Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 21, 1842, Image 2

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    leniortnat from ruesieo.
7Varagatnst kc,— By a slip from
the N. Y. Herald, we learn that the
barque Eugenia arrived at New York . un
Saturday, with newts from Vera Cruz to
the 16th ult. The vessel brought the eel.
ebrated Cul. Almonte, !vim was in the bet-,
Lte - nl r fan Jacinto; and also his brother,
eeermtpanied by a suiteriraids and (Beers.
A large amount of specie belon g in g to
Nuxicipis,.part probably to governmeta,
has also come,
The Herald says that private . letters
state spositiiely that the -Mexican govern
ment, or . Santa Anna, 'mill invade Texes,
if she is not already invaded, by a large
army and navy, both by sea and land—the
army is to be led by British officers-L-4nd
the navy by the same. The Mexican fleet
slsoy,numberd &lime troll steamers, two
On Imre, and three schooners. ;
The.llerald publishes a letter from one
ofitie crew of Guadaloupe,the War Steam
er Sent tram England to Vera CI UZ.
shotArdthot the steamers and crew were
sent out --16 aid the, Mexicans nainst the
Texisns. The letttet says:
• "Ou 29th arAgust we reached Vera Cruz.
Chrthe 29,th all hands were piped to m the
yair&and salute th e Governer. We were an
pipe to-tractor. and Captain C. again spoke.
men, I %vi.!' to inform you that this ship
is going to e xchange Rags, that of Mer:can
be hoisted to-morrow m ninz. If any or you
We -lard - ling, to say, now is your time.ll real
ter you mo•it hold your tongues." &venal
ned serving under the Mezidan flag, and wished
to leave. Roo were permitted to go The others
were told that ei m on. remann, &c"_ "Ttir-e
men reused to comply with these re.gulations and
strife tailjto steamer. Th 'y were consequent!),
thiliWn hit.. prisnn and confined three da a with
'lathy fond! The British Consul refused to of
ford them aid,",
The Herald adds: 'This expedition, it
will be perceived, was organized in Lon.
dos,-antler the patronage of the Mexican
merchants a.id landholders in that quarter.
The power already in motion will" be suf
ficient teenerWiehrt Texae, and to drive
every Texian out of that military band,
Ther Texi•tri .navy, at the last accounts,
was laid Alp and useless, fit want of funds.
The idexican navy is in full :force- - with
three iron steamers and plenTy (if men and
eremnnition to co-operate with their ar
my. .
-a-Unless the French and American go
' veratnents interfere, the existence.of Tex
aell Infirm is gone forever. Will it be
extended to the Anglo Saxon race in Tex
sat We'll see. On the whale, we begin
to see Bente mighty results growing o .t -of
this new invasion of Texas. Wilt it not
tend to an' Union between France and the
United States to prevent- England and
. destroying an ink pendent
republic in thiiintitesti-----74. , e_not the at
tetnpt to: annihilate Texas lead the - 0 -eff
marine powers into a war on the occasionV
The steetion Returns
ft appesis that the correct retains of
the election in - Kensington were deposited'
in the tiffi,ce of Prothonotary of the Court
of Common Pleas on Thursday, from
which - returns it seems that Mr. Date is
elected` by a majority of tw) hundred and
The error in the matter it is believed
was-made in' a copy of the return - drawn
up bythe clerk for the Return Juages.
this document the votes were misplaced;
that fir Mr. 1-lentz being placed oßpot,tite,
the name of Mr. Dale, and vice versa,—
such, in brief, appear to be the facis of
the - case. The blunder is an awkwat d one,
bdt it -has been promptly rectified. as we
learn from yesterday's Evening Courier,
14 Mr. - Hutchinson, the Return Judge.
Alt appears evident that there 'could have
been no fraudulent intention in this' mat
-ter. from the fact that correct returns were
early, deposited in the office above inert
.tiltied, 'where they were open to lin pec. 7
tioii; Ve learn that Mt. Rentz, on ascer
taining the true state of the case, at once
nniffied his counsel that he believed a mis
tekelia'd occurted by which he had obtain
edAlte' return properly belonging to his
oipottent Mr. Dale, and that he had no dis
printion to cause any difficulty. All paps
ties have behaved very handsomely in tins
witipteniant affair, and the matter has been
ssetilaht withont causing imputation upon
- Shrewd Reply.--Sir Walter Scott
isaytihit the alleged origin of the inven
miciewilteards produced one olthe shrewd
441tieikes he had ever heard given in ev--
irteettate. WBB made by the late Dr.]
ertieriry. cif Edinburgh, to a counsel of
Opt eminence at the Scottish bar. The
Doctor's testimony- went to prove the in.
entity of the party whose mental - capacky
tlristt;irt the point of issiie. On-a cross lit:
tetrgatiun, he admitted that the person iti
question played admirably at whist. 'And
D to 's
dcr-lon ser iously'say, oc r, 81 the
Aiitnekipuritel, - ”hat a peraon having a
asetiferior capacity for a game so difficult,
Vihich requires; in a pre-eminent de
gre, itelitarj,judgmeut:anii combinalie'W,
be*t the same time deranged in" his,
uddettltiandingr am no card-player,
said tlite'Doetur,ltt.:l have read=in histo-
IV that_ °Oda-, were . invented _ : `for the.
411*-liment *tall insane king. The con—
isaituenees ,tifltis reply , were decisive.,
Zhe` Harrisburg Cavitelian (coon) take
Off ;most party to task;for suffering them—
delyeoll be,defeated, throughout the state
.004ist Tuarday, and says if they do not
CillAriVa to behave better for the future,
4199Rery =in Pennsylvania roust Terrific a
$ huge,but ineffective mdse'—a sort•of polit4
catkraaken afloat upon the waters. The
Cliffitdiatrhas yet .to learn, it seems, that
thisiOrnesS of hugeousness is defunct tan
4:ll4is&Viwotted, and hauled in. What's
rstirtrin Oh* I
d th
I e'
fin offi ay
.4. '
iteat ent.44 S a ml
ih rown
a wfitill
ek ne a r Uttilter 47rit
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1,%, Agitn
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rgiDACO VSIIE4 '2l 184
,• , -
Bee First Page.
Great 'Democratic 'Meeting in Zan-.
,There was a tremendous meeting of the
Democrats ill'fieric'es4.4 on' the evening of
Saturday the 14th. to exchange congratela
none On tke triumphant sticcese of Ji4ge
Champneys,the Democratic Candidate fer
the Senate- in the York and Lancariter Dirt- ,
trict, and to review and rejoice over the
Democratic victories everywhere.
. .
`The Roe. James Buchanan was called to
the chair. His reception was of the most
gratifying deem iptien: - "For several min
rites: l B . 3) , s the
Intelligencer, ...the old Court
House fairly rocked under the applause
which greeted his appearance. He open
ed the meeting ine short but : impressive
speech, reverting briefly to the victory we
had met to botior, and passing a warm and
beautiful pulogium upon the exertions of
the Democracy of York and Lancaster in
the contest which preceded it. , He then
announced that the Hon.' BENJAMIN
C HANIPNEYS, Sena tor Elect, would ad
dress his fellow - citizens.—Wiren Mr. C.
I- -
rose nine cheers were propoied for "the
, Dernocratic:Senator elect," and'they were
given with a will-and an enthusiasm that
best told how truly they sprung from warm
and gladdened hearts. " Judge Champ.
treys , then proceeded to address the int
=rise throng preient. His speeeh re'
'minded us of "the olden time"--eloquent ,
argumentative, and energetic, itdrew down
Peet after peal of - applause." ~
Mr. 'Champneys wasfollowed by Col.
Fra,zer, Recorder Findkry, and .1. W.
Forney: Mr.. , BUCHANAN concluded the
interesting exercises of the evening by .a
speech of unusual and beautiful eloquence,
in which he alluded to ' he
. attempts which
have been made to misrepresent his - course
by his political opponents, expressing his
regret that 'men
,woutdthus repeat false
' hoods which they did 'not believe theM
selves. - He felt proud, however, in avovv
ing the opinion that whatever might be at
tempted by a few interested politicians,
- yrie-peot.----r....e n eettin which he had liv
for thirty three years, until aye - Tregoiel
to'sprinkle its fro l ste upon his' head, .had'
always done him sustice. If,be remarked,
• any one feels a pleasure in assailingme,
white I feel a proud concim,,stress of integ
, rity and consistency in my own bosom, I
am content—it Is the lot of public men to
be assailed, and .1 do not expect to be ex
empt. I know, he continued, that where
Falsehood is so palpable as in the attempt
to make me the enemy of the laboring man,
those who know me best will he best able
to contradict and deny it. Mr. Buchan—
an's rapid yet comprehensive sketch of the
attempt of the Rhode Islaud- landholders
to deprive the poor democrats of the right
of Strffi age because they did not chance to
own "the dirty acres," was full of absorb
ing interest, and showed how much he
felt for those who -are now suffering in
Rhode Island for dpinien's sake.
He called upon -the young men to study
the Rhode Island question—to lay up in
their memories the truths of Democracy—,
and he bad no -doubt, after doing so, th3y o
would all be proud of belonging the Demo]
cratic party. - Mr. Buchanan was deeply
affected while referring , to the people of
Lancaster, and especially to the citizens ,
of our glorious old Democratic city, which !
he felt so proud to call his residence.—
"When I forget your kindness. and your
,partiality,'" he said, turning to the crowd it;
.attendatte, "may 'my right hand forget its
cunning, and my tongue cleave to the roof
'of my mouth." 'rhe almost death like
'stillness which prevailed during the conehi,
sion of-his thrilling address, was broiren, all
lie took;his int, by the long, loud, and re
peated' cheers of the Democrats in Reel.
&rim& Joke.—A Tennessee MO
states that thegrandjury of Campbell coon
ty.' Tenn, has found a true.bill against,Gee.
Sinith, John 11. Todd, Lettiu Duke, .farruis
Pearie and Leroy Brown, for dm murder 4;f
a slave 'belonging' to JOhn Tb4y
had alt got into a drunken spree, and rndli
influence-aliquor, enticed the negro into!st
lofty and - hungithrifor fun, intending . to ept
him down in a moment or ' two hefore
ibeuld be' extinct. Their drunken froAe
ins carried 'too far; the negro died, and a
similar death, ore long and , painful imEn*-
onment awaits the perpetrators of the act.
Like other frolics of the =same kind,
it costs death in the end.
Speaking of sinners going tolleavp./he
Scott says, they-would find-tham
uei es
lika - jigs is a draining room.
A new Catholic urgh b b ,,; ( !r ec ,
'llalt.esYlloas= dollars wards
ttrityloli". 7 34 4 : 4 _
1 111 " 16 .1111111116 1 !.k v ,I " -..,_,,-• ~,,
109111#01111.!: „,M.i'
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Sul ',A G l ili Wit) :>: . . idg th#,Olartiettztif 40
Go i eriiiii ,t; iiiiil'Tlttisttittiars. - i'A ll ' be
1 - li
found in t is paper., p
ty a ;ise gre "rit'itliettlatO by any personal
pig'e, nor any-desire to revive the isziis
sio of a subjectwhic.b may be unpleasant
to t
e parties concerned, but-with a view
toe t the matter in a proper. light before
the public, Much pains havebeen taken to
ma eit apperar tbat the Governor's views of
the! merits of thercause were at--variance
I I.
witn those of :he' Colgt; and great efforts
1 haVe been used to show that the pardon
! exended by him was a -palpable rebuke=
to Judge Patton and his associates. In the
reslolutions - and Address of the Transpor
t tens -there. was an evident effort to create
thiS impression in the - public mind, which,
we are convinced, was not without its in-- 1
t e:?'" .The Morning Post dares not deny
teeded effect. that the handbills agatust Mr. . Mitchell
The terms of the pardon give a most ; were printed in that office."—Gazette.
1 pdaitive and direct contradiction to this as- I The Gazette knows very well that if we
sfrommption—so far fio an expression, the were able to state, certainly where "those
mOst distant, of opinions adverse to those bias" were printed and who had them
held by , the Court; the conclusions of that ' done, It would not atravvei the question
- tribunal are distinctly approved. It is an i "who diddled poor Hugh Mitchelll"-r-it
act of jostice,therefore, to the Court, that would not satisfactorily account for Hugh
this pardon should be published, in order Mite Ihrre defeat in Wilkins loteash,ip,
to', set the affair right before the public, where no whits are to be found—where
and show correctly the grounds upon the Antimasons have 100 majoritjand up.
which the Governor granted the remission wards. Suppose, for argument's sake, that
of the imprisonment part of the sentence- '0 did pint those handbills; and suppose, l
further, that we published them, will that ? ,
whiner) , and . Temperance , • excuse the Antimasons who were influen-
. i The Advocate
_does not like some re ced by them? There could have been
Marks that appeared in our paper of Tues- I
no compulsion . used to make them, vote
day exOnsingan attempt of i nh n Cl' A d a ms against Mitchell. -The handbill , would'
to check the onward march of teetotalism.
, i !lav a b a d no effect-if the Antimasons
the , Advocate denies that Adams spoke in
had been true to poor Hugh, and the Corn
favor of a moderate use of intoxicating - promise ticket:
In *assuming that the An;
drinks, and that he quoted fromthe scrip- timasons were turned from the obligation
tines to establisb his position; but -we haVe to support the Union ticket by the force or
the-Positive testimony of the Boston Tim es
, guile of the ' locofocos ,' the Gazette man
to our statement, and we will certainly not perpetrates a wanton insult upon his par -
discredit its evidence on the mere liner- tisans; and virtually adnoitelhat they have
tion of such .a journal as the• Advocate. paid more attention to a single anonymous
It is labor lost, for our neighbor to at- handbill than to all the efforts and, influ
tempt to ' defend -a federal leader against ,
f ence be cot.ld use in favor of the Union,
the charge of encourtgirtg intemperance,
after the disgraceful debauches that char- -- -......------------------. ,
I The cambria county Murderers.
acterized that party in , ISt-O, , it wilt ie-
I We learn from the Blairsville Record, that the
quire something more
t o convi n ce the : trial of the two Flanigan., for the murder of Mrs.
Public mind to the contrary, than the im- i Betsy Holder, took place at the Ebensburg Court
--twas.rit Owner of asap r that, during the , week before las', and after a tedious trial of eleven
time referred to;was otto7rir - xtro----. ',. .-..ipcat__ days, they were declared by the jury to be guilty,
ourt to be hung
jdvoates of the . - - enthusialika ti do _is:qui:ere a . 1
mell`"'"9"-lig_ _C____.
VI . 1
ted by guzzling hard titter, m xe w it h a The stockholders of the M•iryland In — sciiifei:
little harder brandy. Does the Advocate Company have determine] to wind up the business
forget the efforts that-were used by its par- -of the hletheti" .
Ity in that memorable campaign to c.orropt ',... -
Jo guinea Adams.
the morals of the people, and to make us a The Gas Ate hoists the name of Mr. Adams as
its first choice tor the Presidency. This is the
!nation of drunkards; does it forget the wild,
same John Q Adams who voted against and np
riotousrun w
drunken scenes, that ere enact
- posed the late Tariff Bill. What is to become of
eii by high and low, under the etiinulatiug sc ."?
influence of their electioneering beverago
Will it deny that the precepts and example
of its public speakers were calculated to
encourage these beastly violations of order,
decency and morals; and will it deny that
among the loudest brawlers for "Tippe
canoe and Tyler too" were the lost and ir
reclaimable sots and loafers, who were
driven into the federal:ranks by the bright
prospects that were presented for an unre
strained indulgence of their appetites'
We do not wish to be understood as
charging the whig party with being oppo
sed to ternpprance now, bat we think it
well to remind the timeserving journals of
that party,,vvhst they were, whenever they
attempt to misrepresent papers that were
advocating the ternperance cause when all
the . whig organs in the country were grind
ing doggerels in praise of dibnkenness.
Loss of The Brig Cuba.
A correspondent of the Charleston Mer
cury, 'writing float Key West, Sept: 18th,
advises that paper of the loss of the brig
Cuba, from Galveston, Texas, for New
York, with a. number of passengers. A
part of her bottom has been found, and tow
ed into Key, West, and it is feat 4 all bands!
- haie perished. She was spokea off that
port -on the day the gale commenced, by
one of the pilot boats. A. few bales of cot
toil, same sticks of red cedar and staves,
have been picked up. supposed 10-tie a pat 4
of her cargo; A tfUrtivitiatilse been found
partly broken to pieces, but TOrititioed a few
pairs - of ladies'_stoikinge; sad a lockel,With
the genie 'a Mark Haswell engraved on
it, who appears to be known at Key West
as a young lady belonging to Tessa, A
water cask' With the name of otuba,"- 'was
also round.
it was , supposed that the Cuba had on
hoard about fourteen passengers, among
them Mr. Geo. W. 'Kimball, Mrs, Kimball
and - two children, and Captain' Wade The
names of the others ota,unknown. ,The
Cuba old,
*is a fine vessel, ot4twolettiti
and was commanded by COI. Latham, one
-of our most et perienced - ithili masters, a na.
iroe 4Connecticut. 'The brig is soppesed
1,,t0 betiosured rn Walston. `Miaow, -Watt
-44111-414-34‘114* was 011 1 .444 *un
,ritt;#019#4.1,4 , :.
•r -
0 % . 74 .. , '`..-
i;,'; 4.IRM-4::V'A:
''. 4.- !,;.' ,7'4g
r.w4c rl a k dm ee: e 4 ; it::ll
L .. — lt seems that James Monnewell, the
president, :charged Wynan: the former
president, ,
mid Branne,foriner cashier with
having embezzled and feloniously stolen
the aura of-$300.000 from the bank. Se
eondly, he charges Skinner with_-
received the $300,000 from , , know .
ng_ the same to have been embezzled and
I stolen. Thirdly, he charges all three with
I conspiracy to defraud and cheat the'stock
holders of , the bank, as aforesaid.
The investigation showed,a deep laid
and long practised scheme of fraud, peen:
lotion and rascality. As to what "'became
of the money, no'light has beeo thrown on
the subject.
The New Yorkers call their city the 'city of
fmntains," since the introduction of water by the
Croton works. Baltimore is known as the city
of Monuments; Boston, the city of Notionp; Phila
deiphia, the city of Mobs,
_Murders and Mon
sters; Cincinnati, the city of Hogs; and Pittsburgh
—dear, dirty Pittsburgh, the city of Bridges.
At their old 1 ricks.
The Madisonian says it received,by mistake, a
number of the Weekly Ohio Journal, addressed to
a New York (federal) paper. On the margin of
this number was written in pencil mark:
"Be cautious how yen bet on Ohio. We are
laving a great deal of tiipe-7,ooolCentuckians
-2,400 Hoosiers-700 Wolverines, and ,a thousand
or two of all sorts of varment. This is a great
' country, and . Torn Corwin is a great man. It
won't d for us to be beat."
The Madisonian addst'The name of the New
York paper we do not give—but it may be seen'
in our sanctum.
Coffee,who murdered Solomon Sedgwick,
at a Ball in lowa Co. Wisconsin, is to be
hung on the firpt of Nov.
Wheat is selling salton for 31 els:
The river_ at Burlington lowa, is high.
Joe Smith has been arrested.
Fall Emiaralion:—t .Burlingtbri'(lik.
• - .1
wa) Gazette says that the . fall emigrdion - -tel
this 'Territory has commenced, and. lrons
the prcSent:prostiset ahnulit.judge freiu
the emigration fOr'theOtt two months
SUritEla-any previous.-year. ,
The .follfisilkfig, `Goat!, . . are
. Lying
aground at-the"various bars between. Lapis
ville and the mouth, iriz:,Arnitzoth.Belle.of
the West, Allegheny, Narragansett,' Valley
Porgei,riTippecanoe, Iris, Massachusetts,
. ,
I . .hiquesne, .Angitste,...Goddess of Liberty,
and Paragon. - .
The Milleritea yet gather ern de to the
tune of 20,000! Won't they feet flat the
next morning after the destruction:of the
wort & when they wake up and find them
aelyea-0. K.
Oat ho
" 4 t 4-',itie- iii -
eialiPPillAper isserti, 004t:vlick*I'A Mia•
ilia4ielinealticsial.ll.°rtY. gasivni:irlYthl:tlloa that
e ll e W I
i 7.
Shkielia'd All
°lle and Ole fiaaki '
-Ito be good ~,,. . wrier
Poor - Cla y . L. Christian; °I. comae.
• , .y..____Thirligiuir-
PaPerMintirMailltac Si.t CFll,rd a Ohnt
''sti**4.olAik- 403 . n ,,., ; t. ii"ilsl6Allteefi
......'-!*ll.tlMEttt ' a.,,,,,,.
6:tßlt. Waif nisei',l";TlAtritstie cenft
‘:."t -en -rte, --,',T,,-, ..;;;. ''-..
...1,7.,...- . - -,^11.:,,,r.
~ ..s
_-~ Ytiy
xsh~ ..:..,n _
4:f:ZL -
41", PM"' the
"Mould pen earry - if ew
can ttevAriiiii--jusCabenfeb.witill as biberei. ll
. Killed by Lightning.-Duritigibe_storm
on Tuesday a cow belonging - to* poorlam
ilv in Brook's field.
The N.Y, Chinniele appears on an en—
larged sheet. Well gif,ilfore good things
than ever'.` ;
. Ohio „Eketion.--Corwin the wagoner
goes in as Governor, but by a much redu
ced majority.—N, Chrort. ' -•
Do tell
Could'nt come it .—Tho Algetines of R.
I. thnught they -had Gov. Cleveland on a
pin, hoot, when a few days ago he had, to
sendl to acting Gov. King a requisition, for
a ctivninat. ,
He ot
Wvoided the ditema of recognizing
Goy. King by., aldressing the demand to
"the, Cy'nY., or Rhode latamd." It was hand
ed to Mr. Kitg, who' complied with its re
Fire, ---Early yesterday morning a fire
broke out in a brick house on Liberty street
sth Ward. Damage trifling; it all- ended
in smoke.
Christ CI:11rd), Allegheity, rifttl be consecrated to the
service of the A lmighty God, .by the - RI. Rev:
DERDONIC. Bishop of ronusylvania.on Saturday morning
next, at II o'clock.
A collection, will he taken up.
The Bishop will °dictate at Lawrenceville on Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock; in Trinity Church Pitishurgli.on
Sunday at 1 . 01 o'clock and at 9 P. M. and la SI. Andrew's,
Hand street. the afternoon °Nand:ly at 3 o'clock.
Ccmitnerdal "Nvinti.
Patiburgh Market.
geported fot• theifliorning Post by /vane Harris.
• FitTDAY MORNING. OCT 21, 1842.
Since the rain the early part of this week, our
rivers have risen a little, and steamboats of small
size arrive and depart daily. The stee.ksuf goods
of all kinds --Foreign, Doinestio and Pittsburgh
manufactuies—are excellent, well assorted and
cheap. Cash is scarce and much wanted, and
produce cornmands fair prices and ready sales.--
Weisave examined ..cur market and enquire(' of
the heaviest dealers in dried Peaches, Apples,
Crantierfies &c. and find that swing to the . very
heavy supplies of dheap-fruit of all kinds in mar
ket' The prices - have fallen and we reduce the
rates. Clover, Timothy and Flax seed - are in very
-g.ritat, demand and scarce.
Flour comes in freely and the demand grand. It
brings from caimans and boats $320 to 331, and
from stores in lots of 50 or 100 barrels 3,37 to 3,44,
and ty retail at-3,50 to 3,62.
Grain—Wheat,-sales et our s'eam mills 55 to
60 cis. Rye 33 Bally 31. Corn, 25 to 27.. Oats
17 to 1 - 51 , -
ater.erackers 3:2s ; per bbl.
ii,-----.44._.bb1.: •
Pilot reid .
itS l vs per W" --- - -‘"---- --- -
t ets per Ib - . ►
Play, $7 to 8 per ton.
Fruit—Dried Peaches. $1,25; do Apples 50;
Cray - berries. 125 per buhol. Green Apples per
bbl 75 to $1; per hasty , ' 25 to 50.
Ashes—Scorchiogs o 4; Pots 4i to 5; Pear's
5 to 5} cis per lb.
Bacon--sales urn hug hog round at 4; a lot
of couotry bacon, hams and shonlders sold fur 4i;
Hams 7 to 7i,
Reef—sales of small. &ones at 32.75 to 3 pet
100 lhe, and for gond choice, 3,5 0 to 4_
Pork—.ales at $250 to 3; choice prime 3.25.
Groceries—our market is exceeding well cup
plied. Coffee, sale• in lots of good at 11 to 14 to
town;. and 12/ to 1311 to country.
Lard—sales by quantity at 54_ty 6 c i s.
Sugar is looking up—sales of ten hhds good at
'4 to 63 4 per lb ; and middling 6i564 ; in bbls,
to 7 eta.
Molaassss—sales to the city 26 to 28; to the
country 29. to 31.
Feathers—sales 7000 lbs Kentucky at 25 eta
4 ions.
Fish—Herring 4,63 to $5. Mackerel No 3, 7,50
to 8.50.
Salt--From boats in large lots 871 1., $1; from
stores $1 to 112:
Leather—a good supplit; daily sales in market
by the quantity, country 20 to 21: Spanish 21 to
24 tier lb. Upper leather per doz $24 to 28. Calf
Skins •per_driz 12 to .- 36 according to quality. Hide
country 41 ets, Spanish 12 a lb.
Oil—Tanner. 70e per gal or about an average
of $2O a th. Flaxseed oil 75 a 80c a gal. Lard
oil 7010 75.
Seed—Clover, Tirnothy4 and Flax- seed all in - de,
ma nd and bring ready sales. Timothy, 1,50 frOm
wagons, 1,75 from stores. Clover. $l. Flaxseed
75 to 80 eta per bushel.
Cheese—dull. small sales at 41, to 5. _
Tobacco—sales it( inferior leaf to the- trade 11.
a2:ets per lb; CavaildiSli 4 3 4 to five; Virgini
Twist 5,1 a.6;•Tlug,-7aB; Ladies Twist 11.
Wool—cleirn well. washed Oronmon 18,20;
blood 20; do. 22i:.3 , 4 do 24(78 do. 29; full 28
prime 3s.
Powder—Walsores Reek 3,75 and Rifle $5;25,
per ke•
Bass. or I'vrtaseaatt.t
Oct. 18. 1842.
A N electiria Air thirteen Thrertors of this Bank for
the - evisnitig *ear. will be be held nt the Banking
Hoth.e - uslionday the 21st day of.Noventher neat..
Oct 21—IP
OCC: 20, 1842. s
rr".B Stockholders of this Bank are, notiped that the
- annual election for thirteee.directors to serve the en.
zing Vear, will he held nt the Banking House on
streetiwn iliendXy 2.1100 e, next, front the hears of 9
A. Ar. M. of %holiday. •
oet THOMAS M.. BOWE, Cashter.
MlL,Rcontfin ANTI MANtlitsCTUAgas' BANE', t
• Pittsburgh, act. 20.,1542.
11111116 Sionkholders of thiqllenk. are notified that an
election for thirteen director* to serve the ensuing
year, will be held at•,the Ranking House on Monday 21st
November at Socloek A. . •
oct 21—te. - W. If: DENNY, Cashier..
tinrivalted yin
11,01-ANUFACTURED and sold" riboterale and retail
jLi SIXTH &mar/. one door--below
i oet2l-19. •'
F 4fßifg—'l4Verai with front
01.000 In wilt ;tviali to purrintaeor recd small cheap
'fauns as near Pittsburgh nalptlioslble - 4, :Person, *Ott WO
perty to len or rent may and rolitYl4lOhaner,oi. renters
:by leaving it for sale or reliant-at:. ',-- • ,---
HARRIS' latelllgenea .910e44% NO 9 riftb'etrect.
oet —St.
= 0 :11.•
' ,-Just.ol44***AvPorfoß
tai. 440#11,1110071Aard
a: 'p
~; #~_
Miss Esther Jane
Williams, Esq., of 11 1 1 , 4 ,,
107 knots of 5 run %NI
woollen yarn, and reeled i t
tweet) the hours of ent*
Del. (N. Y.) Gaza
Miss Esther Jane is a
ha s set a noble exampletu;
sha is a eredit.--B.
Where is Hancock, w t
-that is, the bachelor esti
Co nmenitaße.—Th e h„
licchutch in Boston cau..
churches, to be tolled du
vices of Dr. Claming,
of amenity in sectarianism,
Newro bitten.—As G:
St. Louis, was chastising I
was bitten by bim in the
Won ensued, and the laa
bat his life is despaired of,
Fire ! Fire !—An a
Bedford has just discovered
tremendous conflagration
moon( We mention it f,
our — enterprising firemen; .
might feel anxious to put i t
Where's the Uncle SW
Proposals - will be 'Teein
for the Mayoraliy, at tli t
“.111,0016g. Past." Apply
sa id n hig toa
lost all hrpetite for politic'
Well,' replied 'roam
lost yAitt appetite, for thelt
have, these whig tme.t.te
a great scarcity of .11ratra
The Stockholders of the Pat. ,
Tot oplitc Road Company an
election t , ill be held at the haler
land,on Thursday the 17th of,
one Pres:dent sia Managers and
of the Coutpanytor the onsuhq : ,
beopenedat 10,CifelniCki - A•
• orklanagers. -
Oct 20
A Place - Ali* - Lo . l.lVkißk - 4P , t
.try.. vim-k it
w . fairwpafilter w
hand —Fora Eltilteiwer far a wo
several- mechanics as Blacks:oMM
Apply at 11.1
Oct 24
Smirk Feld street, bellow:v:4
- N .
ReEpectrally iirformsdrrith
vielojty. th at Ile is preparPd a.
tiers rut any &script of wadi
Ile has on hand. and will bro.
eralzisnriimrnt of C 1.0T119,
Ife will woke wo k to order,*
irer estab ishment to iheeio,
9nyiag, that his work, , 8 to gal
fit and workmanship, cannot LV6
It t lallslitheril is this city. . .
By punninailly and unremntil
le hopes to 'Merit and receive:
Persons Avulsion.: their own ,
itteir advantage to call, bcfare
Oct 13, dlw wtf.
Notice is hereby g iven I ant g
106111 RegiMeat, i st Itri e a4e,l34l.
will be held at lames Vemicp
21st Het., at 10 o'clock,
Majors 'Mercer and Stewart
Oct -19-3 t
Agent for J. W. Robotic!
jives Liverpool, who despatck
parts ofthe V' .ited States
THE Subscriber would s.
Each persons as are d
Friends that he continces to
Great Britain and Ireland sla
friends here, by the above Ime a
most reasonable terms. In w
passengers wit( avoid the (I , t
time PO much complainednfl ,
,impositions: practised on the r
and Irresponstble agenis ai
'red that every due and diligen 4
theirfriendir and all who ems
may not embark_ can have tart
party from whom it was origica
forming to the documents dchr•
ment.—He niso-feels pleasure
has cornsidorahry eltended
ments for the payment or VS
th rotighia England. I reland,R 4
further particulars apply bY lere
$2OOO on Bond and Me
5000, within seven
Jog money to loan can lend an
security. Apply at 11.0
Oct 18
Hard Cider Guzzlers. Welo,
paigne Straliaterrs ,— .d ttesti SI
rs t
-Tbestate of your Stomacla
a never foiling remedy„rpscr*
upon not having ••Siged rvolt
cation to
Office-boors from et.
Now Is the time of yearfor
Coughe, Colds, It heamatiea.o
aglicted, a speedy cure 0
cad W O
PEASE'S 11040
which is allowed by
remedy ever offered r Cpl
RENTS NEltre.xn
asout ward retardy, wan the
as I nwaed a pplicalion, la a e 66w t o
the Ritertatariew, Go t. C n 0
No one need suffer front) be..al
the %hove atediehles
oe► 15-Iw
T. s TENA.O , O
Nik• 49. rim, stile, lel-0,
I%._.llusk aud Sus* gsaooo2
OnPfitKaecated aea,de
WirAl o l - & CO i k'
V * ritxo"Ti ni joer
-i ttre t, -
M _I
e liana '
• ty o r the
of Fe n
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DS -GP. '
= Cou nty •o
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f u el -ter
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