Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 24, 1842, Image 3

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    - - L'Atouttitzc i: 7 ,
ruttbe *hone ssitient
Chareb,Siviithttehl 'breet. -.at*.
Seventh Streets", eft /4, 4 6
' The Lecture willtret ,
Nratt Illtharkoted.
Ty of this intierinteriAi t
edeh Qt tii
1 1 14 h
_nearly het nn ei n, r
feet. i
These Pa in, infra imee
(4124 'vs% if sot imperil* a.
11:114teturels COnti4nce
Sirtgie Ticket2s eenta....?
or...more, I 3 14 cents for e lm *
eta to be had At the dew
siene.wo: it Voisitil'igtiet-:
Mr.A. Ingrattra's Book. Store;
dencominati , rns, anti raters -
ference to tile large has.
Tyrrsv an
Drmerso—On IrridaY,....(4 unk
9 os w ti.;ck at oiftn. The P 1214 _ll, 1
uraary, owned by Cay;
qtra nifty of drsed and undreined
uo.d bY fire.
The Iran Safe which l'htdithld'
-was 'in the most tipoted situttite
was'entirely red hot-, eits
opened at the elose•or the &rated
ke.famee;—thie in the bat ,
the tti fifty oflatst safe.
oil ;,.'4-1 I
A N e'eclion for tbirtee e
tie e..suing ye2r omit' be to
nonte-oli SiJuday the 'Zia day or.
too 21 —te.
141 !r. b a fliers or t Evi
j anlm.l elecliOtt for illlrl rpn
-ninr fear. uri II be held ni fi,
rwq.‘ on n n tin y2i Sow , .
in 3 cret.)ck P. 111- sisiOurt.
Pittsburgh, O t t.
r i S• 0- Ll.nklere of Ilirk %ink'
X tit, .0, ft, thirteen direeen
%ear, eld ai lite %nth% ; •
nt 9 °clock A. V.
oci 21—Ic. Vt.ll.
xi - A Nt7F/441 URED and sold
ILL Sivra Srartr- one door
or+ 21-Is.
BR.HS.—F , everal India/nom
8 1 .otn) in rash, whit to
farms IS near Pittsl.nreh as Itnenlik.
,-erty 10 Fri? or rent map find relay
by lea-yin:l it (or sale cr record-id
Or' 21=31.
o F. EIGHT.—Jost r e c e i rt .i .
Handsome Oil 1 auing--Mier
Seal': pa:e,.l Lard tamps Cry (be
have tried an 1 c; it recommend t .
fords. lines and twine. Alto,
carpi t dm' n .
21 fii
Frebi Arrival a a Cheaper
el *ti HE Sahecrihet ; baring jest tr
.11. Carpets and flit/ Goodo,ate
wants of the want/11311S at tllff, ,
cash. They etaraly solicit az
v.. tsin n e 10 bny, Refire sh*Ain Weil
-r I wlr S.k ~c i; conalas tatt-tes..y.tc--;
TS vu , .. Is Carpel C DeornY.' - k.j Reza
Svi Tv, rit .... i ~.,: ra In. - ' Oa ( 'Thkii ' ::
F 11,.. do
Common 'in
41 3-4 3 4 Piail3 Venrsiai:
4 9 Sao T
in - 2 ra po, a ileirii:4;il I Dill: .
- •
n r .a (),1 ri.rhp.Dli se , . I f"t;vii
Ist veiih MK' ft:
Fanrt Drt twat t
oli ri ~I..ioist.wel.t iL 11,e9d+y
or; 2 , 4 1v N'o.llo Markt!
w NTS.
.A place car a good' Book Etiptt
try. A , fia for a aood 'renews' Isis
hand —fora ?sillier and Cara war
sevcs:,l asecLanics as Blackmails
Apply at • • OA
Or t
Net ire is hereby Etyma that a
105th R,,,:imrnt, to. Briode-1 31 b
sv,ii i.e 1,14 ai lames Flittrihrph
21,4 at 10 o'clock. A.M.
hl a jots ercer and Sime•ari
„ o r
g- at
1 , -01-
Or! 19-3 t
FILE. No. 61 sOCTO
-ggr.t Iv , - J. ic• U. Rofp!...
Aces Lir crpont, who despatch
ports of the II ited States aid
I HE Subscriber wonid
Flirt' persons 2.9 .;.r-
Prie,nds that he contintres to
Great Hrit..ia and Ireland * IP
friend- Its e, by the above line°
most reasonable terms. In K '
passens.ett wilt avoid the' •
lime so much coniplainedol lo
impositions praci#loein
and irresponsibletugAr
rod that every due
their friends and all livhcl vow" -
y not embark van hl 9 °/. ' ,
party from whom it nias,aritml ,
forming to the documental: l o ,or '
meat.—He alsoleela Oruitut
has considerabiw eltended
meths for the Itayspeat of bis.
ii,r,u2l.out England. Ireland,.
Curt her particulars applYlll6l6
p r
9 h.
Hard Cider Oars/ere. initial
paipm 67rallincers , - 11 N iestioit
The state of yeelr Staniftels
a never iodine remedy prescrffilto
um-to not imehsy,mstorted eveilf '
Caikalt 10
Office boors from 8 A.
Now is the time of sear"
Coughs. Colds, Kbetertallisse•
affiietei,a speedy-Cele l ie ;/PEAgg'Sll.
which is allirrred bloa t 4.4.4 7
remedy ever *felted ror 010 :,
HE rrgs...7o rs AIM .;
ail outward retto*,;eo6e_,
an inward Ormikairom 154
NktiiireetissM -
No oat
the 000
.r eh
• .titif
Oct I 5...11,
i5 ,1041 ,,q 4 ,61:
BER 24, 1842
itt ffaiv9.
3vocitrti,,n meets this
Mme 11a11 fart t.e • purpose
rs. See advertisement.
;ticitiit Jerrisalept.--W e
n to the advertisement of
c h %; ill be found in anoth-
Chest B.— See advertise-
Beautiful, cool, comfot t-
I—On Friday night last
a gentleman who was
titer's shop on the cor—
ey and let street, dis•
toe shop and found that
on fire. lie gave the
t time w ith tire aid of
ing,ui,hed. Had it not
-ately discovered at the
est z active conflagration
are ensued.
tiday night an alarm was
darky a:tempting to set
,oards on the corner of 4th
They soon made him
ed a c "mmunication from
tow :ship, in relation to
It will he attended to
pers-n on a grey horse
c Id awl then gallop•
he o add carry him
I E is quite as
iter trre•ted.
fiet hoot', a man named
f , r pas,,ing a er,un.:
is on the Bank ~f )r
-. brought befire Jlay it
of had tnohey found
Of c ourse ne had a good
1 ,, t the occasion; but
.jv Li r . 11, r), r. 6() lie lead
t , .h.irr..e on the until
},,. ai d ht fore the
,1 a ,111111[1.
entered the
Ci , miati woman narri
-i TLursday afternoon, in
betl her of all the mon•
nn brides of in
_NA •Aas abseilt on
(111 , 1.1 'a lmie gill,
The petty
ti.ry ma tt and
tht c.1);(.1 w.-s. II
-iI,; , eLIL,I
Ttie3tle ,Ten
lie mat,a2,ernel,l,lles
atka Thiil;tr,
atc atlliOUllied 35
e. learn that Mr. .111,-
indenhr!f will! appear
V. is Mies Clifton?
SAturdny it r a i ne d in-
lv tie mmning until
ght. It was a giot ious
n and travellers, as it
rs Ligh enough fur the
!papa boat
Ju'inzt on R. Davic.arrivrd
:lurday esenitlg, ai.h the
She will be finished forth
ill create no little admica-
rs Caught.
namcd Ozton, and a
eeted yesterday for rubbing
on Friday or Saturday
e follcwed to this place and
gave informa . ion of the
o • pliccs. l'hrt of the plun.
the rubberi were commit
at NW"'
having a fine time in
shore is alive with wild
•her sea fowl. Wolves,
°'er zaine in the inte-
mass of the Loco Foco
all of them vote.—Her-
ass of the Whig party
em rote—when there's
A c orrespondent of the
that Butwer has been
e Chronicle• No won , .
tied such a name when
r wide awake neighbors.
1,. has been established
t been taken oat in. Ben
h, by giving them *miff;
- their sestet clean
a thing or two; St it
and a patch *to 10
couricvf.i.u.v. 7T ALLPJ vsgviiv, mciaital
Bank of Pittsburgh. pail
Merck. 4- Man. bk. - -par'
Exchange bank. OMOIXS.
Bk. of GeralontoWa • “ Normaik.
Easton tank, 41- ,- Liiiist.- _
Lancaster bank die 2.,Daytas. •
Bank of Chester CO. parISEIOIO. .
Fa ricers' bk Batt! CO. ... rOrt des.
nOyiftztOiMil bk --do .•Chillicothe,
Bk of N America Phit.. ''• PrAn.babahnntakr,
Bk of Northers Liberties." Uneasier,
Commercial bk. of l's. .. Haaditon, - -
Far. 4- Mechanics bk. s• GranviLle. .
Kensington bk.as.hk. Lathe Edo. S 5
Philadelphia bk. . •• Par- bk:nr Catalan, 95
Sconylkill bk. •• Urbana 70
Southwark bk." INDIANA.
Western bk. • Stale bk. - Branches, 2{
Bk. of Pennsylvania. 9 State Scrip. 48
Bk of Penn Ti. par KENTUCKY.
Man. 4- Mechanics bk. It All banks, 2
Mechanics . bk. par ILLINOIS.
bloyamensing bk. 9 State bk 4- Branches, 65
Girard ba.,k, 50 1 Shanineetown , 65 -
U. States bank. 58 , VIRGINIA.
Lumbermen?, Warren, 75'liank of Virginia. II '
Frank. bk Washington, par do Valley, It
Miners bk of Pottayite, 6 Far. bk. of Virginia, 14
Bk of Montgomery Co. par Exchange bank, li
Mon. bk Browngritte, 2%. West. bank 14 ;
Erie Bank. 5 tiler. 4- Mee. do. 11
liarrisimrsh bank. 611 MARYLAND.
Far. bk Lancaster, 2ißallimore- Ranks, , par
Ilk of Middletown, 51 Country Banks, f. 2
Bk. of Cliambersiargh, 6 DEL A WARE.
Cat lisle hank. 6 All Banks, par
Bk of Nor, hund.rlnrid, 5 NEW jERSEy.
Columbia tok A- 'Bridge ma. 21 All Banks. par and 1
Ilk Susquehanna Co- 9 NEW YORK.
Bk of Detaware Co. par C.it,i- Bt. ukt, par
Lebanon bk. 6 Country banks,
Ceti st.tirsh bk. 6 (safety fated) ia 1
York bank, ti Red Back, 1- to I
Far. ii Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLAND.
Waynmharg 11, 6- P.ost on Banks,
I pi r
•, Currency notes, 6 Country .- ..
llonesdate. 2 LOUISIANA.
Wyoming bank. 121 Orleans Banks.
Plissb'sit state Scrip. 51 NORTH CAROLINA
Cout.try do do 610 10 Banks, 24
Berks Co bank, 50/ SOUTH CAROLINA
Lewistown, 7018anks,
Banks. 2
Afraintilleasant hk
Far. Mech. bk of Stec.
IMnville. 2',
Belmont bk of St. Ci3iTS
Slarim la Lk. Demand
. .
do Currency notes, 2
Columblana bk New Lis
bon Deman,l, 2
do Post noies. 2,
Cincinnati specie pny.
Traders bk of
('liou Id, of Columbni.,,
Demand norm. 2
(H. Lawrence
TV Corner of Wood 4- Fifth Sts.
THE prop. icICHF of the ‘lon,iso rose and MEnntElr
M ANCF•CTURER rew;•eclfully inform their friends
a till 111 , rons or i tto, papers. that I hey have a large
nti weft chopro af ,,, orto evt of
4111C110 ZEIC r7ll-`7lllll - 70° . ...1E,
A:t\iff) .t\ 23 7 6 ;1 7 , - 3 ,V,ZIANIP AIaI.ANI
Svce,sao iu a Office. and that they are pre
P.lll phi. -
11 . odbills
Stag . e, Sleainboat, and Canal Boat Bills, aoith appra
Prit ,, ed (o I hr antice and inns! reaf.onable Terms
les,ertfully ask the palronaile of our friends and
Ur , uhteL in !eneral in illi= br4ack of our kusitteSa.
Sep'. 39: He— PHILLIPS 4- smrni.
d 11,12ites. Slatinfaciurer of Iron and Nails
:%•,,,,,onse, No-25. Wood .1.. Pilisburzli. seri 10-1 y
(its FOR SALE.—Four Lois Manchester, One
1.4 ..,41 a fourth Acres , of Laud on Holmes' 11111. Lots
TN. , -ll_ 42.52..5:3. 54,181, 182 and 184. in ecok's plan
ilill Also, Lots nos 26 and 27. in
p - all of Lots on High street, near the new Court
fli , u- , For terms apply to Z, W. D.F..IIINGTON.
ge:N 10
\li-s , s Rork aud
GEORGE o'. LA TA^G. Attorney at Law. Office
Na. 54 Fill!' street, near Ole Theatre. Pittsburgh.
set) 27—ly
‘7ICHOLSO.N" LANDS.—In otirsuance of a decree
I . o eThe Nichi !Non Court Of Pleas of Pentisylva
Colnutis-inners of the estate of Jahn Nichtilmn,
will offer at mildir aale, al the Eteltanee hotel. piit,
rI1). Pennsylvania. on Monday, the 24th of October
next. at 10 o'clock, A. M., the folldwing described tracts of
hnd..i.nated in the Stale of Pennayivania,to wit;
A TRACT OF LJND in Westmoreland co.
643 Tracts of Land to Erie county
• -.ALSO-.
420 Tracts of Land in Cranford county
263 Traces of Land in Mercer county.
130 Tra,t= of Land m Butter ecninty.
-312 Tractsof Land in Be.ver.covray.
-80 Tracts of Land situate in Venano
-68 Tracts of Land situate in Warren county.
—A LSO--
7 Tracts of Land situate in McKean county.
-19 Tracts °Maud situate in Jetferson county.
-5 Tracts of Land situate in Armstrong county
-14 Tracts of Land situate in Indiana county.
17 Tracts of Laud situate in Fantte county
Fora forthei description thereof, see Willi and other
newspliptr..s poqiches iu the rerpeitive counties.
The land will le sold to e ttiaty the debt due the. Coin
atooarealtit of Pennsylvania, try John Nicholsoo,ind ee
cured by Fiscal and Judicial Hem dated in December.
1795, and March 1796.
. .
The C,ornmirsioners will attend at - ibe Exehan.e Motel',
in plitsbarah, froin the 11th of October until the day of
sale, to give farther information.
The terms dilate will be—ten per tent. :at the time of
Bak, and the bahmee ii four equal Payments, .c.
WILLIAM raimttosc. tesieteesiowers.
Nicnoison COlll4lslollltile Dynes.
liarrisburgh. Pa... Sept. 3.1842. t , seP2S-42
At0..90, Mulct at., kettreas mith infi Diasuinul.
MBE Suteeriber„ who is about demi niny r t he, aryGoods
1 tersiness, will dispose of his stock at coili.firradcd
oats, it cons of Mack. bine Mack, hivisibielirena and,
olive Cloths: Cassiments and Satinetts.4 ail cos;
of alt kinds and colors, Bearer an d; Mote-'
. ,
Skies. Pilot Cloth; Mouse. do Latinos. plattraol %wrist;
Ofinana ekah , a aPiredidattiele tevladiee dressetsTiek-
Inge. Chintzes and Calicoes. a Imp; hitodhts ,
blenahed and anta Gingham,. C ks mord, TIN,
Lioenjmemoris,Drikfe, all hied., and pri Glover. 114, 2
afro:y, illocki sad Daseenders; Td erino. teethe Wool and
DottOn Shills and Drawers, Silks. Datins.l plain and lige_
red; Dario and Merino Varier; Centternen's Scarfs'
Teeetber with ilea assorteseet of Dettose,Tbres#4 Lt.
See4tsle,Q,eititodiarid . toseirinte, L- ' ••
The aro s e SnackSi esettiwarthf the attaisoa.precinkri
'liii Idaraltal**'l F alidilles,lat OW dllOodewill ho ' ett
Caul LATlPr ' ocitfOfilli! - ., wrAcy 14:0TD,•. ..- •
- - - tPitl : - ------ '''''' '-- ' 141 11 , • . ' '
Good Ra ,, ks,
Rank=. 8
Ilk. of St. Clair, 5
Do. dn. 1.1 R. Smith 5
Coos' bank•. S to 8
Eastern Exchange.
rbilpaelphfa ,
Nrar vatic,
Western Exchange.
Nneinnali, par
Cleveland. die
pa:ed to execute.
Bit,- Lnding, I (7iiculars,
Rill head Cards,
Cards , Black Clucks, l Dad Tips-
211 Mutts of /Hanks,
preate C.Zs,
---A LSO
-ALSO - 7
• -
•rr . - Wen Ie:7M A : ilioitiis;tinhlPAtutflei the I*
D neat '' 'Oft/ if 4 •of r
• contasaing 'at Which
1.11110. N AND COlil , filYareAgmtSl imuloridez femu r front lo lo 3tl acres of
ter waled rPSlSMiraill jaraya3 bi.. l d euslaiae ;Linc.. i !iilimididaiC2lo,444:ireSarde or Appw-z, few Peat A d
friends. that he haalbits dal a4sticialednrith Chef apied . liri*irrieriorrn
eertis'are i r mictratne Noose
Illwaine. under the tkin ofS- Koller 4'V%. any' r welliurrifihed,l23cOlted for a ni
-1 his former busineAs ofdeater la Iron allega - ilL'at- j*i i are , piwittine. a frame sara S .
6{l stone
stand, N 0.53. Front PI-, helu'eea .. ! 4 :9 oll and M arke t sts bitime - im'on,iitid stadkne, Medic • ard other suit-
A ren ewal of his old . motors, an d the the for: O ;nod Gardens surrounded with
-ipubtiegoneratly, reoPerifflitY rClaPsi - _ currant hashes: aid" a well of excellent water. with a
se ri - p i/sho w rgh. 134), a k till er Uit If ai roLt iet door .
tu .' ere ln u rela .o l p i;n te to no tlw w F alrr iti r_,,, elnlor.b ,
1011110 OBERT PORTER, - Atto•Palt at Lamt- —Office I sa'e w mort decennrot tick-es lint to porch-asp
kW on the corner of Forth and Smithfield Of. -nevi° near Pittst.o eh, the terms will be inade moderate, for
crihmoiros Works ,, will be °Oen cwt . day. '''""'"'`` l ", ( .., -- r old 'before the 1.4 of Odebei iir~it, it
espied. - Min 7 ?Opek;Ok- llolit P. 51 " in the f, will lie divided Mio tO attlr - Macre tots Sarrba
change Suilding,corner of St ;Clair street and Facbange
. setr 10
I pep ID
alley. where puncloal attendance will he c.i.satipaYst
. - - Hat fig . 's inteiii'letice 'Office;
Mg Cf .S/C .KB .
POLSir..lltapAri , hereby would re - j V...FVER.fL good teachers can he furnish:Milo re..l3osolF
IVA. specify infUrm the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi. 1 is.o - iiitown or cannily. A 0101 female teacher , well
cilly, that he contemplates forming a school immediate - terisniniended. 'with the advant arm: of e spe t ig ne .,.o4“.
ly, for the purpose of teaching the useful art of Insult- a fltai e in some rmpectalite private fatoilyi - snewill'ialic
mental enn.4c. Hs pledges himself to the trui.lic.tbat his I charge of a public siebool. Plates stapled for Several
method of lost ritetion is systematicund Wield ific,and that l cierlm and boi . s. mechanics. *alters. chaialertualds.giris
no pains *hell be Maimed to facilitate the prergm- - siof lits thrall wort and tabor - tag said. All kinds of ItitAuess
- tarting. 1 done at this - office for strangers and others *siting the
Ladies will be Mailed on at their r es pective residences. city. Perso is needing an agent in aay Valk, will find
sir. ft. has neduo4l his prices to suit the. tunes: here long expe.rjeacenatt a thorium!, knoarledae-or haul-
For particulars pease call ai Col. 'Proving:is, near 11w neer. ' _ OFFICE. 9 FIFTH STREET.
,iteebeny Bri,,ge: oct 8-1 w fil: It. A tall painted pole stands before the &tor.
sett 19
, orney .at Law; . Office in
BakewelCs Buildings ; +nap), oppOane thelgew
Court Haim on Grant street. imp .30—y
Lm.lact- 2d, 1842.
iltir*To Dr, TuOutt,—llly Dear Sir: I cheerfultsi and 1
cordiatly Milieu the present favOrati'e opportunity to re- ;
turn to you my warmest thanks of gratitude for your on -1
equalled and unexceptionable inveriVon ,of your very
justly celebrated Tea Berry Tnoth.Wash,and I frtl that
am its duty boundto say that I have derived the great- t,
eEt and moat beneficial effect from its frequent and mode.
Meuse: and I ran assure von that I am exceedingly hap
py to have the pleasure of informing, you, that sincerely I
and cordially speaking. I can i n fast ice recommend us fee
quent use mall that unfortunate portion of the human
race throughout liteglobe who are now undergoing. the
most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine PrfPa• ,
ration of exactly the saute Outlives( which yours is prepa
red.-and who have for years been suffering, from Abe in. I
ktriousApiructiY,c and pernicious effects of worthl e ss ;
tooth powders and other worthless preparations. In
conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth-
Wash but for a short period, and yet ( feel thoroughly
convinced that it 13 the best now known. its inest isnable
virtues in priertibigi the teeth. {which it kept in a good
and handsome condition. 13 the greatest embelishmebt
that adorns the htiman structure.) are not to be excelled i t
in easing sad reeving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring trielU MS to a Ileait by and purified condition, and t
giving also a sweetness and fragrancy tea disagreeable t
breath hitherto unknown. 1
Accept my sit eOre wish for your surtm , -., from
Yours. truly, • Josuto Batosnat
nership formerly ratatine under the name of
Sinitb, foyer Co.,at the Bowen Works, was dissolv
ed 27th Sept's', hilt by the withdrawal of Samuel Smith
from the firm.
A. N. Mc' OWELL,
Pitt-burgh, I,lth October, 1E42.
The nlanufactturin. of Iron and Nails from Inn :Oa
Blooms will he continued at the Bowen Works, by the
subFrriherF, under the firm of Torbert. Coyer and :11'Dow
ell, who are amply prepared to attend to all orders in
I heir line on the most liberal terms, and by renewed at•
I , allot, to tinsinet - s hope to merit a continuance of public
pal rona;e-
A. McDowELL.
Bowen Work., 11 Oct. 1842
N It. rhehogioe-5 ofFmith. Royer 4. CO. will he Fet
uea up at the old :gaud, by Turhe:t, Royer 4. McDowell
Oct 12---d2w
JUST .eretveda euaerior 2110c/ear Lee 4- Co's_ Lard
flit warranted to Miretat ally Temperature. forsate
at the lard Oti Store itt Third street, neatly opposite the
Post Offv-e. .111. C. ELVT.V.
Oct 1 2-1 w
COFFEE:, l'E &c.
5,, RAGS prime Ereen Rio Coffre,
1./ 30 . parkives Y. Fr .Imperial and Gunpcivder Tea's,
20 bbls large No. 3 Mackerel,
6 boxes Sperm Candies.
received and for vale by
Comer of bland and Lillertysta. •
Om 11-1 w
Fc o s j i 8 . 0 /ITER 11. I .ii , ••urvi Ma rtnlac
tures and 1 4 :ountry I'rothire-6 half twres of ch t•ce
Cavendish Tobacco, I liree qualities and prires---330 hush
elts of Flaxseed Cake in ',Ms, in tots to snit cuSIOITIeTS.
IS AC HARRIS. it et. and Com. Merchant,
No. 9 Fifth street.
SCTG A ft& hOds N. 0. 1.-"ogar,
40 ,hs Plantation Molasses.
50 •• Sugar House do.
00 8 0 7
4 R . io Coffee
-NUL—LAW SCHOOL.—T be Trustees of the
Western University of PP nt , sylvania announce to the
public that they have esiatiln.lied a Law Scitoet In con
nection with the University. in which will he tat.lll
interttationtil, and Constitutional Law in all
their nranchca.
The ntodrof instruction will he he recitations, lectures
an d occas io n al r oom courts, ag in 4110 a r itra9.
The rear will consist of two ter.' s of four aid a•haif
months each.
The first term will commence on the second Monday
or Igo venther next.
The tuition fee is gt 17,50 per term payable in advaece.
Warraut 14 Lowing. Esfr, a menthes of the Pitisbur-h I
Bar, has been chosen Professor. The trustees take great
pleasure in annul:timing that they have been able In se
core the seritieMl of one so wet, qaatified for the station
by reason of his 'legal acqutrements, and particularly of
one so highly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman.
The annexed recommendation will tarnish satisfaction
to all his qualifications as Protestor.
The trustees having been indliced to institn e this
school from a view ',film merlons dimdvantagesallentling
the studies of lair. in the office of practising lawyers and
ago the very obvious admatmeOhirh Pittsburgh peg.
!emu's over most Cher places in the West for the mien
tishment of mchan institution --ilere is a most Indust ri
ons popu`ation. Thestudent wills-ere around him exam-
ptes of industry and entagy, and very few teinmationsio
indolence and idleness. Be may become arqnainted
with business in its forms. Our Coos-mare gifilog
nearly all the year round, and there is perhaps no place
in abs West where &greater variety of easel acid princi..
pies arise for dikcassion.
The C,oartmitheestre desitousthat all persons Wishing to
avail thrintseivei °like advantages of this school., shpuld
do an immediately by calling and teavina their names at
Inc offmeof Waster B. Lowrie. Esq.. on Fourth street.
Of by addressing him by letter. post-paid, so that all sto
dents mutt commence at the opening of the term, or as
early thereafter as pumible.
t r meetvr. PRESSLY; 1 Committee
. Davin n. RIDDLIt,
nitx. LEdw*Likra ,
We take a pleasure in recommeadin to the. cent
denceof the public, Walter it. Lowrie-Esq., PoWersoiror
Law in the Western-Enivendte of Pennsylvania, ass
milkman eminent for bis soiled Segal learniim and shill
fiercest/ in every way,qotalifeed fo...the duties of theatre=
to which Be has been electeiL
JoB's 1. 81300 X • °bier j ae i cesn d
""" C. " Gr ' sbs • Joerieee of the
cm". "°4 ' Supreme' Court..
; a snore, tiad^es of the
itsurtiu ursvnr.U S. Plortrt '1411IV
! Bur; tie** la. Peet. agar: gem.
1111 , 1.7 *-200 !fr4l 3 Na $44,1 11 0.,? reeei Fed. awl
17 **elm 1 . I. W, BUiBititlcE4l}...o3...
No 75. &tem* ming.
Iritiet7.ll--- •Woo Ouhoot. out iLlitUi int' for sake by
N. 51 .1. W. EURRITDC* tab ' '°
Oct 1 ' 75. St yorottilet
, wI4ITED.
- '
s -
p lF ' ze
l 4 k o
tilofrfiillloiarMdlErOtiicwbiKngrner:Wo. f0140t.0-
. iA-iclliki%
1 e 4Y
MBE' onhoe•lbeta respeetfaily WI the attention of
their friend - a and the patitirgerieralip. to their pie.
sent assortment of Paper Bangers. which contains a
tare and ertensive - eariety of patterns of the follow' , e
descriptions; v , bieh upon Inspectkos wilt be found to he
of superior quality and finish.
Messed grail l'irper.s, of al! desenplAintr, fcr pa.tering
rooms and entries, 2.5 tents per piece.
braul Wolr Papers, neat and - handsome patterns, for
paprringroome and entri.es. at 3 . 7 i cents.
American IFOII kaper, of their' own manafatture, for
halts; Fresco cad, ether silks, for parlors and
chamber:. on. fine satin - gtalied gran n is
Fren-ig Walt Papers, Decersdias a-ml,Presto patterns. in
' plain :•nd rirlreolort, Fold aced. an paper.
Veleet and hairgrips Raider?.
Lawdscape Papers; in spits, for papering hotels, halls
and dtninp rnonis, ai reduced prices
Fire Board Prints, Statues, orresteuts,
:Hulett, Blind P.per, plain and figured, of„ differ - PM ea
'Western merchants and others are respectfully invited
to call and examine I lie:r stock and ',tires. off which Ta , st
a liberal discount will be given for cash.
Prom long ex../erien:e.in the t usiness, they are aide to
manufacture papers in a superior manner. and.as they
are deter:Word to keep op the character 'heti pitpen"
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue - to re
ceive the encouragement hit hello sriliberally extended_
NO 49, Market street. between 3d and 4111
Pitisborah. Sept, 19.1842---,dawtf
.0.... ---.., -
IT . S. MAIL LINE orSplentlid Pasgenger - Itteam Pack
11.J ow from Cineiitnatilo Si. Lottis.. _ .
The itenr,spleiiiii.i:fast running, it: light draught steam
Niciwts West trindand Xeapueeit. will run as regular
Packets:. frrint Cincinnati to St. Louis.. Will leave Chi
ein nut i and St. - Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
Passengers from the Baia and Mist may rely neon
their stariins/ paw - loathy as advertised. Fey 10
1 - 011?: agrTErtyvor.T rt. aztioxeer sad Commie.
SiOlt Jlrereltast, Louispi/le, KY.. will Attend to 111.•
sale of Real EAa , e, Dry Gonds,G,oreries. Furnionre,
ra les et-e , y Tuesday, Tbllrs!lay. and Fri
day snorninss, at.iO v'elont, A. M. Cash advances made
on eonsi!...eme , : t.3 • . . Fnr. 10
V HOOKE, rpettfuly invites lie Ladiev of Pitt,
-' 4 • bureii ?ad vicinity to call and Pxam me - his very
han&iime ainiOttment it'ff Caney Ronnetii,,te,. that he wilt
open Ihia da Y. at No. Ciair sircet directly oppozile
the Elehante Hotel; they ate macro of rieh n3atettaiF •!ka
in the latest fashion. -g-3!q
HEAP- 4,A'D 1:1 613 (..i.JV ST (I .A"o • 2 $
Chair zrrert.
Laren and R athons,
hie and uatrnwaP ls.
Lace and Muslin collar , .
Infante frock wands,
Ladies, French Kid, Mohair,
Lisle Thread. and lotion Gloves.
Black Mohair Ines for Vrils--wery cheap
A la..eassor!meni. of En2li4i .91raw Bonne - r.
Also, a variey of Straw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid
of the lat rsi fashion_ a rui at exceedin2ty tow rates
Tipese eon& are now selling off at prices ye trip the
Ladle? are respecifn!ly invited toralland purchase.
Jnomvs TEA BERRY TOOTH Wart/I-4 New
Invaluable Ressedy.—The extreme beauty he
Teeth, their indispensatrbe nee, and the frequency of their
decay. basted to many inventions for their pre, ,, :roa
yet how to pre- serve them in a Mate of /meth 2 n pristine
beauty, to the latest pertntla of existenre, irae entirely
unknown until the dkmovery of the ahtllte invaluable
preparation. if forma a pore titlFiure compose,: 01 ye!
elabte inaredients, and is room.. re tied of the ni•-t dntir;ol3s
odor. It eradicates tartar frotti the teeth, removes spot
Or Incipient decay. poli-ties and pr es erves the enamel, to
which it given a rtemri•like whiteneta, and, from its Akin.
fectitea. properti, Possesses ti:e virtue of givitrz sweetness
to the breath. .
For We by
For sale by
I. G• - A. GORDON.
As an aitati Scorbaitie, tile Cams a'.so share in ha trans
cc/tent powers; Benceey is eradicated from them. a
steal by aetinn and redress is induced. which offers to the
notice of the medicl pracinioner indubitable evidence of
their healthful, state. I: has heen examined noil.esed I.
several of the)test nliviiriane of this city, trim Mitre no
hestitat ion in recommending it as an excellent mash for
the Teeth, Cnnist.ete.
mow; tOe retostoneodaliona to the above are the to'
Having tried Dr....Thorit's Tea Berry Tooth Writ's,"
and become acquainted with the ingredients of ice Compo
sition, I cheerfully say, I ronside: it one of theaafest, as
it is one of the most plemarat Tooth W 2Bl OO l now in Bre-
PittShttrgh 5ep.:15.1842 DAVID ‘ RUNT, Dentist.
- I take pleasure in stating, having made use of... Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash." it et it is one of the beg deo
trificearn use. Heinz in a liquid form, it combines neat
ness with convenience. White it cleanses the enamel
and rtmoves the tartar from the teeth, its perfume gilds
.fragranee peculiarly desirable. .1- P. TIBBUTTS. AI. D.
The undersigned have used ..Tho.rs's Compound-Tea
Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme
ty plea-sant dentifrice, eserrislng a most =salary ingn.
elite over the Teeth and Gums; preserving. those indis
pensable members from premature decay, pleventing the
accurtiolatiun of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay_
In thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in Ve
commend:us it to the.public,telleeing it to he the best ar
ticle of the kind flew. in ttse.
BL HIND fr. 077.
" • •
Pri pared only by WILLIAM TlillaiSti APoibear9
mid Chemist. _ 5,3 Market ri reef, Pittoliu (rib; for rale al
ail the principat ?roglilida',and Tolite's Medical Aizency,
bwrt twarcenastar.
17th °tuber, 3811
QP , ALE:D sin:spot:ale win be received at this.Deperineni,
until 3 o'clock. P: M , of the 15th Novesanerstesti
for furnishing the neceesaty. materials and constructing a
Depot for..the preservation of.theCharis and istsbroments
belonging totbe Navy. With its accessary -observatories,
groeitepistre. Lc. -
The Pepe to consist of a central bedding of fifty feel
square, with wings PC twenty five feet in tenth avd
eighteen feet wide—the whole to.bebuitt of brisk,
Plausand specifications. wilt be exhibited at this Be :
pertinent. to pewees wishing.to hid for. tile .sassie. _ The
eiteartation to be coasedeteddite "sevens winter. , alj the 1
materials , to be fainteshed of the best quality, and the . I
welt lobe done Iv the lint and most weirkutanlike wa it.
bactea deosbeeeareindtSfaeliOss ofthe cater solaria
tendilitt.therdirnanlaialt /0. I
be de natisfarver thastwirne ailkindis, and then unison_
biar-xerghod by theinglerlaihindies'atheer„. and approved
by theVerrelary of the Navyireseoring ten- per eent.-.4th
stairityotaKik thicatipole shethise
Wiawdetell to the entire staitsfeWiaa of the Department.,
A bend for the faitbkil performance of the contract,
with twit iiiiiisfait*ifecerhieli. stall heti:item tor one-.
Mint the endiettedisenetat of lite-whotetod.
*, - ,..' - elf 'Sjta;aillgi....getiAnk ; Mend Mmit the; Te_sriiiiiiiiiiriiidibefiliiiMiesempwiww
.pntorki,e..l(lll4* -- ookiiispierikatio *toy. that it ; , ..1.4 etiretieht otuatithaniesi , ir iteuelniiiiimlall
ti49' 1:41 " I " 114 bo * Oc IS fi r rilt :Or litre ollitiird ','lblobl y an MOM of alilladtetb Mts. It detea r i#l
littlitital orll.Mge'a iht,te of oelpoweicareawke espy there are hetet 'lst nature setiebhaai'agithfel
elect "L i been for ItO" lent XI el f riegere. • • ~4 7 : • .", thew adhere's,. and ReindretlNPlßsaralited . hille
the expereMmotopt ipmt pe r m it ) o r tt rshy iitt4 amiamo I Read sadhrtriavirweil. Tate their~em minlita
rile cur 61T having Wen leinsilliarc Mllit.tiniankth r ElTitaflitDiNditretrAKer
Or. R. A. Wilson. lathe emetics of mestetio. o n t im b a l': Ma
I 3l4.ollfite..lLATD4SPitrifitrOt rgirt
*cf See rears.) enamel' to joko Ws of ibe 3O etesibtkcitisiihew** l44 s
merits of his pita: •
So'curreidget,aoeakie li t. a n d y e t vi w t. aid t r e pent i t alesteidi . !eiiirths stare. T he painsts hit hiteditemK'
their plum,' hat for th e . last flee years to alt whelks, for I * M e t. b b_ (114 "" 6" loony kift snbsa itti1 ...........-- I*-Ir"" n.--..
the role ofehrosiediaraserosr whatever mum ,. no g w oo be to bitty himself- and wee talkewiedm th eu.ssiseWmann
of females in parkins-tar, I haye used oniroot rikoo l t h an 'dial hi the city of Roam% . That *DM limenti'hi ISA- -
another medichtmC ' , ' hospital five weetts.Doetor Olithaid be dint -Wit t*dila' it
Like every Won- Medicine. the mast; fait ia Seem is wilt " It tbe „, mallei L wit 2 l , l4ln. 1utd 0. . "1147 .,.. " .=
stances. Let in my baotti there bee *Palters' d&cippoint.' nothing foe Ale '' m " bele ' """'"' "' Are."--.- ---"' 1--- ---'
moat and more sailtifirt tea Ia t*. rottainierai km of this i Timihe, therefore. was conveyed Crew see ChelteitAtil.
One rrutedY tams of ail Whence. good effects sommi tom Pita' .0 thetilitoes retreat on Frame LAW '' iliiiktlip
quite aithaishingine: ' - ' was there tibrtirked With anemia or ososiiiermirfo:Jll4
If my patient required a safe *wriest. medicine either lod afroFr eremfilet Mttrerini all thelAtValtkaltai l i, _ _JAR"- ,
adore or after parluritlea. the Wilsos's pills stem pm reedier. misery.- The , berhlrghisaffiembleuterbis haw*
the thing I seserted. Le mat t mailed Muer with kdifivirVist.t....-Uorqsaine
Pi deritmetalicld condition' Otte stameeh, reartrawd timer l''' would *Pit ft - 101 1 kr , a.Sdedlia. is ti c tblY
- wi th corliveuesChr thaetivit y ofthe liver constituted the "ii-' affecting Le had a .bad Dia ftbioNY. -- lrilreir.: .1 0 4 . . 11 110 4%. '
disease at' rtay patient. the pills were hi
just the thin g I O r I'm a" ra de d b i b ' f t °l " -14* 4116 -" l " tenwill Cstßil ' lll°4---
teamed. - ' ness. That al times be , derailed a moot worealbsi4.*
If 1 treated a ram trnairing an ematesarinue. the ' nee ° hite e' teebliesil b eil "; that be ran ePlere"the;4lllllle......_
Wilson's pills were jam the IlldoS I Wiese& - hag to malaise cave that -af knives punting 41111,./NWP‘
If p a i p oi t k m. headache,. Bushed .eveeieneiii.e.ee other I hoarels.
_Ai; er manias Worse thaw deists spier Dater*
. ..
diinceitier, indication a, diets:towhee attbe circulatory gelleae • ei t Staten lel • lell '' b doclor told 1. . " L _..__....,,,.." 146
sod seenstory System*. erturqeg a. t pennon ' at the .",,,, tine tensor PO DWI° him. that be utmt. try re maw - amotrue
of w e, . the wi tior o e sue werf„je. th e ton I
awed . At this time be was raffering the greatest misent. 'fit
Thus. Without resn_el In the SUMP. a : &mate mitht ' his hones yr irr so tender Me could not hear the leasiihirhs-.
happen to wear at the time I have bad it under *real ' art *l " . . i r i l 44l " "r eir t il r i , nOr the n taft t b e hai m Mir 41 =a t
meet, particular imlieetiona a syMplons areias , e ere 1 WOs Ma"- th a t
- ' ' l '
r hard -
at-- or s om .i. pr o mpt l y ha thhet hapor set
.67 the i ee - waere medicine he detertnieed to prorate - rm ..... ofirit„,"
Wilson's pills. Brundreth's Pills, which be did. frith Njl "his riiiitirli
Theta* great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap. r 4 err 'Pori; that he commenTedwithfite Plll tt 5 4111 "- i., -
Pareutiv opmedle one '
s, in which I have nerd these pills. liine*l " c ' ea r d ' hi' dose to right_" il'o, Beg
....iirelt . t.•
I should he clued more readily ,by them thae hY any other "0 much benefited him. that the doctor tut Mir
I remedy, may at fins stem Ornate and coalradietotY. but What he Woe Oen:, Said, mow. illimar;• year ,
~% k_
._* - ,.. , 111t
i why it is so is :stew to my mind as th at a meat many . "'a° crate; if " u . Imp."'" in title 1b .."....' " . I:: .:ar ......A. '"M itiiii....
persons should become thirsty from ru minty ditretem Welt.. That her era every nose of the 0ren5i.......''.......
rouses, and vet all require that common and greatest of lele'e thin. Roo I hey tined Meant the Were wiheirAlE
au blessings. water logeengh their thirst. Moot; that they nem cured the delibie*: alufLitieW:4lo
I n conclusion, it is due the epulalion of t..e me dia" pains in his lone ri--That the riss-Ileice per item to.iiill
and the Public, to say decidedly and unconditionally. firm eltmotith to twin mere AT- ne "Cra Ito 441ti6ij'*i:
the wits ree pills 4/cinema!, combination I have. ever day the illth !Want. Oil tie Mr hiTerelillidlLO.O4l___
stoat met with to my lontroarse of practice . that mails pos • mat he 'owed his releoPrnr to ", 'obd
_.„. _ retho Pit t s .a l l,. ,
eiwes any th ing Turativerific for Atli headerhe, r e e r id eftee'lbm be Mot taken thy iMaitall .‘TIPILF*)
' .. Yours ii-c.. DR. MILO ADAMS for 19 days; th at the doctor Mid WM Whs. tied - Mamma b
The above Filis designed particularly for the m e g had been taller that medicine, he should not *tie slams,
Heed . Ache, Dyspepsia. Constipation of 'he Botreledre.. bel'ebe_e day in e ll 'llKiniM 11 . Fr011de"10.#1"lkilfi: W
Minted by the proprietor DT. R. A. Wilma , and for fil k eittht Piddle Mailmen' for ilto bow. el . Ora - 11 0 11 %
, 191 e, whoirlmie and retail. at his dwelling in Peon st rect. ootlotet that diet' May know Where lo Olt 4111 .
Imbue Mar' cry. oe , 1 that will mire th em. mithillillAilr:'
xi. E. AUSTIN. Anomie, at L aw. Piitstrarelt. Pa lobe °balk 144r4 h 1 I " 4114 ,twos " gill* 4117 -....1-' 4 -
A pri I. 1812. did depts.e and say thilthe,foriwthig wipm.
.W : Office in 4th SlTeel. aPPOdle Burke:. Ruildiar. merit is true. J. D WiiEßl.Eß...t'esitsitalki*
WlLLtitt E. A rs-rts, R4t.ovill elm his ul tent ion to my
The BRAJilitltEill PILLS are sod at • - pii.4, 1110,e:
unflaiShed [Wines!, and I tereniinteed him to
dreth's principl ram. 241. 811.0.1/DWAr. /little
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
rep ID—IS - . and at he print-spat office. } to SS Wood fliftel.Piiinliallik_
. the ONLY F1......:CE In Pittsburgh where krie reauihraill
he ohlaired. • 'MA 24.411/111111.i:
JAS S C..RA F7'.
i til7m . STEELS, (successor to &Petoskey) Fash
ions-de Boot Maker. Liberty sL. 2d door facia
Alley. The sObSeriber respectfully informs the
public that he has commenced the above ittisinm in the
shop farmeity Oceopied by Mr. Henry &Petoskey.
andlhat be is now psepared to ;Mend to all orders in his
oihusinws with despatch and On the most rem.onable
terms. Fruim his lons. experience In the Manufacture of
Fashionable Booli, he feels confident that all articles
from his establishment trill ghee `satisfaction to his. pa
Irons. A sham of public patronage is reapers 1.11 I 7, solicit
ed. Sal) 10
SELL ouuuLwcizagsrme,
MECII 4 NICS' lidepeodest Transportation Lire to
Phila.:to:ph:2o and Baltimore. Fir . Traimairtiag
Merciandizi tq JaPd fro* Pittsitargh, via Tide Water
waif Poonsyloopia Caools.
CONOCCTILD . $111.11:1101. Old. SLAAAA •PD Tann:Aim/.
The stJck of flits Line consists of the first class Spring
Cars- Metal Roofs. and New Decked Tide-Water Boats,
cote ma nd ed by sober and ex periersced 1.7 a purins.
Merchants by this Line are.eriabled to have their
Goods shingled we-heap. and with as iptich d, sratch.a
Air ant' Other Lille. One Boat will leave daily from the
cord,of l Mow st ri - et Railßoad en the Detawa re. in Tow
of a loam Gehl, which Is. kept expressly fur that pot
The Proprietors will glee their v hole alteelivai and
respecifnify invite Western Merchants to give them
call, as they will firui it mach to their adveotage.
All goods consigned Willies Beifierot.:* et: toast 7
wise or via Orlawanen nd Raritan canal, wilt he recciv
ed at their warelionsr.foot af. Willow street Rail Road,
Philadelpl - ia, where goods can be put directly from the
Vessel into the Boats withsurt additional handling or ex.
front Philad. to Ilotidayshorg.
From Dolidarrhersh to Plartstrsh.
lAM ES DICKEY 4- Co.. Csoml - Basin, Liberty street
r ji h--,Aff eat*
HUMAN * RtsLe, Wiktelv street. wharf.)
on the DOptcarr.nt
Jose.pn E. EIXEW.. ffatrimore , itgewtit.
11. L. Psyressom, Dattlasshmich,
tt efer io merchants general* thsiagbou.'ille
Surgical Instrument Manufactory,
169. comer of Liberty trird Sixth Street,.
CAZTIrRiGITT returns his sincere thanks to the
st. • ehiZeftS Pin...myrrh aSW ViCin st. for the. ext rain •
dinars pat ronatte he has heretofore receive& and ho, es
SI ill to merit a continuation aA the genie, as he is deter
mined to manufacture all articles i s hi= 13aeof business
superior to any thine of the 'kind ever offered here before,
and that Pittgiturch shall writ merit to he coiled the r
Fr?' Elan OF 4 MER lb A
The subscriber having ilways on nand life, matt even
sive Woe of Monte Manufactured goods in iiiv line is the
West ,
otintry, wou'd *Olen tarty invite the attention
of :5 _eians..Mentilds and Arilvvists to his assortment of
dare Merchants to his stock of Satiler's Tor t s.
.anktis. Tailors. Ratters and flair Dreesens to his Muck
of Patent Shears. 4'e..te•
And that his establishment heine Carried on vtriclie Oo
the cash principle. persons &Wrens of bargains Will at
°nee discover the advents:lvor Callift2 Itinte Purchasing
wams/tem.; Jobbing done in a saperiur style, and cheaper
than corr.
J. C.. by dirertint bis sole attention to businew, torrid.
er with having in his employ the torwt competent work
men, holes to merit the approbation of the public at
Wanted iMIRIIO !lately.* good Atm. r and a good grinder.
nore nerd apply but lie beat amyl - men. Fep
it LARGE and valuable anortment of al! the patent
tuedicittrii of the day; French rerfonvery. Missing
SuapitThorn'sTeaberry Toath Wash, which is not sur
passed Irg any oilier preparation ever offered to the pub
lic, either for the preservatkin orcleintiness of the Teeth.
Cook's Illuseovhas Dreits. which sill care the in
ietteate tooth ache hl five minister.
And a choirent of Citarr, of ta Norma. Principe aid
other titan& well knovr o n to fire ay: - Fine CheirtakTo
haeen. ¢c. always on band and forjate w hoi Ile and
retail at Turrten, 86 Fourth area, opiontlte the Chrinti
de affirm., 'ail 8-11
VAJrrEc. ~ .TO BORROW, For a lonia of'yearr
--8-2000rm-Boad awd 111114Pleage en a Farm worth
*5680 wiiiidaeeelt Miteff Or Pittsimria, —Persons tam
ierg rararei to Moro eaa lead it to wireelair our ffrtt rate
sorority: Apply at • HARRIS' Aararrj re.
Oct IS - - . So. 9 Rob it:
ir T. STEWART, Upbokkerei and raper paws.,
Mb so Toot, .bo4 weed* Wood sod f!etitigfield
As. Rusk aod Flom liallmoes Wear oe bSIS. M .
orders i•xecided midi neatness anddeadatch.oo *mum*
dating !ems.
In the Court If Cas:neunziPleas f littepte
4_ County of &lair Terms. 1842, , Re.
30S, -
A Itinston—teanwiel 1U On
Seim to
lAA rbeitiasil amain Dor- I to ,
rap. Ezni. °filar tfitateitt s. • • ••••
• ANAliCilielitheil.4 wait ealketo it. 'r e
oCji g- t1"
rutokin4l. aid setookaisiket higasyi's 7
,takes or ileses: Cana ikketisei; • ft
ND SOlifrerWirn 111.1110.: da asOm'
OrSslol64l l Mh be eisailmlbOrt
HATS -W. ¢M. thonr.irrrinrothi theft * Fll it
the public that they have cahansenetd whiehri
rive Bats.- and Shit they hare npw releiy"4oe --
their Store. 148 Wiest? street, betweeirlitritit'fittiltil
street. an acsartenent r i the Vary thlt*;hritteil o **
are airline:lto dispose ',Con tie cheape n and eerie! hi**
setae isenme. Their emelt ennalit of the vertbegiti4i.
vie:—Reaver. Oiter,-Neattia, COrthre4 l 9 ll 7 l l,o l
v ia. Fur watt Slab Batt '
W. It le. Doherty are both retatar fired lihtirerh, their
have haireitensige experience as iournexasto lethelittai
rsatabliahrsents in the coosateli h eirHals int. tIU
ander their port inspeetrors, pod they stymie
that 'lathiest Lot the Veil.' bra liviteitt oh- 1 00 Mon:rel,,,_
01+114, term t ti
s wile offered 'fat tint.. _ _ Pip 19.
xi BMW R S of tbe sate Rev. ClitrrlesXl4lo4:llVP....iiii
President of Dickinson Coneee, encihtte,
D.P.. j2mo. with a bkolenie pneteaW.- •
lions, by James "Mehemet. .11 D.. -itigh" Cleteelltrf
horst). fiffi. American. fntm the.pmEdttemiOt edttiaN
nations andvahvervations on the natural bhaory
hits of Rees. first int - coldly/4i 10 petite flake le j6f4l i iitt
Samuel Pore/v.v. A. M.,l,ondon ed ntp
TRIBUTE QF Arstreicixiov
Cherie!. Perant,.4. IL L ' -
DECAPOLIS-or the indifrident nhllgericui_44 130*
tune to mate souls froin death. an Esimi:l7
fiord-fourth A mertran. front the Vitt ta rondos
5 - 7RROSFIXV rxr iworcl4l7_
recent stuwenive bereavements in a mliftWit 4407 7,
CH/RUE 'SP.y.HO)7E-or lile Caithlt AUnt 114:44111f
Bpd Aunt; entherine ethietalc.usif.„
LIFE it NILE YOU LiPE--cowsiingw_r t f; ; -
vrimar. Life a Race. Life a Condiet.l444*
a Seed-Time fur eternit by the Bev, T. _
- CHRISTIAN LOPF. , .-or the duty .rip r o l imoo : i
forribe immediate conversion 01 the hoymallaia:
Af.E.W.-hy Howard Maks in:. PntideUeltlfNUTO,l
R?-2.4 edition 111
- ,
- The Moral Intidende. Dancers and Union; tbniithcitt4
Great eitiee—hy, John Todd. 18 two - - -
The erve and duty nf bei , e !pirk!utttly Tinded. doxla
red and nraetically hrsproverl.l4 , Jutun trAten... D
-ia•er ,, +h rewnrr in tevermone Ss DJ:inland;
Rrtinni of Geneva 11.. in 3 vn:*,.. 13 mn.; 34 Ainrierikirk
from the 5 London edition. LUKE LOOldifoltnent
pep 22 No 80 Woad throe*
WANTED I.4lJitEDl.4rEtr. rboir ofterkr-adti'VA
the alPitare 4 Com ponies of flicirdarili seini W
ets. v. in the too: retr Vol TheY 'iireatet:
in,trueln-n. cinching ami-lncratetent tree Of . r ipen c --
Arany parents. err tteder . the impression that the niiir*
rat knowte.hze of a Sinstrif lrotiotrent may . hatre
tendeuet. neer the mra
olsror their Whitest, airlitiii 4 V;
m ay an- ten tt.n..lt of Th.ir ettentitatiltiwit
re t'
studies or -rop.tinn. To t verse of this; ma
to say, that the artripitton r.f teridart. AITElft to - thi. - 10;:'
lira soarer of rerreatiott and relax:l4mi which ratkitelett,
-.atoll:lard. The taste iv-eon-es amre Teteed,
'nein:Pion for stady wore ardent, and -r.oistspieartip
mind is or ore -a tnlt artedTrion Those !raw a wasiertealhailitlr
ottrit are .4 Held, to fail into. Neither we Ili 'their
lion to o.as e . to all ww3 intrifere With other ithadrap ,
occupatio a
n. , the thee devoted to thee branch rap
wave-lair its eefinite time. as wed so. GI herr.
A n other ot t ioction 021 parents 'sometimes *Pit lierhilth.
ehon:d their Children imthate tend verformetets
be led into irretatar henna. -la reply 14 this.aitappat:-.
might say with the Fa uterropriety Oat he tothol¢ sothoyon .
nis son tatigEt to write a good handiest he shOadd-he
a eOgeletieher. so that the result theiet ria On ale. "11M-
we make of any arquirenired - •
It is now tote hoped that-frail- the allow/ rtaellahlkedir
prejoaree that may base hereielara eitgted of the aseel
of parents are restated, red that they will not eget* ti
their children the privi eyn of earbrishm the reseal airq
Call at. Col. Trovilles and ivgatrafer
W. SAYLICY.,-- •
N. R. No boy Tient apply fix arceptapite., ritheitt-a,
written eonimeist from Las pereall'ibr *straits.- oett,-4gro
JILIET received. 3.000 Eleastusable tturabs itebeterelh
retest qualities iiosalitstra No. I 143. •
A lot of Bear and Cub Seism, , ,
. )1,000 - No. 1 and 2 Muskat Me .
A tot ofOtterand saccooa firim. _ • '
Ali arbicir of i g4ereal at: reduced pion ketatib-itsr sr:
prowl roles. ! Apply to • „
A. BERLEM, at tbe Alpena:writ: Co, AiSteel.
Oct 12 • Ibtrier arciam *nit renyirEst.
To_ Iron . - Alamiourfacturers.
... . ,
New' awl loofa Usthsititostat So - menial eel irr Tejelrje,
isetat,for . tar parpraterj: maiiss - 1 611 °-: '
l'IlM 8 plawatfteistrof * elope, fire,, by' ath itialeK 4 thillt
.1. stag op tbe;eittoWer 7 - feet, 317 - U frei se aim**
asd Id iimiterowitthe:iit topoltdplit - *of soli Si Ptti#*
the top of the are, and the blast fp mated Itit=
The tinsmiths t.laTio a r e as thick -wallet _
___ ~..__
owed, sod th e tititio no ibs Otledthatit titti.9l4, kinYallik i "
a half as , are loch tbielti sod IS isstiter othsthan
ciwomih a<= "r
fer L
3avi it Ni to Ir e hreatietcs"nrratate. ter elitf it lW ilfglibe . ' f, itiNg - , ? "t:F -
.-key iraferraatio sec 100 bad, W Ittlatefellii ' - iiii:, - *
podsiesaikoh.o, ;cc ittiAllfrtilr;.:
ertrivi/Alw '''"- ' • .-": • '''' -
weld -- lithosistiisted44l/103
." . :..
ibe oodentk_oeal Wilmot: ;Mr. J:V.;* -
Patna Zan oat fire torsions tiro mod. take
recompute/4 1 41 1 thtleiltbOr+lF:4l"l"--,-
all irthdrati!sreA ii**PrlPTOl ~,,,_4 " l lt i, '4
lira, or nisi* old plitkof sea itts4.-ceddliolmtml-" ' .,..7 .; -'
rteritheth-oil Its. i.LOtt thltStid: lo ,l,9te '_
illi.:; .
ithdills Il
theinthilte nth ts
as ' 'thiOd *
~41 . ..
11. 1, 100.- . • 1
411 000*- 4 : 10 ' ai t i fOtt!
Iblitrikt ,
i _.i.-,„.‘_.-,ip
Vitjallidikne l / 4 14 1 ki -
`,~~`, : .