Isezapiz e i, m =„„ - frIR.AVELERS TAKE hp - Provided With the Safely C - .' hilt:: printed h a figure or the tut you are ult deceived by . emits stating their 11.0alsto tor - Tu. - Guard, wren they are not ',sets The following is a iist of teal g ty Guard at the Por. of Pits a b e first on the list have the improver apparatasit is impossible for as SAVANNA, Fou RARITAN, NIAG • DU E ORLEANS; /EL. C.AN'i ON, ?ilO, LADY OF LYONS, CAD • VALLEY FORG E , FORT PITT, GAL BREAKWATER., QUE Ell' ESS MAIL, DUKE ALPS, BULI CAsPIAN, ErLI DA. Wien W EST W I ND. %1 a l (4. U ETTE, OsPREI ; TALLEY It A N D„ rE sEv PANAM rOlfl2/4 \ ERO, AGS I ID4,, is \it 111 ANN, RtSkl.EI N 1 .11 It At; ANS ETT, %%VII Ai:ANTIL tiELPBX MUNt;tl PARK, 01110.. N E, CELT A DEL.\ 11)1-,„ I Nt iR I II BEND, GAI/1 MARIETTA, lam BRUNETTE, COW TF: ANI FERRY BOAT, The traveling community a iti o before they make a choice of snit; and -see whether it would rot iu and erneurtt v 30 chOOSP., II "artily 44 pia ant: freight. in prefettaret azatn-i explcsion—and that Thrill I hat 10. s invention has the rimpii few steam enzine builders—teat% it is to understand the alth inieresled —beside! a number of rat is eeni len en and others—nil of to tn, office, No 10. Water street,Wit pie: =lire at all 11 . 0. , PS 10 P 11. 11 ,11 Wl.O n•ill iake tire troulde to ma., Pen 10 C.-11111'N lib*. Qiq ht. lod Net 'l , t, 1.10 , ack y k T I.t' ABLE REAL ESTATI The strbseril er ofrerF for gait: red rate.. the :realer part of hit he cote: of Pittshureh and r: ryr k WarellollSlM nearly new. 1 :o owe on Market .51 reel,l ersreert F 44 br.r ol! a front of about 54 feet by f. 1 ,1 cw.'err, or Eeparatety to .gtit parctarett.l 115 a geleo haildin. !at in A _ ra ty, upward of SZO fetl it one 014 ilea .Pen D 3 3. I A . 1,111 1,11:511le4/. A Ihe 101 Udidini o l Iliknt. •• V 1 . 1 , r') frt't in APrib. 2 3" t irtich I tow rt, 1 A !so. n Int ei lib two twompiltriet • are COrtlt'T of Market atdLtiwM : a mod,rAT , ;round rent. ant am ALEX. 8 - :tr., A J D -1,1i7 ED -oodff, n quantity of r k hoot , aII oft , : or CJII fItTF FU ' nr Boods• at 11 A g RIPS FPP 21—'f Comm sion IHN 11 A RT. COIIIIIIiSPI OI {t ,t'.l duce avd .finitcricax .111asif T EFT..R TO-- .. J no. Grier. Eq., Pritsbumh: - Aaron Dart, ri J:. me= C ,ctiran of E'd. " - J n n. D. Davy.. M . Va Y k Hanna, ~ A vf•ry . Oticien 4- co. “ J no. ViTooritiourrre, EFfj.,ll2tdimir 17A Ll' ABLE FARM FOUL V Farm on which I lire, in b,:iddoci.ofinirt, containing one • Ortf,i.alinut iOacief of witicli v. ell timbered. There are 4P 51 .' a , if a hart, 63 feet by Stall " 7 A Lin. L.out =evenly acres of dal: Ls , rizitial to that ni any 00 34 . Teetnn made k ftorrn on apptice the premises. WILLI9I - . k 1 "1 10 WILLIAM C. WALL, and Pirtsre Fray/ Frert k Street Pettiebiergit. . for A I ato - a , s on 0. 1 ! 1 promptly framed 1001rdir. e6l r.. 1 ire. Particular atienfion paido cry destriwion. rer-nn? fa I in. Op S 1 eall) 810 theiradvantage to tall• AViIITE TAett in fornir.t. paioters.sed cllase pure White Leid made er ranted equal, if not stperiOrlo It o. err , addres,ed [upset? gc - No.llo teOnd street,fi' t tet.tielj to. 1-!!fr-Str..:;7B 0;1 The ...F•ttitscriber respreffolli the 11 1 isbur.zh and wicality a it ir.e Elsoes of hiSOMII IOII/100 where he will teert meat of all' itiot - of la-dies. POI and)shoes.of the hot quathr:"3 rest° suit lifetimes Fle il l 1 kindi .of Ones., worit—rorh flipperF., colored -gaiters. , u 1144.1 12 chibirefes.ellslers. frith 12 11 C 15, •_.7 will be made at' the shortest 17. "Os. Ladies Please estlS7 as . the subscriber .feetsconftito anriseficle iti his tine 160 01 1 Fen 10 P. S. Don't forret the Pi ° e . • door from Darries to from Market Street.- 'tile of of !lA -1. Fon • F , si n d t 1 , eile-r • re, lIIV - f Croat!, by rub • 21 Rem LIT meet • . as yon I,laoces FORD. it.t.riAsr DteTv.siom Tv business of Diouf k I,o.eny street and 42 lisrint4 Musks to libetisiier dun. for the very liberal' sorT;4o tended to isho. itrinoellegitill,l wishes to ;smite thenithul el7fr !incit the Continuation Or i -pee,ool, 'Wail their sl i gnid Lleibingoirldeb lie 'woo than bia been es , ihe stole Sf stemma .--fr tale; and &S he luteuente ti;;1 gosh Isislicue. he:fee s e r:rill susiiisolOsunieh. 041101_41 sale ,fforkieganyalp•tyste i riesse turd n ritibiairret• nd at his 50 cents SeP 10 F ADS SE ! erei y Si irhieenllt, A trembly • 3 hexecei r Savon a mitt sad for width v aunt. itttaily. to 1006 4 elliedire C4:l4n4A " • trii4klooes r ./160 1104 -17 - ileis. ,vtet4Priej .NO AO. SIIED BY 5 sIV. H. SNIITH, .4,- I! FTII STS - ,tnr. p a gEble in 1, E!‘"l.---101 :`"a ie :I I the aid Ilanufactnrer daUlde -nrve otbre. on II il,!, o.:ri a pear, in MEE= AdVerli%ing. ' ' EIN I: I.! N F.S. OR Less: 1 ' , mi. ~,tl, $ .00 T, 0 11.0 , • F .0 T!,,, m,,,.'11:, 7.011 R.ofi S, or. , ,hz. 10.00 elr. 15.00 I.F.l:lli:kir;T:i. T , u"A pPr 4 in I fh , _ , , 0 , Fl 2 l C E S. &C d i.e n,eu Markel and Wood e.nor from \Vnoi ct. Peter ‘V;ltock. cooec:or. . • d twt f,'fl Fir-t and Sfrand TrPll,l rrf rd reel I, SI dnnr In the rh It. J onnc: on , Trra , o , er. 11,. e 1 Iv< en Markel and Wood Mn or. F,,111, near Sta-k,t ? , la , ct and iVood .slreetF. on r. ryr,s' n Far:mrsts' Pc betw.en , V, r r 111? Pride ~ \1 orl I Itnt.ld 1111= =III . vrroirilA vst) vr 1,10% T. F!. I 1J 1:...,f„ and • k tii e BM( II nd S 111 . 01161 . 1 d 1 k I r ner .r. Pltt , p 0 Miff= =IMO =MEI l`! i:.' UI fl • , o 29. MEE MIME ~., =MIME i 1.. r\~ill Pl:\ =ME 111:11=11111111111 IlEri :1 , %0 ratio Shot .s wade lie yv l r LT: t*APLCS. to tots to suit to I e dtspos - ed of F. L S•N IV 4 i DES. ter , reet head of Wood. ers and dower Seeds 01 tr. abv a yi-• I,e had at Ine lltug F. L. SNOW I)C.N. ibert y brad or Wood. ,t Ata Ift 1110111 Orion `eed, for d Seed siore of F. L F•Nt , IVDF.S. i`,erty sZreri, 13rad of ‘Voo?., Er SWEET POTATOES tened by F. T.. SNOWDEN. I,:berry head of Wood t of Hoes. Fancy :Spade, L., Took, Budding I S jam re r. L SNOWDEN. 'lv 0,..!. head of %Voi)4l. Jug ,- ,, sect a :Finali sip. ?4 Hams, un retail ISAAC II k R RIS. Agent. and Cow. Mertha tit Seed, Orchard Grass and Litra)s on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN. 'env sweet, bead of Wood. at Bair, office to Alt orney'gßow," Ltiii et t. ri,et and Wood cep 10 KS. ft, prort.tittitr3 i" 41. la W, (or .. - ve at, this Office. e Now, Easi tur ner of Coal App to NG l'CiN, Market, near 41b ri Preneri .agar Beet beed. just.. r Sale at the Drug and seed F. L. IiNOWDEN, Lit•ettp fl fee:, head of Wood, ARTNP-RSITIP.,=-The ofore extstint between Wile MIN uop ew sta. is this day - W.iiliam Digny is nistbnliFeel no in seuling up tbe bitsincEs WILLIAM WORT. EN J. T. TM:A*4f. DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, 0111 c an Sonia jitld , krtscers &caul aad Thin, Ms.; srp 10 frrrsarr.att. you ti ST ON 4. STOCKTON. Booksellers. Printers and PaperJ Ma nu factwers, No. 37. Market st. se p 11)-1y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry. Water st near the Monon7ahrla Rouse.Pltisturgh. sap 10-14 LEONARD E. JOHNS. Alderman,St,Clair• cond door from Liberty. sep 10--l9 DT: S. R. HOLM ES. Office in Second Arlen, next door to M alvanp 4- Co's Glass Warehon 16-79 S....DUNK. 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Fourth st., near the Mayor'' Office, rittsbnrgh. sep 10-1 y THO`..AmILTON. Attorney at Law. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sea.. Pittsburgh. sap 10-1 y HUG H TONER, Attmnev at Law. North Eatcorner of Smithfield and Pourth streets , . sep 1 0-1 y TTIONPFMN 11 I % 1..\ J•lll.ffil Trill' 801 L. 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Wareboune. No. HANNA 10,4, Wood st., where may he had a general supply of wri'ing wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books. school took'. Erc, 4-r. fctl 10--19 C. TOW NSEND Q CO.. Wire Workers Gail . Nay ufat'ar era, No. 23 Market al reel. between 24 and 3d streets. cep 10--19 ENCI4 NG F. HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair et' McKIBBIN 4- SMITH. sep 10-1 y IC METAL —77 tons soft TI: Metal for sale by J.G.k A.GORD3N. No. 12 Water rtreet , p 13 I.FtS B ICON HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon • 31000 Shoulders. for sa eby I. G. 4. A. GORDON. N 0.12 Water mice, P vrT F,IISO N. Jr..B.rminr.bam, near Pitisbureh„ ma,.uraf tu rer of Locke. Hinges and Botts; To cro, Fn Her. M ill :,ttd Timber Screws; Honeen Screws for Coring Milts, 4-c. sep 10-1 y 10IIN Tai:or and Clothier, Lither.y ILY Fil cet between Sixth ana Virgin alley, South side. s , p 10 JP.(' R IDG CO., Wholamie Grocers and Commts,:ion Me,chants— Srcond street, het wren Wood ..nd Srnit Wield stF.,Pittsburgh. seple ly - G 3 . GOLIDON. Commir,zion and Forwarding . M , rchar.t., Water sr.. Fii ir:lwrg.b. sap 10-1 v ur 4, m rard.s hams. a good article, received per S. I B and for sale by J.G.4 A. CORDON, ser, iti No. I. Water street. NI; S- .41,11,AS:=.Frz---400 bids New Orleans Su ; 0 to.,!s New Orleans Nlolasces; for sale Iry :rep lu J. G. 4 A. GORDON. Q . 171 - ;A R.--'bbd= wimp N. O. Strlar, rerefved Per S k- - 71 P M.. Pte. :I , ttt I.r fair by J G.* A. Grit:DON. I:AC( 1 N C order, on bond and for sole by ~..-1,10 J. G. 4- A.COTtnioN. No. 12, `Valer st QI'G Ait ISlt 1101, SS ithris and N. 0. 1:7 . ;12 100, (1 1101:i3ce , , received per Sleandinal 1 - ,,r -al, I.) . J. G A - A. GORDON, p I No. 12, Writer pi reel. m' E; I; LAP; HIT.. for EL A. I' .17 ESTOrK 4- CO., rot ner or 64 h and Wood sts. . _ (;31 PA PE.IIF4 Germ.44down Lamy Plank for sale B. A. FA II ESTOCK 4- co.. n 141 corner of 6.14 and iVonclos. '2OO L 1 Prepared Clao!k, for sate ily B. A. FA II ES rocK k CO, corner of 61h and Wood mus. rz AND 1001, ‘S.SCS —69 hfids. N. 0. Sugar, do. do.. 100 do. Plantation Stotass , ...s. for G '.GORDON. No, 12 Water street. r i , 13 II TANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— nby m-,ri in B.l.kruptcy procerding,, printed on r Nil in Ow forms approved by the Couti,for sate of it , o 41ercury and Democrat. sep 10 31. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable tool and I 1 -' rer. 0. 101, Third sweet, between • ± ‘ , .,1,11,fie1d streets. rilisl,nrgli sep 10 B ch . M ASTER, AVRIV EY AT LAW, hi. office to the corner of Fourth •,' .i•hi•rry Alley, between i• - roithfield and Grant • , t•teit 70 1 4 1 (111 RENT.—'Ehedereiline and tot containing 4 1 .. t o A Ilreheny, near the Bearer Road, !ately Mr. Sarnue! Church. Apply at the !Merchants Car , tePS * Bank, to W. li. DENNY. Cashier. r;"-••D A M 1 ) N DS , VI AT MaCHe i A CLOCK ; .lt ER, Nc. 95, l s treet, Pius and Liberty streets, b F. 41, Flc LY WA TC HES,C LOC KS. BREASTPIN'S FINGER RIXGS, CHAINS, KEYS,COMBS, sep lu I AN DRETIrS GARDEN SEEDS.— A full J 4 su, baud, and for sale at has agency , the Dm: , store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 114 Liberty street, head of Wood, Fen 10 DR. DAVID WARD hai hie office and r e sidence ca Ft.urt h Street, nearly south of the Court House, d tVeti 112 from El cir.wst reel. He wilt faithfully attend al! in in:. t o his profev,ion. Night calls should be made at I.— door above the basement, seir 10 DO ENIOV A L —Matt hew Jones, and Hair Dress- J. IL e r har removed to Fourin street, opposde Ibe May ors office. where he will be happy lo! wait upon permanent or He StAiCii.Sa share of public pat• Rep 10 AL , M. A. %VARD, DENTIST, Penn st. three V door helow Iru in street. /lours of business, from 9 A. X., ,n,til 5 P. m , afier which tune be will 'tre n d 10 1,0 one ex,ept in ale of aeival neevt.ity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ him,iliat he expet-to , immediate payment. without the litTeSSily on his part of sending in bills. seP 10 JOII.N AIWA RL 4.ND, Upkohterer anti Cabinet id -Ler, Third st. bet - wren Wood 4- Marked streets. respectful lid - mats his friends and the puttlit that be is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas. Sideboards, Bu reaus,Ch.,irtz, I,t Wes, Bedsteads, Stands, Bair and Spring Mattresses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering wort:, which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. - Sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, xe 110 Word Street., Pittsbergn.--R, A. Basuunan. A uctioneer and Co•umi cs ion Merchant, is now prepared to receiveand sell ail kinds of Goods and Merchandise, at his large and capacious moms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Filth Sireelit. Eitistoarzh. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Fnraiiure. Groceries and other a r ticles, on M ondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesda y. Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books, 4-c.. every Saturday evening. Liberal advances wade on COnnigninentSlll6ell Messrs. John D. Hann, Esq., ' I " Manley 4- Smith, i ~ Hampton. Smith, li• Co., i “ F. Lorenz 4- Co-, i .. J. W. Burhridge 4 Co., I S. IFEet 4 . Cp. I Capt. James 11‘Gargill, , Pittsburgh. C. laarpea, Eq. I f• Jona IVFadden Eng. 1 • 'Logan 4- Kennedy- I .• J. IL- alcayrbea4 4 Co. I .- - Jas. P. Stuart, Enq. !!! iSoben. Caiway,MN: !E. Capt- Jas. May, I 7 , DI eViy, Manna, *C. Q William Symms, ' . *Wenn .. 8-G- Henry,- Co. ' Loalatille. stqiiii-BaPicY i C ' • 1 1 1 044 ', .. . • ratinintriEuir. Briefer Pfteket. - . :11kossaisst • = Auter. HAS contasenced ber regular trips, and will ran dai. iv (Sundays excepted.) Leaves Beaver at BCV dock A. IL, leaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. it. con. netts at Beaver with the Pennsylvania and Ohio Lime of Freight acd Packet Canal boats between deafer, and Cleveland Ohio, and Greenvide, Pennsylvania. Leaves Bemveudaily at 6 o'clock P. M. This tine cornetts with two daily lines On the Pencsylvania canal to Philadel phia, and with toe New York and Ohio linens the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canalkal. so with freight and passage boats, brigs and schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known line will be prepared on the opening of naviga tion to (maroon merchandise to any of the 'Merman, ale ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca nals; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakespo and from New York City and Philadelphia. McClure 4. Dickey, Beaver, Pa-, Calm Wormer 4 Co., Cleveland, 0., Rers 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., PITTSBURGH ¢ CLEVELAND LINE. to STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, W. B. BOLES. Master. RUNS daily (Sunda r s excepted,) between PITTS. BURGH 4. BEAVER. leaving Braver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. provided mitt Evaas's Safe ty Guard to prevent Ezplosion of Boilers. Tins op:endid and fast running Steam Bat has just teen comple; ed ezpresaly for Ibis trade, and runs in onnect ion with CLARKE 4- Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line of FBEIGHTAND PASSAGE BOATS, deify to Cleveland Olio_ Or down the Ohio canal to Mas