it Witt:. • (Ky.) tiltelli Pfter s Ork tains the following: tricks we have evet upon a gentleman ot this last ; it' t 4 ho44riltert c: ding at thet,eounteron . the clef t'4‘'w iih`his hank ! end of which- wchtel,for nrntrticling, irthis hand; versing, a. rpguergeigl y sr book, oupercei!ed it at the counter, had b an k without being tJetecte4, ter, the gentleman to longed 045384 i 6 and rt„ stop. its payment; Wu' as ennjeotttred srhn told it paid. No clue artiffuttf, tion of the adroit:s;l:9l(44. An Interestiv farm-IL—N s motionless ib tLe street the e u or fare gray ,twilight, by the sight ly under threi years old, wits -, its rn '1.1 , 14- The little litritek way in M tgazine 'street asjee the solitary remnant of appirer a iniserabty dirty rag w female earment, 1,03.4 y a bput the ett Id will+ 4 6/7 thi the peatie,destitate, have b •en titsite naked , Alai, 4 of 1...1at•.11..t4e frortosittir-AR:o. c se,' common' buf-leatellitig angry and indigclaCll._ and at ligtved weed Irani the.eha t it, s „,l, ,vor4s as we hoped *nig Sr. far the story is bad !largo but what will our readers th that tlte poor lade - razzed a 10. R .g_e I little wre'eluz sittieg7. ..1,111111t . : V el:garzd i 4 Vac !Hano i, w al a ,';eked wag deroeli,ate, A N p'ecl ion for 41 tlete Dire .. A 'i.e year.•a•iii tre.u t Howe ort M oday the .2,1•91. lay of. O! 2.1-D. EXCHA?iGS eine! . TIM Stockholder. of phi,. 1 , , annual election for 'thirteen Stall.? year, Avi , ll be heldti street on Monday 2lst "Sept. stet, A. M. to 3 o'clock 'P. 011 Of that day. -oct —le. TROMA:B !WM:CHANTS AND IVI.II,SUCI Pittsburgh, C. THE aro , kh olders of this-Rank, elpetioo for ihirieen dirrOgOts' rr,or, wit; be held ;it thellantring other al 9 °clock A. M. en 21—t e. W . . 9. PIZ =VII .) e le. ,rn !h3t \Val, M. Da- Virrivalled I hand -sec- NIA VtTFACTUR ED and said ' !'.v t'xi , Lsiun of a pow -1-V 213 &TREE I one doer la • t to- angers will • oci 2,-Iy. FR MS.—Several indostrtot 31.0U0 in torn, to per 1:, rots IS near Pitt•sloareftar peetaittie, T wriy SPilor rent may lino read* I.y ;ravine it foe - sole rr retard rot II A R nteltigenra office, or t 21 —3t. Mot: F. law s llnrstisome- 01 4' lard lamps /q• ist have - lased ant can retains/mine/4 rordly, I meg and twine. Inr.ozmay.ik. carpel. chain- ; - 0,1 21- qt ArC VE r ANn uttY - . Fre ital. and timer . ' 1134 r: 17.111.,:cttiber itovire just 1 - .lrputs nod DrylGoOdcott ,ea nig .+t: he •rommunity "fh,y earoextlysolicit an• ‘s•o-tion! to i•oy,-before olatiez T ,-,ets-rone'vece a ( Bru-sets• Carpels. new style.. Send it , sp..rfmc nera In, do - Tidit . Fine. -do do Co:mono do do 154 3 4 4 -4 3 4 Pfainlrenetinn. 14 44 3 4 513 Teritted, do C.-- inz Carpet, a new :oat ! beg Ft.wroll Clotbff, all lifidthe. -cnlinerl ion with a wellse Fancy Drc 6 nods 1t as :feat ot: -et est a blislanent in the city. - W. Acct. oct3-3 , d}a I+To. 1 HO Martel. w ANTS. A plat, fnr a _coil Bniik Senn' try. A::=0 fur a ..,04 Tvmher. hand fora M tiler Lnd for a : sever:ll mecita iCE 3S 1113011,121iithr: A fl pt.y ILL ©ct 2 BRAGADE Not ire i< hereby Oven that I , ' 106 1 h Rev:Wien , . Ist Krirade. l3lll wart i~ 11Pid at mes'Flernivr 21F.t iT,pt., at 10 iVriork. njors Iklercer and-Smalls% will 0-1 19-3 t 101 IN FIEn" OLD ESTABLISHED O le IC E, NO. gi Sour/ sr - - . ' 9 leNt for J. H. Robiaa•t - fixes L,rerposrl, 'tiro despeek P ll . pens of the U iced States old : 1111 E ..Fubscriher Would nra.t -`-uch persons as are( ehole Fr:r.ndtc that he cootioccs 01 0 4 Gnat ri;, in and (refund tril° friends here. by the abovn line ". roost reasonable terms to se P:.S.I , eII,TEIS will avoid the dete r r lure so.much complained ails 10 inlpewi font practised On the 78c : and irrinaninble agents at Vir • red that every due and ditigedi tlanir friend:s. and Ail VOW entbalL may sot embark eats, have their ;arty from mhont it Was °t °1 forming to the documents meni.—He also recta pleasure has considerably extended 301". meets for the payment; d his throaebout Enhtand. farther particulars applY h 7 ------- LOOK OUT EVK VOIII.I, Eljaili Ciier tiozziere. WOW: inurze S;"l"fforare4—itadiltisf The slate *rpm' Semms__22l misever ladies rested, perserm7l- sport sot harm' golidgeotesirtr• n sei • • - - 'I- I catio Office beers fro A.-.-14;111t94 i.e ,he • the COUGII6 ANDS Now la -the titoi o 4 Conbs. - PAWN sou r offhtie4l.2 speedy tuft 'JAWSte , which is alloO 4 l l 143 rroisi irsniedy fat Javroyoggv* -4,10-: Istull4id *elfHli*P101;:00 ihrig4"l9l:l6 at ioel l'itis sod , akr; 'riot, I.l*- Of. 011ffgaVi• IPOOII. oBER . 2 2, 1842 c Sffairo• tition ! ! ! !—We have in e for the manufacture of " wh i c h,sh ould it work us to gratify the literary aders. Such a machine suleratutn in this city, -ach of our editorial breth - Paten 1, %Om') we W ill was not a mercenary 71 I,l,lirsed us to set our ,•tti:lg tlie machine re e for the happiness and -nt of the people, whose 2%e heretofore been pros holthes and common r o lit•rs and whetsuhjects ,f some essential benefit to issued an exua yesterday, lest news from England. of I n it a bout any more h at spike in &r. I or cannon. al ~f Cannon and Shot ll••sirs Freeman, Knapp ed m iet triumphantly fur hanics guns were fired, and every Id, was found perfect in r. But seven out of many ~I ;• cied 1,3 the hoard shots of r.To!!en, under ‘A hose eye ti-ed them off himself, Ay dAHig every discharge • iiiidence in the ex k. /Tin it f,+l ni draw the at ernmeid t the shill of the BIIIC', and Ow sdpeiiinity V id the C itm ut Wai in an to Pc:shit:7,h mechanics impr ,ve-neril in the can •, en I that tlinir article I be Inc Mut ,spike in 14e chamber LI, 1( ta ble was burnt in G•irri Id 1V 71' frirurf . The Ne.p— :rd r!.rtiv sates. r,rr. v , llen I g,. ~1 ~dl.- . s a beau with a wi.kin.z click.' \\'e I. 1 A ' , ay.; takes a ,r 1, 1,1. - a k r eke`. lian+l —Tallier. I•r wi it-cel;ty severe- 10:. t'PW.I3I of Lithl2r Cue 111.!ving er Itc;MP 1 ;H: 1:1,4 w;01 a na'.efdc.- ctirrw, having wuis cif ju , tice. .1141 t the mat WAS n,L mpissionatrly cut him hi m t, his mill, where Irfr arl6l: i).11 no so , ,n- F.,;E)le ra , ca! fatly resto use he ma le of Hs re— as rot) bene— i 2 11: iu t:ie act liy.the at his villariy, -a va ao,un on the gal -14-• .1,1 eheved him. 4d :iv tho• court, first c nnie of law, and rit.) his own hands- ion of Honor. of Popo!drily hvirit;rgr, now e Nemnurs, is the 'eh -ap one tpt the Legion of II onor un n—i compliment sn coot nun a. a!in ,st. crag -d to be so-h. ve a few particulars re-peet tder, 1,12,ded by N p.xloon: m you ilint the knigittaEre of Inn 1 cooels' 0(22'2.7 per;, , lng, e more orders than one, and tw,ce or eVen oftener, in aei anj St. George, 22 - 27 •cs. strictiygsPeakMZ, • Ittl as they an not belong lre, and im e only the dis. A Sir ' This gives a t.otitl g the rdd 257 for those who 1... an one, we shall have Peri .r - kq, of Great Britain en• i!l , a t, wear an Order. "g the erns.: male popuLition taevery 8000, in Great of a Chivalric IE2 the Feeneh are very much Ar the Ettgltsh ora groat love 'e". At t e acme time, every his ectintr‘'s now having 'a • With repuhlie,n institutions. I. be a military officer in full ' a.ion, no member of aoy nds or insig,nia. lo France, 'table d'hoc&, the odds are five Frenchmen, in compa n hole the red ribband ofihe - - ay, I do assure you that, a a' Was passed --40 numerous without any right to it. id bit of red ribliand—send. v one convictel of wearing he was a membrcr of thePrder by sticking a pink or izumi,_ ole—it a few yardi dtslal►t4 .. of ribband: - - sass artrric:AND tVULICC""I X; ALLEN 11:14411:11 1 4 IratitaX ar P€AINSYLNANIA. gawk of Pitishurik. par March.* Stan. bk. par Ezcbange back. 1 _ par Bk. of GeriltartrOWlt Eaften !ant, " Lancaster bank, di' 2 Bank of Cbettier Co. par FarserE bk Backs Co. .• Tht.yledonnn bt do Bk of N A Mei JCL Phil. " Bk of Northern j.ibettier,• Commercial bk. or.ra. Far. 4. Mee:banks bk. Ken fington bk. Piailadripbra bk Schti ylkill Southwark bk. Wt-slern bk. Bk. of Pr:marl/Iva Oa, Bk of Nan . I!l!2=M= ki ethanics I.k. par Movamensikg bk. Girard ba.,k, Ni l U. Stales hank. 53, Lumbermen ,, ', i,l'arren, 75 Frank. to: Washineton. par Mincm bit of PoltAvile, 6 Bk of M ow :vmery Co. par Mon. I.k Brom, nsvilte, 2 Erie. Bank. 51 llarristrurtlt C4l Far. 10a - Latrcagler, .-i Pk r.SMlrldlelown, .6:i. Pk. of Charnin:tslurgli, 6 Cnrifsle bank, 6 Bk of Northntobotland, 2' • Columbia k c o. 2} Rk .Ssi , quellanDa Co. 9 btk of Debi vv:•re Co. !KJ, Lebanon bk. Ceti sboruh bk. 6 , 1 York book, Far. k provers bk. or Waynestoureh, •. Currency not, 6 Honesdale. . . ynnim: bank, 12 Pnisk'ali Slate scrip. 54 Con..ity do do 6to 111 B.' ks Co. bank, Len. Loom; 30 Towanda, untpleacato I.k Far. k Mech. bk cif =ten. 2 Belmont bk of St. 2 Marietta bk. Demand owes. do Correnry times, 2 Columbiana i.k Lew Lis boa Demand, 2 do Post TIO; PB, Cinciattaii specie pay- log Lanka, 2 Mech.* Traders bk of Cincinnati. Cli.ton I.k of CoIUMIJ,Z, Dnnyand noteg. Circlrvitle, (11. Lawrence Cas(livr) Znne,viite bk. PRINTING OFFICE , N. a - . Corner of Wood 4 Fifth Sts. T'VE roprivloisof the MOrt NINO POST :111d MEGCURT Nhows.c - rurrtn re=l•ertfuily inform their friends and Ihr roma pa;,• ,, ns, ikai they have a larze flel well clrosets af , zortnie”l 01 ell - 411:0 EEC /ZVI irj :0 7 2_ 1 :1C Nece.F.-10 to a Jet) :•rinting-Olitce. *Rd *Suit 4 hey pit LETTER PRESS PRiNTING, Pa 11, rhieta (laud bilk Stage, S'ectekboa - t, and Carol Boat Bills, with cppro Printed on tire shortest notice and mast reasertaide terms' We respeeifittily_sok the fafronaae of etur friends and Vi r puldlt in senerai in this branrit of our business. rtl,l,urtli, Sep'. 39:1&72. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH. B7I,f)tVN:=VII,LE JCS] ITA "MON WORKS*.--El wva !Dienes, Illa.lularigirer of Iron and Nails h.use. ,„ , rillsthilr2.ll. seri 10-1 y erect ~r 5 PtlR S VLE.—Four Maur lie-ler.Vuc I_l fnorth Acres of Land nn Ilotrat.' Hill. Lots r'.. 41..,182 and 184. in Ceok's plan on Hot on'i Hitt Also, Lots nos VI and '27. in Cook', pro on "High sir:, near +he new Court flu For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON. .1.11 10 Gl , :fiß GE, W. L.IIY.A ° G. Attorney at Law, Office N 54 Fifthstreet, near the Theat re. eiltsbarzh sep 27-1 y 'IX IC 1101,SON otratiance of a decree 11 o -The Sic+. 1,:on COW: of Plens of renneyira of the elate of John NichoLon, will nTer at pilldir sine., at the Erehatiee Hotel. in pill.. Fennalvania, on Monday, the 2411 of October nest. at ICI &clerk, et. 1i1.,1 he frrlionrine deicritied tracts of la nd, still-vied in the State of P.o,o,wiv"oin ;to wit; A TRACT OF LAND !lilt:112 in Westmoreland co. —A LSO— 443 Tracts of Land in Erie roun.y —ALSO- 41d Tracts of Lana in cron ford county -A LSO-- '264 Tr,cte of Land in Mercer county. -ALSO -130 Tr.tti= of Lana in Butler county: -A LSO 312 Tracts of Land in Ileaver roveity. -A LSO- S Tracts of Land situate to Venan:o tonal. -A LSO -63 Tracts of Land situate in Warren county. -A LSO -7 Tracts of Land situate in McKean county. -A LSO -19 Tracts of Landsitnate in Jefferson county -ALSO 5 Land situate in Armstrong county -ALSO 14 Tracts of Land situate in Indiana county A LSO--.. 17 Tractsof Land situate in Payette courtly Fora further description thereof. see MIN and other neu , papers prr lichee in the resPective coutntes. Th.-land wits he sold to stlisfy the debt due the Coot ntonwratth of Pennsylvania, by John Nicholson,luld tio• mewl by Fiscal and Judicial liens, dated In December, J 796, and March 1796. The Conyninsloners will attend at the Exchange Bait% In Pinsturg , h,froin the 1 Ith of October until the day of SHIP. to give foliber inforrnatioa. The iernts of sale will be—ten per cent. at the time of axle, and t he balance in font equilasyrnentA. 4e. JOHN DUNBAR CRIIIIGII, ( ; WILLI tM PR1.1411001 etesinsiasisa ere. JOHN ROBERTS, NICHOLSON Conattastorixze Oster, Harrisluirgh, Pa., dept. 3.1842- S ? SELLING OFF:A T COST, At Ns. 90, Market st., betateei Fiftk and Diestmed, WM F. &inscriber, who is abont declin ine tie ;Try deeds _IL *Mum., will dispose ur hitt stork at Ci'Al ,j Or tits: A snip. It consists of Mack, Woe Mask, invisible green and olive Cloths: and Satinetts„ of all totort Flannels *fall kinds and colors; Beaserteeas and Sae- Skum„,Pilot Cloth; Mouse. de Urines. plain and Spltredl Orleans Cloth, a sptindid article far latrine dresses; rick ings, Chintscsami Calicoes, a tar* atwirtnient; Muslin', bleac and unbleirehelirringhain,CtLxip aL4 'Fable Linen,Shawls,ll4lkA g „ aTßindnind priri Gloves. flo-. ditty, Storks and Sospenders Merino, l..arntw` Wool and. Cotton ,ffltitts sad Drawers, sil ks. Dation, Plain and Dim red; Satin and Merlyn Vert*: Oentiemeri's Scarfs Together with* falt assortment of ftotions,Tbreads. La. 'am airtioni. diailliagor and law O lina. 1 - Tbillwea Braid at we% war% i the %MOW*: elf Coda Ori Illeteanlo awl flialllext,ad Gioadr - Will * sold wto. Coot *sr Cask - ild ' '- - ACV LLOYD4I4. '. • - ' Oct ft4lll - -', - . SG, 3* - IMI. *tact ,,3l4, _ . ... 1 80084 Wooster. - 2 • Dimwitonl, - - 2 -- ~, Geanga, 2' NOM. : & 2 Xenia, 2 Dityl on, -2 'Scioto,ci 2 Post Dotes, 2 Chlllicol he. 10 Frac. Mi. Cohrniblis. La. caster), 1 1 ...... tiamilion, . Granslite4 'Cow. kt. Lake Die, 35 F"r. bk:af Cetalan, 45 Celan* - 70 INDIANA. Stale bk.* Branches, 21 slate Scrip, 48 KENTUCKY All batiks Stale hk k Rranc hes, 65 Sin w *woos , . n, CIrGINIA Rank of Virtinia, do V3l.ley. Far. bk. of Virginft, elrbani.e tires l. Lank Id 8 4 - M.N.. do. MARYLAND Rat! inkoi e [intiks Country Banks, WAUE Ali Print= ti IV J FAISEV AU san►s. par and 1 l'Ot K. par Cuunt ry hant,s, (Fa t v )ial Bel! Rack, to 1 NEW I:N . GL AN . D. Ro=t on Ranks, COU fit ry •• LOUISIANA. Orlra ns Ranks O , RTII CAMOLINA 2 8,,,,,k IC 4 OTTII CA (lOUS A 2* I s 2 1 1 3 1 n5 k ks I L. S. COLUMBIA AL4BAMA Good TENSESSEE. %I! Rank=. 8 MICHIGAN Rk. of St. ('lair, dn. Jg H. Smith 5 CANADA. Good 3to S Eastern Exchange. Philadelphia, New York, Ea!l Hume. Hoslt'll tVeQtern Exchange. Cincinnati, par Louisville. par cievelanti, dis Witpeliorr, par G 01.1) ANn SILVER, par BOOK AND SOB 110 :(43 10 V 'rill Tr OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BM= of Lading, j r lICULDIS, I flol4 Heads Cardm 1 War 121,ri.ks. J Ilat Tura' 211 kinbs of Blanks, priate CULP, intliers - ALION2I!-_- 1 TILOS AND COM I Orust; itmodd reopeethoo lOReroink friends,Diat be Ims tededay liWitifie. trader theitnoo 'S. *Me *O3 ."' - 'eNiameed itbilbriner besioemr• ofdeiler ie Trostsed NiNii., 4 dt Wield stated, N 0.53, Frost it.., - between Wood and Marta IL A renewal rof Ws and potroiageoritte' petdieseneralty, is ireePeettoily rep*Fret.. - Pittsburgh, Apin 8, 1842. 2rBOIVA. *ELVE 10 S; "JeP _ A LEXII:IIIWBVitg. 11 . 31 s : • • TEl4.6tusnag at Laile.—.sHoce IA on the tornerof Pori hued 8:60110/0414fg- 4;10 ingoTTsitURGItentCULATING iA NW* tWERENCE LIBRARY of Religious. ElisnoicatvrothichllAnd its -eclianeons Work!. Win he +seen ev‘iy day. Sa:ihmth 'eepted. - rem I o'clock, A. 10.,trnift 9. P. 10-....,tn the Er: change Suilding.corner of St plait streetand Etchange alley. where punctual attendance will beuiven by cep 10 . „1,413111111 L. MUS/C SCHOOL.-,- . Slr. happy hereby se. *pretty inform the ritiZeffil of Pitritssrgli and lA tinily. that he cnatemplatmcfornan" tr a vehoitt.iniaiediarti ty, for the pnrpowe of tearlnns the riser& art - of truant-, mental music. He pledges himself to theinibliii , ;ithat method of Instruction to systematic-mid PelfVftir,ankd that no pains shell be spared to facilitate the tircireeilif hat PePite- Ladies will be waited on at their_respettive residences.; air. 11. has reduced his prices to snit the 'HUPP. For particulars p'ease call at Col, TlOni_lbfs. tle,ey the Al - bent BeVee.. WILLIAM FLOKR. Attorney at11.... - 0a; Mee it' Bakewell's Buildings, xmity op l aeie use. on Giant street. sief§ y Court Ho THORN'S TEA-BERRY TOOTILWASEL Lalicaslza,Oct..; 3a►113 Y -To Bic I cheetfulli ri9d cern - lady embrace the present favorah'eoppiittanity to ee turn to you my warmest thanks of seminude foe your Ms: equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very Joel ly celebrated Tea Berry Toorh.Wash,and 1 fcEithat -1 am in duty bound to say that I have derived rite great.• est and mein beneficial CVO from its ftequent and mode. ate use: and I can assure youths* I am exceediner hap py to have the pleasure of informing you, that sincerely and cordially speaking, i ran injustice reeom ntend its fre 'Wilt use to all that nnfort Haase portion et" the unman stet throughcni the elope who are now undergoing the mot einerrating pain for the warerlafa medretem prepa ration of etacity 11w same WatuVeof Wlttch - vours Fejt-rep red, and who have (Or years been suffering from tire in. jarin'us,destrinctive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthiest preparation.. In ronetneion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth- Wash but For a short period, and ytt t feet thoronehly , convinced tluti It ir• the hest now known, its inestimable virtues in presellting 'the 'teeth, (which if kept in a good add handsome the grealesg embelithmeht that adorns the human streetwee-) are not to beeitcelled in easing and re:ieving Ine sliffeeetiTeend tenth ache, and restoring the gums ton healthy and OidrilledionditiOn.and riving also a sweetness and fragranty tot diannerstble breath hitherto unknown. A ccep' my ei t erre wish for your ourcta., from Yours, ;rely, losePn Batiiiiilt. I SSOL UTION OF PARTN4III3II, !The Pan - I JJ nerithip formerly existing nafir_ of Smith, Royer it Co.. al the Bowen Works. was ed 27tle Sem'r, last by the Withdrawal of Samuel - Smith ' from the firm. SAMUEL SMITH, SAMUEL ROYER, A. Nj. OWELL, JOHN TURBETT. Fitt-burgh, llth October, 1842. The ruanufattnrin: of Iron. sod Nails from Jan ata 1111..01T1X will be contititted at the Bowen Work:. by the sub:trite:is, under the firm of Turbot, Iloyer and Itl'Llotow ell, wrra are amply prepared to attend to all orders in their line on the most liberal ierme., and by renewed at tt noon to husroftw hope to merit a continuance of public. patronage Ilowen Work., I I OrtlS-Li N rt. hosi,,e-s= of Smith, Cover ¢ Co. will bevel tte.t up at old stand, by Turbot, Rover 4- McDowell 131t1 12---d2w WUST terrrred a Pullet inr atitiele nf Lav h 1:11 . A. Lard d , (tit sca ntrult to burn at any Temperature. (or pale at Ihe Lard 011 Store let Third street, near ty opposite t roar Office- Ort COFFEE, TE SUO BAGS prime Breen Rio Cuff e, 30 packages aud - G anpowder Tees, 20 bids lane No. 3 Mackerel. 6 boles Sperm Candies, received dad for wile by F. SELLERS, Om 11-Ire Corner of Hand and larnrrty On. Fun'...s.dt.E Olt BA ItTER t . :tisi.urgn Ma make in•ez and Couni ry Prod ore. 6 half boxes or choice Carendieh Tobacco, Ihree gnslii ies and prices -130 bush ells of Flas rrd Cake in ha'., in lots to snit customers. IS i AC lIA II BIS. Atilt. and Com- Merchant, No. 9 Firth street. SUG att.&MOLASSES.--40 Idids N. O. Sugar, 40 hdds Planiation Molasses, 50 Sugar House do. For sa'e by p e t 4. G . ir A. GORDON. 100 Baz,s Rio Coffee. oci 4. For sale by G - 4- A. CORDON F.STERN UNIFKRSITT OF PEXVSYLVII NIA.— LAW SCHOOL.L—The Trciiitees of the Western University of Penr sylvan - la' announce to the ;seine that they itaae est aklisiteri a Law School ib eon nrel ion wish the Un iversity. in which will be tatatiht iiiieiral, nternational, and Constittaional Law In all their ticanehvg. The Of insirucTion will he by recitations, lectures and occasional inonl contte. a+ in st-nitar The rear will consiA of two terl.s of roar and tx half months earn. The 11,1 term will eownienti bb the Second Monday of Noveuilrer nett. Tlie tun ion tee is 837.50 per germ payable in olivarcet W ALTRI 11 LOWRIE, Esti-, a Rie_mil , er of the tqfno t oreii Bar. has been cho,e - n Profess:or. The trustees lake ere:A pleasure in announcing that they have teen able to se core the services of one so well qualified for the station by reason of his leral acquirements, and particularly or one so ltizttly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. The annexe.) reconfinrutial ion Will ftlintah salis.fact lot to all his qualitcat ions as Professor. The trosters Navin_ been induced to institu.e this school from a view °Me serious di_.advanta.eesallendins the fondle" of law. in the office Of practising lawyert and 1 . 80 the very obvious sd ra atom which Pittsburgh pos. losses over most ether places in the West for the tenets. lishment nisnett an institution =Here is a most industri• ons poptratton. The strident will seearound him exam ples of industry and energy. and very few temptations to indolence and Idterneas. He may become anivainted with busing ih aH its forms. On; Courts are still*: nearly all the year round, and there is perhaps ncli plate In the West where' ;realer variety of ixdiesarui plea arise for disertssion. The Committee are desirousthat all pesetas iieshirig to avail thetamehres ofthe advantages of this scigKtl,. Oswald do so initnediatety try calling and leaVing ttntirnalleval tee °Stool" Waiter H. Lowrie. Evq., on Fourth street or by addressing him by fetter. post-paid; so riot all sta dents may commence at the opening of the-term, or as early thereafter as powible. donee veroLn, Attila T. ritzvamt, Committee Davao a. aztntx, 'br axtow. iv. xxacif,, Eddtatinn. SIM- Y. DLLS. We take a pleasure in reernamendine le the cont. dement" the public, Wafter li. TAMA. EOM, Piptrsaor or Law in-the Western CrOirnerelty of PosooYtTon`a. *OS sent toner eminent for his :Mind Meal learnins and ahill ties, and la ewers way grvatiSed fo7thenbaths or Menace. to which he has been elected. eep26--Is Oct 14 i ( 012 ALT —2OO trAs No. I =Salt, just reciiiprdi s io a n . . QC saleby " LW. BtfitSlititlag* C(1 , 4 *al-. Au 95, &cold infixf. o.4'ff7X.-25 Bales Oakmaive bsett bO,l f o r sa k by 3. Ws 01711111110C 1, 14- *et 1 ite 75. Si Ixid "wet WANTED. augarzs,ol,4-arAgED-for alcitibo XirCV 11t;hest prkeis ask 10111 6 01-oPeil 4 , MIESILDOISTT it Co API. i ' riteefiler: 4 o4o6ll l loMES-tiggliu* `eilkaabeltire-:tcl-t4 JOHN FUR BETT, SA M. 'L ROVER. A. N. Me DOWELL- LARD OIL MI C. ED.?Y 301111 GIBSON • 1 Chief 'Sense and 'BOLTON C. ILOGLIMS. ' I tudiece of the CHLS. HUSTON. ' - "mos- assorstrr... B° P rellm °mi lt C. °sage, 1 ledses of the clutzessoattit. 5 District Caltrt. =mks t 1.3. Ihstrict - Misffrotams unYfftelffffiffnifftirrleatmdriffig 'll4aMeildfflaid of width 40 - Mittlearertosdlonderlismoor AflaKIS iii4b Stns. Of ille/144 0 4 ffaffrprafffftdarrrdpsdett. a- few:idol:6 and CberrirtiertheiMproMarmats *tea large frasurboase tontaimagWas ireitfarnbdied.eateuisted Ta vern te.,,plidrate INMelthig, frame Bare braXff 6 ffe binerson.aad snaldiagy studs tiutother- oat boluses sok aide far a leaelleiM=2good :Gardena suritiondeff with ammo bashes. soda wolf of exeeilmitmater. with a . -roarrrid at Oa from deer. in reitokut to the Pittsburgh ard.Alieglieno market. the is no place slow offered COr sate with moreimiumatent to these mishieg to patetismo 'near Pittsburgh. the terms will be made asmiroute. (Or limber parttealarsappir to Ore proprietor at his Clothing Sere. Liberty street, center of %Wu liUov. LAWPANCE MITCHELL. It" netsettd•befere - the isk elf ttkinber next. It Vitt be divided into 10 nail 20 acre-lots Umult pureha *xis. imp 10 Harris's Intelligence 018ee. W.EFERAL good teachers can be throbbed to ,seboole Ikl town or eohntrir. goal female reacher. well - eerwoonended, wltirebe adhltoraeles of experienee,wishes a - plate in some respieliable private family; sne will take eharto of a peddle iehoot. Pfaces wanted for several clerks and boys. mechanics, wait**, eliabibrutalds, girls forali work and laboring men. All kinds or hagrineto done at this came ror etraagers and Others visittete the city: Perim. a Needing an agent in litt, titbit!, will find Were long experience nod a thorns's'' , it l iWthrledee or 1 . 6 14- ne. ll . OFFICE. 9 FIFTH STREET. N. R. A tali panted pole stands before the door sep 19 WALL 2,AlMagt. MBE sabx , fires respecithity call the attention di their teiends and the publiegenentty,lo their per sent asinsettliet - it of Paper licarissea, widen Trirlialite a *lre .. and extensive variety of patierosaT the fallout' , 1•4 ttwetiptitiney• *hid". upon inspection will he inuistio'be of soporiostAti a In y and:finish. rt.e..zid. wan rap nit, of all descriptions., fee paoering loam; atid ens rise at 25 cents per piece. Glared win PaperS, neat and kandowinwpattertui, for papering rooms and entries. at 374 cents. 4WierieAut Wall. Paper, of their own mannfaeirtre, for. math., Freers esti ether styles for parlors and chanihers.on Bac MAO ginzed grounds. French Well Pepers. Deur/aid'' , and Fresco patterns. in plain and rich colors gold and silver paper. Velvet and heiration Borders. lasidsottpe Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, bails and fiining room., at reduced Totem. Fire Beard /Wats, 51*Vadir, Ormassests, ke it have Rita Paper-, plain and figured, of different co tor.. Weiaern menet/lit:7;4TM others are rerpeetrally laviteit to call and examlneltugr stock aad pile's, off which last a liberal diaconal will be given - for rash. From long exserienee in the tesiner,r. they ere Mlle to. manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep op +tie eltardtteir - their papers have uniformly sustained, limy hope **venting, to re (*PM theeneourageutent briberies , * liberally extended. - •HOLtirtRIP BROVIMt. N 049, Marker street,ketweesSd tad 41b- Pateidnietb. Rept. 19.1832—dealt - • . . ----- S. (NAIL LIST otEplemaitl 'P.:Wetter Steam Pack els froutGlitetamatito St. Lutist = • TS* aew,Pplegilki.,tatit running, Heft Pact West trialiilied NenperrsiL, will its regular Part. from Cincinnat Will reeve Cin &naafi dad Et., Louis evetirWednesday moraittg,tt - ' ft) o'clock- Pamangeis Crum - the Est - ILI , West may rely upon I heir start lug punctually 11/5 adveriiied. rep 10 lOUS BUTTERWORTH, A actioneer and Commis. gaol' Alerckant, lwrnisoilte, BY.. will attend La t he sate of Real Esta e, Unoita,G sieeries. Fared' urei .... • 4-c -4c. Regain rsa les eeely Tuesday, Thuteday. Mid Fri day aiornials, at 10 u'ciack,A. . Caul adltanum made on consignmetas. • - sep 10: INDIVIDUAL. EN testi-Pit:lBz* r__7 lllMFl l___ . U. S_- PORTABLE BOAT LINE ..,, For the Tea...porta/Aris of Xercksatrite to asd fres Pittskarsk.Baltimore,PkamleljAfa, AWL' Tork,antl Boa ton: Teton; is as skortest tAaa. Trf,:er,„ ,;:ied - irii Poilable — Boal Lltte - ,Ts — en s frltini - Pa or Boats huilt in four sections. each section capable of containing seven tots. arid susceptible, of helot separate or detached and transferred from Canal to Rail Road; I hos, as It were, forming a complete trails Of Cars, or presenting the novel appearance or a Boil sailing on lane and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned by r ,re shipping at the several juctions and terminations of Ca . ' oats and Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment anir the damage the goods sustain by frequent handling; anti rendering it impossible to separate lots of gtßitts on the war--owing to the peculiar construction of the Brno having fear separate apactntinirs in whictutriesis are sio red, renders them less liable to dzmae gy water or It otherwise than by any other mode or Iran art at ion. The system of Tranaportation. aireciunmended by the Canal Commimioners and lately adopted by the State. refers particularly to this class of Boats, - The Boats or this Line are owned by responsible eaptairm that rnn them, and is the only Line now in crperatlon free from monopolies or combination. Goods e.onsignei to the understgned IM - eels will he re ceived free of commission And Shipped Without delay at the lowest rates. All &arse/ paid and Fiery instruction promptly attended to. e. A. SiIiTTLTY 4- Co. Awls. • - Coma' Rapillr.x . rittsimegh. .-' F. F. POPE. Arent. 75 llowPy'slVharf. lll ßaltimore. THOS &MUM I DEE. AgentPhiht , - ilitill6-..+f CHEAP. —LACE AND RIBROgrArOSE;Aro. 2 St. Chide greet_ - Lactaarrd Ribbons. ' %rime and narrow sets, - tut:: . Late and Meath' collar?, infants' froe waist& Ladies_ Fr Kid, gobait. Liele Threaad td Colton GloVelt, 4lack.Moliair nets for Wits—very cbe3p A tares AsSottlatent of Elleifh Ct 1111S' 601311E:11. 'A4St varieiy of Straw. plain and fanny Toecap braid. MILLINERY °fate latest fatthlOn;*lllo at exceedingly low rates. • "rticiee goods are no*. selling off at prices to snit the times. Ladies are respectfully Invited to can and rulrcitatte. Sep 16--If rnemarra TEar-WERRY fOOTH WASH--e • xem .111 funahmilic Stsserlp.=-The ermine beauty of the Teeth. their indisamdable one. and the frequency of their decay. hooted to oases inventions for their preservation: yet how to pre- sa•rae theta ins t Mateo( health an pristine beau m, to the - latest periods of existence, was entirely unknown - until the discovery of the above looniest& preparation: It forma a pure tincture composed of on stable ineredierns, midis possessed of the cm's( delicious odor. ft eradiesteitirtar from the teeth, removes spots of incipient decay. polishes and preserves the enamel. to atlaiett it gives a pearl-like whiteness, and, from itadiAn. feetingpropert tee, possemesthe virtue of giving oireetness to the breath. - • - As an Arid Scorbutic, the fluassi=tateia .Itatirrhes ardent pourers; Scar/ley la mad from them; a booby action and redreft is lanced, w hietroffers to the aotice.of the Medici prittitibnier indubitable evidence es* their healthful state, -it has been examined audited by reserid of the best Orr/chins of this4ity who:have en- _bestitation la meattameadifr e it at as excellent wash for the Teeth, Geomete.; - Among the recoetineadations to the above are the. Ad. tourism: . •_. .... - . - Having tried Dr. "Thorn's ; Tea Berry Tooth kr Nth." enifbeeoine *ottani ed with te ingredients Mimi compo sition, I cheerfully say,' viesider it one -oftliegidest. as it is gee of the Bost pleasant Tooth Waal es.neet lie use. ritisburgh Sep. 15,1842 ITAVID_HUNTi Dentist. 1 take pisesure, in trans*. having tandems! of“Therres Tea Berry Tooth- Wash," ttat it is one, of: the AM dee• hilices in tre-_ . Bete hum %Sid- fonin, it etnesbines war- Imo w i l l ' e i Hr rentmeu. WlitleAt cleanses the , enamel aid removes the tartarfross the tertli, jts. petfinottgehhi a fragrance peeeliarly desirable. J. P.:1788.E 178 L flat The nedersivied keve-usimi !..Tborriee,ccuiptinuf T ee Berry Tooth Waskreed bevelseedit le betineetulane: ly pleasant dentifrice, iltrehOnt timing iallitizry - hale. este over:the Teeth s- eatiii4 preserviity„. those •ledis . eensehhi ineetherafrims- tornenateredecay. preventing tbe aeconatilation of Tartar. and perifyieg the IkVilba ligT. ing thgiaaghly Voted its virtues. 1.0 , 4a1ie phut:tem isle [ eowaieedinr it to the nablicl arrienkSB it Ohba& at tide if the kind now in use. .11 1114111ERItirLY," JeAre4l: _LICE i *Or r O..#lOOlLE*; - " eilonA'sderLit -c , paa.k,4o4 - -; -- - -*Jr redifflittpr, 1 j Oiio.olt l '.:eab:' : : '' Ilketcruiiiti' -- - Itzt-lepOscat-4" *r ' ''. _X - :ti - ItAttotviCr -- '• *-- -• t ob 7 " - ' - rttraftek*lli 4 W Wttil4 - All'! 4 : o o ll *' .l lso_ l o 44 .._ fit al oow: - ----.,...,,*...t.-61 V , -,..- , 42 :. , ..!.-„ , - „-,-;„-_-.5,..e.. .. ~ ------ - . psi ''.. '1 Oki iitiferfiliii • illiblitelt ifolibilierAiiik; OA* dellif; ti it OA, lOW *ISO follifribliffffiefft-* itt'aar:o 4l 4ovel 416- Mteril 4olo **Alirek -14 " - . •il i et : it 6 lui oistykbee teen ibr.tbeleeiXt ei: tioux.,_ -- l'iteifiestibakiibig meted offiefiffslire, l 141 4 ar.f. finny bairiaibeeo' voierifteco beb..looociaftifiiitb DT R. A..p0.e.. ft ibevprftablt a aicy.e, ita ibli a of se 'ram) pibbfoli ine io .*%A Tally of tile " ends oilli. So osaireoiEnt o so oddest, Owl yet is la% ilid I esteem time pith, lbw. to/ fbe to lie rbilif h a sty proof% fbir the cure Salt fallticlitileat*L. iff *battier saw. sonike 1 of feasalei is 'partiiiifir,l bait bird mama threw ilma all caber 1101111W164. Like everrother : wifelseteit. MIS Test fell la some in isimes t tsmin my incnilit.ihsfre kis been Iwo disappoint. ,nient and mare pathirariiiiin its - Eiesiksileiril ration of this one rpmedy titan of. ad oibirr; r its gond eitccUi sometimes quite ItitaikiSliNt If my patient required apace lire . ciredlidie ti th er be fore or alter pitchable". the pilb *ere jinn tbe thing i wanted. If e aneftenileMbd condition of the Media*, eolnbiurd with costiveness or Inacilvity of die liver_ toept it t ted the disram if my patient. tin pills were lasi the dont I wanted. if I treated a caw min/Ong an - Wilson's pills were just the Mint , wanted. naltillatiow, headache. finsiled constssaare.or other dieraiden, indirallym a ilisturhanee of the circulatory and yerceeory systems. annoyed my patient at the •turn of life; the Wilson's pills mate jest the thine I wanted. ' this, wittrdat remizet name, a dtwase 'nicht happen to weacht the time ..I hive bad it under treat meat. particitiat indleatiena or symptom.' a /Wile. were al - "mys - prOttrptly and mow happily met by the Wilson's pine. • That so treat a antather of diseases, and comet !met ap parently Opposire *Wes, in which !have used these tulle, should he plied more readily by them than by any Other remedy. may at drat aeent 'trance and contrailkory, hut why it is stv is aselear Id my mind as that *Treat many prisons should heroine thirsty from i.e many different caumbi. and yet all retake that common and greatest of 2)1 brings, water In ilitench their thirst. In enactor:nth. it Is Atte the , •epol Mien of I'm Meillelne and the publir,'io say 'meatier and a ncondit *II F. that the Wits- pills are Meanly combination I bare ever met With in tny, lone ettnine brpractice. that Ivan! Mt. cesres anythibt Etirlitilre or spetific for sick headache _ tours Ain, bit. VI V) ADAM'S The above Pills dentgoe4 tiartkularly for be sick. ilaed.Ache, Dyspepsia, eolrittpallon Of the prepated by the proprietor Dr. R. A. *ikon. and flu ssie,whofesaie and retail, at his dsreittogin P sir si OA. belnw ilarbory. bet 1 1717 AILE.AIIISTIN. Attorney at Law. • 0t. 7, V V Offier in 4111 Mere.. ^needle itorke's llSudan!: WttulttE locrat.llm., Mill rive hisatterition tntny , unfinished himin►cs, and I menmmmni him to then:drew' *gem( my friends. ' WALTER FORWAkb. MP 10-1 V STEEL.E. (rummer to N. Weloskey) iona'ile Boot Maker. Liberty el, 2d door freak Virclb ADEN. The subscriber respectfully inforins the he tuts commenced the above Imainese in the shop formerly occupied by 1 111 r. Fleury WlCloakey. and tlcttite is new prepare:oo attend to all orders in ills litre ofausinws Witt* *pleb aid on the most reasonable terms. From Itislong experience In the mannforinre of Fashlonibte Boots; Tie feels mantldent that all arilrlea'' from his esiablisimient will give satisfaction to his pa Irons. A. ibitreof pdblie, patronage is respectfully solicit.- ed. sep 10 1 1 .ALLZ JuuuuwasammorT. MECH Isdepationi - Trotaspttrtalittit lisps 164 Pkittooliiplia out Bookisaorre. Fbr Trawsportistr .11Serchttettiu. to and frmob Pittgivergk, via Tette Water out Poptsosiitofttis Camas. - CONDUCTED STRICTLY DIV SERSETII aim Tzsriar..mici Parsoputs. The stork of this Line etteldstwof the first elate Spring Cars. Metal 14lofe.ami - Neer- fleeted Tide-Water Boats, commanded by sober and eitperieneed Captains. Merchants by Ibis Line are enabled to have their Goods shipped intebeppi,andi :with as *Web deipiteh,as by anyetWAron.,rilite Bolt Witt leevedaily from the footof street - Itatilload.on the Iletawate, In Tow of a Steato Boat, winch is 'kept expressly - for tfnit The PrtidTsEtatstillf ghee - . - their vholt respectfully tW Itttr Western Merchants to gilt Them a eatt.- - aar-they wli4swdit etiwebsts theiraite.Aritaue. AU goods cone:nett friffiati iMilaise `Ch. toad- . wine or via Delawarearid-Ru risen Canal. W ilt be +/eerie theirvotrehonse,fuoi sr Willow street rali Road.. Philadelphia, where foods Cali be put directly from the Vessel bite the Boats withoot additional handlihg or pease: WILLIAM. HEILMAN ir Co, • Doti Nina. to flotigamMatg. propria.r ,. . L FATTERSON. From Holldayptilkorb to Paushortat. JAMES DICKEY * . CO., Canal Basin, Liberty tare rittsburgb--didatat littatair minet whart.l on the belewareat Philadeitthla, Jester' E. Er.mat„ Baltimore, 4ga*t L. Pim-reason, flotidaysbargb„ .1/.510G PALTI23BO/11. JOilllllol.ll. 1 'Refer to merchants generally throughout the eq. ets 15-41. PITTIiBUB6II CUTtattit Airy statical knstnsme lit Zitaxiafactory, 169, eerier of Liberty and Six' in Streets. C.B ItrirßlG TIT returns his sincere thanks_to the • air:ens of t`ittsbnthlt all/ Vicinity for the extraor dihiry patrona* he has heretothre received. aid hales slit; to merit a continua-doh of the same. as he is deter mined to marldflethfe all trilelett io his line of tidiness superior to any Mint:alba- hind ever oreidd het* haditr, awd !bet Pittstintrit shall *eh Merit to he ebbed the AIMPFIELOOr ANIERiCA. "rtfe-subseriber hanint Owns's on nand the Men enten give moeltnt . Main iliannraetured filo& in his line in lisp Weraern Conntry,Wnied particularly invite the anent ion of Sniteonn, Dentists:lend Diiiggintl to bib Woodmen'. or Want metitie. . . . Elarficrare ittrabanis in his stitch of tAdierSt roots. Rankt-ra. T3litdrs. Flaitersand Hilt Dressed to his Mock of Pafeht S'hears. sc. kn. And that his estatelsbutent beintrirried on strict von the cash - principle. persons drsiriinsHor harpists viii it once discover t he advantimee of tatting tefore parch:A - sing p , Ariarberei jobbing done in st ttljilrior style, and ibtNifer than ever . J. C.. by Morellos hie Kirk attention to Maine's., er eeilh having hi Me employ the Most emiabeieot work men, hopes to merit the approbitiOri of the pttblie at 'arse. _ . Wanted 111317 b dater,a food fori.e. rand a *rind grinder. none nred apply bit the teat nr..r6nen. nep FAMILY MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, &c. L.S.fitig aad traltribth ateitortment of all the patent LS. medicines or the dap; French rerhaenery. Shavins Soaps; TbneteaThdtatiry Tooth Wash, which is not sap pared by any hiherpreparation ever offered to the pub, be. either torvtbe prearrvation or eleantiness of the Teeth. Coa l e liitecoehoe Drops. which will core the mat lit itehoote tooth *eta io Ilveadoutes. A tad a cilioire iot of Mars. of La Norma, Priviefpf ohd other brand/ well bainew in the clip; POO mem, ke, :midway: , on liandandtor Wee arbalaoilh afid retellut Tcrt.'t . Wo. 86 Fourth street, tiptiolifte.thebbiont cle afire. ir-At . . "ti?purrso,- BORAOW, For a renii of yearn V. 11.39000 0 Bond Mid Sort:ow on worth $5OOO. yobbo seven wines or Platablunb.. Noon bat ing money to boo can lend :ft toohneonge oat ellt rate neentity. .4%ppiy ,11.411.1118 t Aoloey Mee; ocs. jg !NS . N 0.9 Malt as. NICISWART4 trogibititiiina Paper Ban; 80. 45. IVO elfree, beserefit Wood arid Sir :Akio; rets. Bruit sail*** Witrriessiti iderays ea bej.L. oniersreleertlid eitiOliallithOli led aegfelAchs cuk serimurna *win Wit& 1 114 10—i7 _ In the court of centimunz Pleas: of Jtkgrhe- CovdriffieWet Teon. 1842 Y No. Joke Cheetrijiet Sara t ragit. Lem, egffießefallsof Bo- 3 elm t° . • Areelialaiteesit, liittiseillee to i rav ire r s4s^".iime".reralPfeer l . OA* Mt, of 3 l e . A l , Pitrelbeteeiketed erielliebetesseellerpritriefeellew F a t }l Saivel444-3101.40 Cellititdirreined. • • *-SEkSOW.TO -- WiT. 4 otereetet 1541/43V Ole *AB* ZS. ofitamel felopeeem.theCeerudieers One ettakptp Oita ratite hebreeted Used Pkproreetteefteillref Melee Biel kilieleeallor,peAtielettiektriefeof gee reellelleeelles.P 44 silheierelime theliMilleellilOrelOreiamtle 3 M seeelli ft r ttisaltillf .A0,010130:103331031011, -zt 1 11 1 1 4 ,11 ,07-,4! 71;1" -it --- Wri;ir ft6lma t ., - eitieilota licia*466lll:*rii , .. lajiby tie - wile 61 litamirail _tilitt. les. Ann' at SOW to *ii!*: iittickhisititins, liaise itaileisi, itinitramln4o . filleititleath. Reed nod be nihilist-id. 'rakp tbe teadietii+n4 ‘.t17140R,07.1f.dit i' 0 fag Q titifkU 41r. kfailiftiffr.,t. Awn Aflicriejr 07* Joni nesse. sr rembroke,,itaadits* Ivey% lt., beteg duty strigh.fits, that tie inilitakei ilidertitay , ' ,:.:,;?, about sti aboatkil s slack. The pipit tiii_. Ur Wilk. bniill it_ • • hack, left side tad twitap . ieing io bid that ,iiifliii*.9slw Mem help bhuself.ittil wail taitti IMO theShellsclkilom phial in the thy of Ilissitio: nit aster bidet A. deg - hospital five ireeks,Doefar ittfli allot he trod oak*, _ er hat was the matter with in., ifiethl4 ie . iimisfor nothing for' Win. noritoeld h' Piesertif- sat 111 14 1 t. That be. therefore, was conveyed rinl,lia, t it - _.* abet to the Sailor's retreat on filet's' ert. last was there physieked with all sorts of Medicine , fur, - ad offerer antathe,ivireting all die shoe the ni4ll . - randiag misery.— That, larsidos• itii salednumnif - ,_ - be was tradition *AO - oath a rfi sionotef the MAW Mlle tones 1w would spit a Auer* of phlegm Intl* drip; insitisa this eifeetion htt hid X bad Diarrhea, width hialletalint arises attended him from the eroomensenient ettilastatk: seer. That at thus* be dreaded a stool worse lialltillig would hale dreaded death; that he can etttopereand ilk& hie to Nothing saw* lithl of knives pasnieg AMMO WI bowels. A ileratifterthg 'worm than death at thiefitiefeett Ret real. on Staten Island, the doctor mid' lila that 'eh** eine was of no litmus hint.ittat he mutt try to tillielasseth. At this thou be was satferlegtlw orestestnaistur. "big his imam wcresonenderito toutd net 'melba itliitil*i ''' on upon tire riles or upon the tame, that hil iiiiilltildi Iho4 palatt. lit#l as illi,tlo - etittr sai d bitirtioiroeirinin ' no more medicine he deternilinel to procure+ tom alltiador Prandreth's Pills, which be did. fr,!rea 241 lactils.: Nelw 'kora; that be coton:encedarith five eilln. l o4lolloW lligieS Intreterdthe dose to eight. The,lboi wurittoldit _- so much benefited him, that theilittliA „:411sii 'what be was using. mid, miour.Patior,4ollt WEL a.lit rime again; Ir you i serstove in ffilahlan.,3ll6. , l4#llkto4o well' That be f...0ril every base 'Of thellioultufkk i rilet Wiese blur, firm they cared him of WO lat•-*lllO.lll stool; that they nektehred the illitehtita. mod ladiatii. Or piles la kb bones;—That thalsedklerit Otelialli hhislli- streagth 'to Nam every day. lie told the don* lay ilia 17th fitment. Mit be Mt bhateettiwoft. :Ow pat 'he owed his retorerit to IPIIIIIIMIII Prniridence, that he had tikes tint `_ ibr 19 dam that ihe doctor laid Wm Whit had had been taking float saedielne, be alsonldinalltillasilasped; another aay inche - boatae. fleteestderall b milker Is laidtblblatitildiellateateut far tbetesittef VW**, &Meted; that ihey "tiny 4tittertetiena ttlad-Wialebedito that viill'esire't hen. JOHN 21114*. Sohn - Pim* beletby toe ditty Carers iithalidattirielr,„ AJOVIII - 42, — iitif aesehtestel say tha,ffheetetatilbaes: cleat Is 1011ERLER:eastasleshiletWOOK 711 . 1uily'D'REt* PILLS maenad Siv-Ilt.Ailtioi dreili's principal afire. 241, BROilitetin 14eter "OW and at hie priariesl alas, Pla:9lo47tatifettablitAifitalipp. the ONLY Fidel InVittatategh 'where the'delkpeztest be aldainaql. Fay 2t--dibtlik , 11(rATS---W, 4. M. borrasislitoria their "Prltii4loSii. LI 'the Ohne that they bare ediessiajthil siatigrall rhig Rats and thr.t they have now stalk foSiOlkst their ihore.l4B Liberty street, betrreeit:lll l ll4o - 10 1 1111,..._ street, an imiortraent of the vary best ASK villicle.'aille li a are aasioaato &irises ion the cheapest sea wee) t a hle teVms. - Thew - viper epeeist' of the vent lit* ~ .:;',„ ver —Pettrver:oller.Neatfla,Xhillors,ilPPrlloteri - - sia. Far and Pettit !fats. , :.. -__ W. 4101. Dhherty are . ifine*WlP, have hard'estetatlveexpertente as JOurneenten fit MOM etenteishinedt* to tits eonntry; their Bats areriklgerte under their own lifstiearon, "and lbey insure the *OW that nothing hut the very beirlitirtes on - the nteiCedit- Namibia terms will be otreted Cur ente. see LATE PUBLICATIONS. liArtilitniß orthe tate Rev. Ctririeslrsibitr}l. - Daire 1.1.1 L 'O/wide-at of Dickinson College, Carthee.`blelle t YSikr. b. D...J2M0 with a handsom portrait. " Yx-JimieTtex—a series tions, by James Buchanan. D. D.. nigaWeek. Met berth. first American..Truitt the9rn Ritinnareraplibip SPIRITUAL HO'N'EY rrom Mart - eat liniStgcreallitl itatiomi and observations on the.mittreal hisiort bits of Bees, first ifitiodneed to public notice RI OW4* Samuel Purilmn, A. til,ronirotieZ PA 4 A TRIBUTE tiPlairrEAT4 4141"04Vearel, Charier Swam, viaiiroLis— or the Indir4stal "nistiOlionairffils dans to save souls from death; an Rimy by DtW' Ford—fourth American. from the sixth Lartdosfediffmar 7r - ,lcEort'rivo YET RE! Id DWI stinlittbrOf recent mere/wve befesivAnents'in vointster's Pat. CkfRLIE thelGoOd Ant Via tin Bad Aunt; by Min Catherine Sinclair.3delL 1 /Mk"' rin k Iron tiFiz,conwaisii-V#l',2 rig !rim. L erife '1 It at , n.. Life a Colitlkt, Lift 88, a Semi-Time Mr eternity. by the Rev. Y Cn- MIL "C:iirßYsri.or :LOPE—or the deny pootraefrom for the immediate conversion oi the len s THE ESFE.ArF AtirD E*F i leacref . :4l4llllll•ll- .YT-VT—by Howard Malcolm . President neilhormitarn College. Ky-2d Minion 1 . 1) Min The Moral inituenee. bangers- anti 'al 9t. eeinatete. wish Great Citief—by John Todd. ft am ;the 'armee on duty of heirs affirittfilty Winded. dacha— red and practically improved, hy_inita 13is , en.D HISTORY OP THE OREA2 RIVOR.VATION the .ixtemoh century in Gsrmany..enril l serhand. 41— by J. B. Merle D'Auhigne, President of the Titeutogite - Reboot o(Geneva. li., in 3'ingek.o, Out; 3d 'Aimseirktans Yrdtd ihe Lcinhoteeititien. Lbt OOMIS,AOM, aep M 0.81) Woad atennt; tV2extrp-r) imarEgMA4*. eorty Bola. to jet& VT the Military Cut litanies Or Pitt:4omb sad 2411 4 );to thetapiaty bf Musicals. They will nateime , boaruc'fiiin. clothing a rid info Annan tree orexpeare. • Many patents artitaller the finisimeidon that the plarti-' cal knowledge of a litunkiii tnittionent may have' iiiirMO teedenej over the moral ordieir children, and thlid* - tally also draw too what oh' their attention tram *MAC studies or ocrittpatiort. To the revenge of this, weak Oar to say. that the aittorrition 'orthinatt. dem& tar a mice of " recreation And relaxation which earner be' skialhtited. The Pint 'Minnie* snore refined. and the" iodination eir Melly tolire irdent, and comiespently As= bind it n Mt , abstracted from liaise moss atranatbalf , Minh are sit lial4e to fart into. Neither is ill their alter iten to nitleic in say Away . interfere with other"Whidrile• °aeration. as the time devoted lo this hraneit lex loki whys I iiiie itc tree - rile time, ss tireilas other suede inner, Another of:jai inn that parents sonsernmst arm., !tilt eicoivia t atetr children teionte good partarriem.lblil Wit* he led trio irieitolar hauns. In replx to.this' r.elgereet sayiniShtsay'iriihtheidtinepropriety.thattteareddikentliteset his hoo Caret; to wirile a rood handiest eeo l A Minaret-feller. sO that ibe reeeW limeade** tbe ice make of shy aro:playpen% tt 13 kiwi:am.thal, /Vein th e above remelt; aft:: may teve herrtofbee existed In the reit'• of oarininnre mutated. and =that -they will sat dewing limit children 'the privilette of eietwaelits the present op Celt at CeL. TreeilkOs angtinentre for N. IL No Mly. need apply far acceptant* willitailt-az written ortmera from his parcel or coardialik„ 1110 WA," ROBE:3 BEAR ' EIRRANUILU itteak BUFFALO . - "'UST teoehred." Beams:Ms fitallilt4tAmoOlUilr aP ferosi-ijaisiities from Munk No.l L. 3. - A !blot Near and Cob Sklar; _ • " 11,1k00 No. 1 and 2 diaailat - Ski as, A tot efOtter and Ramapo Ettiface., atti which are offered at relincnipticesr*galik de 11 1 114 litt4ed votes. Andy , to A. BEFJ.ENt, atilt* American Fna Con hobo, Oct 12. _- es forAr of From and rimy oitz., .Ireilbreis Iliamittiketarexi. ... J .. i .. ONINVLARK WAY'S WAT 1 AVE set easAliagiweeeseeet is geastieg ine or Mimi. aaLmit.faw f parpeet - of sidafq Ittu , fria. 1 MHZ yam cowherd( a elm Ste, by eat Olstelloll, .i. alma ep the etshieey 1 , ket.Sby UMW 011 0 0 .005.- sad lataehen moo* al tont he pig Mei tee le PIN lila& the sap of the are. aid &vill a / a ke reeefied sr The twere.iren Aim are as Mr* as these used, sea the ellaireseet tie fop et *heel anew lidir 4 , a UN by sae loch thin% act IS team loreetil -11 Raving received Lefties meat ea the oseet.llo* dIF. far* as the puddle ob reatemble helm Any botbasebe as be . NC by sairabeflor fibi. iir,.. Noitammtb.iible. t. C.. IIeMANATINVIV, belertriCATlL • • - • r - 7 ~ - 1 . - • fikwank. tocii.i.fii: '" • . f , ir!: 'the titiliaviar. toed Mr..l.C. M : resit Nita blit eft torahoaf two yeignq - ,iiiki44lool4: Isfooseeitrtse 11 to the public. a-il more • ststfittiliisoiShit 4 alTlArt Illittfirkelarettilitati Itr6r; of °tithe it#d -Am et )iit!Odiost *Oki: ; ;,- 3 .- , , - 'the aipsio; of **it litO.ltill *Olt st: illitire* the Netiiiedt . Will Oa, ! smokiest* ti4hkir#ll . 4ol two ept*iieginii!Onie'lleuit.4lisroo:„._, * Opel an,: ! ! 1. ! '!,! ' , ! :... d I !?'!'l:.!' ' '''''! We here 'ofrt a en of this h*st ittilio.l hilt-411*0 1 4: 101 W*iiiiir!- 1 900 1i 1 1 *Pl i no i e '7 BOI . O..ritOMMOT" II-'- '.-.,, ~' - I . .- "-:'-::::---:.:: ''''''.r , ' lifi;i14 1 1P 114 ! 11 451... 1 0 1 0 1 i .:'. 1'.,, : f ...i., ,, ,t. itio44t44; : llo*.:l# Laiiiiii4. l oo . • - 1 / I .V. l ': l :llitat ar -' , - AT: _..1. t I. : :,f 4 •! , ..,...,j,..! :: -Z...: - ':', -- V , , , . I .‘ :,. „.:'''... '.'' ;-:: , •'...?? ,4 4•'''''-t.'•:7• - , - ?: ` :••1 • ., ' • , ' ~;!;,, f icrzt-,- , i; t ZZ ,1- i, 7i : •:tX l f; ' 4'' ': ge s . :: : ) ' •:• - gkLii4- 3 : 1 ._.., ;41-'4. 5 : ..x.2.,,,C,....,'•;;;..-i-1,13-Vae..Z.Z...2•-----,,,,,,--. Wlll. W. sAIi'LIIT:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers