Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 25, 1842, Image 4

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.t. in" _MADE COPAN IVA It : I u-#r.'owe 1
St, two doots frost tiis si., B e ., adoot,-,,w.. , . . 1
*ilia, tisatortakes, re:ventrally., Warms the public 40 i he
bal removcik , his...ready matte eon mate Yol:Ifle, . ...t 0 'lb °
building recently occunied by Air. F lLlii,,beitford•witte•c l- ly
:opposite his old stand, vvbefßile IS RlDrDySrePanii .1 4 ,k at •
teintiprompity to any.orders 1 9 laS-141e51914 'Dy tarter tot*
:IDRITOR to en the details of the business of ait.l,lndelt;tllller
Ile hopes to merit public c onfidence , He will'lm preenred
;it *l4.p:was toßroz.o4l,o .Boultsellt Mom Vi11 42 11,,A 1110
eve!, rentitslie onitile most liberal terms. ClLllMeintb i.
country still bc prnmptly anendo to.
.. . • j
Ills reridence is in the same betiding with. Wig c
i *
bouts, :where those who need , km serviceg collY n" h
st any time. aerseincsi: ..
er.nr: newts. &ay. Jens as.anit.n. ti,, -
.417218 1 1 PA. rros, 11 SI. SaDVEI. WILLIAM, , D
Itlake nsttuts, RKV• !LILES YL•,DAVIS,
Sep 19 - RICK• Z. V.,DVVLIPS.
ii. 9.1,1 '5Q1812:113./.oa , ~.
Nors.3, - .„ HAND BILLS, • ,
Trier;ther ice h every de3eriptibit 01Letter'Pres§ Print
in;, famished wilt' ileal 11e34 and deppr,f„.l),„d O n mode
rate terms, at the &flee of the Daily Morning, rcist.
sea 10
class of individuals is very numerous.. They are those
who work id an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers; work•
men In feather stores, stone cutlers, bakers, white lead
mannfactnrers , are atl mom or less subject to disease rm.
eordine to the strenetit of [Kir constitution. The only
method to prevent disease, is the occasional ~use of a
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete•
rides eumors,'and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
In any form are injurious, as they only off the evil
„day to make it more fatal. The axe of Brandreth's Pills
will insure health, because they take all impure matter
out of the blood; and the body Ii not weakened hut
Istrengthenedity their operation, fir these valuable Pills
do not forre4 but they assts nature, and are noropposed,
Jolt harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr.,Brandreth's Office, No., .98 Wood areal,
PitiThurgh. Price 3o cents r box, with fulrectins.
only place pe in Pitteburgh l
w di here o the
GENUINE Pills ran tie obtatned,is the Doctors own Of.
- flee, N 0.93 Wood street. sep 10
NEW JEIOTEL,—The subscriber respeettitny in- I
for es his old friends and the public tit he has
openea a Temperance Hotel,ln fifth' Street, near the Ex
acinge Hank, and In the house Intel occupied by Mat
thew Pat rlek and has hoisted ant ron 3 gn, "The Iron.
City HMO," where he will he very ItaFFy to, accommo
date all who may please to call OR him. His table
ehnllfin provided with the best fare, and every possible
accommodation to town and country customers 'and
A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
flees, can betaken. and gentlemen who live oat of town
can.ftnve their dinners daily.
.14 has large and good stables, and the best Hay and
Gate, and a gond Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
eta and gentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken by the day., week or year. Charges
,snore moderate titan at any respectable Hotel in the city.
sep 10 JOHN IRONS.
WASIIINGTON lIA.LL.—The subscriber has
opened the late residence of James Adams. Bstg..
deceased. for the reception of visitors. and hoarders;
the house is very pleasantly situated on the hank of the
Ohio, 2 mites from the city—possessing all the delight
fat accompaniments of a country residence, with Out
being too far dtstan ror persons doing business in the
city. Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of
the season.
An Omnibus runs regularly every boo t the Alle
gheny end of the Bridge.
fi.ll.—No Alcoholic beverages - kept.
tt-sep 10 WM. C. BERN.
ncrship existing between James E. KiMourn and
havid. J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mrtioal consent.
: Vie conditions will be (Idly noticed, with the sismiturcs
of both parties aanexed, and Barry Hall will be continued
open,hy the subscriber until other arrangements are per
For sale, on the .premises, 130 bbiA. choke ivinter ap
ples, if applied for Immo:Barely. JAS. E. KILEOURN,
sep 29 _ If No 9, Market. and 74. Fronts':
• IopOOKBINDING.—SI 'Can ctte9s4-
J 7 Johnson, IScrokhinders and raper
linters, S. W. corner of Wood and
7-7= reort's streets, are now prepared In ex..
ecute all kinds of Bookbinding and Tn.
per Ruling wick neatness and despateb.
inr•B"' • • k hooka Wed and bound to
any given pattern at tht ortest not* ,
•N.B. AU work doti tie above is warranted. (Sep 10
WM.. BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist,has returned to
his old stand. O. 107, Smithfield Street,
where he Can he consulted any hour during the day,
a his profeision. se') 10
REMOY AL.—George Armor, Merchant Tailor,
respectfully announces to his friends and pa
trons, that lie has recdoved . his establishment from his
old stand,. in Third street, to the corner of Front and
Smithfield.. in the . basemenustory of the Monongahela
Koine; where he intends keeping on band ' general as.
Automat of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen•
tmaten's wear.
, Ela hopes. by Close appl 'eat ion, to merit. a share of the
atteditesss so liberally extended to him at his old stand.
B. Having made arrangements in New York .and
Pidladelphia,with the, most Fashionable Tailors, for
the reception of Paris and London Fushions.-customers
may rely on hosing their orders executed - according to
thetatesttstyle. GIEURCIE ARMOR.:
eept 10
ir ARE 0110.-7 Via Subscriber woutd most reipecteully
11 inform the public in genera that he has an ariicle of,
aLrd Oil of a superior quality, manufactured et the Cirfein:
gati Oil Manufactory,by It.W.Lee Co,,whlch iss wasran
te4lo be equal_to the hest Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
"Machinery. This Oil Is entirely free, from any giutirMus
Matteeonnoke, or unpleasant oddr, and it is as clear and
as white as spring water. Not a particle of crust is left
An the, wick. The light is pure and Mil:lent,
and Will last as long, if not longer, thao that from an
equal quantity of Sperm. Olt. The sultan, ilter informs
the pahliethat he has taken a place neaely opposite the
Post Office, where be will light np sever4l different lamps
every evening. ani,lie would respectfully filvhe the In•
habitantsAf Pittsburgh, A ilegheny,and their vicinity,. to
gall and judge for themselves. tie feels confident they
Will he convinced that the above statement Is perfectly
entree*. Out of two-hundred individuals who have tried
I,lm. Oil,,there bag' not, been a single Guilt found with it-
Tl!e. Lard Oil costs one third less than Sperm. lie would
respectfully solicit The early attention of Dealers and Ma.
ettlnists to the above.
The following Churches are now Ilflfig the Lard . Oil:
- . Second Presbyterian Church, Pitt:burgh,
- 'New Cumberland Presbyterian .Church, Pitisbutgb,
-.First Presbyterian ElturCh, Allegheny. City,
-Associate Reformed Church, do.
All the barrels are branded L W. LEE 4- Co., eincin.
• • Pittsbursh, June 215t,1842. ' -
We, the nndAned-, Cantains of the Express Liero,r
Packets, on tie Pen ns ylvania Canal, have tried nfid ire•
visit! . an atrial* of Gard OH introduced hare by atatthiw
C. ltdeY, and in:tune:tett:tied by ft: W.ltee 4. Co., at the
Cincinnatti Oil Factory." • • '
e feel confident in assert' ne, that the ere is- equal
to the best'Spernif•oll; that it'is entirety free' from snioke
of any other none mutter sr hatcveil be light is per:
fectly pure4lear and brilliant, and 'MO last assane, if no t
'Witmer than that from an equal -quantity , rierm. O,
We hate *iv hestitatien in recammendint itifour friends
an& to these atm use OH. 1. -'
flEfittY TRCEIT. CaptainTucket John Adams.
'43; W..ISILDEBRAND, Captain, Packet John Banrock,
~tCkAiti, do - *
do John Madiset
310110;:viloArsoN, -
ELEV, s r iliftitli - • .M 1.143 . 4-
1111A4tON' VON . iiIITON . _ w
lc v
. ...P TheurVille axe ^P!nri ) ge d °C i tevi r' e i b m h uisa 7 e r n ,
et' ItteellhOult" upon 4 4e..he i t a t v e :l g v is a P stickeocri
eitrientth lo Lire , atter , lal,'syelleral
ti ,
IS , ltserhirviter circulation .1 rquidlit •
enVe lla
Iv of the skin, the.parts situate _ ,
'-'. - likes; AT& se UN Ibe--eseretioaol Of 4 , re ,
itein'o. from -thabloOti.therelea ,plltioN n i , Cl'illivill=
. ' - ieVetkon, , end a quiekened;nn la . af f she„
lesiell orillSeleritin" 2l " ll !:A lt r - : :• 11 " *". .017:71 % ,,'
A t o
y kw ' Velakelf Oilde2lLkdriVet
etwa titt e r 444olo4 ,
spravirrred,lbe -*- - 17
~........ 4 1 ....
il*.k7fr's . ': - - - 4 110 1 1 Y. it;b o E Bl -
ROW • ••••t- --,-- • - . " - ',„_l;i7;ai:.i:tb.• •.‘cara=rie-. ,,, -..... ---
-- -- •- - - - - - a — . -- 1 4 4 -- , . ----4';" - -r- --
&.-----' '-.. t. 4 LG: # 1 inuratrilllatte iilitt.tHe alp= eaves
'''" r '-' ' 11 ' ' "44111 , 11/4 1 '- - ' Blifttall-W,IIII.OiNDETIVS PILLS. -- ..,
V es' rilt" - ts ' '-= 4 • ' , wttr- Tat oyx. , ;Cr Tiiikvigtottabluliaji-trkly nno t medicine .x.op.
......--- ' . - or. - ... - ect.4licto , ' - rigs 4etipoitisiA andibitattliately idays".the-furtheraci
..:.,: iikagy - t gik,tiri, AA - "--ItImI"' - ', 4 " , - , ' 4 bi o bi„_,i t io a ltit.jrttlie bodies of t h ose whose powers of
iri pa' nitciiie.:.ol' _ibe..pflonstiLt44lbliecloll-4kran titer are not alre ad y e * . h ees i ed. where human ,
~A 0, Of -A.Seete*??..,Palltr4f,'lP4t .. 4 ‘ ll A i l k a L Pt ,, n ' i n t .ll, ,,,,,,,,,, last ai ein 11'411;44re seal* ely-la any Wow taint forna,of
PILLS do uot-relies*labt
inlitied'l.44"licr-t° P" 1110 . 711 ‘ o la f r ih'ee.itrier--nesc-71,--4 tr-he—State sickP - es llollallie 8& 4 1"13mi
Yid Gke•CfP u ' r " ---PaY • ~.- ,- n .., - , e g. ..' 'of the generally cure. Although these pills produce a samara
„is'eht—reeeistng - PrO,ore... .-.... '"*"," sate -7 '' - Public- • arree:e,that effect as not to prostrate thehody,-a.s with
oViiiiii.ind for other -purpoSes? thereFßl be exposed to r ,
other "medicines, but the frame is invigorated tithe re
+1114100•Aale. at the be 14.4-chants' Pschinte. la' the
CitY b c et . moral of the cause of weak-m:II4MM MlMllhirthe ViMated
"Plillhdelphia, On Vtelinehtisi,the 23dday; of lioseM
ile,x!.ecictot,ek,ook.„*„..theollowthg s t o w, owne d b y humors from the blood.
flarmieset in themgelves, they merelY
the Ct. tiollionWiSi 11, tOwIN , . , , % AsmarN awns 4
. , , ,, . . , . - i
T o throw out the occasion of cleknem froth the body,'
3154350C1,44iare7100.f s4teoecliti;nial4beelpilijainaksoafnPk.eposy,ivania .
and they . .require no hlteration in the diet or clothing.
1703 di In it e Farmers end Mechanics Bank.
In fact, the human ;body Is better able to sustain with.
90 . .: do . 10 - thl.o °in - mile Bank and BridgeConipa. ny4 ,
out injury, the inclemency of tile - weather, while under
2500 . do , its
Chia!! PPnal 114 1- 11 n ran. Y.- ' the tnifnence era:as lefect ion destro 0 disease eradica
1500 do in
- the Pe'nasylvania and Cato Canal Com "flog ' . .Y 1,
. Medicine than at any other time.
The importance of gran t drab's Pills for seamen and
5ni,.1"0.1-tYlieCheiMaetike- and De l aware. Canal
, . . . travelers is, therefore,sel evident.
Company. Bythe timelyuse flit's Medicine hos'', much anxiety
1000 do , ill the SeheYlkin riaviliailqa ComPunP
andsickness",nlight \ Q in not prevent. Cold, Billious of
320' do'- r jo the Bristol Steam; Towboat. and Trans
_ ~ . fections, Typhus , scarlet and fevers of all kinds, would
Harris , ~..
Also, at the State: Souse, In the borough of be unknown! ,But Wifere sickness does exig., let no
time be jest, let the.:BRANDRETB'S PILLS-she at once
bar.. on Monday, the 28th day of November next, at 10
. _ „.. , sent for, that the Remedy may be apified; without fur
o'chick, A. se. - . , ther loss of titre.—To ax RIOIEMDKRED
-2905 shares of stock in the Danville and PottsvilM
Railyondompan y. That Brandrethr6 Pills have stood a seven years' test
en the United Stale.i.
_ „ .
2000 do in the Cumberland Talley Railroad Com
pany. . That they are a vegttable and innocent medicine, yet
Franklin Railroad Company. all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
Wrightsvo -k and Get ysburg recent; infect ions br otherwise,
Railroad Co.ir That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro
gressof disease in the human body.
Codorus Nayjgation Co.
- Bald Fig le aiid spring Creek Nevi- That, in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of
pation Co. . . ulceration bad laid bare ligament and hone, and where,
Morioneehela Navleation Co. to all appearance, no human means could save life, have
Slartialidra Bridge Co. n'atients by the use of these pills, been restored to good
NorthUmWerland Bridge Co. . healtli; the devonring disease having been completely
Monongahela Rrldge Co. eradicated.
Allreheny Bridge_ Co. LABELS
That each of the genuine has upon it THANE coeveicarr
W it kisharre Bridge CO.
Lewisburg Vriage Co. That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin
Big Beaverliridge Ca. Brandreth upon it.
Moving Bridge Co. That there must he upon each box three signatures,
Neseopack Bridge Co. thee
'French' Creek Bridge co.
• Coneitiangh Bridge Co.
Fiiiitylirilitnd Pottstown Brldie Co
Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
Milton Bridge CO.
lltilthstown Bridge Co.
Towanda Bridge Co.
'Franklin and Allegheny Bridge CO.
Bchitylkill Bridge,(at Matson's ford)
Williamspott Bridge CO.. Washing.
ton toonty.
Also, stock In the' following Turnpike Road Comp.
aim to wit:` • •
2124 shares in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers.
„Chambershurg and Bedford
Bedford and Stoystown. ,
StoystQWn,and Greensburg.
Greensburg'and Pittsburgh.
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perkiomen and Fending.
Gap and ,New.port.
Waynesburg, Greencastle and filer
Morgantown, Churchtown and Blue
' Little Conestoga.
Perks and Dauphin
Linca.ter, Elizabethtown and Mid
690 do
9 - 95 ao
2500 do
4509 do
2400 do
2160 do
1600 . do
400 dO
600 do
'6OO do
lgo do
350" (Co
100 do
,I'oo. - I'oo do
92 do
`l7l' do
200 dl
1250 do
120 do
.SOO do
4.310 do
2154 ,do
WA do
17A0 do
3471 do
100 do
1360 .do
512 do
250 do
180 do
200 d°
"sito do
100 do
250 , do
100 1 - 'akr
-1240 do
690 do
400 do
50 • do
1600 do
400 do
116 do
500 do
York and Gettysburg
New Holland.
Spit ng House. No
Cayuga and Sipe - uha nna
Susquehanna and Waterford
Susquehanna end Timm-
Bridgewater and Wilkesbarrn
Plltiburch and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conemaug'
Belmont and Easton.
Pittsburgh and Butler.
Philinsburzami Scsgnehanna.
Rutter and Mercer.
Mercer and Meadville.
Anderson's Frrry, Waterford And
New Haven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
Ridge Road.
Bethany and Dingman's Choice.
Robbstown and Mount Pleasant.
Mount Pleasant and Somerset.
Somerset and Bedford.
Hanover and Carlisle.
Mllleratown and Lewistown.
Bellefonte and Philipsburg.
Philadelphia, Brandywine and.
Belmont and Oghquaga.
Harrisburg and Mitterstown.
Philadelphia and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
Armstrong and Indian
Clifford and Wilkesbarre.
Indiana and 'Ebensburg.
Washington and Williamsport.
Washington and Pittsburgh.
Lycoming and Potter.
Middletown and Harrisburg.
Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Young
ntanstow rt.
Butler and Kittanning.
Milesburg and Smetbport.
- Derrstown and Youngmanstown.
Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
York Haven and Harrisburg bridge.
Abingdon and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisburg and Youngman - A ow n.
Somerset and Conemnugh.
Carbondale and Lackawana.
Somerset and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and Jersey Shore
Ligonier and Johnstown.
Warren and New York State Line.
Titusville and Union Mills.
Armstrong and Clearfield.
Warren and Franklin.
Sucar Groveand Union.
Brownlngton.Flarrisvilleand Frank
200_ _do Snowshoe and Packersville.
411 do Lackawa ten.
200 _do Butler and Freeport.
64 .do Sterling and Newfoundland.
-96 - do Lenox and Harmony.
`224 i ^ do Pittsburgh-Farmers and Mechanics'
160 - do Bedford and Hollidaysburg ,
160 Luthersimcg and PiIIIERIRWIIey.
160 dO Birmingham and Elizabethtown.
64 do Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley.
The terms and conditions of raid sales will be made
known ,on the days aforesaid, or by an application,at any
time. to this office. State stock will he received in pay•
went at par; or certificates of eredit, which have been
entered on the books of the Auditor Heneral, in pursu
ance of a resolution of .the General Assembly,passed on
theth day of-A Pill. 1842.
y Order of the Governor
300 do
5600 do
328 do
516 do
967 •do
322 do
350 1 10
947 do
680 do
882 do
1010 do
100 do
S2O do
500 do
280 do
SOO do
660 do
672 d(
100 do
717 do
779 do
500 do
100 do
800 do
256 do
980 do
360 do
.154 do
560 do
329 do
855'" do
400 do
280 do
1160 do
M.,C. EDY, Agent
-,RJF remedy htra preeerved • hundreds
when' thought pest recovery,from convulsions. As soon
as- the Syrup Is rubbed do iie hums, the child will reel v.
er.- This.prepltrittion issoinnoceet, so efficacinus, and so
,pleasant, that no child will ref4se.tO let its eams be rub
bed wtfki hen Infants:lre the,ageot four months
titre . ..there 4is...no*ertraoce of, teeth. one bottle of the
Syrup sheuldbe used to open the pores. Parents should•
I ever Ire Witheutthettyrup-in -.the nursery where there
arn•yoglig,Chlldren,Ser I.oi:child Wakes Intim night with
pain 'ln-thtt7ginettnei-Syrup immediately , . elves-, ease, by
- ripenitift the Porer, and heal Inglite gnats; thereby pre - sent.
Lag C:onvu alone, Fevers, kc. For Sale Wholevali and
Het oi I t1y.1.1. SELLEItS,A gent,
,: ple.2o..Wand street..
::IkAMpli HOWARD -11. CO..,Artiefitetis- Will
j . :piperii,Nro. - - llrt , wawa -Street, 'PtttstrorriS;4 , 4.—
41kaidowiyettn-Itsoll .an esentstse ssootitoent ; or Salle
dliti..4taaiidoitttly,,P4PEß..4lAVielliCl3,-Nelvet arid_
imitation't Borders. orAiter West style .aid handsome
.SifteetontAwitliverloi hent4:pelditiorAnd Alittosbenr. :
m a w
:11ter iilifolltetti ' tottew,ote4tsild at ifillihnio—
Vitilliftl~lttli, . slilAstilmeres:teper,Bott,
iiiit!**ll4lollo**o4 t'"4ttsWlihllNtj(tistret-rfts!sslt
f' Motown
Sititineba;nha Lehigh.
Milford and ll:lumen.
Lownington, Ephrata and Harris
Centre and Rishaenonillas.
Susonehannaand York borough.
A. V. P A. 01 4 ,8,
Secretary of the Oominon'lth.
rep 10 --ats
B. BRAN a DRYTII, hi. D.
Andtbree. signatures, thus:—
up II acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, w hich must, be promoted by art when nature
does nut do the bulginess itself. On this account, an
ill timed scrupulousnessabout the weakness of the bony
is of had_consequences; for it is.that which seems chiefly
to makeevacuations necessary, which nature attempts
after tne humors are fit to be expelled , but is not able to
accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can
affirm, 'Mall have given a purge when the pulse has been
solow thit it could hardly he felt, and the debility ex
treme, yet both one and the :titer have been restored by
it." The good edict to he derived from the Braudreth
Pills have tobe experienced to be fully believed. By
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would elmr assume their malignant foam.
To appreciate to the full extent ,iite incalculable bene
fits of BRANDRETIPS PILLS, they must he used when
the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One
dose then, and their good effects will he felt throughout
the attack—Tv IS TAKING TLIVIII IN Tied 6 that is the grent
secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising
from had blood, and I presume there are few at the pres
NIL day, will say anything of those diseases which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases - I have
yet to see.
Hoping that some who read this may be benefit ted by so
doing. I am respertlPPy ,
the public's servant,
291 Broadway, New York:
The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills
are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it.
each containing a fac similie signature of my hand
writing thus—B. Brandreih. These lobes acs engra•
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex
pense of several thousand dollars. Rementberl the top
--the side—and the bottom.
Ent red according to act of Congress in the year 1841,
by Bet jamin Rrandreih, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis
%JIM Court of the Sol them District of New York.
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only piece in Pittsburgh whete the genuine
Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sell, tile true
Erandreth Pl.l, has an engraved certificate of Agency
renewed every twelve months, anti has entered into bonds
of 8500 to sell none other Pills than those received from
. B. or his special General Agent. Mark, the certifi
cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificat
there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box En
graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engraving of
the labels on the certificate correspond with those on the
The following are Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Agents
for the sale ois Vegetal.le Unit/treat Pis, in Alleghe
fly couty, Pa.,f h
who are supplied with the ll new labelled
Price 25 cents with directions.
Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur
Allegheny, Mr. Jotss GLASS.
McKeesport, H. ROWLAND.
N oblestim , JOHN JOHNSON.
EEWARD THOMPSON, Wilklnsburgh.
Elizabel ittown, C. F. Drent..
PRESSLEY IRWIN, Pleasant Hill.
DAVID R. Cocor—Plumb Township.
Wts. O. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. [sep 10
PILES cured by the tse of Dr. Harlirh's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient PIPS
Dr. Harlich--Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the
Agency from pm for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an acqnaintance wi,h a lady of this placer who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills. :tad was
perfectly cured. Yours, kr... JAMES R, KIR BY
October 3,:1&40. Cirambersbng, Pa.
fL'Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10
11-NTERFSTING CtraEperformed byDr.Sinasnis's
1 Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginian.u.or Wild Cher
ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my family
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant ugh, spasms, convulsions, Fre,
of which I had given tiptli hopes of its recovery until I
was advi s ed to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing; the effects it had upon my child, and con•
chiding to make the same trial upon myself, whinh en
tirely relieved me of a cough t hat 1 was afflicted with u for
many years. Any person wishing to see me ran ca at
my house In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. Wit.cox.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation in our paper
and some others of this city, highly rr.commending Dr.
SWANNE*B Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
come from truly grateful hearts;exprmive of the benals
which they; have received from' that valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above Medicine, who can speak with confidence of its
virtues.:—Sittarday Chronicle.
FCLI4,3W. CITIZENS:—With sincerity I would advise
You, one still all. both sick and welt, always to have a .
bottle of Dr Swaxas'sCompound Syrup of W il d Cherry
in your houssrit is invaluable in cases of emergeney,
such as Spitting of Blood. Asthma, attacks of violent
coughing., which is often the cause of spitting of hlooo,
Violent gervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright, and various other causes, producing %real
alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure. which
are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means bang -ready a t hand;—and as I have twat Dr.
SwardeiCdmpound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
MY and always with marked summits-4 Cali
recommendrootidence:, as being one of the heat
fatally :itidirtils" which Mai ever heed Offered to the
zon , chronicle.
oVi'wnli. Thorn. Whotesale 4. Retail, 'only agent
gyp, ;M arket Street. sep
'Pr M' iii
• Res Pea
',wk..; in, gene
MeesigLl the POI Ma rket Street tina ter
Meng et
14004 ,
- Otinen or di thus -
that haw"
bYteq .s .40 „
04114 '
4/16 •
elf tliniNkothet • • .
ttri4.-reaptivki inf*in the- xik fits '
OT.PittOurgit4mdlitileinfii,*iir she bait arrifetigML .,
"red** Lobticin;tiiith a hertistifil asioitn*tit of M this
ry of tbe newest Styli. - Der clitneiton there will itaft
.y,heriaenahleltertaintriadtiketheiatestCashion loi/141-
the Ladies honor her with a shire of:their patilinn she
- pledges ,herself to'keep everything of Ibe most stylish.
description:and pay strict attention to eto.tiiimy.
It is with confidence -Sirs. recomme nds her French.
and - T.6.11 On made Corsets; also her spleribid assciriment
.of Embroidery, which is superior to anything yst ro..
dated in this country:. it ,Inclades Baty kanetritutimoi
seurs:-Orientals, Capes a la. Cardinal. - fiemi, ditto: Ser.
thus for Evening Costume. Collars Cutfsitotitet;fland
iiereh M
left, orning and tlaps, 001, vita he.
ready .thr t betr alproliat ion oil the 9th of October next.
Mrs. 'F. a5-waiting the nrriv'al ortter.ltosnet i s from
Europe, at No. - 2 Ferry street, betsreeit.4. l hrtii and
Fourth streets.
seat: 29—dtf. . .
H. H.j'ti..tol3•W GEO. P S 1311!ILTD 11 .
X AGR A VP 4- HAM wror4,...Rt!pi:nelf at Lavrrisave
/T removed their Officeto the reshicr!ce , of H Ma.
gt aw, on tours] st, IWO doom allOVe Sinititlleld. tip 10
COFLlrtelet,VileALwßeetten,DirtiooSE_ iFotertA
d fish( Ats.
Two doors front the.corner- of ,Wolad attest, Con.
scantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
.12OFF1Nii, of every OSC and derseription;eovered
ones. with Cloth: Mahogany, ;Cherry, Black
walnut, Poplar. and pine Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearse! and Carriages
(amt. - Med; Graves procured; and all egrvices widen?.
that friends may recoil e. . _ .
A credit given In all rases, either of coffin - Sot carriages,
requested. HENRY REARES; Undertaker.
sea 10
175 BBLS. WHITE LIRE, a superior actlcle,for
sale by J. G. er A; GNITIGri,
No. 12. rilmer *tree , . -
VA _cIETY.- Just received frenn Ygrk; 4 3ooo
Temperance Alma mica for 184:3; 5000 cOplesar the
Journal oft he American Temperance Thilon an d'Yolit It's
Temperance Advochte for September. A Iso-,2ooo`Chria
tian Almannes, and a goodasiortnient of:LoorniS%' age
sine and Pittshuigh, and the Franklin Magazine and Crilrl
mon Almanacs for I n 43; by • the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New PitisbaFli eta, Allegheny Bu
siness Dirctnry and Strangers Guide, for flticents. Also,
Cottage, Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Tema.
meets, David's Psalms; Akit:dist nad TemperanCe Hymn
Book , ; the beauties of Harmony, latrodhetion to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round and pliant notes; Clot&
Harp,and almost all kinds of Srhool Batiks; Gen.'s
mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledger's; Writing, Let•
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red in by the
gross, dozen ,or hot , le; steel pens, qu ills, - slrit es. pencils and
wafers;Cyclopedin of History, Wes'ern Pilot, and a con,
sideralde variety of Books arid Eiltitioll 106 , , for sate on ac.
commodating terms for cashmr . ceuritry pro,dute;
ISA AC A RRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep '2 NO. 9, Fifth 'street.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribets having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, . Stocking
Yara,Cmion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Butting,
4-c., and are prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest and most improved machi
nery, and employed the manager who has attended to the
Hoerr FACTORY for the last five years, they aremanufaeta
ring a superior artidt.
Cotton Warps made to .order,
Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the
store of .1 4- C. Painter k Co., Liberty street; or Logan
4- Kennedy, Wood street; will inert prompt. ailen
lion. Address—J. K. NI Op RITE A D C.
sep 12—ly
f RIO P EN A LEO. —Thete ti large ecass of O.:males to
1 this City who f rom their continued sitting, to which
their occupit lons oblige i hem,ate affected with costiveness
which gives rise to pal pato biro at the heart on the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending, over the whole head,
intolerance of light and soond.an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in thebow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation., especially b
meals when any exertion is used, as s,oing quickly up
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symmoths which yield al
once to a few doses of the Bra ndret 'Pills The occa
sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering,. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth P;Ils just before dinner, arc ofen found
I highly beneficial; many use them Yery advantageously in
this wn ; t hey aid and assist digest ion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition enliven the spirits, impart clear
ness to the compfexion, purify the bloOd, and promote a
general feeling of heals h and happiness.
Sold at Dr. it andreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Phisbursh—Price 2.5 centi per box, with full directions.
MA RK —The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtaitied,is the Doctor's oyvn•Of
fire. Na9B Wood street. ri
:mar M . F,NIT:: 4 I T. McCarthy, Cutler and SUrgiral
Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians, Dentists and Druggists call have their in•
strnments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully solicited.
N. B. A Winkles warranted of the hest quality, and
jobbine done as usual. - sep 10
LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often term!•
naleslo another of a more Pqrloll3 nature, if pro.
per remedies are not re=torted to in lime. In all forms
of this disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, wilt perform a perfect cure
—first by cleansing the stomach aqd towels, thole remo
ving all diseases from the Liver, by the tree of the Cer•
man Aperient P:I1P, after which I he:Compound Strength
ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those
tender organs which require sorb treatment only to effert
a permatnent cure. These Pills are neatly put up in
small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19
North EightStreet,Philadelphia. Also, for salety Sam
uel Frew corner of Wood and'Llberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa.,
sect to
A LLEN KHAN] ER, E.rehange ?raker, No. 46, Cor.
iter of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Po.—
Gold, Silver. and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
notes and hills, collected.
Pittsbmgh,Pa, Wm. Bell Rf Co., John D. Davie. F
Lorenz, J. Painter Co., Josepli WoodWell,Jamen May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson Co., John H. Brown
Co. Cincinnati, James 110Candless. St. Louis,
.10., J. R. M'Clonald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
PITO Bank Ey. sep 10
REMOV AL.—the u aderseglied bep leave to tuitlrtss
the puhtie,l hat he has removed from lilt' old stand,
to the corn r of Penn and St. Clair .51 9; . , oppositzthe Ex
change not el, where he has fitted tip a large l'hoto FORTH
Roost. and now offers fcir Stile -the most splendid
assort meet of Px &slot ever offered in this market.
Ills pianos consist of ditTeient 'patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahistany, beautifully finished and mo
delett.'illa construettlicthronithout of the very be-4 eta.
terlals,witich,for dulability. and:quality - CO . l°lle, as well
its touch, - he warrants to he superior to any ever seep
As lie has etOarged his manor:l6l(4y, and made arrange
Meats to supply theincreasing demand for this inStru
ment, he respectfully requests 'those Intending to put.
I chase to call and reamine his aispritnent beforepurcha,
sing elsewhere, as tie is detertilined to sell toiveu, for
cash, than any other. establishment east' or west of the
Corner of Penh and Bt. Clair streets,
nap 10 Opposite the EXchatige Rotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Evans's Cementite
CenvtriCATEe.—Letter front the Tian. A bleat
lan,Sullisau County, East Tennessee,Mendierof Congress
Wasuitrovoric'July 3d. 18311.
Str--Blnce I have been in thili city I have-used some of
your DYlMentic medicine with infinite benefit and salts
faction, and believe it to bee most valuable remedy. One
of.aty :onsti tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tenneesee. wrote.to me to send.: him some. which I did,
and lie has mploy.ed it very sueeesafully in his practice,
and says it is invaluable. Mr; Johnson, your agent at
this place.* thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so; I would recommenti , nr. A Carden, as
a proper person 141-oliciale for the eaten(' your celebrated
medicine. Bbottidlyou commission him he is willing to
act for you. Youican send tfie medicine by water tattle
care of:Robert Klug ir Sons, Enovrille snooty. Tenneo.
see, er by lend StkNorshem Houston, "ftseivell, - .lpia
Tenneissee. ' I haven° dinar-, but if you bed' stelae lb
pesesercouesleiiiiitasi TeeriOsee,atat deal of Midi
elnaiwouisi be ink!. I &regale: to ta anse! of 4u1 . 1 ,
for m 7 owts.loo4l4,ljoat of ley friends, _gait skink.
trilmar.froor yogi wheiheeyou would like as-figent
tit Olontyl#e,gatllvtineoentyi - East 'Ffanisilioe;/ - eair
smut of Hie spiertioatititPi4tOoti aiif live neas,there.
1 4 1 ,n 1,11110011491,110
' •
rAir. - Kr?,-1 ,
• ' '
itreg,P _
~ .
.-. Pittsburgh, 'nee 13.1849. : ..
Mr. form pgrattriqt--DearS'ic.v-littving ..beett Pre-lartl.
yesterday, at Ihe es pertmetti, which you were pleased to
make r In timpreseerceof,a,number of,,uttr. lump*, men,
of thesafetymf a Our ; I RPM 11.:11EST, in case. 4.6 re, it.
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I,.wan'eapable of
Judging, the teat-was fair; end the result eXceeded my
Tire-chest was a ornallone, about 44i ochres high,, by
about ill ot:21) inches in hreadth and. depth, and Wes, pla. -
red on a block laf wont about a foot _in. thicktimm, tnt .as
toeleva'e it aboutt hat height from the ground; several'
i ' books and newspapers were depostted,daside of it, lathe
1 manner in whichAlerchante and others _would -usually
place them—a-large quantity of light pine wood tab*
from en ndjoitring-Saw Milli] was then . placed around .
and above it, amt.the lire kindled on the windward side.
so as todrivilie,fl.ame against the back part of the diest.
The fire was kept up about three,. quarters- of -an hpor,
until you hail giniteanirmig the spectmors,and received
from them their .tudversal.answer. , that the test
. was
Eutficient. The, chest waethen drawn out of the fire,
and cooled, and opened, and examined., The conieos
were all safe. anti the only Injury done was Witte back
of one hook which appeared to be a little cuarred. From
what I witnessed, I think that,t hese . e . hests are dose. ry
ing of cott fi tteace, as affording, perholis., ills hest sectirity
to Merchants. for their books and papers, which they can
have wallow building large, lvick, ninl expert-ive vaults.
I would consider timm a better sec iritythati many vaults
i which I have seen built. Your friend.
SA 1 11.1 EL CI lUiteki. .
We concur in the ahoy." slaternenl, having been res.
sent, evnenthneheSt peas testeo.
W..M. Cooper, J. If. Shoenberger, Robt
J. I aughlio,- J. Painter, Cordell,
R. Antler, Jr• L. Armstrong, , Hoge
Thomas Craig, S. 0. Howard, J. W.,Host.
Extract of a [,ester from Pugh 4- Aboard, dated Cin
cinnati.29th Mar: h,1842- •
J. Denning,Pittsburgh,.Pa. Respected Friend: We
have t fie eat isfam ionto state ae. the test recommendation
we Can •give of the utility .of your
,1 fon safe, lad we
Nava one of theat which , vrtia.in an exposed situation in
our counting room, at the time of the fire, morn
ing of the 10t It inst, which consumed our Poik home to
miller with a large portion of the meat, lard,4-r, which
it contained; —and that our bocksand papers which were
in the Safe, - wetre entirely uninjoied, and were taken
from it after - the ffre; without ever being clisrotord.
Yours, 4;c:_ PUGII 4- ALVORD
Extract of a Letter from Stater Holbrook, dated St
Louis, Feb- 24t k, 1841.
JBE. DENNING. Dear Sir: Pile of Yearseconti elte.sl
- burned - a few riayq,nelAl, In _a leather tdare—it Pre
served its consents." RespOetßitly your 9,
y IVER COM PLAlNT.cured by the use of Dr. Har
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. W Rirhards, of Pittsburgh, Pa.. entirely cured of
the above distressing disease His symptoma were pain
and weight in the left sidc, ICSA of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations. a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron rotor, diffi
culty of bre:1'11111g.. disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
great debility, with other sVmptonts indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
hail the advice of several phy.'cians, hut received no
relief, until usin: Dr. Ilarlich's 'Medicine, which termina.
led in effecting a pe-feet cure.
Principal ORce.79 North Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
For sale in PittsbUrgh hf.cilamuel Frew, corner oF Lther
ty and Wood streets. Eep 10
Cincinnati, February 15, 1840
Dr. SWAYRE—Dear rir:—•Permit me to take the.librty
of writing to you at this time to ex . press my appmbation,
and to recommend to the atieniion of beads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Vuginiann. or Wild Cherry Bark. In
my travels of late I .lave seen in a great many instances
the wonderful effects of your medictite in relieving chit•
then of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing,Choaking of Phlegm, Asthdlintir attacks, 4.. c.
kc.. I should not have written this letter. however, at
present, although I have fe't it my duty to add my testi
mony to it for sometime, had it not been for a late in.
stance where the medicine above alinded to was lust rti•
mental 'in restoring to perfect health an , ttonly child,"
whose rasa was'almost -hopeless, in a fatuity of m nosh
quaititalifT. 0 iltank•lleaven," said the donting
er,ttrny child is saved from the jaws . of death! 0 how I
^eared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! Is
safe!" .
Beyond all doubt Dr-.. wayne's Compound Syrup of
..1 ild Cherry is the most. Valuable medicine In tills or any
other country. lam certain 1 tave witnelred more than
one hundred cases where it has been attended withate' cornat
piece sit, ess. 1 ain using It mysittlf in an sabstitt
tart of Bronchitis, In which it pi owed effectual In a ex
ceedingly sitort-tinte, considering the severity of the case.
I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I. would advise that no family should in without
Ltr; it is. very pleasant and always lieneficiat—worth
double and Oen ten limes its price. The public are as
soured there is no quackery about it. .R. Jbeasoir, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chtireh,
N. Y. -
Sold ny WM. THORN. wholesale k retail, only anent
for Pittsl,urgli. No 53 Market street. .sep 10
_HUMAN R ACC! —.• Discover
what will destroy Life. and ?Jou are a great num.
"Discover what well prolong Life, and the world will
call you Impostor." .
There are faculties, bedilij and intellectual, within us.
with which certain ALTbs have affinity,-and over whioh.
they have power."
Dr. B. Btandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment.
which, by its extracerdinary 'powers, abstrnels. Pain or
Sorene-s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swellings,'
Rheumatic. Pains, or Stiffness,. Stiffness of the Joiuts.
Tumors, l'nnaittral ilardp , es. Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup, Contractions or tbe 111nsCles. Scrofutitus eu
largeleeitts:'Teniler "Feet,alti every descriprion of in
jury affecting the Exterior of the: Roman Frnme, are
cured or greatly relieved by his. ?lever-to be soffeiattly
erdolleft remedy. _
CERTIVICP:Tr..--The following letter front Major Gen•
era! S a mtforti, as to the qualities of the'Exteruhl Reme
dy, speaks volumes'
New Yottic;Feh. 9,1843.
,Dear Sir—Will you ohtige rne with another bottle of
your excellent Liniment? It is ceriainlp the hest of, the
kind I have ever seen.: It. has ettred entirely my POWs
knee, about which was,so lineally ,and I, have found it
protinclive of immediate relief in several .cases of eater
nal iitjury in. my family. A' fem'etreninia since, my
younttest child wattseizeif with a violent attack eferoun,
which waa'entirely removetiln cwentity,taimitee, by ruh
didng_herChest and throat freely,,With tfie Riternal'ftem.
edy. I think you'onight 'to manufacture this: Liaimeet
for Aenetal use, trielead of confining the use'of lt, : as you
have iterejnibte * dAe to yoer phrilculai aiqualMances.
Yours trimly, C W. BeIi,NDFORD.:
flab.B. Res.anaireo.24l. ll fOadway. N. Y. , •
rel'ot sale at 241 Broadway, New York,. and at, his
office ,No. 9•1 Wood atMet,rittahurgh.. 1'R.106-5 0 cents
per bottle.withr.diiemions. ,
••• t • sep 10
• •• • Soctrrrsav's,o4 ll fT ,
flarrfabnrgb, August 24t h , 18424
LONOWS,TO TUE STAXS.,-.Not ice la hereby O
vert thatin pursuance of the severiiienits;elahteenth ,
nineteenth and twentieth Sectionsofthe Act of Assembly
mica the 27th day of July, I 842; preposats will he reek
ved at -the State Departritent until the tast`day of Novem
ber Oat, for the sate of elf Roden& of the Canals and
Itatl Roads belonikti to the Cortonanwesilth, for which'
IliitteAttiek,Ut per received lit payment.
'M116164%14681 Coupatty bt reqiilnsdi speclllcallY. to
stale the'Pair kale line , urtadirf or - 1411 - Road
tbepdealritia:lidretiniii:lll6 itiottintot-ittele,tvapactlve
bl'da 114014, the I;lven'ond;littiVesidellot alt da
tiet olfit.-ittetberirithiheterilifet of igirgmoilstmukiaii%
14k.c414140P117411,-1.4, vo.
...41t -Per*
~:ii:.IVIAT-NAO Es
firovideil Willi the Safely
hilts-petaled with a Ileum of the
ful you are rilt derhived ht
gtiitsEtaling thrir looms lo b;
Guard, urt.en they venal ri
The following is a list of lair
ty Guard at the Port of Potts ,
Bret on the list have the ham /
apparat Jo il is impossible for an
CANI ON, hlo
-The traveling commune, I R
before they make a choice of t
and see whether it would Att
and security to choose a Saka
passage ani freight, In prefettie
against explcaion—and that t
that this invention has the u
fifty steam enzine
it is to understand the satject,
int erest eil—hesides a ninidelof
ic gentlemen and others—Ml6(
my office, No 10. Watcr
pleasure at all ID
who will lake tile tioulde r 1::
Pep 10 C 11DI.
V A 1.17 AIS LE E 11, FTI
l'he soh, ril er offno
red rates, the re:l'pr part of 1:s
the thin -, of too, r2 l l and
(trick Warelion , es. nearly mar.l
.itnate on NI a rkel slreel oaf , :
bruins a front of ennui 54 Itel hr
I ire, or separately host:11 nuntt.
Also, a select hoildin.2 lor in . l u.
breadth, In apn - o rd of 3,i() true
fronts, ore oh the Pennspranti
WashingiOn glet‘.
A leo. the lot at
by nearly 350 rest kt ,, urth,
cant mansion house t-n /4,„,
Also. P lot with rtvo leryy
ale ott the corner orlttarleht.s
a moderate ground rent, tr•rr
as n grneery.
gen 141
.d.VIIII- ,
1: cash or anods,n quanliird'
Almost all km (ts of Coo rdry 1,
for eosn or goods di HAREM
sett 21—if Conitol.rionl
TORN II ART. Comminio
J dace and American .ital
Jno. Grier. E:q.,
Aaron Hart,
James Gicitran of Wit.
Inn. D. Davis,
sr Hanna,
Avery, Haden Jr Co. "
J no. Woodbour ne, ER1..11-
Form on which I tire. I!
Braridocbsfield, conlainir!
acres; about 70 acres of winct.
well timbered. There area.-
sod a barn 63 feel 43 4 / "I'
A Lso, about seventy acres of
be equal to that of any DOI
Ternis made known on Appli "
in the premises. WILLI.
trod Piet urs Frasr
Fourth. Street Pitts burgh.-.
ttc., for Artists, alwa , on
promptly framed ',cooler.
esi no' ice.
Particular atiention paid"'
ety description.
Persons (Wine up' 'lea m
1 theiradvanlage to call.
-111"i11TE , LE/. ft.—The ta,
Vi l to furnish paintemilt,
chase pore White Lead made
ranted &Oat, if not t•uperiOti
All ciders addressed to Durdet
/1 - Co - . No.llo Second strethr
attended to.
Pt PI ES 1 7 A Sti 11 - .4df a
_LI FifthSt:, one door . ftes
The . Subscriber rerneci:e!
Pittsburgh and vicuna. oat
'siting Shoes of his OWD Ole
where he wiil keep word,
men' of all itinds of ladiess
and shoes. ofl he it,st qualm
ces to snit the times Ile
kinds of fancy work—sur4
SUPPPr3, Colored gaiters , - s ur d
children's &islets. silk gain •
will be mode at I shortert
c all
ner. Ladies will please
asthe subscriber Reis c ootie '
any article in his line they Er
sep 10
P. S. fun et, forget the pl•
door from Anrris'slntel ii ,
Market : I fp eL '
vo ILL A 51 DIGBY ban.
1, business of 0100 4
Liberty street and 42 Sterte•
thanks to the numerous frit
firm. for the very liberal
tended to him, in conneeto t
w (slice to &Ware theca tha
merit the continuation off.
Peelfrely invite their stir
Clothng,which he offered
than bes been ever offered, 01.:
the whole of I he stock of IV:,
Bible; ar d as he Intendste ten
cash business, he feels tOre,
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