Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 12, 1842, Image 2

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    ... • •••• ... 4. -4-
I= - fe) ;A• , M 8
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a PI ct X p.
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(1 5 1WarA, 161 151 149 159 198
Zt--1 2,1 Ward - .143 133 134 14 2 24)0
{-ad Ward, 237 214 2' 6 230 2'5
go 1 4th Ward 162 154 153 155 231
*"'l,st4 Ward,....211 209 231 223 193
1 War , . 63 67 67 81 131
old 24' Wird, 43 37 34 58 58
:-=l•3/1 Ward, 91 93 14 131 98
140 Waid,....169 151 164 177 151
Birmingham .32 3) 32 ;(16 49
Lagorencevilo, .... 51 4) 49 49 31
Pat • 164 153 180 2 1 2 144
Peebles, 69 63 65 73 1 . 23
Wilkins, .74 68 17 77 135
101 101 101 101 :3
Vdr.ralll,p . -..1 1 0 1 1 13 10 . 1 110 81
li.;lwiltelt, ........161 2'4 159 1 1 2 1-50
3.llTersott,. .. 65 69 60 6: 101
11 411 n,_ . 75 71 71 71 47
Utiper'St. C1a;r....000 fill 001 0041 001
I.riWetr St 'lair, .. 94 9' 01 12i 111
Itubipslit, 111 Itl7 104 I'l4 6.3
ray6re 1'77 • 13i 133 135 124
Fittrlley, 010 000 000 001 010
Ain^“. 114 115 I'B 1:8 27
0100,..... 51 52 51 53 75
Franklin 000 013 003 009 010
RwervP, 000 001 0;0 003 00 )
Him 89 88 81 94 GO
P ne, 122 122 121 122 91
West Deer. 030 030 00) 091 000
Est.Derr 115 11.2 112 1141 8 1
Imiiatia, .7'4 82 81 92 73
Sbarrourg, b,: ... 47 000 030 000 13
Tit I, J,--
-- tne 1 , nc7at, 546fi1,";,°iWn.17,1CL717.:
see First Paige.
Our readers will d oilitlssi attribute the
want of editorial matter, to its proper eaitie:
—the fact that the election was held yester•
day. In the bustle and excitement of the
time, we found ourselves unable to devote
aiiinment to the preparation of matter for
our paper.
The rlection—Glorious Aesult.
We have, at riinA troahle and expense, pro,
eared returns from'..9 out of the 34 election dis.
'Hots in the county. and have the:pleasure of an•
flouncing to our readers the trinmphant ciccticn
"of two of nor candidates over the c.imb'n-d
horte of federal stn. THOMAS FARLE y- is
elected Clerk Of the S^F.lon., etc. ver
MITCHELL,'and .. %V 11. KARNS is ileeted the
ieglialature oviir Jas. Robinson .
We sincerely wish that 'Mr R's hid 1,111,n
,•on' - any orhis co-part zing. Toe average ni-jori
ity of the whips eli.eted will n i exeec 1 330 votes.
Ihe townships to come in (West I) er excepted)
will be favorable to the Dainocrats
Attho' our return may not be so accurate as we
*Mrld - desire. 81111 it is wore full in ours than any
other. ;Apr.
Dizzo—thi Tuesday (ve.iterday) evoning, at
9 il'eluele, after a short illness, Mr. SYLVESTER
CoanttaVa, Merchant, (of the firm of Cusgrate &
Wields.) in the h ye,r of his a g e.
The friends of the family are invite! to attend
the funeral this afternoon, at 3 u'elm li, from his
late rei.idzinee en Grant, letwecn Flo it and Se
cond it rmits.
Humun Lep, nvit Y.
A specimen of the depravity to which the
indulgence of bad passions sometimes sedu
ces poor, frail humanity, is exhibited in a
case which has been occupying the Phila
delphia Sessions more than a wcek past,
and is still unconcluded. Thu accused par
ties, PikEwen and Shee, are indicted for a
conspiracy to obtain a divorce from Airs.
McEwen, a young and pretty looking wo
man, wife of McEwen, the accused;—the
evidence adduced shows man in a new and
darker form than we are in the habit of see
ingliim arrayed. The parties have here
tohire all moved in highly respectable soci
ety, and the accused husband was an open
profeisorof religion. The testimony shows
thatthe,,wife was seduced by the husband
heftire Marriage—that he, after marriage,
caused abortion—then colleagued with an
accomplice and at this accomplice's viola
iithis own wife's person, which was
-effected by,force—and filially forged a peti
s64l4(for a divorce in his wife's name. If
.greater and more villainous depravity was
e - eeeekhibited in one issue, we never heard
of great interest is manifested in the
Atial;,Os well (mom the enormity of the do
-.ingsuithe defendants as from the able and
-diOitiiignisted counsel engaged in the trial.
Deltas, Brown, Rawle, Brook. Hirst and
:others; are m oy ed . —N. Y. Su r.
lineit*s Merchants 31a7azine.
The Lletoher number of this standard
periodical opens with an article on the
ijommercial History of France, embra•
eina aa account of Necker and his ad.
=ministration. Article second is a full and
, %Fiparelktly authentic account of the Com
_rneree of .Cuba for a series of years.—
With 119 government, and scarce
ly any 94.p.aaspf internal commotion, but
oadtator i tbswaost part impastable, and
with +people possessed of that natural lan
gor pf p4u d, in,st greater Or less degree
common . to the inhabitants of all tropical
a,flon-misbiug commerce,
allactiti-e4teaspt from those periodlicirTe—
mailions-erhickurfrequently pthstxate th e
efts4lf 1 tba tredStateliand Great .13r•t ,
Lain, will& arefNe from similar; difredwerk •
,titgath 't hose here\tiareed.. Tlre N follovv,
amen .the agV,egate inipoos ~attd
„.44,4kiatte afterisland ƒt),
.a &Q# o f y e a rA ,
showathe etwlisiess - oths emmt LD
comnierrial prosimaritr, \
..1833 '532;807;233 2 183 i
1834 33,851 itti`_,."'" .1 8 4
.185 414,7832 - 18A9
.4834:' V 1950,21.4 1840
' "
aontv. a viir rrt,
41j — li t 4 71 41#4 ) 48 : 44' 1 4 / 1 .- EV A I:
-I . --' .. • - -,'.'-: A . :l', - '. -. 7 . , , -; , I !;'''' - . '' ' ' 7 ':',.l - - ...'= , ,..f . ; , :-. - .'-: 4 , -t - : 3, ," - - , ...'" , :J- 7 sr - , -., -
ErtE 410 At I .1-jEtECtION"--(:W4444412. :_„
.....—.......n . ,.---•—+" . .
.............,.....,—,--.L..,---.6.—-—. - ...,, -
;r: •.•-•• 0
183 193 COI
216 219 13
214 217 4)0
217 237 ; 5
19) 193 i l l/
127 134 ;531
53 61
P 5 104 i:49
129 159 7'
4) 4.3 :95
N 3 33 001
143 114 :6)
1.21 1?7 099
1 % 9 131 !. 8
121 124 12)
i 5 SI 000
15: 15:
103 102 000
43 45 003
010 010 003
11 1 113 00)
53 63 001
121 122 'On
0.11 091 013
26 27 011
75 76 010
010 00) 010
0» 010 0))
01 72 011
97 97 090
00) 010 019
70 7 , 3 00)
7 3 7-1 00
013 000 0)0
r1,11.= 1/••• a. ...am.
111111 d.
‘bo:it 10,1141 S •
her interesting particulars which we may
theteafter feferto.
The work, as usual, abou'irds with articles
of importance to m"rcantile men particu—
larly, of much interest to the gereral rea
der. N. Hickman, Baltimore street, is a
gent for the Work.
The fcillovving table exhibits the nuni—
bers of reVolutionary or wilitary pensioners
in the several States:
Ma'ne 1409 Alabaln2 192
N. Hampshire 1906 111i,lsi.sippi 63
NiaFsschusetts 2462 Louisiana
Rhode Island 601 Tennessee 895
Connecticut 1666 Kentucky 886
New York 7089 Indiana 380
New Jersey 472 Illinois 105
Pennsylvania 1251 Nlissouri 122
Maryland 91 Michigan 90
Virginia 993 Florida l'err l y 16
North Cirolina 609 Wisconsin " 9
South Carolina 318 lowa 2
The Senate o insists of 21 members, 14
of whom hold over, and 7 were elected on
Wednesday. Of Senators holding over
9 are Federalists and 5 Democrats. 01 the
7 Senators whose terms have expired, 6
were lederaliits, and 1 democrat.
Whig. Dem.
Senators holding over 9 f" 5
Montgomery, 1 0
Prince G :Owe's, 0 whig I,3‘;s, 1
Anne Arundel, 0 whig loss, 1
Calvert, 0 whig loss, 1
Caroline, 1
Charles, 1 whiz gain.
house of Delegate N.
1842 1811
W. D. W. D,
ral:imore - city, 5 5
Biltiinore county, 5 5
Cecil, 2 2 3
Frederick, 1 4 5
Calvert, I .2 3
Harford, 3 1 4
Montgomery, 2 3 4
Anne Arundel, 5 1 4
Carroll, 4 4
Wash;ngton, 5 4
Prince George's 4 4
Rent, . 3 3
Queen Anne's, 2 1 3
Charles, 3 3
Carr line, 3 3
Talbot, 3 3
By the cars of this afternoon we h lye a ru nor
that the Democrats have electel fo:tr in Alt , g nv;
but letter: received at the Patriot, state 2 Demo
erals laid 2 Whig4.—Sun
Mankind may be dividzd into three
classes.—Those who I.•arn from the ex•
pe!ience of others—they are happy men.
Those t‘l l o learn from their own experi-
ence—hey are wise m'n. Awl lastly,
Those whO learn neither from their own,
not from other people's experience—they
Montreal 'Trans.
There is . Bundler class; ; they who teach
others weil and wisely, but never learn
hems elveS.-4urora.
Sullivan was brought down from West
chester county yesterday on a writ of habe-
as corpus, wi , .h a view to have him admit
ted to bail: The Rec ofcl'er, bef we whom
he was hi ought, decided that the offence
was bailable, but that he had no jurisdiction
in the premises, and that application must
be made for bail before a commissioner of
the:( o nay !where the'indictment was found,
and if no cornissioner,could be found to ad
mit him tolbaii, or in the absence of such
,cornin;gaioaer 'then the . accused could he
tiette l ia befeire a commissioner of another,
e ouuty., isnit be admitted t o bail at his dis—
cretion• artplicatioO was therefore
steal ed,antlSoilivan re cnatided toWealOaa
-Lex ,cDuty pia* 4, tria • • • . •
' 13 ° A ratniaa
4§,200,980 of isoanity .att
*6,797,565 I beAlin t ud4ll,
i s ,
Ut44.14922- " r " ; 11"41 - di
- ise gr - 0 14 i*
1- VA4 3 `iite , frpitiii ist
rAtck' .4ilif-kokilw
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:46 1 ,
•••• 4„jrm .11
1.111• IV ISA I•l4ilim
14320 Ohio
4 Arka9,as
325 Dist. Columbia 15
Eilaryland Election,
As , far as heard from
Slate Senate.
'index ii 6.•
ad- 41%971,1,;11-birsiLniAtti jn,
.140 8.111.4777. 3‘44..,ii.:ti11•
„i s*
0400$11 1 :''': . c; :;.- - - Atment,-,;-,
. --: * -44 0 4- .. - •• • 4Zutititfirit Pi I
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~i ,
-..1iiic44:114., 'T)777-pfs _:-•=:.,--:,;.-,,
Commissjoner. Recorder.
4c , *
e ' l l
ID . i
4 4. 44444
z 0
7 . 7 .11111 =MI WSW lIEWI
ge, 124 : 1111 " L 9 ri — TT "3 Or 779
231 203 10 'T 240 187 9 9 222 211
21r3 143 1 2 3 237 122 6 2 2 1 :6 'l4l
20t 20) 11 31 201 211 12 3i 183 192
127 65 49 20 141 59 51 11 131 67
P 35 32 12 6 76 42 11 4 '6l '5l
OJO MOM ,11.1.1 . a .111.11 WPM
159 I EI ' l 5 32 115 ""7 -2 11' T 47 7-41
.40 24 105 090 41 21 108 call '.37 17
"' " 1 4. 7f.' 33 49 212 "" 50 3i
m.g• ...AI
am! Ilim4
6 7
6 8
6 a
7 7
5 2
33 3 i
12 12
4 4
4 3
39 29
10 12
4 3
11 11
Et 12
17 17
0)0 011
15 13
I 1
2919 =1:1 .It; 167 152 54 ! oa2 17) 136
Oil =4: 6- 4 101 -TAw_. 131 57 6rf 1 21 65
95 71 11 21 134 . 63 9 7-7 4 131 70
123 102: 129 101 000 :7: 123 102
65 122 :f:B2 lit ::93 99
137 161 3J -
4T 149 170 73J 21 152 161
109 56
.000'' 1)1 61 ::: ::: 98 6t
Pw -.,, - 000 =IT '43 65 - -t
622 az; 000 OSM G 3 momM:MMIA. NAM
::; 11:i rll - ; 1 1 , :t7473 "R 1
63 103 :74 ''a o ,7„
103 ;-- =l - 61 103
122 134 ! , 11 1 14 1 121 132 J 23 131
-t. mda A. 07. Asm. WA.'OX.
'37 = .l .' '3l TN r is .i "ll Tl 3
75 51 - 2: is . ill' 75 55 :1", -74 16 55
mxa 16.1 ram, a.l
wr, ;17:4 ;;;I: ,1 . 72 n a== 4z3
fl "i '1! 11 7,:f . "7 , '77 74
9; 12? 011 2 97 121 MP , "2
79 141
lA. mmm M.. MINA mmA mmo
Trd 115 — 47 '7l T 57 )1 151
mum- mmm •a 1 pme mmA mAM M.. wad
.4 ..4 146.. .g. .-'
18 ;1)0 13 17 IJ Ou) 11 f , 16 17
el 6 LL
16 -vg
. 4 .4 N am
4 4
mom= w•. 11
2 d 127
8 2
4 4
M a g mosi.
mat ...
mum ....
:lima my ,
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6 6111.4
. 1 "!411
welIA 1
Er 7-1-4.1
2i 25
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4 4
I; 6
is..q it v.
NA Mai
.. NM f
.3 47
45' 4{
ms• 19
i 2 ...
1 7 cri
".. we •
..." oral
a. ••ar. m. ••• • M. 2•• ••• uaa.. aaaa a a.s waft 41111.. eigAra 0n.5 , 1
WO /I .291•1 VI/ saa ] Lfay. la Cl.1•11sa ai Si AM iL11.1.10 woman waso amo Oar.
Mi. Bliss, whose precarious state since
the meeting in which he was wounded,
has atnrded -little room for hope, expired
yesterday about 2 o'clock. We have
known the deceased since his first coming
to Louisville, in the capacity of Professor
in the Louisville College.. He became
editor ofthe News Letter, when Mr. Flagg
gave up, the station, and whey that• paper
was merged in the Louisville Journal, he
was engaged for a time as assistant editor.
More recently he was elected Librarian of
the Mercantile Library Association,. and
occasionally contributed to to columns of
the Journal—to whit extent we are not
aware, although we recognised a number
of his articles in the editorial columns' of
that paper It is not our province to al
luf.+e with any particularity to the circum
stances which led to his death, or to d'A , ell
upon his peculiar virtues. The first will
soon be „larought bet ;we a Jury, the other
will he the theme of his eulogist. He was
a quiet man in his manners, and rather Un
obtrusive than otherwise in. conversation
We were always on good terrr►s with bini,
and exchanged the Cotiftesiet of acquain
tances, on the day he was wounded. We
deeply regret the circumstances of his
death,or that pt °vocation should haVe Seen
given to lead to a catastrophe so painful.
The N. O. Bulletin says—The schooner
Ann Anria, Capt. Peters, arrived In eight
days from Sieal, We have conversed with
a passenger, from whom we learn that the
Mexicans had not yet made their appear
, ante off the coast, It was believed that
the Mexican fleet had gone to Vera Cruz,
but they were expected to return and visit
Campeachy, and the troops at that poet
wet e busily employed in putting the forti—
fications in a complete state of repair.—
The regular force there amounted to about
5000 men, and the militia that could be
called-in, on an emergency, are five times
that number. The people we re f u ll o f
enthusiasm, and det-•rtniued to resist any
invasion the Mexicans might attempt.
We learn from the same gentleman' that
the three Yucatan vessels at Laguna were
not captured, but, treacherously delivered
to the Mexicans by their commanders, on
the payment of $.13,000 in specie. This
fact was leaking out among the Yucatoes,
and it was supposed the culpable persons
would be arrested, tried and punished.
tVe learn from Capt. Peters that the
Yucatan government were anxious to re
new the previous arrangemcnt with the
Texian Navy, and the money necessary to
eff,ot that object was appropriated and
ready to be, paid over. The A. M. it, is
understood 'brought communications to
Com. Moore on the subject.
The West India Mail Company steamship
Medway, Captain Smith, torched at the B 'Hz; nn
Friday, the 22.1 instant, haying left Vcr a Cruz on
the 15:h. She brought five passengers, amongst
whim is the bearer of despatches from the Amer
ican !Winkler at Mexico. Tho Medway was off
l'ampieo, and landed tha mails., A severe nnr•
alert), Wind prevailing at the tine, she Was una •
ble to receive the homeward mail.
The most important item of intelligence by this
arrival is the fact of the appointment of V. Al
insnte as Enshassad r Extraordinary to the Go.
iernment of Washington. fie had alresdy
and was entrusted with plenary po vers for tha
settlern . nt of the qui stions at issue between the
two countries. It is stated that an expedition was
fitting nut at Vera 43risx for Galveston, consisting
of a sic/liner, and another which was expected
from England, and three •ar four schooners,
Troops were concentrating in every direction:
Several thousands were at Jalapa, and it was con
fidently beljeved that an invasion of Weis would
take plime,in.a fsw weeks. .
The:United States cutter Woodbury, for whose
safety serious apprehensions had been entertained,.
lelkirera Celts on 1-Ith for this pert.--A. Q. Bee;
27th" gept. _
A writer beautifully remarks that a man's
mother is the reprefenative of his Maker.—,
Misfo4une, and even crime aget op no harri:
ers between her and her sou; While his'
mother :litres he .will have one frieOd'un'vaii:r.
AO dili iron paten ; When , he „is 'aliodereii i ,
tSpt ite4ertAint.;-wlie4 heir miirert;l,
spoiktootit4rVitikOsitc . - ** 4
.: ;flow
X :2
-a 72
z 0
Frion the Louisville Ciazette,Oct. 7
. 1
Death of Mr. Bliss.
e 7""
++ 4.0.
X i
0 ...,
ag. myra menlo
spy. "gm! me
10 - 5 190 135 ,) 127
ti 7 221 216 10 8 220 215
4 42n 164 3 3 211 154
II 32 137 212 12 20 186 215
50 13 94 0 422 35 13 135 C 2
15 4 25 92 10 '4 73 90
~5 X 72 y 4. 4 4 4.4.4 all • 0 .4. p r .
TIT r 173 . 153
115 001 37 23 1115_ 1 3 -1 25
ye. Room in •••••• saa ••••••
gv. 111•411 14 . 4. 4.148 WI. 4 WWI L 41411
"" 144 i 74 61 1 6 "'""
1 •
" 71 73 19 "' ;'!:e
17 13 I fr"" !il
0 4 82 96 10 '4 61
m , .44 m m.. ma. ,fiami .011 i 7 : : 129 lot
..4 w..
91 102 • 8.) 109
3i !ti , 12) 166 ° 44 37 152 165
NAZ 48 67 suz . 2!
m 22 glz M
.. 1 max :gmss,; TI `9'IT
nt 8. .
a 8 is,a :31.1
H 10 G 1 1 18
121 133 oari 1%3 131
r-. —. Gin GIZ MAX
Ir_st4:;a2 111 4i na4
MEI mu 6B 6 4 CZA en 55
=L i m
. - ;z1 12:4 :=7l 5-na U - A2 =t3 ;.02 WO!
' 4 l! TTi 22 ' a7Eira" ,,
. .caa 121 ,47,",a
ail 61 TN s'a 47 - RT !!!
841 i.e.. p 49
Ell 4 lq 1 '4374 16 11 2 . 1 7 it in
tide. It flows on from a pare lountaln, and
speaks happiness thr , ugh this vale of teirs,
and ceases only at thet ocean of eternity.
8u41.v ESS. —The Pcnnsyl
vanit Lug iirer giver an account of the bricks
inanu'acture I in Philadelphia and its vicinity. at
the various yards, duriig the yearn 1841 and 1812.
The nuintym. ni bricks manufactured in
1841 being, 58,63.1.0P0
'Poe numb it do do, in 1842, 51,515,000
Ni: nilivr less in 1812, 7,115,000
1811 57 630,000 at 87,25, $124,752. 51
In 1844, 51,515,00, a' 86, 301,010, 00
Diff!rence in tavor of 1841, $115,672 5)
It is , stiinated that toe stock of bricks remaio
ing hmd ill's winter, will ex c eed that of scre
ral prece-'inz by at least 50 per cent,
Tne waves paid to workmen are rroOn 121 to 25
per cent Iss this year than in 1811.
In eight of the ia , rest yaids, the owners
mate th nu inti'y of bricks oa hull at ar, a , gre
g,.ite of 4,030,000.
1 .- -I . ll:worth, the I"rnk,e Pod•striin. Liner
completing his tusk of walking one thousand milei
in no thoirnin I h mrs, inadi the following ad
B trclav, of Eogl.md, the only oth
er individual that his perlormed this ardmius
"Lu&vs fuel ri-,irlenuea: —ll the 25th day of
August teat, at 12 o'clock. M. 1 commenced the
ardous task of walk n2;1003 mile , in 1000 consec
utive hours. morning, at 16 minutes and
-forty -tw r seconds after 3 o'clock, I completed the
pertormanve; and tw me to assure y•u that I
have walked on,: mile every hour since I star el,
and that a journal of the time has been kept by
tho,e persdns in wh , se dtar.tc I have been, who
wit! testify to its c trrectnes ;ant it is now op n
to the inspection of every one who wis . .es to ex •
amine it. I have continu d , o walk one mile ev
ery hoot since the completioa of my feat un to
this time, making 14 of les over the 10 0 0, for the
purpose of giving an ouportun;ty to the public of
judging of my coed ti m. The distance from my
room to the course he seven rods, which is not in
the walk of the 1000 miles. And I will here
state to you that I have Lest hut three and a Ita'f
p mods in weizht since 1 started, and now feel to
as good h^art and spirits as on the day I started.
And permit me now to return my thanks to these
gentlemen who have-so kindly extended to ine,
their aid and encouragement throutrh my task,
and f., you all to accept the thinks of a YAa¢irs
A N0F1T.1131.1 7 . EXPERIMEST• — LI.Iy Aire') Copt
plain^d of a too'hache. All the remedies used on
such occasions were applied, bit still she found
no rellef. At length she deci•ted on sendhno to
Edinburgh, a disqaoce of fifty miles fr no Ulvdes•
dale castle, for a dentist to extract the suff ring
tooth; and, when he arrived, she declared 'that her
nerves were unequal to so' ;milting to the opera
tion, unless she saw ri performed on sorrye on
e'se first.' The few friend; admitted to the sane
tbnary of her beadoir looked ag,'tast at this decla
ration, each expecting to be c tied on, boo, of er
the silence of a few minutes, and no one offarin r.
she told Lord Airco that he most hay., a tooth
out, Ih at she might judge from his mann-r of au:).
porting the operation if she could go through it.
He appeared vtnazingly disconcerted, hut a f•vir
wry faces and Ferious expostu'ations having fail
ed to molli'y the lady, the obedient husband F
mitred, and a fine ;;;onnd tooth was e x tracted from
his jaw, after which she declared, 'that she had
seen e-ough in convince her that e could not
undergo a sit ilar operation.'
icirGm. Cass is corning horrw sJon. Tile set
tlement of nor diffi ;nines with France has taken
from the guvernment the m ,, tivcs which induced
th- President to advise the G:neral to remain at
the French Court, and he wit) leave fur horn as
soon as formal perit.isQion reaeltr4s
Th Theatre. ui N unlit z is.-now occupied as a
livery stable. The steeds of Apolio give place to
the nags of n Tat.ersall—‘•the home of the Mu , cs
is changed to the Mews, It is different in Phili
delphia. There is nothing stalde in the drama
Governor Reynolds, of Missouri, has offered a
reward of six hundred dollars for the apprehension
of Orrin Porter Rockwell, charged with the crime
of feloniously shooting Guy. Boggs, with the in
tent to kill him; and of Joe Smith, jr., charged
with being accessory, befbre the fact, to the crime
of the said Rockwell, of i3OO for either of them.
Rumored return of Mr. Puplneatt. •
The Montreal Messenger,- of the 21st,
says, 'lt is rumored that. J. L. Papineau.
late Speaker of the Parliament house of
Lower Canada, is in New York,on hisway.
to Coada; and that he is to be appointed
Postmaster General of thee Province, in
!hoplace of Mr. T. A. Stayner, who is to
retire anti) pensfan. The Salary of this
h 410,000 a year.
Mr.ttipintsail it will be recollected. was
aailedifrom Cansaa on account - of his ,
"t*4trOric6ll4 - 0411:4tta rebellionE ‘ ca-hait
1111 0 e 'bee* ilia in. Itranie.
, -
... 4 ..-3 140 , , .
Clerk of Courts,
Hoiri a
The-rtrial ! A :Daniel Maynard, far the
murder of his wile Nancy; cements 'at. the
recent term of Oyer and Tern:liner, before
Judge Morrell, in Norwich, 'Conn. The
district attorney stated the facts in the
case; Maynard,'Who resided in the town. of
Columbus, came .home. on the evening of
the 15th-ofdast becemlrer,• from his work
at i t erghbor's, a little' after dark, and
went into Fis kitchen; after a few words
said, he directed his oldest boy to bring
him a water beech whip or gad from an
outhouse, and which was about seven feet
long, which he cut in two, and with which
he proceeded to whip his wife severely;
on his suspending the blows and leaving
the house fora short time, his wife dives
ted hers( fof all her clothes, in which con-
A uditOk.
=Ma nen
000 8
12 88
49 10
16 4
- T7 IT
IN ono
dition he continued to cruelly beat and
strike her; that he then place her on the
bed, and tied each hand tf bed•post,
and again heat her with the whip; from all
Which beatings and hruisings, she came to
her death in the course of the night.—That
to avert suspicion from himself he stained
her mouth and teeth and linen with blue
dye; to create the belief, that in a fit of
'tlespetation, she had killed herself by
drinking that fluid. The wife was proved
to he all ifileffiperate woman, bbt the jury
convicted Nlaynard m inslaughter in the
second degree—the purdshtnent of which
rn y hp seven years in OH. state pr
:37 2 7
KCa mlm
602 C.m
C 24 ;47;.17
ner-lip formerly eN1,1111..: 11,1 r the name of
sowo, [toyer ,al the Rover t Wolk , . %row tl,mlv•
ed 27t1, Seio'r, Irtst by the withdratyol (.IStromel Smith
from Ulu firm.
s NI I;()V1.: I t,
A \ Mr , 0 ELL,
JOH r.
rill bur ph, Ilth Or!oher,lB42.
Th e mietif, Liirinz of lion and Nnl's from Juniata
mos will he t,1111•11 at the 11,•/tV1•11 %Val hi:, by T h e
s hod, r I Ile firm of Tut heti. Ito) er and :tl ' Dow•
ell, who are amply prepared io ;Wend to all orders in
i heir line he ilie most I.heral hems, aid ht rem wed an
1. Minn to Imsoless hope 10 merit a coulintiame of public
Bowen NVorl;:, 11 Oct. 1812
N The htisii.e.s 01 11, Coyer ei• Co. hill he so. pamptifeba,
lied up of ;he old stand, h Tint:tot, tS• llcDovre I.
Oct 1:2--..:12w
1110aN'8 TEA.BERI2.I." Tuo co.wAsti.
L.,Nt AsrEn,Oci. 24,1842
D - . Tuortx,—My Dear till,: I cheerfully and
eordia ly emb ace the pre=cut I.lvordn'eommittittily to re•
turn to yon we warineo tmtol,s UI g rtOitutle for your un.
equalled :o unexceptionable invent'on of your very
justly celebrated Tea hcny 'rnotli•lVusli,anti I fet..l that
lat in d u ly' bound to say that I have derived the great..
eiFt and limit beneficial erfeci from its frequent :tad
all Lau .1-sure pin I hal lam exceedingly hap
py to have the iiledsore of I nfo•ntin t' you, that sincerely
add torill.,ll, speaking, I can i t. justice o, its fie
41.1,11 11, • It, all that unfortunate portion ef Ih , . I.ll,ltati
r.tc , I h:tth . zhotil Ihe gittl.t. tell.) are hOw ilad , r_tdill,t, the
tho.l I xc,ur .:1 1 11 , 2 rut [he ‘1“,.1 of n al. dick & it ityp .-
ral tot! of ex,ielly he nature of \ vhlc it yours is prepa
red, a hay for years been se:form:4 from lire in.
j irons, tht-Init'ltVe anti elftets or wortioe,-3
tooth p itvdios alt.' Other tvo. I , prpparatio.N. In
et:106114Mo tinr4but ine to s ty that I ',aye ti , ert your Tooth -
Wash Ittti for a silo I m•rmtl, and y 4 1I Ce 4 i I horni2hly
ronvinced lino it Is the I.{-41 now known. its iht,litital.le
virtues in pre,ervititi the teeth, (which if kept in a 2 00, 1
and tia'nliztttate coudil ion, is the grealetiq melieti,lotiebt
iliat adorns the human err Cluct tire) are not to he excelled
i easifitt and re' hiving the sit tTerer from tooth :trite, and
resinrirez tire all IDA lu a healthy and purified condition. a lid
I:iv•ng alsn a S Vet'lllCFS and IQ a diia4rt cable
breath hitherto unit' 11,,5, n.
Acurm my si'mie wish for our surrmzz, from
It sho ILI he kouwu, to a l whom it may concern, that
a large nuns her of the CillZell of l'itishtirgli, for some
hie part, have hrru iestifii; !he (fit acy of the crilelitaleil
)icii•uvrrus Tooro Acne UR oys,— and that in every in.
stance it lias effected a radiva I cure, (welt iu the most iii
vi•terale cases or this horrid complaint. All persons,
t herefore,,u',jert to 111;s most di-tres.-ing malady, and de •
ul 11.01i"rk:KTEI for future 11,e and orna•
may ro,it ii,ured that a remedy is now within
their reach, which is a certain dkatu to the 'morn ACIIE.
It is also logiry clli •acions Ili i he preservation of decayed
teeth, and in re uuving rill tartar and scurvy without the
u.s.. of 311 insi rument nayy place in the city whe re
It can :t! TIT I' ILE'',tt. A GII:NCV,
Nil. 86 F.lllrt.i st reel. near Woad, so 0 proprietor.
P.S.—Rereive,Wois (to , a lot 01 - S - PEiIIOR CIGARS
NO:111/, atill other brands, at
TIJ PTI.E'S, 86 Fourth street.
1 us r received. 3.(:00 Sea-rouble ruffalo Robes of dd .-
11.9 (runt qualities from Extra Is.a. Ito 3.
A lot r f Hear nii.l Cut ins,
I 1 .000 Nr. 1 and 2 Miislirat
A lot r f Oiler ;Ind ftaeroon
All which ar,offere lat reduced prim , fo cash or ap
proved notes. Apply to
A. BE ELES , at the American Poe Co, Ageucy,
0,112 -3 , n Corner of Front and Ferry sts.
JUST ieccivi•d a superior ait idle of Lee F Co's. Lard
Oil warranted to burn at any Temperature, for eale
at the Lard Oil Store in Third street, nearly opposile the
Ort 1 2-lw
CO rTEE, 'FE &c.
r 0 BAGS prune areefrllit io
_ 30 pack:.p.s , Y. 11 . I m perial and Gunpowder Teas,
20 bids large No. 3 Mackerel,
6 boxes Sperm CancLts.
received and for en le by
o.i 11-1 w Corner of liana arid Liberty sls.
S-11.E OR BARTER fol hlannfac
hire,. and Con .1 ry Produce-6 half b xes of elv , iee
e.,r eur i, s h Trthiero, I hree q la lit ies and prices -330 hush
ells of Flax.eed Cabe in bh a, in lots to suit cultntiters.
IS lAC El A IZRIS, AO. and Coin. Merchant,
No. 9 Fifth street.
To Iron 'illanufacturers:
Nero and useful improvement in running out or refining
meta.l.for the parpoecof mating Bar,lron.
THEplan cunsisis of a close fire, by cast plates, run'
nlivz up the Chimney 7 feei, 3 hy 31 feel at haunts',
and 18 inches ,glare at top; the pig an t i! : coal ie put in at
the top of the fire, and the blast i= received on two sides.
The I wereiron plates are as thick as those commonly
need, and the plates on the lop of them are one inch and;
a half by one inch thick, and 13 inches square at lop.
.71aving received Letters Patent for thesawe, 1 now of
fer it to the piddle on iensonahle terms. -
Any information can be had, by , addre4sing me, at
Portsmouth, Ohio, C..Molif ANA WitY.
Ilarnalnri Rorat. A ugnst 30;1542;
The undersigned baying used litcManawaY's
Patent Run otafire (oration' two years, rake, pleasure in
recommending It to the public, a-ti m o re` particularly to
all Iron Illennfacturets es an Iniprovenierit - on the open
fires, or on the old plan or running ont-bsetal..
• The eupalo, or patent fire, with awvelki least one fitriin
the feel used: wit, make al' meek-metal is a given tlnni'as
two own fires: and refine taititi‘a as goad quality an the
> We have used a lime' Misr Itind'froir IV, were, and
lave derisred seen advantair frouslt,ikat-vreceinis etre'gr-
Inftriveusnreend it. • •
vinahloawAy !initial' oul erre lip*" PriAtiawath.,
'asKlasken+l4 l ollPit w heeling+ Wit For tviArk,..,...-"... ' 1 "--
.4.,te d sohkoriwt4 , - m ! - * l tii t hkes 4 4 *tii-riliiinnf,Vie4r,
a* p hi...44u tt--1 l*et.
--, ~,
YOlll S. tril ly
nous..vorD Loral
14th inst. at 2 o'clock;
and Lot t situated on the 4:4 0
mews, in the sth Ward 016_
two stories bight with a
Terms at.Sale—By older at tit
Pittshurzh. Ociol,er 6
1 . 7.6 the Honerubie tt -- 7 1'ig gi wime
Quarter Sessions of ter
of ..ellegheny.
rruiE pelttion 01 Sirholyl
eespc rl, in Versailles
aforesaid, humbly Amine,
pre vided hi u.sell wit II wate,izg.:
or travelers and nibers,at hist
ship a oresaid. aad e13).11,,
ed to zraaL him a lieelme in kre,,
And goat punk t ,
W e, I he F,,hscribers, riiit”nsq
certify, that the above pelak,,,,,
esly and temperance, and k
room and enliven ien , es tar they.
lea of strangers and tiatelro,a,,
:Matthew Elliot,
A. Atwater, Jw4
H. B Sinclair,
John rook, A.
.1 , 1111 . 1
John Fl
Cct 7-3 t.
Itt the Cowl of (4.uai t„
of Ile: Itetly ouoty.
AN P NOW TO 11 IT , (, 00 ,,
re, le ihe I k
braes ha l~ r - pl~iti-L, din tip rR
11.11• If II IN
=aid ( l oud tnt Mitt d•l\ I (11, l!ri
11:N10111111,v In •ittlitt t „,t,
bare made 111 the itlitti ai said
(hey shall he heard.
Orl 7-31 pt
C,)riicr pi
TII II prop, lrl ot s of i b,•
and the pa! ro of ilo=e pa pera„t,
and well elloseol nesortice ,, l of
ar 1111010 .12L1C
/A:01;D AILLG D'AV. - 11411.
Necessary it) a Jvh Or
pa red to
211 hinbs of
Sta g e, Slaamboat, and Canal Q.
palate (ti,
Printed on the notice and
We tetmeelfully u:k 1,ah0.,
the public to genera! in .111 , 1,tar,
Pill<!ntr 11, SP') . 39; 111-12. I'll'
Court Holum , . rm Ctnot •ortql
NOT IC T:11,0 the
i j (!..iirt or Co !linon I
I lie 11,0, II 011 oe
and ?I'M
(frt“liei trail ror !hr. ;IQ „r 1i
creel is e, at I litir.r I.i I?+,
Oct. 5, 1t;4.1--3
['END • JUNCE. kV I, et r p .
'IMON P. BRADDoCE, 1 3 -54
JAcun GEL. Baker:
11 OG 11 ORUI.ON, n . 1 :70 111 , 4 e
40 hhis rS
4 R i o :re r.
yiusfe SCh OQL.—Mr. lirr
sin clly ininrol the riliZelis , r.
clui , y , that he onniempinles fornoq
ly, for the vorpose of tririnn2
nsunt..ol ma=in. tie pleeges lon , Feti
no.I hod of ins - irnci ion is .v.lonaw ,
ne' pains Shell Inc spared to brill!:
Ladies WI IS he Walled on a! 'heir
IS Ime reduced hie prirrg
For part ienln rs cat' at Co!.
A Ile•theny Bridge.
ANTED 1.41.111ED1A t' ELT.
the Military Commit:ie.
gheny, in the capacity of Musirtats
i miracle; 0, clothing and insi
Many parents are under the In
cal knowledge of a Musical 1 n-trir
tendency over the morals of La:
may also draw too much of bar
studies or - occupation. To l ho no
to say, that the acquisition of tin,
tar a soutse of recreation and rrla ,
stOsiituted. The taste ber , orsri..
inclination for study more ardrw.
mind is n ore abstracted front Iloq.'
youth are so liable to fall into N
lion to music in any way hilt/let!
Or(' 1.1 Pal ion, as the lime 11, , tnetto
ways I five itn definite tune, a , tTt 4 '
Another 0 1 jeet inn that parrs'? 01
shott!ti their chiltaett Iv - Tonne gorta
be tett Into irreni;ar h
might say' with the ensile nratuwytt: ,
his son taught to wire a good tomr•
a countettviter, so that II:e result •
we make 1 , 1 - any Quin' mrol.
It is now to he hoped t ha , Iron Ott
prejudice's that way have her Wino:
of parents are retnaveo, and Oat I'
their children_l he privilege or eirg ,,
pOrttinity. Crtll at Col. Tiovale'
M. C. ED G:Y
N. B. Nn boy•nePd apply for
Writ fa fl fon Falti (MID hip preo Of
Fre., -Irrivul and Cheaper
VIE Sebscrilver rectir
Carpets and Dry Goo,
wants of the community at
cash. They earnestly eoUat
'wishing to tiny, hero:a utaki
Their Stock consists Its foltot
Brussels Carpets, new style,
Superfine I ngraiu. do
Fine, do do
Common do de
4 4.3.4;3 4 Plain Venrtian,,,
4.43 458 Twilled, do
Listing Carpet, a new 0 38
rlouirOit Cloths, atl w Fifa
k In connection with a well miennf
ineq flalt Cools at a s _cent a tab'
441' ategrabliihinent-in i he ciiv.
net 8-3t4 1w• No:110Ma!"1'
- Board of of the 11. :
Tennsylvanla will De held at the II it
All:Imlay the lOth lmit„ at 2 o'cloct
oci 8-21 , THOII
7bifiDam.rify.ll. EtwDoMmliil;;Lirio.
Teoeher and Governess. One del
qualltlealMns , m l
11800 # irklefeligiothi family,
moot - • ITELLittI
414.1•169 t,
pr• to fin idol
Elifip of Lad
Rill Head , ,
War k thpcks.
Rale e
ex led
( za.ei •
wf!, limit
w Q. VI .
1 .}leads' .
Talk ,
p r ow,
74 17 m
ER 12;1
Off at
Ir. Warn
but now
• outort t
a seriou
ne was I
r u comet
wtler, whe
ploded, inj
eh. The
,ne sparks
to have
e p n vverfa
Ueay T.
I I !, anti su
before w
te.who .w a
imcelf and
'lied to wise
k upon th
!Is suspentle
istiment, v h
veated the
ns of nn in
Noma Blinn
o into hia
the Plettili
he flail wa
•haiiy of the
ot liero
One o
at exe'ternei
outpany" t
their guide
-d, Daniel
tall of the
tic sentimet
Knox, aq
ached the
ging to tit
Capt. Pr
nner, treat
it.g naiteria
se of that
'Fern pera
he Pledge n
'!!perianee lb
f the interest
'death to Air
'from New
the human S
0. accurate tit
itt spiritB
writ upoi)
exidatta tons
awl tun dot
matter ho.v
ne ions of
h full of t
terrify t;
‘i.)n; to se
-ator, {test
itrodini a
ee to ext
Elder ad.l
people a
nistering I
in extre
tees wer
e adjourn
tier now tl
- ON Wll EAT
er of regal
to that pr ,vi
n left entire)
• ed that body
d into Cana
nJv nexf.—i
a a daughter
was abusing
a violent m in.
hst is the
, 1137 d 11E4 tlicr ,
•ns; said the
the tory in I
party is the v
red my father
h to hurt the
the name, a
s punishment
tits of thesti
ehil I who
hn had been
ce Journal.
tsayi the 1
tha last
numbers; pa
_being $429
for every fai
Wolk, in whi
lt contains
1 00,00; wit'
-1, is valuJd
with -30,:
.14 -and Bar n
twoper jo
enee betw.
.7' great.
lb a.
, which is
of' 9# eh
werie", on e 0
. -- It was t
et far r/ca
been s t op ,
°kW -into r
titati tlur r.
NO - itA