works.
A visited, Messrs Editors, the new I
; le ase for the Water Works
k e g defer the pleasure. For
tried of its progress, its perfee ,
, itaemral beauties, itseconomi
ommental elegance; argues a wil
seattnels of a great city, not read
y sabseqlent attention and notice.
t We m odest attitude of an hem
atites, have worshipped this hum
the wisdom, and economy of our
have watched its gradual dead
, i nclioo n...ve masonry of its this.
,a, to the massive grandeur and
goificence CiliTiplete4 Out -
• admiringly on its trelised pro
•e oriental tret work of its grace
sal now when its huge and caste).
frown darkly on the quiet woo
ad its proud dome, and its turrets ;
canopy of overhanging smoke,
; rash of admiration for those co
rrals which elevated to completion
;o ft splendid monument of munici-
A corporate munifieen--e. It i a
, this of venius to make itself
,f gnawing encrimchroent , on the
employers. This. it is (roe, is a con
din co n-idera , ion compared will the
iD.xs ortaste, of co,tlinece, and splen
br e rec'ini of an engine house for a
-and why , , pray, is then to complain?
rtic;ore loss extravagant than the.
h which en loftily rears its dome
11. Is not the Water Committee
,-sn n of architectural
a County? Are
4,111 rd in all those nice and intri
wni 5n oaf erace and 'eau
civic renown? lam
ar , rl efficiency of hese
9:fo o !,oity of my
t•rit c ready burthened
yt o f v . , suff e ring under the
If.nc , rt ravagynee, with man)
fiat nal cqmpiered—it citiz - zns
an ;nculnis of debts, and erribar-
-n ^I n'
ularoa decreasing in number
r pr. - Teri) , yie'ding tl the
trn p-ipulation inset! to the
K hU" II d tici by it intolera.
re , I' Clive I in cinbarraia-nen',.
st rz under the heavy it/Clic:A.oi of
ant or eiii,,loy.nrnt,--the common
;:reseal debt un.iaid, and our
_rnd tures for . the present .eir to
over !h- income, should have con
e• wilhin narrower bounds, and
and durable edifice,
y and ecnfolny for its
er, is a monument of laily and t
;.1,•!1 v-ors talatian 1
h one hundred
been isu•d to earrip'ele lb
doubt t!ic su , n Is p•ov
taa. Yor bcr req:n on the
t; an addninnal , nrn, an,± e.dc
n vin Ihe pay t e t ..fir ter m ay 4 ,t, ..ire paiornenta to he made to them.
na lit- Lit ize!;.. or a l'or.
scrip by an inereace of • To be I s u l,q,hr..i in 17tH Marrfnni r an. IntellL•encer and
n.,1 c-”rtaitily ensue Tn Vt h, In G!cdte. ; Ports,nooth Journal and Hitt's Patriot, N.H.;
I, c Z ravagan::-. 2 W i; au. Bentitrai.mi Gazette, Vt.. Bernina Past and Bally Time.,
; r -cot "retrenchniz" C. until; ! 1104011, Journal of Commerce. San,Slandard.tn-
Thr C%,,rman of the Committee as- and Rot. N. V.; A".eri'an Senit ' etand
Public. hedger, Philadelphia. P. Paitv Morale!: Post.
Pittsigrah, Pa.; E•tIZI aad ftrpublican, Baltimore.
,11114 ; En
noireMichmood. Va ; Beacon. Norfolk, Va.; Leah - vale
Gazette. Les ioaion Oloerver. Maysville Advocate,. Ky,;
Old School Reatedican. Clocinoati Republican. friaries.
man. Ohio; Iteat.der.lll.; St:Louis Bnftetia, lkfo; ;151. 0,
*dvertp.4 , , to ; Detroit Free Prey. Mich ; Soateiela Pa_
net. S. C ; Bernina Gazette. Puffaio, N. V.
a.id tid sagaci'y
e r n m a= .he prnq archive! of
ur in• - er•nce4 are correct, the
01 ta5.,01..s are hi: due. -
•ot ,if orFterity
sew.. rf.t) , ,a'l,-. the next or twen
'sn..7l.l-ms mdt rt!leve themse:ves
a:tit !e t:ier owe him
.'s .1"'. be a lastitvr reer.rd
LE yin, 71; ‘2. l'• of the gath
tipor.rily (:-gotten mem
economy o t I have a monument,
, place. i! cir,e rulers , a guide
•rnerzte and w:lful expenditure,
Ftractu - e. Posta:lL
Tastes—The Rev, Theo .
—"We are a grave, a very so
lve have no national amuse
banking and the credit sys-
Theo. Parker is unquesliona—
Such are—or at least were—
enia—the ground' and lofty
Basks and the credit system.
sport is for the present at
e are now more particularly
ore especially sober than ever
e of late jumped higher and
h lo er than on any previous
r. Riddle led the troupe and
t of flugleman in the matter
be flipflaps. and all the com
b eels over head at his corn-
pretty sport enodgh while
e tumbled up quite merily.
km has been on our return to
and in consequence of the
ustaioed, the financial Cir
or the present. The tune of
row' seems to be changed to
the amphitheatre, known
time Miss. Laucy.—Penn-
France —Marshall Grou
nd wolf hunt in the woods
con in France. The aPwts
surrounding country, to the
' l , Wet e assembled. The
'n was a thicket at the end or
Pay. in which seven or eight
en shelter. The rally was
twenty.live couple of
e fruit of the expedititn was
-. .
Sari 0011211/Inr, . . i
&areas efirVavis , '•":',' I '
~:'.:2-tnel, .
. •. ;k
tlifitillies; *silt
.._' . . ' 1L1D1...' .
l a= l i l ig ial
,-- .....•, • ,
Slat day at frotte bsa ,MOSit; .'r
414.1"1111.- .
at the Nevi Tinfrati*Ciiillab-. III, VIA= II *
slam. Braltriailit. -- "ti tltlydd l / 4 11 : ..., 011 .1
D. C., Ucado/M,(TO4otilkthe - Dalthlikilliellfib ' 7, *rid 11 4 -1
de ll i reePedabet7Oldelf*** ***:.lidll, arti
cled, of the hell; - 4111111 1 12ffe than a 2 to
7* 4l *4' * requi
red from I* l-' t 10****Ai the *******ldaldhat
oificen at lelLidAlll7.Yatik Sag Sintaltistlisif„St hs the
Navy Age**. traspeelivdt.illatillg. o * MithilltOJ er .
Bapeel.e Meer, -
Ship Biscuit, - -`
Whishry; .
The said Boar shall be manufactured of wheat grows
is the year 1842 or 1843. Perfect- 1 Y sweet. add in ail tea
peas of the be quality;allid when regaled for sliipanent
abroad, shall he faily equal to the be deleffß4l o 4. l. l o
Richanood leer. in all the qualities essential ,14 Salem
servatioa in tropical climates, sad shall be delivered *
good, mead, bright barrels. with lining hespeat. MO
head, and in good 'shipping order, free of ail charge IstOle
United &atm subjects° soda inspection as the Chieflof
the Bureau of Prey - Wont and Clothing may direct Of Oa
thotize. and be in ail reverts perfectly satisfactory to
him. or to il.e cominanding - clicers of the Said NOT
The said ship biscuit shall be made whoily from sweet.
superfine doer, manufactured of the wtemt grout a in the
Sear 18-12 or 1843; and shall be fully twin] in quality,,and
conform in size ill the samples whichare WSW. Or ulna
will be, lodged in to Navy Yards; *Mil beZboroagbily
baked, and kiln dried, well packed. and delivery' free :or
charge to the Coded Slates in good. stead, well driOd.
bright Sour barrels. with the heads well sesured„ oir in
tight barrels, when required“ rid the said biscuit sad the
barrels shall be is ail reverts to the entire satioraethm of
the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or of
the commanding mere-of the said Navy Yams, and ;be
subject to such inspection as the Chie(of said Banat of
Provisions and clothing may direct.or ol bet wise.
The said whiskey shall be made wholly from grata, of
which at least two.' bird parts shall be rye,shall be copper
distilled, and full first proof, according to the United States
i Custom House standard, it shall be delivered in gnat,
sound, bright, well hooped. white et:4oomA. with wile
; oak heads and each barrel. sbail, sr hen remained. be drop
end with four good and sufficient iron hoops, and the
whole be put in good 'libidos order, free of all charm
to i h.. United States; and the whirkeyasal barrels shall he
sol,hret to such inspection as the Chief of the Bateau of
Provisions and Clothing may authorise or direct, and he
in all respects. perfectly satisfactory to hint. or to Ilse
commanding officers 01 the .said Navy Yards. ,
It is to be distinctly understood, however. that persons
who may offer are not to have any claim or privilege to
furnish any greater quantity of any article than may be
expressly ordered.
Contractors not living at the place where de!iveries are
required. m 0 ,4 establish an ag ncy at such place. that no
delay may arise in furnishing what maybe required; and
where a contractor fails promptly to comply with requisi
tions, the Navy Agent at the place where the artistes
are required to be delivered shall he authorized to- pur
chase streh articles. and theconimetrz shall be liable for
any execss of den over the collared price..
St-ramie bids must 1e made for each article for each
Navy Yard, and for the Baltimore station, The blank
offer., (which will be furnished to individuals on appli
ratios to the several Navy Aseuts and Commandants; and
at this office,) mud have all the blanks maternity Sited
no. and V 110,4 oe subscribed as directed is the note on the
face of each form; and the offers Intut be utortalifted and
Bonds, with two approved snretiee, in one third the ea
limited amount of the respective contracts, y. ill be requi
red, and ten per centum in addition will he wit hhetd from
its amount of each payment to be made. as collateral se
clarity for the due and faithful performance of ihe re
spective rontracts; which will, on no ace-tent, he' paid
ant it the c , rntracts are complied with in all reapeets; on
,es; specially authorized by the Chief of the Bureau of
Prnvisions and Clothing. After deducting 10 per Cent.,
Payment will he male Its the U' tesi States. within thir
tv days aner the said articles shall have been Inspected
and r ceived. and bills for the same presented to the Na
vy Arent, approved by the commanding offi , ers of the
respective Nary Yards and Nay. 1 station aftreaid. aC
cording to the terms of thecont ract.
The D.partment reserves the dell to rej.tct nil bids
from persona who have heretofore failed to execute' tbeir
reform.; oTeriot to ou tmty either of i liege articles will
tr t teaord to desi:r•.ate the place or place; at which they
following ralriaNte Family Medicines;
Covert's Balm of Life for coughs, (01114, cousamption,
Cir ce
Taylor's Balsam at Liverwort, for coughs and eel&
Hay's Liniment, and Durophrey's Pile Ointment, be
ing a certain cure for the piles- • •
East lonia Bair Dye, warranted to color the hair and
not the skin.
Rewes'sfilerve and bone Liniment and In.lian Vim:ra
bic Lifter, a mire and effectual remedy for rheumatism,
gout, contracted cords and limhs_ etc - plc.
Overstreet's Liniment, for sprains. burns me.
Dalley's Pain esti-arum—This is the greetest and best
remedy rope found Pirburns.scalds, or sorer, orally kind
being a .. .perfect core-all; every person stitmid hove it in
their family.
Wilson's, Brodie's, Evans', Shinn and Sellers', Wright'
and a great many other valuable Pills. -
Pates lloartmand Candy, Cologne, Bears Oii Wind
,Or, Almond, Palm and other Snaps, Thorn's Teaberry
Tooth Wash and Shaving Comporind,and numerous otka
er valuable articles. may always he found at Tcrrrties-
Bled ral Agency 864 h st. nee. 8.
and Tor sale to Physicians. Agento,te.. for town
and country on accommodating term--a quintity of
Hawley, V eg etable A ntibilions Grodiei's Anti-
Miionsand Aperient Tonic and Anti-dyspcprie
Evans Camomile and Aperient Pelts—Dr-grans'o3ooth -
ing Strop (or chlid.en Teething—Tilt...Balm of Lir,—
Bristols Sarraparitta-....cpAor cra_ylvmes Botanic pm,
Fever and Ague Nils, and a variety of eimap!Fsalito
lediciner—for sate at RA BUS'S Agency and Coannis
ion warehonge. No 9. Flit street. !Nov 9
Tin oatoorraelv have last tool a cos ea.
vortmest of Fall sad Motor Goois.rooodotraip part of
Toe sooopriov—Doolde waved. dimoodlflod PIM* Ileave r
Cioths, Pilot dv; sapertioe ifroadchrtha;ofoopoolav 'reali
ty and every variely a color". Timer roams wort of
doable milled embower exam* spy *raw +One• bra
for misty sad dank tot l llK T Yega Z illew
septa, nets and rade% seek laftirfe m -
od4; lood
beroarfal. It seek bat so esalaistitkoo alOor
esitoaro-tbot Oar "attn. aratit of goodik
tiety.iad *bon alt. thelpaair.
wfif eoetpaes erte, ll o
Sow 10-. l- *ia
A muds Cborterly rot a
ties will be bold laths OA alio itastibiaqS 6ll
zre* 0 7 , 8 4 .441 114 . 411 7 " t ! r !!" . : 14*
of tlat laiieltori
burimit irfimpailasts urnsais
isesting. DAVID BOUM.
inisauxuaintgorwo csiamr : —
IFrimeteo Woo *Ono *fa Ylift• a
11101 • 61 nr* clegiretei WO iiis Grads,AN
0001 1140 111 1 144• Miler ,11 0 voidscistemenglit.
errissikm,W,M4l 6 d. , 1 41004k0 rolmilillorlat
awfard'a e OL. Tisim MiligllOW vi ty 1
an 151 . , :
• ' 111111611r-TiC•11002.011104-L, '• --
4770 ANET Air 1.204.—a11at: Iliere
POMO street, Ow.
N . Lime eisommey .00 1 h*
,citOltaZ •
Fifikstreet. mar vonTbeit. „ •
• 4 .= 0 „,
WY Bakeareirs wait opposie
oct• 30-_
caw BOOM OS Grafi ,
near Walk. '
112110A-Milic MMOL MWWI. o.,fteir.
*7 40 bib POWIII. 0111.1 5 . 4 p055.
50 ••
rat ieeby
J. G. t s, 000D011.
gift enstto Cotes For ister bl
linur act 4. -6- eA. 001001 L
piAL,r —2OO lag No. 1 fialt, jut netagea.siml lir
Pa sale by I. W. suasatipas it
.064 Sent ere** arias.
.11.-25 Saks Oiitam. so Iloodl *oil for il e ~j►
J. W. 11171111 WW itat
T. STEWART, lapholiserer ?Ism flinger.
.rio. 49, Fifiluattet„ betimes liVood
dts. Husk sod Straw ]lsurars• Moors on WWI. AN
orders runnel with wialsessoodAssysitilk, Aso aocomewiii
wing terms. 1115 P 20747
'BUSHELS Or 11.11 X SEED. for Mc the
bi;theit privets cask wilt* Orel •
Merbsoles Lbw owner of Likerty amid Ways traits.
Piusborgb. .ct
3x`089 Soft Ptg Ire, soltable for P
A. osodri
SZELes. Apt
14.1 so EN.
aw •
JP.. 151 Liierty st, Ems dati4 , , Ass the iscturra Pboadry. I
IgifiE Subscriber having prelcuroll at his establishment
the fermi aad urea varied' Mack or READY I
MADE CLOTHING ever offered lit the Western cone-
try, would respectfully invite the public to give hint a
call and examine his Goodsaad bear 10e prices before
perches's' elsewhere. Elie stork censisit t a part o f
1500 Coats,assorted sites and quality: WOO ph-Ic Pasta -1
looms; Imo Vests; s ith a large ussorthsest o& Sblrts.
Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves. &spenders,
other article of winter' Clothimi:. • '
His Cloths were all selected by himselfin the Easter
Markets, and purchased at the very lowest each prices.'
and • consequently be can Afford to give his costumers
BETTER BARGAINS than they can get at say other
house in the city. Believing la the principle of-Protect
lug Home Industry" he has thereto a bad all his articles
manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and be has no
limitation in raying that they will be Stead in every tee
' pert euperior to the Eastern menaifactweed articles (bat
are offered for sale la the slop sbeps that have recently
-Etsekered among us.
In these times when Hem las4tri is occupying so
large a *hereof public attention. as it always should. the!
proprietor of the -.Three Si, Doors • tikes peculiar pride
and pleasure in aciriag the citizens of Pittsburgh that
his Goods are all simsfactscrad under his own eye. by the
mechanics of his own town. He does not, like some of
his citrate in trade, have his Chatbevalade up in a dirdant
city, in another Slate, nordoes be adveithe his Stork is
hilts printed three or four hundred miler , Dom Isere. He
does on the principle that the ssechanits of Pittsburgh
can do work as well as any others. and be does ode.
si!'e to draW money from their pockets to support mit
workmen; white he acts them to support him, be dos '
not wish .oinspoeerish Mein by a drain to support Ear
nff mammoth worlrsholt..
The subscriber would take this occasiou to return
thanks to his friends and customers for the unprereden
red natronage extended to his establishment. and to re
peat his invitation to all those who wish to perebase
clot bine. of every description. made is the blest fashion
and sold on the most aceommodating terms, to eel at
Nn 151 IY.erey street. .10111 V M'CLOSK EY:
frrollserve Slt'al Plate in the goy meet.
Oct '27—tf
llnrivalled Blacking,
MA NUFACIDE ED and sad vattolesaie and retail:
Sum 13.reur one door below Switlafield.
oci 21-Iy.
Lkumumia,Oct- UAW
r_rTcr Dr. Tnos.s.—Sly Dear $W I cheerfully wad
rordia.lv embrace the present Lavorab'e opportunity to re
turn to you my warmest thaalts of :remade for year cc.
ripened and unexceptionable inventhia of your very
justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wavb,and I fetithat
I am in duty bound to Fay that I have derived the great
eft and most beeelletat effect from hsfrequent aud mode.
ate use: and i can aware yen that I am exceedin7,t, y hap
py to have the pleasure of inforaithar yon,tliat since, ely
and cordially speaking. I earl inignifee recommend rte fre
;Inept use lo all that unfortunate porno* at the Amman
rare throughout the globe who ate Dow undeigohtg the
mow excilaCial ie . .: pain fur the want adfa usedicise prepa
ration of exactly the same ualswe of which loom in repe
-1 red, and who have for years bees sallitresig from lite is
jurions. destructive and pernicious Agents of worihkun
tooth powders and other worthless prepssatioas. In
youclusion permit me to my that I have used your Tooth-
Wash but for a short period, and yell feed thoroughly
convinced that it Is the best now kaows. ha loestimaide
viruses in preserving the teeth. (which Id kept las plod
and handsome condittoo. Is the greatest emlielhineusst
that adorns the human strachne.) use sue to lbeeXeetled
in easing wad relieving the anferer from teeth ache, sad
restoring Inc gums to a healthy and purified coo/WM.llnd
eiving also a sweetness and fragraocy ton disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown:
Aorero usy erre wish for your =reefs. frost
Yours. truly, Jow iturairet.
XLB.—Lifir SCHOOL.—The Thule= of the
Western university of Peaasylvaala alumna= to the
public that they have altablWied a Law Wald is aga
neclioa with the University islakieb will be taught
hiaaeigal, latwaoloaal.anOwititatioaal Law is all
their wenches.
The mode of instruction will Se t 7 nrchationa, heedlarm
and occasional moot-coarfa, as it deihr instifirtions.
The first term will eosusesee aY tbe sethaail So ds
of November next.
The tall tea tee is 1137,50 per terse meths is ohm&
Wsurga a Lewin. Est.* .der Ode rithipery,b
Bar. has hoes chorea Professor. The Imam WWIMaI
;alumnae In announcirng that they Aim bees able tease
care the services of one se well atestilied Par the statism
by reason atilt legal saquirewesta. awl partiestarly of
sae so highly esteemed as a aniaslar sea a gestlswell•
The annexed reansalesdatise will Corsi* satisfletiss
to all Ina qualifications as Prolbalia.
Tbe tamers having bees lialbused to haft Is this
school frogs a view ofthe serious 4li4ailvastaberatleadiie
the studies of la wv, la the dire Orptherisirs lawyers amid
alio the very obvious ad saatagesivibieb Tittabgrgh pos.
owe s over seast other Ogees la tie West for the orb&
tisbasent *iamb a! isualtatioa.--tereb a rout iiplastri
bas The stithest within mewl Mal ma
ples afinastizy ad 11110110Nling itemeaselmies
iseoleace 'arid Wiesen. ne nit bigwig - ami~
with bows' ip all its . air 'Ciertrare dhllig
Read! an Ma aiii # o 111.141101 " S ag*
is the Wag alma a'fraaMs vOilly - stormisid pined.
pies arise for itbeesabilk,
Tbe ropisitteeare
avail theallehres oftlikoisstablies isms ithatAiraiel
do " 11 . 111 ~7 kr waftaWlmerkisierr
Tie tiliaupprioixes. Um* '146. or Mora opal,
orby sitanidftWa bMuut, s• the*se
*us imrOnimmili Ikkkriki* difkkiri. Ai
eirty Vier
,lz 1 41 " ...?'
a a ‘ailk , l - r a nilirj. a
lIMPIPMFIuIIi• 4 InnalP . illiall. '
l ig i l i = k o= ll t :
- - , ,
- ,i,1,..; - 7-:.:--,1 , :-,
~-,--.- 'r - ::,:-,;, ,, "
!Mk* 1 1 0044:
Astro/SUWO& ilk*
*lap% Ili no best
sod Alleganey •
salewith vowel
War I n tid gO• tie
a. L Itasitssil
will be vfieilftu
Trodowilees anal 'tire attooloa of
imly triage the polbilegeotonoft.to Moir r*-
- amoduiest of Spar lisegisisT:i irk - cootaioar a
klabiels t
toftstool emeitabotF of areteros of the falboolog
illoodettestaigiaetbut will is *aid to be
flaglezed fraff Popedr. of al! deletiadaa, ler papartas
roolsomit enesier.ot IS Wafts per piece-
Okla Ma Perms. mat gal Waggles* Psitstal4 tot
Toperiogsoioao sod Mais. at 37} seats
Anariess Wina figni. stank awn nensibeare. fir
hang Stamm and m i ltis etker *Wm be patters sad
elosibenkins Iles eased ground,.
Ansel Watt thqmorindPsesseapittents, in
pads sad slat estestal gee *liver Pr/ow
ning se* fsgtealas dkerisni.
iissawalls Piper*, la seas, Inuenipariag Week, bets
and asingessnm s T ss agee ded prim.
PEP* idgasildnisas, Orsesseete.
wasar. ilishiPapero pea; aid figured. of diallost in
WOWS s.--
t. CM and lain se
a Moral iliscosost le given for cash.
NNW Meg le the Mariners. they are able to
sanufatture papers 1n a superior manner. antes they
ara detersaleed to keep up the character their papers
have uniformly saidaieedoisey hope to merinos to re.
eeive themmituraganist hlthertonsiNerally extended.
Ne 49. Warta Area. between 34 and 4th
elitsballeit. @eV. 10.1842-41awif
1113. *Art. LINZ of splendid Passenger Steam Pack
eta frosiCialiaisti to fa.. Louis.
Tie sew, splesdldinst running.. # thior dranitt steam
Packets Wart Mai Mid .N'esporsil. will run as regular
Packets, from Cominial to Sr. Lents. Will leave (In
&anal and lk. Ladd every Wednesday morning. at 10
Pameagers from the East and West may rely upon
ttiar slartism panctemity as advertised. rep 10
041.13 031TTEll,WOILTIL Asesitteser and Crltlltil.
riiik,aintkent. s, KT., will attend to the
sale or Rest Estaie, pry Cloods,G , merles. Fu r nit u re. 4-e
-- Una hicsafes eta y Tuesday, Thursday.,aud Fri
Iday mornings.* 10 o'clock. A. Y. Cult advances wade
on eissicsoneers:- cep 10
Chafe reset. !-
Lacrimal itlbbara.
Wideasd sanoor meta.
Lace awl Walla collars.
lafaars' from* weal&
Ladies, Preach Kid, Mobalr,
Lisle Thread, sod Cocoa Glom.
Black Mohair acts for Tao—eery cbeap
A large asoormeat of Srmlicir Straw Botate - e-
Moo. a variety otatraw.apials awl hooey Titscaa braid.
of the latest Eashlca4acii at exceedingly tow rate..
These rads are low wain at prices to Fah the
Ladles are resperafostly limited to call aud purchase.
AI" is-.4r
s E i+BEB[Y TOOTH WASH-4 Ares"
laseleelik Itoody.—The extreme beauty of the
Teeth. their indiapetWable use, and the frequency of their
decay, hashed to mums inventions for thelrmenerrationt
yet how to pre- serer them is a state of health an mistime
beauty. to the fated perkds nt existence, WWI enthrty
unknown until lid discovery of the above invaliable
preparation. It fame a pure tincture composed of tree
, stable ine.raliente, end is nomessed of the m.st delicious
t odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth. removes spots
of incipient decay. polishes and preserves the enamel. to
which it gives a pedillike whiteness. and, from its disin.
fecrisig properties. Me virtue of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As an Asti Bsrearstie. the GualWahns share in its trasa
admit powern Be ervey is eradicated from them, a
heathy aetioe and redress is induced. which offers to the
notice °fable media pramitioner ledebitabie evidence of
their healthful mate. It has been emedned and used by
several of the hem physicians of this city. who have TM
healtatioa in nwommendlng it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth. Gemmette.
Among the recephiseadatiees to the above ate the fol.
Having tried thr-oThorelt Tea Berry Tooth Wish,"
and heroine sequatitted with the ingredients of its comp°.
skims, I eheerealty, any. I consider it one of the safest, as
It is one of the wed plrmunst Thoth Washes now In use.
rdisdettek Bee. 15, 11141 DAVID HUNT. Dentist
! take ;demure in stance, haviast made oseetThorn's
Tea Berry Teeth Wash.vitet it is one of the beet den
tist:Bees in see. Beteg la a liquid Amin, it combines neat
ness with coriseekmee. While it casseses the enamAt
land romffrell the ihrtartrom the teeth, its perfumee
a hogtakee peee 1 7 fedral.lle. J. r.TIBBETTA. .
The have used aTtore's Commove ea
Berry Tooth Wadt„"ead have foetid It to bean extreme
ly pieemettlesdiffikes ezeteisieg a most astatary into.
enc. over the Tedtbaimil Gomm merman thew ittdis
pereabia areasherilleaca preinahare decoy. presenting the
acollmalogio tit iretter. aid verifying the Breath. Hay
bra theranglay tooted gm virtues. we take Measure ia re.
commemliee It atilhe palate, belkeing it to be the hem ar
c tieleettbe bind ass Wove.
.1111 itCHEITTOJiI. JAMES P Ascr.
happrol may by WILLIAM THORN, Apothecary
and Chiadee, $e.43 Market street. Pittehrirglc, for rata at
all principal Donmiee,end TellS'. Medical Agency,
Fourth meet. ern
Naar Incraanazarr,
17t! Ontafor.l.ll42.
SZATAD areinMetswilthamactent Mittel Department.
am* 342Preadr..P: M. of nos iStb November sect.
far faralatatastima neeemary anitertatsaad constracial a
Depot far thegaMareation of tie Marta and Imemmeem
belomair leaps garb with Ds seemouT oteervatarisa.
graft Merv. Ac:
1W Depot aitansist at a antral lailding et lay het 1
aptere. with wins of twenty lye feet in anti - sad 1
*Mews Sint wants to as of Mkt.
Plaasaaill i loin be esitibited at Ms De
nertmettLao parassamiabiag to bid for the tame. The
asmaellist stAisate~ tie maseet winter. AU the
aerials to be iaraidmil of the beet warily. ad_ the
mark to be duos fa Ike am aid man werkamatilce and
( E ms
am. and teitta , 'esiialludiee of the edam sepefle.
teadlina /be of tie Maidiers. Paymentsto
is male am tbaseare a inanta, sad time only mi
MID earriledilmtbar alikess. an* *Placomme
bytioaDarmitarTODlelbl% rent vi.* see per one- illt
a 4 Min earmatilamd stemfay.. amt - the whew aril as
easipbeDdi intirrasere iindifittliee elate Dopertaimic.
41 bad Or tiaribbillal tedbillicsee of lie ocotnici.
:sl< titiselii..J amialtilm ellen bogie= for sme
ildat elotillibilmintasslinertat ihi wads ant.
a l 2.445 ,
Tbelosaail Itatimorn Aeneas* Ilentied
MOD IMO& Dalily-ilarniegPinir
batelDalter* Simidenk Ser. thaw aid
Xrmali at OrtiM Testa illembag
Z fiteseta Zeilblet
011,111=i4 111181.1.6-1140.1100014 iiiire Patriot.
and ilacert. inettlik., vat;
+~M . ~liY~'f7Dli `Ailfb
p~ s~dlF'~►, i~~eaw~.
, .
.....w. •
_.",,,,),._ ,-• ,
_ _
, ...,.., ~,..........„,-,411*
7 irmale.. .-- iiii , - --ioth
_1!. :iiiiOtief: if-0000 - a
4°l , 4011,,f . ;jouteL na.. .. l , , - - -:
. :of ewie11.....'6,06k-:-.7ra
.-- ta-rfa
it*. 4 .-- - •
I,there-,1.11— " v "..!"-- - . lig
vitt be mode imeelerele. air
eelbeipripciet, et 16 Oman
. Wit,
• the Isu
sag !Oath. iota loam pada
taw to
ited, ellen are re:welkin leered
`•'reek est pekes, or arida law.
40.101 ,--
Apia isieck"
° e ms _ a s
14WIT 10 1 "
61110 0 11 IWO
sr*A 401 1 4 fot Painwriv*
mope wu - traltill
Wirisstitrutla twlsoshseeibleWOWWW - d aißlt
Dr - INslii isthepraatitxyifaedicine. thkiisitti*
0 1 4 atiftlee utleer 101 at the
Dreor*eaies is' orge.,ol rtatetwo
theme4ittsmal farilbe trot fitalinst tpi pnietleir for
the awe of ebtoWellataswledarat coddiwe
of *awls liipattlrataraltai flag thal
all ocher
Like tray What amalltll4.llo Wilt. 'SW hi sow* is
1141111114 tams tie res-biS ten' Waappaist.
went awl 113Ort Illailkitt is Use adeablortatiao at This
awe remedy Mat of aft olbsr. Ile towaketklieuethe,
quite astoshitn
patlestregalmi stalk aperient twerteiai Ober
Wore or after , partorkiws. Wattles 1 4 , wereim
Ma Mae I waste/L
tra Lyspeoltle sell earidilloa 011ie Wallach, wasMard
I orttlatatthrearat or hatethrity WU* Wks: eaawdotriktbe
disease If at wettest. tbe pitts Were kift flit `1141.01,_
If I treated a owe reighbur. .-ass egiaseesiagse. the
iliftisealtldtbfwere Jost the i bes I waited.
ir PaiStatiloa, itentineheillaiddreeagleataace. or other
dilliadtiett. Wiest* a — di °elite cirmilishry
ad story systitsmosassoodlay patient at the glare
of rife; tbe Wiottns piu. weabip o lt,thetbir 4 l saistid
saillsni Mem( to the same, a disease might
happen le wear at Abiding I. kiwis had II seder treat
ment. partbaitar , notions or symptom' arising. were
shears wet promptly wadi oast happily met by the
Wllion)t pills. .
That se grest a Sudo; Ofdiseasts. sad gestetioss ng
panne ly somata sees. is. -obit* I base used these pills.
*Maid be cased mom saadilY by Sheet than by any- other
remedy. may at line seam strange sad contradictory. but
why ft is es la =char to my Wail as that *grain sway
persons shook} beemse thirsty from is many difereet
causes. aad yet all, combo that eassma sad greatest of
all bhosings. water to thee Myrt
le ecoactasiost. N#s awe the epatatiou of the medicine
and the pubic, trimly decidedly ad ageonditionallyabat
the ita-e‘s pillsare the only assoblitalloa I bare, ever
me with la my lone coarse of practice. that really pos.
aesesaaythisui rotative or specific for sick beadles - be,
The above Pifis drakael particularly for the- sick
flaed-Ache. Drap*aim, Coastlpalioa of she Soweb
prepared by lbe pioprietor Dr. R. A. Wilma. sad for
asie,wholevaie sad ratan, at hb.direlihm hi Peas lamer.
Wear Marl ary. _ Oct 1
WE. E. AUSTIN. Atennity at Law. Pithihnitii. Ps.
Office in dill ttrens.oppwlie Brae' , Brildlrt•
Wawa* Z. Ancriv. RN.. will elve lisattertien Winn
unfinished husinfrs, and I vecnininend Mw is thowitnne
me of int Maeda. WALTER FORWARD.
Fen 14)-1
W. STEELE. (raccersor to H. lllTicithvy) Fash
ion' \ le Boot Bohr's'. Liberty rt., 2& door from
Vi-tin Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs - the
public that he has commenced the above busiarss in the
shop fa:lnnerly occupied by lir. Heard
and that he is now prepared to attend to all Orders in his
tine °Mashie= with dMiliatcb and on the mod reasonable
terms. Prom his tons experience is the 'manufacture of
Fashionable BMWs, be frets confident that atl articles
from tas establishment will give satisfaction to his pa
Irons. A *hereof public patronage is respectfully solicit
ed. rep IP
isr‘ V-% a) Ir A
ECHANICir tiligavivat Trvasperfativa Live to
Pitilattelp4ia aait RaLtimere. Par rrassparting
Xereitaaiiira to sal frau Pittainergik, via Tide Aster
Peanasylvania Corals.
The stock of this Line coamisMtef first clam Spring
Cars. Metal Roo* and New Decked Tide-Water Seals.
commanded by ether mid elpetieneed thiptatess.
Merchants by this Line are seabird to have their
Goods shipped aseheep.aed with as meek eleseateitms
by any othez,Line. One Beat will kavedatly from the
foot of Dr iliow serest limillteed on the Delaware, in Tow
of a Steam Boat, which is kept expressly for that per.
The Proprietors will d ;ore their whole astratiosi, and
Irespeelfeily invite Wasters Mere/ants to give thew a
call. as they will lied it much to astir adv.etage.
All goods consigned Minima -Magmas 4 CU. rose
wise or via Delaware and garlialiCanal. will be receiv
ed at their vearshoemr.foot of Willow Street flail Road.
where roods can be pat directly from the
Vessel into the Boats without additional baudling.ter ex.
Pin t*.
from PhibaL to Volidayelserg.
IL L. PATTSESON, prepsissere.
Fro, tiolidaystargh to Pilmbenh.
JAMES MCKIM 4 Co.„ Cana: ;swift, Liberty street
Fhtwax 4 Kisce. Wilton street wharf.
on the Delewate.at ehllntlelPhW.
Jaws E. Emma. Baltimore, ). .ege■i.
H. L. rATTsiumt. Borolo7stellk.
J WIZ Pellalemon, Johnstown,
keret to metehasts generally througbou, the city.,
ler would rameetfully inOmut biz old tassionsersa - .d
frleade.that be has this day ansoetated with biro A. Me-
Dwaine. under the drm of S. Keller t Co.. sad resumed
his former busintsmardealer in Irma and Nails, at his old
stand, No. 5.1 PODIA *L. between Wood and Mattes MIL
A renewal of his old custom. and the patronage of the
puhtle generally. is neopertfelly requested.
Plilshorgb. ATOM, 1841 SAMUEL MELLEN.
sep 10 ALEX'S 1111LWAINE
For Sale
or Ground in the Lowe of ilemilvitne, Wash - agion
co. 05 the national roar names Weshingtos Prows,
vine and war the road leatilog frost Plitstergh to Ilior
gantorra. on which is erectej a litre two story brick
bowie. well finished, a mall frame adjacent suitable for
an °Seel* store, a brick walk bombe. smoke home; and
au necessary hoildines and a well of good water. Also
en acre out tot with a large carriage house and malt
dwelling house, sod a two acre meadow lot, with a good
spring of waser.om k. The above property will thesoki
on accommodative: arrant or reschinged for property is
Pittsbsrgh. andstmit pail for the dilierreee. Tilie -sil
age is situated is me oftbe wealthiest mighboremods
at he west.and presents a good opening fora Physician
r Merchant, or a good Illecitasii—to a good Physician
an excellent ractleeara be &et. For terse sodpar-
dealars apply at
Brim or Prrrroosal
Illoreober 1.1842..
TZrietideot sod Merlon edible Soot hove this
day drelsred a dividend of throe 'per reot. ow the
Copilot Booed for the tort trx areas to Mock
bolaristor their trod reptrolatetkoHes ors or eller file l ttb
Nov 3—.410/1
Prrnattitau, Qat, fat, l8t2•
J. Thanum—O• Filet thellOtb of iropith, afoot
g oweek at shebt.illis rlasiliE.Croorismandl Auk Alan
loracloti. owned ft Ca 7. IDillvirtli itCo r wilk a "tire,
ipautitgotiltemisi sued audlesedi Isaberoiratill sum
ric r troo-Sak lioNgibiat fos seste doe bock,
*Wig tka
wait aNi bloc tai pideard sot Woe. rat* . Irlw
Illmokodaktrittime ( lbe Amami *Weft Amis. ppm
41****A — thilithe. bra rarmagsgailibial auk
aliatriejelli Fab*.
tVt •E*o l " . ° ll7r ?A
ir a it rI r milimemire ar Slow
sPositalbore pesos oil ?rift earmiir;
UIU- kw. Intaillrgileiss7 "Way . ii;rive is
311arsinlim 40.1141111 1 1 0 00. 0140 .1 1 010 0 * :-
Thile 1101 1 4116 1 0 1111 r; aiIIINPOI6 ,
10 1 1000014 sat 42teringh •
• AlMlabli
Ow „womb& ati, 015441. 'Aura 'Alaslloll
Tinalitir-0RM1610.., PIONIAMPO O 4_
11111114.0001/, -
~,1161101104 ^='
• _
mi—elestor -
*tie are beilie
jusimardakiptil4nkattiffaiter !' - 4 , .... - ,
____• p.4,-
bidowdisiyiliiin4SayiN mats wpms_ • :„ •
about 'Li alostio dark,- `Thetailplialtfl ~ ''
lec lett alleaultisaitap bate we WA Me WHO ,
Weitz bekthieseit,sad was tialwalltewsha ' '
phalli the city ot Boeset. Sias after hidair We i
hospital ire weliks,ftsstor Otis said le aid IS
what was the mew Irak law, and airll64llllll9oN -
Debts" kw ithatotarresekt be weer*. awrildffillitt
That he, theredes, WIN eimankryed frost ibe4lllollyl6
pitsi to thediallov's telesat us etattit Lase d.'
weathers , physielled with-aft sorts of atedieftse_ is,
od - atber elostimsalrerisi odithetitse tits :1 444 11 1 1 111,
reading taiseq.X. ?kw beaftlest hk WSW" Antal' bls Whet!
Le was troalthmt sea aritlia Aisne of Ow
nova ho vow* 45di &We tri'phiera hit* tiktiri •O
'I" igret*Ota itibePti led irenbes. which ite‘paykka
: a r k10 81 444/ 11 * itolo tie cautweeesittat at WO%
; taw. Thetas tem* Amend *steal Irene Zalli
i weak hairs
OS et irseiwilleadh; that leaps ample . „ -
1 into oolidoti rave tidies Soadaft "fi1 , ~4 1 1 ,- .
howslit. Mier wile*, Illeartlow 494 10,- . 464 1=,-
Net miles States lilaitd,the ilisswar told his IOW ,
cite wan onto mato ii -thatPairilln UT 'to Oil*"
at this time he Was tidrefillf toe pewee saikety
- erse aeleadististesalasett ,
vespertine Whew or apok tin kW*. nap* *My. '
pvll6llll, that as the lied* tail baked! WO
so awe atedekie le deteratast lii Pram,
*stinks:Hes rifts. orbit* be did.. firratltill
-alew Torii net betatietwyseydirldtlllo4.olbf•Al*_..
thretisereasod fie dean le stlit- Vito bor r totiarY: ~
re weft leaelfted Soh ibift' tit 4.s*, sat
what be Val Whig: - sad, rated.ftley. re NM lik.„ '
alt i l tr
... *gals; lf yaw iaterpre fa dab way: Ili irilt ea .
wet' That he Stitt evrty dints Ott% airalli Ville
relieve hiss, Ana they taw* Itte" of the Oa lll**
:col; that they mattered the iftatrbee; net iiiiiiky - 1 ,
Inks is his boseg—That,tit nOliffloo 1, 1 #1 4 , 144 !"_„,_ - r
enneth to Ina every Slat- 1 141Pidia* X.IT -- -
day the 11th ittatest , that be OM Merit 4 ii . ,
that be owed his recovery to 1104111brik
Providence, that be bed take ilk_
for 19 days; that the doctor WM bkli .
woolde t tr
bed bees tatting that steditior. at iloolind i i i 41
Beebe, day is tao Were. RP coamiika iv /dam , t- • ,
wale this fable statewest for lini bond* 444 ...,1; I
am** that ay. m ay loo lf stabs to dad it - ,
that will tee thee. 7 51 11:0 7 `'
Joh. Rill cushy rov alai WWII 0 0 , _ i
A mit 130, did dream and saw that tits
seat k tree. J. D. WHElBLlftt.tatimispapo
The /11.104)1.14771 PILLS areas* at .- r
drtites principal 0igra. 241 .4 10,0 0 , 14A MOW-
and at Ma primped alike, tia.9:lftrosil lareit. .2-4
the O.WET f.r...iff la rii~ whin thitaPearlmtplik.,
be bbratera, _ . ' vevii-Arigh4,---1+
HATS—W. 4 M. Doomen inform their . Meal :
them:We thst they bite hoormismettim • ,
rise Hat". and that they here *OM mod" *MAK , 2 1 .
their Store,l4B Liberty erreet;"hertreett liferlet if( -,
street, as amortment of the very MK Mitsc 1 141 .4: ..., q ,
;re misloosto dispose ores the elitoreest and Mit
site Term. Their Moe* ceder of the vety bead
rime—Bea Otter. Nest rfirthr: #l,ll, Nat eiii.,,
Eds. Parsed Pak IWO. ''' • • " '--.' "' 4B
W. * B. Doherty ate both regular bred flateadei •
tome had stye vztlenehoesi-11111 ' . ly -
retithiishateetv In the country ; their Bahr
oroilertietr ovro htmotettrre. Ind - they , etryftee - 1 , ,
thereethier ten the very heet - ettirke ge Pe • k ,„s
totodde terms mill be offered for is*.
~, ,' ,77:
iIArEMOI Rs etthewe Rev. cteriemikkea IP&
kes4ent of Diskineas Coliesei,oseastrireppiLliv
D. D.. riuso. with a baadataaa 3 it is
CaIISORr tX .iwinactreetr—
now. by James Boehanan. D. D.. - -
ind AnDeriens.froordielkli •
ifairEl Aim itirso Hoot
itatiests and aberniratioair AClble MOAK Ddadat tr:
61111 of Dribs StP Deteditced to IDDIL*IIea„ .
SantaillParetenr. A. 111.4anden
swarm or.pataprvtl._4 - ,M 1 1M. 4 ,4 1 .
chsees Swaim A. IC
MITA/VMS— or ibe individual 44 411014,
ibea to save non,' frog diAttli: as SW! by '
Ford—fourth A inertraa. frost the sign. Loaded --
sr/Ritorrnre ?DT SlGlOMpirfl—w—nono.l l o4llV„ . ,
recent naneenene bereasips a oboist' r iA'Adr;::: g;
CiaRLIE - SDr. l /01114..0r the not_Dent_ Adak dlAtt,
Raul A Gni; by Slim Catherfaulnaelailt-id
irWILE roir.l4Bl -`
dr.4 o3 lrep-Tard . 4 Dane. tare ACsedief.Lidi
a sead-Titre for erernity.br use-ten-11% ,
CHILPITJAN'4OFE—of the deny ad ;",
Aar the fannediate eesvermine N tits-
ExTENT AND imager - •
Jwir_wil..l.y Howard Malcolm. PeadditatierlilleensetrAA.t
c,oligge. edifies-Undo. •
The Moral tatmenee., Daiwa and notien, csiorftp.-
wt h Great Otier- try 1 / 4 114 Tr!da-... 1 11
The grace and . ilihetell dither
red and practical'', ' ,1100,4141&.1). il .1*...
AISTOR I' 43.1 0 *hf r igaitlift" . 11*FORAlliripir of
the .ixteriall marstryla Getraaa". iiiiiirdifili
;: H. I,ll tisL- D'Aubklaia. 'reddens at' tin
sebooi of Geneve, !L. to *vols. 12,11104- St Allarekillier
from the s:h London edition. LVSE LOGIAULA.O4/
ley 2!? ' ' NoSSIMMAS
TtYirr rectdval. 3.000 oootll,llloll
ej ferret qualities frassZaint as- 1402.
A Wert Rear sad Calk Olk is',
11.0130 No. lead 2 Nast nit
A lot cfOlteeamilsecottailltitie. - ' 7
All which are offered at reduced tea is edidlF 11112 - - 5
proved eases: Artily
A. 111121.211. et the Awierlesstllvierristi=ti
Oct is-30 - Vtweler'if ressdieat
. , .
Al' 'MU - e -71- "rr , a , - __,
JOHN CLAIM 111.111AllitIVAY 0 8 ,-, , i'''' €',.-
"err dial worst -eaaproaeierst is asareistraper idVitntill , iiiillV
tit:CALA: as pealadiaa of uselfits Barleara.' i :
THE plait ettitristrof a.ektro Ara yalai=
slag op th e Mona, 7 ko-Sby USW* .
and 18 ioebes moth at townie pig Mat OP M ll ' ..,...
the lop of tbe Ore. as! the ado* kaneatapil *,
Tbe terecelren plates ate an; abirk as Aim. ~
rind, and the plates ea the fop at ibis atbepon*** l l4"
a bait by one lath lblek. art Lit baell4.-IIIthIPIRAS- iIV,
Uairing renewed tt
Leent Pathan for thesairth,.tiak ,-,
1 fertile tbn penile ore remnaable team .
...• -. ,- : -,,,
' Any informatioa ma ba Andl,-Ity ridiktint. Mt, - 1110,414 1 -
1 Prinsamotb, Ohio. .
1 1 ,t-4-C• Segiaffiggie*
Piteat ItinteiolLites foritiomon, pm" aka Xll fir
recwwwweigit talisopablik, tad. mom -posiallogam,
salvos 111wili4tioretv in lAlßPrommisql Ilt-VICADOW
liww,4wiltatAte old Om* esswhar-ost toositoter t-att
TimeopOlo.or went 41romill wit-igio
thelaelamh.art7l.rag mow* weltd10:41140411111111111.114
two *pre firentonitelos metal or wood 4 1PRVIIAllaw
We byre:wed ter iWro vow- - sod
Stowe 41esiwoilpsolh~111-61M 11.1lot . micatotike , r
taw wwousowoujit.,:, , _
lir. Nvllassaylia• +O4O-0111116 4 1 1 41 11 . 011 0 0111 / 4
aim , bed" !MINK lolollolol*iE Wbielli AMMO ,
eeeded adstiratay. Timm Writ along, are gaI*INOT 4I I O IO
mow faiire ill Ile MOW States.
Oetelier 10.1343- _ 115 A NMI
7111016/0 sum!.
Alf dpoirt-for.
211 . 1•0400 n, reit will-be boi it
o ftw i l ip.impaity **Ma in ofitiosieliVillilLiolea
..... t -.- ~ r}