Vini'V'zrat 1,11 The /416h:a .. ~k'~'-':: ,_ <~;:~ ®.~~ EINE JAlrEf..4.Rte TAXW NO? prtirrided with the Sidkry priated with a figure - or th' fat you are ala - dereived- isi !eats mai ingibeir haaista br , card, when they Are eat.• •The followlay, is mllst of boat', ty Guard at the per: off first - first cm the fiat have tbe, apparatas it is Impossible tor Re • : SAVANNA, -rot - RAR 111 N, ILL , NIAG A ck, " ORLEANS, CANTON.. LADY OF LYONS, tAtii ,y VALLEY FORGE;` . Itw • FORT PITT. . G A BREAKWATER; QUE EXPRESS MAIL, DUKE ; ALPS, BRI CASPIAN, ECU. IDA.VI wEsT WIND. MI .1 A R QU ETTE, ozpi t TAI LEYRAND, PEN ;,;• PANAMA, ROW! CICERO, • AGN4 , SARAH ANN, Mftst 1 NARRAGANSETT, SimA, AMARANTH, . • ogy , MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, 'Mt ADELAIDE., NORTH BEND; GA MARIETTA, ••:' BRUNETTE, : - COLt -.TEAM FERRY BOAT, • ' The traveling community are before they make a choice of atm, Wand see whether it would not . * and security to choose a Safety passaze ant: freight, in prefereiteei: t•ft a.n.t etplasion--and that titer • , that Ibis invention has the Mtge fifty steam en2ine builderp—gee s j it is to understand the saliert, e- et-est eil —hrsittps a numberof eel' rent leo en and others—all of • •• my office, Nn 10. Water Ftreetorkti pleasure at all times to tlbihil sy who will lake the trouble to call. sep 10 CA DWA VA (STAPLE REAL ESTATg The subscriber offers far salmi red rat es , the greater part of Mural the citlrs of Pittsburgh and Alit's , [trick Warehouses, nearly new. a situate on Market street .lerweea bracing a front of about 54 feet by 64 ire, or separately to Fcit purchasen. its. A Isn, a velem boildins lot In Alic .hreadth,b3 upward or 350 feet in frordv. one on the Pennsylvania ca Washington street. A leo. the lotrollotutow the shore. neatly 250 feet depth, ineistlivi . _ant mansion house I Mrßich -1,00. • • - " logs. " • A !Fn. a lot with twotwegtritsidicl ' f;9 ; on the corner of Illatititinittiendi ' a modern ground rattily - li* Will "asaarnnPry. -811 AI sep 10 ii- L‘La . I.X" SEED WANTED. — Uudi U rase or goats, a quaitity of Fin; A InaH ktnrip of Coonliy Frodote , t , for ra=ll or _Dods at HAR kirS 1a44 i” FPp 21 --1 f Commis:4o* Warrlo Tonsli ART, Cosatistiew di duce ail d America* Arawlit K ET TO.— /no. Grier. Eq., Pittsburgh: Aaron Dart, Oiehran Of s'd, " Jno. D. Davis. k Hanna, Avery. Olden 4- co. J no. Woodfiourne,Egq.,lgadber VALUABLE FARA FOR SA Farm on which i liVe. W Braddocksfteld. containlot one 11 acres: about 70 air'' , of which is • well timbered. There are vomit and a barn 63 feet by 34; an ipPle AliM, Zlhotil seventy *CMS of oab to equal to that of any. gitiaaA Terms made known on application in the premise-5. WILIAM"! -- WILLIAAI C. WALL. Pis 4 and Pittard Frites Fourth Street Pittsbureh. —CS 4-c., for Artists, always 011 had promptly framed to order- eat notice. Particular attention paid 10 • ery deserip , km. Tenons fitting ap Stadia Bona St theiradvantage to call. WHITE LEl.ll.—Tbe to furnish palatal., aid elle -chase pure White Lead lade or dit lamed equal, if not saPeriatit elli A it older. addressed tothiekilatf.", 4- co . Na.lloSecoad streidili*" attended to 1 / 1 . It DIES PASSIM/Aga -I" Fifth St.. ennierffrain The Subscribes storedlallf ... Pittsburgh end Tie:4loly Ike '"-. tailing Shoes of his ewe watie where he will keep COSSIIIIIII went of all Itlntittor isdlta. and shoes, of th e hest ittl*S ll-.. _ ,. ces to suit ttie times. He will sew kind* of fancy work. --web. * %, • elipperg, colored jailer's, sist VP children's &lidera. silk gaite llk4ll :joi will be made at the sheitest-Ph7o" ner. Ladies urIII "tease 0 61 - 414 ~.11 as the fnhStraN'T feels 6900,411.11;11 any article In his Hoe tbellalh , . 7.. ' MOO P.S. Don't Ontettbe'Ph lee r 7 5 . doer from MIT fiell itnaiiijelOr - from Markel Street. :.. vvit,Lt."ll.l4l4 lg.- business of WO, *.___ s i l o, l Liberty stre e t aed a ihisro- _, - thanks to the rem frievAs 10 firm. for the very liberal 10 1 ,0 11 , tended to hint, I* anliseellow ?..":- ' wishes to assure themtbst 001_, merit the eeatinuatlon sof the Or: Peettisfiy invite their *WO° wo Chnhtny.whiettbe it , - than hes been ever ofrOre i .„.• -.l e the w bete of the stoeig Or 11 7-,,_% sib* and as he letetoliteseor•-• liw cash bosideaahe feel' etti t t illea d , gurParibis ideas. eitticl: r, '.• ''' nem of workout:4oW eiiiii Please to Lake 1 .. _ . • tarlia is , - .., --.. QAISIFIKAWOOIIir4 sr ft. # , 4ko fr - . 10.10 in Ms ' lit_thir-...01 i ii _, Pril of wootos 4 _igaW ir ll SICOSBer - - - i Ifikkeieli#l,o BE mt ly errl N 0.46. UcHED BY ups & W. IL SMITH; O F WOOD 4 - FIFTH STS. D oLLI6S a year, paysble in rWO CENTS—for tale at the o d by News Bays. and :Manufacturer b i • al the same race, on a double 1.0 )LI, Ans . a year, in ad. stX CENTS of Advertising. TkveLve LINF.S Oft LESS- 0 ,50 1 i iiiii month, $5.00 0,75 I . Two mom F. 6.00 IA 1 Tarte months, 7,00 1.50 \ Four [non , tis, 0.00 3. (X1 its moult-lu, 10.00 4.0 One )ear, 15,00 ADVEIITISEI ENT'. BLS AT PI 11.A5 TrC R K. o Squares 4.001 six months, $23,0035,00 ; -,00 Orpe year. mentl in prnrontion. Sty oui,r.kei9 a year. OFI'I G E S, &C. Th,rd ice, reen Market and Wood rCW ma , er ler. 4 11 door from Rood st. Pet er- John W Mock, Coliector. 'ood between FirA and Second rt-am, Treastitr r. Tiled street, next door to the rt . Johnston, Treasurer. etween Market sod Wood t Herne. !GE. Frrirth, near Market BASK:" - ; n 'Market and Wood streets. on Kt,. TrnERS . •ND FARMERS' DE- Sacto: Fund.) Fourth. betwt.en nr-1 r \N ood Vt'a“ , :, rent . near the Bridge. trr" of Penn :toll St. Clair. suer Of Th,,d hod W ood . en, of Titlfd and Sdll4bilt.l.l. P , of rono :t•efa and Canal. lay ilt, , , near Seventh. r,e,l.enetly '•-'1 op•oo-O e 11M yne Vlnr=y.l`eni, :`,,t nw,,e;11.- , Canal - - -.- - -- 1)$ ATTORNEY AND R AT LAIL— , dwe rrino on G ant ,i , neal!y opposite neat rooms In Jelin il. NI a h 0,,, F•'.l , 10 ro OTT, )1. U•— f rerooCOd Ortretx • s prestro Nl7ll - kr v. iv b.desale and Cn: . 1511. F F•c - h. a! d DomPinr tkei . plO MgCLURE, Attorney: and Law iilfiv t . the Diamond. Lark turLiti. stip 111 nffoie IMO li tem:en Wood and Smithfield :pp 11.1 T, • R rri,f, in h Yo 224 Lilrr. r, S:rert. Pltts• sPio 10 Irris DILWORTH f • 11;1 11 ',_, No. 29. s..p I() ROI3INS3IN. V , oroev vorlh•lir 10.tipPl , ri.ilet oe sep 10 MIZE A W . , ney at Lax% f.t.rvlre , 10 rn t pu111,.. C ffirP rot Sureli.. ahoy! D. 1,1 o) s , .p 10 t mo , - r. of 1 • 0,1”, “” 1"1:‘ , 1 , 1 .1 (; (1).. ~,,,uu rp 11,...t A' Xr A'.en. ha , 111,1111, u ill find it Ire a rali. Iwlnj ,aleshed (hal 5, "P 10 .—Jusi re, rwril Mrhoice Mol ted and ior ,o ch,op by dn. IS k ‘r II A ERIS, No 9. Filth st Land,n li's Fr.-sti Rat .et diiferf at v,irleltes of Turnip .1 sale at RED:T6O PRICES at the F L. SNOWDEN. $4 Lilwrly F.rel t, head 01 Wood. Ve.,w and x , lloe AlauufaUO- Ihfit., next ttrmr to ttir U. States . id and Satin Shoes made ;a by th^ nevrest i French patterns. 31rLTIcALTLUS. in lute to lit _rs; to Le disposed °City F. L. SNOW DEN, 4 Liberty street. head of Wood. lowers and Flower Seeds or ev n always he bad at the Drug F. 1.. SNOWDEN, Libert i street, !wart or Wgod. nual Mammoth Onion seed, for and Seed store of F: L SNOWDEN, Liv.erty Qtre. t, head of Wood. MN' SWEET POTATOES, received by F. L. SNOWDEN, IR4. (Aber' y head of-Wood st ns o , t 2 of Hoes. Fancy Spade? 1; , ohor Tools, {Wilding vat,ls ! Shears, etc.. jest re r. L SNOWDEN. qteet, head or Wood. . —J termed a Small sup. I , cured Veniso n Hams, on Teton money. CIOMMERCIA I. A UCF lON ROOMS, Jiro ISAAC HARRIS. /Igen?, ; 110 Word Street, 'Pittsburg:A.—R. Bausinaili: and COM. Merchant Anctioneer.and Commission Merchant, is now pre - minted Ito receive and sell all kintliotGoods and lnerehsndise, v " Reed. Orchard Grass and i at iiia large and eipacionsiooms. NO- 110. Atorth Bast ' Grass, alivs)s on hand and Voir Corner of Wood and •Fietkied reel. Pia uMh.' P. 1... SNOWDEN. j Regolarsales of Dry Goods. Portlier*. Groceries and Liberty street, bead of Wood. I other articles; on Mondaysand Thursday of each week. i Hardware. Callers. Dry Goods; arid Fancy articiesi r ,'im NAN. Attorneys at LAID. office ! Teesday..Wedomiday, and Thursday eveoinge. D.autund, to "Attorneysitow," Books. tc., every Saturday evening. . between Market and Wood j Liberal advances made on 'Consignments when. anted. set, Mesars. Jelin D..lla.vta. Kal-r, s , ANKS, for proceedings ist tr. Ravi! ey - Smith. "' e late taw, rOf sale at this Office, J.. Hampton. Smith; 4. Co. otT-------'---L—,—"—tleeNortl) East corner of coai F j: Wl 4" . B nZ itrhr k ish Cil e:cl" ; rent A prd) w 'T.INCTO 11% -ket . near 9th st- S. Ca pt; __ ittrnseri, Esq. 3min M 'Padden Logan Si. reinedy., ' ' Moorhead 4+ etk ,•tas.,•l!, Stuar,t, . PARTN • Tt i,i, 1 'Robert Oaltivay . ,Esq: ':ctigore existing hetween Wlfr 1 'O , Eritrid 7 li l Allat. IMPWElLltiottissky Isent. IXgriyii aititeriaeri . 9 .. 'lam in sewin g up* 400 . 1 1 491 ; "" *.' ILIAA.k. ittOrr; . /* I r, - FgagitlONOlf:* B EN-- salllk -••••=A-; 21; . . It's PrF•nCi Z:egar Beet 'eeed.joet i for sa.,e at the Drug a nd Seed F. L. SNOWDEN. 1 34 bettyLl ftreet, Dead of Wood.: - .1 e:;s I ' ' 1 1 I r 1 '' - . . f -: ,eIYI4 . , ~ .. , .-,..Vi -,j , • : . r: - ''., •'• t.: - :. , ,. - • .. `I t :••. , t 1 ' . 1 :: 1....7•••' .; ~i .?. ..,-,.;;', ..: , .::, - • . , . DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, O.Fce i - Satit#: field, beti!mt Seca and Third Sta., set) 10 MIVIKUKOR.- J OFI P NSTO I N , rST,O,CliTo,;3ll4?akevitssn:T'iliiiirrltatA TDON ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water sti. J near the Monongahela noose, RD islurgit • • eft 10-I'3' LEONARD S. JOHNS, Aldertorm,St-Clatr street,se cood door from Liberty. sep 10-17 r. Da. S. R. HOLM Seeond street, twit dolt . to Al ulvany 4 Co's Glass Warehouse sep SKUNK ¢ FINDLAY. Attorneys at. Law, Fourrt4, near the. Mayor's Office, Plitshnrch. imp 10-4 THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney al Law. Firth, between Wood and Smithfield stn.. Pittshureh. nap 10-1, fiILIG If TONER, Ano , ries at Law. North EaA corner at Smithfield and Fourih suers. sep 10-1 y Tl7O/IPsnig TV, ............ • ...JAXILS TeR.NI3IIII.. HANNA 4 , TURNBULL'S Paper Warelmose., 'No. 114. Wood ST., where may he had a eeneral supply 01 vvrPine wrappine. printing, vrall•paper, blank brioks. school hooks, /cc, e. scp y nit C. TOVk' N'AEN CO.. wire Workers nail 1. , „ Manufacturers, No. 33 Market street, bet mien . td and 3d streets. Sep 10--1 E XCIIANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and .1. Cliir st cKIBBIN 4- SMITM cep 10-1? IG METAL —77 tons soft Pia 7i1..tal for s:ile by J.G. A .GORD )N, - No. 12 Water street: o 6 11 ifiCia LBS. B %CON A % IS. 16,000 Ills. e,o *JP, NJ Shoulders, for safe by J. G. 4 A. GORDON. , sPr. 13 N 0.12 I,,Vaier streel,e. J ►S, PATTErtsoN, Jr.. Bicmineham, near Plilstittrth, -Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. /Jinxes and Belts; To -I,acco, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; douses Screws 0:)r Rolling. Mills, 4c. sen 10-4 yi JOHN WC LOS KEY itorand Clothier, hittemy st.eet, between Sixth alio Virgin alley, South side. S+'DIO JW BUR 118.1 DC t: 4 CO., Wlfolc-cale Grocers and Commis...ion Fl e hants, SICOO d street, het wedn Wood and Smithfield As., Pil . - hergh. y sep 10— ly y G 4- 4. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding . M , •rehar.!s, Water st., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y Cr A M casks linn,g, n good artirie 4 rereivert ner B Corsair, and for sate by J. G. - A. GORDON, sep 10 No. 12. Water street Qt7G &• l'llOl.lF-F.F.St --40 New Orleans Su k. 7 ear; SO obis New Orleans Moras-e-4-1 for ley Sent() .1. G. 4- 1. GORDON; Sur; lihd; prille N. 0. S.ifar, reeved nrr S- R Maine. and for.s.ale by J. G. 4- A. GORDON. Fen 10 No. 12.. Water street 50BACON CASKS,in order, on bond rind for nn by sep IQ J. G. 4- A.GOR DON. No. 12, Water st QUG A R AND MOl. ASSES.--I 3 and 4)? Is N. O. 1. r. 32 bbl s N. O. ‘lol:l2:Sez.r.-rrived ver .slearnhoat I woorler. nn) for sabp by J. G. k A. GOIIOf N. a. BB LS. LA 1) OIL. for sale hy 'E. A. FA IiNESTOCK 4- Fen 10 corner of 6th and Wood 1631 P A PERS Germardown Lamp Black for oak by B.A. IP A 11NESTOCK Br rep 10 corner of el I§ and Wood sbk. 0 U$S Pre red for vnte fv w B. A. FAHNESrocK 4 earner of 6; and Wood sti QUG AND MOLASSES.--450 bias. N. 0- Sogat, ki 25 bits. do. do., 100 do. l'iaotdii..o :11,31:,F5e. far 1. G. k 4. GORDON. No. 12 Wolee sireel. -.lie by -ep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, o be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on z”nd p:t ner.and in the forim approved by !be Couri,for sale 0 we Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 Iklki N. BBA I,lthes' fashionable 11 , 001 and • shoe Ni anufacturer. No. lul. Third street, het wren Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 Kx.ts BUCH)IASTER, AT'RNEY AT LAW, ha= reiniivi4l his OfflC P 10 the corner of Fourth -1 ',et and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Gratit Pit tsburaM seri 10 -FOR RENT.—Theriwelling and lot containing. 4 . acres, in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road,lately ocrupiedltv M r. Fncrinet Church. Apply at the Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DENNY. sep 10 Cashier. t ft D AVID SANDS, 11 ATCLI,Ze. CLOcKf MAKER, Na. 95, Mal ket street, Plit,s -4_,, be! ween Fifth and Liberty •sireeig.,. DEALER IN W. 5 TEL LES, C LGeIiES;BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, _COMBS. Pert 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A iii!H simply of Lanateth's !Careen Steeds, always pn hand, and 'for sale at Isis agency, the Dro2 store of 'F. L. SNOW DE Fer) 10 184 Liberty street, head of Woad., DB. DAVID WARD ha: his office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court Houne, second dwelllng from floss strcel. Ile will faithfully a: lend 2ii ealls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should'he' made at the door above the basement. sep VIP EMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Barter and . Hair Dress• er, has iemoved to Fond h gt reet,'lmposile Ihe MSy , a - artifice, w he rehe will be happy to;wait upon permaneM ur transient customers. He solicit sa share of public sat Fep Ak W A RD, DENTIST, renir st. three' W door below Irwin street, Flours of business. from 9 s. X., - Until 5 P. 11., alter which time he will etteud to no one except in mzes of aeitial it/mm=l;y. ie would further inform those who may think proper employ him, I hat he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part oft:et - Win:in bills. sep 10 JOHN M'FA RL UpAasterer attd Cabiliet .11f-ker, Third at. betwet* Wood k Market. street,, respectful inf,rais his friends and the public that be'fis prepared to execute all meters for Sofas, Sideboards. reaus, Chu irs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and ?prime MattrassesXurtains, Carpets, all worts of uphotneri f i g work, which be will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. Pep 1 , sal Beeler pmts... *,ave;ao ., • orminsraunx S4.4IeZINISLL , , ter. T_TAE , commenced her regular tripa, and will rtkrird 131r,lie pandnye et .oe - al) Liatee3""teiitir it s dock A. Ikl.„ . !ealres PitisbArgh r at 30'04k 1!.. 10..citta h t,ea ileaVer it h the • -- - Pennsylvania -and Miss Line of Freight and Packet Canal boats between ileaver, and . Cleveland Ohio, and Oreentriile,. PeonsiThic 'Leaves Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with two thity lines On the Penasyftrezihi ' canal to Pilitidel. phis, and wall the New York and Ohio Uncoil the,g.rie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal, al so with steam freight and passage boats, brigs sad schooners, on the Later. The proprietors Or this well known line will he prepare-it cin the op ifit of naviga tion to transport Merchandise' to any or the inlermedi, ate ports on the Pennsylvania and.Oblo.- and: Ohiela• nals; to any port_ on_Lake Erie, and the. Upper Lakestto and from New York City and Philadelphia; PiTTSBURGEI 4 CLRVELAND LINE STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, - B. OcUBS. - Jeltutier. RUNS daily :fgu inlay s except ed,) between PiTTS. BURGH 4- BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh tit 2 P. M. provida roitk Evass's Safe ty Gaard.lo prevent Eaylosion of Boiler*. . This splendid and fast running Steam Boat bas Just ncPn coniple; ed expressly for tbis'xiude, aind runs in onnert ion with CLARKE k' Cis Pittskirgh. and MOO daft Lute of. PREI6II4 - A1415 PASSAGE BOOTS, deity to Cleveland. Okie,, Or down the Ohio canal to alas-icon,-*e. and Erie Ex tension Lint to reeeville Tte Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and-from Pittibureh dispel, and the 'husine4 colidiretedto the Most prompt and tconontical system. Baying s connec tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running "clown the Ohio river; also, through our Ageots at Cievetand. with ^..M. Reed's Sieanibtrats-and several Lake - PM ... bets, and the Troy gad 51tehiean and Buffalo Lake boat Bare on the Erie taimt, we a..e prepared for the transportation of Frp ieht to anti from all points on the canal, its: takes and the Eiv-r, or the Ea.iern cities, at prieetias 'ow as any other line. Apply to 0. M. Harlow, N 0.55 Water at, or at Steam. boat Michiean`s Landing. Pittsburgh. Clark. i f Co. Beaver. Hubbard Weatheebee, Warren. Wheeler 4- Co. Akron: Thomas RicAmprti k co, Cleveland RIEFICR TO J- P.. Wick Ch., Greenville: W. C. klaten.Pharou, • R. W. Curn.ringham. New Castle, John EC irk. Youngstown, • John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell 4- Miller, Campbellstourn; Babcock A- Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4. D. Rhodes, Franklin; H. A. Miller 4. Co,. Cuyahoga Frith.: Welisman 4- Whitehead, kiamillon; Gnrdun 'Williams. 4- Co.. Det rolt ; . Kinne,Envis Cn., Enffalo; Cowing,, Rich_ mond, Williams 4. Co.,New Yr:irk, Sip 10 Nn. 12. WetPr RI reel • HIGBIr—Na. 121. Corner of Magni Front Streets, Pitzeitxrell, has on _hand a Complete sortnientof Giticerezvvare suited' to the rity.lor country ands. Al.m a choice select ion or pore while and gold hand DINING AND TF.AWAIIE. in large or small sets.- or separaie - pie. - ei ro slid prirchasers. A east of 46. 60. or . S 4 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware. at very low prices. Toy Teaware. plain, sod rich painted and gill, from 1.00 to $5.00 per set Children's Mugs of every description . White China Shaving Mugs. ; • Granite Dining at d Tea Services. in white and with splendid American scenery printed in hive and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Brealtftval &Alf, imported to mateh. complete, Fite Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass. in all their varieties. Window Glass, of every clef:. Patent Packets, Tubs and Keeler... Slone Pipe Heads. r. All of which are respectfully offered to the pub. lie on the most favorable terms. Jan 26.1842.,-1y TJ. Fox A LDEN Attorney and Cowl setter at . • Lam. C fft rs hia profeoinnal cervices to the izens of,Piiit-Intrgh and hopes for a share of pnblicpat ronair; fie wilt exernt eon kinds of Writing With neat nee= and dispatch. Ca=es in hankrnptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office In Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. T homas O'Neil, to whom he refers., sep 10 - T. J. FOX ALDEN'. DAVID CLARK, .40. otishionable Boot 'Maker , lir removed to No, 34 MUrket . sirert. between second and Third street., where lie wou d he happy tei.Str• ensiomm.s..and all others nho feel dispos, ed to patronize tint. He uses nothing hni first - role stack, and employs the best-of workmen; and he Ones his eob , tant personal attention in besiness, he trtiscsthat he will deserve and rrceive a rah share of patronage. 1 • UITS, ICE CRE cosFEcTioNARY.—, A Hunker re_spect fully informs his friends and the . public that they can always find - the best quality of Ice rreams. together kinds of confectionary and fruits. in t heir sea.son. at tits establishntentNo..ll. Fifth street. betweer. Wood and Racket. N. 13.—Parties supplied on the shoritt with cakes; ur anything in his line. ramiliel "furnished with Bread. stp • JB. cu,TamE, Auctioneer and Vim!lags' rehant. No. 106, citriter of Wood i> ro,A Pitts burgi: la poolnird 'Oiii ofttio , naction.: eers foi the City of Pitsburgh, tentiers hisaervires to to , r hers, manufaci nyers and dealers: nheisun} , - be.firiwtted toinake trial of this market He is prepared to make . a dva nem cons4romenr,s of all. smtirMile firr:ooli% and trusts to sati,ty„ correapondents by quick sales r and -• speedy 'and frivnroble : returns: That the veriOttS Inkemts .which may Oe.erMeded him, shalt he' arkanately prittecied. be Wings to the aid of n expeyiettee in .busineastiad ocitistiorniee with' merchandise generalty, the services of 14x.„ 5 1 . 81 v!" F•Ermtssocit; heretofore advantageous!!! "It'n'otiin, as an importer and deafer in Hardware "and - Cat:ery, with whom a permanent encasement-1i made. - : ( - W.411 'S CAMOMILE PILL LS;.—AltitA• AA HAM J. CLEMER, F residing - at 661110tt street, 14enr;york—ama.,,a, M iqttli F 49 IPlPPtiktia:"! la - if 'me tom: TU. symptoms, were violent head ache, great Alettilityt',lCiei. -. -iostlireniate; , lkirn. pain in the che...t anditnruacttatirmys_after eating, paire4 agpetite, , peasation • sin kJ% at Rae atAntee;lii lurrglitath,iMa§ea;'witif tletvient Vortaitine-' ?IV feillOtelr;: - These 111/11 of a twelvemonth, whert„on Co '11, 1 11". 4. 1101 a " el d r rera testortif e rit heit " lr ts it tn. M.41 13 ,_,____10 40 . e10 1 630111 ! e0 14 glance sastrara wohastr - r44_ , * ( 1,04 inmate aid siwor ... -4 4 •- . fro.te.waed . . ri5.04,4 `1 die; 714 - I" MEM - .• 4r- r"--rlir" ••= - ' `•'• 4 4 `• • • `•-' I' ' PITTSBCII NOV m f oß tE rvo,..„: pw A ro. . = - re; . McClure COiricey'.Beaver. Pa., Cobb Wormer it Ca, OleVerood, ' - • • Rees 4._ Taylor. Warren, 0., - ProPTieto 4 .:. JAM ES:A. VEAZY, Agent. No-60 Waterf_Oieeet; REFER TO Illessrs. D. Tiernan, Pree4.olsll. 4. id. 1 •. Darlington 4. reebtits, 4. Robert Calivay, .• Salami M. Cooper, " James May, g. .Riddle, Win 'Robins:sm. Jr. Pres't • , of Ezehanie dank.. - •' nalnPlo°.s,Plol,4- 1). Samuel Church, • J. K. Moorhead. - Jas. W. arown - * co. .. John B. Brown, 4. co • Sitaalitt 4- it totey.: !frill' , 4 - 4Ner.a. John - 11 . -iffdd!e, ' .400 paue9; • - 4314KIVESt TA : brat ft* PtUr. ere Jur rilliarestro*te : teeeennteded ttt , the nOlO et the ladies ae "Mae nd edietent remedy in removing thrift eirinftlaintis peenonr.ta sex. from -rune( ex ereineitiri gene -nil deldi ler of thertiteal. "They 'Obviate emitiveiese, magi eotioterect.l4l.llyidmicilitteid= Verson kacitiak 'Title/se' 'Pills have the szinaion'a ad aPI,II OO O I , n •ft 1 1 frelniEst Jearitient ttigabdatis tit Lb? thii led Slates and many Mothers. For vale Wholende and Rem& It. Ei - SEttElt% teP 10 - = 20 7 Wood,Siteei, WWI! peened. • WM. Alliani at tot .0•41 Abase, Likely St..' , • - - - • • "eppsciiretke •f 'P./reship: A rc_ The subscriber basing besinit opt tbeistoeit -of 'the late 'Montt; lialferli, demised, has commenced bashoss in eiretdd• staid: of. Skit anti is 'prepared to' 'execute all descriptions of work in his line,. in the hest manner surfeit the sittiriest Tinkles. Bekeeps corstaility on hind !meat ,r4fdme• fin d fags Of alt descriptions and orth ° gni*. He solicits the patronage of the nub iie mitt: ' : • vim. A D• A /R: sep 0 - , , • „ D , ITTSBIIRGIIIIIM4IIV.,,CTICORY- 4 Peilite , aid Azies Or eirrioes at Elsrern, PI M. Toeintlderibt l / 4 vmmutiofactivri' and' keept ebnstantly on ban ' Coach,C andlßlptle Bprinp (warraniled,)Jartiala fr kites; Sliirerabll d Brain plated Dash Frame s. ,rass an r irt*imi Malvflands. Sra mo Jolnta,,Faterri Leather,' Sitair and' Brass Lamps. Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron i tklor Elaiidlesiarid , ft 'rites, 4-e .4.e• - H - M.Sgt.LERS I M. D., office and dwe ll ing in Foonn, .. pear Ferry street. sep IS—Ay Tire at tent ion 4.thw e who have _been someWbat seep. tient in reference to the numerous certificalol published in fay* of pr. Ewa:title's Coitinetind Syrup a Wild Cher ry, on account, of the persona iteirtr unicktollM in 1 4 111 sec ties of the Rt,te 1s Ipeetfullidirecteil fo the following, eertilehte, the w rher of which his been..a cit izen berms* ibr several ,gears, and is known as a gentleman of intergrilly and responsibility, To the 2gest, Mr. J. Kielty. I have mutt) Dr.'Swaine's Comp and Byrup or Cherry tor a cough, with which I hare been severely 4tir• illeteit for about four months, and I have op, heattatisri in sapleg.tliatiittalhe.moateileetieeidtellfrmethatl hat;it been able to procure. It c omp osee all uneasinesa, purl agrees Wei with my dlet.=and znantains a regular end good appetite. I carl freely recommend It to aU Others similarly afflicted. J. llltattica, Borough of Chamberslnr. March 9. 1g46. my; et; For sate by WILLIkIH Timll74' No. ,53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL . pEaISONS _desirous of procuring Fruit, Shade. and Ornamenial Trees, or Bhrobtierv,frpiar Philadel pHs or New York,'‘itie requeited to Make application as soon as possible. At the Dyttg apd Oied-Fioreof the Fah: scriber, ivhere con be t /tail citalognev, gratuitously, of the Ilinst,..grreftept: rtrietifit. • F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 21 No 184. Liberty street ,head of Wool --, U: S: iliti.kiiii.k iibk.f - 0 4.g Ifir - air 7 4 14.#porietioit of .1144iendite . a natifrine; Pitinnnork,/,taltiaserat,Pititaday lea Throngitt in t. 14 "shortest time. 9[lB Silo hell SlallMiPortable Boas Line, Is eottipase.d bf taints /Milt In four sections. each section capable of containing seven fond. and susceptible of being separate or delehed and I ronsferred from l l'a nal to Rail Road; Hos, as 11 iverc;rafining, a complete train of. Cars. or. presenting the, novel appearance of a Boat sailing tin land and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned by re shipping at the severaijnerions and . ter nil s' of Ca oats and Rail Roads. the expense of transhipment and the damage he goods ,ustain by . fret - pent handling; and rendering it impels:the to separate lots of- gooca way— -owing to the peculiar construction of the Boat having fear separate apartments in which goods are !do: red, renders them tess'ltable to &triage woods by water or otherwise than by drip other 'mode of t ranspart al log. The system of recommended by the Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the Stale, refers particularly to this class of floats, The Bums of this Line are owned by responsible captains that run t item, and is the only Line now in operation free from monopolies or combination. Goods consivied to the undersigned agents will be re ceived free of commitnden and shipped wi Chord delay at the lowest rates. A d charges paid and every Intl ruction promptly attended to:- C. A. BrATULTY k Co. igls. Canal BaAn. Pittsburgh F. P. POPE. Affent. 75 Rawly's Wharf, Balthnar4! TfiOS BORDRIDGE, AhentPhila. ,01 . 1 16—if ' MARBLE OF AtlTittl riel(Cavtlielif re spectfully acquututs his friends and the public zee-. erally, that he has commenced the Alarble hgainess 1t I fin corner of Fipb anti tdberlysts..where wittte constss , on hand. temp stones, mantel piereAs. :Ryon men's. licaA and fool stones. table Mali's for-cabinet Ware, and every an tele unpert the hosjness. BewlU wirraut work to heteell done, and his elitirseS trill he moderate. He respectfully asks 4 share of-suLtle- sea lO JAMES A- VEAZRY,' Formaisting etTlit Commission Moroi;Fot, Agent for* Steamboat ,Cleveland ,Intd Pehnnylvania arid Ohio Line Having rented Ihe.wa rr hottiqt fpftherlY•ottruttivdti.r • nirloingbait Nv.6o Wafer Street, let wean Wood anditroithfiteld,ia,prepared,. In receive and fOrtviiid goods to any port on the ()Maur Mini ainpi river on rpa.aonatdvtercps. Itefi /0 o• P. 41? T.tvE*st#P.—;64.- P. smith 4. R. Eltratplotr, haidng raiumiated thenwelyrs together under the firm. of,Hanipton IQ Satith; I:lll4.ontinile the'whider,ale Thy Goads business in he house rere.ttllY ottliPied by Hampton, Stitith 4 - Co Where they Will he receiving in a few dayaa nem *tack off:lll9nd. WißtuitHotia. , They tespertfatty idvlie their old friendr; and mereltanis elm:* entity, viapiug : flifstatrgh,' to oat khd !..tixaridniZtheir ' atth.a, 50t.28.7113m.- t.. _ • t- ° Portiliickatkorm - Sealei on wheels, weigh 240011 e, at. ao do do d02,0054t 11,45 00 do = °- do' = _ 95 bo do do , do do 1,000 it!' XI OE .do do do do 590 at2s 00 , With randurteeers an atiditiou of fate eer.h scale r Drartratiartabis the?heillf - Watettiteierti :Floating MiPibAP-4,hefaullTylieWilbistrer, " 1 71 PUtent Counter Scale, with 'O. ypianCa imitrovetneuta, and a variety of other coos - ter , ' sttaates,= which they will aeitfor.iraut - - Thly ..olgo•AnaOordclure, fteeht,,plineofot,fdyndaier 66're'lltitii.,:galt ° works. double and. ailtiLit 64 , c.d glideWhot4oviourietWitilt*floi k idivitt' 'Cheat* , tuathines for tesahtlwi-ehaire„--atirtuittg -machines; door nd • "4, 1 4 1611 . - p, . 46010 9 I:04E11M N Se. (Nair 51.. near r 1 e Alteeheny Bruise 1.()0K At - This TREES IDA! rEEPRISE. = - - ~!, , r- . :.., : 1t1 , :',;^:::'..ii,', . - ' , . ; ~,,,,....:„. ~......,_ 4 t : 4,, • . .. PROSPEC'CIIS Fir *saliskis* 41:kicitt /Vs. , City of Pitts DAILY ORNIN4v POST. friFlESubters hiving made atiangemonts.lw mole ' the Maitican Valtocitirer ;ad I'lttsiturgh Mercu ry into one lorianat hate concluded ta politiA a daily paper with the title - crtbe" DaLip,llporsisg- p a st.. The leading - object the "Posen will be the ltssemina • lion arid defence of the pont lei' principles that have bete: togyre bekt maintained by the Edittirs, in their resit... Wye Papers, and their best cifiiits Will •111 be devoted to the advancement and silccesa of those doctrines. Although, ill pOlitres, the paper be ,thosoughty 'democratic," yet the Editors Appe l bygiving an honest, candid history of , passing ..Political events, . Foreign anti Dente:nit inteltilmice,attilltrief unlit:en of all, mat leriandriaems tierces - that il•operty within the settere - ore Patine doertraf; io make thehr paper sufficient's , in cresting to entitle, it to the patropnge of the, public, it "ielipetil lee of Party considerations friaddit ion trithepolitical-and general news that .1011 'be found in Ihe Post," the Friitors will take tins to Curili.ol--.lke.--imsineties„-cessessettils—with the - tatestand most „tetc.mting.oeunatter L Isvet.u.- MINC.a from all parts ofthe country, and to have prepa red such accetrafsiatthe - Markeis and tinc.State.of Trade aa-witibtastenntegeons to our Merchants and' Business Men in their several • • Teents.- - -The Post will be pnbtisited on a large imperi al sheet of fine mtper4ersaufactered especially for this 'warns!) at the anosttally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS 'per annuti.payable in advance. It will also be sold by newsboys at the low rare of TWO CENTS' a copy. Advettisemients wilt he inserted at the lowtst rates charged by the tither deity papers of the city. fitr-TW ENTY a Mitre lads are wanted to sell the Post, who witl he engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.H. SMITH. August 31, 1842. ( - ILP ESTABLISHED EMIGRANT OtTICE, NO. RI 'SOUTH STREET v 'NEW YORK. iirevi; Yea ortd L t iasrpsei Commercial Lineof Packets, Salting irsekfir.— Thellinfisciitter would - respectfully inform such .pecrOns residing ; iffthis country - as are • desirotis for pending - fin 'nth fiiends to come out from tne old- country. that be rontinlieli ai astral to make engagements by which pus ,iengcrs are f tiroinzht out on very Moderate:WTlns, its.Flrst snllins from Liverpool weekly, and would vsare_ pecsoolt detiiiitut of coming by - the aboVe Line, that as agents of first respectability are engaged at Li - erpoull, there Will be no detention whatever Ut that point. IS' aim prepared at all llama so furnish Sight. Dmfts for any amount to et* st in preparing patmangets for the voyage, payable throughout the United Kingdom, ard in case, the pa rti el agreed for 'lipoid deelne coming out, the titiMage money ?hall• be refunded without reduction. For farther part icutars apply itby letter to 41 - 1111EAT'S ILF:OF.PENNSVLVANI A. LANDS, c., Air AU --Will CTiON. be wad . hy Politic Auction, witbout reserve. for CHO. 10 CioSe I/1C COrlterpi ankle 'Agit of the Moilhorough Chaitel, in Bogon, on Tuesday ; the foam, 44 r _ of pcioher nett; coionlencini ea 'nine of the clock in the forenoon, . . All the property of the tlnittni' States Dim! Company c Ina of about _ . . 140,000"Nrrs4 OF good and weft watered Farmins and qrazin z and . yery . valvahle Timber Land, lytnu son', Atekran and Clearfield counties,• in the Slate of pennytvactia—on:paris ofwliieli there is abundance of Coal, Lime and Iron Ose,and.uraolr iitseats; • And ofClaims agPiniit sundry persons for land sold yin in said consitle., that are considered rood. And or Stock and Tools on a Farm in the township, of Bradford, in ihe bittuily of McKean, In said State of Pennsylvania . . The hmd will be gold in Ints to snit purchaser?, coo. mining. Mini about into 5000 acre.. Fairther particulars will be made known at.the eale,or on inquiry of the stibceriber. at No. lt Long Wharf— Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants' Row in Boston—or of etitterof the Trusteesof the said - Uniled Srales Land Company. D. B GRIGGS. President of the United States Land Co Bos : ton, AngnA 20,1940. (art) 10) BY Mnerisnn ¢C.Lupdon, .;forsalc only . by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pillaborgh Pa. and R. Harwood, Beaver Pa. ma to la sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. amp 10 'VA RI% # 7 O SA Ly r ,Tiin n ndersigned,olre is for in a tract of land Sitioaled4 mile; fiGni ereepoit, In the Aireetion, of .Kittan,nfn•. Buffalo Armstrond eon nty. rontafning 100 aerfi. 65 cleared and ander good fence:;;lo tor whlnn are meadow— a good riprare ;log dwelling !muse/IT - 1 cabin_barn err.etrid tlylreon-,.an apple oiebard of 80 hearing treei—lnd a spring of rxcelinra . Ira* er.c , lnvm!ell. l 1 9. 11, e,hoffie. • FOR TERMS apply to the rt*erkhers residing Slijisorks *rube Peonsitvanin eanit, cioe'ntiove Free post .-- trio THE WISn -t is now well understood how much tiisordeis of;lhe . mind depend t'or.. their cure new a due attention to the body. It is cow understood how vutuablc t hat medicine *tacit - will' remove morbid aeciimulations without weakening the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be. tweenlite mind and the body. -It is now understood that raging with the Brandreth Pills trill rewove.a otelait elloty. and even insaitity is curia by persevetinaly using them. It is now understood how much distnOtlic bappl• ness depends trpoti the healthy condition or the digestive It isbeow well known that the Brandrelh,Pilla have cured thoosandsof hopeless and liciPte.s persons, even when the first physicians Isul prom:minced:llMM beyond: Whitman insini'Of now not only well known that the Bruudreth, Pitl<tw cute, hnt-ii is nisi:kin deistomt Nati they c ure; that fit is by their purifyitigefeet on thisbigtoit the.theY ielabietheboity tb health. The value of the medicine, is licenalincpuareate more' nintrtifest,k iiiionitimenAnd daily from family to family. The &Andrei' in an 'slime finnerimptitite manner ail noxious accumolat ions and _mtriff a nihnsiso• rate the blood:,andliacieSbod - eirCeis are not cimpterha la n eed by any inconveniences;, being, compose' • entirety tit vereables Dies/ not expose those who. neethem to. . - diner; and thee affects:we .as Certain is they are- sett. lary; they are daily and. safety .admial.terid tg3ntaacyi youth, Manifwd.knd old ait:and to women in the most critical a nd.tlelitatte circumstances.- 'Kb", do not "diStorti or slidek limit animal fatnetion. but restore their ,o der alit - 14:kieir health- • :_ ;' •,, r., lied at Dr. Brand h's ()flee, . No: 9'34 .W• o 4l,Y,lfiTet tolmr.r.k: Pelee 25:tents p,c directions. only ptaceis : tnitstersit ivitetie the Emu: inn P4lhe fait he obtained is it's I.octur's own ,encr, Wctod street:. r 5e0,10.,r.! proved Flay °fact n reti ie Melt'_ )taehin t between Din-, street, th'O .0 1101. Pitif ,l ififacture and off tire Ent -,!.caleNw oL , copipOsed of Yo = 1 reit' le Platform '?ItIeRYA" 4"4, • W‘tigh 3ROU. Dil l J . 114110111117.1 i.: resiiiiticrilY 6050.1 lie' eiia wens of l'ittealumh and eleittlfy..tpetAtp baspittrir , " ed to ttte city 'r dielS does' ter ;Aire fhe confidence of big Loaner ig i 4;! h e'A a bi* deVtAltYf ittid eotteitia r 1 retteirai tinfporitart of their rolage. in _cone tarn aner4ll hbowevilsti titehneralient of Lith6titty, tor breaking the stone in the bladder and:tttio bg od .4101p4p of tnitiallactiriaeq/5 tier") , iarlititeam ma °dins the d een• VA inter*. .lelpste!toelletid.titelcenelt. °fiat strati+ of hialointefoleti 'to the - adhered., *tries a ree, 'Almost& of 44101fetW self Kid trukti will laciwise receive attention., . - ‘. [7 Thriar*bln7 a ttistiitiee'telshlng. Inftirmation viii or ietfrir.. deatea - testi bit: traommotterearatbiS di/ a rPtinpi pitrt,pEptei i"ttron , Thyd k ipM.ereen sip 10 1 ~..,. - : T4I . I.4berrystreet. Tittem:reit, Whole. 'ierrigiXii ' 4- r - ' /13 , ligißlT)l:-*94 rATl4Veidor To JimiiiikiAtipie: 1 .4.. " 31:M rel' alif i r gr Inna lr rjg re iltil iA pl apes finTild be fine men) ..E * vr , ' 4oke otir*ouveNi*DOOlitiestert. er e fair ' 4 .,,, - ' the -- el': ~.1 s i',.!" 11l i .11. .Z7irv. /nisi/4,a **titled LAC JOHN HECDRIAN. No. 61. South street. New York. ' IOSEPH.RiIticPATiticK, At the Wareboare filAtitrut,4 P4.4:mrso, N 0.24 Waier strict, Pittsburgh. Pt. . . „ WM. k PFiILIP BARER MDPA • *Mir 10): ME= ICE T "rot fiale iohi•lred: ailiellaktP 7'7. ' - -1 ,1.. . .. , ' ll &Pig rift 4 4 41:eoarftam'ivilkoiloollitio tre ; Pile. ' - .-. - r , :.!forio.. organ old Co coa' aigh_„renolia' who . timid in ithx.Y , ;' • • ' ' ,.lli‘ Who prikuisid il4theilutoiing poor iirsintri *ln If thity.wold. only ebriethitletillikifillali4 l l4 - .• • *out bopfl) •, - .!.. - • ' ! - t''.- - '-' .--'''' - lir Like an olitpum rood Fed. iroleoeskiiior:the toodero tiope.. . _ His home was in a hollow tree Timm fleti,Empt'''ut war ' Where eider barrels, enantakitat, - ltsil iog taltina lay around: 'Twos there his coonship sat isVittattlPirealltigiii . of the mpon, Oh the instant yln'ti fey eyes imp:stkpla",4 l;w that 'rune Old more— , For a great-It'd. &ea. • „But. 'tune thu! swift, is ever sure, sad yams t seedy by,.' - -,; ti And eigffitcen forty-two pieellimed this '4l4tkexitli , Coon' must die, He stings-led Wad IA kelp his reits.feii asi fate bewail, ' • They turned him onlis back and thiUs.,ssid , Shos cut !pis taiii hat a poor oid ctit'-tailad red 114 4 0 91 rntdern time. ' ' . Little Troubles. It. is Di Johnston , we bilieve, - *l6 4rt that little vexations are more tryinittol", tempur... and harder =to ' be.. bottniVtbkill • greater troubles. ,W, a hearcl-thecitheittilinkat ing a querulous Lipkin& little mmintit, rer illustrate the truth aitfie MIAlln huficrous narrative of small inusolapplik that made an aggregate of large" 'I went,' - said ha, 'into my liarbeek, - ,0 morning; With my temperßou red tt Y -14.49. . 1 - cr i fromattorneys of 'five bankrupt ereilit st at the Southwest; postage unptitCor, :, —oh! yes; bankr upte don't ptY - NOW their'dupes—oh, no! I *Mk felitilsto9-44 a painter, who had receivedJi a _ ~ al advance to paint me a neir ii,rm li•4110 4 „ . , must go a'stalingoa the bay onSuriday ? lit4 i get . d r owned-just as like at not: on . . money: any how he 'died, attev - t# . ls, sign: - `I was - iti a dreadful llPt.4'_ . rifF., had to raise money to take , up a naCin was short OW lalf. There was a yon,pg man in the bat bees chair, - who pinWtOttia . and got into the shop abonte yard h~ me, by acting as if he wanted to strialtN* , a man - who was-ahead of Me.-4 ctitti iable trick I---Well, liii-, there - begat - f . log Eris chin after every mtnid - O"isEW xor, and 'asking= for' more, Aili'Ma WlN was 'dome-reaped into the middle of *lag week:, reading the' whole 'titan: Oki' Miff paper I ever, do read; which he' wed'' to do all- the while the men witeLettfiiite - his hair and ' whiskers, evidently June kr spite ate. It was an hour before I - ii - ot el' way from the barber'si3Ond then the MOM! who would have loaned me' fifty diillatio iii' my atrait, had taken the morning califft* - Newark. After attending to sottuVii:sta.7, cessary business at the store; I:Bellied Int' for a ishind'-dy in Urall street." lEt'eff: body was 'short,'though each one lcdultP have done it yesterday,' which struck die as rather curious. It was not far from`' three, and the day was oftho nattiest- 'Au.- -'' gust: kind; hct as melted lead, muggy'atillt ' sticky, I kad ou a pair of netiehrtdale which toy' ahoetriaker for the drat limit really believe in twenty years, .hid 'ataikto, too small. Heaven I how they bit -ile'the '-' heels, blistered as they were from slippitke up and down in them! Mystoak Was ectko 1 tinually, twisting round hindsitle liffise.": My shirt, toe, eeettied pi:amazed. icootdv- 3 'at keep it down 'behind., Itkeptnrastit.l. ing iif , and , finally rolled into-an 61100111bli?'' lump, saturated , with petspirnttooF eitr: . rested iri the small of iniback. - This apt; " ' noyed rlie almost: as mush as a ilstaitAfie , , , first I had felt this summer, that was ping ire at his leisure, in a secure 'presidsue which he had taken up between my shoul ders. - ' ~...n. At this interesting juncture, I WairtieVl ed by the button by perhaps theist perfect- specimen of ' a bori, dttl.*llm,,, found in New Ybik; not one of • itorting,ti, pod-auger sort, but a fellow-that. , iiettiv a:' 'gimlet into you with hii.tight - hand;-vdtitnr 4 he detains you by the Batton with r' left, " taking it out now and then; when he ihitilt,fw„-, it is going' rather - hititd, to blow ofr--41a.:.. cltipti, and forthwith insetting it imanothiew-i I place. He was telling me, in a loatlllitiik:' , _`. of a shabby trick that had lately been serf i ed him by a man that hadjustpaata# tift k , , and what lie bad that morning ttaitt,to hint:. t,- 11 'said I, sir, , you. are a d-. 11 liar end et --' - scoundrel!' etc; and-.I - eituld see; as thl:' -, passers by turned round to look at ul;i4k they thought I,he wairadlressing thiapoitikr ,pliioeritery remark Ito me. did' wee+.-, - er, either, tbat they should think ,ao, fith'''- 1 -' my face must have been a _good deal inffa' toed , ' with ititpatidot en durances--1 4 relL. when_t cola stare ii"l2o Janigr3 W ,IWe . :. away, 6dkop, in Alipa the onlyirientivektorizs. I thought would-,belp meant; awl whet tom .1l lout hisikl He bad justlent'efet7 ;40 tki-t I Z he' hair to the man whom xiiy - ?i 4110,1 14-i-,: il Et bed been tenting up tome in his 'Articular friend l' As I cameo 5 . ... hie offiee At islock,.stnrcitAiree - : - ,':11 joretlr:_ -:: hotnenthrii annoyed, afire Ifurfok 1001 , Ak - : - z remembered" 0'14v61164 litiWiprt h i.:i 'qty tiro I, i'4 s now 'lktPuiliWilitttiaria 4)-- *' highest pitch. , I went oraight , tairnj 4 % 14 6' win t .and after a bag search; ifialiallibWl' f_ *tie black rascal .thit *tat . Ltiliiiiifilal_:,:i hack 'sod -sbetildete ' 'thislif', - 14 . 0,4004;,-.*, 14elieg - lt lA4* Bssl4.4,o4ofatoblvt , ike il passed ieedo by trey the _ictis tir d i lavy: wints4ll . - ' - ' - '•" s 01 1 4 716 ''' *sat , . z , - •-„, ' - --1:-..1- 11 owwith edatiilitgAildi", - .10011 -'.. t;.„. at tstge, t+ aI=MM .EM ~i...;. 1..;.:t ::,0,:'.. t,VST --: - . ....1.J.~-~~3 ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers