Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 29, 1842, Image 1

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rpm AVtLERS - TARR - ritY
41. provided with let Si rely
priined with a figure of ih e a
:.;1 I you :r re ux ved by Q s , ••••
, entsialirig theft' •
Guard, when that
following it a list Ortroati •
iv Guard at the Pot": of Pittsba;i
s; on the list have the liaproveta
.pnarata, it is impossible for PPPX •
lAG RA, - DV
'AN TON, 140 ,T
iREA W ATER., •Qu Et / ,
• :. 7(PP ESS MAIL, DUKE ,
A EST WIND. • .411 ( 111
A 1, Qt.: El
%N.IIIA, rOn
-AGNEs , .
All ANN, AiEssyg tq
a AI AR A NTIL, oßp t i A4
ti C NG() PARK, ©HA,
♦112'('11 BEND, GALIZ ki v
‘1 k It ! MENT
Toe CO1pU)011131y are retp,
fore toe", make a choice Ora ti 021,1 p:
n het tier it tvOuid
nd tecurny to choose a safety .;"G
-sage ane. freight, in preference
es* o'ns,on —nod that they
invention 1125 the unotrai
F.'earn enzine Imildert—geolitatt
it t. ta understand lie sal ject. and
rolerested—begd^s a numberof cesf:;;
is gent le n rn and n!1 er. , ..-2110f pd..
ii , office. No W. Walrr ArCet,Phtl4 .
niraFure Al all times In ealtihit lay
ho will lake the trouble to colt
sep 10 CA MALL.,
If The s'uhscrWer offers for ralr,af
_realer part of his mil
e chi , . of Pi'maim:all and Alleabriy:
P Warelions - es, nearly new: a
:!nale on Market strict.. temper Scrort
I, :aeina 2 from of about 54 Celt!. by 60
, or separately losoil - purelia.ra,a •
A I=n, a select btlitdieg lot in Alivelliasai
ralUi,bi upward
,nr 350 feel in
i ont one on the Peiiitsyilt2llia ring.' a,
Iv:.-hinvon street.
, A the ;04 0490444041he r i0c. we. 1(W
-', . a .1, 350 friVisiortilirlitilhv • ,
::. , 1 mansion house wltkitik:i uore occily ‘
A Int with topFfory fqict pita
an. on .1, rorrrr 0. Mnrirrt wok Itynat von
nand rent, inn sew regained
r.tll ...f.ivrTED. — e , aigrof
“s • L•.00 , 1 ,- , quaut y afThi
kern =of Coo ry PrO4lite
ra r.rc ove- at ti A Pat IS'i; isPer
'_l—•f Wan,'
JP I: T. ColllllridliON Xcrti
d err and ern. as Aggfriftdtin;
Jan. Eq.. rwrlurgir:
Aaron Hari,
Jame , . C.4 . 11r.an of E'd.
.Inn D. Vavii.",
WV :1y Sr ilannn.
Av.., c. Or2tien Cn.
Jiro. SS* nor! t,ou rr.e. E-eq , ModiA3n
- VA “11-E FARM FOR Fr. All.
V Fa en, on whirh I Hue, in M iti
Id. containibv. nee Am , '
abr.n , 711 a crc. of which ;-clear
litag•e(ril. There arc OP° B it I
y • d a te;i rn 63 feet I , y 34; an apple=
A I.rn. about seventy acres of vial.
,re equal to that ol any upland fags,:
Terns.a& known on applicalina m
.n the preemi=es. WILLIAM WA
and Pteture Frame
Strret Peft.FLairgit.—Cav tiO
. for A ri al.yea vs on hand
rn,“prtS framed to order- IZepaig
Psi notire, •
Tart lru,ar ni (Winn frau! to
rry de=rrip!ion.
rerH:uts tilt inz up Sieatn Alot s
;licira:lvaniage to call.
WHITE subssril.-
in I rntAti painters, and 01 .
{pare Whit , Lead sersde of the
~red equal, if not SU perior to anY
An order , arldres?..e,rl to otigiap 4 - B
4 - co - No.llliEccond Street,
aiterded to. -
IA r/lES rAsritoriAit: 6
Fifth St .. OTIC dOilltiT olll
The Suhscriber respeetiolly
r't4.bitr:.,ll and vicinity that lie iss
Flioes of his own adinufaCnile" ,
where be will keep constantly on
merit of all kindsor ladies,anisses.w.
and drnes.oftlu lust axiality. vittisla_
recto ,nit the times Be *lll itto .„...
kinds of fancy work—sueb as
slinpPr=, colored Oilers. and b W-41°.
children's et!slrs. silk eratteM. ll.c..
wilt t.e made at the shortest MAlO
ner- Ladies will please eallatiket
n. the snhseriber frets confident
any art isle in his Woe they titiYl*-414"
f , 'P 10
P. ft: Don't forfet the pliee- 144
door croon Battles jsttOgen"'
titu --------. 11 i
1..i.0 A 31140 13 Y flay ing 111 .
1 r Ir tattiness of Dtoraf,,k -
ti. , ert y street and 41 604.21 etrOl -.
'inflict to the asati~o Wien&
firm. for the xery lifiecatirliPP 4l ,l *--7
:Yenned to him. in ectoneetioa I'm"'
wishes t o more gtras Oat Ortfi r - ell,
merit 1 he enothosatioi ;of th e ~,,T
Perth:qv invite their atteetioa 10 ""
Ciotti ne. which he Wiest& 00 00
• 'has has been ever VilferetWise"f„,..-
i the whole of the stork of the latew
! elide; ard as ha intends ta elshilei t o•
1 rash hatioll: hi- Oftri‘ellitel,t
Triart= his atter. e4siiir -le 101 0 " 1 :,i , .
i new or wortniatighw ;
, -1 ,,
1 nedise ratalvestatleet- • ...'
1 tared , i rt 3ivioilftb ,t•-
_ ...._,
Qmollet. molia9v l r•
44 . skit 0.41. _l5O
annisa?" -IL°
in bin stink- aUk*
4011101 .0* -1011
A 3
1, •
L ips ,SL W. H. SMITH,
r,r,LvARS a year, payable in
Tn 0 CENT:3—for sale a 1 the
11 News B.
and 'Manufacturer
0% al the same office, on a ridable
rico DOLL RS a year, in ad.
et Advertising.
(1.50 ! One month, SE-00
0.75 1 TWO mont.=, 6.00
Lim Three months, 7,00
1.;t1 i Fog r mon,hs, R.OO
3.,00 1 F.,0 m onth=,
400 OnP rear. 15,00
• .
25 . 00 One sear.
me'!' in p .Arort!on..
:=ll Doi I tf.• a year
0 FFI U ES, &C.
Tnvd 1.,- , . seen Market and Wood
~1, , ,,, a ,a-ler,!rf
,!rf q.ll door from Wood Ft. 1-mer
r jot:, Wlliock,Colleclor.
11n0.1 Jet een Fire and Second
T rea-so
Th.r.i street, next door to the
,err 11—S. It. Johnston. Trenswer.
let ereen Market and Wood
r,, , th. near Illa•ket
~,,11arkct and Wood streets, on
io-ro, ANT , FARMERS ' OK
, 4,•••: r.nd.) Fourth, hetwteo
r Wood
near the Oridge
and Clair.
nf Tim d ar.d V 6 00fi
Ttr)rd :1,11 Swolrnelii
r. rrt,.• . I . Pi ,sti ('anal
carer r , re,
1R -1:1"
I, :1,1 a
rooms , o
rd to
j(ITT.11. 1) - •,6
& )11 LKE. k I - .‘,l
%1, r Id
et DI LW ()11711.—v
, 3, 4 v, •
ROl3l NS()N. :IV"
tr, • a., <i IXII
.. ~,~ ~~. ~~~ .~ , , u r
,c II Loy d C,
1 IL \
, N
fAir ;noce ti I •
lo do-
No :4. Filth St
• I Ru-
L.'s Of Turnip
Et. :P.,i L, at Ilse
1.4 rt, ,tct t .t 1 01 W ood.
. h, C. Slates
,ratla S . llOl , 'S made in
c west French patterns.
LTIC ICLCR. in loth tof.nit
e ltspo , ed of Lv
1 y reel. bead of Wool
Flowers. and Flower Seeds 01 ev
ran always he had at the
134 Liberty stivet, d of Wood
,uuai Mammoth Onion for
u• and Seed store of
151 I. ert strop!, Lead of Wood.
sr rtc,a e d by
No. 184. I.iber:y head of VlTood si
051,0 2 of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Eotiint Tools, Budding
l'rut.ttlg Shears. etc., just re-
ro t - - L. SNOWDEN.
•;, head of Wood.
- •u` ,raved a .111211 iEup .
Hams, on retail
H kRRIS. Ar,,ent,
and COM. Merchant
l "" S" , d• Orchard Grass and
,eGras-s, alwars on hand and for
Ldwor street, head of Wood.
ANAN, Attorney, at Len, office
'° atliond. le “AtIOVney'SROW."
reef, lx - tween 10arket and Wood
sep 10
BLANKS. for proteedhrrs ift At.
the lale law, for sate at this OffiCe
on the lila, it' East corner of Coat
*feet. A proy to
IRLINCTON, Market, near sita
reties French tzugar Beet esed.jrt
ad for sale at the Drug a. 4 seed
184 Li ty street, bead of Wood.
OF PARTNERjrar.,:,-The
heretofore esistinz heteieen
NI CHIN HOPEWELL is this day
'mem. Witlino Digt, is it:Moaned .
the firm in settling sir the fistniel*
WlLLtrisirouwe. -
EMU- T. -I:tort-max.
i ~_
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1J j~cld, betioass oecind tAir" Mi.,
Bep 10 PrrrarvaGe.
TON NSTON 4- STOCKTON, Booksellers , Printers**
Pbper Manufatiorere, No. Maiket st. sep 10-1!
,xonN AN DEnsoN, southped ?Guidry, st_
so near 'he Monongahela House, Pllird.urgh. sep 10-1,
LIIONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St, Clair street se
cond door from Liberty. sep 10—I sr
DIL S. R. HOLM SS, Office in Second street, next door
to Mnlvany t¢ Co 's Glass 'Warehouse aer 10-7 9
SDUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Fourth st.,
near the Mayor's Office, Oftwbur:h. rep 10-1 s
THOS. HAM LTON, Attorney at taw, Mb, between
Wood and Smithfield stn.. Pittstaireh. nep 10-17
HUGH TONER, Aow nee at Law, North East corner
of Smithfield and Fourth streets!. sep 1 11-1 y
TAO XP: , 01.1 HANNA
7.N La TC&N11171 L.
HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No.
104. Wood st., where may he had a general supply
of vrff' 41 •2 xvfnPPl9Y.• print lug , wall paper,' blank books:
school hook., kc. 4.e. PC p 10--ly
RC. TOWN.4END dr CO., Wire Workers and
~ Man or aeturers , No. 23 Market street, between 2d
and 3d streel.s. lb__ ct 10-1 y
se -----
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. CI it
st I eet:s, by McKIBBIN 4. SMITH.
Fe p 10-1 v
1G METAL —77 tons soft Pis Metal for nate by
J. G • 4- A. GOIID 31%1.
No_ 12 %Voter street
"O LRS. BACON n A Ms:. 16,000 Rrs
ILY Shoulders. for sa - e by
J. G. k A. GORDON,
No. 12 Water street
rAS. PATTER: 7 .'ON, Ir.. Et,rminglinni, near Pittsburgh,
J pa,. Manufacturer of Locks. !finites and Bons; To-
Funer. Mill and Timber Screws; Houten Screws for
Rolling Mills, if-c. sep 10--fy
10I -IN 11I,CLOSKEY. Taiior and Clothier, Laber.y
Ptie.' between Sixth ana Virgin alley. South side,
.5 , 0 10
BCRBRIDGE .- CO., Wholesale Grocers and
Commission P rChants— Second street, between
Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. seplo ly
JG. 4- GORDON. Corniniton and Forwarding,
. 111,rrhart4, Water st.. Pittsburgh. sep 1 0-1 y
ILIA MS.-4 casks hams. a good article, received per S.
AA 13 Cori - air, and for sale by J. G. - A. GORDON.
scp 10 No. 12. Water street-
jai CtG.{R k MOLASSES. 7 - 210 hhds New Orleans Sn
k. car; 30 tills New Orleans MotasFes; for sale by
sep 10 J. G. A. GORDON:
C. - ZUG ACZ Mid; prime N. O. Saar, received per S.
17 R Maine. and for sale by .1,G.4 A. GORDON_
Sep 10 No. 12, Water street
fIACON order, on hand and for sale by
aUP sen 10 J. G. dr A.GORDON. No. 12, Water st
Qt.'G AR AND 11101. ASSES.—L 3 htids and 4 id-1A N. 0.
izilar, :32 Lble N. 0. received per Siearnboat
I ~, p ort•r. and for 'ale by J. G. k A. CORDON,
_ et , 10 No. 12. Wirer creel
BBLS. LARDOIL. fm- ert:e bg
;1) B. A. FA HNESTOCK & CO..
co: ner of &hand 'Wood gis.
1631 1- PA PERSGermantown Lamp INaek for sale
by B. A. FAUN eSTOCK4 - Co..
rorner of tii L and Wood
4110 LL IB Prepared Chalk, fur sa te hy
-mg I/
B. A. FA Hti ES POCK k CO ,
camel' of 611 a and Wood
QUG %ft AND MOLASSES.—fiII Mids. N.'). Sugar,
17 bbls.:(10. do., 100 do. Plantation Morasseis. for
J. G. 4-' A. G ORDO
No. 12 %Voter Street.
ep 11
1 0 be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
pa rin r.and in the forms approved by the Court,for sate
,t I he Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10
1V33. HUBBARD, Lidiee instal:=We 1.4301 and
shoe Ni.ipultictureri No_ 101. Third s. reel, rmlereen
%V and ;lad Smithfield streets. l'itlslmrgli sep 10
reinove-d his office 10 the corner of Fourth
d ( - hurry Ailey, between Smithtletd and Grant
Pep 10
RENT.—Thedv..elling and tot coi.iainirig 4
acre-'. in Allegheny, near the Beaver Roarl, , ately
wr t ypied;ty r. S.atituel Church. Apply at the Merchants
d Nlanufact 'nets' Bank, to W. IL DENNY.
sep 10 Cashier.
a LP MAKER, No. 95, Market str,-et, Pitits
;,.... burgh, t , ei sl een Fifth and Liberty streets,
sep 10
- 1 4
supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at bisagency, the Dro7 Enore of
rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DR. DAVID WARD has hM office and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south (Attie Court House,
...a rood dwell tog from Rossst reel. He will faithfully attend
ail rails pertaining, to his profession. Night calls should E l
made al it, door above the basement. sep 10
EMOV A I. —Matthew Jones, ilarLer and flair Dress
er, has removed to Fourth street, oppersite he May
ors office. where he will br happy to:wait upon permanent
ur transient customers. lie solicits a share of public eat
renr,i2r. pep 10
l i ll M. A. IVARD, DENTIST, Penn et. three
V door below Irwin street, Hours of busins, from
9.. se., until 5 r. st Per which time he will attend
to no one except in cases of 'actual necessity. He
would (Dither inform those who may think proper to
employ him, t hat he expects imMediate pa cment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills: rep 10
JOHN .31 , FARLAND, Upholsterer antl Cabinet
• .M . -ter, Third st. bettree* Wood 4- Jfartet streets,
respectful inf - mos his friends and the public that he ig
pr,pa red to elecitte ail orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Su . :
rea us, Ch ts, Tat,tes, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Mattresses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Uphoisterio:
wore:, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. rep 10
110 Word Street, Pittohurgk.—Q. A. Bausanan,
Auctioneer and Commis ion :Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and seri all kinds of GOods and Merchandize,
at his large and• capacious looms, No.
,110, North East
Corner of Wood and FA]: Streets. fittsburs,h.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture,,, Groceries and
other article:, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery. Dry Goods, arid Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, sod Thn rsday evenings.
Books, *c. , ev.ery Saturday earning.
Liberal advances made on Conaigninents when wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davis,
• Bagaiey 4. Smith. * I
Hampton. Smith, 4- co., '1
" F. Loren* A' co.; • -if
J. W. Barbridze 4. Co., . 1
" R. Jirkee 4- co:
• Capt. James M"Gary,ill. PKLsberEh'-
.‘ _ C. Ihrases, Esq. r.•
Jona .11 Wadden. Esq.'
- Lagar' 4. IDenatity.
.4 tJ. K.. Illeorhead I¢'Co. - '
• Jas. p.otraft, Egg...
aqbert Galva# Eeq
- Capt.las.- May, • ' •
Ist.Volt : Haftea..4 -Co. • 1
Slobs a, , Wbeensil,
43M14141//00044 co. ": irJtiiai
Imp : .
' •
8 4
44mT ite:tmei Nast,
- - at .eggihit.
AS[ commenced her regular trips; and , will rws'dai.
. .
iy (Sundays exceoted.) "Laves Beaver at 80'
clor.k A. M., leaves Pittsburgh :at 13 o'eloelk P, N. con
nects at Seaver with tee
keirnsylvania and Ohio Dee
of Freis„ht and Packet Canal boats bet amen' deaver, and
Gleveland Ohio, and Greenviile, Pennsylvania. Leaves
Beaver daily at &o'clock P. 14. This line dorasects With
two (Lily lines on the Pencsylvanin canal to Philadel
phia, and with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie
canal, and New York and Ohio line arid Obio
tiS with ste.: freisht and passage boats, brigs a ski
.ehtioners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this Welt
known line will be prepared on the opening of naviga
tion to transport merchandise to any of the interotedi,
ate ports On the Pennsylvania and. Ohio, and Ohio ca
mils; to any port 450 Lake Brie, and the Lipper Lakento
and from New York City and Philadelphia,
McClure k Dickey, Beaver, Pa.,
Cobb Wormer 4 Co., Cleveland, 0.,
Rees 4. Taylor., Warren, 0.,
N 0.60 Water gtreet, Pitfahorett
4-4 1 2 :- W. B. BOIES. Master.
RITNS daily (Sunda , s extepted,) between PITTS.
BURGH k BEAVER. leavint! Beaver at 8 A. M.
and Pittsburgh at - 2 P. M. providtd with Evans's Safe
ty Gaard to prevent Explosion of Boilers.
This splendid and fast runninz Steam Bust has just
neen comple; ed expressly for this trade, and runs in
onneet ion with
CLARICE it Co's Pittsburg - A sad Cleveland Line of
Cleveland. Olio.
Or down the Oh/Genoa! to ItlasMon, 4.e. and E r ie Ex
tension Line to Greenville
The Canal Boats or this Line are towed to and from
Pittsburgh direct, and the busine,s conducted an the
mo=t prompt and economical system, Having counec.
lion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel-
phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the
Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, With
C. M. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and
the T roy and 11 ichigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Erie canal, we arc prepared for the transpoitation
of Fr, islit to and from all points on the canal, the lakes
and the River, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as
nay other tine.
Apply to 0. M. Harlon, N 0.55 Water st, or at Steam.
boat Michigan's Landing. Pittsburgh.
Clarke 4. co. Beaver.
Hubbard 4. Wealkerbee, Warren.
Wheeler ir Co. Akron:
Thomas Reckinsied ¢ Co. Cleveland
.J.B. Wick dc Co., Greenville;
W. C. Malen, Sharon.
R. W. Cunningham. New Castle,
John K irk, Youngstown,
John Campbell Newton Fallg;
Campbell 4- Miller, Campheltstown;
Babcock ¢ Mcßride, Ravenna;
C. 4. D. Rhodes, Franklin;
H. A. Miller * CO.. Cuyaltoea Falls;
Wellman* Whitehead, Massillon;
Grirdun Williams. 4- Co., Detroit;
biinne,Daeis 4- Co., Buffalo;
Cowing, Richmond, Williams tt Co.. New York.
sep 10
niGisty—m.. 121. Coeacr of Wood and /Front
dl Streets, Pure/m.l7k, has on hand a complete as
sortioentof Queensw are mined to the city or country
trade. Also. a choice selection of pure white and gold
kind DINING AND TEA WARE, in large or small ads,
or separate pie,es to suit purchasers.
A cask of 46, 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted
and gilt English China Traware, at very low prices.
Toy Teateminiiiain, and-rick painted and gilt, from
1.00 to $5.00 per set
Children's Mugs of every destription . -
While China Shaving Mileid
Granite Dining a. d Tea Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in hive and black.
A lane variety of Steamboat Ditting_and Breakfaq Sets.
imported to match. complete, .
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, fronighe
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent Buckets, Tuts and Krelers.
Stone Pipe Heads. fr. f•e.
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
tic on the loost favorable terms, Jan 26. 1842-1 y
J. FOX ALDEN Attorney and Counsellor at
1 • Lase. C ffi rs his profe,,sional cervices to the cit
izens of Pittsburgh and hopes , for a share of publicpat
rorrage. lie wilt exerritc all kinds cf writing with neat
nest - and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on
reasonable terms.—Office In Smithfield street, at the
house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers.
sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN-
DAVID CLARK, A g't. o'ashionable soot Maker ,
tins removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he wooed he harpy
to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos_
ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
his constant personal attention to business, he trnststbat
he will rdeserve and ttceive a fair share of 'patronage.
vett 10
A flanker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the best quality of Ice
Creams. tosether with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in their season, at his establishment—No. H,
Fifth street. between. Wood and Market.
N. B.—Partii supplied on the shortest notice, w ith
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. sep 10
JOHN B. GIITTEIRIIE, 'Auctioneer and Commis
sion Merchant. No. 106, carver of Woodk Fifth "'-
Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the Auction
eers lot the City of Pitsburs,b. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed
to make trial of this market- fie is prepared to make
advances on conegnments of all saleable commodities.
and trusts to sati-ty correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns-
That the various interests which may tie confided to
him, shall he adequately protected. he brings to the aid
of his own experience in linsiness and acquaintance with
merchandize generallr, the services of Mr. Stott.
Fstosirsrom heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is Made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres'i. of N. 4 M.
Darlington 4- reeblftn,
• Roberi Galway,
, 4 James M. Cooper,
" James May,
• R. 111. Piusburgb
• Wm ' Robinson, Jr. Pres%
of Rid:singe Bank
-, Hatfiptoo.Mmith, 4 Co.,
• • John D. Davin,
• Samuel Church.
• J. N. Atoorlitpd.
• Jai.. W. Brown 4- Co.
John B. Brown. * Co
" 4 If %Ailey.
4 IS ;Jeers,
4 ,, John S. tliddie - ,
• Obi! Datibey;
LIVANIPS - CA.111(031:1114E,
I 111Airt: CCEINIVI, residing at 66 Non isreel.
Ne-w York , was afflicted oilitt Dyspepsia •in its mom -
aggravated finis. the symptonit were . irloMat
ache, mat debility., fever. amihrallese. bonOt•
barn. pain in the cheit and Moraaeliarwaya after win,
forift , ippetimsersalion iof:aititigiag at tbesttilik,
h rted gm. fames, with frequent vomislopolissilmtss
%oleo* , aitateand reatiesesa. Theiehad ematandlap.
w i r d or,p_tweigermrthorbest. oa aratuilimg DeMat.
Nyana:looettatbasit street. and sulialitling to Ma ' ewer
siMeesMid sad aspieable male" of trealawat.lbe
teas complete* maimed 20klantlil. lwthe istriMl Mime Of
latensultb, and grateful MI drentsaimilaide benefit dale.
e4.o6l l Yanneilltintrdllnd.Traillattered
- For sale, Whollesaleamt !Wail by
/04"Treall*Teltifigkow, Sen&
10R; GOO DEM Celebrated- Female - PM's; These
- -F Ell &sentiently retnaineendeet to the notite of
iti t 'udie. on a', safe and - ellieleett , rentedy in reasoning.
Moot latilnitlaintspeenitetr to- tbeettex,fremo want of ei
extbe.eetAbseraidebitity of the argent. They obviate
costiveness; and-counteract all Byliterieat and rieiaons
airesttonst 'k These Nits brie gained the oanition
approbation of internam eminent Thytietams in Uni
ted States, and many "anthems. For sate Whole s& and
Retail. by f R. E EMMAUS . , A:nein.
sep 10 , Wood Street, below....eeettd.
Vitt: .11.D.kiny Heat esti Si.. Nam, Lifte , ty St.,
oppasits tits head of Saitiiiidd at.. Pittaforrei.—
T4subserlherhasiog benabt out the stock of the late
Thosaim.Rafferty, demased;:hatt eounneneed business
in the old Mend of It.„ and is 'prepared to execute
all description:ref work in his time, in the best manner
and on the Shorted notice. = He Seeps eorstantly on hand
a large assortment °Patine findings of all denriptions and
of the hest quality. De solicits the patronage of the nub
tie and of the emit. WM. ADAIR.
rep IO
1 :1117 2 1 .17 Arles ar Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The :aohneribeis mane seture and - keeps constantly on
hand Coactt, C and Bliptie Sprines (warranted,) Alvah,*
Trott - Astes,l Silver and Brass prated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated t , Huh Bands, Stump Joints. Patent Leather,
Silver and . Brass Lamps. Three fold -Reps, Malleable
Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. ,
HD. SEtLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fowl 11
a neat Perry street. sep 13—ly
The nitration , fthere who hatie been somewhat seer).
tical in reference to the numertios certificates published
in favor of Dr. Sarayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
ry, on account ofthe persons being unknown in this sec
Lion of the State, is revert fill ty directed to the following
certifirateohe writer of which has been a citizen of this
borough forseveral years.and is known as a gentleman
of integrity and responstbitiiy.
To the ilr,ertr, Mr. I. KIR at.
have nand Dr. Swavne's Comp tied Syrup of Wild
Cherry for *rough, with which I have been severely af
flicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
in saying that ft lathe most effective medirtne that I have
been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and
agrees well with my diet.—and mantalns a regular and
good appetite. I can freely recommend it to all others
similarly afflicted. .I. Mamma. Borough of Chambersieg.
klarelta3. 11140. sep 23
For sale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street.
riIIEESONS desirous of procuring Fruit. Shade, and
Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel
phia or New York. are requested to make application as
soon as possible, at the Drug and Seed More of the star
scriber, where ran be had ratalogum, gratuitously, of the
most excellent varieties. F. L. SNOWDEN,
sep 21 No 184. Liberty street. head of Worst
For the'rrassportatioa of Aferchandize to sad froze
PittsberiCt-Rwitiwtore,Pkitede Net Tork,and Bos
too. ri lettirtgpli - la tie shortest time.
THE United Slates Portable goat Line, is composed of
Boats built in four sections, each section capable of
containing seven toles. anti susceptible of being separate
or detaelied and transferred from Carol to Rail Road,
thus, as it iwere, forming a cocuplete trait! of Cars, or
presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land
and thereler avoiding the ggeat delay occasioned by to
whipplantiy,lhe several joclions and terminal tot.s of Ca
nalsand Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment and
the damagei thegoodf sustain by fret' meat haunting,; and
rendering U impassible to separate lots of goot:s on the
way—owing to the peculiar construction of the Boat
having fowtr separate apartments in which goods are sto
red, renders them less liable to damage goods by water or
otherwise than by any other mode of transportation.
The system of Tram , porlation,as recommended by the
' Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State,
refers particularly to this elms or Boats, The Boats of
this Line are owned by responsible captains that run
them, and is the onty Line now in operation free from
monopolieS or combination.
Goods consigned to the undersigned agents will be re
ceived Creech - commission and shipped without delay 3t
the lowest rates. All charges paid and every instruction
promptly attended to. C. A. WN'ULTY ¢ Co. Agis.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh,
F. F. POPE. -keen!. 75 Boarly's Wharf, Baltimore.
THOS. BORBRIDGE, AgentPhila. seri 16-1 f
MA RBLE M ANUF ACTOR V.—Patrick Caw6el,l re
spect haftyaequaints his friends and the y uldie gen
erally, that he has commenced the Marble bustness 01 the
corner of fifth and Liberty sts., where will be constantly
on hand, tomb stones, mantel pieces. monuments, bead
and foot stones. table slabs for Cabinet ware, and every
article appertaining to the business. He wiU warrant his
work to be well done, and his charges will be moderate
He respect fully asks a share of public patronage. sep 10-
TAMES A. VEAZEY, Forwarding and Commission
erahant, Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and
Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Having rented the ware
house formerly occupied by Birmingham it. Co.. No. 60
Water Street, hetween Wood and Smithfield, is prepared
to receive and forward goods to any port on the Ohio or
Slimimippi river on reasonable terms.
sep 10
CO-PARTNERSHIP.—G. P. Smith k W. flampton,
havilig associated themselves together under the
firm of Hampton 4. Smith, will continue the wholesale
Dry Goods bu si ness in the house recently occupied by
ilampton; - Smith 4- Co where they will he-receiving. In a
few days a new stock of rail and Winter Goods. They
respectfully invite their old friends, and nierch,nis gen
erally, visiting Pittsburgh, to call and examine their
sloes, Sept 28—d3m.
Portahle Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,5001 1 5, at
- 355 od. ,
do ' do dq do 2,005 at 345 00
do , do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do : do do do 1,000 at 30 00
' do ; do do do 500 at 25 00
With fairing levers an addition of 33 to reek scale.
Dormant soaks for the me nf Warehouses, Muriel
Milt% ki..thesame prices as above.
Also, White's Patent Coast* ,statle, with O. Woof* ,
keproveseeats. and a variety !of other counter sake,
whkh tbity — will sell for from li to $l5, ..-
They 'also
sianufatanne Steam Engines for `Flour
thiti Z t
ADM. Saw Inns. Salt Worts,lfe., doable and More
red slide fat lum,fool. and tithes for wood Miming .
minhiewl-for tenanting liaising 'machines. door
imsliMaehines. Hall 's horse horse power, with or
soilbost Dirtuaing smehinen, it aspiriorartiete; circular
saw "siMills, machines for laving lath, Tioner's ma
eithiesiiid tools ofitlbMweriptlitutmatio for making . black
lag boxes a superiiii artielly,4o
,mernont for stearket*lon.,",
stalls•lMPilled dirte, c m iliittle beiletbd or iiiitit boll
analudikber7 roe " *iiic - eetteit fittor, lii
obloery load* or-gepoio . oiliit peoliai*lii Wiwi!
ne .1 1,13 : PrMiturgWat - • • - ' . , :;',-' '
seer. • TOMO- itulivsuirtik-:
). Pisihidel'a
SI. Matt st.. bear e grider
For Pikliskisg' 4 ,4 1m D 4ll y ram* i. as Cars efMas
i _ x k,
,f. . he esgitied tke
tririllEestbscriberii kreing made arrangements timer**
the America* Mantalatienittnit Pitadiarett
ry into One Journal, haveonneinded to publish a - daily
paper with the title if the Polly ifaraing past.
objett of,tnes•Pose" will be the altsemina
fiOn and defence Of he political prieelples that have bete
tailors been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers. indi heir Seale - I%de will MIN lbe devotedly the
advaaoement and aye Bess Of them doctrines.
al ash, in politics,' the paper will be thotmegltly
dot/noel : 116c, yet the Editors hope, by gilt' in an honest,
candid 'history oil passing 'Political events, -Forel:a
and Moinestie intelligence, and brief notices or all mat
ters and meurrencest that come properly within th e =Were
era Public Journal,: to make their pap,' sufficiently in
fretting to entitie lit to the patronage of the public, ir
respective of patty', consideratiorm.
.In addition to the political and .eneral news that will
be found in the ...iforsier Fest," the Fditore will take
pains 'to furnish tbe Intsinftto community with
the latest and most ibtt.fettirg COIEMERCIAL Isratu-
CENCE from all parts of the country, and to have prepa
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Muslims
Men in their severki callings. •
Treas.—The rattr will be pnhlished en a lar:e Imperi
al sheet Of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journal) at the utm.gually low rale of 1 7 117 t. DOLLARS
per a n own, payable in advance. It will also be sold by
neri-s.hPys at the for{ rate of TIVO CENTS a • copy.
Advertises:eats Will be inserted at the lowim rates ,
chareed by the other daily papers of the city.
rj PW ENTY active lads are wanted to sett the Post,
who will be en:aged on the most liberal terms
A 'num :31, 1841
SOUTH ST fl EET, NEW YOE K. New York a.
Liverpool Ceetsterciat Liveof Packets. Saihng, Weekly.—
The Subscriber would respectfully inform such persons
residing in this country as are desirous for sending for
their friends to core out from the old country. that_ he
continues as usual to make engagements by which pas
sengers are bronght out en very moderate terms, In First .
Cla-s Ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, and would
'mire persons desirous of coming by the above Line,
that as agents of first respectability are engaged at Li
verpoof, there will be no detention whatever at that
'ffe is also prepared at all limes so furnish Sight Drafts
for any,arnount to amist in pieparior, pasr.enre,s for the
voTar„ payable throughout the United Kingdom.ard in
case the parties agreed for F h on! d dee'ine coming nut, the
tmssage money shall be refunded without reduction.
For further particulars apply it by letter to
No. GI, South st reet. New York.
At lb, Warf.hnit,e f fhLzt.:l L ¢ FLEmllta,
N 0.24 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
BY A UtTION.—Will be sold by Public. Auction,
without reserre. for cash, to close the concern, at the
Hall of the Marlboroneh Chapel, in Bretton, on Tuesday.
the fount day of Orloher next, commencing at nine of
the elctek in the forenoon.
All the property oft he United States Land Company
consist in. or about -*
140.000 Acres of good and well watered Farming and
Grazing a nil very valuable Timber Land. lying in Jeffer.
SOP. McKean and Clearfield counties, in the Slate of
Nmrisylvania—on 02rts of which /Mere is abandance of
Coal, Lime and Iron Ore,andliany Mill seals;
And'of Ciaims against sundry persons for land sold
tying in said counties, that are kowidered good.
And `of liffeSek and Tools on a Farm in I ire-t , vvirwAsip
of ficadford, in the county of McKean, in said State of
The land will be sold in lots to snit purchaser., con
laining from about 120 to 5000 acre..
Farther partienlnrs will be made known at the sale.or
on inquiry onto , miik--eriber. at ?(n. 12 Long Wharf—
of Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants• Row in Boston—or
of either of the Tmslees of the mid United Sates Land
Company. D. E GRIGGS.
President of the United Slates Land Co
Boston, August 20,1840. (3ep 10)
BY Moi - rison k Co. London. kir wife only by S N.
Wickersham, corner or Wood sireet and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood. Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western PCnitSplVallia. Sep 10
FAR M FOR SALR.—The undersistami offtre for staA. a
'tact of land situated 4 mile; fro.,. freepost, In the
•nreciion of Kittamtirtf, Butiato 'township. Armstron:
county.containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are :In meadow— a rood square to.
dwetting house and' cattin barn erected thereon—an apple
oichard of 80 heating trees—and a spring of aceilent
watervonvenient intim house.
FOR TERMS' apply"to the ntbseribera tairiing nine
Sanworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mie above Free
sep 10 w 4' PHILIP BAKER. •
T43:THE WlSE.—ti is now well understood how
much disorders l of the mind depend for their cure
uponl due allenlion bathe body. it is now understood
how Valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid
accadualations without weakening tire bodily power. It is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influence be.
tween the mind add the body. It is now understood that
pnrgins , _ with the Proodretli Pills will remove a melan
choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveritmly u.int
them. it is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon Ihe healthy col , tdii ion of the digestiveortmus.
It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cured thousand. of hopeless and helpless persons. eveh
when the first physicians had prolonneed them beyond
all human meansg It is now not only "Yell
known that the B ndreth Pilisso epee, bet it is also en.
derstood how they' cure; that it is hy t heir parirying elect
on the blood that the, restore the body to health.
The value of the medicine la beet:Maine more and more
manifest, it is recommen 'ed daily from ramify to family.
The BrandreTh Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious aecame lat ions and purify and invigo
rate the hiood,and their ;load effects are ant counterhalan
ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of
vegetables title 6 - not expose those who use them to
danger; and their effects areas certain as they are mltti•
tart'; ; they are daily and safely adininit-Seisd to infamy.
youth, manhood, and old aye. and to women in the most
critical and dehttatectscumstanees. They do not disturb
or shock the animal iranelloni, bat reetore their order
. -
I and sitablish their health.
iproved Hay
Inufactored he
iheir Siaebitti
between Die-
, street, two
ee Halt, Pitts
titracto re and
id the follow.-
composed of
No.. 1, Port
le Platform
•fliter ou
Sold it Dr. Bralsdreth's Office, No. 9g., Woott street
• i its b urz h. prk•eis cents .ner has, with full directions:
MACK—The only plate in Pittsburgh where the gene.
ine Pills can be obtained. is the Loetor's own office, No.
Iffood storet. . seplo
weigll 35110
01, J. B. T TT'S, informs the citi
zens of Pitt stintritiand virinity. that be tistenrtarn
ed to the city". • He borei to ' , hare tbe , eitehdence Of his
former patrons arid the larblie gertenally; aril solicits tt
renewit of a rtion of 1 tOr patronage. tw cottoning,
he iroahl Minerva, that -the opeiration of Litbotrity, (Or
breaking the
. stotte the bladder and atterring it to pare
of with the arias,) is every wherel ersoutandine the dee,-
erchiterest. He hopes to extend the benefit °Mir branch
arefew4hth io the *Meted. Thom s
. ,
and itithreyie r —Wbit occasionellyrotioilir—
iiiii itivrive motive attention.
Thosii froot-a diataweewishing &Myer Intottoatioo
will ;opplippwooOolly or by Utter, orir dasired eatthe
• Intalelied at his dereilluijr(ll re' Irak part of the el-'
ty ?hint heinieen Fere and Liberty ata. asp 10
K*IZ, No:141 Likeystivei; Plthibingli,
•,- side and Iti4all Grocer andl/Wer lrest
as/ :Naito, Glatt Out roottovhAtiopeforups his
anima% and the Plibliddetterrn.. thot *dallies to Mt
fonder buds rdd tit has meaty added • It - go mod disks
.I.l*.hliglOW-dintotriod. itiMilto agent* se* io
ToiIACCO. islitore tad
etine.• t
ibradell It i Vihfisrliteito •
_ _
E LirElltAtalr
allbcplosdos of titialiclok-Ildollatolk
The -usual policy of Pitt -beinglitAlkut
head thin terrible infliction. Theleaftlifn
of the United Irishmen being‘,all
their piano developed, and' nothing-fitilis
remaining but to chastise—wheratherep-.
puska policy should ire imvasnirhis
itary were thrown into they districtaellsiele
were supposed to he most aisaifeeterl: -
Then commenced a,scene of :the real*
barbarity that ever disgraced a :ISA*
and Christian country. Martha hoe
military executions, without.theaterdo‘Of
any law, were into the least•empleinik.
quisition. The Goat:rumen Meat IN"
mechanical system-r-like a -.citadel- iikain
enemy's counuy—its only expedient fOter.
its only object blood. -
The inhuman practice of torture was te.
vived in all i•s, most, revolting cruelty. it
was not only practised in wild and remote
districts, beyond the ; reach of the civilitei -
judicial powers, but within a few oiledte
the very seat of government itself--s7,s-ei.
ven within the precincts of the Casde...
Bus it was in Wicklow and Wexford-that
these horrid insults against humanity were
practised without pity and without mere":
The cart, the collar, and thumb-screw3oL P
the slaveholder were horrifying; but elan
were they to the wire-scourges and trine*
glen, the piekettings mei half-bangings4he
pitch-caps and gun powder conflagrations,:
the ridi •g-schools of Beresfurd, the Fire*
vosts of Sandys, and the drum-head corm
which awarded sentence and execntioe
within five minutes, and scourged or shun
down innocent men;by hundreds, twee.
they happened to be suspected. Theis*
known a man,' said Lord Moira in'ther
English House of Lords, 'in order to ero.:
tort confession of a supposed crime, or that..
of his neighbors, picketted until be *mil.,
ly fainted; picketted a second .rinser unfit
he fainted again; as Boon as ;re carne
himself picketted a third time, until bpi -
once more fainted, and all upon nteressas4i
piciml Nor was this toe onlyspeciecot
torture—many had been takenand. hung;
up till they were half dead. These were--,
not particular acts of cruelty exercised by'
men abusing the pewercomnitted to drew;
but they formed a part of our system- 14 ron,
What have net the Ministers of thafday tear
answer for? God has &ready judged them.
The peop!e driven to the most hope
hes desperation, with nothitig to trust twt
but their own wild and narlisciplined ear-5
deavors— without organization s : •
sources, without leadeni—took the fieril ,
the 20th of, May, 1198. The peasantry,
arose in Kildare, 'Wicklow and Wexford :°
and mantained the contest (Alen wall sosa.,-
cess; until the Bth of Septeprtrer
ing, when the French under Humbert.;
surrendered at Baltioamack. Thebatr*ev i „
of Ross and the occupation. of Wexiont...
proved 'the might which slumbers-41k,
peasant's arm; and :he G.,verarkencueghe-:_._
have had a much more difficult „ task in ; .„
quelling the rebellion if any chmerehen-,,
sive plan had been pureued. and if the.mett -
had leaders to counsel and direct them.
But all was wittl,disorderly and ...umultuoutl
nothing positive or definite was fixed ,rare. 4 l.
here to-day, off ti-morrow they g10harit4 4 ....,
one day; arid easily disbanded the next.- -
It is stated l'y Cluney Teeling that there ,
was no connection between the,risiog of
the people in I,einster and the scheme ot,
general insurrection termed in Oublio.=l
Hay says 'the rising of the People in tiv's
county—Wexf'rd: took place hi the dime
tint, of Carnet.; to Onlart, for fear as they *--;
alleged, of being burnt, whipt, or exterroi
'hated by the Orangemrtn, hearing of this, „
number of people that were put to death, t .
unarmed and enoffeutling, throughout the
It is not our ditty to go through the dis- . 1
asters of that eventful and lamentable pe-_ w
tiod. Enormous cruelty was perp . etratetke.
on both sides, but the exarttpe was set b i .
he Loyalists, and we all know the proitjk :..
itude 'with which a bad example is t9keihr.,: _.
up and foltowed 4 delusive loyally W1N4„.... 4 _
the m - nive on one' side—mistaken self: 4 0 4.
fence on the other! neither is justified; lii: -
cause nothing can jiistify useless lArbitii:
ty. We will put together the extrttlW_Ato
illustrate the state:l:if things at this period; "...
'Fag BATTLE OF 10388-t =l'- -t, --'
1 'The rebels arrived late in the evening „-
at Corbet Bill, within a mile of . leors„,,
and there Mr. Harvey and his principal -:
officers took up theirquarters in the bnute,
of a gentlemen, where, 'being regaled_
(says Hay) with an excellent supper and
exquisite wines, they were so wellpleasita ~ '
with their cheer, and so far forgot their :
prudence as coma anders,•that they bad
scarcely time to have fallen asleep, stirheiC,', - ,
they were roused, according to the order*: -
they bad given in their saw," nurr:seit4, - tti" '„ :
commence the attack at the break ofilnYt:
in plain terms, the 'general and 'his stilt
' ,
thenight preceding -a battle upon thilimi s 4
sue of which:depended all th•triKTellr
-- , ~,- ,;.,
up all night drinking and 'carousing,' , .
stead:of making their tifiposidoint,'iiiiit
maturing their plan.of Lipman's." - Thnie•':,,,
example wits followed tilthksir tirtititik"l4
following day; and drunkenes ationtrirritirt
the cause or their defeavon that tieseilitata;-
Money, an ele-witness of Abestr'Oeittitai4::• 3;
says, *the leaders found more set "nic6‘,'`l'na'',
ii Mr. Mu-ply's rood *buss than Ui'l,:iii',,.,
diecharge of thoire-larderrs duties tkile a 7
pertained tO : their crime-1W• --- ,„- - -I . '" .-
+l p i fi rst-ad ' l O Oa 9101 0& " --
ted -iiiiittai niter Of tis:#;:iiik, ' „_
~ ...;%,-".-
Atoll 'wit tr aiap :1141 i.: .. , ' l l'„, i- 1 1 " .1 .,
ti the:Onnksastfing '`. '„, - ~. 1 444; :..:-. ' ,.. ,47,
*Oder itle'
.-e0wn.:,.. - 7,, •' t v .' : ::47,„„-- ,_.,',. -•"-_-;
-• ~i-,-, " - :,_ , •••,- -•,.
''''' ..14i`-i ' 7. 1 • ' ' 4.- ,,':.:•,. ..'" -:, ,•".., ~ _..;
~;~.. alt{i ;.
} sy,~~~pii ••,~. yam: