Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 07, 1842, Image 4

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    *Ea, dd. jgogvikgylt A; -ago. log 2 , g1-t
0, lrogggskie..rgglieticutty teggii *
iimg4", it ,. 4
vrt Um - restored' 'fah realty '
-fiehtit-ebdidAilaith• the'
mtilding.retently eeettproddy.lo. GI ire°l 7 fivilloldec il Yt
x. eivofflitieralwoldstand;loirgr elbeisviwtiffisretnitt*l,at'
swilitomesty towaterdeos,iii htuit and " h7etret at-,
the detilli iff tifebnitutessro Videitaiude
belieildini) merit hiltilideliiifideitee, litf t ii tt b eliyeparell;
mtAmaistailtolitproin4deAlentswie; aDO
~e•offireelittelte Owthelherh ncrYiteiins.--Calls-fiorri the
,ehtederwiliiiephhiptlym.h.ended to; . l
•TATldenee •
15 to the same bending with leis t waie
,410000,011000 those-who need is serwitee may dad him
VOW awe. .
, itreastioncit, 14111a...itelltILTAROCL.DAD.
seDpa r•-r-roit, ste:atittist.3iitgaOadW6
sif• • 11 . *:'4l.Ung's -
etii i 10 - ,
, ,-;F i l , : ::
' I"KS, 7 7 rtiiittelit.:g: tibf,
PAMPHLETS, litittilit'irril . • :2".`
BLANKS, VIS(I'INq 'll A:kb§ ''' . :' ,l
LA BELO., *Dalt sis `'Do., 0
S, BUSINO.S3 .. iid:l., l' '
NOTE'S, li A 'SD Bt t e lA,
. lima I:fr 4.AniNG, Clltc,'U'L Alt3; . d-e,''44., ''l
- To:getter Witty ertry destripttori of Let ter Press Print
• effer,Wlttshed-w hit neatness and despatch, aid oanode
'Otte lOW, at-the cefleetal the Daily Al orntii Past:.
. workto ndo in an uithealthy.attnosphere-.
Imlegelter stores.„stone cutters, bakers, white lead
imittlifecturerf, are all mor''t, or less subject todlsease
ent 7 rilitg follm'airength of their ~ constitution. The only,
d. methodto prevent disease, is the occasional. use of a
medielne which abstracts, front the circulation all delete
einne".huinctre,,ariti, expetb r them by: the bowels. Tomei
In any form are injurlinai, as they only ; at ()tithe evil
'....ritilkito-Make it more fatal. The use. of- Brandretit's Pill*
strittinsure health, because they, take all impure mailer
enter this blond; and the body is not weakened hut
Strengthened by their operation; I,r these valuable Pills
do hot force. but they assi=t nature, and are• not opposed,
bit harmonize with her.
Sold itt Or. Orandreth't Office, No. 93 Wood street;
Pitisburgit. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions.
RI A RlC—The only place in Pittsburgh wlirre
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,is the Doctor's own
Sec. No. 93 Wood street. sep 10
NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully
fur.es his old friends and the public that he has
openea a-Temperance Hotel, in fifth Street t near the Ex
change Bank, and iu the house lately occupied by Mat.
thew Patrick, arid has hoisted ant roali gn, "The Iron
«Eby Hotel," where he wilt he very 'happy to R eCOlrime:
Bate all who may please to call or. him. His Little
shall be provide* with the best fare, and every possible
imeOntMakitioii to -town and country customers and
ravelern. •
A - few - boardern who wish to lodge in their storessir of.
fices;o.it betaken, and gentlemen. who live out of 'town
al)____.l44,_it)trdinners daily.
gOod Stable's, and rhe best Hay and
and'a Ittioilllosiler,,and will accommodate travel.
, erti And gent leme ntit hp have horses,
' %Warders lakenhy. the nay, week ,or year. Charges
WiOreinudeg,te than at any respec.table Hotel in the city.
IiALT ASII IN (ITO'S it A. tf... —The slime:ll,er has ,
‘-if • opened thiflite reshienre tifJasisit,A dams, Esq.,
idealised, Tor the reeeption Of visitors and Imaideis;
ibititosa Ie very pleasamily 'situated on the hank of the
Ohio, 2 miles from the city—possessing all the delight ,
tut accompaniments or. a entintrY - residence, without
'tieing - too far thstan for persons doing 'business In the
city. Visitors wilt be furnished with every delleaty of
tile season.
-Arsefinnibus runs regularly every hou
zetenyend (tribe Bridge. -
`N --tito`Aleotille. beverages kept.
-trierehdp existing hetweett James E. Kilbourn and
ttaod..l.oliiimln -Is Plitt Any dissolved hy'mlitual consent.
The conditions will he duljt noticed, with the signatures
of htetkparlies annexed, and Barty Nall will be continued
.epan by the subscriber until other arrangements ate per . L
For loge, on thalpremisea, 150 1+131;. eitoic**lnlti op
applied for immedintety. J AS. E. ICllittoll
sap 19-4 E Na .9, brarket; and-74; 'froth st:
14,0 0 KBIND 1 : 141 .Ge -410Cal k dies94*
.::i -7' l -LP Johnson, Boojthinders and Paper
i S. V
?:,.1-, 1 Rulers, W. c.orner, , of Wont Pond
__-_-- L - ,:-1 Fourei streelnore now prepared to ex.
1 ' - 1r 1: 1 eetite_...all t,l,oo.Orlcookbindinwand Pa{
' -- ---.4,---- , pertlikling.W . St4-"eatness and 'alma' elf.
'.• -:---- -- - - - V . : ~ ..ltboirika , ruled , and bound to
nalzfiten7PAilirilittt.tO,.. i.orie.st notice. ,
-. Al Wilikllortn , - ',:ttealloye ikl warranted. (sep 10
Su_ entlat, has reiurned to
L i c hish .
his old' stand, t 0..107 r SmillsGeld Street,
tv4Pinl a can be ecipsulted any hour during the day,
'tits Profession. sep.lo
Vati„..NlOYAG.—Gertrge Armor, Merchant Tailor,
*respectfully announces to his friends and pa
roiet. lhall)e has removed his establishment from his
id Third street, to the corner of Font a,ad
Balkh - add, in the basentent story of the Monongahela
ifousei where he iniends keeping on hand a general as.
•sortmeut of Fashionable . Goods, suitable for Gen
't semen's wear.
Ha hopes, by close application, to merit - a. share of the
um& MIL* 6o liherally extended to him at his old stand.
N. B. flairing made arrangements in New York and
Phitodeinbia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
atille reception of I.atis had London. Fashions, customers
oftiegly °Owing their orders - executed according to
gettsi- sire. GEORGE. ARMOR.
Pt W •
011,.--Tha Subscriber would most respectfully
inform the public in genera that he has an article ,tif
Oil orasuperior quality, manu facto red at the (north-
Nanufestory,by R.W.Lee & co..wolob is warren.
Piitpthe best Sperm. Oil, both for Licht and
SFr.is Oil is entirely free from any glutinous
wst *titre, or unpleasant odor, and it isms clear, and
w r White riS spring water. Not a particle of crust to let
tvfck.. The light Is pure and brit:taut,
'wird - Will last as Meg, it not longer, than that from an
-equal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The saber.' iher informs
"Ake Public that he has taken place nearly opposite the
Bost Office, where lie will light up several Attrereta latnits
eveey evening. and be would respectfully invite the in
'habitants of Pittsburgh, Alleglierly,and t heir vicinity, to
csifand jedge for themseiv,es. Ile feels confident they
will be coovinced that the above statement is perfectly
coded: . Out of ttvo huniireilindividuals who haus tried
ithe'oll,therehai nut been a sin . 481 1 round with it'
ThetTAlrd Oli cots one '` lie would
tfulty'OWL thereliirigl7 , and Ma.
Mows tb the above. • •„,
Thefollowing Cbutch6ritie itteliAatiiaAkWoi Oki;
' Sedond Presbyterian Ohurib,PlUsWW, - _ ,
'Hew Cumbertartd Presbyt.erialt ghpre,b,,,,PitabStlfh,
First "Pitisbyterfan qtoren;"Aifttieox 04, _
Atiebelate Reformed Chuich, do.
AD theita! refs are branded R. W. 4111 i 40.,chnot.
• t' Aie9,l4
Ittifsinitgli, June 21st,
'We; Ole lindestinea; he Express Liee of
IPackets, on the PeunsylimiaOMl,bave tried and are
neingdaustrticto ofLars{ 011,Invrodlited hese by Matthew
Cfßdefflind Panufaut.Ured by R. W. Lee 4* C0.,- -81, the
• -
niscimokupoll Factory. - i •
—Waleei,rinfideiit-in asserting 'that the a ova is eqnal:
t° that DelliisPetni Oil; t i nt it is entireit-lireu from smoke
other gliminansinal ler w lastrver;.the” light is per
' ttrall#pitfe;crear and brilliantolud Will last as.tong, wpm.
loiset %writhe. fione an equal quo,ntity . of Pperui. Oil,
We have J:0'1)64411° , 1 ltl recommending Tito our friends
••nod to tifterilmtim oir
AMY TRATIY. captain. Packet... John Adams- + -L
fIUMESMILNIY, - 'eeptstin, Packet John Hancock,
d, de John _ Madison,!,
VAN. THOMPSON, • ,is. Ptttsbotgit.
, r ,selkur %• • 4-
~, . ,
WAj ZVOM, tC4t MT I CIIELEI. 11E1111 P !LE I S.—
..Mit* raft ere ooroposed of herbs, which 1 tielt
a r:R5194t.-`lairk 1 - 11 e 'ilPFtt;:thre: impulx:i:iii"
sire fit i... my Toot. tat nits in; the Mood is quickened
and as :in its eitFlitairli giro, r ilet Ir . thie r i siiseis,i,
seliel.lW eA . f d rtif';graltad int Onlni IY or tiqi
extroloil Mt.; and 0 all Wiioregollig '44%.41 1 ,#' 114,:f q pi_
d Kir el* 'de hibeall i ttierie is* qiippielit hire
b i t
cealiVieietthiliii'rlinirn mai% nry: to ofi IhtAsoitaii•
Illakt'll , or dimia‘atinticaOls; la 1 1 0 - 1 4 10 atiola 1
aaal-aV . 11. 64 *la -t••••0441,0014-414.4 - au ,
.'-' - T_ ", (ctiloolvdAw.~Aionaltpui -Angideeh*, ay.
roe - ulfelthKittio*, :jpoloothigep lestid ite•
• . • ~..4 , g own ie 414401. , ~ iiiiti-t ikr;
.:,......^, - .. , - r - , T, .
.• , . 1,1,c A. ,, ..„.ligiges .
alitif,4 .1:W t- 1 .. ; , - ', 1 1; .''''-';
, ) , i - ~.•›-bffi4WiWiSit4 Are ''! ''!: iI;:tH •'_ .'..
larnilltitttee torgi ep'r am I.4lliiiit 015VasA tti .' . • -
Actite A epegivat , lil goefr thaw de t, A Noy - s9M,,
eitilled,..-An 0;114 orefille for 118,04lAdilleir expitico,of
Albs ~ Oovernamatt->parpOlvs.t4elowlyvvootte $0.1.1e.
D4*—ternvifig woppe,castr-t*,o4 ~ oxie-dg.:o4 - :• ; 4 4 E 7
Worko..and for oliterionspoo3s" ihere-voilthel ',
publie sale. et:lbellerckints C3r.-,lfnligi in 4,lra. :.} r:
Phillldelrlll2, on Vi'ednesday,theg..M.dar ,, rif .,
nOet,at 10,..1e0100k,..4„ fr.,the.failowkgetnekjmifOlor lc : y:
4t k ia
the.Commonsoremitit, to :twit; , . . 1 . : •4,'F:...:r 1 4 ,
3750 shares tef, *Olin tile Bank. .P+ll9eyivaitin,;', ,
sr . 46. .i s the -gII4aONI AIR , _, t:•,..,,' - ,-i ?.;':-'
'1 bff do In to eVainters and- opal:4ok ~ ,
'O9 Ale , ~411 fire in
qgntnitint§n4 IP4.WAIt eX'AID3P,II-Yt
2580 49 ...l!h.0,84148 0. /MO 4 - 1)14, " ~... •
• - Cana-onr.zoma.,,—.
- - itio - . fiethisapeake and; Delaware Cnnal,
. ' company. • ' . :
.....11,40.,,1n05t SPbotylk ill Navigation Company,
: in the Bristol Strain 'Rowboat nod 'Frans
0 , 4r000dl
... , ,
• .' • COBlPa49.
„•,1400,,, 40Uslate ;House, in the bon:nigh of...Harrts.
hire.itiilll9o.y..the2Biltdayof ,November nest. at 10
e.ohleltkior.- :
ee,g, Qf. stock in the ,Danville and P,otteville
11aitrtiroil-COInAnY. , " , , ",', •
2,001Y115. in' the erland. Valley _ Railroad enfil
.. ,~
Franklin Railroad. Company. t
Wrightsville, leo'k and Get.yeblmg
itailroad•Go., '
Codorns7Navigation Co. • i
paid t riglealid Spring Creek Nat+
gallon' Co. , '
Monongebela Nnvi2ation Co.
Harrisburg Bridge CO.
Nino buroliorland Bridge Co.
Monongahela ftrodge..Co.
Allegheny Bridge C 0...
Witkesbarre Bridge Co. •
pewiihur.T Bridge. Co.
Big ., Beaver Bridge Co.
Danville Bridge iCo. ,
`Neacjit,peckilridite Co.
!FreOtt. drank Bridge Co.
'Coneeintegh-flridge Co.
S. chukllcitlit nd Pottstown Bridge Co
*Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
'Milton Bridge Co.
It nonwtown Bridge Co.
'Towanda Byidge Cp. •
Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co.
8c lin ylki It Brldge,(at M,atson's ford)
vviiiinompoit Bridge Co., Washing.
•Itill county.. " • -
A !so, stock In the following Torwirike goad Compa
nies, to wii: -
2424 slinrois in
4310 do
2154 do
2164 do
1780 do
3477 do
?O0 do
1360 do
512 do
• 250 do
180 do
200 do
580 do
14)0 do
250 4.0_-
1240 I
640 -k do
400 do
30 .00
116 do
500,, ,do
1 the Alle
York and Gettysburg
New Holland.' •
Spr ng House,. No
Cayuga aart Stisquebannn.
Hattprehanna and Waterford. •
j. Sosattehannaand Tioga.
_Bridgewater and WiMethane.
Pittsburgh-nnd New - fthgniterhint'
New Alexandriaand Cotiesaisisth
Betainntend Enslnau •
J'itlshurimindßteUe l c
Phitipshorgand Susquehanna:
Batterand fiercer.
Mutter And 1111eadvitie ,
•Anderson's Ferry, .Waterford Sod
fkleW Haven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville. ,
Ridge Road. .
Bethany and Dingman's Choice:
Robbstown and Mount Pieaaanls
Mount Pleasant and Somerset..
Somerset rind Bedford• • •
Hanover and Carlisle.
M i I lerstow ti and Lewistow n.
Bellefonte and Philipsburg.
Philadelphia, Brandywine and
Belmont and Ogbquaga.
Harrisburg and Milleretown.
Philadelphia arid Great Bend.
Lewistown arid .Huntingdon. , L
Armstrong and Indiana.
Clifford and Wilkesbarre.
Indiana and Ebensburg.
Washington and Williamsport.
Washington and Pittsburgh.
Lyeoniing and'Potter.
Middletown and -Harrisburg.
Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Yoling
Butler and,Kittaening.
Milesburg and Smethport.
Derrsiown and Youngmanstown.
Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh:
York Haven and Harrisburg bridge
Abingdon and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisburg and Yotingmanslonin.
Somerset and Conemangh.
Carbondale and Lacknwana.
Somerset and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and Jersey Shore •
Ligonier and Johnstown. '
Warren and New York Slate Line.
l'itnsvitte - and Union Mills.
Armstrong and Clearfield.
Warren and Ft antlin.
Sugar Groveand Union.
Brewnington, Harrisvilleand Frank
200 de , Snowshoe and Pnekerfwille.
•43 do .Lackawatem
200 • do Butler and Freeport.
64' do - Sterling and NeWroundland.
96 do Lenox and Harmony.
224 doPittsburgh Farmers a ntrlitechatiies'
160, do • Bedford and Hollidaysburg.
160, •-do - Luthersburg and Punsatawnei ,
16Q -do Birmingham and ElizabeataWn.
64 , ' do Bald Eaeleami Nittany
!ffirtermsand conditions of raid sates*tittle. made
iraionmonAbe days aforesaid, or by an application:4H any
time to this office. State stock will be rtlecived 'in par
mans at. par, Uccertlficates of credit, which have' been]
eatelLe4 on thelbooks of-the Auditor General, in: pavan
nace,of a.resoluiion the General Assembly, parted on,
the lir day of. April, iB4l.
'By order of-ihe Governor
300 do
58M:I do
328 _do
518 ~do
987 do
322 do
350. do
941 do
880 do
882 do
1010 . do .
520' do
500, , 'do
280 do
MX), do
660 do
672 do
100 do
Try do
779 do
500 do
100 do
800 do
256 do
980 do
360 do
J 5-1 do
560 do
329 do
855 do
,400 do
280 do
1160 do
200 do
204 dO
240 do
403' do
200 do
230 do
96 do
369 do
24 AO
320 do
123 do
160' do
40 do
96 do
224 00 '
160: do
80 do
80 no •
It r ,WILO 414, E'Y A NS'S SOOTHING SYltUf . ,—
lufalithie remedy has preserved heindreds'
when thougliteast recovery, from convulsions. Asi soon
as Ilie*rupis rubbed on ithe liini4, the child-will rect. v.
Tithiprepartision isTorinnocent, so efficacious; and so
pleasant; thiatrutetifid Will ' , Kase to let irs .gums he Rib
bed with , When infants - are at the age of four +ninths
ho there 'is aira'ppearance of tee**, woe tattle of the
Syrup should he used to open the pores. 'Therenig: eintmid
r ever he withoutithi svrnp in the nursery • Where there'
aro young •childrer, for if a child wakes in the night with
pain in the gams, the.Spsup immediately 'gives ..ease; fly
opening the pored, add-healing theyonnst .. l hereby prevent.
in; COUVII Acing, 'Foyers, lee. For. Sate 'Wholesale and
Reprahr. IC- U. 1313CLE1113, Agent,
- .
tie, ilfr ' 28. Wand street, heinw Second,
.1 ..
. -.. .
jiVii ,pa lill por ir i
jr i# o "It: s.-
0 7 4
70' 'i eStt a er tr ;i i t u
t:Zr:: j 4 :4ii'
ISOn.atisiasnilnn hand an n . tensitre 'agsOttnoent Air Satin'
Glardit T ithdi' l o!aiii;.-PAP6_ I I IRA NGI NO9, Are*et ' , and
*sitlAtin 11qpi!ts, of the `la' t. at, , and - ttandannfe
pattintOnt,..Atitittnilta* , parlors and chanthotim -..i.... I .'
T4yllnanitrii dare and nave on hand at Rh tirnao-t,
trinting.Writing;.tetter,wKaPpirrit and Teat , * ;Son—
.n,friiiiidlriiiirii+l;?gldq,--gt,of which ',1,4e3r-OferFerNiiiie .
~...„ 40„rAirs: ind-trt- , ~t he y.
ht . te.-tijait otiTyr-qieto7l! ...a.T40t1*tit.;.4 ..i,...:,-
iW N':
the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers.
Chambershurg and Bedford
Bedford and Stoystown.
Stnvirown and_ G reensburg.
Greensburg and Pittsburgh. s ,
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perkionten and Reading.
Gap and Newport.
Waynesbarg, Greencastle and Mer
terabit r.
Morgantown, Churchtown and Hine
Little Conulden.
Perks and Dauphin
p .-Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid
Easton and Whkesharre.
ttrulteltaut4l.and - f.4 l rigt 4 ..
ptioWte7 frtsol4 .7 , Ettti rit*:),toiffi a ri
burgh. "
Centre and Kisharnquiitas.
Snsquetranna 'arid York bortmgh;
Secretary of thy Conunotrlth
..'.. , : '...g - ,nT4 1 5, , t , i , y,.!.
,- .--rr.TV,77lt. - / 0 —"biku: ~;.., '''• 7 :-.* '7 7 7 ' is of
-510,,.. ..• t , .....f.,4i.i.,,v _.,,:„....,_....,
01....a,._, I -.,ef -1!...- . ZWIS: , / ,tr,...,, , - .4:- • .„_,.--
' ~....., - 41g,' ; and
pia VI , t re...oWelY Is an i• , ~ ~tiC".1.1a,.. prof
sickness,lbatere ptlWrif f l - I
-earn e. t • Aigii, Ina,*
'P - ' 141 - : I ' ll ' ett' Li- p ate the had ;oa lib'
:42 0 4444 ` c 44 ' ..z '' :.- - Vilt o ' i
4411416441441014'; •• , -., tike'tittalititirti 4fated
thltmorsitOttfiebtatalt. t .'-': - , z1:, ,, ' , 1,.
- .ll.litatti9elltf t atilitietafs, thirtrintutert 4 , `1`t . ! ,,
~ '-'i :: l. - ' IkhzeterfijkittOdeo '''''. :,' " W',--;4',:e
l'attialirrbut tile ortiailas .of' , ldditticttar• rititiftviiife'r ;
And tite}s'lvaiai u s. son - alterat fottlaittfirattittfetitivt i.F.„.
e -la litettitite Intitratt: body htbettti-fitte , ' tesaitlifitivith:
,aatdulte)i, atrazifictetnittey of ttre.4 , otittfett tifillitThfider
the.talhaitettof-tbNi n Mellon ditittitilhittitAialtdetallica
Alai itedicineAtutu at Mt - nuttier tillatt -4 =- 4 - '''''.
c, ririte importance-of 'Brantitethfij"tithe fitte atitmeit , and,
-traadiersitytheretbee,Tilf atitteattv.
-Ify,taatitnely.use of 11115 Vittlifetae titittfalifeb trittieiy
a oksittiatess, alight we , tat ltreeott . J Vatd",l3Mtittai:af
.fectigna, l'yplata,Atcartet satififortitStftpeifAltittlf , '"ivOuld
• be.tt alcnow oft .: But , ethane Isid*rdolesißOOKottithd, rat no
tinge he 1004; set'. tlft illt - AMlltill# it'SVititAttlritVonee
. sent fo 'it-AttilEillit,Seialtak may fleapit' led, without fur
tber loss -pantre.t4Vgati*BittAitistatitejT " 5 '.
That Oisatttietit'aliWallsaveildttiortiolittettlears' test
in the United Stales,
That 11110 , lL1ErY 100. 1 aBrk Ilhit 'AMlLigetartrießTATL' , 3 l9.
all powerftii fir hid reXitiiitallf4:i lbease,.wbettbgpc.4ltonlc
went; infectionior:utiterwiae., ~ , . I"
That they prify the:him:l, .tend stay the farthefspro
a rem of diseasel'.le.th - ebitlustalhody,,. . . ,
__,.. -. ,
'l'hak in thins chetiA, w tmrc ..!,iia , , dre'ruffat. ?ravages of
it leera on trid laid bare 'itgcgttpartt.,.atuti Donut and tlelieee,
to at t unveara.4lo !RAMON m.a9s coil iikofaity.. life, . hive
patient by 0-. ,7alle obthoe1: 111 '. - l', 'enYe — stoiell; : ji ) 2 °° ,l
health; the:-devl/ttip4l4llM . te Itai na l tamit cturtidelety
eradicated. ' . 4 ,W. ',... 1.:47, , ... ~ ,
_ TIT L ELTIV**)1,0flOic9:110111. THE Eft FOVEA/AO LIT
LABILE.. . i,,, ...-= _,.. .
That - each' hx4-ftillt ‘ lv - o. 's)go . ,
... '''l tit
Brantireth titata it -I .', r-,, ,, , ~. ... . i : , „-,7 4 ` . .
That there niusiltelipoaeauli , '','•;., d)g±utiares,
2 ,
.........i,,,_,„,„ .. ....
Aad three signatures, Oust= ' - 1,,,, - •
"'Allacute fevers ever require some evacttatiod lohring
them to a perfect crisis and,seitition. and that even by
stools, which most be protinkied by art. when nature
does nut du the business Itself. On thit, acenrint, act
ill timed scrupulousness about the wertireenrif theliody
is of had conseutiences; for it is that which seenusehielly
to make ions - neceesirli; Whiehinainre:titteritins
after ine hunters are tit to be aliened - , brit is not tattle to
accomplish Tor the most part Intlie edtseases,"`arid f'c a n
affirm, that I have given - a neige, when the pulse has been
So loiv that it could - hardly he fell. and., itte,dPidiitit'
creme, yet both one a tut lite - tiller have:beensestored Gy
The g ,r ood effect to be derived frontlftetjlTandreth
Pills have, to lie experienced to ,he fully. befieved.'.
their - timely,: -nett her the scarlet , the'tirthrts:"tfenee or
smolt - pox wouldeverassunte their malignant-fin rn. 7 .
To prpredite to the full extent ,the incalculable:bene
fits of BR A N DRETH'S-PiLLicthpy must he used when
the - First Sytortionis at li)Witae Present themselves. Otte
dose' hee, and ttleirgOdir etiglit'atill be felt throughout
the attack—lT IS . TI.ICING VMS IN,TIME t hat is the great
secret in the cure of ail 'Appearances of disease arising,
from bad blood, anti i preNrue there are few at the pres.
ent day', wilt say anything of t hose diseasen which affect
the body when the:blood it tare. Stich diseases 4 have
yet to set.
• Hoping that some witcr?ead this mhy be benefited by so
doing. - 1 Qui respectfully, . •
the public's servant,
241 Broadway, New Yark;
The puddle. will please observe that no. Brandrob , ,Pills
are genuine unless the box has threelabeisapon it,
each containing a fac sit:sine signature of Any hand
writing rims—B. Bra ndreth. • Theme labels art ',engra
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex
pense of several thousand dollars.. fleincusberl I lie lop
—the side—and the Initham. , • •
Ent red 41ccoriling ,Listicl,ofrougress inxtre.t cal' 1841,
by tic, *Rae Krandretb, in-tee Ciertt's (Aire in the Dis
taiet C.ond-of al; New Yosk. ••
Dr. B. Ifra naret Ws own otheet 1 4 / 1 3: - 98, Wood Streq„ ,
Pittsburgh. Only pii.ce in Plitshurgh whet e the genuine
Pills ran be obtained, ' Who sell trite
Erandreth Pia; 114 an engratied certincate of A.Ayc,
renewed carry t welveinonihrognd has entered into boiids
isf*Allrb sell mane other Pitts than these received front
Dr. B. or his special9enerat. Agent. _ (Aar*, Aite .oe4lll ,
;i3taii‘.4il engraved ee "SW eellt Doctenogbarim; , w lo
to his ewn band , -writing.' Observe, on each certificate
' there•isaamsact copyui the three labels on each liirs4ll
- gravaii4hereon. rtirettr,ser:mee That , the engraving of
the labels - on Illecertilicate corresrmild with those on-the
Thefullotafng tire Dr Ilertjarnin' 11 ra mireth's %gents
for the Asti., of 'his Vegeral•telin rsa I - Pills, in A ltelhe•
ny eerily; ate supplied whi t the rew labelled
PrieetSvents with directions.
Prineipel Office, No. 98; Wood Street, Pittsbur
• --Allegheny, •el r . ',one BLASS.
McKeesport, H. ROW LA.N D.
• Nohlestown, JOAN JOHNSON.
' Siessaits Tow ii :CHESSMA N SVATI.IX/10
Erwino Tirosirson,Wilklnsburgh.
• firming' Pon'cru, Fairview ,
, ft °satyr Serra PORTER, Tarentum.
Thalami ht ow n; 0:7.111Ent , .
East Liberty, DANIEL Neur.ice:
PRItiISLE? fit , Ml*, Pletttlnt.
DANID ft. COON—Pill Mt) Township. . a
Wec. O. Brame-- Allen's:Pith. •
P .
ILES cured by the tse of Dr. Harlich's. COatirWl4
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills,
Dr. Ilarligh—Dear after:l recellied; the j
Agency from you for Die sale of your reetllol4,..
Dinned an acquaintance wi;h a lady of ttils.place,,ftlkti o
was severely afflicted With the' Piles. r9t eight. f jpin
years this lady was Subject to frequent Painfit_taitt.
and her physician,: C'OnSidered her case. so c 444.14101.
that he very seldom 'prescribed medicine for itet f it
my perattasion. sheCtimmenced using yolit
perfectly . curett. Tours, itc. JAMES
October 3.1840: 1 O r` . - 0 '
tErollice and Generat. Depot, No. 19. North. Dll,l l l lll
Street, Philadelphia. And.by Santo& Frew, corner ,of
Liberty and Wood streets, Vlttsbargh. sap 141-
INTERESTING ClVREperformed byDr.Stortpurds
U. Compound Syrip - o/ Piapas Virgiaianu,
ry. Having otade use,of this Istvalualde Syrup ininyfamily,
which entirety cared .; my syruptoma, were,
wheezing and thalhi difficulty of-breathing;
attended:with "constant cough,. spasms, •cotryttlsioiis,,itc.
ofwhich I had Overt up all hopes of, its recovery until I.
was advised to maltalital of- this invaluable tnediedire.
After seeing the elite:ls - it had upon my clOl4, pn4-,C4D
cludiag to make the same !fiat : upon myself, which en
tirely relieved ale- of acough`itiiitl w N afflicted with r 1 for
many years. ' Xity..peraon Wishing to see me can pa
*ay hotWe In BerteliStreit, above tire Market., lieusingtahr.
DR. ElWAYNC'S , Sittiii i OF sitrtfincTiEtt Inn
We call the itretitiortof the public to the "Intirvron—
certificates whietr'have been in circulationjn: par paper'
and some - others"of this city ' , highly recommending Rr.
SWAYNE'S it! Wild Citeilry.—{'fie,tiltJ.o
seen the ori g inal Ceiritienteak and' have no ditalit but. Nv
come from truiYgrafitui hearts, exprensivertt the benefits
whith they have received finm ti.al e,ctopttitnit:
We have atataintancen who febspAiriV need, the
above medicine. who can speili Wittfatmadence of
virtues.---Sittititay 'O44lritcSig:
. . .
t'fitt.ow on-rzw4k:--.Wtih sincerlt3i I - would advise I
you, one and all; t•toli sick and welt, alietiysto bayea
bottled Dr •SviailteatiamMtlind Syrup Virilif Cherry
in yonr house-4i is invaluable to came of cirrerieno,y, I
such' os Sattiini, of Mood, Asttienit, teltriciip:of "I
Coughing, •wh ith is often;the motet ip)Oirig of 4.10 0 p,
Violent 'tlermius Alreittnno, ,wiefeh
from , fright's - ad 'various olhriteauaes, protucing treat'
alarm. sudden colds froth`' imat'Oper
are often let run to an alarming extent;-,pr:want
means being "irettilf at aki`liCe
3werrim'ilT4mnciirid Elyrinir of WllifelMiiy*fikitretty
in my , 'faintly; Mid itliyitrif
recommendjt frith' ronfidanee awing clue o the 'best'
family •meilleinea•*lll6ti how blittr r titiii-,600A: (4 ( be
chrouiite. •
Sold by Wen. Thorn, WilolgilainitX
' , 144.%53 M2tket.Stroot.
V fritti k a OP' t - r4S*l-1 1
NI/ 4 . . " - 4' Ike nuil tle
goicilli,rgf 4 $2. 1
g0,,i4711, - tr ,„_ _
iIV - c*lfi ßif t W .- A
that ,
410ik . e
_ 0
ro , , _ . , ,
:i r- , : ,, ' ' , " 4.11.- , -
40.0,,5e. ~..,...„640 4 , . ... „ „ 4 .4. "
a ft
"1'VA,1"1"" , • ~4_ ' ' .
,-. 'A y r
E . ''•- —% ' 4,3 rP'4l.--
- : , : ..--att, '.- ~,,a - .a;lw
\- i....-, k. ii - ~.• - -
~ ~i 0 0,01,1
•w!,- -,, .„-.. ...„, _ , _ -,,, i -,.. i.,', L -A
-4 -, ,v,, , a71-Ql--.) , ~...,:A ,...zg
,ftl:l7 ' Z'l :7. :
t.e ad' • ~.... w._ • . Tilh a ~I , ‘ a Art. .- - ,
Pif .' r-, ,St.:,k,' e.,,g A.„ li - ,--'l r A' h
d ,„, I' , • .. I V!„s' -1) letaltientiritAeraum . .:t
''-'fr SVC Al - 'l ii .Im. T. reoWfneTid.l? ei'• ninth
and London wade Corsets; also he spleudirt. stisaftutent
ofEnittoillWri,VlileVis superiors . _ ItYihrilg.74t.plro
b lii
deceit innififtS-' dbitntte it includes .Alt 50 ; 0 9. lt_nni
sears , Clrientuailliaueft ala Cardlnal„Winlrr: ftcr. liter.
thlt (4 - I ,4 4o!ottavt -*One, CollarClkstittriltcrire*-71.11nd
kercItiefsell Night CaptiAg.;;ltab#l,itlil be
rOady for 1 .',, •• . ion our t lipth.,SiptlffOrUir.)ite4• l .
st... ...: . '' , 4 . :J..90e arrival of herallorptiglrfront
Encßel V ' ! 1, „.. , sry street, bet grp. 1.41! - qt5t-, and
FattirligNlts I.:`
s 'l' . 4 F -- ` • 0-'4 .. .
s. mhos. pEo; 44.4tinioti.
1161,A 41, ffly.4,p Ain LTODi, alttormeirt!, - ai/ •Otlbi• ve
.131. iemovM SitißOce to ; the residcatc,.9l,
r.w,01114,F/RO stAw fi don rsi ta:Ne pxn lifieto
w u
Stso4tweenßtcod and,BolAfief.: its.
'WeTdcierip tem i ttno cotper Of WO*4.oll,cdt." .Con.
ia ally - C n ot, fib an assOri men! WI, rcitljt k r,node
COFFI NS, of rx . grs.lac and de krf.Ot n , cosTred
.cliskry, Mack
••t•vpitiniry Colb"(3;
ALsR o llatesi rteavyt na r ravtd; Hearses OM Cid`ria.cs
fornknedr Saves . procured; - Ind all setviees rendered
that friends.loo3irequi6e.
-A credit givon. in au caLves, ePticreaCcollins or on rrtqcs,
req nos.tsd. „ tiFN Y BEA it E 3, Updertakt.r.
tOsets fig
~ „.
-Lr Yl
E l'--.,-Jgot:trifeived . froio-qpiosv. York, .3000
v tem Fiera nee, Aim. nacs fur I 84af,W, .9).iliw4 of the
Journal of i lie A Merle:an:Tent pe ra nce., ATtaort „aritt.Your les
Temperance Advocitefor September., _' Chris
tian Almanacs; ainl ii iood apAntare ri t 7. 0 ''
tine anttertistnitisarireith he Frankin 31 • e, ded q t c , ?.
mon Attn::nitre for • 1 1, 14§ ; by tge a bab'liceell vi . gl.T el
no cupl&s.of Getinthi Nay Pittsburgh Par *iieglietty;:...ro
siness Diretiry.a.'nd Striners guide, forfifitielitii.' Also,
Collage, F:antilyf -SchoiS and Pocket Biblei 4 anirresta-
Iner.lp, Dakipt.fsaitsts;Net Modish a 1111 .11r'ethperance flynp .1
R00k , ;.. rhe Up99ttei...cil prinongs 'lstirottuotio CO Sacred
!Arusie: rtias47s
,Elaraw94 round fllttp4Wltjr. pt
Carp, aiitcritalrng.'" - aIl kit of Schn9i,,fteolcsifiun....3 Da-
Illestic; :' , l ed 04, I:WY: fi " anti .I.eagers;AWrit ing„.l.et •
ter, ank lAfrit4iiittit ---"' lie Itlttc4;
. 4nd re , tt
,ink,l4 , I he
' i '' I
gross, doze - 9,4r ftttriiii 1:-pens, qtt ills,' stai es. peneils'and
wafers; Cyclopedia Of- _ y,„Wesi ern Pilot, and, a,c0,0.
commodat i pr,. ter ms`for ' s tor count ry prnduce,
ISAAC Er Alt Ed 3::Ageitt.and CoMmtssiOn leett....ltani,,
SPP '2No. 9',Ftftli stfrit.
_.... ..
r:' scpiamla
J. If.. Ploortrii.ol ,• -.. tt:JII. WARNER., , .1: PAINTER.
ITNIOPI ICOTTO4IqCTORY, A Itritik iV h y a1.,1 he
ILI ehd of thOnpferhrldge. The suhserihers having
commenced the inanafttetfire of Cotton Vitrhs; Stortfin,g
Yarn. I;ott elf:Priv the, Oanfilewick, Carpet Chainillitttlng,
.Sc..- a rid, are prepared ic fill orders at I he shortest; hoilee.
Havingeettc,ted the lathst end most Improved mdelii
nery.andogetoyed.the manager who has attended tot he
h i
!lore F.Le•ro,.. ,- fl, the last five years, they ale monoftteht
ring a sttpee t
ide. - . -6 !
, .
- - ~.,:
Cotton War Mute lo' order ,•
Orders ft i riljper the Pitts b a rgli Po:it Ofhee, 0001 itt t lie
si ore or Jr* O'.' Pdiiiiert Co., Ltheii§ - iteeelf,.ot Afga:n
4. Kennerlys,-WOod sheet; - will meet wil 4 tie c opt lirfesk
lion . - -.. Address—J. K. NlO4lftltitE AD 4- co. '
rIIIO.FEII A LES:L= 7 l'4e iti is a in rtie"elasa of Viitnile:s iii
JL this:City :who frnritjlieir continued ssl.llng, ilo which
i heir oceans. rl6 narobite tam,a re affiefiedritil, It. ea:4i vent*
which giv_es rise to patpitallon at titeltia rtinn ille.teast et
ert ion ;:neti,.a. of hea,itlinsFlS,xterid kV?, OiryrlkrAllWle head,
intolerance or light atifisontid,an inahilltrigl.somthe
rtitentton In any mental olerni ions, rumbling in the Imia•
els, soniet inies a teniini orren flima Lion , etrthelg4 2 4 l - 1 r
meals hen' any oer 0m:4116 used ,As going* -, , ;Juti
stairs; ieni ora fickie;'l heie are sy mrogniMiiktrlelt 'y4l4 at
cri y4
once to a few tlose;of tli6'. IThamtlyethille, The occa. ,
sional usenriltlertitedjetko.wimitirsatie a'Aitat et-irol
and years niekOr` togi, ,, (Lne,or iwo,;or en thre el
the Bra ndrWl44 ,100(1Pleti Ationer, area. - -p1
--4Wy beat*JhANtLA tl4eo l : l Wfte l 2 l adva lil - -- ' I X 4 4-
.1 4 40 u
1 tWeenc.;lhatkaid.rin4 Aillotion, rimworel Int Illetwele
011014*-10.rA41/IITYP ,, ''e AP ll4l *il i l"Pfil t : fO rm S ,'
neSkltttltecnipplexiorimir ry 111e1404410tromotn • '
general 004 4:e7' ! , oaliii and fraPPii3OiaL , I."'' i'''''' '
StAlitaeor; IJ"aitirreth%:Otrice. No :MiS 15 ,•:,,,,,..._
Piiislinrglif i rtce 25 reito per hos, whit r l,i,
I MA Itllltitt finlY fittim in PitishniW, 3- I: lime ,
GENUINE Pithi Tait be oh - Mined, Is the Et6tifor4-bwerlsF ,
fire, No 98.1/Vanii stirier.. ''' - ;'r.. liejt Li(l
SURGICA'L' 1%01'M:ill EN'l's! Bi.TIWICA L , IN.
S I'liUM ENT;.7I—,- 7'. AfcCori.l4s,.C74lei . iinif Su4eraj
instrument 'Maker, 'Third strek, vialy‘ . O'ip - osfeelks
Post Offiee, , Pikt:obstrik. . -- 4 ."'" . '
(SIGN OF "OM NOLDEN jiff DitAlt.). - ' ' •
Physician-PeatiOka Suati Druggists can ' 111Virla
strati - lento niadaisslD*,-„sabscriber of h t ,oitalfty
and at Eastern prices. ...
Tuna s' Baleitt Shaars„ an Scissor* ski . . - yll . .,OrtAttljik.
also Ostlers Stelit, - a 4operiai artiste .' Ore
fully solledefi. - ' ,
~,, . ,
. 4 -4, ~.
N. 11; All articies:Viarrenteri of lite histi , ittlitlltyrtitse"
johhinkiluria ,aviistaf.' ''. ,i. ,;,‘„,a,.- 1 4e0 lot
L ivt.R . C0111114A&i i .,,-, -l'his diseam ,orian tempi'
ttalAdn'cart/WW,,il more serious dature. ir Ow;
per remetikavrtianol"-iiiiiitcted to in time. - litriiiibrits
of ibis distasciiihretioliws composscErftrititieninsi
nail DttINIPM - 14h1UtrVitRitn4 ,, fsefft • iiierl t i reittA l isifecUssist:
first:by. gicoWplrthopOlenaeh andito.. - Vftilitatilll
ving all disciAlAW ol 4o ba . ' •a- 1:140/ 11 ,*" . .1
man AperientriA,O
~ _ lell - 1 11 - fl• , - , 'lei, ,
-ening I',lll*aff:Wegisqiug 4rasnik
_l,.„„tp 4 .
.„ .
vin ilkg
'tenser ortOrtiliiiteirrerinire finely tit lia e. : • 0r .
, :•„
a permanent "Ero - itf. Pu;i* i'Dilita -7 3 7, 'i 5 , i tut :ii ti - , .• .
small pekargitir, - w - Ith 411111fiectiohlir ilii - lithieriadeNtb... • ...
North Right Strefit,Phitadiiiithia. Also, foietsdelklteliiii
uei Frew c4aggiltligaph,„ .iiiiid Liberty stor, , Pitistitightilt.
. .
I sell 1( X . -•-- ,T. 1 , , , ,-;:i..A"' ---. , ‘,. - 4, - ; !:..sr •-g. 7l .''.::v.r- - ; °
. A 1,1,EN le.ktiiil itft, - v, , ,T:e range ifijerr:: ~ tr.
Ili nor off:"Wdal inid--Tiiird Streets,>Pitribit o , g Pd"
Gold, Silver,t - brid Salvatit*Dank nillesssollitniksold:
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities., for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, cuilecivil , ..,', -- -- - , :,-".; •4/)-!,..'fP 4 '
Pittsincrgft,Po, Wm", Bat 8c Co., John 1). 6609,' ,'
Lorenz, J. Painier 4- CO:, Joseph Woodwell, James May
Philadelpiria, A eexa n'der Bronson 4-.(7 . 6.,:fatin . EL tifo',Aiil
4' co. Qiaci,inati,. 0:, Juntas IWCUrnileiS. St: Lo rig,
lila., J. It aPponaid. • Louisving, W. U. Pone, tiq.
Prcs't Bank Kv. • ' •
REMOV L."—The undersigned begs leave 10 1 oIOSIN
the mobile, Ilfaibelto removed from his. old stand,
to i'lle'torri -r of Penn pod St, Clair sts:,bnpilsi&ffee Es
change Cofef,whereliehasffitted up alarge Piano ROW*
Wins itboir, and now offers for sale the - mewl 'npfendfd
assortment of PIANOS ever offered in thiAntarket.
ilk pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finielied:and ma
deled, and constructed throughout of the very beet nut
ter ials,w hich,for durability., and quality of 'Amer us well
as touCIl 6 he warrants to be superior•to any ever seen
As he has ere:treed hie mannfactiiry, and made arrange.
(news o supply tbe irrcreaslng demand for this instru
ment,. de respeelfully reqtrists titotie intending to pur:
chase to call
• and examine - Os assortment beforepurcha.
sine elSewhere, lie is determined %o self Maras, fof
cast,timo any skits!! estabttebment cast or. welt, of, the
numniains. - i n E 1 kJ:4M% •
Corfler cicp...enn and Clair streets,
sep ItipPbsltetia,Pachange pltesborgli, Pa,
wAttleareno O
. , NUINE.—tir.L William
- Evatys Teamedle,TilM. _
Cirwristmottd: -- -=Lettei‘frem the tron. Ab'h'm M'Cleti
la n,Su 'liven CointyAntiffir iiinessee,lideratimotanireal.'
~ lIVASHINGTON, JulylC-118S8.
Sir —Since if hayrilieenr in. , ells city I halm ittedsotite of
your Dyspe rifle nki*cirrn 'Wittt infinite benefit via kittim - '
faction, a ndbellqe,it to hexmast valuable rumergy.. - - anti
bf my zonstitrams;W.tili l Mrden, pflflgyiptiell mtiny;
Tennessee, wrotelAnis,,s‘sepd hint some. witicy.l Aid. 9
'and he has matey" it' s ver,sticcerisfully. kftitliprtictice t 'I
and says it is invaltraQ: • Mr..Johnson,gwir nrlnt at,
this place,^thinkitatt litii qj probably like ,a'llhgetit iti :
Tennessee,' ' ,l lVadj-ivirittd recommend br..4 Citrtlee;ait
a proper per.intnioeffrislitiffiCittte sale of Otte iietOrtitid,
medicine. Sttentd , Y' otreclinriAnsion Alm 'keLitir*tillinficr,..
act for yon ;; YAmincsAt ienditte medicine by waier ma ibii
lean' of itaaerir.Wintk4~.Mitotville cniiitY.Temieil
'see. or by tatitt,„tt E l ptia.g t * Rooster', Tazemetti Basil
Tennessee. 1 tivistit . • , • but if you hatkagegig,Afti
several coulitil'S i 11 ,, , - - , e, a sia i al.4eal itrja l ti r y
rifle would he so
.... i
i , t k t •.; to take som . toptlAcigket
or my ;knet ti RV, ; ~ my friendsolni*tegy ,
„dike to bettor o it .
_you_ would rite ti - n igetit
t Bruntville.Etaillyno Con ntyMast Tennennee; I can get
some of the merch , at . 9494/Or you as 1 liattleAralaye,
I Tf.ars - , ' , r '''''' 31- " -
',",s'A , 4 vatmiafir i,..
A , ' ' • •_,...,i ET4LAN I of , .
, 4 Far altie W • " ' • lir by lir:FFrikr- ) ' r !
Sg '.- lt SAlEBiAifitigiireillii4rx
-..-f.,-c 1 t0,.¢ sfreet, tow Seettad.
' ' . -.-- ".• ..- . 11.fr.dg,,
...~ ~:;
~;: -,~«.
',fail* .
J:' , .', , D. - ,-;.. , , , ,; ,, _:.:;.•"- .. .:!:..,,.
-,•!' :,,-.;,5.-,:--,:4•z,VA,A,,,-
5..:,,;; : , ~TT, , , - ;_ y ; .,•• .: • .
.'V. ' '.'::' * :t - t'•:•:: , '
- 4 , 4 - 4144
' !
7 / 1 3 mitsbure.,,4o:4-e•i*„.tittr;
Mr. Jowl DtertstillN44Dear lietni-nresent,
yesterdir,'lli,4l44.siserintent which'yott were Melded to
make, in the itrevertree Cl' a number of
or tire safety 0 . -iente IRON ORES l'itt*, CiSillie:Xere, it
gives nib, pleatinte:to stry, that so far asl: waectiPithle of-
Itt-Ist/t was Lair, a nd the result esmattlAti. -my
ex ePc:lßO9rtr
TIM cliest,trmAstnall one, about . „4 o,achesr rhy
about t 8 or .4.0 fraf*grbi breadth...rind depth, arid
ced on a-filiteltarirrorealmmt a foot in thickness,'
to as
elev at elt 'firiBii,b4 height from the ;rotund; severs,*
book's VlOVOM*l4l***Maret,,denostrecritutide it,' In the
manner iu witli MerCtiattis and Otters would - it4nally
placetltem VieTianiily of I 1.4 ht One'. wood Nem
ftiora'an;adfoinis*Saur: Mitt] was he widaced - -arottad
and: and the lire kindled on the wtatriardiiide ,
so as t o,drive .1 he liamd *gni nst the book per t, itte.ehest.
The tire wae.kettkrupt. 1411/9 %IL ilyee of all tcb l ;tr,
until y ite,opong the spectators anti received
frarin , -4(otp their Autilorsal answer, Abet ileleSk Alms
suffirMui. Thu " cite - st Was then drove* out. Cif:krill:Are,
and cooler',Oitriet), and examined: The opulent.
were nli safe,ll . 4 the Only injoiy
of one book whteltappearedto be diffitecitairell. From
what I witnessed, I thiertrthai these
. chests are desery
Me of eon lidence; ns perha .the tt4fsesectirity
to Merchant* for 11301 books slid pope , bibeyjan
have withoni huildiux ttoklezkli4ve
I would consider Mienta fiei ter see, tri y than many vaults
which I have seen Yourfriend,
, •
ty4 ennciii in the 4bove sintenient, having, been pre
-when thil wa test& .
W.JR• Cooper,. J; Shoe»berbAr, RO'l
J. 1 tittglanr, ' Painter, ill,
R. Natel",. Jr. cL. Jirmstron,,,:. AET. Ijige,
Thelli ad Oral, 8.44, D. Ilinid74; = J. W.
Eitraet 'Letter
.fruit Pugh 4- illverd, dated ..eirt
cirroart,29th Jif4rok,ilB42.
J. Denning, Pitts burg h , Pe. nespeqgd Friund: W e
have the satisfaction to state, as the hest reqfunmentiation
we can giire44 the ility of ,your Iron Safes, that we
hava one of them 3 Whieb Was in an exposett'pittialioa in
oar ratint*l r t , r oo m ,*1 the time of !lie tire,l/11,111einOrti
ing of the Mt consiuneijpiir Poik flott.e to
get her wit if - a large ,: pixftion of the Meal, rd,-/te, which
it contained; and tliaLotir hocks and tippers witieh were
in the Sate, were entiiiiy uninjured, anti were token
from it aftes,th-eAte;wiltiout ever bait* diseoLored,
Yotii7.. PUP 1/.4' 1 -4 17 9 it
- ,
Extract ofiihrnil•Siater 4- Ilearook, jated;St.
Louis, 4.• P k 1841. %IID.
. ....
MR. DuNNIISEI, Dear Sir: One nyjnlll-Ccond syze elawle
was burned a i‘w (lays:dil W
, a - leather' elore--ltiore
served its cuiilUitti: —lespecifully Pofirs,
sep II) ' • " ;":'•-• SLATER 4- FIOVEIROOK.
pAI cured by t `ae of tie. liar
-141 itch's emappiinff Rirenst tiepin!! and - Aperient ill le:
Mr. Wm. R Otitids, of ratill.a.. enttiericittet of
the a I.OIIP dist teas:hal ' sym*inis ivere pain
and welch! in the f arisen-a.. !reuniting; acid
eructations, a :the stomach: sick head-ache,
futred tonkme, cornaleitaiiiie ,trilionged to a citron color, diffi
cul t Y of brew lartar:dititorbetit, attended - wilts a cough,
great debility tther 1116 . 010 nm indicating great de
ranteinent of tio,c l eggitcor the ,M r. Richards
had the ad 4ce o Privaciariiii:bat received no
relief v u, Mr, I larliett's kleikcioir.„ which ternaina. ,
ter" IlliMe4ltio a • tiii*ef cure.
Pr pa te, t forth Vghlieliffreet, Philadelphia.
0°F.414, itPittstiti ref by .aitruel View, ecitmei - or ` Liber
triad Want #reers, Sep 10
Ciist Feirtirr Kt . ; 11140 t,
Dr. fsiliiss—Dear Fir:-• Per
~, *iato alit Ilre Utterly
of wribissOtigo at this time to exprfte my stalteitguttido,
and tall'ClOnslitSpitt ihe Attent ion oflllumds , Mf'lnalllial
and otherisynarjhbaluable medicine—the Crunpound
'Syrup of Prunus A/weirdoes:l, or Wolf eiverry Iris*. In
my trav els or late I have seen in .a lineal Inany -1818818tPS
the wo nderful of your medicine tn 'relieving, chit
dren of very obstinnie 'Complaint*, suet as Coughing,
Wheezing, Chcraking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, kc.
kr. .I Monad not h ave
. w itten this letter; ' hOwevel , at
present, all hong* I h6re fa't it my:duty to add my twit
mony 14-44t - firic itrotietime, hail it not been for a late in.
stance whemthe niedielne;above alludedtoWB4 Matra-.
1 Mental in testirl4,ii-•terfect health an . °dory cbikl,' ,
..tOttbri case Was.niranst.hopeless, in a Tataily'nf'nity ac.
ittainionceC`l ll 4l, l * YolivPn." %lid
. 1101. 40014 MOIL.
or, .!,y chilkissasted ;pail : the jaws ot iteisyttf •,- Aittitir.l -
leated. the ,telettlicss. ravager But my g. 1111.4 la =Pe la 1
Aa rdr „.
4 84 9w ikii ,t 9,01. p r , Swayne's Cotipeuid Syntp ; _gf
Alftl,piteititilbilltost failialtle mod it.. 10 in tbisoiirty
other country".', I. aii nestap i t ave witnessed isiirittitto
one hundred cases rithere4t has been atteidtld• witti'kitn.:
Mete sure c5..5.: . 1 4tiirirsittelt myself in a - plosttiotti at.
tact; of Br vachitiskiimivltitth it proVed'eflaitual in a- az
ceidittily sroost-flirt rsrryt erirtz Ole sever illjtibe.cale•
'teen, reel: 11 0M) iliiii-lieftillesf confidence 41§4 somutor.
7irineN; I wcp&l . #olVl.l9-,tAtt no family *Wild be mitlstsit
1-41--15,..y0r 44r.t h lit,si!I always bentkiiil ~,, tscctult
k irroom
4 u l4O-141.5 , " -,..i1!T1-If " - V r r- irhe ',.'rt a ti l i" liC9.l lo !'
sused-i item* n tg_ t t. 417 . 4t,' .. ..
- Pormbiti'laitil& rrit Pox -er 1,
Sold by W gt:ielttl*fti4tria'esale - tt,aftl fiii
Afi . . -
fortivribiiiii:t7*o.'s3,'Sititket st rect. ' 4 .k. "4 -`“,.. eigi -
A BOON If) ftg (tUfil A N R
what wittAleatt#44 , -Eqe. nod you area - gr iat
Dige t ve 7 hiosiiikleidliix Life, and She -, lolorld uf/1
TkeTE are fastiAlift
with which; oogtuta itcripedcou'uf.srfty ,
they have rover..." -
Dr. B. thunder:llN titernal Remedy,: oc.. Liniment,
which, by it's citrsordinaiy powers, obstructs Pain or
Sorene-o; thus sprima, Stiff Sinews, White . Swellings,
Rhennistic'latig, oiFtifflleas, Stiffness or 'O4 roiato.
Tumors, Donald - far t-fardds, Stiff Neck Fiiiie',fttradt,
Croup, Contritctiopn' iff 'the tnnseles, ScthrillOgn
larsenients, Vended'. Peet;utid every destriptiort • fir' In
jury affectlnfr=•tbd girds-04 of the Duman - Frame,• ere
cured or greatly relieved * his nenev-to sroffieioteiy
extolled remerry.
CERTIFICIA.TV,--The.f.ol/OWiTIZ letter front Major Go
era! Sandford, al. tft I hAgoalit ies of the Bubernal Reme
dy, speaks-volumes
Dear Sir—INPI you oblige the with enoittei Voti le" icif 1
your excellent Liniment? Itis certainty the best of the
kind t 4aveever seen. , It. has cured -entirely cox
knee, abbut . 'whintf(Watssis itneasy,and I ha!e found it i
nroductive of insure - tliare:rellef in several'easiesif exteV
nal infirryin 'MV-,farctitj. few evinbite , stace, my
youngest ch it& Was seized' .With a violent attack leferaniii
which wan - entirely retridoet In tiveitarisiviiittphAry rub:
bi ng her eltestand„ttaciatlfriely4s ith- the .Ekterrietilenr:
',atty. I think you' e i nert.-, to, : inanu facture (Ws , ',Winced(
for general eve, Anstlead,O r confining the nee Ise_ritt
have heretofore done, (colour part iculy acts} laintatteeilL
Youralttd*. C. w. OkanP,o4D.
mt. B. firti.l94l,_ grt,24llllroadwa y; -
For Sale at i l,4lAroadivity, New 4(00, his
'office No 9?l,Wn4fid rent4fittsbnr:b.. Pt, fte.,-40 r ennin
per bottle wits) direetlons see *4l • •
. ,
• t - .: - ! • ' - ‘'Elecßal'agleBPrr.irr'll
Tit ~ •• • - ' ill plitit,,,V444‘
1 . ......:- - rifen t iir g h, Aug . L.. . , ~..„,„ „&;;„.
T A AND R ti A ol l it t. v )l lB. :4o
y 7,4 1 7.. . ,,
yea that Vi'll t r atite--0 .- i l ns a r t b e ,A'ate pi - ji ,
SALLGE.246I;;G'ter'TE;IIrAn34 4 I4 *' ! Z eik%;tei6ntr ilifstee' : 14
nineteenth 7 sio - t eidieut -10 F.,. ° wi - . h .. 0. ,
h thgoVitni 0 the last'day br N .
passed the 211 h dai 014 44434843, propose*. 11 . fi,e..a..
tied et the Etta
Ala gif,jallfhod each of ihArlAtogdo 04
tier next, for i1ev......e
Dail Roads hei ° ,6ll-1" 1 1t1111-1. -.. i rlf be r eivedl4 Parri r l er i . ' -3
State,St ock,nt par 7 1 1. 1 •! , e:rf --- , PC
. ~.c oaky i 0;
Iftil i V et Q 4 , s ,
E ac h i n pylijusdox.cpihrigr Is ream ,
_ ea .
w.. .
t- e 44 - C4nal or Ra,4 4, 4 whic is ---1.-.
:ate. the raitie,- the; - t their - ftetSPccuvet
,they desireto 'ptitchajf,inoantnnetsooi
iiitc o ter r iieit iih.
Mds the refor,the _.i.'f'/PP • fit42..tex4ittdaiiie:.
tßitetfftli lt. lace or P • .7 iir.ii i m
,Ibe °trer..M„,,..1.A..... gi - ,-4 , te. laid tieforiiihwn ,"-•
altioorred.er taae%4 : 7?`"' -- .1.,1L
ad. 34. 1 - fd ,,, s - iii ..--:- .
pAigatt '-' 'WV nil a Iftr' liiil I
'pe e 'T t h e e t ar y .' .: -, , „.. ~-..-
, “ rr,s ,kitli au e aa u
g ,
.'.' "...* '.,
1 -
taben te4le.
- ,
.16, 4 " i A let
tit..u4l* 1--,.
r4Si:4e4d4l*°iiiiititi Itti
. 1 . .. . " . .-t, - -;4., 1: --1110--. .' -.-.• .- - '<- 'r : - .4 , -17 1 . ;- •"
•;:- '''-'-'.-. '. -•-: c . : - . •'. -:',,%. :- ..._,,,,....; ~ .•,..:•'>:::1J7•:;;;;:,", "
- ""':.. , :%-'1•7;-41likag.4,:hal.'7'4.,,,,, , '.i.',
p`` .
~:. , .
provided with Um olirtry
hills printed with n figure of 14
Int you are ult. deceived Oy
getitrAint frig their tionisio b.
Guard, when they are rot !,
fuliowin irafist . of
ty Guard at the Por: or pai d ,
first ou the list have the
apparatus ii is impoAibletorit'
0 R Lffltro,
FORT,I3rt. G
before they make a choice of
and see whit her it would w
and security to chooQe a Sakti.
passage and freight, In oreferein
e idesion—and Ilot
that this invention has the ,
Aft ntelinkiagine
It is to uiteerstaad the sal.rei,t
interested—butdadia number of .
se gentlewen. and ot Ilerg—oll
my office, ND. lU. Wake
pleasure a 1 alf times to rrlohlt
who will lake the Iroulieto mil.
sep CADW
The auhaeriher offers far •:
rod rates, ihrweater pari of bM
the eittosT(rittsbarsliaind All •
Brick Viglitripees, nearly nrw.l
sit tiaietret si real • l•elwret
brachia a Print of about 54 feei
tire, or separately to Ault parch ,
NEw Yoalc,
The traveling community
A Iso, a seterl building lot in Al.
breadi h, hi upward or 350 feet k
fro one on i be Penny). Iva nia
Washington Mae,.
AOO, Ibe lol.adjoia leg the ahe
by UPRTIV 350, teel...lalkihh, I
gaof mattiarm 1111 t V bleb /or
A rso, a lot wiilityrammyk*/
ate on il l ecorneitliationdfuni
a moderate groundinionionnt
n graeery.
114 1 u.AX S IV ANTED.—t
112 Niel or good=, n gottityd
Almost :Orkin& of Cootty Trak.
for cum, 00-goodg at Halm
6 4 1 21=0' Comme.kmfin
dace awl - Aincrican
R trim.
A ktint Pkii;
.latifek Cd ' arlift Of R'd.
Jno. D.. Dav)
Avery. E4den it Co.
Jno. Woorponrne, Ern ,Maiv
'farm on tittle!' 'I lint. is)
Bradilookifield, cootainiet on
antenalnuttlesteres df whicqd ,
well_gotteje.. Thee ooPil
and a ba to. 63 feet by 34; 201 0
Also, about 'seventy acres or t
lie (lust to that of any DP/00l
Terms made mopes MAO",
.. 11
ficeitiitg• , 1,41k14,131
N vittsmi t -,1 / 4 0,
4 We/4i/re:.
itc-,ror AfWlllisibiatvs
promptly frintsdlte order. RIP
eat pallet:
autieskirsaintlon OPIR
Persons tit tine ap Eleam
theirailvantoge to call.
to furnish pa inters, tot
chase pure. hite Lead made of
ranted equal , If not superior 0
All otders addressed to Doallilit
it Co . X 0. 1 .1.0 Second stretl,ff
attended to.
Fifth St., en t dot, r f roc Pit
The Subscriber respeclluee
Pittsburgh and vicinity tlisi
tailing Shoes of his ow n manor r
where he will keep cons' WO
meta of all kinds of ladiesor
and shoes, of the best quality.
cesto suit the titres
He r,lll
kinds of fancy work—orb is
nillaners, colored gaiters, sad iid
children's ellsters• silk gaitelsio
will he made at. thetaortest eele
Ladle; will pse call sail
as the subscriber ftels tonfidtat II
any article in his lire they.istfl
erP 10
P. S. Don't Swirl the ahlice* l
door from . Harris's intelligence
from Market Street
1~-------- --------
ELLA .9 31 DIGRY harts: v
businrsa ofthost k
rket t ricill
Liberty street and 42 Maet
thanks to the numerous frienet IS
firm. for the very liberal support...l
tended to him, in connection I"
wishes t 0 assure theta that etrrO
merit t be continuation of the n lO
*eel fatly invite their altettlie,!l
Clothing, whieh he int eadawl"
than has been ever offered, WWI
I the whele a the stork of the Ol d
Able; ard as he iritendsio co ,l lel
cash liusinftni, he (COS C °ll. : P 7r;
surpass his stock, either in chwr
ness of workmans hi p .
Please to take noticethal 0, 4
rztared in Pirt4urth'
QA at Ur.t. MORRO W .
4.7 4. skeet iren.fierfilei
jrosi mid Market
ili his line at the, *06174
• di 70
ad others are Bohr ite .
o , k .
twares, which wilibeom- !
t tens!.
_:House 'path':
`• alp 10
c o.
-:. ,:,
-r : .-
.7,1,?, r,..:: -
. , - •
troop it
Litlis a
lb , Nowa la
uhe tease
101,14 A
One morn
Tbree wo
Four mon
SIX 001;W
one yam
- 'twice
lz raontl
One Tear.
t% nMto►t'
between !If
iioOf from
Wittock. l 7 ,
tweets Fi
st rept n
g. R. John
14etween M
err e. near
ket and IA
owns' •
g Fund.)
r Wood.
ter ai reel ,
(Penn and
of Third
• Third an
enn scree
t. nenr
betty St
'Giant $
M. I).
a Pena a
.n 4- Nittekt
IWertl Woo
in ['radar
224 Liber,
.I.le 1,,
co ch.
• t
• r int§
tlpt it
, ite i 11
a wl q.a.7 i
be divt
boo for