...:. ~rrt^ --^ OE4Dr; 1049 E pri,griN WAittakiousp,;-oure ; 4 scarp. dimrsjus ad-y. s.- 8.0. W" :7 .11 & ' 141614 Vudertakeri respectfully 1 oforpul.the politic, that he 11104eistot.e his. ready made coffin Warehouse to the Aliiiiig recently occupied ity Mr. A. 9. Berfordraireg ti f 'teedhis old stand, where he is always prepared to at - .tet.ritprompily. moony orders in his tine, And by ;strict ai• '!-- Adios to *ll the details of the business of an Undertaker -, 7 - Ilispestamera public confidencei He minim prepared ...,, - Hearses , L.. ..A.,atestootts to provide Biers , Carriages an d artery renutsite on the mom liberal terms. Calls from the :country will be promptly auLepde.d to. • , 4 flu residence is to. the skkhe building with jiffs t ware ;house, where those who need ;XIII -services may tid ar e ;tarty lime. asranifeks: Ar.w..tawts. . Ail,. JOILII 114CX.D. D. :4XXITS IX;DDiadt ICY. ROSSRT DRIJC.X. D. P. TXPDX PATTON. XIS. Will.OX6 wits.tiss, D. ,/111.1. All'CljniZt XXV. JOSITTH IlTddr . 1/1141/1-C Dl /I R/a. XXV. 'AWLS X. DA.VId4 sep 10 see. X. T. SWIFT e 4.3 9:Daweaud. ' -........— ' BOOKS, ' STEAMBOAT BILLS, 'PAMPHLETS, HORSE. BILLS, BLANKS, - 'VISITING CARDS, "LABELS, ' 'ADDRESS no., ONECKSi' BCSI NESS DO., MOTBS, HAND RILLS, 'BILLS OP LADING, CIRCULARS, 4.e, tc. - Together with every description of Letter Press Print Um, furnished with neatness and despatch, and on mode Hite terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post. trep lO ,TO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR. AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This glass of individuals.ls very numerous. They are those who work in an unhealthy. atmosphere. Printers. work• ,men In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead thAttufactUrers, are all moce or less subject to disease ac• cerrdingt.o.the strength of their constitution. The only method ~o,,,prevent disease, is the occasional use of a , medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete• sloes humors, and expels them by the trowels. Tonics in any . torm are injurious, as they only : .at MT the evil day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills )011 insure health, becanie they take all impyre matter mike tae blood;.and the body Is not weakened but itfrengibened by their operation; fur these valuable Pills ;do not force, but they assist nature, and are not. oppcsed, bi# )I:tin:ionize with her. Sold at Dr. Brandreth's Office, No. 98. Wood street, TRlAbtrgiii. Price 1 1 5 cents per box, with full directions. _mAkK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the 111.ErtiTYINE Flits can be oldamed,is the Doctor's own-Of. iite,'No..9B Wood street. sep 10. fIOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully in- I li ! hives his old friends and the public that he has *Petra Temperatte Hotel,ia firth Street,' near the Ex change Bank, and In the house lately occupied by Mat. thew Patrick, and has , hoisted ant ron 31 gn,'..The Iron City-Hotel," where lie will tic very hasty to aCCOMMO etre - who may please to call sit him. His table shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible 40-0-raniodation to town and country customers and "1170Tic:fs• - kfeW hoarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. Retie, c.an he taken, and sentletnen who live out of town msn have their dinners daily. • Be has large and good stables, and the hest Hay and Ciats, , and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ot Arad gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges Sante moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. _104)10 JOHN IRONB. 1/117 ASIIINGTON HALL.—'Fite subscriber has ' opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq., deOttired. - for the reception of visitors and hoarders; the benne , is very plensanily situated on the bank of the 01110;2 miles from the city—possessing ail the delight. Ail accompaniments of a country residence, without heinvtao far dtstan for persons doing busisess in the city. Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of She season. . An Omnibus runs regularly every lion t the A lie glumly end of the Bridge. N,ll.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. -sell 10 wm . C. HEM DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION'—The copart• ~nership existing between James E. Kilbourn and Vivid J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The e4n4itions will be duly noticed, with the signaturep of . beith. parties aanexed, and Barry Flail will be continued . ' open by the, subscriber until other arrangements are per fected. for sale, ea the premises, 150 bbl?. choice winter ap ples, treppiledlor immediately. JAS. E. K I WOE R 'seri t9--Aof ' No 9, Market, and 74. Front '• ' 800B 00 =- OOKBINDING.-WCa n d I ess4- - - ....:.--- LP Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper . t• ----:- • - - -- ;_. :7 _ - _ - Ruler!, S. W. corner of Wood and r ... e , c 0 u ,,,, r e . , n i i s, I u r e i n e d t e s , ri o r f e B n oo vir ku op in re d p in s Ti an d t o P P: : _ per Ruling walk neatness and despatch. 7g77 . 1:1 0 ...k books' ruled and bound to any given pattern at tilt °nest notice. ~p. B. All work dons he above is warranted. (sep 10 WU - . BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to 1r V his old stand, No. 107, -Smithfield Street, where he can be consulted any hour glaring the day, on itis-profession. sep 10 111)t-IMMOVA G.—George Armor, Merchant Tailor, JLIIII4 respectfully announces to his fruinds and pa trons, that he has removed his establishment from his old Stand,. in Third street, to tits corner of Front and Smithfield, in the basement story of the Monongahela House; where he intends keeping on hand a general- as. garment of Fashionable GOOds, suitable for Gen t.cmen.'s wear. He hope.s, by close application, to merit a share of the ) 0 him sinaloess so I herally extended to hi at his,old stand. ICB. Ha ng, made arrangements in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for thereceptiod of .Paris and London Fashions, customers may rely on having their orders executed; according to the latest style. GEWIGH ARMOR.. nept.lo T-AUD OlL.—Tha Subscriber would most respectfully • AA- inform the public in genera that he has an article of *Ltd Oil ofa superior quality, manufactured al the Cincin nati Olthlanufactory,by R.W.Lee Co • ,whtch Is warren • tat to be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and •laehinery. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous matte - I.:smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it Is as clear and *saltness spring water. 'Not a particle of crust is left on the wick. The light is pure and brit:Milt, sad will last as long, if not longer, than that from nn errind quantity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber informs theCpublic thatte has taken a place nearly' opposite the Pont Office, where he will 112 ht. up several different lamps eve."' evening.'and he would respectfully invite the in • habititntiiof Pitteburgh, A lieglieny, and their vicinity, to call andludge for themselves. He feels Confident they wilt beectuvinced that the 'above 'statement is perfectly' stotlest. Qat oft's° hundred individuals who have ,tried tite:Oil;there has not been a single flan found with it• The Lard Oncosts one third leSSthan.Smitq. He Would esnieetfully sullen the early' attention of Dealers and Ma.' elhdttistito the above. • The following . Churches lare'now using the Lard Oil: Heentid Presbyterian Church, Pittsburkb, l• - -ttitw Csmlierland Presbyterian Charch, , Pittsbargi, Pint Presbyterian Church, Allegheny' 'llksettelate Reformed Church, Alkilthelnictels ale branded EL W. LEE , t Cincia. itiffr"OPik - • Pittsburgh, June 215t,1842. We, tbeondesigqed, Captains of the Expree! Line of Peedseithoathefennsylvania-Canal, have tried 'and itiii ullrf/IPlMPttliieli4lr Lard Oil Introduced here -by -11latthesig .0 4 1inder, awl• manufbctured by it. W. Lee 4. Co., allbe ClltbskonMti Oil Factory...: :.' ' . . . ,z.WilialtroPfi nt, .I.llooVaji Ibatibe. aLove is equal tettimMl. iform..oll; thatit Is entirely free from' awoke qtr g anytathitr, glutinous Matter sibate.ver; tile tight is per: fecMFAM•rib clear and brllliant,mtd witt.MM ac lane, if not : doom limn that from. an equal, gbaptity.of Sperm, ,Oi I, "Wie-luter liebesittation in reciiqimendlag itto our friends 4tadfiattitose "he use Oil, .113144 FIUJRF., Captain, Packet John Adams. 12:1N.111110.1311.AN9,,Cantain, pocket John Hanr.ock, /1. 011,4110, . - „do . •do John Madison, spip iltompscis . ' a, to Pittsburgh. O 4 - 1,04 JO vf i ttos _trtiO, ' , F.nrre mon, - ,•stotcs iiittif v ,-',', Sr 71`hisa` 1 1 1 4 aft) ociMPolian.of herbs, *both exert a ;11 - tile, *Won jinn the ' heart , give inioulett ';tin; 0 7cl ht, anode syseeni;'ilss blood _ is eatekenid,. and: lifiseeinlts-nttialatiah ihtbagli ell the yeliels' 1 eiiit . rctriffesliln, the patter glinted mieniiiii, dr tai , 4mitropei.r.snd as all the secrMitota, of {he b.ill) . , ` ltre' iilti. jr- - -' 0 _ 01108 , ei ?C I M4 ' .0 2 -1 1 1 SALE ` 0 A-1 AUC T ION. St frr,iSßpfni.. MOW E.Araire AUC T ION. yet p ehetetiee et the r etagees of tbeAth section of an t,aLigemblf. 01161,44,,, tho,27th. day inly; lasts, e n tiqed,,a act to • provhieror the-orol ley expenseept the Goverranent—paytneat Mie intere ton the State Debt--receiving;. proppsals."for the . sate, of the Public Works, and for other purposes,''' there will be exposed to public. sate, ,at the Merchants' Exchange.; Int, the city of phioniCiphia, on Wedneeday,the 23d das of November . next.at 10 Warta, a. 'L.:the following Stocks, owned by the Commonwealth, triwit; 3750 eltares of stock ia the Bank of Permiylvania. 5233 do ,in the Philadelphia Bank. , 1706. do in tr.eFarmers and Mocha i ce' Bank 900 do - in the Colombia Bank i and ridge company& 2500 do in the Union Canal Company.. 1600 do in' the Pennsylvania . and Ohio Canal Com • 500 do in the Chesapeake and delaware Canal Company. 1000 do in theSebnylkill Navig,ation Company , 320 do 'in the'Bristot Steam Towboat and Trans portation Company. Also, at the State House, In the borough of Harris nom on Monday, the 26th day of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. 31. 2905 shares of stock In the Danville and Pottsville Railroad Company. 2000 do in the 'Cumberland ValleY Railroad Corm parry. 2000 do Franklin Railroad Company. 400 do Wrightsville, Yo-k and Get ysburg Railroad Co. 600 do Cadmus Navigation Co. 995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navi gation Co. 2500 do Monongehela Naviention Co. 4500 do Harristnirg Bridge CO. 2400 do Northumberland Bridge Co. 2160 do ; Monongahela Bridge Co. 1600 do Allegheny Bridge Co. 560 do Witkesbarre 13ridge Po. 400 do Lewisburg Bridge Cq. 600 do Big Beaver Bridge en. 600 do Danville Bridge CO. 180 do Nescopeck Bridge Co. 350 do French Creek Bridge Co. 100 do Coneirtaugh Bridge Co. 60 db Schitylitifl'and Pottstiown Bridge CO 'lOO do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co. 92 do Mitton'Bridge Co. 171 do Robbstown Bridge Co. 200 do Towanda Bridge Co. 1250 do Franklin and Allegneny Bridge Co. 120 do Schaylkiii Bridge,(ot klatson's ford) Company.' Wililamsporteßridge Co., Washing. toff Chanty. Also,afock In the tbflowing Turnpike Road Compa. Or*, 10 wit: 2124 shares in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers. Marg. Chambersbur. and!edford Bedford and Stoyst Stoystown and Greensburg. Greensburg and Pittsburgh. Huntingdon. Calabria and Indiana. Erie and Waterford. Perklonien and Beading. Gap and N,ewport. - Waynesburg, Greencastle and Mer cershurg. klorgantown,Churebtown and Blue Ball. Little Conestoga. Berks and Dauphin Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid• • dietawn..-- ' tirelowan-dWiiireslmrre. Susquehanna and Lehigh. Milford and Dtvegd. Lownington, Ephrata and Harris burgh. Centre and Kisharrmillas. Susquehanna and York borough. Centre. 300 41° 4,110' do 2154 do 2564: do, 1780 do $477 do 100 do 1360 do 312 do 250 do 180 do goo ; do -580 do 100 - 25G 100 • _dti 1290 :do 640 do 400 do 50 do 1600 do 400 ao 116 do 500 do 300 do 5600 do 320 do 516 do 967 do 322' do 350 do 947 do . 600 do 882 ido 101 - to 100: do 520 do 500 do no do `ADO do 660 do 672 do 100 do 717 do 779 do 500 do 100 do 800 do 256 do 980 do 360 do J 54 do 560 do 329 do 85$ do 400 do 280 do 1)60 do 200 do 1610 do VA do 240 do 408 do 200 dO 280 d 0 96 do 360 do 24 do 320 do 128 do 160 do 40 do 96 do 224 do 160 do 80 do 80 do 200 do 'Snowshoe and f'ackersvllle. 43 ' do Lackawaxen. 200 do Butler and Fre l eport. , '64 do Sterling and Newfoundland. 96 do Lenox and flarniony. 224 • do Pittptourglt Farmers,rtnd Mechanics'. 160' , do Bedford and liOilldaysburg. 160. do .Lathersburg and Puniatawneyr 1.60 Birmloohnot a d elizabotlitown. .64 do Bald Eagle and liittany Valley. The termaand cOod!tions of, 414 be made IL - down on tlin.daYs nformmid, or by an application.at any time, to this office. State atodk ,will be received in pay ment at par, or.certificates of credit, which have been entered on thebooks °rifle Auditor pursen . lance of a resolution 9r the General: • Amembly, limed o thelth day or April, 1842, By oider,of the Governor M. C. ibost, A;gettt. irkii. W 11.4.141 61 EVANS'S SOPTHINg,SYRUP. = ..11-Ar , TWA. infallible Jemedy hull -preserved , hundreds when thonsi4Paistrecovery, from Convulsions. As soon as the flyraptsrnbbed on the ,gumi, the child willfeet v. er ! This preparation is sO crem,frio efar.aelotts, and so Menisci; that no Child Will reruse tio lei its gums e n rub bed Wlthlf, • Whin to rioitt lift. at the age or four months this' there is na'appeiraitee "of 'tielh, one, bottle of the Sitisrpihouldts width hiien tie pores. Parentit should uider bevrtthout the syrup in . the nursery Where there .shit are youpgtirnw,.forll,ltit4 akesio the nighLititli pain IS the guiris, the 13StrupTinut lately . gives ease, by .6 operriitg.the Pres; and lietilihrthe mil thereby preirent- Ins Convu aims, Fevers, 4-e. For Sale WholesatWand Senn by .. .. A .., ~11._.F.SZLI•ERS,Agent, sep 10 No. 20. Wood' street, below*Sesoid, . . . 1e .... .., 1 A "ga r ' BQWAILP 4- GP„` Ar I 41. 1 ' Pail sr;. .4f 4, 4 8, -4coodi Attr t, R iFitial li ocao ir rd l7 r:, :l' o dA t ill' i n tin iert :ial iell es A ctf mos. tok Pt1 01 0,11 ,1 !a l ls 1 4 01100, giteg.mal,dlOcturo. 4lll4,lrafe r M* l4o W7iflA*4l44l-44.4491/110. l am . eVAI,44II,I4KAVUOLttiIIi -Of itiar 11q., 1 41 41 40.PW . . - teVirit ,4V0.2n4174351k - I t , 4 al.WignE,.. 4. V .1100 P- i1k, 0 41101004 0, - -:- 'i -21.4164#00-- York and Gettysburg. New Holland. Spr ntr House, NO Bethlehem. Cayuga nod Somdehanna. Susquehanda and 'Waterford. Smsquebannn and 'Tiogn. Bridgewater and Wilkestrarre. Pittsburgh and New Alexandria. New Alexandria and Conemaugh , Belmont and Easton. Pittsburgh and Butler. Philipsburg and Susquehanna. Butler and Mercer. Mercer and Meadville. Anderson's Ferry, Waterford ind New Haven. Pittsburgh and Steubenville. Ridge Road. Bethany and Diflglll3ll'P Choice. Robbstown and Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant and Somerset. Somerset and Bedford• Hanover and Carlisle. Mlllerstown and Lewistown. Bellefonte and Philipsburg. Philadelphia, Brandywine and London. Belmont and Oghquega. Harrisburg Ind Millerstown. Philadelphia and Great Bend. Lewistown and Huntingdon. Armstrong and Indiana. Clifford and Wilkesbarre. Indiana and Ebensburg. Washington and Williamsport. Watihlngton atallPillsburgh. Lycoming and Potter. Middlelowmand Harrisburg. Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Young manstown. Butler and Kittanning. Milesburg and Brnethport. Derrstow 0 and It' . oungmanstown , Mount Pleasant hnd Pittsburgh York Haven and Harrisburg bridge. Abingdon and Waterford. Warren and Ridgway. Levvisbure and younginanN. Somerset and Conemaugh , Carbondale and LitallWalla. Somerset and Cumberland. I.eivisbutrg and Jersey Shore . Ligonier and Johnstown. Warren, and New York State Line. 'Titusville and Union Mills. Armstrong and Clearfield. Warren and Ft driklln. 'Sugar i.oVentilil Union. Brownlngton, Harrisvilleand Frank. tin. A. V-PARSONS, Secretary o Ike Cenimenith. sep.2() —Ate k:~-fir °- - givrls*a*l. rt.u.a . . _ - getThnyeigetrible istktrtpy,lnnocint itedlcies,ruar..- nits.4ll; 11/46**4111114tdialet.Y MOS!' llinA#oer_rito , staisentinnistot,,lntlet bOdles of those wit* powers Of . Are are eos:eyfeidy eibausted. 'Where human -wane can avail, theta acarcelSi is any canna:llllor' farm of - sickness,that the BilannitsTat Pitts do not relieve and . generally mire. , Although thek pills produce a 'mows srvier„that effect is not to prostrate the body, is with other medicines, lint tile frame is , invigorated by them moval of the cameo( weakness,tbe morbid,the vitiated huniors from the blood. • Barreling in theonelves, they merely ASSIsTNaTURS To throw out the occasion of sickness from the body, and - they require no alteration In the dieter clothing. In fact:the human .body labeller able to sustain with. out injury, the inclemency of the weather, while under the influence of this infection destroying,disease eradica Ling Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen and travelers is, therefore,self evident. By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold, Billious of fections, Typhus, Scarlet and fevers of all kinds - , would be unknown! But where sickness does exist, let no time be lost, let the BRANDRETH'iS PILLS be at once sent for, that the Remedy may be appled, without fur tber loss of time.—To as REILIIIBERILD— That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test in the United States. That they are a vegetable and innocent medicine, yet all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro gress of disease in the human body. That.in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon it TEIREIC cOrißtanT LABELS That each label has two signatures . of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth Upon it. That there must be upon each box three signatures, thus: B. BRANDRZTII, N. D. And three signatures, thus:— SIMI/MN BRANDRI7II DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: "All acute fevers ever require some evacnatiou to bring them ton perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed seruputousaessabout the weakness of the body is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tne humors are fit to be expelled , but is not able to accompliSh for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse bas been so low that it could hardly be. felt,, and the debility ex treme, yet,both one and the ciber have been restored by it." The good &recite be derived from the Brandreth Pllla have-to be experienced to be fully believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant form. To appreciate to the full extent ,the incalculable bene fits of BRA NDRETIPS PILLS, they must be used when the First Syniptoms of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good, effects will be felt throughout the attack—lv Is TATUNG Tame its rtes that is the great secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising from bad blood, and I presume there are few at the pres ent day, will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such -diseases I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read this may be benefitted by so doing. 1 sin respectfully, the public's servant. B. BRANDRRTB, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The public witi please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it, each containing a Sac simitie signature of my hand writing thus—B. Brandretfi: These labels are engra ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex pense of several thousand dollars. Remember! the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congress in the year 1891, by Bet laminßrandrelh. in the Clerk's Office in the Dis tile. Court of the Sot them District of New York. Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98. Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Only place In Pittsburgh whole the genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sells the true Erandreth Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency. renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds of $5OO to sett none other Pills than those received from Dr. B. or his special General Agent. Mark, the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there Is an exact copy of the three labels on each hux en graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engraving of the labels on the certificate correspond with those on the box. The following are Dr. Renjamin Bra ndreth'e Agents (or the sale of bis Vegetable Universal Pills, In Alleghe ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. ions GLASS. IM citeesport, H. ROWLAND: Nobleslown, JoaN Jonsson. Stewarts Town, CHESSMAN it Sextorantito A LIZIA.NDSR A SALLE. Cli nton. REWARD THOMPSON, WiikinSbUrgil. GEORGE PORTER, PII4V ir W. ROBERT SMITH PORTER, TRIBRIUM• Elizabetinown,C.F.DlEnt.. East Liberty, DANIEL Nicoaxv. PRESSLEY IRWIN, Pleasant. Hill. DAVID K. COON—Plumb Township. WK. 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. [sep 10 pILES cured by the t.se of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills Dr.Hartich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I. received the Agency fioin yuu for the sale of your medicine, I formed an acquaintance wi; h a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine fkir her. Through my persungion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, ¢c. JAMES 11 . KIR BY October 3, 1840. Chambershug, Pa. (CrOffee. and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadefifhla. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sip 10 riERESTING CURE performed byDr.Smayne's Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgini4a, or Wild Cher ry. Having made nse of this invaluable Syrup In my family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 1C c, of which I had given u pall hopes of its recovery until I was advised' to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en• tirely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with,. for many years. Any person Wishing to see me can ca" at my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J.WiLcox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY:, We call the attention of the publiCto the numerous certificates which have heerr in circulation in oar paper and soateOthers of this city, highly r4commending Dr. Svtrairms's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates, and have" nodoubt but they come fitful truly grateful hearts,expressive of thetbenefils which they havereceived from Mat valuable compound. We balk atquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who can speak , ' with ebnfldenie -of its Vittues.—Saturday Chioniele. FILE LOW CITIZENS:—With !Wearily I would advise ' you, one and all, t.oth sick and well, always to have a bottleof Dr SwAvsa'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your tionso—it is inmiluable in cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks or violent Coughing, which is - often the cause of spitting of Worm, Viniont Pletatios - Affections. which occasionally come from fright, and various -trthircuasea, froducing great alarm; Sudden coldm 'front improper-'.expostire, which are *fie& let run to en • altintdag - eitent, for want of meant baing ready at hand;—and I have used -Dr. SWIIIIIIOI Compound Syrup . of Wird Cherry repeatedly in my acid alwet,yti , Wfitt marked antsmss—V - Can rtmontineirtit alth tonaertiti;ito beifirone of the trot flintily 'Medicines which isito-eAr betfn offered to the - Oublic'.—Batarday Okroaski • • 'ow by WM.-ThOrn, Wholosale 4 Rotel, only agent fOr Pittisburgh: ' No: S 3: Markit street: " • sop 10 zeaswir Well t, PittithtteWP4c assortment - tit atln iGINGS, ^Telvet.r. and style and . Imamate land , ettaaAant • ua 4tatat* _al l .o.lfleg"" hoed Tea IlleellAinr JlevrelFsr Bale Wkit ,ll the !' l'okot the kietitolio . ittfetvele , -2, 444,4*". W LLI . Allilt ri gr4 frie jE ndiir e"h"g and th T e 44 Ptr;le lte3 4/ Per jae ril l!l llY i ' inform s a: a teghleler of Na. I 1-14fittkeI street, , - .by o °lsltllehillg ' s4 l4;llle4onter of "FPli,vbe" b e it!Wafaho ‘4144 - ittlVltkOn "- 44 4 110 * *14i - li r iare a P . ' ,; ibibrofigip -o; , - f- , 'l7 :,_ f 4 1 041M4.-„ , - imeerdisi : • l -' 3, 11 4*.,. 1 11. 1 ” . , " / s . 4:• •lAl•t:Atr,r''' , WEE=n==ne= =ono= ;141)- 411111.*Bjekr.-- IMP moat reepect,Btiiyio inform the Lidipa M ref, Mtd ittrtilcinitY that sue has arrived di' Ott Ldliaon ; with a bfiatilltifitsitortinefit of Id rofthi neWeer, style Bet conne i xian there will tikair. Ma enable heft° introduce the latest: fashion andshenl. 'On Ladgss:tionor her with ashore of their patronage, she: • edges herself to keep every thing of the most styfish description, and pay strict attention to economy.`' It is whir Confidence dirs. T. recommends her French and London made Corsets; also her splendid assortment ofEnibroidery, which is superior to anything yet intro duced in this country: it. includes Baby Linen, Conpoi -1 sears; Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal. Demi, ditto. Ber. thous for Evening Costume. Collars Cuffs, Pocket Band. kerchleft, Morning and Night Caps, sc., which will be ready for theirapprobation on ther'9th 'of Otbaber . next. Mrs. T. is waiting the arrival other'Bon - nets from Europe, at No. 2 Ferry street, bet Ween Liberty and Fourth streets. sept. 29—dt f. FL E. DIAGRAM, , - 13E0. P. MOULTON. IVIAGat%W . 4- HA SI ILTON, Attorneys at 'Law, have removed their Office to 'rite residence of H. S. Ma. gt aw, on Fourth sr; ttvo door's afieve Smithfield. sep 10 t — OFFN T‘REI S&—A°79Fosrk- CslLet,etea rood ;mitkieids:s Two doors from the ,corner of Wood street. con. stonily on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, °fever} , sizr,and description; covered ones, with . Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Fine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may reqnite. ' - • A credit given in all cases, either of CoM na Or carriages, requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. , sep 'lO - . 175 1381,5.. WGITE LIME, a superior article, for sale by J. G. 8j A. WIRDON, N 0.12 Water street. VA itETY.— Jtist received from New York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs lbr 1843; 500Q . copleS 0 r the Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's Temperance Advocate for September. A tr, 2.000 Chris tian Almanacs,land a good assortment of Loomis ' s Maga zine and Pittsbuigh, and the Frantctla Magaz,ine and Coin. mon Almanacs for Irt43; by the gross, dozen or sin Tie; - 250 copies of Grant's New Pit tsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and St'angers Guide, for 6.1 penis. Also, Cottage, Family, Schont and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets, David's PsaltisS; Methodist and Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. Harp,and almost all kinds of School Books; Gunn's Do mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let• I ' ter and Wrapping Paper; blue black; and red Ink, by the gross, dozen,or bottle; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and wafers;Cyclopedia of Htstbry, Western Pilot; and a con. siderattle variety of Books and Stationery, for sale on ac commodating terms tor cash or country produce. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Com Mission Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. Aloortas.A.D. G. E. WARNER. Jc i'wta•ratt. UNION COTTON FACTORY, AilPglle , y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stooking Yarn,Colion Twine, Candlewick; Carpet Chain, Betting, s•c.,and are prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most improved maehi nery, and employed the manager who has attended to the Hope FACTORY for the last five years, they are manufactu ring a superior artide. Cotton Warps mnde to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the store of J 4• C. Painter 4.. Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4 . Kennedy , Wood street; will meet. with prompt atten tion. Address—J. K. 11100 RUE AD 4- CO. sep 1 . 2-1 y /110 FENI A LES.—There is a large class of Females in this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occupat lons oblige i hem,are affected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart (Blithe least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any Mental operations; rumbling in the bow. els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; theseare symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa. sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering,. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; many use them very advanineeonsly in this' wny; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear ness to the complexion,purify the-blood, and promote n general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. It-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsbursh_Priee a ceota per box, with full directions. MA RK —The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of lice, No 98 Wood street. sep SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL 1N• S rßuni ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler sad Surgical Instrument Mahar, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments madehy the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on band. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of ihehest quality. and jobbing done PFIVISIT:O. Sep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often lernil natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro_ per remedies are not re=torted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. flarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first. by cleansing the stomaeh and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger man Aperient Pills, after which the Compound Strength ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permament cure. These Pills are neatly put up in small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19 North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sate hy Sant ee! Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa. sea 10 A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver. and Solvent. Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. RIFERENCES: Pittabur gh,Pa, Wm. Bell 4- co., ion D. Davis, F Lorenz, J. Painter 4- Co., Joseph Woodwell, James Slay Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson ft Co., John B. Brown 4- Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis, J. R. 61'Donaid. Louisville, W. IL Pope, lEsq. Pres•t Bank Hy. sep 10 REMOV L.—The undersigned begs leave to littoral the public, I hat he has reinoved from his old stand, to the corn -r or Penn ft ILSE. Clair st..,opposite the Ex • change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Pwro Fett le WAAL Room, and now offers for sate the most splendid assortment of PlAwos ever offered in this market: • His pianos consist of different patterns, or •superidr Rime Wood and Mahotany,beautifnily finished and mo deled, and constructed throughout of ' the very befit ma terinls, Which, for durability, and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any 'vier 'seen' here. As he has enlarged Mk manufactory, and made omit*. oleos to supply theincreasing demand for this lodao- - ment, he respectfully reqnests those intending to per. chase to Call and examine his-assorfritent beforepurcha. sing elsewhere, at; lie is - determined to sell LOWISH, for cash, than any other establishment east or west- of the mountains. F. , BLIThi F, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, stip ' Opposite the Exalts:Ole Hotel. ritisburalt, Pa. AATtiRRANTP3 !GENUINE.—Dr. Wi II iak Evans's Catit - onfile Pills. •CtivrtlncATis..L'lte-tter.frotn the Mon:'Ablerri il'efil la n,Sull Ivan County,EasiTeiirresiee,Mentbero f ftlangretti. Viliarritroirm, InlY'Sd. 1 8311: ' Sir--Since I have been in this city I have'utred same lot your Dyspeptic Medicine Witti infinite 'benefit and.salts faction, and believe it to be a Mdstvaluable neinedi. One of my vanstittrents, Dr. A. , Carden, or Campbell county, Tetineesee. wrotetoelasend him - some. which I did, and he has niplayed t very tasecetiifully in his practice, and says it is invalu le,' Mr. loitama, your agent at this .place, 4 ' thinks you would probably Mike an agent in Tennessee. If soil would recommend -Dr. A Carden, as a proper ,person ta, official e for the Blatant ,your celebrated medicine. Should yon . ,9MurtiMiOn him i lie is willing to act far you. You can send theinedicine by water li:Vthe care of-Robert:King-4-80ns, Knox ville.enanty. Tennes.-1 seii or by land to Grabaiii ,- * rHOuitow, Taserva, , getil Tean6see- ritiiii nO loibl. - - lint if you had agents In? seternietnenties In East Tennessee, a great deal of &Wl ' cilia would be sold. lam going io takqtptiio:litStk*Pei. for my own use, and that af t my frien d , and aboaddt like Dithear from pou t you would like en paw, at Itimilville, Sullivan County. EinaTemiesinkai I I eau get some of the merehentvl4lit for yOu es ilive near there. --414VIALVICOOIMMitsit$04 , 4TeiffiidaddOW , gfarlfol4 o .lll l 4 l l l -Vii*l, ~_ Or- -- 1 ' 1 , -13:.'W , 1•-4'-qt-•.'i'.4-ifttlik..40. 1 .4 14 '. itt liE s=" 4ooll.4ol / 04 4 - :.", /?,'.:-.:?,,.-1 '&4..4.; .::.:',..il;"' ----,`'..t- 4'''.'farrzil.ll:42l*.ts.4."4-.'-k"-:1-,:l.-k-f,i,‘ ,;+i,ti,.,-5", rfegs i t'• • --- - Pittsburgh, June 18, - • Mr. Joint Dertilso:—Dear Sir—Haying been Present, yesterday, at ibie ex periment which you were pleased to nuke, in the presence of a number of.our,husineas Men, of the safety of your IRON CHESTS, in case of fire,it gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I ,was capable of judging, the test was lair, and the-result exceeded ,itty expectations-high,The Chest was a small One; about 3t) i - nehesby about 13 0t.20 inches in breadth and dupth, and was pla ced on a block of wood about a foot in thlekness, so .as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several books end newspapers were deposited inside of It, in - the manner in which Merchants and others would usually place t hein—,a large quantity of light pine wood [stabs human adjoiniugSaw Mill,] was then, placed around and above it, and the fire kihdleil on the windward side, so as to drivel lis flame against the back part of the chest. The fire was kept up ahont three quarters of an hour, until you had gone among the spectators and received from them their universal answer ta . t. the test. was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out, of thetre, and cooled, and opened, and examined. The, CMiletits were all safe,und the only injury done was to the back of one book which appeared to he a little charred- From what I witnessed, t think that these chests are desert , log of confidence, as affording, perhaps,the best security to Merchants for their hooks and paper:, which they can have without building large, thick, mid expensive vaults. I would consider, them a better secirity than ninny vaults which I have seen built . Your SA Iri end, !tIUEIL CHURCH., We concur in the above statement, having been pres sent witenthechest was teste , f. W... 41. Cooper, J. N. Sboenber ger, Rebtße!, J. Lang/din, J. Painter, A. B e?!, R. Miller, Jr. C. L. Armstrong, A.. H. Itoge, Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. W. Hoyt. Extract of a Getter from Pugh i Alvord, dated Cia • cinnatt,-29rk Man:A.lB42- J: Demzing,Rittabstroh, Pa: Respected Friend: IVe have the.s.atisfacilpn to state as the hest recommendation we can give of the aillity , af your.lron Safes, that we hays one of them which was in an exposed situation in oar eonnting room,at tile time of the fire,nn the morn ing of the 10th lost, whreit consumed our-ippi k House to gether with a large portion (lithe meat, laid, 4-c, which it contained;—and that our hooks and papers which were in lie Safe, were, entirely uninjmed, and were taken -from It after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4-c. PUGH It AL voitb. . - . Extract of a Letter from Slater Rj Dolbrook, dated St. Louie, Feb. 24th, 1841. Na. DENNING, Dear Sir: One of your seconitsize chests was burned a few duys.utto, in .a leather store-- It pre served its contents. Respectfully yours - , sep 10 SLATER HOLBROOK. LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Dar• itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of the above distresSing disease ills symptoms were -pain and weight in the left side, less of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, dill"- cu Ity of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great-deltliity, with other symptoms indicating. great de rangernew t of the functions of Ilse liver. M r. Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until tisin? Dr. Harlicit's Medicine, which termina ted in etTerting a pe-feet cure. . Principal Office. 19 North Eight 11 St reel. Philadelphia. For sale to Pit tsburghlty Samuel Frew, corner of Llher ty and Wood streets. Frit 10 Cincinnati, February 15, 1240 Dr. SWAYNZ—Dear Sir:— Permit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my apprubation, and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have seen in a great many instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit• dren of very obstinate c.omplaittis, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Choakiug of,Piblegm, Asthmatic attacks, it c. 4.. c. I should not have written; this Fetter, howevet ,at present, although I have felt it my duty to add my testi mony to It for some time, had it not been for a tale in. stance where the merfichie above alluded to was Instru mental in restoring to perfect health an °only child," whose case we. , almost hopeless, in a family of my ac. quaintance. thank !leaven," said the Boating moth. er, , inly child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. I ant certain I ':ave witnessed store than one hundred cases where it has been attended whit com pleie success. I am nsing it myself in an obstinate at. tart of Bronchitis, in which it moved effectual in a ON ceedingly snort time, considering the severity of the cage. I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior virtues; t would advise that no family should be without it; It is very pleasant and always heneficial—worth dbuble and often ten times its mice. .The public are as. sured there istto quackery about . 11. ;sexiest, D. D. Formerly Pastor of the Firztt Presbyteriun. N. V. Sold by Wll. TilOllN. who'esale Ic• retail, only scent for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 19 . • ABOON TO THE 81711 AN. 11 AC l'.!—•• DiSCOVer what will destroy Life. and you are a greet man. "Discover what will prolong Life, an the world will call you Impostor." . . "There are faculties, hodily and intellectual, within us, with which certain herbs haire affinity, and over whioh they have power." . Dr. B. Biantireth's rxternat Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, 'abstracts Pain or Soreness; thus Sprains, Still - Sinews, White Swellings, Rheumatic. rains, or Stiffness„ &Mies., of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en. largenients. Tender Feet, and every description of in• jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, arc cured or greatly relieved-by his vcrerto'be svfficienUy extolled remedy.. , .._ • , CERTIMATE.—The following letter front Major . Gen eral Sandford, as to the qualities:Of the External Itcne• dy, speaks volumes: Dear Sir—Wiil you-oblige laid. with another bottle of your excellent Liniment:l Itiacertatuly limbed. of tile hind I have ever reen, ruird entirely mX eon's knee, about which I,yyas sit tlit'easy,a have found productive of immediate relief in several' cases of eater nal injury in my family. A' few eVonlitgo since, my . youngeot 'child 'wag, silzed.wit ft a 'violent attack ofCroup, which Was entirely removed In twei'ly * nanotea, by rub bing. hei chest and thitiak freely with the Eatecnoi.ljem: edy. I think' you - o • uttitt'to inaAufaelitr,e fot:s.,eiterol.prtylo9d.pf yogfickittg the of it; aU'ioa iia,ye.iteietofore,ttoue, y o ur acclualntances. VOura rulY, C W: seSDFotto. IL DPANDII.T.TLI, 241 ,Exaadway„, R.. -241 Bsgadway„fievs,. York,.and. office ,No. 9:4 Wootket,reek,liittstotrgle, PRIOE-50 cents Per botge..witit 41rettlono. - .*, seplo Siscrtruar's Orrn ilarrisbure'b,. A'Oost 24111,18424' ALE OF TFIEDANALS ANOtt AIL ROADS BE. LONGING TO TIiESTATS4.--W9R6.e..ll;ticteil gi ven that in otorsuance, the seventeenth, eitittaenitt, nineteenth stheiwenitsticSeetlane it . itte"Ait Aittandjty, pdated the irith day J Ti42,'propositiftillf ree'e ved at the' Sjatepenti rtment rintit tinifda y' orNovem. i,er next 'for the 'sdienral/ andeuei of 'the 'Canals rind I Rail Roadit the Conteintrisienlth.lbr w rit* Steteflocie. at Per . onine, 'wilt be redeye:l I n PaYinani; EncirlitdiViddii or CompanY required; specifically,' in state s pe,Ottleuleir tide of Canal or Reit Rorid which 010401teitipqatase, - tpe manwit of their' respective bids Diet:4o;We " given and stiinameitif uitl concerned' the iitTai;totetbdr with their place or Places f 'Tel:Mende, In Ofder that tie'sanidiney litidliefore the next Illi49l*o6lVl*-bejia*.up: frit & 'direttied IS!!tbe Beeretat7 of -Octutinoitateettkialiken ,liiitiorearneekerk,the, PARIPO4I 14 0 -. ke. , ;21Fc144 4 .!:. ,1 _4• , Aktife r fi r,, A 'l4l, Alla,- RPPMf 771s a6r Ez,L, um* ./sttqk 7.11: ov,„,„: rpRAVELERS TAKE gO., A. provided with the S.afety hills printed p.ith a figure of the ' mni you are not deceived by e ... Areoustaiing their tunis to bf p, Guard, when they are rot eic Thefollowins, ion list of hors ;3 , quard at the Por. of Pittstnit first on the list have the improve; apparatds it is Impossible for ann SAVANNA, FOR RARITAN, ILL, NIAGARA, DU' ORLEANS, JE CANTON, 310, LADY OF LYONS, Cap; VALLEY FORGE, In ] FORT PITT, GA BREAKWATER, EXPRESS 51 AIL, ALPS, CASPIAN, I DA, W EST WIND, 31111 j M A RQU ETTE, (I,qt TALL EY RAND, ;D EL PANAMA, CICERO, .kCAt, SARAH ANN, NUR NARRAGANSETT, Wixi AMARANTH. MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, . ADELAIDE, NORTH BEND, G. NIA RI ETT4, M BRUNETTE, STEAM FERRY BOAT, The traveling .courimuituy to before they make a choice of tic and -gee:whel her it would tag and gecoOty to choose a Serq passaae and freight, in preferena against explosion—and laid die that this invention has the unqv fift#, - sleam 'engine builder!—!wt it is to understand the stikkri, interested—besides a nnitther of r tc. gent lep.en and of here—all of thy office, No 10. Watvr pleasure at all tines in Cllll l, ll who will lake tile trouble In rail. sep 10 CADN't VA I.IT ABLE RE% lISTA, , 14" The subscriber otters GrFak red rates, I lie ,Irrllot pArt rfho , the chic , of I'll t,buuli amt Brick Ill'arehouses, ncarlv ~1 111:111. 011 Market slyerl. , elutet, bracia2 a front of about 54 leel bf tire, or separately to soil t•urrlta,to Also, a Salad Val Win! Ica In Al breadth,bl upward of 350 reft fronts. one On the Pennsylvania Wasaingion tam& A fro; the lei DeleaftlAtmalee 1 9' pearl.) , 350 feel ir. atval, gant mansion house %AV:44w ings. Also. a lot witfilwdlwvi ..- . ate on the corner 01 seat r.l l , a moderate ground rent, an 6 in , :611 rroPery. ALEI'; s.r.n 111 --•••• FLAX SEED tc..IXTFE caFgi or goods, a rinatituy of(- Minos! all !clods of Couludry Prz , for case or goods al II AII RIFS. I I FPp 21—if Corn toi,sion JHN HART. Commismn duct acid .4mtrican 3(a71...1 NSW YORK, Feb. 9,1842. Q[E, DtEl 8 1 1 14, R.T-FFIt. TO Jno. Grier, Pittsburel - Aaron flail, James Cochran of R'd. Jno. D. Davk, M'Vay Sr Hanna, Avery. 02(len Cn. Inn. Woodtrourne, EFo VALUABLE FARM FOR F Farm on which I live, Braddoetisfield, containic; not acres; about 70 acres of e hitt , ii• well timbered. There are gtoi and a barn 63 feet by 34; as A Iso, about seventy acres he equal to that of any nlllar 4 Terms made known on appntn. in the premises. WI WO WILLIAM C. WA LL. and Pieture Frame Fourth Street Ptttsburgh. —C tte., for Artists, ZIIWZI%s on promptly framed to order. E• -• esl notice. Particular attention pani lo ery description. Persons lilting lip Steam Bad theiradvantage to call. WRITE LEI. D.—The if to furnish painters. ag, chase pure White Lead made r<'" rar"ted- equal, if not superiorf tl! All older.; addressed to Punfallk'' Covri.llo Second street,Pr at,teudeti to. • _ y DIESPASHIONABLC ■ Fifth St., one doorfros l'he Subscriber respectful!! I Pittsburgh and vicinity that 0 tailing Shoes of his own rnoff' where he will keep constantly!' ment of all kinds of ladies,M6 ROA shoesof the ht.st quali ll.l • tea to snit the times Ile icind4'of faney work—sash slippers, colored gaiters, and • cliildren'srellslers, silk gaffers, will be mode at the shortecast rvi• ner. Ladies will please ll a its the subscriber feels confident any article in his lineftley Itrlt'HY • -P,a. Don't forget the OW" door from Ilarris's Intelligence t~rom Markel Sr reel. Iklikfitr.tsM DIGBY bavi q. business oflitottlf t Liberty street and 42 Markel thanks to the numerous friend!. firm. for the veryliberal tended -to him; in Nonsense wislicito assure them that ell; merit the continuation of the OM fully invite their Wolin!: Cr - ailing, which he iniersig le r, (ban has been ever offerwi, the whole of the stock of lticLo ble; arias be Intends to eco . P LI cash bsiness, he feels Our:, littepassu hisstock, either in Our Deis of-Workmansblp. Please to take notieet hat Wired in Pittsburgh. fr AMII6p MORROW. 4. ghat og irOff, "; Az 1 4 Fried pdad ilarket StrWo In hie line at the shorteit_oo iitih-otie“ are sollthe arees J l AO 4f wareq, oval 7 0 0/0 19 Home spantimagia seplo • t;;;;j i ~, ` , D BY W OD It 11 RS a CENTS" ( Newt Dols. • Marini he same °l6r WALARB,e verria • g 1.1r4E15 ne 01011111, WO 01011Ie, liree mon , ' our knout hs Ix months, Ile year, TISEM F.N Pt ICASCRE. .nee. > months. e year, iirorortio n. 166ARS a. ye MIRE ween Mark door from W Mock, Coll tweet* tint i=il street, ties' R. Johnot Etwees Mark I,lh. noar 111 KS et an. 4 Won CRDRS ' AND Fu FO4 et reet Penn r4fit Titirjetrel Titird S .itu - 4c•ftel a nrar Fey rly BI op on Si • 'I`T'OR L_~lw. me toi Jo Pena and 'ti Nlackev, :411, Frvitrh, i CLIME, :(111i,e in the I turzh. El!IM=11:111 wecnlnd fhnlPa:Je Gi ns in Prildnee a :224 Liberty LW 0 RT I ommiesion &let ured ar f the D, airs torney to tit on above anuractu No 80. ,• 110,0 a% FIL,A 0., 1 7 t. 1' rni ure. being fu prke. rere!ved `-(or saie of Lasuir Pitt Van REDVCIE F. L. ty st reel L end '.:..1. exi door id.z2 in newest F CA ULU:: dieTnsLed F. L. ,"• y street, • Od Clow tip' be ha F. L. ty street , nm mei It ed sior, F:L• rty attee I. Elii F. L. Liberty II of Hoc Edding 4tnear AC H, and -,. Orch hills , F. L. street for pr w.for.eat nit z a , - ppty to roNoda . At uga the