. ;~~(~~ 16141 V . EMI =';~~. EWE MEM . provided aridit ildeSalety le printed niktrategannilf ape yea ane est. dm.e atiedating their bnataild 14 earl, mite* Otey nne,pat sta The following sI fl iler to , sta Girard at tine Port Il i NU vl on the list have theilleptiseno parat.wil impreldlidedifeat VASNA, , XOR ARlTAN,irtt i !AGAR A, ' Du R LEAN'S, JEW , N TON, . Mg • I A nir of LYONS, CA i ALLEY FORGE, IND. ' RT PITT, GA AK W ATER, QH : PRESS MAIL, MKS LPS, BRI SPIAN, EQJ iv A, VILTR EST WIND. X '1 IZQUETTE,o § ALLEyRAND, PEN, vs;AmA, tow' 10ERO, , A GNEA ARAH ANN, muss ARRAG A N SETT. "VaLti. MAR A NTH. PI iv v• 1 UNGO PARK, OHIQ, EPTUN E, GEM DEL AI DL, J II • MIRTH BEND, GA I A RI ETTA, ME Theiraveliae community sire -fore they male a choice of a tina, pd-see whether it would not ben ndveinarity to choose 'a Safely aintige and fneight, in preference to tainst evplovion—and that = they this invention has the a . r•v vtcam engine urulerst.andthe stikieet i , and .lerested--herides a number of ten* eentlecten and otheev—all of wig e k y office, No 10. Water street, Whets ~.e.ore at all times to elhibit ary how it iafue the trouble to tail. :rp i 0 c:ADWAIL 7 . I.I7ABLE REAL WITATE The suhscrtlier offers for eale;il a mire, the treater part of his real e cities of Piriaburttb amid Altqhm. 4-4.• Warehnit. nrarly Mgr, a ; Irate oo arket tt reel I Pt -trees arinl. a front of about. 54 feet by fill 1 , -, or re . paraiely to fr.it purr llama, • . ',lvo, a selOri buildins lot le Alll6' Pa eth,hj. upward of .350 fors in , antF, one on the Pennsylvania cassati aviiingiOn ,beet. - A+.4l, ihr adjoinln: the above. IN ncavis 350 foci in depth., inendirg ^•i mansion hovee which I sow • :. k 1 , 0. :1 lot with two TOO,ori 4 0Gt . ale on the corner of SOO NOW ~:moderate ground rent, antt* , ,roord, ze 3 grorery. ALES.. -rep 10 1.4 X SEED FE.'7XTED.—K rash or `roods, a qUantily of Phi :mos , all kintlp of Country rodkia• • ~r cash or !nods al HARRIISI ' 11—if Conamtwion Wi i.glJ. it . trra TO Jno. Grier. Esq., I'Maborgiu Aaron Dart. Jame.: C. , Oran of I'd_ Jiro. D. curia... Si'Vll"' 6- Hanna, Avery. ovien 4 Co.. " J no. Woottbon rne, faq-, Sadism ATALU ABLE FARM IFOR SALT' % Farm on which 1 live. ite W'''' 1..-addocbsftetd, containing eve r n -res.:about 70 acres of enrich is - - e en timbered. Tbrre aniAnosial • t.d a -barn 63 feet by 3.4; an apple ;Is*. abt•ur seventy acres of coal. Tit < equal to that , of arty uplawd fare Terms made known on applicaikets•, - , the premises- WILLIAM M. lITILLI AM C. WALL, Plain V cad Picture Frames F,2urth Street Plttsirergilliglit , d - r.. for Artists, always on band. ' - promptly framed to order. itersai • • =t 1110111 V. Patica lar 2tletiliall paid 10 r c orteriplon. Personsfitling tip Aeass,Boats 'lciriiivantage to can. WBITE LElP.—Tige vabsedttO Zo forniF.trfaialem. dad • are pore IFltite Lead made of tbe • I.t onfvcp4l, if am soperisrlo ahP A et der *id muted to MEW 4' sco . 110 Second suvel.ll ll r. ttentied U. t reps 10 r &DIES I , l l lBHlOlditiltE om L 1 Mk St, 'lied*. rrfra 0 " t;e. Solocriber respeettsNy Wenn T. lilshorak anti vicis47 that -Of !ot Dit.itlf Shoes af tit's stsuetiel la, Here he will keep eonitlisigl , ent of all timber ladielso ll is imr ,„, end idiom Of are. ben Ardolikporin do c•-:: to snit the times He wig 1 10 I'l6'l,o' fancy oork—aillell !vers, colored galleon. 814 111 . 01116 1 - Wren's eiLldf . ri, *ilk PM* 4'x".7' in be amok at the ~Wit 'er- Ladle Ladleewiif piftie rystiosit • . • tbr cutacriber fre-Weerambli 010 . ny article is bill Thee limey "gr alV . - . - sep 10 • Dot forrettlie s, nor (MB fiarris's lategigeog* [ l 'o= Parket Street. ---.... Ver [Lusa' DIGBT bag!! 4 v lr• business ig - DegisF 4l l' - I., , erty street and 42 IMlsitiel. red A4 OO ? iman to the sossinisurfrieswil.l„ftta ft rm. for the trou iiiieral -00 0 111" _,. - lc naed to hint. in c esseitioevvited ~,,, i dl e s commove them that e 1 , s i etiilinecontistiotioa 4llM r .2l.ll :o o cimi PeCirleiV Witt Ailtir zali_e g eodo 4 Koliing,sibielt WWI , , • ' - .:,an ban bogs EVI2Z illiere., t.e wboie of thesiOelt of . Olie „ ‘ , • - " Obit:aril seise teleiveriat ... L .-4 id ,n 4, topinete, ore freli eimm...- --,4 urparilds siva. eillief is t nen of iroitilsola id i li nks sildrealiall Olt' Peonie lo I Toted is fitpinirPP usbllollo o o_ , , - riihfritw. si t . 00,4 i• big 0111 - I._NO 31' BUSHED BY Lips AD w. 11. SMITH,. R OF WOOD 4• FIFTH STS. . DriLLAg3 2 yeti, payable Is ol TWO C:ENTE--for Stile at the. end by Secrs Boys. T and Manufacturer ihr are office, on a l.milikhit IC(' Dish! , ELS a year, ia d: SIX CVO'S - et Advertising, F TwELN-r. LINFI9 00, LESK 0,50 I One month, Ci."oo (4.75 I Two moms, 46.00 1.99:1 'rivet months, 1.90 1„93 Foot months, 1(1,00 a gtoo S.OO Ez months, • .4.00 One year, 15.00 A DV EF,TI•SE St EST'S. net .1T P ILI.FrES. 1 Ton ,coarri 't P,DOI Six mon th s, ;' 5.00 1 One year, menu. in renreirt , on. .. SIX DOLLAJIF o year, OFF I Es, &c. Third het tvetn Market and Wood ro4u aoer vier. a. h door from Wood st. Peter r John V i !lock. Collector. Wood bettyren First •and Second rtram. Treasurer Tord Wert, next door to the Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasure r. •Fourth, letween Market and Wood Hay. Mayor. ,;Gr. Fourth, near Markct een Market and Wood Oreels. on Fir , e l ‘. ShIirTAITTEL2S. Aso FARMERS DE i',.3oo;• Fund.) Fourth, betwEen reel. near Wood. HOT E.t.. , . ..r.. WL;er s , rcel. near the Bridge rorner of Penn and e.g. Clair. of Th,rd and Wood. Tn. , 4 and SRO; haelii. rver of Penn 3:A Canal. I,ty t;e‘ettt::. ,r.r. File '• DI IIIrt 7 tIr Canal DS, ATTORNEY AND OR AT L re , G . Really Opprl'File. 1'001.5 10 Jotin D. Ma Iton, , t. 10 !OTT. If. D.— to t. herr , Pr, I,d Lr he-1 S1 E -, P 10 !klhr ke , and II ED: r 1 1 .1,11. al d Don - 14-51kt Ser s-& Alorneys and Dia nine A, 1,1 k tl'r t . . S - ep 10 , , 'dermas: Office norlh rn ‘V ,, 011 and S Mit hfirld ST 10 r F .flertifting PrrAgice aqtl 224 Li bert 9 S! reel Pif sep 30 DI LW ORTIL--w Glesa 'QV" a. Com Enk.zion M exchan4f, and r;tt Manufactured article:, O. WI; 110.31 , 8,40 -11roritfr of Law; p 1(1 MIMEO R VW. \ Iwy I.b serrer.- , 10 I let Slret:S. atKlve U. Lloy: Cr., sPp 10 k 741 , r.1 . 01 - 1 . 0 . q.t•r Iron Front of . Work p • orP P , I y FV.ANCIS 1.. V.".1 - NG CSIG & CO.. Futn,ture lial‘d -Ft A- Emrtinw:f. A l!e3 Fur,r;, -, ,!' fine II , 0 ,a;!. ,allFse4 ua.vy a nd rrire rrrr•red /6()ctiou-e Mal 11 cured and for non rbarip he.be do 16A 1C No t. Fifth st ,11 1 .1 p . y of Lao& Fresh RU -0,1,1 d.ffrPni variPties of Turnip d fir sale at a E.DrCIED PRAtrs at the F L. SNOWDEN. . T.P.Prty ref t. !mad of Wood. ; , ,, , dr , ttope Manufaclo nu:: ti . nett drn - , to Ito' U. Sidles -lia. and Satin Shoes made in nn by 10 , newest French patterns. t - LTICAUI.CIS. In lots topuit lavr`; 10 le disp‘..,- - ed of by F. L. Sti()WDEN, . 184 Ltheriy nrees, Aped of Won,:. g, Mowers and Mower See& o 1 e►- , a, can always be had at the Drug F. L. SNOWDEN. - 1114 Liberty street, twad of Wood. Annifat Mammoth Onion Feed, for and teed Fiore of F. L- S.NOWDEN, 18-1 Liheriy streeA, head of Wood. V JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, iast received by P. L. SNOW DEN', N o. 1 `,..e4, y head air Wood st.. t 5.1 111.4 of Hoes. Fancy Spades Tr00.e17., Edding Tools. Daddies t`rogitng,4 Shears, ete., jrna re- P. L. SNOWDEN. stteet, head of Wood. in.treeetved a Mali Stip .lre ea Venison HMS, on retail eat money. ISAAC 13 kftillS. Agent and Corn. Merchant Witt Fred, Orckard Grass and cis Grass, always on hand and for 1%4 Ltiben L. SNOWDEN. F. reel, head of Wood. AN AN, Artoraffi gd Last, off= ',e b‘anwtia, to -Attoraey'sitow." l'eAueell Markel and Wood step 10 BLAMES, for proreedirms iti the tate law, for sale at this Office. on the North East corner of Call street_ Apply to AHLLNGTON, Markel. seas 411 *tab's Preach dept Beet iffeed.jost for tale at the Drag end Seed F. L. BNOWDEP4 184 tabeny Street, head of Wood. ' OF PARTNERSIIIP.—Tha heretofore exhatn . WIL , EN/AMIN norEwsu.isthisiky mint. Wiltl Digby is autliticised f tkfe hria is seuling op the hadaess WIT.LIMI EMMY." SU/. TOPOWELL ..7.:.' . -7..;,',',,i; at.g, I A IP' field, ism. .1**04,0:0041 was; se, 111 - ' Pyrtsipeas. lOUNBTON4 81tatiertrrfiGtels Ind aN Rw tic liwritet Ot.. Imp 10-14 TWIN ANEMRSOIK . Water st. 0 aear the Meascosallabelifldiwfittaturalt. aeplo-0 LIEONARD S. JOingS. AM:tsin,SLClair street. - 1-1 COad door neliD Ui!M• Amp 10-17 DL S. IL MUM. 90 5 ice is Seeoad ,tract, ant door ld to shisliy IXIa Maur Warehouse sep 10-117 QifiMltt 4 1 ' IPMAAY. Mummy* . at Lavr,rourthst.. areirribeltlafriee, PUtsbergb. liep 10431 TWO. ti A 311.1.1i05. Attorney at Law.:1 1 11th.bettmlii Wood at fesehblield sep 10-17 HUGH TON EL Attorney at Law. North *tact torner of Staithfiehi and Fourth streets. sep 10-17 THOll72O$l N.,11131.11 JAMS TISIIISCLIL HANNA 4• TURNBULL'S Paler Warehouse. 104. Wood Bt., wberanny be hal a general supply of writing. wrapping. printing, Will paper, blank books, school books, 4-e. 4-e. sep 10—ty C. TOWNSEND CO.. jrue R ..ifensfaersrers, girket tweet. between t.d and 3d Are*. dee 10-114 WCHANG • HOTEL, Comer of Penn and St. Cinir streets., by it• al) 10—ly IG lIETAL.-71 ions soft Pie Metal for rate by J.G.3j A. GORD3N No. 12 Water street; 3,000 LBS. B ICON HAMS. 16.000 Its. Bacirre Shoulders, for see by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, N 0.12 Wafer street,: TA s. P A TTERSOSr, Jr.. Birmingham, near PittsherOh, Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and BONS: Tis. 'Gran, Feller. Mill and Tinibel Screws;fiousen Screws (or sop 10-13% TORY MICLOSKEY. Tailor and Cleibier. Laber.y rd , tn reel, between Stith and Virgin alley, South side. gP p 10 W BUSBRIDGE 4- CO., Wholesale' Grocers and e." Cronamilion Merchants— Second street, between Wood and Smithfield Fti , -, Fitt'sbnr,th. seplo--15, G A. GORDON. Commison and lAorerarding a • MerchattF, Water St., Pittsburgh. rep 10--ly [TA M S.--4 casts hams, a good article, reeeived per :S. Ij B Corsair, and for talc by J. G. - A. GORDON, Pep 10 No. 11, Water street_ IMIIIIIIIIII ' I IL7G A R hl OI,A SS hhds New Orleans $n kJ far; E 0 bbls New Orleans Molase; few sale by cep to J. G. k A. GORDON: SI3G A ft.-7 hhdt prone N. 0. Sotar, re:risk pet S. P. Maine. and for sate by J.G. 4 A. GORDON: set) 10 No. It Water street BACON C ASK S in order. on hand and for sale by 1.)43 sep 10 J. G. 4- A. GOB DON, No. 12, Water at Q,UO A 13. AND 11101.ASSES.-13 bbds and 4b` N .1C 0. Priam r. 3...ti.lits N.O. SI olasses..7, received per Sleanritoat In , porirr, and for sate by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, Fen 10 No. 12. Waikter sa reel 13EL.S. LAIW 01 f.. f,,r sale by C. A. F' HNF-QTOCE 4- CO.. sell 10 cornrr of fit h and WoodOF. 16it_ 31 PA PERS Germantown Lamp Mle Mart for . rair by . A. FA fIIVESTOCK * C 0.4 corner of &blued WoodOIP, ‘) / fin LBS Prepared Ctraqr. for vale by ... owoll l ls B. A. PAHNESrocK k CO. MI 10 corner of BI b an 4 Wood Os DILWORIII / 10 314V.R..-414 1 o Go. a" do. PtinL9ln otasJ:es„ for ... le hr Fep 13 BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, ArC.— be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good pzi iier,and in lheforms approved by he Couri,foraale 7,‘ l!;r Offire of the Mercury and Democrat. " nep 1 1 173 f . HEBBARD, Ladies' fashionable bons and ,aoe M a nufactu ter. No. 101, Third vreet. between 1V nod avddotithheidstreets,Piits.urah sep 10 h. , - N. Ki.•N NLIBr CH.MASTER, AT'ENEV. AT LAW, -1 . 1341, , removed his office to the corner of Fourth Sl r*.rl a nrl ' iirrry Alley, between Smithfield and 'Grant C F Ist - Aire:, ter. 10 FOR RENT.—Thedliveiting and lot containing 4 acres, in Ailegheny, near the Beaver Boad,lately Mr. Sacrioael Church. Apply at he Merchants and Manoractuners" Bans, to W. H. DENNV. DAVID SANDS, 14 AWE( At. CLOCK. MAKER" Na. 95, Market street, Pitts , - burgh, between Fifth 211 d Liberty ,t rees:, DE.-3LER IN W.STCRES,CLOCKS.BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CE-.9/XS, KEYS, COMBS, Arc. stp 10 LANDRETIPS GXRDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of handle' h's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drugstore of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street. bead of Wood. DR. DAVID WARD her hM office and •residence on Fourth St reet,nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from nen street. He will faithfully attend alt calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep JO IF) r.mov AL —Matthew Jones, Barber and flair D rftit• rr, has removed to Fourth street, ohlmsile 'Be 11 ar riffiee, where he will he happy ,lo.`wait upon permanent ur transient customers. Be suliciisa share of public hat sep 10 7M. A. AVA RD, DENTIST, Peon - at. three V below Irwin street. Boors of business. from g, u n til .; T. K., after which time he will attend to no one except ib MISES of atioal neevisity. fle would igniter inform those who nay think proper to employ him, that be expects inimedta::ralmet s t•witb° 6l - the necessity an his part of sending in bills. Volt le JOHN 311"FARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet at _kr—ter, Third st. berweew Wale 4- ifterket streets, respectful jar-wens his friends and the public that be is prepared to execute ail orders for Sofas. Sideboarda,,Bil reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Cattail's, Carpets, absorts of Upholstering worn, which he will warrant equal ,to any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, Ns. 110 Word Street, Pittaiargh..—R. A. Ransoms, Auctfoneer and Commission Merchant, is not prepared to receive and sett all kinds of Goods and Merchandise, at his large and capacious swots, No. 110, North 'Eats Corner of Wood and Fab Streets, Pittshorzh. Regular sales of Dry Goods. Furniture, Grocerlei and other snicks, on Sleedaysaud Thursday of each Week. Hardware, Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fumy articles, en Tuesday, Wednesday. and Thursday evenhip. Books, 4c., every Saturday drain=. Liberal advances made on Constantests when wanted. Rarganiums. Messrs. John D. Davis. Beg, I " Bagaley 4. Smith. I " Hampton. Smith, 4. Co-. I " P. Lorena 4. co-, I - J. W. Botioridgm 4 Co.. I . 13. !!'flee 4. co. I " Capt. James M'CougHt. } ritlailitrei " C. s itonsen. ems. I , 1 " Jona Mlsaildert Bag. I, .• Logan - k Memedy. - - - . • .. J. H. Moorbermtk Cai- ~ i .. ha. P. Bihar% EMI. - '- - 1 - kgsdeat,l6lalwarAmw _ ~i . , ,z, , l• i 1 •• Capt.. Jaw. May, McVay, lima, if Co., ... Willisma 14i/tits/A.- - - - - tillini4AlWlre *. . CO-IllentlY . , • - am..14641111111448e' .." ].G. A. GORDON. No. 12 Water street ime4l,4, alpd.),,_ co SEMI TITT$01•11,. - OT'; : F',9*sciiieutr Begiver rim - Sc .Triestaigeislissitsst : Criinritruljrn, SAM' 11.E.111.1111.L. Alkster• H AS clnill eiwa b" h regur trips, sad vitt! disi tyisliStutdaysexce,steil.) :Leave Seaver a(3 duct A. 10., leases Pittsburgh at 3 o'ckieric Y. COIF . sects at Sestrer with the Pennisfhlassk ma Ohio Line ef Fire 4kl. and Packer Canal boats betimes Reaver, and Cleveland DAM, and Greene - lite. Penanylvaala. Leaves Beaver deify at 6 o'clock P. This Roe-connects settle two deny Roles or: the Pennsyliiiita anal eo Pbriat‘eLs. pia, w:tb toe New York amid Obits *neon the ',brie canal, and New york and 'Ohio fine 'And COSS earred„ al.: so with steam freight and pae boats, beige • and ellooners,on the Lakes. the_ prorarietorsor ibjewell known Rne' will be PreParrd on the *Peeing Of eallVt: lion to tram:port merckaadise to any of tbe intennedi, ate portion the Pennsylvania sand Obi°, and Ohio is sa* to any port on Lake flee. and the Upper LoknNto and from New York City sad Ptilladelpbta. McClure Dickey, Beaver, Pa., Cubb Wormer* Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., PITTSBURGH MEP - ELAND • LINE. aSHBTEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, W. B. BOLES. Natter- RUNS daily (Sunda, a exeeptedj between PITTS. BURGH ¢ BRAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. NI. and Pittsburgh at 2. P. M. preeiiled with Evanes Safe ty Gogrri to jrreatat Explosion of Boilers. This spleodidand fast mains Steam Boat hattjuat men eouiple; el expressly for this trade, sad runs la onneetionerith . CLARKE 4 cis Pittsen4A and Cleveland Live uf FREIG.SITAXD PIISSAOR BO.ACTS, de/7y to Cleveland, Oki,. Or down the Ohio canal to M3Siiloll, kw. and Erie Es. tensio• Lisie loGreenville. The Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the imagism., conducted en the mo•t prompt and economical system. Having a coaster, tion with the, Pennsylvania Canal Linen to Philadel phia and Baltimore; and Ste enhoals running down the Ohio river;almo, thinnigh our Agents at Cleveland, with C. H. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake VefOrlf, and the Troy and Michigan add Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we art prepared for the transpottatiim of Frriebt to and Dow all points on the canal, the lakes and the Riv-. 7. r. or the Eastern cities, at prieesas ow as any other line. A poly to G. N. Efisrtyst, No. 55 Water si, or at Steam. boat Itlichigan'i Landing. Pittstargb- Clarke k Ca:Beaver. Hatt ard 4- Wentiteriee, Warren. Wieder ¢ Co. Akron: Thew Richmond * Co. Cleveland assraa To J. R. Wick 4- Co., Greenville; W. C. Haien, Sharon, R. W. Conainettam. New Castle, John 'X irk, Youngstown, John Campbell Newton Faits; Campbell ¢ Mille r. Campbelletown; Babcock J- Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D. Rhodes, Franklin; H. A. Miller ¢ Co.. Cuyahoga Falls; Weisman 4- Whitehead, Massillon; Gordon Williams. 4- Co_ Detroit; Kinn!, Davis 4. Co., Buffalo; Cowing, Richmond, Williams 4- Co.. New York. sep to FF1111(4131( —No . 121. Cerise sr troodand 'reit . Streets, Pittabs.rrk,, has on hand s complese•st sortinereoir tanceossrasse misted To the city or country trade. Also. *tholes peteetton of pins white and gold hand DISIVG AND TEA W ARE, in large or mail sets. or separate *ems to snit parebssera. - - A cask of 46. 60. ar 84 piece sets, superbly painted Ana Ain gl , gll/43 Celina Tailrace, at very low prirea. Toy Tr;iiirotrz t ,pl24o,.aiiii rich painted hod gill, Crain 111)(Ite1540 Chitdreierlitaltofevnro White China Shavins "dors. Granite Dining al d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed in bine and Mack. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast imported to match. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Grern Glass, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every Size. Patent Rackets., Tabs and Reefers. Stone Pipe Heads. *c. *c. Ail of, which are 'respectfully offered to the pub_ tic on the most favorable toms. Jan 26, 1642-1 v AJ. FOX ALDEN .Btterwey asd cowasencr at • Lay. cfr,, his nrofez,sional services to the cit.- izoths of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of pablitpat ronaze. Ile will executr! an kinds cf writing with neat near and dispatch. Cases in hank ropicy attended to on reasonable terins.—Olftee to Smithfield street, at the house of tr. Thomas O'Neil. to whom he rKers. sep 10 Cashier DAVID CLARK, Ag't. reashiosalle Boot Naker,— /Itts removed to No, 3d Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou'd be happq to see his old customers, and all other who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate street, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention tobusiness, he trusist hat he will deserve and rEctive a fair share of patronage. sep 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, 4- CONFECTVNARY.— A, Hanker m.perefatly informs his frieads and the public that they can always find the best quality of -fee Creams. tosether with at: kinds of - confectionary and fruits, in their season, at his establishment—Ka 11. Fifth street, between Wood and Market_ N. B.—Panicsupplied on the shorinrt indite, with oranything in his line. Akio families furnished with Bread. sep 10 JOHF B. GIITEIRLE, Auctioneer and Commis sion Merchant,..les_lo6,csever of wood it 31//A. ifs. PitLetbsrek: Having. beenappoinied one of the Auction eersfot the City of Pitsbargh. tenders his services to job bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed to make trial of this market- He is prepared to make advances on consigamenis of ail saleable coinmodhies. and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sides, and speedy fond favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided. to him, shall be adequately protected. he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise ..enenaliv, the sirvices of Mr. S.' tateXl, Famarmcz heretofore advantageonsfy known, db an importer sad dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom S permanent engagement is made. ftsvga. .ro Messrs. B. Tiernan, ?real- of M. ¢ M. Bank. • Darlington a• Peeks, • RobertGahtray, • James M . Cooper, James May. • R.B. Riddle, } Pittsburgh • Wm Robinson. Jr: Pres't 44. of Exchange Bank. • Basepton,Banitir„ 4- Co., I • Jobs D. Davis, • Baum& Church, • J. AL Illoorbesd, Jas. W. Brows 4-Co. • John B. Itiours..4 Co. • Smith 4- It matey. • 'Tastily* it-swers„ John B. Middle, Jobs Dataell. VVANIPS CAMOMILE PILIALLB.—ABRA LA HAM I. CLEMES, meting as 86 Mott sweet. New TWA, was *Meted web Ispapepaia in he west apgpavatei form. The symptom were violent testi ache,' real debility. fever, "voativiewsa. vest*. heart. Dare, pais to the chow:sod soneach always after amkg, Impaired appetite. sersation Of Watts; at the vowel* farmed tow?, 'own, with frepaeat oosistam Median usininbi night and weakwess. These had roattaseA ep wsad of a' twelversealb, when. osi eooastdat TW.VVIa- Memo. i(so(Mathaaa scree{; Mid edbisl sbs it to ever saeosafpftratagnsilde wade ei twataeta. OW ;West aria aolaprowtoseitti b shb<iw thtehowit apawsof I wiamootti,flit ;Wend forth° tacalealable beaelle Illtoiathy nesseibl awl mstasteemithi alaiwaitaie -Pot AMlN!Yholegic ssi MesaH l , • ,== Itar'iMiLlAMMl r Ageat.: ' 111,30.1P*040111001019 flair ) ES] Proprietors. , JANES' A. YEAZY. Ater/. No- 60 Water street., T. J. Fax ALDEN- f Flo ER _l5; 1842. D. ,„0 egrell 4 Wall Pima* rime ? ate strongly lecotaniended to the notice of lbe Uallies-ffira safe *rid efficient remedy la siestonin Incereixras4inte pecnitaito tbetr sex. front want et es ciente. or *keret debility of the system, They p(nrjApa enstireoettortad estinteract all Hysterical and Nersoos elfertiorc Tbfte Pill* nava dented the inasetbill'fris* appristratios of Mesons* entinest Pfityslass4 la tttttliti ltd many Mothers. Parade Wbelande *ad arson, bT it. E. fIELLEHIS. Aetna. sept. 1.0 fin; 20. lffitiod Bisect, bellow Hamad. lig. ADAIR, Bat aaiSkiii.lfater, lAsotyr so, opliajzo tea haul of Solithilair-irt., Pitiaierjrl6-• Tie autbsertler baying boopid eau tee stet* of the late Thelon lbaerty, demo* Iris testmeseed 100118408 to the old *and of and To -prepared to execute despritialm tiork ii hie Hos, la the beat anumer and pa the ettoriesCoeptice. Selma*. comas ally ett baud *large samaimeet ofahoe findings of SI. dtwartpdoos sad oftbe fesdloatity. He aoliella the pattoom of the =b ite sod iifibe croft: Wjlf. ADAIR. - mewl& - . . 1311117SOURGH BiLliniFACtOitY.--81friir* ass dats for Comes :at /Eastern Prism. The sakeeriberi asanniiirture and 'keeps tonitantly an band trkillab.c and Eliptie Springs (warranted,) Josiah tree :Asian, Saver and Brass 'dated Daab Prawns, trans , plated :Hub Bands. Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Wirer• and lbws Limps, Three fold Fteps, Malleable Irtin,Dont Handles and Hines. &e.. Ire. JONES & COLEMAN. fa_ Clair at— near e I z. t„. D.SBZLES.II, 31. JD, office and dwelling in Fourth. • sear Ferry meet. sep 13—ly LOOK AT 'rests Theallention .ftbsre who Moe been 'ponteartort seep. Seal in:refentwee to the aninermes certificates published In fiver OM- Swayne's Compound-Syrup of Wild Cher +s t en amend of the persons being nalreowa in this sec iien of the ; State. ts respectfully directed to the following eertifiesth,the writer of which has been a citizen of this honm...ll*mserend yeank,,ared is knots n as a gentleman of Int evity, and responsibility- Te the draft, Mr. J. Karr: havelase4 . Dr. Swayne's _Comp and Syrup. of Witt Cherry Ihr haste+, with which I have been severely at DitLabout four months. and I have no hesitation is twins' *that it lathe mesa effective medicine that I have been abielo procure- It composes all iraellMilOG.ll, nod agrees wait with my diet,---and menials:l , a regular and good appetite. I tar freely recommend it to all others similarly afflicted. J. Borough GlmothersVe- Biatchfl.ll34o- sup 23 For saisby WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market greet. FRUIT, S HADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES , PNaMat decimaa of procuring Pratt, Shade. and Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Philadel pbs erfirekr York, are reque4ed to stake application as cos as pimtrible, at the Dyer and Seed Store of lha ecilbet, iithere can he had catalorolett, yratnitonstc„ of the await met:Meat .rarieties. F. L. SNOW - DEN, xp 21 No 184. Liberty m reel , head of Wooe CANMON, SHOT AND SHELLS.—Brcir..ic or Dung- N.A.kVit ace ilrnstoctaiketor, 3d Septenacc. 134.1. • Sea' led froposats will he received at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, r, Rt. of the 15th October next, for furnishing and delieering.,iu the propthrtiow, and at the places here in designated, the followingmumber and description for Cannon,fhot and Shelts,for the Naval Service of the United *nee, via: Thirty-eight ineb Paixhan grins, of about 53 cwt. each. Seventy thirty-two pounderransof 41 ciwt.i4l4 upwards, the precise welght of each to he de termined, hereafter. Five handfed eight inch 'shells; Three hundred eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand • thirty-twp ponndcr shot- DeliseraliTs as &Yams: Melanin Palshan gnus I Deliverable at - 28014110 in. shells' - t gACl:rtrs Har i 100eintlin. nefridsllnt } bin, N- V., on Ili) Ihnly two pounder grins lor before the 4-500 tbirtytwo pounder shot . 1 15th ?day nest 10 eight in. Paixhanguess i Deliverable at I isoeitihf in. STIPP, I Refill., N. Y., •.-.440 stn. solid shot _ , }on or before 25thirly two pounder gnns I the 15th May 2„fiVothirry•two pounder shot J nen. 10 eizht in. Paixhan guns . 1 Deliverable at 150 eight in. shells 1 Erie Penna. 100 eight in .sond shot on or before N thirty-two pounder gong I the 15th May 3,000 thirty two pounder shot j next. The proposals most state dill i Deity the rate per ton {of twenty-two hundred and forty pounds). for the guns. and the rate per pound for the shot and shells, deliverable as shove. alllo he subject to,and undergo such proof and in spection.as this Bureau may deem proper to authorize; and none will be psid for that shalt not pass such in ' spell ion as mar be entirely satisfactory.. Bonds. with two approved sureties, will he required in i one third I heeslimated amount of the contract. anti ten per centum nf the amount of all hilts - will be retained as collaterzl security for the faithful performance th. - -reof. whirl, will be paid only on the satisfactory completion of - the contract; and ninety per centum oral! deliveries will tie pail on bills properly authenticated, according to the provisions of - the contract, within thirty days after their prpgamtalion Intim Navy Agent. Theorem nuts' state at wlciti ricy the contractor may desire payment to be made. , Draw-kr/sof - the guns will ne fa i from this Bu reau. and they taint be east and finished to conform to -them in every respect. No hot blast metal is to be used, and the shot mast be east In sand moulds. rep 12 11114 A BELE M ‘BPFACTORT.—Patrirk Casettetd re sivvittilly acquaints his friends and public evil erally, that he hascotameneed the 3larble tumbe at the corner of ?Mb and Liberty sts,where will be constantly onhand, tomb stones, mantel pitimi, monuments, head and foot stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every article appertainirm to the business- He will warrant his work to be well done, and his charses , will be moderate. Be respect Cully asits a shari of public patronage- sep 10- TAM A. IFICAZgY. Formardissr gad Crarmissions ellP -Urea/mt., Agent for Steamboat Cleveland and Pennsylvania and Ohio Line. Having rented the ware house formerly occupied try Birmingham Co— N0."60 Water Street, between Wood and Smithfield, is prepared to receive and forward goods L to any port cut the Ohio or Mississippi river on reasonable terms. rep7o Portable natstwat stabs as wheels, to Otitis - 2,500 Hos at 1155.00. . . . .• do do do do. L 005211345 00 do .do • - do 1.500 as 35 00. do do - do • do 1,000 at 90 00 do • -do do do 500 - at 25 00 Witittoisiog kissers an addition *133 to each:wale. rheostat sailed for the gee of Warehouses, Flowing. Milit4e.4lbOotase prima is aboire. ! • ' - Also,Whise% rateat Coasts! Scale, with 0. teen'', Sod a variety of - other " boaster ashy which they wait sag for Root ffro - $l5. _ • ?bey ako rosin Woes for Flooring 4duts. : glow 11111h6.-galt adds !ood mute - geared slide lasies,lbot sod other lathes foe 'resod hantiog oe>tWihs for lessistehig• sodOask.toassidoes. 800 ..patesit lOW* propisroldth - orttibuit the ins soadkimeN - a.amperio" "'Ankle. dont*. sow. !. *eft - tivieldoti - ..for CialW tad teidseral!dertOptkiis.atio.fibrasktig , 1 0 4 40 1 rt-. • 0041,141PR04-0 9 10 9 .0 1 40 , 0100. 0114 a.l -owl! .1, • arXrll-`- , 110W*! 41001110 _ PROSPECTUS - For pailiaku' ez a mess Drib riper ia Calty if Ma . _ _ PAKY NoRNING POST /ME Sobecriben , basing Ustie - arraegenests to merge }be Amish*. illatutEtieterer and Pktsborgh tierce into one Journal, Jame concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the POW, Jifornivz rust. ;The Fendieg object olftbetd*rn wilt be titiaterodate tips nod deem* of the political priociples that have bert ha:se been inalitained toy the editors, in their respective paper:, and their best *fasts win still be devoted to the ad! Bement aid once* of thee doctrioes. Although, in Potither., the paper aril be Illompnitly democratic, yet the 'Editors, hope.. by giving as tautest, outdid Motor, of Okthir Milled events. Pomba sad Domestic intelliereee; nithelej nollices of aft Mat tersest oononrces that coarse property - Within timeshare era Public !ousel, to matte their papet sulfrclenDy in cresting to eatttle it to thnipitionage o(tbe pane, it respauhre ofparry,t omblefunktes. itraddition ter the luditical and general news that will be felled le lbe "utirit. ilhet, l rtiat :raison will take pains to hutiltAt . - the twebtewm 'esansiteity with the taunt and Ilia* Inttninthqg Cosourectat. Inuat.ta mom from all amats of the tostotry, and to have prepa red Puck aceounDraCilieWatireta and the State of Trade as will be adean,talhif:Pits. - 111intbauts and Basiners Nen In their MiemadtrM - ' Terra. ThilWWOßlttkinhfinhadire a large itelleri al sheet of Sae paper, paann(atlared especially for this Joann!) at Ile! uouvually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per anntra, payable in advawee. it will also be sold by newsboys at the low rate tit TWO CENTS a eopy. .divertiarawata wilt be isperted at the Jowl:at late; cluir7d, I lby the ether daily papers at the city. $-TWENTY active huh are wanted to veil the Past, who will be enased os the most liberaitertas THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH.- Almost 31. 1844- ' •• • • tit , f OLD - MTA SLIMED ROFIGRANT OFFICK, 60.61 SOUTH STREET, hißlif YORK. Jrse Yorkand Liverpool Orisemercial Line i' Packets, Siam: *sally.— TbeSateseribernronld respectfully inform:l . 2ooi muttons residing in this country ere d es irous for sending Ibr their friends to!enne ont front the old country, that he continues as usual to make-engagements by which pas sengers are brought out en very moderate terms, in First tlarn Ships, salting from Liverpool weekly, and isould asure persona desirous of coming by the above Line,, that as agents of first respectability are engaged at Li 'triton', there will be no detention whatever at that point. ae fs 2.150 prepared at all fitness° furnish Sight 'Nall! for any amount to assist in repariny, patameest I* the voyage, payable throughout the United Kiugdout,ard to case the parties agreed for should decline coming out, the passage money shall be refunded without reduction. For further particulars apply It by letter to GREAT S iLEOF EE.INSYLVA NIA LANDS, 4 - c.. BY A ucTioN.--iirili be sold by 'Politic Auction, without reserve. for cash. to close the concern, attbe Hall of the Marlborough Chapel, is Boston, on Tuesday. the Court! day of October, next, commencing at nine of the clock in the forenoon, All the property of the. United States Laud Company catmint. ine of Ottani 140.000 Acres of good and well watered Farming and Grazing and veryvainahleThnher Land, lying in Jeffer son, McKean and Clearfield counties, in the Slate of Pnartsylvania—on parts of which there is abundance of Coal. Lime and Iron Ore,and many Mill seats; And of Ciaims against !sundry persons for land sold tying in said counties, that are considered good. And or Stock and Tools on a Farm in the township of Bradford, in the county et McKean, in said State of Pennsylvania The land wilt be sold in lots to suit purtigamrs, con taining from about 120106'000 acres. Further particulars will be made known at the vale.or on inquiry of the subscriber. at No. 12 Long Wtrarf— of Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants• Row in Boston—or of either of the Trustmsof the said 'United States Land Company. IT. B GRIGGS. President of the United Stater Load Ca Boston, A uptst 20,1840. lip 10) BY Co. London, for sale only by 74. 'Wickersham, cornPr of Wood street and Virgin alley Yillsborgh Ye. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Penns, ivania. sea 10 FARM FOR SA [.B.—Fite undessig lied offers km sale a tract or land si•tuatekl 4 miles from Freeom In the direction of Kittanning,. Baffaio • townithip, Armstrong county. containing, 100 acres, R 5 cleared and under good fence; 10 of wilier, are in meadow— a good Noire log dwelling boost and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of BO bearing trees—and a spring of excellent ewer convenient to the bonne- FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the Sattmorlcti on the Pennsybrania Cana!, 1 mile above Free port. sep 10 r) THE WISE.- r it is now well andemood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure aeon a due attention lo the body. It is cow understood how valuable is that medicine which wilt remove morbid accumulations without wakening; the bodily power. it is now understood that there - 1A a reciprocal influence be. tween the mind and the body. it is now understood that purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a mekan choly, and even insanity is cured by perseveringly using them: It is now understood how much domestic happi ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. it is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have cured thousands of bopelt and helpless persons, even when the first physicians bad pronounced them beyond all human means of relief.. it is now not only well 'known that the Rrandreth Pills so ears, but it is allsonta- Bertrand liow they care; that it isby their purifyingefleet on the blood that they reStorelbelsoily'to health. Tim value rif the mediCine is becesnitig woreand more nranifeat,it is recommended daily from family to family. The Erandreth Pillsreseive in an almost imperceptible manner an noxious accumulations and purify andinvigo rate the blood,Mid their good effects are not cowaterhalan aol by any Incomentetio hts ll maimed 4 !lnliells "or vegetables they do not esmue those whip We them .lo daner,Taud theirelfectshre as certain' as tIMY are salu tary; they arc daily and sandy. admiuhdersd 10 hilhou. snub; manbeed, and old amend to women is the most esitieal and delicisteelremerstanees. .Theyrio am* Mai* or Shock the animal funetiona, but restore their order , L and establish their health. improved Kay /factored be ar Maebint between nti street, two Bait, Pitts tfactore and the follow composed of metal): to. 1; Port Platform Scales on wieio, weigh 3-501 . tads" *6sr &Mat Dr. Braadrethh Odlce, He. 98, Weed street, Piltdburub. 'Prira 35 tests per box. wits boll dire boas. MARK—The say plate is Pitisbergb wlteredwittew bee Pills can be obtained ! , is tht Loetaesewa dike. No. 98 Wood street- asp IA E. Tata d. tespeetfidly Warn the vitt- JLP masa Tittsbuttalle wed etebilty.tbstlatbas velure ed to the ; city. He boyar to abate the eawfaleorne sf his forwer . patream sad the public yelinooy; and sollefta a renewal *fa portion af Oteir warnwage. fir ecwiteriew be would rdwerve, that the opewatou of Litbotray. rar breaklag the stow to tlat bladder and tllluwias it to Paw of with tbeitible.) is evary "rime eoutotaidtad the deep est bitereat.'::Hi bopes toe:dead tbelleaeit oftbk branch o f hit Platrataas to the editeleL, -Stream%Dbeara of the Itladilee aadVidoem—whieb socaskotaft &Mawr— will,bllawriLiebebrilatbankat. • ' Time . how a - Arbil* wish* istormationa trill apply wartwoally or by haler. arit-dolired eialo aecanwedsted atlas dal Atm. la a_ retired pert at Ow at." ty, oo Th ird, between' rierry sad Land- ats. 10 ~tITZ,la& rakeertk , Mraok *Pi age mid &MO meet sad flesiew in iseists. bolt, 21Tills, GUNS IfilpHsetestft inforso 1161 =swims and -„ 140 .0 16 ° 11 usbisi Issismor - sassai bre sod tlissiee , -.tor - 11,14*40 ea JOHN HERDMAN. Na. 61. South street, New York. JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK. At !bp Walmboase f I. FIZIIIISO. No. 24 Waller street, Pillsburgb. Pa. W 31.4. PHILIP BAKER. , ji-ii -00111110.: izzai I I '7' ICE TWO CIE, tt is painful indeed to the reflissild„ while perusing the English - j aisle outaid forced to know that thousands' ttil% beings are in a state of starvation „ most wretched misery, in a land too ,;_44 1 0.. ing of its superior institutions„lattn, industry, and national powers." I TI4 something railicalli wrong soniew produce such sad results. The;meats of the Collieries shows that hernelf,ll4- ings are degraded to a conditionthat tt_iett!e civilized man sicken end revolt it ifile4iit, .. they are hell-pits,' where lowest islet"- ity to which human nature can ftdl„- o tiniy still sink deeper,into obscenities so diSigne dog it i s unfitting for pea to trace. -'' Opprension the most grinding meet 'be the cause, for 'human nature never trOluns Easily chooses to contradict and des)slatilt self. The almost nothing the colhers 're - s cetved for this revolting sacrifice of :nll shame and decency, was not Oren = 611 to ensure them - that scanty pittance which they fingered out a *wring 1i,,-. : even of that-they are Dow deprived, ain a substitute for thii beasilly!abor. de_ w l 14'e obliged to wander about and beg,; rotti lir Carve. Such aretheir alternatives, Ind wtuchthey will ehocum, where ehrmsadmiy it is not difficult to su,.aid :riort will4likelpbe their Ate.%WM* van his the - use but special and privileged h and what-otherlegistatien can he expected as fruits, groWing 4 nut of a special idd privileged form of governmentAdmi. ed when in harmony with itself, by ilia for a small minoriv of aristocrata, oaprin eiples dissonant to any general geodt--7 Contrast that countity with this, in poke' prosperity, 'happiness and age. ausery and starvation there stalking - through a hind of*Palaces sod Poor Houses,' iike a giant nurtured anti refnmhed at the bosom that should _have poured its gratdM 'Milk into.the mouth of her-Bums:ling Ohildreitt, intread o' wasting' it upon the altesaphhit ted and ovar-fed cOrsnorants'of the Lad.— That a .peopleof antiquity, who It:meat - tie down to us wi h their own history, Awing groans of wrongs and oppressions at ealiy step. if the identical wrongs tif the was removed, it only gave plata Ili' a. stronger wrong, -which wrought its dui age to the people 'most successfu. mot* its enormities were best concealed; aid was only in name when discovered, sad that never without the effusion of bkawl. , That history-shnws but the history oft& - fabled hydra. of whose malignant liteliont and of many heads,thecuuing off of after of -which "produced two—a double :d i.to his victims—which triumphed over At that attacked him, until the Beroules„ h justice on his side, and power in his arm; slew the reptile -monster. Though the one be fab:e, the ems* at tested fact, sealed by the blood and team and, groans of millions of man's best race. _Ant strange as it may seem in presence ofitihtb,' and stubborn, infleaible,undyingfacts, seam men of that country, and of this um. take. much pride to themselves, with the boya -that slavery doea not exist in -England, and: that man's condition is much ameilesseed,; and his rifts appreciated and enjoyed to an equal extent w i th Americans. ilukve' ,, whonjoy the sweets of talsehonli, find a-solace to their taste in this. But the colors are too much like Meek, to be believed, white. There the smithery,. the paid cutthroats of their race, use put in. moue% armed to the teeth with all the in- ; struments of death. that - the inventive guffaw of man, stimulated by oppressors v can con trive and form, to beat back or inachee,, those knocking at the store-housesief plen ty ;for tread - to satisfy tha cravings 's( nature,. Are there such heart-Tending :scenes in dthr vilified anti abused land of 'happiness and Are starviutt xiticibs hare, matching in pursuit of sumethug tweet, pursued by weft:fed so'diet, w slay them for tbe_crim* of bunged Does the great class of per ty-makers, and bread-growers hese, 141E4 Letween the sure death of famine on one -side and the muriletims soldier on the mit+. err Nothing like it. Our crocodile spec:r-- nlators way dro ..ro themselves intim& fected tears of distress, .but 4be neat gel* fiend they have prayed to so Wi g. will eag er come here while he can find prey sal much more plenty in other quarters.llo,l country is young and the pimple happy; while in that old country, where the pains and industry of, the people Amid; ere this, have Made it one beried-sp utittental garden, following with every comfort and luxury, discomfort, wit.dt au& aqualid wretchedness lathe unfortua ate treat fallen to their lot. The - bras. ju in the government. ; There, nmearorn and iiiisk toerat have their way—here, thr, p eo ple aiw 'ISe general partners is the Btu ck p o l i ti c . 'Akira', aid the interest anii ielleeene-or each is fcdt; and billow' all undue schtura get, and cheeks the guiwth of _ nesija wrongs. Mind here is le ascribed, sedgmiiv forth a free master of - we& w o rm and doing its deliberate. as allows and beyond the petiole and clique. f. Tee libmattnetkisist rune universality for itg-vare, and leeks only for the action that wir.l ontselba greatest win& tY to result to Ike grolktpilk nntbaes - amen, Here the energi et" of Waist an diaphiyaii on a broad ant i & ample fight and within albeit spaceo littlemew do* vtestart has acc " - l ' sist" 1 1011 1 Ivo& and dembl* hese& thrAti a nindirdniasand years adult etkedL,graispe. ladapeitient non a 4, 4 ,* TA his strengthi these ssippbst Wit. Sec as the ditraseace._;? •- • _ A- - 111 1 0 1116 ; 111441 i ,4 4 -0 1 0-1 4 Arnt. 'AIeW, • • : - - "."." , --.0 1 44r - A,,k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers