Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 17, 1842, Image 2

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    _~ ; ~w
- 14vIsittl4ihititagok
whit • wentortt cifthe
~ ~ . *Me Ph i l .': ' ,:,.. ~g”
. -- .-
4:7 '. - .- .- , ' hi Trankiin 50 1 4104:• •
.‘,;, 'lboir
litod obscene coeve0110" , s l "Ard,..
-.4-.f.,- --- ,-- -.- ~4 w hr, wa s a lsii:llibfe- . 4,i,'.,:;410.,
..%. ' ..--,-.',.!...., `l, _.,.. ---., - - It t i= - the .- 4 4a.
. ..,-' -.-7:' , .- , , 4. s eoctoldren. ~ 0),,,.- •
~, ... ~,.,.. .
littrhey. that 4 4 li i ng; , 14--
,-''' . 4 -"ieguested him toil - Obit' , , .eriik3
sue' Vothie request be - rep - W=6 ,
a 3ti - d iquttrrel ens*: The ' me
al* . toast! the bliCkgaled Durney,
, ,
diitilf:itd-rtent him to the-watch h ou se .--
Thmeoltilay, both parties appeared be- -
f ' , .Mayor Scott, and each told his story.
Tjtor'Mityor held Mr. Durney to bail to
=i Otecharte breaking the peace, and
..' -. rged - the mechanic. Durney inne
Alitditlypimped ap and inquired of his Eon.
' or, "what : f3l do you call breaking the pest _
s, ititt you," sail his Honor: "when '
• 7 " - "'' , us wife of a worthy mechanic,
. - *, : iitlpa a public square to inhale
. : ill
of the evening, without hav
''' -I*r - ears - polluted with , the obscene
icof a prostitute.an her paramour
• ' Vs - what.' .call breaking the peace!"
Mr. Dtirrkey sneaked, away.
- - The Amoketp. -
*Wiest-song in Lilo wwld-,.-ItiOns,
:3 7 ;• 7 - We three -
'l,- - 4.'" .
' r!, . - • Brothers be •
• - ~... -,„t:.-- ~ •• , _. in o no cause;
......J .
ul ~,
.:-..." • • Bill pse,
- • .4 ,11- - - z'' - ' , ,- - Tom snuff-A,
i l . - ; Anal - 0 )&1e
as ' 2 .- • -, v 4 -j :- ....•.itie-Whigs. ,
..i -:
ori • - I
*iiigy se small .as the gtna .
We Whigs, .
Run rigs• ... •
f - , • • On Capt.... Tyler;
•• - ' ' ' Marne' rustr.A.
--*. - - Butte' urinated, - '
Chti's ,bursted .
fli, sa•nil biter: ,
ista***rrru - CaNatm.—lt appears front
atitier-of Lord Stanley, 'published in the
Catio*ilaite* that the matter' of regale
the .duty on wheat imported intrythat
Provief* from the United States; has:been
lea- entirely:to the discretion of the Pro
*Ohl farliament. Acccirdingly resolu•
lions have passed that bUdy, to impose a
duty of 3s. sterling py imperial quarter,
upon American wheikirnported into`Can-
Ildai„aubh duty to•ga into effect on the sth
of next. The preamble expresso
a:Marlowe, that upin the impsitiou of a
duty Canada Upon AmericMvitheit
ported into..tha province, auCittiligiANAl
be admitted duty free or ratber_ria , 44na-
Alan irrheat, into the ports of Giefri
taia.—Balt. Sun.
Pim*. Bank at Charlestown.--ft is st a
tee :In many quarters that the bank which
huri . recently ,exploded in Charlestown, was
a gffernment deposit hank. This is a mis
takea . fiind the.following explanation
in- the Sagan Rust:
-There has"never -existed any authorized
cdtinuatior. between the United States
grAffniiitient. anti the'Phrunix Dank; some
otiAikk *Shure - in_ officers at Charleston'
Nava;Yard, us a mattet of personal conve.
irieft", have made
nueY cid so ettrely upon
islicirown -responsibility.
Death otDr. Choi - minx
meat and good man is no morP--
'WO a heavy heart we announce the death
af-Wssmsst EmaavellANNlNG.' He died
4 fretinington, Vt.,' nit Sunday ' evening
.past five - O'clock. 'He exp-t
t aay.s the New York Evening Poe
4 wnit great.taironess just as the sun wetit-
Aiwa ' -The same paper .pays the fogii*
*Trite to his memory:
ne of the great minds of -theAge*o
itmosed, from our midst—a -Mind:whops .
land largeb •
-vleara,„ ear spin ose o
;moat men, were informed by tire most
ehensive benevolence, His 'great
aniactiieintellect, and his ardor of feel.
init,, : *vertailkod form naturally Of no
sig-0 14 . tiltrettglit, which of late, from time to
showed-itself incapable of support--
latthose eff'orte whtch have attracted the
samiration of the world. - [lie eloquent
*OW remain, the of not _ only
'4oo44kertinire of our country, but of our
244, -- - be Hithg,—At the late Common
Ititioon - SO 3 usky county, Ohio, J os s.Sppr
,:ertpa. convicted of the murder o f wife,
-tand-eintenced to be hung on the 2d .
of No
John Quincy A .Ifin*has been
" - dor e c
f tion in the Worcester
strict .
4-airAlgesfock of bullion in the Bank
s months of Auglist,
V, nearly $50,000,
. ~`~~~
:r V,- •," •
~,«,~; W ,
; pie First rage. -
ape trer or Elie senate.
.. It is now certain thtt the Senate is rep,-
deemed from the factiourrirkt of federal
ism, and that, once tr4re every branchof
the State Government; is In Ebe hands of
%base whose leading oNactin theadalinis
tration of its affairs, will be to contribute
to the welfare of the people at large. and
to check. the schemes of political gamblers,
wbo have - for years been struggling to ac
complish he passage of such laws as would
place the interests of the honest people at
the mercy nf the rig barons, who corrup
ted lite Senate; in 1835 With the lai-gesses - I
of the monster. But now; after a-seven
yeeitre war, that bran c oroiii,Tiegisiature
is again purified, and tbe"tiovier of feder-
Allem to defeat the en of honest legi9la
ion, is completely nu lifted. ,_ , '
The first duty of the Senate Will be the
selection of a-presiding - . of fi cer, and in this,
so far as qualifications ere concerned, we
do not apprehend that any difficulty will
arifie There are many democrats in that
body,eminently qualified;. but among them
all, we know ()Inoue viho would, do m'ore
honor to the station than. Sauna-X. 11114 A ri
m:tor, of Franklin. in him is combined
every requisite qualification for a prompt,
honest and euergegappresiding officer, and
we fee! confident:L :`;.-- Abe should be chop
Ben, thatimr . ',. , ° .,,,,, ltitiiiol) the Senats
at tie*it-tAttlari444l.lraterially an,.
cedersterTr 4'x..iritflifill4 4 f.;** wa r m l y .
approved, by,the-pplA4-ertertV.
---; spine et: LONt):* -7- v errs that - '
, ,i_ - •z t7 -. - . t-i -,..!! _ • Post Office Reguturion.—The followiP a
Mr, Rotty Pattersost-offereorr esol ut ion
regulation forhidding the employment of
to exclude'reria‘liersetiafart_the list of
years under sixte e nb lIIIL
bo y s ears of ag ' been
candidates befo**-044-4;ritic Conven-
tion, on the • griitiaethit they held aboli, watered to be published by past Master ,
•. -
General Wickliffe.
Lion principles. ,We .are not aware that
Mr. P. offered any such resolution. He "Prd ered, That ".. Verso'd under th e age
..... of sixteen years be e' - e d .
made a [notion, we believe, or rather sog. • . . r -1 7 a- a mail car
- rier on any post ro ate, or a clerk in any post
Bested Oat, when any nomination was office in the Utlted States. The better to
this regulation, it is required, that.
made; the person - Making it should state enforce
whether the man nominated had any con- the ages of the carriers and clerks be , enter •
the oaths of offices which th4..reS
nEiction with any other party of the day: ed 11 '.'"
pectively take, before they_are tran4itted
whether he was a Democratic Abolition- ' by the contractor or postmaster to the de.:
ist, &c. or as the editor expresses , it.,avhlth- ' partment for file. . 'And the special agents
et he had any ' "tail" to i
his designatien of ,of the department will Promptly report all .
Demectat. If we remember rightly his 1 instances of noti-compliatice '' with this regw-
lation !" - '` - -
view was adopted and acted on to someex- • '- - ---,. if-L , F 4 '-
. , . . I "Do you heat thei,10101" - '. - )
tent. - -'- , I : rn ., 0 t , . -,,b , .. ~''.,.,,,.- • . , ,
-. • -,--' t A Lift ...A. t tuilvsttne rtuararf,l:-Vereltreu uy
The wings of Philadelphia are itietlacies [ t h esout i orn maWlast nitSif; itiriArmsthe
on account of having tarried their city tick-Ire orwAeditfi"-- ' 4- -
et by si3tra'suitv_• -.------T-1m.„,.......-----"----,--
' -- ' The news
se now; two yearssince, but little short of
I Capt. Wm.' W. Ti-rartiii''tirfiVed in this
that Many thousanda would satisfy them.— city on Monday last, from' the Chuckach•
Poor fellows, times have.sadly changed with, attee settlement. He confirms the report
them, When Ahey rejoice over 600 majority . 1 of the murder of Mrs. Crum. "Capt. Tuck
ia. let is also aeon - in law of Mrs. C. The
in Philadelph
--•••'-:-: ---- old lady had, been spending ,- some time
Vittate : fits bOoome of th*--#OO Mare(' with him, and to . Vita - Mr. Bern at
thousand whip that attendelkthe Dayton Toachatka. "-
Conv.entinti ashort time tinee?. , Theietains . On the I.2th of Sept., whilst she was re
ar the election Will sh O v;-that hut little mere i turning from the latter place, iccompanied
by Mr. McDonald, and. Mrs. Hero and
than half that number voted at the. tate e- 1 1 dau hterwere firedopqn by Indians.
g ,-they
I%li - on. What has become of the , other M r . McDonald, who was driving the car
`itindred thousand? riage which contained Mrs. Crum and the
__ - little girl received a severe - weund, i t ut.
_. _ P ' 'self -;
U:t Qui gly, mrnmit
;.rat-Belfast, Me., on
ing laudnum.
,ers, of Troy, New
my disappear from
bas since beeniteard
water, in large
is Norfolk, by
'een appointed
tine. -
:attorney gereral
New York.
mittstart a oar
ma EBq., is now
Me.,at, the vt net
beau a_ faithful
preferref rto assist
them he:sboula be,
More Shooting.•—fiv Cincinnati
says that . Mr. White,editor of the Flemings
burg (Ky.) tantuck-iari shot a man dead,
who entered his of f ice to Cane him, one day
scat Week:
These Whites araintrilale fellows; we.
are afraid that our neighbor of the Gazette,
whe•bears that honored , nitimoyill.perforate
pool Hugh Mitchell,. if he wrilea any more
impertinent note* ab.,4vt tse lateaieetion.
POni H 1 4 1.! he "as didtll4,hy,ilt.e
soul shockingly.
, pawn i fel -send-tont.
fotlowing-extract is taken from an
tuilheas delivered at U r bana; Ohio, by
Mew A. -BRYAN, Esq., present Assistant
Pest Master General.
mother's love! How thrilling the
sound. The angel spirit that watched over
our infant years, and cheered us with her
Smiles! 0, how faithfully does -memory
cling to thefast fading mementoes of a pa•
rent's home, to remind us of the sweet,
councils of a mother's tongu ' . And oh,
hew instinctively do we hang aver the ear
ly scenes of our boyhood, brightened hy,_
the recollection of that waking - eye that
never closed - while a single wave of mis
fortuneor - danger sighed around het child.
Like the lone-etnr of the heavens, iti the
-deep solitude oriiature's night. She ilia the
presidieg divinity of the family.- mansion;
its delight find its charm, its stay -and its
hope, when all around bar is overshado*:.
telt• . _ .
with - ;he gloom of despondency end'
despair, The cherished object of her sf
fettion has;'risen to manhood's-years, and
exchanged theaportiVe morn of being, fair
the besy , :stirrin g adventures of the,
world; and yet, wherever he may wander
tnwhateur or country inclination
or duty may invite his wayward Ibetsteps;
Whether fabing the - what y storm, or bef-
Jettiog,tlie mountain snows.the undying
,7111steref,e-efiether's love lingers onhis
holiest inF*47'4"
• wrv,
_ _
Weettnorertd, -
Mercer, 8:r:
Crawford,- • -
Washington, - t .3,
'Payette, a 11
Green, • 1 0
Bedlord. - 1
Cumberland, 0
Dauphin, ,
Phila. County, „ - 8 '0
Do - - '7
Venatigrt-and Clarion, - - 1 7,
Hontingdtirt,- ,2
m •
Soerset and Cambria; _ 0 '.
Erie, , 0 '2 _
Franklin, . • 1- • 1
Indiana. ; - 0 -
L-tneuter, - 0 - • f
Contra,' 1
York, ' 0
Adams, •
Northumberland, -1.
told Union, 3 , , 0 •
Delaware, 0 1
Chester,- 1 3
Moregotnery, ' -- 3 0'
Berk.,' 4 0
,•- - 1 0
Lyeoroing and Clinton, 0
- 2 0
Lehigh, 'D 2
Backs, 2 1
Total, -
11342;i ,
Hold over, - 11 11
Westmoreland, - - ~-1 0
Fayette and Green, ' 1 0
Washington, - 0 1
Lancaster and Yorls, • 1 0
Phitacielpliiii county, '` 1 0
Do isj,
.., 0 1
Mongomery, Ch.ister and-Delaware, 1 0
Dauphin and Lebanon. 0 1
' Hdikingdon, Perry, Juniata, 4 1 0
I Miiiiiii and Union,
Lyentning, Northinnberland, Z 1
Centre and-Clinton, 8
Jefferson, Tioga, Potter, 111 2 K.can, t
_ i
T . - Verrango and. Warren,
I Total,
lans, of Mrs. Crum.
made his eseape by concealing,hicaseff in
a hammock. xs. Hem, who was riding
on horseback, ' 'tut 50 pa is:ahead 0( the
carriage, slice'
ed in- taking her dtfugh- .
ter up on the horse and made her esc,aps
—whilst the. Indians were murdeting Mrs.
A sierdei and Arrest.
Me learn from the Memphis (Tenn.)
Inquirer of the 30th tat. that on the Mon I
day previous. Mr. Cameron, residing four I
miles from 'Raleigh, in that county, 9`; t that
La Grange rottd, was.murdered by a man ,
named. Abram Spears. , a neighbor - acid
brother-io.lavi of the decettsed. Spears
fled immediately after perpetrating. the
horrible deed, but was pursued and arres
ted in Arltansas about .'et mileti: from
.Memphis, on -Tuesjay, the day .. after the
murder. Spears' was brbught b - efore T.
L. Smith. Esq.. at Raleigh, and after ex
amination cote fittedflir trial at the Octo
ber terra of Circuit Court: The facta-eli
cited in the exarretaation present the mat
' ter in the light of a premeditated murder.
This mihiatere edition of Jo Stnithisrn is
still creating a great sensation. In New
-Hampshire. The , 134,Aani,' whio has
been, atuatitingfitpAsintla ,of spectators: for
several daye, atielaremont4 was strtieli: on
Friday moeningiendthe_ead-okhe=world
ers packed up biig_Atna hatgaget and Oar
ted for Salem, Mass., where - they were to
make anothet grand display. The Clare-
MPUt- Pagie says: 'Our village, for the
fastsix_or eight days, has worn quiwa
lively 'aspect, presenting a happy contrast
wiliftke dullornmotonous state into which,
we have been gradually relapsiW, of the
last t'Weiva mouths. On( iitSets haie
been lined with carriagea, which, together
with the omnibusses rmaning,to and: from
the - encampment, _gain them quite a city
like appearanee.i - Alt-were wide awake , -7
every :body' must see the 'big tent' about
which big stories hava,heen bid. its,
the pawns:- -it has been estimated that
- -cis • 'fir tioui 44d iv.
, ,
- ... ,- 4 -- iii•&'o/FVf:• -7 W. . t.lO
T 'T;TI. ,- . fitkise: . - Actif ,Seuthelt ' mil
.4. ..,...lx. • - - - , •, - - . 4••= , ..,,,,d...,,,,, ,
oin" .:not be lent on for several days: .
i - -446.ain the Chetreaftaireettrier . triad.' l- ..
On Tir t eduesdaf teat ; the werathei gave in
dication of an imprortahing gale, and at the
close of the• day, • it -commenced I)lniving
heavily from the:-..N. E. which Continued
during the night; - 'Yesterday morning - A:le ,
tides to an unprecedented height &Artie
jug- most of the •Wharves, and in -Vertlide ,
Itimge and.,Mtrket et. flowing up „so as. to
rentleitheitreets impassible. On the wes;
. .
'tern side of the cliy, too, many °fate streets
were submeored, and . boats were- p ' lving in
some - " •• e trliCeB, ' from house to .Itottse- In
;Boundary street, -ere•understand that sever
al,,personi-were taken front their houses in
tioate t and carried W.-places-of safety..
' Ili the comae of the
. wind
'-' changed_ to N.E. and N.: m orning-the N. E. and contin
ued to,-bluvi a gale throughout the tlay, and
, ,
1 up to the period of puttmg onr paper to
. press: ' , -
We regret to detail a - most distressing
accident, which occurred on Wednesday at
ternoon. Puling the bin* a fishing boat,
, containing five - neg,roes, viz: Jefferson find
-George, belonging to Mr. J• Jennerett.'Ned
belonging to Mr. illiellichatnp, William be
longing telllis. C. ifacbeth, and` t a negro
boy named Isaac beintigin!! to ,Mrs.l - lughes,
while, crossing the,fiar, on the- way to town.
wasAswantped, and it is s - upposell'that all
-on-board perished. . There Wei a heat a
• short tlistance ahead -of them, and those on
board missed the - one, in*thetear suddenly.
but being themselves:in a very perilous sit.
nation, they could not return to render any
We ttilikiejto_utaterial damage has as
yet been Ilertelhy - the Olt. A few of the
planking on: soine ofithe wharvesliavebeen
' torn up. an' sotn i e dotton, not-stored, -has
been sligbtly injnred,,blit - ai thexale was
ant;cipated, tbe vessels Akthe wharves were
all safely secured. •
Cold Blooded Murder.—One fit the most
cold blooded murders we have ever heard
of, occurred recently on board.thefsteamboat
Canebrake, on her downward trif) from
Montgomery. Ala.„ to Mobile. Ni4t Italian,
says the Mobile Jouinal of the let inst., by
the name of Jelin Mark, deliberately drew
a pistol, walked up to- Mr. ittii Clark, a
gentleman from Greene county, and shot
him, dead. Not a word pas,ed between
them on ihe , boat, and no cause is known, or
has - been given by Mark of the Itorrid deed; l
Mr. Clark died instantly. Mark afterwardi
attempted to shoot the bar keeper of the
boat who escaped by locking hiMself up ill
one or the - state rooms. On arriving at Ca
+lithe-the remains of Mr. Clark were in
terred, and Mark, delivered up by Capt. Ad
ams t) the sheriff of Dallas county. He
Will have his trial in Lowndes county,
where- the murder was committed, at the
nest term of Court, which is now in session;
.4.- -i,C19p..... aeFiesiy.trini,
letter from - Mexico which states at Con
gress has reported two cOnittitutions or
forms of government—both strictly fede
ral. The letter says—“lf &Attila Antra - ap
proves the one adopted, there is an end of
him and - or war on l'exas; if he does not
apprOtie, there will be trouble enough here.
I think he•will. be overcome. If Santa An
na retains power, which is rather more than
doubiful,;there will be a large army; 15.000
at leastsent to Texas in them fall. You
maf;.44-npon it. The invasion will both
I be bj , Sea and land."
Another Position.Defieed.
Mr. Cushing met a church full of his
constituents. at Newburyport„ on Friday.
He spoke about two holies., general
ground was,similar to that of , Mr. Web
ster's-speech, omitting the subject of the
treaty, and dwelling more in detail nn that,
of the Masstichuseita Convention. and vin
dicating mote fully the coursti of 54. Ty
ler. He, discussed-tlwresolulori of the
Convention relative. 1 4 ,. R ' reatdent,etauee
by Clause, defendin VP resident, and
attributed the,een him and
the whig party to thelimblilen of Mr Clay.
le reference to o.4liletit Tiler's being a
candidate fin r . c,a4441 term, he stated that
he knew
. and Was inthorikedtd assert it,
for a fact, that early after the accession of
Mr. Tyler, that gentleman-proposed to the
Harrison cabinet to come out publicly and:
state that he declined to be a candidate
the next electien in order tO , atop all Cair
' filing •and opposition to the acts-of his gov
ernment, but they 'advised him not - to do
so. In conclusion, Mr. Cushing said that
he saw no cause, independent of personal
nausea"; for finding fattlt, with the govern:.
meat, and he e x horukit friehds, his con
stituents, to abariNn all other mattera,and
rallyin support of the ronstitution, and the
`rights secured to all by- the conatitution,
for the good of the common 'country. --N.
Y. Sun. ' '
The following recipe may be new to
most housekeepers. It is from an English
PICKLED EGGE.—An induatrious farmer's
wife, residing at Suipton near Andover,
among a variety of other piekles which she
annually introduces into her. store room,
preserves pickled eggs. The process she
,uses in curing them is very Simple. When
ihattas : a large stock of eggs hand she
boillPO'iOe six or seven dozen till they
-they become hard. She then divests them
of the shell, and puts them into large jars,
pouring upon them scalding. vinegar satu:-_
rated:with ginger, tarlia, :whole pepper
and.allspice. This pickle >as an admirable _
aid_ 1 9 Team a t rpex.- andin the nter
'months, regarded -as a pelect.farm.bousa
4r4-...: -, ' 5. 75,1,7... - . "''4, 74 . Z Z'' --..- ...,:-' ',„,„„.--: 9' ,1
the , ':,'., ' .:.--';-,'. ;'-' lt - ''' - ' - ' ,, .' ea- vivii- '-‘•'".-.- . 1
•--' • - • -eathas r-' 1
and held to - bait in Arriiuto to-re...w 01110t 4 - 1 1 1 " ,
there • appenrrence. for examination !-
- f or • Pit%
Justice Butt rick. et' Charleroi own,. - yer.terday .Itre
ternoon. 'The vomplainte charge, that _Vtrayman
-OWL Browne ha4O.Otateogfatt:the earn eri3OP. ooo
frtrto tbs , eitaohii afitieiiiiik:iiii - iiiii Mi..iikiim*
conspired with thin to-perpetrate diet - trawl - eel - tots
is madalareeny hy .thafteihOd Statues.
Thedefendents awaited ; with , thedr 'counsel at
the appointed time end , plueisi and then by agree-.
ment the examination sy.aa,postponcid, tilt Friday
next. • - - . . ,
1 Asahril Huntington, BAq., district attorney, ep.
peered , in support ofthe protect:air:lir, and Messrs.
-.Ornate 'rind 43artlett, of " Boston, To r the defence.—
Pest.. .
.. - . -• _ • . . - - ..
lafrin -London.—A correspondent of the Lon
dMi'Tinaes has sent tii_that journat ,"a statement
of the nemher of persons, vehicles, and horses,
that passed-his/louse on the-13th Sept., from nine
o'clock•.in the-morning tilt nine in the evening of
that day..-being an ordinary day. .or business, and
ate time 'whew is considered empty, and
no busine.s doing. There "were B.s72,tellichiq in
12 hottis, 714 per hour, 12 .per rriirt* , l3,o2l
horses in Mtwara, 1;085 per hour, V per alinntei
105,352 persona in 12 hours, B,779Tpet hour, L 46
per mini4e.".
A Ustosr.—A London paper Matta that Mit. I
Storge of Birmingham,- as President of the gas-
Lionel Complete Suffrage Union, hits published
addre , s to the Irish, with a view to unite the pn
pulution of the.two countries is the; bands of po..
litical freedom" and social happiness, and, devise
Christian means for removing. oppression from
the land.- -013 addteas wag recently -read at tile
Repeal A'stantenitiiirt, in Dublin, amidst
Outage; and Mr. O'Connell r.nnotriced - hia
lion ofiirawing up a counter addr-si to the p.o.
pie of Eng'and, tins phject of which would be "to
draw together, -by the stric!eat ties 01 intcres'.
affection, principle, and duty, the people of both
BLeNertas.—A leading French .paper reviews
the interesting book of Mr. Stevenson on-Central
America, as. that of Albion's most indefatigable
tourist, who, after petygrinations in Siberia and
Egypt, procured a diplomatic agency in order to
travel move efficaciously, and could mat fir.d the
Government desigoated - inrie Credal:Oats." •
Another. and
rench rtper,"the Journal dos Debats:
and the - Nati _nal are now disputing about the
geographytof fan Juan de Nicaragua; and it is.
dear that the National Which has clamoured and
reasoned so much against-Britislt.anabitioaiti • the
blockade, did riot know on what
.sea -the port a
San Juan is situated." . "To errfiS humor n"' -
Decision-in Baqkruptcy . --TLe Co uza Patriot
publishes an important d3cision Made by Jute
Conklingaff the. Ilioted States Ptstrict Court of !
New York, with a view of Rtiving-puNicity to- the
imp - ortant minelple-settled amt"„lor.
- •
ptlfpose of removing any ; rotaappratheo.sions as to
Ate eff•ct and lien acquired by the gernmencv Men
INAL suit in the Court-ofChariceti . of this State, by
:the filing of what _'is tisually called' a creditoe
bill. Tito Distriet-&-Coiart ,decides„tbst a suit
commenced. by a creditot;rs bill in tbe Court of
Chancery of this State; 4gives to the complainant
such a lien , of security ficon the time of the porn.
menoomea t o f the B ait, by the filing of. the
and.the service of a siibpimaa, axis within the sa
ving o tiose of section second of the bankrupt hicv=
and that, therefore. when Abe, suit is instituted,
and prosecuted_ without culltt h with the - bank
rapt, and in good faith,lthe 'Wen thus acquireti
will prevail tinst a dergee , of bankruptcy., on e
. • e _ .....Lam....,palti-T.:Ognmetitethirriv_of
ttirtin the Court of Chancery.
SUlti 11 3 7 t
,Tlin Rainy Day.-
TheArty.ii cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains; and the wind is never weary;
The vine still elingi to the mouldering
But at every.gust the dead leaves fall,
And they is dark and dreary,
14ty life js et - 4(1,2nd dark, sto" - ttearyi - -
It rains, and'the wind is fidet-wilary t
My thaughts.l4ll cling to the,tiOtierincr Past;
But the .h_ o£ y-Nutit fall thick in the blast
Arid th - elbaie , lire dark 'and dreary:-
Be still, sad heart! and cease re►ing;
Behind the clods is the sun stillAintng;
Thy fate is the common fate of air •
Int l -) each lifepoine rain must fall, _
Rime ilayti mast be dark and dreary.
Tee Psoeotvit uovertrirTtov —The Conven•
tinfl in Rhode Istand,tn,fitiine,n Cnontitution,,has
adjourned, and Will moet again in Nr>vernhei.—
The folloWing is given by the Providence Jourtial,
as the _result of their labors.
The CooventSon'for framing a Gonstitutien, to'
be submitted to the people of this State;Vjourn
ed on Thoredav, to meet aTairt on thell. ray of
l'C eventhiit,-at. test Greenwich. The General As.
:tomtit' , will-be - in session at the _same time and
phicei 'and an explana,ery prsbahly he
passed before. the Constitution ; is stab m itted to the
petyfitt.: ,The Censtititthad,:ings- lie en completed;
and will be published as sonals it is revised and
engrtssecl. The following is the preamble: • I
"We, the people of the-State of Rhode Islantil
and - Providence Plantations, gratefutto Almighty
Grid for the civil and-religions liberty. which He
bath sit long permitted us to 'enjoy, and looking,
Him Air - a' blessing on our endeavors to senor e
and transmit the sarile,:unimealeed. to ailec eding
generatione, do ordain and establish this Consti.
nation of Government.'
On:the Right orSuffrage,---SofFraze is extend -
ed yond its present basis to olrinole - native citi•
e-ns ofthe United States, olio have resided in the
Staten teary, ani in ilia town where they may
offer to vote f. year:-who'nfe registered aod'hav
paid ;a tax, either personal or tor registration. df
one dollar, within the year previous, or who have ,
been eivipped and done military duty within that
time s ee tt ro-,g to law. Evert "person: who eon
tributes to the burthens of State, is thus allowed a
voice'in the election oT all officers. To vote upon,
any qnetitiort for raising it tax, or for the expena : ,
'tire of money in any town. ..A for members of the
'City Cuuncil of Providence—the_ voter, must have
been assessed on pro i terty to the value of el5O
Tne toestian whether colored persons. shall be
permitted-to vote or not,-is- left to the •people to
decide. The word -white islint la the Constitution,
butte separate vote wilt be taken at the efifielirne
with that upon tile adoption of the constitUtion•
on the rinestioa.whether it shall be inserted or not
This will decide whether , the blanks shall vote or
not, without any propetry qualification. The
[Constitution provides that they snail .vpte if pos
sessed of a freehold qualification. -
y in
A Go'o CCRUINCY.—The Mr..lntrßattalers,
alluding to the circulation 'Oat BanellpEligland
notes in New Orleans, rid iettles NON 1.01 -Severity
the doetrinss of such ,tf. our politifians as take
ground against a National Zritsrency, , and at the
same tune pursue the very course best :milcutatrd
to intrOducc amongst. traforeiirtiiittlC4per.,
- -
Disgr'r. , .
, e i e sa y s: , -.4.rhe "alio
CAd(O3l-: Cited otif
Ime otisseo, at 14 , ,
up Abe river, b e l ow
river. 220 bales of cotr ok
been thrown overbo ar d
I burg.
The .Prei. Chronicle
soloorter "Tom Form a ;
load of 'domestic gotiliSt
for Philadelphia. Them
ate beginning to look up,
New O t i,
-Duel between two /ad%
t a w s , living in the parishof
State,• fought • a deadly
p. The weapons were ti
were placed within six i n
batant's breast, and et the
simultaneous, both fell ~,
ThOWay the el7t7e . "" l u i t
shaved by some rascal or ,
nesday last, is a eautiontoil
It is now aseerained that s
in counterfeit five dollar n o ,
and Ca. Bank, were sate. :.
small sums, to the arrehto
tiers. Owing to the nil'
the annual Fair, the city,
-visitors throughout the thy,
e-rs of shese spurious billt
the-opportunity afforded th
their favors.
cutter tV .
Nones, arrived from Verse:
$700,000 in specie. -11).
The : following are the
boa's hat have been lost
time at the "Grave YarPi a
A: M. Phillips,
Horrible. Flom the..
ra: W hen- is a pound of
younger brOnches of an Iriah
it i s ma de into little Put,t.
Comfort foFeThaitioteia , ,
a negro is announced asa
tor to Ainsworth's Magazi ,
lf takes two to make t
tell it and one to listen to it.
The Creek Indians are
A neutral paper says th
ered an Aonest politician iu I
Will be !t o ld on Thurstlartte
crack M., at toy ittittion StOM $5
MINZTOIC' - J. /4.
At X. 90, Jtiarkat a t., Ideate)
-TIE Subscriber, who Ls rilre
- busbleas,..Advill allillmscol .
ea /y, fteunsaats of black, Ma
ohm*. Cloths: Vas:dittoes and '.
Flannels of all binds and enicsr,
Skins; Filot. Cloth; Mouse. de
Orleans Cloth, a splendid ailielt
1 togs, Chi nizeu r and Calicoes, a air
bleaellfd and untreached: Gins ~•
;Linen, Shawls, [Wl's, all Moduli
slaty, Stocks and Suspender.; tl.'
Cotton Shiite and Drawes, Silt
red; Satin and Merino Vrrinl
Together tif hh a full ;Assortment of
1 celoAtibhons, Quislings and Ingo;
The above Stock is well wont!
try Merchants and Faint ties, as Pt
Cost Far Cash Only. STA
Oct ki-8t No.
Now is the time sf year for -
Courgilft, t CO/111,,n11C11-flialierll, Get.
utnieted,a speedy cure eau he du
_ 110.13R1100,
which is allowed by e l who:.3T ,
remedy ever °Wore& for Coughlid
au out ward- remedy with the
an Inward appticauon, is a cerizie
the -Rhsasuitises, Gout. Colt
No ono need suffer from Hale
the above medicines, The get
Oct 15.1
Ts the Honorable the Judges'!
Sesajo 713 of tA4 FCCO. '
Of AlieettoV. -
TM- petition of C;riffith Jo
7. fownediip, in the couel
Ott; Tiilt lour petitioner nath
waterints for ttie , acconunndativ i
at Ms dweibing, house. in ttin town
that your Honors Will he pleased 0-
keep a public house of enterno ,
natter, ~as in duty bound, win pa
We, the subscribers, citizens Pf,
fLitip.ltO certify, that the a bove prig
for Wong) ,
_and temperance. 1;45
6011? e room shd conveniences for '
iCiggitig of strahgers and nava*
John Chem',
Thomas Karns,
David Burkman.
Ephraim Junes, jr.,
- -Joseph Law n,
J. P. [fora,
Aaron' Frew,
04,14-3 t
Boos Aro
rp.. Corner of Fr
'Tem proptietots of the 00101.1
Lan MANOTACTCRER repeetfll;
and the pat ran! of hoe froPe ° '
and welt ehooen assortme nt
4\ MO t'AZI 0
N eemaryl.o R /VI) lr ll o 7o
. or rvEfor v
Boots. flilio of
Bin Pots;
ls, . Wick
- . ...
filtigas S t 2
.440.1,-ShtsfAhOili. 0 11; 04 101
Iteltkil- mac
9 7
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