_ 4, .7. ptepared ^la+igen and 11000, • ww the ? ibent ri + rt . 'CoHs from the 446tAfgr,'NN6biiltiMattWillibildOit ' itithelardadiide iff •the tam %didn't with his ware IhnIPHIN Witine•tbekie who need 'Me rierrites nor find hire 14 - . sisrasneter: • w.rri. zawsr.-•• • asv: Joan *race... P. - 4ifaiiirritED*l4l.' ROSSILT 111LETICS. O.I I Z. ' EWAN I.OIOIIWWILLIAXOI D. 9,100‘ PAI7OIII, at.A.M."l"llrl asv..reirern salt. diaitsiwastuaa, - REV. /ASO S. trivia, 10 ; asv. s. r. *weer. reuasseastacwo' _ . ,_!---, 4.- ~.,.: . 7 0g AMitQAT BILLS, •1160 1 _,.k,,,..... 6 .'' • t llog$1! BILLS, 'ln' i lirP •":".-''', .-' '. ' VIEIIIIMG CAROL ''""'._ _.;,..0 •I ' • - ' ! 'AdDaira l e 1 " ' s ---4,' • ..., • -'• ' Itt'-'OO4O lO DO. , HAND BIJ.E.S. --_ i Agg glf , L'Atittit . ~.,..ot2 CETL iim ofAlß.eiete•Atreilitme• Print ~, 111 ,, ar rog h o with Mtn!". _ -2 ri /440,00,14 and on mode 11 4 1 1 .10- -, 006, spilling east. '4oolg:teeiltitatgla," l " 3l , - - • • itiy •,' ;,, - .., - -:. - - , : ,.::;-.•-y.- ••••'--• • nag' HOWARD it bas e ... - ~intenrers of Walt .r , 1c,..,,. ,, , . .strifit. Pittsburgh, Pa.— - ,a,, , tr, . -- 'P. -11-'. an ir mare assortment of Satin ' 4lo,andi Wail*" hand figft • fiGINGS, Veliet and Pen 'lor d I :r ie s. r ot a the latest style and tuu be h r a , n_lionle • toe papering halls' parlors an d ci ti times - Pi lt na ha rls' v. saintsf tare and have on hand at a t , .„ , __....... ili a : b etter , Wrapping and Tea P 3 per,l!on --P l4 l4 ol "l 4 . f: W alle r' r - s n 'Tilaa . td .ail terms; and le a h nd i br o. o ir T h e io r fnr iL ital bey e , ot a gg.mcaneaeonadattnir •I '' ' ; i tsattent ton of me.reisante and-others. . • tialit A• . 'Bin k "Books °fail kinds and the bentl y, ~. ----R.ete. Soaks always 0 hand and for side as above. -..,`' -... 4,11 . 1, gigs ' Imi Tannem':Seraps'..-taken in enyhenne. • -IkTEW Bar : —The subiteritter respettfully "forma hilriNd Mends' :o t#iap ubllc . he has ellesortgra6hllinlim*h'"l4i44 near the •dmogeßittskt.and le tballontle 1111,.". raletoiletl by Nat. 'Aber- Patrick. Midi= billeted entree:li go.•• The Iron cot Hotel," where be will be'very liapyy to ueeemmo. dale all who may please to call it*. 111 M. His table eholl-berrovitral with the beat faie;' , itod every possible ..itrertahodation to town and 'country- customers and rosettes. • A tow boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. can betaken. and mtnilemen wbo live out of town MP have theltrlinnets gaily. He'llawiadgeand stood stables, and the best Hay and .001.41.114 good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. fottitentlemen who hare horses. Setrallers taken by the day, week or year. Charges 'lam moderato than at any respectable Hotel In the dig. 7.010 JOHN IRONS. iIarIfrifIURGHCIRMILATING AND REFERENCE _lllllRAlRlT:ofßetiglonsi,Historitai,Politicat,and &Us vllipieous Works. will be opee 81iery dey..libedbath cx. eoptedi 'vest 7 o'clock, - A. M., anti! 9. P.M„ in the Ex- IWlDdieg.eorner of St pair street and Exchange AlleireWhekleitiectualwtteadance will be given by - J. DEWIMIL. -.W2ANUINGTON 1LA.1.1.--The subscriber. hes opened the late vesidettee of James Adams. Esq., abilities* fist - the it:elegant of visitors and boarders; flhleitistfie M yety tileitsanity iktuated on the bank of the filhils. , 2 sates from pit4ity7—itossessing ail the delight. ;fel acesnopstnintettik 4, ;I! 44011'# - 9-ey residence, without hetet too far &Mau 4 - . tro.pertritielloing business in the 01y. Visitors will be rantlithed With eve 7 delicacy of At 4 t.,o,teninus runs regularly every hdu r the A Ile ghes end °film Bridge. nNtNo Alcoholic beverages kept . WM. C. BERN. .."nititiourtzpAr OF THE UNION , —The copart. .17' 'Warship eshaing between James E. K i lbourn and ilitilirlCA.blorpn is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ificiatiditimis will be duly noticed, with the signatures of !,30111I.Pariki annexed. and Barry Hall will he continued „siasenity the suttreriber Urn other arrangements are per. acted. vrat.little.Oisttie premises, 150 Idda. choke winter ap ples, if applied Osr immediately. JAB. E.K I LBOU RN. _ No 9, Market, and 74. Front st: ; ----- --- -•' lilt OOKBlNDlNG.l—freandless4 - , 1,7 1 •t•/ Johnson. Bookbinders and Paper "---- \ Rulers, S. W. corder of Wood and 1 - --- Fourth streets, are now prepared to ex• ", a -- : eeute alt k inds of Bookbinding andPa ' L - ...A • -1 3 - - - I \- per Ruling with neatness and despatch. Blank books ruled and bound to may givea,paltesa at the shortest, notice. , 'CAL All work done "Elbe ribose-is warranted. (sep 10 .10 4 .1lininag) Surgeon- Derttist,lm reiarned to hid old stand, Smithfield Street, W .1.07, 4** kiitateslte_ eau be-coosulted any hoot - during the , day, bgeroj feallOo", t_ sea 10 lje? TAMOYALS.--George Armor. erchant Tailor, yelpedtl iiy announces to his friends and pa etghtiii tiat , tie.Tats removed his establishment froin his oldlitiplid;, - In Third street, to the cornet of Front, mid ligliggpelkin the liaiMiWite story,of Alseighniingiihela . 14witivoisherii intendllieeping on ha mettliaN of , Itieelkierlible Goods, satiable fort:litio elestaals ' beiges, by elositapplication, to met* a share