Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 11, 1842, Image 4
fries ate.. scar MADE corns WARElloUilh,fraws.th A i . ~. , i ,l` ,_ ' ,-411fir•tir adt...-P5.43..eit4g4,-,10.._i —..z.V.-- .." - , t '' . 4c ,-, -- - • - tiirpetntrttliftnewunc. tht.t., h4,l..reohreds i hie r t ' ' di eilitin warebOalm_ Wei .sChoOttlqllii L .Allialltiae*Atty it-Wielded by etri'lL4l. BiikahtireitlY, aors,ii -,- I.' • 41 ' ellphritilits isidshted.witehriseltrativereprePaimi to ie.' ••1-1 , Asteletif i teistVprightpay to sera/deer to trisfineiend by ititct at. - 2. Modern teirtfrie teal!" tbe details of the Wainer* ef in`Underraker •S. Mo d ern : ' behopestowerit pittlic confidence , '" Ile will be'prepared 4 . ria4ol/1 Pb 1 arelthisotrali to provide ffearsev,• Biers, Carrisies Ind • S. Uhl! Enghnt ' Areeryrierphstustri the most liberaf tertne.YCilts from the snied - betts r e n tll , e peeceywiit he prat:natty attended to. -' . • ra l 1414 icis c) P li k". -, ale residence is'in. the samehnilding 'with his ware 6. Ohmaistry s. nillateria idedica.--Dr. Johi hose, where•thosewho- need its serviemohayldnd him met. L . . ' • t ; „1 4. p is &testy time. imirra si t oge . . •7. Idediehte.l,l r . Ifenry -flower ~ _' .w.w,. time. - -Rev. sotte.nt.set.D. D. ,Ad AelloomlP a Surgery Dr. James L: Cabe . 4tlettritattreidt, • Bev. aoasxr sauce, v. D. al , Phil PAY--- 12 r. Gentle' Tucker. tritos. Parrott. . - env. 'rawest. wn.masts, R. IVr . w.e—Ju Behry St. Gem Tucker. w.e. st'canasi astr.-mhzre zeta, in both Betio° of Languages are also tanght • ssaao halals, ' aav• saints. Emits, eture , t of—the r ' peat's* languages, and Ane sep 1.0 ai l ' . a . s. utterer : ' Model'ol !WWI'S"! n the School of Mathernaticsl --- '7"'" -- . , ded mixed Bath ' atidit inthat Of Engineering , I gy ant, Geology; to that nf Moral Philosophy, 131 tree, Logic and , thlciit Economy, and in that hesidelotenci 1 ' win' ail its branches , the Ls r Pre and'of Na ' s, the Science of Government la stilettoes , Law t . - 1 ro he:admit* jinicithistnistitution the appli , ht must he sixteen years age; but the Faculty may tiler with 1 1 this reqPishion favor 'of one whose brother its a Stu dent. .., .Every, studeiii is free to attend the schools of his , choice; but if Ille be under twettlyone years of gage, he shall.t.nend at least 'three. untrue authorised by tie pa rent or guardianetn writing, or by the Faculty 4 for good cause, to attend ,s. less .number. - " i t - , Ali students trier the age of twenty. One yeatat are re. 1. 1 . quired.to board thin the precincts. ,__' By a resolutio of the F.teulty, B inisters of thettiospel, and young men eparing for the ministry, may , attend any of the schtud of the University without thelpayment of fees to the P , more. -. . The enactmerti which lately required students. iti wear a prescribed unit' rut have been suspended. Every student!! esident within the precincts Mast, on matriculation, dePosite with the Patron all 'the. .thoney, ft blilsolras,te.Vandethie control, intended iiit-:',defray his expenses; wOile atibe University, or on his , !return t hence to his home: and the amount so deposited Must he sufficient to pity l it fee; to professors. dormitory "hint, for use of public too , three months board, a contingent fee to cover fines, attdasseesinents, and to purchase , the text books. 4c., he may want at the commencement. All funds:subseqpently received by him must he deposited with the Patron, ?nth° has charte of his disbumentents; and upon all deposties a cliarpe of two per centute com. mission L. authorized. The act of the Legislature, prohibiting merchants and others, under, severe penalties. from crediting Isitidents, will be strictly enforced. The license to contract debts, which the Chairinan of the Faculty is authotited to grant, is confined (except where the parent or !guardian shall oi herwire. In writing. request), to cases of urgent necessity; and these, it is hoped, that parents and guar. dians will, as lards poesible, prevent from arising,: by the timely supply of the requisite funds. Religlops services ate performed at the University ev ery Sunday by the Chaplain, who is appoints ;In turn from the roar principal denominations of the talc. The expenses of the session of nine months are, as fol. 1 ' ' 'ea2.alcaaaauta , . 1111101ftit;' STEAMBOAT BILLS, ' -PRMPOLETS, ' HORSE niLt.s, RL,ILNKS, ' VISITING CARDS, ADDRIE 4 S DO., dNLCBB, At..7.811vE513 DO., yiOrgs, - HAND BILLS, 11.1.5 - OP LADING, CIRCULARS, kr, 4.e. , *Potrathiri with every description of Letter Press Ptint - lag, tarnished rilth neattess and despnteh, and on mode rate terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post. sep 10 . • . AM Es HOWARD CO., Manufacturers* of Wall ejt paper. Mo. 18, Weed Street, Pittsburgh. Pa.— Afore always on hand an extensive .assort rent of Satin Claud and Vatin• PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handsome #atteras„ ror pattering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have on hand at all times— tylating.Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper„Bon nei'andruliere 1103IdS-41.11 of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention of merchants and others. • ALBo.....Ettank,,Rtiolta (Wail kinds and the best quaillYt School Booltitle„,aiwayitonitand and for sale nit ahrive. N. B Tannerg' Scraps' taken in exchange. NW 110 TEL.—The subscriber respectfully in • forms his old friends and the public that, be has optimett Temeerance Hotel,in 6flh Street, near the Ex change Ronk. and in the house lately occupied by Mat. bets Patrick. end has booted ant ron 31 grt, ,, The Iron City Hotel," where be will be very boggy to Atomism • - date ail who. may please to call ore him.. His table WWI be provided with the best , fare, and every passible accommodation to town and country customers and revelers. A few boarders who WWl' to lodge in their stores or of. Imes; can he taken. and gentlemen who live out of town can have their dinners daily. He hue large and good stables, and the best Hay and Oats, and good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ers rind gentlemen who have horses: Boaeders taken' by the day, week or year. Charges more utoderati titan at any respectable Hotel in the city. sep 10 JOHN IRONS. PITTSBURGH CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE I,IBRARV Religions, flistotica',Polliicel,and Min eidnineone Works, will he open every day, Salthal ti ex: "rom - 7 o'clock, A. kl., uni 11 9, P. M., in the Ex. change Building:corner of St ;Clair street and Exchange alley, where punctual attendance will he even by 10ep l 0 J. lIEMMIL. VIII7ASHINGTON BALL.—Tne .subacrther has - tiptoed the late residence of ia'nes Adams, Esq., deceased, for the reception of visitors and hoarders; the house is very•pleasantly situated on- the hank of the Ohio, trellis from the city—possessing all the delight. fel accompaniments of a country residence. without being too far (listen for persons doing business In the city. Visitors Will be furnished with evs , y delicacy of , thga season. An Omnibus runs regnlarly every boa r the Alle gtteny end of the Bridge. N. B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. Sep 10 WM. C. BERN. DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION' —The copart• nership existing between James E. K i!bourn and liatild J. Morgan is this day dissolved by , mutual consent. 'rho conditions will be duly noticed, with the sittnnt ures of both parties annexed, and Barry Hall will he continued open by the tubieriber until other arrangements are per. fatted. For sate, on the premises, 150 hblA. choke winter ap ples, if applied for Immediately. JAS. E. B ILTIOUR N, eel 2.9-41' No 9, Market. and 74, Front et: ---- 114100 KBINDING .—SI 'Candiess/t ._ z—i A -L ..... s„,:._ ~.._. Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper _ • 1- -:.:= - 1:::;7.: - : - Bitters, B. W. corner of Wood and ,-. ____:.._ -7. -- - -- . Fount.' streets,are now prepared to es. ----%---- . 7 : 7 ' 1 ecule nit kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. --- ---,---: per Ruling with neatness and despatch. 1: 7 - -- -- =-- - .—c ----- in-Blank books tilted and hound to sayglien pattern at the shortest notice. N.,11. All work done at the above Is warranted. (sep 10 DIDDLE, suites* Dentist, has returned to ♦V his old stand, No. 107, Smithfield Street, where he can be consulted any hour during the 'day, ow , hts profession. - !en 10 VMOVA.L..—George Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and pa- Inks; Mat he has removed his establishment from his rata : itand,. in Third street, to the corner of Front and Shathliekl,in the basement story of the Monongahela House; where he intends keeping on.haud p general as. siottnienl of - Fikskionable 'Goods suitable for Gen• einen's wear, - B• hopes, by elcrie application, to merit a share of the 011111iO4:118 so liberally extended to hint at his old mond. • N. B. Having made arrangements; in New -York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers intiayreiy on having their orders executed acoardlng to Gm %tett style. GEORGE A O.IOR. Jeept-10.- AsAIII.OtOIL.—Tha Sultscribetwould mo.i k -cespectfolly e inform spe-filitliein itenettaluit he-linOkrOgrlticle of of rd Oil ofassigitelltyilmannfeettiredig the Cincin - - Wed oirritufittotioryow:R.W.** lit.l4 l bitti -61 warren • - teilliebe 'equal *NM. t.ery,fifperte.oll.bittir.lfeetidght and 4111aehinary. TII Oil la entirely fill* fi'tlilY . lbil" °°l Amsatterossoke, or unpleasant, oder,aiiii it iv . ar and as white as spring water. Not'a particle of mat is left on the wick. The light, Is pure and brilliant, rind will last as tong. If not longer, than that from an . - equal of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber informs ~ the politic that he has taken a place nearly opposite the -,-; illeet-Offiers t rerbere he will light up several different lamps ell2 tion 4rtett tie' Would respectfully invite the in• k liabitnnfiet - : . kJ: igfr,Allegheny,and their vicinity, to ealrattia - He feels confident they -Wilt be torreinent that the above statement Is perfectly '- - :Setieet. Out oftwo hundred Individuals who have tried the -011.ttiere has not been a single fault found with it -. Tea lard Ott casts one third lese than Sperm. lie would • -resneetfully solicit. the early attention of Dealers and Ma chinists to the abate. - 't The followiug Churches are now using the Lard ')Ill: • ,:- - , Secant Presbyterian Church, Pitt.borgb, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Plosbutgli, - . ' First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, -Astmelate Reforrried.Church, do. •Aitille barrels are branded R. W. LEE 4- Co.,Cinei‘ :!.-. • 'Aso; Ohio. pqrshureh, June 21a, 1842. e- .5 . .. -We s titeundesigued , Captains of the Ilspress Line of Alratheilli WI the Pennsitiranla Canal, have tried and are lallitg anattiele of Lard Oil introduced here by Matthew M.ll4lety,sed manufactured by R. W. Lee' 4; Co., at the diadlitina --- tti OSFattory. . . 'as --- eallil litier deu tti Oil; 1 tal7aetriitiangenntlairelyt the ho at wit _ Ihrstinouematter whatever; the light is per- Ili a lkX 4. rfee#YinilkOar aM brilliant. and will.last as long, if not lOrr4ffentiMi front an opal -quantity of Sperm. Oil, We :4 no (taloa in recommending it to our, friends sad ',kora Win itscoll. MEN . I . IiMIIVE, Captain. racket John Adams. 10;,1i$:„ W. tirrarAWD, Captain, Packet John Hancock, u1t.M 0 ,.:. . . du do John Madison, JOHM t o vies; .., ai. (a rtttsbargh. 10 .110 OR SALE.-40 IF Kentucky Began, 80 wooden • 11! - bowlsikinOTied Om& • -1111104toten 810;1012, 10.14 window sash. fi*listimineof WrlllotetterAnd Svrepping paper. ~-11090.1dealliaperininglart: border, te. slgboiesmrofers.likkees lead. • s-';'4Bo- bonen Mid -Kw it(Ootirris Spt,bsas=.Bd au 3114imaIlvfotitaiito!. triltdof chip hoes and •:ortt broom:. - al, pmtkagniftauMy Sfaiort4; •• 4441 of which will be 'sold' on • setiMmoodoihig terms dad lit and, iiteninob ationerrrent imiticmbetentakEniliiiitnn the ..,;,..*fraoAririP4 • :APHAA,II-1.114111!BA, .•- , • g lows! - . 1 , Board, washingi lodging and attendance. $llB Rent of ElormitorY, $8; for half, if occupied byltkvo, Use pf public rooms and matriculation fee, I ' 15 Fuel and candleiiiemlinated at ! 20 Fees, If only lone proftSwor he attended, $5O; iflo4o, to each professor $3O; if more ,.. than two, to 'tkiCh 75 $25, say . II Total exclusive of clothes. books and pocket mon'pv, $228 In the School Of Law there is an extra fee of 21, pay able by madentstiltending the senior class. 1 ' The allowance for clothes is limited by the enactments to $1 00, and for pocket money to $45 WI LLts BF VOODLEY, Proctor and Patron p. of Va. sep 10 ' 1: ,_,, ABOON TO' TILE HUMAN RACE!--01Neconer what Wit/ t'tiestrey Life, and you are a pima man. ""Discover whatwill prolong Life, and the ?egad will call you Impoitor." , , 'There are far -spies, bodilf, and intellectual, Miihin us, with which certain herbs have affinity, and sore which they have pottier." Dr. B. Btandieth's External Remedy, or Liniment. which, by its extraordinary powect, abstracts rain or Soreness; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, White iSki , CliingS, R bentonite Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness ofthe loinis, Tumors, Uninntnral Hardness. Stiff Neck SorJie Throat, Croup, Contrantions of the muscles, SCITOIEMS en largements, il'evider Feet, and every descripticinl of In jury affecting the Exterior of the Duman FOOne, are cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sWficiently extolled remedy. CleammesTE.--The following letter front Ittor Gen eral Sandford, ns to the qualities of the Eaten I Reme dy, speaks volumes: 1 New Yoax, Feb.liilB42. Dear.SlT—Wi'l you oblige me with another 4 hottle of your exeellent Llnintent? It is certainly the best of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's knee, about which I was so uneasy. and I have found. it productive or IMmediate relief in several case of eater nal injury in my family. A few evenings Dice, my youngest ciiild was seized with a violent aline of Croup. which was entirely removed In twenty minute ,;,by rub bing her cheStind throat freely with the Exte nat Rem edy. I IMO you Might to tnannfacture this! Diniment for general noel instead of confining the use oflt, as you have beretofOre dame, to your particular arstiaintances. Youis timly, C. IV. SANIkiRD. DR. B. litaastotirmo4l Broadway. N. Y. i; o'For PRIR at 241 Brondway, New York,tr ... td at his office ,No. 91 roc‘, street,Pitt shurgh. PC tc 8 , 50 cents per bottle with directions. 1 sePlo ITALUARCE REAL ESTATE FOR p , a, E The Sitscriber offers for sale, at the present redu• red rates, tl*ireater part of his reartutaie, [situate in the Cities of ; eittsburgh and Allegheny , viz: Three of his Brick4l7areitOises, nearly new. a , esubstantWlty buPt, situate on litiFitet street, between Second and Fiont. etre hracing.a frOktof about 54 feet by 60 deep. Ftir sale en tire, or sepOtely to suit purchasers, and upoo lung crei its. Also, a let building lot in Allegheny city, 64 feet in breadth, by tvard of 350 feet in depth, haVing two fronts, one pit ilte Pennsylvania canal avid the lot her on Washingtoe itreet. - Also, theikat adjoining the above, 100 feet 411, breadth by nearly 36b .feet in depth, including the large and ale gent mansidi house which I now occupy and !outbuild ings. I • Also, a Ip ssith two two story brick storehotlsee. situ -'ket and Front streetv,klibject to ate on the tuner or Market _ a modernie*Ound rent, and, now occupied by Mr. flays ar a groeery. : ALEX..BRACK EN DG E. sep 10 ' . I BA EtONl IVolv HUTCHELEI 11 ER /I IT I Lt.: 4 . Theyills are composed of herbs, t ! hull- exert a • specifiel Minn upon the heart, give luipuls , or strength ttl rhe arterial system; the blood it! thickened and ettualia4d " in ha circulation through all !tile vessels, whet her or Ole skin, the parts situated internally. or the eXtremilleennii as alVilie secretions of the' body are drawn froMt the blOod, I here is a consequent lacrease of every seulion, nnd a quickened action of the!absorbent• and exhale ,Or discharging ve,scis. Any rinittbid action which mailuivrt laketii , Once is corrected. !aril obstrut- Done are rphlOved, the blond is purified. and the body resumes alltealthful state. t.or Sale Wholeswle and Re tail by .t . R. E.SELLER9, Agent, I i Sep 10 t , No. 20 Wood si. bellow Second. O T 4E WHOSE OCETIPATIONS 'END TO . ZitiiP DUCE OR AGGR&VATE DISE SE.—This class of in lildnats is very nunternus. They are those who work Wan unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work men jo fiber stores , stone cutters, bakerto white lead Menefee ' . Mrs. are all mor n or less subject toidtsease Bi cording t* he streneth of .their constitnilon. The only It method lb, prevent disease, is the occasion I use of a medletnisihich abstracts from the etreutati n all delete riotrs hutielgeotod expels them by the bovrtils. Tonics In any Alin. are Injurious, as they only 7,,tt T off the evil day to ell more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills win ins health, because they take all Itir+ure matter °Uttar t blood;rind - the body is not Wrtakertest but Inf strength , ied by their operation; for these f r ' tumble Pills do not five. but . they assist uttture, and are not opposed. but bar Adze with bet. Sold ataDr. Brandreth's Office, No. 98 pod street, rifts**l Price 25 cenis per box, with fall directions. MAR rf The , only place in Pipe - burgh. where the GENII(' . jPitheran be obtained,is the Doctor's own of. flee NwAiliVitaill -Street. 1 ' sep 10 DR.' M. C. EIIEY, Agent 1 u , I Girl A Id EVA NS'S SOOTS I N SYRUP % Is infallible remedy has Mese , hundreds when t gbt past recovery, from convulil uS. As soon ns the rap brrobbed on the isms, the 0 Id will rem v. :r sr: 'l'll !rivation is to innocent, soe chins, and so pleased tha t no ChM will refuse to let-it isms be rub bad urh I . -Whin infantsare at tbe age Sour months, ilio•th lichillielifaiice 'of 'teeth, oda. Miele of the Syrup," fdlichisedto Open the 'pores. rents should I never alltbunithe 'Olin In Sits nuns; - where there t !are yo lg. ebliOnen.tbi if tohlhlWakes I be clight - w ith Paint" gains; OW - tinily immediately Ives ease, by ' opeal epinies;•Mi4 itisillagthe4umi; I : prevent. `ice moils , Fevers , 44:- : par ' 614 1 1 . 1, 9 1 0 14e- , 1 0 41 4ehill .I . ' ' ' 1 " ' " ' ' ' ' -. 2: 1 1;; - SEILIOIGEflk'Ainimi i iinst f igc .54'.. ' : d "...., • '1 •.;.,. ~ ..',• : , ' . :<", ' P? a..4, , ,i.-: , -.*: ...,-„,.., • int Tee 'ma l xtfldy , 'di .41407° Ii vetPo Gamer 141611 r r. Chailea ;Unites. Mr. rd O. Coartiviii pity.—lir. Win. Pr. Rogers. rinr,—the subleciwor while Profeloors'of Matheanijes a 1 stavosuallifiagaticialtmelaciMy MIL SW, Milli . 9 4.4‘ 14 ,P, titsoo(o6lW lgto., ssa two ~t~ew~ot*atisaatAt. iii unabodthatif Jima Whosepowers oT life arettot ahead?' ethansted. Where Mittman means can avail;there gamely is any enraptillot, or form of tilekstessobatthe Sixsoltrts do utub relieve - as% generally cure. Althotigh these-pllis produce* suowse aiscscr,t hat elteel is not to prostrate the body, as with other medicinesi Malin frame is ltivigoraled by the le "nova' of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated humors front the blood. - HaridlefsaMt themselves, they merely ASSIST NATIMIX To throw out the occasion of sickness frdm the body, and they require no afteratioisin the dietcAXlng. In fact.the human body is better aide' u wi th . oat injury, the inclemency of the tiveattmelsdhile under the influence of ibis infeet ion destroytagothstage undica ling Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen and travelers is, t herefdre, self evident. h - - By the timely use of tins Medicine how much anxiety and skittles., might we not prevent. Cold. Billions of fections, Typhus, scarlet sod feversot all kinds, wield be unknowtit, But where stekargs dose esist, let no time be lost,. let the BRA NDB.EIM'S _PILLS he at once . I gent for, that. the Beraudy may be apt): ted,without fur ther loss of tin e.—To RXIILIILBERICD— j That Brandreth's rills have stood a Bevan years' test to the United. States. of prates. tare di d Nam Itp liter. .1 t and Wen. erato les I.et a Law, Lop, of Dia 10d Con That they - are a vegetal— all powerful for thesemoval of d ls ease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. That they purify the blood, and etay the further pro. grow of disease in the human body. That, In many cases, where the, dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where, to all appearance. no human means could satye life, have patients by the use of these pills, been restered to good health; the devouring disease having bees completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has upon it 'mans COPYR tour LABELS That each label his two signatures of Or. Benjamin Brandreth upon it. That there must be upon each box three signatures, thus; _ B. BRANDRETH, M. D. And three signatures, thug:— BENJAMtit BRANUM/TH. DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: "All acute fevers ever requiresome evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, and ;that even by stools, which must he promoted by art When nature I does-nut do the business itself. On this! account, an 111 timed scrupulousaessabout the weakness of the body Is of bad consequences; for it is that which kentstkiefiy to make evacuations necessary, which naiure attempts after toe humors are fit to be expelled , but not able to accomplish for the most part in these disease*: and I can affirm, that I have given n purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly he felt, and the debility cx irerue, yet both one and the :flier have like restored by it." The good effect to he derived from the Brandreth Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever aasume their malignant form. To appreciate to :he full extent ,the incalculable bene fits of BRA N DR ETH'S.BILLS. they must k used when the First Symptoms .01 Disease present thelnselves. Ot.e done then, and tlietr good etfects wilt be felt throughout the attack—lT ISTAICHIG THEM 15 TIME Ilia, it the great secret in the cure of all appearances of diseast arising from bad blood, and I 'presume there are feW at the pres. ent day, will say anything of those dfitensest which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. - • Hoping that some who read this may be benefit ted by so doing. I am respectfully, the public's servant. B. BRANDI:ETU, M. D. 241 Broadway, New -York: TflE COUNT GE FEI'I"S DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it. each containing a fac similie signature of my hand writing hits— B. Krandret h. These tribe's art engra• ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex pence of several thousand dollars. ft enienilierl the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congress in re year 1841, by Bet tamin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Othre in the Dis tjict Court of the Sot them District of New York. Dr. B. Brindreth's own office, No. 98,; Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Only put e° In Pittsburgh wheiethe genuine Pills ran he obtained.r Bach Agent whoisellt the true Erandreth Pill, has an engraved certifleek of Agency renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds of $5OO in sell none other Pills than ,hoed received from 11'. B. or his special General Agent. Matt:. the certifi cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is In his own hand writing. Observe, on ehch certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box en graved thereon. Purehaser. see that the engraving of the labels on the certificate correspond with Wore on the box. The following are Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Agents for the salt. of his Vegetal-le Univcrsal Pills, in Alleghe ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rew labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood St Pittshur Allegheny, Mr. Jona Dl.Ass. McKee port, R. ROWLAND. Noblestown, Jona Jonssos. &marts Town, CRESSICAN tiSpAOLDINO ALEXANDER ASDALE. FEwARD TOOMPsoN.Wilkinsburg l i . GEORGE FORTIS, Fairviewl• ROBERT SMITE FORM, TO rentum• Elizabethtown, C. F. DIEHL. East.-Bibert y. DANIEL NROZZY, „ PRESBLET IRWIN, Pleasant ;Hill. DAVID R. CooN—Plump Tow,nship. WPC 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. (sen 10 • pLES cured by the tee of Dr. llarlieh's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pit's Dr.Harlich—Dear. Sir—Shortly affer 1 received the Agency from you for the sale of 'your medicine, formed an acquaintance with a lady df this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. , For eight or ten years tills lady was subject In frequent painful attacks, and her physician ronsidered her cafte complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, t . ei , 4 111 RS R. KIRBY October 3, 1840. C EFOffice and General Depot, Nti.l i r n No l'e rt rs h im2 'a Eighth . Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburg h. asp 10 ERESTIENG elpitiEperforMeti byDr.Sivarre's Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgiffiaita, or Wild Cher ry. Having made use of this nveluable Syup in my family, which entirely rnrcd my child. The ;symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficUlty of breathing, attended with constant• cough, spaires,,convulsions, of which I had given upail hopes of itts Tecovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon ruyichild, and con cluding to make the same trial upoti myself, which en tirely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me can call at my house In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wlt.cox. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF iYILD CHERRY. We call the attention of•the putilie to the numerous certificates which have been In circUtation in our paper and some others of this city, highs recommending Dr. SWAYNeII Compound Syrup of Wi ld Cherry .—We have seen the original certificates, and h a TT ' e no doubt ,hut they come from truly grateful hearts, ex mime of the benefits which they have received from th at vahtable compound. We have acquaintances who havevfrequently used the i i above medicine. who ran speak thi I confidence of its virtues.—Saturday Chronicle. , 1 , , Firmuw Crrtzerts:—With sincetlty! I would advise you, one and all, both sick and wed, always to have a bottle of Dr Swains'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry i in your house — it is invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthrn , ittlacks of violent Coughing, which Is often the caul o/zitting of Woe, r i p Violent Nervous Affections, which asionally, come from fright, and varials other c usei producing great niacin, sudden colds from imp er 'ektfOlnjte. which are often let run to an alarmin ettent; OW want of means being ready at hand ;- and. a I have used Dr. SWATNIeS Compoutid Spun of WOd Cherry repeatedly in my , "hattlity, and always with' arked success—l can recommend' it With confidence, aalnelbg one of the best family medielneewhich' has ever been offered io the pubile.--Selerdeg CAreitiCle. ! I Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale 44 Retail, only agent for PiUsburgh. N 0.53 Market Beeett., cep 10 ItiVILLI AM 8E06; .14'oraka4i t Warn!' his filen& a 17,1"4" . ..64,7k." .111 1"Y bat , 'what commenced " g enerale In ; "mot..tetrid.itudo:nrofOnio7ultheticorimirtiper ; 41 N t,: - w - 4,1 ebe es by ottani to sti, a °reefs public '• . C4oh—na le may +444.11 ,having og thekerkevicitos, 4 the, iitelts4l 1;;;11.• "..-,;•:.j1141, • ,•„.: • ," F.: - i . ~....,- ~.....-P. ' • lble and innocent jnediotne, yet ..IitsSe:I IIII ;INE RY. _ terW *441141"4441g itt:sirlitt - iletaiiiikisiOrittiet# it: style. Utz --coimezion therei tr to h ttrisditte the istitinikshiori / _tor , with :Aube of their patirl Of to keep every thin: of the ski Ind pail strict sitelitlint id eetinOtitiM• - ionfitteece liirs: -. T. ImommenVier Frew:kr made eorieb; also tier sptend tietiortmeni i;whick b superior to anyihingiiet intro• sentry: it includes` itbfEineri; Connol• :is; Capes a la Cartilial, Devil,'ditto . Ber. sing Costume . Collars Cuffs, lkieket iianti- Orsting sod lkikht , tbps, 4 , c4. h will be - rapprottal ion otuthe 9iit - of p ee r next. waking the rittpisa of her rets:from ::: . .4 'Ferry streii., between ii rty :and iv/gait -0 thnetr ena the Ladies ripiktni It le wit ;and tondo of Darold; duced in- . Obi for E kere;ilefs; reeds: for ; Mra, 'Europe. FoOrth st OEO. Et extvroa. • ;it HAMILTON, Arieraeys at, . have their Mare to the reildeare ef U.S.. Ma. lip ft slaw. irt!l et i Iwo doors nhoveßraithfie)o l ' eep 'IO LA . riw n iirtEtili w ug a u.-lo i ~, _ ja Street, awe!' e an ew Jte Ate. T 'doors from the corner' of Wood - el 'et. Con. , sow 'ly on hand'a n armortment of 100tady made - C INS, of every sine and deseriptl di; covered on ; with Cloth: Mahogany, Che4y; Black iiW • 't, Poplar, and Pine-Caine. 'f . 1 • ts i ti ALSO, Mee neatly engraved; HCarsee arid Carriages - famished; Oyes procured; and all service rendered that Hien may regal, e. A credit given in all ca.ev, either- of tolling il requeried. 1 HENRY SHARES, Uhl vep 10 , , H. S. xmne MAGR ! , ren 17 noLs. HITE LIME, a supertm: ibr C. I pale by J.Q. 4- A. onlypoN, ge n 13 i•!I N 0.12 ,treet. VA „ilE;ry. Just received from New *iiirk, 3000 Ten - kerance Almanacs for 1843; 50021 to sof the ; Journal of'tlhe American Temperance Union '. titir You th 's Tempe.ratteltftAdvocate for September. Aho y 00 Chris- than A !mar, and a good assortment of Loot is t a R aga- zineand P ' Ohnigh. and the Franklin MagazittOand Com mon Alma:tines for 11 , 143; by the gross, dozen ; kw single; 250copies1f Grant's New Pit Ishorgh and Alliiheny Bu. 1 siness Dir F Ovy , and Strangers Guide, for 6.1. pmts. Alm, ig Cottage. troilY, School and Pocket Bibles land Testa. meets, HaVars Psalms; Methodist and Tempe Wince Hymn Books; theil?eauties of Harmony, Introducticini to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent mites; Chri-a. i Ilarmand *roost all kinds of School BooksrOttnn's Do. 1 tn estic ;lied eine; Day Books and Ledgers; Wlt . igitig, Let• ter, and Wlapping Paper; blue back, and red lit'llic, by the gross, dozeil,or bottle; steel pens, quills, slatesOkmeils and wafers; Cyoopedia of Hlstory, Wes'ern Pilot.'ithil a con. sideratae vitt OM v of Books nod Sint ionery, for I ltle on ne. emomodat Ina terms tor cash Or country pr , duoe. IS XAC iA REIS, Agent and Commission steirritant, see '2 I , No. 9, Faith street. J. K. K. MooittpeAu. G. E. Wmt NER. 4j.'PA.LNTER. UNI" COTTON FACTORY, A ilegite y pßy, at the en iat the upper bridge. The subscrillters having comment•Ld the manufacture of Cotton Yarni,l Stocking Tarn, Cott* Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Clutin, Baiting, I .s.c. and aYr prepared tc fill orders at the sholest alatice. liavin4el'ected the latest sod most imprq rtted machi nery,and r ployed the manager who has ailtitided to the c r iHors F• ; oat , for the last five years, they areOlanufact ti ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, ; t I Orders ,itrotigh the Pittsburgh Post Office, ciOett at the store of J .5 - ;C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty streei;tor Logan 4- Kennedy:, Wood et rem; will meet with prejtapt al ten lion . 1 Address—J. K. MOORHEAD 4' CO. sett 1.:2-1Y f 110 i• OM A LES'.—Theie is a large class of! females In I his Oity who from their continned sit; irtgi to which ,up t .`• lions oblige I liern,are affected wit littostiveness v 0 rise to palpitation at the heart onit he leas; ex- MSe of heaviness extending over the iv!hule head, ice of light and sound .an inability nite, fixing the attention Ip any menial operations; rumbling iti the how• els. sometimes a sense of suffocation, espdcially after meals when , any exertion is used, as going 40 lc kly up stairs; lempre fickle; these are symptoms witlch field al once to a few dosesof the Bra adroit Pills i The ores. sional use of this medicine would save a (lea! of trouble and yearn of suffering,. One, or two, or c%fen three of the Brandieth raisins! before dinner, are of en found highly beneficial; many use them very ad vanhlgeonsly in this wayo hey aid and asski digest ion, re.s; ore the bowels to a propritt condition.millven the spirits, itinnart clear nese in Mr 'mOmplexion, purify the ;dew', and promote a general fe ling of health and happiness. I 1 , s Sold at Dr. 11 - andret It's Office. No. 93 WOod at mei , Pilisinarzfi—.Price 2.scent.i per box, with (up idireci ions. M A RKi.—.The only place In Pittsluirgb,i Schere the CIENUINBP ills can be obtained, is the Docines own Of flee, No 98 Wood street. 1 srp 10 __ their occ wind. "1 ertion, ole raTI urtaitAt INSTRUMENTS! SU Bit S S PROM ENTSI— T. ..hfcCarthy, Cutler and Surgical bletrutriet Ataker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post °lief, Pittsburgh SIGN OP THE GOLDEN SHEARS-0 Physicians - , Dentists and Jlruggists can have their in• struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailor= s Patent Shears and Scissors nick:Ali nn hand also Hatters Shears, a superior article. ()r i ders respect fully solicited. • t N. B. Allarticles warranted of the best 4uality. and jobbing done as usual. rep 10 LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease Often fermi n'ilesla another of a more serious nutiure, if pro. per remedies are not restorled to in time. In all forms of this 'disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a Perfect cure —first by ;cleansing the stomaeli and howes.! thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the wee !of Ilse Ger: man ApOrient ['Ale. after which the Compoulnd St renal ening Pills are taken to give strength and !One to those tender organs which require such treatment Only to effect a permuntent cure. These Pills are neatly put up in small ixtakkges, with foil directions. For saie: at No. 19 North mon Streei, Philadelphia. Also, foCsble by Sam uel Frew dormer of Wood and Liberty sus.. Pißsburgh Pa. sep 10 ; LA. KRAMER, Exchange Broker, o . 'o. 46, Cor. Anee /f r t . Wood and Third Streets, Pit4eilurgh Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank Wes, bonght and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for Lsitle. Drafts, notes arid hills, collected. • : REFICRENCES: PittUOirgh„Pa, Wm. Bello- Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz.:), Painter CO, Joseph Woodwell' l , James May PAiladec t m io, Alexander Bronson 4. Co., Jobo H. Brown co. incinsiti, 0., Jaeu M'Condiels. St. , Louis. Ala., .1 . M'Donald. Lottisvil/e, W. 0.1 Pope, Esq. Pren't k Ky. sep 10 4 atlel t r 11_11lf,OVAL.,—The undersigned lwrsldaveto 'nutria 1 XIII t public, that he has rethoved Irma Ids old stand, to the ier l . net of Penn and St. Clair Ei 5., orMosite the Ex change otel, where he has fitted up n lar,leg'lLNO Fo e.t . a WARE a y, and now offers for sale th old: splendid assort Menu of PIANOS ever offered in t las Market. Ills libnos consist of different pattertit.s of superior Rose Wdod and . Mahogany, beautifully fiUilitied and mo• deled, r:iti consttueted throughout of the very beet ma. terials hich, for durability,. arid quality 0 i lone, as well as tough, he warrants to be superior toy any ever seen here. j As lee has enlarged his manufactory, and Made arrange . I t meats olSupply the increasing demand fo this instru. meet. 10 respectfully requests those i ding to pur. chase_, 0 call and examine his as s ortme nt mfore ameba. sine elsi r iere; 86 he is determined to t II LOWER, for eash,thin any other establishment east west of the moans lifts. Pi. (BLUM E, Corner of Penn and St llalrstreets, sep li Opposite the Exchange Hotel it istm re h. Pa. itiERANTED GENUINE. Evanss Camomile Pais. , tcgs.—Letter from the Hon. Ab'h'm M'Ciel. an County, East Tennessee,ldeerof Congress. WASHINGTON, Jul y 3d. 1838. have been in this city I ha e used some of ie. medicine with infinite Imitefit and setts Aieve it to bee most valunhlo remedy. One meats, Dr. A. Carden, of Cntnpbell couniy, 'role to me to send him *mkt. which I did, i tployed it very successfully in his practice, t invaluable. Mr. .1011[1901t your agent at Oaks you would probably ,Ilke an agent in If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. as in to officiate for the side o Your celebrated thould you commission hl' he is writing to You can send the medial by water . toll* !r0 ~ _ Kihlt * lons. Knoxvil le onnty,Tennes. id 'JO -Go! la , 4., HOUK° Tazewell, East I have no doubt but if 'o bad agents in tiles in East Tennessee, a g t . deat of Inedi. be sold. 4 imigohyg to tak me of it home t {use. and that of my fr lids; and should fiont you. whether you w `id like an agent t.,,Euliknut - Coaaty: Fast Te ewe; I can get merchants to act foryott . I *Veneer there., iferespialtilty.• : '*- ! I '. ..• I ABRARAISAIPELELIA ' Of Teuttesaett. 1 ' Witotesalitauti-lietittl,kri. '- r =l' r. ~, --1 ,, - , -,,1t-vit. 15420, 11RiikAgeet:, t tt I. i ' - :- , i No. Witod lit ' litiliii",ftetqur a Toi.o IRON oilitrom " f .... • • yam-. f 11 at all d ahoald . age, she I'lltsburgh,June 130E 3 9- Mr, f.oatt CiennOto:7-Deer Sir—Having been present. yesterday, at. the experiment which you were pleased to untite,,let,the.presence of a numher of our business Men, Of ihe safety of your AEON CHESTS, in case of fire;.lt gives me ,pleasure to . eay, that so far as I was capable of pidgins, the test was fair, and the result exceeded my expectations. The Chest was a small one, about SO inchesillgh„, by about or 20 inches in breadth and death, and was pla ced on a block of Wood atMut a foot in thickness, so as. to elevam It about that height from the ground; several !milks and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the mannexin which Merchants and others would usually placethem,,-a large quantity of light pine wdod [slabs ' (roman adloining Saw was then placed around and MMVet H, and thetre kindleti on the windward side. sons to drive the flame against the hack part of the chest. The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour, until von had gone atnong:ihe spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then, drawn out of the tire, and comet', end opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and themnly injury done was to the back of one book which appeared to he a Mile charred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desery ing of canGtience, as affording. perhaps,the best security to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can have without buildhig hirer, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider them a better security titan many vaults which I have seen bull.. Your friend, S %MUM. CHURCH: We concur in the shove statement, having been pres ! sent when timeliest was tested. W. „11. Cooper, J. H. Shoenberger, Rohl Bell, J. I aughlin, J. Painter, R. Cordell, R. Miller, Jr. CL. Arm , ' ron.9. A. 11. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. Hoyt. Icarriages, 6riaker. Eztroet of a better from Pugh 6• .81»ord, dated Cia cinnatz,29ali Mar; h, 1842- .1. Dcaning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We have the sat isfaett on to stale as the teat rec‘momendat ion I we can hive of the utility of : your Iron Fares, t hat we have one of them which was in an exposed. situat ion in our crinoline room, at the time of the fire, on the morn ing, of the lot it inst. which COTISIII.PIi our Polk House to. nether with a tarne portion of the meat, lard, ke, which it contained; —and ilmt our books and papers which were In the Sale, were entirely unininted, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever tieing discolored. Yours, ke. PUGH it A LVORD. kxtractof a Lclter from Slater 4- Holbrook, doled St. Louis, Feb. 2.4 1 b, 1841. MR. DRNRINGI, Dear Sir: One of your i•TCORII size clie.cts was burned a few days ago, in a le:liner store-- it pre served its contents. Respectfully yours, sep 10 , :FL ITLIK IS• HOLBROOK. LIVEII COMPLA I Sl .. cured by the use of Dr. ❑ar i'clt's corn non tid Si rengtheOlll2 and Aperient NI In. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cured of the above ilistresslat Ills symptoms were pain and weit,ht in the left side, 10S. , of appetite, vomitint, acid eructations, a distension •of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed Ina citron color. diffi cult y nrlreat hint. disturhed rest, attended with a eolith, Brent debility, with other symptoms indicatinv, treat de rangement ,of the functions of the liver. Mr. R ichords had the advice cf several plty4'cians, hat received no relief, until using Dr. Darlicit's Medicine, which termini'. ted in effertint a pe-feet cure. Principal Office, 19 North right!' Street. Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by SOllltlel Frew, corner of Llher ty and Wood streets. SeP 10 Cincinnati, February 15. 1$411• Dr. SwAvar.—Dear -irt- Permit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my approbation, and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound F , yrup of Prtinus Virginitinn, or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have seen in a great many instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Choakirg of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks. ttc. r. I should not have written this letter, howevet ,at present, although I have fr tit my duty to add my testi• mony to it for some lime, had it not been for a late in. ;lance where the medicine above alluded to was mai ru• mental in restoring to perfect health an "only child," whose rase WaS altilOst 110veleFp, in a family of my ac. tinaltstance. "I thank (leaven," said the Minting moth. , •r, "my Child is saved rrom tie jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is JROO3A!, safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. lam certain t ':ave witnessed more than one hundred cases where it has been attended with com plete success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at. tart; of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a ex. ceedingly short time. considering the severity of the case. I can reromend It in t he fullest confidence of its superior virtnes; I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its pt ice. The public areas. stared there la no quackery about it. J ACKBOTI.D. D. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, N. Y. Sniii by WM. THORN. who'esale Sr retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. Nn. 53, 'Market street. sett 10 1 I - RIGI I A—M EWE A DE. P ft TM ENT.— he plan of instruction in thistle partment of the Univeraitylpresents peculiarities not to be found in no other School of Medicine in thetUnion. The Lectures commence do the first of October., and termi nate on the 41.11 of July ensuing. Owing tot he length of the session, which embraces a period of 'airs mcytaks, three professors are enabled to perform all the duties which in other medical institutions are usually assigned to six; and the students are seldom required to attend more than two lectu - es on the same day. By this arrangement , the students have an oppor 'unity of being well grouneed,„ In Anatomy, Physiology. and other elementary branches of Medical Science, be fore they investigate th Ar applications in connection ith the study of the, practice of Medicine and Surgery Immediately before'each lecture, the students are sub jected to a full and and , rigid examination on the prece ceding lecture,or on portions of approved text books. It is apparent, that the plan, of which the outlines have been briefly stated, isone which allows the student to . commence as well as 10 complete his medical studies the institution; and presents a happy combination of the th e of the system of instruction by private pupil. ageand that of public lectured. Any person of approved moral conduct may offer as a candidate, and receive the degree of M. D., without ref erence to the lime he has been engaged in the study of medicine. or ofjolning the school, provided lie undergoes in a satisfactory manner the varioua examinations pre scribed by the. cnactmen e. The Professors are: John lc. Emmet, M. 11., Professor of Chemist ry,*ltar. macy and Materia Medico. Henry Cloward, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics and Medical Jurispru dence. • James T.. Cal.etl. M, D.. Professor of Anatomy. Phyal. ology and Surgery. WILLIS H. WOODLEY, Proctor. seri 10 Dr. William SIiCRICTARY'.B OFFICE, Ilarrishurgh, August 241h,1842. SSALEOr THE CANALS AND RAIL ROADS RE LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notice.is hereby of. ven that in pursuance of the - seventeenth, eightecntit, nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the, Act of Assembly passed rite 37th day of Ju1y,1842. prepasals will he recei ved at the State Department anti!hill - a list:day of !Covent-1 her next, for the sale of all and each of the Canals and Baill o Eoads helonging to the Commonwealth, for which Staipock,at gar - ratite, will be received in payment. Each Individual or Company is required. specifically, to state, the porticnter line of Canal or, Rail Road which they dsplrato pnre.hese,.the amount of their respective bids therefor, the given andsurnammef all concerned the sitrer,tn . getber with their piece or_piares of residence, In order that the same may Wield:before the next Letts attire. • he 9TOIIO93IIIfAIWIA and directed to the .Secretary of oletittaikvvyipuilrth,reaonheitudoitie o kr rserne ntosti 710v ti ciol t pai on : th li a :. order of the Governor - aee • - . 1 7. 1 1 *. tgO/4121- , 10- EVANS' PATENT BAPET; The Ezpletion o f 8, rEITIAVELERS TAKE NO pfovide4 with the Safeii bills printed with a figure of the t rut you are hit deceived by gents stating their boats to b Guard, when they are vot eject The following 'enlist of 1,044 • ty Guard at the Per of Plush, Brat on the list have the imams* ettparal;t+ it is impossible for ann. SAVANNA, FO! RARITAN, ILL NIAGARA, DU I. ORLEANS, RAVI CANTON, MON LADY OF LYONS, CAI) VALLEY FORGE, IND!. FORT PITT, GAL BREAKWATER, QUE EXPRESS MAIL, DUFF A LPS, CASPIAN, ECU IDA, Vie WEST WIND, 1111 NI A Pi QU ETTE, osn TALL EYRAND, PANAMA, CICERO, SARAH ANN, NA R itAGANSETT, Stile AMARANTH. oR MUNGO PARK, 01110, NEPTUNE, CECIL' A DELAIDP.;, A NA W NORTEI BEND,' GAT , ' MARIETTA, MENT The tinveling community ate before they make IL choice of a on;., and see whether it would not Iv and secttrity in ettooze n sno.ly Ce passage a III; freight., in preference 10.. ngainst extilosioni--and that they that this Invention has the ationalr , . fifty steam en,tine builders—smitten.. it is to understand the scii.jvci, nods. NI crested—besides a nuinberci redi r lc gent len en and others—all of will( my office, No 10. Wati•r street, Mutt pleasure al all Hines to exhibit tot who will lake the trouble to call. sep 10 CADWAL parry. REllol7.ill—ffion tilniinfarturers,Steut.etiyille,O. , tunny of making known in the rmk. ovieneii a paper warehouse iu I' Wu, No. 104, Ire duo' , sold!' of Finl,g their paper: where they will keep ,nr• genera. supply of pa pf . r. (.0,11•111,!,p1 primal' , leilr.r, If`,ll 'lllll prrr nod fullers hoards. In roll hert inn with %, I Hi thel nili of blink books school n\ I rn,ivroca,rlmeM re AII of whir It Will he .(All lon for rol, rav , not] lan ncrs' ()niers nddresPril in I bray nf . 4. 1, ill enT Aaent in Piitslinreli,ll.K.ltilitoLf.f or ‘..- / size or qualify °flintier, via —l 4, lliliiir U. K. Reynolds is fail)' elltrMll - 44 contracts In the nianagetelo,AL W2a. , . VW! WIE FLAX SPIED W./iNTED. --k ‘ cast) or goods, a quantity of P4l Almost all kinds of Country rrodoc for emm or 2onds at II Aft RIS'S le SPP 21—tf Commie:-ion Ware j° ll / 1 11, ‘R T. Commiasuot Jim dace and American Miamian, EFER TO— nn. Grier, EN., ritisburgh. Aaron Hart, C,lehran of rd. " inn. D. Davis, M'Vnyk Hanna, Avery, Ovien 4 co. J no. Wocktbourne, ,Mad6on VALUABLE FARM FOR SAil , Farm on which I live, is WI Braddrickslield, containing one bu• acre=; about 70 acres of whicl6“..les well timbered. There arc upon ill aid a barn 63 feet by 34; an apuleo A too, about seventy acres of I be equal to that oh any upland Terms made known on applieatino in the memiees. WILLIAM IS - - WILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Picture Franc Al , Fourth Street Pnttaburgl. —Can 4-e., for Artists, always on band. promptly framed to order. revai est notice. Paiticularittention paid to reef cry deserip , ion. Persons fitting np Steam Boats or theiradvantage 1.0 call. WHITE L'El_ D.—The ent6mt. to fuitilsit painters, and chase pure White Lead made of iht ranted equal. if not superior lo an! All older; addressed to Dunlap 4 14 . CO . NlO.llO Second street, NO amended to. sept 10 - - LADIES FASHIONABLE 6001 ,Ftfth St., onedoor from Old St The. F.-uhscriber respect (city int Pittsburgh and vicinity that be tailing Shois of his own manufactum where he will keep constantly on mein of all kinds of ladles, misEes, and Flioes.ofthe best quality snit! ces to suit the times He will 514 . kinds of fancy work—surlt as wb slippers. colored gaiters, and buskile children's Osiers, silk gaiters , Al. , will be made at the shortest notirc ner. -Ladies will please call and et as the subscriber feels confiden t that any article in his line they may 13 sep to P. S. Don't comet he place—S t. door from Harris's Intelligence ' frdm Iktarket Street. WILLIAM DIG BY having irr: business of DIGBY no Liberty street and 42 Market AO that•lrs to the numerous friend/4 firm. fur the'very iiberal support tended to liim. in connection wishes to assure them that ever t merit the coiti inflation of the ro . Pectin's' v.invite their attention 11. Cl otiting,whith he intends Kara:. than has been ever offered, bei6g4l the whole'of the stock of the 'rt rff l siblerard atOie intends lo confm, enl 7,1 .cash business, he feels confid!i rirass his Stock, either in chesP w ' .1309 of workmanship.t OK . Please to take notice tha Hired in *Pittsburgh MORROW, iteraf:g S AI ~ IIE 4- Skeet frog Were, .0.1„." Wood and ifarket Streett..--36r. 0 bls line st the stiolieel ils and others are solicited to Id wew wacco. which wilibe isoid to , -noeieeripouting and !tote 00 - • & !V , MO ! et r .A2f a 2' , 0 CZN TLI- T" tieryßoia. 7 MOM* t the Min* DOGG.A RS 11 Ix C*TB. CLVE:, One :month, Twei mon , E, Three maul rout; mon' b Six tnontbs, One ;year. ERTIfEM nit/aunt. • ; rye • Rix hienths. One' r. fn_r, Dottiann a y CE -'Hf• between Mar master 4ih door from lin WlllOck. Coll bel ween Fir m, Trestorer. bird street, nes h—S. R, Johns, h, I•etweln Mat ayor. Pperth.Mear M • ASKS larkett aid Wu ,FACTURIItie •ND axing Fund,) F. near Wood. 'EELS.. Water street. r of Peno and S er of T!tird 1111 r of Third and of Pennfst•eei Wee', ties r Se ,1,11.e4y at o OVNIC. Pena 431. ATTO AT LAW n Grist st.,' st risotto to I 9 1,14 D.— Irma P!eptit aw eeeten,t Mackey irrrtleli et et .Pittehurt! *PCLIME, nor Office itt the rittsitergit. Morrow. ?tiderto , between! Wood e:iier In Ptothire No. 224 ,t,ieerty cn mr.wowr n ud Com:miosioi - alsaliclured - I In ,' ON, b tide ;of the I upgliting " Attorney vices to tin ft trecis e above Pir, *imam: Warr. N 0. 80 ad Steandion CO.I .Hand Et. a r . ase Furnitn call; being, y and prlcei Jute reee!ve ed and for sal supp'y or La t ditfafeur va sale at REDO Übe'Fty et re yS than and b St.. next d Kid timd Sail by the -newest ULTICAUE. rs; toile dispos F. L 4 Liberty street lowers : and an always be ==i nual PAnmmoll and Seed stor ErSEY: SWE received by F. , 184, 1 LIberi y heisting of H °welt!: Eldin Pratitne She ; ask y{ street, rece • red*estaa money (SA AC 44 ILI) ME3 ' • nd, bbl l wee& ft, for law, for PiPpi7 i liigroN, neti etr at F. tOetty elk _ , ..4 - ' ,