----,.. ... 'l 44 ' 4 * 4 " 4 " 1 th i ng '`Ar e C" i t) 6llll* ' .tii**MOming jurt loggia* was a imettelor, sto„ to Villillt Itllla Sim cam e and sawn the seAt by We, - -r- , abif . hitehed her little finger in mine, and- then,. 1101 , ,--- ~; 1 1111111htg id atm, said, .= - . tAtet you married, Mr. Ruggleer I *No; ered Mr. Wiggles, *lightly shrug ---- i ~.4 7. -l be rgvotim, e„.,,, einghis 'alders, ant making .a taint grim ~a ce, AI I I,- , . to ,. ~.•„ -,.... tai much to say 'I rather think not.' f' 4l.6f I tr. ay mice mere. . w.- i " ) "'"' I " e ' imis her in rft i . L'lnta-.*.-....iltra titatz-vivt•mf,4aturtittrltettlitheis the , - , -- viirittfill&:' ---- - -: - - 1 - , --- -, *---,., tti lettet of Mr. Lightner in which he author lutitteit a >hands with an e 0. - of lzed 111 r. Minna to draw his pay for seiyi ! , soissit. , .Walnt4a - .„. _ •-- ea lk -t a reesriber of the ' 1% 13 t 3 Alid ilagith, 9 -I - tired Virtwmg myself i c =the sofa, wire ..,,xuare roplte you • full *log is the tester the„Teeteietime, dw.tV said Laura. - I ,-e / E'Ll SI!11:774. am abPat lt) set loot for Ihipst isow i t k , o w kitai a kg ki k,i4a aa hr St`. 14 with but Nitre probability that I F 0 Mg t'Y 1 1 - ' ‘Tibh nee • 1 reside+ ' ' 1 can back to llariitsber-g before the close y dear, ti Vr and saes &mkt' , . '`, 1..0f th session. .I do not resivn. because ik tia. itio, 't,d Let its Toctsictiuts ring' . an owe. afttml want to sirs cookittetar, 'ahem,' she added ImY , fling SO WOIHOI tier age considerably in 4 whisper at my ear . .4 WO tOtnel h i g nret l' ' theliblic errtentte, and a member elected H. ,oho rose and boundatlp the d tor like a lo trl place must have a very abort -time fews„ 1 tripped after her on tip toe. of it, 1 .111try3 little kiddlums, Wedelns, kiddlumsr I w an nex .. a a authority to draw my hal• anvil. gently compressing her adtruldera as rho , r ._ r t. t ance•-•••-a Very smart rane---for i tonna eon. wwwitsw ,tOl, l yo , saise ts_ s h e a s, shingly exclaimed. seat i') be Paid beyona yeeterday, the 24th. „ ,*lloddiumatr I t.riedtafter her down tbe passage unless I get 'oack myself,foriesterday ren oleiwyntwe new termer endeatment for Nor watch tiered it certain that I would go to St I , ,on bar come into my head) 'Kiddlu list' l ia if the committee of accounts' , 4:llya' idle thiria-, whatr , .. restrict 4 Ruggles would like half-and half' me to the day I left, Wednesday, the 15th 4...114 • II the time Laura returned, lunch.was ready. I shell find no fault." Yours, gbara ta a Ruggles acquitted li Inset( in a manner i ISAAC LIGHTNER. which proved, to the entire satisfaction of Laura, 4 GEn. DARSIE, Eqcj, " • the &Wee DM of the character whic 1 i had as- 1 Pittsburgh, „June 25, 1842. cribedto him. At leng.h, a t r &lulu tir a glass I think§ lint. this shows that grlfiVie to our health and happiness., and taking The Gazette j was am ionoraie rterit conductt ' a Nana a r c o w a w a y (given by her, to put ill er m r. Li g i v . his pillow) to my inexpressible delight he depart and ittir, and Bays that ifthere is any fault el s * c lieu he was gone Laura -sang ate 'The last it "lies with the loco foco committee " bake am broken,' and •We M V and `The Sol. • moils tear:and several other pretty ' .8 r i gs o r Li ," This istatement,does make the matter look 1 , 014 end then she made me lung 'AIY love is hie , someWhut better for Mr. L., but " it appe ars 141, red rose,' and 'The rosy shall cease to I that he still holds on to the pay Which the . Uttd 'Toe- ;Maid of Llan;,-,ollen.'—But a hen committee imprOpet ly allowed kin]. When led 'A going out a-shooting,' sh : put, kW Mod rm} , mymou th, and would not hear a u , ' wik ofiL Alterthatwe went tar a walls, ti s,:e , the Cltaette can inform the public that Mr, this mo ney back to the Aar' t. Tre p n erry it may then with some propti- I leave the (coder to guess how my Lair a and _' I tigoyed our meal, We were quite stone; and ety nounce a eulogyen that gentleman's misty awed that •the sweet girl thought parucu "hor1 r and integrity " hut until then it Isitir sties, she insisted in tanning off her share,' imeetaking me eat tt. ' I leave him al o to iota- Mtn permit the ptkblic to make , up their, . glee bow delightfuAy tha interval between (kJ- o n i o n i o f . hi s t hon tsarina tea were occupied. Nuts a• , d -vide by . ~ 1 - thelltiwitei are pleasant en' 'v.., li; t.,t,t wIl-n ale rorotrig to his conduct as a public servant partake of titian with those we lava, 'll.y Pre ex, geisha. &mistimes we had a douule t.ot, and tone would make the other ,:ire ha;: o[ it; now loaned Laura to take another gas o,' . irk, riry- jog 'Cone now Tiblay, you ghat , / it i: ,ii do you RA' arid then she would limit tun t edtog we Ilfiairileuanda and raisins. It was t. ty pleasant indeed'—;very. At last tea-time came. *1....0k litre, To.A i. corm: said Laura; 'see ducky, how to e ' With that ~.he removed a cloth, that -one:sated fort 4•. z en-sf the finest natives. 61 knew,' b'te cmtinucti, 'yOu would lakes unething nisi With your tea' ITlblry, dear,' I declar,d, putting the edge of my right hand across my th roat; ' I can't-1 eau't, in deal' 4 1A,fiddle! Now, Toot.ioums, you shall -- 14w! oysters are to wliol ;some, yoi kfiow. +.v trjr:: Collie, Sit. open your mouth. 'Clare:' 1-slid eel wit+ bid; ald reely the natk7,:s were so eapital, that I , went on a wallowing one alter *nether. twill with some little aQs nue,: from Laura, the whole were demolished. T 1 a tea.4.l}inga being taken away, we wheeled the sofa up to the fire; and, feeling us it I shun d jike'tofo io deep, I reposed my head on Laura's Jammed thus delightfully pillow d , w.s fast sulk ing into slumber, when presently i :It: such. 4 pain in the 'chest. I email nut repress au ejac• illation of pain. 4 .ltiatrcried the sensitive girt, in accents of lei ter.' •`Oh!. how you've frightened mc•: Wtt is the palter "Ohl Laura!' I ans wered, ',I have snub a• ' • , • yquloaki. Oh, •e ring and seed (or a doctor. Do, prey!' And she rushed towards the 1)0. dear,' I sai•l, 'give me a spoonful ot brandy. 'fie only, a spasm, land. lam subject to. I shill be better presently.' The sweet creature ins!anay did as I de.ired, aeons a for moments I. felt relmv,.d. tNost, Jim,' said she, when, cumin,' a litt'e to 'myself' ogilu v ol began to smile, '1 am cure you -dtapg ceUght cold. Du you know 1 am afraid those atqataets that you put on this morning were alit aired. You don't look well at all. You don't ta • + 4104" wither think. dear,l mast4mgre caught .` iweitinedting of that sort., What-could it bee Vane, now;Tootsicums; you shall let Jilt 'lieu some rum and honey; and then put littleidt* bileviater„ and go to bed like agood boy; ialit ,then tis;:inorron you'd be all well againll - could have retuned to take such.affeei nierodititie, even if there had-been no occasion for . Tits hot water was f , tehed to, and placed bellArs the fie. Laura insisted upon wrapping ran lip is her ,fiatinel dressing4gown, and binding my head with a silk banokerchief, besides putting roe tat one of her night e*ps, for fear of - 'fic.. l — oho mixed the ruin and hooey, andmade me drink It 'down hot.,.whicb ImintLi not do, hoircr , - or, till elm bad some of ithersetf.. S., there i sat, with e!y feet in the tub, and. the tumbleri with a' 41 4 1 1 40, 10 in my hand; my Laura sitting h• fore wenn a little stool, and renewing the but waver from timeto time from the kettle; Willi she th tight *bath weaken the to remain where 1 was much longer, The day basing been thus delight fully splint, (my s'ight indisposition at the eln,e of it being sore ;ban c,unterbalanced by Inc pleaverfiluthich I derived from Laura's fond soda it(tde,) my ifibby and • her . Tootsieums betook idltplusittres to their couch of slumber. ID Ow Milo. of Bentley's Miscellany (Private.) t 1.411.41"1e7 wife, who as .1 April, /Sq. 9104tirables sad for whore h given me it - , PO siii=4; engagements 1 alit to state publicly theti am not r i ll ! : , Ali iis r *IF :call e f t Y ttis e" (dee ' sad ilhlini- j . ' - - t i l w e Y a Piper entitled ',..° - s lent to you some iimi : , 11, 11 *ant to let bowleg il * .' - ago , pra y a. 9 Out OW obeliklatsiry t ',-7 Author.' 'Now sWite aft s subject. without having; *lt svaa yovrleiffriarua it, mid never read isaitsikijettt-til yfilia - hase tilt:ugh% yourself IC OIi -k. = .J ean Paul. ,• . ' ' ~ , ..t.eroptet. evade' the hiitiin *441 Crow ' on t 41. Wit, up a cliscus.ton about the Ifisulhisini(sr than • ! l ost' 111 1 ,! . , .... 1' 141 81114.'"--(Ler . I l ire ft: * * * *itit iii .ili a l ` w r* -,w kierl6o:'' n r - ktiegl, of th e - - is:patc e,,..i:_ _ 4 . ~ _ Sam, 4, _Ti gilll6 ;-. .. I_ ,,i. • ifs I t iiii i.ga . 4 E i f ar l ik e , and pinne d him dow n l 9, 440 , 01 - iewv. :. - vi*lbe ientlrpseriwcillf i r '•-.• . -, , •' on* ' - if (Al l ' " 1 I '' - ''punt, tb . tof leading -mamas 11.1 1.1;!0, isti fr ; - 1411T rei -- r . n one. . f i - t . itesi i hre, .4i .of i t i .dic,i r i! kit i ng qie:bilii:in stivig - 'eatiteeedific - --c:--- "jaen in h - reutufis- i' d' 1 1iCti. ;Thistle editor P °ol 4Al t- 041 ` n7 ••,- y/wher, a q 4,l ! -u " at, 1.. 1" ,• ' ..- .. e.-'' some gentlemen 100111-svg, I.: , ,:iffjOreN' -1 , „. , : tan 4 !woo 0.4 u, "I.i ' y esterday, '' - ' 7 - new;leadit 0 111 .7 iiiiiii. town *sou r do_,, ro , . -*Mei ants' a di e ieven• lA.' .'' -11 o'bOr . to . BSy ISO ' ' eh" Whi 28 •W IS W l ° • ~h Aga ., a n , . liar *etc 4 ! ' ' CH!1t7.1,c2 '' V, resegtek- who voted --e ' :,.t .L.,..i.,-imititeilar fear : a fergto! -•" 44 _.. - ii Warn Coat John ' - ili , 1 t Ilif,Pl4 "-, ', -- .. a .,. •,, ze— 4 ' . faWa it,A)...,,r ll' 'W''' ' ' ilOtig :7 . V .' ' '. voitftr. til'out (a 0 . Vr. - : V:•--- ~.,......_i_pktic.lt„,,,„,....„„ir . .. ....,, ..,.. ,_ v ~.....„„....4 . 4 . ., , i tst , andloggit, ~,,--.OOE-F. . t h e -, L,: , kb , f, ,' , I = , ' - 7-. -A-eiv -..m0,,,,,L :-.t p,..- -27 -iiii 4iiiin face an h 101,itf71,- -f,'.4: *k._ , . - , , i - i i - , - r— :--,-.,-'"--:--',-:.'',,...,-:,..,,,,D,,,,.„.„ :---4,- loitbe 1117 -- ‘,, - ' - ` 3 '.,:.•_'%**.44' . ,.. --, '- , 4 . t ' ~*Ki*:;-*:., ... - ' - . - TZ . ,-; .--:••• .z' '44';C:l-1 A sia g.,.,-: - '.-- !-----4.,...4.4.;A-44 ::-..:=EA.;,.--:7:-.:iii.A;_t‘,,,;.:-,--,:,..,_.,i-..,-‘c;•,t::::,!;.ti.'.4,3,;::z-44-,. i*u. „ ?...-,,..,.. ,, ,.,,„. ; ,..,.., ~:.,,:.,:;,...,,a__„,, ' • ,. . - ,t . ~ : "I' ,-'''... 'l'' ' ,' , Vr: '''',,- 1 - , '-t ., - ~ ,;,,,-,_;—, •,:.' . - '-'. , '',,,,,' ~,;:,:' .. , ..y.,: . .1 1 / 4 %5,, - , qg,z ~, ',. E . ,,,,, ..,,S.M'f, •,' :'' •' ' - -..". 4 ' ~..V-,. 1;: , _ : -s :.:- ' -, '',.." ).4 1d . 24.VtiaV - Ft, ' - ; , .r - ' l ° , t-' 4.- ' ' k - ,:siftt::C:. , .FC,-,• ...,1;-, , ,,;. -„ .1 ILYTMO (15• The Advocate has not published a "Clay Melody" since the result of the elec tion in :Maryland was known. Clay's proW pectitiare all sour cider, . The federalists of Maryland fought the battle under the Clay Rig, and with that y declared the) wo o l ( ' stand or fall. They were beaten in3st gignally beaten, and of course the viro heif„r humbug is exploded in-Mary land. lii Ohio the contest was fought on the sama:ground, Clay left the peaceful shades of Ashland, abd committed hia much loved Maltese Jack to the care of "my man Chsar les,", 'until he bad stirred up the heifer fe— ver among the live cons at Dayton.— ,Clay and Cot win' was, the battle cry a mong the Buckeyes, and Clay and Corwin, have been killed as dead as the old coons of 1840. Poor Clay, he's in as sad a plighr as p l oor Hugh Mitchell of this coun • 0 was ry lardy. 0 lardy knowsian. white and other antima sonsi, at the late election.. newness to and Rogues out. • rifle following piece of it.ttimTtry an _un• knoWn 'author l we-eonsitiet:ffeatritie. Their is bki.th_poetty- , and truth con tai OA!' ill it— 'partiiiilith ' tits litter.' Read it:— , Frierid in ;the grograna coat, with staff and spear, Whit' is your business—what your envy here?" _"To 'retell the bank!" " The bank! why, tell me, , . ,t,P ra Y. , Thitifitluwthe bank is like to ran away?" " k , irro , - , turt. rogues and thieves, those cursed :• . ***littir locks and doors, and steal, perhaps: •,..' . , tri d 'for stancitn2 here all night, 10 kfr frighten them, andleep all riEht." eV •Athreit you're paid for't, watchman, stand '•`-- : • tfik post 1 -,• /fee' no stiver of the cash is los.: Fame time, permit me, friend, to doubt.. 141 . Ortighty danger - fed it the rogues without rt!ink the, money better far applied, . If yin wer e paid for catching rogues inside." Yankee Ingenuity.—There is now an exhibition a; Boston, a reinarkab'e product of human ingenuity. It a piece of silk, aboUl a yard square, containing aportrait of .General Washington, the Declaration of Ifitdependerice, and fac similes of•the signa tures of the signers, which was woven, du ring the past year, Icy• Mr. Henry nardy. Revivinj.7—The N. Y. San nye the, demand for suit—s in 'Broadway is ea 'pod that the proprietors generally are approptiating the ;lower stories of-the dwel inglhimsea.to this purpcse. and we have no &Ott but four fifth 4 of the houses between .. p atter? and Etteeker street will. have their haitemeet stories converted to this pnepose before ,the expiration of two years. .We have •noticed'. some of the very finest 'buddings of late, undergoing• this alteration. those Bats. The editor of the Gaztate is silent oil the ruatler of the handbills issue] by the anti, triai9ns for the parpose of rdefeatietpoor Ellt . th Mitchell and John FA)raythe. At flog, the editor= attempted - to ,a,„-" iad; '' * ' l'ill : e ' zl 4- • .4iii 4iikcs i Attf .Ve t Itlitil anya ;Vier Ili inter'; r imprigi7tialic - npir4on j,s2tl4 -, -,--, lOW in 01 4 4.: ,- Ott is ti 4 twitia;tice 11 "TA ---as_ iwriptt I -asses:-anewi I. * th eb e wa l:g u i n : d4i freei e"l ",0 ---t rii, "' !!c thi T t:l l: t Still ' ,:iikii -'" Yi will not, - ,', •In A.dants notate t,hts former aonr 0 iire:-14 st gsfsvi'' masonry, ilia degkoerate have ejected,tiieir • ticket by a handsome majority.- Stevens found that his influence Adams ivirs gone, and a few r . rviiois . ,..ainee,:hilefi4be county anti took aphis abode in &meas.. ter. ' But it appears 'the evil irditieeeer of his presence followed bbn,,and .1b a major. ity of ins party, that was formerly between' three and but thousand in Lancaster, is now dwildled down tufive hundiat The. Chronicle. men rrsevere in -their efforts to tie lute results. personally an to us from the returns of the late elec... tion ia this county. We don't believe that those returns have vexed us half as much as they did the Chronicle peOple.. The fact that the .could not et them to read froni - their window," ,has given more trouble in the quarter, than any circumstanettof the cimparvi has caused hereabouts. As tit :`Chtenide folks. rightly judging of.their nein unpopularity, declare they will not run for office, we do not know how we shall retort their very "unkind cuts," bef)re 1844, when we shill entertain the -proprietor of that pa per by pointing out 'how far Iris favorite, Henry Clay, is left heh'ild. 07b1she Americau states that: some un known person has, from remorseful feeling, refunded to our State $35. Come, come, Isaac! if that's you, fork over the halitOce of t he 'extra:' repent 100 per cent. Gen. Scott. The following notice of Gen. Scott's letter, expressing his, views in relation to the next Pres dancy, i 3 from the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. It does not indi. cate that the General is very popularin his own State. "Characteristic.—We find in the Ohio Statesman, the following letter &Ora Gen. Scott. Whet!, some fifteen months ago, he thrust upon the public ids confession of faith as a candidatefor theßreaidency, his pretence for so tl,)inffOfi 4he innumerable calls for his, of:amorist-an& tt new 'appears that similar , apppesieforsevenmoon/ • have compelltid >c his 'views.' :fre baa ipw ve ry clearly defined his ‘positign,' .and we hope to be excused fir expressin4 the ex pe,:tation that he will in ititureilevote him self to the duties of his office. The: Head of the Army can never• be the People's candidate for the Eatecutive chair. Steaniboltf Ag-yound. The Louisville Journal says that on Mon day the 10th inst. the steamers Hugh b. White, Paragon, Goddess of Liberty, Da quesne, and Massachusetts were fast a ground, with very little prospect of getting off. These boats occupied' near : tasty the breadth of the liver, and left little oppor— tunity for the passage of other boats. Tbe Bristol and 'Port Gibson were just above the bar. The Alice 'Grey stuck awhile at -Blue River bar, and is doubtless now at Flint island. - Ail of the ling.& it Piintl.s.. land had taken out the whole Of their:Car go on. Monday. The Ohio is - very low from here to the mouth; there was a small ifs& on Saturday, ink not sufficient to be of any advanta,,e to navigation. Federal Politician.—The Cincinriati Gazette gives the following portrait of a fed,tral politician. Every one who know, any thing of that party will admit thatit<3B trite to the life; . ' 4 lie is a dernagegee . principle and by habit ;; en, office seeker of the lowest stamp -- a filreSttgto hie, yet fearing to trust the people, and always seeking to use- them for his . own selfish ends; he ought te be scouted at by,all.,hon est men, and made to feet-That neither, fiend, nor the perpeiratots of fraud, 'shall be allowedge thrive:ill this-free land.'' The' N. Y. Cdro. Advertisers few days ar,deelared that "Re (tho.Whigs)'are and ever have b:en oppOsed to naivereat suf., &age." And - yet the Advocate has asset.: ted that no leading Whig ;has ever oppo• . sed universal Suffrage. P3dga. ida. Fatal Arabition' is the tide of a new tragedy shortly tie be protatteect at St, Louis, written by a young man that city. It is rumored that Joe Smith- his tieen arrested, and iteowil the hands of the proft.r billeent"lffOting I 1 M lir ET AT THE PE/MU _SAID..— .. . .. -t-The 3s icked -b-woweth and path smi "a -it -1,.., _ -.,...,...1—. , ‘ - --_..4 , —. '' 't-...-;`. N. tio, wrote the my 1 psalmist ~ , .oais d Craireose -* wito)kwutotuwim mg. $1 ' ---- -- j • • = 4 ' ~ ._ , _ . .y.' . ... i...... ... '' . Its italstc;i a gli , pas sCrifigisuipthite 1141 C WIRT 11l 111aw ft.4,.-41,tv* a' r --, _,:rvc.' -- : 1 , 71,m 2, 4 ,, '._, ''4l4' 4 = 1.0- Nr..;.' ,• - -.. =_,, , , , :.t., - - - , , ,i ,r - '"--= --', ilymy *flat* ''. ~-; ,-. '''''t = ' --. f; ' ' ---1, 1 r11P', 1 ,45•. - -.-.;--..'",,' I sc ,=""- - -•-':', I_, - ;.-- "'.;i :3 f4:- , "P-•% .7:- :-/ •= ~ , i,- ,- ="-. - ,K . ;, -....' ~ ''., '''''"" -- - ~,, i 't,... :- = • =?= -5 ! . TY` 7 0.4-=',',. ...' " ''4 l . ''W",- . '; 4- , ' " r4,..;-";‘`..,;.flltk; A . ::r.:''' = l . " ' :-''''' -'; '•1 . .:.z. ' 1. 4 .:•, - -- '7'" : .- ' 21 ."';: -. . --- ,,,i",. 5 --":`,.:M . ..,4,W; 4 1 1 '..i . i. =,, 4 ,4fget=-' .. •=494'.:'--- 441;k., , 1: , -1.'1 , 1=4-&W-,--:,-&- , q .4...:':".. ._....,._ ~.5,..), 'is.* — het miwinber or pmeias s to 4 0 . hat it! 41.?5,,r7; 1441,4000, ,- , -.~a.,.-.~.,,. _ -.. , I the ;440, thlitft ; itt 13th nit' - ,frr N --ete- • -it- • • 4. ark felisterry, tite - Avite# brig un iked:entirtte contact, tisteeiireTnierikiohfi;iiiiiiitremendoug ervih.,stayink,'Ae.itarbOar:3 bowe:*-tbe ship, cat frog arm ber ..kwar4ol4‘44ll-*ll-- sed'eeery thin' from 'nil to the few err wale; beloWthe water !intl . :aid (rim the heeler the boweprit lathe fore swift. • Twelve timbers were stew infs . = the, upper 'leek to below "the • •wales i and the dick ripped Up. in thiettyfriginicirgen cy ‘apt. G Idinan evineed the greatest Self-possession, and ,to his energy and good managethent_is'to be : attributed-in.& great measure thir tpresersatioit' . of 'the ship. In half an hour-after the actiOnt it became f l ight enough to'see, when the brig was not visible end it feared she : went down.- r The Tries, of: those on board _the brig were believed to be in a foreign lan- vessel Burned et zeal Oa the - 16tb ult, at 4 P. M., the barque Stays - arrow,-on bet passage from Thomas ton, Blaine, to N. Orleans, fall lie with the mastsitind spars of a ship apparently 600 tons burthen. It was evident frem ap pearances, that she was destroyed by Ire. The mizen.mast was burned ofF a little a bove the dkk; the spanker gaff was much burned where.* sail *as-stowed close to the mast, (as hei gaff was stationary at.fz;) the mizen topiail was also consumed, or very,eigh telt. The mizen topgallant sail and toyal were out consumed. It was ob servable that the mizen topgallant and roy al yards were lashed to the atizen topgal lantmast lengthwise, as if some of the un fortunate crew had sOught a temporary refuge there. The Main top-mast .was carried away about six feetitelmv the rep ; the topsail, topgallant and royal yards were still attached to their r es pective masts, as well as the greater part of the sails and standing rigging; but no trace of fire was discoverable upon the =spars or rigg;ng of the mtinrotst. • Of the fore. mast nothing was seen. She was a ship of betweee two and three years Old, it was evident fi om the a. i .pearacce of her masts, I Kendall, the editor of the Nevi Orleans spars, liming, and iron work. That she Picayune, is in Baltimorece_lxt..-------,„ ...re - vuoireatton vr was an American ship is berm) a doubt _.---- r .rewwW;" - Is 1 ;;w there, and a great many things he from the AIIj did'ritlsee, he has bkome the most attrac- We have frequently heard folks declare "0, I vish I vas a pig,7 and after reading the following, wo are inclined to think that, it is an aspiring ".vish." It is from a. Report of Wm. Lincoln, read before,at, Agricultural Fair held at All-any. :Pigs" areindeed a happy set of people, for our , authoribrer proVall it beyond cavil. Here is the way . he talks: 'Pigs ere a 'happy, people: We mai -talk disparagitigly_about - liviug like a.Pig. To live like a pig is to. live 4ike a gentle— man. Although it is -pin permitted by the order of nature, that a pig Should laughior even smile, he enjoys the next blearing of 'humanity;' -the diaPrisition, to , grow far. How easily he goes through world! He has no fancy . stocks . to buy- 7 - 7 rno bank notes to ply—no Indignation - meetings to attend 4 no log cabin assemblies to hold. He has PO _occasion to take the Bankrupt Act, or to have hiaestate collscated to . defray :the ex , pauses of settlenier:t.. Free from all' the troubles that disturb the busy, wOrld--;he is 84'unconcerned among the changes of earthly affairs, as the ditixen who Was waked in the earliest light:Of - morning, by, being told day was breaking: 'well,' said he, as he turned again to_ hie _reposk s , day break;,he owes me nothing.' When, we look st the comparative: c(ph dititou of tbe human race:Aid or ite swi nish multitude, we may. come to the con, closion , that if a man will hot be a the 'had better 'be 'a pig.' SmtiiggUisi:con. Ike Caaads Frontier.— •-.• It is - statekOat-miojeenr4t agent-sent by: 4 the Government to the - front Ora - - ri?-ttoi'• r. • ~ . • • . purpese of ferreting eittlevery infraction of ,the l.tvva relative tOX.negglitig,' return-his and reports quite a litittlitet,Or - freu4- olent:coinbinatirins. He is lo -gobank- - pre- - 4)ared to seixe r the smugglers andAheir ear lines. This violation - of - law: with rie4l on to a g.teat extent An: deßapee':of . any Measures government may -ndeptio trnitpresa it, Renunciation,Mr. T. F. Olney, of f,a !lope, as abandoned the ~tiaiser Day _Santa called Mo rnione. . _ _ . Ntni. „sip-1 sa+t°has atitasige it** ~teply tO Weixote. . , , 1416bils is asassin g XO R "f /10104 issulidap =ELIE ACM Ilia' - ssat ercer. Crawford. Wad:dation,, 0 3 taYetter - - - s-. - . 0 '1? -`;-. • Bedrorci, •7' • • , _ 0_ 2. .4 ; • PhilaAritunty4 - 8 . 0 ; - a 7 • `'l -, 0 BUR tingdotts, 2, Seinetahl andbainbria,., a 0 2 - 11_ 1 Indiana. t • • 0' 1 tarnegatori,: ; : =0 E • CnntrA,' • 0 tehanon. • 0. -1 Adibikia,: ' •-' i:.' 2 0 Nnrtlitnnherlasid, , ; .. • 1 , 0 Mifili,n, Juniata and Union; . ~, 3 . ' -: • 0 Delaware, 0 • 1 .Cheetere -. • . - .2...--- -, 1 - 3 Mon•gornery,' ' - ' . - 3 0 Berk- , - ' ' " . 4. . 0 Seliii Ili'l) ' - , 9 ', 1 . 0 Lyennaing and Clinton, 2 0 Laz,rne, -• ,\ -• .' - -2 - 0 Lehigh; - - - - 0 ~ 2 Bucks,' '2 1 N..rthamlifon,,. . • 3 Pike 404 Wakne, I Perry, 1 ' Stoxrehannr, - _ 1 , Tiof fs,.za, and Pau: , T, I . . Jerson,'M'Kean and Warren, 1 Cidtimlii , l, 1 Bradford, ' 1 Total, livid over, . . 11 11 Westin rebind, i 1 U Fayette and G,oen. I 1 0 Washington, 0 - 1 Lai•catver aid York, 1 0 Phibidet .11'a county, 1 0 D 1 'city, 0 1 Mo .gotnery i Chzater and Delaware, 1 - 0 Dauphin and Lebanon. ' 0 1 Hontinvi.'tn, Perry, Juniatti, Z 1 0 Mifflin it 31 Union, i Lyeotning,, Northutnb-rland, i . 1 0 . Centre and Cinton, 1 C J.fferson, Tioga, Potter., 11 Kean. t 1. 0 Venu-ngo and Warren,, Republio are ungrateful. -We learn from the Baltimore Sup .hat the service of plate , presented to Commodore 'Stephen. Decatur, by the city of Ba'tirnore, fur one of his brillinot, navaktietOries over the En_ glish in tha . last war,was sold in New York.: on Tuesday, at -auction. This service of plate was'valued at t 3,000, and the wid ow of the gallant 'Commodore was compel led to disposeof it; but nut without a pang. Live 'lion" of 1.14^(41'y Discliarged.—The Boston Grand Jury have discharged the 'parties recently ar— tested for vending obscene books, and restored their wires to them, to scatter among purchasers. They dtd not regard the puhlication as , coming within the sta tute,:, B.terage Lady.-.-Mrs. Partin, the female Patriot of-ithade Island, held a Levee, I d • 'n IY yester Qv, Z o n e s ' hotel, New or •k : she gave audience to a large number of the film& of free sufferage, and fat outshone • Victori4 in courtesy t intellect and personal beaut 7. • ' Tbe.E.xchange Rotelst-Richmond, nar rowly escaped destruction by fire oa Tues 7 day last. - -A carpenter' shop opposite was i FcOtlSUMed entirely. • - Hon. „Thos._ F., Marshal, member of C,►ngress from Mr. Craig's district has eiv en great offence hi some of the virgin hei ,fers, by ultaring sentiments in , i3ome of his stump speeches, at variance with those en tertained by Mr. Clay. Speaking of one ift late.addresees -to his constituents at Versailles, the Comninnwealth, a whig pa gais; "We understand that in the main die • sentiments Ire expressed Were whig .entiragots;' but that: an the sul t ject of tAbe veto power, he delivered himself in ITIR 1 . 1 • ner very offensive to the wlngth,wbo'heard htm with great sorrow, while the locos; as might be expected, were perfectly deligh L r Neiv,..rt iCei. . ,-- [ ate accounta irprethis state snake it .probable that tire whiter have ek,,i.tted their members of Council and foUrAssorohlymen .in Monis county, by Saul! majOrity, gim -ine that party.se:lnitititity) cif 10 , on: Jol'et, Iflalloth Though the whip hiie. carried the majority, eLilie. Legislature, and by the Legiiilattite ; *iltilect a governOr, yet it is highlxprahable theChrid.the Governor been ` .ctioseivaa in othierietate by the pen t tile themselves , a democrat _ would have been elected. The, whigrnajoriti , dirt - he 10 edunties Carried by them, amotttit(ii,JOis than 2700. Three democratic counties atone,--Sussex, ,Vil r alren and Hunterd'ont; iCati give ',from 4,500 to 5.000 tnajority.-1 ..to thitr a con iderable addition might be'Made by the ether five democratic einintitis:•,T7Piruirryt . v um wg - . i . Mak rm. 2 4. 0 -7 0 0 0 2 SENATE Nitre Mi-ery fm the Coons. -~.~~.~ we t"' ibud &fleet s t wo -, taws, living in the • Stiate, fought a deb t gd. The weapons it% i i wi re placed within si t . b" Varies breast, and at i.ultaneouss both tell !The Prov. Chive schooner "Tom Perna. biltd otdoinesti c go* t.* Philadelphia. The ark beginning to look The U. S. cutte r V Nlkuigg., arrived from V- S 00,000 in specie.—i 4 . 11E Saturday --" Stinky, infant eon of Ellen rich.; aged 10 .montha. Suction IFRESH CANNIST - Will be sold this morning at efittitister Oyster.* J. 8,. LlsiSUßditseg %Vtii tre Fuld Ira Trim(laj pick A. M., at my Auct lint 4. /ran es Stuck. let n is r i m e ct 15 1, 10111 i RUC d.t.D 'ES 1 4BLISSED Km& , • F/CE, XO. 431 SOUTii ,Likent for J. 4. If. Sobiltio. Jiriev Liverpoo/, tr he despat c h it , pd,rt.l of tie U.iied sham 401. t i ti r abseriber Would map Ftivil persons as are disam Ellett& Shut he control: es to brat Gireat Br dew and Ireland ala i , /ends lone, by the abov e 8 0 .• what reaeonable terms I nk* , 1111iSSPIlglei 8 tv :II avoid the oo mark cum ' , lamed sta Ik airrorwrotis wail toed on *E do anal I Wit every due and arpoi ct . I 4ir :r lends aid all no, adiy not embark can 11a1CAti intqty fr t I iii it was ra,ow fdirtor IT to the doeurventsdeVava mdn t.—He also feels pIeaSUIT.II hair considerably eautoded ii 58 4•_ nls - fur the I a yment of his noougnnut Englund. ire *urilber purtieulars apply by 4121 %AL T ANTE TO BORROW, JAW on Bond and Mo $4OOO. vuoin seven miles of Moue) to loan can lellll it to secoiity. Apply lIARgt. lOct IS LOOK OU l' FOR YOUR I Ha rd Oider aux:lcrs, Strallawers,—Attention! ITlie since of your Stomachs as a ►ever (Ain ng remedy prunribed fa upon not having "Signed atm !is cptiou To E. F Otii e hours from S A. M. tai 9r. SELLINr; OFFAI At Xc. ¶lO, Market at , Leff(ft E Su ht, %vim I. abutil is hatuiurss, nil: d,spose”rhis • oir: Ig, I I colimrts. oh blank, blue I)iiVe flu: and 00 * 01. a iliihtddi 044. hi LAUta r runs Cloth,a P 114.114/ crlicheine lam ChlOtZre an d Calieors, a 4tor bleached and cab' rwW.V. v•twi:tett Often, Shawls, Ild k ft. 2, ‘‘' 4, ' ,4 lie Stocks and Sulicetr7 , 4, Cation Stilt hand Drawee* red; Satin alai Marina V,. linether wither full thworowei c, 4 Qutilings audit ; The above Stock is a di coral ley Mery hayit:t and Faitihies,a at gout Far Cash ST. Oct 17—tit So. COUGHS AND Now is the time of tear for demos, voids, R 1,, un.atism,GA aillicted. a speedy cure ran beaff _ P .RSE'S 0.81(110M t - itich is snowed by aq whol.rit remedy ever offered for Covikagi4 SEW ES NERVE Bari ant out-ward rem. dy, with the INDIAN PEG ETABLI ail Inward application, is a renal' the R hestwations, Cost. Grottiest/a No one need suffer front tittle the Above medicines, The reouim I'UTTLET Oct 15—Iw io the Repo:able the Judges.) . ; QieritOi.‘ Sosttowsof the pouch of 410081,7, ._ petition of Griffith Join hi the county it, That your petitioner bath diaterialn.for the ateonrmodationi al Itiadwelling house, in the tow *that your Honors will he pleased • keep a public house of entertain boner, as in duty bound, will prtl ire, the suliscribsrs, eiiizene of EMI, do cet , tify, that the above reds tor honesty and temperance, grrt . ip341.4C room and con veil ience.‘ for ifulgininrstrangeal and trace necessary. lohn Chess, ph v . : slßuriima. chola'n. Icaaell mlbneß, jr., ,logeult -Lawatirt, jamei John 01 4.: p..tt098, R. s o p aron• Tr.° 'ff. Qci 14-3 t PRINTING 0 AT. W.. Corner of trod T*l2 proprielots of the *Altai +ND MLN 0 FACT RKa respectfully . 4itri.the patrons ofthose papers. 1 141 t ehooen orlment of . ariI:MOWS ~ AZ3I OUSTEA see:wary . ter Jub Office. pa:ed to exedet LEITER PRESS , . OE EVERY DESCIII tooke, Bills o r Latipi pan 000.5.-. Bill Heeds, landbilla, Black Clierh, Slt Itinbs of 0 01 4 _ S _, tage, &catboat, sad Caul imit .-- 1-.. pries CO , Printed on the shortest noiicese4 01:, We respecifully ask the pa 1 10 044 be public ui general in-this braerin ; • PictsburgNißeir. 89;184 rtili'r 4" i T. firrEIYART, UPIOWII,_,,. • No. 49.,Pi11h strati, hewn . El usit 'mid Straw If 41110 5 1! iailhirirrseetwed with neatows sum , litir WNW' . . , 4alitlingraft C 0. 011444 -door Wow ~~'"w...,3~ r~v~~~~a~: ng goat i ',arrow. \ at Ale Fut Wat Office yeste 3300 E AND ii ev erd4 ; for Rani to nottcp- . math 44.,6 It jai; b ofte. that not fail t se and IA ater in That ba: ex.pres g nt. bran f bran; lives in 0' 52111= T bran; con bag! W ourselves. rd any thin aepertur , street, ho.' Stomach under thi ou shoot hey call it wart' at to hu is .not the !MEM TMM ive us alic rrifi c fell° arm-- pass as usu.il, MEM Mack) neer, at 11 d a reel cosi! t to tin Dia • Wood tom for (t). $h siforesaii ped eti slid aqua every h and " y hid q g. if we e. We numbers I in qi retied. 17 publi as of the 4th two vot WEE ingicm the P.ro . which of 34 es, this Ad have elm rs bet atchit. rele. OV W 42 #l 4 • Aaji . h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers