Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 10, 1842, Image 3

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    mytiLaisAre*,,„ *,.
Ist slot • igi...„„
Ttneraday sr
a 1 ta
r ar.
- nr
M rs. C Mit,47-7t
Td meow. wins tat fa
' A 1 104 s
Prim r
, Drift lii I ? ; 4 : '
iery2.s." cfir*
••' = • 74l'
t the
0 in-
N. W. Comer fir
Tax proprtetetsof the Mig
AND AlterAcTtatak.. t ,••••
and the p at ratittlit ilj
a ott Wen ehOsen atspottfiett
. •-
eIIrEIC/11111111 ai;
41`A% etinignAl
Nera.--aary la a Job rriitios ois t
Rare : oo tio
r roll
p -
&lb of La k
Bill Rea
Black Ois e k
211 tints e f
Stage, &cam heat, 414 Caw ill
Printed on the shorteat notice sai l
w e realeeifnily ask the paris t i
h c pubaic as general Wilds bra i d
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39,:lite,
tip A . 13 A USN Al. kt .
every day ibis wadi/pa
n.ngt extensive and valuable** .
DRY GOODS ever railed at
winch have just ur.,-n received
comprising tunic Mau 100 •.,
R=est of England Moths, a - '
tinarrr and Pilot, do 1,... = .
Plain and Fig'd...Cassiiseres z. .. ..". 1
Foe A- sftperfine Satlifteltt,
French d- F.: nilS it Meting - 04
Se. rlei 4- Yellow Flannels, HNC
White and Green, do . -
VI: lute 4- Cord. Doeskins, ll. :
Cambric 4- Parr Muslim, .
Bleacted.Snirlittsa. 11 , 1
5 4 do Shecllngv. lßates
Scotch CinziniMS.
Wit , . a great snarly olio/ at'.
t ion of de-alere.
cal G
wh - o
ate every day -at 10 aaktv
a' tarty GaR i.dght anti! farther
rrt!lE Committee 0/i [A Mons
!he Fourth Coirits
hey ,hays 'made a
Inc Leclures on Thursday. ertani,
Lett. re 4 of this rourbv will he
The Committee, desirous or
or the I nel 'lute a &extrude resort a
tore and Science. as wellis ihe •
no exert ion , io proculne. pnpulars. '
bosh ai home and ado oad.
n i be course or two week= a f.'d
be pu Wished, and tickets offered!.
• W
nor. q-tr •
I l'T
E-ArC L —The scit.,-; kir! . Ins •
I.a tbe sale (.1 SIM- CO htll
Ed 2 gra ving,— E:ing not-ring—
itrepeuivi qraokiatt—ind L.eJniw -
a nd
4.111 C various qualitieg WU/eke/it it
to k,elle Siu:iosenpad actemodo
a n kir, will bilittgaied, vettblielf
I AAC HxeraL, lt;i. Sts
I v
and for valet* Phyfi4cks4. .
aunt ry on aecommodann
Vegetable Autillitiaa4l"l l
hiioi=and Aperient Tonic and A
Evan,' camomile and Aperient Po
, fur chilti•en Teelldat—
r.,. Oi •
11.-v., a, d Pills, and a variety
tle4rri lIA !MIS'S .
=ion vi -- / kO. 9. Fir.ll tercel.
en 1)N,
of the
e p=r-
r 7 ILL ofro.red at. Wen
I on the 12. h day of
m.. on easy terms. the farm
cCui. y. itnatrd in Upper Y.
nn the o'd Washing,ton Stage. ,
frnra •.hurrlt, containing a*
land. on which is a i3ry to
- • uke:
+la to
liong.e.ottker good Wilt , -
wishing to potetiace.'ait
ProPe'ly, and judge of Its Popetior,
-,,; to
d in
d in
Te-in= made known o,i.
Fuh , cr 'ben.. living near the reltilk
Nor. 8!11, 13-12
'Tollowing valoaMe Family
Covers z Balm of Life for
'aylor's Balsam of Liverwort, - .
Hay's Liniment, and lin "'' '
ng• a certain cure for the Piles
gas= lonia Hair Dye, warns&
nut the skin.
liewes'.ailerreand bone Litille g -
We Biller, a sure and effecititi •
, contracted cords and noir, -
Overstreet',. Liniment, Par Moa t
Dalley's Pain. estractor
vmegy ever (mind fai beid4 1 ;
'rms. , a:perfect care-IA ever/
heir family.
Wtison's, Brodie''', Eirane,
nd a great many other irafeabi
Pease's Hoarhonad Candi , 1.
r, Almond, Pains atikotintr
nob Wash and Striping
r valuable ankles. loaf Ith riP
ed ral Asency 4th st,
lou..vn eih-DYczn be •
6 Fourth street, and Bertbrons
y city.
received a Impeder
et Soaps, Ambrosial, /1011"5.-
'tr.% Shavinz Coma nod ILOS
ersvTbict-and Sato"llleats.
'• ' Tongt7
Pd and
in reel
n the
Nov 4-3 - . - -
ARTISTIF 82010110,-.0. t
Wood street haiejnet " •
went ofForirtit as! Ilialitere • -
badge Mender s , -C.O 'irargliA4
Brushes always on . band-',: . '
MOW. '..
TUST received from tbe•A
aliaatlisellootue ise
ti •
and divriketies. ads Is":
Tanta Ma.norinele '
14 package‘tkersiall 144
a variei of Znelisn..."..!!"
inn tracts; 5000Cliiii i
Franklin ,Idagsaile-, Of.#llq. „-
wan Alamein:l
ISAAC 040011E,Aett,q8,01'
Nov 2: - -
E T.—
ete as
vart of
Gek of
e. both
, new
h and
ec the
Tas frogisii~* o9
eg TOWI OO . Oi
eta., at i_
_ _
i •
I /Wean of Provittioas aad.clotblea,
I :
ipp ..-.
i ROPOSALS,seatetteileinailjeineatiataived at :
.."--- thie*Fiee:4llll'
te Offairs.
1 31st day o.oloaretihee ae:l34otf.rialtettelll4 l l ll s.erie3
feu d s . The feuds w hi c h !at the Nevi Yliedes:P4o l ThOi s rlClLr...dest ow . •
I Mau, BrOehliiirft. -Irv•*Ildel0111;7100,40le:teet
x : s i e ‘l between the .A.lle- iD.C. , GctsPort,, Ve,;'.erattise Rakiessee.: ll4 4 - ele a M
' L h H - Ilio n . reepeetiro;elleAl riattigitiilliiir 'bit - fttli‘Sikg *ai
d the Pittsburg oosetra,
,c,e,.. of the lama v a iiii. law im,twordifietlor
~, oti ors by . thtle vespeettire . retain . ending
t. . Tuesday night.
.IsTu- I led from tbeionieliat
i offtcers at =ld Sat* Ytti:diassi Matra! mildew, Or by the
he combats on that eventful Navy Agents.respectivetit, daring the YOE 31M, for the
, ~ ,_ 1") use of the United Mates. 'vie:
seseregress o f t h e rroce._s.. i superfine Flour. . .
~ . _
' ' Whhtkey,
p r e the black eves. bruised 0114111Ln-tali --- . -..
itci:e3 faces that might be The said flour shall he manufactured of wheat grown
. in the year 1842 or 1843, perfectly street, and in alt res
. E rr,. - )eg the "elite " of the
peels of the best quality; and when required for shipment
abroad; shall he fully equal to the best description of
Richoinnd flew. In all the qualitirs cseential to its pre
serration in tropical climates, and shall be delivered in
ylc.ht Proces.ion,
• , good, sound, bright barrels. with lining .ho - tps at each
ming, was, notwithstanding, ; bead. &Indio paid shipping order, free of ail charge to :he
„, ate Of the weather, alto-
Caned States; subject to such inspection as the Chief of
, the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing may direst or an
t. There was a drizzling j 11.0. and be in all respects perfectly satisfactory to
him ,-iae or io ti.e commanding officers of the said Navy
e ver,ing, and the streets yards.
ees wit, mud. ” The in- The said ship biscuit shall be made wholly from sweet,
superfine flour, manufactured of the wheat griv n in the
, i : ~e, \Vasilington and year 1142 or 1343; and shall be fully equal in quality. and
cooled o ff 1.,_ . conform in size to the Fatuities winch are now, or soon
Tv - ): ',l be ''.. l will be, lodged in sd Navy Yards; shall he thoroughly!
and kiln dried, well packed, and delivere I free of
the T f..1:• - s shone lnil- hakrzi,
icharge to the United states in good. sound, well dried,
the engines were magni - i bright flour barrels, with the heads well secured, or in 1
tight barrels, when reqoired;z nd the said biscuit and the
(I. T ley were accompa- i barrels shall he in all respects to the entire satisfaction of
4 mu-IC as they marched 1 the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or of
. ! the commanding officer of the said Navy Yarns. and be .
Vt. , ord, , r through the pun- . autleet to snch inspection as the Chief of said Bureau of
Provisions and clothing may direct , er otherwise.
1 . 4
iloohen and Pittsburgh
-0 - Toe sail whiskey shall lie made wholly from grain, of
i which at least two.third parts shall be rye,Flialt he copper
In, Snow., &v. 1 I I i,sl Med, and full first proof, accordin.s to the United States
believe, all Tuesday night, :. cil on, House standard, it shall he delivered in good,
~..,d. lirizio, well hooped. white oak ha rritls. with white
ay Kinrilltig we were high- , 04k heads. aad each barrel, shall, w hen required. he coop
,red with lour good and suffi c ient iron hoops, and the
[ . a small sp!ittlilinr , 01 511 0 W. '
wII , IIe I. rut in good shipping order, free of all charges
,at m.tny who have an ear . 1. , It's v.' , ed States; and the whiskey and barrels shall be
' .nildect to sur I. insp-ction as the Chief of the Bureau of
iff sle i 4;1 bells and a taste Provisions add nothing may authorize or direct- and be
in all respects. perfectly satisfactory to him, or to the,
)uWry taverns. 0 A.ing 13 i cummt,rirling officers o the said Navy Yards.
' i. , i. In skin.: and :he ind is- It. is to be distinctly understood, however, that persons
who may offer are not to have any claim or privilege to
- •
'OH, •'. "f Ihe coons, it 13 i furnish any greater quantity of any article than may be
;- t Zi 1;,3 4 , oe will have an expressly ordered
Contractors no: living at !he place where deliveries are
v 1 f :LL. bfortiaid snow , required, must eAahlizli an witty at such plate, that ola
. r delay any arise In furnishing what may be required; anu
. where a contractor fails promptly to comply with requis.i
lions, the Navy Agent at the place where the articles
. '-' 4 ' are required to be delivered shall be authorized to por
t . it at wine rinse such a,ticies, and the rout met , r shall be liable for
i z
~, i,
,)c , 5.. I,:y ~ ,
ce. ss ofe,. over the contract price.
Fepurnie lads must le made for each article for each
N,re Yard, and for the Baltimore station. The blank
,-,,T,, (whirl) will be furnished to individuals on appli
eat lot, to the several Navy Ag , itts and Commandants. and
0 11 11 ; -diked mud have all the blanks carefully filled
imp. and run-toe sutumrited as directed in the note on the
f.ce of each form, and the ofrers mna be tictrialified and
'EMBER 10. 1542
f•r) p
r pap..,
! • i , e;tro uperiS
t.: ir_
A. A
e case r.l 1 to - e, of i:cir
h r,C
I: 1 t r. s' - u1• , 1 cur s ' ht . ! - ‘, o
y r . 1 1 r r12.,^11
I ;,(.1. 7,nt!
1 . h • h
rri rw:;. - o'Ope "Di i
f r rr-r•I •n' .cxeri ilrzrnrd
,•41tt , r
11,1 . F ••• C -
ind v.dr,a'.
s. led pia'
non ...fie
et.ITO*I t put-
The Iron Safe which 1 houzht of you some time hack.
tvas la the mast exposed situation doting the fire. and
was entirely rrd hot —I am plea.ed to inform you it was
, iriened at the rinse of the fire,and all the hooks, paper , .
c_ veil; —1 Ili , is the heat recommendation 1 can five of
et. t;s ci.r p . t t r i n t is ,, or Allpe of your safes.
• o-t 24—If THOMAS SCOTT.
Flirman, Was
: r , ,mated Lti s , ll - 1 , • few
C. n iittli , erm -
Tll , •i r
; Iv ru • a: , re ue eolntl , .n in
0 W,-d, and are incited
hv :hire or fher °the , an
t-ort:nrr at the
01 q! • - • . : -, rc;rnen of
, n- , r to fr r the
o'Heel LI the pc.nple. 11in
a re-eiec'inn, Ith the
arri treat aff.cti , o for t;.,.
r Me, if he ri-aws na hi;
,n, success will hardly crown
appear badly in contrast to
v his effirts at an ee-rmni
the atriirs of our city, when
lore for sdf, are ex'libited in
:ion or had deb's into fOrni
efit nd one of the city Coun
b'igingly rot:dew-ends to give
r a warrant on the treasurer
^ •ntleman cnnsoienous In
Laun-hin , T Ific of the Sloth
rally hr his aver. , ion to taci
nudist noai-hed for his great
:,117. na !he McGran
- r 1.10 ' , sill, who dould resist
Shakspearet His
9. '“ , arid the clear, lucid,
l; which he conveys his
'Y person we wot or,
in favor ora certain bonus
' f ar' ro a Rank last session;
endear tr to excite a feeling
, o-e ;rho v t-d against tbe'r
Pm, time, their lultd month
erely 1.1 self in the ensuing
Of Connell we are elan,
Totin g for the amendment
from considerations of kistice
t i, at th- attainment of a good
Faircnau'A property justified"
at wail given far it. The
Mated question is of itself. no
r. and will, we are assured.
of the jastica of the matter)
the debt assumes] bs the
tint eftbe Buard of Directors
Ls at the City, well be h 1d in
0( the old Court noose, on
at 7 o'clock, a fun represen
,s eara ,, tir reqnestr3-
GEO. A Ll 3 age, See'Y._
In Boston saps;—"When
attend the funerid with a
e body in my tomb. and
for so doing. I call - it 'a
olltor,dllional. .
Bondi - , with two approved suretimi, in one third the
;mated a ii*ount of inc respective contrartv, will lw requi
rr-d.., lid cn per rent um in addition will he withheld from
he rimaiiiit of each payinem to he made, as collateral se
curity fur the due arid f.tithful performance of the re
contrarir; which wift, on on aventint, tie paid
c-intrarts lre coin ',lied with in all re=pects;an
vidirially authorize-4 by ibe Chief of the Bureau 01
Pr. a-1 , 0,, ,n4"11 , 0:110.+. A fie, lek per reel
r MP"! 010! bv made lo tire Croited 5131,- - . within Orr
I calve ri'rer the I,tirles shall have I.een inspected
r rp.i yeti, arid for the ,v. l OlO 0 ,-4.10.•‘1 to the Na
vy 1 i•ti, aprov , ..'d by t he cionrninditiz officms cif tlw
re , ;,r tire tare Yard: and rc-it, I nation afore,raid. 00
, nrd in-I in 110 , term: 01 - the rooil r:4l T.
rt,e re:erve.s the ri.2,fii Inlrepel nll hit!!
am p-rsons ha A :VP heretrtfore faihtql to rxeeule their
rf offerin: to snr,th either r - 1110 S,. art irles Bill
t.e to lef . rma l,l the place or pIaCCS at 0111c0 they
may (I.—ire pa ;meads ti he made to :Lem.
”t' 20 —,n2l
'fn i 9nnian, Inlelligelccr and
'obi-. B. ; Porti , :nontil Journal :and Bill's Pal , N. 8.;
Beni, Gaze+ ie. Vi , Morning f",..5: and Daily
; Jun rind of Commerce, anda rd,
: 1d 11 oriidig Piist, N. Y.; A nieriran • %getable! and
I.cdzer. Philadelphia. I'a.; Pally :darning roa , ,
poi Pa.; Sun a rid Republcan,Baliirriore, Md ; En
qui,en Va ; Beacon, Sorfolk, Va,; Luaisciile
Gaze , ie. Lei aon Oii , erver, May,iciPe Advocite, Ky.:
r - 1 -, , ,h
S,hnol Slates-
r•to .11].,
0.1i13; ; St. lontiii 1311;10in, MO ; N. 0
•Iv,rt ker., La Detroit Free Pre,s, Mich ; Southern Pa
S. C : Mornin.2 Gazette, Puffalo. N Y.
c Ii EsTs.
J. DILNNiNG—On Friday. the3oi It of last month. about
9 ck at nisht.the Ilattine.Groovior and Sash Man
91:irtory. owned by Gay: Dilworth 4. Co. with a lame
nannty of dressed and undressed lumber. was all consu.
A TTOR-VEY AT LA W. —Office in Boars Building
Four, street. P it , shot -Eh Nov. 5. 1842-
Eu! , i , c rih.ers has about 12 improved Frames i differ
eel pare of the country for sale, containing from 2.5 to
300 acres each, at various prices—payments made caiy
and RU . OOIOIOIIIII 10: to pure hasers. Alt., several !mows
and lots. 4 good stand curate Steubenville Turnpike, I 1
utitrg from Pitt-burgh, adjni nine the town of Fa yet tesville
n-one roads to Jefferson and Nobleslown. Attached to
1. a fine tot of 13 acres of choice land; a rood coal pit
uni a -nod primp will, atrand ince of watrr in the dried
season-. The house Is ala ren frame 30 by 40 also, a not h.
er double to house. It wilt make a good stand for a
Tavern to accommodate Drovers and persons attending
the Filtsburgh Market. It will he sold on easy and ac
commodatine terms. For part icutars enquire at
HARRIS' Intelligence Otee, rt 10.9, sth street.
- r"
. .-
r. -. Ir. .... 1. — dc.77,-, COACH FR 0.111 PITTSBURGH
ir- - — .5 TO MORO4XTOWX V.
4 k ST:!-
The snte.criber will commence rannine a Foar Horse
Post Cozck betweentlie above places on Friday morning,
A - ow, 4.9.4-2-
It will leave ritislturgh every Ft iday and arrive ie
Morgantown every Salarday evening, paqiing through
Finley v ttle, Bentleysville. Beilsville, Frederick -town,
&Unshorn', and Carntiehaeitowu.
Returring. it will leave Morgantown. every Wednes
Jay a , """ag. ai 6 o'clock, and rtazh l'itshorgh on
Thur,day eNenirtz. The Clarkshargb and Uniontown
Coaches. which arrive in into gantown on Tuesday and
Saluday erenines. will thereby connect w ith this line,
thane:a:ins mach to p - issengers in tint Wi mpy.
fhe coaches and horses employed will be of time best
descriplion.ander the care os skitlut and reliable drivers
and every care wiil be taken to make the tr ips within *ha
time stated. PETE@ DANIS.
Office_No.42, Wood st .2od door below the. Merchants
Nov I—d2sv
.Excaratoz Barra OF Prrxesvamm,i
November 1.1842.
THE Jirectors of this !lank bave thla day declared a
dividend oftitree per cent. on the capital Meek
paid in—anbject to the tax on Siockholders according to
act of Assembly, lone 11. 1840. payable emend after tbe
ilth inst. _ THOS. N., aovrz,
Nov 2 Gutsier.
Piusbargh Nov.
,1: . 184i.
TEE President and Directors' dr this Beek have. thiF
declared a dividend of three per cent. ant of
the profits for the lest hie months. payable 911 or after the
10th lasc. W. H. DENNY.
Nov 3
titS 1000$1.1C0 ar o'clock Attie sold at Bans
tames Aurtkon roma, 170. 110 Wood fa-rent, a
large lot of Dry Goode laat rereored from Importers con:
riolloroffroporline amid Cloths. Caarineroo.-Dotionits.
flotalrehe.llllthhels died: and plain Entilait Illiorinons,
pins Avalon Marina*. With a grind variety tos totter Dry
roods. ' " ' • ' • ; -
at Vtitich. Mee% Clothing. &Imam Cloth
Coaut.Onnronanota.V. Z. A: BAIISM AS,
Nor 2 Auctions:lr.
_ .Alild!" , _ —4/**l lll o llol .l ll ol*****Bifide
it immae -.111"6" " 1 , 1 F i Vrikause viroritseritivanismp4t l Olistreat the'
re! . _the 1010 11 4 180 1.0 110 6 01 ~ 1C • ea 40440 z 1140,040410tervolich
431 P4Cg4lo4"4l4‘e4gaiiito))*lo46llll` lS:Cl:o3 radttlidalmedmitdiestder Aram fretatls4*.to *Wee, of
jam &
racebred thil V. ovrett4 l l l 4 ll 4 l4l **t _ - - 1 ineedran *.pwo&Aloultartle of 044d0t• * filny - ftle l4 - 414d
_. Cherrytresei4tMebsprowessestitasembege Hattneheee
Ho. M
110, Wood Weeea
. llliaisilld b., Cir aeon” 01-81. _ , - anstabat Ul arms erettfUraishakeelmakded far a Ta
ste* variety now la this city, and offering the Wale" 'n - van tic private Derrallitgat frame Barn TS by scoote
d.....dl to country inershants sad deatra , in wet' ,Iresermate.mistMahlbsy,sbeds t ogether oat, boaamersit.
emirate&_ lib* for a tesektentt—tpand Coda's sarroratied with.
The assortment le part consble cr— t tango titsbes-aral a wet of at cetera emter..wilit , a
super ib e b roo d c l o th. ; j counterpane% _ k mmapittatetbe frootdoor. la relation to the Pietaturgh
Plain and fled easeinseres; Beitstea&c; I and Allftheny market, there is no pleat sow offered for
Swipes; - I 8001, §and 3114) ". sale with inoreindemeseat to thme wishing to pambase
Blankets; Paterathread;- , near Pittsborgh,the farms veil he made moderate, for
Flannels;. Pongee ithdkfic 1 roriber partientarsapply to tbcprovrietee at his Clothing
Bleached muslin; Jdeli m um ps; - ' Store, Liberty street, coraer of Virein Alley. -
Brawn d o Hosiery; , LAWRINCEOUTCHELL.
Glover. i 1 S. B. If not said before the Ist of Otaohrs next. It
With a great variety of other ar deice; the sale of which will be divided valor 10 and 20rare lois tomtit perches
wilt be continued from day to day until disposed of. I sm. - day 10
nor 3 It. A. BACTSINA N. Acct- I
altite r
CHEAPER TH lA.N EVES! • Ti' l'obtx Owl's M'Peclrolia Call ike attention of
sreettain assoatitrarr or 1 their friends and tbeptibliegeiterally,to their pre.
READY MADE CLOTHING 6"11- il ' lrttneni of Payer Bearings, which -
.v111121;1.... a
larzt tandextensive variety of 'parteras of the following,
0 pecyar quality and finish.
AT THE THREE BIG DOORS, descripti ons, which upatiinspectlon will be found to be
No. 151 Liberty st.„ one door frost tit Jackson Menatitra•
/lift 13, Subcriber baring Prepared at. his ealaldifthnt ljaglaced Wall Papers, of al! descriptlons, for pa.tering
1_ the largesta and MOO varied stock of RE AD Y rooms and entries, at 3$ cent : per piece.
MADE CLOT HI NG - ever offered in the Western coo n
o- Waxed Wall Papers. neat and handsome patterns, for
try, would respectfully invite the public to give him a PaPeringremme and en t r i es, at 371 cents.
call and examine his Goods and bear his prices before America* Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
purchasina elsewhere. His stork consists in part of 1 halls Presto and other silks for parlors and
1500 Coats, avvorted sizes and quality; 2000 pair Paula- eharnhers.on fine satin glazed grounds.
D ons; 1800 Velar, a
t i c a large assortment of Shirts. Preirk Well Papers, Decoration end Friscopsturvs. in
Drawers. Cravats, Stoctv. Ginger, &invaders, add every plain and rich rolora,asid and silver paper.
other article of winter
Velvet and imitation Borders.'
Bis Cloths were all selected by himself in the Eastern , Landscape Papers, in fella, for papering hotels, halls
Market, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices.. and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
and consequently he can afford to give bis easterners I fire Board Prints, Stases, Oranarents, 4'c.
BETTER BARGAINS than they can get at any other 1 Wittdolv Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different co
house in the city. Believing in the principle of "Protect- lore.
Western merchants and others are r es pectfully Invited
to call and examine their stock and pikes. off which last
lug florae Industry" he has thereto e had all his articles
a liberal discount will he given for cash.
manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and he has no
hesitation in saying that they will be found in every nes
peel superior to the Eastern sasiafactured ad ides that Prom long exaerierice in the t usinesta, they are aide to
of public attention, as it always should, the
are offered manufacture rtapc.rs in a superior manner, and as they
dickered among US. for sale in the slop shops that have recently
are determined to keep rip the character their papers
crave ihe encouragement hii hellos° liberally extended.
these time
whs. Howe law?! is oecriviyin.,,, tat
uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
large a share
proprietor of the "Three BSI Douro' takes peculiar pride HOEDSHIP 4' BROWNE.
snd pleavtire in assuring the zens of Pittsburgh that No 49, Market strec4. between ad and 4th
his Goods are all manufactured under his own eye. by the rill -ItnettOt. Sept. 19. 184.2wtf
mechanics of his own town. Be dots not. like some of
his rivals in trade, have his Clothes made up in a distant
city, in another State, nor does he =lye rise his Stork in
bills printed three or four hundred mile , from here. Be
goes on the principle that the mechanics of Pittsburgh
ran do work as Well as any others, and lie does not de
:We to draw money from their porkets to support distant
workmen; while he asks them to support him, lie does
not wish .o impoverish them by a drain to support far
off mammoth workshops.
The subscriber would take this occasion to return
thanks to his friends and customers for the unpreceden
ted patronage extended to his establishment, and to iv.
peat file iuvitation to all those who wish to purchase
clothing.of every description, made la the lat&tst fashion
and sold on the most accommodating terms. to fall at
No. 151 Lisert, street. JOHN ki`CLOSIt EY.
ErObserye Metal Plate in the pav :meat.
IL r —2OO 13,1, No. I Salt, just received. and for
5 ale hy J. W. BtIRRRIUGE 4- co.,
oct 1— No 75, second etreet.
OAKUM —To Bales Oakum. on hand and for sale by
3. W. BURIMIDC v k CO.,
No 75. S Ind street
Unrivalled Blacking,
ir A TIF ACI U.E. ED and sold whol es ale and retail
I.IF_EL. Sacra STEICEI one door Lelott - Smithfield.
oel 21-Iy.
LA Nt , AFTEr. ,OCt 2d.1842.
Ky-To Dr. Tnottx,—Sly Dear Sir: I cheerfntly and:
cordtady erntrwrce the present favoran`e opportunity to re
turn To roll illy ‘varrnest t nanks of gratitude for your on
curtailed and unexceptionable iweent'on of your very
pa-tty celetwated Tea Berry Tool h-Wasb,and I Teti that
I urn in duly boned in Fa v that I have derived the great
ern arid mo-t beneficial elect from Its frequent and mode
arc use: and I ran :wore run t hat t am exceertinly hap
py To have the itle.,rutc of informing Yon, that sincerely
and cordially Firm-ll:inc. I can injustice recommend its rre
quern use to all that unfortunate portion of the Truman
rare thronghout the globe who are now under2alu: the
Most excrucialin2 pain for the want Ilia medicine prep.-
rat ion of exactly The satire nature of which yours is prepa
red, and ry lin hare for 7ears In-en suMerine from the in.
jurious, destructive and pernicion,s e,ffectrs of wortirb:
tooth powders and other worthless preparation•. In
eonelusion permit me to &ay that i have weed your Tooth.
Wash hot for a short period, and yet I feel thorottehlr
convinced that it irr the hest now known. ita inestimable
virtue, in prervine the teeth, (which it kept in a .ond
and handsome condition, is the greatest embelistimet.t
that adorns the human structure.) are not to he excelled
in rasing and re:ieyine the :=uff,rer from booth ache, and
restoring, tile:urns to a healthy and purified condition, and
giving also a sweet nen and fragrancy to a disc reeahle
breath hitherto unknown.
Accr' my si,crers wish for your surcess, from
Yours. truly, loarrn RUMMER
AV IL B L a i k A ; M wei E rs L IZ: i fi d , in,, :tor . n es e i v iy at op La roo n - i ; e o i ffi he ce ice i w n
Court House, on Grant street. Ben 30—y
SlrGi ft& IVIOLAS‘ES....4O tains N. 0. Sugar,
40 Irbis Plantation Alolas,
50 Sugar House do.
For see by
ort 4. J. G. 4-A. GORDON.
1 - n 0 Bay. Rio Coffee. For Forsaie by
ocl 4. 7. G• 4- A CORDON
NI4.—LAW SOHOOL.—The Trustees of the
Western University of Penr•svivania announce to the
public that they have established a Lar S.citeril in earn
nection with the University, in which will he lavish!
binticipal, International, and Constitutional Law to all
their branches.
The t of instruction will he by recitations. lectures
and occasional moot-courts, as in similar Institutions.
The year wilt cont4.,:t of two terra of four and a half
months each.
The first term will commence on the second Monday
of Nneember next.
The tuition fee is $37,50 per term payable in advarce.
Wshvga H Lactate. F.sq-. a member of the Pittsburvh
Bar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great
pleasure in announcing that they have been abbe lose
cure the services of one so well qualified for the station
by reason of his legal sego iterating. and particularly of
one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman.
The annexed recommendation will tarnish satisfattion
to all his qualifications as Professor.
The trustees having been induced Os e this
school from a view antic serious didvitittigesittlending
the studies of law, in the office of practildng lawyersand
a's° the very obvious adeantages which Pittsburgh pose
smses over most other places in the West for the istatte
fishmeal of such an Institution—Herds a mat industri
ous popu'atino. The 'Student will see around him exam
pies of industry and eaergy.and very few temptations to
indolence and idleness- He may become acquainted
whir business in all its forms. Our Courts are silting
nearly all the year round, and there is perhaps no place
in the West where a greater variety of cases and priuci.
plea arise for discussion.
The Committeeare deslrosta that all persons Walling to
avail themselves of the advantages ands school. should
do so Immediately by calling and !going their names at
the Mrteeof Waiter 8. Lowrie. Esq.. on Fourth street
or by addressing him by letter, pout-paid, so that all stn
dents may commence at the opening of the term, or as
early thereafter as possible.
somas ',Troia. 1
/OWN 7- PRZESLT. 1 Committee
Davin S RIDDLIG y of
.LWW. W. scacit. I Education.
Taus. T. rims. .1
We take a piessure in recommending to the confi
dence of the Publir. Walter EL Lowrie E;g, Profitless:le of
Law in the Western trah - ersity of f'ennoilwatila. as a.
gentleman eminent For his sound Igpal *mules and
ties, and in every way goaliesdfo- the dation Of the Deice
to whkti ha has been elated.
J°s3 / " 1 " 1 " 7 " Ohio' Jostice aod
NOM)" t. IteitPLE6 Jositices of Me
roam. memo,
TEOILIZIMICANT. j "P m " emi r'
c. slam. Judges - HT'
eagaillusaaasza. District Court
' 18031111 awry. U. S. Diarreir huer.
8w Farrow; Ja.. Pres. Qum: Basic
Oct 14 If
NOTICB.,---The porton who plated& Celli kiratekikt
the handsof a citizen of Miegkeing. for oaf. keep
ing. during tile Illocantinnewhailealred to - eta at the of
Gee athe 4.Morning Rat." Witell h. - leturnedio'
biro on•pnitogitor this advintanseet. '
S. WV-31'
elmudde mpg sad charge th tam
U. S. 2d AIL LINE of Splendid Passenger Stem Puck
. eta from Cincinnati to Si. Louis.
The new, splendid. fast running. light draught steam.
raeßeip West Wired and Xerapseeit, will run as regular
Packets. from Ciliciainali to L. Louis. Will lease Ciii
einnati and Si. Louis every Wednesday triewning. at 10
Pasaeugers from the cast and West may rely upon
their starting punctually as advertised. rep 10
JOHN BUTTERWORTH. .dgetie. ear wad Cpstatie.
errs Nerckant, hswisrine, KY., will attend to the
rate of Real E , lale, Dry Goo4la,G.oreries. Parnienre, k e .
ke. Ilenolar sales evety TiseMay, Thursday. and Fri
day morain7r, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cask advances made
on car , ifTtme, , ss stn 10
On 27—if
Clair weir.
Larcsand Ribbons,
Wide and narrow Vets.
Lace and lid nein collar , .
Infants' frock
Ladies. Frond . ; Kb!, Mohair.
Lisle Thread. and rotton Gloves.
Stark Mohair nets for V
. eilF.—Very et: e 1
A large assortment of Eti,7llsh St ra•l Bobo.. r.
A bto, a r y of SI plain and flney t e braid.
of the lairs; faaltiott.tton at t•xceedin4 - 11 tow rags.
These goods ale non riling o=ff at prices to ' , nit the
liiidiert are respectfully invited to cotton:l Iturchase
TIMEX'S C It ER QV Tut) rti kVAM-4 wean
brediarabic Reviedg.—The extreme beauty of the
Tend, their todispentianie tier. and the frequeory of their
decayv, halted to many trioeltildvs for their pleservatiett:
vet how to pre. sari , Incur in a stale of health an pri•Witte
beanie. to the latest peritids of . eiti4ence., was entirely
unknown unto the rii,xnyery of the above invaluable
pr.paration. ti. forme a pure Lim-turf , controise=t of vez•
etahie ingrrdieuiC. amt is 11.0.- , 3.5...Pd ai the m. at delicious
odor. It eradicate , . tartar irom the teeth, ',moves sir, ,t s
of incipient decry. collet es and preserves the enamel. to
it even a marl •like whiteness, and, from itarll.ln.
fret ine propert ten, lotst.efses the virtue of givito; meanese
to the breath.
A:. an Alai scorbittic, the Gnmsalgtlshare in its trans
;1.1,0 pourers; Srnrtey 'eradtrated from them, a
healily action and +edrr.-= Is itidnred, wlikh offers to the
notice of the precinioner indubitable evidence of
their healthful state. f , has been examined and used by
several of the herr phyvicians of this city, whn have no
brlnitation in rerommendinr, it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth. Glints
A n , ong the recommendations to the above are the lot
Raving tried Dr...Thoro's Tea Berry Tooth 3V3sh,"
and become acquainted wit h the Ili!. rediPtas. of its compo
sition, i cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
it is one of the most pleasant 'tooth Wastes now in u.c.
Pit tsbu rgh Sep. 15.1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure in stating. baying made use of-Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash." tit Is one of the bet den
triflers in use. Beim , In a liquid form, it combines neat
ness with convenience. While it cleauses the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its pstrf ti me Feld,:
a fragranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. Pd. D.
The undersigned have used “Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash."and have found i: to bean extreme
ty pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary lune_
ence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Dar_
ing thoroughly t es ted Its virtues, we take plea. sure in re
commending it to the public, beliEging ft to be the best ar
ticle of the kind new ln.usr.
Prrpared only tic WILLIAM THORN, Apothecary
awl Chemist. No. 53 Sialket street. Pittsburgh; for sale at
all the principal Drinn•iste', anti Tutrie's Alnclical Agency.
Fourth ,treet. SPI)
17tA flasher. 11112. . •
SEALED pmposalewillbe !received attitts Department.
unlit 3 o'clock, I': hi. of Cie 15th November next,
for furnishing the necetiwary tnaterirds and constructing a
Depot for the preserfation of the Charts and instrucrients
belonging to the Navy, with its riecowary oluetcatOries,
gtarrite piers, ifc.
The Depot to consist of a central Pudding of fifty feet
square. with wins of twenty five feet in length. and
eighteen feet wide—the whole to be built of brick.
Flattened specifications will be exhibited at OW De
partment. to persons wiahiitg to bid fur the same. The
excavation to be completed the prevent winter. Ail the
materials to be furnished of the best quality, and the
work to be done in the best and most workmanlike matt
ner, and to tha entire smite .. .action of the officer snperin.
tending the construction of the buildings. Payments to
he made not Oftener than ones a month. and then only on
cerliticd.hy the superintending - officer, and approved
by the Secretary of the Navy, reserving ten per cent. on
all bilts as collateral security-omit the whole shall be
completed to the entire satisfaction of the Deportment.
A boed fbr the faithful performance of the contract,
with two satisfactory securities. shall begiven for one
third the.egimated amount of the whole cost.
art E2—t01.5
The Sun and Republican, Baltimore; American Sent int.!
and Ledger. Philadelphia; Datil, Morning Putt, Pitts
burgh:Journal of Commerce. Standard. Ron, Union. and
Morning Pod, New York; Morning Gazette. . Buffalo;
Daily. Times. and Morning Poes...Boonn; Hill's Patriot..
N. IL; Enquirer. R ichesond. and Batton. Not folk.. Va.;
will publiait as above.
Jr B v+arßerigioos.nisleacal.Pahicliland Siii
cellaieealtWorlu. will be open every day.
awed. o'cleak, At„ if ~ealif O. P. la., in the Ea,
'thaw Beildiagopereer el 6t iCleir anneed Cubango
alley, where poems] attinince glean byr
rep 7il. I.,GEM*IL. .
200a g ti c 7- "l pt s mt °7 le FL" easli lo sE ut Ep f
te ii ci ve r te
JAMES DICKVY it Co _Aetna:.... .
Mechanics Line corner oflA t erty and Mayo - are etr
Pittsburgh. ' ea"'
of on, warasssi@,orlvertror==orti sit;
EVieiffwg.itrWchtelt; T-14: I *HI Telt htfie
esit erfitoeirs: , -et pieeitelfit it'efoek.l
LephteGold. assfl 4 Silver Watcher
Altes-la 'the mitre of the ~Sib* a lithuttity
Itheiterieelletelaiteeesit retied rolielpeap pattetThlieles
14fraders Susi Pens. ink J. B otrritste. ,- -
nov ihugrettser,
.1- 1,
s - . 4110*.d . IMam the .`"
thmdiehtocAl . - • 1914. Wad It .It 7 *geed iiirettairmilessiiit alkillhowthit
bar ikeir a .1 4h4i4Stehtkiiimithett 111 k. "Ltd
anifiteptf Oit kei‘tehie 4 c rogOito4lfrigkire as , there atteteihs-lit'sithiMi ItillitelekmwsolkidtimMlN hint
gins iiabees (be eiratoriatergaikereitia Intgliql.PlilUisimadirOtibift
Mitiefttrietettt4ll !nazi 7evit4ilf,arlicretiitlifte - tend TikkifhtiOndthintatoiehttionteti
tact of wrhaultaifieei:aerke;elekeramirf,,!eehitr4loh :i . aratomattr4iit ernot oszeisturontntsfr , t:
,A.Wtheg." Is the pirasuot o f teem od e e .h i(e r ;A o rb a DASNIUSLLAND•4II I .IIrECWIMPOP rya ttrjose ,
Pe. 0 04 4416 *-Yefni-i ) etik_hica 114 roiSio.4o,; — "Ntaisram:-orrembroluitivintitieum - fteaVallitiowi
merits PH* - lta it tt "tiltttittlriP 4 : ll l,ollittlie tritittakeis vita
PO Cfps,Vegilenl;llo ediejent. and yt l s u pa r r . di d I esteem • t ger meat ha alarm. The palmist 1011 r lint
.these pills r ihrif for the lastlielyeirtfin inypraelice.:. for I bac k , le° side and M .'" ata, la d "' "1"/ Thai lie ' irlit'rn
.the cure ar c h rott iedi x th.e,.or A wn Iste to help Mimi:aud wow takes lele
of females in particutar4 havetmed Own at them -than ghat In the et t Y "omen:: Tads otter „
all silfdt
Theme , them:dist Ave weektr.DocroftP raid he di d ne t 11°1F
Like every oilier wtedietne.thinunist fan in woe in what was the matter - wi th him, and that
stances. Imtln myhaad.- there has teen smi ditappolat. so thi rrfor MM . !Wel"'he Pcmmit-eenv fl i l t * •
went and more ratisfisci too 10:Eve.adminid rat iori cJr; this • wit he . l '"`'''"•`•"Wwwleer e d Iran' the (''heeds 1lbs;
one, etmetty,thee A C , a n whes ..,t le,; cod ete e ite „ en m ities abet to the iliaffor's retreat Isn Staten /simitf...' That 'M
enke astonishing me. -
If my patient required a wife aperient medicine either t i od of four months, steering all time the suom i -
isercee or after parturition, theAtrillta's were lost rending misery -:'That, hesitirs his aficidion of his hoites
the thin; wanted. , . itc was troulded .. rnoch with a disear , e'itf - the hum: some.
V a dyspepticacid condition of the stomach. munitineil ; liwea he - wouldVl? ovoid of phtenm in the day; *Out
the hoer_
oonoth wee the ; this affection he bad a bad Martha:a, wine*: sasktintnts
disease ~f the . tit . — were i„,t the thin. I; or lcesatteoded him hom the tommeareateni ilia Mete
granted. - -.l' patient . • ; That at times be dreaded a Moot wort e. limo= he
m ould have dreadottideath; that he can compare-the *Os
if 1 treated a ca.-e requiring' an emmrnazogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. . „.1" nothing to ee "flult of halve , fussing. ihreitth it
if Pah:that ion, headache. flushed easmenauce. or other t "' ne w? . door loravine-warm Limit death at shit stein'
difficuittett„. Indicating a distarbance of the circulatory °elneal ." smite !tined. the, doctor-told him that man
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the .turn j was ottto prfiw bbn=t4 md o e ' t te r to Idieslgut "
of lir e, ' the wi tmee pins were jinn !tenant A t this time he teas steertitg the seritheits miser). Tina
Titus, without resptet to the mime. a disease lois ht his Sweet' ware " tender bec o u ld awalwaa .,.. the le " P re c e '
happen to wear at the-time have had It under treat f ur e " t m m-cb m c d he wi e ermeiberrerlb aid s ,..e t O .W - Li ndifet=
a 7
- y 7 h ce e wils*Ll'aireffiednnsLielilinael be dtelletet,7nedci" 34.4341
to ,:f tome—gliel
• Wilson's pills. artiodoeht? Pills, which be did. from 241 nrailisit.
That so great a nouther ofdiseattes, and sometimes . j hew Tart ; that commenced with 6 " O ur ' !W E/I* W'
ones, is
which I have
used these ap; times Increased the dose to eight_ The Hest Meet 6 ttlit
should be rated more readily by them than by any .other 5.1 ' " ell hesitated him, that she doctor, pot 3/411144612
remedy, may at first seem strange an t : enntrndletory, lint I
chat be was ac i ng. said, •mow, Shaw. you look If is
rot w
why it is an is as clear to my mind as that a !read many 1 man a ga i n; if i mo c e" 4° Ibi s "ay. w ill
persons should ;Vsellnie thirsty from is many digeteeLi wett.', That he rzitrti, every dose of tits uranairelit Ir
causes and yet all reitulre that common and greaten of rem "' MIN Afel MeV cared him of the poll whee lti
all bl ings, water to quermb their thirst. stool; that they nem cured the diarrhea, aid goaitto, yin ;
In entmtution, it is due the etiolation of l'-e medieine inina to his b oneek — Thd" he med i c i ne e m e4 4 49 :
and the piddle, to say decidetry and nneondllionalty.that strength to him evert day. Re toldthe &Our
the Wits n's DiltS are lryearly romtinat ion I have ever day the 1 1th Jnatant..thatht felt titowelf will amt. Nita.
met with in my lone eturse of pmclirr.thiti Truth/ pus: t h a t he owed btu reamer -Yin- fl'emdr e the 4 04*
em. .. e . any , hing mat npeet . fietr , ii he ... t . t „ be. Providence, that lie 1124 taken the medicine .evetitinw
Touts DR. .1.1 ILO A DAMS fur 19 days; that the doctor fold hint if hejnisf. knows. kii
had been taking that medicine. 'wettish/ not !.aretor*
The elitism Pill, destened partieulauly for the sick
Bard. Ache, ityspemia. Constipation of 'tie -Bowels 4tr., toot her day in rise house. Re conMders it is - kinslteket.lO
make 1114100111 c statement fart he hearth toted itionkiatte ,
prepared hr the proprietor hr. It. A. Wiliam. and for
sale. Wtnmtrsaie and retail.; at big dwelling In Penn :Street. afflicted; that they 'may ... Italia where to Bed ash des..
tehity Mat' nry. . °et I that will Cure !he l p ; JOON mew'.
at taw. pa Tulin Shaw lying kw We duty sworn IMF .11th'ilial‘
April. lila dtd depose and .tar that the ptrr'yoiole Pt
Ohre in 4111 street; oppocite Barke's
„ meet is true. J. D. WilEßLEß.Posower 1001164 ,
WiLtstat E. Argils, Esq., will stye iiis attention Maw
The BRAND-BETH PILLS are se'd .1W Sew
unfinished hnsinegs, and I rernmmend him to ft:mention-
drOtt's principal office. 24 I . BROADIPAY. New TOM.
age tuy WA LTER FORWARD f and at his principal Wogs. rin.9RAlnoodmpeet,Plitabillic.
.ep 10-1 v ' the OdYLT FL - CE in Pittsher:b where themmouine
Im obtained. seta,
'..7tiTIBBLAL. {=::c. to H. sFCtoekeii.) Fuel
iona'de Bout Maker. Liberty St.. 2d Actor from
1,17. in Alley. The subacriher respectfully informs the
public that he has commenced the above business in the
shop formerly
.occupled by Mr; Beery- fireloskey.
nd that he is now prepared , to amend to all orders in his
lineofbnsinCsswithdespatchandon the most reasonable
terms. From his ions experience in the manor:loose of
Fashionable Iloco.q, lip feelsconfident that, all articles
from his establishment a Ul give satisfaction to bis pa
treas. A amino( militia rt2/131111:re is respectfoli;
ed. srp
i:0:1 NU'S' l'aziepen , 'int Transportation Lt.:e to
Philadelptia aad Battlinen.. For Transporting
Merchant:its to cord froth Pittsburgh, via Tide Water
ond Pernsyttavia Cava/a.
The st ,ck of this:Line consists of '111.7 first ciao! Etpring
Cars, Metal Roofs, and Near Peeked Tide-Water Boats,
commanded by sobrr. and experienced I:aptiins.
- hy this. Line are enahled to have
shior.hi as ctiean. and with - au much, drepatch.aa
I , y any niher Line. (Ineßoat leavedeily front the
flot or Willow street tiallltoad on tl.e Delaware. in Tow
a 57,!eau, lioat..yhich 19 ti:ept ~ .. tprer•-sly fur that pnr.
The Pregrietorr wilt !.ive their v hole attention, and
re,p,oftstly invite Wr<lcrn Merchants to give them a
f:411. a. they wit! find tt morit to- their adv.,ntage.
Ail goods consi:ned ff'i/Tierss 17eihear 4 CO. coast
al... Or Via Delaware - tlnd Raritan Canal. will ht. receiv•
ed at their ttarehowc foot of Willow streft Rail goad.
Mittntle;pi la. where goods can be pat directly from the
the Coals without addit tor.al" handling or ex
from rhil u d. io timianysbor g .
From Holiil.iyst.urzh to PittOatr:fh. j
1M FS DICK' EV 4- Co.. Ca-.ai Basin , l.ilr.rly -..ctrert
iittmiN 4• Kiseit, street' wharf.)
the I.Pletrare,at
JeggPla E. ELniat, Balzimore, -4 gexia.
H. 1.. PA.TTEgsos, Holidarst!urgh,
Je=se P.s.rmasott. Johnstown.
To - merchants genera/4' thrOU.!hOCI the cii p.
eo 15—tf.
I T. STEWART, Uptsoloterer and raper Mager,
No. 49. Fifth street. between Wood and Smithfield
sis. Husk and Straw Mattrasses always on hand. Alf
nrd.rs , xecated with neatness aod despatch, on arrommo
/twine terms- Fen 20— Iv
300 TaxeattAwca Hymn Roots ; 2500 Too The Tem.
',mance Adencale# limo No 1; and a coneldera.
14e variety of The American Temperances Union Pnliii
rating/F.—for telie at Barrie.; Agency and Commission
‘Varehon.A. NO 9, ritlh Si • off 24
GEORGE W. LAY O, Attorney at Law, Office
Nri, 54 Fifth street, sear the Theatre, Pittsburgh.
DF.. A. W. PAT FERSOX, Office on Soon bfleld street,
near Sixth. sell JO
ler would respectfully inform hit old elastomers' n'id
friends.that he Itas this day as:ociated with him A. Me
lly/v:l4,e. nnder the Oren of S. Keller t Co.. end re/41111P3
hie former besine.:s ofden'er in Tronrand Nails, at M.', old
stand. No. 53. Front Ct.. between Wood and Markel sts.
A renewal of his old custom, and the pnlrona re or the
public tinter:My, is reenerrfnlly reqriested.
pltrshorgh. Anil! 8, 1841 SASIErgt. RELLER.
carp 10
For Sale
of Ground in the town or Washmeton
Co. On the narional rose tretereitiWinidDrion 4 grown%
grille and near the road lcaeng from Pnishorgh to Mor
gantown, on which Is gentled a large two story Mick
hotwe. w e ll Ot.ialted, a wu , lll frame aritment suitable for
an offigeor morn, a hrl,k mltk house, smoke bottom and
an neervoiry buildfets and a welt of good water. Also
an a c r e bat lot with a !area carriage house an 4 small
dwelling house, and a two acre meadow Mt. witha good
spring of water on ft., The above properly will Wifoid
oil amornmodatitt% terms or exchanged for . property in,
Piturtraugh, and czetth paid for the dificrence. rain
age is situated in one Mine wealthiest treigithorhoods
u the wft.l,an4 pritappla a coed opeiling-for a Physician
r lienelnkot,or a good' perhani. 3 —to a good Physician
an et - genera praetioncan heltven. For terms and par
ticuleui, apply at ,
oct 41l intetterpeace alike! ';
7/CE--.- Pie have In store - Me fortioteloiniaiked or .
Li • 4i:4 , 6hr/red oarkages;Vritlth, If not after will
bet* netted of seeordieg to Pm; forty ehottfee-
Itv.e4Washingi oil, 6pa clines,:eire Crave - ad Iftenki ,
um, ritisterck , •
t.- W. &LIMO BoC eitrooT Sohit Ifeloodeien,Plttsbtitik.
Woe 3 Green - . 4 TietioneC
IVologrk;2 cartiiittO and haroish.
•C 11 TI•AVULTY*Cit ir Avid%
- U.S; Ptottlklenoitillite. (ItitOf El"
PlittAdrei' 28. ret 1E463t
A.onfroroary *adios firtito
• riot's ral A- S- calm:pence nn vrid.
rundlay •okoriikig In Temperaoc e c it:40044, target.
tfr lisepotific 4siyfted.: - ' ' soy. 1-21-
FOUSIAT MrrAtafirto
- rels FtW,7% frog .Amilta*e..far
"'TY litY , -a BEE"N'
rir EPr;tswititjpo imosimiowatetiai
4tair,,,dreAntc,!dOltatsll4,lllreg peR. oeutds the
eaPPOlZlictek ref tim. tact;rlg4stm!kg Pargile'4ll:36lo*-
11 "9: 1 ***-1 ,1 * reftrfrbeßiStiVeFPnOrAlAM HO
Mgr. .10111 C SNYUER.
Ncv3-43W1 Caabitr.
En M. Poser:Tv htform their friepeistatitst,
the pntille. that they hare entneneswod znanafaelo
ring Rats, and that they hare row rctrriy lot sat.r.ak
their Store. 14$ Liberty street. hetsrven Market and 14
street. as wwortmeot of the very two fiats. which t:retit
are ortzioos to dispose chew and mewl risingseir,,
site terms. Their On& consist of the , very brit WM".
viz:-11eaver, Oiler. Seatttia,Crislars short Nat ;red! Rus
sia. I - tram:lSM Bata. 7 -
R'. 4 31. Mier?) , are both regular bred flatters. Ow
have bad extensive experbenceps 'carnet:2unit' thelext
estabtrishrortnto eoutaify;tbeir fiats Are( a4l. IN
undertbell Own if15111.4.010D. and iil.s! AMMO! the POI*
that nothing Lot the VIIITV h t erticktit on the meet clika
sortable tering will be offered car rate. - - W
XIEMOIRS °film lace Rev. CkorlesAltlct.O . !VIM.
Prertdent of Wets inaort College. Calliale..4,oaaiit.
&Mier. A. TI 17mn. with a han.'s-me aortrait.
lions. by Jan Janwe Hartmann. D. D., Hieti Miar.rothi,
NI reit. first A merici rt. from tte .9ta Edir el it ti 0 1 . 1 .4111.!1."-
- -
SPIRITEM V L HO.EY rrrim airair thrlogir&:lool4l^
itattons and oh nervations nn the nalutnt hl.tortrtmaltLai.
bits oil:teen_ Avg introdnerd to put , lle notice -11 ite
Ramnel Porch7t,„ A. M.., Landon ed igrrof
rßistrrE OF p.ens.JvrAL ..1FF14110.'4
Charter Swain, A.m..
D.E.c.4POLIS —or I Iv. lintivittaal tejlirms4ott.nif
dans to Fr.re .!.(41 , 4s from death; 211 • g#I.I , V • A t .V v4l
Ford—fourth m.ri , :m.frunt U ie fizi 1. Loilelou•dithitc, -
.S .I .B.RGWING YET RE...,rarcrAra —or%Stratirtigir
recent Ftlezesitte berenvemerlP ins mini:tooth , 1440,1,.
CHIRL/E SEYMOCR—nr 1:.• finnit
P.art Aunt; by *Mit Catherine Simelair,3 , l , '4.•
Ltrr, HM". YOU tiPT-- , oaraint* .,. ,
gripla2e, Life a rtare ; Life.a Condkt. Lire_
Stret-Time for eternity; by the Rev, 7. • Q.
CHRISTI-CV L OFF, —nr the duly of • . •r"
for the immediate conveminn ni the trope,
..vp„tker.-1. 5 , Reward Malertni. Preeidelli• of 'qt:a:RV/0, Uja
cotteee, Ky.--24 edition 18 on.
The Moral tnBereriee. Dangers and I)olle3.,cluiiiithik
Great Citier--by Jahn MM. 18„rpo
The e raro and duty of befr aWrits9ollr •niadel. Arti*,
led and :1.-note:oly iMinTece!l..,6y 7rttrialsOn,Tl n .12• M
t TOR P OPT/1E 11it.E.42' HreORMATION oe
the r0 , 111,T in Germans ScritX;eo4l . 4o-AIO
J. H. M, l
ee Tr ut , :gne. President nr the 'Tbre
School off: eneva, t!.. In 3 roh, 12 mn4. 34. itifolklitgk
tram the 5 hT.onden ciiitloa. LIIK E tionimuldittp.A. ,
-Se-fs.Z2 - ISO-89- ViteksoeSsep!-
JCST lPtkived,aiteto Searnitabie 'Entrain artali,a or
fer.J.i qua taivw Frain Extra No. 1 -io S. r
!nt .i'flearmnd ("oh - •
11.000 No. 7 and 2 111eeirrso Fthte..
A tot cf Oiler Ind Eticroon Masts. -
A mhi,l l areoffere4.l. reduced ces ro cash
proem] entre. Arnlt to
A. 11F.ELEN, at the American Fair Cri.-AraPrimmi , s.
Oct 12 .-zm Corner M;Fraet auk rereyaire.
To Iron : anufAttilletrig*
Nem, troi testi' wl imoni...-acia in cratel'ef owl ariehilleittik
metal. for the parpo.e of eacirier Bar-Irrp_
HF. plan cn nsista fir a rlniefireOm
Din! op the rhimney 7 iket.3 by 3/ fee 111 -$4,4 r.
and IR iorbegmuare lop;ibo pig and eohl,kl,-PlVAlli,ilit.
the top of the fire s lad tionidiad M roceivitik on ilergAilie,
The were Jinn ph*tigo Cr, as Burk so 1b . 00r..01111,111114
um'. cod the plates no `tie Lap of thee' arcoellicMa lp
it bailey one Will thick. and l 8 hid*" ," 1 :-.gt:
ilavingyrrelve3 Lenient Paten, ror the . erase . l 0gir4 , 7..
ihe. publican rearauabie les**. , I
r in'oirseatiens - ran be had, by ItddrelmW M
Portiniotith. .1. C.
flinotiret Ur?. Aitsga
The wilderairti4ha.ing used Mr. J.Q.Mella aant
Pateat Ran out fire fora/wet tem Ono. take sdritsuestba
'l,4proof:wading ft to the public, d lenre , Parliell4olo.
'ait Iron fliannallanferli /Wall finproveameit 40.th..9sposk
fi rep. or on the aid plan of at melee oat
The tupelo. or patent fire.wlit Freest heaskusuatialia.
the foci tarsi: will wake as each metal ilk
'trio open tenet;: and refine meta, of an :nod 41ftialitY lotatio
open fires,
We have weed a ire of Ibis hied few WO
have derived each *donning* (Ma 11, that WI ett.gbeq
'fatty reerenwead .
Mehtanaway has Oen oat oat , op llttPmUissailb.
and bad outset twat Wbeeittle. both or which Wee see
eredell admtrahty. These. with ours, ore theses* , MIS
noir ho use in the United Staten,
October 10, 1342.
brad Birthed'. Mant faeurer of Host
cpin; FOR SALE.—Foir Lois is
AA and a. fourth error of Laid no Tl~BiStultilli
one.,151,1132.50il 124.- le Coot* Om
of Lots, on noire'* 0111 Aleo„Loia oat IS t00&17.7 It
cook% plan ortwot oP High stoort, wee thew ....r*fest
Howe, "For terms apply to W. R§IIIIIOIWW, ,
seplo . • • r
?ITV tf
" ' ' 1 -11'''' ' .
V4 ,_
S eeetteret tor tiefitaies , lll-44
111. tioe-eisrafal Afar. win #e * 1 , 1 0 4 ki l o.,
gob's a s if diutay• !Ili no deir eflqiiiiiiliiir Thrii? - '
30int 3STINC.'I'''
ecl 3l—t?
; • 4 4: - Witt
- •
riverp-i!grigtolo g p k - 4rf ttOr Zjar tarewiteo4.l&lo •
..I,*eovibal Eksiticis for li*-20441116041t1140.110114
m: it; 'trill: hehdd AL ittc, Banking, Beepasc444s ,
ittect 41t - Stouti - 21* eat tour +be Ist eft
• 3 ' fit .o .-0_444 1 4P ,
go .Y.5W1,43.11L
PillEtbug4 l . 0 0# OtiArwa
-frilTß-#l:47eiriscifolicit tjlisllAir4. are valffint tilt
filortifitAtip 41irtgeir ursopero *a 004400
will h - thfrat_sh;itt-
.4,,Var s aireilw blapfi „ V VW'
P...V.iaber at