Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 14, 1842, Image 4

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    I• •'' ' ' ' 1 'VIM e- • fillinkleopsir 1
- - 0: ilteriA l /Preildier 17 - 11'44tikt: lillreiTr ,
' ' 4 ,'' • ' • ' i lip lat'orew the pebiletirat be
thedet`eit liis •ireitgi , - .late ter woelkiure le: the
*j=ailire°Megt* -06:4011tbildr.•11.. 13:11itihrOlher.tly•
weellielfibertay Grads le' hisliaeriettd • btstilet ittp,
"lOW .ttiV, ' -
details kW letetetis efilitiderater:
e 31
... 4 144140 , 41 -Se primidis litierseri . filemiNstAirpes and
1 'lllo,loolll4ltieisibe west liberal terser. - Odle View the
.1401•Wrillimeprowpily ettendedti: - •.• - •
f , ' , t• MP Milikkiet li ti tire eons banding with his ware
PediloWeithees'thess erliel lewd lite Servieee way dad Wei
4 ANI*III.I4IIMi. 1 ', ' . , 111011UNCW: . '• '
L'ireftlelntglr. ' ' , •' ' j'ARICIF. itiMit litd‘Cli.D. V:
fe•011iflOg Ittlnil;*; , P - '", air. *oases. 'saved, it. e•
4 , lterlar trestre4 , ato. LOMB WILLULIiSf 9.
ir.-106tratie, ' Ate. Josain unit,
: -Varisds' tsissitiii , - - • • war. 415se tr. *Erie*.
•tP milli ^ . • - tirr.•itAr. ninon - , . •
VIM Wian.wrima
loci Tii 4 0 T
, . KS. - ,01 A s A .•BILLs,.
.Pit PHLNI s e• . 1104138 BILL,
O A s.
- -A ,
l ' r- , .. RI:SINUS, Do.,
. ,
Tether with every Ileeorilitiee Of Leiter Press Print
' Iligkkis:nilsiiisniill neatness and despalch,and on blear
;r/4e 14 4 .11 *. 0 ' the offiee!of the balls , Morning Post..
. . 0 -;. " •
Vdalarof.tndivlduaktis very numerous.- They are those
,airDwartiric Wait tabealthy at raosphere. Prlttleri, work
feather stores, stout tatters, bakers; white lead
.644spiairearneriblire aflame 'Or leis ;Meet to ac
vtilinielleer to this stecnith of their constitution. Inte"only .
p`okinktato +pretreat disease, Is the ociasiotial use of a
. kampeine whit% ataractic from the circulation al delete-
Arbleitimmovii, and =pela them by the boWels. Tonics
AIM*, Deem • liderlous, as they only :At 'of the evU
-aillurindatimultnare dotal.. Thetas of Brandrinit's Pills
t.;alidEmensfealtk; kerma they take air bemire mat ler
--,Diddifilloidood; aid the Wily is sot weakened ',bin
.+4ll2oooooitaddity their operant* the these Mittable flits
Illieraiddienraikat they midst-nature, tied ste noteppcsed.'
v,01111101110,114. with her.
; dlald a Dr:, Ilandretat Office, No. 90 Wood drat,
fitOskoma. Price 25 eents per box. whir Ml' directions.
.4111211...-The wily place la tlusburik where lite
ORIEUINE.PIarasta beebtaimed,ls the raelor'f ttirtir f
`-311astollio. SI Wood street. - sep
.. - .. „
. .
W I - jialT,SL—Tbe tubseriber vespeetially ill.
-*row Air old Mends and thepabOr. that he bras
-14leeta.rmiapenines Hotel,ia Alth Street, near the-Ex.
simage.Eank.xpad in the honae lately actuated by 'klat•
4p .l'eseiVic,. and has beaded ant ronli gn, »The Iron
.443h3•USAFIp'. , eibe re he will be very bayl to . am:ammo
_illatprall motto may please to call on him. Ilia table
abal Ilmit provided With the best fare, and every- possible
actouttuodatkut to- town and country - monomers - Jand.
'Ellieleee* ' • • • .
'.A'AkPis — itirders who wish le lodge In their stores or. of.
*- VPtaint he liken. and gentlemen who live out of town
;'`riaktitatelllteir dinners daily.
;`'Hi limo lame 'and good 'stables, and the beat- Hay and
IA" and i good Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
-*rig' imi:genttenien whelps's horses:
• - "TlStmtdera taken by the day, week or year. Charges
Spare moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
1111/ASHINGTON lIALL.—The subscriber has
lifig4r:i opened the late residence of James Adams. Esq.,
ilwaeasedv for the reception of visitots and hoarders;
Ow house is very pleasantly situated on the bank of the
Okla, 2 Wiles from•tbe, city— puisessing all the delight.
hl,m,— oippatifinents of a country residence, without
*lst 106 fir, durtan ' for persons doing business In the
thy Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of
=Yid _ . .
;idllll.loint, f
the Srldgesregularly eve.ry hon i the Atte
I.—lie Alcohol*. beverages kept.
' ' it
Vibt. C. liEltii.
.. --- -
' g d
.. ' LSFOLCITIOX OF MR UNION , —The .copart•
'.." nership existing between James E. KiDinars, and
4, Morgan is this day dissolved by mut t& cOnsent.
conditions will be duly noticed, with the signatures
"Mothparties aaneted, and. Barry Hall will be continued
VOlis by the subscriber until other arrangements are per
.Forsate, on the premises;. 150 bbis. choice winter ap
phis.ifapplioi for immediately. JAS. E. El I..BOURN,
- : asp 29--tr . No 9, Market, and 74. Front at;
1011001i1331NDIENG.-- 14 'Candie: 3 4
JLP Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper
- Balers B • W. W corner of .Wood and
• rourtk streets,are now prepared to ex
- I ecdte nil kinds of Bookbinding and Pa.
^ Ruling : wilk neatness and despatch..
' , Or-Blank bOoks ruled and bound to
Wiiiiiebleitterii at the aboitest notice.
,141.1 1 . Allwask dowe at the above is warranted. (sep 14
],M. BWDLE, Siesgeon Dentist, has returned to
his Old stand, No. ler, Suilthasld Street,
irikaia be Call be consulted any hour ,daring ;the ,•Any,
gq. iiiefession. _ nen 10
11011FAROVAIL..—George Armor, Merchant Tailor,
retipeetfully announces to his friends and pa
rims, 'that he has removed his establishment from his
'efelnand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and
Skithßeld,in the basement story of the Monongahela
leolleaFirtiere he 'intends keeping oh hiind'a general as.
atwmintat ot Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen
t' kwelir
"Ui hdrinif,klyeloseapfilication, to merit-a share of the
itiMisehritOlkerally'eitended to Mast his old stand,
Bayingmade arrangements In New ''York and
'lMMMideirddri, with ttie: most Fashiohabli,Tailors, for
ticeinlOit of Parts`and London Fishioni, customers ,
inky vairak tiering their orders executed according to
= pitalateltoOle- GEORGE ARMOR.
-The:Subscriber W or ld most respectfully
Inform the-public in genera that he has an article of
digs Oil of a superior quality, menu bete red at the mean.
::-.011110 1 1 Nialusfactory,by R.W.Lee (..V.„eritith- is warranJ
-teditthe equal to the, beat Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
i •tvlieettindry. - This 011 Is entirely free front any ,glutlneur
imailetiowoke, or unpleasant odor, and. it Was clear and
•,wswititedut spring oote.r., Net a particle of-erustis left
.en the wick. The . Is pure and. britilant,
et* Maths long, If not longer, than that from an
orialhatentity of Sperm. Cll. The subscriber informs
... y grobeeklie tkatke-bes taken a place . nearly Apposite the
Illitbekkeettilla f a ha will, light- lip several dlfferest tants!
SitterNltawialkelli would respect-folly haulm the In-
Abildgm*Olt. Pittsburgh , Allegheny, and their -Adult', to
Wittilitilk*M•kw,theffeltdvell• -He:feels :confident lhey
Imoroteleold that tbh above statement, la .perdectly
001-011 we hundred Individuals who, Mesetried•
UAW Alive blitiNit been a Mille Mutt Resod with 'M.-
Ihribilaestiousithlrd Namara. Sperm. lie Wield
gotenetinilyoutielt thneurfinttentioe'rit Deem and Ma:
*Mabel Ur the Owe. • •• •
Tllakdallererlig Citetrehes sea noteteung the Lod Oil:
_Presbyteries Chercle. Plthbutgh. ! •
11, liiiereselterleed Presbyteries Clentb, MAW 4
First Presbyteries Clieteb, Allegheity City,FClardy, - -de.-
&inbreeded LEE* Co., Chute=
' • -
• " • • NI. C. libtrEi;Agent. •
_ - PittsbOrghrieutt ktit.lB42. '
are.mumasomisime._ Captains of the. Espritet Line Or•
MaidestitecalMitl•FePaWitiltuitt Canallthash.trieg and
etweangildeliM lewd Oil introduced-
here- hy Matthew
t-ilßAMmend:llletaulttlitated by - a. W. Lee 4. Co.; at-the
AMMIRMISIMI-OkiliMa r7. • • • '
.v.•,l.4Whieettentihtfotttla•APlllballe (b i t the above I.
fr4lifitikwelpereeMilLthat-ftgit entirely free-from smoke :
WeMIFAIOW whatever: tike light is Per
altd•wilt as fotterif n
.iersesr,thintthittoill minal AP9IIIII. Oil,
:-;,-Riril-Wmersoitostltationin•recommeading Itto-our friends
alatrair vaulty. Captain, Packet June Aunms.
W. HILDIBM49,- Captain.-Packet John Hancock,
do do John Madison,
b/PAOBs di to , .fulehurgb.
„n 4. 7coi ----- einCRELIVI ' Mtn riLlA t • —
' i* : roonOta of herbie, wbieti ' exert”
*Pon tat Mitt; 0.0 istPuW ",,or
Rofittlifeeret the blew Si itkleeed
a re
•- ifiltt# ol o0 OWW
/IWI all theitePtilot
;'.4 - i iw i thi, g l owed' gigged internalOyarle
- ' the, serisetions•,!: the 04 07, --.re _,. 1
0 . 00-1 111' e 0 Peek ne e0 941nte I
zi yr * "
' isiiiti*liimaactiop 010eA0,R,,,
' - . - , • Vrielg• il'?"10 1 § 1 1=
• 2 ' ,- '•-*' -'' " * CIO ''
*r eveie * . #' ' - -'•
- b, , 5. .. ;47 7 4 fata intarit
tt . , ***lo .
- 10,0414
rati `fi*ASTOCIOVOAVL - -
Tripefeimilo al*** 440 4giview*liirot
A. Act cif *esemPicitlie, liktfutiPulF,l*.
Mtlttedetdia zeal wpm' :viilenoVallorordfoary: or
044 1 , 0 10a—pkyaseht of- Alia hitertot -eittne , Biate
Debt- ssectismg 'pro•posals: for she; site: of the.-Sadak
wok*, Andfor other potranseg,” there will be Oiposed to
public sale t ti the Merchants* Exchange, in the city of;
.Illiderph 4 on:Wedneedne,the23d•day - of lierveniber
neitAt.loo`olock, a. it:,,ethe) following Stocks; owned by
the Commonwealth', Iowa: • ' -• ' '
3260shareasaf snot* in the Ebtok of Pennsylvania.
5233 do in the Philacielphit-Bank.
....1709 do in.tteSarinernnad• Mechanics' Rank
. • ,900 -do la the Columbia:Bank and'BrldgeCompany.
. 2500. do •,•• in.the_UniotteamtlComparty'.• • ' •
• 1500 Awl in thil•Penasyliania:and'Oblo Canal'Cont
irony. ; . • • • ,
)500 do the•ChesaMaik.e and Gelaware CAnal
,) r'i 'COMMAS. •!' • ' •'-
00 do:, In timSchitylkill Navigation Company)
320' =dol"irtike.Brlstolfitetan 'Towboat and : Trans
•porintleoCempany, • -.
Also, ni'lo:aottair Mouse:rim the borough of Harr
burg.on Monday, the 28th day of November next, at 10
-• • ' •
2905 abatis of idoek• ire the And Pottsville
Railroad. -Company: , •
• 2000 411:t . F , .in the Cumberland Valley Railroad
2090, l ig4. .• 'Franklin Railroad Company.
400. do • Wrightlerilie, Yolc and Gettysburg
~ • Rallrond Co. • • '
600. :• dO Codorli Navigation Co. •
995- )4 1s, • Bald F.mgheand Spring Creek Ravi.
, • -
pilau Co. - ' '
2600.. do Monongebeis Navigation Go.
4500 .do . • MareisburnErldge Co.
,9400 .• do. - NorthApherhind Bridge Co.
2160 1 do. ..91.0nongaitela Bridge Co.
.1600 40‘ , Alkerit, Bridge Co.
• 560, do , ditiikeebarre Briagfeeo.
.40 0 4 P) Lew_
600 do a . Rig Beaver Bridge-Co.
• 200 - do
390 •4. eleacopeck Brides Co.
.356 „do , FresoliGreek Bridge Co.
100 • 410 plulnelnangh Bridge-Co. -
60 do sektlYikilLand Pottstown. Bridge Co
.100 40 LoYal•Helana Bridge Co.
-92 do Milton Bridge Co.
171 do Robbetown Bridge Co.
200 •do Towanda Bridge Co.
1250 40. Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co.
.120 do Schuylkill ilrldge4at Matson's ford)
C°ll r a".
300 • 'do : WIII import Bridge Co., Washing.
ton thenty.
Also,slock IR the following Turnpike Road Compa
nles.lo • •••
2124 shaees lit the Ildrrishurg, Carlisle and Chambers.
Chambersburg and Bedford
Bedford and Stoystown.
Shutdown and Greensborg.
Greensburg and Pittsburgh.
Huntingdon. Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford. '
Pcrklomen and Beading.
Gap and Newport.
Waynesburg, Greencastle and aler
cersburg. • •
Morgantown, Churchtown and Blue
Little Conestoga.
Birks and.Dannitin
Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid
-Easton and Witkeaharre.
Einsopiehannit and Lehigh.
and Owego. -
Dovenlngton, Ephrata and Harris.
. burgh.,
- Centre and Kisharoquillas.
Susquehanna and York borough.
York and Gettysburg.
New Holland.
Opt tig House, No
Carign and Susquehanna.
Susquehanna and Waterford.
Susquehanna and Tina.
Bridgewater and Wilkesbarre.
PIGA ersh and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conemaugh.
Behncint and Easton.
Pittsburgh and Butler.
Philipsburg and Susquehanna.
Butler and Mercer.
Mercer and Meadville.
Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and
New Haven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
Ridge Road.
Bethany and Dingman l e Choice.
Robbitowd and Mount Pleasant.
Mount Pleasant and Somerset.
Sinnerset and Bedfard-
Hanoeer and- Carlisle.
Mllierstown and Lewistown.
-Bellepante antPhilipsburg.
Philadelphia, Brandy.wine.and
Loadon. •
licslinant and Oghquaga.
Harrisburg and SI lillirstow,n.
Philadelphia and Great Bend.
LeWistown and Hnntingdon.
Armationg and Indiana.
Clifford and Wltitesba•re.
I ndi.ina and Ebensburg.
'Washington and Williamsport.
Washington nad Pittsburgh.
Liccerriing and Potter.
Middletown mid Harrisburg.
Bellefonte, Aarcinstiurg and \racing
-Bailer and Kittanning.
lliimburg and Smethport.
Gerona's° and Youngmanstown.
Mount Pleasnet and Pittsburgh'
York !fatten And Harrisburg bridge
Abingdon and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisburg and YOfmgmanstown.
Somerset and Gonemaugh. •
Carbondale and Lackawana.
Schnentet and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and Jersey`Shore
Ligonier and Johnstown.
Warren and New York State Line.
Titusville and Union Milts.
Armstrong and Cleardehl.
Warren cind 'Franklin.
Sager Grove aiid Uninn.
Bitwnington':Harristrilleand Frank
lin. . • ,
4310 do
2154 do
2564 do
1780 do
3477 • do
100 do
1360 4 4 1
512 do
250 do
180 do
200 'do
580- :do
100 do
110- .
' 116
j 54
560 '
200 do • Snowshoe and l'ackersvllle.
4 1 3 do linckawaxen.
200 do Rutter and 'Freeport.
64 do fiterlinahnd Newfoundland.
96 de Lenox "Ind Harmony.
224 do Pittsburgh Partners and Mechanics'
160 , do litutfOrd - and fltiltidaysinws.
166 - do Intheriburg and Puttaaillyrney ,
160' do ilirsninghan and Etisakibitown.
64 ' 'do Batd_gaele end Nittioy
41'haternsiaiMiondltionsoCcald dales be made
n on ;he Aiyi afritnild,ovby an appHisatlon.at any
.40 ibis Mike; Stare stock 0111 be retcdwpd in per
t 55 `par, or••certirmat . ls of e x edi!, which have been
Ihebnoics 'or the l Anditor ItiCtihtift. : n pima
saes era nuoketion of the General Assembly, passed on
the 4th day of April 1843.
Biluider alba Governor.
we' 26—dts
. .
wa.t.i A 11-:.EVANS'S -SOOTS IHl' , lrteur. - :-
remedy has • preiervid.•-ibUndiedi
-W,Oeli.thlSlll4tOSCrecovery, from - eonvoistorte: Al noon
as 'the Syrup hi ruhlmd on the gems,-the ehildwill nieetr;
: sec -,llldrpmesultticvis so In noeenh so rAlleations. and se
ple t , that :no eh!ld , Mill ,reflaite , to let Its , Suit* be -*b.
3044-Mbh , a fanteare theuse of four months.
appeartiet . of - 1 eetbi•-• one: - bottle ',of the
Pyritpetuudithe used to , open the Pores.. Parents-should
reter be Without the syrup In- the nursery-. where there
grq, yo l ypefbll4 . (bui,fot!ir wakes to,the eight with
On 'lei tfiesuire; the SYruplMrse# l ,atey ..glies ease; by
ioinnitit rititelw.aild healing - th e tiling thereby prevent
leg Com stone, -Fevers, /0. For Sale Whore's* and
- Rein by , B. S ELLERS, Agent.
se p '• 2.0. Wood street,hetimirSeeond.
1 AIMS HOWARD it CO., aramitaawrirrs - of Wail
*eV: 47 11 , 8 *.‘ WA. , Toed Strou d Pittalaitgil. , Pa.—
BAIN iglMlkpix brad, SA extensive apgrumentArt Satin
Winted .114-PbaitUl i 4PlP HANGINGS. VOA% and
aralakirt.aard•rlNof, ins lat style
4 410frawe T0k19 4,
.10f 1
411 940 4 1 1 kW , 1 0$. 1 e/PlT 4 k u
Secretary of the Ccintmon'lth.
,--..,..„--. . .'-_;•-,, *I, ' 1 74717,.,!_i•:, .r•..,74,... , '_- '
i I:7hir —:;:?... :. o:#7 '' ''>v);--'- - - ' :.• tillßt* ,
- vltats 11l •F.'•-killi ''.—• ~ ' i .. , no.• ,
7 an
eitsfesOi'liW , Te*..liithititoOfelpflgie- Anieirs of
life ii tact ..-Wiraill - - Pal . "
accel44,lbeitrielAlWit_htif - 41* ' sii . klol'Or
iiikiteas.thaithei IMAlltstaiiii 1 1 40 do 'hilt' relliv a
goosithiiii; t hese. hittitlw
Umhter.thatittikeits not to prostrate - the asp; miot
othei' utedkiniii,lnit the Nerd iiinsigoretedity the te
moval Of ilie cause of weatiness,the moridd.lthi Alia
hutrtorilrom the bldod. " • ' - •
• Itarideas to iheioWiies, they; merely
"-- ' " ' AsurrNattika "'„,_ ,
Tb thrinv*thenepasiOn of +deka*, (Om the pod:,
and they, requlroo6 alteration la the diet or elating.
7 fit thet.ille, human body (abetter able tommtain with.
out Injury; ihelneletietici of the wiMiller; Wtl,* Soder
thikliilluence *nide Infection'distrOylng slbmwe Medias •
'Half Medicine than at any other time.
The INlPOrlaure of Brandreth'sPtlls'Air seamen had
travelersili; i herehni mit eildent. ' ' ~
By the Monti* use 'Ofthts. Medicine how mach anxiety,
and sickness, might we not preVent. `'Cold, Sillions of
- feetions, Typhus. Scarlet and reverser . ** kWh. would
I be ituknownt " But' where sickness does inlet. let _no •
time' be tont, let the BR ASORSTIPS'PH.LS be at once
seat for, "that the Remedy may be apP:Ted;'witholt 'Am
ther lois of tinge. --To at Itrataxasago..—
That Brandietiet Pills have stood a Mien *etre' lest.,
id'the United Sala. ' ' ' ` '
That , they are A vegetable and Innocent' matelot. yet_
all . Kiererfuf for the'rewolial of disease, whether chronic
• recent; infeettoesofolbertelee. - ' •
_.• • -
Thdtthey purify the blood , and stay the'lliti her pro
gress of disease la the human body. . , -
That. ItimaitycatiM,' *knee the dresilital ravages of
oleeretteit h4ii laid bare ligament and hone; int where,
to all egotigitatteir, be mean 'Mani could save life; have
Wilkie*.q the use retloise pills ; ' keen restored te: good
health:VW - 'deidering Akan hailek hien completely
That each of the genuine has upon It 'rune' Stan' '
That each label has two signature' of Dr Sollientler .
`Brunettes-It lepoir-it. -
That there must bee upon each box, three signatures,
B. Reensinerit, IL D.
And three signatureil. thew— '
• - ihrnattent Beirileurry.
"An acute fetters ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution,
: and that eine by
stools, which ' Must pi promoted by an when nature
does not 'do the business On this secede', an
ill timed
the weakness of "the body
la of bad eollSeqUences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to Mike evaettal lams necessary, which nature idierepts•
after tne humbug trek to be expelled but is notable to
accomplish for -the most 'part in these disease s : and I can:
affirm, that I have given a purge when the' piffle has been
so towniit it could hardly be' felt, and the debilitY ex.
t reale, yet both one and the ether have been restored by :
it." The pied effect to be derived from the' Brandreth
Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By
their timely' use neither the imaiiet, the typhus fever or
small pox would eitar assume their malignant forth.
To appreciate to the full extent ,the incalculable hens
fits of BR A NOR ETH'S PILLS. they must he used when
the First Bymptoms of Disease present theeueleut. One
dose then,and 'their good effects will be felt throughout
the attack-IT ferkento mute xiii "than is the great
secret in the cure of alt appearances of disease. arising
from bad blood,and t presume there are few nt the Pres.'
eat-day, will say anything of those diseases- which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Sorb diseases T bave
yet to See.
Hoping that some who read this may be benefitted by so
doing. 1 am respectfully,
'the public's servant,
241 Broadway, New York:
The public Will please observe that no Brandreth Pills
are gennine unless the box has three labels upon it, i
each containing a fie similie signature of my band' '
writing thus—B. Brandreth. These labels era engra.
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex.
penseiof several thousand dollars. Reminded the top
—theadde--und the bottom.
Ent ,red, accardingto liet of convent, in the year 1841,
by Bet )turairristdretti, , in the Glerit's Office in the Dig.
tAtet-Corrrt of Hui Sot Martel of New York.
Dr: B. Brandreth'sown offire,No.„.9B, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only place in Pittslturgis wherethe genuine
Pills can he obtained. . Each .Agent who sells the true
Erandreth Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency.
ren owed every, twelve moat hs,,aod has entered into bonds
of $5OO to sell none other Pills than those.rectived from
Dr. B. orhisapecial General Agent. Mark, the .ecelffi ,
cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which Is
In his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate
there Is an exact copy of the three labels on each hog en
graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engraving of
the labels on the ce , tificate correspond with.those on. the
The following are •Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Agents
for the' sale of bli Vegetable Universal PM, in Alleghe
ny eouty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled
Price 25 cents with directions.'
Principal Office, No. 98. Wood Street, Fithiber
Allegheny. Mr. Jone GL►ee.
McKeesport, H. ROWLAND ,
Noblestown, Joan Jonsson.
&marts Town, Sr►otatna
A Ltlzlf Dia Aso►t.a. Clinton.
ELWAlltll.Tuostrsoll.Wllkinsborgh. '
Gazes Patina, Fairview.
RoeriT Siscrn Rosman, Tarentnat.
ERSt•Liben y • DANIZL NeoLET•
Passau& tarots, Pleasant
Davin R. Coon—Plumb Township.
W. 0. zit— Allen's Mill. prep 10
P -
ILES cured - by the tee of Dr. Harlich's 'Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pitts
Dr.Harlieh=Dear Slf—Shortly after 1 'received the
Agency from you for the sale ot yout , mediclne. I
formed nn acenaintance wi:h a lady of this' place. mho_
was severely afflicted with - ther . Piles. For eight' or ten ,
years this lady was subject to 'frequeitt painful attitek4
and her physician consideied her ease so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Threes!'
my persuasion. she enmetteneed using your Pills. and was
perfectly cured.' 'Years te. JAMES LEIRBY
Oetober 3.'1840. . thainberibog. Pa.
irrOffice and General Depot, No: 19. North" Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. A ndby Samuel Frew. corner of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. so 10 •
VITTERESTIN.E CURE pa:Ai - mei bitriv-Saidlfiles•
.11- Compound Syrup of P Pirginiann,vr
Wild Ckea
ry. Having made use ofthis invaluable BrOptllilly fatally,
wbich entirely cared my child. The symptoms, were
wheezing and choking of phktgat, dtdicelty of breathing,
attended with constant cough, spurns, zonvuisioas,te,
of whiih t had given opal! hopes of its runaway until I
was advised to make trial of , this invaluable iittsdiane.
After reeing_theerfectsit bud upon my child, and con=
chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en
tirely rellevgdomp eta cough thatt wan afflicted wit/L.or
"any yearperson wishing tease me can at" at
my house ie rest, above the Market, me.
DR. SWATlCWl3.ByßuroluguxairsaY .
We 40 the attention of the ikttar. to •tide .etuderous
certificates whieb have heee.tri-eiroettlitotill cue
madame others of this .city, Nistd.y.reemsisji at.
fierodules. Compound Syrup of Wild Cifiirry.—We home
Oolitic (mislead certificate', and hare..ho doeht 604. thee
come float i rely. grateful' WW2, _
_,_tits or the
which they-bane received from 11.14 - . IRIAN -I :l 3ll 4,Piid.'
W _ 0 hate acquaintancei,loll°-___LlWNLimtirglll, tiset:the
above medicine. who can sperm lirtte Onfidenee ,ef ita
irirtues.—Seterdey Cimmicfm, : , . • '
. .
Fsataw , I -woad
904 , ono and all, both sick -and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr ervaymesCommmid OF rliP Cherry ,
la your below—Dia Invaluablo In ,caselt of emergency.
-such - llft Splitirectrf: 6100 d. diihms. attacks. or•Vitileid
Coughing. .which is ofien.the cause of splitinguf Moon.
Violent Samna Affection's Which - Mu 1 : 0 1 11
from frigist,,Apad various other canals, fftritictillEri.„,
alarm. sudden , mitts , frost 4mproper , 5X1100 0 .11.14r.
are often let run , to an shinning clie l 4 , °fa wail of
; means - ,ready haadi—and ap I hays rise*,
, SwavaseaCompoood:fityrup or Wild-Chary ..espeatedlY
In my, family. , asid-abways
with. Marhed'lnicci.
reconunend it with confidence, is being - one 0 -r r° °```
famitY medicines which be.. ever beets veers* fo t
- -
Sold by Wor:,Thorn. : Witultimm Retal4 r ,iiiiy. • it
for SpoS3 Market *Met. lift
*.e rtF-1
'.., . - -;- --- 4 * 4 ; 7- 1 0457 5, • , "7 - $ ' " 77 .. - ~... I'l r , . ' -- :,•,..: - 7 .? „, -- leprgi*
. ..'f lll k 0. 401 .I, . _, t i.: I
41Pit‘iiiii : . -• a'
1100‘0 011*-
6061.ikiiiiiiiio* • lie *l l ls4 111
ViliektiubbkolkifkliiitOpriefiiiiiiii:io4 l c 4 4 tidioWenitd
peg14141104.-*Air)**li*.ioktiiooo,iOilii, stop
:Pbellekb ee e et t le keep every i1;111.#r tho** l 9 llol
disoliktiitiOr; Aid loyitrfer iitteriflori to ebonies",
11 liertth - rsoootellire;z'r itotOtOeillirilllter *tinsel;
end 5 .k..( • 4W! *wig: . Vorseinitioiv her "epteiiiiitOrrirtoien;
Of Siolliiitieryi:Otilicb is ouperfor ;o anythlii* yet Intro
-difiedld triis : E country:Jr "includes Bab*: Lillie, COneoli
:seers; Orlentals;. tapes a rie • Carilloal..Demt ••Iflttoi. Ser.-
Viso for Wimples - coitome: - .Colleit , csmi; rola:.
E•korrbiek IliiinliWitid• Nita oirpo.: 4 . 0..•1t t 11i0l
ready lot VieleOpprOlialiiii; on . the 9th - Of ;:ii e t *421.
, 4 • Jeri. I'. i s waltrait 'the arrival of 'tit' **OOP:lcor*:
tOrsipe; at -. No. '2 Terry - r;roet;'hetrieeli 'Liberty. Ind
ristirthitieete: . • E •
E E . '• - E IE :
E '. E ,-'•.•
. .. . . , .. . :
29-4 hr.
a. .......... IS
ILI - AG RA W , 411%.11.4 MILTON; Atursitiff at,, Lab. have
ON., removed their (*Sec to theresidenee of 0:H. Ma.
.41 im,mit Fourth st; I.,veo:doo rs shove SmithAeld. sip 10
. --eIOPTIPI7WAREHOUSH.--Jles, 79, Forma ,
-111 a BernmeniVosk , and Smirkfathe
Tradeoff from the corner of Wood street. , Coo.
stantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
. COFFINar ofevery sise 81114' description; covered
olleth with Mahogany. -Cherry, Mick
- - ,Watatte, - Poplan, and PMe Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
fitrnivbed; - Gvares proeured;; and all services rendered
that frimPld MAY: voldhe.. ""1 --
A_ credit siren in alt cases, either of coffins or oarrloges,
regoeSted. proazs,,Uidartaker.
pep 10
175 ti!IT le LlM i t . . ji;ttri v :l; it lifti ti dl , a,fo : r
7 'No. it *liter lake.
VTA IIBTY. Just received from Nem A'ork, 5000
V' .TiapeMace Almanacs far 111424'5000 cepiMrif the
;Mahal oft he A therksin TemperaiteellikoW"and 'Youth's
Temperisatat Advistatefor September t .. Ali d.lOOO Chris
Gan Alesaimeta addigarid astortmetit- ofLiamniit's Maga
sine tad PittsinVind the Praritlin Magazine and Corn
dad Aliammit4. A 43; by the gross., dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Hu
skies' Dirclarrand - Strangers Gdide, fbr'6lllcerits. Also,
Cottle. Family... School and Pocket Bibles and Testa,
manta, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn
Book_; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to. Sacred
Music: hi ason * s Harp with round and patent•noies;Christ.
Sarp.and almost 'all kinds of School Books; Guna!s Do
meat aledicinei Gay Books 'and Ledgers; Writing, Let:
ter, and Wrapping Paper; bine Mack, and red ink, by the
pees, dOzen,or bi:ottiv; sleet pens, quills, slates, pencils and
watersiCyclopedid of History. Wee' ern Pilot: and e con.
aide table variety of Books and Stationary for isle on cc
ebnimodati'dg'terma'ter cash or et:lenity prublee. -
HABRIS,Agent and COMllliSSioll i liferchant,
sep• l 2 ' No. 9 Fifth street.
~ • .
'UNION ;COTTON FACTORY..AIIeghe City, at the
- end of the upper, bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of , Cotton Yarns, Stockist
Yera.Cotton Twine, Coudiewick. Carpet Chain, Bhtting,
.4c., and are prepared loth orders at the shortest notice.
Haring seMeted the latest and most improved =chi
nelly.ond employed the manager who has attended to the
Hors Favronv for the last firm years, they arernanufaetu
ring neeperier errfcls.
Cotton Warps made to order, •
. Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at-the
storoof G. Painter 4 Co.. Liberty- street; or Lined
4. Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt atten
tion.. , Address—J. K. 1110ORHEAD 4 CO.
seP 12-Iy,
f 0 -PENA LEt•rThetttsa large clam Of Fenialeli in
this city who 44 ***.nonutdiatiiitg, to which
their occupation s tibliklereaffectet - wit Costiveness
which glees riseto pat itirn at the heart on the ex.'
-ertian, sense - of beavineinnltending over the whote - head,.
:intolerance of li g ht and sound 'inability of fixing. the
attention to any Mental operationt rumbling in the bow
els, sometintes a 'sense of suffocation', eapecially after
meals whentiny exertion is used. as going quickly :up
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a feW dosesof the Bra nd reth Pith; The occa
sional Use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble.
and years,of suffering... One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills just before dinner, are of en found
highly beneficial; Many use them very arivantatteensly in
thia wny; they aid and atislat digestion, restore the-bowels
to a PrOper.iondillon.enlivelf, the. spirits,. impart clear.
now to the complexion, purify the Wool, and promote :a
general feeling of health and hinittiness. • ..
. .
(gold at Dr. 0-endreth's Woodetrtet „
Pittshoreh—Puce 7.scenti per, bol t with
. 1101 directions.
MARK—The only place In Piusbergh. Tviliete.., the
• GENUINE Pit,. can ,be obtained, is the DoCiori OcenOf
five, NOliV
98 Ood street. sep 10
STRUM RNTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgisal
instrument Afaker, Third street, imMr/i opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can halts their in•
stramentantadehi the subscriber of, a superior 'quality
and at Eastern priees. , .
Tailors' Patent Skett*SilidSeissors always on hand.
also Hatters Sheais.-40let article. Orders respect,
folly solicited. `.
N. B. Allarttelei warranted of the best quality. end
jobbing done niusual. sep 10
LIVER COMPLAINT.ThiI disease often term!.
natcsia another of a. matt Serious nature. if pro.
per remedies are - not restated to- , ,in time. In all forms
of this dimmer. Dr..flarlithlt compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pill's, will perform a perfect cure
—first. by desalting the,stomath Ind bowels, thus remo•
ring all diseases from the Lifer; by the use of the Ger.
man Aperient Fills. after which the Compound Strength
ening Pills are taken to give strength and
. tone to those
tender organs which regnire such treatment only to effort
a per:ailment cure. These Pills ans-Aeally put up in
swell 'packages, with full directione. Por sale at No. 19
North - Eight Street. Philadelphia. Also,'for sale by Sam.
Asel Vrew comer of Wood and Liberty std.. Pittsburgh Pa.
sep 10
LiLENIGRAMEtt,-Ezehusge Broker. No. 46, Car
•.M. *or of Wood end Third Streets. Pittsburgh
Goht,'Stlver, •and. Solvent Rank notes,lought and sold
Sight cheeks on the. Eastern' cities, for wile. Drafts
notes and 1111/1, collected.
Pittslistik,Pa, Wm. Bell 4. Co., John D. Davis', F
Lorenx,J.t Faintest Co., Joseph Woolwelt, James Mays
Phitodslphilt Alexander Bronson it 'CO., John H. tfrArn
at CO. Ciacinspati, 0., James WlrCantiless. - S. lottis,
Otto.; Jtß IVEMItald. Lottiatritte; IL - Trope; "Esq.
,Brast Bank • : sep
I TAL,-T he undersigned begs leave to inform
the public, that he has removed [remit!!! old stand,
to.thitantaa of P.mi and St. Chair ass., opposite the Ex
change HOW, wheri 7 he has:fitted - up a large nano Fours
WMIRROINI, And iow °dem for sale, the most splendid
.ambriment of PIANOS ever offered in this market.
*flli pikers consist oLtlllferenl paiwros,, of superktr
Wootivit iditony, beautifiilly finished and, mo
*did. systeoltstroota throughout of 2 Abevary bevt ma
teriiie.eirbickats durability, and quality et tone, s. well
its touchr he warrants to be lioperioe io any ever seen
As halms:Warped hie manufactory;:and made arrange.
meets to wooly the increasing demand : lbr this. instru
ment. •he respectfully requests those Intending toper.
chase to call' nd examine his assortment-leforepurcha.
_ring 'elsewhere. as he is determined to tell vowels, - for
cash, than any other eitehlhatiiebt teat or meat of the
mountains. • • - E. BLUME;
• Corner of Peonand Clair streets,
sep 10 Oppositelhe Exchange Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa.
0111NIIIMEr—Dr. William
IF - svinse..Camomile Pins.
• 'loinerciiirkras..—Leiter,froni the Don. NrClei•
Ea it ,Tinnevaee4ifetifbetaf
. , Wiioun Ten, July .1998.
Sir—litinee 3 have been. in thiscity II have need come of
your:Dyspeptic medicine with ,benefit and satis
faction, and believe it to bee Moist: One
of my going Dr. A. Cardin, of Catingibeit county,
- Tenneesee. *IMO to me to send Aim,some. which I'M,
and be has atployed it.very ineeessibuyllir
and says li is advaiaable Mr. Johnson. your agent at
this plince,etblakryow would; probably like an agent in
Tenn . eia,l would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
**roper to oactate for the sale of your celebrated
"Maine. Should you commission him he is witting to.'
rim. for :row. You can send thOmettictiebi erica; he
cateof - 11blibert Ring .-Soo,. Knoxville crienty:tennerr
nee. or by lead to Elyttbabl, - 4: nabAilli;•TaifttealrY4 6l
l'esintieee, rfa..lll taw lfop bad lifeitto in
several einautifiistoOntimeei,a - uvrit:
'dealof ski:
tine wield binribl; 'l*Wl teinift.P of a
ow td' Woo -430:gk i 'frietkts, and,
110-Ogambilittlits: *gent
. . rdoWir 00:egtare -4 701 1 1 1 itt —4llllel
- 410101001110'
• t-
• • • PittalMrahanne 18,1839.
Mr. Joan Dmortien-- , Dene Sir--Having been present,
yesterday; at timer perieent which you Were pleased to
make, hr the presence of.nurnber.of our bosinesemen,
of the safety of sour IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, it
gives-tee pleasure to say, that so far as 1! was capable of
judging, the test WAR halt, And 4111Li t e.sult exceeded my .
expectations., • •
The-Chest was a suisllnne, atmut.3o Inches high, by
about IS orRO incites if breadth end depth, end was pla
ced on a block of: wood about a foot-In thltknm, so all
to elevate It nitwit tharhaight from the ground; several
hooka: nosErientspa pers Were deposited inside of it, in he
manner in orlsieh }Merchants and others would usually
place thern.i.ualarge quantity of light pipe wood Nabs
fronton' adjoining Saw 14111,1 .wit them placed. around
and above - it, rind the Ikeklndledon the Windward side,
soot to drive the flame against the back part of the chest.
The lire was kept up about three quarter& of an hour,
until-rot liad;AllitießMOnpbe speelatora and received
from then their hnlvereal answer that the test was
sufficient. The ;hest was then drawn Out of the Ere,
end esplet's; and - opened, and examined. The contents
were all safe, and the only injury done was to the back
of,ene boot which ammared toile a little, charred. f rum
what I witnessed, I think' that these chests ere desert ,
lug of confidence,nantrqrding, perhaps, the best security
to Merchants - for their books and pa pers,. which they can
have withota budding large, thick, and expensive vaults.
1 Weird consider them a better security t Ilan many vaults
which I have seen-built . Your Wend,
We concur in the above statement, having been pros
sent when the chest was. tests'.
W.. 14. Cooper, J. Fr: Shoenberger, Robe Bell,
J. Laughlin, J. Painter, A. Cordell,
R. Miller, Jr. C .I..Armstreng, • A. H..lloge,
Thomas' Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. W. Hoye.
Eztraitaf a. Letter front.Petglt Rf Alverd, dated Cin
cinnett,29ol Jtforih,lB42.
J. Dertning ,•Pittsburgh, Pa: Respected Friend: We
have the satisfact lon to state as the beet recommendation
we can give of the utility of your iron (Safes, that we
hays-rineof them which was in an exposed situation In
our counting room,at the time of t he lire, on the morn•
ing of the 10th inst, which consumed our, Polk Home to.
gether with a large portion of the meat, lard, irc, which
it cont a 1 ned; d that oir hooks and papers which were
in .the Safe, were entirely uninimed, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever being discolored.
Yours, kr.- PUGU 4 ALWORD.
Extract of a Letter frost Sister tY Holbrook, dated St.
Louie, Felt. 24th. 1841.
- DENNING, Dear Sir: One of your Sccond size chests
was burned a few.dayu ago, in a leather store--it pre
served-its contents. yours , -
asp 10 SLATER it, HOLBROOK..
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use or Dr. Dar
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Mils.
Mi. Wm- Richards; of pittsburch,Pn— entirely cured of
the aboiediStiesiltis. disease. His symptoms'were pain
and weight in the left Side. loss of a epetite. mainitina, acid
eructntions, a distension of the stomach. sick bead-ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed tea citron color, diffi
culty of breathing,. disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
great debility,svith other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard.
had, the advice of several physicians, hut received no
relief, until using Dr. Flarlich's Medicine, which termina
ted In effecting a . pe-feet cure.
PrinelordCrffice. IS North Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
For sale In Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew„ corner or l4her
ty and Wood streets. Imp 10
Cincinnati, Febnaar v 15, 1840.
Dr. SWATNE—Denr Fir:—.Permit me to take the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express- my a pprbhation ,
and ttreecontinend to the 'attention of heads of families
and others your-invaluable medicine;—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virginians. or Wild Cherry Bark. In
my-travels of late I have seen In a great many instances
the wonderful effects of your- medicine in relieving chil
dren of very olistinate complaints,. Such as Coughing.
Wheezing, Chouking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, 4.c.
ke. I should not have written this letter. howevet ,at
present,nithoug,h I:have felt it my duty to add my testi
mony to it for some lime, had it not been for a late In.
stance Where the medichie above alluded to was instrn
mental in restoring to perfect health an “only child,"
whose case was almost hopeless, in a ;family of my ac
quaintance. thank Sinven," said the doating moth.
er,amy child is saved from the jaws of death) 0' how I
feared the relentless ravager But My child is safe! is
salts! ,.
Beyond nil drmht Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any
other country. lam certain l ':eve witnessed more than
one hundred cases where it tins been attended with
success. I am using It myself in an oitstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it moved effectual in a ex
ceedinglysinart time. considering the Severity of the case.
I ran rectimerid it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it Is , very pleasant and always ' beneficial—worth
double and Often ten times its price. The public are as
mired there is no quackery about It. R. Jacasos, D. D.
_ formerly Pastor of the. First Presbyterian Church,
Sold by W-14. Tlloll.Nw,ho i esale pt retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. ',No. 53; Market street'. • sop 10
. ,
A BOON . TO. TUE DUbl AN t ßACE.l—Discover
.011. .mliat mill destroy Life, and yeu are a great wan.
"Discover what will prolong Life,and tie world
Cal Vitt Imposter."
"There are faculties - , bodily and intellectual, within us,
with whickieitain herbs. Mare affinity, and over sokioh 1
they have power." •
Dr. B 1 Brandreth's Externit Remedy, .or Liniment.
which; by Its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or
Sorehos; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews. White Swellings,
• Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness,. Stiffness of the Joints,
Tumors. Unnatural Hardee*, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup. Contractions of the, muscles, Scrofulous en
! largements, Tender Feet, and every description of in•
jury affecting the Exterior of tie !Bataan Frame, are
cured or greatly iefievetr by his 'never.to be serwientiy
eztolled.reseedy ,
.Caturzetoays,r.Tbc following 'meet wont majOr .
era' Sandford, as to the of the External Reme
dy, speaks volumes
- "Dear Sir—Will you oblige Me -- Who another IMMO of
yborexcellent -Liniment? •• It is cialatitty the best Of the I
kindthaire ever neat - :l4,ltatLeared entirety • my son's
knee, about u , ittchtwos 0 unettay t and , 1,. have found ii
produetive of Immitilate tweet : al eases of eater.
nal injury in my - radii:" A.TEW evenings since, my
youngest 'clittd waineißed" with ii - itolentettifeltdf Croup.
which wail eat irelrreinitileti wishes, by ruhl
bing berchestaad,throatfreely:wisitthe ,External hem.
_I think you oughtt.tct. manntacture this Liniment
for-general tts.co.nßitead , Of Confining - Ike are of it, as, you
have beret:66We done, ;I b. Your pariletirla."r"acqualidancei.
Yours truly, • " • 7 - c. W. SANDFORD:
DR. D. Datenairia.244tad ay, EL Y.
0 - . For sale at 241 tt aritlew York, and at his
office,Nri..l3-Wrood,street,Plustiurgis. Pit ICE—'.5O tenti
per bottle with directiouL sep 10 ,
, Szetiossay's Orme: ,
- • '." ' ,lleffishetatti 'Auguirt,24tll,.l,24 - 2,1 ,
4U TONGING •TO THE STATE,--...N0i10s la hereby gi.
'via "that la ipitenance - of .the-tardemeentfri: eighteenth,
nineteenth and twentieth Sect ionslbottlat Ad :of Ametnhly
'pawed the Wadi do of 'July, 18,44-rmaiosate wilt hee recet
sad 40. -, the :State apartment oath tifelast:dayof Hoven'i
her next, for the sate of all swd vm*. of the Ornate and
Rail Road' belonging , : to the reertimanweeith„. for which
State,Stoehmt par IRITIP, wilt beisteehred Itrytyraent.
Each individual. Ottaimynny is reptiiredi specifically, to
'stale. tharparatHar Orme Cabal Dr Riff Road which
they deraireto prrithase, theAtioitrist of Arndt. respective
bids thenefor,the 'direaltati itilalialareatrtelfmtnateraed - la
therriger.; , togetber arittiithets,yhuteMr , places otesehleace.
hr of ar se Leda' .
tarre. , '' '',-. , ....t'it , .. -I. : , - , .trV "..1.t1:-.. A -,,,:.
*..! . ..`..- 1%:. 1 1 .4 : t.
;, ', ,
._. ;1, ~,;:..". ,• i - ii" ',%•-• -.-, -. foi thil
---=, ~ ," . - • ' - . ,4-,.- , -!, ----' halo
'• `'.tia' .. ..-d 4 ,
_',...,,;: -, .--4_. - .,-1 ,
,;:. - M:-..niv.: - ...' ', . , :lt , ': 10,
, 1 ,,,, ,, , i , d ,,,,4..„,v,.. 1 ,, . -i, v,
,_. , 4?•_s .., , ..ii' :=4 , 11
Willi") { " . .rf,"k 7 :.*.:' : ' -4,,,. -U'. ~ ,- - -7,-, -,-- • :, L.i,.;.. - 1, , ,,, - _ , ' -' ,'- - - '-; 7 , - , 11 , 9
" 1. itesitio-t
~ tr =
New toes, Feb: 9,184%`.
I. -
ks al szli ph ie l s .e feirt .
at alma
provided bith sheFareiC
rilikrprinied with a figure or Ore l
ful you ore net, deceived by ID
tentiotottng their boats to bo
Guard, when they are rot r 1161 1 ,1
: The following is a Hot of bow l .
ty Goord at the Port of Nisbet t_
first on the list have the intprove t i
nllnstato. II Is ImpossiMe for as
WEST WIND, 1I rill!
The traveling community nit
before they make tI choice of a bog
and see whether it would not tt
and security to choose a Safety C.
passage and freight, in preference lo
against explosion—and that they
that this invention has the unquali
fifty steam engine builders—gentle.
it is to understand the subject, and,
interested—besides a number of rerti.
lc gentlemen and others—nil of wb.
my office, No 10. Water street, when
pleasure at all times to exhibit an
who will lake the trouble to call.
sep 10 CA DWA
The subscriber offers for sale,r
red rates, the greater part of lii real
the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny
Brick Warehouses. nearly rani, n
situate on Market street et ween frr
bracing a front of about 54 feet by fill
tire, or separately to suit outd:ism,:
A Isn,'n select huildin2 10l in Alt,ll
tireadth,bl upward ni s :50 fort in
fronts, one on-I he Pen nsy Ivan ia taut
Washington street.
Also, the Ind adjoin in: the sharr.let:
by nearly 350 feet in depth,
gant mansion house Which / now atom
Also, a lot with two xvowtaiNlitt
ate on the corner of Markel:o4p
a moderate ground rent, awl IW
as a grocery
*en 10
cash or goods, a quantity of Nu
Almost all kinds of Country Frahm
for cast% or goods at HARRIS'S Id
Pep 21—'t f_ Com m Icsion VV2r6
JOHN II A Rl'. Commission dl
dude and American Manufat
Jno. Grier. EN., Pittsburgh ,
Aaron Harr,
James C , 'chran of R'd.
Jno. D. Davis,
hi'Vayk Hanna,
Avery. Ogden IS. Co.
Jno. Woodbonrne, Esq., Madieen
Farm on which I live. In Will
Braddocksfield, containing one
acres; about 70 acres of which is CI
well timbered. There ere span it •
and a barn 63 feet by 34; an applron
Also, about seventy acres of coal. •
be equal to that of any upland fart
Terms made known on applicoilosio
in the premises. WILLIAM WI
and Picture Frame
Fourth Street Pittsburgh.—Can' s
/cc., for Artists, always on hand.
promptly framed to order. Reim
es t notice.
Particular attention prod tore
ery deserip ,
Persons fitting up Steam Bower
theiradvantage to call.
WHITE LEP. P.—The auharnte
• to Cornish painters, and O
chase pore White Lead made of tbt
ranted equal, if not superior in
A It orders addressed to Dunlap k
k Co , No. no Second street, Pot4o
attended to,
sept 10
'Arai St., one door from Old St ,
The Subscriber reupectfully lal..
Pirtabargh end vicinity that Is
tailing Shoes his own mannfacters
where he will keep constantly os
.a ent of &III:Inds of ladies, misses,
,and`sboei.of the bon untoity.sa ld
ces to suit the times He will to
klnds;of fancy work—such Is 11
slippers, colored gaiters, and WOO
children's Misters, silk gaiters, kt.::
wilt be . made at the shortest wake.
her. Ladies will please call and eull
as thesubscriber feels confident IWO
any article is his tine they may Iss
sep ID
p.;;.8. Don't forget the plart—fi
40ar from Harris's Intelligence
from Market Street.
ATILLIA 11 DIGBY having ta.
y business of MOST dr Hoe
'Liberty street and 42 Market stred.
thanks to the numerous friends to
firm. for the very liberal support
tended to him, in connection
'vet:sires to assu re them that every
merit th e continuation of the mto g '
fier-trUgv Invite their attentioledn it
Clothing. which he Intends mil 6t .
than has been ever offered, beintil
the whole of tbe stock of the inleO rlP
and Bebe Intends to confine
Minh business, he feels confident 0-1
surpass his mock, either in OO*
non Of workmanship .
Plisse to take notiret hat efe r i l
Lured in Pittsitursin__.ooo
1 1
_, 4t Skeet Iron Ware , "
• "Hi eold-Verket Streets. -0
10 6 111 Iles at the shortest *W.'
itaWl Albers are solicited to Oil
4,11 ~shah wilibe seld 1 00 '
Hu tiap,outing add doge fa" :
4-141IkP iD
_,~,~.-, » -gin
sum, of,
lid 31*
41 the Mete
&DULA tie
() One moo'
5 TKO neon'
Three ten
Feat loon
Six Month .
One Year,
131,t mont.
One Year ,
In prannit
Dontadan a
Ird between M
. master.
dour from
• tin Willock, C•
between Fl
am, Treasurer.
Ord street, n
rch-8. FL Job
b, between M
a., Fourth, near
fdarket and I,
- aving -Fund)
J x &
nenr Wood
Water street,
er Of Penn ant
rner of Third
er of Third an
of Penn oree,
y street, near
•et,Litterfit St
Morse: Pert
S, A
on Grant st
zt rOOOlll to
M. I).
twee* Penn
resinn .- Mack
English, Fren
rket rt , rittaknr
taw: Office in t
. Morrow, Alder
t,, between Wo,
C, Whotrazite (
eater in Prrninc
, No. 224 Lac*
a as4-Camooliiii
t h side of th
, up stairs
Alt orm
•It to lb!
tracts, 'awl
N, Manuf;
Warr. No
and Sienna,
g, 7 ; & CO
Hand st.
base Pnrnit
call, hein.
y and ark .
-Just race!.
red and for a
au Miry of L
• r different
r sale at RED
A Boot an.
.111 dt., next d
, K Id and Sa•
by the newe
ts; io I.e di 5p
i'lowers and
=can always h:
rival Mamma
and teed gi
received by
0. 184,'LAheri
-naiatiug of
rowels. Ettili
, Pruning SI
1. - --ingl rec
cured Venis
er Seed, 0
rage, aiwa
N. Altot
etwaint, to
. between
NHS, Tor
to taw, fo
the Marti'
I. Apply
Pir We at
4 LAbst.
?4 VHflym
. r Y ,'J#Az