Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 25, 1842, Image 3

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ntaas.—The Nation a l,
in the anticipation tiukt
this state wont
portionment balms th ey
ens in vague-tenor
queoces.- "ft_ zaajo r i ty
constitutequo*tink le
cannot play evertheoh6
fore Jo not aee how th e ,
- of the democrats if they
We hope that untie ethe r •
game of eadeaveriagt o
of the right to govern by
to be fairly repreeentekii
whomsoever it may b e ,
duct of the c• ona in d'
when Ritner was Gove
F p i e to be !rioted Only to
ell Etat
Dcmitigo—on.Frirlay.Lite 9to
9 o'cl.,ck al nizbi.tbe Plar!ing,C,
ufaciory, .owned by Gay, Gilaw on i
quantity of dresred and nodnromed
flied by tire.
The Iron. Safe tehicb I howtteer
was an the Most eXpilised titaaljW
I . n leaf entirely red hot —I ant plea t .,l
opened al the close of the ilre.attit
a. Fa WA is the heel roma,
the utility of you/safes.
atj Oa f
IS Od.
N e!erlion for thirteen yyfr em ,,
the ensuing year.will he le
liou,e tic Monday the 24151 day of
(g 1 2i-VP
T "EAIi holder* of Pant
animal election fOrthitlettiir
=nine dear. will be *Mu the au ,
reet on NI nod y 21±4 Not. sem, •
A. 1. in 3 o'clock P.ll Alkoltay.
•ori 21 _ie. TROIA AS ill.
Pittirbotei ‘
pH E S• hl•roldera of tiiishak.
elm iOO for thirteen dirtnint
vcar, will be held at the
N,rvenilw-r at 9oclock A.ll.
oci 2I —t r. SI%
inA • UF Icl UR ED and soli
SIXTH Si - nrar one door •
net 21-Iy.
IR MS.—Severai indugmas
$l.OOO in cash, Irish to inn
Germs as near Piltshurehas
erty to sell or rent mayBudteaDj
tr leaving it for tia IP rr rerun/ - 41
11A 111 S: In/tinges/ea
oct 21 —3t.
o EIGHT-3u..t weird
Itorulsotne oil Lamm 7 llm'
Veal's Patent. Lard 12nriiis by lit
have tried an 1 a. n rtrotamend t.
roes, I;11 ,- -s and twine. A 15.3, Dnai
carpet rhai.i.
FreAir Arrival aid Eityptr
► E tlabscriber havitl just •
Carpets and Dry Goods,ao •
wants a the coannuoitY at enTea;
rush. They ear simaly solicit an •
G laary.bPicve waking t
- 1 - I,e‘r i-t,,,c1; combos as tonows.. vs' -
Rru-s.t> ll;acretai.lanWsgyitylkuli •
Itteratu. is To* ate •
Fii.r, dc. is \taxa ' •
Cosalronn do do •
4 4 3-4 1•3 4 Plain Veiwriaw 11
4 4 3 45 8 Twilled. do • ".
Carve, a ues pea i liac
a rl I
Flow 031 Goth?, all w idaw.
connection with a well feWlei
Fancy Dn Coods at as :reat a...
ott.et eslaittirl.u.eua in therny.
W. ?drill.
oci 3 , d No.llo
w Tar
A place for a food Book Keeper
tr P. A I for a a "nd Teartrer -
hand —For a NI iller and for a ss.
gev r r .11 Iller ha uses as ft Isaias II
A poly
Nolire if berebv giVea lint*
10:5, 11, a. climeni.lA Itritrade,lith
.ctrl be le , at James resaktr
a .
2 1 .! b,fr., at 10 o'clock. Jt.Y t
I:ijors Mercer aad Stewart win
Oct Icl-3t
Age.f.f. , "Sr w. Rehimps::
firer Lirerpool, who despatch '
parrs of t he Cr itof States mei
riIHE 'Subscriber would
such persoun as are •
Frirnds that he coeliac - cit e
Gr , ai ftrit,in and 'retard . " .b°
friend• here. by the abort
most reasonable terots• in
pasnee.s will avoid Hit
time ao much complained of
impositions practised or
and the
irresponsible agents 'eV •
r,d that every ditrand
their friends and alt •Itybo Erg
may not embark can bare It t
l`artY from Whom it was a
' forming to the document sdei
nwill.—He also feria pleaFure .
has considerably eiVDCdr bit
assn's for the paygpAlO
1;u-ow/limo Engtand; lrehtEKo...r
further particulars apply
r more,
n 1 I he
♦ a. 78,
1 25
Or to s
Hari Cider tilsaers, WOW
Pairaf srauste es* dttottifol
The wage of your i t"
a never faolift remedy preterit".
uPen not having «Sigved S Fr
cation In
Mee boors from S S. it. ol
Now 1 the Ufl er To r
Conhas, Cotets. Cbtrisistiegh,..4
aalicteLa speedy curtain be ArA
PEASE 'S 1101 1,-
which la aliewed by an wvow;,l
remedy ere , offered foram
an ord ward reran dy. witb
G 1.1*.e.1
/ 7.,
'toward appticalsowiiss
*o ewl ,
the ReerWirw, Graor:.
No one need sire IWO 4010
the stove warciveN,
t rill
k. tied
. roe le.
r pub
it by
e Ma
ki now
octl4- 11 "
appro,el o .- 74
I lgreog ,
.- - ...i.••-
BER 24, 1542
affair o '
lon learn that J. II • Da
te, Will deicer
le:tare be-
Furne evening this creek.
the celebrated lector
uca:;on, is in this city,
lecture in 'lie course of
Mr. T. is an efficient
5 e 01 general e3ucation
will n doubt be found
nti instrueive
,e western Penitentiary.
ii be instituted at this
by indictment, against
be Western Penitentia
,urpase of testing their
le an,' sell articles that
,n with free ldbur, and
.d shoes.
m ,d by persons living
who art e ngaged in Ihe
uficure; and who allege
has been injured by the
e H Cio Penit ntiary, at
nw. The bill of indict-
t to the Grand Jury dur
It poured down pretty
lerdil. That's right,and
itig kof the neather
•pt the tha:ks of the citi
‘ the lyiat men io partic-
i:u .t•nou eh we have ne
rn t a 'e sun shine,
Elpstick and a la Drama,
in relation
ast Liberty. It must
s bffrir —that is certain;
old n, t have keen there.
d have on several
a taste of their quality.
bj , cr, we would like if
.1 give us s ort.! informa.
ILat knd ot musicians,
r,-ni , ule.ti , ,ns in a butch-
Len ;urt-d LLeir lady Lives
; lre ;;f a bed bug)
.:cs of ihrtr tin hortis,
,•yr. I e the pwer. (hit
(.• t been created is the
~ i alT‘ wh eh w,
I V 3,1 I risk Lave
, t of some
'II, V' Towo.hip
•rv. Leis
.•:.• rl a' ,nrne
; ; In I wok a
W .of r vi CP2
a^irr , .. h., ‘vaa
r , 1 , , r.l'f•l ue
,i ~lr~.~
1 knots'
fl I r!
al anti fl 1 • C Spir
ore , rtunitr, I hope You
wtht Iv .7tlilll i Tow 11.
J. T. P. .
)!I CHnvention" were
,)1:1 i, folly eK—
riiv n.,w •4) clienver,
'in on a grey h9rse?'
(d A crest
, s of Fourth and Smith-
R great excitement yes_
account of an attempt .
citizens of Kentucky,
i,f fugitive slaves. who
r residence in Cherry
notwithstanding it was
s entirely defeated, and
ngh the assistance of
rs, escaped.
livion of Ch..rry Alley,
spirits and yellow,
and visited our Ken
- ~w ls of indignation.—
ence on either side—
s prevented by the pre
and Mayor.
the fallowing letter
ension s it describes
from the same tree
'le els taken, filled a
We are compelled to
Jeffeisoo friends are
But it will Se some
to learn thit Mr. Stur.
are compelled to yield
se his own words. "a
'agave Ce., 0 .00.11. 0.
a notice of fuure
I said by the baluvr,...-10-
- Whicik:yon will find twigs
-cc in Weight and lathes
hick you will plane imp r o
'Tom:Very Ittypeetibuy.
_ -
cossuidna lots. sir
Bark of PRIM/wok. Pa
Merck. * Mae. bk. INN
Ezchance beak.
Bk. of Geritastamo .. -**
Easton talk. l.
Lancaster bask, --418
Bask of ChellerEO. .:
Panmerebk Mitelks-Co., _ -
o roe wow.
Doyle sous Sk .Ao 110001se, -
Bk of N America NA L ~.. Ireatt.likcolimalho,
par ium
Bk of Northers lAtet , Lik!costor,
Commercial bk. of PK. 'ot BUM;
Par. 4 Merlmaie* Mt. o marviNe.
Keaskactott lA.o - - .Mt:. Lake Er*
Philadelphia Mt. . • Far. bkioi Cooley. .
Schuylkill tik. . o flrloria -
Snot liwsrk bk. “ INDIANA.
Western hk.•
to bk.* Branches,
Ilk. of Pennsylvania, Slate Scrip,
Bk of Tana Ti. par KENTUCKY.
Mau. # Mechanics bk.. 8 All banka.
Met:basics bk. par ILLINOIS.
Moyamensino 141. 9 Stale bk 4 Branches,
Girard bast, ASh‘witeeioara,
U. Fives; bank.. 511 VIRGINIA.
Lumbermen.% Warren. I.s l Rank of Virginia.
Frank. Mk Washington, par do Valley.
Miners bk of Poi fissile, 6 Far. bk. of Virginia,
Elk of Montgomery Co. par geritan,Te hank,
Mon. Mr Brownsville. 2 V. Wes , . hank
Erie Rank. 5 Err. *Mee. do, .
Harrisbor...h kink, 60 MARYLAND.
Far. bit Lancaster, 21Rab 'Moore Banks,
Rk of Middletown, 51 Country Batiks,
Rk of Chamherst arzb, 6 DEL k WARE.
Carlisle. hank. All Banks,
Bk of Northumberland, 5 NEW JERSEY.
Columbia bk 4- Bridge co. 2.1 All Ranks, par aed I
'Rk Rtnnvelmnna Co. 9 NEW YORK.
Rk of Delaware Co. par Chy Batiks, par
Lebanon bk. 6 Ccornry banks,
Ceti yid.urgb bk. (scifety fond) 1 a 1
York bank, Red Bark. 1 to 1
Far..fr. Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLAND.
Wnynestairgb, 6 Pastor Banks,
I pr
•• • Currency notes. 6 Country ..- ••
lione•date, 2 LOUISIANA.
W rawly,. heat. 12} Orleans Banks.
Fins-Writ State Scrip. 54 NORTH CAROLINA
Country do do 6to lllRanks, 2i
Rerks Co bank, 501 SOUTH CAROLINA
Lewielow rt. 101 flanks, 2J
Towanda.—l II& COLUMBIA
Mount pleasaat bk
Far.* Web- bk of Step
Belmont bk t,f St. Clair&
Marietta bk. Demand
do Currency notes, 2
Columbiana IA New Lis
bon Demand, 2
do Post notra. 2'
Cincinnati specie pay-
Icinks., 2
Merh.k Traders bk of
Ci 3
Cli"tou IA or c o lumn ...A,
Demand notes. 2
Circleville, (11. Lawrence
Cashier) 2
Zanesville bk. 2
N. TV. Corner of Wood 4 Iph Sts.
THE proprietor= of ay. MORNING POET and Mtnettlir
aso NlAwrracTraut respectfully inform their friend',
and the patronsof those papers, that they have a larue
nd well rhergen aten,rtn enl or
ar COD MC "31P - MIETW"'..II
I‘.`Nlif) A1:73 °rel.( 1111 TR.M:e.Z_r3
Necessary to a .1.,b rrittling . Office. and that they are pre
211 kitibs of. Blanks,
siege, Steetabeat, and Ca.ad Boat Bills, 'silk appro
• wr:r.r..
Printed on the shortest notice and mast rrasonahle terms
We reiiperquity ark the patronage of our friends and
h e public In rentrai in thin hranib of oar Easiness.
Pitist.ur:ll, SeiV . 39: 1942- PHILLIPS 4. SMITH.
i 1 , ,1,
d Hut!lle& Manufacturer of Iron and Snits
kt t N 0.25. Wood A., Potsburit t. nen
..11 . ,1
LsFOR :3 %L E.—Four hots in .lauclie-ter. One
4 fourth Acres of laud on Holmes' Hill. Lots
4'. 42.51 53. 54.181. IR2 and 154. in I.lrok's plan
or L nn itolones Hill Also, IsOIOS nOO 26 and 27. in
Conk': n'nn of Lotf on High 'limp:, near the new extort
(louse For terms apply to I. W. REMINGTON_
rrc. rep 10
r•IS +ri (!re
al • i / , 1 ,i)
GEORGE W. 1.4Y.NT1. AllOf API/ al Law. Office
Firth street., Gear the Theatre. Pittsburgh.
sep 27-1 y
1 10, ICHOLSO.V LANDS.—Ia ourscranee of a decree
..The Nicht isOn four: of Pleas of Pennsylva
ilia." t h.: tCommis-ionersof iliPegate of John NichoLon,
will offer at fluidic sa',e, at the Exchange Hotel. in Pitts
burgh. Pennsylvania, on Monday, the 24th of October
next. at 10 o'clock, A. M..the following described tracts of
hind, si. it.t.l in the Stale of Pennsylvania ,to wit;
TRACT OF LAND situal2 Gt Weituloreland co.
-A LSO --
643 Tracts of Land in Erie coolly
264 Tr T'S of Land in Mercer county.
-130 Tract of Land in Butter county.
312 Tractsof Land in Beaver covoty.
-80 Tracts of Land situate in Venanp coon 1.
-63 Tracts of Land situate in Warren county.
-7 Tracts of Laud situate is McKean county.
-19 Tracts of Land situate in Jefferson county
3 Tracts of Land situate. in Armstrong manly
17 Trort. of Land situate to Fayette county
For a farther description thereof. nee bilis and other
newspapt rs pti• I i. , Men in the respet live count ies.
The land will to sold In troisty the debt doe the Com
enonwealth of Pennsylvania, by John Nicholson, and se
cured by Priscal and Judicial liens. dated in December,
1795, and March 1796.
The Commissioners wilt attend at the Ifschanee Hotel,
in Pittabnegb„ from tbel lib of October until the day of
sale. to :One Wirier infirm:Mon.
The terms ofsate be—tea pee cent. at the liaise of
Pate, and the balance In fear renal payments. ke.
rataißOM. Ceirgaisimrs
Nicaotao, Casataaascae Orries./
Harrisbargh, Pa- depi. 3.1893. 5 ar.p.26-As
we aiv. 90. aferkat at., hawses iftk ind Disinad.
TllESaborsibarowbols about declining the airy Goods
bushiest. wilt dispose of his sloe* ii coll,Jor /*Mk
slaty. it consists of black. blne black. invlsiblegreen and
olive Claim Cassiseses and flabilietts. of all colors;
Plume's of all kinds and colors; Boaverteens and Mole-
Ettrants. Pilot Cloilr; Moose. ae Laines. patio mid limed;
otielm Cietb.a solondld amide for ladies' dreminTiCk•
Ings.Gblotaesalid Calicoes. a barge onsortseat;
ildemeloi sad itobieschati Giagbani, Piedra *till Table'
Ligin,Beinolo.lllll4, all kladitatitO Witte% Gierna• no ,
dewy. libocks sod llosiottodemillerine. Lambs* Wool sad
Collo. t %ids sad Silks. &tins. plain 'sad alga
rein ads amid Mirk. Verivim Oteatierbees gimes
I *.inolor ' ll nratl l4 1 0 1 - 11 andolitad Il!Obson. irtweada. La
6114 104 1 . 5 M1 111 0 1 / 1 0 1 .
Tbe yosltliq tbeittlasibsiloretkita
r OA" tiNklaeldiverillbssitilitut.
News. ;
Good Ba.kg-
Bankt.. 8
Rk. of St. Clair, 5
Do. oin. .1 4. B. Smiib 5
cnod haat.. atos
S'istern Exchilagr.
New York,
Hal knot*,
Weslen, Evb,harige.
Cleveland, die
Wheeling, Par
raminl to execute
Bins or Lading, Circulars,
Bill Hpads, Cards,
Blurt Checks, Hal Tips'
priate Cut,
420 Tracts of Lan , ' in Crawford county
-A LSO--
14 Torte of Land sOuate in Indiana couoiy
-A LSO--.
ger weed sespeditally io4orso bit old exbdtrteer"/a
taisi44 - tbat be ins tbiiday associated Itb *iv A. me.
'Dwaine. limier Mediae of S.
,seller t Co.. aid waned
his fair business ordealeria Iron sod lUDs. at bisold
staid, 110.53. Prost si., belief= Wood :aad Platte sau.
A resewal of big old closeout. and the patronage or she
piiticrinerally, Is tesPertf,HY regdolta-,
Pittsburgh. Apti/i, 1841- Slldo6l. KELLIIII,
sep 10, A LEJVIS. WiLWA IN.
3311• OBEKT FORT ER , Attorney at: larm,—.olfiet
IL on HaPeoriver of For it and Soli bfield asa. arc 10
LIERAILV at It elltnran.flistoricat,Politicalainil liis
ci-IlineconsWeake. win be open every -day, Saiihatti
anted. ' . 101:13 I o'clock. A. !/,. until 9, P. M., ht the Ex
change Buitding,coxoer of Et !Clair strectand Cubango
attey• where punctual attendance will be given 14 ,
seP 10 CEMMIL.
MUSIC SCHOOL.-1 1 1r. Itayiey hereby would re
spell), inform the citizens of Pitisicirgh 2ed vi.
dotty, that he contemplates forming a school immediate
ly, AM the morpase oftearturiv the useful art or Imam
mental atm.-ie. Ile pledges himself to the pahlic, that his
method of instruct ion ts syst emat le and wieattfie,atid that
no pains shell be spared to facilitate the more:mot his
Ladies will he, waited us at their respective residences.
Mr. tt hacrestured his priers to suit the lumro.
For particulars femme cal! at Col. Trovithes, near the
Allimbet.v am 8-1 w
WILLf it ELDER. Attorney at Lau": Office In
liakeweti's Ittnitilines, :early oppoai'e the New
Court House. on Grant street. 30—y
LAscAsren,Ort. 3d,1843.
Irt , To Dr. TIIOII.I/.-My Dear sir: I cheerfully and
cordially embrace the present favorah'e °priori ity to re
turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your ou
rs:ima& and unexceptionable invenCon of your very
justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wash, and I real that
I am in duty bound to say that I have derived the great
est and most beneficial effect f,oni its frequent and mode_
ale use: and I can assure soil that I an exceedingly hap
1 py to have the pleasure of ,nforating vou, that sincerely
and rordlalli speaking. I can in jastice recommend its fie
queni ttxtsallthat unfortunate portion of the human
race throughout the he who are now nuderrning the
most excruciating pain for the want of a niedirme
ration of exactly the snare nature of which yours is prepa
red, and whn have for years been suffering from life in.
paces, destructive and pernicious effects of worthless
tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In
conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Toot
Wash bat for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly
convinced that It is the best now known. its inestimable
virtues in preserving the teeth, (which II kept in a good
and handsome condition, is the greatest enibetishmebt
that adorns the human Structure.) are not to he excelled
in easing and releving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring tne gums to a heats liv and purified condition. and
diving also a sweetness and fragrancy tu a disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown.
Aorepi my sii erre wish for your stirrup., from
Yours. truly. JOSEPH rat !TIDIER
nership formerly existins under the name of
Smith, Royer k Co., at the Bowen Works. was di,--eolv
ed 2711, Sept's . . last by t he withdrawal of Samuel Smith
from the firm.
A. N. Mcl OWELL,
Pitt-bar 2 h, 11th October, 1812.
The mannfactnrinf of Iron and Nails from Jun ata
ISLAM& will be vmtit•ueti al the Bowen Work:., by ihr
subscribers, under t lie firm of Tut bell. Royer and
ell, who are an.ply prepared to attend to all orders in
I heir line on the most liberal terms, and by renewed at.
I. !Ilion to Lusines< hole to merit a continuance of public
pat roual4e.
Bowen W..ri(Q, 11 00.1642
N R. ThelinAi;,e-F 4JI SEEOh, fLoycr k Co_ will I, e F'-er
tied on at the old sand, 1.3 Turhe:t, Royer k
Oct IZ—d2tv
TursT • ereiv , 4l a ,uperior art.ele of I.ee ¢ Ca'it- Lard
(iii warranted in !turn at aoy Temperature, for t -le
at the Lard Ott More in Third atr eet r nearly oplawde the
bei 12-1 w
SUBAGS prune !reef. Rio Coffee,
30 packnfrg Y. 11 .In.rwria I and Gunpc,wder Tea?,
20 hbfs la rre No. 3 Mackerel,
6 buxes Sperm Candles,
API 11 - 1 w
1, 4 1u1t SALE OR BARTER h' 1'11..5;411'2n Manular
inreP and Could re Prolnee-6 half hexes of eho,ce
Cavendish Tobacco, t lilies: and prices--331j1 hush.
ells of Flax•,ed Cake in hio,, in iolf 10 F4l it rn _tn i nerg .
IS; AC HARRIS. A.'l. and C.:enn. Alercha
No. 9 !Nit slreet.
SU AR& :940 :Aids O.4ar
40 tad, l'iawat ion 111Wasses,
50 ‘• Sulzr House do.
For sa'e hy
Or' 4- G. ¢ A. GORI:ON.
on Rate R,o Coffee. For sole by
1 1./ on 4. J. 0 - tr nos'
Xl4.—L.an , SCROOL.—The Trustees of the
Western University of PealLsylvania announce to the
public that they have en ahliAted a Lave School in CUll
nectioo with the University, in which will be taught
Muncinal, International, and Constitutional Law in all
ti.eir bt ancties-
The mode of instruction will he by recitations, lectures
and occasional moot courts, as in similar institution...
The rear will consist of two trr qa of four and a hair
The ftext term will commence on the second Monday
of November next.
The tail ion fee is 537,50 per term payable in udvar ce.
W•LTAII H Lowirit. Egq-, a olemlier of the Mosher:ln
Rar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great
pleasure In annonocing that they hare been able in se
cure the services of one so well qualified for the station
by reason of his legal arquirement.s. and pariicntarly of
one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman.
The annexed recommendation will furnish satisfaction
to all his qualifications as Professor.
The trustees haying been Induced to e 1116'
school from a view of the serious disdva ntares attending.
the studies of law, in the office of practising lawyers and
DIIO the very obvious ad ea alarms which Pittsburgh pos.
SL.SPE over most other places in the West for the estate
lishnient of such an ingl nation —Here is a most Indust ri
ous popuation. The student will see around him exam
pies ofindustry and energy, and very few temptations to
indolence and idleness. He may become acquainted
with business in all Sts forms. Our Courts tre - sitting
nearly all theycar round, and there is perhaps no place
la the West where a greater variety of cases and princi.
plea arise for di4COSSiCaI.
The Committee are desirou.stbat all persons Watling to
avail themselves of ihe advantages of this school. should
do an immediately by calling and leaving their names at
tue office of Waster H. Lowrie. Esq., on Fourth street
or by addressing him by letter, post paid, so that ail sin
dents may commence at the opening of the term, or as
early thereafter as possible.
azalea tT?POLD,
Jona T. rar.ssix, Committee
A.NDW. W. shies, I Education..
Taus. P. name. I
We take a pleasure in recommending to the confi
dence of the public, Walter A. Lowrie Ems., Professor of
Law in the Western Eniveridls of Pennsylvania, as a
gentleman eminent for his sound legal learnins and ;LAM
ties, and in every way qualified fo - the duties of the office
to which be has been eiected.
Oct 4 If
ticIAL7 —4OO ii4s No. 1 Sal!, jest received. and tor
I/U sale by J. W. 1117811110GE . 4. OM,
- veCood sirrot.
411 - VISW.II.-251tales Olikest. ou haul and for side by
J. SV. SIISSEIOO 0 -41. CO..
75. St waiver
20(Kr17s1Wso1'or idokoe
Me010111101.40111,14047'41111 it
11P1,001 -ar - A•4:1 • _ - 40:04
2, - •
_ _ _
received and for Wile by
Cnrner of Ha od ittld Liberty Fl
roes a- GIBBON. chief justice and
mkOLTON C. ROGIZRIS. ,Justices of the
CERA. HOSTOIII, I Supreme Court.
11. C. SUM. Jo - 44es of the
esufteisestatia. , District Court.
remiss minx. U. S. District JUdge.
SZlf,B PATTON. 3e PTVS. Quer. Seek
•ll:''''lltit4krih.ts44‘ lops teetriship Vallee ristris the
rOffri#stawiti,ssorttaielailisrlierlet which
at 'it *teed, eitilwade.r reacts, frost Is 020 acres Or
OlOodol*::2 geoVittseharde ApPiws. rate reach "and
Cherrytrees--the c iatprovetaerita 'are* taigirraise Imps
eoetaienes 10 resew wettlaistatted.calcatated for ri
Oct* o. soiirate Dwelling, a name Bare 23 t,7 60,ottrye•
ihildoinet-ead aloartax,sbeds t trd other ant 'hoaxes ark
*l4e, ibr a letritteut:-2 good Gardens sortwatidea with
ealretlllt teeth*. cad* well of exeeitent grater, with *
potoprit ettherroritdaor.. fn relation to the Fittihtwe.l
italFAilftilibr[asairk eljbere i ao place now offered far
withatibrtiadaceowet to Mow wiabine to panchase
near Pittsburgh; toe tense. wits he at
made oderate, for
further particulate:apply to ase proprietor at his Clothing
[Store. Liberly street. comer of Vitals
N. B. Iruoz,sol9 before the Ist of Otiobeir.
will he itiiiided iute 10 and 20 acre lots tegial PinVita'
PPP in
Hairie's latellig.ence Office.
SgFERAL good teachers can be fuerthibe'd to ictionle
in loam or country. A gaol female leather, well
reentnniended, with the ad va Maces of extierienee.lisisbes
a place in some respectable psi - trate family. she will lake
ellarge of a pubfic - schooL Places wanted for several
clerks and boys. mechanics. waiters. cha naterinalds, girls
for all wok and laboring seen. All kinds of business
done at this office for strangers and others visiting the
city. Perso s needing, an agent in any thing, will find
here tong experience and a thorongh knowledge of bust.
N. R. A tall painted pole stands before the door
THE sulstc ;fliers respectfully call the attention of
their friends and the pril•lie Eefferully ,to their pre.
sent assortment of Pupae/Maris/a. which contains a
tar•ge and extensive variety of mitt erns of ' he followl ig
dcerintions, a filch urine inspection Will be found to be
of superior qn alit y a nd
Pleased Wall rapers, of at! derenptions, fee paperinz
100111! and entries, at 2.5 cent. per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers. neat and liandmme patterns, for
paperingrwrini and ar 371 cants.
American Wall Paper, of their own manufaethre, for
1,311 S: Fre-FrO and Liter sty/rs for parlors and
Chattiher.,ou fine gtazeli grounds.
Fres h Hall Papers. Deveraliss and Fresco patters's., in
plain anti • ich coTor'f, s old and silver paper.
Velvet and Insilatiaa Borders.
Landscape Papers, in sells, for popering hotel.., halls
and diniii rooms, at reduced prices.
Free Board Prists, Statues, Orme-mewls, 4-e.
H inflow Blisd Psyrr, plain and figured, of diffetenl
Western merchants and cabers are respectfully invited
to Mill and examine Iler;r stork and pokes. od" which last
a literal discount will be given for cash.
Frost lase ex:wrienee in the lusiness. they are able to
manufacture paps-rs in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep op the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive theencouragement ilif hertoso bherany extended.
No 43, 'Market street, between 3d and 4th
PiltsbnrEb, Srpt. 13.1842.—dawit
S. ATL LINE of Splemlid ranger Stecita Pack
e' from d ^: ll° SI. Louis
The i1eva,vn , ...”11.1.1.,ni running . e Hz. hi draught giftnal
Preto West Wind and Nonpareil, will run an regular
f'arlirts, from Cincinnati to St. Laois. Will leave Cin
einneli and St. Louis every Wednesday mOrning, at J 0
Pa, - aem_rerF from the Fist and West may rely open
t heir stariur. pun - t ually ariverlilmd. sea 10
1 011 N BIJT1'GRIV4)11"1'11. .6lacctioaeer- and Cr•wttnis.
ft, sion -11erekant, Louisville, KY., Kilt attend to llv.
ie of Rlnti roi rtrf.. 4-c
4-c. Tle-zn r Tne.dziy. r.tiv. and Fri
day MOrilin2 , - a 10 o'r loci., A. N. Cd,il ittiVilllCCii made
on ransirim.e is F.rn 10
50.VX1..; TS CJIP.S, 4-c
T HOOK E. regneerfrotv invites lie Ladle= ritiF.
of • vici n ity to 1.7.01 and examine his eery
Ikandsonw a.PAoritllllPra of r, ors' 14olnet::, tha t he aril
onrn 19.St.Chtir strrer.dirreirr opprr-ne
Ure Ezelsatoze the!, are toxic of rich inareria.s and
in the Loom fasionn• Orr -2q-31,l
.9.1'1) 1380.11 STORE. 2 Si.
Clair srre , .
it' id r and ;r ote O~lc,
Lace and !if u,litt cora r-.
infant:L.,' frock watta.. , ,
{allies, Frevrh
Lisle Thread and r (mon Cloves.
Black Mohair nets for Veil:...--very "cheap
A lar g e a c,..orrropid of Ett..lt , li Straw rtitrtllP F.
Also, a variety of Straw. plain and fancy Tuscan braid.
of the talcs! Cishion. ano at exceedingly low rates.
These goods are new stliiieg i f at prices to twit the
t inter.
Ladies are respectfully ir.rited to call and purchase.
spp J6—if
Pirrafgabbc Ream/rt.—The extreme tirmuiy of the
Tml it. their indispensatiM use, and the frequency of their
decay., basted to many inventions for thelemrservation;
yet Itow to tire- serve them in a slate of health an pri4ine
beauty., to the latest periods - of exi‘teore, was entirely
unknown until the di , corery of the above invaluable
preparation. It forms a pure nurture Of vet
etatile inercrlients, and is Immesmid of the m.
odor. It eradicates tartar front the teeth. removes sp o ts
of inripient deeay. rmit4tes :tad preserves the enamel. to
whieli it gives a omarl.like whiteness, and. lima •in
ketirie properties. possesttes the virtue a gi vi it_ sweet ticSS
to the Meath.
Set/ Scorbutic, the Clime - alnosliaTe in itstrans
eedent power. , ; Srurvey is eradicated from them, a
heathy action and redress in iodoced. which offers to the
witice of the medic) practitioner indobitalle evidence of
their iientibful slate. I , bas teen examined and used by
several of the hest ol,ysiriatts of thin city, who have no
besiilalion in recommending it as on excellent waeli fur
the Teeth, Coin: etc.
Amoo2 lac recoomiendatious to the above are the fol
Having tried Dr..iThortt's Tea Berry Tooth
and heroine aequainied with the ingredients of its compo
sition. I cheerfully saY, I consider it one of the safe.st, as
it is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wast es non• in use.
Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
take ple"isitre in seating. having made use nf-•Thorn's
Tea Perry Tooth Wash." tl r t it is one of the lie. 4 den
trifii-es in use. Bein= in a liquid form. it combines neat
nmis with convenience. White it elect. es the enamel
cart n moves t he tartar from the teeth, it. P•rfumeyetds
a fragrance peculiarly desicat le. J. P. TIBBETTS. It. D.
The undersigned have used •Thorn's Compound Tea
Derry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to he an extreme
ly pleasant dentifrice, elerrising a moat "signory infln.
',twee over the Teeth and Gamer . preserving those indis
pensable mennters from premainire decay. pieventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. use.
ins thoroughly tested its virtues, lee take P/P 2 Snre in re
comniendino it to the public, believing It to be the best ar
ticle of the kind new in use.
RosEntso.v, JAMES P
J -4i "CHE , -CH. JAS S CRAFT.
H L RPM WALT, L S .iaturs,
Prr pared only by WILLIAM THORN, Apothecary
soul Cheitti4, No 5. Market street. Pittsburgh; for site at
sit the principal Oritr,,lste,and Tattle's Molicat Areney,
Fourth sareet.
17(1 Day6er, 1812.
SEALED proposals will he tereived atthis Detainment,
unlit 3 o'clock. P: 11. of the 13th November next,
for furnishing the fleece:nary rtraterillsaod constructing a
Depot far the preservation of the Claes and Inmrome_nts
belonging to the Navy, with its necessary observatories.
granite pits, &e.
The Depot to consist of a central kidding of fifty feet
square., .With wings of twenty five reef' length and
eighteen feet wide—the whole to be built of brick.
Plaasand specifications will be exhibited at this De i
nutmeat. to persons wishing to bid for the muse. The
excavation to be completed the present winter. MI the!
materies to he furnished of the hot quality. and the I
work to he done in the bem and most woriumudihe man
nu, and to the entire sails/action of the: iitier : eneerin. l i
heading the construction of the bujldite. , littipstente to.
be made:not cdlerte.r than once &month, modihnittn4ite]
billsterithed br the -"PS,fire l eg 4l "; 14 ,Wvati!Vilti tte, *_;
by the Secretary of the navy. resetviseg. tent:riyreenti
all bills to collateral security. gnat tie eatede- -shill be
compiehht to the entire eatiafaelbon of ti nplitta
A:bond for tfie faithful perfennasaeof,altd, - ellyitatel.
witkleuttratisfaeture neeeritiem --bniefetertn
wed the maintated itinnuni of dm. Irbil%
_ - , •
i t , IS
ort- • -
..d vb. aid* . woo," P. MU
.milaikiipkiik- Wilt
billt i e r a4 Sew Tadg 4 , 78 4 1444 th i s s Paula.
WWII " lII ' 4610.114-TOOkiloll , - , --
• -0%4417,04it.,
*• ' ardise*
-,,,,;:; - „, , -_,.'.. t -,.. - ,f;.; .1.;,÷-,, ...., - --s.'" , -- - -'•
rvu irCAND LESS,
t -- , ..twr,
trim the
. PdalsM , airTisothitZl7.oltliij.; iii#lo4l4ll StO.-it
las 111mtai*IflaatiewskatiMila
110O4fil ar tiltiltik 414* at altiale.leitjlieler ag7
mins biatteemfir *hi Zalaaa•
Thireiyarhiseeafshat laakiariest dam*. Iffs:amlais
het of aly havilarliees urice,illiietlataMmelMietliefes
Dr. R. lathe pmetkisf mhdllelhe, ea askloi
peeled sitilva Tara.) mattes Me salads* aqq *CAM
aserhsif his alai.
Sa all'vesalase. 10,eatimal. mkt yet so safe. iii t eates.
thesepillmbal teethe last Ise 'Mesa my prheslea six
the care °to:break eseases, mbateseaesrr.sadAare
at females la paniest!ax.l brim aged mama them this
all faber ewdirieM
Like every 01Mar; illetiehe. - Win Mime to
stanancbot it sty bagels tbelge Olaf We to a td
melt and More saibract leo la 'Se admeitainlitioa er gbas
one remedy limo of ad Mbencits geed Mkt* MM dams
quite melba idolise mr. -
If my pettiest reap fined a yore apeeleat Oliaoittile abler
before of alter parietals*, the billatantifile Were**
the tbias i erasesd.
Vis dyspeptic acid etrat*tbin of the meaubell, combined
with costiveness or lerveriviiy oflbe Hwy cessebsded the
dieseve ior my patient- tbe pills wets Jam gbe Atm 1
• H. treated a raw reqnirled ar eprepgapjt. the
Wilton's pills were tat the thing I wasted.
If Poteltation, headache. flashed coaniesance.se ashes
difficulties, 141 db-iota! a disturtantee otitis arculadory
and nertslosn FY - steam. astanyed sty patient at the -tare
or we,' the Wig's pills merriest the thlag I wanted.
Thais. without resu,et to the name. a damage might
happen to wear at Om time 11 hire had "It order treat
meet, particular Indications or sympions arising. were
ano4 promptly nod man happily sews y the
That no great a number of diauties.aad romelltsnesalL
pareatts opotedte ones. in which I have tined them Ohs.
should be mufti mere readily by Owen than by gay other
remedy. may at oral mem stratum asd comOradiciory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind at that a great many
Persons should tecitute thirsty foam :a mum! tlillinees
fn. eA. and vet al require that common and greatest of
all htessines. Water to quench their thirst.
In cnncittrion, it le dna tine tramlines of t'e anntklai
and tire pubilc, to say deridctry aad uncondittonally. that
the wits• Ws pills are meanly combination f bare ever
met with In my lona renew of prattler. that mina paw
mirnaoythiny ratathrear speedy for sick hcadarba,
roaninVe. DR. MILD *DADS.
The *hove Pilia designed partieniaily tint tine sick
Haed.Ache. Dyspepsia. Conetipatino of the Rowels ♦e..
prepared by the proprietor Dr. M. A. Wilson. *oil for
sok., whoksaie and retail. at his dwelling Fa Penn loreet.
below Mar' nry. Oct 1
1 7 5 7 I :CM . 11 :
" ki t r e f %Vl: *
WILLIAM E. A orris. 1141.. will _he his stleirtion to ay
unfinished business. and 1 rernmsnewd Ma in the patron
ace of me friends. WALTga FORWARD
cep 10-19
%VAL STEELE, (Aicresso r to H. IH"Ckiskey) Fasb
iona'le Root Maker. Liberty st... 2d door from
Vrain t lley. The subscriber ivsnectfutly Informs the
public that he has commented the above Unities* in the
shop formerly acennied by Mr. 'Henry brelmikey.
and that he FORMwprepared to attend to all orders in his
line °Nosiness with despatch and on the most otwanable
terms. From his 10111 experience in the enanutoclure of
Fashionable Boots, he feels I-solidest that all articles
from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa
irons. A sbai eof public patronize is respectfully solicit
ed. sup 10
mEcri i NICS' latlepe.dest Tringsperietias Liao 1.
PkiLodelpiia and Balthousre. For. Trouper/is;
ilerckardize to a■d fres Piiivirargh. via 7Yas Maier
ard Penssylvasio Cares.
The st.iek of this Line consists of the lima ease Spring
Cars Metal Roofs, and New Decked Tide-Water Boats,
cun•ataa.ded by sober and experienced Captains.
Merchants hy this Gine are enal4ed to have 111 , 4 r
Coads shi•tped aad►eap. and with as mach d. swatch...ft
by any other Line. One Boat will leave daily from the
font of Willow street RailEtoad OR the Delaware. in Tow
of a Steam Boat, which is kept eiprmaly for that par
The Prnprietnrsyvill sive their "I hole attention...int
re.peettinly invite We Mrrehaau ID give Hum a
can. as they will find it mach in their adynntare.
Alt goods eousidned Ari Belinda! 4 co. toast
wive or •ia Delawarrand Raritan eons,, will be receiv
ed at their warehoww.forw of Willow street Raft Road,
Philadelphia, where roods can Aie pnt dirtily firow the
Vessel jaw t he Boats without additional handling or ex..
from railed. to Hotidayaborg
From Holidavehorth to Pittabortb- •
J AMES DICKEY k Co., Cwaal Barer, Liberty greet
Pit t-h•irel.—..ftevars
Htta►tc 4• R :sea, Willow greet wharf,l
- on the Deleware,rit Phitterhelphia,
JOSEPH E. Et.sea. fialligore, 1. digests.
11. L. Parma:cow, liolidayshorgb. •
Ref •r to merchants generally titroaghon. the city.
el. 15--of
Surgical Instnsment Manufactory,
169. comer of Liberty Oaf Siva Streets.
CA ff TWRIGHT rental , irk sincere thanks te tbe
J• el; tzens of Pittsburgh and Vitifliiy for the extraor
dinary patronage he hav henetofore received. and bos et
still to niffil a continuation o the same, as he it deter
mined to manufacture all air/ries i« his line of beviness
tniterior to any thing of the kind ever offered here before,
and that Pim:hut:o shall welt merit lobe coiled the
The subscriber having atirari on nand the most exten
sive stock of Home Manufactured runts in his line In the
ti'estern Country, won 'd partitohitly invite the attention
of Surgeons, Dentists and Drus—ists to his assortment of
Hardware Merchants to hi! stock of Sadier's Toots,
Bankers. Tailors, Hatters and Hair Dreawrs to hisVock
of Patent Site2Fß. 4" el ke-
And that hi= ergabliAnnent bring carried on strictly on
the each principle. persons deirirous of bargains will at
once discover the advantage of !willing before parrirasing
e.aewtterejobbim done in a sdperior style, and cheaper
Hiatt ever
J. C.. by din/vanish sole attention to business, togeth.
er with having in his employ the moot cosipeleot wort•
men, hopes to merit the opprotstikm of the patina at
Warded imme limey. a good Tomer aod a good grinder.
none melt apply ion fire Leta 4..rkinea rep 30-10.
A LARGE and caleahle assictsneta elan the Went
inedkittes of the day; neve* Perfumery. .Shaciae
Soaps: Thorn's Teaberry Tool h Wash. which is not sur
passed by any other preparaticin ever atoned to the Oh.
Tie. either far the'prorreation pr elearaliness ante Teeth.
Cook's Idesettohns Drops. which will vete Übe =au is
ceteraie tooth nebe to doe irdoetsc.
Arid a choice ! of Crvux, or La Mamma. Prittelpe aad
other bras& welt knows is llt city; Virtes ebearbarro.
toceo, *c, slinky: am basil last fel' sale arbaterate and
retail at Terms's. 86 nerd. *feet. apposite the Citertai
de oar,. vet
IetTED. .TO BOBlitalr. For a omit of 'oats
s2ooooo Boni nod Mir Ingo foo a Faro worth
gma, wit kW term *ties of 7itutoolgta. Porous lum ,
toe moo, to loss can loot tttosivaatoge oo Slot tale
oorority. Arley -11,01.11,77' Osomey Moe. -
Oct 12 • EN aws nab fa.
y ITTEWART, trpheliterli sod ropit Itowaer_.
to) . No. 42,191% same, bei4eat Wood sad 601tk404
As. Bost and Ettiati alattrosois abrupt - tma UM. All
orders eseatied with mamas tioditkootacti„ ou oreowoo
&flog term. tep2e-17
In the Court of Comm* Plots of Alleghe
ny Colorty inf Octobir Tbriss 18429 No.
-302.- - 1
murao:—Passod zuggsgai "
eimususkoarmake ys
an. 1
oan ad sa -A lm;
sesiAtAiwiletiii4 silk sislicißlit ***
vagek. Elnti. Ofdli *MO 0 - 11 .' tot. Ire
- s . iirsoo, Onoramt. at ilbelloi if II o pt 4;1
Pitts% ..Arvil.wid 141010b14111411ppldwinewest. 1 is I
tatters al Maw 0111011-4111M01104 , _ - I '. I
A ND NOW.leO NEDIVONDOor ligi. wr 41kk mellow
AI oti st ritlimire sisPaNdal WI
Itivegr 1 0 - ,_ :111 4 11 ... Pill
le* ereViot I '
Obi* , 1 4 11 W 3
Sperti .l-- -
.4** 1 411 4 t 4 C ll ' s
^..•,; •
. '_:-• - z. 7 7 -77 ei - s: i , T. 7 7,77:;“'-`':,;• -5 , .;:; ': -. i
_-.--• .
lr illi ,' , 4 1 0* • : ‘iiiii*-4".•*;-. -..- '
14 "'elverien - AP alliplim til , ,
rota *glair ef IV & 4 1 teen - ,;.--,'
Awe Siebert* be stehtiti Sri ditfi leis
eases srewiri4ua imailliiirdo , Pitts are
peed esillesetweititati. Tittetibeeentitriteds -
- ..iXramittroxasregi*oralret4 . :.
MiltilllVA AND Jiirinterialt OP THE , dltViii... 7.
desist Poor. of Pailealat.Wasbittibut r*ttisiVW
, - duty Swim aryikilijit be waif fate], :ifinKifirliiiit : '
elkiifitent wed% Itteek_ Tlie raise tor tar , itited,idetA
leek to vide ad neria - bider wiltitsi 114 at fleeted ba .
bete Pielibleitsitasil was tate* We ibeelitli a: flitit
Oaf is The tit, orsessaa. That liter-te6041 - 464
bosaital five ereeks.Dileter Otisseithe did vet bass
what was the mattes web Mu. and abet_ be testidain *
salfithrs for Wet, oarceeld be prescribe arty isediritte.
Taal ie. tberefise. was curtseyed fro= the Cbrfirts, .
*holt* tbe flailorit tetrraS on Staten learti. Whitt 14
aesthete abraderd with all ports of etedielne trtY*l4 l "
od °Maw esorttis„teiVeißeg alttlietiatelbe beret biatt.
seedieg eatery,. Thal, besilat bee afeetineed hie bows
be was teselibid emelt "with a'diary* of tie Isere aelet:
roarer be would spiestatart ef abiefie lathe day by
ibis affection be bad a bad Diarrhea. Pigott hod Muss
or ivesattentied him fiew the roastrestrethent of tag rick.
sew. llest at stillest* dreaded a stool wow tbs. 'bet
weed, lave dreaded dank that be eon compare tire, feels
beta alibis/ save tient u( Wye! rodwies Armtek bit .
boards. Aftesseffesing wane the *sib fd 'foolliolt -
Itetrest.as *stew Maud. tire deem told bier that roses
rise wastes* use to Wet. that be ate-t try to todraboots
eli this thee be eras sefferiag tie emoted s*sete..:_riot
kis boots were so leader be could mot hear the leastarces
ars lefts o,rib/ry or wpm tore kw*. that ids hasteetWell
mat poiefet. that as the Vector laud he woo* give Sal
ea wore sordtrine 1* deterseined to prorate none at B r,l
Drandreih's Pills. which be did. fries 241 breadwaS'
New Tort; that in rosenestred withfive IdDr. sod mot'
thews leveraged the dose to eight. The dna tretat's_ re
to emit benefited bhp. that the inner. mg holmium"
what be was osier. said, 'now. Shaw. rat loot 101* - 4
woo attain; if yoa isrorove ler this Mir. You will toololkor
weft' The be every dose of littandirfit
retiree hie, first they cared his of toy pate when it
aloe% that obey sett dared the fiat dwelt, sad ilaslia tbe
trans ht his beam—Met tee erdirine termed its add
'strength to has every day. fletobt dee dosser rester,.
day IYr 11th instatet. that he fee hiresetf welf:aorl alai,
that be owed his reeovery to Brandrettl Flue weds,
Provitkroce. that be bad taken the prodMee evety day
for 19 daye that the doctor told 1 1 Do Who boa kit era bo
had been talkies that anedkine, he should sat bare steps{
aura ber day In the house. He cot sitters Iris his dal/ to:
sate thieve/die watesent for tbe'beisetb Orel sintilarit
afflicted; that they may hues where to find a *kids,
that trill clue duns. JOHN !MAW:
Aloha Phil/ isitie hp ine dies more this lith /ay
‘pril.lll42, did &pros na4 saw Matt* forigainitiusita,
meat is true. J. 0 Wit EPLER-euirathatouera Destili
Ttre lIILINPRKSTI PILLS are Wit at Dr, **is
dreth's principal office. 241. "'ROADW4I. • I4IW
and at his priartind care. 141n.94 Wood rt reel. Pitt '
the ONLY is Pittsburgh where the aeautee'ilits
I , le obiaiora.
HA TS— W . N. fleaaary inform their drievideltiol
the poblir that they have econavorvd
Irina Hats. sad that ibey have Nov toady for at
their Seste.l4B Liberty street, Wawa Slatitt4
*tree, an avatottnent rf the very test Hata, oilite=
are an:Santo divtove Edon tit dooms sod stmt
able tense. Their stork eottalst of the very beviCkliallar 4
viz:—Seaver. Oiler. Nevin*, COWS- short Nal ped; Sil llo
lib. Par sad Silk Hats.
W. it Y. Doherty am 1 , 06 "Motor bred %nem non
have b.eatertsise etnerreare as icorttermen in the loot
..sta 'ldishusents in the country; their Hats are all poop:
nailer tiwir ow, htspeetion. sod they assure the while
that sothine tat the very Mal articles on the swot rea,
=onside terms will be offered for sate. pep 10
mr 4 moi RS °tillable Dee. CLarboXisiel.D. D. It -
Aresideul of Dickinson College Carlisle. by bats ,
,Miller. O. witb a has - m ese pastrait. -
COMFORT IN AFFLICTION—A series of 'medial,
lions, by James Daebasisa. D. D.. Cbasch. Erne.
bare'. Arlo Americas. fella the 911 Bala arch 'Miaow
SPIRITUAL HOMEY cram Ilissra AL HlVat; or Med
itations and obserwaliutis on the _natural history mai
tits of Bess. brat intradared to ont•lic nolire is 1667,
Samar* Tatars. A. 11.. London ed IR Atli •
rßißurE or PARENTAL ArbrcriON. hs
Charles Savant. A. N.
DECAPOLIS- or the individnat ablitanon of Chris,
liens to ewe stole from dralb an Emory by David
ford-fond h A Inerienn. emu; the yiell II London editions.
recent nuteensivehereawsnrute in a onielsoer's
CHJRLIE sffilnsitoult—o, ite Good Anon and Gres
Bad Aunt; by Miss Catherine itinerate:3d ed. 10 war.
MYR A RILE YOU LlP.C.,esontaining Life a Pit
*donate. Life a at Life a Contliet. Win IWO*
a Seeal•Titee for eternity. by ;be BM. I:7oriattri.k.Flll.
CHRISTI-I)V' LOPE--,or the duty of pee retina
for the itnitiedlate romerryinn 01 .
171 . F: F.27sAnr 4WD FPFICACY
Howard Atakora. ?resident of Genretraihr
CellW. Kv ipditioor 18 ono. ,
The Moral lirdluen Dant‘ra aid &aka: entrarett.4
Will Great Odeon-41y John Todd. tH ono_
The trare nd duly richefra spiritually winded. deo ta
red and mad iralle improned.by lithe Ilwea. D -D .12 1 00 -
HISTORY oFriffi: Gitle-ef7 RE4ROR3I.ITION of
the • 4 1'e.011l reeler! in Germany: Borba/Tian& kizinr
.1. H. Merle D'Aubitrae. President of the llooolositst
School of enem IL, in 3 . v01a.12 pta.; 3 4 .: A risestean
from the 5.h London edition. LOSE LOGllll3,Aefel..
srp 22 Na. 89 l'Cood street
the Wharf Comeheiev Putainitiramil *Me
ehan,- to the ezwicity of illuShisee. They 'vitt metes*
irArisciaen. ekilll.4lf and hot fitment free of expeilev•
litany parents are under ire imprerai;en that the worth
eat haelartettire of a alm4rat te4,IIIOPRIE smut' hose -Ia
tendency near the morals of thek children:mid tint
may at. dt air inn maeh of their attention frms Mehl
shadiest txrepation. Te lhe averse of this./Vane
to my. that the acquisition altar art r atures t& tisessitt.
Tara sourre of recreation and relaxation which cannot be
entothnted. The mete terorers more refined. andthe
Iselin:Pith for slimly more ardent. and erostietirotatly the
naiad is a ore ainniareed Front those stn.. strunenntstinfinti
"toll' are ft) tia" le to fall irth. Nett tier wilt their sate*
lien t.. amine in soy 'rat, interfere whit other shady an
Peroration. as the time devoted to ate Pronett, eau st.
stays I are its i'etalte hare. as u ell as Other vtltittitte....-'
APOthlttOlitZli , to that paresis rennetimes offer, fv,thilit
dieted their children heroine :poi performers. they_ tnigtd r
be led into irrer.r. Aar habits. In reply to thL , .a lairrwt
might my with the tame' propriety,tbat be would nothaire
his Poo taught to write a goo baud lest he Amite berArs
a counterfeiter, so that the remit ditienda on the tine
me make of say acquirement,
It is now to he hoped that from the above remarks,
prejsdicee ant may hare heretofore espied on the met
of harems are removed. and that they will art *IPA , *
their children the privilete of embraelae the Masai aft ,
pintnaity. Call at Col. Trntritio's and it quire far
WM: W. naTtsir.
N. L Na boy need apply Gar 'emplanes, ailthost a
wanes tamest from big parent or ya*Pliala, ad it—por
'UST recelved. 3.000 likmaotiabie Botralfiltoliet
di &win* trattlitlea iron Extra No. 1 t 0.3.
A lot attear and Cub Stan!,
limo No. i and 21Iuskrat Mon,
A lot efOtter and Raccoon Skins. '
AU which stets:Tared/1 remand re xto twit lir apt
proved notes. Apply to
A. EMMEN, tube Ataarrktaa Par Co. Ain't'''.
Oct 12 -3m Corner eFroot and Perry stn.
To Iron Illornutheturers.
Arno sits usefia istpremeset is sesaier sat sz rejleiv
11"1"14fiw tit. leinFewe asskirg *Ors..
roue alai muskets of it awe fire. b! " cut . . 8411 t
Wag rap the Mime, I sets,3 ignite/0
awl 111 toebetrwpose at top; the pig wat coaik pet Wag
visite, of the Ere. me the blast is seeriard ea two
The twersisee plates are as thick as lbws isspolettir
mod. mat Me plates se. the woof them wrest Vont wrip
It log hy see iwithkit. cad 19 Weise eaves at tsp . .
Mader "cocktail !sum Patent for the Am. -1 WM pC
resit te lie patinae. reaeosaide terms. .
Asp isiamMkte ran ke lad. bl aebesstas ass:
Toriewestb, Mae. 1141141:AWAT,
notips Recs. Aurae 10.11114
suliervirimillikanum *ad Mr J.C. Sieltan**o
roast Nos alp lift **reboot two team-take %klemnpini
fesommeadial k tont' Walt. ard more 7e T ` .
all It.. illaanfiewsuip tam mest se limilpieo .
Soft imrsistesidk pliat of nissimeasi wisAd.
The 00 1 411 - elt Pidest *Ryal gegle 10104-40 e.
tie Mod sunk wilt maw SI inelo.weateit*eisies '
twiverraisistas4i reale mewl of arzaidiPPAlo o , l k
mos bog
t kind Or swat :tiattiol4ol/
'OrelWei emelt a frea _
tiore4reskilisigeb advistb, -..rgrvOat .
wrt ; ei;*NP4olll4 l -
wgi aial I.l"dar 010104 i*
-111041110.011-111,1 VIVI,
1 :- 4 =*rita -4r