Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, November 02, 1842, Image 4

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    . .
a i ItY 1041 0 firs corets:, Osliktf.a . time, /.0, , .„ ~,
dieroy,trxi tie a - d i es.! . .
~,,, ._,,,
1146 f . : : atfirta kf 11 . , 5 eqopquifil y Ititerins agG I,oolw ii:;
'lll*./i4"led'bio' reedy leada_OPl iwitieb."l" - 4 ° :Idl e .
! - 'ialtdialt recently. elkeapied by Or. A. o.lBetiewsiskec tl y
witiiritite.tileeld stand, ?Isere he ieetways prepenuttei et ;
Ittisatproalptly.tikitisfordersin Moline, WI ; by attic!. at
Altatittan to AK theiletallsot the buslneseettits Undertaker
Arirkapes to Merit nubile confidence; Ve wilt be ptepared
Itat at;a - ndoka ,to provide liveries!, riliers. estietagee and
evellteilatsite on the moat liberal les taa..deps from. the
tpwith hie ware
lantr* , Wlll be promptly attended us,
' 4 ofils kisidence is In the same betiding .
where those who sieui kw sietticse may And him
ttruis , time. earitailwes:
"40. W. tarn's, ir.v. seta, steal. 0. D.
' stfacseetnate, Rte., itasiwk anuclv• I. D.
lllkeli PaTTo 11, as a.eastect wytwore, v.
- it.' s: sitcom; sure. JOIIPC *Wilts
fiiif6 ntititia,
Rev. Jilltif 111(., Davis,
*• • -0.02 ahoxadasta ,
-1,0),880s,, ADDRESS DO.,
.lloSither with:every description of Letter Press Print
- +se furnished with neatness and despatch; and on mode
vwste terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post.
' - 1.11.01)!VE Oft AGGRAVATE DESPASE.—This
"tOaair of individattls very numerous. They art those
itork in an ulthealtitY atmosphere. Printers, work;
men' In feather wires, Meme cutlers, Mikers, white , lead,
11s.rurfacturers, arealt mom or less subject to disease ac•
in the strength, of,their constitution. The only
.'nsitliit9 to prevent disease, it the occasional use of a
"niedltine which abstracts from the circula t ion all delets
-'vloitia hurnorit,ind expels them by the bowels. -Tonics
In 3 any form are Injurious, as they only cat off , the evil
' dt6t , to make if more fatal. The use of Btandreth's Pills
'WM Insure health, because they take all inaptlre . maiter
oattif the blood; and the body is not weakened , hut
' itistigthenetfby their operation, for these valuable Pills
dro . not forillb,,but they assist nature, and are notoppcsed,
'inftliartnonize with her.
...lkdd at Dr. Brandreth't Office, No. 98 Wood street,
' 1411sburgh. Price 25 cents per box:with full directions.
SIARK--Tbe only place In Pittsburgh. where the
• P t iils can he obtamed,is the Doctor's ownr
*se , No. 98 Wood street. sep 10
NEW HOTEL .— The subscriber respectfully in
forts his old friends and the public that he has
openeasTemperance Hotel, in fifth Street, near the Er
thange,Hank, and lo the - mow tatily occupied by Mat.-
-LAM Patrick, and has hoisted an( ron li gnotThe Irpn
My' Hotel," where be will he very Inter, to aecommo r
date all 'who may please to call ot him. His table
ithall , be provided with the best fare, and everypossib)e
accommodation to town and country customers and
- glaciers.
4 few boarders who wish to lode io their stores Of or.
coo hetet:en, and gentlemen who live oat of town
:Can have their dinners deity.
' Ne Alselarge and -good stables, and 1111 best Hay and
dats,itud a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
ors and gentlemen who pave horses.
Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges
more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
cap 10 JOHN IRONS.
WASHINGTON HA.L L.—The siattscriher has
opened the late, residence of Jasaes Adams, Esq.,
deceased. for the reception of visitors and boarders;
the honse is very pleasantly situated on the mink of the
6 , M 9.1 2 _Riles_ from the city—possessing all the delight
ful accompaniments of .a country fesidenre, without
beleg. , too far distort -for persona • doing business lathe
city,- ; Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of
the season.
An Ontrtilnis runs regularly every hose' i the Alle
slleay end of the flrldee.
.K.1(1.—,N0 Alcoholic beverages kept.
aftP . WM. C. BERN.
. • sieship existing between James E. Kilbourn and
riiarr!d 3., Vqyglin is Otis day dissolved by mutual consent.
irbecondhAns-vsin he duly noticed, with the signatures
of hntil,pailies annexed, and Barry Ball wilt be continued
tipep,by the subicriber until other arrangements are per
..,OPoiaade, on Ibe premises, 150 bbtl. chalet winter ap•
pt itiqttleii for immediately. JAS. E. It ILHOUEN,
sapV3:4--tt" No 9, Marked, and 74. Front at;
,‘• nOOKBINDING.-Wetridfmet
,•v-,. • .
~_ :
T , I/
lohhFon, Bookbindeis and Paper
F. Rulers, S. W. corner of Wood Sind
-1 1 c: :- -: Fourth streets, ore now prepaied toex-
Vit ::lectte nil kindg of Bxklandini and'Pa.
41:— per Ruling with neatness and despatch.
'. -: --- - 01-0" . k books ruled and' bound to
aollivenjwitern at thr ortest notice.
N. B. AM work done ne shove le warranted. (sep 10
7.1)17,111. RIDDLE, Sargcos Deft:rise, has returned to
bis -And. stand. No. 11.0/ 7 Smithfield Sheet,
whet* be Mtn be consulted any hour during the day,
v „ on Ms prolheelon. sep
RE 11 0 tir..4l::_—George Armor. Merchant Tailor,
Yespectfillly announces to Ills friends and Mt
,16111911f, thatAm has removed his establishment from his
olrhtand, In.:Third street, to the corner of Front and
illsafthheld.in the basement story of tile Monongahela
Goose; where he intendalteeping on hand, a general as.
aortintint of Faihiwamble Goods, suitable for Gen
He bones, by close applicattoo, to merit a share of the
tinslitple so liberally extended to him at his old stand.
• ,tc, psiglag made arrangements in New VOA Sind
illsdkwielphts, with the most Pashioriable_Tallew
the tneoploca of: Parts and London Fashions, ellstiasstb
may rely on-having their orders -executed according to
,heiatest. style. GEORGE ARMOR.
1Sai:10 .
. • .
ART) 0116.--Tha sifitscriber ;tumid mod respectfully
Xalirtntbrm I lin public in genera that he has an-article of
*1.404i. of a suprirtor qunNty, mahufacto red it-the Cincfn
slaSteilleanufattory,hy R.W.Lee Co..whlch is warren
listiOirhe turret to the best Sperm. Oh, troth for Light and
Illachinary. Tuts Oil is entirely free from any glutinous
Alloitet.'sittoke, or unpleasant odor, and , it is :meteor and
latiertrite its spring water. Not a particle of crust is left
on the. wick. Tire light is pure and briElent
Sradwidtilairs ar tang. IT nut longer, than that from an
.equhl•titifaatity nrSirerm. Oil. The subscriber informs
Mit public that he has taken a plate nearly opposite the
„pt Ofre, where heatUl lista up several .different lainps
..ve evetline.anti.he.would. reaped fully invite t he' in •
sialdsifeeht of Pittsbargb,.A Itegheny , and their vicinity, to
•earifoulstrjudge for themselves- He' feels , confident Ilrey .
101016,C(OlivlacedAtlat the above statement is perfectly
ossfuict.'; Ont nf two hundred Individuals witcrhave tried
Jthe ou.thOre luta not bgen a single fault found with it,
Isard , oll cosi s one third less than Sperm. Be would
istsamesfulty *Oka the early attention of Dealers and Ma.
brtatilllta; LO.the above. • . -
The following Churches ore now using the Lard Oil;
Seeped Priranytcrian Church, Pitt , hurgh.
k -,,,Netw-Derniretland Presbyterian Church,: Pittsburgh
First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City,
. e InffthMkellte Reftermad Vitu tett,
Afflifihrharrela metsrandad @.'W. LEE 4- Co., °Mein
• -
ROSY ,-Agent. •
Pittsbarah,Jurie 2lst, 1842.
reirheronteggrtMLlCaplatna or the Entree/I Line,ot
Penvollvania Canal,ha we tried and' ere
itddlitatitiftlefe.'sraard'Oli rodnced here hy altitthew
cr4l,l3cAiitflundiatietareilby R. W.' Lee it Co, at the
atitnutrtd•Oll Pail Orr.
miNiteJtet konfident nionting that the re' ove la eqnsi
twilit Molt Sperm oil; that it is entire)) , free from smoke
pigattlolbet Jilutieonsniatteis whatever; the Held is per
' MA, term.
clear aed brilliant; inid will last at loirg,•it not
•• lonalethan,that-fioni-irti:equal-iinantlty of Sperm. Oil, ,
We have no besikation In recommsnding tit° our 'friends . ,
altriblitinre OU:,
littißT TftIIRY; ;Captain, Packet John Adams.
lkk,W•lB44.llllllllbAbin, Captain, l'aeket4MM
itr4.4l4ig ' '
dot 4110-,
801 ,TROMPOOPI. ,d 4 ?a. Pliesburgb.
, ,
Ras ' pILLB
TeR4l4l . gi,,,,, which ex ert r
nid aOti .111•4-- 'of lospulat i °
-40r6- --"Tileart, give n*
8., ..
.„.„ 0• 7 4 the . elm blood lathe wool{
speagu,.) 411217tegiti'lltate*I!thMigh al uy . or the
a goal) a
..inwatigla. c.„11 latenla ' ,
aliatmat -
.....A.• 1 0 Be
the bear imo ,
...t.- v0id......,
ti .thirlaailL„. of t e e rt g a i or
....... . *told .
..,............ id'. •
teiilier Or
. 1 4 to Alt the t cotleallie
he tigotille.".
oi)drffiere is- Bowe" alaßon
itite.rmi. thebi - To itufill l'e-- -Ifargli?"Urag,'
Acial , kinla 1 *-!3.1*'1/!AkeirnitioiV intha tlatt
..i_gg!irriertiv:#**o-Agivie-_- - - iknO -T o o
z otwiewilmett
0.. v. ..-*'
„.„ ‘,.t..-4 , - ' .. tt•' ' -Astll-. * - .l 4 ;iliw-.l', l'i '---
Mtt 0 . • -iff e4l 4 trt-0 ,
',I •
. 9 - . E4V. l t.it • s ,
Itkpino..-0;601,..pc00004.t0i.4ui5eci144.1 Oran,
Act int 4opribli.Pered•!hettrith:d?l•4r-:MY •
entitle4l;qlll?ft P3,,ftflvide•fhr onlisf4 -F;dorteef of ;
the ; Govern thant-.lVlOini _
, *lOO%l on.ibe.sise
ProPcmais- fat: the e?!4 4 o lke
Worki„aori.tOr other Pitelt??"." exposed to
public sale, arthie Merehanti Eschaoge, .in the city of
Pitilhdelphia, on .sVedneaday,tbe 234 day of riovemoor
nem, ail° o'clock, a,. re..‘the foilicrWlimßenciti, owned by
the. Corionorrnmaittilinriit;,
31'50shires of sumitia:thellank. of PearMylVaola.
5233 do in the PhiladelPhia'llank. -
1703 I do irt.pe,'Farmersand Mechanics' Bank .
900 do in the Colombia Bank and Bridge Compan y,
2 ' • do Union CanitEmanani..
1500du in the Penn s y lvania and Obio Canal Corn
• • • •
Puny .
00 do in tire Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Compri V
1000 do 'ln the Schuylkill Narigation, Company ,
320 do in the Bristol Stearn Towboat and Trans
P 5 1 4 1 011 COOPelle.
Alto, at the State House, in, the borough of Barris•
burg. tigooday;the 28th day of November next, at 10
o'clock, A . sc. _ ,
2905 shares of Mock In the Danville and Pouivilte
Railroad CoMpany,
2000 do in the 'Cumberland' Valley Railroad COm.
2000 do Franklin Railroad Company.
400 do :Wrigtiliville;TO - k and Get ysburg
Railroad Co. •
600 do Codorna Navigation Co.
995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navl
' gat ion 'Co.
2.500 do Monongebela Navigatfon Co.
do ' Ilarflidwitrg !ridge' Co.
2100 , Nortimerikeriand Bridge Co.
2160 . do Monongahela Bridge'' Co.
1660 do Allegheny Bridge, Co.
560 do Wil kesttarre Bridge Co.
400 do Lewisburg Bridge Co.
600 do Big Beaver Bridge Co.
600 do Dantilie Bridge Co.
180 ' do Nekropeck Bridge Co.
350 do French Creek Bridge CO.
100 do Conetnaugh Bridge Co,
60 do Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge CO
H3O, do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
92 do Milton Bridge Co.
171 do it cihbett own Bridge Co.
200 do Towanda Bridge Co.
1250 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co.
120 do Schuylkill t 3 r idgc,(at Matson's ford)
300 do Williameport Bridge Co.. Wishing.
• ton county.
Also,stock In the following Turnpike Road Compa
nies. to wit:
2124 shares In the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers
Charriberalmrg and -Bedford
Bedford ao4 Stoystown.
Stnyst ow n:and Greensburg.
Greensburg and Pittsburgh.
Huntingdon. Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Ferklomen and Reading.
Gap and Newport.
Waynesburg, Greencastle and &ler
Morgantown, Chu rchtown and Blue
Little Conestoga.
„Barlut and.Dimphin
Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid
4310 do
2154 do
2 - 44 do
1780 do .
3477 do
oo do
1360 do
512 do
250 do
180 -do
200 do
580. do
100 do
:' , Easann.andWiikesharre.
'finitaisinblUtta ottd Lehigh
. Milford and Owel6.
DOwningbim Ephrata and Harris ,
Centre and Kishaenquillas.
' Susquehanna and York borough.
York and Gettysburg.
New Hdltand.
Spr ng House, No
Cartga and Susquehanna.
Susqueltaitim and Waterfbrd.
Susquehanna and Tioga.
Bridgewater ard.Wilkesharn.
Pittsburgh and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conernaugh.
Belmont and Easton.
Pittsburgh and Butler.
Philpithutg and Soninehannis.
Rutter and Mercer.
Mercer and Meadville.
Anderson's Ferry, Waterford Ind
New Haven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
Ridge Road.
Bethany and Dingman's Choice.
Robbinown and Mount Pleasant.
Mount Pleasant and Somerset.
Somerset and Bedford.
Hanoirer and Carlisle..
blitierstotart and Lewistown.
Bellefonte and Phitlpsbarg.
Philadelphia, Brandywine and
Belmont and Oghquaga.
Harrisburg and Mitierstown.
Philadelphia and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
Armstrong and Indiana.
Clifford and Wilkesbarre.
Indiana and Ebensburg.
Washington and Williamsport.
Washington and Pittsburgh.
Lycoming and Potter.
Middletown and Harrisburg.
Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Young
Butter and Kittanning.
Milcsburg and Smethport.
Derrstowa and Youn,qmonstown.
Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
York Haven and Harrisburg bridge.
Abingdon and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisburg and V oungmanstown.
Somerset and Conemaugh.
Carbondale and Lackawann.
Somerset and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and Jersey Shore..
Ligonier and Johnstown.
Warren and New York State Line .
Titusville and Union Mills.
Armstrong and C'earfield.
Warren and Ft anklin.
Sugar Groveand Union.
Brownington. Har risv We and Frank
250 'do
100 -
1240 - . do
640 do
400 do
50 do
1600 do
400 do
116 do
500 do
300 do
5600 do
329 do
516 do
067 do
322 do
950 do
947 do
13RO do
$32 do
1010 do
100 do
520 do
590 do
299 do
909 do
660 do
672 do
100 do
717 do
779 do
500 do
too do
800 do
256 do
980 do
380 do
JSA do
560 do
329 do
85.5 do
400 do
280 do
110 do
200 do Snowshoe and Fackersvllle.
4R do'
200 do flutter and Freeport.
64 do 13fertiag and Newfoundland.
96 do ,Lenosi.and Harmony.
224 do Pittsburgh Fanners and Mechanics'.
160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg.
160 do Lethersburg and Putizatawney.
!RI do Birmingham and Elizabethtown.
64 do Bald. Eagle and Shinny Valley.
Theterms and conditions of raid sales will he made
known on the days aforesaid, or by an application.nt any
time. to this office. Slate stock will be received in pay•
merit at par, or certificates of credit. which have been
entered on the books of the Auditor. General, in. pursu
ance of a resolution of the General Assembly, passed on
the 7th day of April, lila
By order otthe Governor.
sep 20—du
• . . .
this infallit,ie remedy has preserved Inatuireds
when thought pest tecovery, from convnislons. As soon
As the Syrup Is rubbed - on the gums, the child will rect v.
; sir. This preparatioi'ls so innocent, so efficacious, and so
'pleailint, that 'no child will refs* te let Its ;time be 'rub
bed seliti It. 'When leintsare'atthiage of four months.
ilia there fa nonpPearanee of teeth, one bottle of the
syrup iheliht he Used tb open the pores: Parents shonthl
I ever be without the syrup to the nursery vette:re there
are young, istilldrenabr It a 'stakes In the bight with
the:stlins;the Syrup immediately. glyea ease,by
opening qteftlietg: thereby Prevent'
log 3 01 04 Ygrlff,g,.44,ror+Male_
_Wholenstle aid
Retail by IL,"E.SELLEILS,,,Agent,
"P -:41)...06^*0402. street, 4e.lore,Eleemul.
jAliw HOWARD 4 C 0.., NaanfaxOspire e Wet/
Paper, N's. 18. Airsat Strvet,_ , Pittaietryn,
Have *lva7l on han4-Ift e*lellsive arrortineni of Satin
Maned ,plAkfi RAM; HANGINGS, Velvet and
,iatest style mu), became
pattivwfOrpapering_balls, perinea and enansbets ,
They inanalbetent aed - have on band at all-tinunt-a
141.011atAlft'41IiiabettavtftnnIOngandTeif Salkticeolik
kit , ihitll'alaniellesolnAiall ; of*bleb'lbey ofir M u ir
itidatlar Mid Ind' nk : orlilskthvf
- - 01 4 '0
Pli tliken*U4ll'
Secretary of the Common'lth
• -106ri
! t . Vrtrrr.
44 , 11
*VI thigetttlitim Pitt
anapArittlialie. talbebOhmeri b m i e Powers al
life - ate uotadrvady eahalleied; *here,lnamait lamina
carittyall, there liFer#lY,.le pity complatni,or -lorm
ickeetst,iltattita ii 44
r 40 pot reliebeaind
generally cure., Although Uwe pills produata *Wawa
si7ser;tbai efrect w not toprostrate the body. wabrith .
other mcdicines..but the frame le invigorated by the re
move! Ofihe cause of vreakuer,the mothiti,the vitiated
humors (ruin the blood.
Harmless in themielves,they merely
A OMIT MaTtlai
To throw out the occasion of Aokom from t h e body,
and they require no alteratiun in theAletor clothing.
In fhet.the human body is better able to sustain with.
our injury, the inclethency, or the weather.. while under.
the influence ofthis in - fiction destroyiag,i4waaneradica
ling Medicine than at any other time.
The importance 9f Brandreth's Pills for seamen and
travelersla, therefare,icif evident:.. ,
By the tisnelytme of thi s Medicine how much anxiety
and'sickness, ',night we not prevent. COIL Billions af
fections, Typhus, &Arleta nil feversor all kinds, would
be unknown! But where sickrairs does exist, let no ,
time be lost, let the'IIifANDRETH'S PILLS be at once
sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur
tiler loth of titne.—To ate RIMIVItICRED
That Brandreth'sfilts have stood a seven years' test
in the United States.
That they area iregt.table and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; infeci mug or otherwise.
That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro
gress of disease in the heman body.
That. in many cases, where the dreadful raVages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where,
to all appearance, no human means could 'pave life, have
patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good
health; then devouring disease having been completely
, eradicated.
That each of the genuine has upon it THREE COPYRIGHT
That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin
Brundreili u pon it.
That there must be upon each box three signatures,
B. Basruarru, IV. D
And three signatures, thus:—
All scuts fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, width must be promoted by art when nature
does nut do the business itself. On this account, an
fll.timed scruptilousaessabout the weakness of the body
is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to Make evacuations necessary,' which nature attempts
after tne hunters are tit lo beelpelted , but is not able to
scamp plish for the most part in these disease% and I can
affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been
so low that tt could hardly be felt, and the debility ex.
ireme, yet both one and the ether have been restored by
it." The good effect-to be derived from the Brandreth
Pills have to be experienced to be- fully believed. By
their timely use, neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox wouldevzr attsunie their malignant Corm.
To appreciate to the full extent ,the Incalculable bene
fits of BRA NDRETH'S PILLS, they must be used when
the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One
dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout
the attack—TT isvenino smut in nag that fa the great
secret in the cure of alt appearances of disease arising
from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the tires
ent day, will say anything of tliose`diseasas which affect
the body when the blood Is pure. Such diseases I have
yet to see.
Hoping that sonic who read this may be benentted by so
doing. I an respectfully,
the public's, servant.
241 Broadway,'N,ew York:
The pubilc will please•observe - that no. Brandreth Pills
are genuine unless the box has three labels Oen tt,
each containing a fac Minnie signature of my hand
writing thus—B. Brandreth. These 'obeli; art vire.
-ved on steel; beantifullrderigaed, and done at an ex.
pease of several thousand dollars. Remember! the top
.-- - the side—and the bottom.
• Eat red according to act of Congress in the year 1841,
by Bet jamin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Die-
Wet Court of the Sot them District of New York.
Dr. B. Brandreth's.own office, No. 99,
Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only glue in Pittallargli whole the genuine
Pills can he obtained. Each Agent who seltt the true
Erandrent Plil, has an engraved certificate of Agency
renewed every twelve months, and has entered Into bonds
of 11500 to sell none other Pills than those received front
I)'. B. OF his special General Agent. Mark. the certifi
cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate
there is an exact copy of the three labels on each Inrx
graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engrayin of
the labels on the certificate correspond with those on g t
The following are Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Agents
for the salt: of his Vegetal to ttnivt.rsal Pills, In Alleghe
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled
boxes. .
Price 25 cents with direr! inns.
Priucipa Office, No. 98, . Wood Street, Pittsbur
Allegheny, Mr. Joon GLASS.
McKeesport, H. ROWLAND.
Noblestown, Joint Jonsson.
Stetsons Town, CnessmArt 4. SPAULDING
Aut.:Anoint AsDALE. Clinton.
EswsßD TRoxiesON,Wilkiosburgb.
Elizabethtown C F. DIEHL.
East Liberty, 0.4K1E4 NEGLEY•
PRESSLEY IRWIN, Pleasant. Hill.
DA.vin R. Coon—Plumb Township•
Wis. O. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. [sett 10
PILES cured by the tee of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency flout yuu for the sale of your medicine,
formed an acqealniance wi:h a lady of ' this place, who
was severely afflicted with'the Cot eight or ten
years this lady, was subject to frequent painfol attacks,
and her physician considered her case so . complicated.
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Threqnkh
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and t'lrs
perfectly cured. yours, itc. JAMES R.IOIIBY
October 3, 1840. Chambersbag, Pa.
freOffice and General Depot, No. 19.1Corth Eighth
Street, Philadelphia: And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10
INTERESTING CURE performed by Dr.Stortyne's
JC Compound Syrip of Prunus Pirgioinna,'Or Wild Citer
ry. Hotting made We of this invaltiabie f-yrun in my family,
which entirely' cared my child. The symptoms Were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant cotip,h, spasins, convulsions, .te„
or which I had given upon hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing theetrects it had upon my child, d i con
cluding to make the same trial upon - myself, which -en
tirely relieved me dfa cough that I was afflicted with for
many years. Anrperson wishing to see me can ea at
ray'house In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. Wit.cox..
We call the-atlention of the public to the" numerous
certlficntes wider) have been in circulation in our popdr
ant:teem° others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
Sw.strre's Compound' Syrup of Wild Cherry..—We WPM
seen the original certifleatee, and have tiOdoubt but they
come from truly grateful hearts,exprestive cifihnbenedis
which they have received from tl.at valuable coniponitd.
We , have acquaintance; -mho have freetmollY Used . the
above medicine. who can speak. withleonlidence -of he
tfirtues.—Satarday Chronicle.
FZLLOW Crronnon--With linearity I would advtee
you, one aid art, %loth sick - and well, 'travois to have si
bottle of Dr SweeltesCoMpound Sy rap of Wild Cherry
in your hontio—;it Is invaiutible In cases of emergency;
such' aa ,Spilling of Skied,. Asthma, attacks - of iiotent
Coughing, which Is often the cause of spittingor biome
Ir/Oient - ,Nervone AlferliOns; which - fficcasionalty.,coate
riom (144, .fm4' 'various 'other causes, producing rink
alarm, sudden col& from impraper exposit/a. Which
are'Oftea letr,rip lo '
,an for want of
means ready IdiSOV—shd as i have tired byi
inikideniecnannand syrup of Wild Cherry • iottentiqy
in my . family, and always with innirind'nniinio can
iecoitimiendl% with _coolldence, as toeing one of tie Vint
rameit' aindieliano *Oiled Kan Wan offered/ Cei the
plablir.--Satarday Chronicle , ; ; - s
Sold by Win. Tbdtri, WhO re t i lkait, only agent
forPitlibitryib. seplo,
Wrl3.Lll**l4l:4 , X eislie4t, , riger,fiespeciaany
, hia Crieo4ll-, rout the. palsiie,; Hr genefel:
tint he has eimmeneee Imsleeee alto. 11 Market*. Map
leakeilk glieellitif.themellefef Preeikittleeete-het es*
Ilitad - ) 1 4 1 10 04,2t p -binligewto. lo6 MA abaft or '.:1 11114 -
peIeVeNIIM i r.,, W , , 1 -..t.4 il- 4.‘.;;1' Wig: 1 -..' tifilrll . :'•'Y''; l,
' l'olUmti"kihi niafte:ll4lll.l‘k
budiehboticrwa mesuutsete
ibe_llostlifie- ' - , 51.„';.. ., -,{.er#Cl .o
- -PlOO tit-leflia ',- ,' • — 4 ,,,.. 1 .a, -
_ = .
P -
r l , 7* • 1 .- T7 • . • $1107.X.
.-0/24#00/4*44-btionn 1 1 0 tie
rgi► tta lie <le 46i
ol4e .481 1 .:Affttro dI
-;:44lYrtal LANCl9ll4,with.l4lMeUtifitassartruent-onallit4,
ygliffile,oeViktatitotht,,%,,ffig.t tegufigatiort.: l here WI!! at
t.imes.,eftaitte4r to Lattraducp the latest fashion and silt:laid'
iheLadies,b9oorAggivithAshare of t heir patronage; site
pledgmr,iterspif to keep every tGing of the most styll44.
,desr.rtgliot.aed.paxstrict attention to , economy. - •
It is vvithconfidence Mrs. T. recommends her French,
andLondowenade Corsets; also her; spletutitassogtmen t.
of.totbrOhlerg. which is superior to saythhirYet intro
<Weed in this country: it includes Baby Limon, Connal
sours; Orientals, Capes,. ta _Gordian'. Demi. dittO. Ber
thas for -Evening Costume. Coltare Cats, Poci*.t - Band.
kercktieGag florMog -Night 4c., which , vitill be,
' ready lusts approbation on tha 91.11 of October nest'.
;Mrs. T. is: aiting the arrival of her. Bonnets from
:Europe. ;at, No. 2 Ferry street,. between. Liberty and.
Fourth streets.
5ept..29,-411f. •
H. • e
• - • .•
II Gtt AtV A MILTON, Jlthirseys a! Laic, Jiave
IVA removcti l.!eir Affiee to the residence of IL S. Ma,
tier. on Fourth at, two doers above Emit hfield. see 10
. -
.. ~ Cr ) " kr+ WA ILEEICHISE.—.Aro, ; 79,,, ;Four th
. - Street, itetween,Wood and South f ield sta.,
Two doorthirom the corner of Wood street. Con,
stantty . -on band an assort meat of 100 ready made
• 'COFFINS, of every arise and description ; covered
,_,ones,, with Cloth:. Idabogan;y, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and Title COB rlB.
A.LSO,Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carrinses
furnished; Graves procured; and all, services rendered
that friends may requite. -
A. credit given in all cases, either of coffinsur carriages,
requested. ...HENRY .REA RES, Undertaker.
eep 10 .
. .
17, SIMS. WHITE LIME, a superior' ,aitiete, for
CP sale by J. G.. 4 A. GoRPON,
.N 0.12 Water street .
VA AIETY.-:Just received from New York, 3009
Temperance Almanacs for 1843;5000 copies of the
-Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for 'September . . A Iso, 2000 Chris
tian Almanacs, and a good assortment ofLoanis's Magif
zineatid Pittsbuigh, and the Franklin Magazine. and Cont.
-mon Almanacs for 1.443; by the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Dirciory and Strangers Guide, for 61-1 -cents. Also,
Cottage, Fatuity, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa.
merle, David's Psalins; Methodist and Temperance Hyinn
Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Musir: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ.
Harp,and almost all kinds of Sclinni Books; Gen.'s Do
mestic Medicine; Day Books "and Ledzers; vtlrit ing, Let•
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the
gross, dozen ,or hot le; sleet pens, quills, slates, pencils and
wafers;Cyclopedla of History, Western Pilot. and a con.
siderabie variety of Books and Stationary, for sale on ac
commodating terms for cash or country prnduce,
ISA AC HA RBIS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sop '2 No. 9, Fifth street.
J. K. klooftucAm. G. E. WARNER. PAINTER.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, A tleghe y City, at the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yarn,Cot ton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting,
4-c.,and are prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest and most Improved machi
nery,and employed the manager who has at tended to the
Hors FAcironv for the last five years, they are manufactu
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warps made to order,
Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the
store of J dp C. Painter 4. Co., Liberty street; or began
rt Kennedy, Wood street; wilt meet with prompt atten
tion. Address—J. K. MOORHE kD 4- co.
sep 12—ly
goo I'E:4A LES.—There is a large class of Females in
this City who from their continued sifting, to which
their occu pf.t ions old ige t hent,are affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart onthe least ex
ertioo, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound.an inability of fixing the
attention to any menial operations; rumbling in the bow
els, sometimes a sense of sufrocation, especially_ after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptems which yield at
once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pitts. The occa.
sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of sutrering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, are of en found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
I his way; I hey aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear
nessio the complexion, purify, the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. it-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Pittsburgh—Price 25 cent.; per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
ENUIN E Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
flee. No 98 Wood street. seri 10
STRUM ENTSI T. McCarthy, Cutter and Surgiral
netrament Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Poet Office, Pitt/4111Th
Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
struments made hy the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Aliarticles warranted of (behest quality, and
jobbing done asthmal. sep 10_
LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often term!.
natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro.
per remedies are not restorted to in time. I n all forms
of this disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound Elrengthenins,
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
—first. by cleansing the stomaeh and bowels, thus remo
ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ge
rman Aperient P;lts. after which the Compound Strength.
ening Nils are taken to give strength and tone so those
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
a permament cure. Those Pills are neatly put up in
small packages, with Olt directions. For sale at No. -19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate, by Sam
uel Frew corner of Wood - and Liberty Pittsburgh Pa.
sep 10 .
A LLEN KRA NtER , Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor
at. air of Wood and Third' Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought dnd sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern' eitter, for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
r . umness:
Pittsburth,Pa, W Bell k CO., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter ly Co., Joseph Woodwell, James-May
Philadelphia, A laza nder Bronson 4- Co., John H. Brown
4 Co. Cincinnati, C., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
Mo., 1. R.' M'Donaid. Louis/M/s, W. H. Pope, E.g.
Pres't Bank Ky.' sep 10
REMOV undersimted begs leave to nturm
the.public, that he has removed frond his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the EA
change Hide', where be has fitted u p a large ptkrto FortTs
WAAL Room,and now oilers, for sale the most splendid
assortment of. PlAmos ever offered in this market.
His, pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
nese Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo
deled. and consttueted,throughout of the very beg ma
terials,which.for durability, and quality of tone, as well
as touch, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has en!are,ed his manufactory, and made arrange.
uieuts tp supply the increasing demand for this instrn•
went, lie respectfully requests those intending to pur.
chase to call and c-sa mine his assortment before parch°.
sing elsewhere, as. he is determined to a sell tomtit, for
cash, than, any other establishment east PT west of the
MAell l clini.•• • P. BLUME,
Corner of, Peen and Si. Clair Al reels,
• sep 10 'Oosite the Pacharge Hote,l, Pittsburgh, PA.
W..F.vana's camomile .PlllB.
elgstilyterrss. 7 l.etter,from the lion. Abla',4u
lan,Sullivan Can aty , Bast Ten acane, hl em beta Congress.
,Watiattunim ittly 3d. 1838.
Sir—Binee I have been in thli city I have , used some of
four Dysperdic medlcineWith infinite , benefit and. . sails
faition, and believe . it to bed .brat valuable remedy. nue
of my sonsil Wants, Dr. A. , Cil.rder ! ,:of quint:obeli county,
Teaneesee.wriale to end ' Some. Which I did.
and be his nopkoyed it very successfully .in his practice,
and says it is •Irtvalusble. , Mr. '..3thrisonfiratte agent , at
thlt poisee,..stblaks yen would probably like au azenbin
Teionassee, if MO,/ Woold - reolommend.nr. A Cordaro. as
11-propei-per4up en officious for she sale of your celebrated ,
'medicine. ,Shouid'. yon ion't hlmlhe is witting te
net for you, You consent the medicirie by , wistar to t hes
camof'Robtort.Kindllr SOTS no xv itie county. Ten ney.
sae; or by land ito:Gfaham let - Houston,- Tazewell, East
Tentaistee.. hews notools , but If you hat agents Ira
severol counties It East Tennessee; a,Orront o deal of mcdi
eine inosid•.ha Bold; I. ant toingttolake semi of. It bonus'
for itty. oWst'stseiund; Sisal Int-. usytionds,l and , oboild.
likolthear ofrontyift,w-heclibc fon siztivid•like tin intent
, atiltuntvilhitflutlivambannbf.StratYabisfutools , tet.
immssittftbinsunthsvits , tOltoblbaytia ant-filet stoKr:ibtvei
Ycurs rotspoctfisilyio. I •
-I ' s !'ri • InAVltit HMV lIMLIIIMANtOf I*m:ism
seekilYF'4l4Notairkiallditilleiivtir I ; f.rt
- 4) itvt*ottl
' Pittsburgh, Jutie 13,1839:
lorta Datrauto:--Dessr Sir—W*l4 ,beets psieseisl;
yeffterday, at the experiment Which - yeti Veer* plersted;to
Make, in the presence of a onto* of outboabserismen,
Of the safOy of :loaf 'IRON' ettEsTii, in ease of Btre. tt
gives me pleaeure to Miy, that so farlis rwmtroaaibleo
judights, the test wag lair, and . the xastill, exCende4,mr.
expectations. , . „ T
The Chest was a small one, - goitt . 30 I riches high, by
about 13 or 20 inches in breadth an'et,depih, aird"Yras
cedcon a !dock of wood about a foot to thickness, so as
to elevate it about that height from the ground; several
!maks and newspapers Were deport tedrinside of It, in the
manner inwbich Merchants and; cqh:ers.tirOuhr
Mace theso- 7 a large, quant it y of, light, pine wood Lisinbs
"froin an'anlotitinigaw 'was' Then_ piated around
and above it, and the fire kindietfori. the windWarif ;tide.
sons tadrive the flame spinal, the back parl of iltecikest.
Th'e fire was kept up about three quarters of, stations,
(milt your had gone anion; the snectirtrtrs slid received
from them their universal nits)vitr , *bat the teat. was
sufficient. The, chest Was then drawn out of the fire,
and cowed, and opened, and exatifined, The contents
were air safe, and the only Injury done Was !Attie hack
of one hook which appearedtOlta a little cuarred. Prom
'what I witnessed, I think that These chests are desery
Ingot' confidence, as affording,,pdrhaps,lne hest security
to kierchants inr their books andipaiters, which they can
have wit hong Imiliting large, thick, and expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better security than many _vaults
which I have seen built. Your friend,
We concur in the above statement, having been pre's
sent when the chest was teste ,, .
M. Cooper, J. H. Shoinberger, Robe Bell,
J. .l aughlia, -J. Painter, . A. Cordell,
R. Miller, Jr. C. L. Arntetrtrng, A. Hoge,
Thomas Craig, S. 0; D. Howard, J. • Ir. Iloyt.
Extract of a Letter from l'agA 4 - .81v o r , dated Cie
cinnatt,29th Mar; h,1g42.
.1. Denning, Pittsburgh; Pa: 'Reopeeted Prieird: We
hoe the satisfaction to staters the best recoinmendat ion
we can Dive. of the utility , of your Iron Safes, t hat we
hati3 one of them which was in an exposed situation in
our counting room, at the time of the firs, on the morn•
lug of the lOtit inst. which censturned our Pot k.House to.
gether with a large portion of the meat, lard, /te, which
it contained; —and that our ltoOksand papers which were
in the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever being discolored.
Your, 4.c. • PUGLI AT. VI:AD.
Extract of a Letter front Slater 4. Holbrook, dated St.
Louis, Feb- 24tb, 1841.
MR. DlifiiiNcr, Dear Sir: One-of your STrrind size chests
was burned a few days ato, in a leather score--it pre.
seryed its contents. Itesneci fully yout4,
LIVER COMPLAINT cured.by the uge of Dr. Hat.
itch's compound Strengthening, and Aperient Mlle.
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Ptursoorol,ro., entirety cured of
theabovedistresslng`disease His symptems were pain ,
and weight in the left side, toss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the , stomach. sick head•ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed too citroncolor,diffi
culty of breathing. disturbed real, attended with a cough.
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of severnl 'physicians, het received no
relief. until min; Dr. Flartieles Medicine, which termina.
ted in effecting a pe - fect cure.
Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Llher
I y end Wood streets. sep 10
Febettari I s,'ltglO.
Dr. SWATHE—Dear F ir:—• permit . me to take the likrty
of writing to you at Ibis t ime to express my apprzbation,
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine--the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virsiniana, or Wild Cherry Bark. In
my travels of late I have seen in a g I eat many instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, ite.
ace. I should not have written this letter, however, at
piesent,although I have fe:t it my duty to add my testi
mpny to it for sometime, had it not been fur a late In.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was met ru
mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child,"
whose ease was almost hopeless, in a family of my nc.
cittaintance. .•I thank Heaven," said the.duatins, moth.
cr,.!my child Is saved from the jaws of deal hl 0 how I
reared the relentless ravager But my childis safe! -ts
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any
other country. lam certain I': ave witnessed more than
one hundred cases where it has been attended with corn.
plete success. I ant using it myself in an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it moved effectual in a ax
ceedlngly snort time, considering the severity of the case.
I ,ean recomeml It in the fullest confidence of its" superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it is, very pleasant and always beneficial--Wo rth
iipuble and often ten times its price: The public are as
cured there is no quackery about it. U. Sa.casoi, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbytertan Church,
Sold by WM. THORN. wltcdesale , retail, only anent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53,-Slarket street. sep 10
what wsll destroy Life. and,you are a great man.
Discover what will prolong Life, and tke world will
call you Impostor."
•There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us,
with which certain kerbs have affinity, and over whits!
they have power."
Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment,
which, by its extraordinary powerA, abstracts Pain or
Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffn . ess of ; the Joints,
'nmors,,tlnnatural Hardness. Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous em
largements, Tender Feet, and every description of In
jury affecting the . Exterior of the HuMan Frame, are
Cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sofigiestly
extolled remedy.
CERTIFICATE. --The following. letter from Major Gen
eral Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Rgine ,
dy, speaks volumes:
Dear Str—Will you oblige me with enoilter bottle of
your excellent Liniment? It le certainly the pest or the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
knee. about which sq unfasy,and I have found it,
productive of immediate relief in several cases of eater
nal injury in my fatuity, A few evenings since,, my
youngest child was seized. wit h a violent attack of Croup.
which was entirely removed In twenty esimtes, by. Flak,
bing her chemond.threat freely efith thin External Item.
edy. I think you ought to inattufa4ture this Liniment
for ,generni *lse, instead of confining the use of it, as you
hays Iterelnforedone,.to your ..particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, , , , •
Da. B..B.RAPinarts.24l.Broadway, N , Y
rpros. Fedora, 2.4l•Broadway, Sew York, and at his
office t Pio. 94• Wood street.,Pitisburgla. ,, PR L08—:..50 , cents
per Uottle.with sfireci burs.- -seplo
• Sinetrriav's OVirki;
• -• ttarrtahntt h, winst 24th, 1842.5
LONGlNG"TtPrtigirtATEL—Noilcie hrhefebrii
;yen that in pursuance of the inVenteenth,"eittlititeirthi
nineteenth and twentieth Sections WIN. Aet oCattisenibly
panned the 27th day nf.Juty. 18.42„propovala.witt heleet+ •
ved at the State Department untilthe tastdaroC
'her pep., fay. the .aale,4 and,nantt of„tita- camas and
anti; i hnade p beinsigine. to the Common*4oth,, I* which.
Stnie.£h or:h •at pay 7alue,, r111)?e,,iege1100 payaget.,....
Each indiciduafi)it Ompan3; is requited, eveCificitlty, to
style, the AatOiu4r,l4lV, cnn a I:.itond .which
thny desiretp, pnrehaae,,the 'awn nint',lSekr_ ciapepaire
bids Ittero*.theitycl) anti.autempv OntlAtiaceyned iq
the offey,,Anintherwith,theiy..pla`ce residence.
la, order_ 4ttiii:iga*-m4Y he 1 41 d bePa?-3PRAP4 4 PaeW.
Abe Ottkpojiatsitogik beAmmihNi.*Oirmt. ,7 111ritiPlik...to.' , Itse
Seoolo.7.6l,elitnitollikt94.wilk switaitkorsimitaaeit•the.
iiinik - : , akrikiwiisis=xfo* , .lll.;!lneelnitmarAP , Mk /Weak
041ritiK.r .- .4lFii-t;sl•44 , 4l , 4lroiseerilleiblifeol l
r•'.`: • .
-10 ii4Witrthoo:4loo - ,1*(1001/004* . '
. . • •. . .
rk , rzitisft-
~lis " ~~lt
ArlriartAYin..U9 'TARE A: ,
provided with thehef e t i ,
bills printed with a figure et ite
ful you sie , rot deceived by;,
gents et ating their bolsi° b.
Guard, when - they are Per tria l
The fitllosving is a Ilsi of lqn,
ty Guard , at the Par of Pnlobt l
tirei - on the list have the Iluarow,,
.appar a t s it it - is impossible for ate
MUNGO PARK, oiii o,
The traveling community tn.
before they •make a choice oft
and see whether it would nu II
and security to choose a eaftly •
passage and freight, In prefereas
against: explcslars—and that to
that this invention has the a,.
fifty' steam cliene buildere—ps•
it is to understand the sullert,nt
interested—besides a numbero" .•
tc gentle's en and of hers—all of I
my office, No 10. Water striXl,ll.
pleasure at all times to
'Who will lake-the trouble to tali.
sep 10 CADW
V The subscriber offers fur rik
etnt - rates; life greater part of ha
the cities of Pittsburgh and All. •
Brick Warehouses, nearly new,
situate; on Market street.) meets
bracing a front of about 54 fees by
sire, or separately luncht pnrcheen
Also, a select tmildinz lot In Alle
breadth, by upward of 350 feet Ii
front?, one on the Pennsylvania a
Washington street.
A leo, the Ito cntOnins, he short
by Overly 350 tem An depth,
:cant mansion house which !worm
Also, a lot with tsiksissibists
ate on t he corner of Dias Wings
a moderate ground rent, Wow sti
asa uneasy, AUL n •
Pen ; 10
11: - ens') nrgoods,liqualohy nlPht
Almost all kinds of Cosstry yak s
for casit or goods at H A Riclic
"P2l—tf Conan. is,ion Ws!
Ntrw YottiE;F:eb. 9,1842.
duce and American Amp
J no. Grier, Pittsburgh:
Aaron Hurt,
lames Cochran of R'd.
ino. D. Davis,
M'Vay 4 Hanna,
Avery, Ogden 4. Cn. ..
Woodbourne, Esq , Madink
Farrnon which I I've, it
Braddoelmfield, cOnlaining one
acres: shout 70 acres of which et ,
writ- limhered. There ore appal
and a' harn 6S feet by 34; an apple
Also; about seventy acres of rag
he equal to , that of .any upland
Terms made known on applienlirl
in the prem W I LLIAM
and •Pletwre Fr MO
'aura Street Pat:burg/L -0
tfc.,for Artists, always on Mid . ,
proinplly 'framed to order. g-' .
est notice/
Particular attention paid oi l
ery deseriplion.
Persons fitting np Siea Gut' s
theiradvantage to call.
WHITE LE/AL—The tuts 4
to furnish painters, amill
citate'pure White Lead made of
ranted equal, if not sorrel - toot :I!
A4l orders addressed to Malay '
Co . do. HO Second street,
attended to. -
Oft* St. o ome door frog
The" Sulweriber respecting it
Pittsburgh and vicinity that
tailing Shoes of his own mando
where he will keep constantly~
mcnt of all kinds of Indies.,m lA.
and shcieS. ante best quality'*"
ces to snit the times He will I.
kinds of fancy work—soelt rt
slippers, colored gaiters, sod 094
children's ellslers. silk gaiters , te.
will be made at the shoved
nee. - Ladlea will please cadent •
as the subscriber feels conddenide
day article to his Ilse they 10 1 1
aeP 10
S. POTil forget the ehi s
doer feom Barris's Intelligente
finer, Market Street
!rosiness of Mese k fin $ llll ,
Liberty street and 42 Marker
itanka to the numerous friends's!.
firm. for the very liberal sappOlt
tended to him, in-connection wit
wittily& tottmare them that girl 0 '
twit the coat inoation of
e tbe gaff)
PeatfullY Invite
~thelr attatlon
Llothing,which he latendasc lbet o
thtakhas been ever offered, helan
Out 'w_ttle of the stock of the il ie „t f
ethic.; aril as he,lnt'ends ta canfie
hnstittna, he feels confideld!
I.l,_orPans Ifforrb, either la cbrill!
,eintl of workmaneh i p •
raise to take noticelhat Wirt
Oiled in Titetnbureh-
QAtatti MORROW, lerw-if
P",...7 ~4•Jiiiiest Free Wareroo...j
wiiii fa ,hoiiet skrois...Ai pn
*hit lire-,At the •ehertteoA,*4l
#fffirlo*.ir6le4 elPhtl,#*.n
4ieigi: •=s , ' ~ -, - L A O
I O iffinfsO
..i iii, le - -= ,'•
7 -
0 * A 4
r: r t ,A en s
-, r wo ors
by Sews BoY
-at Wells. °
rote womb
" Tyro atoms
IFonr woof
Sls'inonthz ,
One Year ,
h • T rotor/at
'-; Els month , /
; one year.
;tele prerortlo
rd between Ain
4th door from
hn Wllloek, Col
between Fir:
m, Treasurer.
.ird street, ne.
h—S. R. Johns
,I;et r t . veen Ma
Fourth, near D
arket and W
Ac Tomas' Au
vin. Fund.) F
near Wood
I'ET.: 44
;der street. t
.r of Penn el[l 4
er or Third as
t : rsne t IneSS:11:
n Grant st.
rooms 10
ee* Penn a
,ton 4- Mack
ngllob, Fren
t Ft , Pittshor
: Office hl iI
rrnw, Alder
I ween Wo
W hpiesate
r in Pendne
e. 2.24 Libe
ed Cominios
bailie of the
up emirs
ices to the
reels, ahoy
are. No. :
•• CO.
nd I. •
11, bein.
nd pric
oat rer&
and for s
pp'y or La
different v
Ia at RED
Liberty p r
Buot and
Bt., neat d
id and Bat
the newes
; to be disp
and Fl
always he
Liberty 1511
al Mamie°
d Seed el.)
iberty str
WO by
isting or
eta. Eddi
nin; SI
N, Atte
mound, t
NKS, for
I ,rfeatb
,114 - at