.-14t4 , Y"-''' ,. .:4 1,, ,.. ...-'...'::',7.".. ):c..,:-,1::7-,!..,.... ..efessilet;tsattlit iwilatelty Wiwi*, Z , eilittai .I.tore'., -.• __ : into tier - sareeret M 4• uer, 1i fill*lfiTith. „XtenittConiri had deeided_ep,wertiiiiied -:-.11:t•ii•-.11$14 ikinetitirtion;—that is, with the ' ei p ict • ee nu - implied irf those - elates. Tithe ' was idistbeetly prteintied in the bill suteisitttar it the. thane Steerritary of the Treneury, ip4r--4win4 , . at ,e;44,o)tsliktibliei-,br that pate, was - aisiotikleid , by • the V. , ' -*t alue! hie' cornneirrietitiene, sad par. • ' egettititVeitid specially netted mbyhi on air intend . - :' . ..weisiet tote bill antenitted to hie consideration by a - ,i.e• ' , O congress during the idiseeterificini of the ,•e4re. - '',', ' '- ' ' .' - ' 7 • '''' ". , 14teetet deem the occasion's. fit •one. 49 *stet. . - flitatawfw,mettniruition of the , various statem and . "•ineaxiiiiffalwet.hat have arisen on this autijeftt - e,. , '''.-ejetretteing explanation of the immediate oc /e_ ' '' ofehe open enthrall* whielleeseed between oil arid , the greater portion of the Rep. • eereitintretieeithe'erigrese of the patty that elected' ••• - ,,ie se ;" ilTel •e4tcrecl'eufficient. iifit I shied Ido iiijus -•• -: - liihilosinY 'own feelings, if I did nut express the e ' eir ' gemtieticin pronounced in my mind from e et joir -"- - ugh " investigation of the subient, and from become familiar with the ftetements tif ail that there was much of -mistake and mir. ; ''' • ''' ' ' • between thcr a who were honestly , . :peon . - . , understand each other,,mune of acciden -- - ' ' ore of intentional nits - representation of Illisameite of the President in the various con iteraythintr held with him; and that throughout he .titairsliatid a sincere, honest and astadfmt adbe _ • rettee to the great-constitutional objection which baled for years, - repeatedly; in public and in pri :wate,Mipotificed • s:a fendamental article of his, *folitioarcreed. Norcan I permit myself to doubt, thet.ifejmit 1r frank ness and been exhibited by otheies, It' nepirit of peace and harmony had pre trailed-, and:if a small pertien,efthe liberalty end _ forheisoltree for diesentent,Ciirse and opinions; which the--Whigs cleitried se the attribute of the piety, had fhten exercised towsrde the President. the %inherit seenes we have wenessed and which lave scaiidalized free government, would rot have occurred; and the relations hrtwe. n the President and the Repreece tt , ives who hai beer' elected on the seine tie•et with him. weuld hive been such -as to Prodtee a peaceful, vigorous and succeed:ll • administration oft! a government, and accomplish all tbaf As iniereets of the country recpt red . To ,proof ()film absence of ail se,fiale interested orombitifius mot ice s on the part of the President, in 'the cower,. which his convictions of d o ! ) . proMitiect. .1. may now advert ti a fact long known to gee, Which has been promulgated in the News - papers ofthe day,' vf,ucheil fie by at least one Wleg," editor, Sated by a Representative' from Mae id a sp.ech lately delivered at Prraltberiport, open authority and hitherto not tletdeile That 4- ae.t is, that previous to returning' 'tie second Bank hill to Congress with his °hive 'thine, in fell nice , of the assaults to he made upon , hint, and with the purpose of removing alleaustit of eglartion. as well as to secure himself against adjust imputations,the President submitited to his theafeahieet, whether he sisoold, in the message, thei4bout to he transmitted to Ceneress, an peewee a rssfatteien to •retirefrom putilic life at the expiration of the exiating term; and that a aptl - nal. his doing et). all the members _ot the Calif: vid e -thenlaresent, pretested, on the ground that - ,lei hate Minmitnelation- -would net have the effect tostivtduce pence or quiet, - but would only change' - the. dir ection of Metier; that. no one had a ,- riglii ' do- et fetch a step from him, as he had not leire,eted, President. and no ohiteution -existed , aroo4 :interpose any barrier between him ertt vote of the People. t . 4 n a-Rule/Amu, and yet in centrist with the • pitOclinge is tinother fact of an extraordinar) Ote:tater wing. : . though known by money, has lately. _been dislineely premeleeted. It is a4adove. - id in a letter of Mt. Ewing's in the statement ¢3; .1 him of a proposition having hen made to the President. that the mejerity who had passed the finit e Bank- Bill, -wnuld ennsent to postpone the second to tire next session of Cotrgre,:s, if they could - receive asenrantes that in the mean time no holltiie movement would be made on the part of the•Treeldent. The fu'l meaning of this state meet his pew been developed by the declaration ne..remember of Congress, that a message was carried ftoni the Wh i g lea 'ers in ,Congress to the ' Vreillident, to the effort that if he - would engaat not to 'disturb any members of his then Cabinet in the' enjoytpunt of their offices, the second Back Itillehould be pranp••ned. The answer tri such a -. propMilion may be easily coneetved. l'he etreet of that ; : proposition waif to prove the identity of - the snentbera of the Cabinet whose places were deemed- irejsertarfer with the hostile members of • Cringrettri e . and_'if the deeign was to precipitate matters, It was most effeetual. Yow. ' , regime no aid to determine which o f . . - the-latitts,iniil94l3 scenes exhibit , d 'a lofty dietn teseeted patriot - 4 , m: and which evineed_arty Lena-, city Cot or desire for power. Ihe facts are full wk.:Artatr mittens, andlurnieb a key to marry iteriterTents tratteirmtious; ' i After :the outbreuht referred to, the President . . • • , Oterodelled his Cahitlet, arid from that tiara his 44ininistratieri may he safdab have commenced. ' - , le.begartaitta he. earitidaill _them far, without the . - mepport Of tiny' party • acknowledging him as its astillitical _chief, or bnund to him by those , political sageiiiittipes, which 'emder every preceding ad .:: •, twistiattatimeiraft enabledthe Executive to lookeat .. --- harittrifsitterablitipreffisoosit ion 4in a largepore . tie* brthe:lo:MUrs' or Congress - to sustain his , . _ .. . _ • liteitH(oo.4:- •The fame course of, events which des ".'prietelleinmetthottiiiiiilltrid aimustomol aid,,of an. sietinittietrati iee. also litteieted him from those ' 7.. esols pirrtrifillueneee and party obligations which . • ' irecetwerecipropit from party service. Ile suite aft: • WI liberty to -Consult the inter- ate, of the who',e • jostle, of the great masses, withoist. reference In the extreme views of the bigots of i spy party And he determined to do so. - An einurinetion of the measures adopted kv birAtend of these reeom- , mendit -to Cringeeee, will shrew how far he hie _. esetiseileil; He pursued the'even'tenor all's way.' sand tbw:eonflicts of contending parties, afflicting itiliternlneedit to the•pritiCiefes theft he hail Always •• 11$16‘.1: l!ii0 fiseits thej were implicate, io the goes- littiniehit preeented-thereselvaik e . _• et Congress Message at. Ai, oferoln s oaf, the-last ismoTon o_W of Voyittest:add the rditesagel during -that . inthaktitefertlish a chart of the ineasereatifibe.adLl - •Iltiuktrifiatitt; and enable us to diseerw:the 2Pnlie f. 1 4 the Woe/dent froth pie must euthertio,aed on , qywitiortittdiswiurce.s. stn , eutinieratibn o f, these_. ormititticei'ed the fate i f tbefeopenmejlitatitanibr .eybuthstatny were urged peon the atteetipsi of - Ciao :". 111111lila Will smile you to perceive bow f at th a a pa t,. hew been earned out, ,where it' failed, and the "'wore' isfstich thilete. . Ig. '-Vbe first point "to whieh, ,.. ihis•-pfewitftirti. waned ther - -itrientiori - drCobstrwse iw , 'Atti4l it -1 ~-, ' ' ill•Miter—lottb-lhe danger_ to wh l o l -ititlAtOi'' intwestWweit; bistbe - tiitit- or surtableepprieetanerer ',-. •'.. . 4 1lPgr ill dial . , ..t..:" 4 l. *: 5. 1:14, -* tbili!i - ** -41 . :- le"Nr 6 . .plea tOteitiogs OW d uti es with wAktrittril'Atttg?•• . • "9 4 ° re4 lo( toliikßir Petie'e•a.ii pipsetii Aiwigabh . Terfatinee With all-abe -o*iefteesitf..l,•,aks and h'-' i nl ea t q lte d- .lhe P 6 fileti: - or proibiusg s. l7 l viT4fthe. a t to = vniorivar'from" the filatelwari, JO - 1.-,' ',Fele rid , - .llll' of ail each "Catiaisit sulOtt - ' ire true 'f.. its! observance stn4:ertgittlett.-oCulii.lniernii drips) oliliikatienit. Such 11 , taw, :was passed, ILO At :atio tit, relations iif.peitite and war With nth : eft . 00)4 Will' no be depeadarit,upott any wilier • tribOmi#l#lll-04"reated b 7 the ti._ 4 641 ti '. '''' it. or . . ' ~ withal .:._'..:=!'. 7 , -, '..r.', - : - .74,']' .F;411,,:,-4 ~~ . _. _n w i Gemint;-: Ama r go v-, tiumndim i re -Pnvit:6 egr Ita Lilt a, :0 11 ( 4. *OP 10Ar..1.11Z-1,, ,, , :*':',kt , t;f'. , ' , •: 7 ) Vt" , ..- -- - -1 ,,, ~ ,--='-- 1 kr# nu' -,pereete th 4 4,tetowt: *lna I- 1 40 0 0 r hes-I lietennrftliy fettilertitl. and that in honepet the tionotti'hie. bead !tip/kite - it . 3J. Another P lint in out foreign -relations= lehieb the tneletage brought .10-the attention of C.;agresto and the ,ffeipTe; • wan rett-the British Govetputsat, to .itisit and detAin'; vessels:l Railing coder the American tog, for the rsttrpoieJ of executing their tient a*d treat* in riiation to the oboe "sadly Againstrlbibriebn the Pieetdent regtouptrated In Oinn' anti-dee:OA and ddblered that it moot be , rerietect-. - j This claim in' (Sect is withdraun 'by the niitish G'svernrnent, and her Envoy has precluded her from restriking it, by the Ftipula Lion in the puhlisitect treaty for the e.mplOymenftif vessel tbs. milli of Africa by act's° countries separately and in iependent 1y, , t0 set under the instructions of their respective governments fur.thei enforcement of their respec tive tuunicip,l latva4mly, The very omission of say tecognition of authority to visit the vessels of the one country,by the officers of the other, is in itself an exclusion of ail such authority, and leaves the matter piecisely where the President had placed it—a total. absolute and unqualified denial of any,suelt claim. The ineertion of such a denial in the Treaty would have been aliaurd.— Treaties. c mtain the affirmative stipulations of parties, not the negitiors or protrous of either.— By refusing any, aquaton to the Olin; we deny an our part that it can ibecome subject of compact reserving to ourselves We. vindication of our rights (of which fair and explicit notice 6ss bten ,gives} whoeLver they shalt be asseilcd• rhos has a pre. amnion which threakentd' Om renewal of a rrrac. lice that had brauglitun One war, been abaadonesi and the sanctity of our national 'flag seeueed—..al the tame tine the most vffeetual weans havabcen provided for the utter destruction of the accursed trade. 4th. Upon that d ffi mit and perplexing topic, a tarifFof duties urr imports, the language of the messag,e defines with great accuracy, clvarness .and pre:el:dun, tic true princOles of protection ernahrtYnt with revenue, eller speakint of the re oninanee of the people...to:the impmition of - - bur- Jens not really necessary: to the supp-rt .of veronica:the President; Bays: "In imposing Ou, ties hoWever, fir the purposes ofrevenue, right, i to discriminate ati."to the articles on which the duty shall be We, as well as the amount, neeesaa• Lily and most properly exists." After showing that _the imposition of duties indiscriminately on all articles would defeat the very purp me of . ob. taioinia revenue, he remarks: •"So els() the Go yetnin-nt ma" he juitifie i in so discriminating by reference to tither comiderations of domestic poli cy conriectid with our owt3 menu - factures. So• tong as the du lea shall be Mid with distinct re teienee to the wants of the treasury, no well ohje:tion can exist trgairist them," and he concludes the remarks on that subject by urging the importance of-certainty and immanence in the , systeat which, slimed edopter!. It is heMeved !kat no jitat man who, regards the interest of the whole country, who would not compel that portion ' 1.01 our fellow eitit•rm.4lutihave no ut..nufacturere to pas taxes-for the -reuipart 'of those who have itiem,,wit bout any-equivalent. we'd 'wit() yet would mob et 'American initti•try fOm foreign clielp labor in those articles which are, essential true in p ace and in war, and. for w!•iUh we, Ought not to be depentint 9fi any c hor nation, it is belii:ved that no just_man who will take such enhirge , l and putriotic views rif the-subject wilt hesitate to ap •prove prin , iales pfomulgated in th 3 message. While they are adverse to prohibitory duties on the one - hand, they proyi 'e for abundant ineirtental orolection on the other. They are those, and those only th _at will e harmony as well as Q. justice in the. adjustment -of a matter , involving so many and -such various conflicting interests, and produce the' permanence which in this country, cm he attained only by the general acquiescence of the people in the equity and honesty of any s stem. And if the lilPiality so unusual, thus evinced by a statesman coming , from that portion of out Union which has no manufactures, tie recip rec.t.ted and met in the same spirit by those iv h o are most anxious to promote those interests, a uni• tnuf feelint will exits , throuzlinut the confederacy, which will afford more stable, and 'herd:3re more reit and substantial protection to our own Lidustry than hay laws that may be passed tinder occa sional and spasmodic excitements, which will be "ore to intermit with the cessations of the stimu lints that prOduce: them. Should The Tariff tw that has passed and re ceiv .d the eiviatura of ihe Prosi.tent, be found in prailicilo dear impnrtant particulate from the just ..rid liberal principles advanced by him, he Wiii,donbtless be frinnd ready to sanction such neceeeng. amendments as may he rroposeti by tin. ;in -which tba Constitution has ezelusively I . the authority to originate and pass revenue sth.. Tile recommendations of the annual mes sage on the subject ,of Currency and Exchanges, next claim our attention. After pointing out ,the necessity of a medium of Exchange, approxima ting to uniforinity or value in the diticrent parts of the country,i he President proceeds to re deem the pledge he had given at the previous session of Congress, by submitting the outlines of a plan for the safe keeping and disbursement of the public revenue which shall at the same time furnish a currency, and thus indirectly regulate exchanges, The lirn'ts which I have assigned to this eo -ern utlie.ttion forbid a repetition of the de .tails of the exchequer plan as develtped in the :BM submitted to Congress by 'the Secretary of the Treasury. This is the More regretted, he - eatise I am confident it has not been s fft newly considered bz.my feline citizens tenrr Ily, to be thoroughly, finderstood. It is empha . ically the plan ni.lhe-PrealOent, originated and 'matured by , ;nay, walks single modification introduced' on the advice ttl his Cabinet. at prop-ses to a tam objects.. hy tire anplication of. nowers acknowied...ed in nrac;.l34.4o4exist iritheV , .?rern mese from i . a loan. dation., Thd 'Vessury .1/epaitnient was .4i:4/kilted - I tihrlhat'intlecilort'br the public ,revenue, Its daft;i itetigtig;itnikits ttishitinement acc , trding tir acts of 'itpptopriOon'hyr.opetelak_ To a hoisid of.pcintrol unifta Stiper.. * “libliev, , ef that El.4pertinent, zhet:efore.W3ll E . d rate' charge i ti4sittess,- witl:glithniity.tis.-"Oahlish agencies,- 4.int tadedl44Tniebe t 411 , 141- 4 iog Treasury. notes ha: 6iii4r*dsmusiisionti-porebaSsig" bills 'as certain . ' Actrertotion. , These were the geom . al ft;aturet4,44 l thi President the of i ts merit., Vahan he - elltressed ,itfiadiu*Atccon,attr .Theidificult)Tei thit'die*Ott'ititilate . essential 13 Should:any' emialitnerortal mettes rtliave.ilse Chief -.Executive m a ii,fira‘ . from any criritrottlif. - lioner : :Wirer _the Tetattury.. how entirely this cosiditutiOn*lohjections, by diit that he unctions er pnreha ing *nit Salting drali titlierr thick forthe perposcl6 -of the Govern... , inent shortie evic t ' -any state only when . pribibited by, such state... 'All , conflict - With" state insnWiction.iwsui yositSente.l; - the banking privileges st s tha, 010 W e, MOS* , Jett without inierts. ,renge, the-mierttiOrrii of 'the- Traittiurf sim` lifted, s and'no liated,#netktgrelllii** 4 o 6 4 7l 3isioti ""; :rer a':;:••••• , i.-;itimiettioir - ,-ine* o# : tecklr apt eft 040 cullitiotri;Olti*V4tiatii,iiktiivialkatierigs* to mourn- • ._ 4 If, as seem to OteWalhr. ennewillit;4l4 - 4 , 01 1 0,., betweekthii plaktitrui a Natiraall-"f!tiller, them 4 44 44 1' lion. Waiving for the present tki _inaup cable, 44EO:titles preSentedliy the tae4itatiotral, objets :tiortit to snake Rini operating, throtialrthe_ whole •BniiM:-..obj..ctioris 101 l entestaitiod by:a large .portion of our fender .ieitizenk _ands atteagtheititli :rather thati:diminished by disCuesion and, by the sad experience of - the iremendoua plower and 'the still more tr tnendiaisiiatrruptione.of each an in. stittition,--Viraiving_theire , the,vety fact of the ax- , istence of Fitch objectiims and °lathery of a diffe rent !haracter, witl effectually proventa subsorip tion to the stock by those round and prOdent cap italists whose countenance atid whose - real-wealth : can alone gtve it vitality: Such men will never consent to place their ',Property is a position to be the sport of the altetnatir triumphs and defeats of parties. The'charteting a Bank under such eir eumstariccs. would hut invite the cupidity of those who intend to become borrowers rather than len.• dem, aid who by moans of the irresponsibility of a core /retain and with the irapuoity that has -marked former Iran - sections of '-eimilar legate. (ion-, would plunder thastrwhose'confidence they had invited hut to hetOty it. Wl;adever may have been our opinions beretolote of the utility of a National Bank, however we may have coursitlled to acquiesce in its supposed neces.ity, tholisto. ry of the last few years, has, I should hopef-ciiii vinced all who are open to conviction, thrt any evils which May be anticipated from the want . of such an institutian, however great, are - mora to - er.." Mile than the'bertain, , positive and immeasurable injuries which we now know have flowed from the existence of one that Was instituted under the most favorable Buser-es,- and was corn init'ed to the charge of men at the time esteemed the most hon. orableand trustworthy in our land. Within four I years'of its existence,- the last Bank of the-United States begarne little bolder than a den of robbers Itirminagers, with Velar exceptions, pursued a eye: 'teiriatic sidierne." of plunder ani fraud, whicb was arrested Ity_the - investigations of a Committae of comrress. Clemency, n° s tie.lreved Dt have hien Mistaken, towards innocent stockliollicrs,,and : a hope that the-example' which had been made-of the offen . - dere would doter others dram similar practices, saved the. Bank from dissolution. in was allow ed to proceedunder new . restrictions ,deeigried to prevent the recurrence of, similar Broods. Inn-a few years it was routed at open war with tbe'Gov.. ernment of the country, seeking the renewal 'of its charter, stilisidising press's and editors, siviati dering its treasures in partisan elections endl ir oji en!y purchasing Ole ,ittipprirt of the venal Wall , die ct"robs . _ Toe moral corruption which thwf flooded the wit- he cot:wavy was in itself an evil of the most fearful . magnitude, It struck' deep at the roots or puhlialaith and private honor, and prepared the way for that reekieaa and unbounded extravagance, which the batik itscifstimulated by the profuse distrit . iro7on of its money. arid the consecoences of which we are now reaping in in: which a — Bartkcoltt,- Law affords hut slight 'r4ier - ,ktidtln the deg radation 'of the eharaeler, or otir c untry by thirliariduletit insolvencies of pa -lie earporatfiiiiitr*.d by the shameless re 'usiliot sovereign states lutfil s their olitigat lone- - • = ' (enactarstow TO ritratiow DAILY MORNING Pon: • • MIS. PHILLIPS k wic..µ.IIMITEI,EULTAR 3 AND Ps ,, PRIVI oRs MONDA Y; COUNTY CO7WENTION t!trrinkcAten. Woher 22, 1842 n pursuance of a call of the Derporratic Comahhiee of Correspondence of the State„ published at Ha tristm some time slime, attalcatitc,the Itropritt y of each county electing delegates equal to their number of representatives in the ittate Legislature, Ito-meet rltlir-respective roe .m ties to convention, ct deleeatolit• meet at Harris• blips, on the fith oC Itnitlry 10 : .9x/1., the pc rpotte or ttoininliin a candnlnte for•Jltet'rett fl ortthject lb the dec•sinn of a Dentoe.ratlclßPtionoVcortimution.. The ()mime rat of A ilegitetty: enitittr*re, therefore, re quested to meet in the different wept s nod town ship., on Sat urtitty,t Itep It day of N:: .„ • at..at 41tur mural War co of holding their chg.,. 'oh diPlric: elect two 4de:titles to meet in -- ).'•";4-1tvineitilon at the Court ilouw, in the c yof pin( the 9th of ftluvemhef - , I if— for the .pur. pose of electing fitie: detegatr4 3 'froli . Wiirrotent A Iteghen'y. county to the St Me eitiittrottitin, to tie .held'a I." rash t tg, on the glorious St h Linn:try. JA.4 ER CRAWFORD, " Chairman of the Democratic vointrilitee 'of Correspond core fur Allegheny county. P, B. The citirs-of itittshurgiu'end Alle2heny, Birtnlne ham, laterrencevilleend Pitt scnir r nsbin, are r e quested to umpire hair Kist 7 o'clock, and lila Townolniis between ,3 atid.6 o'clock. P.M.' ' Oti-22—tn9 Laxitries and Nece‘Saries. Ie the disettaSton on the Tariff Bill, the democrats advooted a reduction of duties on the necessaries of life—artif.des that are required in all !families, ,whether rich or poor—and a corresponding increase on lux uries that can only he procured by the rich, and that are not . indispensible for the corn. fort 4 &Mines. ,This proposition, however, was I:strenuOuslit opposed by the federal members, and Senator Evansin 'combating the arguments of a derboontic ntern6er, Made the folloWing assertion which was eonbidereila sufficient reason for opposing . any propositiotto put high 40es on arti-4 cies i twitted:forthe-_rich OM ",•ARTICLES OF LUIVRY: WILL NOT BEAR-SO IfIGH A DUTY AS AUTICLES OF NECESSITY." " From - this die public may understand ssity the fedorallste advocated-44h duties . on Tea and Coffee aisti - Ititv - iluthision Wines; _ Nigh duties on oalieolv: lON as are usid is farmers and. medianit - a, and low duties on la ireworn by gin rich. Front , the - 4tsturse on the Tariff question; and many of OM Prfiviii -lions of - the Bill itself, it is evident that thegorp.erkti*frielids of Such a-Tatitenty as wilfrtitirrer , thO, - hattlen esf duties oo the articles 0 - imitated by. ttott.z>leceititiglmatiOn . _ of:the ootrionitt.. - siapitittif iho ties used by the opulent to came e. "IMP?rll4ll9' kers' " mo I,4kik " .4ht, MEE ~..,..,,.,,,,..,.,...., ~ - ,...;.- : -. , Ak.':. , ',::',':•;':-,. 'qiWO-24. Mil %-777...: , ' • o-,'.: c't - --' - ,401.21, 4 40„ , • 4 ";.. ;ARA M 4 -411.1" thejiV aismon efintribell 4115; jive and lot pie."' On aunties, *'free 10:1e and fors'sighte," ,Therein. 11 '44rx!ili ilifFerenee between- $t amonti.—alsll- that theiall4s ask—and $2 is: t 4, tin viages promises] by.the Whigs, , A chiinney'of . house in - 11ay-s'iUt-t took tire-On Friday' night aboin Welock. The:` Allegheny and Eagle thre*.*ater.: No damage done. le:T•Tbe Peonsyitrania, R.eporte:, office has puised _into the - hands of J. H. Di— mock, Earl., who intends to Ls - Induct it on the principles which it has always advoca ted. We hope that Mr D. will meet with all reasonable success; and we tender to Mr.• Patterson, who retires from the field of editorial exertion with - many well earn ed laurels, our best wishes for-his-future health and happiness. The Reporter, tin der his charge, was the best paper in Har risburg. AR Error set Right. Much-:Pains-have been taken by the Conn party :tolshow :that ,Edwarj S,rti - itht the Abolition Lecturer, was tr_locofoco em misaaty, sent to confuse and divide the An limas - utile party. The truths he uttered' the arguments he used, were met by the coons with a knowing shrug, and the sin-. gle reply "0, lie is a locofoco." The Ga zette, in order to neutralize•his efforts sung the same , strain. • But • we presume the •fotlowing sketch - of his, political actagiven by Mr.-Smith, in - his last paper wilt; block that game, and the Antimasons Who - are induced tu listen to him, not b-e-deter ed from • going to hear him by the fear of being talked to by a "Locofoco:" • "The Gazette calls 118 by the party name locofoco, and intimates that we voted for Col. Johnson. and recpiests- to be in :formed who we did vote for.- Now, be it known to the Pitts. nigh Gazette, that ; we never voted until hi 1536; the- , we voted for Wm. H. Harrison, for President, he caufte wethought he wa: an hone:t man. not h ecause he was a Whig. 1340, we voted fir `James G. • Kit ne:y and - ThOs : I Earle; and th,is year, wevi!ted-rthe, ticket. of Allegheuy County. We -nev- r voted for a alsveliiiider, nor never We never xi ere a Wll.lZ'Or LOC4ICO.- Mid never will be. We liave always been Demnciat, and expect 'always to he,;both in church and state. Now, Mr.- Gazette,- dari't We all Wer yon, clearly? The Election bi Massachusetts tak-ee plpet+ on the 2.1 :Monday t)f Nov. In New York on the Ist-Mondayat Noe. in. Del. aware on the 2cl 'Tuesday and in gtll44ss!p- Ipi on the Ist Monday of Nov. --;l4t#4-'7:;.:.. Money Mai ters . —lt will ben - 11Suetid reference to our Bank note liat, '66unt nivreany_of the Pennsylvania Banks . becarue - drbisOkirrher, add thai the State weir Scrip is ag,airt.depre4riiti. hag Raid derideat.---Sime SCillindfet !faced apieee a iron 'on the Readina R4il Road, Relit Port Carlion. last stoselay, which threw the ene,ine (+the track while running under a full hearrof steam, and two persons-who were On the car, wene instantly killed. To the Edii ors tif Elle Morning PoM GENTLEstroatr—On utv arrival at Pitql— hitrzh, I wail _preserved. by a friend, with , a statement in the Saturday Evening Visiter, founded on - an anona j tois extractof arletter, and a calculation from some one in Phila delphia, contradicting a statement made by you in your paper of the 4th iust., relative to the probable procee:ll4 of my late trip in the Connognenessing Valley. . . Ti is with reluctance I refer to this sub ject, hue-it is-certainly lessnhketinnable, in e - verv'tengs,fur me_to state the truth touelt rrii*rn affairs,-than far any one . , what : ever may have been his rnsflive, to single; me out for pildic.exposttrejtv such a man ner its the writer aid publisher of that"es- .tract have done. I have only time at present tn say that the statement matte isfalse in almost every particular, and that thorgii I labored tinder unfavorable eirru nst.tnees. instead of lons ing thirty five dollars, as the letter writer has it, I cleared on my down trip $101,20, after defrayino all expenses. including my boarding and doctor bill white sick in Phil adelphia. It is disagreeable for a man to tie eMri- F :pelletl thus to expose hit private ).tisirres., and I should not have nottcett,this,matter. but that I believed they v.prese.dikionst tin= warrantable and uncalled for; aull , that the rause of truth and my own prosper ts do mantled a refutation, I wi'l only actil4.4t. if gentlemen continue to =while themselves with the expenses incurred ItY - tne in:the pruseruting of my businosts, under fretea4. of -enlightening the public., they will-find me randy to compare thin,:. 4. °r 11164 """!'krstftWark*P:itilirisoe. when set : tliey Eilify their desire. to do stk. D ICANS. - iive for detail,-but`. eiat .-k;;' -.. ~. C , ^, .~ n~~i:~ ..3~::::S . ~~~> .~:. Prrzsapadu. Oct. 23th, 1842 ~~`. ?`A ISkt" 0: 440erri of 'the I9th state, that the Mosidzin General. WoN, had eapturedSan Anton in and Askew GO Joh_jfe of OW'tlirirsire.croioli4 l l. - 4'4 4 iiiiiN' gal" nitions *sr, tr.. this Snifga.ve rise to great reJntceg .. Sareti Anna hie ratiietrie lr#t country Lavoie near Vele C'rut, aCcatnpaisied 4 his Cabinet. lie does not intend to conitearidithe army. , A c o rps of 3t)0l is so _invade ' Yeieatan. The expeditilin was tl start tha neat 4ity after the, ar rival of 2500 men from die city of ikitiates, were_ to take their place. ..; A M e xican. General aras• about going to- Roes *tan for the purpose of ettcting recznaciruitioo between die two countries. The rumor of the burning of Adair, by the Nes,. jeans isfit Ise. Texas papers state that Gen Woll had retreated croft - Safi Antartio,,bat it was supposed that he merely fell back to meet reinforeMnents; The prisoners taken by the Mexican General were well tr •ated. Two were shot at the capture. G.tiveston is_ Prepareti for any_ etnersency; Mau being under arma. - • Diaastrovis - Fire at Cineoe, - 'Lipper, Canada, At Sincoe, 17. C. on' the ::81i inst., a fire brnhe out by which the Not th can Hotel, the Commercial Rotel, Royal Exchange, with all the furniture and out houses, were totally destroyed. The loss is about 190,000 ! ! A citizen of that place has beet iatrested on suspicion of having set the stables of the N. A. Hotel an fire. The Sailors of New York hive struck for higher wages,: . - They had _a grand pro cession and- on one of the Banners wgs in scribed, "Free Trade and-Sailors Rights!" Aerial NaviLfation —The French pape — s State that a p irson named Gonaschi, bas invented a Imila/in, with which he can navigate thestir in any direction and in all weathers. An experiment lately made en its powers under eery tinravorahle, rircum tancei, ncar Grins, France, was comptete- , ly successful. The tetonaut made his ascent from the east batik Of the Snane, , and crossed the river a in Westerly di ecti grailuidly T .steerinv in a corvilincar path , till ho recrossed the river, and descended very near the -.Tat where he had ristn,., Dacup axpori trterit - th 0 ; weather: wgoner ally iernp -storing, and the wind '0W413 Very Violent. The - hapoon i< netlike allcatmint inform. being . rhhinhorl I, i`nateed,tif iii ‘ rical or cylindrical; there are.oo details, of eon-traction giiten,.however, nor I n, / men iiol. - nvid !or the means by which' - it is propellzd , Snarl of - Gov - erriSrs: and Governors in a snarl Governor Ki4r, sent G.vernm Arnoldlo Govetoor Hubbard, to take Governor Dom hut Governor Hubbard told Governor Arnold to tell Governor King, that he, Governor. Hubhard, would not deliver to him; (Governor Arnotii,) - Gitverniienirr, for the .gratification' of .o(*Ternor Kiwc , -; az= ho, ' Gov.oolor ilohhard. aid not think -that he, Governor Kitti, was a _Governor arm , all--and therefore had no In send a t;nv{:tt'.Or TO a Go) Yernar for a Curvernor. Providerret Journal. Don i'aste r Races. The `Coltrnitia' brings us fifty repot ts of the Doncaster M. eting !Who is the winner of the St. Leger?' every one willask. Not a reader of ours could guess, , s and they might try fifty ,times. it wee won by an untried filly—a daughter of Touchstone out of Maid . pf Melrose by Brutandorf--:bred and,WWned by the Earl of Eglinton. To put our readers at • once out or their misery, we will inform them that. Inge Bannet has won the Great St. Leger. Th.e distinguished editor of , `Bell's Life in _London,' furnishes us with a most graphic and • - p Interesting -report of the say- . lugs and- doings during the , week at Dun :Aster, and an engraving of the winner of the Sr. Leger, nil of which will be given in ihis papet next week. . The etching of Blue Banonti as give t in Bell's Life, pre sents a remarkable likeness of Fashion; with the exception of the,, head and Beck, the reseinh ance is most striking. - I D The , o , icattter' Meeting commenced on Mo n day the ,12th al September, and the' St.- St.- Leger was run for on the following , -- tlAy. Up to Monday tidiihe kneir any thing - of. Blue B o nnet'' but Dawson,' "i heir . trainer—the same whit. min the ()aka with:, 'Our Nell,' in .shah4it.ti:, ,, atyle. . Fr , un the-first to the. hisrohe Valor:0 been named in the betting; _ r thtOtty. before Lie race, LOid Sglintori itrriirea.at. DIM-. caster - and introduced his filly.to the .90tiOe notice. Of dPi3 Ctilll4o*W: t0:34 , , 01,000 to . 1.110 fr °to thFeeWeilt, - - iiartkes, by which he of cnurse,titt4t4o.4Xlotur-lieinseesret was raithfullY ir*lit . liy.:l4Witites - slahle - , ratio and - bl4. 'w.nn wilnAiste full of bank notes, while Ilawson ; it i i - sofipisedr tatist hive. I won over Sioq.asi -- 7 .titore, even, then , Lord-Egliaton himseilt The hettloglned At length got frightetskt a 4 t Stio.HOosenelia * with, which the Blue Bonnet parrvepresit' lifitniselves, and from 4900 tri '4OO, theadde stignst her declined tolint 1,0 to 1 ,before 'the-qtarti- The',odds.agitiostAttillak: the . .,witlntir of th e e ; Derby, wept* kihit-:; .. .i. ..,, - 17 . hh fide'4 , l6 : run in 3.20, ..stiorafig.4,o -41eli's Life—thiee sawmill- - .ittiliti AitiOle is: Vattie - of theS't44 'fir • , '''',f- ....to- Nr . y . syi ' , Ai m : - „.•,. :,-•.., 7 th e Th r vi o w t . t wolipmeh f*l. 14441*1***41t1T : i`.Q;l•,?..F.i':4:;', gig _..:~- ~'~. ;.ate .;ir Driltiug hi t the enemy, he called . 04 am not much given ts - my brave fellows Met wa most beat thein-of avittiiw ' The soldieikaapitt nth - onion of their le . , "with such ardor, ma i lk ' that they kirleci, 4 - thote 'British &tip , AMOR — - PRINTING w. Corner of TweTroprletwe of tilt Wet ' 'Rita' Illesarecereha, .hem% , and the pat rental' thaw pe ps ' tad well awe sepottmettor argrarim de,alM , k.&23 Neeetaary 41 a Job Printing LETTER_pi e iii OF EVERY Di, Rooks. Bills of L t' ,Panipßletp, Bill Needs, IlandbiHa, Black Ctsisk all thibs of su e ., ;filayainat, and COW ji ipputte esti, -Ptiered on the shOrlest VVe relpee+fully ask ilte ink heiluhric in tonere! in this art Pittsburgh, SeP'. 39, 1R42, eas la u Mon PUBLIC SA Will be sold, on Wpdurta y o'clock P. M., by order of 314 . 10 t Mr. General; V Horse. I sett Ilarneyn o w oit At, the Audios mite , Allellterty Arsenal, Oti. y lse WILL.._ be ... Pi:od on ,114 , 4 4 Ja.+Viritaapnt4o 4 No .111) Wood E.ireet—Oo. - Dry Goods ever offereal at Aitis - try, equedsting of Ciothic . E'. Diem Ili, I;avvris, Irish I.irrettp,l l , - A 16n; at 2 o'clock,, Sl.,ageftrit lure. 3 Iron Safex, a Imp 100 Mete of Soap, 50 hoxrs a nualteronluffalo OvercoaiF,do MONDAY next at 10 o'clock new,!easo - nable and den Co'nstaling-of Clot its.-Cassimeres, Canines.? and _Ormta Coate, vary senorita; 1 Mack and W atm Cinttllam awl PO Irani Cravats; a ;teat variety of or Tiokines; Charts, I akin Moves; Table Chapels, Br SilitiVlO. :aid a vaiNgtAtother Oa 31 --rt - EGALIAS; CASADE - • • LA NORM. ..rmr.,ttt r r lber has just received t LIGIITand DIRK IZEGA La Norrnsire,, Principe and sFratie.ll in; Tobacco ..r s he best quality, Pt retail, at TUTT I 86 FOLIETII 11MM OUCHE /17 • JIMP ituy Oct. 3I sr at 2 u'ra,dc P.ll .Auei lon ft uotn , , Na 110, N. E- C.1§41 otreeti. j - TiAsos . olin It I ROLTCIIB - for family nse, a nd of the verTbeit Axe 28 Ff7itOP/..4NAtild.Ney,_7k , to transact tire Ar conducted for many yats,isark. '_. - of Octeber..airstaully, ant , about-the-end of the ensentilat 44:ran:writ Tem there, and Innate Canndas, it tatting to mitt mokel.6 to their friends in t ar part c.flnktki. or Wihn, or to collekor rremer • prpFifrey.,. or I I make mirth for rtt • will have thiir ren.rtranmpill and hu-meat promptly latendhim, lihs A :tents in the enter here. In kk , 'Nit sttervrh, and Wek.ern Pent *rhea hr Mr. Thilmar fa.:4lly. Pt May, !Werclmot , ll'ater st req. Pitt 1.1{E,V.101,1.• Or? '!-Iwdolt Aitoroval MOTteR —We have ix sto , otte .1. disebartted porkozex, ertiitimt he trlispitgetl oroccoriltor to law, tx Reed Washington, i pact:arida lon, Pittsburgh. J. M. Brett; 1 MIX, care 011nbe • Wm . ] Green, 4 pat kale., -Moth. , No mark, 2 earriagv , and twee C. A. M'AltBl. U.S. Portahte Boat Line, COI Bitten'rgh, Ger. 28, 1842. Ar aMeeting. of the Field • • • on Wednesday, the ISO kat, • OW motion of 8, G. Large,if be a (limply Convention !Rid 'q .: Court Hoilve, on IN:pdncirlay,g A. 11., of nil the Commiesionei/. County, roio the purpose °rap a National Convention. to le kg . 6. C., in December next, 1142. On motion. adjourned. Oct 2D-19n OTIA1). —0 n Wed itedny tbe 014th and Stttil hfietd a large • t hioweiey cah have, by prowl tfilh advcribseptent. C REAPER Tit►K • SPLENDID asta , ' . REAPY MADE P 'A . t . ttlE THREE a. .tro' 151 ifberei it., sat door fro!! ; I rin F. dubscriber havilisre -- the tersest - and mut( TAM 'MADE ci,o,etti NG ever offered* !11. would respectfully invite Or e11..111 and examh‘e his Goods and I ,sittrettitsifts elseshere. Ills stock LAO C4,ll4a,adaurfed sizes and go 1 u 'ant; 11100 l Vests; a. air a lane' ' II "- *Wit Cravats. , Stacks, Gldret. ; other artiste of winter Cl'' ' 'Via Cloths/meta alt -selected bye Markets, and- purchased at IWO/. and coaukkadierdly lie 'Can Hai:l-rile - BErt EtSAAGAINS than)diet house in the city . - Believing li4 the 0 4 Iloilo: I admit r:5, , " lie has 0164 0 Ida 'ntstmetured by rittsl+urth W •-• beifiternin Jo S-43 , 1ng that they a . - Pe!le suaatitif to'the Easttts are °reunify saie-itt the O °P aneitereAatnerie nak '. , , • in these iliemSAvbell Reef: ' bilii a a b,*orpolia ,suenton. of "Prporietat of the .et Yee ilk P i k ' and Yeenttre ift asteuring 'be 0 too goods arc ' ell sysr ppoffOlgro l ' ollitk mechanics of his coati low!. ire e liht rica!lt*tratle, have , hit CIO 'tits', in anotbar state.aar doer be tin, primp* tnritoOf reilrbllolPz`• does on the, princire that ths_... it dig . -.../talafteltell as al at Sitate itssalasossuay from the 1 4*, Ilate4'.lt,*llo *ski Oleo CO , * ll ssitili:4ll.4sti-theiti hi , tilf 11Alliborna4tIt o,' .. Ttt4l:-AilisfeWieir would lake. *at tett Ifs Waifs - mid tho, °lll ' ,- ,—— - . tid PlitfOtlajpiSilbaditd.llol* -; peathis .litittailak t.iattl 1 i ,,5 A ‘41400111401 '' 41V-# l4l t r ic :; .- ._ 4 6 , 1 4140tt e. ,.." 1 1,2 ," :• , - • :.. '' • •-•4.140101:76,W44itt—i,111741- .- „ .y. ~ ~~. ~, = i _ ~iy iCs~.. , .. :;1 tb pree4teri , ars are 0114`, *Kate has nw urmd.to g 13= ag°. 111111 01 1 1, It r* o AtgiCel 'zen, gr a rat'reVo' for t , -010 00 .' qele raydie ing. We rid ey after • ember! of the ' n &arm lertin re But not*, not At, home .Akrneed In Sit y And a alefuNT. Sat was Foilltiwe plodee at the d, however, Wants wl'l be A. s. is a list of tit Book an r" , of-t stiTy. Iwo fiOk!' es. 0 4- li 8. We did ti Henry Wm. Ni J.B. -§,atuuel N. Park Samuel 0. John 1. iscob John G fWm. \ 'J. 111. John_N John H P Eil win ' Charles M. Mc, 1 4a R A. G. - 41 , 1644 411.14 J H , »'w the Nep Satur4l as j'a Cot song 11 en a li !MHZ g Alc' EIS ma SECE stain by tha riEm ay nigh. the- me. The ;we to Wish th tieguis the i3th - Bonk.' teeny, tF ara, the r. (1 sign doubt t t Anw is perance 014401.0 e L joiro );n3 •= S glit Te Is it, &awe t th :0 4 4 silk* 1 "ri k - ii t tat,