• _ ` 7. g PrIRAVELEIR "Aniltbl it ri l provided scIIILIIKIIIi.cI44 bait , prialetlatith 4 , -Sigure of %gi ft' you ate:ult dee/threat ky A ~.....h.itties low, _._l. ii, Cp;44, wbea tbcy wife; Spaerar t i Tie ft~ig is a lama( has" 4 iv Gass* at tbjelNiet - '4ll - 1 gm as *11111416; beim imailwov ed *pairs's* it tit lasposable arta* SAVANNA. Appi RARITAN. ILI NIAG U 2 A, ORLEANS. - CANTON, LADY OF LYON - §, VALLEY FORGE. FORT PITT. , • RREMEWATSR, EXPRESS MAIL, ALPS. CASPIAN. I DA. WEST WI pi i ,ri - E. I ii swilycin " I TALLEYRAND, PANAMA, CICERO, , ....,..,-,-- vicaris.d.; _ 4 AMARANTH. MITI4GO - PASICf - ';: , NIITTIRIE„, .., ADELAIDE. ' NORTH BEND;,_ .L ... ,. RI ETTA*: , lONETTE. !:TE4IIREEIt_ T - __:- a 4 idiiii "late- -_ `' •• - • '''4,. AR Al* - 1: 3 :1 - !P L- Aft! otitis % -1. - ''''‘tr- , • 4)7 t.. it is to aatitiftslo.ll4lll.4lo4looC Iftterested-100erftf• . "'" to pollen en ail& . , "-• lift pleasure ftt .; . ? AN Lat who w" titit Imille:uh.eol. ,- ' I -CUM MT LURE, Ant,irney; and ITALUARLX 'Oat :WWI nu. 0:11 , e ci .he Diamond.kack Tbe subrertber oilbtifot -T .. r,i, , . 11 ,zll. Rep 10 red rates, the grasser part of bb the cities of Pbtsborsb and Alle7l Brick Wareboos... acid c be. dtti• :.-13, • ""-- jetirfen • • t" . 4 1 - . t4f east 54 *-4 6 4 1 ; sire. or separiley tassir 11. Alio.. a MiertiMinditte kith breidli,ls 71frire e : am .1 , 110414 40 e - - 40 t '" Y ice , s A 6 -0 . *it "silk hns striutori _ ale nor tire sensier etviadiaLapil "" a made rate g round:mitt; Xi.a 'OM 41 .0 1 . I a gro.ery.ALEX. %RAI srr, 10 n, CP , ILN/t../IX s KED tr ASTED.—P l! cas. OT goods, a ipastity uf Ftositi ail Fonds of Country Nei= 14 ,• . , r or Eoods at BAR Contarrissio' ti NET. Co"'isiis America* .10'! ii Eftlt TO no. Grier. E-q., Plnabirrar, • Aaron Hart, James C..enran of rd. " /no. D. Darin, Nl'Ver ,d• Hanes, ' Avery, Orden ei• Co. • Jno Woodt•ourne. Erg.. pow. Ir 11.. n I, tom-, - TT ALL' aLE PAWS' ELlir V Fs rin On which , afield. eenitainisv. 400 arrer.efnAll acne of whirlarilld well timbered. There are epeal a• de trim 63 feet by Star PPP I I A Ic.o. a hunt seventy SLIVS Or Ol t rcinal to that at any gram Terms made kizowa tals In the prpenined. WILIAAni WILLIAM C. WALL. mad Pietstre Fremi Fourth Street Pritstrreick. —C ttc .for Art tr.tx, 8 i !MVP OW tai pnnoirtity farmed toorder es I notice. rarticuiar attention-Fa t o ery detscriploo. Pereons fining up Steam NV heiradvantage to calf. WHITE tElt "4- - eeis rmsitimbo,"lll... chi.* p.re witur Lead wade rattled equal, if oot supetiorlo Or ot. It older: addriovi EVOIOT_A.OIIII ro Vo. 1 I Sectooll itfici 6ra " — ail , .fided to L"IE3 F:1110S.11SLB Fifth St.. ortadenefel o C sia - The Subf-cribrr respectinfly P sharer. said vicinity. lirat:cio railiae SboeB of ideal"• man* where be will keep constantly rye j meat of all %Indent tadire.l o o l and phoes, of Ike best qualill - „.1 re,. to suit the time* Be 1 00 7 1 1 kinds of fancy work--stle. !Ad' slipnerA. colored oilier,. sod deen's elieltra. silk fidi er nt will be made at the aborted s."•••:, ner. Ladies will pleste catlacrOMO ae subscriber feels enelbdeal I any article is Wise Orel 0,11 f! ECM Croup. 'MOP ) Cent. Toot you fry 10 't raftetAlt llolll°..- ' P. P. Don door from Etarrioo4ll rot., Madre itviet rt at hit ~)'cents VI Dieffr V business offttool LE•erts street *Oast _He" I harks to the strosertes *Ww filr. for tbo vest liberal • .•' tended, to lato, easelell. - sr tsbesto assure tbesoNoll,_.l...V.M, met k the cerOanDolol.--"_.gree. la< peetfa'ty invite tbeir alum" Cbgbing,orbiela lie [keel bas beets etc* oll V m "..„..,lllll" • Has whole of datum* ea sib* aril Its bstutettis 104._,m—t alb basiotioa, he - feels surpass adastoeb„ sides senor ororitortaste*P Pinwale tebeso l t iortigil tared io ritisboraf iv • QA 1111:1$1., PlOalte. • • tAI " * 40/00 Pfiti Ina mei AferkS.‘ t" ."7 la las It* * the of awe $4. 0 ' 40,0 Immo. ww:7l 110.800atioits6"11.°: DS BE , 1 Y gi : lePritb, reaWy tom ovem ta which went. ally, to Whiett wrt lye !fled Its ttesee 7\ l- 13. 53. ISFIED BY ps W. H. SMITE!, OF irOOD 4" FIFTH STS. DOLL RS a year, payshle.in TWO CIiNTL3--for relewt be „ by Sews Boys. and Manufacturer 1t :he same office. on a dyable 0 DOLLARS a year, in ad. SIX CENTS Advertising. WELVE LINES OR LESS: .50 i One montb, :15 I Two moots, 6.00 ,0 0 1 Three months, 7,00 - 0 Four mon , hs, SAO six, monlbt, 10,00 oo Oac Year , DVtIITISEM ENT?. cAsca E. 7' Sqoaru 513.0035.00 r.;;inze7o,..n:l.A. t 3. its in prornrt ion DoLL.as a year 0 FFI C ES, & CAM, 1111 JAL QUE.+, MEC BRI lird between Market and Wood Ktmaster Ath door from Wood at. Peter- Mt Wiltock,Conecior. between Flat and Second am. T reasurer. rbtrd street, next door to the O w e ..• eh—S. R. Johnsion,Treasurer. _;„, OS h, 'between Market and Wood Mayor. . Fourth, near Ma-ket A. R , - A :CRS' Market and Wood streets, on L. Drirtrur. Era' AND Fmoicas' Da- Fxring Fund.) Fourth, between , near Wood. wale , creel. near the 'lodge er of PP,' and St. Clair. • ner Third and Wood er on Tnl , d and s Smillifield. :vent d Canal. Feeent h. noon=i;e Wayne nrs , n-,nnaor Canal S, ATTORNEY AND %T I, remo on G . oT.Posite zt rooms !c, D. 11R1 , 011, !PI. 10 FT? m., , lfice removed to trf en Gad Li a-rt.g Srdl, s 1 , 10 wth.lrsale attd En:s o ', FI en 51 d kel ct porno r :tt ...I , 10 ‘totrow, Altiernlott; offtt-tt north itetween Wood and Stir td 111 G r R &AK. Opr in Prnd.ro, ,ni Mil.UrEh No. 6224 h St,fet, Pins• geP 10 I, U. P:Lwnititi Dlr. irORTII. --AVholesa le .71r a Com mis,ios and Malmiar . iirP r , No '29, ,111 10 ibe ahere. 41610.11,1 F, ROBINSON, Ai; ornev ai Law; a•~h ~de ..f the Iliamnf:d Letssee•n Fri; 10 4W. or ney ai La w; renders v I , OfflrC :.hove U. 1.14351 4- (n . s sep 10 %I.ottii,r.o,r; of Copper. Front at , Fots -4,0,1 work vomplly . ..ep 10 \ CIS I . YOUNG. CO., V \ Vara t!•st 5- Par ha nPV. t,e ta•P u 111 tin;] 1t to cal , . ,eiti; f.4;!y -atined that sep 10 supp'y Fresh Ru• r tit varieties of Turnip sale at RED: CED PRICES SI tilE F. L. SNOWDEN, s.rett. head o ri livot and Shoe Manufaclo h St., next door to the C. States Kul anti Satin Shoes made ;I:1 y the newest French ontierus. ULI'IC.AULUS. to lots tO EUll rs; tole disposed of by F. L. SNOWDEN . . • I.thert y street. head of Wood. weTs and Flower Seeds of ev. always he had at the Drug F. L. SNOWDEN. Liberty street, hrad of Wood. Mammoth Onion Fevd, for 2nd Seed store of F. L SNOWDEN, Liherty street, head of Wood. RSEY SWEET POTATOES, received by F. L. SNOWDEN, 181. Liberty brad of Wood st al JOHN 11PFARL AND, Upholsterer and Cabisst .41-ker. Third st. bet:gees Wood 4. Marta streets, nstg:nE of Hoes. Fancy Spades respectful inflrms his friends and the public that he is wet:, ['Ailing Tools„ Budding prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bn ['Tithing Shears. etc-, Just re - , reaus , Ch a i r s. satitee,ll.e.leteads, Stands, Hair and Spring T. L. SNOWDEN. ' : Matirarees, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering il_s =tieet, head of Wood. i work, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, sod on reasonable terms. se p 10 -in.A received a small sup- , Hama, on retail wonrr. CIOMMERCIAL - AUCTION ROAMS, xo IBA -IC H %REIS. Agent, i e k- 1 110 Weed Street, Pittabsegh.—R. A. Bailsman, and Com. Merchant Auctioneer and Cominission Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise. err Eked. Orchard Grass and at his large and mspacioas MOMS. No. 110, North East Orasr. always on hand and for Corner of Wociiiiilut Filth Streets. Faltakino 6 F. L. SNOWDEN, j Regular sales orDikyllrimis, Fornitlire.,-IDtricsrimi and 4 i dbert Y street, head of Wood. other articles, au Miurdaysand Thorsdayof each week. Hardware. Cuitenr. k ry GOIXIM, and Flukey Irtielee, on AN. .+Diorseys at Law. orrice Tuesday, Wednesiity,tmol Thursday mitulliVi. Diamond. to “ ttornersHow," 'Boob. 4C-• ever, Slau"aY event "' between Ma r k e r and Wood Liberal advancuarillaile On Consignments when wanted seplo Mwsrs. John H. Wiwi*. Lag • Bagaley •• Hampton. MU 11, 4 co. • F. Lonna* • J. W. -Blalktidss# Co.. •• S. *Maw 170 • Capt. 4aadra C. therm. Esq. - Seen. Nrlradden Esq. Logan ignoody. .1- Noorbead* Jas. F..*lnart. Seq. 1 4 31 4 460 1= 1 7. 1 a : Cud- Ins. Isset. Rclrap.o4kaakt, # Co ANKH, for proceedirm in irr. tate law, ror sale et this Mee: A the North Mem corner of Coal reel. Apply to BLISGTON, Market, near 4th it. ' h's French Sugar Beet Deed, um for sate at the Drug and Seed P. L. SNOWOBNI. 184 Libei ty ram, bead Of Wood. OFTMITNERRIMIrr:;'fb. etofore existing between' WM /AMIN ROPEWS.LL thisday • a% William Diguy is authorised he foie in muslin up the bushier/ WILLIAM BIBBY; BENJ. T. IittrEWVLI. DIL. E. BLEILIMIT, DENTIST, &lath. /Wilt 14-IftLes , , ggrool sal rkisyl Sts. , sep le Prinroisrafur. JOHNSTON 4 StOCKtOM, noolosellers.Prinien*ld Paper If asollortoreos. No 37, Market of. rep 10-1 Y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry. Water at.. near the Monongahela Roam, Piltsturib. seplo-1y LEONARD E. JOHNS, Alderman, St.Ciair sireet.se cend door from Liberty. ' sefi 1011, DR. S. K. HOLY ES, Office in Second street. next door to Id ulnae) , 4. Coe Glass Vrarehouse sep lf)-ly S • MUNIC d r FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourths"-, near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sect 10-ly THOS. HAM! LTON Attorney at Law, FM h. bal amen Wood and Smithfield am... Pittsburgh. sap 10-1 y WWI TONER. Attorney RI IAW. North gaYt COMB( of Smithfield a nd Fourth street!. Rep 10—ly TIIIWPSOII TSCr HANYA JAMIIiVIIEI L. HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 1 tg. Wood ci., where maybe had a eeueral supply of writing wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books. school books, 4c, 4-e. Pep 10—ly C. TOWNSEND CO.. Wire Workers ami R. Maaufaetarers, No. ?_'3 Market street, teireen Yd and 3d streets. p sep 10—ly liIXCILINGE HOTEL. Corner of Penn and St. Clair .1-4 street A. by bIeKIBBIN 4- SMITH. sep 10-1 y IG METAL —7l tone soft Pit Metal for sate by J. G. 4. A. GORMIN No. 12 Water street BS. B %CON AMS. 16 31000 L ,houlders. for H sa_e by J. G. 4- A. GORDON N 0.12 Water street lAS.PA T rE 730 N, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pillskurttl. a Pa.. allanufa , tti rer cf Locks. Flinger and Roll'; To harem, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Flown Screws for C.olling Ming, kr. rep 10-1 y J OUR * MICLOSKEY• tailor and Clothier. Liber.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. pi t 19 W BCRBaI DC t; 4. CO., Wholesale Grocers and 6./ Commission Merchants—. Second street, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. seri 10--ly G 4 :4. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding . Merchatts. Water st.. Pittsburgh. sep 10—ly LI" AMS . 4 casks barns~ a good article, received per 9 Ll B Consair, and for sale by J. G. .t A. GORDON, sep 10 No. 12, Water street V iik UG AR k MOI. A SSE.S.--.40 hlids New Orleans So ear; .11,1 bbls New Orleans Molasses; for sale by sep IO J. G. k A. GORDON; r‘,4-•red 1 ,- ;0010.Ce. anti Ibr o r b.-ap by he do -16.-I.IC HARRIS, :5:0.3. rim) a QUG A R.-7 libd; prone N. 0. Saar, received per S 1.71 B Maine. and for gale by J. G. kA. GORDON. sep 10 No. 12, Water atree 51 - 1 BACON CASKS ,in order, on hand and for sale by 1.1 sep 10 .1. G. 4- A. GORDON, No. 1 - 2, 'Saler V. SUGAR AND VIOL ASSE:S.-13 hhdg and 4 b' Is N. O. r.:32 hl4ls N. 0. 10 11):If5 , 5, received per Seamhoat Importer, and for , a le by J. G. k A. GORDON, sep 10 W B LAI D Oil.. for sale by B. A. PA 11 .S F;STOCK dr CO., cot ner of 61 h zi.(t Wood st: 1631 PA PERS Gorrnaniown Lamp BIRO( for sale by B. A. FA fINESTOCK ¢ CO., Sep 10 corner of Bib and Wood ins. 9410 LUS.Preoarcd Chalk. fur sale by , NWLY B. A. FMINESPOCK k CO . ,ea 10 corner of iroh and Wood M. Sua \it AND MOLASSES.--e 0 !Ads. N. 0. Sugar, 23 tails. do. do.. 100 do. Plantation Molars. for ale hl Sep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 1 o be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on ;opd pa per,and in the form , approved by t be Couri,for sale “t the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sell 70 1/31. IIIUBBARD, Ltdies• fashionable boot and V V shoe Manufacturer. No.lol, Third street, between It'ricki and Smithfield si reets; Pittsburgh 1-ep 10 BUCKM ASTER, A.T'RNEY AT LAW, has removed his office to the corner of Fourth ;trees and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant n,eets,Fittsburgh. sep 10 FOR REINT--Thedwelling and tor containing 4 acres, in Allegheny, near the Beaver Boad,lately ocrupiedl.r Mr. Samuel Church. Apply at ;be :Merchants and Mannfacturere Bank, to W. U. DENNY. DAVID SANDS, 'it ATCH & CLOCK MAKER. No. 7, St. Clair strivi. burgh. DEALER Ix trArcitEs.CLOCKS.BREASTPIXS FINGER RINGS, ce.eixs, KEYS. COXES, Fep 10 LANDRErIPS GAIIDEN SEEDS.- A rim supply of Landreill's Garden Seeds, always oa hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood: DDAVID WARD hat hip office and residence on Fourth Stint nearly liouth of the Court House. second dwelb op Croup Ropastreet. He will faithfully attend all calls pei taining to his profession. Night calls should be mmte at the door above the basement. sep RVOV AL—Matthew ionrs, Barber and Mal r Dress er. has removed toFourt h st reel, opposite the May ors office. w here lie will be happy to wait upon perntanent or transient customers. Re solicits a share of public pat ronage. eep 10 tit. A. WARD, DENTIST, Tenn at. three door below Irwin street, Hours of business, from 9A. x., until 5 r. x., after which time he will attend to no one except in ca3ra of actual nerewity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ him, t hat he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sep 10 lep io -11"1:obw 4co 1842 Pittsburg* and Beaver Pease. - Seitassettat - CnraningraAMl" SAArL. 11.11JIPHILL. .Ifaiessr, ffAlf columned her regular trips, and will run dal. ty (Sunday' eleeoted.) Leaves Beaver at $ clock A. M., leaves Pittsharglk at 3 o'clock`P. M. ion- Deets at Beaver with the Pennsylvania and Olds line of Freight and Packet Canal boats bet wean 'leaver, and Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville, Penesylvania. Leaves Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. /I. This line connects with two daily lines ()tithe Pentsybranka canal to Phitadet. phia. and with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal,al. so with stem freight and passage boats, brigs and schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known lint will be prepared on the opening of naviga tion to tradition merchandise to any of the intertnedE ate ports tin the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio Ca nals; to any port on Lake Brie, and the Upper Lakes; to i and from New York City and Philadelphia. McClure * Dickey, Beaver, Pa., Cobh Wormer 4. Co. Cleveland, 0.„ Bees ¢ Taylor. Warren, 0., PITTSBURGH 4. CLEVELAND LINE. STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, er - 711;:'.! W. B. BOLES, Noslar. RUNS daily (Standard excepted.) between PITTS. BURGH dr BEAVER. leash)! Beaver at 8 A. M. 2%1 Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. provided will Evanes Sells tT : Cittani to preosat Expiation of Boilers. TEls splendid and fast mania:: Steam Boat has Jost deed cellulite; ed expressly for. this trade. and tons in ounectign with CLAIEKE t Co's Pittsburgh trod Cleveland Live of JPILBIGBTANG PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Cleveland, Ohio. Or down the Ohio canal to litasAilon, te. and Erie El The Canal Boats of this Linc are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the business conducted t•o the most prompt and economical system. Having Brunner, tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the Ohio river, also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with C. M. Reed's Steamboats and ser eral Lake Vessels, and the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are prepared fur the trauspoitation of Fre ieht to and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the River, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as any other line. Apply to G. .11. Harlon, N 0.55 Water st ,or at Steam. boat blichiean'S Landing. Pittsburgh. Clarke 4 Co. Beaver. Bubb grd 4 ffeatherbee, Warren. Wieder 4 Co. Akron: now Rick:gad 4. Cs. Cleveland ItYKR To J. R. Wick 4 Co.. Greenville; W. C. Malen, Sharon, R. W. Cunningham. New Castle, John Kirk, Youngstown, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell 4. Miller. Campbeltstown; Babcock 4 Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D. Rhodes, Franklin; H. A. Miller ¢ CO.. Cnya hoe* Faits; Wellsman 4 Whitehead, Mamillon; Gordon Williams. ¢ Co., Detroit; Kinne. Davis 4 Co.. Buffalo: Cowing, Gichmond, Williams 4 Co.. New York. sep 10 J. G. 4 A. GORDON. No, 12 Water street • I I ) 1 i I Witteift. Laujird "bits. • - PITTSBURGH, NOVEMBER 10„ 1842. JAMES A. VEAZY. Agent. fR0.60 Water street. Pittsburgh tension Line to Greenville Lir itio;sy—Are. Itt. Cromer of Wood sad irrupt it Streets, Pitzsisawk, has on hand a complete aa• .r.trtnientof Qtteensware suited to the city or country tilde. Also. a choice selection of pure while and gold hand DINING AN 0 TEA WARS. in large or email eels, or separate pines to suit purchasers. cielr of 46. 60. or 84 — fame sets, superbly painted and gilt Englieh China Teaware,ct eery low patens. Toy Traware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1.00 to $5.00 per set. Children's Mars of every d e scription. White China Shaving hugs. Granite Dining at d Tea Services, In white and with splendid American scenery printed in blue and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Bets, imported to match. complete. Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green GiISF, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every size. Patent enekets, Tuhs and Keelers. Slone Pipe Heads, ke. ke. Alt of which are respectfully offered to the put, tic on the most favorable terms. Jan 26.18.8-11' J. FOX ALDEN Attorney and Conssalior nt T • Lary. Cffers his profeional services to the cit izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of publicpst ronaec. Be will execute all kinds of writing with neat ness and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office in Smithfield street. at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refer,. step 10 T. J. FOX AVIEN- DAVID CLARK. ./Yit. ottaliernabis Boot Naker,— Da n removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou'd be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos, ed to patronize him. Re uses nottunz bat first rate stock. and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives lits constant personal attention to business. he truststitat he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. see 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, 4 CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully Informs his friendeand the public that they can always find the best quality of Ice Creams. toeether with all kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their season, at his establishment—No. Ili Fifth street. between Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest 'notice, with takes. or anything in his line. Alen families furnished with Bread. sep 10 JOIN U. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and enfilade sion Merchant, N 0.106, Collier of Weeds. riftik its. burgh: Flasks been appointed one of the Auction eervfni the City of Pitaborgh. tenders his services to job bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this market- He is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities. and t nista to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brine to the aid of his own experience in businessand acquaintance with merchandise generally, the service's of Mr. Ssuckt. FAunstrrocig heretofore advantageously known. is an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. REVCO TO Jew's. N. Tiernan, Preet. of Si. dj AI. Bank. barliny,ton 4- Peebles, Robert Cali:ray, • James M. Cooper. James May, R. N. Riddle. . Pitinbinit • Win Robinson. Jr. Pres% I of. Exchange Rook. Hamptoo,Smith. 4 co., • • Jobe D. Davie, •• Samuel Church, • .1.11% Moorhead., • Jas. W. Brown 4 Co. • John H. Brown. 4• Co. • Smith 4. Yardiy 4, II AVM. •• Jobs S. kiddie. • Jobe Daideii, LIVANSIS CAMOMILE PILL LI3. , —ABRA .11.2 HAY J. CLEM= , residing at 66 Mott' meet, New TO& was oilseed with Dyspepsia l lis Mai agpavated form. The symptoms wore ticket Mid as*. great debility. aver, milivesele. east* Mort. sere. pain la Use. eirost and stomach sliswrs after Imp:kw" appetite, sersatioa of Maltby al MS shaselieb.. bine. toropie. smassa. with frowseat voisiMigm disaluses towards alibi awl raidemams. ?bum bad eaitinuMi up. ward of a torenesassdit.nbam. ow eminitimg Ift.Wan. gram 10041katbara sneer, aid sabseittlim So bisimmor PllCCesdlitted liveable leak of trestment.tiss patient was mompletely romond to bealtb bribe abort opmesef 011111111101110;111N1 gratefel tor ;be imadembdir.benelit ad. stadireame dorwaniaad volanteensi die shorestate , For sale, Witoksiste sad Natoli by 1311Ltieltd. Agent. 06,Wtood street, Wove Sensol. ttle Gia11:00110% beleildied -- Pespair line. tbeor Pffleditatcoasty nicearediambeLta thdosidace lorl the ladle, aa a safe and of remedy la Ifbias- thane booplabdi peculiar tcYttiiii isei. frail Wait of ex eisl,2 ere 'Dr tesataldidillitt Of tbe diadem, Tbmobtlala ' tea, lad ecionteract all tirdielent did, Nervosa bPac . -Time, rilbi ban Woad the dasitioaated acoodiaidtfo artbr most eminent Phindetaas tathetini led Witte% gad saiij bcotbeis. ?or sate Wisonitie add ' 800. by . , It. F- saLLEIM O &IR. nip!' Id 14:0.2 0. W oo d Monet, below Seemed. Bj. ADAIR, Beet and noir ditJrcr, LiiertirSt., eirotsits tie Amite Sititithfichl frittseurek.— Tt4tottorertbet having bought Mu the stock of, the tale Thelon Rafferty, &mooed. has commenced lousiness In, the otd stand.ofilic R.. cud is prepared to, elevate all Rescriptions of Work in hts tine, in the best manner oft the shortest notice. He keetilcorshintly on hand a Wile assortment alarmist findings Of all deseriptions sod of the bftt qtraitty. He solicit! the pstronipte of the nub ile tusdof the ersfl. WM. ADAIR. set! 10 IaningBURGUMA.WIT.FACIVRY. ,- Sprivs sad James . fir Carrisgos at Easters Prises. The absorbers tasaarfarlare and keens eenstantlY on 'mad Ooaell.o and Diptic Sprints (warranted,} Innlata iren-Akles. ftfiverand Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and "What Rib Bands. Stamp Joints : , Patent Leather, Mier and Brass Lamps. Three fold flees, Malleable ran, Door Handles and Hinges. JONES F TOLEMAIq. St. Clair st.. near ti e A lb.:belly Bride,. Proprietors D.SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth. near. Ferry street. sent 13-17 The attention vfthtke wbe have been soinewhat seer• drat in reference to the numerona„certificatrit published in favor of Dr. Swayise.'s Compound Syrup tf Wild Cher ry, on acroant oftbe persons being unknown in this sec don Of the Slabs, la tespectfully.directed to rile following certificate, tbe writer of which has heen a rinses of this borough for several yeam and is know n as a gentleman' of int,rity and responsibility. Tv rte Agent, Mr. J. KIRBT. I have need Dr. Swayne's Comp and Syrup of Wittl Cherry for a cone,, with which t have been severely at fluted for about four months., and 1 have no lweilnikm in Saying that it. is the most effective modietme that I have been We in procure.. ft composes all atte3sinest. no 4 agtees well with my diet,—and mentalism a regular and good appetite. T can freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. hi tunics, Borough of Chimbeniblr. March 9.1R40. sep 33 For tafe by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market lirryt VRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL I apaRSONS desirous Or procuring Fruit. Shade. and Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Pbiladet ph for New York, are requested to make application as coon as possible, at the Dreg and Seed Store of the sub scriber, where can be bad catalogues, grsiluitously, of the most excellent varieties. F. t.. SNOWDEN, sap 21 7s: Liberty m reel. bead of Worst Per tAs Ti ttasportsttea aerclunulize hp mai frame fittebargl. Battistere, tea. rittergrli is the s hortest fist . lin B United States Portable Boat Lisp, is composed of Boats built in font sectiOrm. each section capable of (not/doing seven tons. and *ascent rble of being separate or delsetted and transferred from Canal to Rail Road, thqs as It were, forming a complete train of Cars, or Preventleg bbd hovel iiftPea ranee ofi tont sailing on land and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned-by re shipping at the several potions and terrainat io-s of Ca nalsand Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment and the damaTe the goods sustain by frequent handling; and rendering it fawn's:lase to separate lots of goers on the way—owing to the pecttliar risastraction of the Boat having fear sepal-age apartments in Whkhgoeds are sto red, renders them lees liable to damage goods by water or otherwise than by any other toodeof tfansporiat ion. The system of Transportation, as recommended by the Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State, refers partici:ll3ov to ibis class - of Boats, The Boats of fhb Line are owned by responsible captains that run them, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goodseonstignal 10 the nndersianed agents will be re , imived free of commission and shipped without delay at the lowest rates. All charges paid and every instruction promptly attended to. C. A. 51'NULTY k Co. Agfa. Canal Basin. Pittsburgh, F. P. POPE, Agent. 95 Bowly'. Wharf, Paltienore. THOS BORBRIDGE, AgemPhila. sepls—if MARBLE M A N I.TFACTOR V.—Pairiek Cawheld re spectfh Ily , acquaints his friends and he public 'gen erally, that he has commenced the Marble business al the corner of Fillh and Liberty Ms.. orbere,will be entlslanllV on band, tomb stones, mantel pieces, monnotents. head and foot stones. table slabs for mtbinet ware, and every art icle appertaining to the business. Be will warrant Ills Work to be well done, and his char sin will 1w moderate Be respectfully asks ashore of public patronage- scp 10- TAMPS A. VEAZEY, For•earding sad COlSSltiddiOlt 40 0 NE:mama, Agent for Steamboat •Cleveland anti renosylvama and Ohio Line. Ravine 'rented the ware house formerly occupied by Eirmineboso .11. Co.. No. 60 Water Street. between Wood and Smithfield, is prepared to receive end forward goods to any port on the Ohio ur Ml river on reasonable terms. sep 10 COPART.NERSHIP.—G. P. Smith * W. Hampton, baring associated themselves together under the firm of Hampton' 4. Smith; will eon tinge the wholesale Dry Goode business in the bonne recently ocenpied by Hampton, Smith a. Lb. where they will he receiving in a few days a new stock of Fall and Winter Goods. They respectfully invite their old friends, and merchants gen erally, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and examine their rocs, Sept 28—d3w . [Portable Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 3,500 lbs. at ; $55 00- - do do do do 2.005 at 445 00 do do -do do-1.5000 35 00 do do do do ION) at 30 00 do do do do 500 at -25 01) With raking levers an addition of f 3 to each scale. likormast lades for the oce of Worelsousee. Pleorlog Mink to-Abe sum pricer se above. Mao, Whites Patent Conater Scale. with O. Young's improvements. and a variety of talk* teenier male*, mhieklistry for from liw $l5. •". The? oleo amonstactore thaw litogiara tom _flawing 1110111. Saw WOW Salt - Works. 4 , 4,. doable sad Magid Seared slide tatbektoot and ether lathes for wood tantiag sbaekhoo For tenanting chairs. 'Soft thariallas. *or sad mak maelkalea. Bank palest ion* Weer% With sr without ibrasidag oracitattaiss leaped& tietielei - tbestlik aim did% for , miudig lath, litioar t sr at; ~and look otaltdoeripiksasaikta forima k ittag Neck kighostakalopecior *MAN govenatirst for slew miss taps sod die% coast lOW limisedd or Witt Ws s d' wherAhregt fir atakimi titt *Or, poem tactsW7 [ kkier [ P milker isapitivadi pritattag pram shiSkall lstreld assli priall*PreksorePidted-• Argot.: tfory,NO afavausy } PitHader* I Fep 10 WOE AT THIS TREES INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. U. S. PORTABLE BOAT LINE. IMRE PROSPECtrUs • /Far pailisuai a are Daily Paw% ix tie City af ms s+ BAILICAORN4NG THESuIwerit loein 8,1 arrangements .18 merge the Ansirsiestahla arni•Pittebirgb Mercu ry late oneJaantal. have cancialthst to publish a daily - Too I ,o loO%ohieol , of Ito,- will be Comminu tion irti'deperMe *AImP t 4 rideiplestiltal have here tofirie beta maintained by the ore, in their respective papers, and their beet efforts ur ll still be devoted to the advaneement and memos of those doctrines. Although, la - polities,, the paper will be thoroughly democratic:. yet the Editors hope; by giving an honest, candid history of palming Piratical events. Foreign and Domestic lntetHer:re, and brier makes of all mat ters and occurreneettbat renooStaterly *thin the sohere of a Public Joann', to make their paper trudiciertly In erecting to entitle ,it to the patronage of the pntilic, it respective 'or party roludderathms. In addition to the political ant general news that will be found in the ...Meryl./ Per " the Pditots will take pains to famish the trasienssa comultelty with the latest and most totaresting Costruncatc Irrecta gsuceTrom all parts etthetentery: and to have prepa red such ammo& of the litarkels-and the State of Trade as Will be advantageous to our 'Merchants and Buslows Mee in their several talliumr. Teems.—The,Porr wilt be prirslaal ea a tarn' impert• at sheet of Ana paper, (manna e eaperiatly far thin Jonrail) at the, arealiallx, tot irate of FtVS DOLLA YS per an nutn,payable In a.tOnnee. It wilt :its° be sold by news.bnys at tbejow rate of-TWOCENTS weepy. Areertiessarata will he Inserted at the lowest rates chatted hp the other rnpors or the elty. -TWENTY active lads a,* wanted- to veil the Poet allio watt': eitga4i on the 171041 liberal terms PHILLIPS. W. H. SSI ITT' . August 31. 1841 4(filf4 t , OLP MFA BUSHED EMIGRANT OFFICE , NG. GI SOLTriII STREET, NEW YORK. 'New Yeri slid Liertelmtelcoursareeiel fiscal Pactcts. Seib," meekty.— TheSubseribct would respectfully inform such per , ons 'endive in this reentry as are detircins for 4nditie for their friends to core out from Inc old country. that he continues as usual to make engigements by which pas senzers are brondid out on very moderate teems, in First etas Ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, and would issure persons desirous of coming by the shone Linn. that asageats of first respectability are engaged at Li verpool, there wilt be no detention whatever at that point. De i• also prepared at all limes so ftlrnish Sight Drafts for any amount to assist In manurial , famPenee.9 far the •oyage,payable throughout the United Kingdom.aed in cape the partlesagreed for should decline famine out, the naassee money shall be refunded without reduction. For further particularsapply it by letter to GREAT S ti,ROFFILN,VSYLVANIA LANDS, kr., BY AUCTION.—HiII henold by Pultlic Auction, without reterve, for cash. to close the concern, at the Pall or the Marlborough Chapel, in Boston. on Tnesrlay, the foam day of October next, commencing at nine of the elock!ln the forenoon. AU the property of the United Slates Land Company consist Mg of ahotit 140.01X1 Acres of goad and shell watered Farming and Grazing and very valuable Tinther 'Land, lying in Jeffer son, McKean and Clearfield counties, in the State of Penervivania—on parts of which, there is abundance of coal. Llaus and iron Ore t snit Inane Mittrootr; And o! Claims against sundry periOrS for land sold lying In said conntier. that are considered good. And cir Stock and Toobron a Form in the township of Bradford, in thrncounty of McKean, in said State of Pennsylvania The land will be sold in 1010 to snit pichaserr, con taining from about 12010 .500 p acres. Further particular.. be Made #nowitt at the sale,or on inquiry of the subseriber„ at No. 12 Long Wharf— of Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants' Row in Roston—or of either of the Trust ees of tbe mid United Stales Laud Company. D. R GRIGGS. President of the United Staten Land Co Boston, Anwar 20,1840. (sep 10) gV 4- Co. London, for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner •ar Wood greet and Virgin alley Pillsburvh Fla_ and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent Ibr Western Pennst,liania. sep 10 FARM POE SALE.—The iindeisittne4l oTtcs for cabin tract of land situated 4 mite; frt... trreepcni. In the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township. Armstrong county. eontaining 100errm 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow— a good square log dwelling houtwand cabin tarn erected thereon—an apple ottbard of SO bearing trees—and a spring of excellent writer convenient tothe hon.e. FOR 'TERMS amity to thenobseribeva reaftrlng at the Sa!tworks on the Pen o.ylvnnia Coital, 1 mile above Free PO". rro THE W1513.-ii now well Understood how much disorders of the mind depend for their eine upon a due attention tothe body. ft is cow understood how valuable is that medicine which tvitl remove morbfil accumulations without weakening the bodily pawer. It Is now understood that there ii a reciprocal influence be. tween the mind and the body. It is now understood that purging with the iltrandreth Pills will remove a melan choly, and even insanity is cured by perseverinzly using them; It is now n ndersi owl how much domestic 'happi ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive oreatts. - _ It is Hour well known that the Brandreth Pitts have eared thousands of honektm and belpims persons. even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond ail human means of relief. it is now not only welt known that the Brandreth Pills so cure. hut it is also un derstood how they core; that it is by their purifying effect on the blood tint they restore the body to health. The value nf the tnedieine 3a becoming more and more manifest, it In reeconmended daily from family to family. ?he Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all notions stecumulabons and purify and imago. rate the iiiood.and their good effects:ire not conntertelan red by ens Inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegetables they do not expose those who nee them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are silo -tarn they ire daily and safely adminintersd to. infancy. youth. manhood, and old ace. and to women in the most critical and delicate elretinistance_r. They do not disturb or shock the animal fanclkons, but restore their order and criablisti their health. /proved flay anfaetured Itrir between Pia -1 street. two :e Bait. PIM matter's and id the &Pow. ,icatesochot. composed of No. I, Port ..le Platform scatcsoll*b•Ls, Said at Dr. Braid reib's Office. No. Wood street. Pittsburgh. Prire 25 cents per box. with fell directions. MARK--The only plareln Fluburgh where* be genu ine Pills can be obtained, is the Loetor's own office, No. 98 Wood street. 1 Sepia- *sigh ;00v undsx 565. DH,J. B. Tif18117" - S, ItexpeetfallY Inform the citi zens of Pittsburgh sod vicinity. thalbe has return ed to the city- Ile hopes to :Aare the confidence of,his former patinas and the poliiiegeserally; aud volielt a renewal of a portion of their ouonuge. In tronewsios he Would observe. that the Operation of Lithotrity, for brealthigthastMlein the bladder and allowing It to oald Of with the wise.) is every whenwatutieMitdirst the dorP est hateust— Belumm to extend thebenefit Ord& bullock eThisorsfesilogi toll* StriellareeMiscvve or the Bladder sad Ridneys,whieb eeessiodallyfoilow,-- will Miseries receive attest*. • - - Thee from a distance Wishing &Mier lifeileation will worirporeoitetly or byr. teller. rwlf Airlift& ' CIIII be 1010.109011:41A2 his dwalllagja AL urtkved past :of ft.' ea , ty.ontidrd. - betwean Ferry land ! l iberty sir, nap to T RITZ, tte.ThrtAbetirtkureKVltbblitek. Mole at/ *,• • Istraid dun Oteeet mei Deefeiril leretitiiileee and Nails. At estiCast** Vitr ittibros hie I:admen mei! the public geseta ~ ;$ addition to b' (sneer Melee,' be has ieeeetty "lege aed choke assetiseestor Efreenries. whileb be sant for tete on the C oot reaeohabfe terms , - sett 10,- EBDILET. LEAF TOBACCO. lir stixe,asi 4t4X) taisti.7 ' E. it coatioir. - ,stik, Ikt• it WAFT *ITO- Muse. t. le eatitta tale JOHN I.IERDM AN. No. 61. South st reet..New York. JOSP.Pri k I RFC P.ll' tZ ICK , Al W r.hmme f itt.t.zwt t. 4- FUMING. No. 34 Water street. Piiishorgit. Pa. W 111.4. PHILIP BARER ','; ' . *C 2'. .t'T'- -, l '. ~':' ',. '.',.-- SEEM Tsitier TWO o Fieethie Sang wt the 300,000 I: 'Oros onw tett nate*, - - Wit come. we coma with aid way, Mid is ;inteerwiasi lag. • To join Ibis way oft* Tbree hundred thousand strong. Our tossers laden's% on to *MTh Abroad we balm antalbut; Aud Famine, Cora, and vas Despair Aro aeon upon their fulA. Ye heard what angsie cheers xis The inottier's es 7 that Se wildly, and{ theboot that mod= - Above the Urumpees clang. We've taken spoil; and IAM/die/IF And rained hoaxes ere here; We've transcied on'the throbbin And flouted sorrovels teat - We come, we come—we've searched the imokt The rich end (mot are ours. • , • Enlisted from the Miriam of amok From hovels and front Mawr*. . And who or what shill bolk ths km* That wear to drink wad die? What boots to such, mania -muttered costith o i k ; H its that spans tbc sky? Onward: though ever on our ;Barth Haog misery's countteas train; Onward far hell—from rank to rank Pass we the cap again: - We come—oi the world'a'acqurgeq wbq Like us have overthrown! W bat wu heti ever earth like wo To our stall prowess known? We CUIZIP, we come to fill - stir graves. Cho whieb shalt shine as scot; To glut the woi w that sever dies. Hurrah: hurrah: h ankh! W.-B. T, [Front tbe St_ Goals Ledger.] • ' A FISH STORY. Ben Suaggletree seated himself in out new sanctum, overburdened with a Mimi*. 3ippi yarn, which embraced one of Mahar breadth 'scapes, and which he had ice`' ed ed on relieving his memory of, by having it chronicled in our Ledger. , , .13eil s was an old Mississippi Roarer-640am of yogi half and half, but just as nativele the element as if be had been' orn in a - broad horn. He said he had been Aided I up on its brink, and knew a snapping tarqk - tle from a snag without laming. 'One night. says Ben, 'about as risurit an the face of Cain, and unruly as~ it the elements had been united-and let lawn - ! from their great Captain's comaiatult, 1,. - 1 was on the old Mississippi—it was each it, .. night as would have madeany natural born, Christian think of his prayers, awl - 111 hive converted saints tremble-1 waited Orik. upon` the guard to cool off train the eireetle - ' of considerable liquor doings participated in during the day, but had scaieely reached the sidopf the boat when she struck a snag and made a lurch throwing me about : sca feet into the drink. 1 was aufficieselyclehl, atranger, when I came to the inufscriolkst I had nigh in a short tima set Lilo khlodlac ripppi Wire, ray carcase grew ad - bat irith ' wrath, at observing the old boat wending - her way upstream, unhurt, while I, soliti . t ry, unobserved and alone was floating on the great father of waters. I swam to the:: head of a small island some distance below 1 where we struck, and co• sooner writhed - ground than I made an tlfort to steed erect-..you may judge of my hormritirlie.k covering my landiug.plate to be a Il#4 sippi mud.bar, and about as firm aiguielt4 - sand, into which I sunk about three feet* a moment. All was as dark as Erebus and no object visible save the lights of the receding buall ' 'I no sound broke upon the ear but the eseVit pipe of the departing craft, and the Ors& ing of the waters. The first sounded like the farewell voice of hope, while the tatter in its plashing and purling, was like thejai be; log of evil spirits, exulting ova, an entrapped victim. _ . I attempted to struggle, but that am* me the faster—l cried out, but soon. fie. - tied that too , forced me deeper iutu nil yielding grave—e're daylight dawned-1 - felt sure of being out of sight, and the "r 6 - rid though: of thus sinking into: eternity ,- through it Mid gate, made every hair - situ* ' on its own hook, and forced my herni to patter against my ribs like a trip-ha.' I bad been in many a scrape, but 1 ecutiti, bred this the tallest, and I Made - up my - mind that the ball of yarn allotted tei 'tun was about being spun out; L rumilaS - t.ld Mississippi, if petwittell to: eampak: it would lick anything human- *bat adds( word against old Mississippi, hut , iii wait - use'ess, she was sure of me new, and ini• -- old Bare Bones to an (attiring thi'casi. aka held on, and deeper and:deeper I aaatt, - • In a short time I was.forced -to elevate-my chin, to keep out of my mouth au /orbit • supply of the temperance liquid, widcb was flowing so coaxingly about my lipik - My eyeballs were starting, my Maki entii and-hope had wasted to a mistyabeikeinr when something touched me like antlinig solid. I instantly grasped it;it slid. te f m 7 bands all-but the tail, which L istiorw ---, I with a grip of iron. t ,'"---- '- 1 I soon I had made captive - -st ineleigirelk: - ..: Cat-lials, huge enough to be Au pitaigrigic of his tribe, and a set of - Illarskstkaisetom quickly paved in my mini, tint - inr`ikedli; -..: not travel further withalt sumpetty: d esper ate start ,and Tillot'OUll4.ii . - esca pe, was made by nay friend the , wait zt but there watrtaaga 4 y 6 its Illlt 'l4 * l O desperado*. at. ' tba , end: of bit ‘ tilki lOW could °either be (mimed - nor l ' i ' llr - -410 _ ` :S— -that retoment.--acWa' r -amaceadeaß4ollllW :''''-` startand ow I maw liOallilf -kettle.. Off started tioa, Aitifiki sui t aid away I went a: alitS ll ifkiiti 13y - a a tiX terdelt twister-- * ,lairdatittiort" ceedmiie haelfinglialraft-404tellittaValitr . . _ -.::,... .~_: c=~.