... .. :. ..,... „.,, - *: , .' - -":'.: .. - I ..tit*, ~„•', --Z ., , ,,-.•- - --i... M'tfi ?„. _ ...,:„ir 4 ~:~:r - .' ~.z. e,~' ~ ~5 ~, ._ Se.OF WOOD * FIFTH SM. vii,I,ARS a year, payible in ft-flee lel'i.l , —for isle at the ~I 0 - Sears. : Bays. -.ow WIRAVELERS.. TAKE it i : IL providedlorittiitittut m i , hills printed with* hipop_pu t DO you are not deceived try ' gentkalating their basistolts • -, _Guard, whenOthey,ate sot g. The fel kriring hrai'llst et tiog4 -- ty Guard at the,f.ort sr_pi tuk , first on the list have the yes. . apparatav It is Inspotaidlie forli. . SAVANNA, RARITAN, Ju l NIAGARA, - - :D v ~ ORLEANS, , , ,i N . CANTON, M... ' t, -.- LADY OF LYONS, e - VALLEY FORGE, IN, .. FORT' PITT. GA BREAKWATER, . - Qu EXPRESS MAIL, Dux,. ALPS, Dili CASPIAN, . ECL IDA. VI ,- WEST WIND. b[l it MA IZQUETTE, tisfit , TALLEYRAND„ PEN '.I. PANAMA, NOW t CICERO, ACNE 4 SARAH ANN, 'At; . f NARRAGANSETT, ' SMIA :. AMARANTH. • OR ' : MUNGO PARK, '011k... I NEPTUNE, . CECt 1 ADELAIDE, .1 11 ; - !NORTH BEND . GA .. MARIETTA, Mt • ' BRUNETTE, CO 11 'TEAM FERRY BOAT, The 4..ay.ling community are • " before they make a ehowe °reknit, lied Fee whether it would not le and security to choose a,. Safety passage stir: freight, in prek.reort `„ a-ainvt explcsko--aad 4161 tiey r that this invention has the a .: 1 Jiffy . te-airt ettgine buildertiLg ', L it is to understand the sat feet, art • interested—besides a numbered' .. itc replier' en and others—allot , I ply afire, No 10. Water ftreet, tram 1 Mel Fare at all times to eshhilt el who ail! iake ilte littobte to ran, , I . rep 10 CADWA 'VALUABLE REAP. ESTATE. V The subscriber offers for stle, red rates, the greliter part of bid nal the chins of Pittsburebiand Aileen?, Brick Warehouses, orally new.. ,haste on Market streel.llPlWeell • braeine a front of shout 54 feet by 01) lire, or separately tussit porcbotets, its. in cld he. Alan, a select lmildine lot in All brimillth, by upward of 350 feet in • fronts; one cor the Pen nsy bran la anal Warbinginwidreet. Abe the lot adjninins the abort. .100 he nearly 350 feet in depth. horliONCO cant mansion !muse which new arrii? A 150. 711 tot With twotwestor; %Ida ate on the corner of lidatket and Freud a moderate ground ngni, rad tom AMU ALEX. BEI as 3 trffrlzery S., ill L. 4 x 1.) WANTED —IA sii,d or I: oodF, a quantily of Fla! all to nftF of Coo"Irlr Fr*" for Ca'''. Or roods at umitis.st cvn2l--f COMlttilf4OP Tr H N ti A RT. Ceaaaiae%a■ Xrraut dO dare an d Asttcrican Jikoreferfint. R LFT.R TO— inn. Grier. Patfaurelb Aaron Hari, JaMPF , C •chr - an of C'd. )00. D. Davis, " WVay Hanna, Avery. Olden 4- Co. " inn. Woodbourne, EFq VALU AISLE FARM FOR ItAl Farason which I live, in Braddrxt.sfi.-1,1, containine one b aCres; a bOUI 70 acres Of `iivltieh well timbered. Three are upon it •vd a kir', 63 feel by34;ao aPPk Also, about seventy amen of.! he equal to that of any upland fay Terms made knows ern apptinitias , ' in the premises. WILLIAM WILLIAM C. WALL, pun' awd Pieties Pritorr X Foura Street Pats,barroi. --01101- d•c_, for Artists, atways oo Promptly framed to order. &Oa' est not ice. : Particular attention paid lo ery deetrip , ion. 'Persona fitting op Steam Soave , theiradvantage to calL WBITE LEA D.—The Ilmbsc ra to furnish painters. sad el chase pare White Lead snide of Ibe ranted equal, if not cape rior to 10 1 5' Ati °ides: addressed to Denhtp ; - C0.N0.110 Secoadadree.o ll ' ' attended to. b LADIES FASHIONABLE SP, Fifth St- one dserfrissa d The Subseriber respectfully ion* Pittsburgh and vkinily ;ailing Shoes of bis owe MIPS • •.. . IV igerebe wilt keep corrosalic anent of all kinds of ladies. llll9 and shoes. of the best recto snit the times He will sko' kinds of Caney work—sorb *pursers, colored railer*. 5 114 ehildren's Olsten. silk eallera.tc. will be made at the shorterft Ode& aer, Ladies Wilt plea Pie caHand as the seeterater feet" cessisinilll any an 0101101" Pep 10 omm- N 7. P.S. ToPreelite door from Barrie, latelfilgewo!.°llll. frivn Markel titreig- 019/11E1 00114i04 IF V business oft/mart Liken, urea sod ,ersh , ma ltrer "aii . ITUthank, to the erwerelkife'll thin. for the very litteirot gerreet...4137.1 tended to kit,* conilero o P 77 0 00 isbrsi °assure them Ibat eget._ merit lib coittioinnion. 0 . 114 ' 6 "; 0/ Proffeny Write their its Clotidagotritieir *rM d bas bees ewer °fere& hoi l li - of Zirthe 'dole of Sheeler* orio **in and as be litten4l l6 sh t tomb intryaso bin litbeCiid oeir Desna twookanitiondfO . ' ewe cared - is Vll ' reni*Plor ott 50. 00111 ED BY - ipS dr. W. 11. &Wail; and "Manufacturer .irrie other, on a &Redd j SO n P,S a year, in ad. II izIN CENTS. ,f Advertising. vwei.vc LINES OR LESS: 0 , 50 , One JllOlllll, . SZ- 0 0 11.751 Twn mom F. 600 IMO Titre? months. 7.09 1. - ,a . Four months. 8,00 .00 I 4ix months, 10.00: .Loo I on , year, 15,00 A DVFETISEMESTS. 111..¢ kT eIEV,r RE. Tyre Sgatarti nn , , i, p.,,,th... , , 5.13.00 .011 i One peat. 35.00 r 111.: .1 P , l o, t l On• Fry R.m.,r , a year. 0 FFI C E &U :inrd `,.lLvceu Market and o Wood r.4.h door from Wood st. Peter- Jona WII/ock.Collector. ,od between First and Second ram. Tient:tier. Th , rd street. nest door to the tett—S. R. Johnslon.Tremsrlree. rib, t etween Market and tt %lavor. I".nriti. near Ma•krt 2t. Market and Wood foreets, -on TZ REES . AND FAnxxits' DE• Fu utl.) Fourth, bet vet en nrar Wood. .i•r.•ri, rear rho Pridre. ror o rreno num Si. ( 1 1air. rner ni Third and Wood. 0r 01 Third and Smithfield.. rof 1 • ireri an d Can n (. y i=rcenth. =r.l. , .1 t o,;,mire Wayne ~,, . 04110 Canal iDS„ ArroßN EV AN O C .1T 1,1.11.- reino or i, arl . opprrsile R't. 10 MESE Tr. q, I)._u cr remorrd to C tern P r u and Li Lc s', Pl.O =ion A . Si :lc kr V. tt 'h..lr~alt awl at ti Dom."sn Ir ,ep 10 :irt I . :. A lI4ITIIPVI , and tire Rtantomi, kz,ck s-ro 10 nrrntv. A lderman; north towe,n Wood and Smithfield r, vc hotrsa to G t or ,r ft ertir% • Ai, iu Pro4ifire and IFtatrfit .Yo. 224 Librrtn Slrerr. Pitt ef+ 30 holesik. r and rdg, and Ma.sai red :I 11 No. 29, la ROBINSON, !or twy ar Law •• h .1« .If he 10:10.010; .I.elw 10 =MEM Aliorney al Lan . ; !ruder., .1(11 111 Ittli.fir. f MT.,. ear nbOve D. Lloy.? cep 10 VS• 01 c•oi,pc, • v.. , . . • 0„, \V MEM arid ,o; I i by tm(10 Ira 1(~IIAR1:1za, 10 9.1 . 11ih 51 .urp'n f re:li 01 1 0 1 , P , of Tutoip B •Ak LED tED PRIt,,L., al lb, F. L. ENO W DCA, of Wood 1%1"i and Shoe Ma 1,11,4ci0, , riezv door to I lie U. 3t aict Kid and Sailor Shoes shade ;e1 y the newest French patterlw. • I,TIC ULUS.. tit )ols to sail io 1e 41i.i.po.rd of by t... %. 7 z. 744 I WOEN, I ,l wrtr street, tend of Wood. ers nod Flower Seed , ev at sv ays be bad at the Drug F. L. SNOW DEN. Libert y =trees, bead of Wood. al Illamosolf. Ooion Seed, for rd Seed t4ort , or F. L- SNOWDEN, Lii.orty si root, head of Wood. +a - r'WEET POTATOES; MEM F. L. SNOWDEN. 1 . : 1 I,, , eriy head of Woad .•f Hoes, Fancy Spades roding Tools, Budding tuldnig SlieZrs, etc.. just re- F. L. SNOWDEN creel, head of Wood recelvsxl a basalt SUP• Hams. on -retail 4 C [I 1n ft tS. ,tgenr, and COM. Merchant r ,S•ect, Orthard Grim . andi sg• always on baud and for L. SNOWDEN, .1 Ltheri s• F r ee, r head of Wood.. ..I , torner s at Lam. °thee tamond. to ••Attarney'ago, I.2ltyceo Market W"I NB S, for Droceedinp is At. te la w, for sate at this Office , the No, to East corner of rEckai 1. Apply io INC FON, Market, nen rlth aL. French *Sttlrar Beet ceed•ili.e or 'ale at the Drug 'and geed P. L. SNOW DE/t.' Lab, y Fl , eet , head a %%toad:. PA RTNERSIIIM- 1 7440 - - -ofore earistius between-WW: AMIN HOPEWlMAilsillikilltar William Dignyisiustlmitilim* firm in sent INF., up Ole LLIA Mint BENJ. T. 'tif )P&WELIs- IMINEM! 'c: E t •AlgaßM l ll.2l4lTWroViceivilingitit.. IL: field, fetincenSecond and 'Third _Ate., • sell 40: - ; ,-,. erHISISTON 4-• T4I3i;KTOIII.; teokeelleiv:344Mere and Ps per ano fatty rete„ No, 37, Markel st. sep 10-1' 1 - 011 t i ANDERSON,SinahiIO4 foundry,,y4le f Denr the Mononrahirla Wiwi; 110-ly , LF.O NA MD -S. " .1041 NS, Alderman, Ctair - sireet.se coed door from Liberty.. - • sep,lo-19 DU. 8. 11,. HOLM thrice in %seerld street. uext-door To Mulvany ¢ Cq's Wq . rehouse sep lO—ly NHUNK FiNDL Y. Attorneys at Law, T9nrihst r . near J6e alayaesTiffiet. selillll-17 THOS.II AMI LTO?;; . itoiney-at weer Wood and.r'o nlafield. riUsinarpb. I_IUG II TON ER, 4 1 1, IT viefift Portir flrt tomer of i;mitllfield and Fotirth,shrepk. ...... ....JaVIESTURVADi L. HA NN" A Tr .r.-.4 . 131.1.P.'...* per 'Wa reboil se. 'No. 104. Wood $l.. where ailv be had a...general qappty (.1 writ int , . wrappi %pit paper. I.lank.bookg. 5C110411 hootri, PeP 10=1 C. •TO W l'irzt END rfartery Qv d . yarttfactarers, ti 0.23 Market si ript, bet wren 2d stietts. tep 10--1 y Ex cri ANC EiIOTEL. Corner of Penn and Cl. Clair st,eetitb!o , ' McKIBBIN 4 . SMITH. sep 10—ly 1G .N 1 ETA L —77 tons soft Piz Metal for File by J. G. 4- A. &ORD - XS:, No. 12 Water,,street 3000 "8- "cm-"A". 464" Ib .moron Sha u de rs, for .5.71:1. . k _ 41- Ai htiit DON . N 0.12 Water street. . AR. PATTErrizON. Jr.. 114.mirr•ham, near POishorsh, •/ 0 Pa., Haoura , turer of Locks. Hinges and Bolls; To larro. Futter. ad Timber Screws; 'loosen Screws for Roping Fen 19—ty Joll.lli I.A3N KEYTa i tor and Clothier. Lihs.r.y sl.eet. bower', SulL ana Virgin alley, South side. .p 10 Jw Brit rtntnc; s- CO., Whole-ale Grocers and Om Ili Merchants-- Second street, between Wood and Smii Wield st,=-Pittflairf h. sep 10- ly . _ G 4- A. GOrtnON, Conunis , iinn and Forvcardiny et • Nteretianis, Water st... Pittsburt , h. 5 , p 10-19 t asks ha no. n Bond net cin, received ner a. R Corsair, and for sale Illy .1.134 A. GORDON. PPP 10 No. U. vcaier street. QT.IG Aft 6- Moi. --40 bluls New Orleans So ear; SO nhls New Orleans Molasses; forsale o 9 - sep 10 J. G. 4-, A. G,,OCEION.-. St;f7., A P.--7 bbd= prime. N. O. SLITar, reretved prr S B Maine. and far sale by .1.11. k A:GORDON. •7U rInco); C.VF)) , ZSIIin order. on Wand and for sale by sep 1() J. kA. GOIIDON. No. 12, `Va,r3- c .. 11 , ,c; Ait AFU NlOl, ASF,ES.-13 bad,a od 4 I,' IA N. 0. 171 1 ,1 0?nr. 321.61 - . N.O. MilinSAF,, Terri Cell der SIfRIIII4mI I .01,01 Ur. and for O. I,y 1. G. 4- A- 6011.1/9.71. , ep 10 N.. 12. IVait-t si reel _ _ fillT.St. T. An r) 011.. for sn!... by. • jit A. FA HNF- 4 .TOCK 4- CO., Al. 10 rut ste r of 6i It and iVood str 1631 P A PERS Germantown Lamp Ftlack for safe ty • FAHNE.TOCK rO,. t.. 1-3 10 rtataer of I. and .Vood erg. k)ki tja Prepared Chalk. for palf hy AWL" B. A. FAll4,Es_rock A- co 'ls 1111. tti OATH sce 10 corder of 67U ana Wood pis. S;G.% AND MOLASSES.-60 birds. Iti. 0. Sugar, 25 lads, du. do., 100 do. flantaiinn Nlnta:Fses, for sale by ep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, ah-C., 1 0 b e nod in Bankf.plry proce,fiftz,,, printed on food paper,and in the form , approved . hy the Collil,for gale I the office of the Mercury and Democrat. st'p 10 11:11. ILUBBARDs Ladie.s. ram, ionable booi and V hoe %la n. 101, Third sl feet, wren lrand and Smithfield Ft reels, rtbsbu rr.b VI, 10 N KEAN' urnvth I L , ill 'C'k AT'RNEY AT LAW, . . Lis mike to the ettrnet of Fourth .a reel latl.yeen and Grant =En FOR rind lot cot.taining 4 arre4, in Allegheny, hear the Deaver Road.'alelY , rrupirlfhv r. Church. Apply at the NI erc ltz nts and Alafluiat kurers' lo W. If. DENNY. 5, P 10 Castiter. AV A - , lD: I AZIS, P ,T„.sic,„_h ... litF. „, c . t is DEALER IN frATCHES,CLOCKS,BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, .4 - E YS, COMES, .V r. s.ep 10 . . TANDRET.tv's GARDEN SEEDS.— A tuft A su t .roy of Lardreill's Carden l'..f.taks, always ca hand, and for sate lit 4,e3geney,-ilte Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN, Eel , 16 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. DR. 1) AVID' WARD teas his office and te_ , ideuc, on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwell , ng from R oss st reel. He will faithfully at lcod all e els iwTtnininy. to his profe.sion. Night ealle should Le rode at t lie door :dove the basement. -to cap I1 7 .‘401: A 1. —Matt hew Jones, Barber and :71alr bre;s ,f, has removed lo Pon rlh st reef, ,Avas Lie 3143 , - ors office. where he will he hap py.i.o:wait upon permanent Or Ira LIS ten t ntsutuers. He solidi; a snaie of publi c ra t_ nep 10 IV/7 M. -A. W RD, DIENTIsr, Pena rt. three V doorhelowlrwin street, Hours of business, from 9 a_ at, omit 5 P. sa.,, after. which time be will attend to no one except in eases of actual necessity. Ho would (nether inform those who nnny think 'proper to' employ hini,t hat he expects immediate payment, wit liont the necessity on his part of sending in fills. rep 10 jouN .711'FARL.t ND, Upkolstrrer anoi Cohinot 40 At -ter, Third at. basses* Wood 4- Afarket streets, respectful informs his friends and Cite ,public ibat be is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stand*. 'Halt - and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, sorts of Uptiolaterjas wort, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scp 10 lintr-RaAL AUCTION ROOMS, 'lto -- 110 Weed Street, pituburs*--4.. tiaussisa. Anetioneer and Commit Merchant:la now pretiarod to receiftefind "sell all "kinds of Goods and Melreaandite. at his large and capacious looms, No. J le. :North -Bost. Corner of liVootand Falb Street*. ReliAlar.Pa)e* o ( Pry : 111 1 , o ,un'iWt..9l*eirlicsitod olh illfneiddys and 'Tatiriiday alb fit rd wane, cnitio - y * -Pry• , G PdlCflindkidni , 4l Taesday, Wednesday, and Thursday eirigfralsi, , • , 800k54v..:,t.441 , - Sato ria`y e► - 1,1•:eal* !- • • Liberal advances Wide 4113 CaditelleMAll l , l 4l, l l4o44.' Messts. John . I,agiley 4. smith. Hammon. Selig tr, k Ce., F..- Lorenz 4- J. W. Ittirfiridge $- Co., ' R. Terme k_ cc! .. 1- c. Capt. J l.ames Mtargil pop_ 11:Piddlen .• Leirai Jrgentled,. - sir:: mhporkeo Jas l P. Azart. 2 3 .1 ; 1 Mifiit , y i _ • B.G. nen , 1 o l iletfre, *ft. -,,0: U := -' MESE • Pigs 6 xnettrasd Ragoar - P s 'af t. ill - 16; 11 014 Sto , raga SJldf'L 11EXPH114,...110lfr. HAS colitnenced hOr iniuhar "t rip% 4aOd - iiiitirrou 1y (undays exceold.) ..Senverol - S AP clock 11f., leavils Pitinfinizh at 3 o'clock P. M. con• nects at &aver with the . • • _ . Pennsylvania and Ohio Lige_ of Freight aVd 'Picket Canal &Elle bet ween — deaver, and _Cleveland Ohio, aid Cteenvide, Pennsylvania. tomnneS Beiver daily it. 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with two d, ily lines on the Pen rsvlvariia canal to Philadet phiarantlw:th rue New York and Ohio tine Ott the. Erie canal, and ?few York and Ohio line and Ohio eanat, at ste;:tri freight and passage -boats, brigs aid - sehdoners, on the Lakes. The proptievort of this well *nows line will he prepared on the opening of ittiviga Lion to tranqvort,merrhandise to any of the interotetii. ate ports Ile the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca nals; to any.port on Lake .Erie, and the Upper_ Lakento s and bona - New Voitt . Cityand Philadelphia. liteCinre - 4 - 'Dickey, Beaver. Pa., (..%)hh Wormer k Co., Cleveland, o_, Bert 4. Taylor. Warren, 0., No. 12.. Water street J. G. 4 1- 'gt.CORIX/N: No, 12 Water stied ~~_~ - • • - ••- 1t , 34.- 4 , 3 r %.1 - c .PITTSBU , RGILAN S 4 JAMBS A. VEAZY. Anal. No.Eff WOter street, PittOirortrh PITTSBUItGH4 CLEVELAND LIME. STEAM PACW,-;.lllcalqAN. - W.' B. BIDE S ; '.llsistir. RUNS dail?,{Sr' today a' except jpritm D'Uripft .- BE VE.E. !ear.* Bearer. at B.A. N. and rittsbargh at 21'. Pd- prorldrifivia Reiser - 40 tg Geard to prrevemt Erpirtimrof *Wpm: " Thisrplendid and fast rannfitettrearn poet tial jyr: neen romple; ed expre›.'s• 'fad . klairr 11114$1;4111, - 1411b114r. on netl ion With - CLA.HirEIr FRE/G.DTX-VD ft.a.S.VA(Wl,llol74dlgilltitil: 'Oleveleca Or down the Ohio c.mial - tmAlfatiOn4 tension Liar loat'reftvial. - •14e4Canii %ails orlhis tilkOife I,4ipridg fifadd from P i win b irert, a hd, the Jissitip . .-the mo-t'r roma' aind'frauotnitar slritesnr'..ff . ng connec tion wilt - 1111e Perviyisaftia Vaasa Mena to Phifteel• phia and Ball lame, and Ste: minas runoing . idowo ,, she Ohio river; hiwt, 1111*mi - 2h - oily Agents at Cievebmi, *Oh ". M. Reed's Steamboats and sec era, I.oke Vessels...and 'he Tiny and Mlchigan and Buffalo Laketmat lines on the Brie canal, we a.tc prepared lin the lrammot gallon of Fr- ight to and front all points on the canal, Ito, lakes and the Rivz r, or the Eaclera rities.at prlcesas low as any other line. Apply lo• AL !Tart oil, No. 55 Water st, or at Steam. boat Mielii=an's Landing. Pilisturelt. Clark. A- co.. Beaver. , r Rita b`o,od eF ireurkerbee,-Warrett. .Ca. _Akron - "flawduo t a id Cleveland STRIta TO • J• R. Wick 4. Co... Greenville; • W. C. Mater,. §toiroit. • W. Cnuaitigham.ll l stuot Castle; John Rirk.Youneslown, ' John Campbell Newton Falls: Qua-gaud! ti• Mil'cr, Carikplieltstownt Babcock il•• Meßride,RaVenna; C. - D. Rhodes. Franklin; - - !l. Miller ,11- co.. Citcalio2a Valls; • Weltseran 4. Whitehead, Mawltteri; ,Currlun Williants.k Co., Detroit; • fin vic en., Bufralo; Coming, Richmond. Williams a- Co.,New York. scp 10 rilGßY—Ari; 121. Co . r*er of froedarrd Frost 4- . Brreets, - PittsktiTk; has on: hand a complete as. ‘soginiertinf Queensware soiled to the city or country H*4E:A ties. a - ctioice !election of pure white and gold hand DI NINc, AND TEA W g.-in large or_ small sets, or setnirate pieces copra! purchasers. A eaidt of 96.60, or 84 piece sets. superbly painted and h (*lna Teaveare. at eve! , friar farces:- Toy Teaware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1.00 to 41.5110 per set Children's Mu2rs of eve. c stescs its' ion . %Willie China Shavins Moss. Granite ()Min: a. d 'Fca Services, in white rnsi with ptendid American scenery printed in hiss and black. A la r2e variety of Stcanilsoai Dining and BriftakCa=ls , lla. imported • to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking photo' and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Gins., In a❑ their varieties. Window Glass, of evri'y Patent RUCI.Pia Tid, and K,elers. P-lone Pip firod7r. Err. kr. ti-e. All of which are rev - Ter - it - 011y. offered 10 the pub. lie ort the toior -, 1 favorable t. rim:. Jan 26. 1642—.1v FO.X. ALDEN Attorney and eonnse ll ar„ at T• Lir. Cara tonfo,sional Pe rvicei 10 . 11 ft rit , z,ros. of riffArrir g h rind for n Share of .publitpal rortri-:,. He will ereent- att kindscf writios with neat nes.: anti titspa , ch. Ca, ,, es in rankropiey attended to on reasonable term=.—Offire ir. Areet, at the tinit=4 - • of Mr. 7 homas O'Neil, to whom he refers. Fep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. D,v,l) CLARK, .I,r't , o'aoisiovable Boot -Vaker,— Ila 3 removed to No. 3-1 Market street. between Second and Third streets, inhere he woad be happy his old customers- and all othrr , Ito feel dispos. eh to 13:iirOttilLIT hint. Ile uses flOtillfir hut ftrirt rate .teek,audetnploys Umbra of workmen; stud ae be rives 1,, ron , tant, personal attention to liuninesF, he Irusistuat tie wilt deserve and receive a Lin' share of patronage. wit Id, FITS. II:Ell:EARL 4- CONFECTIONARY.— A , Honker nmpeet fully informs hie frinds and ;:ne puhtic that they ran always find 111 , F best r;:.; i ruty of Ice Creams. hnzether with al; kinds of COn recito nar y and torus. in t heir season. at 1•:..s esfahn....htilest_No. 17, Fifth sireef between V...00d Mid/Market. N. B•—ra polled on the itiortest notice, with cakes, 0; anything in his line. Altm.lmities furnivbed nittread. 9CP 10 JOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer, and Commis . sion e rcha nt, cor-ner of Wood 4- Fifth stir. Pil is b.Tgh: iaaviug been appointed one of the 7Atietinin cers fro the City of Eitsburgh. tenders his servscearo 10. e bets, umnufact firers and dealers. who may be dispilsei to make trial of this market-.lle i- prepared to make advances on consiennients of all saleable coalmen:Hiles, and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable returns. That the various interests wilieb may be confided to him, shall be adequately proteped, he brings .to the aid of is own experience in busineks and acquaintance tilt It _ . merchandise. generally, lire fervice• - .Pf Mr. Sa*ena FAIINV.4i - OCE; beret:A - ore advantageously. known. as an importer and dealer In Hardwire and' Cettleri, with whom a permanent engagetnent,lB made. rtrFalt To Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pnes":4-6rsi. 4 IL: Bank. DarlingrOa feeble:: )- •• Robert Galway, James M. Cooper, • - James May, - 4. R. M. „HU lite, el1,141!lAb, Win Hbilt — hiron, Jr. Prier - al of , . • •.. -JotiO artholio,A” • .13.1mmeleinfirek .st:rtiLimphosiadiay.r.g171- : - ta " #034, •-• • • -1 • - • • • • _ ' *0044 ftmitiry.' :. • r 'ratio 4- is-.,sirs , rbibuters, ;••:•groosisatittifitkii, • • . 1 - • _Jobrll4loll, sepia I ,f o ttl • r "k 01 41 . .... • _Ek lO4l 0 4!eala Ed with us•u".• to &ma` 1 salt - 1- qvugtcr• ;MP 711 i 11 4 101 . 0 irengirieletit, beak: =. great 4 4164111 y, fevcr. coqivo , seas, cough, heart. Olio In the chetf sod Itibibiolloikeit'iiitioe; n e l al P. sert `, llo °AP.c# l 4N ti l eill° l l filatiorogo „Irotteloirtili r!equkot tiemitiotoofizzi 'visa 104 " - ,tMIKEtUfm_ * l 4l#obweint 2111,4441'iortisuediur w-41.4 of a twptitemopth,wbeo. to& oolotalti% Dr. Wis ,PorpolglSYClNA*UvioVit hii*L4 t tgartl4l,4ll,lo4Pn: ocslo heati - auk !Nee of *the lat10. 1 101"02 6 / 1 11Woolke. OVVA 2II 4= - _fit . I 4 41 0 • ftiptarg• %OW • - • • ..... MEM g / 4"if c ,f,f 44li t, , tr l ol4•‘, 7heee are sl recti; reeiniammera tfge tvpl.n , e or the tirdkar hsh - -`thfe'-hitt.44Baehi , reariHody 'Ye tethoeihgt those:hodopfteihte pechPat; thetr,sc.r. flop riei-4,"0r teheial delfiiY . of Jhe e YSt r ib• 11 tr7, o b 7 ja l e eostiveueft, had collifeirtitt - iitt affections, These Pithrihreelpthecathe, e .. it:limpet"- and, apPrehaiireit of the moelrearitikeniPhysjehteslii*Ulll- tediNaltek‘ahii - thaly NitioYe.i'ale -NW Retail.* =S. "e SettErtit - ,''Aient, sep 10 th linos Stitei,lietaii fteeend. var.*. ADAIR, Jiakir: Litey-ty st:„ 1111_ azmite Li. heed of ZmitiMiltt if.:Pittsiatith Tim sittatnritter briiiinTinfoght osiCthe stock of the, late* , llummisflisfrertY;debelfilet , in the oldkatand of klr. R., and tainniiarealio lsertite all dcriptions of work lo his , line, in the hi!st. tnanner„ and tin ~ ikeeris ant stint ly on hand , a Large assortment ofsboefondistansernfl dMtertninnot and ofthe heatottality- Be-amiloiteflbelmnieemrse of the nub. tic and of thc-ftose. •-• :- - WU. ADAIR. _ 1311191MMINFE - -: • GIIIIANUFACTORY.—sprivo 111 _ wag - 41ziFs for .Carriages "it Eastern Prices. The sobseribera ininufaclore and keeps ermstamily on hand Ooneh,C SOrings (warranted,) Juniata Iron Azle& Silver mid' Stir* plate(' Dish Primes,Bra 'ind plait* flohßindi, 4 _,Stornw.loints, Patent Leither, Silver rot Br*h Lamps, 7 4lee v.,LePs. 5 4 1 .-lefOle in,n,,DociVaiAiiinil its Itgei: F . Yopritt4OPZ - . .D.tsELLEP• B 4 l o9:4 4 ) ls6 it a liid iraeHiite in roitrtfi. " • nrar Ferri' AIWA , - _ l3—iy 14001 AT TRW. Tile attelition.;iftha-e who haya ir tieen goineishat reef.- . tleal in firWefieeits_tlie »mom :nos certificalmi published ciaPi in fairer r..7.Siewenes k.7.(iiinnonnd‘Syinti r•TVVIId Cher ry, on aecirtiofttfOte personalolft unknoweiwthiasee `4l ° ll or ild! ( "tilAgji reNtfcicully direct ed o the.folloslnx eectificaser.the seißfee'ooliehich has been a cilizen of this horonrh forseveral years. and is known so a getiiiemain of integrity andresponsibiliev . To tilt Agent, Mr: J. Stayer I have 0041 Dr. Paityoe'snifeotnn ooddliroft of - wild Cherry Ora coneji...vrith widel have been severely at. dieted for tbiant tourmonth% . and -I have no !levitation . • - le-saying itiat-it Lithe m ost effective medicine Now i have% Imen'ahleikproetire. ICeompow. , nll unenone F g, - an, arrees welimith my diet.—and manlains a regular and Food appelle. raitTreery trcomwtend it to ail others sivattaebtrweirted: I_ liStstetca, Borough Of Chainbersb i e. litarebStß4o. Pep 2 3 rot Ml l e WILIduILT4iORN No: 5.3 Market street .` . FRUI , SEIADE, ,ANT) ORNAMFATAL _TREES. - - PF.RSO desirous of procurtnerroit:Ptinde. and DenaOltenia! Trees; or Shrntitierv, from Phitadel plitt or NAP York, ace jeoureFted to make application as soon as potifitiie44lte .Dr i os, and Seed Storeof theynti srriher,vibdie edit W ill ratalogni:s, ratuitou_.ly, of the wog exeelfOrt lizizeilei=. P. T.. SNOWDEN, sep 21 , IR4- Litteriy street, head of Woo., U. 3 PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For tke:rrtiosportation of _VertAmalie to and from eittsburgi.Baltiotort,Pltilorloslp.4la, Neve rork,aod 800 too. Thloar:irinTite',olwileflinte: Wthel#ol4%tf4 P. float Line, is emiposed of Bottidifilt . fain sec/tens, Po[ll Serl jail capable of ( . 002i/ring Wren LOW. alld SOSCPplibie of being separate or detaebetkand, transferred from rattal 10 gait Rasp, 11 - were, fririning a complete train of Cars, or Presenting the novel appearance of a Boat saitins on find theseby awoidittirflte gtlnttliteltr f!Cc.lekote4- 4 0 shipping! st the seismal frit, ioni and tenni nal iot.S of Ca nalsand Bail Roads. the expense of transhipment and the daTflarel he gpoq# ,111100 in hv . lregneot handling; and rendering it impossible to separate lots of root s on the sysy--oithits to the pecuirar construction Aof the limit haying fear ottperatcapartseitts in which fiords are sin red, renders them less halite to , d souse goods by water or otherwise than by any other mode of transportation. nip SySIPM Orrlllo,oorlßlfoll,llo recommended by the Canal Comnrinsioners' andintely 2dt:it - eatr the Stale, refers nartirularty to this edam , of Boats, The Boats of this Line are owned by responsible captains that run them, and is the only Line now in operation free from ftratiopoiieS or COM binaticm. Goods consigned to the undersigned agents will he re ceived free of commiszion and shipprd 'Without delny..at he lowest rates. AB charges pant and ever• instruction promptly attended M. , C. A. ArNur.Ty. 4- Co. 4glo. , -en Ira fto.l,l:l•lll,4lHirlii, F. F. POPE, Ar.enL 75 Rowly'g Wharf, Un irnore. THOS BORER' DGE, Asp* tPfriin 1.67-tf Nif AT: R M(.7Triii Y.— Pat rick, Cawiteld re speerfuliy acquaints hi