Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 15, 1842, Image 2

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    r ikieneat clean off by the tfirst
Toms sabre„
' But p 'others the coolest, •thentost de
of his resolution, was one
rtbat happenedotew days before I was in=
troduoed to him. Philan, like many others
hultesiia, chose to beep up many of his
ElififWilibitti; a nt i Ontiti Oilers; that
of Oeselleig o neatly cAtteil 'urdressint.
woon; with s'ta ' ble,watch he was able
ttObtrrecet:hrtal?tly.displayed.the silver-436 i
nutrients :md mother - of- pea i -handled ra
zors, Contained in a.splenilid• case given to
*int by an old aunt, when he sailed from
Europe. His boots were , ranged with
cartialong,tho wall, his witipsbung round;
sporting prints studded the ckurtans (a corn!
poshion, or shitting mortar resenabling
snarble,) sides of the chamber. In fine,
he bad a regular English looking dressing-
'New one morning Tom was pulling on
a boot, when he suddenly felt ,something
in it. It-was cold and Clammy; the chill of
its -nature struck through - the thin silk
stocking he wore. It moved, it writhed;
it iab eVidently a:snake, Who can irreg.
eitriilfar teal portray, the agony of the poor
-felkicw; Who atnnee believed he was a dead
- , atadl - Some men, indeed I may ahrnist
-saretrery one, would have paused under
—these Circumstances, or attempted to Have
withdrawn his font. In either of these ca,-
-*ea, deelh 'wocrld bane been the instant re-.
This all , flashed, with a rapidity
*bier *lthing but thought possesses across
:hitt hind of Tom. The snake was under
hiii'foUt,nvideritly pinned down, striving
thiern itself in order tohite. He pulled
Oahe. boot with considerab'e swiftness,
starting up, stamped on the iron edge
--triftheVertitian blinds, continuing to do so
-;with the fury of despair for nearly a min
ute,to the Surprise and horror of his sur
(kir, who, unconscious of his • motive,
• ill'ouglit his master had 'suddenly gone arad.
'Then sinking, overcome with agitation and
( - gigue, on the chair, he ordered the man
tri - pull off his.boot. He did so, when out
• shireda small green slake, one of the most
ttltiedl7 of its kind, crushed to death, cram
in a / pea et jelly.
The tmtia who had accomplished such,
*4 3 MSS justly looked upon as one of
thebravest men. in India.
Tdined, shot tly after this last exploit,
titr) - th.Torn Philan at his mess. The dinner
pissed nff with much festivity. Many had
heed the proofs of daring recounted to us
Ofmtainbers of the corps, present, and ma
ny the boast,of what they intended to do,
when sudd,enlya young ensign, who was
rising from the table, turned round and ut
tered a pierc.iug scream. We looked back
-.-every eye was directed towards the
spot on which he had glanced, when, to
our horror, we saw an enormous snake
elawly crawling towards us. In another
*taut every , soul had risen from his place
and Were flying away across the square in
front of the cantonment as fast as nor legs
would carry us. Tom Philan led the van
shouting with fear, as if the monster were
already, coiled round his limbs, A few
minutes' reflection emboldened some of the
'perty,to return. We found the reptile
already dead, despatched 1 - q one of the
servants. it was a rock-snake, an animal
wholly innocuous. It measured some 8
feet long, and was a beautiful specimen of
its.kind. 1 begged to have it, in order to
send it home to some friends in England
to preserve. It was given tome, and I re
turned home with it dangling on my arm,
laughing at the cowardice displayed by
one, when ab'y supported, frightened out
of his wits in,the midst of an armed assem
bly hy a harmless reptile, who had single.
handed performed such feats of valour,
ud destroyed serpents of the most deadly
' - From the New York Commercial Advertiser
• • Our Neu , World Ruing.
• The :explorations of our countryman, Mr.
Stephens,-among the relics of vanished ra
ices that once swarmed in Central Ameri.
..coand.Mexico, have excited great curiosi
, !yon thiyt-sulect, both in Europe and A
merica: Weisave heat dof several projec
tell . expeditions, either in progress,' or at
least talked" ofby English travelers; and
we-see it stated in some of the French pa
pers, that a savant of that nation is prepay ., "
ing to set nut oilin extensive journey thro'
the bean of South America, from the Al_
!antic to -the Pacific, at the' expense and
under the patronage of the Duke de Ne.-
Mnire- k 3VhO, in this, fulfils a plan devised
and - cOmmenced by his unfortunate broth" ,
erittiou Duke,bfOt lean s. The, expectation
of finding ruins and other traces of the en
dent population,is spoken of as a leading
indecernent to 'the execution frf this pro
ject;-t;: .
is connexion with this subject,'we may
steanthell'ein, without vidlating any cou•
fidbace,, that the forthcoming volumes of
.doefitn-IStepirens, Which will be pliblisb•
.ettiti two or three wee:kr', far surpass even
their immediate 'predcessors "in-irchitec
tertd4ott historical interest. The plains
efTueetarajwhich he 8; bis cornpabion (Mr.
Catherviood) explored `With untiring dill
. • - .
- *duet. - proved to be a mine of ineerrable
richness. Ruins of vast and, most
sifitrint character disint erred, , were, is We
may eray; in; almost boundless profusion—ai
mit is, infer rerffiern the"fact that, to give
spiltinieris only; the volumes will contain
oriettitsdredend fifteen engravings. Sev
eral ilf-thtse we have eojoyed the Pleasure
prexiiiiirmig: - qbey are More highly fin
. -lege& thin` , thosti,in the Central 4.kaierka:
~,vatitiltilL-ivilitX indeed, were only
• taiiiiio, *Alit in these outlines are lily
,:with the Over litht *nrll44ot,
Or - 4i . inuit say *itthe irchiteitli.=:
w itiiiiiiii:6 4 l iiiet*Oeßt•litt4 l # l ol;
oat s ot hid fOiTtitiebe known or tin
' 1 - at, too, kirtrtt telt glamtee at . ,
.74010 4 a - ` B ofiliti l thike - ekett4 lll ` .l ol TOteri
mew fib irs .. . end Wet the
Mee wir nung
, 1
. .7 Itinifitiffise — lnet'npilbg afiLot,:t!j7l
l ,
' ,- 't ' r. ; if s iteinteibitti? ' !`` •.: '....: .i; ' 4 .'
' ••,' • , If . , 14. ~t. 0.44- 4 1..va5;44 ..4 . -.1 ...e , O.; t. 4.14-i.... 6..1.
. 4itbn Eq- ie:4:1 , :itt',4 11 . 4 :4t.; r. 11 , 4417Fte '
r i ===r;
•nis. ruita.irs vni
Seel Pint Page.
It; is indeed.strange that there should be
such a displeiti ai opinion among work
ingmen on politieel subjects, which are so
intiMately connected wide their welfare.
But so it is—men of equal intelligence and
honesty, differ Widely on government poli
cy. This should not be. Minor differen
ces 6f opinion alwiya have and will exist—
it is no* to be eXpected that men can har
monise on all subjects; but on great and im
portant question 4 which are so easily to be
understood, there should be no conflicting
sentiments among the laboring or useful
elegies. It does not irequire much hard
study or profundity of thought to compre
hend the effect which legislative measures
will:have upon them individually or collec.,
tively. By watching closely the conduct
of public men it% is an easy matter to dis
cover who are the sincere friends of Labor,
and to detect the demagogue.
The interests . of workingmen are the
same—precisely l the same. A law that sill
ben ° .fit one Clasii of workingmen, (if it be
notrirtial or unjust). will benefit Why
then, should wOkingoien he found "arrayed
against each ot her., op,social and political'
quiatinns which ,CenCein them? One par
ty must be wrong—whenever such a divi.
sioU exists, oneiparty are struggling against
the interests of themselves, their fellow
labOrers and the r ircountry.
remedy this, let every man study the
Science of politics, andp- r ioriger tow to
:the slang of rirty 4em‘gogues. Intelli
geaCe.cteongthepeople is all that is want
.ing to break dawn partisan intrigues, and
corruption, and public men will then find
itior their interest to legislate for the mass
initead of schetning for their own personal
Tfie Sub-Treasury.
The time has arrived when the Dernoc
raey should again agitate this 'question be
the peopl. It is emphatically a dem
ocratic and Constitu ional measure and
the only one to which we can look 14 the
safety of our national finances, and we
would suggest that at the approaching ses
sion of the Goon-grese, the Democrats may
present this so called odious Bill, so that
t he issue may be fairly made at the next
elections for Oongreasmcn. We have nct
fear of the result—there can be no doubt
but that three-fourths of the people prefer
the Sub-Treaiury to- any other plan for the
"Collecting, safe keeping and disbursemen t
of the public money."
Mike Waleh...—This person has achiev
-4d fluke a victory in New York. He was
not elected, himself, to be sure; he lacked
some 15,000 pr 19,000 votes of that. Bui
then, what Was a very great triumph fur
one whoso every energy seems directed to
wards dividing and distracting the Demo
cratic party, he has succeeded :in defeat
ing two of the Assembly ticket. If we re
member rightly, he succeeded in having
three beaten last year. Walsh should
congratulate himself. If he perseveres.
he may have four of the Democratic As
sembly beaten next year. He is of more
useto the whigs than G-lentworth and his
pi pelayers.
i Henry Clay.
A' Washingtan correspundeht of the Phila. Led•
ger says that it was settled among the leading
coons, that whether Mr Clay would be a candi
date or not in . 1844, depended on the result. of the
New York election. if they had carried the state
Play was to be l i their man, but if defeated, they
were to drop him once more, and reek a more
available candidate. We pat little reliance in the
statements, of !this correspondent, or he suggests
the name of a continuum as a en bstitu'e for play.
+hat we think not , be used as the tool of fed..
eralism. Elowever, as the - contingency has occur,,
-d that, according to the writer, is to cut off Clay's
chance ofjeiog the coon candidate, we will soon
see whether there is any truth In his stiggestions
as. to the substitute.
New York. • .
The in3jority for Bouck ea far as heard froM
is 21,1306 The ccinnties to be beard knot. it
le thought, will not reduce this majority much
The coon is liaried, and buried no deep that the;
whigs cairiiiier raise his boner..
At least, tIWEN:TT, and perhaps 24 out of the
. 34, are detain/rite • ' ' •
The tienatit.atits next, meeting, will stand a
demeesets watt *Mits.
There are 93 dame:tau and'` i oeforameartaio
ed to be eleektd; bhvittiois:elegpis ninon
hate. to hi beard . .The II ll dam
*beet las It OArt last - year, 94 •-• wed
'cm". - //
• -Tim CoonittsPoir4Yieioiting krnir' t r Itt•
"Itlif 4 c + Witlnta 4 40 4,
77 "1,tit i rjr:, 0 4 ; itt i , ft C6 Pre il PAW
t or - *W eaire illar4keirt
ba te • • rtiest t hat the PinintielAtii- 'nem
•;,) ,tll,
r e
est fi. la - .% 4 7 re .' 'w- , ~ ''.rn
- • - . eilP c ; ' , s• zg %-
bllbl i l l e , .--,,,, - C tr° ,-1267...:,' tae
anine , that. yfnter
, : : 1, , rake
into Ai - component gasesfiind ed -- to
light our hotteee and cook - our food aid then.E
re-combine and 1 1 orm into water again!
Rtcm again.—At Spartanburg, S. C., a
few days sinces, a drunken manlty the
name of Davis, stabbed six., men with -a
koife; two of whom were killed. Davis
had beti molested by some one, it being
11 or 12 o'clock at nigh), when he aros.
and commenced an indiscaminate idaugh
ter. The sufferers were innocent. ,1 Davi.
has been arrested. He is about 70 year
of age. .
St.,Louis. The latest,accounts; from
St Louis say that business is dull, end de
alining. Large cargoes of produce are
still going; exchanges plenty; ratesen the
east at 1 and 1i per cent.
Michigan Election.--The dernacratic
victory in Michigan has !manful' and com•
plate. As fir as heard from the a demo- .
crats have THIRTY Itepresentaties and
the COMM THREE. This will dn.
The western papers says that Eider
Hines and Parson Niller met near Provi.
dence for the purpose of fighting a 'duel.—
Needles were first invented in London,
by a tzegro, in the reign of Mary.
The 10► h inst. was observed as' a..day of
Thanksgiving in Savannah for the good
health of the city. This is something new
in the South.
Hops in Illinois.—T wenty -nine bales,
weighing about two tons, were recently ta
ken by a gentle Man from the Illinois river
anti sold at St. Louis for 15 cents per lb.
RichFreight.—A Hamilton (Bermuda)
paper of the 17th of September! says—
" The Royal Mail Steam Company's yes
sel, Tay, captain Hayden, in &Mr days
from Nassau, entered Castle Harbor on
Friday last, and took her departude thence
on Sunday morning for Englandia Fay
al. She received on board here two hun
dred Rail fifty ions of coal. ShEi_ba.d 27
passengere._and a. freight if onemillion
dollars in -specie, and about 70 hags of
of cochineal, said to be valued at 10001 per
Sudden Death—Mr. Lancaster, a car.
tier of the Boston Daily Mail, died sudden
ly at the Hancock House, on Friday
nirning. Feeling unwell, he took a glass
of brandy at the bar, and, immedi►tely fall
ing, expired almost without a straggle.
The Rhode Island Algerine Constitution,
just framed by the Convention, is to be
submitted to the people f n aioption or
rejection, on the 21st, 22 1, and 23a cl\ys of
the present month. ,
Five Lives lost at I
The N. Y. American gives e followiig
parti'nilare of a distressing, accid?nt at
On the Bth of November in latitude 34
30 N., longitude 75 50 W., at half past 3
P. M., while in the act of drawing a bucket
of water, one of the men fell overboard.—
The vessel was immediately brought upon
the wind and her mainsails hove aback; in
the meantime a board and other articles
were thrown over for the man to get upon,
and as soon as practicable, the Stern boat,
with the second officer and thrpe bands ,
was lowered. They pulled in the direction
where the man had teen last seen, for a
bout an half hour, until the boat got about
one mile to the windward of the schooner.
Captain Griffiths then wore ship, stood as
near for the boat as the'weather4 would al
low, and then hove to again, rbut to his
utter astonishment, he diseovers4 that the
boat had upset and brit two of the men were
to be seen.
The names ef the sufferers, lare J.
Amos, second ofFteer. Belfast, Maine; John
Folks, seaman, New York city; William
Bennett, Masa; Geo. Thom p.pn, Liver
pool, Eng; William. S:nith, Sweittlen.
N. Hampshire U. S. Senor l or.—Hon.
Chas. G. Atherton wa. on Wednesday
furenonn, elected 'Senator, in Cnitgrearft from
New Ittrapshire for six-years frtim the 4th
of March next In the Senate, 4r. Ather—
ton had 11 votes to 'one for. D. - M. Chriitie.
In the House he had 152 votes td 73 for Mr.
Christie and others.
Fire in. St. Louis.—The Organ of She
sth-hist gayr. , —..A fire broke 'lout yester
day in a email frame building on Locust, a
few doors libqte Second elreol. ind commu
nicated to the roofs of two aditioing brick
buildings,.. nee of Which Wee ' SOO by
1111 wOlano , god OM OilMra b T
1 ,140 1 . Ed
-011011111111. Tht upper /14011 and l eoof of the
rniii**le we r e lititrailtdo bit else -ioofo
Only' of*. otheit two were - Inuit-hall ' inj4-
416 , ) -- Glrii , ......A - w ----- -irtette
11111: , e rrti ,
prvett:o raiik: *O 344 vio4ff-xd
rumvi sr 11, kudit;:*iti* . ? litritc
lie, Le.,
tpeitm the bitir Ilk t,. , -. ft fi 4n,tt.
tae _ l4 ~ Ds:l,4
1101 - , s —...,- • t , _ ' ^... ---,--"' ~„-......,-,
Pr-- • 4-11.,--.. - --- *'P ' -,
I, . 1
1 :, •:-
, v ~, i' . . 7. ',,,,-• 17:,: ' •
i , ' '
°' `... :',;. Is: ,r• - ...
' ...... -,e . t . L - ... - : iswanuif
~..„g the '. .rt iti ~,, .--,- t -
4- ` pitlnerat stiebgetrin
ilia•071: - ':::Wliiff • ilatifitetrliditii'i'ait
that one morc'etrh4gle^ *ill place
ah's "pocket piece is a democratic fob."
Another Statement.--PersOns who arri
ved in Philadelphia . froin Wilq#l44o: - .on
the evening ,of the 11th, state iftikt - - When
they left, it, reported thatho - dney's
, ,
jo,rity . in Kent county was less than 130,
and not 142 as previously supposed.
If this be true, the hopes of Federalis.m
The "last link is broken," and.
our opponents' may as well sit down and ,
study philosophy. We recommend a vol
ume of Beneca. .
are over.
Death in a grog shop—A warning.—
it man was found dead on Tuesday morn- 1
ing of laet week, in a groggery in Hartford '
Conn. When discovered, he was lying on
the floor with his head and part of his neck
extending ever the side of a tub, quite dead.
It was supposed that he had got up, while
in a state of intoxication during tho night,
and in attempting In procure water from the
tub lie fell • across the edge at it, and, being
unable to help hiinself, strangled to death.
(17 2 • The Congress of Texas meets at the
Capital on' - the llth inst., to make vigorous
preparations for repelling the Mexican inva
sion, and perhaps something more.
The Flying. Machine.
The man in New Orleans who has in—
vented a "Flying Machine" has become
rather savage at those who, by their gross
lack of scientific kdowledge, are ridiculing
his magnificent invention for sailing
through the air. In venting his indigna
tion he challenges tiny person to meet 'Jim
at any time in private or in public, and
he pledges himself to set aside every ob
jection that may be urged against his
scheme for aerial location. This is bold
enough, and we don't know but that he may
turn out no humbug after all.
It seems that no Court of Common Pleas
has been in session in Lucas Co. Ohio, for
two years, owing to local difficulties.
sirkansag Eloquence.—We find the fol
lowing specimen, in an Arkansas paper, by
some one who had been charged with not
wishing to ci-lehrate the Fourth of July:—
"Shades of Washington! Hancock and
Ethan Allen! If I hive offended, remem
ber the frailty of mortals and be propitious!
What! abolish that day of days?—that day
wt en the concentrated wisdom of ages was
blazoned forth on that "immortal sheet"—
that epoch, not only in American history,
hut in the history of the world —that day
when the Price tix spirit of universal Liber
ty rose out of the American soil, and spread
her broad pinions, never again to be folded.
Thatday, the celebration of which, I the
days of my boyhood, exp-nded the last six
pence to buy fire crackers! Forbid it, de.
parted shades! Pacific Ocean, thou ink
stand of creation! and you, ye tall pines of
Norway, crow quills for such as occasion,
aid in expunging that resolution! L. .t. the
Lethean floods roll over it perpetually, and
the raven wing of oblivion rest on it for , v•
tr:27•Mr. Shove has backed out of the of
fice of Bank C.)mrnissioner in Massachu•
setts.—N. .durora.
Yes—but not until he had backed out a
pretty good load of the funds of one of the
B a nks.--41Oston Mail.
The scoundrel! ShoOe him along.
mpA Cineinati editor has arrived at the
conclusion that man ii not so much of a
thinking animal as he might be.—N.
We have been thinking, that when the
Cincinnati editor was thinking that, that
he was thinking correctly.
'Hassan has been convicted of manslaugh
ter at Richmond. , -
The folluwing sign may be seen on the
brulge passing the Mohawk river. from
Herkimer to Mohawk' village:
One. Dollar, Fine, For, Crossing, This,
Bridge, Faster, Than, On, A, Walk.
There are some solitary wrPrches who
'went to have left the rest of mankintl, only
as Eve left Adam, to meet the devil in pri
From T ucatßu.
Intelligence to the 2lst ult. has been re
ceived by the N. O. Bulletin. There has
not been a, battle between the troops of
Yucatan.and those ofSantanna, but one
was daily expected. I'm,. latter were
waiting for a reinforcenaeat of '3OOO from
Vera Cruz, and ar naval support, for an at
tack upon the Carripeachlans. The Yu
catans were *rout 1700 strong.
The Ani. sloop Malorl, from and
an English brig, both consigned, ;to the
American consul, liltew. NaGregor, left
Campeachy on the llthidt. - ti;W: Laguna.
The French frigate.. Brilliant, arrived at
Carapeac.hy frowvVara Viva on the
aids, nt TR44 - Miliat."--SaY iihat
you will of old maidititheit-lowe gr,er
-111011/0".1064114:140* thin 0*
sikiodukaankrimirliiiivir assts* mg ,w hose ,
hauls vilor,tpllol,l4dOrl ~ , O f
I soooo47oo.l l 4w**baill - A 6 nii
übttibeii.' , ..64.mat&.pmaggian*vryab l / 4
z '
iiits:**xl2o - `,94: Of
.t-aw* i.',314.2? 5,16 AtiC-4 , 4 - 41'
3,l'nightot Mr. A4A e ADDAIia• - .
Nov 1,5, will be presented- the At
vor-Ite phiy of
Omer( •• • •• • • 7*• '' •••••• • ' itri ADDAMS
Pythias:..... . Mr. Jeuthon
Mrs. C.: HILT. in ther.CßACOrLediva;
To conclude WWI the Farce of
. • Price, Dress Circle Boles 75;'2 Beier 371: 25; al
lety' 25.
A Off. ALNIk EXCII/ 1 / 1 -Nelil LIST:
Bank orPittsburgh. Par .
March. 4! Man..bit. par.
Exchange bank, _ par
Bk. of Germantown
Easton ank,
Lancaster bank; Ms 2
Minicar Chester Co. par
Farmers! bk Bucks Co.
Doylestown bk do
Bk of N America Phil.
Bk of Northern• Liberties,
Commercial bk. of Pa.
Far. 4- Mechanics bk.
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk." 01
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 10
Bk of Penn Ti . par
man. 4- Mechanics bk. 5
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamensing bk.
Girard ha..k, .501
U. States hank, 58
Lumbermeme, Warren, 75'
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Pot Isvile, 8
Bk of Montgoinery Co. par
Mon. hit Brownsville, 2
Erie Bank. 5
Harrisburgh bank, 81
Far. hk Lancaster, 21
Bit of Middletown, 7
Bk. of Chatrabcrsburgh, 9
Carlisle bank, 9
Bk of Northumberland, 10
Columbiabk sr Bridge co. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co. 10
Bk of Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 9
Get tyshurgh bk. 9
York bank, 8
Far. 4. Drovers bk. of
Waynesburab, q l
Cnuency notes. 8
Wyoming batik, 121
Pittah'gli Slate Scrip, 6
Country do do
Bcrks Co. bank, 50
Lewistown. 12
Mountpleasant bk 2 1
Far' k Mech. 'bk of Steu.
Belmont bk of St. Claire.
vine, 2
Marietta bk. Demand
notes, 2
do Cm' reor y noses,
Columbiana lik New Lis
hon Demand,
do Post notes,
e.',incisinati specie pay
lug hanks,
Mech. trc Traders bk of
Cincinnati. 3
Clinton hk of Cotumloo.;,
Demand notes. 2
Circhwllle, (H. Lawrence
Zanesville bk.
N THAI COURT OF COMMON PLEAS I of Allegheny County. of Dec'r Term,lB39. . No. 155.
In the matter of theVo untary AssignMent of
George Bell and Valentine Feld
February 19,1841 First Account of As.
•s• 4 .
• -4- y" , ste,neesfiled, andon motion of C 'S. Eyster
, •
4 . • N. Esq., referred to Andrew Burke, Cornelius
; 41 16 Darragh and H. S. Magraw, Esqs.,as
. 4%'• tors to audit Ihe same.
1.4.044"‘ From 'he Record.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested; that
the auditors will meet for the purposes of their appoint•
num. at the offve of Andrew Burke; Em., 4th sr, Pitts
burgh, on Thursday 16th December next, at 2 o'clock P
10. of said day. C. DARRAGH,
A. BURKE,- -
nov 15-31' - Auditors.
R. of Allegheny county,of Jane Term. 1838. No. 399.
Tone matter of the voluntary Assig.nment oft
L. L. Common, and Jonathan Dchaven. 4
: AND 1(0% To war; November 9. 184 - 2.
.. C(„45..., presented to , oven
' Court and c r O A nfi g t g e li r e i e :i ' st, to be ebotirmed
... . absolutely unless exceptions are hied on or
before the 17th day of December twit.
h 4 From the Record.
NOVIUMER 12. 1842—The Court order the heating in
this case to be had - on the first Saturday of DiiceMber
next, instead of the 17th of December, and that notice be
given in two papers :
10000 TR D .4LI
4 L L S
E .
r an s d
jif aJt a
j ec i ess p ri . :ll x ve .
TRACDOR inestlmable. - ant only cures au Ickei, hut
glvei no additional pnin, - nor . leavm a star'. Fire le fiord:
Lively rendetcd' Mimiere; ($11) has heen offered six
months to any person rettirning an empty hog, and 'saying
that all agony on anointing is not extracted in a few min
utes,yei not one from thousands of tria , s since him claim
ed th e bonus :) - Pareriht Ir. - astral e to Shard agiinsegeitertil
lojnries, and :aye - fine, fortune' and life, and 'prevent.
their offspring! 'from being disficartuf by burns; 'or even
small pox pantiles; (it possessing the entriabie j:it;KVer to
replace the eillutary •• organv destroYed,) `iiiin de so by ob.
ininingthls.talmitable imbre. Many' deeply Writ eases
in the city ran be seen, and onieniiiii face burnt Over and
wounded three disti act times in the game,. 'Tot heal:
lag. yet in no case can be-tteeeditteleait elcairjth or
mark! Forallklmthorkurtifiterap4 nouthlrig effects:us
alsctimportant;eveithore eyes.' att hiflatrietions and bth:
kertbreasts *mid* . unknown. Theiliffet and rini.sery,
for chi' rl trg the= ekihtif pimples, eitinithe Chafe, etc.; Will
And it irullsoeninibler; One tieing bitty wilt forever estab
lish it the sovereignfirzw,-.ALZ 114114' - A (ter' this no
tice, heads of families allowing t'ortitrie (Or montiiii, and
ultimately distorted features, eatt 'never wipe Away re
proachrpultlytuttered itY , if disabled Child, fbritegleeting
tittriamottiover firer- •'-` • -
• ..tEalared att of Congress', A. D. 11141. by'
Comstock of Co:, In the ClerVe Mace of the kl,trtct Canti
of the United >kkatee for the Souther's District ;or Kew
York '
Warranted the army gerirtine. ' ' •
Comstock whwelite Draggisit:N. Yorkl have be.
come:the mkt mholesale'ageta* ihr'alt: sp'Aiiiirl
ea for 20 years. orders'mtist be arldnmeed le- them.
The genuine ontr to be had at TITTTLEMI 4 medical
Ateney. , B6 Fourth-stress, 4"-: • • • w e gi 45
BENJANIX HARDINeg reapectrphy anal:mixes
to bis patrons test he *Weasel lbOto thist eiening,
at halt put els o'clock, at.tha . thetkao
,1/4***, of Mr. Wil
liams; in the basement of the 414. : Preshiteriall Church,
(enhance on Ferry street), to arionahn** - phazfrin Steno.
partllnge's Stenography is **is ihm‘ta, ;Apar lea,and
inthittety superior to any other Ilse" haratoilbre tanithtt
(being toajtoug to sound 4 , “lapneelierEeacehkee tan.
hot be more Filly developed ahata tar t aiteartiogio ltsileo.
oral adttiltitin kit the Britialt ihntroatta,:lfieosttrjak•otre•
Porters, attar tuna practinkia othar,systeipt.-havit a
bandoned thin* sea adopted **OP I lom isk l' fi r gigi ,..,_? l ,
pad perfect want; The whote , :apttelnialleAlt 15 ••• "'
histretedand*eqtrtrad to ti*pf**** knits
korto-toilitiothoo.. ~..„„.,.wepiat,l4:_ -..
V.lo,4lllltrialliillaßett . 4lllll,4lPgr, lan
- 04, ,
tike -1111410001111“10 - fi" , 6 7
' is ft 1114. ''
Wooster, -2,
Massilon, 2
Sandusky, - „• 2
Geauga, - 2
Norwalk. 2
Xenia,. 2
Scioto. ; 2
Poet notes, - • 2
Fran. bk Columbus, 2
Hamilton, 30
Coin. bk. Lake Erie, 35
Far. bk: of Canton, , .45
Urbana 05
Stale bk. .t Branches, 2
State &rill, 45
All banks, 2
State lik 4- Branched. 60
Sba wneetow n, 60
thank of Virginia, 2
do Valley, 2
Far. bk. of Virginia, '2
Exchange hank, 2
N. West. bank 2
Mer. 4.Mec. do.
Balairiore Batiks,
Country Banks,
MI Banks, pa
AIL Banks,. , - par and I
Ch y ft;,nks. oar
Country banks,
(safety fund.) a .1
Red -attek - , I to 1
Boston 8{( p. r
Orleans Banks,
Banks, - 26
Banks. ' -
Good Ranits,
All Banks, : 8
Rk. of St. Clair, • 5
Do. dn. J Stoll h 5
Good bank., 151020
Eastern Exchange.
Philadelphia, ' 1
New Ynrk,
Baltimore, 3
Bostom I
,Western Etc:tange.
iCineinnail, ' `par
'Cleveland. i div
viilieellne.. par
A ...FiTtl'ON, ' ro
N. W. Corner of
Tat proprleloit of di e
AND hi ANlTACTellti rp ow.
itadAhe p 140131101 --71/
a r i d well chosen usen ewnet
ar lll l2b3lEili •
&EL) -41,1 41 ( Tql:I1,-,:-
Necessary to a Job Mahal
Books. Bills of
Pamphlets, Bill h e w
Handbills, Blank et l ii•
• au taints st.
v v ., &enslaver, told Ca i g
prin. 0,,, k
Printed on the shortest smite*
We respectfully ask the ps
he public in general in tbh
Pittsburgh. Sep:. 39. Ise
rtership formerly exit
Dilworth 4. co.; WOO dissoirre
withdrawal of Theme Sc(ott
The mannractoring of at*,
ing hoards and contraeilogro f .
ed as %dial by the soincrihen
Dilworth. Who are amply .
in their line on the moat lid
attention to basmen, hope to
N. B.—The business of GIT,
awned up at the old eland
!ma 14-6 t corner ON
ItA. BAUSNIAN Muml. 4ft
, 'every day this week rig
most extensive and valuable la 0
DR r . 0 OODS ever offered g
which lam just berm tereirte f
comprising more than 100 Pad,
West of England Chubs, 54 ,
Beaver and. Pilot, do 144 ,
Plain and Fig'd. Cassimeret
Fine 4- Superfine Sattineer,
French 4. English Meriores,3oo
Sandal rt Yellow Flanoe'e s It%
White:led Green, do
White 4. Cord. Doeskins, u,
Cambric d- Barr !Mishits, r.:
Bleaeled,,Shirl Ines. ,
54 do Sheetines,
Scotch Ginghams.
Witt. a great many other at'
'ion of dealrre,
ocriaale every Jay at 10 with'
al early G:l* Light nalil lank/
TE Committee on (Amara
for the Fourth Course, .
pubre that they have matte a
the Lectures on Tbursday eta .-
Lectores of this course will be
The Committee, desirous of
or the Institute a favorite Melt
tore and Science, as well as the
no exertions in procuring popular
both at buMe and abroad.
lit the course of two weiksafis
he published, and tickets offe re d,
nov 9 —1 I
T HE sobscriber
offers for salr,ll
arid upon accommodating Le.
1 , ,f1y Si vrn Ruilrlint.. 1 omLituated
Road. DO° :ling owned !Tale
ess“leatid hen/mega ad id rind and
hank -of he Mem Ong:the/a—the no
cat o n s ofs . attl Lots ran he 'e'en
reeorded ou the IPb Nov, 1841.ist
of Allegl.c , y aunty in lieed Bo
pagr, or upon applicationlo (\mild
Toe nlllllO.ll of persona dmir,
having money to invest lee:Knotty
iunity - vrinally nevaninentig in rarely
subscriber is delerndsed
The Lots will be sold urrordin,..
' and unexceptinsahle thh
Apply to 11l
Nov 10-1 f ?ton'
Bureau of ProsiMa
ay ClOtkilqr, Will be recixe
o'clock P. M. of tt e 28th day of
wishing and deliverine, (on lee'
lice,) at each or either of the N
Massachusetts, Brooklyn, New .
glair% , such gnenti r les of any or
articles of Navy Clothiwz as may
year 1893. by the Commandoes .
respectively. viz:
Blue cloth P. Jackets tad
WE oleo Stocking,
Woolen Socks,
Thkek . , sewed Lealher Shod,
Si;ied Leather Pumps,
Woolen Blarkefs,
AU the woolen goods siesta
Americas manufacture. Mlle
equalto the sant plea. which Wit
vy Yards at Roston, New Yod ,
ton, Norfolk, Balt 'more Naval,
All the aforesaid ankles sill''
spect fon and survey as it:ECM/ 1 d
ions and Clothing luny director '
of Ihe said artistes will be reand
to, the samples or panserns, bait!
manahip, and Witcheries. not • •
to the stipulations and pal .
The clothing' is -divided into lid
boys -- . ..and r the offers mast t • •
clues, and must be calculate/tit •
tending the fulflrment of the • '
'es...miry metal and navalbaltoln
The Whole must he deliveredd.
he eontrartors, in good, Wt. ' '
In: hoses ar hogsheads, and is
of charge UV the United Stales,:
tlon of the -respective Comeamilt
13epa rite proposals mist is oi
no.N and Pumps; savid. Or
Socks; third, fo r all the Blanlrl 6o
other articles, as distinct canoed
astand n those who a engager!
Stoekings. Socks, Shoes, PulaPo;
ponslbte standing, will have a Po"
will admit of It.
I n case of failareon the cana l '
nish and deliver the severslari ldo
detest from them, is propel/est 0
the .offteera to agents of the NOY'
purchase w hat may to renaire alBll
and any excess of cost overdo ,
by the contract. shalt be tinned *
Ive lia con ndli tra i c n ts o w fie lt i l i be lird req thseleillrervr—lrd
• tie°, "Id Waiver coolant la addlliti l
the arab/int of each deliver! loril
for the'fbithfut performance al 7 4
whisk will on no account be 1 11 :4
t h a ne. oplied with is all resiled ic .)/1
te ad" treitellt or the lil ,Mo
failures kotoMPlote tie " Iw— il ly/
Orders that ma .ado
oftenper astern, pareif il ` nysil
to the United States willd7l
elothini *bell have been 1 14 70111,.
1d4,4p4 Ao. the woe dlig.di
61011110 f WspeialoP aPdalinlll4,
pecityri Iltoreker rs a ' o pi.
the a veff
app oft he p
of idellvory.- shall be
Whom' pepreenall tn
.71~.11limentrodivel „aao
fraiwillseas, yeti* hen 6 ' .1.77'4
Amilloseliarl e gp s _Mis
vilib i ON .ol6".. .Pial 0 "
Nat be finis
Mr .i s
ni r
to. - _
and fte
I •
For the!. •
jratihr. Work,
t i o ntiteloOne'
meat.* e!l`
ja d e d lattl
have warski
verledoah e nd
've watched its
tpensive teas*
• Itnt massive
of its
ip l iOttgly on i
* I fret wo
when its hi
• '. darkly or
i:motid dome,
opt of overlie
`of 'admiratio
:Splendid moan
;mutate munifie
llais of genius
'laving enema ,
' gyro'. 'rhie, it •
wiidersi ton CO
-oh:Late, of cosUi
lon of an eng
whn, pray, is th
.'re -leas extrava
'bid% so loftily_
lit not the W
- an exhibition
ifilioncra of a
in all thotm
vihich should
' fl orill of civic
e p- wetand e'
'true, in the
,ts4,oso it t
cto c t i a l a y v: ll i
incubus or d&
,;diction deensa
ue Oropert
nd ,burne, down
riCn involve I in
ng under the he
..ttures inr.the
n t .w. h i_ e st
hi l t
n n i c o o i
ne t e r; e
y and •
is a monument
years of ont
go—already lin
been issu-d to
4- doubt the s
aak.ll' . ar-bar
• n pa:
taxation on the
a a city ,trip
net certainly ens
this ex ravagan.;
r'pre-out 'rctren
g Chnirrnan of 1.
•- Wont* and p
im as the prom
f our inference
ds .of taxable
"or this age, bu
t generation,
Iratinris will r
t nOk fg a will b
raejlude e
Wing exec
'Amy will
and eiv
.. rieale and wt
_ ciature.
half c.)rnplei
ent debt un;)a
'We are a g
have no n
- , nking and
ao.-Parker i
h are—or
ts—the gro
and the
_port le for
are - now m.
especially s
f late -jinni
t ..er than o
Biddle led
fiuglema a n
.ht over hea
y sport
atakriati U.
;has been - o •
i.l` in Lots:
• ed. the
• . resen
the ansphi
A,:s •
in -Franc
-"We ligul
' 44 ic
,Al4 , lxer. •