Ina zits l u , 44, couneellor for the , irascible old Indy; 11Zr: Mrs: Wigg ins, 7„ have'idaiiiid the viral tli*oath y ou to stymy whether theVria,4llegell l en by my client l der! 'WhY air; itik me to say; the goo* e ‘l4 would be as hard e as to know whether y olk are, are an old manor Scene in a Debating we will take the aye s previous question. Member—A word or t Friends, Romans, Coup your ears-- Presidenl—Ord-r, sir ey t s and non first. Wet and Dry.-- , w i i have a good fire, for I am me have something to thi dry.' When Stella wa s physician said to her. near the bottom of the hill, deavor to get you up again. ed, D actor, I fear I shall before I get to the top, PUBLIC mnr.r The tindersign,d would mote r rr q u,s, our fellow tiritena TO attar In i rr is n Church, on TO-MORROW at a' 7 o'clock. to hear an Addre s pr ms TAY! ()Rohe dituingtlislied mu g " 1 Nal i 0,13 I Etturatioll. Admit.aure on this oreagioa will i t ;ir ran he ()Maine& freeof charze.;irrhe •I' i r Lel will admit a LadyandGeed R C G i r, M. Atwood, - m . W•i. Bell, M'ifinareani, his WII Lowrie, Jan riile n , -ie A' W S t. t) 1f Ical W Weindlen k - N B Cra;;!., Geo Brad, ngd S Church, Gro Alton*. s John Irwin, F Lorenz rich et Litton A CREDIT.' n'r fork A M. co :ter of W —s : 300 pieces red, y How and 50 " alieo; d at SO'• Brown the - 20 pairs Super Mackinaw" H .15 Super Plaid we, A Terse assortment of lon, netts, Canton Flannels, Suppendes, s: a Colored Muslins, Ribaons, Shawls,. li• Ort 25 AATIX.ES. LIQUORS. Co ' ,fi e • • KIND AND roxrE the SILS AT AUCTION—On T , 27th, at No 65, Wood streil, het • proprieior, are der!inin tar , inee.l sold—Brown and pate Sherry Me or ariiele. own Pint and Madeira Wine; re's- I rsh Whiske• ; • t Cofectionery; n of Glatts Jars: pre , Con nier and Sttelvinect i in W ti a ii3t of Baker? and Conk! Tereus at sale. ntl JF,RU3N'tx.NI AND P t 0 ill Y r.(11. Mr.Fairaro C. Navy BC on t‘‘.• ttistory of JeraWata day) at the rinh Presbytellaa her wrrn 611 i a nd 7th at ire's. ,b e ere- tI na paint tors will be etbilitet, v. and • Sin:re itr kais 25 cents. Falvey: , soon 112; rent: for each individual. T. „ , .,I,ty door; at tt e Ate:1101140 Book Baia „., o r near Ala,ket.and at Mr. A.l , • Market St rect. • zir i n A l'•.1 F.: tVARDI:OP c0.,11 nd the cars for site an Cite/14n lion of tal Trers, Sltrabbery. Ro,es, E or of togs Grape Vines of eorttt. Eat and t 'a laintoe 40 or the largest acid` eau of and Red ( rr ant s , Greenhouse fine large Fhade Trees. minalllt yards ~r plea-ure-grounds. • In,of ooPer State! rood, white A ko a Feted lot of tlyaocin ted . from Holland). Llliea. . (loot!: ,noable for Fall liongaros of P.oseharls, Flowrrzt. furnished for Fairs. ' winter 9t,gon. on the shortet.tde. N. B tVarilrop k C 1,61 any Treeg. Shruhc or Flowertao t s: for a modera't rhar.r. nd grow will replace lima) free of !:arses !n!1 be of ftd he to the FOUNDRY METAL/ 31 1, Tr,Ns soft Pig Iron II) ply I o JOIIN HMO OLD ESTABLISHED FYI,: VICE. NO. 6 . 1 SOUTH. Agent for J. 4. IV. ficts Lirerpoolorke despatch ports of the fir Red States awl 1111 sulyreriber would nod yurh person. as are d Friends that he ronlinces to Grunt ft. it in and Ireland trb ° , friend= here. by the above lines' moot reasonable !ernes In se PasFett2e.a will avoid the drlevi time m,manc aml'iainednfinty itnPm,itions itrartlYed on the ' a ort irreyrnostble aaents at LW red that every due and diligeau t their friends and all who .e t may not embark can !layette Party Cr m whom it twas oritdo., forming lo the documents deli • ment.—He also fella fliraging has considerably eateaded dal merits for the tutyartent landi! throughout gerclaad. !re,- farther particular! apptY by °vir'. I lie re -0 1131 J i. - an• •eau of :of the ad ac Oct 18 411!1110111101! MR. BAYLEY will-01W' Warmest of ale F Trovilkes Tavera.on Totwial All the bora wbo intend 054 will attend at 4 oClort. Those gentlemen who loge • who may wish to aoellll the i II bidi C t belt eh they and . 1 . N.H.; Times, , atd.Un• mkt and inf POO. ft d ; En le. Ky.: States at 6 o'clock. The *Seen of be Kele rnfg 4.; incited to attend, an 4 bn: tt Od i 2-125 - Pi TlYr cnic WOULD Ware of 00 4, Iseni or rhiladella 1 ` Wean.. for ONO - liberating leti - 1• 100 . 1 " , for nie wife and ow: cot danghter.sta4 S4OO for with thy own tiesdi. tic I have Jend.liber a eat boy. -Altoti). 4t offered wig:nbileen..7f..--0010.. the. coldlaW .14 awl" airelesiratt o ; E iirfo i tai tp, I a- • *Ad 11 0 1.1 0 O F i riiepsOr T 411 • s. 0, :ero Pa. Pleas of f Ocio• r Dili. t aPitoint lons the and •he 19111 rose. T`;6, 1842 c 10mm tint Lecture will be elieyq too. Association. on niri, at Key.t ne Hall, by of Fayette. of cerebrated .ililitary ea• /711.01 pleasure than the sof the Militia whose lately published in some intend i n viiinz their su - t, irnikon, Curry, an d their prrtraits. This is a ent to the tal-nts of the tar} men of our county. it that celebrated artist, the Ftfih ward, is to he .tirpo=P, an I we fee! sat selection could not be said n 4j.rt he acrorn— rai, Gallery he establish their i nletition,) it will f to nor city; and a place will throw the humbug ng Outang of the Eastern . such ai listitute would inds of our citizens, must be justly appreciated.— c null , giving may t) the d intemperance, would he vlri(e haunts. In the Pic- c ml l craze upon llt 5,,! hers who are - e 1141' Of war;atlCl they -I , plrit of emulation to rise them far above r,r1( 1 ,11 10 11 r VIP ' II( Ole CCInIF mph (.1. we (111 r ) .,( an eXHari r. 111 ne ii.ho 10,j,r 1 42ivir12 - c t e a••c• - I t +-: 111=MIO= a , t "•• n Len o,!e and that , h tr♦ the re :c i' . Ire^ oars " , 1 11 t. ry In ,II: and We fr„•crs if) aheJti— , k 1 , ()P.A.)." r'i - It %% be seen proper, that ni,-;,v, , r a lecr.are t• y v .• !l l, i r, :it the 1. \II. "F. 111; l't ,11 ,•rre I lect,l es! , ( ;or, liri4 ize is but -11 1 N"1"111.1 I.p ,1;w. and 1 , 1 .III?. s )111:,2, fit2,',.l,v, I:ave e:=l3l,!is'ae.l S,!h 1.11, Is • hich Mt . I INIIMI NI 1 'at lie pes are 1 31aved. This us S , many mo h gt, s likely (,) i: a trial, 14r, I after the fAlLiwirr. mis n. lie f ir ,..l Clay 'tt 01 the e . ertlot a word of truth its this; edicine, and we le.•rtt ()fa large , citizens dun , g these s he pescttbes bran he taking a share o rvices. And, more out for Clay, but is we dBralt believe he at the p9ils on the achine another trial and if it succeeds no atigelY forever. sv _ :s ,, Man re, t Theatre, and Mad , on a ncwspapet war in •e legitimacy of a piece Walnut Street Theatre, .f Sti!berg." hle" is the title nf a produced at the New ,on. re named Frisby hid lino-and rafters where s without food. She for her "oats" when do you stinpose ,the t know, John, but sup dle and look in our that?' _ . don•t strawr.4how Maul?' titter: ..-- ercury's last. '4l Norr.w_x_ carucrr i, DA If. 1T i t uas *imam. smumsnr. satosza. PENNSYLVAN/A. ! il Mower, Bank of Pittsburgh. par anstltoW Merck. it Man. bk. par Sandusky. Eacbange bank, Par Celia __4ll, Bt. of Germantown s Normans, Easton lank, o Xenia, Lancaster bank, dig 2 Dayton., Bank of Chester Co. .par Bejaia, Farmers' bk Bucks Co. o Post notes. Doylestown bk do • ~ Chillicothe, 10 Bk of N America Phil. ' o Fran. bk Colunthlan. 2 Bk of Northern LihertieLl,. Laoracr-ler, ' 11 Commercial bk. of Pa. o Hamilton, 30 Far, 4- Mechanics bk. o Granville, Kensington bk. .. Coin. bk. Lake Erie. 35 Philadelphia bk. e. Far. bk:oft:anton, 45 Scutt i, lkill bk. .• Urbana 70 Southwark bk. .. INDIANA. W,-stern bk. . State bk. it Branches, 21. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9 Slate Scrill• 48 Ilk of Peon 7'l. par KENTUCKY. Mechanics IA It 411 banks, 2 klec.hanics. hk. par , ILLINOIS. Moyamensing bk. State bk it Branches. 65 Girard haak, 50 1 Sh.wneetown , Es U Stales bank. 511 VIRGINIA. Luinhermess', Warren, 75 Rank of Virginia, 13 Frank. bk WAshingion, par do Valley, 13 al Inrrs bk of Poi isvite, 6 Far. bk. of Virginia, li Bk of Montgomery Co. par Exchange hank, lf Mon lik Brownsville, 2V. West. hank 1/ Erie Bank, 5 Mer. 4M Pe. do, ili Harrivburrn lank. 611 MARYLAND. Far. hk Lancaster, 21Fta1!iniore Ranks, par ilk of Mlibilelown, 51 Country Ranks, 2 Bk of Cluitoberslurgh, ti DEL‘ WARE. Crirlisle hank, 6 All B anks, par Bk of Noll Itnnibvrla nd, F, NEW JERSEY. Columbia bk 4- Bridge co 21 All Banks, par and I Bk So....quell:lrina co- 9 NEW SOH R. Bk of Delaware Co. par Ch) FLitkv, par Lebanon I.k. 6 Country banks, Ceii”.burcli bk. 6 (vafei y fund.) ia 1 York bank, 6 Bell Bark, } to I Far 4- movers bk of NEW ENGLAND. Wa),nrebitr?b, 6 i ßn , lon rankv, Pr e •' - 4 COI reticy noses. E t CoUnlry r• , !lone...Nit, LOUISIANA. 14'% ()ming hank, Ili Often , 4. Ranks. _ 1 tllsh'eti Slate Scrip. 5 NORTH CAROLINA Country do do 6to 141 1 B.inkv, R t i Reeks Co hank, 54.1 SOUTH CAROLINA Leivit4 own, 10 ) Banks,. 21 Towanda.—l I'ls. COLUMBIA Banks. 2 Mt. 11111 f pleasant bk 2 Par. . Mech. bk of Slcu. hrnvi lr, 2 Belmont bk (.1" St. ('lairs. 2 Ma, irtia bk. Demand do Couto,- y owes, Odniolotioa hk New Lis Iron Den,. rd Ao rom Cinch, all , p( Cie ply !..'”kg, Merit 3,- T.Aers hk or IMISEI !un Lk r,,lumblz, r)••ata rt r! xrenre ( I , lllr r) 7.3fle'Vlih, Lk BOOR AND TOB PRINTING OFFICE , ,v. Corner of 'rood 4- Fifth Sts. • ( rv, 1 n, 11 , 1 the Tut prop, 4.1015 or thr NI oa. rOST MERccRY ,1. nl ',we 11 eI II igh A wt, ANCT.t , F.FR re9•ertfuily inform their friends= r;! rho-e porwrs that they have a large 111-;1 a. (~Iti e , .; of .ar MED '321:" - MW:II . 3E, ac,t\ .r.q , mmx Sere-s.Jry to a Job :'rintine (Mee, and that they are pre Lc.ITER PRESS PRINTING, OF' CV Elt or Lading, I rif cularn, IPitt lirad , , Cards, - Mar k el,eckn, I Pat Tips• 211. lunbs of Blanks, S are, s , eas".saat, and Carat Boat Bills, with appro priate Cots, P.I Pr 11, , c.1 on the shortest notice and most reasonahliterm.s We resnec , fully ask the patronage of our friends and e to renerai in Itri= branch of our Inasitiess. tirzli, Sep I:142. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH. TOR; )IVNSVILLE JUNI ova d Hitohrs. Mannfa \ ~.111111A.., \O. 25. WO°114"•• f,ls f'o S 1 LE.—Font Lots in :%lanctiester. One (onrlll Acres of La-1,1 on Holmes' Hill. Lots l 42.52. 53. 54.131, 132 and 1134. in Ceoles plan Hill Lots nos 26 and 27. in of Lots on High streei. near the net; Court II u fThr eruas apply to Z. IV. 11E11 IN'GTON. -e .10 .Vo. 90, -Varlet it., between F•flA and Diamond, Ti!EStihsrrtheroviloi , uhent dech,,i nsthe Jr!, Goois bUSII.PF‘, will 411,110 4 e f lii= vtu-ic at COST,fOrcasA IT ron:tst.: of black, !floe Itlark, in vi , lhle green and o:tve 1.4 cf.. and Satitiew.a, of all color, - , The, tiel, of all kind , and color; Reaveyeena and !dole- Pilot Cloth; Mouse. de plain and figured; r its Clog., a cptv o ,li4 article for ladies' dresses; Tick icier, (Ist otzili and Cilieries, a large assortment; &lusting. td.•arlted atol itoh•earhrd: Ch rks nrd Table Linen. S"ta Ildlrfs. all kinds a•id paces; Gloves. Ho stery.S.;." - ka :1111 F•u-pen:er-; %le. inn, Latiths" Wool and Crwrin =lint=and Drawei., Silkn Salina. plain and flan etl; Sarin and Slc•ri!to ina.; , :en Ipftle,oB Stairr4 t i er witna roil assort ment of Bun 005, Threads. Ln. tea. .h...n , . o,,tiillinrg a n d in,:ertin f s TI••• Sinrk to we , . worthy the allentinn of Coun try %1., I. 3 Families, as tills Gond. will 1w sold at- Ctrs' C 7 ,11 O , IIY. STACY 0,1 17 -t.t ''co. ilnrlrvi vt reel. BA OY PITTSBOR OH. t Oct. 18. 1842 S election for thirteen Directors of title Bark for the year. Will he 1.1 held at the Banking hiuu-e nn NJoday the 2lst day of Nncemher next. MI 21—te EXCHANGE BANK OF PITT/MI:HIGH, ?. Oft. 20, 1842. s T"' St. - Ickholders of this Bank are notified that the annual election for thirteen directors to serve the en. sning year. will he held it the Banking House on sth street on Monday 21st Nov. next, front the hours of 9 A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M of that day. oct 2l—le. THOMAS M. trowE, Cashier. A/Ent:HANTS AND MANUFACTURERs' BANK, t Pittsburgh. Oct. 20, 1842. E Sto - kholders of this Rank. Are notified that 2n X election for thirteen direetnis to serve the ensiling sear, will he held at the Ranking House. on Monday 21st Novpinher at 9 °clod' A. M. Oet W. H: DENNY, Cashier, LOOK OUT FOR YOUR STOMACHS! Rid Cider Guzzlers. 'Whiskey Sackers and Chain paigne Srallawers,--Ittestiva , The stale of your Stomachs accurately dqtcrihed, and a never failinti. remedy prescribed far diseate *consequent upon not having i•Sigved may year-Liberty" by appit. cation to E. P. PR iTT T. T. T. Office boars from 3 A. M . till 9P.M Now is the time o f year for persons attacked • With C-ongbs, Colds. R heuruatisni, Gout, *e. those afflicted, a speedy Cu,, ran he atfAxted by ueius. PEASE'S HOARrOrI.ND c.expr. which is allowed by on who have trim it 10 be tbeEbbilit remedy Pifer offs.sikfor Caught of diaie. sad HEWES XERPt.4.7IfD BONE 'LlAtAKE.lrli i i:-?1, au out ward reir dy. with the • !"' IXDIAN IPEGErIBLE BLIZIRr an Inward appticatma, is a certain and pneitlisiOnien tor the Ringitittirst, pest. enameled G•nteliallt, Luis. No use need suffer from three . distisqua it limy mill nee ibe niume medicines. Tieseranioe wee list oaks.* • " rtrrnma Isaw•i& *mum. Oct 15-1,. • . Swath Elia* JUST. RECEIVED. Ti 3 c l " 4 " c allims / 100 / 1 4g 251197p50w Tue. tinriy_psfaace Advarase. from So II; ar4 l ,iumailderi- We wariegY of Ike Asferteail. Tesselerisom 17,stos Afirries ageacy and *Ai . 1 7 41 0, 144 4 49 :90 : 1 1 03431 ' '-'913114 - m%tu:fkiAalg. Good Pv.k s . TENNESSEE. ,111 8 MICHIGAN Rk, of St. Clair, 5 Do. do. J S H. Smith 5 =MI Eastern Exchange. a New York, galiwore, Roston. Western Ex e...aange. par Louisvii!e. par Cteveland, dia par GOLD kND SILVER, par pa:cd xcrwe I'A IRON WORKS--Ed rturer of Iron and Saila Pillsbury P,lllll--1y SELLING OFF AT COST, JOHN SNYDER, Cashier COUGHS AND COLDS j_ir near Mai. BON AND CODADOSIUM lei would respentlisily ishsha hiseld caw - aißeOvill frientis.tbat he hostile day setorSated with his! DS- Ilwaioe. anderthe bra' of S. Keller t Co« sad Mooed ins former business oidesteriellitonatallNalbs,atibis' old stand. No 53. Frost st...between Wood aad Market its. A renewal of his old cosout,:ant,the psirottage.or the mobile generally,is respectfully toluene& Pittsburgh. Aptil 11142. eAIIUEL KELLER. sep 10 ALEX'S WILWAINE. osEirr .ficurateg eg s IL on the corner of Forth and Smithtleltd sta. rep 10 IDDITTSBURGHCIIMILATING AND REFERENCES` LISSA RV of Religious, II istor leal,Poth framed Al is erltaneous Works. will be open every day, Siaboth ex. Am pl e & - t ool 7 o'clock, A. Woman 9. P. IL in tbe Es amaze Buildifig,coroer of St( lair 'freeload Exchange where panclual attendance will be d given by AMM) , IL. Hai rites intelligence Office. . QBVIRAL good teachers can be furnished to schools k.--. 7 to town or enquiry. A good female teacher, welt recommended, with the advantages of experience, wishes a place is some respectable private family, tine will take THORN'S TEA. HERR Y TOOTH-WASH. tharge of a public school. Places Wanted for several Lascaarsa,Oct. 2d,1842. clerks and boys, mechanics. waiters, ehamtermaids, girls fora!! work and laboring men. All kinds of business done at this office for strangers and others visiting the co - t rr rdia T oy o e D m r b %T ee tto t a h m e ,— pr M ese y nt tlea rav r ora ffi b c .e l op e po he r e tu rf n o u ll y y tio a r n e d city. Pets° - a needing an agent in any thing, will find e ti tarn u. ltioedy and a n d m e y n w e x a r e e m e s p t lo t t n b a a b n l e lm i o n f v e gratitude or fo y r o y u ou r r e : very .here long experienceand a thorough knowled*e of busl justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wash,and I res.! that he.a. OFFICE. 9 FIFTH STREET. great- N. ft. A tall painted pole stands before Lite door. ee i t am an i d " timuostytii7eunnedfictioanteyffectr frosn itia lt v s e fr de eeu riv en ea t a l a i' : triode. - sep 19 ate use: and I can aware you that I am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing you,that sincerely -, WALL PAPERS. o and cordially speaking. i can in lastice recommend its fris-1111111E lite - w e ihers respectfully call the attention of quent use to all t h at ha p hr runare portion cf the human 'NIL their friends and the public generally, to their pre. race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the ineefleMittment of Paper Haapires, which contains a most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine preps- large and extensive variety of patterns of the following ration of exactly the same natoreof which yours is prepa- descriptions, which upon Inspection will be found to be years been raft - twine, from the in- of superior quality and finish. and pernicious effects of worthiest' UN:kW Well Papers, of al! descnpt l olllF, fcr paoering jt uo r ed ori 1 , l a n 7 , d , whoes powdersd truh:tivv aeend for other worthless preparation*. In rooms and entries;at 25 cents per piece. conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth- Glazed Wart Pater's. neat and handsome patterns, for Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly paperingrooms and entries. at 374 cents. convinced that it is the best now known, its inestimable fhisericen Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for virtue* in preserving the teeth, (which it kept in a good halls; Fres,e ca l ether 'twit. for parlors and and handsome condition. is the greatest embelishmer.t , chainhers.on fine satin glazed grounds. 1 that adorns the human structure .) are not to be excelled ; Freki Well Papers, Dexoratiou and Fresco patterns. in [in easing and releving the sufferer from tooth ache, and plain and i irh rotors, gold and silver p aper . restoring the gums to a healthy and purified condition, and I Velvet sad imitation Borders. giving also a sweetness and fragrancy Ina disagreeable : Laidacape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, balls breath hitherto unknown. and dining rooms, at reduced prices. Accept my sit cere wish for your success, from Fire Board Prints, Statues, or nuiamts, 4-c. Yours. truly. Joszen Curium. I Window Plied Paper, plain and figured, of different co 1 lore. WILLJAN ELDER. Attorney at Law; Office is Bakewelrs Buildings, wally opposite. the New ise. on Great street Pep 30—y I)ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The part nership formerly existing ander the name of F m lth, Boyer k Co.. al the Bowen Work*. was dissolv ed 2711 a Serier, last by the withdrawal of Samuel Sthith from the [inn ALABAMA SAMUEL SMITH, SAMUEL ROYER, A. N. Mc! OWELL, JOHN TURRET f. Pitt-burgh, Itth October, 1842. _ _ r%ts.A DA The manttfacturins of Iron and Nails from Jun ata Bbroms will be continued at the Bowen Works, by the subscribers, under the firm of Turbeil, foyer and lernow ell, who are amply prepared to attend to all orders in t heir line on the most liberal terms, and by renewed at trnt ion to busmen hope to merit a continuance of public patronage. Bowen Works, 11 Oct. 1842 N C. The hnsi ne•F oI mllh. Cover ¢ Cu. will he eel ticd un al inn 014 ;laud, by Turbett, Royer it EleDounel l Oct 12—d2w JusT ierelvrd a auperior artielenf Lee 4. Co's. Lard qii warran;ed to burn at any Temperature. formic at the Lard 0 , 1 Store in Third etreel, nearly oppneile the l'azt f I ffi , e. Oct 12-lw SU a lit& hi,d3 N. 1). Sugar, 40 tails Plantation Molasses., 50 Suinr House dn. For fn'e by J. G. 4- A. con noN. I WI /1212!.11:o CuTer Oct 4. V ESTE UNI VER SI T Y OF PEJVWS YL PA sußribt.—Thoe Tr,wcr•e of it., Western University of Penr sylvania announce to the public that they have established a Lam School in CO.t reef ion with the University, in which still be taught Mnueilal, International, and Constitutional Law in all their branches. . . The mode of instruction will he by recitations, leelures and occasional moot-coons, as In similar institution,. The year will consist of two terns of four and a half months each. .. - The fir.. 4 term will commence on the second Monday of November next. The t nit iomifee is $37..50 per term payable in advarce. WALTER H Lowatz, Elm-, a member of the Pittsburgh Bar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great pleasure in announcing that they have been able lose cure the services of one so well qualified for the station by reason of his legal acquirements, and particularly of one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. The annexed recommendation will furnish satisfaction to all 415 qualifications as Professor. The vuners having been induced to Instils e this school from a view of the serious di.mdvantagesatiending the studies of law. in the office of practising lawyers and a'so the very obvious ad iantages which Pittsburgh poa. sesses over tat other places in the West for the estab lishment of such an institution —Berets a most Indust ri oust pone' mina. The student row ill see around him exam pies of industry and energy,and very few temptations to indolence and idleness. He may become acquainted wilh business in all its forms. Our Courts are silting nearly alt the year round, and there is perhaps no plate in the West where a _realer variety of cases and princi. pies arise for discussion. The COMMIIIL•C are desirous I hat all persons w'shins to avail themselves ratite ad ra magi s of this school, should do so InunrOlalnly by , ratting and leaving their names at ins office of Wader H. Lowrie. F-sq., oo Fourth Street er by addressing him by letter, pose paid, gn that all Mu dents mar commence at the opening of the term, or as early lbereafer as possible. atnacc yrrata, ions T TUMULT, ! Committee DAVID IT RIDDLE. of stroW W PLACE, I Education. THOU. V. DALE. We take a rilmsnre in reeorneoendin_ to the confi dence of the public, Walter H. Lowrie Esq,Profeesor of Law fn the Western University of Penosylvanria. a. a esollemar eminent for his snood legal {Candle! and at•ili ties, and in every way qualifi , d fo- the duties of the of f ice to which he has been elected. Oct 14 if SALT —2OO No. I Salt. just received . and for sate by .1. W. BURBRIVIDg* CO., oct I— No 75, Second street. O AKUM - Bales Oakum. on ban& armil for sale by Oct J. W. BURBILIDC It CO.. No 75. S and /nisei 2Onftp3CTS#ELS OF FLAK SEED. for bleb the I.PUF hi:hest pricey', saoh Inn he ?oel JAMES DICKEY *Co Alta. ilechaelcs Ligketoreer ofLiterty and Ways, *fee*. Pittsburgh. Oct 32. NIIPACTIJSED and sold ;wholesale and retail: 11111. Sara &Mit' one door below Smithfield. DEN NIAUIE - PROOF IRON alk'' I STS. ''.. PM111111516111. Oar. 22. 1812. * Friday. 111.30 th ailed mosome.abeet 9 'leek* al, mien. tae Pleotteg.Greshviee and Fr lla>t albetory, oinked h Say.:Ditwerili Ce. with * attire eiwaitily elf armed aadeedrested lamber.waeali cam. The liew- , Piiire witieblheowle ef 'yam same thee bark. weal. the met mewed ~ism - dada* the liesoted ha —1 AO amord e• hlyrr pleakiimiss spasiat at lbe llama( tes *Load sti voiint .e.savatrf,llliiis the ilmit samosearkithoirl , esar.aLkisst the titAityllifyeereellie TiKWASAMPIrtir-, Wallsll, 141 Mix...-.44 1 9.140 at sew iii4orhesare,r , _ • JOHN TURBETT, SA M'L ROY ER. A. N. McDOWELL LARD Olt For r.:Po J. G - A. GORDON "" 1 " 135 " , " ), chief Justice sod 'BOLTON C. Ilteklllll,l jaw Ice. of the cane. trooros. &lures* Cintrt. TEOS. lIKEIGILLNT. 1 C.. ORIEL, i Jad=es or the CILIALX.511•111. ; District Court. norm. U.S. District Judee. Bear Parros, Is. Pres. Quer. Sew WANTED, prrAprawirs riarailed4ing, inetoirsoa-ohio. !ostsittootagr 'Ow e 410 , ttt.iis t o, coet&ale 114Mucti oflafiof whiat "low Oiled and under faece s from Lkio - attea of Meade W.`; goad Oreaards of Apples, a few Pauli *AI .CherrytnMs—tbe iittprosq.eats are a large friine hoofs caritalaing 10 camas wetifundithed, =iodated for * Ira ient of Ovate Dierening, a frame Barri - 26 .by 60.florta ; hmemi,t4turd itablite; sheds a nd other oncliousessuft abielb* s le!teiheelt—Zgood Gardens surrounded with germ* tirtes, and a well of excellent water', with a pomp in at the frost dom. In relation. tu the Pittsburgh 'and Allegiteriy Market, there is no place now offered for sale with snore inducemeat to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate. for Further perticularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. - N. IL if not sold before the Ist of October: nen t, it will be &Trilled into 10 and 20 acre lots tomtit parctut errs. sell 10 Western merchants and others are respectfully invited to call and examine their stork and mires, off which last a liberal discount will be given for cash. From long evteriente in the t usiness. they are able to manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustained,. they hope to continue to re ceive t he encouragement hit herto so liberally extended. HOLDSBIP k BROWNE, No 49, Market street. between 3d and 4th Tittsbnrsh. Fep'. 19. 1842'dantif IT S. MAIL LINE orSalenclid Patt.t . enger Steam Pack eta from Cinein flat i to St. Louis. The itcw,spiendid.l . .ll.l running, it light draught steam Packets West ti - iati and Newprreil, will run as regular Packets, from Cincinnati to St. Louis. Will leave Cin cinnati and St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Pasaeneers from the East and West may r,ty nynn t heir !Martine pa m !nal IY adve rt i'ed • JOHNEITTEII WOR 'lll.Auctioneer and Commis. lion Xerekant, l aaiaeille, KY., wall nitenA lo h• Pale of Beat E , l•ke. Dry Grlnth.,G, OreriPS Pil r tc. Urea Lar An!em eve. y Thursday. and Fri day mornlnza. a , 10 u'e;oet., A. M. Cash act vances made on consienme- IS FPO 10 M. C. EDPS Just' AltiovED FRO PM i„WELrtitA BONNETS. C-SPS. 4-c J respectful!) , invites •he Ladle. of rftit • tdir?_•ll and Vicinity to czil and examine his very handootne assortment of fAmcv Ro•tnets, 4 e.. Oral he will o pen Ko.l9,StAlair sttem. directly oppmite lire Ex c hange Woo; they are trade of rich materials and the latest fashion:. Oct 22-31 q CHE AP. -t..scr: .IA - 49 BILIBOX sro emir :reps. laces and n thbo rig , Itilide and narrow art a, Lace and Muslin collar=, I.,fants' frock waists. Ladies. French Kid, Mohair. Lisle Thread. and rotion Gloves, slack Mohair nets for Vrilr—very cheap A large assortment of Ensli,h Straw Bonne's Alto, a variety of Straw. plain and fancy Tuscan braid MILLINERY • or the latest fashion, anti at exceedingly low rates. These goods are now selling aff at prices to FUR the times. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and purchase. TI3OIIN'S 1E % BERRY TOOTH WASII—A New htratitabfe Reedy.—The extreme beauty of the ig T ~. , their indispensable ose, and the frequency of their d y, honied to many inventiona for their preservation: y Ow to pre- serve them in a state of health an pristine beauty, to the latest periods of existence, wan entirely unknown until the, discovery of the above invaluable preparation. it forms a pure tincture compose.: of veg etable ingredients, and is possewsed of the nit et delicious odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes snoe of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel. to which it gives a pesri-like whiteness, and, front ha di-in feeling properties. possesses t I,e virtue of giving sweetness to the breath. As an doff Sew-built, the Gum. n'so share in its trans ardent powers; Scurvey is eradiated from them, a heathy action and redresi Is induced, which offers to the notice of the medic! practitioner indubitable evidence of their healthful slate. It has been examined and 'iced by several of the hell physicians of this city. who have no hest hat iort in recommending - It as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gnaw etc._ Among the recommendations to the above are the fol. lowins.: [latrine tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth W3sh," and become acluatnted with the Ins redients of its enmpo. sit inn, 1 cheerfully say, I consider one of the safest, as it is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wast ett now in use, Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1841 DAVID HUNT, Demist. I lake pleasure in mating. having made nee of..Tlioru`s Tea Berry Tone 1, Wash.' itrt it is one of the be-t den triflers' in rise. Beim , in a liquid form, it cnminnes neat new with convenience. While it eleanws the connect and removes the tartar from the teeth. its perfume yet& a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. r. TIBBETTS. M.D. The undersigned have used ..Tho•n's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash." and have found it to bean extreme ty pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary info ence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving thole indis pensable members from premature decay. pleventlng the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hav ing thoroughly_ tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re commending It to the public, belieeing It to kettle best ar ticle of the kind new in use. .M ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK. ROIPT HPEERLES, CHAS Et SCULLY. C DARRAGH; WA! JeCANDLESS, J MOORP.vAD. HL RING WALT, . _ Prepared only by W THORN, Apothecary and Chemin, No. 53 IMarket streni, Pittabo rah; for 1 , .14e at all the principal Draggiste.and Tattles _Medical Avency, Fonyth strain,. . APT irEPARTIIIIIT. 17th Osta See. 1892. SEALED pwiftwwls wilt be received etibis Department, until 3 o'clock. V, o f the 15th November next, for tarnishing the neeetoary materials and constructing a Depot for the preservation of Ihe Charts and i nst rn meats 1 belonging lathe Navy. with its neeenary observatories, granite plea, de. • . The Depot to consist of a realm! building of fifty feet square, with wings of twenty five feet in length and eighteen feet wide—the **de to be built of brick. PhintsaMtspotificalloos will be exhibited at this De. portment.*t persons wilhing to bid far the same. The 'severities! to be alai; Weted,,,the POMO WielleT. All the materials fartaktinti* bmt qualify, and "the work to hit deanti).* mom workmaningti ma ster, and to the ellerinitilditiffoa of 'tie alter impede. teadles ihniatateraliall of the Paymettre t be male not aertpriban once arenth. and•lhea Grays's. bY file nnitmlibbbildfor. aslifeer, sad approval by use Semler, of the Itiergi j , merylig teet,, per rent. oa an bills ea collateral actsfttly..*lll :hit whole shall be earpletak to the satire eitti: lte lP e he Derntateet..., A beakfor the faittrfiel 4 of tbe contract. with hplatortereetecy secaritles. abaft _baglvett4or apt - third Ibleieltialitedifillauttrif the whatifiltilfik " Oct .4044ftinft • • , pis oti(lit ialid 1111 10111116141Wth eore ; A MA*" Oa 1/E.fiet , lPbuoibitilibi DOW/ Illerebe P 4 . 11 n %OW _Mtifial 440 , 111 ." 1 "1 111411 " 1 . 1 '"" 1 ' * WA * I P "' 1611. V. .. Tl ie Sta gi k i lVall i 7411.70.10111-1 1 4ciiligt 0110. One* MOO *_ , _!Llitososimi , ildwrd. , lol.4P-TioNT-410/ '004104101*, sham • - ' - ";-:`_'-`"A '',4'' 140 t - g LAWRENCE MITCHELL EINEM J4B S CRAFT. 1., 8 JOHNS, •viorp _ thit praetigeof Meticiil4l.l - 40*, Ott w ra i , 91 * bfifLlien-11 , 04:194 of tat few. 1 0 ) 440 litilberia or 'are opliare oftadei.Vgliill 114;401C. as ri oara las been for the tilt 36 ar AO ?tie expertrier ofthat firts perioCtsf*lre -filet of Deli bevies been torice.siape4B3lknonoelated Milk Dr. I A-Weirton. lo the practice of, medicine. (in bothit attire teas.) enitaiat ate tajahe full,. of the merits of his pills. • : B ° 4 *llir.o*- o .ottudicient. and ;vet 111n - sa`v. did I Weimer these 'pills, that for the tart freseats is fity prattle*. for the cure of chrtinie dieeareA s et witateiret. nal", and thaiv of females in particular,' have aged store of them than all other medicines; . - Like every Other trwegiteloi, this must. Cali hi some its stanren;tot in my imoda there.his hiren . leM disappoint ment and more, sal Miami ion In t adotitilserat ion or 4 hie one, remedy than or ail *theta; itrooodletrceta sometimes quite astonishing toe: 'lf My patient requirMl a safe aims tetti:inediebsit either hero.-e or atter parturlikm, the WitimoNt-phis were Just the thing 1 wanted. If a dyspeptic icid condditnt Of thestontach. combined with costiveness or'inactivit V of the liver cosiiituted the disease af my patient, the pills were inst the - thing I wanted. . . . If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills; wete just the thing I wanted. If palpitation. headache, Rushed countenance. or other indkatieg a. disturbance . of the circulatory and secretory systems. annoyed my patient at the 'turn of life,' the Wilson's phis WPlreinft the thing I viewed. This, without rerozet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the lime I have had it under treat mentparticular loditaCtOns or symplons arising, • ere mo-t promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. • That so great a mimber of distuates . and sometimes ap parently opposite ones, in which I have nerd thew. pills. should be cuted more readily by them than by any other remedy. may at rust seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is an clear to my mind as that a great many persons should tirtconte thirsty from LS many different causes and yet all require that common and greatest or all blessings, water , to quench their thin?. In conclusion, it is due the •eputis ion of the medicine and the public, (any decidedly and unconditionally. that the Wits..n'a pills arelheonly combination I have ever met with In my longeourse of practice, that really tars eesres anything cutative or specific for Sick headache. Yours c The above Pills deadened particularly for' the rick Ilned.Ache. Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Rowels ke.., prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson. and for sale.wholenaie and retail. at his dwelling In Penn etre.; below Mar' ury. net 1 WIS. AUSTEN, A tinraf nt Law. Piitghnrsh. Pa Omer , in 4th streFt, oppo.lte WILLIS id E. A raTIII. sive hie attention to mr unfintahed_linsiness, and I rernmmend him to theontron a,te of tur friends. WALTER FORWARD. pep 10-19 WI4.STEELE, (- tiet-est!or to H. M'Closkey) Faith. iona* Boot Maker, Liberty .t. 2d door from Vi _in they. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that be has commenced the above businetw in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M`Closkey, and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders in his Ii,,eONLISin(4 , S with despatch and on the most reasnnahle terms. From his lon- esperience in the mannfacture of Fashionable Pool!, he feels confident that all articles from his establishment will sive satisfaction to his pa Irons. A shale of pultlic patronage is respectful:7 solicit ed. ger , 10 PALL ARRANGE ENT. At MIMI • AIM; A Nice: Independent Transportation Line to Philadelphia and Baltimore. For 'Transporting Arerckandize to and from Pittsburgh, via Tids Water and Pennsylvania Canals. CONDVCTLD STRICTLY' Oa ♦SD TICSPIMANCI The st wk of this Line consists of the first eta* Spring Cars, Metal Roofs, 2 nd New Decked Tide-Water 60212. commanded by soiterand experienced Captains. Merchants by this Line are enabled to have tiwir Cools aseheap. and with as Moth Eli goattli.aP by any other Line. One Boat will leave daily from the foot of Vk Wow street Rail Road on the Delaware. in Tow of a Steam Boat, witiOitsAviAt jezpreastr-for that par. po.p. The Proprietors wit: give their s hoie attention, and re.peeilutly invite ;tVestern Merchants to give them a rah, as they will andit muettto their adv.mtage. All goods consiened Wi loam Heilaar. 4 Co. coast wise or via Delaware and Ea than Canal, will he recMv e.I at their warelionsefoot of Willow sire. t Rail Road, Philadelphia, where goods can he pa directly from the Vessel into the El.ars without additional handling or ex. peke. WILLIAM HEILMAN 4- Co. from Philad. to flotidaysbur.7. I+ , Propristorp. H. L. PATTERSON, From tlolitlaysbur.h to FtUshargh. MES DICKEY 4- Co., Callal Basin, Liberty street rittghurell—Azerets IiILNAR ¢ EIDER.MIIIOII , Ptrret wharf,) on the De Philadelphia, JOSICPEt E. ELDER. Baltimore, Agtnia R. L. PAT-mason, tiolidayshurgh, I Jest PArrsnson. Johnstown. Refer to merchants generally throu;hou. the city, PITTSBURG!! CUTLERY' AND Surgical Instrument Manufactory, 161 COl, er of Liierts and Sixth Streets. JCA R 'ray R It? ITT returns his sincere thanks to the • citizens of Pitts:bureh and vicinity for the extraor dinary patrotta:e he has heretofore received, and hot es aitl 0 merit a continuation of the game. :Wise is-deter mined to manufacture all officio% i.. his line of liminess superior to any thing of the kind ever offered here before, and that Piltshureh shall Well merit to he rolled the SWIRFFIELDOF' The suhyrriber hatrine always on nand the moat eiten- Five stock of Horne Nlantifartured eon& in hi. line in the Western Count ry, wood particularly invit the attent ion of rEponS. Dentists and Drlagg.ists to his agrort men( of Instruments. flardwnre Merrhants to Lis mock of * Sadler'? Ton!s. Rants-rs.. Tailor?, flatters and Hair Dresscts to his Muck of pnic t o Shears, A IA Iltal him eoattlichment heine carried on strictly on the each principle. perroos desires. of hlrzoins will at once discrver for relvantaze of slung trf.tre porriursine. wee% here : jobbing done in a superior style, and efieuper than ever 3. C.. by direetin! hie role attention to buyinetwoneeth„ er with having in his; employ the ftitiQt competent work men, hopftt to merit the approbation of the public at la ree• Wanted int me lint Or, at Toot' forzer and a good elinder none nerd apply hut the held ar..rkmen sep 30-lin FAMILY MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, 4 LARGE and valuable assortment of all the patent mediciaceof the day; French Perfumery. Shaving Soaps; Thorn's Tealberry Tooth Wash, which is not sae passed by any other preparation ever offered to the Oh fie. either for the preservation or cleanliness of the Teeth. Cook's Muscovite: Drops, which will care the most in veterate tooth ache in five minutes. And a eltaivellut of Ci:ars. of to Norma. Principe cad other brands known in the city; Fine Chewing To. baceo.kc,dre.always- On hand and for sale wholesale and retail at TtrriOes, 86 Fourth street, opposite the Chronl elrother. net 8.41 - - .inErjunge, BOIMOW, Fur • unlit or years >•i:4it lif on , nd . • , .d o-teuecou a rire s emu s pimp. within metre, otilotof Phiskatmlli. Person boy 111%IttoneY to loan eon lend 4 loadvastage on int rale security. Apply at HARRIS' Auenry 00-e. Oa IS N 0.9 nab y trithehtervr sad Taper Raney. 011 . Ne. 49, beim** Weti4aied Sadthaeld AK. MO* gniStrair Yanrareer alas* baud. AV otters ' , smote, with meatier:slold demote** aeritiii.o - 1 " - tir In the :Court teContanon Pleas of 411eihe ity County of October Terms 1042, No 302. ••• • V. 1 Maw ► Jabs Cliewund Carmel= Thar artbe BARN of Me re „,,,i ve wiesilkWased, wftb notice to a • —• ". #unee - Cfrawford, of 0 , 6011 Air fi rt aisafe. rCftsiWClNC:WßOVlPtheileitonell l 4 4ll retilialib' a • ' move, ILitm Cothowdeok - T . boober ist.ZS42: 110 . 0 . 11 *. or :the-Cdwaticari alkt satirg!lw .4 4 0 1 0, - itukAefilitP r og le S'Or t _ 44 )1 11 ..1 00- ia ., oaaeof e sisausi l iM 44 77- 111111 : 0 * 140 17 . 0 4 ' COgle .Y —l.-110;4001/. T levidideread the iiiihrerteg eingesm_„„ _' eared; OEM dirstip-a *- iit - __ ., ,, &Weill 411).• Ine Of ilawketk Mg.: It I **.VIIK.P. ittt, .thetatte net herbs In itattyre_yritith hfrrat itilWtr - ;Ikt -, 's . ettratefdlleanid.itaiilhaedreihN Munk atilt Oil titorlOntied., TaketfieMed = d ft_ , " - - - ArtfIAfARDZ/Y4NYCtrafit fiarfliattairti r bfrittififtZlf, AND di Mellor or rox: ..iy, Joni sa...w. of Pembroke.Vitanidegtoe ebigisten beam, daffy moist, says. that be was taken virdeiligifinit- _, about sits' Wombs shire. The pains in tile hank kreltA r ' ~- bark. *Reddened iessep bring no Nita th at tie Was nials• bit to help himself. and was taken lato the at*. phal in the city of itonee. That after being -bit atikg hospital five weeks. Sorter Olkoltiti be dad eat_ 1 4 0 r,...„ what Was th e mattes itrith ,_bina, and th at he * eultellea i nothing enlilin, earrould he preterite any . 1 1 kediela• - That he, therefore. Wall concerti tenni MC 0 4 0* pita, tolhe *Roes remit on Staten laws& 141 lie was thine pbysirked with anemia ofniedietir firryiptit od offiter Mirmtler.sulferiad all theilleitilitu twasii:---beigt. rending intrery..- That. besides Is attectitte of hi, he was troubled much with a disease of tits terms:somit, times lin waned spit a quart oftiliimas in the die kiddie this affection be bad a. bed _Diarrhea. whieb -bail Mere or teas attended him from the crommenreniret of bit Wt. new. Thai at times he dreaded a stool worse time lie would have dreaded death& that !wean compost** fee& it to nothing save that of knives passing thtekli itie bowels. After illifering won. i hair deal bet the Salient Retreat, on Staten island; the doctor toil him Mat midi* ciae was of no use to him. that he taut try to Mirdteleri _.., at this lime be wassaffetringtbe greatest misery. TOM his hones ro_re so tender he could not tear the icadijoreso' I on noon the ribose or upon the knee„ - that his Initeltethe mort painful. that as thelloclor said be would-Aisne itim no more medicine he determined to procure mace LOir.. nrandrettes Pills, which be did, fnins .111 ittaitiotat New York; that he einumenred with five pills. ant ttelite. timesincressed the dose to eight-. The and WreVA.,l . lfill .0 much benefited him, that the doctor, Mit itliti .. ,ettulf what he was using. said, new. Shaw. /wit kw* lia!t.. ll man again; Wyatt' improve in this way. you w il t wee ellt wen' That he turd every dose of alts trandretb rms relieve him, first they cured him of the parbrwitat at stool; that they nett cared tbe diairbeit, sad finally' the pins In his bonei;—That she medicine aerated to eep nrerigth to him everyday. Pe told the doctor Yestehe day the 11th instant. that he felt himself well. and eats". that he owed his recovery to. Brandretha rills matire Providence, that he had taken the medicine efely day for 19 days; that the doctor told hint Wire had known hi had peen taking that medicine, he should not have stayed another day in rite honse. He eonsiders WO his dut i - r, to make this reldie statement for the leerf.o °fall alinibto „ . l -- , gyper,d ; 'fiat they may know where to find a weVidwur that wilt enre ibent. JOHN SRAW ' DR. miLn ADAMS John Shaw I , elef by me they sworn WI! pill. 1842. did depose and snr i ha trite foregoing SOO, meet hi line. J. D. %V 11 EELF.R.Cominiasioner of theistiW. The BRAM:IRA:TM PILLS sire sold at Dr. principal afire, `241. BROADWAY. Plew . York,: and at ft isprierteat :Are. rr;9s Wond street. pittstawillts the ONLY FL.IOE la Pittsburgh where the freestyle Wilt he ehtereed. gel% M. DenseTv inform their Tritentli. rote public Thai 'hey have commeneed ,thanstrieFill ring Bat% and 0,1 they have row reatletniiildd. their goore.l4B Liberty street, between Market oiiitsllki atreet, an aatoti :went of the vary best Maix, virtikeb IJNit are anxious'n divinese of on the cheapen and mos femme, aide Terme. Their emelt enns'itt of the very beat Wad, viz:—Tteaver. Otter. Neutria,Castorwehori NirrpidAttl* hia. Fur and Sin: 'finis. w. 1. M. Doherty are both rcentar bred flatiers.tbil , have had extrmsive experience as Journeymen In ltiebtut esrsodishments In the country; Meir Fiala are all nOttp under their own Innpection, and they assure the peddle that nothine but the very best articles on Ytkh mnstYna, conable terms will be offered 'or ta !ft. sewn) 3[EMolSoft;e fafe Rey. ehartesh:tt, - Df Lt T . rre44en,onickintoi,exeeiiebsaa MOUT'. i2erin. with a ban.'n-rene portrait- - COMFORT IX JFFLICTION— A snits of tnediti= fon,-by Jame Buchanan. D. D.. 11th Church. WU hn • ch. fire.* A merlr:m, tents the Stn Edinburgh einiogr SPIRITUAL HO.VEZ frond NATram. Hives; oriiiied-- ilatiOnP aod &nervations on the Wend hinterrititelss. hilt Of FlPri. first inirodueed 19 publit halite io 1667ititt , fiamnel Pitretms, A. 11.„ Lawton ed jR ma A TRIBUTE OF PARENT-SE BFFECTION i iiir Char Ten Suram. A. M. LIEC-IPOLIS— or tte individual °litigation ofrObrUir! tines to pave souls from death; an Emay t. David Ford—fourth A meriran, from he sixth T.oodon S :RROWLIVO YET REJOTCIXO%;-or rerent rue.-expellelpsPeavements in a minister's fain* T .. . CHSRLIE SEY-HOUR—or t i.e Good Aunt acid Rad A arm; hy - Miss Catherine Si neta LIVE ,, BILE YOU LlFE—containing Life ,:a Pit • r image. Li fe a Race. Life A Confl Life a Riewing.Ofis a Seed-Time for eternity. by the Rey. T. Vrifilth..)Lita eHßlSTl.AX LOPE--or the duty a -.porlocat Othilt for the Immediate conversion et the impenitent.- . 2 1;R,- TTfR E.XTEJYT dIXD EFFIC4CY of thAr4rairjr. JfENT-_tiy Howard Mater-I to. President or Gulvigoll' C4IIIP, edition IS nio. The Moral influence. Dangers and..Daliee, ioniereffil wi ti Great Citiee—hy John _Todd. IS ma - The grace and duty of beies rpiriwatty minded, dada red and practically improved,hy John Owen. D D..j2mo HISTORY OFTHE OREIIT REFORXITION of the rixteeelit century in Gertrpny. Soil medium!, kr.. by. J. H. Nleile D'Auldgiie, President of the Theo . toglaif School of Geneva, it, In 3 vole. mo 4 3.1 Auirileite from the 5.h London edition. LUKE WlNl.Afrwr,,, sap 22 Nci..119 Wood sarldst IvANTED lATAIEDIaTELrFo.Iy %min the Military Companies of Pnisdrirsh and cheny. In the eamanty of Musicians. They wilt imtrucli.m. clothing and instrument free of experme,.... IFTany parents are under the impression that ilaistrarthi cal know ledge of a 111m.iral fmt manna may have all iendenm over the morals of ttoir children. and that'll. mar alfri (flaw ion ncirli of their attention fermi studies or oreapalion. To the rrverset of,thiS. pesatt:fitat to say. that tie acquisition of this art.affords 10 the astlial,' tar a Meese of recreation and relaxation whirbrabaotilta sithstinnect. The taste Ipeorres more refined, atni - - . 00 inclination for study more artll. and consequently lip" mind is e ore abstineted ream those eras Maarten entnl youth are en tiallelo fall into. Nen t!er will their Otte*. to nsOPie to :toy way interfere will' oilier gliarlY:oft:; . . occupation. or the time devoted to this branch elt or if iii, eats I are Hs t'efinhe time. as cell as other staff Another olleetion that parents sometimes offer. 14,11, shonld their children become rood performers, the" , aste*,. he led Into irre:titar hai.its. In reply to thie,a )wreak mitt" an, with the name proprietythal 'he Would aot his son taneld to write a good handiest be Amid tieesink : a couni,tfniter, no that the result depends an the 1/041 tie make of . 3 , acquirement. t I is now to be hoped that ramp the above ITlVlltteketil• - perindietS that may hove heretofore exi,ted on 114 of parents ate removed, and that time will not ftvithe •► their Children th eliriviltl go e or ebrados the i 0) . Pottanity. Cal! at rot. Troirillos and inquire few Wm. W. BAYLEY; P. No boy need apply rm. acceptance, withailit written consent 11110 his patent or gaardian. oet BUFFALOSOBE•3, BEAR SKINS AND EUIDt I[ll3l' reeetired.looo &atonable DOW Abbey °tat , a! *teat quaint,* from Exits (\o. 1 WS. A lot cram, and Cub Skim., 11.000 No. 1 altil 2 Muskrat Elam. A lot elOtteraud naetotta Skins. Aft *bkh areofferedat reduced ees ibyfL or lips proteed notes. - . Apply to A. ntgcM. at tbe Americas Ter ris.Aiireal. net 12 -3ut . Career elrrout . and Ferripumit To Iron Illanneachertro. -u, JOHN . CLARK MIIANA WAY'S Atm sad 4issfail intimetiesseet in sononier alt-or r~- -: -ILO1"0". tie irsisekitt - epeeist, at a -ewe doe. Ittaanadi a t r`ralli r l nine antler chimney-; feet, S iy $L for at. and - and Id !when "gear* at torahs O. and tool peW . ll4. the top nf the Amalie the blest I...feeeined en Ibe threre-inno ed:Atat are thick 94 then 4170100 . : and the ~ea the toast Ideal are oats a half hy mad le Wiwi Apure at to nettived laurel Patent fey the thew, I teei64 Peru to tho roadie no reasenabie term Any laranontinocat be bad. 6Y addrewift. wit* tadstatatk. Otrib. I C. CaIkTIFICATZ. - Itawctiti Item. Urn* larit., "111-101"*"..41"1115""1 wed Itr. J.C. ; Pates* Mt oat Psi ktat.ais tit* _prirt„ lake terpoistratet. it to time p wore pa dis .latitolt - Itscaractitrerri aniet , or 01,40 * 6- 0 1 0.0 4emilhhe eat axe*, The capAk.-strioeme***Alimii, lit-015 0 0,04 4 4 -I.lloiittimrat irmimoir. tit um *rwaginwitaiim ll piromif .91.-1"14 -.",; 5 1; fe ? .. • ~'~;~<. LATE PUBLICATIoNs ,~ -~ .7..: , :::: :A--t -,,,wi,,,,,,.: