- t.~ ~; Minn Theicgi c i iii 000, of which 11800,00 for the Indiana, thitit4 teeing an anouttlinteati' ble to the ,govern*Mii the inaktes; Thivitiedi ectste per frete.---, PRINTING, , t.'' . . . N. ' w: cornerv o -,, _ Ton proprietottof the 'tota l% ~ AND li A strvacre luta - +»peo Ami . and the pa 4 rOnS or I h°6ol4 KNAillic. and well e h awn aritortm ent or a1f4.11C1,11131C ' kA ian•Di 4.l6&:©wilak t Necemry to a tub Printing LETTER PRESS OF - EVERY th. [Bins of L Bill fleodf, Black Cl Books. Pamphlets, Handbills, Zit 'dubs of Stage. Steamboat, and C luta prime er a, Printed on the shottest milkm an( ' re . We respectfully ask the part . e he nuhlic in eerteral in Mt:4 m , n , piirsburei, Sep:. 39: Isal Pill I BY THE WA;_ Tl•c G. W. T... T. Satiety of Ihestb weekly meetini on 1.116, • v•il , er 3d, at o'clock. in the , t rim rr Venn str.et. J. R. Wdrox,l, Trimb!e, and ctilerp, will addwath, Iv are respectfully invited in aitrnd e ' EXECUTIV, 81 P. 7 CITA G . ES Foreign and I . I nct received this day, on es , . u5.7114".X'5 AUCTION, No. 110. W ood st met. comprising by v lei y now to this city, ay4 .inrerw.ni3 to country with, is n Tile a , corlment in part tomisitrf.' jo Superfine broad eloihe; C r oo n ! . Plain and fig'd , assimeres.; I Re& ;. to Satiiiielc;l B ow!. ; o f Blanke's; Palm, Fin Pow pg Bleached Brown do I eiFisiar,'n Glovec; Willi a real va ret v of Other at Ikle r will!, row inUi'd from day to flay' nor* 3 R. A. ATOT/CE.—CALL AND SErrtz.-1 a ,otii to Beeline business into %,hn khOW I ilerri.ClVe3 indeldedlohll Igo nrconni• before the first of Det daro, an 71, - 011nIS renlairwing unpaidi (11i a Alderman fDr toPertig r la4mq az at him will preseet tltir II Ed Inv 3 -3t )r TR.II LOW —rame to the o S ..011rfildlip, t tine rnOnt 11. a light hrindle 1 or 12 tea s old: no ear or An " The no ,rr IA d ,, ired to come form nn, , lokd, tier away, or she wit lir f Is I ;iv. SI I, Nov 3-3 T• VVIIE President and Directors oN. day declared a dividend of tit . "" capital Stock for the last aiz MaTat tq)'dereor their legal representative . 3—aawr ha(, Lr,rl int 01 the Field effi , ern •1 NV et! eSttaf Oft 2151.14 IS ( f 0,1 matron of B. G. lair..t.it nis RI a c‘ ) avention held ix Nal Coori Hour,. on Viednesd3y, Nov. 9, sq of a the Commininned Of& . tho pn rpose appoialipg • a ,nt.:o l'0mVP11.11 1 :111 ,10 2 P held la II .r, 111 , , Ist:. I) jou r ed • R.TI All! I rt ,1- ExcrLINGE 104 or FrilE dlnr , or. "r !his Pant hut /I, , ep per traill paw) oli—,object 10 the lax Orn „,I hive 11. 1840. I 1 111 te-t. Nov 2 M ER( HANTS AND MAKE gin E President and Direclars Of d,y declared a dividend of prt ft; 5 for the last six arouths, in; inci .4.,,, 2 T./ TIIE FIIILANTIIROP IC PUBLIC. rereived from the Amnia Sa lalhschoniUniogSoeirlK a..d t 11,11110,1 s 0 ads Inf loll ian.a Ma:ar.s,,e in 111 volfi 15'4 14 iiiickaze•- , German and Eneid a 'll En 7 :lign._Gerirrian. * tan irarts. 544,0 Chitaiitin, If'. r,.. k'l, sta7.azine. (4111MWODI ms A I nar for 11343. Qnnto• a variety of Tenspers" e .‘ll/i AO 4r CO " Nov 2 BOOTS AND ss° SHOES 4 Ju.l 'crewed a larze lot a. ill Ike sold at Ile Coatto l62l tVO. - ..1 ft reel, at 10 teci 4 - k Nut 2—lf g. A. r 11111 S MORNING:a HI ecl' irk , 11- 211 . 1. Aar,tiaa Rooms. l. In Iry 10 , of Dry Goode just receive' :• , titierfloe Broad Ciaria..„ "f.'s Bilaket* tied. and 0 14 ; raaP French Slerinoesywitti a gr'''` Goode. Alio; at 2 o'clock. ltiesea- C Cowl.. Overcoats. Sc. itt. • Nov 2 • A crcoihv o ' - 71..•= 3 ;ta.2:-,:- + -••• CO.SCI!, To .ffost t The eubseriber willcianatence.= Post Coach het weenthe abOle Non. 4. 16.12. I will leave Plitsbarib !Tel hinksantotva every...FM.6day • Bentherville. i'lthele% and Careniebae atietried. It wilt leave- SI • - • ea! morning , • at 6 ree lock. Int • Thor Addy trestle*. The Ceaceml, svbieb arrive in lie Satoday evenings, will .t> thus wants onaeb to pallmen tri rue undies and bore Min u 4 dem:dialog .ander the cave 05 tle!: and everveare wlil be tales p it ` time stated. Nov 1-112" rr, Lit JAS A REGAL ,14.4 4011 ' Tug sitbserilier-biii.l agi — s — e tga lei o senor LIGIrr 40. 11 1 l ilNata , La rienil,,Prigitee: 1 . 0 0 fag TOratz9 J Ibf r4au„ ; , ,,jUSTA VP' " ' to pew: he The anas d illegal act=*=lotalteliotsetow 'WEISIEVer amew pr of= property in. which - neither he uor as tbey have any right whatever; and which = they can exerclae*titt [bad that of withholding their einitairrm priations from the Company ;-= ,- T je appa ratus of this Company we e pure_ d by , and in the name . of the Compan as the property of the CoMpany,and. nG in trust for any. The Councils , too be agre, have at different times made appropriritions to ward defraying our , expenses as, ttley have done with every other Fire Coriipany in the Cliy. But we do not Consider that this gives them a right to our property, any more than it does to some of our insurance Companies who can also set up the same claim (if claim it is) against us. ! Now, do we consider ourselves under any special obligation to them for this act of kindness? They in common with all other citizens of Pittsburgh have received the benefi: of our services. V.SAIBER 3,1842 _,Tric . affalV o. ben!' flats in their Glory. :ht (Hallow Eve) was a glo the Market House Rangers, . 5 , kr., of our sister city, c that great city slept but e night—the town bell was i rk uti6 l 2 o'clock: while iv rade, genteel and shab ,j,,ying their nccturnal rev- • , • sales had a Grand Candle o n. They stole a bed cord to the Allegheny Hook and (which by some means has over the liver and is likely ,hich they hauled "round WI then to Manchester. played on .he citizens were outrageous—only such as n or the top of a house in d capers of like char Any took poor —'sstall out the Diamond up to the dorn iv love, Nliss me lady who knocked down :t a church door on Sunday jea!ousy; and Mr. - h a utilul butcher who gut fp e c, rry I y then returned and :veahle titans nut of the .n 1 put them in the middle We !rave l i? ard it said that c)rne ',l every thing 'l' butuhers' s .iecil , n'n!, but the • 1 In T Ic etreet, that ottempla k -t II ,1 , -2 IVOUId 100 k rni a utility i n this, 111E= rriV I u our he hirti fi .)ITI the fe- 111 . 4ikt s'J scared as c.ir o ,..n 1 end ~:c flight "I'm r ii.eJ, Um 1 t! ~i'IIICI 5:B1,r• ci and WI.II PII ‘t* :IC . 1 is: , d id t p , I i ;I D.l r ti A p, I ~Ct_ll, •J i,l^iinT.l by the CI Z Ui l•• 11, c Direc!or ac r )"" f t!.e Viai!ant to the Colin t u.l. In cony lance with ~nierel the Nlav- i , esn,nl if the Engine and are in:.l that he has not vet he Councils' or lers, and the ( - Lis , - are in possession of a em hers It Lit;ine and Company. FOR THE M 01 NINO POST. rof i' : e Viailant Fire Cl,m little surprised to see a r's- ing to be adopted by the (.3i13 rising the I%l av„rto take pos a 2paratus belonging to the Corn pan v : On enq nit lag ,1 find that this proceeding s bised on the ,rriound of a teethem by lour or five I fil pail. in it is alleged kir the [nog part is corn • re 1 boys, and that the hall them t.ir car‘l-playing and p Ar,) ises. admit• Oe • F.Ad all the right as to carry the reso- Y have a6iipted info effect. scary 14 so hastily? why if there was another ver titer? There is generally ct ry, and the opinions we log the first are fregnenl - hearing the latter. Now waited a nd hesitated u'itil t m ,re knowingly in this ight have found that these d from sinister motives, al ent from those whinh ap ace of the petition. have fonnd that these mot by recentacts bad rendered populEe in the Company, the intention of a majority oy. at the annual election, portly come mund, tturn ;ice and elect others moie re deserving in theirsitead! id not wait fur any - thing of eeded 'at once upon the rep = interested and:designing a resolution aug commit a high OW:. • ^. .....4.V , :,,:- , !,.: .n-,^-,;,','"",Z. We have not unfrequently left mr beds at midnight, and went through rain and through storm where our duty as! firemen called us; and that too, perhaps, v‘ here these very men who have been so hasty in de nouncing us, and divesting us cf our tights were reposing soundly and securely under their blankets. Our office is a pa . yless one arid too frt-quently a thankless one. We beieve that we have generally preformed our duty at least; we confidently leave that part of the matter to our citizens.— That there are some of our members at times more noisy, and not so strielly moral as they ought to be, we are free ,to admit, but we pretest against this wholesale de n turf it ion of the Company for the acts of a few of its members. The evil is a ne cessary and perhaps an unavoidable one. In all associations of the kind, there will be some black sheep in the number. No banking corporation can be found through• out our whole country. that, but if its twelve or thirteen directors, there is not some one scoundrel; and is it strange then that a Company composed of upwards of a hundred young men, there are some who are not what they should be. We believe that in ce.r morals and beirav or generally, w e w ill n ot suffer ie a comparison with any ether Company in the city. We have expelled those disinterested pharisees who sent the petition to the Council,, fount our body. We have elected more %vela:3r per ! s ee s to fill their places. We knew our tieles, and intend to mantaie them. 1 shat`, perhaps, resume this subject again. vu;ILANT. was Fla INGEI wlh 1 . ; ~..:Cr, is ti! . IP; a,•a r t i r c allr I or x •rt. 4444,4 )4( . •4. 44 )4: 1./IC; Ul ' .1•" Pre =lllllll ;) ution sent N \* SUITLIE7- FON. 1543 N ty% DEPR f - mEKT. Ittire:tu oirruv,iort, hin;, Oricitter 21.1.842. '. (WO . 4 A I,S, coaled and mail received :it “:tice. 41 toil 3 o'cl.K:k I' 11,, .4• II t.:l ;la . I Ile 21' 1 .Y Nove,'.er a , •A ya,, , , ; ,1 N. 11 , .Cl‘arlrrAntvli, 11 ie IS$ - ... 4 , y11. N. V. Ph I). c c: VA.. and the Rah iill.tre.f..ll:ival sizt 1,11, ice!,. al n ri•l il. .i 1110 folintvitt2 aril or 1,11,11 rt , per , r6titiii:l” , .lo2 ••rli e,.• a , N •vy l i:ds and Naval syo:‘,”. or by Ibe le r dryly, tfilriug the 1:'31,3, for the rnileil St al,s, up,~rfi~~.c I'l~~dr : 4 h. • .), , II IlJer he ma eu • ac'd ed of : wheat ernwn ni the rearLi-1:2 or 1533. perferi iy sweet. tied in all - of tae wiall , y; and wliea requiri.d titr=blpnrvut ~,; ' , r fa to the R. of :e,l la a:1 the s 1" lis pre /l e: 11: a•lit elllll I.e dellvered in 1. +2.111 barrels. wii IF lini iv!. 1:0 ‘I.:11 ear It ::1 od slottolit:t or,tt r, free of itlt ritar2c 11l :lie 1;t 6 , 15; =al.j,et to surh 1:1e-per:i:.: aq lire of of irl anti no; lon_ ootv direct or au re.,,echt. tWriect.y t:•`.ll::.l : tC , orr 10 11::1% to tie coot tiaotho...4 Officers of tiro said Navy - The said ship ldsco it he male wholly front sweet. su Tier tine door, ittanulactuted of the whnt grov. a in the year 1842 or 134. i; and he fully ?Via-tail quality. and cwiltiftli 1 , 1 size, 10 the samples Wlllell are. 111 n - V 4 Or 50011 wilt lie, lodged in sa Navy" Yard-, shill he thorwagiti baked, and kiln dried, well packed, and delivere I free o charge to the [hided dater in good. sound, well dried. bright flour barre!s, with the beads well . secured. or in light barrels, when required; . nil the satd biscuit and the h tree's !that' he it all respects to the entire satisfaction of the Chief of the Buseatt of Provisions and Clothing, or of the c.iitiniandide officer of the said Navy Yarns, and be soil-et to such inspection as the Chief of said Bureau of PrOVWI.,P and rl ttttiog may direct, or of he, wise. •for art I whi.k y shall be made wholly from grain, of winch al lea , isvoilitird parts he. rye,-hall be copper died, and Intl fir-1 prnor,arrording In the Unbolt Staten l'usloin flints, standard, ii shall he delivered ia good, s mod. Irtight, welt 11..opvd. cvl.ne oak trarrels. wish white 0 ik heads; and vaell barrel, shall, xv hen required, he coop ered with foot good and sufficient iron hoops, and the whole he put in good shlpplog mr der, free of all eharges to the United St ale-; and the windier and harrels sdiall enhjvet to vaavli insp-clion as the Chief of the Bureau of Provision? and Clothing may anthorme or direct, and le in all re-pert-. p..: roctly sat v-fartory to kim, or to the corn in lind 0 the said Navy Yards. It is to he undersioid, however, that persons who !nay off-r are not to have any c:ai , n or privitele to furnish any .realer gnantity of any article than tuay be ex oressly ord,red Contractors not living at the place where il-tiveries are required. most e-tallish an ag ncy at such place, that no domy may arise in furni:hin: what may he required; and when- a CGSII/ a ovir fails promptly in comply with requisi tions, the Navy A:tem at the place where the articles ire required to he delivered shall he authorized to pnr chase such ar tic!es, and the cool rafii r shall be liable for any exc as of cast over the contract price. Separate bids most I e made for each article for each Navy YAM, nod far the Rail ininre pintinn The blank offers, (which win lie furnished to individuals nn appli cilia i to the .several Navy Agynts and Commandants, and at tins offirej have all the blanks carefully filled op. ant,. •1 Sti 4 scritied as directed in the note on the face of each form; and the offers anu.t be unquallfied and unconditional. Bonds. with two approved sureties, in one third the es timaled amount of the respective coat rams, will he regal red,a nd len per cent= in addition will he withheld from the amoont of each payment to be made, as collateral se eurity for the due and faithful performance of the re spective _contracts; which will, on no itemint, be paid omit the contras ls are complied with in all respects; no• less snrcially authorized by the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothin7. After derfactinglo per cent., payment will be made by the United Slates, within thir ty days after the said articles shall have been inspected and r - ceived. and hills for the same presented to the Na vy At!ent, app rued by the commanding officers of the respective Navy Yards and .Nay l station aforemid,tc. cordin: to the terms-oldie contrart. The Department rewerves the right to riject all bitiS from persons who have heretofore fatted to execute their contract.. Persons offering to supply either of these articles will he pleased to designate the place or places at which they . may desire payments to be made to theta. oet 26,-41121 _ 'to be published ia the Idadisonlian. lnieillgencer, slid Slope. D. C.; Portsmouth Journal and Hill's Patriot, P.i.S.; Bennington Casette., Iddrning - Post and Daily Times, Boston, Mass ; Journal of Commerce. Sen,Staadard,UM itle and Morning Post. N. 'Y.; American Sentinel and Public, Ledger. Philadelphia. Pa.;,lially. Morning TOM. Pithihdritil.P 2 4 avid irermidican.Bahlmore. Md ; maim, itichatorui;'Va .13eacon.,Norfolk. LoetisvOkt Garretta,Aingingtost Observer.. Manville Advocate. ;Kg.; ,Old - Scbool.Sepailelican. 0144a/tat Republican. onn. Obla; nunalt. MO N. ; StigilAnna'rht. 4 ,1" . r .17 ;• 4 su"..- - - 2 114 47 ‘ . _ LOW, Witli-0000-I:tuifitelf:Of Arent tot - the New Orleans market, just'beloW the mouth of the - Ohio, on Monday , morn— ing last. • • - Not Bead.--Senator Woodbridge of NIL ehigan. 'He has been very l'ithut now . I convalearent. Cul Kearny oftue U. S. Topogrephicel Engin. eers, has arrived in St. !Alia: His übiect is to loult at the state of the Inags in the Mississippi. The 'Grave ard' will no doubt attract his atten tion particularly. The beauties who were brought before the Mayor of Allegheny for attempting to put a dead piggy on Sergeant's mortar on Monday night, were discharged; Mr. -S. not being able to identify them. Ditto. the Loafers who cut down the Sign post. IrrWho put Godfrey's Goat on the top of his house? This is a question of much importance. The details of the proceedings of the Allegheny Rats,whiCh will be found in our paper to-day,will no doubt be exceed ingly interesting t 3 the literary portion of our readers. Another Torch light procession.—We learn tl,at preparations a•e makinE by all the Fire Companies (except the Vigilant) for another grand torch light procession to come off some night soon. W 1 LLlA_tf k:LDER, Aitorney at Law; (Wee in Flakewett's Rnildings, tearly opposite ihe New Court Douse. on Grant street. aro 36-9 SUGA ita; 1101LA55.E.4.40 itl)ds N- 0. Sugar, 40 t,bis Pi.tilallors Molasses, 50 Sugar House do. Ba,ts R io Coffee IJ Oct 4. ESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—LIIIV Trustees of the Western University of Pennsylvania announce to the public that they have established a Law School in con nection with the University, in which will he Innen Mil Sicipal, International, and Constitutional Law in all their manches. The mode of instruction will he by recitations, lectures and occasional moot-courts. as in similar Institutions. The year "will consist of two terms of four and a half months each. The first term x% ill commence on the second Monday of Novemhcr nest. • . - The tu it ioti fee is $37,50 per term payable in advarce. AVsurea LowRIE, Esti-, a ole , nuer of the Pittsburgh Car, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great pleasure in announcing that they have been able to se cure the services of one so well qualified for ibe station I,y re ason 01 his legal acquirements, and particularly of one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. The anuexed recommendation will furnish satisfaction to all his qiialifir at ions as Professor. The trusters living been induced to iastitu e this srliiiol from a view ofilie serious ilisadva olages attending the studies of law. in the office of praci 'Slog lawyers and a so the very obvious ad aantages whit PO ishursit pos. ,- -ese, over most colter places in the West for the estali oMment ofsach an in-titration—llene is a most i o d a siri. ons o non :it' The student will see around xam pif. , of iodustry and em,r;_iy, aid Very few le.tiplaiintoS to iudoleure and Ile Ulay become acquainted will bu=inns. in all Os firms, Our Courts are Silting nearly all the yvai• round, aii.l there is perhaps no place in the IST st hr•r a c ren'er variety Or cases and princi. plest arise for tliseliss.on. 'l' he Commit re. are