w.: 'PA.— et4,14°01044, :flask. W* ll .r. Mnsfiarteks6tempeestaily informs the pirate tifdt has removed .MatialMy made coffin warehouse to! the. Sall 441LreCcatly oceepte4l by Mr. B. G. BerfOrdolireelY opposite his &Oland, where be is always prepared 10 at taflitilrom,ptly to any orders in .his Binh and by strict at. tentless to alt the details of the badness of an Undertaker hit incnertkpahl le confidence , 144! w ill be prepared .111 aid. aortas to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages [and leery registsite on the most liberal terini.. Calla frost) the toentry Willbe promptly attended to. His residince is in the same banding with his ware ' imam, where those who need_hte services may find him `Otani Mine. . Rsnaaircr gr,•2l. 1D22,11.N. • 22V JOHN OLACI.D. D. JODOE ItrDDLX. Icy. RoItERT IIaVeR.D. H. atroac rArrox, HMV. 11.1. KOHL WiLLIA2O4 D• W. I. M'CLORE, 2.1 V. JOSEPH KERN. • 12.11.0 HAHRIS, H 22. JLIVID3 N. DAVIS. ' SO 10 ACV. Z. P. SWOT. • 8.02 Vik&D3rßtil r g..§.a 'WOKS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, PAMPHLETS, HORSE BILLS, -zELANKS, VISITING CARDS, 'LABELS' . . ADDRESS DO., -HMINACH, BrSINESS DO., NOTES, ' HAND BILLS, `!f41.23 OP LADING, ciacuLAns, kc, kc. Together with every description of Letter Press ' , tint limihenished with neatness and dew eh, and on mode •riltsteinstr,"atlhe office of the Daily Morning Post. 'oeff - . . . tHose. WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO AL PRODUCE OR ACC RAVATE DVEASE.--Tit is eh* Of individuate is very numerous. They are those who work than unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work men, In feather stores; stone cutters, bnkers, white lead 111114._OBICIurers, are all mom or less subject to disease law cordingl,o thestrnngth of their constitution. The only method to prevent disease, Is the o ccasional use of a medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete rious humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics in any form are injurious, as they only 21t off the evil day to make It more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills will insure health, because they take all impure matter out of the blond; and the body is not weakened 1 hut strengthened by their operation; fa these valuable Pills do not force, but they assi=t nature, and ere not opposed, but hermonize with her. 'Sold at Dr. Brandreth's °thee, No. 93 Woad street, riti•Murgn. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions. /I.RK—The only place in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own 11. Ace No 33 Wood street. ' sep 10 NEW HOTEL. --The subscriber respectailly an. for.r.s his old -friends and the public that lie has opined a Temperance Hotel, in fifth Street, near the Ex.- gimp Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat ithew 'Patrick, and has hoisted ant ron iI gno•The Iron City Hotel," where he will be very 1'41.v to accommo date all who may please to call OK him. His table shalt be provided with the best fare, and every possible accomitiodation to town and country customers and few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. 'tees; can be taken, and gentlemen who live oat of town tan - have their dinners daily. He has large and good stables, and the best tiny and Oats, , and a good 'Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ere and gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. cep 10 JOHN IRONS. - - WASHINGTON HALL.—The subscriber has tl/ opened the late residence of James Adams, Ern., deceased, for the reception of visitors and hoarders; the,house is very pleasantly situated on the bank of the OW), 2 miles from the city—possessing all the delight ful -accompaniments of a_ country residence, without being, too far dtstan for persons doing business -itt the city. Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of the 4eason. An Omnibus runs regularly every hou liking' end of the Bridge. „ • N. B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. - seplo WM. C. HERN D ISSOLUTION OF THE UNION'—The copnrt• nership existing between James E. K•lhourn and liavid 3. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thezonditions will be duly noticed, with the siguntures of both parties annexed, and Barry Ball will be continued open by the sutmeriber until other arrangements ale per• fected. Fur sale, on the premises, 150 bbk. choice winter ap ples, 11 - applied for isnmedimely. JAS. E. K 1 LBOU R , rep,_29,7—tf- No 9, Mr. orh,e, and 14. Prom at: 110611BINDING.--rivcandless4. Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper • entire, S. W. corner of Wood and Feud') SI rests, are now prepared to es _ • ecute all kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. — per Ruling with neatness and despatch. " k books ruled and bound to 1 a 97 ¢ n patterti at Llo oriest notice. N. B. All work done ne above is warranted. (sep 10 &Leger& Dentist, has returned to " M. btu old Mond. No. 107, Smithfield Street, where be can be consulted any hour during the day, on - his praestsion. sep 10 MNIOVAL.-.-George Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and pa .lrdns, that he has removed his estalittslunciit from his old stand, - in Third street, to the - corner of Front and Smithfield, in tite basement story of the !Monongahela House; where he intends keeping on hand a general as. sortment of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen 'emen's wear. ife hopes, by eloseamllication, to merit a share of the Dulness so liberally extended to him at his old stand. N. B. Having made arrangements in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers datay rely on having their Orders executed according to - - thoirWest style. GEORGE. ARMOR. VePt 10 "LARD Subscriber_would most respectfully Jeforar the public in genera t hat he has an article of Grd pit of it superlor quality, manufactured at the Cincim mail Oil alanafactory,ity R.W.Lee ¢ co.,which is warran lettlikle equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and Itily,liindry. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous maiter.sinoke, or 'unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and as whtte as spring water. Not a particle of crust is left on the wick. The light is pure and brß:iant, and will lasi as long. If not longer, than that from an equal-qUantity of Sperm. Oil.. The subscriber informs the public that he has taken a•place nearly opposite the Post Office, where he will light np several different lamps eve:, evening. and he would respectfully invite the In • habitatits of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to =triad lodge for themselves. He feels confident they wit( beconvinied that the above statement is perfectly ' eerier'. Oot urtwo,BUndredindividuals.wito have tried thit'oiLthereitas not been a single fault found with it• The Lard 011iosts one third less than Sperm, He would reitateltally aulick the early attention of Dealers and Ma. thilahas to : the above. • Vita ibitotiring Churches are now Using the Lard 011; Seemed Presbyterian Church, Pitt.hurgh, JCew Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Mistime', Pint Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. - Airthebarreill are branded R. W. LEE 4- Co, Cinein- AA; ,Oftict. Pittsburgh, June 2fst, 1642. Vift...the.undesigned, Captains of the Express Line of lineketalhetthe Pennsylvania Canal, haire tried and are Anting-itaintichrof Lard Oil intioduced'here by Matthew It.-Edsly,and•manufactured by R. W. Lee,t Co.. at the eleetiMititti.tritiractery; • We feet voefideatt In asserting that the n'ove. hi *goal to the beet Hperm,olllthat it is entirely free from smoke or anynlher glntleat.etmalter whatever; the light Iv per. feet], pate.clear amtbrilliant,and will last as long. if not longer from en equal quantity of Sparta. Oil, We hitveno isestitation in recommending lite our friends wad- ma those who use Oil." HENRY YitiJRY, Captain, Packet John Adams. ..fitLHEARAND; Captain, Packet John Hancock, A.H W. RAtH, 413 do John Matthion, ,1000 4 110,MP80N.,' , dt. ?0 Eittlfhtilsll, . - _ ino,11,01s: V ON IRTYCItg.I.I3,I EIF.ttIS lire-"lmillicised Otherba , arhieh exert 4L 4AmOtitOietion.nproOlte heart, give impubwr,Or 611,010titterbil system; the blood : la quickened onittitaiheett its circulation thrones all thevesielp, steel 41(4be lap. the Otte eituated internal ty, or the estilinilitiiic=l"l4 ap ill the teeretiOna or the body, are drairoliiiit-diehtaid.lherkba gortacquent increa se of evorimemettir‘oa Atteieheited i%i.tion Of 'the ebaorbeot• itettkehateht;-of Artintorhtd aCiIOII Allilliell.tff*A.6l446en Plat,: it rotracte4. obsfrut e-ttotopqr 41 Xti t retiltatil is purified. , and the body For Bole lytieleeale, and Re • -Alone, 4/44-11414a1;1000ceectud, 'lll - 4.00 ,10114 1 "1.4 , 1 1 1.3 9411 .. I SALE . CF , ETOOA*OWNED. - ;EY.TIW CO h I AWN W SALTO, , A . POTION... TN,.p ers oince of firitvisloiks of Mk* 4th section of an Aet or Assembly, panted -thel7tit 'day of 'Pity last, 14illilled...An act•tOprovhle for' the ordinary expeastut of the Goverament.4ayment of , the Interest on the State Debt--receivtog proposals. for .the sale of the' Public Wanks. and for other purposes," there will be exposed to public sale, at the;Meretiants' Exchange, ie the city of Philltdelphia, on Wednesday,tbe 23d day of Novemtier next; atiOseclock,la.' st...,:the following Stocks, ownedby the Commonwealth, to wit; 3750 shares of stock in the Bank of Pennsylvania. 5233 do in the Philadelphia Bank. 1703 do in tt e Farmers and:Mechanics` Bank . 900 do in the Columbia Bookend BridgeVorimanyi 2500 do .In the. Union Canat Cornriany.' 1500 do In the PIBROSyIVaTIIO. and Ohio Canal Co m-500 do In the Chesapeake and-Delaware Canal -Compant. 1000 do la the:Schuylkill Navigation Company , 320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans. ‘portatkin Company. Also, at, the State HonSe, in the borough of Harris burg. oq hionday. the 28th day of November next, at 10 o'clock, a. w.. 2905 shares of stock In the Danville and Pottsville Railroad. Company. 2000 do in the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com pany. - 2000 do Franklin Railroad Company. 900 do Wrightsville, York and Get ysburg Railroad Co. 61)0 do Codorus Navigation Co. 995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Nati gallon Co. 2500 do Monongahela Navigation Co. 9500 do Harrisburg Bridge Co. 2100 do Northumberland Bridge Co. 2160 do Monongahela Bridge Co. 1600 do Allegheny Bridge 'Co. 560 do ; Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. 400 do Lewisburg Bridge Co. 600 do Big Beaver Bridge Co. 600 do Danville Bridge Co. 180 do Nesropeck Bridge Co. 350 do French Creek Bridge Co. 100 do Conemaugh Bridge Co. 60 do Schuylkill antlPoitstown Bridge Co 100 do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co. 92 do Milton Bridge Co. 171 do Robbstown Bridge Co. 200 do Towanda Bridge Co. 1250 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridge CO. 120 do Schuylkill Bridgc,(at Matson's ford) Company. 300 do Willlainspatt Bridge Co.. Washing. ton con tit y. Also, stock in the following Turnpike Road Compa nies, to wit: 2124 shares in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers. burg. o Chambersburg and Bedford Bedford and Stoystown. Stoystown and Greensburg. Greensburg and Pittsburgh. Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana. Erie and Waterford. Perkionten and Reading. Gap and Newport. Waynesburg, Greencastle and Men cersburg. Morgantown, Churchtown and Blue Ball. Little Conestoga. Berks and Ban robin Lancaster, Elizabethiciwn and Mid• dletown. ZEMEE 4310 2154 -.2;64 1789 3477 100 1360 512 250 180 do 200 do 580 do 100 . do 250 do 100 do 1240 do 640 dq 400 do 50 do 1600 do 400 do 116 4 10 500 do i the Alle 300 do 5600 do 328 do 516 do 967 do 322 do 350 do 947 do 680 do 882 do 1010 do 100 do S2O do 500 do 280 do SOO do 660 do 672 dG 100 do 717 do 779 do 500 do 100 do 800 do 256 do 980 do 360 do J 54 do 560 do 329 do 855 do 400 do 280 do 1160 do 200 do 1610 do 204. do 240 do 403 do 200 do 290 do 96 do 360 do 24 do 320 do 123 do 160 do 40 do 96 do 224 do 160 do 80 do 80 do 200 do Snowshoe and Packersville. 4 1 1 do LackaWaxen. 200 dd Butler and Freepo'rt. 64 _ do Sterling and Newfoundland. 96 do Lenox and Harmony. 224 do Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics'. 160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg,. 160 do Luthershurg and Putixatawney. 160 do Birmingham and Elizabethtown. 64 do Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley. The termsand comPtions of raid sales will be made known on the days aforesaid, or by an application. nt any time. to Ibis office. State stock will be received in pay• went at par, or certificates of credit, Which have been entered on the hooks of the Auditor - General, In' pursu ance of a rsolution 'of the General Assembly, passed on the 7th day of A pill, 1942. By order of the Governor, M. C. Eb EY, Agent. ' ` sep 2r:l-1113 1 - 113. WILLIAM EVANS'S SOOTHING -slim:m.— .1V This InfalliLle remedy has preserved hundreds when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon _as the Syrup is rubbed on the Aumathe - child will rect v. er. Thisjiyettaration is so innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refine to let its sums be rub bed with it. Whettinfantsare at the age of four months tho' there Is no appearance of teeth, one bottle o(the .Syrup should hewed to open the' pores. Parents should 4 ever be withoutthe - syrup In the nursery Wherethere are young children for if achild wakes In the night with pain, In the gums, the Syrup immediately gives ease,by opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent• Ing COnTU 3101114 relent.- ke. Far Sala Whalet'ale and gentility R, S,SELLERS, Agent; se plO - • No. 2.0. Wood street, below Second, - . 1 AMES HOWARD 4- CO,, Xaorfacturera of Wall ~ Papar,.Ro. 18, Wood Street, Pittsbsrga, Pa.— Havealwarson hand an extensive assortment of Satin , .olnsod and ;gain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and • :,/mltatlon..Bor,dero, of ; the , latest istyle and handsome Int if nut, fa Pa Paring III" parlors and chamber,. They,nrinnfaetitre and have on hand at all times Printing; Sirt-Ong. I.etter, Wrapping and Tea Paper. Hon• _net, antiftillers',llcratds=alt Of whist, they oyer formate on the moats accommodating terms: -and to which IbeY invite the attentionof merchanto and otherp. - • • ALSO—Blank !Rooks of ail kinds and the-host.qtallt,, 8009189alts.ficAltuilmego..bitn4 and for sale as above: ! • - 4 4, 4 1 ..! .44814114115a1ia/leSeratne -taken'lnasehanim. ^:1-• - Easton and Witkesbarre. Sitsctueltanna and Lehigh. Milford and Owe,go. Downlngton, Ephrata and Harris burgh. Centre and Kishaenqulllas. Susquehanna and York borough. Centre. York and Geltysburg Npw Holland. • Spr rtg House, NO Pet hlebenn. Cayuga and Susquehanna. Susquehanna and Waterford. Susquehanna and Tioga. Bridgewater and Wilkesbarre. Pittsburgh and New Alexandria. New Alexandria and Conemaugh. Belmont and Easton. Pittsburgh and Butler. Philipsburg anti Susquehanna. Butler and Mercer. Mercer and Meadville. - Anderson's Ferry, Waterford And New Haven. Pittsburgh and Steubenville. Ridge Road. Bethany and Dingman's Choice. Robbstown and Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant and Somerset. Somerset and Bedford• Hanover and Carlisle. Millerstown and Lewistown. Bellefonte and Philipsburg. Philadelphia, Brandywine and London. Belmont and Ogliquaga. Harrisburg and Mitterstown. Philadelphia and Great Bend. Lewistown and Huntingdon. Armstrong and Indiana. Clifford and W ilkesbae re. Indiana and Ebensburg. Washington and Williamsport. Washington and Pittsburgh. Lycoming and Potter, Middletown and Harrisburg: Bellefonte, Aarunsburg and Young manstown. Buller and Kittanning. Milesburg and Smethport. Derrstown and Youngmanstown, Mount Pie:limit and Pittsburgh York Haven and Harrisburg tvidge. Abingdon and Waterford. Warren and Ridgway. Lewisburg and Youngmanstown. Somerset and Conemaugh. Carbondale and Lackawana. Somerset and Cumberland. Lewisburg and Jersey ShOTC ;Ligonier and Johnstown. Warren and New York Slate Line. Titusville and Union - Mllls. Armstrong and Clearfield. Warren and Franklin. Sugar Grove and Union. Brownington. Harrisvilleand Frank A. V.PARSONS, Secretary of the Ocnnmoulth N 411 4" 1 " 1 440 • ig er i ghoeig a —bi witraybokocent rout nits Vim asikolv; • • ' • HWifier Pao inxsa to , Disa ki t g e in.t h immitessif-those whoge'poniera of life ire not already austedllk -Where helium mains eau av id,, gore geareely .let any - coMplaint; or' form of sickness, that the galenists PILLS' do nut relieve and -generally cure. Although. theve gmills produce a KNOWN SITSCT,IIIIII efrieCl IS4OI. to prostrate -the tmody, as with other medicines, bli.the frame is invigorated-by time me moval of-the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors from the blood. • Harmless ht themselves, they merely ASSIST MAXIMS To throw out the or:easier of sickness from the hody, and they require no fa iteration in the diet or clothing. in fact. the.human . body 'shelter able. to sustain with. out, injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the influence of this infect ionAlestroytrig,uiseakeradica !lag II edicine than at( ny other time. The importance of Bratidreth's Pills for seamen and travelers is, therefore, self evident. By the timely use rof this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might We not prevent. Cold, Billions al fections, Typhus, Scarlet and fevers of all kinds, would be unknown! But ' , where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the; BRAM/BETH'S emus be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be appled, without fur ther loss of tiue.—To us RitallidnlELl) -- That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test , in the United States. That they are a vegetable and innocent mediclnesyet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectiousor otherw ise. That they purify the blood, and slay the further pro gress of disease in the human body. That, in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid - bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to !clod healtiolie devouring disease having been COmptelety eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon it THREE COPYttlairr LABELS That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreih upon it. That there must be upon each box three signatures, thus: D.-BP.ANDRETH, M. D And three signature's, thus:— BICSJLMIN BRA.NDRETII DR. FRANKLIN SAYS •All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solut ion, and that even by stools, which must he promoted by art when nature does - not do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed sera uulouSnessabout the weakness of the body is of had consequenCes; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after toe humors are tit to he expelled , but is not able to accomplish for the Most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly be felt, and the debility ex. ireme, yet both one'-and the ether have been restored by it." The good effect to be derived front the Brandreth Pills have lo be experienced to be fully believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would evm assume their malignant form. To appreciate to the full extent ,the incalculable bene fits of BRA NDRETH'S PILLS, they must be used when the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and thelegood effects will be felt throughout the attack—TT 113 TANING TIIICItt IN TIME that is the great secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising from had blood, and' ,I presume there are few at the Ares. ent day, will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Surh diseases I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read this may be benefited by so doing. 1 am respectfully, the public's servant, B. BiI4NDRETII, M. D. 241 Broadway-, New Yorb: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The puhilc wiil please obseve that no Brandreth rills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it, each containing a fac similie signature of my hand writing thus—B. Brandreth. These labels ars engra• ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex pense of several thousand dollars. Remember! the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Cong.ress in the year 1841, by Bet ponin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis tjict Court of the Sat them District of New York. Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Only place in Pittsburgh wliete the genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sell; the true Erandret h Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds of 8500 to sell none other Pills than those received from D.- B. or liisSpcciat General Agent. Mark, the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box E graved thereon. Purchaser. see lint the engraving of the labels on the certificate correspond with those on the box. The following are Dr. Renjamin Brandreth's Agents for the sal.; of his Vegetal•le Univtreal Pills, in A Ileghe ny conty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. Price : - 15 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. ions GLASS. McKeesport, H. ROWLAND. oldest ow n, Joint Joarison, Stewqrts Town, CHESSMAN k SPAULDING A LEXANDER ASDALE Clinton. REWARD THOMPSON, WilEillSlAlrgll. GEORGE PORTER, Fairview. ROBERT SMITH PORTER, 'POMADED • Elizabethtown, C. F. Diem- East Liberty, DANIEL NEGLEY PRESSLEY Inwtri, Pleasant 11111. DAVID, R. Coon—P in nib Township. WM. 0. HUNTER- Allen's Mill. pep 10 PILES cured by the tse of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pips Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly alter I received the Agency from you for the sale of your medicine, I formed an aciraintance wi; h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throush my- persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, ke. JAMES R. Kt RBY October 3. 1840. Chambersbug, Pa. EPOlrice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Stoayne's Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild Cher ry. Having madetise of this invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with coustant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4-c. oiwhich I bad given upall hopes of Its recovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en tirely relieved me , ofa cough that I was afflicted with, / for many years- Any person wishing to see me can ca at lay house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. W mcox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY • We call the attetillon of the public to the numerous certificates which have been in circulation in our paper and some otherisof this city, highly recommending Dr. SurAvrta's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original Certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly "grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits which they haveaeceived frnin Mat valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the abovh medicine. who can speak with confidence of Its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. Fzut.ow Crrtzens:—With sincerity I would advise you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr SWAYIti'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house-7h Is invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blood, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure, which are often let Ten to an alarming extent, forwent - of /leans being ready at'hand;—and as t have used Dr. I ilWairmes Compound Syrup of 'Wild Cherry repeatedly In my 'family, ond always with marked success—l ,ctut recommend it With confldence,,,as tieing one of the hest family medicines which has ever been offered , to .the publie-.—Ssrunday-Carogiefe, - Sold by WmlThorn, Wholesale_ 4, Retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. , N 0 7.53 Market , sap,JO W , IfLLI A M ' Akre/kit Tailor.--Respeetrulty • Info. ma hie friefids and' the pidtlle fn 4erientl Ihitt heti* commenced badness ut Mik. 11 Market street, awed door ficik the corner of Piont,where heltofes by Bidet attention' - to tiuutneer to ertt a &hereof pitons. .fiL. 11 The instdoitio resultiritreiekid: ihe Pub' k ithey' depend ji'tittiog their work execitedltteortiks . o the ' sap =lOlll • " - • - • "=-: " :tiOne,t' . 2 , "stiforta the s.mr - ts 44.00butOtfklit 40tylei01,M4;abe. has artivo Eeilei*Otttritillittti-sittltaititfitt.insorittient bf ry °tlthe usmeat: style ,:(let"--f4iine4tott 'there' Will at all - imittri4nabte ntrotinei the latest faiiiiisit and should the -Ladies ironer her witka shire ofthetr patronage; she pledges he'rttelf , to keep every thing of the, most deseripticni,and'pay strict attention to economy. It is with confidence' M rs.,T.'ledommends her French and London made -Corsets; also her splendid assortment of Embroidery, which is suPerior to anything yet intro ducedin' this country: it= includes Baby Linen, Connol . sours; Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal. Demi, ditto. Bei thus for Evening Costuine, Collars Cuffs, Pocket hand kerchiefs, hi Orntng and - Night Caps,' tc., wie.ch will be ready for fort heirApprobaticte on the 9thof October , next. Mrs. T. Is 'Waiting the arrival of her. Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and . Fouriltst • se pt. 29,-dt f, Et. S. MAORAW... . 4EO. P. HAMILTON._ AGR A W HAMILTON, Attorneys at Lard, have lII.' removed their Office to the residence of H.S. Ma-t graw, on Fourth et, two doom:Above Smithfield. sep 10 7CoFr.rN .WA REHOUSE.--No, 79, Fourth Street, BetweenFrood and Smithfield ate. *lswo doors from the.corner of Wood street. Con. smarty on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every si*c and description; covered ones; with Cloth': Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine COI ns. .ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages foritilhed; G.aves procured; and all services rendered that friends nir*quiie. A credit given in all cases, either of coffins or carriages, requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. sep 10 175 BBLS. in HITE LIME, n suportor article, for sale by J. G. df A. GrIRDON, No. 12 Water street. VA E I'Y.- Just received front New York, 3000 Temperance' A [manors for 1843; 5000 copies of the Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Maga zine and Pitistniugh, and the Franklin Magazine and Com mon Almanacs for 1843; by the gross, dozen or single; - 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirclory and Strangers Guide, for 8; cents. Also, Cottage, Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets, David's ['satins; Met bodist and Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. Ilarp.and almost all kinds or Sehnni Books; Gunn's Dm mestic Medicine; Day Rooks and Ledgers; tVrit i lig, Let ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross, dozen,or bottle; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia of History, Western Pilot, and a coil. siderable variety of Books and Stationery, for sale on ac cotninodat ing terms for cash or country produce. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. MooetteArt. G. C. WARNKa. .1; PAINTER. UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn,Co; ton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Ratting, and ate prepared lc fill orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the, latest and most improved machi nery, and employed the manager who has attended to the Hove FACTORY for the last five years, they are manufactu ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the store of .1 C. Painter 4' Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4- Kennedy, Wcod street; will meet with prompt atten tion, Address-I.K. MOORHEA D 4- CO. sep 12-1 y /I\O PE NI A LES.—There is a large class of Females in this City who from their continued sitting, to w hich their occupti ions oblige thein,are affected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operat lonr, rumbling in the bow els, sometimes a sense of sit ffocation , especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa. sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Braudreth Pills just before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; il.any use them very advantageously . In this way; I hey aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,entiven the spirits, impart clear ness to the complexion, purify , the Wood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. It-attilrcth's Office. No. 98 Wood strtet, Pillshurali--Price 25 cent.; per box, with full directions. M ARK—The only place in : Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of fire, No 98 Wood street. sep 10 QURGICA I, INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTS!— 7% McCarthy, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allarticlen warranted of thebest (many, and 'obbine, done as usual. cep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often ternil natcsln another of a more serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not re=torted to In lime. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengtheninl and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first. by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger man Aperient P;11s, after which the Compound Strength ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permanent cure. There Pills are neatly put up in -small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale 11y Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., PiashUrgh Pa. sep 10 ALLEN KRA 11 ER, Exchange Broker, No, 46, Cor ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern citie", for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Pittsburgh,Pa, Wrn. Bell k Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz. J. Fainter 4. Co., Joseph Wood well, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson it Co., John 11. Brown k Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Ca ndless. , St. Louis, JIM., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. 11. Pope, Esq. Preet Bank Ky. sep REMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St: Clair 519, opposite the Ex change Hotel, where he has titled up a large Piss° Fort•re WARE Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of - PIANOS ever offered in tltt market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior nose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and cno dPled., and constructed throughout of the very best ma terlals,wifich,for durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to , be superior to any ever seen here. As he has en:arged his manufactory, and made arrange. meals to supply the increasing demand for this Instru• went, he respectfully requests `those intending to par. chase to call and examine ItiS as , ortment hetore pureha. sing elsewhere, as he, is determined to sell LOWYR, (or cash, than any other estahlishment east or west or the mountains. F. BLUM E,, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, sep 10 Opposite the 'Exchange rioter, Pittsburgh:Pa. WARRANTED 'GENUINE.-Dr: William Evans's Camomile Pills, eguTtriciTes.—Letter from the lion. Ablem lan,Sullivan County; East trennessee, Ot e m bet o Con g r ess. W♦SHINOTON, July 3d.'1838. Sir—Since I have been in ibis city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine With infinite benefit and satis faction, and believe it-to bee most vatuable,reinedi. - One of my :tonsil tuents, Dr. A.:,.Cartlel, of f.'-anifibell ,county, Tenneesee. wrote tome to send him some, which I did, and lie has mployed it verY successfilly - in his practice, Red says It is invaluablei kly. Johnson,yonr- agent at , this place," thinks yen would probably - like' a nogent In Tennessee. If ko, I would *recommend' Dr. A Carden, as ill proper person 1.2 officiate for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to act.Rer you. -You can send the medicine by water to the car ' s or Robert King 4- Sobs, -Knoxville coon ty. Termer: see, Orzbytavid to Graham 4*, Houston,. 'razewell, East yeerlessee. I..haveno doubt ;but. if you. had agents in severafeounties in East 'rennessee, a great dealttf- mai -1 cine would he sold.- ; .I am going to take aosmisf it-home' for my own rise. and fla t , of, uty friends: -and should like to hear.from you, whether you would- like an-agent. at Bluntvil le. atill Ivan County. :East Tcnnessve; i cam get. simmer the merchants teXtict for yoteas I livemear, there. Yours respectfully, , , • ~-.. . „ • ABRAHAM . iId•CLEW , A N, of Tennessee.* v, Tactile Idili-Olesafeand Ketail,by--- --- .... --, .._... ,- .1 • , ..'„, ..",. - 11-- ,,, AftrAff .4t.nechitenti)... -, laep . ll) ' ,-, _ .6*--,Detht/4, tfrit street; iliose !Oak svga4railW4wet ,-- Pittsburgh, June 18,1839, Mr. ions. DenNlNG:—.l9eneSir:—Having been present, yesterday, at theexperinMni which yen were pleased to make, in the presence of a, number of our business men, of the safety of 3 our IRON CUES I'S., incase of fire, it gives me pleasure to say, that so far'as I was capawe Or judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations.The' • Chest, was a small one, about 30 Inches Kish, by about 13 01'20 inches in breadth and depth, and was pla ced od a block of wood about afoot in thickness, so ,as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the manner in which Merchants and others would usually place them—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs from an adjoinin,g Saw 51111,] was then .placed around and above it, and the fire kindle on the windward side, sons to drive the flame against I e back part of *beetles*. The fire was kept up about th e quarters of an hour, until you hail gone among.th peciators and received from them their univeisal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, and cooler!, and opened, and examined. The Contents were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hick of one hook which appeared to he a little charred. .Front what ( witnessed, I think that these chests are ‘l6..ery ing of confidence,as perhaPs,the best security to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can: have without building large, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider thew a better-sec wily than many vaults which I have seen built. Your triend, SAMUEL CHURCII. tVe concur in the ahova slaternetil, having been pres sent when the chest was teste. , . H'. ./11. Cooper, J. If. Shoenherger, J. Laughlin, J. Painter, R. Miller, Jr. C L. Armstrong, Thomas Craig, SG. D. Howard, Extract of a Letter from Pugh 6- Alyord, dated Cia ciettatt, 29t lifavih,lB42- J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa: Respected Friend: We have the sal isfao ion to state as the hest recommendation we can give of the utility of your iron Safes, I bat we haw: one of them which was In an exposed situation in our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn• ing of the 10111 inst. which consumed our Poi k fiout•c to gether with a large portion of the meat, lard. 4 - c. which it contained; and that our hot ks a nd papers which were in the Safe, were entirely unininied, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4-c. PUGII 4- A L VORD. Extract of a Letter from Slater 4- Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1841. Id R. DENNING, Dear Sir: One of your second size chests was burned a few days as,), in a teat tier store-- it pre servedits contents. Respect rutty yours, sep 10 SLATER 4 HOLBROOK. LIVER COhl PLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har ilch's compound Strengthening and. Aperient Pills. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of the above distressing disease Ills symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, less of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color. diffi. catty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver, Mr. Richard: had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using Dr. II arlich's Medicine, which lumina. fed in effecting a pe , fect cure. Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Liter v and Wood streets. sep 10 Ciacinnati. February 15,1840 Dr. SWAYNE—Dear Fir:— Permit melt) take the utterly of writing. to you at this time to express my approbation, and to recommend tot he attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syru;i of Prunus Vlrgitliallft, or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I liave seen in a great many instances the wonderful etTe.cts of your medicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, W heezing, Choakieg of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, 4-c. 4-c. I should not ha Ve written this letter, however, at present, although I have fe't it my duty to add my testi loony to it for some time, had it not been for a late in. stance where the medicine above alluded to was lust ru• mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child," , whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my ac quaint:tare. thank [leaven," said the floating, moth. er,iimy child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of iid Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. I ant certain I 'rave witnessed more than one hundred canes where it has been attended WWI coo. plele Sue Psi. •I ant using it myself in an obstinate at. tar I: of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a ex ceedtugly snort time, considering the severity of the case. I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior virtues; I. would advise that no family should lie without it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its price. The public are as mired there is no quackery about it. R. Stedman, D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, N. V. Sold by WM. THORN. who'esale 4• retail, only ;nen( for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10 ABOON TO THE 'HUMAN RACE!--- , .Diseover what will destroy Life. and you are a great man. "Discover what will prolong Life, and the world . will call you Impostor." "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us, with which certain herbs have affinity, and over which they Aare power." Ur. R. Brattilreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or Soreness; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, White Swellings, Rheumatic Pains ; or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en largements, Tender Feet, and every description of In• jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are cured or greatly relieved -by his xeocr•to be 'efficiently eziolled remedy. CERTIFICATE.—The following letter front Major Gen. era! Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme dy, speaks coin mes Dear Sir—Wi'l you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my eon's knee, about whiCh I was so uneasy,and 1- have found it productive of immediate relief in several cases of ester nal injury in toy family. A few evenings since, my youngest child was seized with a violent attack ef Croup, which was entirely removed In twenty minutes, by ruh 7 bin her chest and throat freely with the External Rem. edy, I think you aught to manufacture this Liniment for:general use, i maned of confining the use of it, na you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. Yearn truly, ; • W. SANDFORD. OIL. B. ,8RX.141 METH, 241 Broadway, N. Y. ' •• [Error sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his office ;No. 93 Wood street,Pittetrgh. PRICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. Smolt) • SECROTARY'S OFTUT, Harrisburg h, August 241 h, 1842:I -QALE OF THE CANALS AND RAIL ROADS RE LONGING TO . THE STATE.—Notice li - berely gl ven lhatie.lmrsuance of the -aeventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and tttent leth Sectimmrof the -Aet orAssembly passed the 37th day of July, 1842, proposals will he r ee e i ved at the State'Depart meat until the last day of Naomi her riestvfor the -stile iuf all and eaelrof the Canals and Rail Roads belonging to the Conimonwettitt, for - which thate.Stock,at par ,, mine, will be received tn payment. Eachthdlilldriel onCompany is required; specifically, to tdate.the particular line of Canal or Rail Road which theydesiretO purchase, the amount of their respectlire bids therefor, the given and surnames of all, concerned - in themffitr, together whhtheir place or places of residence, la order that the sane may be laid before the Rest Lees- The OSlissllAS must be seated up and directed' to the Akers:sty of Co:awn-wealth withan Smiorereanorivon tbc same: - uProinstruhr ..ferr—trite —pwrokoso- of as -.Public Works .", ':, t, -'. r . 113 0 1:Mier of 00 So** oll;10 ; ~: ~ .._ ,•• - 2.% Secretary of The CernaloaweeAtb AU.. 'hie Expfraiika TRAVELERS TAKE I.; A_ provided with the Safety. bills printed with a figure of taw fill you are not deceived by r.tente stating their boats to be I! , Guard, when they are rot el • The following is a list of Wai l ty Guard at the Port of Plumber. first on the list have the itnproyet apparatas it is impossible for an el SAVANNA, RARITAN, ILL NIAGARA, ORLEANS, In , CANTON, NIG.. LADY OF LYONS, Ca t VALLEY FoRGP, INN FORT PITT, GA BREAKWATER, QCE EXPRESS MAIL, DUE ALPS, BE', CASPIAN, Ertl I HA, vi , WEST WIND, 511,1 M A GQHETTE, ospk TALLEYIIAN I), PEN;, PANAMA, ER. CICERO, AGN4 SARAH ANN, 31fti• NAR It AGANSEI T, SAita l AMARANTH, pe, Robt Bell, A. Cordell, A. H. Hoge, J. W. Hoyt. MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, ADELAIDE, NORTH BEND, MARIETTA, BRUNETTE, STEAM FERRY BOAT, The traveling community an . before they make a choice of ;trot, and see whether it would not it and security to choose a Safety C. passage an freight, in preferenutt against explosion—and that Op that this invention has the top t fifty steam engine builders—sew it is to understand the suljert, aoi interested—besides a number ol" f lc gent len en and others—all of v. my office, NO.lO. Water street,v, . pleasure at all times to eshild to who will lake the trouble to rail sep 10 CADIVA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The subscriber offers for tilt, red rates, the greater part of Itiertt the cities of Pittsburgh and Alirl.lol Brick Warehouses. nearly new, e t situate on Market sireei.letweea New Yoex, Feb. 9,1842. OHID, CEC J H. bracin2 a front of about 54 feet by 60 ire, or separately to snit purrlaven, Also, a select building lot in Alle;.l breadth, b} upward of 350 fret in • fronts, one on in Pennsylvania canal Washington siren/. Also. taP for adjoining t he above. l nearlY Wbq t"‘" 6 t o "` \ "‘ 4 " 9 l gant mansion house vrUk'n I now rar ings. Also, a lot with two taano7:4il• ate on the corner of blvie tailcoat - a moderate ground rent, nium otooki as a groeery. sen 10 ILI Lal X ,Slt: 14.:1NT ED —‘l 1‘ cos!, of goods, a quantity otTlut. A I ninst all kinds of Country MAR ' for cast' or goods at El Alt RlS't•' lye% FeP 21— , f Count , issinn Wyro.- ti(IIIN HARI% COMMiBsio', An' ducc and Smcricau .111anroja. R EVER TO— no. Grier, E-q., Aaron Hart, Jane= C cltran of It'd. inn. D. Davis, M'Vay fi Hanna, Avery. Ogden Cn. Jno. Woorlhourne, G=q ,Madison. VALUABLE FA R M FOR Std. Farm on which I live, in Mr Braddocksfictil, coniainiu2 one be acres; about 70 acres of which iedra well timbered. Tlirre arc upon it I nod a barn 63 feet by 34; an aPPI" Also, about seventy acres of coal• he equal to that of any upland foe Terms made known on opoliconon o in the premises. WILLI/WV WILLIA Id C. WALL, PO and Pieture Frame. " Fourth Street Pettsburgh.—Ca . 4.c., for Artists, always 011 hand promptly framed to order. Re eat notice. Particular attention paid totre ery description. Persons titling up Steam Beatty theiradvantage to call. WBITE LE:P.D.—The suitutt! to furnish painters. undo! - chase pure White Lend made of IN ranted equal, if not superior toot All older: addressed to Duntaak 4- Co. So.llo Second , street, NO'. attended to. PC, LADIES FASHIONABL E: Fifth St.. one door from Old SW' The Subscriber respectfully 01, Pittsburgh and vicinity that be tailingShocv of his own manufaries where he will keep constantly 011 • trent cart!! kinds of ladies, misses. and shoes.of the hest quafity.ao ces to snit the times He will Off kinds of fancy work—surh vio slipper, colored gaiters, and MAIO children's fellsl?rs. silk gaiters, ftf. will be made at lie shortest Maid. ner. Ladies will please call and eat as the subscriber feels confident ttat any article in his line hey maY si'p 10 P. S. Don't foreet the place- 01 door from Harris's intelligence ,from Market Street A3l DIGBY having ta V business of Many flor Liberty street and 42 Market street. thanks to the numerous frien46 sor firm, for the very liberal support de tended to him, in eonneeilon with se lilies to assure them that every merit t he continuation of the sase . ,„ Petl fully invite their attention lir Clothing,which he iniendseel lictit A Oita has been ever offered, bele; the whole of .the stock of the istems Able; and Otte !Mends to confine 6 cash business, lie feels confident 00 surpass his stock, either in WW I* oess of workmanship. PlMme to take notieet bat ever ° , tared in Pittsburgh . Jon' 7 QA6II.IEL MORROW. iflow it o 4. Skeet Iron Were, 11 Weed awl Market Streets.—l# P7O in ids line at the shortest 001i7:,. ' and others are solicited to call sedS iltarfaitt which wiilhe sold 1 ,111 11 .1 Hoseilloatitig and stove flosllo.l aW i ' % • SIM) ^ ' Witt Wfr utnrix . , t2=E tote gime .IMCAVAIt .101X-OPVP!* .. - 7 --- __..... LA4**A ll45 . 0 ii. -O V.Vet , ne nrel I 5 ie.ifieoni As 1 .o,Teree, ow I rig, moo' 1 I OxolAth i wl- MIT. 'l t it IT ilAi"iit 1 -,-, - IWO Igi Inelith toiwYkisr• . tll le irefr, i )tlY ' Stk . Elpt:t! Alt a iy FFI C Int tietweett • muter. ;'4th - floor from (Air - Willoelt, Co Wen* m, Treasurer. in!- greet. ne —S. .R. Joh th between* •14a1Nr• it, -multi. near and W Vire*klre-AT I *Of WOOd• s `' arlenti and rTitiTd a Ttkrni :fir -k Itiettotial• ' L'lAberOft. • ovum. Pell S - ATro AT V! n n t et It roormto • elm Pen* !ton 4 Ai 9CLITIt Meet in tabu rgh; "tweed VV.! Wholwita t Praline. Commiot urat!nred • N6Ol O l bitideof Me Attoifiel :keg to on. reeks, abov Manufa are. Nu. 8I d St ca lobo & CO. od st. dr F,otoitt nd, price tad for so arey or La ittl.retyt la at maw lberty en re Boot. Rad -.1, next (19. a ..4s4a Sat) 1 40 - -newest TICAUL . ; 10 be dlsiio ben y a ireel re and , F alrwaya be =at= I MstmmOt it Seetlit, try sires =l,l &kiln oblaxl3 KM* MI • !a r sr, ~~t= ~~- =.~~ : ,-~ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers