Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 09, 1842, Image 3

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    i - -v---,
/17: W. Canter 404
- .
- .
Tut prordet...tt Mq
i - i-si
'IMO SlXlMF4elripalgir,
and the pal tol4l9_,_Cllkliketi,‘
2ad well ehlat*h
at i
- ar 4111 1211111111304.
. 41.
..6,1N ?Sill
, .
Neeemity to a 30 P.lstilittrel
Patiedta -- -
• • nal
OP EVERY pt,t„
Books, Billsof
Pamphlets, Bill Bead,.
0 andhills, • Mask a wls.
aU twos of it,
Stage, Steals/mil, and Cam,' 0
Fria!! 0,70
Printed on the shortest nothevid,-e.,
we respectfully ask Ibe pal mi 2
I l e public to general in -this bria
Pittsburgh, Sep!. 29; ilte... pig
autti e j
d the 1 .
1, oft
ILA A . A US-Ai AN . Auctiobe,
L. every day this week innt
extensive 2114 VatilatAie 101
DRY GOODS ever offered at
which have just been received f
comprising more thou 100 Pada
west of England Clothe,lSO
Beaver and Pilot, do 111)960
anti Fil,‘,/ Cagairneres 1444
r, r , 4- Superfine Sattineltsjtjeag
French 4- En lisp ilerinoepl343-:l
V. del ¢ Yellow Flannels, 'loth..
and Gle.`o, dot3Orni
Whock Cord. rins l cinit,
Cmhi.rur: 4 - Barr Moallus, iflesitoe
' ik4
5 4 do Sheeiitqs,
ch 11 g II:I ms.
a - r.real. _
..,,L C
or to
- 6-r- 1
• .)-e
ec ery day .L/0 and 1-0 .
a r,i;v GA: Light tflitil fa rttitr
Nov S-1!
liOU'ES' A l'
mixes. on frarcininpea c ti
o'clocl /I tht fartxusau, Tyr o hit
co: ner and the two aftj..trz 13 9 " / „ 4
Locgsf Stracts, l a llg. Lfta Wndlil
Said fi.l.a.zes were bail!abott it
row. and fail( fully hnilt. Tberi
tn. prfe^at OWIteT isnbont 10 Willi
Terms—Five hundred dollars fp
.fs , guyed ; may remain an bead eel"
: at Iola! toterer , i. Tyrealf pf.x tea
i :111 , e 0 t . C. iire balance 04 ib e
the n hPn a foil Warrantee Drell of
For fnri htt rarlitrilar€enquilti
r 5t Li 4' Wood &reds. 1
5 _4l
• the
le. Is, F F Cti OOURSE OF
/pH E Com Lemuel]
I he Pou rib Coora.rer
11,1 they bare made amen
ll.e on TimrAny mew
I.,Pc this course will
i "las Com uliaee. desirous of 1 / 1
fro., I or the filVOrzte feACIA
111 , e and :_:••rit•cir.e. as well al , tbe f
re t i je ;nO Pxt.l :on= in procnriss papiat
;.r i s i bOl l l R 1 home andablea-d_
is , n roars, n: two treAca 1,4
put,bzned. and tic.l_l3
- a •n
• on
rrx 9tf
aXCUS—'i'iu• Sn Ira
fur t tic sake l.f Slen. 004'11
• and
—for Engr:lving—Er,eineu;n:
preprartJ drawing—and me.1 ,, ,r,,
atilrilrc wmrions qualities Will be icpt
pu, '
Bc,ol:4ellers. Si al iamerg 2nd ethers.
1,,a rI ic , will ft. Ittnrptiefi h tiny' ol
A _IC 11.1krd E. het. I
N 1, 4• i
~le 11%
, k: , .1
a: for sale to Physic - 4pr.
•d or :airy on stroamitniaitt4.•
11 V•• - •;7,--1:1 1 alir ri3'
t. I - .1 , 14 A I,erier , t Tonic and
E.•••••• • • •'a ni••init. and. Amitalf
• - • I , IT
- OP
T - e:4.c k : . ue Pills, and a
• ' 1 •1•• •• • •;:ale at 11 1 ,11111a7,„ •
stun w No 9. Filh suns,
- _
I In 11
r 2 z
IV LI. e ntTerell at nattisc
V 0, Ito, 12 11 day of 1
ra=y Itte farm •
11, -;:tiated in Upper Si
n d Vl"ashininon itiaeet
fr c•vri l' 1,731 r cOttIR 11b01111
I;.'. c.r. 11 iS a 13rre ram
" attiPf ~oo.i build
Tati-e iAlitn. to prt , clia:e.
2 '
nrn , e , :y. and 3adge of iisfaPeri
S 11 '
itP made knoirn ec
Ft: k, ':ere, hying of ar the
v I 4 2
Fes. Ni 11,}' N 4 NES,
ra'tta hte Fa 1.1,1 r
C-vPr.'s Ili of Life for tog
T' P i.v.l n arLiverwnr , '
H L.l4 , mero, and 4i4 40 '
a e' sk,. core for the pl , fs
F: I I"A r Dcc, Tra"24114
c‘v,:‘'. hone les,
E• • :cr. a and etreemll
cords and forA 6 .
Liniment, for
D'' •Pein estractor—'fl,',
rems , dr r rpr found PrTtraros , "g 2
re,,f , :ict cure-all; rye*: ''
1 6/+r t:.T i iy. •
I ,II adie'", Evans', Rin i
and c crt,tt many other valuable .
Or Almond, Palaizad other '.;
TOO h ith a nri Shaving, Co
, Lr• raw:it:le articles, shil'2s4°-
M'd rat Agency 864th st. •
IY U:VD C AND Fran to pr'' '
116 Fourth street, and fnrd-s
received a superiors
let So. pc A mbrasial. D'Al.""`
poi.: Shaving Case?and Prilec
der Ta Wet. and &reps, eolief"
ankles for Gentlemen's Toile-
Wood iota lave jo4
went or Porfrait and 3dieiatere
Badge Blenders., C. B. VA - M1. 14 e
Bmsbes always an band.-
FVOLI C .:„.4
1I: ST received front the A -1j
kr Sahhath school Unioc
and d isaributia 30 volt; 1 1101
a. ll4llll
can is kla:azine is id ~
14 manes Gffllllll sad iltarli i r.agi
a vadryof Enatisa.Vders oldr. _
tae tracts. 5000 Christine.- nr:did
Franklin II airwave. Carararal.
wan Aireastata far 1043-
pro . " 0410
i Quite a variety acrete IRO
24 2
, nds,
tl 2S
at-. of
. ua s_ CAD
p i t ;
Z as iota
Pea" "C4711.0W110
LIA.0011611:... .C411111014
ThipaZ ivi p c i ff iC
Petkit _
im...- - .,...m..- - sm ilm
e been obliged to exclude
s of the meetings to choose
, n y of the districts. If one
-d all s hould be, and they
more space than we could
a nd a half feet water in the
;i:„= We have had a good
ic h sill; raise the river high
class boats.
rt ; t, the Democratic culla
meet to -day at 10 o'clock,
Alcati of "Roman" in m
erry Alley question will ap-
The said ship biscuit shall he made wholly front sweet.
, superfine flour, manufactured of the whit Crow n in the]
year 154 i or 1343; and shall he fully eqoal in quality, and
i conform iii size to the .ainakeS wiitch are now, or-soon
will be, lodged in im.l Navy Yard-; shall he thoroughly
baked, and kiln dried, well packed, and delivere I free of',
charge to the United States in good, sound, well dried.
bright floor barrels, with the heads well secured, or in
tight liarr.ta. when po
nired;. od the said biscuit and the
c bud vi ill o i duu'.l .
barrels shall be in all respects to the entire satisfaction or
• the C hief oft he Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or of
'the command in. officer of the said Navy 'Vara., and be
~. pt co n r card the loud subject to such inspection as the Chief of said Bureau of
} t1d. , 1 tvetiing bast, but what rt ^ , ei st °" s a n d el'thing may direct, or ntbetwise.
said velli-k-y shall he made wholly from grain. of
One of our C 1 Y . which at least two third parts .hall be' rye, shall lie copper
,*. it at a bee of Rock Po '.t Lear 41,i:1111M, and fur, first proof, according to lhe U n ited States
I . u , .'nni House standard, it shall he delivered in good,
r " I . ' " I ' al l ' ll ' " sou mod. bri.i. t, well hoarier!. white oak barrels. with white
F. o h one . app • a r••,I hi Li v..... his 0.,k heads: amt each 11.-trret, shall, when required, he cnop
It' we ul! , ef::/____ • _tett 'n • n 1 e ru. ''' ,l . x" " ^•-. = -,1 and sufficient iron boons, and !he_
„,„u, he pot in 3.rod shtoprnr win-c, tier or a , ' r•naree: .
wen all ,at arc lai-e. A keg ,
10 In. coned .. , ,ate , ; and the whiskey and barrels ,lial tie
a r, a Shed on 13 Ivd 's fli:1 end -tii.j.-ct to =II- I. i rv o-riian a. the Chief of the }lntent] of
as iea rd i.ev, cal persons repair.- erovisinn. and 1 - 9 , fli fling Maya!illinriale or direct. and he
, in 31i resoects. pr,f,oly satisfactory to hint, or to the
h ,:g . 1 , .. to -ye if it had ignsted : rommandin2 offwera o• the mid Navy Yards.
I 0 :itr pers ,- )as seeing the It i... to he distinctly understood, however, that persona
who may otT , r are not to have any claim or privilege to
-1,,r! t . .f. - : p w, - ...e. - was, e onc i u .,. turns-It any rreater quantity of any article than may be
cAc; ..i.e 'tuts as we are told, "r17,,',5: ordered
, c in. r , no; living at !lie place where dr:liveries art
i required. inn-I estaldi;ti an ag ney at such place. that no
delay may alilrf• in furni-hitig what may be required; an ,
~,.i . t, , , 0ct ,,, 1 , ii did riot , where a COW [actor (Ail.: promptly to comply with requisi
, ! ii,m1,11911 Navy Agent at the place where the articles,
lii3 it 'y h : ,g l it. It was too are required to he delivered shall be authorized to par
chase such articles. and the contract , r shall be Halite for.
Any eir , A. of vox! over the contract prire-
F, r. Tar cost . ,37a rte ,, pa . role bids most le made for each article for each
T.ird, and for the Baltimore station The blank
:—Ti.:—r? lla!tha Wash— ' offers, (whira will he furs is bed rn _llP_ 10 individuals On a r pti
I t i n F., ~, i 3, even; r , a last,; c.ti. , -,.. t..111e several Navy Attriits and co ll ,,,andantf,„anit I
r i z _ . i Iv:: as
m, 1 e h . ' e
1 7 er ...at 11W Otfire.) lutist have all the blanks carefully filled
n 7 ,. An 1 inn-1 lA. AW , larribedarrrtiroctr4l in the note - on the
ye ~..- e t x ., ibited on, I , ist t'ires4 each form; and the otTers nan_t he firrnatified and
la.iis w'i , were exclude.] u n"'"'"'"'"
13• , ” , 1 , ., o h two aaprOVed 31tre0e.. in one third Ilie C..A
1 beat e
rg.-! on Thun-day eye_
12 In Ple exelcl-es tonated nunt of Ine recpecirvecoolroci'r Wln I 'e requi
r h ecaqse t h e y rr - ei nrl ,cll per rr.ritm in addition Wi:l be millthe'd from
arno-mr of frocir payment 10 he made.ag c011;r,r141.-e ,
V 1 1 1•:' I fdiCS,
tiro) for the dm; and firthful performance of thr re
nyvn — vine and h r =per oac rontr3r!-; .Lich nn aremint, 1, paid
"f .e that 1-.11,,s I xv . lll in :1 , , re<nerrr,;
( - for!" of 'be Pure IO Oi
AP , r 14) per
ate I , le 11).• '
. 1 ahn ll "1"n
9 I •
capari;..y. •LtrA
r: for The ,ime I ad 'tin Na.
/ i;;Trner -,r?'"'"'diftl It'
• :1 , 1 untruth • ye
:.• , I by ;1:,
1.1 1 1 1 1 1
rit the
• , t - 1 arT,f
by ^d9 L ; I ' wee ;1 RS. o,Prlla 10 1:e to 11,10.
r et-yr.r,l
r,:oluct the rueetir,,.2
re t--Ing by tile
ni•ing to eve
gi , en t•I the
r -*at t eTtevt,lt9ll
cf sup
sr t' e fll' ;.1
r.cl2. a, 1 r, t
wc'.) s,3ll't,ir
re a It— , /r , Prirte C ,f 1
aS t address
he di ! in ~ t? excellent
`i:l7ing the
ver' - ! k , >Ppry's itmor.Ae."
p!) , :hei7 nann,s In the
v'ed their enet—
until rnri entire victory is
i'.7J — nprrince of 4,tir
lice committee wiU meet
tram-act business of im
hz, to the lair the lades
and it is hoped that a
will be extended to them
c immences, by (he com-
J. k.
e Association.
.e Keyst,nr. Assgclatiuq. is
,usaay evening October 37,,h,
of ofnevrF %vac hel 1, sOich
e of the folloxing memb.-r,
, to serve until the Ist la-la
Jam , F.
\Vm. C McCarthy,
A Mcntlaiti
. D. TborLb,ag.l),
t.—A. Brackenridge,
\V Porter,
E D Gazzatn,
P. Mulranr,
W J. Reed.
—The fullowing is from
•, wrilten, we believe, by
rP"nr. It is good-the
fa'! many h (At?
1.0 the sky
tr , :then drink it up.
rn , .k "gets high,"
't in ils
yf•ti and 1?
•ry instance ~f voluntary
at 13angor, Me.. the uth
criber to the Detno , uat
white- , Washed debt of $7.
The New York Aurota
iful Mrs. Parlin spoke on
'lode Island last night, at
She is a woman of some
ars of age, charming in
in intellect, and of-most
- - ttitatte - F - c - '
• - NA.: nxa - 3ff..
Bureau or Provisiomtjaild Lloftting, •• - •
Iu berglelB4.-_ .
1 11101 R OPOSA LS, sealed an d T ;SaWiabiliitdired at
this. offiee, until 3.'2!
-1 1 -
21st day of Novesiner :Seat, cititiatildniaiiiiiikaidterivig
! at the Navy Yards at Perssaiiiith H.-0.. -- 0046 100 was
Mao., Brookifst.s_ Y,liiii - Pa..litragagthrts
iD. C., Gosport. Va....sind th e - e..S ~ easel eta.
lion, rpeetivey.Sattittitt* iiat:of the fothassiag aril
! t'ez, of Ihe brat -ipsaility. Ois erafineietideftattisb , ret:Pli
! red from the rontraotors.hy, liniketis,n esistialutiding
:, officers at said 'Navy Yards ond Ittatral dation. Or by the
1 Navy Agents. mtpresbrely, during the year 3543,f0r the
use of the truitent StSW, viz: i •
: Superfine Flour,
Ship Pitman,
Whiskey, . •
The said door shall lie cnariuraesttred of wheat grown
in the year 1842 or 1841, perfectly sweet, aad in a:t res
pects of the b e st quality; and When reunited for shipment
' abroad. shun to fully equal. In the hest description of '
Richmond flint,. in all the un.ildh s essential to its pre
servai inn in tropical Chaate!, and shall be delivered in
good. sound, bright barrels. with lining hova at each
head, and in good shipping order. free of all char:" in :he
Untied States; suliject to such , inspection as the Chef of
the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing may direct or an
thorize. ami he in all respects perfectly satki.f ictory 'to
• him or to tie commanding itifficers of the said Navy
- lroati;
ar ivcd in the city
.f 1 111 P r 1 .1!, ,,, ,0,11 r, t.
r 5 eX. T., tl- s cart,,,.,l rc<rnry ,1! riz!lf to rrl •e! n!I bids
,iirsit i t e fn,lll ti retofor, raittiii to ..xe,-(lie I hi.j,
r,rii (pen-
t .11V 31 (1
Tu M.O I ulf Irtzf.ntnr and
nn It 1' rort,onlib nm mut Ilin'sitorlo , , NAL:
. Id. 2 ro-1 Ddi`v
.„ l',,,,,,,er,:p.:Zuli.S;;lndard.r.
„ F...., N. 5e,,“,•1
Pa..; Path , Mornlnt , Po.Fd,
P, ; M.l; En
11.laron. Nor (,Ik,
I) ryer, Advanr..tir, Ky,:
F - Jr
1 , 1 ..r f.
1.:. Z+' .. ~.+~
. . 00' 11r,•u'.1C.In. Clocionwi repo ldio,n. Rate.
Jri. 0,0; ;I Lotli , 11 , 11'f CIO, X 10; N. !)
. _
1, ppt•oit Free : Pa
1 - .4101iiirry f;izeitr. P.ntTaln.sN'. V.
h fl -,
. 1)1.7, - NiNG —On . 41P 30Ih of last month. 41.00
9 o'rlock at ni , Jhi.the flaninerGroocine and F.:IM! Man
im'ariory, owned by Gay, Dilworth ci• Co, with a large
c of dressed and undressed lumber. was all consu
no-d Inc fire
The Iron Safe which I bouth• of you some time hack,
wr.s in the most esumgod situation aril irlE , the fire, and
was entireis red hot —I am pleatnn to inform con it was
al %lie r1.15e of in, fire.aial al: the tsaolig, paper.,
r. saved;--1 hig Is The I.rst rccommenctat tun I can give of
~ u - ( 1 Jr ern
ibe ul % 0f hour s . ures
o t 24—,
11 EA E tS I? I NCI . ° "C.,
.4177"0/2-VER'.—Office ;n. Rear,' Enthhaff
F oo rsl .Ire, t, rtql Nov J. 1342.
:+ l, on l 12 imp , ored Frames i t differ
eet naris or be rod of rt tar .alr, n.ntninin2 from - 25 to
3141 acres al various' pi atments made
anti arrnmo,ndali Fit , to purr ilaz-er , . Al. - ., c everat licnn-es
and tote. A good stand on itte St nultenv i! le Thrhpike. 11
f,nm p,l di.n the town of Fa \,llNrp)lie
51-, 1 , r rnati , 10 3, , Ter=or, ant Attached io
a Fine in of Ib sere of clioic.p land; a rood coat pil
"0 , 1 2.-nd pa-.lp aloud s rte . , of IT•nlvr in the dtie.t
Th e f frittne.3o liy 4(/ al-n. snot!,
, drnthle honer. It will make a Eond sand for a
Tavern to arromnictdMe Drovers and persons attending
the Fitts : it:urea Markel. II will lie sold on cosy and
ro.nmodatineterms. F.., on rl rnlars rnrr tun at
`S- A ccommommox STAG F.
.-.54, 11 4,..7474A4a!:: TO ATORG -INTO FEN
Toe subs,riber will commence Tannin!! a Fou, Horse
Post CoacA i , etw•eenfhe above places on Friday mr.erstmg ,
.N4r. 4, 1R42-
It will /cave Pittsburgh Every Friday and arrive in
liorgentorou every Saturday evening, Pa g ing through
FtoleyvsLt Bentieyrvilte, Beltsville, Frederickto*n.
Millshoro% and Carnticbaeltown.
R.lofrlltZ.. It leave Slorontown. every Welnes
dab , rnot,ing. it S o'c kwk, and rea-h rilvhurah on
ThurAry evenin, The etarksburgh and Uniontown
Coacher, which arrive in elo gantown o n Tuesday and
&today evenings, will there`•r connect
w ith this line,
thus savinv nisch to zr+ssenecrs in tim looney.
/lie 113[11ft , and horn esup'eyed will he of t h e lest
description .under the care os 6k - dint and reliable drivers
and every care will be taken to make the trips within tha
nine stated
Office_No.42.Woodet 2nd door below the gercbanis
Excnanct BARS or Prrrsavann.i
November 1.1842
THE Aircetors of this Bank have this day declared a
dividend oftbree per cent. on the capital stock
paid in--subject to the tax on Stockholders according to
act of Assembly, June 11. 1840. payable on and after the
11th rto.
Nov 3
kleacats.airs Aso Itsicascr ratintfistrE..i
Pittsburgh Nov. let. s
THE President ant Directors of this 'tat have. this
day. declared a divitii.no of three per cent_ out of
the prans far the last six nionths, payable on or afterthe
10th Inst. W. H. DEM! Y.
pier t. alairser.
111011,11 N F it 10 , *Work willbe aft.
inar's Minion loons. Ma 110 WOW atoreas„,,a
largo lot of Dry Goods:1oz rrrorredlrowlasporlers coo-
Arlin:of Superfine Email ,Ciotlia. (Newham*. Sofineit%
Plarmels.inoolielo aOitri plain Ennio . Mierlooit,
pins ,Freoo Ilforlooto, with sreat intief7os.llllot
Alio; at 2 ottOok, 0;99W
COM. 011/4 4c. ite. - R. A. SAIMAA IC
PrrrSECRGH, OCT. 2:2, 1412
HARRIS' Tilleilizence 014cr, 50.9, sth street
Nov I—ti2to
rit innli mribed
, . 'ClinatiPittk•Saiit - teadaTaissetliialarall silltMiiiii widen
Q 1 .PARKMlEStorreigo aad IlkarCia lirl , 1,1 iltOttneeltradaaie-timiatk - fraiiinatrlli ;litatessi .
OP 2.. pet stetted lids Ida e, on tohtuzuoteat. at inenifittly, 2estad Oicatarda sr ilipplema , sad 4
____ GartYlaPaattaaallaila arealloalia tr# lll4l / 1 1111100i
N o. 110. wood street, amain/sing by rat Ihr iaa 4 - f-s":"' eslilenlanimair ateliftotaitindotaimilieledi for .1-11 r ,;
olve variety arnaria this stty„alul Offerifre tbegreabeet in- 1 act ` , it.,, ~.____„...___a _ _ _
. 41
dacements to country merettants aad dealers in trier i buomaiml7;;ldsiaw=ait
sonte ria isessaer ealal
"i n
lot i s t ionev.
chandler. • i able far a lesetillow. , -2 gaud Clank= sarikli still.;
The assortment is part cot -"t-ists rf— , es trim basks- arida -weft :et entelima lia, willale.
Superfine broad clot un 1 cm' itterpariM, I *spin 0 tbefrnatdoer. la reintios Wilke rlitsimilek
Plain and fled cassdroerac - , 1 Fedatead• - ; 4 aad Aliezbeity maritetonsma fame piaatassm entire tar
&lois and shoes; 1
ftattinew. sale with morrindueetorat to those artiottin Pa pionAttite
Blankem i Patentattread; 1 110,27 Pittsburgh, the terms will be abaft ottitherade,:thr
Planne.,4 ► Panzer Mutt fv; , (tater paritcularsapplytoihearsmitiar at ids Ciatkitm
ittraened nut- - litl; * lrish Linterm l i Stare, Liberty street, tosser of irks'. Alter.
Brown do Hosiers; 1 LAWRENCE iIIITCHELL.
Gloves; 1 • Ot2aNtx
.ofdmayttetroadtatiientetgatine.z:.... of which l vi. r ...i . be B- disi lf ded nelt i s : ld tto b e r4w lo
a llr oic ha re of seasinseiliaart
percer xt ioaa . ii_
C. A. SAUSMANI. Alm,. 1
-—— -
110. 3
CHEAPER TH A.N EVER! i ?ring mhos liters respectfully Call tne atiormon or
SPLENDID ASSOETNEIFT OF i .11.. their friends and the publiegenerally,lo their
"sprlmefli °I. Paper R in ene a • widell alintains a
of . superior quality and finish.
, lathe and extensive variety of patterns of tik.ronowig.
AT THE THREE BIG DOORS, i defemplaoar, v, hich upon instteetion will be found to be
Je's 151 Liberty st., one door front the Jackson Fesimiey. i
frill E Salim - niter having prepared at his establishment I h . iglaxed Wall Papers, of at!descrlpPeor, !fir paxring
1.- the tereest and most varied mock of READY rooms and cut ries, at of
per piece.
„win to e ve him a I PaPPrl'ae MOON and mane' s. at Sri cents.
MADE CIA:ITM NG ever offered in the Weaera Cone i Glazed W a l l Papers. neat and handsome patterns., for
try, would respectfully invite the
eirainhercon fine satin glazed grounds . .
rail and examine his Goods and hear his prices before : -dn' eri ed” Won Parer, of their own manufamon., for
ourebasini eL.rusiere. ills stork consists in pail of halls; Fresco /red other styles for patriots and
1500 Cmits, assorted Siam: and quality; :000 pair Pante- 1
loons; 1300 Vests; aTO a large assortment of Shirts. Prensh Well Papers, Dersratiss suit Prestspetterss. in
Drawers, Cravats. backs, Gloves, Supeoders, and every P l4lll and rich tfifOrPafeli esi silver Pile?.
fre/rer gird fialretimt Barrtees.
other article of winter Clothing.
His Cloths were all selected by ltitoselfi n the Eastern Le"-"tille Papers, in sells, For papering liietele, knife
Markets, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices. and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
and consequently be earl afford to give his customers l, •Fire Board Priats, Stagers, Orrinseents„ I}4 BETTER B 4.11 G ATNS titan they can gel at any outer Wcuelow Blind Paper, plain and figured. of different eaer
cistern merchants. and others are respectfully invited
house in the city. Relieving In the principle of... Protec- 101r
to call and examine their stock and prices. off which laat
trig Home industry'gre has thereto e had all his articles I Y -
manuf.irtured by Ptilstinrsti workmen, and lie ~., oe no ;
hesitation in saving ilrat they will te found in every rrs i a liberal demount will be g iven fo r omi t,.
pect tmperior to the Erstera manufactured articles that ; Prom Irtntr ex 'Prier's.. in the t usines e , they ar e e w e to
arc offered for Sale in the flop I-hops that bare recently 1 manufacture pnrrs in a superior manner, sad as they
Anchored among ns. • are determined to keep tip the character their papers
hope ---,
I n these rime. when Hone Industra i s occno ring so 1 hove uniformly sustained, they lo conainue to re
large a share of pultlic Steelinn, as it al" ayf. short lid, the
sews the encouragement hitherto.° liberally extended.
proprietor or ihe -Titre* Bit 12001 S ' takes peculiar pride
Pit isbnreb. Ssmt. 19.1842—daunt
and pleasure in assuringthe citizens of Pitt
eye. that I No 49, Marker street, between 3d and Atlll
lilc-c nit ssizaidaseseed under . Pin own eye. lie the
mechanics of his own town. He does not. like some of - -.------
his rivals in trade, have 'tit, Clot hen made up in a di-tam
rity,in another State, am does he adve, lise his illmk in
tons printed three or fonrhundred miles from here. He
goes on the principle Ilia the mechanics of Pittsburgh
tan do work as welt as aty others, and Ire doe , not de.
si-e to draw money from heir porkers to support distant
workmen; while he asks item to support him, he does
net wish .o impoverish then by a drain to support far
off mammoth workshops
The subserihrr would tike this - ortasion to return
thanks to his rriends and ctsionter= for the unpreeeden
led patronage extended to his estahnshment, and to re
peat Ills invitation to all tScLse who wish In purchase
clothins. of recoil tirsterlptior, wade itt the latest fastion
and sold on the most acconsuodatins terms, to roll at
NO 151 LilDert!i- street. JOHN AI*CLOSK EY
Er - Observe Me al rt.tte in the pay .f.ment
KILT -2°°
1, .1, No. 1 §all. jnA. rpreived. and for
J. W. 'BUT. TIT2I itGE CO.,
ort 1-- No 75. Second .meet.
0-9KL'Af Bales 0 akmr.on hand and for sale by
W. BURBRIDC 4- co..
Unrivalled Blacking,
%\UF4I"II.:REI) ari.l sold wholesale, and retail •
Sir cri n7.IEEt role door below Smithfield.
oc 21-Iy.
1...!,..-AsTEn.nri V. 1841
St.y."l'o Dr. TETORN.—My Dear Sir 1 cheerfully and
cordia ly etnh: acel be present favoraWeeptoo ,l l. loll v 10 re•
/urn in . .Oil :lir tea rme,t thanks of Zra - inatic for your on
t-gpatteti an': f 1 e. !C . /bpi innatste in l eenr . oo r Of rime
ttret ty the atamt.
1 f. 04i I7P fregne , l 71:-41 tondo
ate u.e: an.l f con aware yogi I t , f,tl am ON , !APrnirztv hop
py to imr: , the AP.I.Orr ,rif,) , ,i;tll V 0,1.1 6 ,1 , i , teet
and (or:41011, Ilit: rooho, mend Ca (re
to all t hat rinfarioaa , e portion I . f the tittn , nn
race ;tie vc 1,0 are 1:054 nmiPtll. - .ir , the
runes exrro,sl in.: pa in for 11., wrtot of a rrie,iir•ttir prrp
ra , of erICI h:11 ore of 'et, prrpa
'erl. and ve! , Imer fur 7e8.. 1 ,, e0 ruff , rial from nit
j,triou:r.tle,l,ort;re and nor nich's effocis. r , i crorthie.
tooth powders nild other A-v.1,1Hr... prep!: rat tone.
roar IngiOn p+ - ririt me to say Ilia! I :Izve . o..erd you r T o oth.
tCri.ii but for a shot ,wend. and pt t I feel tho•Onr2hlV
tha. It I' liar 1.e,1 a.vs known. ilf tneetimatQr
Victor- ITI ore-, rvins, ji kept in a
and it.2141, , 0 , 0P rnndirn. o ,lV the 2re.alest etnhiell-hmet. l
the hoteat, tire) are not to he exoelled
i„ 4.Viltez 1 IrOFll 100111 ache, and
reclfifln: ite gum_ to :1 he . ol an./ IvOrifleAraildiiinn. and
01.1 It SlXPeiriel4: and fra;•:it,cy lu a diga4rerahle
!>realh hitherto unknown.
WILLI-1M ELDER. Attorney at Law; Office in
Bakewetr.: tiniHiees, - early opposi , e the Sew
Court llott,e. on Cant siret.t
SUG YI 01. I, hd. N• 0 -
40 `,hls PI:IO:10os Molasss,
$0 • • SuTur House do.
10 Tiaz , - oo Coffee
1./ oc , 4.
Aci 4 secrrT
A - Le.— LA W SCHOOL.—Ti , e 'M.o.:lees of the
Western Chiv..l,‘ily of Pell I ,Otias,ia as.b.utire to the
14,4 , Ikey e=ieviii,heil a Low ..ekval in etin
,tc, ion ryni: the filch will tie i.:40.2111
international. and l'ott,titutional Law iu all
their hianeti,ii
The 1,./rh- of instrurt inn will he leelures
and .rf %5f.,12! latlnt roof, a :, A "ii,r insl,,tutor,,
rune=s n; li.
The fir-I term will commence on the second Monday
of Nnve2ther Pelt
The tar ten 1137..;0 per term payable in advarce.
WAsTre. H Lonsttc. E. . a eleilltie7 of the eitisbtirgh
Bar, has been chosen Profissor. The "fosters take great I
pleeFil re in announcing that, t hey have been able to se ;
core the services of one so well qualified for the elation I
by reason of his legal acquirements, and particularly of t
one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. t
The annexed recommendation will furuhrir uatisfaction
to all his qualifications as Proems-or. -
The trustees having been induced to institn e this
school from a view of the serious disadvantages attending
the SI nd ief of la te, in the Office of practising lawyers and
a so the very obvious adia 'Asters which Pittsburgh pots.
sesses oires most other places in the West for the estab
lishment of such an In.altution —neve is a most judos+ ri
taus popu'ation. The student will see around him exam
plea of industry and energy, and very few temptations to
indolence and idleness. lie may become acquainted
with business in all its forms. Our Courts are sitting
nearly all the year el:Mita, and there 41 perhaps no place
in the West where a greater variety of casesand princi.
pies arise for discussion.
The Committee are desirous that all persons w'slting to
avail themselves of thc advantages of this school. should
do so I6llll(deliety by ratting and linving their names at
toe office of Waler [I. Lowrie. Esq., on Fourth street
or by addreminihim by letter. post •paid, GO that all sin
' dents may commence at the opening of the term, or as
early thereafter as passible.
exams ritsot.n,
31:185 recasts., I Committee
tisvin exant.x. } of
asnw. w. BLACK, j Education.
TnuS. T. DALE. I
We lake a pleasure in recommending to the confi
dence of the public, %Vattern. Lowrie Esq., Professor of
Law in the Western University of Pennsylvadlit, as a
gentleman eminent for his sound legal learninit and shill
ties, and in every way qualified fo- the duties of the office
to which he has been elected.
JOHN 3. OUSIMI. i eh *Clue ice and
'MOUTON C. adatill.
Justices Of the.
be Owed Gol4 WairMia
IV. I I 7 :LZ:r e -, P =44li e li n y. tor site titera
Faviiiiipreag, h iWcited to tad
Gee Of i*4.l4orsztag Post." 44111 m. *DI* wearied se
Mai ea. lord& aiareviiies(o4a.
14 10 , -; 1114--31-1 -
111 K-4,08 `s-
A cprp' Inc ci care ww, for your s,o,rec=
The xi:lr a+ IN ronsw of two I ..rls of four and a half
Trotositeeis-r. j °° P reme eau " -
). c. WWI. Jodues of the
rauttrosarati. Dinriet Court
murrs_ta scant. Diorrict
it rarrou. 3x. Prep. Qum. Berc
Ott 14 *l'
- Cluvmqdo Aid thane thb cam:
US. MAIL LINE or Splendid Passenger Eneasi.rack
fromCirteinnatiloSt. Limas.
The hem.spiendid. fast running. $. light draught vieam
Parket" Weet Wind and Nerip-zreil, will rue a regular
Parkrl , , f Claeihnoti to St- 1..00i.5_ Will leave Cin
eh:malt and Si. Louis every Wednesday uurvaiag,ul 10
Pa:soccer- from the Eard arid West any rely upon
t heir star , lug pow:0. 1 1y as advertised. Pep 10
1011 N IllYTTE:111VORT11„ Azotiewssr sod Commis.
4011 saes .11ecckeot. lt Y.. will sti!ivad 10 tlu•
s ale of Real E ta!e, Dry Gonds,G,oceries. Frirnilure.
S:ecnlarealos ere 4 y Tuerday, Thursday. aad Fri
day mornin7s, at 10 o'clock, A. M. (`ash adlramees made
on rnnr, alts. to uen 10
Oct 27--t f
No 73.:^4 ,nd Appel
efite !Weal Cottio”.. rl to ar rireetertirtzly low rate.
These coodr: are now r•ff al prmes to mil the
f7lllnfiS tl t Ettß 100 1 - ti Xc
Isnahutalt Reste4y..—The Print's* heaittv of the
Tooth. tjtetriodispensairis ode, and the footAgoas o(jissir
iso - trTo pre Fel Ve 1.1 %late or biainn an priAitie
11.4ttt v. to thr latest periods of statistics. Was totnely
nutmown ands the disenvery of the shave iavatuatde
Is f,r sa pore tineture coattome4 of yen
inttcriiPm.. and ,o 50,Fr0:4•41 of the ®-id &Hetet.'
odor. II ervilf:aif. 4 tartar from the teeth, reams., spot,
co: Motion ,nd pi e:-. , ,rvoatfir ennnwl. to
a pen'3it.e wfiillnrB an!. from Ile fii -in_
ti itroneri,e9, wirtme of giv i tt: sweet t)(56.
a . .
A? aft Anti Sceri,d4r, the ti.+m.atrnshado itatrane
oftwer=, Sru.vey i 9 eradtrateri from them. a
action and i. induced. witAdttofrvrA to the
71911,- !IP ya
:.rorthioner inalubi hle evidence of
titeir hta;ll3l.l t• bren osattirined and aged by
94,4,31 of the I. , T.,irians Of 00 city, 0..1,0 hove n o
itt. o !ratio' , in r—Wll o,end tog it v' an excellent witith for
the I rPtfi, t;urrlF
i r ,ed Tra ti.trry Tooth W3sb. -
and heroine mmtiamied the Ingredletti of its comm.
iii ion, I cheerfull . Fay, I conFidet it one of the safest. a=
it is one of !he most pleasant Tooth Wast es now In uge.
Pit mhurgh Sep. IS, 111.12 DAVID RUNT, Dent Mt.
I fake plemm re in st ai ink, having made us/. of-Thorn's
T.ll Reify Tooth Wai-h. - art it iS one of the he-a den
trifires in use. Beine in a lignid Corm, it combines nest
ne.3 with convenience. White it eititrgeS the enamel
and et - moves the tartar from the teeth, its nertnme eettls
a fragrance mmullarly dettrattle. J. P. TIBBETTS. M .
The onderFifr.ned bare lased "Thorn's Compound Tea
Derry Ttmilt D'ach,"an.l !lave fonnd It to be ant creme
ly rlpagant deniifrice, eterrising a mnet malnlory intin
enee over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those Diets
isenimlite menthers from premature-decay reinventing 41e
arennintattnn of Tartar. and peritvine the Breath. Ifpy,
inII t boron:My tented OF virtniiii. tee take rieacorr in re
ennitneedine it to the ituhlie.heleeting it io he the beet ar
tide fit the kind now in no.
C 1)-1RRACH,
J sf .4,COORE,AD
J osErn e arsrtE
«P 30-1
For 53 . P by
J. C. k k. GORDON
J. G - ¢ 1 COCOON
rrt -Dared on!,- h -tt'li.Ll iM THORN - , Apothetprp
and Cherni-i, No 53 !Al. , kgf Potrhargh;foc..Ertie .
ail The rutincitai Druf.7,i,t4:', a nd Tuttle'sei,en
Fmt rib wt reel. tfa
lOi r lighP.KATile
Lar - es and n ihbonp.
Witte and narrow sets.,
Lace and AI oslin collar , .
ofajitt.' frock
rrr,rl, find, Mohair.
I.isleTtirr.ad. and Colton Clore".
!t:a.r k Mol!air nets for Veils—very cheap
A la.re assortment of EnTliFti Straw Bonne e.
A lco, a rariet y of Strats. 013111 and fancy Tuscan braid.
(3 if: Are respectfully Inv - Pell to rail and purchase
;Fp 1g --4 f
A tt.on4 , i!,E. recommendations to the above :ire the fel
17t1 October. 1842.
EA LED ilMfgb.aitt will he received at this Derurtmeot, 1
10 until 3 o'clock, P: 11. of Cie 115th I.4:iveintier aril,'
for foraishi ng the Iwo/ea - wry arateri2le sad twestratllng
Depot fort he preservation of the Charts and Instruments
'beaming! to the Navy, With its ututemary oloservatories.
- granite pie's, A-e.
The Depot In consist of a central building of filly fret
squlre, wiih wings of twenty five Met in length and
eighteen feet wide—the whole to be haat of - brit k.
Plans and tiperifirstions will be exhibited at thik De
partment. to persons wishing to hid for tbe tame. The
excavation to be completed the pi:twat -Winter. Ali the
Issaterials to he furnished of the best quality, and the
work to be done in the beset nod most workmanlike man
err. and-to the entire saitsfaction of the officer soperin.
trains the construction of the boil/lints. • Payloads to
be made not °fleeter than once a month, and then soli on
Nth certified lay the superintending near, and approved
icy the &renciary of the Navy, reserving ten per oral. oo
all billa as collateral tweeurity, on: it the whole shall be
completrol to the entire satisfaction of the Departnient.
A bond lair the faithful performance of the contract,
with two Xalisfactory securities. shall- begiven for one
third the estimated amount of the Whole cost.
The San and Re &, 'fish imam; America], Steller!
*and Ledger. Philadelphia; Deily ilforeing Poet, Plats
burgh; Journal of Coniniertz. - Staarlard. sun, Union. and
Marring Post. Kew York; literate; Gazette. Ikonlo;
Dafly TINI , S. and Stormier Poe% Itortnn; Afire Patriot.
F. Efuteirer, Richmond. aid Peacort. - tillorfolik. Vs;
putilhifi as above.
11. UDR ARV of Re'Hemp. Hielogire,,Patitieatead itimi."
efileeioas Warts, swill be area e'en, day. Sabbath et=
!cePteil. lam 7 ti clock. A_ lit „omit 9, P.M, to the Es.
chat? Buildiag,carsee at At ',Cleft streetabd Reehatie
F ancy, 'arse punctual attendance sat haditcas by -- -!--• :,
, eP 10 1. '6113111111L.. 4
20antOUSHELS FLAXSIZED.ror - t 1
4 1lirt 111,16 eta grit rill ear* will twe eta'
' • - JAMES DiCprir tee 444 a:
Mei:bailie: Line corner of Literty and IFaits
Pittstaprgb. • - - ams '4l;
nwnrs. w 4 relizs•44 AT AveCritur -041
gvoilivr.iit (Mart. r- 111. i ateyells tale
livoli'isnfti 0 , * 14-- at f e tel * .e. * :PO 11 -..
1400e0A 1 . 2414 4 #Plet Waltber
Algo.--411 the , pawl/0e of tbe eseetigg 111110 1 1, 001 ," *LW.
-* 1 1 4 9r e1,411041 4 ' Preyed rowiwirpmper;dtaloiii
4:Siggt,'& B te 4 loeu.N 4 ,16 f e-- * Mrrilatia;''
, ~,
.... e ~
_.. -..- Trait 'OW ir
Farisci4iiimair, : '' . )ip sac- that it -1.4
poitissettiiiilhoot eat larewi - . .. , : ya.,..itaar saiiitiii tib! -
- aii iihrrilf Ortiir:XViarlk Of ' ... -.. 10 1Ir . ei rt as v" taut ,
imarakimmametioweb ! . A li t* ai r ,: ,i;ropi. ~_ ..,- ,-.-,. 4 tom '
'Thi: .44Piiiiii4.4.4haumix . .! ' ii___farikFo.4aiii:l*' 11 ,r
rect 4.'iiiYAmiviiis hose iiiiiir,i4ia'ailwika.aicaaiiii wail .
or — 1 - . 40 4 4 1 aiin. am sberpadismot- neoheilifts ti* *Pita 4-
'Perk* a. awe :reins) :ftaltics Altik44ltfte ; rialli , fiLl*
Tiittentwataisait,apeilleigal.and . npre t did I enfant. i' 1 ..... ...-
thirjiptlis,that for the , latet - fiveyntrap in - say
,prneliels: kirl. '"'
liit elite a cilifoic ONart±e.. a ar/Weve, , r wafts. and those i al e
ot itinites hi particular, I have-me/I ;Store= Atm Otani, , .._Pi i iit
*if titan, - nudiciwo• j
Like every other aandicivie.th4nama fait instaine ht
.slancro„ Litt in 'outtalk& them been ten attiappoint,
meat and more inathttliwt ion in t:-* adminfatrai toe of this
one remedy than of ail others:kit good °lrma noutetisaes
quite astonishing arr.i
If my patient respired a safe anerieut medicine either
before or after parturition, the I Wllson's pills were jest
the thing I wanted.
IT a dyspepticacid condition °Tao stomach. conthinesl
with costiveness or inactivity of the liver coarattuted she
disease if my patient_ the pins j wet* yam the thing 1
If I treated a case i
restairlem an emtnesago:ne, the
Wilson's pills were just the thir4 I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed nownlemince„or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance bribe eleentatory
lei ' R e'rregary SlVellif. annoyedmy patient at the *turn
of life ,' the Witmer pills were j ut the thing T wanted .
Thus, withoirt rm.:et to theleame, a darrase 'night
happen to wear at the time i htve had it under treat
meal, particular indica - eons or nyenntons arisine. Tra - re
at - nays ano-t promptly and :utast happily met by the
Wilson's pita.
That so great a entailer oftesitases, and sometimes ap
et:meetly nprtocite sues, in which I have twed these pHs.
shnuld he elated more readily tor !bent than he Any other
remedy. may at first tteem strains* and cow radictnry., hut
why at is so is asztenr to iny mind as that a great many
persons stiontd iteennte thirsty .from s many different
causes and yet all require that common and greatest of
all hlessinrs, aster to tioench their thirst .
In conclusion, it indite the etiolation of t.te medicine
and the rohifr, to ray decided!? and nnrondittonall y. that
the %VP , n'n piituarelheonly romhination I have ever
Met whit in my lons. rouse of practice. that if ally Tit,.
eesresanything rotative or specific for .irk Itradai he.
Yours kc., DR. 'MILO ADAM"
The ahore deuidrred ;particularly for the sick
Ilaed.A chi., Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Bowels 4-r..
premium, by the proprietor . A. VC Ilion. and for
sate. whntes_, itt and retail, at his dwelling In Penn sariol.
below Mar' ury. Oct 1
WV. E. AUSTIN, Altornry at I,am. Pirtstmrpit , p.
01117,-.P in 4th yt rect, opposite florkeu Ruildinr.-
WituAipt E. Avatar. will T. iVe attent inn to toy
unfinished lwsiness, and I rerommend him to the notrott
age of sir friends. WALTER FORW AI; 1)
•ep In—ls.
WI& STEELE, (zurce, - sor to H. 511.71 m-key) Fasit
tOnaAe Boot Maker, Liberty Ft . door from
li-min Alley. The subscriber respectfully informs the
politic that he has commenced the above htlainf7X in the
shop formerly occupied he }lr. Scary ill'Eloskey.
and that he is new prepared to attend to all orders in his
line oflinsiness with despatch and on the most reasonable
terms. From his lone experience in the manufacture of
Fashionable Boots, he feels cortfident that all articles
front his establishment will give mit ',shirt ion to his pa
Irons. A share of politic patronage is respect fully solicit
ed- seri le
ita ECU .N /Peepawdent Thanii>6l-tatioa Live to
.LYI Pkitatielpltio and Baitieco,e. Fee Traesportivg
.Meechavdime ts a.d Pins Pittiditrek, via Tide Wetter
and Peanaglea.wia Canals.
The st rk of t hi,, Lille consists of tb. firm e'n.t Spring
(,`.its. Metal Roofs. and .New .1/Orled Tide Water "Boats,
Commanded kr soberitrd_ ,
sClt -- h -- as ouch 4lisratch.as
ter any ot her Line. One Boat sal learn daily from the
foot of Willow street Itailßnad On the Del:lts-are. in Tow
of a Strata 80:1T. which is kript ex rrePs ly fur that pur
The , Preinriftori: wilt fir. their •• hale atirntinn, and
re=tiecifni'v invite Wesis•rn Metchania to Eire a
call. nE titw %vitt find it tunrh in their adv. nince.
All ron.la coneti?...e_d Willieia 17.i , mar roast
v.. kw or via Delaware anti R:.tritan Cr oaf. wiirtte reeeiv
ed at their wareitaww.f;,ot of trkilow s.t tett Emil Rem&
hilne,e'r - in, whrre !nods can he ant d:rectlr from Ihr
Vegeel Into the 11.aii without additional handlinz or ex
wiLLI ASi 4-I EiLM *Co. 1
from ricuidnvsbarg
From finlittr.vx.Mrfri to riflctrorTh
J %I FE frrii: EV 4- Co.. ramnl Ragin. T. 0700 y grer
Elmint.Wittnry ,trert wharf,
on ttir 11 , 1.-tra”..ut PhitnelOpnb.
.105k:1'n E. F.Lnflit. irmore
FL L. PAT - rrtsow. Hotidarcimrfh
jrcitE raTTkRFOIN..IOIII , Stnscn.
ticfr, to ntenehanht generoliy tiro' boo
en 13-4 f
I T. S'FEWART, uphoiocr. , and Fla rre ,
V • !No. 49.Finh6ircel, bri wren Wood and Swil:.field
F ir. Hunk and Straw :elatitatwen ninny* on hand. AU
Oird. , rf , leC4lled with flea , nens and derpat ch, on ;ir. WO
dal ine Terms-
30‘k TE , IPER Hann 'Ronk., 25014 Von T,Tn.
l t-P I , trof , ce •.!votale• finn) No 1; ood cnnFidern
hie variety of 11 Ameri , an l'ernocranere rnion ruld,
ra;l,n , --for lira. at Flarrl4'i Al:eory and Commistior
Warrhon.e No 9, Fiftt. St. or' 24
GEORGE W. LA YVO, Attorney at t.aw. Office
N. 54 rifP, ,t) t -ct, ne:ir i lie re, Piil,4l2re,ti.
DA. A. %I. PAT PERSON.Office s.lreet,
near Sixth. izeii 10
o.r woub , m hirold customer!. a id
frienfli.t hat ire has this day a.oinriat.ii Jom A. Mr
I fwaioc. tinder the firm of c. Kotler I - Co_. nod rm. - noted
Lis former intsine=safdea , or in' frou and sails. at Lis old
stand. No. 53. Front st.. between Wood and-Market sts.
A renewal of hiti old esisytam, and the pa-It-amaze:of line
frineralty, is respertfully requested.
Pitisourgh. Apt il 8.1841 BA/Aro2T, KELLER.
4 '13 10 ALEX': SPILWAINE.
Ramming Roat.Aadolltlo.ll6ll.
1 The ondernianed Maisie wed illir. 3.C. ifithiamatooter
Patent tun out dee forahunt two 'smarm s late ilia.
For Snle ; ',Toms:mm.l4m It to the milli, a—d mots putleolotly w
OR EXCHANGE FOR CETI' PRO PE.R77.—A Lot . all iron maiw a erwase se iwoeweeweie se as spew
of Craned in the town cif flealtytMe. Wash-m= l4 " fire., or on-the old play sof rannisamit. nodal. ...."
CO. on the nal local roof Between Washington 4 Prawns The „ pa w or poeei.fre. wilt meat hmii ass o hlii.
Mile and near the road trading from Ph 'slough to "Ilor- i the r ,,, i „„,,, 1 . : w „, .„.,,,,t,,,,, much metal hr askeflipeue
gantown, on which Is eretled a later two dory brick 1 two apes Aram and 1420 metal a as-vietcsigeposimr
house. well finished, a small frame adj.scent suitable for 0 pp, 6 re.; ~.
' ''
.... „.. , ''''' i lr i. 4-r
an armor more, a brick milk bonne, smoke holm; a n d 1 We hare wed a fire of t . h i s kind for gimp.
all ner_tarsary buildins.s and a well of good water. Also 1 have derived. lea advanta ge ken it azi.
an acre out tot with a large .earriare house and strati i fa " i .„. iwseed 0. 7
dwrifigut ',owe, and a two acre. meadow lot, with a good
... 34 . 3l e s huhira y h ai i h k o put am , 411 , 44 ..
.. 000wh.
spritsgof water on it, The. motsproperty wilt i l e "'a and bad ("tiara:4llpm vrlieettae. both afoshills hootteote
on amornmodatin. terms or exchaWed fat P r oP ert Y' lt 1 corded admirably. Ilion, with OM, VP- lam
Pitisburgh. and ra%b paid fie, the difierruce. . Tkie eil . 1 now-iit We in tineThalted Makes. - . 1 ,-.!:, - .,r4r,..
a= is situated in one otitis wealthiest neighbo.hoods) , cicietsr 0 . 1342. BARNA 4 ELlOrcr4ft
, .. .
tithe west, and premnt , a rood opening r 0( .2 niyaletto 1 ... __ , .s e kt e p, r o
--. . 1
1 r "errhara.
a aood
" ha
r 3—la
4 ' raCal
Pii r a":4" ;..l 1 RowNsn.E ruNta.r4 Isom wotas,--se
an excellent practice can be g yen : For terms ....par- I B _ 0
Im. ‘
si ,
' Cortaro apply . at , . i HARJU* ' , . +lraqi
..s. anithelager, of !rim Sad lie .
ova 28 ~ Inleftei!ce434%tr- i w 2 'l, l""i'r• 36 . 25 - WPO 4 ' ,l c.!** ii ..,.Ail"
e the rray. st 4 •
ATOTICE-= We hare n r kw*
IN disc ha - ricit tr ibt vrift . l
be divonard of according to blit..ll'o Pay
I4aibl,c7ten„.6 ria5.445„ ars,t'iaare.rdiVa ft atc,
.1, S. Scrsi ,113crit,catsof Sala 311crlitcPri, irittAni:. et.
Win I. G.rosn. 4 packs*, Tithiturgb.
So ;hark, 2 car-Tinge...4;nd h2II , CSS
C. A: W l AltUfari".ll . Co , Arems.
11. E. rdruille Bozietine.tatialilasta, Liter!? si - reit.
ritiakirrib,bee.2B. r 19:-3 t
A X-11FPWLS:J.07.—ilsi ititinreftsrx ()film
.4ift cfintitte i ; r . fIR 1V!.4-
104:da!r-linkrAttitut Tempelacre Hai!, 0t0..e4.
Irene F,cln•
.roprilirr: kt, sT Rum ..pr
36 Toss 4holeft%..;rbeir-
- 'reisearti
• OA-vs 9 1 : 1 11,44.
. • _ pcowtitc-- 0 , 0 , tmo*
lurseThvgfoi4darl" for
itta.a similaiveyablK.
"V"-"fistAbres-1•144- 41.41tattrfl,
~ ,I * *l-4104 A4C
oil b.
Media{ _____ - •
be mat' I 'milled meth ittik a daleoP of. tboAllognamil
thew. he would spit a quart efeblma iethr dell
this ale:Ilion he had a bad Dienbota. twillinle
- A
or loss attended his hem tbe emometweenen -
new. That at times be thudded * dail were . ' 1 411110,.
would have dreaded &ilk art bean esespintate4 4
Melo amble:save th at of liaises panto( 'lt
bowels. A fin aelrerhte loom dos death at th e . ,
Retteat.on Staten Triard, the daces teed ttbinAhat
tine was of Ito septa him. that beset-4 try( i etbfillilit.
At this time be waa suiretiegliteereeteettadiney.. 'Mr/4e
his bores tette iro tenth, be mold set loortilie boorottObr
Uri upon the clhow or upon the hone. that lite I: ,
men paintlit. that as the Dome said be iiiiiiiihr" ' - -:,
no more medirfor be determined to pewees Mein*
firandrctles Pills. which he did. fruit 24l
New Yort; that-tic commenced wi th fiveplfie, 111101 1 ,1111.5 t
1 hoe. increased the dose to eight_ The firs, leenrit-Iplla c
co mach benefited hint, OW It h edoebarOVlL-fi00110110: ge,
What lie W 35 mi.!. said..nom.Shaw. yet 1 Sosk,Atoolle.
man arailn; if coo improve in this may: yam laitl, aititti_,__ i.
melt.' That he t- and every dose Of the Ilmadinetk=rlllllll„
relieve him, first they CUM' Wan of lb. polo !host, k , l
stool; that they heel fired the rhurbeek and, IlieOW-01 11 k ,
pain's in his lionec —That the misfile/ft was* to.dhlk a
itrength to bon everyday. Hettillathe aleinttle , a _1 1 •11111 1 !IS.
g m
day the 11th inclant, that he Celt bdte self seett. ellek:
t hat he owed hi. recovery to Onesdrethe Ms a
rrovideme, that the had titan the siedieliere Orel it
for 11.1 days; that the doctor told him irate latiAundiMialtiv
had herr , tabine that assetrise. "Ike Manuld.ollll klPhtiligliellill
another day in the house. He considers it Irbil deli lith- -
mike this nohlic statement foe ibe benefit Oran ofolitodo
Areted; that they snap know wheat to dada wibasit
11121 will pare them. JOBS
John Sha w 444'1 by Hte dilly tworn thisllll d* .11'
Aril. 1843. did depose and sir thastbe Ilact.l4llll Illiallt:'
meat is tree. J. 11. wn EELER,Corunissweerof Ottlai
The 13 RAXDRETH PILLS are 904 a Dr. Maw
ttreljec principal office- 241. BROAD war. New Ireoll4 -
and at file principal office. Neh d all WOOTI f l ifeet"llllll.4llX'
1 he ONLY FL2CE is Pittsburgh where the
be obtained. at.,22•41.2111t.
k M. Hosiaair inrortn their Irriaudit*hil
the public that they have continent-44- noultild011.:
ring Hats. and that they have raw ready driiildhdle
their store.l4B Liberty "free. between Market
street, an acsortanctit td" the very hest flats. C
which: f •, '
are anx ions to disport of thr cheapraaad mein re**
nide Icrina. Theti stock ronstot of the verytete
r iv—Beaver. tatter. New ria, Castor. ; short I%a:
via. Fur and Silk Halls.
tr. it 161. toinrriy are loth regular hred nantfteslir rte
t.., A
have had extensive ovrierience as „lcurnevaies iaHhiih,
P.l2 l ,llSitmf•Rti in the country, their Hate are 14001 m,„
under thcit own inepertien, and they a:anti . alealtit
that nnthinc Lai the 'ivery hen articles on the add
vfnalle lermv will be offered 'fir wee.
itrEmoi RS aftbe ta e RPV. CierterJrankeelly 6 : 411,
Preitialent of Mckinnon Catlett, CatfhdatOkrifilitat'
Mille , . D. D.. I T.mn. with a ha netsente DortraPti
COMFORT t. 11"" AFFZ.ICTIOX— A nerierat
;ion.. by Jaw.= Itociranan. D. D..
bo•zb. fsmt Morrie= et. from the 9th Elfin' Org i ll tirtirlio 4
SPIRITVAL 170.VEY from Naariat.Rtclas4l6*-
Iv ion!. anal oheervathens on the tratarall %Wan* apiilA
bhg offteggA r g sotrodom4l to potttle. notice lojt -
Smormi ToyArt . ..„Scltt
DEcepcars—or the individual ablitraffl“:4oo--
liana to pave ronla from drat*: an Bina! I",
Fr•rs—rnurth morir an, from 11,0 Sixth Lotnit". ? -
S RR 0 irr_vo YET REJOICING —or . aorratimaaK :
recent tnetztom-tme bereavements in a aStaffaaea
CH/ E SEY.llof7R—er 11., Good Mott 4.14414 a r t:
nigh by WA} C.Mtvorinp Cyinriatr 3a"d.
LIFE n RILE rot , LIVE--Korniftser Lige .a... 111...
yrimaoo, Life a Rant... Lift a coottm.i..tre
a Stvd.Tit.... for Mmmity. h toe Rem: T. '! 11 4 - - •
CHRISTI:EV LOPE---a , the Mille
rot g eon mmiom ttl 114 brim olliketat....
771 - g" F %TENT AND rtrre,ffler
VT—s. 410.ra•A htate. - tm.rri4i6ent* . :
Kee—?d edition tit ma.
nilue,ep_ 2T.11
wti h fwbr, Terf.f_ .2 war
flsl 4.ilv 4 , f iv•i-eel i - aHo Tinting. -64,11V
r,E1 and nrArt by John Over T 11 nine.
;. Proprzctors
vrc - roßr oFTWF ORF-r1- R.EFOR-VATION of
S.rmane, Ehrixerrias4. Ate.., bir
3 . H Tr 1:1 1, 7cor t4s**ll.-ni ftirelerikar
bnlo in 1-res. 12. - ma: 3,1 . • A1
from I to• 5. b Landon edillori. LUKE LOTIV lE. Are'
sen Eg Wood glikieo
BUFFALO 11‘43-E•z-FIF:Ait fzKfigt4 ANO - t-
TusT Proconahfe rothillo iabeirrii*
frtrt.t_cvalttire freqn Evro No. 110'.x,
.11 In', (Rear - and INA Rhin.,
11 0011 'co. 1 and .?..Ilughral
ho r f (Ozer and ta&onn Shin!.
Aid o•hh-h areogre , •edit , vlolttred fo iir
prvved Prop*. A Prlv
A. PEELES. a! the %uteri:l.3o Fur CO, Air:117 . 4 . 1 :
Ort 13—:1m Corner n'Front aaprrerrylill,.
.. - n :NI - 1 %
o Iron ........nufhetinrerli.
q?ir a-, ...F.' int tra,,,nert it rirwris, nv sr rejfMitit
metet.for Tle pierpe.e of sating , iSar-Innr.
r r iflE plan eoreivtanf a eine" fire, by mid ltdaddi.MlNd''
ij nme op the chimney 7 fret. 3 hy 31 fee at ihactiiiik
inn4 IP in , ine..quare at , np; The to and goal le pat #l ,
the tnoof the Err. and the ',received am toot
11, (were iron plater are as (kirk as limo ,i1m111.111111, 1
u z- e d, an d the ptatec nn the of them are Ma Illeds ,
a ball by one sorb thick. and 18 inches nosaossit AMIN ,
Paving rrertre.. l Letters Patent for tbeseate,latmasaft ,
ler it to the public on reasonable termer
i Ari mrorm Mao OM be bad, by altdrentfor airt
Port nnooth. Ohio. J. C. lacifaXAMblf-
ors Role sh.i..g..—rov Los& _ • - •
and A rogrth .4.grra,sf LAVII.
lijAA. O. 42. 52. ss. 54. 121 , 1141 , 0 .144k4i
f. 4 . 45. on Holmes OW Also, Lats
rock's pan orLetp lore grey:, aisimr:thri "
noo . .ce. Pot term, apofy to Z
sea _ _ _
Zees ye. rimeefetaint
Oct- 311. - 001 , 4 , 4411* -
'S eeetion far thirteen ffietvteeg efAnieramollt
Th . wiT iaz 5-n=r- silt Le be belt et ilbe OM".
IfeeLe eat Weed:re *eels: day-ef.lfnmemle ergs-
BMX sNivaitk
, sr , 2‘...""
Eiseisci.Baxor f P Pnviaktium
Oct. 14
: ustlaartler F of Alt rasa are ,
gmesieutietersisz Ow Wares ilfreetnet'
salistg omaf.'weig I siAtirt:Oie Est
pstireeireulitaihiby -24st . Fear: - Aixt.
A. 'Ar; ftr•TiAtrllt P. ef — thiiiMir;••T'-'.
TrIt" 11 0 5 -:* 1 %. •
lifutemorri . _
Mee. stribok4ibtolibek.
-9040101 4.1111,.