Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 29, 1842, Image 3
PRINTING 01 TV. Corree r l i p p . Tur. propr_le4l4 /MD M A Ntlii&Clis ISt r evect4 o and the plt!lsnettertliesiii*4,- - a nd well 'chosen a sionalaat at ANA) At 7 Al Op2ga lvitc - " Ikl, ..iv"ersary io a Jub tsitsittleft,74ll Pala.dte LETTER Pans II op EvER , , n, 'Books. _ I Bills o f Pamphlets,- Riff : 51 .• Handbills, Mark r- hedk -I iii tan: x r is 5e„,,,, steamboat, avit Cceal Printed on the shortest illgiee.. IVe iespeelfpll7 Alt I he i/ 1 / I )kal i ti be public la general in,.ltris kor imai Piltsi argil. Sep'. 33 : 1 842-%, tint tnuthoti 110oR 11. 4 ON Itl Everting ilhe2Siik.' vahmhie Media! anti . • which are Gun's Domestic Alec. Bniany_ coloainins eeeeeeill whh a full de,vriPlion 'llea lig of arqoylite them forth._ . d e , of t-e troiversn uf the Dein, ..11 36 shders, representingskee rical porformancrs. Baines &rimy, I:. al Ihn;_o - ams. A•e. d‘e, verse.. I,re to chthirt o Academies and &roinories. The- rooks 4 - c. may be seen ae J.B =ME CBE AT JUCTION.— Oct. 31 s 4 at 2 o'Ci. k A u( oota-, No 110. N. E. Cot.. I 11CD:z0ME B 11011CFIR eati ' to( f ni if v nFe, and of the very 14 .. a. mq Al oct 2 ' • E r.. - ,: 0 P F..-9.N" A (MVO 7 —71,,,, :m0 0 2 ; 1u t.a.oacl I he Arairalet With r ~,.1, 1 r11./1 for tunny yean,tr f airi ng A , v i (1,1,,hpr, onolially, snot returnin: lif.ut the ettl of the eirselne. Mar: St IT I CI , Til 7'E IP I lIP re, ant lhowiii • c., , ::.,,,. a i,ll 102 to e4e.,:t suoory.in 1 a i , ...i, 1 , ,,...d , I. i.,:,, , plrl of IfelANI or IN r, es, Or 1., en/Jeri or feeoVet Irt- j.1f,111-1 , 1, 1, 1 ) make Prrareti , for 104, t-.• . tAl•I t at e I isei I relol,leer•Hr i,,i40, a orl i.ll-1,, , 5i: 1 , 1011,1 , 11 y lalIPX l 4lll,O,* II k A :e .14 le I:le eines Intro. In l i i ii i), in t`i.1.1 ,, 1. - ett. 3,, il t'VelVerh Pen•mhjii ,iel I, e 'Or. 1' Ilona , . Chs•ilty, Froutili Al ay, 111 e rc laa tit , AV a.lerie , ...t,'Pilla* • lI.K EES'AN, En* _,l a.,1 ~. I t A ttortwr at laid' NT uTic e have in Siert' 11:1-2cd tvarka.y.f.s.va - ltirtt.e 10 lam , Ml* It I f\% _ un .6 D3chars, cart" =Ear I n W.sl 1 nre , • , r. 4 ritiAr* Nn mar k, 2 ran mart. a nd (' A. M'.4 Art.fr 17. c . r.).1 tine. ri , lF•mr:ll Or: , 723. 1 f:;42. • .1I . 1 4t• Fte-.1 O•. v, I_ Lair. (1,1 tontiort of It_ n. trt‘lket !•.t.a (7.••oft/y 17ot/root/no nth! (' , ,,:r rote, on 'tl et,toott,la v., Nov. 9,` A N. , r.f All 111 , C. , 211,1,,,j0r1ed I ftyr the porpo3e of a pooh/1,1,4 ‘trtionol P I ela Ia It 1' , in December next. 1542. zdionrnell 2:1-1'9n I r P °PERT, wet )Lo el • wTihin .Ti} ‘t..• of Pittilmro . . ;'o . i o 1 he 5% %Void, tiowei io the A tiellaelly ristr.,tig rd a rl4 ‘• .1:111.1! triilt a frame titzttve ~r -,t ,er.J :tt pre , ettlasaiarettiol . •• t ti P.l S2iU seer as nem: rentritis i t, r ~ ,nd title unesceptionalde.., For P4ak &IR/ XCP.i.VGE FOR car Fr of 6 u, the town of 1.- GI. 1., I, 1,,t• ertiveceiV: , v cb• itt,:r I :., I flad leading nl. l ON . r. on WitlCll IR erf.Ctfd d, a Pugin frame -. fh , .• or 5 , 0, - , a brick milk WU, ry aita a wel.ei ,rIF. 0111 tOt velth a large re IA a , woacfr , f , e or ‘. :of, orl i+, The al,err i!•." 'Trews or " r t d , -.Thsh paid fort tattet , l' :J2•. , Qilunlpil in c.vp 11 pre,,IIS a I. ollo ' l I Mr r. Irnui, or a :nod Meetnni.. e prartire C3O be ghee._ I.rsl , nr , pply at Nicholson ''T /(~lfr. Ezalr of siiimie ix 11. Cb.:l din Id Cambria, lefferva. 131:4' d ra, crormlle.. •" 11. S. 0!• 'tweet; 34 and 4th. ex selPn or o'c!oc!. Term.: of n. /NO- P 11'11,0 AV CIIABLES Pros'airfl , Ocl. Fc r , „D Wedaesatay Tar 7• 1 oi 4th :11,d Sdjihfield a lanes: 41 !be ow' rr ras bare by provirl PO' CHEAPERTH Ot : SP Lit IC DID 140.01111tir READY MADE C AT TIIE THREE Vo 151 Liberty st., one door fres I all E dulyrnh. r basin!: prePrt me tve..t and nand vats ‘I A DE CLOTH iNG ever offered tr), would respect fully invite 11 0 • r.. 1 :1 Int exatntue his Goads and_ eir,enthere. His stark 1 All Cn si.. 2..Orted sizes and /Bud Vests; vi nth a tame I):a were.. Cravats, Siock4„Grine 6s, `.. , ottwr arlicte a ',toter chohlo were all selected hYt M.rkets, and purchased at the and consequ.mtly can &Sant Vi_„• HET TER BARGAINS thin tile! ' l ': isouse initie city. Bellevint hitt* in: , Home Industry" he has tlierefi e manufactured by riIIsIMPA- 41 ".. ‘ Legit2'loU in saying, that they pert superior to' the Eastern lons are offered for sale in the 510P.:0... 6°- : , Anchored imon. 1 0 0 1' In tl.e titnes when Ifoone: large a share of public attenirovrr , , ft roprretor of he ••Thrce and pierr.ure in assuring the ettrs"; . „ iiit Goods are ail: nuserrfacirtr edita ;l , , mechanics of Wit oWin town. He his rivals in trade, have Ills rity,llll another Stater nor does. he Trills printed three or four- hermit!' eon ovine princip , e the Ma do most se weir on soy fire to erase enmity from ihoirrf:, morimorio; White tie mike Biers, ' not wide .oimotrim+ lo them 7 orrhe inanihnortt 'lrOrketsbree. etihneriber *este ta il `"."' lis 41004 an to hie , „ to/ patruepie'.iieteeited b 1 97, 0 40 r, Peet bin CrlP t and *imp* tbe,lloo4 - . 0. ilia 1 M! 1 4 111 0..**1,___ ,: EralSeißiEolol,l4:77- 11;6131\1 TOM 001 -11 ER 29, 1842 - affatt.o. 7.=•••••• -- polOgY• 3; ,,, in a n a rticle headed "U. r.ited States," we re, 1 , ; sect might B'sometime t ith the Mormons." — rtlrt.N. Teri\ that this should have " 100. r m ember of that Church. 05 0 re "A Universalist," in ;3, nothing of the kinil 11 - 2. h )112 this will be satis- s'penceili Letter. 1; - , the Post of Monday and t y: to ng 'or one paper.) the let. r, Se( Wary of War, to nz Ty'cr and his ad iz a r production, and t in refuting the 1,1 -al press Mr. ;I.c r- '').• candor and honest h ., r , (.f.ve to firm their with all the , h , d give it an alien li!! a discussion going on mo ;,.;al gntlernen, as to !1-n! M. Noah of the kno v a person who Imdkerc::iefs will decide . . rnnm fir the smallest 1 .11,...rchi - fs! the handker ,,,e t'l•-• 1131 lkerchiefs? I .= of Ite Morning rcst , 1,11,kg, be cf.fn :.c b - . 2 t ken if, n' ti at yo.tr , 17 ble str I'::P.T CULIER lITISEID ' r;1 (ip -. A.k., t, (' I.s all Fec-r, 1!, 1,, :e. , r ')v 11 r. m , s . ake, 1,),,e ('he In11,1w : 1%](: rneklelvi'v r • :1•11 I==el C • • ! 1w Is 1,1.111- it f w i t, i n the C - -i if r . l ig , taltly G•I e r--1 1 1,1 • Laurie, 4r frit.:lll.) I 1 he'll ti •‘t I.la the twees,ity 'Ol :I min as Cal '•n revusent , d ine as use of deadly wear nip, inan,) I returned instantly I c ried out to lilackhurt and your duty, a noise has been oil a ieap was rna.le - ,froin house, al,irif the alley. I ,ax mr (!aitzt r. nd in the open street on equal terms, un -161, e him and stop him at He the second step , an I in a man such a time:- - I;a1 through the retreated some e rut of the house. :a her ran aronud U rely 71't me, when he les plste' cap expo wel l a deadly intent, !te :alone-lately) a ton to one of my Rukrr. We both evi 'ittd•fr the same belief. ile a: a guard uitkowovincrly to e-tenaltdy guile into Cald H., nu d,nib t attempted to "evog I was Cal.lwell, and elle( that Caldwell had shot highly respected mcr• R ,ck. vi'here he had resided ie a as a naive of Hartford. -Il aii, Caldwell, was taken arnin4tion of the priAorters• e disclosed tending to show legularly. organized , 1 4 044 nd thieves, exteadin ` frost' •---Cin. Esq. it,a Ss No i A.:k D BICH* Avis List. ccutzmu.r. IT ALLY. texciulas PENNSYLVANIA.. Bank Bank of Pittsburgh- 'Par/ Merck.* Nan. bk. Parl Exchange bank, parl Bk, of Germantown Eavtun lank. - I.ancaAer bank,_ die Bank of Mosier Co. Farmers' bk Backs Co. Doylestown bk do 0 Bk of N America Phil. " Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. " Far. ¢ Mechanics bk.' Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. • Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9 Bk of Penn Ti. par Man 4. Mechanics bk. Metbanics hk. par Moyatnensing bk. 9 irnrd 501 U. Stales bank. 5'3 Luothertnet. , e, Warren, 75 Frank. bk Washington. Miners bk of Pot isvite, 6 - Bk of M ant fnmery Co. par Mon I , k Brownsville, 2 Erie Bank. 5 Harrislurgh hank. 61, Far. bk Laleaner, 2, Ft, of ie.dlet own, S j Plr. of Chatul-ersl ur7h, 6 Carlisle bank. 6 Ilk of N net mberla nd, raitiniioa bk Briaze co. 21 Rk Sninneban. , :i Co- 9 Rk of Dt !aware Co. par Lebanon hk. 6 Cell irsi•ii rah bk. 6 York bank, Ci , Far. Drovers bk. of Vay ne , ‘1 , 10..i R. 6 •. Cotrency note". 6 Itonestlale, °mina bank, 111 gate Scrip. COO/dry . do do 6to 15 Berk, Co bank, 51. Lewboown. 10 Towanda. Mc, not ntessa rat tt' r a r. Mach. t,k: of Sicu. 2 Belmont I.k c.f St. Cjalr3. 2 Marinila Ilk. Demand tlfll Cerrrney notes, 1.1( New Lis t,oe f)em ,cd, 2 tin Post 11 , 4f5, 2 ,pw cie pay in_fanks, 2 Mech. Trnders hk or I.k of 17,,Itirnbqz, neires. 2 (H. Lawrence CaQiiiev) 2 Zanesville bk. ,•i of 1" NAVY SUPPLIES FOR 1843 PVC nEPETNI E: NT, Bureau of P rovisiou, and i,iothii S C Orthlwr 21;1342. v. 01'0: A 1, 1 2, sea; rd and end.r,ed ,iv tit received at th, office. until 3 o'cl , rk r m., 1 , 1 Monday. the NOVe4lo,.f u , •xt,(ar a , .1 deliveriwz, r I I 1 I - 'avv Yard? al ror , sramoth N. 11., Charlestown, lyo. N. Y, Ph dadr , pllia , ‘N asWnglOn. Ir. -„ f",'SpOrt, Va.. awl the. Itabiorore. 4L1.. naval , r,irwitvcry, Quirt. go:twirler. of IbF following a,li r e-, of Ihr ursi q:rald I. 1:111 ray or ordered or requr fro.n the row mein,. by Ibe re—pPrtt:ve eurrounneillg dTi• S , i•I N.tve r,:rfs and Naval gral inn. or by !be v SCentc reFrprelivwly, during the :tehr 1843,f0r the u-evil he Coifed Sdllex, Superfine 'lour MEMII REMO V'_ , The tsl.. I hoar siali Iw manalachoyed of wheat crown i.l the Year 1342 or 1843. Perry' , 'Y sweet. and in all "5- of the hest qnahl acid w verowed for shipment fatly etoal in the best description of , e't•oontl tl,•nr, in all lice (pia !tries essential to its pre 10,1 19 troptcal cllatales, and shall be delivered in sound, bright barrels. with lining hops at each • I. :tad In g•,..1 slumping OtriPf, free of;a11 charge to the States; -tt , jict io such insoection;as the Chtef of ..3,1 01 ProvF•irris and Clothing may direct or au• :1114 be la all reQuecis In.rfectiv satisfactory to .ir to 1.1. e commanding officers of the said Navy Ti- said ship hisenit Fll.lll be made wholly from sweet, tine flour, manufactured the wheat envy nin the 11142 or 184 t; and shalt be fully equal' in quality.and 4, .I.tr:it n, 51V. In the samples winch are now, or soon timiged in -o'4l Nacv Yard-; shall be thoroughly I and kiln dried wet packed, and deliyere I free of r' , ar , le to the United States in good. sound. well dried, 'sight flour bane's, with the beads well secured, or in lit barrels. when required; nd the said loseuil and the h i rre's shall be in all respects to the entire Ratisfartion of the Chief of the Rupean of Provisions and Clothinc., or of Ihecommaodtnaofficerofthe said Navy Yarbs, and be to nett itnrp-etion as the chief of said Bureau of Provisions and rliithing may direct, or ot be+ wise. 'l".,eszat I whiAt - y shall he made wholly from grain. of which at icast twiithiril parts Qltall be rye,sliall he cooper anti full first proof,according to the United Stalen l'utvom [louse standard. *shall he delivered in good, brig id, well tomp-d. wilink =lc trarrets. with white o ik heads; aad each barrel. shad, whelk required. be cony, Bred tviih foor good and suffie.iptil iron 1100 pg. and the whole he mil in good pnivfline order, free of all charees to the Unned ut,, , ; and the whiskey alnd barrels I.ltall he , u , i t in9, , clian as the Chicf of llie BilitCni of Provicirm: Clot tong ions' an; itor7.f.i or direct. and he in all rec:aeals. pet rem I y sati-factory Ut him, or to the CUM rn tin= 0 Ili , . f, 0 y Yards. (, r It i. ra a.e d Hamel I v under,io ad. loyavt,vrar. that persons NvID, m 0 off r are not In have duty claim or privi!eze lo Cu , alaot -rdwer quantal) , of any article than may be e% If Ord ft d r.11!I nr , no; livin2 at Ihv glare ‘vlivre deliveries are e-taldiall an ag, nVy at 51.1 , 11 1113 re. 11131.110 (1P 3V may a , In n.rni-hiwz what may he required; and a rt..' art ir fails 71 . 41,11%11y In cotnnlv with regnitti 1!.,5. the Navy JI:e•It at the place Where, the an't'es are rt-q sired to he delivered <hali let authorized to put coa.ze ,nelt art irieg. and the COTO rarlcr Anal' be liable for any eX ,. .SS of ,tst over the cnittniet price. : , :cparnic. Inds twist le made for each article for each Navy V..rd, and f r the P.allitnare R , atinn Thel blank oe It tr ft xvol he furnished to individuals an appli e in ; In the Qrvvral Navy le,ttts and Coluntandanis.and at tht , office.) ata<t have MI the blanks carefully filled nu, ant lan -t ar• .u'psrrihed an direcied'in the note on the fare of each form; and the offers intl.t he unqualified and neortAtt ionat. Rog'''. wilt , t w'o approved serene., in one third the es timated amount of the resp.ttlVe contracts, will be requi red. N ild len per rent um in ad.lition will he withheld from the amount of each payment in he made, as collateral se runty for the due and flitliful performance of the re spert:ve rontrarts; which wet, on no account, he read until the mmtrarts are complied w;th in all respects; un less seecially authorized by the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions:and Clothing. A ner deducting In 'per cent., p a y men t will he made by the Umted States. within thir ty days after the said articles shall have bees inspected and r ceived.and hies for the same presented to the Na vy A^ettl„ approved by 11w commanding officers of the respective Navy Yards and Nam:l .statiOa aforesaid, ac cording to the terms of the contract. • The Delwri uvula rem-ryes the right to reject all bids from parsons who have heretofore failed to execute their contract=. Persons offering to snooty eitheriof illna articles Will he pleated to desicoate the place or places at which they may dere payments to be made to them. act 26,—L.121 To he published in tire Madison an. ; intelligencer and . Globe. D. C ; Portsmouth journal and Hill's Patriot, N.H.; Renningion Gazette, Vt., Morning Post and Daily Times; Bolton, mass:Journal of Comanerce. Sen.Standard,lln and Morning Post- N. V.; Anteing,' Sentinel ii,nd Public Ledzer. Philadelphia. Pa.; Pails. Morning Post, Pittsbureh. Pa.; San 11111111 Republicaa.Baittasone. Ild quire/. Richmond. Va ; Deana. Norfolk. Va.; Loa isville CaZUte, &minivan -Observer. Maysville Advocate, Hy.; Old School . Republican. Cincinnati Republina. States man. Ohio; Rnrister,lll.; St. Louis Ralletill. MO N. 0, 4 degraiser. La !Detroit Free Pt 1151.• Eft. [riot, a. C-; / 1 0rOiOR.G 2 zetie. BuirtsiOi N- V. FOUNDRY METAL JUSTRECEIVED. TONSEWit Pt him =kale rea•erka. an/ pi; - DISELIIII. kirdnatis: illaadfun, Sandusky: Criers. - !inns*lk. Xenia; Dayton, Scioto: rind notes, tilieolbe. • Fran. bk Coinaolits, Lueaster, ' Hamihon, Granville. Corn. bk. Lake Erie. Far. bk: of Castes, Urbana INDIANA. State bk.* Brantheg. Slate Strip. ENTOCKY. i Ail banks. Some bk ¢ Brandies. Shavineelown, VI fGINIA. 'Bank of Virginia, do Vailey, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exrbanc`e imnk, West, tank Mirr. 4 Me , . do. MARYLAND RaPimore Ranks, Country Ranks. DEL WARE All Rank. N EW JERSEY par end 1 All 8,, !Lc NEW YORK. ri.! 8., nks, par Country hanks, (za v fund.) a 1 ed Bark, I to 1 NEW ENGLAND. P,osl on Banks, p: r Country .• LOUISIANA. Orleans Ranks, NORTH CAROLINA Rank*" SOtETH CAROLINA Ranks. 2} N•~s. COLUMRIA Ranks. ALABAMA Good PR"iz. TENNESSEE. Bankc., 8 CHIC AN. Rk • of St. Clair, 5 Do. dn..l Smith 5 C‘NADA. Cond :310 8 Eastern Exchange. r foladelphia. low York, a'ltroore, Boston %ve 4 .le , rn sExchange. par Lnoisvitle. par Clevetand. dig par GOLD AND SILVER, par • - 'Ott* ItAGNLFICRPT TORCH Lr &HT :7'EMPRRaNCE PIirOCESSION! Last night the U,wie Sliat anflVigi/ant Engines. together with the different T. A• Societies of Pitts, burgh and Allegheny, paraded through onrprin. eipal streets, with Mimic, and banners inseribed with appropriate Mottos. We regret that we are unable to give a detailed acconnt of this grand Proeession to=day, though we think it might be superfluous as ail appeared to be eye witnesses to its splendor. The Uncle Sam (glorious D tiger!) lad the van. This engire was splendidly decorated; it bore two transparencies with the following inscriptions: "U. S. TeMperanci Company." 4-Temperance Gals for us." "In Memory" of King Alcehol." "The Sam has vetoed all intoxicating drints." Next came the Vigilant Engine and P.cel, with its large and brilliant transparencies, on which, among other devisee, ae noticed the fallowing: ••United we Snit*" "Pledged to Reg out our Arguments." 'Extinguish the Flames, then put out the Fire." In Monday's Post we will give he full purl.. vale rs of last night's proceedings. A Fight.—We learn that yesterday A.W. Wy. ie, Esq., licked a man named John Bufer most effectually, some place down town. Tile guar. rel originated at a wedding party,but we have not heard the cause of it. We arc pruoil to say that Mr. W. has maintained the honor and dignity of oar ci . y, as he is a native here and the poor 'used up' behmg: to Washington. 'Ptushurgh forever.' Last night there were more people astir than we have ever seen at nieit before. The novelty of a Torch Light Procesti_o bought out old :tad young, of both sexes. The gas could'nt shine last night We did not heir ofpocket pickings last night. We have no doubt there was plenty of it car tying on, however. We will apply to our Ma chine to day for inf,rmation. J. H Deford s Lec ure b fore Keystone As svciatton wdt thllft y in the Purt. Robbers Taken.— 1 i,c f.O /CODS who rotbed the U. S. Quarter Mastel'a Office in New Orleans, have been arrested; tiny were four negro slaves. The Nes! vine Union of the 23,h says:—•'There was a tumor in town last nigh! that Collins is e!ected to the Legislature in Fayette county. (this St..l ,) by a tuajo,i!y of 93 votes over Ruf on, (dem.) Probably correct." WI LLEBM ELDER, Attorney at Laos Office in Rakeweli's :early oppusve the New Court House. on Clain sirtni SUG A It& OLAS'.1';‘.•••••4111 , 1els N. O. Sugar, 40 utq•s Piatstanon Molasses, 50 '• Sugar House 110. For sa'e by J. G. 4- A. GOCOOS_ onßioCotree on ocl 4. WESTER -Air U.ll - 11 7 1:R.RI7'Y OF PEX vs YLV-H- Xl/3.—LAW SCHOOL.—The Tru-itoos of It.. tiVe,ilern 1210.4.'1 - .oly of Pent sylvu.ia announce to the pa htie that they have eMahlished a Law school in Con with the University. in which win he tau. 4.1.1 Multelpal,lnternationat, and Constitutional Law in all heir vranehes- The mode of instruct ion vs ill hs by recil hectares and occasional moot courts. ni in similar. instiluliOns. The year will consls.t of twu ter 3.s of four and a half months each. The first term will commence on the second Monday of November next. The tuition foe is $37,30 per term payable in ndvarte. W.Lxrea H Lon-Rix, Esq-. a member of the Pittsburgh Rar, has been chosen P rofessor. The trustees tate great pleasure in announcing that they have been able to se cure the services of one so well qualified for the Station by reason of his 4%231 acquirements, and particularly or one so titzitly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman.. The annexed recommendation will furnish tut/is - faction . to all his qoatificat ions as Professor. The trus‘ees Navin_ been induced to insole e school from a view of the serious disadvantasesattendiree the studies of law., in the office of practising lawyersand a'so the very obvious ad/natures which Pittsburgh Ims: ssse.•;- over most other places in the West for the estalr lishment of such an institution —Here is a most indastri ons popu'ation. The student will see around him exam pii.;of industry and energy. and very few temptations id indolence and idleness. He may become acquainted with nosiness in all its forms. Our Courts are sitting nearly all the 'ear ronnd, and there is perhaps no place in the West where a greater variety of eases and priori. Wes arise for disenssion. The Cornmiller are depirousthai all perxtnr. w'shirte: ta avail I lie Ives ofntc adrantne , s of school. should do so imat,Autrty by rallinz and teseint their names a 4 toe afire or Wa :ler H. Lowrie, Esq., on Fourth street or ty addressine bin, by letter. poi., paid, so that all sta. dents mar cornmenre at the opening of the term, or as early thereafter as ikessittle. ovonne recot.n, JOHN T PHESstX,. I Committee DAVID IL RIDDLE. Or ♦RDIV IV. PLACE, I Education. TRIM. R. DALE. We take a pleasure in reernimendinn to the conft. denee a the public, Wafter 11. Lowrie F. 1., Professor or Law in the Western University of Pennsylvania, an a gentlemar eminent for his sound legal learning and shill , ties, and in every way q•intifi..d ro- the duties of the pita* to which be has been civets& Joni' a.atBFOR, ) osl ice 811 d OLTO7I C. ROGERS, } Justices of the CII•SHORTO. S / upreme Court. TFOS. SERGEANT. RC. GliiEß, ? JodtroaS of the CrlAr uts sullen. District Court. THOMAS IRWIN, U. S. LOW r../Ct Judge. Beat Pirrox, Jx. Pres. Quar. Scss Ort 14 if SALT - - 200 No. I Salt, jo.-..1 rereived, and for 10 sale by J. W. BUR IRII I tiGE 4. CO., oct I— N 4175, Second sl reel. SD —25 Bales Oakum, on firm(' and for sale by •1. W. BUR RRIDC 4- co.. No 75. S, Ind street wANTED 2000 .USEIELS OF Fl-dX SEED. for bid' the Twice in fah will he eve' JAMES DICKEY ¢ co Ants. Mechanics Linetorner of Literty and Wayt. ireeU. Pittsburgh. oct '42. PILICZNaTON'S Unrivalled Blacking, MANUFArTUR ED and sold vehnle--ale and retail Swra Stoltz' one door below Smithfield. net DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. PITTSEURGA, OCT. 22, 184,*=, DZIIMIXO—On FeWay. the 30te of east month, Ailed i=9 &elect it niebt.the Planing... Grooving sad 44 : 11*ii . : erecter*: .epereed.Sl'Gsy. Dilworth Co. gosetfte ef dressed aad undressed - lumber. wail s.l) : anseik:• inestbe-Rie: - Tee iron Safe whisk 1 bootie of you some Oise teitr. brats* ibe moat exposed eitualiete during lite ere. tied 1 elite entirely red liet•=l an* pleased to isfonn yoolt-eitis opened at the eiossof the lite. toad all 'The books. , t'ostietti , ite. - seeeet—this is thebest teettamesitetioss 1 an ;toe Of. the of tiiiy of your safes. ijitiveth, mmonmar sx. Iwo; 01144 VP truth *few, war tbelbestut,titabs4. 7v 40 , IrSatzi...rietsiersleistietrati corolla ~--Alik. 0.4140; in Soto TorrrisititrAvrilhittiun thi - t ti . 404. 11 6 gatgaiiigig-11440 1 re. 11021114 Oillehlea I . . _ gl. _ rid asd Italie. Ann:ai r front i&ra4lo aeons - of _,d'.:Otit- ;cod billiards of Apples,..a. fear Peach- and Cherry tokes--,the improvetnenut are a huge - frame holm diElstainint. Ifirtutios srelifarnished,tudeolated , for a To tten' 4X.pfOrnte Owelliug.a frame tiara Zt by 60,atone titi- 4 e_ inent,itad ta - ahlias.aheilstniosber oat hensessait. VI% ( of i t loceranntf.--2 good Gardens surroundo,d' with currant, stec Italia Wei .or etreettent water. with a pump in at the front door- In negation t the Fit rsilute, ~. nnd A ite; heny:market,there is noldaee now offeredfor ...w.e with more i otitmentetit to those wishing to purchase Dear Pittsntrgb.the terosOrill to - elide 'moderate. for further paw Licit's 'sap pSy to theptoprietOr at his Clothing Store, Libtaly street, corner of Wren Attn:' '. _ _ _,..„ • LAWRENCE IRITCHELL. eezt. it Wilt be iL div ir id a ed Gt ispoldta before t he I 20 he a l rte tif tels (k io l"Pr onit sell 10 THE s ub sc i ibere respectfully call tbe attention of their friends anif tbe public generally; to their pre. sent assortment of Paper Ifaspisgs, Irma, ihtZe and jeatenssve variety of patterns of the followt descriptions, 'Which a post inspection min be ran nd la be cifsopericir quality and finish. Us/fared Watt Papers, of all descript , ons, fct pa,vering rooms and ent 25 rent. per piere. - Q/azed IF,7aii Papers, neat and, handsome patterns, for pa pering, enotne and entries . . at 241eents. American Wall Paper, of their own manoraelorp, for Alai's: Fresco and etier stairs for parlors and cliainhers. on fine satin glazed grounds.' rrewf !Fan Papers, Decorah's), and Freres patteras. in plain and rich rah:ITN/old and slicer paper. Pelee. amid Jai -ratios Borders. LamiseapP Papers, in sent.... for pepering totele, bulls sad clinker rnontp, at redurril parices. FV ,. e. Board Prints, Staf ;telt Ornanients, Bliad-Puper, plain and tamed, of different ca Western ITIPSC:11311111; and othvrsare , rofntectrni!v to Fall arid examine 1134.:r s‘ork and pi i , es, off which last a liberal Ali,,rount will he riven for rash• From 1n.,„ ex' erien,-e in the t n-ines:. they are altle to manufacture flattery in a superior manner, and as they are determined ta keep nn the character their papers have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re ceive Ilse citron nigement hit het to no Ithprn Dv extended. VIOLIIi4H I P tulow.NE, No 49, Market greet, between 3d and 4th Pittsharztt„ Sept. 19, 1942—dawif • F.. _ I.T. NI A L LI SEnf Splendid Pa.. Pager 3Team Pack . S os Lenia The new..plendid, fain rnunine, dratesin steam Pae:.*4s .West Wind and Nonpareil. will run eeautar Paekrds. from Cineinnali In SI. Louis. Will leave tin einnali and Fit. Louis every Wednesday morning, at. 10 k. l'asiutiverF from the En-t and West may r.,4% , upon I heir gar' hie pun,inati y as aticYrt iGod. eep 10 10ThST 7 BETT FERWIIIITII, .17ocriereer and Commis. '...llere7awt, i.ovi*rille, Kr. will :Mend lo laa Fnie of 11.711 E4n4e.1141.G0.,g1,,G rll III• Ise. !It-vita rce y l'tirf:riny. a nd Fri day i no rt oo2:,. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advance,: ma de on con.ifm.r. , IR Re° in JIIsT ARRIVED Fit') ,1 B TS. CAPS, 4 - c y fIOPN: E. resnortfu 1y invitee •he Ladies of Pats di • I.lir2li and vicinity In call and examine his very handsome assortment of f ncy Ro , mets Mai he will non Y. 711 No. 19.5 1 . Clair st reel. dl ierlta oppo-tte the Hotel; they are of licit malerLl'a and in the latest fashion CHEAP —LACE AND .1. - :.II3BUNSTORE, Aro. 2 St. Clair _lrv , . Looes and '.Vide and oarewir eels LaOe and Muslin t.il;ar , . Infants' frock waists.. Ladies. French Kid, Mohair., Lisle Thread. and Cotton Gloves. Black Mohair nets for Veits--very cheap A Larseassortrnent of Ettslt-!t Straw Bonnets. Also,a variety- of Straw. main atei fancy T axan braid. E RY ofthe lodes! fts-Ilion, annal ...ireptiiaz l v tow ralog. These roods are now selling t ni prices to snit the times. Ladies are respectfully invited to roll and purchase. seri 111--If seri 30—) For salt , by J. G 4- A. dor:DON VitlollS — S Elt TUf.) ASH— A rtr Invarnahrc reme ta-aut v of the Teoli, ir iedisneesahle use, and ti^ frequenry of Ihrir decay, sir led to many incentians for their preservation; et how to pre serve them in a slate or health an pristine beantv.lo the latest pericd= of rxistenre, was entirely unt:nown unlit the discovery of She above invaluable Preparation. It 1111". s a pure Inlet are compose:: of veg enable ingredients, and is ncs. , .ssed of m , st drlicions odor. fl eradicaires tartar from the teeth, removes sn o ts of tocipir.nt decay. polishes and preserves the enamel, to whirls it elves a pearl-like whiteness, and, from its diln. feet ing properties, possess the virtne of giving sweetness to the breath. AR an A.ti Surbutic, the Gamsasnshare in. itctrans crdent powers; Scarves , is eradicated from them, a heathy action and redres.s is induced, which off,..rs to the notice Ofibe medicl practitioner induhitahle eviticnce of their healihttil state. rt ban been examined and u-ren hr several of ;hi hest physicians of this chip, who have no 'hes - tit:Pion in recommending it as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gnms.elc. 11301111111 SCOTT:: WALL PAPERS. • Among the recommendations to the above are the fol lowinm • Having tried .Dr. "Thorn's Tea Derry Tooth W - 3sh," and become item:mulled with the itriredients of , its compo sit ion, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest. a: , tt is one or the most pleasant-Tooth Wasl.es now in tir.r.. -- Pittshucah Sep. 15.1842 DAVID HUNT. Dentist. I take pleasure in stating. havina made use of"Thortt'S Tea Berry Tooth Wash," Icr it is one of the beet den trificesdn use. Seine in a liquid form. it combines nee r. ness wish convenience.. While it cleanses the enamel and rinsoces the tartar from tee teeth. its perfume yetis a Rat:ranee peculiarly destrat.te. P:TIRRr.TTS.. The ondersi•ned have used ••Tho , n's Compound Tea Ferry Tooth Wash."and have found it to bean extreme ly pleasant rieruifrire, eaeccisinf a most sa'utary core river the Teeth and Gums; preserving thus• indls peruthie members from premature decay. preventing. the arelitio , ithltitnl of l'artar, and pirrif. ins-the Itreath. 117. v, ins thoronchly tested its virtues. we take plea,tire in re contistei,dine it to the puhlic, believing it to bet he hest ar• ticle be kind new in use. .141 Rai4PRTSO.Y, J..9.4TPS P JJ7C Roo7 H PEEBLES, CHAs Y scuLz.r. C 1).1g Imo th ACCANDLEsS, J IJ „sooRE AD. JAS S CRAFT. L RING WALT. L S JOHNS, Pr/ par•-.I only Irv - WILLI %%I TllOB5, Al rollif9rars . and Cllemio. No 5.3 Ma! keT =tree', Poltsbarell; for ,ale at all the prinripal Dr uf.gi.sts', and Tallies .51r/li , al .11... ency F0;1. 14 street %Prl .STSISIrr, IVA Oap ber. 38-13. Sg#LEa propomis scathe teceised at thla'fietartnwnt, &will 3 o'clock. I': Al Of the 151 h Noircuiner nest, for furnishing the net:pp.:try materialsaud coustrumius. Depot for thcnreaercalion of the Charts and Instruments he'oneine to the Navy, with its necessary observatories, granite pier., S-c. The Depot to consist of a central nuildlor of fifty ft4i squarer. with wines of twenty five feet In lero,th and egthteert feet wide—the whole lo built of Plansaati specifications will he exhibited at this: De nail talent. to persons IriShitlZ to hid tut the sane. Ile erravition to he completed the present winter. All the materials to he' furnished of the test SnAttly, and the work to he done is the be — end and TairiSt workmanlike orait ner„ and to the entire satisfaction of the officer SUPerill 7 tending the construction of the imildinto. Payments to. he made not oftener than once a month, and then only on biltsciatined hy the saperiniendine officer. and 'a Waved' ity thefiecrelary of the Navy, reservinc ten 'per cent. on all hitia as collateral security. omit the whole chat) lie completed lathe entire satisfaction of the Departamot,. A tiMul for the Ink performance of She contract, "With titan satisfactory sieteriiiero, shall hp given for °Se thi/al the estimated aunottot of the arliote'cost. • - Ore +2—t nl5 - • - The:Awaited RevaStlese, Baltimore; A Inceican Sentinel and ttormtrer„ Phitadetpt,ta; petite 111 , ,rniegr - Ploe Pitt. het Jourrutt of Commerce; Standar& Sun. Union, nod llere.hie Not, Ne* York; Sioreieg Gazelle. ihrtreto; Daily Ftlint.n. and Moraine- Peal, RoFtmtn; Patriot_ N. 114.2.14ein.r, Richmond... and Beacon, Not folk, Va.; loriiipautieh agabove. . . ,estieeies tril/ 1 li-the Calk of Common Pins or B her: *eel foetid I Mietietrytedity, - No. 5!. of Drici: i ;:fewee . C Hauer .}ber Tenn. ,i: as , ..,1-, -fikOffr-fireL .Ifir'tis itai: ;,j, : And pow. 1,. wh...belalker 2411 f. 184. on XIX. 11.01 1" 1 * - -02 4#4311414.,*4-51*P*I" appoin' 'VIOXIOrt_IXtX. , EXIUt X *I I . I O4X I XXXt -1014 e deila s .ol l % el Oil,Part,orthe - flimAil*l .! l •Pit'i *ill etiiiio PH - the par,_ piniiirillt lieeniataita; at lie iiiiiiilit Williastion Atipl Seldt d" . . XII , MlS.fiekifielod qtr 7 ..el , cfrolkile Al* Aiii . 11.t.,11190. 8 ,4-itgAitit Al l u l / 4 4‘1 , 054..v.4. , yiss iii, -,-...i.attemil ~..*„.. ► _ , , ~.. viramassositiiit ,- i 0 # 2 4.4 4 R - 31 - - Aiers ler ntlelat L . , _ - *s:ol,* , :ipiatigitirsiiil*Wis ay/Wow or* 4:l4ar. rt,e4 tsiii pratiittet4 Iklie*liggilbe4iiiittitilliii*Y. that it isekkbatbnie tAilkirstisit recr..4l*nht tolurim elna 4 ,lldoestii orlar*vitilliair*-af - stobreiriad Pit sit anq owiliistren fdrAprlst3l) 'or 40-Yous. • listeXperiesetefldiat krag-peribd tof solver-dfie:. and :he _Carlo( my Immingham twiee,idice 1830.2evothdedivith OF- A;Witseft. the practice et isediehie. %Ott period offire• 9eaan9 ettatofes ape tejihdry fully or the agilis orb iS pills.. t • Saemorettient,nonfbeient, and yet on tree, did I esteem these pills, t hat for the last 'five years in my•prael lee for the cat reolchrotticitisMun., of ithatever mow. andthttce of females in partientar, I have used atoreot tbem than nit otherattedicineit.l - Late every otheri.tnestielee. thin must fait in some in stances. Int inntyliands there bay been tee dtappoibt. meet and mow ;sat itifari ion to t:'.eadmininital low of this one remedy thaw°, ad others; its toed effects sometimes guile astonishing me. If my patient required a safe afmrierit medicine either hrfore or after .parturition, the Wilson's phis mere jest the thing I wanted. drepeptie acid condition of tbn esoi l o, ac h. fort ,ht. r d ne It Ir eostivemse or quart twit le of the liver: mew timed the dieensmaf my patient. the pills Were jest the thing I wanted. 4UII treated a rase. vrquiring an thittonagorme. doh WilPon's nifsh Weft' kiss Me thin!! patratiti biattache.-flasfinf einivsteirainee.or other difficulties, indieatins a disturbance of the tirattatory and,secretory systems, annatod my patle4tt at the •turn of ilfst:ibe Wilson's pills seer/Imp the thine I wanted. Thus. n - illtont resn_el to the name, a du:rase ntirhl happen to• weir at the time 1 hire had IT U , llt , T treat menf.-Partinniar indications or symptom* arlsine. e ere al - • - acs ono t promptly andPmCiA happily met by the tV Vsnit's pins.= That so areal a number of diseases. anti somellinps ap. Parent Iv opoozhe ones, in which l'hn ye ttsP4l PreAe. should be camel more readily he them than by any other remedy, may at first seem st ratter and contradictory, hut why it is so is BM -Clear 10 mr mind as that a ermit many persons should -iieertme thirsty from ‘.e ninny different cnnws a nd yet require that tommtln and greatest of all blessine:, water 10 quench their thine. In enttchtszn, Itis due the eptnation of t'e mellieine and the nubile, to Say decidedly and oncondit tonally. that the t,‘ its-it's pills ate throaty combination I have ever met with in my lore con-se of practice, that really pos. eesres anything cnta tire or specific for sick headache Yours fc., DR. mum AnAms al,nre Pitts elestr,ned pariicufatly fnr the sick Dyspepsia, Constipation of A be Bowels S-c., prenateA by the proprietor lir. Tr. A. Wilson, :Ma for 5.110. I , otf ft , ie and retail, at hi= dwelling In Penn stye• t, below Mar' ury. net 1 A•tnint y at La w. rillsbure.b. Ps W Offi , e in gib strom, oppoAle Burke's Buildine. Wrtt.t.tis E. A ys-rt E. 11., will trive hig attention to my unfinished ho=tness, and I recommend Lim to theryatron •o_e iif m e friends. WALTER FORWARD. \ep 10-1 v IA Vtll. S BELE * tmccessor to Ft. M'Closkey) rash ionaAe Boot Nto ker. Liberty st., 2d door from Vi-T.in %Pa.?. The mtitsPrilter resopetfnily infileitit the he has commenced the-ahove hnsiness in - the s!ton fornierly, occupied by klr. Henry M'eloskey. a 9.1 that he is nerrprpriared to attend to all orders in his I ne tali despatch end on the most reasonable terms. From his experieneelsi monnfactitre of l'a , hionfil,le Boots, he feels confident Oil articles from his esinblialtment will tier smilsfaPtion to' hiett pa Irons. A slime of puttlic patronage i , respect folly. solicit ed. orp 10 FILIAL azthaANcir. -ENT. Ort 22-3;q Tt.if F,Ci4 Ntt`i• Indrrendest Transportation Lire to Philadelphia and Baltimore, For Transportiagr .ircrc handle to and from Pittsburgh, via Tide treVer a•rn Canals. COSCIRCTED STRICTLY ON SABB►TB ►ttD TEIRIVIANCIL The st ark of this Line consists of I tlf, first c'nae Sprint,: Cars. Metal Roof.. and New Deri:eil Title Water Boats, coos manila(' ht , sober and experienced 'a plains. ”erenants Ity this Line are enahled - to have II h - ir Gaols shinned asellean. atilt with as much d. sralrb.as 1. , . any of her Line. One Boat trill heave daily from tile foot of i\•illow street Ilai , tiorid on the Delaware, in Tow ..1 a Siedn, boat, Nhieh is kept express.l.V fur that pot- 'The Proprietors ttrill give their v hole , afiention, and rt=oecitn.y invite 'We:tern Merchants to give them a rAli. as they will find it mach to their ndv..rpaze. All foods (posit! ned rWillicrns CO. CClagt • tit iite or via Delaware nd RP ritan canal, will be rece,v ed at their worehon.e fool of W,ltom stre, I flail Road, i el ia, where E!otstils can he Rut dire:tly from the Ve4.3el into the Boats without additional hatidllng or ex. p,•u<e. WILLIAM HEILMAN 4- CO, from Phitad. to tiotidnrfittrg. H. L PATTERSON, From 1101irbicslinr.h to Piltoittrzli JAMES Omit EY Co., Ca. at Basin, Liberty street filisborch--effents Hit•!as 40 lc isrit,Willow street Nvltarf.l on the Deletvare.at Philadelphia, JOstrim E. Et.nrit. Batthopre, }. Ageist,_ 11. L. PAT-reitsosr, flolidnrst,argh, ]asstsJ's7t-nnt+ox. Johnstown. Ref•r in merchants generally throtzhou, the city. ep 15_,1 f. Surgical instrument ST.anufactortry 169. carrier of Liberty mid Sixth Streets. CARTWRIGHT returns Ids sincess thanks to the a. • MI izens of Plit.linreit and vicinity for the extraor dinary hatronmte he Ita. heretofore received, and hot es P. , in to merit, a continuatinn pt. the &'115 , P, as lie is deter mined io manufacture all raticks i t his line of business - To Iron Mannfacinrert snnerior to any thine of the kind ever offered here before, .1: - )1.IN CLARK S,I•IIANAxA.Y'S and that Pittqhurgb shall welt merit. to he coiled the or re i t ~;„,„,„„ 4 .11FFF11R,1.1) OF AMERICA. ssetal. fee the paerpe... ef -tstrarng Dar .frarr The subscriber havine always on nand the mast exten• HE *plan crif.A.l9 of n eto.r fi.re, by, east pateailet:t .rre stock of Home Manufactured anorl- in hi. line in the Mum up the (Minim's. 7 feet. 3 111 frei at *Our ; , e.l Pr n Cti bntry. woo d particularly invite the attention and ,cir;i Fig Iniitto or : 44 11v:e0n., Deal ISIS and Druegists to his alk.urt recut of the top o f t h e fi„ . „„d th e to ast t.,,, tep hr e .,l ni t iiiAtifils4;" Instruments. The 'scree-iron-plates are as k as those sellstiwit:.. Hardman s and tAe . ri „ ore lams t i nt - P.:mist-is. Tailors, flatters and flair thessers /4 iji5SlU4 k a hafthr one int+ ihiek, nett inebis "'mare - 31 Top of NI, FLears„ Ravin. rreeiveJLeifere Patent for the seine, I beii: * *r.'" : ' Aid that lit esiatee-iiment twine refried ion-strictly on to-the Oublie oft reusonabie ierems. - th e each prmeirle. per-or il s esirnet.of t at , e n - orini fir m ran - be had, by eddrm•siror me e rises discs ver mivanttlee of e.tilloe i•erao-Ilur r ilasine Ponsmouth, Oblo. - J. C. SiolliAliAWAt., '' ' l. e..en,11, , ,, : jut.1.ing done in a -sUperlur v le. Atrd cheaper h.ll. evrr J. C.. by directing his Sole atlentionth Imeioes=„lonth.. rr with havir_ in his mriploy the must romoeier,t work men, !Kites to merit tiir approtetion of the pubile et Wanted imme Tinley. a gopti fortes pod a good erinder. rOse nerd apply but the best workmen- rep _. .. FAMILY IMF,DICI NES.: FEliPti M ERY, Sze. , A , .t.a LARGpd vattialae asserlotelli of all the Patent tnedieihes or the day; Frier ti Perri mery. Shaving 'tattapt: Thorh's.reaberry Thoth Wash, whigh is Rai ger., pas...4 , :tby any,ollter_prepazat ion ever. offered Jo the Wil lie, either - Cm: t tle protervai ion or cleattlioess of the Teel. ! eik i t t is m u , r o e itu larilips. which wilt curet/le most in reterale tooth artae i'a five anon h. And arb* , lre_ial.:o:rti aarF, of . IA Norma, Principe and other brded.thteitilth*vn to the eity; rine Cherries To harmn. 4., r , 4.. e. a , _ 0,, hand and Pm - We sehollhmth,sod r o a n a t To ~ . 54fourth greet, opposite the Chroni lit T itg-grEWART, Cr phahrier sod Paver Ranger ; -01 -- ; .'‘ri: 49: rinhslrrel, lal‘eats *Pod and SiniUseild eta. ' Raft and Stray. 'ilattrasiam * N ays on hand_ All ...fen. rr.eatei :with neat itessitad ihmgthlell, on atrinnino - terms- .34:)11 T . 0112041 MT jt d.. Tem . V peraote odrocas4ioot No ,o cznoidero. hie irarimy ofilhe otherican Veznorraoe*,ttiikoo ations --roc 02 ' ,P tii 4r Harrt4 Ag enc . at couxolo Warrhsovos '. `9, nal, 01. 'ea t 4 IWOULD *earn inv • most slfteere - fitiedee eiti: seas of rtiltredeloffia, fitustoireit, New 'York, emir Heston, for their literairty toward.. Me. To helping me h. liherating my family from shivery. I fiat* plaid_ $750 for my , wife-ami on edeothter, - and-10611) •p o ceideit rturkeherz.mede4(Xl6er myself, All of which , iltaimeirord _ with my ores - Thtmrliktholueldirei'of the rob : lie i have jl.t tibended•Orioi tar ;iifirir farofly. faty Yob*, .rsr *Pp: Aluer4., at 7s.4otommiel elliertift Midi am SipM .ofered stye:Wet gOtt; ;110 ?31. it) deo 'the -omits!' Vlsriettwas. logr.o Troia* Slope, toorborrorod roroirry; I hope %**111;' 'o4l.roiord , . eritlitb to poi for ditord and t oradierlikrlioatoppeit lo Ore potibSe tor 'Wear liiddliorie* may ellabfrolOtdi'llarchtse tlr7 *la - *Or; Y:7--4144,06treay - - - •" 1 " - Ir 7 , 4 0026; I!? PAL: ' , lntordiaarr • kiiMan bill**401111.101"lt *ler Pananrpir.. PITTSBURGH CUTLERY AND JUST RECEIV ER. ,NOTICE T"►THE PUBLIC wr bripumsurriiiikitor JLA tared ora r *aye Int eis lure vatiraidiniti Mere ate Ur% Ai nabsiiii-VWkiihili4l mine Of and Bratailtelletettilik4 Read mad elhhrivetd. Tat`t tlic EX7III4ORDIX.ERYcettI 'Or v. " ' 7l '. Drimiutte4, Jam Aitsweryttpr olr norztdiroife The Same. offNankoke,Wattitioth 4 - 04410, 1 1114. be/II:I/fi l l . SWOrNnart, that be wee Wren .Vbitertti4,4eit Mitten sib Months itini e. The ielit l 4 4l* bllellts ilie ll ek *act, tor side -nod inStep bring Ott had - &a* itte * WOC4lll. Melo help himself, and wail eaten into theateiska o lltle. obit in the city of Roma. That after fielitt 44 #lll hospital five weeitaXaiettir OW said he'ilia'hetkiiiitahr what was the mattet -with hint, and 1104 - hi eahlifila notbingTor hint. otaroold he ormetitti iiit, dielllcthe.. That he, therefore. iratt conveyed from theellttivaleith pit at to the %%WS retreat on Staten Inland. a rth l ttli wi'll'orollilf - iriltd wirkall licato Of. glea - p&S. od of four attratinhatifferitte atithelltae t awn AMOK , reudine 'alkali.— That, heeides hot adentiontsf he wan trouldest start with a disoane of,tllnK IttorPl l oB.- flown he would elan a quart orlditelm lathe tinleillenielt this erection I e had At. bed Dian - hire, whath- hatiliantati or ken:Mended kiln Ger; lie commeneentent of,flicalicla. mess. That at limes he dreaded t t.triel irmurrilltile, ellite %%Gold have dreadmitleark: that he enweetwlsofethilt.44l l ' I . It to nothioe, tare that of kaiser. phisins thr000(1111111 !bowel*. - At er star rote ultra . thaa drat lt ot A* IWO& ffetreat.on Staten Islard, the d.w.tor told Wetakilosohale 1 eifiA resat no use to hint_ that he mu 4 try , to fitlieditd44.• 4,.t this time tie wartettferkterbeditenj — I lih , itenei: !Kee so tender he ilitAlliebtibrat'fithikiliptrrt s lart upon tin eritnik or Wrenn 4. - 16!n'crthatitlit,.... mo-t prank'. that an 1%0 *motor Said bi. nrenild .it , ' no more ineth-tne he determined to procure natant Eft. Itrandreth'n Pitts, whirb he Aid. Cron ..N1 lliredittlay New Tort.; that be eitinmeneeti with fire WE., atheactioe. t how. , increased the dose to eight. Tim - first AVIV* ice ‘. O min .:, b e n e fit e d him, that the dortor, nut buentili; what he was giro!. S2i!d, •Dilic. SIM*, you took the `a i inan acaia; if roil illniiioVP in II)Z 4 way, yogi teallete4t* i wen.' That he f,ord every do sm or the thranarterk PRIM I rrtiet , e him. first they mord trim of the . paleherhipit - at stool; that they neat rn red the diet rine*, tour fittaily .. ihn ittios in his bOties;—That the twilit-4:e sertned to Of .treneth to him every day_ Retold the dontoy . .iiieget t .. day the 11th instant. that he fen himself 'lien. sod ill*. that he owed Ills reenters to 11.antirethe rll6 shaer Frovidente, that be had taken the metikiiw cortiirisit for 19 darn; that the doctor told hint ill* had trOliiirn Ifs hart been la bins that medicine, he should poilulli l 4310 another day In the house He eorritters II in bkt Ant/ to orate thin onhfic statement for tr?! tench* ol'all statiiiiiir affi eltd; that they may know where to bud aesediefert that tri l l core item. JOHN ,ltiAlilr: JahnSfnWtriti2t»'medxty scorn thiV 12i114311t.1if April, 1842, did &pa,* r that the for/010 Vitt*. nie , nt is trite: .1_ ft WllEELER.finstruissioneFol4lo4l. The DR.A.ItritRETH arc s&4 at ph,-/,i &rib's principal tffire.24l. BROIWW.BY, Ices . and at his nrlnctpat aincp. 5T0.93 Wood snie11,1!11414111114 the O.IMY FL.WE Pittsburgh tr.linsi ireseatlai he obtained.. 111/0 - S—W. err P.l.lwaceyinform their' flielkitaerti Mei:altar that they have eotommineeif mitterlifiretif rinr Hats. and t hr.t they have now eettitr.fdlilt their Snore. 143 Liberty street. he Shirtk:lzieittle street, an. re , martntent of the very fxestilars, torSiell tLay are a nxine s to dismrse °fon tire anifirterVestenh , aide terms. Them stock cattiest-of tlitt via:—Reave r, t ter. Neatria,CeitoreitibertrAy 'peo, aft. sia Far end Sill: Pate. tt'. 4. 73- Dollen y-nre .beib•trengnr bred- ftattenoltrg hare-Lad eXIMI.SiVe eXlMPrielkle ZS it anretiCsite e,la LT WI -mew 5 in melt . Oath 'tire 111_01 dr , under limit awn ingprrtier, 9 , 14 Hwy his - tire the WOW , that but the very bOtt ertirtra pit tile trmstriii, - FonALle tering will bp offennt-rnr rate. shp#ll7,.o-. Itt Elf 01 nS bfthe tale Rev_ Cher/es i itettO . L Presidro of Dickinson en.lege, caragie.birsim.;:, Miller. D. D.. J 29.0. with a ban , . ine portrait. C 0:41F0 R 7 1J 9FFLICT7ON—A setiiseritgedililiN. tioos. by Jno,r.: Duchanno. D. D., Di2l: etritrth.ledia bu•zli. first „American. from the Stn Edint.oreit SP IRI TV L EY from N.erroat.HaysK eessed-_ it 0: ions and ol4Lcrirdt halo on - !be natural history :ilia 'l4 bits or Bees. fiat introduced to onblic notice in 1-667;b1/ Samuel Porch: A. M..l.owints Irmo A' TRIBUTE OF PARENTAL AFFECT/1W Charles Sll ra m. A. M. On': ~ DEC APOLIS- ortL oif e individuaS ohfizirloo it :11 I,s to rave FC4I4 , fillill deal I; net Eilreh_y tr Dierfer!le:' nerd-fourth Amerir an. 1,04 i/ lefe44llllrArsidOned:ll,64ll6' S e ItROWING YET REJOICIAMZ-.:er weresitiretif .....e5.a...........: .....i.........eeerevriu - z - entnipere tliiioif. --. Chr.f ELIE SF.Y.tIOUR-ot the coed Aunt frill the 1 Ball Atirtt; he MIFF Catherine Shiefair..artrXilSll* LirE if !IMF: you .I.n".E - - onfaini4i 7 l46;,. i er inlay.. Life a Rare. Life a COngiel.l44Sileki fi lia, a.Sfelf-Ti to o for et Pro It y. by i oe .R en, T. P011111 . 4 . L ' CHRISTI.IX LOVE--er th*finly: or poormik . , e, for th e int meft in le ran velri4oll Onitelal. ---..- ':. ...1 TRE E.ETEXT .4.7r,D EPFlCiter of 1.1ter2171:1112% iIENT-- , 1 Howard ' Mate. fin, rr'aidetticr Dear . .. . ..... . Coile.e. ft y.-L c lti edii ion 13 IVO. The Moral Influence, It:infer. and Dillies, tonnw cte wi h Great Cities--1 y.,104h TWA, MI ..0. Proprietors The .ro , e anti-do ! , spiritualitmlnded, decla red and nrartieaDatlitaproy jeatirtlaren. D fl .Plato. S 7'o R V OF TILP: _0 R E. 41 F.EFOR.VA TJQI ter the , iat ee nth century in ger ma tty Striitart4ati4,lfee:444 - J. fl Atm le D I uhign e. President of I lie 1:40 1 414, School of Genera. 11.. In 3 vote. 1i Mo.; 34 Atirtlitk, from the 5 h London edition._ LUKE. LOOlittidiensi..,— sep • 140.89 Wait - BUFFALO ROBEi.IIEA :zILINor, ALND . . us -r rer-rivea.3.lN:lo Se . a.tn ial.le.rtiffale itac"..Ardit frrrtit qualities from ..r.vra So. I 10 34 A 101 , f gear rthd rub • • • • '‘ 11-000 'So. 1 and 2 /luf!srni , Inc ,rntte, Ail wiJiril are oftere- , r.Mtleft.l ee.4 twat, .oc. !Lit' A. IIEr.,LEN, al the kirterican Po; CO...Arnrii? am 12-3 n rnfrer rst' Mem/No gnus. A tte*Vl.3lK - 10 4 11C.: : 7 The tiodtrAgetst has's!! urr.4l Yfr. J. C. Ulla 1 :siiirlW: tri. M v. Potent E o n oat fire !oration! twO yeato, ta% L ue ii)i: . r . t: rerottorienditt! it to the toilitic a-41 'wive 1124 : ' 4 " . 2111tas Iffentifeeturers as Ott improviespeot liti' :' ~.4 1, fire.i oi on the' otd plan of runnire. not 0034 ..• ' : . , - T .. ~.1 ' The co pito . or patent Are. Fill savg: l 4 l ** t i*illl_ ' 44 ' 4, the furl lived: al,' mate as ma th anetills lit Illf 1 f7rolell, 11 1F: two oprn Ave..: anti Terme mein! of as ';emailtiinitui in - tine ' - eipen fires, .. , We have osell 'a fire of Ibie iikaitAhr two Sears, :thsit 113,4! derivrd Rivet advantage frotislkti6k 7 ite.ll4 the- s limy reeernr,,end ir. • Mr. McM ana way ee *he *Cone ;Ur 21-rorti***.- ait4l farone pat np'el Whimrhie;hinillif little% her;lesien . ,.. verde. Adtt) irebte.. 1 li...Te. with nerv, are the divy iistilf now tlitise in the White* Sister ' October 10;1342. . 131PROWNVIIILLit. JUNIATA IRON W0Rgi1t14.161,01 ,- . !UV wnini Hotkros, ..ifoolsfoct moor of How WOOquosoNlio,2,s..zWoo4 rfth.llll 1 01 S FO“ BALL:.—Four Lois toSimachtwilA.: p t taut* - fi.orni Arr.* or Loki& Iliat...e* , 4lllL' 4,42.5 7 t , 53;54, 18t. ICafill 184. in Lleat'>t Or &M.. 1101...e4 fltitt Aisne tom uks 15 tufa Cook's plavrofleol7 on iiigb *try...4 Beal' the r w °' olol4V 2 HOWE For tern.* **Fly Z ItEuietrrer.'' pep 10 BANS Or ii Ucl.lB, tteetits Tor thirreeo "Merlon of Olds Bilk, edeOhte year. it➢H he he held ot the ,Rill leo* Stisioray thitast day ofriotrydibet: lons ssroa.:: •••;-- Ertllistat 8 .1 0 * 0.1 ' - 20,1 - Partut atoeLtioarcti. `iriis rotvli:etre'Aeo sumo ttrethet„fitrOtitWatn*lto-h 4 . 41.15 saint year ,rill ire 141tt the *al'} l tic-fi rceeton triaalt, List 104. 1 1 04..Tfaitk„. 1 b1(;, 1 A. si. Pritoelt.t. ht-htrOtto.4 l 4 , - pt set - - sereor =73:4 .#4o44toteit_ e 4 prervabreal iredert:7oiP. Ircr‘, L TE PUBVCATIONt..;. ELLISOS. atc Tool %~'~~s' ~:: ._.:_ .. S ti.._ . . - i.. Y=' .i :~-