Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 31, 1842, Image 3

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    • .ttlitirAtv...
the easel% tiniialit*„....
am not mGch
my brave - Miny a
Wd must ice`
a vci(Lon'tOlitite',- The
: 1 4
initiation of theiT
with an& nitrei:iii4l%
that they kitlett \
x Jr. cortiter 4.4;
Tar P r oOriet?iliff Atio-SeNt or* j
sea MLsiceser*_ ormatent i
nd the put rooter iteFs;
2od time* hitletritgiie
Ala% 4:Mlngt
Necessary 41141 /sib
LETTER- - . 141111.
Robb+. Bititi Lam._
_RBI i lLeao „ . 7"-aa ,
Handbills, B. ant
ail ittubs off'..;
&a z ., sisitathipst. away
Printon on the'shorileal nolliee e e
We moppet quilt asilhelet f
lie -public in eeneral in thishhek,
pici,lero,F.,ep% 39;044,11H
. .
Will be sold.. on • Wedffi llnlaT NOMA
u'rlorlt P.M. by order of 31.1,20,1kii
1 Horse. 1 sett Flartunts*cem
At the .Anelien
A Ilezikeny A nen2l.-taI.;ZZ
WILL kie sold on f 4 . -1 •:,••• ,
. r ..alb.. Raps . ;
tin.IID Wood
Dry Gnods ever ritrentri4,,
con4rstirtg of.olol •
stpsii liS, Shoes. sDots Blapk '4O"
Dian. rs, Lawn", Irish 1.44.*44:;- 4 . i. ; ;;;
Alan; at 2 o'elnek.r,
lure. 3 splendid Iron f4afes, blr'.
1100 box...s of bap, harm Teinc"
a tiuinber ofttutiale OvercoWS.dnui.
MONDAY nett at 10 **Rind', ,
lUF nt.w. .easonatilk and **Arai'.
Con Fisting of
Clot lIA, CBB.li metes, Cminets, P •
and Dress Cnats, very superior; 1.
Blark and WhileCirtobaniut.d - pin
-hem et - oval-Ft a great variety of -
nr Tirkinls; usswil., Checks: Llull
skin (roves; Table Drapeis. BArits .
Shaw's. and a varjOrArother.
I Oct 3!
rue eriNcrrilver has just reeeitrd a
pertor LIGHT and tO.4b3C
La Nnrmae.Principe anti fitpaisilli
lnz Toharrn ~f the hesll quality. for
retail. at TUTTLE'S. 86 POUBtil
B-eftorrczi4 OT dDGTIO
d2y Oet. 31kraitau - cpwk
Auction gown., No 11 - 0, 0L,8::-.44piiet
141 oMc a.aaotc*rm •
for t,mify zwe,aod;of thitvery
EU R 0 P AkieVrer;
I 0 trammel the , • -a •
of Oewher, anountly,sek - • -
about lie end of the entlediPilif t
i.,Strrres•ra Tate there,-asitthasein Ike
; Canadar, 'riling to-reartetineoe
so their friends in Aitisti part a irehitti..
or Water, onto eatteetur mark
otoperty, ortt asake search for
%Al hove their renting** pat* - 4
nets prioaselly-atrestANltti.ll:
his in ttu ritief het*. 16'141
iiu ro , mr.h. and Werefir Penns.
1 arte.l hr Mr. Timena.Cate4ny, Fripft
NI ay. Merchant, Water street., Pingtint.
.41. K ECNOIN,
0-' •-1 It A inriley at lAN.
VVOT/CE —We have in sttwetlit
doi , ctia reed parkatno.. c
he A torpKed or nernrdw, .11101,00
Reed Iveebiegron..6-1 1 • 1
J. M. Scan, 1 fter.caie'rer.roMp, •
Wm .1 Green, packaerN
IC° mark, 2 carttagelaid baremp.
V. S. Portable Float LieeiClo lll ...,
Piti one vzh, Oct_ 28 1842
AT a wetinr, of the •
on VVedneaday,4lsitre.,,,b/
On motion of ft. G. Larga.'l l
be a County convention beta.
Court Rouse. on Wedrteiikay.
A. Ff. ,of all the Ontata,,,,,
Count e, for the purpose Or4POO li k
71 National Convention. to berbaill . t ..
D. C , in December neat; 18e.
On motion. adjourned.'
Oct 29-19 n
FOUND —On Wed nenday rte
of 41„ta and Smithfield a large
he owner can have by 110.11!1.
Oti s advcritsment.
, -
READY 111A101,:.*?,,,
'AT TILE raftgri , ol-*
-Vo. 151 Liberty rt., dief ifed , rf
Subscribrr -
1- the largest and innak. - .
MADE CLO f Itt NG eydeelreffle 4 iL ,
wouid respectfully inlettla
rail and examine his Goodeand-'
purehasin:. elseattneta, litniOack
-1.3(/(1 CaNds,anadireii ~Wag 4 8 1
10 ' , f; 1800 VIM.; 141 h 41 - 4 1 , 117 .
Dre were. eralraw Stock% ard 11 1 494 .,,
other art iele of winter
Hic Chum were sit trettl
Adarbete, and parebeadd ett11 ... %- 11 , 1171, ..,: -
and cont•eqUellay be
bonee in the eily. Bellevlng Pal' -
tbaine lad nee riegke 00 40 . 1 . 11 ' , t!!,
tnannfaraured by riitour. r a
hesitallernid *yin: dat dlr.; 3!!,,!r7
pett superior to the LIP"'
are offered (dr sat.4 ll l lll l*-- , f o
fiackmtpit amok Sir
In Mese tlities-tatlriV/ 1 0.r ,- - - .1. -- '' •
faro a sbareafelgic,.....:....i
Proprietor of the -orlitroAfflg ,-,
cod dled•Ore th_teettriseiethef:4olo.
elf . Goode 20,
. •
his rivals* tingle. WM*.
00.ther edantr lo6 s ,ol , l ".' '
gills ,6
printed theetelattaedr
•roeal col the forlastille ihatf
uo fttossiollgAss.
• -' ,l* - .2.r •••••''4 •""
ted pattl Mt*.
pent hie I1"1/4.,
A i d MVO; P• •
7.4.rittirvz.z.,,i..17.: •
11- " Di oatv ,-- ik* 3 %
31, 1342.
will deliver his Third and
Oil Education this livening
3,i Presbyterian Chinch;
ethers are also expected to
etitig• -
1111•"'" 7 - - _ -
o i r pores uti that his Pla
at has not been on fire , —
occurred to giva basis to
mine it which appeared
few days ago.
to notice, (irk Saturday,
ithen, 11r• John Meld
by a o irespondent of the
candidate fir the Mayoral
clever fellow, and would,
be a g I,d selection in ma.
;y the way, he has a capital
ceiling. We saw him try
n Friday atternwtri last, in
- teem hers of the Vigilant and Al.
a a arm was rai.Pat about q o'.
ovi false. But !nitwit Itstandituz this,
n did trot home striAtiont having
commenced in Sti street between a
fiery and a rnetillwr of the Vittitant
me but n-a; followeit by the former
took pla,ce at the Vigilant En,line
qnehed, however, by the-timely in
combatants we I be heard to day at
•. 1. A. S.
g is a list of the names pla
ge 13,i0k an Friday. niglit.
inemi).-rs of the Neptune
out S IXTY. There were
nd two names in all, many
altes. ale list emit:lining
!Lei. We did not get.
11-,ry I,
m r,
':34,11,1e1W11s in,
W!n. F. Manor.
N. P,rker,
C F. li.in4slanci,
Jolin L. Heslep,
Jae ,l,
.1 \l
,I.TI MrCialert,
J ,lin
3 ,1 , 1 I'., ter,
in, Simi I G.'ni.,re
M Mc.Cl , iskev
is, A. IL flntsl , ed,
J 1, es,
, A. H
\Vert. C;
Jame? , Davis,
r, .Tl-.h W. 11,Ens,
s of the Neptune, wt, deaf n
nn Sitil,‘!AV tiigllt last a:
all, as a C,,mpany ThPy
nee s,ing dt the rinenin,Lt
Then a 2 it) SNV •n
:111 , 11. 1 10t , •12, if el
ch w3s •-r:!;,1- by Wirl3m.:
1 1• it ‘i . ;'. l be seen
0 , 1 wa •I
- e Eramph-.
Set by tht V;gilant anti
. been f JI!., w e d by th e
ridgy night !he company
of the Inernber4 itirtea
iety. Their na n •,-; are
eh we to day publish.
o publish them separately
t distinguish the members
torn the 'alter names that
•(1 , 2e Book."
llegheny, the Eagle, the
'iagara, the Washington,
4s and sign 'that Pledge
e nn doubt they will, be
but now is the timel—
emperance fever is high.
.e Volunteer Companies
, nt ALL our clubs, so.-i
-•ms join ? We think that
:th as much propriety as
3 3 511 Solomon de—
Light Temperance - -Pro.
al IA it, indeed? Ask
"ntatawer is no longer
of the pour drunkard.?
famihea the members of
re in peace and plenty? '
B "°l+•" i n which will be
of more than a hundred.-
a induc.ed by the magni—
oc-:s3ion to "give- . a-way
astr th-mselvrs and
th.m? Ask these and
beth er it is a humbug.
reaso n ,s above show; but
taught us that there are
n never be induced-to ,.
, ropeosity by arginne.'
ated on" by such atglAtk,..p
aid that it lasts
this is generally ti e 3
thSt it is`rot Sti'mrll4l
T emtietauett Lamtlailner4':
a ll.
ar 40
riradAlare „.
after tistAsa,,a
• •
Rank Pitisburglt.
Meech.* Nan. bk..
Eseksne,e. twat.
Bk. oiGerismen!oila
Eastt 111'114 -
La neuter WO*.
Bank ofliperber
r werulac Bockailba,
Doyienbiiia - '743b
Bk of N AauoNarbil. -
Bk of Nortkerk Libertiti,
Commercial bk. of Pa. '
IL"IiIIIIi0I -' ,
Fran, WltAngsttiailnas,
Histaißton.,,... - --I.:
, -
, Cow .., bk - . , Like irk.
Par.: bk:atEstensa.
Urbana ' -
14801 ANA.
State bk. 4 eriaisbea,
State Scrip.
All bulks. , . • ,
gale bk 4. Branched..
i Sha Wiwi-lowa,
'Rank of . Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Esc hait;e bank,
N. West. hank '
Met. 4-14164. do.
IRabialore Ranks, . 4. 2
Country Ranks. .
All Ranks, Pal
All Ranks, par and I
i i 'l.ukl' par
(safety fated-) i a I
Red Bark. I to I
„Roston Banks,' ix Y
'lCJOutitry .-
°rich vs Banks..
Banks, 2E
'Banks,B . - • 24
.- , • OHIO. Ranks. i
MountrleaKtni I,k 2 ALABAMA'
Fs.% * Mech. bk or Stec. hood Pa,.k,.., —,
iwnviae., 2 TENNESSEE.
Ile-imont bk of St. Claira- .111 Bank& 8
ville. 2- MICHIGAN.
Ma, 411 a bk. Demand
0 1Bk. of Si. Clair, 5
11111eA. ....i no. dn. J .I- H. Sind! h 5
do Curl - 441 , y 110 1 es, 21 CANADA.
Colnuiloana Lk . New Lis 'rood bank , .3to 8
. ~.
Far. it Mechanics bk,
Ken=ineori bk. gs
Philadelphia bit
Eennylkill ML
Soutbwark bk
Western bk.
Rk. of reanaybrania, 9
Rk ofTean .
Main` k Mechanics bk. 8
alesbanics bk. Par
Mayamensing bk. 9
Girard ba_rk, 501
O. Stales hank. " 53,
Lumbermen', Warren, 75 1
Frank. bk Waallineon, par
"'liners bk of Pollevile, 8
Bk - of NI onitomery Co. par
Von. bk Brownsville, 2
Erie Rank. 5
Harrtsbursh kink. 10
Par. hY Lancaster, 31
Rk of %%Win. own, 6
Rk of Ciminberaburgh,. 10
Carlisle bank, 10
Bk of Nort.liiimbeetand, 10
Columbia l.k & 116.12 e co. 2;
Ilk ~ n =queban., a Cu- 10
Irk of lbia wave Co. par
Lebanon bk. . 6
),gl•iirEll bk. 10
York bank, 10
Far. 4. rirovers bk. of
waytte_qhtp - lh, 9.
•• Currency notes. 9 1
Wyoming bank, 12f
'slate Strip. 8
1 conotry do do 9to 201
Elm ks Co bank,
Lenosloari.„ 12'
100 Denvancl, 2 Eastern Exchange.
rici• - Post muss,. 2 rio/a.totilih.. 1
c-',nriottalt specie pay- 'New York, 1
ino,%inks, , 2 flattlipore, 1
lerb. 4. Traders bk of tiosion I
CincionLii. i t'Vestern Exchange.
c1i,.1.,,bk of C o lumbpo.F., ,ICincinoaii, Ma'
Demand pilfer,. I..nuisviite. par
Circleville, (TI. Lawrence Cleveland, i dia
Ca*bier) 2 Wheeling. par
Zaneimille Irk. 2,GOLD AND 3II.VEtt, par
Bureau of Provisions nod t,lot !tine, •
October 21.113.42-
raro S 4 LS, s•-a led and. endorsed, wilt he received at
the °pee. now 3 o'cNek -P. M : . ut Monday. the
21 , 1 Jay of Novene•er o^st l far furnishing , and delivering
at the Navy Yards at l'orieniontii N. fl..
Mat.,4_, tit - 0,140 . 9.0. N. Y.. Pliandeirdsia, asterigion,
D. C., f:...-spo,t, V. 1.. and the llaitimore. ltd., naval sta
tou, n-ioecifvely.s.nr.ln gonnitites of the following aril-
ce of they'.-al ipialtiy.-theft may he ordered Of rfrellftf- .
red from the contractor-s hy the re.nective coinissanding
off] ems al cfti N.. vv Ya'cds and Naval satinn,•ltr. Ity
Navy A2eti , s nesireitv , •ly, during. the year 184.3tikir the
use of ik.e Coifed Sl Aes, tts
Supers e Floor,
sn, r . • krusi,
Vt i l-k• r
'file sat • fl•our s'iall he mannfactu - ed or cheat grown
in the year 1342 or 1843. Perfectly sweel.and to all Pel
mets of the heal qualm; and when mir-it:ed . for shipinmit
an, oat, stall he e.lity equal to the best tirsc..riptiou of
in all the qn a litii a CiiSetillal to its pre
st•ry it 1 , 311 in tropical climates, and shalt t.e delivered in
ttood, ' , Wind, bright ha rrelsi. !lido:: lioNst at each!
n and in ga o l order, free of ail charge to :he
n nett Staler; •aiiiieet to Foch i osoret inn ' he , Chief of
tar Bureau ot Provn.ions and Clothing may direct or an
a , id he in all re peels orcrecity eatisitctory to
aim or to II e commanding officers of the said Navy
The raid ship bixujt shall be made wholly front sweet,
floor, matinfartured of the wheat artist a in Ale
year 2or 1343; sha it iv; fully equal in quail* y. and
ro”foriti to size to the canipl , s which are tewv, or soon
mill be , lodged Navy Yard; shall he thoroughly
an 4 kiln dried wel packed, and delivere I fr..e of
c , iarse to the United z;tates in good. sound. well drird,
Lt floor harrels, with the heads well secured, or in
IL , 41 Itarr•-1,1 rquired; • rid the .aid Lisimil aed the
iittall tse In all respects to the entire sat isfact iriu of
th e Chief alio. Pureanof Provi , ions and Clothint,o l.
Site e..11,H3,011.,e .ffi...er of the sal4 Navy Yaras. and be
soll..et in .neli i tsp,ectlan the Gaief.if raid Bureau of
Proyis:.ns ant r 1 , t of! a r ty direct .r of het
T he sal I i ll lie made wholly from arain.of
which at least its,. tin r 4 oartg.liall he rye.shati he copper
dist tifeat. rrnd Poll first proof, according to the United State.
t'uti , rior staiiitard, it shalt lie delivered in good.
sou od, bruin, well 11,cined. white oak barrels. with white
oak heads: and cra , h barrel, shallovhen required. he coop.
erect with four goqa nod sudieie4 : _boOtUt, and the
white bF put to fond shippioe ref
.„. „....ce - e,of all chartes
I to the United Slate.; and the whiskeyrind barrels shall he
anhject to cores insp-etion as ttn , Chief of the tialu of
Provisions and Clothing, may authorize 'or dfiect. aud be
in all respects. perfectly mtisfactory to him, o r so the
commanifint officers o' the said Navy Yards.
It is to be Alat;netly undersiood,howevr, Oat persons
who may offer are not to have any, claim or privilege to
furnish env treater quantity of any article Mao may be
expressly ordered,
Contractor: no: liviaz at the place where deicories are
reqaired.lll.l-t e , tahli:ll as ag ncy at such ;dace. that no
delay may aril , in ru rni-hinl, what may he required; and
whetr a et.ntrartor rail: pro rola ty to [(Hopi v With reiriisi
it..ns, the Navy A9e•.t at the place where the R/Illelf%
are required to be delivered shall he authorised II) ttr
cha_~r inch
, ticles. nod the coat raelvr shall be liable car
any exc.-site( cost over the contract price.
Separate hide .u. le made rot each article far each
Nave Yard. and for the eaH ignore station The Meat(
, ntfer, (whirl) he rut Maltett,to individuals no appli
catia I.se , ever .1 Navy Acvnt , t an.l Commaltdaata.and
at 014. 4 OffiC+4, 4 ,) mint iIaVY all the blanks carefully filled
nn. an u 111141-1 41 , 4 f 4 ll 4 C 4 f4fillP(l ail directed in the note on the
f tee or each fort,; and the °dept.-lama heurgnatined and
a t‘rnlitilliolial. •
fiend*. with 1 wo approved sureties. in ode third the es
timat,,t a , lIIIIU rat of the respective eon t meta. will be retilliV
red.: end ten per remora in addit inn will he wit hhetd•feorai
ihe a mono of each nuirroPtii to be - made,as eottaterat nit.'
.rarity for the due and fotlifol performance of the 4
ispeer We contrarily; which wet. -on no attain'''. he paid
o , o tt t oe. e,..otrarts afl, C . Olllllll ied with is at, remayels; an.
less RoreAtiV author-Wed by the cider of lb. %Min of
pr,,vi.iettsa n4.Clot h ins. After - dedorting 10 mr-ceits;i,
-PaY own!. w4it hit ?Bade lay the thytell Stay*. srithlo --thti ,.
lyttays a ner the said articles, attill hivo,beest inspected
and r reiveri,aad.hitte for the same -presented to Ike Na..
yr --Aleet. aPProliiii hi/ itte el?MgwP 4 iieW °Meets of the
reip.iiifee Navy, Tart4s and Nay; I elation aptrolatd, vs!
'cordfos to iite terms of the minitraft.
The tlomorrownt tererver - the. light to reliwt aft hid,
from um....ttiFs vilra have heretofure failed Co execute their
Pe wins *greying us 1 , 141 1 !) ,- Other of, these Aril iCies :will.
i;e Itleawli lo delignate rite ploWi' l Or place; al nrlfich-fifikvi,
may doeirepaymentelo be a Adle,:to tads& ,‘ 1 - • --,. ':'- iL
act 26;-t an. ^ -'' I'. • ::''''-'- jt
, To he'petitiotteif. in the 'liaise rniaa.ll4lolgyenamr sot
vriese.p. C4PortemoUth Joesaal oad-ifftl*Pattitit.ff,a4
Bettotagtort Gaim to. Vi..,,Aforateg Not sod; oily Thal*
Roston, ill gan eJournal of gplitoteree..4oA.,_ „
_ 12 144111C.Va . 1
1-n and ,Moreing ilia; 'N. T.T. America" , ZeOPOM:•ahli
. .-
.. phirer,-.Pidtadeitikip.,P*4,Paity,:iforatiate:PoilA.
':lT:','. et, ra4ltottotatt 11, 1 1 Oh!lcon.lo. I .ol o cwiti 0 4; PO
ltde /e
- - - fo oo 'l ' Offs Oedizon. ,:- eir;f o 9t• 14 4; PM istv-4 1 01
_ , tai' terinipoek phawrtft*:l l oo76o.l4 - . 1 4 1,0 e3 ,11 -• *NI
AO 4- "Sctiotalteji4oo4eati -01Nolautatt aitiotbric*A. State..
mho. °film Itefi:iter, id : tgi. toils ifiitri is. leo ; N. O.G
4 11lerther. Latt Petmeut - Pree Tres... silo - ok ou tt i u si r ow
Igcsi. C4LiaoilihiCCetie4itiOato, it:lr-
roempotorrm. JUST
lig mom's* 140*-4 - iitutiwimr Amain". Ai_
..: ~.:•:,;-1,..,..,.'-:
-wIWI!1!* ri *o*?,,
• ,
ceistaa; ,
' ! .
..tt:; 4l l' I
s,—..sapritesse tot. -7
- _ For Welty
! • LG. IlkA; GOILDON.
.zrrsv. VaIN-11-rw' inikand Uwe
- 4111 4 1 $'4.0 01 JWillaltibrobils-W,i3lins for li Te ..
' '
•It - 14,1,4 *** 4-1 . 41064 41 lea ' lanliaraftik. ,4 * 6/katallrai 1
. _ ~..dissiditther suill beinewastft
1 aide Mlirl - 4 - &hien; surrounded win;
, b - elarimer au*. areliof eneellena - ewer:Wilk a ,I
,„.., 1„, 6.4 n.gigipitiOlf. Iptimple in i_bin *tor. as rellarion_tothe-,Pillsiterttb
. , - - . -. . .
. _
, . andd. Atiliente
„„ anorwinno place now o ff eecd ro , ,
Itliasrgpf weirks4ors or l'itiriidlLPlll- i si t icinth 4 0, 0 . , -• _ 14. toti4e4
VW _ Ati;t:. 7 l-gra , igcnow.e--Tne - Teedites of ialel r iseng Piitaberen, - itennewill be deratr, for
Western lit e t r o..v.ity of pooesylvania announce to the ; thither parlisgenintinely - To the prOinFiehre at ma clothing
7 -
paidie theithey huve established_ a Arm Uteri lactia- - t titan. Ugibeati'apees„Aaniee of= Virgin Aiier,
niction v l, l' l ol lB tradeasSilt , ill *iamb will be Wag& E -. '-
ii ime i pa t. Inteenatiosmi j and COsstilailielsal ttaw la an ' WM. If hot mold before iiie 1M _Of ihrtober nett. - it'
their uninclino. wilt he divided into 10 add 20loe tonnit
acre. l - percha
Times's& aleshandisie will be by itteitationsoeeiesea • atm;
end oceamiseal sertotitoorls. as in 'dallier fisslitithoits. l i . . _ .
The year wig etmalst of two teraatd &et mid a ball ..', _ ' WA= rsa.introSa - :
menthe each. TOR sisitperikers Impatiently can the *tient' of
ena . tiny will enonne.nce on tbe tieollll altradal ". ' their 4iends lied the paddle generally, to their pre
of Nosesabernest. • -. _ - ' ell& sesotlinenk.of Paper lisagiseffs, which enables a
The tail ion fee is $37,50 per met payable in adintree. 1 large and attlettsive variety of patterns of (lie follooi. g
Warms 13- Lowain, Egg-. a member of theiTitedmrsir 1 1 thiseripdicienoshiph epee tespettlen wilt. Ale found to ire
Rat, bats been ciuosea Professor. 'The trustees take great orsoperier quality find finish., - ,
pieasnre ,in announcing that they have bema 44i
tole riagiaz.ed Will rapers, of a irdenestatuon t r, rer pa teeing,
care the services of one so well qtrailded Bar lire
or :atatiOn 1 rostms_asid entries.si 2.s.cents per pied'.. ..
by reason Mfrs legal lelletteletlits. and llarliMillttlY , Ott Witt Papers.' nest and bandsmase patterns, for
one re highly eateenued as a nebular : and a gentleman. j fispeiinemiona and entries.at 37i cents, •
The anne.geti recommendation will furnish salisfactima .asteeinia. _dealt Peper,.-of their own manefarsure, for
to all bee qualifications es Professor. Wig yeses end ether styles for parlors and
The nesters baying been *Weevil to lasthe e this ehatahemea One satin glazed groamts.
whoOl from a ' l oe-w 4 f i b e arriaandkadvantammarieltding:,,,reurk ITU Poona. Peeeratieh wad • Prese•petteras. in
the studies of law. in tbe office of prat , ising lawyers and j plate, a rirh ccilers,sold cad fiber papa..
a'so the very obvious adfaetsges vrbich Pittahtitsti pos. ' Pe4nei im p, f er h 4 , 44 , arriters. ,
~,,,,,„4 ewer l ota other plates in the Went for the estate
, Lattittoityslieftirs, in smis.. for papering hotels, balls
inherent Mauch an institution —Here is it mint ittifestri• 1 and dining rtNintr, at redtireal prices.
one potra'athte. The student will see around bun egoist- ; lairs 8,04 Pasts, stase . „ . c0 ,..... e5. 4 ... ..
plasoriedu s st o r d y and energy .
ia ndv a e y ry bee few ome a teurpg ula tion n e led lori.
lo I ifiaglne Blind Paper, plain and figured. of different ea
I whit baeinek; Wall Its forms. Our Courts are. Militia Western merchants and others are respectfully invited
nearly all the year round, and there is ,perhaps no place to coil and*Eninelikelirstock- and 'voices. off which last
in the -West where a greater variety of cases and print!. a liberal discount wiii-tre given for cash.
pies arise for discosmon. From long experisainte, in the uusinesa. they are able to
The Committee are desiroustbat all persons wtsbing to • manufacture papers "In.a isuperior,rnanner. and es they
avail themselves °Mc advantages of this nhool. 2houid are determined to „keep Up the character their papers
i dove lownedinteir by catliag and leaving :heti' names at have uniformly sustained. they hope to continue in re
i the ° S te o r Waster if: Lowrie. Eeq , on . Fourth street - mire the enconrapaneet hithertoso liberally emended.
1 or by addresileg hint by letter, post-paid, so that all ain ROLDSMIP k BITOWN.E.
dents mar commence at the - opening of the term, or as . No 49, Market• street, between 3d and 4th
earlyilbere.allier an pose-11de. . Piitsbolh.litcpt,. I.9.lll42—dawtr
Greet= eTTOLD. i j
JOHN T PaeltSLT. i Committee
Davie 11-RIDDLE, > Of
• LWOW IT sties, I education.
Taos. 7. Data. I
, W e take a pleasnre in TlMOtementlint 'o the cond.
1 dence or the pupil*, Wittier H. Lowrie Esq., Professor of
Law in the Western University of Pennsylvaetia, as a
erntlernan eminent for ids synod 'regal lea ruins. and atilt
, tie., and in every way rittattfied fo - the duties of the office
to which he has been elected.
~;: ~~
JOHN a- CURSOR • - < clap' . Justice aad
moi„Toil lititices of the
" A ' s " l ! CisT°ll * Supreme Court.
• TEOS. 10/4014NT.
. .
ac. Omen. -lodees of the
ettaeLitsll)lo.lLlE. Diarkt COO rL.
11 - 80,1.1.9 UMW, U. S. Dipirlet Jude.
BEM) Pa.-rrox, 511..TreF. guar- Benz
SJILT— 21M1 bas No. I Sall. jost reeeivrd. and for
snle.by. J. W. SURBRIOGEk CO..
pet 1— No 75, Second Arret
(yram 25 Bales Oukum. ou ten riti and, for. sale by
No 15. St lnd inteet
200 V B iff[iS.luf EL
e 4 p S ti O ,t r in Fi r. 1. 84
. S.E d ril he Melt the
Mechanic" Littecorcier ciftiterty"aail Wash -ieets,
Pitiabaroh. act 'V.
trAilvalted Blacking,
A h AFANurmaIICED and bold -wliolewle and retail:
— Fairral frrannt one door below &Winfield.
eitEsTs. _
1. D ENNING ...4)n Priem y, the 30111 of lam sentitit, absat
9 o'clock at nil ii t., be - Pia Ont. G i onviiie and 'Slash IlJait
ufnciory. owned by Go). Dilworth k Co. with a lame
quantity of dre, - ned and undressed lutuber. was all masa.
nied by fire. .
..... , .I,
4 0
Tim Iron 9.4e-inr AfhiSsmild of von some tithe hack:::
was in the moth :' -': situation dui Dm the fire s aad
war entirely.retfaMg4t.am-plesned to Inform von tt was
noensA at the closoorshe fire. 2 rid all - the books; papers.
k r . e nsmit—tlitsisthelmit retomeneridation I ear give of
the wilily of, your safes.
tyl. 24—If
ky-To Dr. Ttionn.—My Dear Sir: I Overfill . * marl ,
- cord's .ly erobtace the present favoratt'eoppotWAytovs4
turn to you my warmest thanks of gratsturie if:our utt.
equalled and unexceptionable inventlon tarrintly very
justly celebrated Ten Berry ToolthWash.atiti4 044 that
I am in May hound so say that Fhave derlimitibearent
est and most heneficial effect front its frequent and mode.
ale use: and franasetre you that .I an' exceedingly hap
py to have the pleasure of inforatirm - von. drat sincerely
and cordially speaking. I can thin:dice recommend Its fre
queni use to all that unfortunate porting er the human
race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the
most excruciating pain for the want of si snedietne prepa
ration of exactly tltesaute na to Feat" which your" is peer*.
red, and who have for years been tuffitring from the In.
jurions. destructive and permit:inns effects of rvorshk:iew
tooth powders and other yrorthtess preparations: in
ronelusion permit me to say that - { have used your Tooth •
Wash tun for a short period, end yet I feel tharentehly
convinced that tt to the best now known, Its inestiusahiC
vivo:ins in pm.revine the teeth, (width if kept in n semi
and handsome condition. is the greatest embelishateut
that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled
in Ewing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring the gums to a healthy and purified conditioo.and
g i v i ng also a sweetness andd - fragrancy los disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown,
Accept my ale erre wish"for your success. from
YOurs. truly. Jortirn - flatuatcrt.
nt. A. CV...PATTERSON. Office on Smithfield octet.
nrAT Sisth. aep 10
ler would rtsketfully inforin.hia old castoraeistrad
friefidc tfrat he itus this day ax oolatedivith him A.
I lwalne. under thU firm of S. Weller feo., mod regained
fits firmer hoMnet.9oofdealef ill Iron and Nails, at Might
slam'. N 0.53, Front st., whet Wood and Parket. Ota.
A renewat of tait'ohi elision*: and the pattonage of the
nubile generally, is reppertfully regime:um!. . .
Pioshorgit, Apt DR, DAL SA "MCI. ft ELLE. 4.,
sep TO A L. MIL !WI [MATS t".
Far Sale
OR EXCHAJOit rakerry enorsßpr.—A Lo
of Grottiof in rite i.iwn of Beane/We, VirashWaton
lea. GA the oattoital ”tat seism/ea 101'whinflifin Browns
little anti near the 'toast leadsfta from Pittshorgh to Mor
aiown. me which is erected a Sarre two story inlet
houge., wen fioished, a small frame itifjacieist attitahheiror
au tiffieeoratore, - a brick with home, ~moke holue; sit
all oreemarrhaikliagosaita well of goad water. Also
an litre oat tot With large eattlaie sate,
.4irellio2 boast. anti a twoaue meadow lot :with !loot,
afoul' of 11110 f 054 , , *Fiore properly -tiatitalwaid
on aethistwollat ill.' tering or laseinatied tot propeity
Pittabargh.bati4ah paid' for the Aillerenr.e.•
tsge is amassed in ; ewe of wealthiest aetehtib•lstiede
a the weat,altd preseits a geed Owning for a Psrsielisa
r Merchast„or a good Illeetsaielo—to a feed ?'h iaiefaa ;
an excellent siraetiressaa' he iglarti," Lot termeitodikit:
ticatase apply
012 28 Issell4there
attallitST " . ''.-
I .ll l _ lB eteti ifie:E. Calabria. I I :;er a l iqu i n , A111 177,.vy 11/141111. 1'
hub. end 4 liagei le coutiaa. will bit -beak at -tie. EtacOta,
400 bteiti'oerallled:AY S O WIII Jr-ager. -.?4, ST . //feat
r ' " 'auil. OA arils aait that
a..krs 4 ;.e itimi f Ai - •,l-. - • * .3saikx,
0 40 ..14-4 j i . - A . r Tcr.ti *Awe. will thmpa• made
t 'll6OOO11 - ., - .
1 ,_ , { Witm** rßi*tojsit, .....-..,
, .cibiltixcidecl44olo - --' '
Pstelquerrwill 44'
1-- tarvirsbildwotwilligogri.- • -
INsibt ai Zetiuliok - Wri9o ,6 *4-ra
ofesits a_u•Lidteft . ,.s l ._,'„i_,
int o k -**seisvi**Mmilm'w,
: : n.::'ir ,, :t',,,i,Vz;t
c f
~; ~,j5~,.,.
U it.Al : l4 LUCA er Splendid PaP , enger Steam Pack
el a front Ciarie nati io St. Louis.
Tive itew,splendid,l'ast runn dratilbt
Tackete -frlst Wind and Nexpareil; wilt run no rw,L.rilar
Packets. Crum Cincinnati to rt. Louis. Will teavv t`in•
einnatiauoSt. Louis every Weduestbiy morning, at 10
o'clotk. '• •
..Fasaeoger, s from the Bart and West may rely morn
tbeir start tut poor ittatty as advert irred 'Pep 10
ionN surr EnwoßTn. Aactionier and Catentie.
al sties Nexikant, K :mend to lira
vale of Real .INtaie,trty Conek,G:m-eriett Fit roi•nre, 4-c.
ft.eirttar rates every Tuerday, Thar rsday. and Fri
day morniivro, at 10 o'clock, A. M. CaSil -ad va nces made
on "a Fil.11111f! Olt .4'4. 10
' tk'i' AU ti t y4) FILO'i PHI I.A.Dt.:LtII.IA.'
y flOtiE E., respectful!) , Invitee •he Ladiet. oi. Plat
t" • httrth and vicinity to call and examine hie very
handttameassortment of it ncy Booneht,sre.. that he will
open thisexy. at:No. lE,St.Clairetrrei..direetiv oppn-tte
the Exchatete Hotel; they are wide of Itch materials and
In the West fashion, 01:112.-31it
TflOM g scorr
. .
Cti gmt • .14CE .S.VD'AIRBOXSTOR E. No. 2 St.
Cher aresr...
Lace, aud Wildcats.
Widuand . .aarrow net&
Lacepodlituslinionar , ....
Tot:pas' . 'froik
Ladies. iPretith Mohair.
iLiskv^Thrt.id..and Cotton Gloves.
RtuclitrdsliaJr Vcits.—vcry cheap " •
A -La*aFortzt:tariii*iit.'Ens...b , h St raw Sense's.
MatiottraciskikabOt*Aolato owl tuner Tuscan braid.
tiLl N •
alba latest fastikithann rieetailtAily toW Toles.
'These toods are'llow s&m n t.ff at paces to tail the
Ladies' are respect rotiy lashed ;oral! and purchase..
. .
AHOtt: - ": 4 a E.. itEItRY, Tin) fn, yv A c .-41—.d A. ell,
lettittauldc Pessedy.—The extrieine, beauty of the
Teetictheltivolispennshie use. sod the frequency of their
decay, basted ttiqraltv inventions for their pieservalion;
yet how in Pre. Pifer them in a state of health an pri.dine
beauty, to the latest perinds of existence, was entirely
unknown until the diKinvery of the above , invaluable
ptvparatioti. If fhrms a pure tinettire composed of vez
etahie lelifediPnla, awl ta onsaiMed of the m , •41 delicious
odor. it erastirati4 tartar from the ineili. remove= mots
Of inCiPiera decay: pOliAlf`f. :.nd preserves the enamel. to
whirls it.eveg a pearl like whiteness,. and, from Ito ali.ta.
recline raionetitee,pnisseanits the virtue of Ois; sweetness
to the breath.
' ' .. .
,e Wit Wadi Scorbutic, - the Coins:also yfinie in its trans
onient powers:; iteturvey - la tersdirated Er4M them, a
t'iteat.tif nehmen), redreni lit istrhneed. which Offers to the
hofieiv oft he nolfiel prilaiiihNief lodlibil a hie eyideme of
their heatattiol state. l Wiltbilikli .. 49lariiitiegi asl4lllsrd ha;
several of the best uhyttletriata of thiivcity. who have no
hestilation in rernininending..it also eicClien.t WB6l l for
the 'remit. Clutni.etc.... ' '
A e.ottg the recornraiendationi•batheibore-4e the fol.
Raving tried Ili...Thorn's Ten Berry Vent Wish,"
and beemne arquaintred with the Ingredients cctis compo.
sition s -lebeerfulty ear,irensidet it one of tbe safest, ac
it is OfteOr the mutt Oran nt Tooth Want es maw in asp . -
T i lits4wirgb Ben. 15.1642. Dentist.
- 1 -in ke pktmore statitre. - banring mantas. nf•ortior
Tea Berry Tooth Wash." tact is is one of the hey Alen
trilleenin use. Being inn liquid form. it cotabines neat
nessmitircoovenience.- White it cleanses the enamel
and retrieves the tartar from the 'teeth. its perfoute !raids
a rnigraare peculiarly destra +-le. P. T 1 BilliTTß..
• The undersigned have used *.Thlyn's Comprmiid Tea
Berra Tenib Wash."' nd belie fonndit to bean extreme
ly pleasant dentifrice, eiereising a most-salutary. twin - .
eace Over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis.
pen:wide members from premature decay. preventing rile
accumniat ion of _Tartar, and Twirl, ing the Breath. Bag.
lug thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re
commending It to the public, belieeing it to bathe best ar
ticle °retie kind now in use.
athltgarSON. .711.3aS ?JACK.
J ArArcootiE, — . AD. • JAS S eR.AFT.
L RIXOSPALT. L s .1011.ffst. •
Prr.pared -only by WILLIAM Apothecary
sad Cirpraist, /in 53 Marketetreet. l'iltabemeb;ioi was at
all theptheeiyai Orreggiste, and Ty tl Medical A tent',
lloorth. street. . . •
kvir 4 Inge tirramart, 4 '
1 - 7tir Deis bei. - 18-12:
SEk. ED nropoyier rilhe i.efierl al 'lll4 Derta me rd.
arotte3'cOatoek - ; P:'-ft, of the 15th Woieniher
for fainiahine the here:entry materials a nd eon/true:it:l
Deaot for the oreeervatton of the ?Mute and. loetromeot4
heloritiogi to the' Ravi, airlift ha noel:story ohlereatortee,
giontae Vero, Ire. • - '
ThODepirito,connist of a tratml tvit:ltnr'or_ lefty feet
tigatana„, with Of twenty lies!' feet to tellgth and
eirtifeeor reef wade.-the whole to be lititt of Sri k.
Plass aartopetrioirr skit' - eil t ibitett at skit . De:
fordatient.-to persons Whitrieglo hitt'..iir the. weer.
. line
exermiltiol totem - 4010d] the *tient Die
- istaterforo
wort "tio dorte'lli Ike heel' and roan w4rk nrn elite: nisi,- .
he:r,.ahit to ttre-eOttiesaitoroction'
fend* , thermortroereoo- of Ittorbleitants. - Peltnettle.ip.
he ends oat oficiot4 than i and then on
Wit Ortictrulby thipfic • - roved .
Ity Ittellotneftrioffilie • fp‘r,. - tenr,
orvir ;mist 'he shall be
Zedgd or+ be Diforirtinerit.
Ik - Itoord - 4r ttic ilibbfet Performance iot - tbit
rwfilkyorolatiolseter# oecoriiteri shaft'bey/lye:a - toi.:.-91b07
litirrrlbtreitioreteit aareirit'of Ibe w hole cah.
• 11.'itealiiniik Iltirrot.Ralttikorerllneirreap De:oWe
atrt &b et rhttia.loo4, ! Prt!t Poet _Pettis
ttorritomiTaitt. -- ' NW* 1r4114-_:liii-,Fibsotrb, -- obisitbi
• - mob Vat atativibirr - ltiogiiiiif'#) ll 'iif l4- rkii..
N. It flOmprirer..lllol . •4 aii; co_
I wilt 11!11"*".
- . -
_ a _,
y. ..::..; ... ~ ~.Y ~,ux;~.
~ r W
~«^- ~~.,
;;~~ ALL_ ~_,~,~
4 . t . •1;':-.;:•,?:..4e,' , ~ 9;, : : '' . 4.74 ., - -,'''',. , -
.1 ,
, 1111p4vrallL .,
O f t' C'7- 4 .,,1 ' li - M4 t 'l `th.4 - '''''''4 ' ' . i° ' el': - IN* l i. ' virtiii :its esiobikiiiii._
44 47 '' - c" '- - - .r - '-' ,2-..1--- • ' ' - '''w'' Alpirrosa.iv alimptsmir me 4/...5..161411ti
, '.,- 3 1 - 4* -- fr .'4,- - =`• :""4 , 1r. - -- . '- • • ihimCibivrittelleitok le watattoPerldaill
ateinliligni.opergi -
~,z, - . ,-;,,,, - ;,-FAleasiseor-ttiswirs6 *tad Stimliiiitlo4 4 l
'..._ . ""' :14, -441 -1 4 e. -0-141-Poilegr*.,_ile*.ttlegleAltellarilii sr,X7ZAPPOWll4lltrefattlia
'''-- 2 .. 4 -1 1 riaA iltttMittellimrdir tierdlatate;llll-larba • -o=lattinsliWzirrolltir. ~
j ,,,ik,„1 of eiyi j g piy a 4
_ * "4,4 1.. oit -- i ti p:0 1 4 6 4, & luso A pt the .It7vr. et Pebabitibigillisamiti
meritsof Itii pain.. - -
f l ° C"ititieni..947l'-iknorrasspii4onitt .44. ta amno ill mouths Mem 'The paietile 'Vial
three Pfits:lhar fita'*•- ilia vats in lay hraellen - tor baek. left aide-Mut lestep Wee so Nei *WI
'hr tote 01 chiwaiediWasilinelibuterrer atitiLizami lipase . Wl* kalP l4l beetCristrifaa take , Ilo a t
of Ittiliatig... l .4a l .o. o ttrW. 4 bathe Want untneat them ittnnee fel
, Min time dlii of Bowen. Thai .
all other gareugapea . ~.. . ~. , • ,„ I. ; ..-itiospitat imet.ereeks,,Doris* Otiowd*lli
tale. araff ftiaat artadiaildt.adll moat' fail ast *al& la 1 JrfbadrArair getiOir lit* Aim. slab. ,
Inaneen,l.4l lam" hatala.tbent has i arm sere .dbionictint. `hat
fore.- eirrallellt to
Meat sad Mare satairaetion In I. atieditinrallen or'abti i Thal ite". thPlintore. War ifteVe/ VI,
one -remedy Maas otad othelmits;sod calls longetiagra 1-011143 the eilillor t a
quite asionkling am - . - t was there Phyriebbe
- ......
If my patient required 4 saFe aperient Medicine either " ell Of reilr.iribitOi allbetlatealallA
twine or Ater attruakmr. the Wilmonta pill-s were JustrPeater; e'trxri:-- t rtrik l eil llll4ll4, 4 ll 4lX-
the thing i wanted. 1 - s . , - Ibr was 'MAW ettyi,evitit a monlea -
....Ka afrepeptic acid condition of the stomach: eombined le eleill "'errearit i litil 4l4l er fiXerextle d
with mativeneesor irmilivity afthe.liver eanstitittgai the , ' l4 alt I r l _ ,. _ . ,
...lee l e" a ;illitt tnerr l4lll . WO,'
dhaase at my patient the pilieserere just the giant I of 1111 :a re eellerele the eathohetter.
._ , -
*hated- ' L - I nee? . TtudjattiatibOtetdratuted *UM*,
1r I treated a ease requirina as enuttermgclue, the ~".,!,
_ l4 I ttalglleter,
__. b ii,,,t___
wii...a r i t la were Just the thins I warned. - I 1 . " 7 7"W tl "ITIL
.... ~. 9 1 1 ',Wit 7. 1 ,41FR1M
If allipilalion • headache. ensiled criuntenance or fuller , bowels. Alter neMetteropmetauttii.
ditracatien. indicating a dissarthartec of the "circulatory I iterrear '; e atlt i a t ee 4114 ' 11 . 111 ederteX relir
alasecretoty systems, amenved my patient at the -tura i ri n e -Wee Or PO ast SaFildlaKlkat ....i hounriAt
4 life,' the Witentes' rah: wereimn the thing i wanted. 1 1,1 fiat th4e ha itallilill" li ell 4_,.
Thus, without rt .,..,_,.. 1 I . t h,.. wi , name. , da m ie n .; big bom% it-Lre sotabeiatie mina not
1 : 1 10Pelt to weur at the linte I have had it. Under trnal- I lift tif"l the tallow°l' 11,1"r1*11
Mew. particular indirations ter strontons arisint. a ere Oh" painful, that ee rbe Deerer- 11111 ;
at - -ors wo t prompt/it and moat 'tepidly met, by the t no mor e wedfri n 'e 14 ' iielenaPell e s il l i n ti
WPCIIIII . O. pica.- : ' I Beandlitlies Pins. *how ke,ditt - Wifi
That so ittrat a manlier ofillseatuut • and snmeltmec ah. l at Ne 'Vera ; that he " ,' '' .l f -tat "i t - 0
nareni iv opwite ones, in which I have need these pills. 1 times increased Mediae t.i. ght.-
shnnid he clued mare readily. he 1 lIPM thin by any other iso mar h benefited hint, ..dhat the .
"""'"dr , eblX tii ere' Iteentstrattie and cam ratikinry, but [-what be was it'lPf- Iti r at'itOw• lo **l
why it is so is **clear to-nry mind as i bat a seem 1-time man y i me again; de mu improve le naniailit:
persona shank' heyenine Weft& 'from a & = lns , - ditre, eft' t welt.' Thatitef ard every draw *el le
chows and yet all require that 1 • orntnoti and greatest of t r ite " elm . Ina abe Y e ." "tratalt l at _ tittl :s ll.
I all bleiecg. water • 10 quench their third . wool; that they next carol the dietrama..lo
In coachman, it is due the enntation a 'Oa medirine ell" In 14114 Theln — That It t e I l er 4llo o / a -
and the otthib - , to say deeidetry and a neond it toroth . v. that sireaXiet la tam Petri' dblit- Ile loUri a*. , '
4 h a 4,, y j a ,, a 4 a i llyaryia . a ,„ dy romL i na , in , I hay. ever I day the 11th instant , that he malt • • •
~,. .
met titbit in my hug cnor'se orprar !Ire. that really pu-1- :that he awe d 141 rerelatt, le ,;.* ''' :`' L ''''' ...,4
eesresanyl !Hag ett , atiye or spegific for F‘lek headache 1 Pr eel4 . ,nt i t. I "' he hile tele, -te e
__ll.: '; -.1
Toots te . - DR. MILO ADA MS for 1 9tter - ss: Chat the doctor told" iiitatirft •
The abaci. pm. & l o ane d rim j„, a , I, for the io,I had been Maine gnu nagerine. heitantitl* _
Punt Ache. DYsPePria Constipation of the enertla &e.. 1 another 11 " In rh" house. Ho "iffillielili It "10.
prepared by the prnprietrn Dr. ii: A . Wilson. and for-Make 11 ` 14 nn h ne eletretre l 'Sot I iiilleilluallir deitittill
salc, witotern io and retatt. at his &milli]; in Penn strern.' atLellea; that thee may know where to Itod 4.1
below Mar' urv. c ar , 1 that will tore them: - I le JORK gicrosar
vs7m. r,
A itST Isi Attor . neynt Law. P i , tr.mrett. Pa 1 1:" :." wt. i ? 11 "asil tit le sworn
S or,p in itb st rict oailte Burke ' e fuilding. " Pr....r„ " . " r1 "'r ..341411. _,...... ,1l
arttive P. t csrts. Fq.will.eiye bigalterliOn lo my , W.n.{.7'.„- " ~..'„..,,1., „ .n d.
on f rm -,-
unfininhed ini.irtn, and I recommend him in 2he nltron. Th . BRsxDREPIt ria -4 S are nod_ at ,, D l4, i ll=
(teeth*, p-oneip.it otere. 241. BROADWA.LimiII. t.
aze or Mr n . u.nds. WALTER FORWARD a n d at my pri. , rlnal offire. N". 9 3 W e ed 'aa eat a a l lltalti * .
.en la--Iv ______ the OXL FL.•!CE In Pittsburgh where the seepUM
l.e ohlai r ed. nr.4
M. STEELE, (mccessor,to H. Al 'Cioskey) - Fash-
V iona , le ilinar'froca
The'snlissriber rps. pectfutlg informs tltn
public !hat lie lias'qilpurtmced the above Isi.inerks in the
shop formerly hy Jr.' Henry M'Closkey.
and that he is riCliifr=sid , to attend In all , oriterS in his
link of l wsinl , 41Y tritandbit the most reasonable
terms. Prnial-frisldii—EltritirlitMcir in the ma nut - nein re of
FaFtliilfiali/A Boots, he.flplitsconfident that all articles
frimtrG'hisestahlishun•of wilt eive vatisfartion to bis pa
trons. A shale or imtronage is respect folic solicit
'Pp 10
rAvr. Autim.Aitrez ENT.
3,FCU a NlCiz' lodepewdmit rranepartatios ti.e.
Philadelphia and Baltimore. For T:raosportiog
Aferehandite to - and jtvia Pittsburgh, via Tide Water
and riva.ia Comes.
The st..rk of title Line consist,. of the firm elass Spring
Cars. litetal-Roofs;:and . Kew necked" Tide Water floats.
etinarianded 'by salter and experienerd Captains.
iderritants hy".'thia LIPP are enabled to have Iheir
Goads shinped as clietin. and With as n•uch ri,sraten.as
bv-an*Zither_Lirre.' Orie tont wt.t lesvettaily froin the
rtoi of Willa* , street enitttoad on the Delaware. in Tow
of a Stea to Petal. which is kept expressly for that par
Prnirrietneltiivilf give their v hnte aitentton, and
reciwei fuity invite Western Itlerefianis 10 . give
call, its their grid find tt nilleie to ilteir adv nta e.
Ali good:: croigi2npit IVilfiane fitilmar 4. Co. roast
wise or via Delaware:oA Rl.eitart Canal. wilt hp nicety
egl at their warehanw.fool afltaiv stretl Pail Road,
Philodeirla, where goads can he tot elgreelly from the
Vessel into the Boats Withmit additional hatuping
poise. - •
WTI LIAM . RP.I7.VAN - -111. Co, 1 .. .
from Phitnti. ir. tforMir.flori. s
}. Proprietera
"T-1. L P %TTERSOV, ' . _ -
f*om flotiditeOnW.l(iii Pitt.hurrth. J
J I mFS tvwxgr C 0.., ni a4.-tin, Liberty street
HltatAlq of Kteettjt - ittowstrret wharf, . -
on the Tl-tehinre,iit Phitailitrifit4.'
Jorniert E. - Erne t. ilarlin ure, ,eigritta.
jl. L. Pri-rse.ox tlntittnt . somreh, I
Jesse' Pia-mtsurt, Johnstown. j
ILPfer to ntenitiants generptly ibroughtm: the city.-
eh 15-11.
Surgical Xustriiiment " 3Ytanufactory.
189. etirwer Of Liberty and Sixth Streets.
1 CARTWRIGHT returns hi• sincere shooks to the
• citizens a rittsbareb nod vicinity for the extraor
dinary patronage lie bas heretofore received. and hni es
sqli to inerit a continuatiCincil this Eafl‘e, as he is deter
nuned toptaonfantdre all articles is l& line of business
superior to ding of the hind,ever offered here before,
-and - I hat .Pittijitrith shall well merit to be rolled the
4lliFirFlsll.l) A311111,1417A.
. .
" • The stlhiteriber -bovine always on Rand the nttwt axiom-
OW stark Of 'loam Manufactured-good. in hi. line in the
lA'eslern e . onutry, woad particularly incite the al lenlion
of: urtteonS. Dentists and Druggists to his tuaani Anent of
Hardware Merchants .to his clock of SadierTe Tools,
Hankbri. Tailor!. Hattersand Hair Dreent—rs to his stock
orpareet Sheare, -
And that his establishment twine cartled on.cirict ty an
the ca.h principle. persons decimating haripins will al
,Cittmdiscover the advantage of calling before MlTlia3llll
PWlNifiere:jolit.ing dope in a etperiet , :style. and cheaper
t.lcut ever. . .
J. C.., by dirre'tine his sole atteothslite betdpepit,rt
.to,,eth o
er with having in his esnotey. the most 'competent woilt
'men, hopes -u) merit..tbe epprolmation',or thelmblii;.: 4 4t
torte. . . -
Wanted *me caod forehand a good !Tinder
bone nrrd aftpty be' Oe Iraq ar.rrksarn rep fM--lr'
. . ,
A Ldlrti",, and r:doable a.uortineitt_ of all rhe , ea , eat
,medietney rbe - dav; French. Perfumery Ehavikw '
oapriporn:uTeabeiry Tool 1 . 1 Wps,!lt.pviAplr..-is,rtial ear.
panrMiiy any other prepa!al inn ever irgfered TO 41w on:.
ei Owe heAreSe reaslon.nr,cleanlineen of 11 . 4 e freeib.
~C ookcNnirovir a. DrOns-whir_b wiitctirer4Wloloo:
weleraleljunthnehe in five IninWee. - • : • , •
'And a einiire•oi of Liars,. of La.*rine, Principe a red'
- Ober brand. well knoWn ro The eby: E,lALACireveine To,
bated. &e, Aiwa vs on !laud and for wage whole-nit n o d
Irstali at Toraiii. 86 Ft:l4rib reef, opposite
- - act 8-4 p lJ
jrT. STIKIVART, Vpbabiefirird rapes:l:fain t er - ,
Nn. 49. 'lns i.froo ; tiKv4:4lll Ood,
au.k tied fel nisi - Jtietrargiii .on A II
l iplPtgereented'iritte - sitattifiersiatt4i9pOili. v irg gereffiga: ,
'iippng terms; '
. _
*NV% Thirmwmci Blom took.; 2590 y olk , he Thy.
0 1 1"14enuiceiditecaterliintNO ti 'inlet a eons - Mira.
Mae rariety or moeviritir , r,*?iintifeete ufop Putdt•
e?iiiano—got nai at ittritei:ifferr thiPte r i, Oc
'9YO*-110640-1',4:0 Flair - St: •- • - ' coif 2.4"
NOM E' f - 1 13111iiM ."
- -
- -
- ciic
toll -IPrieS #l7 vi twerp Jinni% to the ,
1 *13131°141 ffir
' ' '. Ir 'legs' ifotk. cud
' Ta „,,,. A orolsaudiel l itiii; rutighart ,
s o d a : 1 ' --
- , t; Ayr - thew- athemitly'leurgtd't**:llt b 11411,1-4-414114. s7soh'
fittoiatTharlotiVaoxily'litoo . 141, e , jii -- stioo 1- 1 4114 4 tie rz
poo l
f ii i' " wiß 4"'414*. " 1"4444"' -iiiink . 'Aitileif 1 icAtkiiiliii:
/4 , ighteiromitlPloo 4 6r .-,--- 461.i64.1. iefiWilAtt'
*ph rs 7 cArli-tatid*- Tl,4l,oo3444,ipitiliitir:;6 l l•l l ,ii. - L__..," 47 '
t 1 ,1143, 10 7 - knovitfi . 444 , 44 -- iii 21 0,,.: . 3ir iv ii ii ,,:l _ , , ,,ti. - 7 . 11.
tia-k4 - ~iiliiout•Wiatiger*oB9; --,......dia11-uratome.'.".'
?4ltirtkoltlitty: - ' 4 'oii o pliet .-.... 1171 .3, i tki'
-.. = • -- - 4 ? ,. .e, "- 7
- .....,
..c ..'..,•.: . T,:!:;;',:- •
.`,-.'.'_ ;, :''.7.4:. ,, :Ri0']
Ttt— W. IN. DOMERT? ittferet Oleic 1 . 1 . 10**:
the public that t hey have ctruntati ,144*):77..
ring. Rats,. an& that they have cellar sedhly
their .tere.l4B Utterly Mire, kerwifen irar*a. stif.
street, au a-eattment of the-very hestENO. UAW.
are anxious In I Woof Draw - tilt eheapepa afrit-tr*,
n trues. Their *leek ettinsh4 er thi , f "err
viz.—graver, Otter. Neuicia..eitaitne,latar. t Na:
rim. Fur and
VV.* M. Miter& nye- .kpreik
have haft ostetrahre ereerietier as Jehrirti,
roabilahntente fa ihr voitirtrVi'tbefr Usti ate, pic .
tinder their owe- inapecticat, "their &Wire :the p 111101!):
1-hat nethihv i•rst• tke test anieres
Fonside feriae will he ofreird 'he We. 1ie01045.
ofMtPlor Rev. Okerles.M.sies f ß TE4*-- 1
131trePlitent of, Dick ittgon Cortititir
Slith-r. D. D.. 7.410. Valth • Ilan
CONFOR 7' IX APPLICTIONt-Ar•ktiitistlie
tfoos. by JalreS -FttleilliMlU. D. D.. nth Cluttel#4,l3d*,.
bu eli. fired A mer tears. frmn tire 9th.E.11111 1
SPIRITUAL HriJirkr filmy Rvtre.it. fitverr,,itr 11 1 0 11 .,
liaisons *Ad °lvory:olmi on the nattorti: bitterer/14
hors of &PPE. ffrat limoderAort to polite native !a .I%**:
Samuel Paretv , lF. A': t! Loirclriti rrl.'lßino.-
Charlet , Sumo.: A. M.
Dr.r.aPaLts— or the individest otdietttkto - 4 1 (. , 01*.
dans to eve ' noWn linen: AU Eits'ay by rbtifiplitr,
Ford—fourth A on/nit-dn. front IL. tett t II London *4046,4
8 Rlto WING rEr REJOICIXO—ni earralttlese.
~,_ ,_
` 'recent s - 0r.,-epfive be.;eeireilietai is letrlAnistoti tanov7.-
MAL'JILLE S'Er. ifot7R—or 'Pe 4144 : iota itti!'
Rad ,tini;.hy .Ming eathTiee fline/PII" 3d Pit: , lrg IlleiL ~ t- -
Lift ff Ilick YOU Lzrz--ervalaialikt .
_. : 1 4fe* • -;.-
eiiipaiP. 1.; CP a ital'e. Life a COltlhet., 1.14. a 11,t8M414
. . . .
.. -
8 : 24. 04 T•ft e for ellernit 1... by i i+e •gev. T.,9,4041m, , , ' --
egyisrwe LP Pre; -0 ' the dtrY or 0 4 0 1 4 1- 01 1 01 1 0 - ,
for the immediate OntiV`l'F l / 4 111 of the Impesitoleir _ , -
.:4 .2.#
. 771* EXTEXT AND IFFFICACI de -a. .irraivit.:-.
.IF-- 1 .? i!no.a..d Stair. iill.Pscsideul of Gtrargelisliir -
cofi,, 7{ v.,—.:741 edition 18 ma
The Moral I hfleemg..romvi* .and Artier, toriacaffif
wi h Great Cllnn.-- 4 7 Toda1.1818e.:-
ff, , 11 , 11..a..d ditty itneter itrArlittbitv visaed. 4 , (1,102...
red and mrnetiraltv iatarnae!!. hySahn - clWrlkallefl i = f
unroll?' OF T7I aftE4l2 RIEFOSJIhr.I7. :
111.• renlarc In Germ , an" elliniterlatheil, 4e42.1 411 -
1. TT Pretoidmat oft a 111Eo I>k
School oiCenera.-11... in S vott.. 12 *O-1 .3. 1- icek;vs6, ,
front MP 5:111.oullori edition . LEIKET.OIWWIIOI4- -- :
son 22 -1/.11111-!'11:0141.-%110A1..
"'UST retrived.3.ooo getnturrable-Strlrale itailitskair*? : ;^.
fer Put qua lilies PRIM Eltill-N42.-
:A lot f Bear anti Cab-Mina.
,01 . 10 tin. 1 and 2 Muskrat Skin $'
. 1 .. Jr c (Otter and Racrcuut.-iSitina.,
- -,* 01 : 11 11164 are offerelat .retialatd tea
0. it. Apply to 1- - •
ITELBS, gt kestlieriiiit Par 170, ***ft
clel 1 . 2 -30 t , erftgliwof rirt44llllll •
To _lron Manufacluineiso
JORN CLARK M')IANA.‘VAYsB, - - - : -- - -- - • -
Neu , sod instrafitsprsarsusstis ssioraiilalf..4rf
stetst,for; thr parpaseqf
Tn-E onn conain!nof a virtae fire. My Asasit'lt='";:f . P
aim; Oro the tdihnons Ceti-3 bfrii tea'
and Igindias , nioara at loicihrrig• roatii
the ioe
. 0( I fie Are. and Ina Wad i.ntyraistd usr:ll)l",l4 . ..*Afp . .
The - ww.reAroe ntatm are
,as 1114106. its.l4,llot
CISHi. aid TSr plitraSort,ll:e too of libfla pissantrilS4 -
a kart by Soy tnch flung, and IA inches - .wised *tr..
' Trt.;;ce:4ll:.viegi Patent for tbasaa:l4,: rialoatraty.ll4 ,
fer,l l to Xhe - pabile .reakalibte
I Aay turfokmaiiait can be bad. br , -144 t - "-604:11 1 1-''F'
Portsmouth C
- • "
fiascos° itinArAggaeltileriMit. - '?"
The nniterailtned havinr,used. filte4.lt.--IteUrmarmaili:.f'""o
Patent Bun oaf fire for shoat two pear*: take pleaserrata.N , A
recommending it toihe pnbBe, a-d aura Pairtientati3r4
all Iron Ilipaorael arms !JP an hoprovemeattapialt mottai i el
Eir orlon !be plait of runarantoort meat .- -
The eapalo. or patent fire, wit! save at trait atrf ittbbikf - o'a
he (net pm!it_ will make a* w.erode iddtl 47
two otvvi Are: doekrefine meat übaa good the tail ,
I,ove have need 'at dreeof )01.04
ifU.VP defined inteh mlitantagoAntsh UAW -trretim ablel.
re!tpatmentt : .
Mr. litellaitawne hae - advo par one up at Portsmatitfi v 'gA
art bad Ope,pat-atptir - Acilloelime, both of artier +. have sot
traded admirably. li.nre, with ostre. are the oat/ ode,
now !wale to hr Unawo
-• ' •
4:BlllRovriffitittx.. -- niNtAtA '0(0 tif_0:41011, It4 - ' : Tr,
ii- iiiaid• fligice:•lianis&torei of !Tea Oa,: - K1 1 *;:-:0-iiip
1 1 4 :41eboose. No.-25 - ircorl A. Pot..4.rib. .
.oPiplik• - •mt;zt, , . •
lr- 079'tp11.)341 A rl„,—Futif LANs ui, Ilsayalialiefik - r7.117 - ,
3J' 4144 sa Itoith Arm' of Laid. on liehoPle MO; 'Zi1 1 142..,
saw. 41. 47...3.4.1,53. - 54.181,132.214 114. is 4.X.010 viiir-J -1, .. ~.•
4 - 111.ntot, 4i • Nritme..lliil MiO..loilig soo, *alit lON . V . ;
copi's, plai44:•(_Lc7o on - 11.1i1rilfeei. near 11w Mw o4llll** 2 0 - ; .
floaqe: for IIeTITIS ap ply to Z. W. AllsllllllloTolll4t
1 , o 'o lo -; . - --- -. : - . ~ - ra'_;:•.:4::ll.*Zallt- .
---7 - , -.-- 01161,:or-flutilsilarliarE-1 -4
i '-" ' ' . * _ GI , :- i 5,184
N i4ectip•- Aer thimpei verremerw of-. 111111
14111. - the riming, year. will le belied at 410 k:
;., (1 -
: lion.* on-illiaditr 111 e SUE 11W - ,f 27 ..
-- ;; . :_..k. fi l
• it
. - - -PP I r s t r `cL i r
, , • v 4 '
rruiLlikiJayaiong litossrlike*
11.4nallit 0 0 1 01Mil
Jain% YeIN/Olittil
time "
"#Z11; wavoledvitlifq4oo-9464
`~ _: -.
` 4 4111* . Z
"~~ ~:~~*
~., _ ~~,'
'•'2.k - :-.1-
; . -
I t ! *rti-