Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 17, 1842, Image 4

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•?-1, -.. 7,-,g
- '•:T ''' ,. 4.:::
77777 •
_Nolifik* • ";• •-• air RR i
' • _ 'HP wilt be pre •
Cairbger - d
;'-:;Alikti,l4-41•1110Prieit- ;. •`• .imtasi. Dein the
.11 11 1 44 0 10 ..
:44111.1441ititecikAir beittlieg with his w.ie •
)1401104b-lithere. Wee 'vpito"'-'o* his •lierviees may fled him
- steAtUme. •
- •
-UV rote( -stater. zr.
ROXYRT .11611Cli, 0.0.
01,14 1 ‘.SOSS
-Tiri,"/4101=Rit XIV. JOSCPII Line. •
1001.40-KANIOe, ' . eV,. .11.11110,
, RCN , . X. P. 19rirr- •
Toe, -
1111.1.3- OS 4ADING, ci ecilti, 4.p, 4 c .
wirn'tvery desdription of 1.61 ter Press_ print
kAt, famished self ti neatness and d espo ten . , end on mode
7 ; rate taimp,l4 the office of 'the. Daily Meriting Poet.
• ; OPPIO " ,
o_Titose wiiose -00 CUP A T i(riIAYEN D TO
etassorindivitlitaleiie very numerous. They -ore those
• WllB work 111 kin nobealthy.atmosphare. Priniefe,-work
-mea 4n feather stores, Monecuttnrs, bakers, white lead
rittitafactarers, are all mort. or Mad aubject to disenee-ac
- Opiding theafrength of their consultation.; The only
I.M4titod to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a
- -)ers,clue which abstracts from the circulation all delete.',
• • _ri n odshumers,andespels them by the bowels. -Venice
iii any rosin are injurious,-as they only .at of the evil
day to make it more fatal. The use "of B randret lett Pills
will Insure health, because they .take all impure matter
TOO of the hJood;•and the body is oot .weakened hut"
itrengthened by their operation; for these At:linable Pills
- ; --- ,7 : 7 7 yv.':ito not - farce, but t key assist nature, and are net opposed,
w harmonize riMt her. -•- •
fold at Dr. Bran drethls. Officer No. -lag, Wood s t re et,
..-41114argn. Price 25 cents per box, alall -directions.
MAAR —The only Place in Pittsburgh where tile
`alimtuiNg Pills can be.obtamed be.bottor's rural D.
fleet N 0.98 Wood street. sep ITh
NEW HOTEL.—The subscriber rrspectittliy in. I
forms his old friends and the piblic that, he hatr
a Temperance Botel,la fifth Street, pear the Es
efistige Bank, and la the house lately occupied by MO !
thew tatridir o ,and tins hoisted ant con it gn, "The Ir
- 011,Y'llsolel," where he will be very hapu to
who, May please to call ok
SW tie provided with the best fare, and every - 0040A*
- imearnmodathin to town and country customers?W
laveders. ' •
~41 1 A- f ew,beardars who wish to lodge in their storiapihel
a ss% o r r Cad betaken. and gentlemen who tlve - ont' z&str .
c4h , have their dinners /fatly. •
He has large and good stables, and the hest 'Obi 'Val
Gattheal a good 'Hostler, and-will accommodate travel.
swe hod,gentlemen who have horses. '
11okardere taken by the day, week or year. •Cherimr ,
more mederate theta at.any respectable Hotel' In the city:,
gep lo • - • .10tIN
wA,SXIINGTON: HALL~ The - 'subscriberlj . ms
opened. the late restdeneeof James Adrrias,'EN.,
fhleeneli, for the reception 4f visitors' and boarders;
ihe-3toutse is very pkeasurillt situated on the hunk of the
Ohl% 2 mites from truittlifirto' alt the delight
ea mmompantmelits -el": 1. • :: toy reildence, wlthoit
i_belog. too far distan for gi0401"(-dOtng business in She
VI tors will be farilkiirrrthrth every delicacy of
Ibe season:
An•Omfillans runs regul4ly4ery holt t the ;,sile
given" end-of the Bridte.
Aleotione beverages kept.
-_'neplo WM. C. FIERN,,
.Dtssca,urrox OF THE ZlNlC4V—The..top4k ,
yketnsiiip existing between James E. Kilboutr i t&
liiiviii). l llSlOn is this da - y dissolved by _mniutti - co
Tins WinditionsrtviN be duiy .ncitieed , with the 'Mgt 14i4Sest.
of ixtilklttrOwt annexed, and Barry Hall will he contrinied
even by :the Subscriber until other arrangements are-Per
sin.t,he premises, 150 Wt. choke winter ap
.pbui,trePpiled for immediately. JAS. E. KILBOUSN,
No 9,, Market, end Front: st:
- • • - C21K131141112 0 iG.- 51 'Oll4. ess4.
~j Johnson - Bookbinders - and' taper
• Rulers, B. W corner, of Wood and
t Fourth istreeis,are now prepared to ex,
•,„ I acute all Mode or Bookbinding and. 80.
per Ruling witk neatness and despatch..
- tar-Blank books ruled and bound tit
suirgtven pattern at 'the - shortest notice.
S: B. Ail work done at the abiti4e is warranted. (sepia .
, .
- ' tisritist, has returned to
icrinDDLE, sitnetint,
-- .IIUV - ' his old 'stand, No : I,Ayr :13m thfie ,
'h can be consulted hurtfour during the
. ay,
Whet, e
'JON is profession.
- .
. ....
:11121VENIOIT AL.—George A mCit ,„ Merchant Tailor,
tribUr- respectfully anhounceS . to 'friends, and pa
trde's,= that he ball Tenn:Wed his'litatillshnielirfrorn his
old stand, in Third street; to the earlier of Front and
limithtlehl, in , the basement tioi t or the" Monongahela
Rouse; where he i friends iceepinglini" hand a general as
- itortaiellt of Fashionable Viands;.`amiable for Gen'
1-.eisterea wear. _ •
Ms.hopesiby close application, to merit a share of the
mmilvesssoliberatti extended to him at his old stand.
N. B: Having mademrrangementir in New York and
the most Fashionable Tailors, for
st,his receptlim of Paris and Landon Fashions, custoniera
laityrotton having their orders ex - neared according to
Mattatestaityle. GEORGE ARMOR.
Ada OIL.-I . lta Subscriber would most respectfully
• inform „t e patina in genera that hp has an article of
atilt Olt ofe en pedal quality, manufactured at the CAl:min
itett Olt alanufactOry,by R..W.Lec tt.,Co.,sv bich watran
' radio be equal to the. best Sperm. both for Light and
Iditeliteory. This Oil is entirely free (ruin any ..glatinou r s
Miter; smoke, ar unpleasant odor, and. It is as descant'
white u spring water.. Not a particle of crust left
on the wick. The .
light is pure and brillant,
end , the
last as long, if not longer, than that from an
,:equat galiniity of Sperm.. Oil. The. subscriber • informs
Attie public that lie has taken a place nearly apposite the
, _Poste/Rite, Wltere he will light up several ditihrentternps
' • , 1044, evening. end he would respectfully invite the in,
- - Ahabitenis of Pittsburgh, Allegheny ,and thelraicinity,- to
'• . teat ittbrindte Oa r themselves. fle feele confident thst*
' -l.be ' canvi o c ed ihat the ab'eve statement fs-perfectly
. 1, ".• • Out of two hundred Null vide als who' belfiriad
".::;414;11bere has not been a sin*. fault found with
Oncosts one third letrt ic titan Sperm; lie worild
• satitit the early attention of Dealers and Mn.
• ; itistbe above.
Churches arse now using the Lard ,Olt;
3"; 1.40 - . 7 llioruitt Presbyterian Church, Piit-burgh,
S'titinberland Presbyterian :Church, Plitsliutgli,
•''Peesityterlan Church, Allegheny , ' City,
tie ReformetfChurch,
ire braided R. V . V.,1 ) ,F.E4
' ' M. C. RifFrir Agent.
, , _ „
40: V* -14I'rettel.. IMILII P l / 4 1 4. 4 -."
dte:-...Tlttlltr' -
.11 . Xj4llW-Stt
«, ~.
' PO ID:
:® ,-,.. , roes;
, 6' ' : s - ' And 4.•
-A? ' ' ' . IsII: ,ItJ I I )11, : ii
14 S - # 1 :: 411-0in:TII°
- a t
, . T- MI
4,407, w
,- 1, 4 t. ~.. •
, e.. it :- , , - •
I(..t.'j its:', '
~-:,•,. I'a'
- •
• t,, , e -
'' - . -,' 1 4114..
Pittsburgh; lune 215t,1642.
)trine of the B.sprelm !Ailey('
tia Cansi,lisre trigd anti ■re
Introduced here by Matttrew,
by R. W. Lee /t . CO., at cite
Irtlny that the a' 0,4 to Melt
t It is entirety free from sesOkte
trier whatever; the tht ielier
tet,,eod Ike! as long, 'Chat.
iest quantity of Piteree.
reezerlPAtottet it to ottrfrtiode
, •
tata,rocket Soho Adams.
---:filhio;Tkeket John Horrocki'
do do John Volition.
di. • ?o
the ; Pala lbw= •
Wor*Oof*;44l* Farlansea, tisitragr'
poidirtta*,4teralAelsdrante - Riebaragar Jar the a : -
reditasilays-thelt3d -day . -of - Nrevedtbits
szt t atlUo`elol owned by
ifleCtumoooWeetiltio-,4 1 1-t_
3750 stares stook iat osrßtredir of Vanasylvanda:
'-$1133 do OT.the .rililaddifdlio Bank. ,
do. - thlatappers andligehanlcs'. Bank .
900-. do 14.11taColumbiaBuka.ad , RvidrprtorrliotoYA
Pl . O .in.the Union Canal COluitattY- __-
hi* do in the Pertneylvallia,and -Calla-PM'
.500 /to in theChisapelike and Delaware Canal
CoMpani. . .•-
1000 do . in the &Wallkill Navigation Cr:magas:T.
- 320 do " ihe fielsiot Steam Towboat and Trans.
portation Company.
Also, 01 the Brae siorise, in the borough - of - Barris.
halls onidonday.,the 28th daY gt" PlovolnYer , next, at 10
ettiOCk, i IV
2905 ohan r o rjotoikArt , the Danville and Pottsville
Rall Company.
2000 *do- In ,ther elonl.ortand Valley RallreatiSittn
- •
d o Franklin 'lltiiiroan 'Company..
'do Wrightsville, end Qat Yld!tot
Railroid CO. -
'Corlitius Navigation Co.
Bald Eagle and Spring Creek fiavi
gallon Co..
2500 do , Irloaangehela - Navigation Co.
4500 .do ititirlabitrg Bridge'o.
24110 do Nortliniaberfa.nd - ftridge
2160 ilidnomerriela Bridge Co.
1600 do 'Alleglteriy llridge
$6O do iviikesha r BOdgeco,,
''4oo do . Lewisbirrg Bridge CO.
600 ' 114 treOvei itri 4 gteo.
• edjo - do Nitrite B'ridge
160 - do 'Netropeclillridge Co.
3.50' Fierich Creek Bridge 'Co. '
100 do Coiremarigla Bridge
-6 0 di"l • 4ehaylkittand Pidtsirittia Bridge Co
100 du Loy,al'flanna Bridge Co.,
02 do Milton Bridge" Co.
17t Itobbstown Bridge Co.
200 do • . Towanda Bridge Co.
1250- • do ' Franklin and - A ilegireny Bridge' Co..
. 120 do Sehtrylkill Bridge,(at'Mation'atori)
v. 30 0. do- Williamsport Bridge Co., Mailing.'
ton county.
410)%-itiotk in , the following Turnpike Road Compa-
6 0 9 a°
995 do
' " its, -
Harrisburg,Carlisle and Chambers.
, Chambersbnrg_und Bedford
I.4fdiir. Bed ford and Stopsiown.,
Gtoysiown and Greensburg.
, Greensburg and Pittsburgh.
' Buntiogdob. Cambria and Indiana
• a d : Erie and Waterford.
. Perkiomen and. R ead lag,
z • x¢io Gap and Newport.
do "Wtiynesbarg;Gr,eguastle end Her
; Seminar?. -• ,
Morgantown, ChuielitoWn rind Blue
do -4 LiltieConerloga.
d'a Birks aita - Dait phi n
do., : 'Lan - caster, Elizabethtown and Mid
'nostirogs#43Pli 4040
: - F - BitArielikans-ent 1.000.1-
MlifOrdan'itiWegtr. -- :' ,- -
` - 'DOWnlngion, Ephrata and Harris.
hargit. •
Centre and lEishaeonnliki.:
Sntetriehania and YoritiMrtnigh.
Centre, - -
York und Gettysburg. -
Btu tie.lii?ase, No
siliAtearrteill 3 rstelnehanna.
tleatirintrand Waterford.
-:-119044hanita and Tinge.
lirifitetter"ond Wilicesbarre
Phlghtreth anANeiv Alexandria.
New A lel-11 . 044a and Conemaugh.
Belanint And Easton.
Plitsburgh and Batter.
Philipsbargend Snanchshanne.
Butler and Merin/.
Minter 'And Meadville.
_Andenioti's - Ferry, Waterford. snif•
New' Haven.
Pittsburgtt and Otinhenville.
- Bethany and Dingman's Choke.
- B-0114Wattelsiriltilitint Pleasdat.
Mount Pleertrit and Somerset.
SOntexeet mid:Bedford -
Hendirer and Carlisle.
Millerstown. and Lewistown.
Bellefonte end -Philipsburg.
Philadelphin,Srandiveine arid: •
Behnontand Ogitguagn.
Harrisburg and Milierstown.
Philadelphia:od Great Zend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
A rmst rang- and Indiana,
Clifforrtned Wilkesbnrye.
Indiatitand - .Eberistrurg.
Washington. nd Williamsport.
Washington and' Flustargh; _
- -Lye:opting and Pollee
Middletown and Har,riSburg.
'Bellefonte Aaransburg and Young
2 04 SM-own.
• Bitter_artd ltittn ening.
liltkMmrennd g met b port.
Derrstow nand Youngmonziown.
td-clttitit-Pfeasent and Pittsburgh
YiirklitiPireit and Harrisburg bridge.
tiigiida d Water to rdi
Warren. riod - 11 idgwer.-
LeWlMittre.aa4 Yonairotoal °WO* -•
fkruseetet-prid Conernaugh.
'..eterboodate and Lukewarm.
Stinierset and Cumberland.
4-tew - fithurg and Jersey Shore.
3140Pierand •Johnsiown. _
-Warren and New Y-ork State Line.
itaaviite and Union Mills.
'Armstrong and Clearfield.
_do - Sugar --Groveatui Delon:
do B row n ingtop. flarrisv Illeand . Franit
lin. 1
200 _do Snowshoe and Packerseille.
40 do. Lackawaxen. - ,
200 do - Butler and Freeport.
64 do Sterling-and Newfoundland.
.96 do - Leap and Martnony:
224 do Stalrgh Farinereand Mechanics
160 • in Bedford antill'ollidayebtrrg. ." -
160 do; Lin herehn rg antfPunzatawney.
1-60 - du • -.Birmingham and Etivibethtown..
64- - do: , Bait•Easleand NiftanY ValleY•
-Thetorme and conattiobsof Said sales wilt he made
known on-the days ritoresaid,or by an appileation.at any
time..to this cis me, State stoek.witi be-received ha pay.
meet at ner f or_terrißeates of: credit. 'Which have hum
entered on.the hools of the Auditor General, In perms.
- amen of a resolution of the General Asselably,parsed:on
the ith da-Y -, e4 Alan, 11142.
By order ot the Governor. , .
_. .... .
•rk a. wiLLIA4 vvtAtits. spotattoct — -Srlircr . ..,P -- -!!
if This In4allirle remedy Irks preserver) hundreds
.larben, thought past recovery. front ecnteptslop. AaJtiton
ne the .Bgrop is rubbed, on the l gnms,the child will feCir,V.
*4; This preparation li so In twee nt .so edlcactou s, aid.*
'plc cant, treat no child will refuse to let he gamete` rub '
led 'with It. When incarrtsare at. the age of foot months.
tho'tbeze•ls no appenranct of teeth. win bottle of the
Syrtlp should he used to open the pores. reruns should
1 ever be without the Pyrnp in ilia nursery syhrre. there
are yeill,4l chltdren,for If itthild writes in the night with
' gialri in tttergnins, the Symp . linniediatels !Ives ease, by
opening the II ores, and healing the :urns; thereby prevent-
Ing Convu slow!, Fevers,
%c. Par Sale WholeSitli and
Iletailby IC E.SELLEO.B, Agent,
aep 10 No. 20. Wood-street, bettni Second.
.. ,_
lilt t CO.
Seers - UW.Of the Comittweith,
)f MIL
' • • Igdittuditiliti‘g - 4153gigtrief
4eisirittigimem—Althatigh'emeke *MI prOddesi44ollo l
imstmegothstailkendm, ti - pt ostritte thelliiraiOrd*lth
q l Idtedlcitiasi dot the from Itle
ittotratwAti*.earise of weakliest - Ake morbidithe 'Misted
huarafirfrere thebloott: - •
Hatidletto tit theurleives,they merely
To.thrownettheettaislow of *lamest; from the body,
and they require rittvltetation fit the diet. or clothing.
1.0 fact. the hitatan body Whetter able - to sustain with.
out Jujuy, the inctemettcystf the weather, while under
Alse iefluence of thisinkciiiin destroying,eisease erodica
tins Medicine than at ellit-other time.
g a lmidlnOrittltee.Of ifs-Pills,:fta for seamen and
lithelyttse of this, Medicine how much anxiety
,E:kiplCAs, Might we , not prevent .: Cold. Bilious of
lections,Typhus, ilcarietandlever'sef all kinds, would
hettinkoorrut But where sickness. 104 exist, Jet no
time_ e mat, let the BRADIDIETWS PILLS beat once
sent for, that the'Remedi 111 0 y be appled, without lux
-thettoss or tinte..-,-To. an R.EMLIIIIEREII
. .
That Itrandreth r s.Pilla have stood a seven. years' test
ja the,Unlted State-a. -
That they are o vegetable and Innocent Medicin,e, yet
all poWerful for the removal a disease, whether chronic
reient; infectious or otherwise.
That they purify the Mood, and stay the further pro ,
gress of disiesse in , OM hu nan body.
That, in many cases, where the dreadful • ravages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament •and-. hone, and where,
to all appearance, no hump means cOuld Save rife, have
patients by the use of. these pills, been restored to good
health; the devouring disease, having been completely
Ttiat eimth or the genuine has upon it valuta COPYRIGHT
That each label has two signatures of Drr Benjenan
Brandreilt upon it.
That there mud he upon each bag three slgnatures,
B. BitAlumtria, M. II
A.qdtlkree stignatutei,,thug:-,
"All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and volution, and that even by
stools, whicb mull! be, promoted by art when nature_
does nut do the business itself. On this account, an
ilitimed.xcrupuleusacisabout the weeknese. of the body.
la of had censequencest for it is that whicli seems iblefig ,
to evacuations .oecessary, which _ nature attemp t'
aftectne humor§ are tit to be expelled., but .is ,noiable to
accomplish for the most part in these disentest and .can
affirot t thali have given q purge when the. pulea.hailMen
.so Low that IL could hardly 1,4 felt. and the.debility ex.
!ream yet both. one,and thenct her 'have, heetriestored hy,
:The:good effect .be-derived front the . Erandrith
Pitta have tote experienced ; to be, fr i lly - believed. By
their ltimely use neither the varlet; the typhus,
strAllpoi-Wohidetrarassirtne their Malignant feral."
- --7 Fcf" , *ll43fektilteto the full extent.thelncalcritable hear.
fits Of BRAIWRETH'S PILLS, they.must. be ut2ted.when
the riist ig.iitatoms 01 Disease present thembehies. One
dose'then t and their good effects yoit-be . felt throughout
the attack—lx IS Itaxtur:ittlpi ttcrtlti that is the great
secret inlbecure-mf all appearances of disease arising
from badlilliod,ind 1-,presttate-there are few at the rues.
ent day,w ill say anything of &hose diseases which affect
the body when the blood to pure. Burl, diseases ',have
yet to see.
Hoping that some who read-this may be benefuted by so
doing. 1 am respectfully. ,
the public's sffvent.
• lb
241 Broadway, New York: • =‘:
TIM pahile will please observe that XUr , firandreth rills
are genuine unless the box.... it iltefte• labels uncut it;
-mtobt containing. a fac similiealma: tote of my head
rvrltin6 thus--B. Brandrel h. These labels are mourn
vedlin eteekbeautifully &reigned, end ari:ex•
.pense of several thousand dollara. Rerithimberlilie top
:--the side—and the bottom.
Ent , red,seessirifocto - ect of COtigress in the year 1841,
by 60'IlitaklicatP41-o,b, hi the Clerk's Mice In' the Dis
tiled estirtnflheAtsitern District NoW
Dr. B. BritiiknOs own office, No. 98, Wood Street,
Pittahtrt h.. i erto Pittsburgh where the genuine
Pillecau 4goint who lefl3 the-tree
Erauiretlifilt,has t ion engraved - certificate of A.giNisy.
renewed every twelve niont Its,. and has a/river/into bonds:
of $5OO to sell :none other ph/tither, than rceotsed fiom
D. 8. iirlds spekial-Ketetal Agent. Mark; the certifr.
the Doctor's itarrin, which is
Di Ills OWflr i t is g.Obseree, orr-each certificate !
there is an exact copy of the three. labels on each boa En
graved thereon, \! PosCitsser, see That the "engraving of
the label/ton thatertifrearecorrespond with those on the
The following are Dr. Renjarnin Brandretter/Atpit*"
for the satelif ids Vegetalde' 'Universal piliNttAfitioo!
ttyo4o l Pa., who are:-supplied with tt ifew labelled
ltrifte42s cents With dire - ctions.
98, 'Wood ilitteetaT4Ottr .
Alle t theny, Mr. :ohs Glass, :
McKeesport, H. EfOiA7LAND.,
Nobfestown, 301 IR Joassos. ..-
Ste Warts To Wn ,'Casssmr/ar ¢ SPA.IILDIRO'•,:
ALEXANDER:Atttrit,i... Clinton.
Eitiranir l'Etompecia, Wilkinsllu rgir
Elizabethtown P. Distil..
.Past Liberty, Darrigi, SIMEON
P.asssLEv Timis, Pie:want DUI:
DAVID R. Coos—Plumb Township.
Wm. Vlorrratt— Alien's Milt. isep 10 -
101111 L ES -eared by the roe of Dr. Radial's Compound
Strengthening and German Apericot Pitts
Dr.Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale . of your medicine, I
formed an actraintance wi; h o lady or this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to freenene painted attache,
and her physician considered -her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throuch
my persuasion. shecommeliced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, ltd. JAMES R . KIR RY
October 3. 1840. Cirambersbos, Pa.
rrOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street. Philadelphia. And by. Samuel -Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
sep 10
INTERESTING ClTREperformed byllr Btab!as'a
Contposset Syrup of Prunus Viryini.ana, n d.
ry. Raving _made use grill is Invaluable Syrup to my falmily,.
which' - edtirely rater my child. The symptoms Were
Wheezing and eberking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,.
attended with constant cough, spisms,'convulsiotrs,
of which f bed given opal' hopes of its recovery unt 11. i
was advised to maketrlal'of this invaluable medicine."
After seeing the effects it had upon mi - child, and, con
cluding tit. make the same tiial upon myself, which en
&hely relirtied me -nfacongh that"! was afflicted with for
. ` A ny person wishing to see me can ca ll at
my bogie . linnet' Street, above the Market, Kensington.
). 9lPl4oie
We esti the attention of the publie to the nhmerous
certlifeatesi which have heen in eireillatiOn In" our Paper
and sonic others of this thy, highly . . recommending Dr.
Sw.ana's Compound %prop of Wild Cherry.-We haVi
.seen the original certifleatep.ilnd have no doubt bat they
.come from truly grateful hearts,esprestive of the bertettla
whiefilhey have received frOni' Mae vatuahle compound.
We have nciptaintancert who have frennebtfy 'oiled the
above medicine. who can speak with eottillienet,
trlrtues.—Saturday Chronicle. .•
eine'erlty I won't:1010.
• you. one isniii!l. Loth sick and well. alWays tothire
bottle of Dr 13waysesCompoond SYrup of Wild
. Cherry
In your hoass--1t is Invitimittle In tams of emergency,
cacti as Splaing of' flitot!t t sthma;"athreks or violent
coughtil, which is oftefeaeltuse of splttime_of bloom,
Vloient Nervous Alrectio'no,. Which dreisionalt..come
from fright, and various. Other causes, prod 4
alarm:Fadden eolde froM Improper exposurE.'whleh
are 'often let run to an alarming event, for Want of
means being' ready' al.hand;—and as 1 have used DT.
121waysor's Componad syrun of Wilti Clierry repeatedly
;In mit - ramify. and aiways'with marked sucress----1 can
.reerritunend it with contideace. as being one of the best
. .ftiitiity Medicines whlehlias ever been offered to the
suhlic.--Satarday Chronicle.
Bold by W o Thorax Wholerele . fr Retail, only nen)
kir ntisborgri. No. S$ Market meet. min ND
tea htivas
arid au
J .l_ 3 ~e•W~.. .
_ .•
.-141401isgo*** -
jkottetru kelp efinTlAini of the 0044 11 1: 11 W
ih*litOth.spsl.o4,- *AWL._ •aug04 04631 4.*,
irlfl l #oo.o. laaaii;earaaalgiftiia !lei ipleadidataryriuneat
ofElArolderit. width is BOpe g ar to POrAing4e l-11 !" -
iioaedri is noviiiy:lr titchtals
seniralOrientati; t.apee fa Caidl4l:-Perist, ante. gar =
than for. Evening 'emulate, Coilars -Catreirocßet Sand.
*ambler% Soratog and-Night. Cam. 4 , 04 - w ,t;A: 4 0.1. 1 be
.rea#7-.for their.appitobsirion on tha..9lW444 l .;laYal.ar-laear_. •
T. lo waritfna the arrival .of,her .paisioaty(norn
Euiope, at N0..2 Ferry street, bansien Liberty- --and
Fourth attests.
29-41 f:
11. 9rYfaßaWi. r , GEO. P. EtAIIIII.TON.
ApR A W it 11 A MILI'O;. , I, Attornots - at •Law.'hiive
removed-thelr• Office to the residence-of 11. S. Ma.
gr ow, on .fouret st,ltro don rs above Smithileld. sep:k9_
RE'HOUSE".—No, 79, Font!
':- Street, IlftsteenWood and saciafichr -At*,
Two dbors.from the corner of-Wood sireet. Corr.-
, srantly on hand an assoitment of 100 ready made
.corytras, ofevery size and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: .Malionany,- Cherry; -track
Walnut; 'PoOlar, and Pine Coffins: r
A LBO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses' and Cartiages
furni , hed; Graves. p a rocured;_ and all services' rendered.
that Mends may regiiie,
A Credit given In all cases, either of cofflrtsgr carriages,
repteitrd. - HENRY BEARES, Undertaker.
sett 10
1 t" BALE. WHITE LIME, a -superior article, for
I sale by .._ J. G. 4. A.GnEDON,
Nch,l2 Water st reel .
- 17 ALE. TY,— Just received .from New York, ,39(10
Wempetance Ahnanace for . 1843;.500(teOpiesnf the
Journal off Ainerican:temperanr.e Union sud Youth's
l'etnperanae IA dvocate i forr Septesnber. A 150,2000 Chris
tian Almanacs, and altiodaftiOrttuent of Loomis'a Maga. ,
iitioaad Pittsintjgh, awl the Franklin Magazine ana:Cliim•:.
on Almanacs fcir-1,143; by Title gross ; dozen Or single ,
25(1 copies of Grant'elNew Pittsburgh and Methesty
„sineas pirciory and. . StrangeraOuide, for (4.lcents; Atr;
Cottage, .P.aniily, School and Pocket Bibles and: l Te9ta„:
ments, - ,Day . id'aPsalins; Metluadist and. Temperance 'typal
"{oaks' the-beauties of Harmony, Introduction to. Sicred
alum: Jason's Harp with round and patent not esichrist.
Harp,and almost all kinds of School Books; quisn's Do
in --
,eatic ltedicine; Day
. R 00145 and ',edgers; Writing,
iter, and. Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the
-tross,dozen,or boule; Meal pens, quills, slates, pencils and
'WaferslCY.C.loiledia of.lltsiory„ Wes'ern Pilot.. and a con.
elder • - rinty ofßooksand Stationery, for sale - on at-
co In iermsior cash or country prlduce,
lABRJS, Agent and. Conamission.hlerchant, •
t " - •
3. /C. 000AllE1D. WAttrien. 3: PIII9TIM.'
TINION COTTON FA CTORY: A tleghe y Cirk, tt the
AL) end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
contmencedthe manufacture of - gallon firbehlog
'Tarn, Cation Twihe; Candlewick, Carpet Chain; Bating.
and 'itie prepared to MI orders 'at' Thishortest notice,'
llaelng selected' the twist - sod most " improved .
mery.atid.eiriptoyed the Manager who has attended - to the
HOPE Fittei - M'..ar for the lastftve years, they are manhilieta
ring a atilie - Dior
Cotton. Warps made to order, •
Orders IAN:n:1,00 be Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the
Wore or .7 G.. Painter 4. Co.,.;Liberly street; Or Lopata
kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt• atyttn,
lion• Addiess-1. K., 10.001:MEAD 4•CO.
sep 12-1 y
rgio i MA LES.—There lea large ctase of females in
this City who from their continued ei'L tiiyg e- L6 Which
heir. Deco patios 8 Oblige t h em,are affect ed . wekcostiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heavionthe le - ast ex.
ertion, sense of heaviness extending' over the who4e a llead,
initt!erti,. tire of light and sound . an inability of fixing the
attention to It ny Mental operations; rundding 1f I be bow
eta, Dometinteg a sense of suffocation, espeCially Drier
Wiien any exertion is used, as going quickly up
Mire; teillittiofickle; these are symptoms which yield al
anti to a feiv:thisescrf the Brandreth Pills. -The ,occa.
Slant - tilts* Otthls medicine would save a deal of trronble
and, years of suffering. 'One, or two, or even - thiee of
the Brandreth rifle just befo're- dinner, are of en found.
highly heneffeht I; 'many ,use them very advantageously in
this Way; I hey and assist digestion., restore the bowels
to a proper conditian, enliven the spirits, Impart clear.
tress to itiacotriptexieiri, paiify the4;ll3od; An# proratao a
&Weld feeling of health and happiness. ,
Sold at Dm B-andreth's 1:111fiei. No. 98 Wond . street,
Plushuwh_ Price 2.scentt per box, with fall directions.
MARK—Tim only place in Pittsburgh, where ••the
G ENO' NE Ville can he obtained ,is the Doctor's ctivnii3f
fice, No 98 Wood'street. • , • - sep 10
-1,-.) sratimucrrst-7`...MiCarthy, Cutler and fursirat
Instruntent Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
'floe Office, Pittsburgh -- -- .
. ,
. rtiyalcians. Dentists and Druggists ca4l_haittlrellin•
istruments made by the subscriber of a supeiinr 'quality
.ad-at Eastern prices. •
--,:Tailors' PateatZbears 'and Sciasota always pa litind.
f/ISO HattersEhears, a superior article. Orders respect:
:Daily, solicited.. , ,
•A. B. Allarticlea warranted of the guality;and
jobbing done as nsoni. .
chant MiZer.,—Neepseiftddle,
and the rmlote In &Dino
et No. 11 Wirer
• , Pgrfuti wbeelmiser s7'
LIVER' COMPLAINT .— This disease- often term!.
' nitesin_ ancrthr of a more, serious nature, if pro.
Peireinedies areiliut re.storted to in time: in all forins
of this disease, otir. Darlich's Compound F_tretrathettintr,
and German_kperient Pills„ willperform
_a_perfect cure
-first, by ii1111411; 4 4 the stomach and bowels, thus rfalo
- air -dome* from the Liyer, by the use of the Oer.
Man A Perlin:tPllis, rifler sylfitit the Compound St renst l i .
`inltigf`llitt.-are.iaken to sive storigth and Wee to - those
tender 'organs-which - require such treatment only to eir("11.
a :rerinnment 2-cure, Theie -rills are neatly put rtp-in
ib ftll.dteections. For Sale t „No. 19
Nswill, PRiladelphia. AIR°, rdr Snle. Sat:n
ue-Frew Od - and Liberty sts., Pittiturglira.
Sep 10q.
LibEtf-KRA • Exchange Broker, ..Itto. 46, - Cer ,
- it Wood and Third Streeter,- Pittsb'urgle Po.—
.4ald,lill*,:nnd -- Botvent. Rank notes, bought and sold,
flight-'elreeeles - on -the Eastern cities, for sate: Drblls,
notes aitt,hfits,tulleeted. -
Pittehrit.g.k;Fe4-We. Blel4 ItGo., joitn D. Dsrent,, F
Lorenz, J. 'Painter 4- Co, Soseplt Wootlwell, lemon ittay
Philadelphia, A lesa oder 13 - ronson t Co., John H. Brown
4' co: einetnnati, 0., Idmes St'Candless. • St. Lovii;
No., J. R. M'Dorrald. Louisville, W. 11- Pope; Esq.
Preset Basic Ky. - • Pen 14
Walt OVAL.--the undersigned begsleave to inform
the public, that he bas removed' fibm his old'stand,
to Ihe•eorni ‘ r oflienn and:St. Clair stS'., brifinSite the Et
ehange Hate), wherelie has fit tedutt n large Piss° romin
W.:Rs ROOM, and now Offers for sale tint meat Splendid
assortment or riipio ever'ottered in this etterhcft,
Hie p 1 nos consist of different patterns, of superior
• Oritie Wood and At ahogt . n beautifully finished' and mo
-detefftgind smietriteted threingliont of the very heof ma,
terials. w Welt, far durability, and enittlty of tone, as Weti
tiff ioneti, he warrants t 6 be 'sliperfor to any ever seen
"As-he has enlarged his minufaetorytandmade arrange.
meats to iupply the Increasing deinarni..?fZir this i nstru
ni kit: he yespeetruTly, retiosits Attending - to "'par.
Chase to tall. anil examine his 'asscrrtinerit "beforepurchi.
Sing else Where, £11; he is determined to'sell LOWER, (fir
cash; thin any other establishment east or west- of the
mountains. P. BtiJME,
torner of Penh and St. Clair streets,
liett'lo tappoilieibe Sichange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa.
"IfIT A RILANTIV.I)" . , , tfINE.—Dr.. William .
V V Evans's Canicrmile 'VI ci, --- - , , •., :
.-Chirprtricaru.:-:Lei ter „from' the flon'... r At'le,nt •151•Clel-::
hiti,guiliVait Obilnry, East Terinesime, id emtenoreongre.ss:
WastunWron July "3il. 113311
Sir:-...Since T. have linen in,thls' city i hipre used some of
yonr Dyiptintir. medicine - with infinite benefit - aria sails.'
faction, and believe it to ben inos variable reiriedi, .one
iof my constituenm, Dr. A. Carden, of Carnobelt county,
Terintesee. wrote to me iip.!end him some. which I did.,
and he has .inployed it very auticessfnity in his , practice,
a r,d saps ft is invaluable. M r. - Joliirson, Poll t agent al .
this plate,^ thinks-you would`-probably like an-agent in
TenneSiee. it so, I would reccitimand-Dr. A Carden, aci
a prone* persokta offitihtle for the.salerof your celebrated i
meditine. Shmild you commission him he ki Willing to ,'
aq.for you... You- teamed the medlcirmity , water4o the'
-care, of. Robert King 4- fidos. Knoxville .eimt,riTenues.
see.-or V land to- _Graham 4. Hinottolt, Tazewell, Wit
tennesene.,:- I - havens doubt_ but if you had agents in
seirernfeeertities - in -Ettriliesseel-w - groat -- ilia I of MEll . l , '
eill**barr ile,iodis, , ,-,ljAingaltrt ts4aittogbate ar:it hciaie
fotlehrltattOtWailiditifiv lo' - infftlends, and should
yon would like ab - wient
LiIWIRO ,0 1 * 4 ‘ 111311 e rt -
ettoi lv
Patiiiiirliptirear , thv
~~~' ~
. ~ ~,~
~ ~~ ~ y
~~ ~ y a
w ~ >~~ \
. 77 7- 7-
F 21..
f ~ ~.?`:
Pittsburgh, June 111,1839 e
Mr. ions Dannuam—Dear Sir—Having been present,
Yesterday, at the ekneritixent whieb you were ideatted tct
make, in the presence of a number of our businese men;
, ctf .
.1. be safety of out IRON S.
- CBES', in'caseo ( fire, It
gives. me pleasure to say, that so far as t was capable of
judging:the lest-war fair, and the resort exceedniirmy
expectations. .
The Chest was a small one, about 30 inches high, by
about 18 or%) inches in brestlth.and depth, and was pia
; ced on a block of wood about a kicit in Illicitness, so as
to•elevaie tt about that•height from •• the ground; Several
r hooks and aewspapers wilkdepostled inside of it, inAlie
manner in which ftleichalift and others would itsuntly
placethem,:a large rpllatiiity of light pine wood Istabs
from en adjoining Saw was then placed around I
land above it, and the fire kindletton the wind War d -side,
so as to drive the flame against the - hack pact
, o [f the chest.
The fire was Isept up about three quarters of tin liour,
unlit vou linirgoite among the spek - tatorif and received
from:111m. their' universal answer that the teat was
sufficient. - 'Tile chest was then drawn -out of . lbe fire,
and 65°100'; aittl . opened, and examined:. 'The 'contemns
were alt safe, and tine only injury? done was to the hack
of one book which appeared to be a little chimed: Freon
what 1 witnessed",l, think that these chests are desers
king of confidence, as affs.siding, perhans,the hest.securfty
to Merchants for - their backits and papers, which they - can
liave without builitint - targe, think, and expensive vaults.
I . would consider them a,better sec:tilty than many vaults
which I:have seen built. Your Irfend, 7 •
-S N imer. c kitten.
-We concur la the above statement, haidng been pre&
sent when thectiest was tested .
W.• N. Cooper, J. ff.Skoeubemer, Ro6t Bet!,
J. I aughlia, J. Painter, Cordell,
R. miller.., Jr. C. 1. Jlrrastrong, A.. 1- Hoge,
Thonies Crdig, 5..0. D. Howard, J. IF.
'ETtraot of a Letter front Pugh 4 Alvord, dated Cin
Stn. aatt,29th -Me, A, 1842.
Doniing, Pittabur , Pa. Reopeeted Friend.: We
`have the sabisfitetion testate as the boat reconimendat ion
we Can opthe utility of yonr Iron Safes, tha we
hays one of,thotor which was in an exposed iituntion in
our dininiing' - room, at t teeildte 'of the fire, colliemorn.
ing dffhel Obhinst,'whicfr unnamed our Pot k Bonet to-.
-gether wit!). a huge portion Or the meat, lard,4l.c, which
It contained; —and amt. ogrhooks rind papers which were
In the Sgrti, Were 'entirety untrilthell, and . were istket
from it all*litifice; Without ever holm; discolored.
Ite.littin4n>"- PUGH" ALI7ORD.
rztract of er4itet -. :eon:Slater & Holbrook, doted. st.
Lours ,A 1 1 / 4 1241: .
MA. Dicssfig
Was burned ilesi .:
I 't!.. l r . in a leather store--Ft pre.
served its content r' -111:Fiver fully- yours,
sep TO, - - . . ISLAT i BR it HOLBROOK.
y IV R comptAINT cured by the use of Dr. Rat'.
itch"s.contpoOnii Strengthening and-Aperient Nils.
Mr:Rienards, 'Or Pittehurgh,l4l,, entirely en reli 01 :
the ribose d,istreardrig disease - HIS symptoms were p ain
Weight i i the left side, loss of appetite, yorniting, acid
eructations, -.a distension ofthe Stomach: sick head-aerie;
furr.ed tongue ; countenance - changed ton citron color, diffi
culty of hreathing. , distntbed real, attended with a cough,
great debility, with other-symptoms indicattni : great de=
rangement of the functions :of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice or several physicians, hut received no
relief:until using Dr. Harlich's Medicine, which' terMina.
ted In effecting a DK : feet cure.
Principal Offic6.lWNorth Eighth Street. :Philadelphia,
'For sale in 'Pittsburgh by - Samuel Frew, corner of
ty and Waodrreete.
-- , -
Ciitehmati, Febructry 15, 14340-
Dr. Swaxist —Dear Sirt.:-.Permit me to take the liberty
of writingto - you st tiiiitimeto express my approbation,
and to recommend to the:Mention of lieads of families
and where yOur invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of PruritisVirginialia, or Wild Cherry. Bark, In
my travels of late I have:mien in a great many instances
thewooderfulleffects of your medicine in relieving chili
dren of very obstinate -complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, Chcfakiliwof Piikg;in, Asthmatic attacks, 4-c.
4-c. should nat , ,hiaveliteriuen this letter, laowevm, at
present, althougli*lraVaßstt,it my duty to add roytesti
dony to it for sonielliie: had it not been for a late in.
stance where the medic : lap above alluded to was insi to
mental in scsiOrinetie,pilitent health an ...only child,"
Sibiose.case was.almost hopeless, in a family of my. ac.
ttintance. thank4leaven," said the duality.; Muth.'
- er,-..rny child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how
feared the relentless - hivager But my child is safe! is
' safe" •
'Beyond iwayne7s Compound Sfttip or
vivd Cher ry lithe hiost Valuable medicine in this or any
other eaunlry. I aril 'certain Itave tv it nesse& more than
;one hundred - cases where It has been attended with cot;
plesesuceess. I am - using it myself in an obstinate at:
tack of 13ronciiitiv, : in which it proved effectual in,h ex
ceedingly sini.f,t' time, considering the severity or the ease.
I ran rerOmenti it in-the lifilest confidence of its zuperior l
virtues; i would advise that no family -should be without
it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and oftenten times its price. The public are as''
sured tbere is no quackery about, it. R. J*easox, D. D.
Formerly - Vast or of the. Milli Presbyterian, Church
f.oifl by Witd. 1 1116111 , 1„ who l esale it retail, only aseat
far Pittsburgh. - bin. 53, Market Street sep ID
A 13.00. ttir, Mild N
_ .
whit ival doiray Life, and pit are a great
• , Discovir Oiarsvill prolong Life, and the- world ' '
cqi 1 Vint Imp oe err." • •
.Ther.e,are; ; inlit g and int etiestunt, - . vrititin
with which drtairi-licrbs have affinielf:4nst. over -whiolt
theytheyhave power."
Dr. B. nrantiretti's. External Remedy, or X,inlment,
Which; by its•extraordinSry •poWee.t. OW - Mai Pain or ,
Rorenes.s; thlis• Sprains, Riff - Sinews' While Swelllnts,l
.Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness,,Stifftwees Or the Joinl=r;l
Tomorp, Unties:oral Hardness'. :'St. , Neefr Sore Throat,
Croup, Rontractione .of.. , the .znusales; Scrofulous. eil- .
largemente, Tender reet,ttsid awry Atts3 , ?riptioa,of in
jury affecting the Exterior_of the A:lnman : Frame, ar,e •
cured Or greatly relieved .by hie- never-to arfficiewt4
:extolled remedy. - - -
CiETIFICATE.—Tbe fullowing•letter from . Major .Den..
era' Sandford, aelpthe qualities of the Haierrrat. Acme.,
dy, speaks volumes:
• NEW YORE, F 9 1843.1.
Dear Sir—Will you obilp me with anottlifs - bottle_ .or
your excellent Liniment?' ft iscertainly the hest or
kind •I he've etr.erzseen: It has cured • entirely . my ion's
knee, about which I-watisatinearky,and I have found it
product ive•of intrnedi.ate relief seyeral cases of
injury in my family, A
-few evenings
youngear child was seized 'with a . viotentftt tack of
which was entirely rentoved,in greenly minxtes, by' .ruh
bing her chest and throat . freely.with the External Rem.
edy. I think yau ought to -nkinUfact‘fre
I far general nee, insteatrof enußning the use, of it, as you
have heretafote dane, to-your Rarticular acquaintances.
YoUrsirifty,. C. W. SANDFORD':
flit B. ARAMpit.¢lll. 241 Preatiseq, Y. ,
_For rate at Ilroadssay;New 'York, and at his
office ,Nn. 9,1 Wood Itt - reet,Pilistnirgh. PRICE-50 eents
per laattleiisith directions PIO
Harr iliuryh.Aoeust24lh, 71142. ' •
GALE pr. TR R,t,i A 1 44,148 , 1a.R.04410 'Bre
1.7 LOSIGI NG TO TUB ST4,TE.---Nolice is herel.f
ven that jr pursuance...al : She seveoteenth„elgbiepoth,
nineteenth atidOr'Assehohty
passed the 27th clay ot-.64,71M - , 4 proposalst will be reeel
ved at the State -Iltepowlmetir twitiltheishirdlyortilcivern-l•
her nest., for thw , salls-of .00d.earita - the - Eanalennd.: (
Rail Roads helooging - Ao_theVornasouwasithislelk-
Statepieltots porwttlu°4 Will be e&se_reed
EatiLiadividoil orCooliatilY-leeelliktilfOrketattallrille
stateithel pastieulit :lliteoftbgiai t.er taiirßotEd *Oak
ahey desireto patellas°, thi"sillitniititlif alwirCittspileitive.
In order Maths dime may.berhillitnetarlbevrtitttleide,
provided with the Sakii
bills printed with a figure et th •
ful you are not deceived by ,
kenisstitling their boats to 3 / 4 1P
Board, when they are not r)
The following is a list of b c ,,,
ty Guard at the Port of Pittsi
-first on Vie list.have the imp
apparalds'illa impossible forte
.M A IL, I.
PAN AMA, 100
CICERO, A 6114
MA RI Rtl'A,
The traveling community pi
liefere they malt co:choice of a
,pea,WAtethor it would not
arid.scotirity to Choose a Salo?
passageopi freight, In preferrart
ogaitili.ii*.plosion—and that I •
' that:AltiViavention has the an,.
I )V9oll'lo engine hultders—.gem
it is lu tiaile+rif t yind the salient, ad
Interest ed—tirOdas a number of r.
to gantlet' en and others—all of
any office, No.lo. Water street, a
pleasure at all times to eihihit
.who wilt iake.the troulite to call.
sep - 10 CA DWA'
Ticeyy soia*.riliter offers far ale.
red rates, the ereater part of hit
,the rates of Pit ishorah and Allert
'Brick Warehouses. nrarly nPr• a
situate, on Market si reel wren
itrartilt4 a fruntr)f ahout 54 feet by:
'lire, or sepoontoly tOecit porrldeet
A Iso,-,8 feted httildlng lot In Al*
Irreadtb;bs upward of 350. Pu la
fronle, one on tile Peonsylvaula
..... .. -
;• Also; the tot adloinlar the abort
h 9 nearly 350, feet WIN , /
Vint IninSion: fi`ouseagasVAavi" •
A1510.-alot with two tang!
ate on-,thecorogittie t
wmoderate anti is •
16eagroeery. ALEI
itep 16 - •
SEl7) . 7f'alTri'F.D.
cosh orgoode,agaantltyor
Almost all kindnof-Coonlry Pt
for cam or _nods nt HARM - PSI
'Pep 21-1 f CommlsFionW
TrieN TIART. Conneiaidet
duce; td \dmiiiran Man! .
Aaron Bail,
Jame. Cothran of It'd .
JnO. D. Davis,
M'Vay & Hanna, 41.
Avery. Ogden 4.0 , ,
Jno. Woodbourne, 111 i d
: Farm on which I live, iv W
Braddock-Miele!, containing one •
acres:Omni 70 neresof wl,kll i3t
well timbered. There arc spot
and a barn 63 feet:by 34; an app
Also, about seventy acres of mat
be coital to that of any upland
Ternis made known on a pplicalla
in the premises. WILLIAM
' and Pieture Frame
Feu rth Street Pittsburgh.—Ca
4c., fee Artists, aiware on hand
tirpirviy framed to order. Cer
est nbtice.
Patricelar attention paid io
ery descrip'ion.
Persons To t Ina op Steam NV
Iheiradvantageto call.
WBITE LEP. D.—The sew •
to furnish pain] ers, and
chase pure White Lend made of 1k
ranted equal, If not superior ion!
All orders - addressed to Dunlap 111
* Co,. No.llo Second streei,
attended to.
■ I Fifth St.. 011 e door frost OM'
The Suhscriher respectlony
Pittsburgh _and vicinity that it
tailing Shoes onis own mantic
where he will keep constantly
ment of all kinds of ladies, Iniw.!
and ishoes, of the hest quality•lio°
ces to suit the times. He will tit
kinda:.of fancy work—stieh
•!tillPwrs:caiored gaiters, and heib:
hildren's Osiers, silk
will be made at the shortest nfitOu
Per. Ladles will please caltandlill
as thesubscriber feels confident till
any tinkle In his line they 040
sPp 10
P. S. Don't forget the plifik—P
I door from. Harris's Intelligent< B
fe&mlitaiket Street
IL----VILLIS Si DIG itY hariuS
• v v:*-busines ofjhonr fl
Ltherty ',greet and 42 Market Pt , "
tharthe to the numerous rrierrirral
dfllll, Or the very liberal sopped
tended - la himiin convection e,
w taiteit to assu re them that ever e><
merit rbeeont lunation 010. F
0 0 ,
pectroltri to4ltlheir attention 04
Clothing.which he intendsre lllog L ' i
thati:liss been ever offered.
;he v:0101461' the, sleek of the
21 1 ;te: arti as he intends to cow' F ;
each business, he feels rarillat,
"rPass his stock, either in
nest of of w orkina Et bat eelos
nesse to taiie patie
I Allred _in Pittsborstv
QP'Melm moRsoN.C-JwiviA
b•• Skiet frol,Wirodt
iredia dilli Market soots:—
in bla,line at the shortest
add'Aeolis! soltefteithtst
orivireki'lebidt ei
ti M
;' - ; -- 17 , 1
•OD . .
laS *
• cOrill— •
News Soya:
i nt l am - Ace
LTA flir a
4 NE 1.114n5
One month,
twee month
• r Months,
..11s months,
Too .5
• months,
year. •
Loot ye.
dour from W
bet ween • Firg
street, next
R. Johnsto
, etwern Mark,
urlh, near Ma
et and Woo
g Fu'rol,) Fo
er street, nen
C Penn and Su
nfl'ltird and
Third and S
ren , :tneet n,
et. near Ser
iheriy SI op
,PPoif SI. o
Mut n
ms to '3O
M. D.-0
R Penn gent
n Mackey,
Hell, French,
in ,Pinskiirr:ll
Office in the I
riw, Aider in
I wcen Wuad
r In Protturp
- • 224 Liberty
- tn 'salon
ufuclured Ur
e of the Di
. Hominy a •
to tht. pu
s, above
Nu. Bo. .
CO., F
Et. t . E
being fu
for se le
_y of Landr
.rent sari:
F. L.
rty street,.
of and Si
next door
ttd Satin .
newest F
be disposed
F. L.
rty street, I
and Flow
ways be ha,
F. L.
tty street,
rated store o
F. L•
rtv street,
ved by
I4hefiy h
lig of Floes
street, h,
• st teeetv
shrive o
7 street,
for pr .
,for sal
Ot Eiast
, tit
ON, filar
• Alga
at the
1 41 -81 61 - g
4 lepktis