Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 10, 1842, Image 2

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    he B o s t igii T rip
1::,• - t - , irktonetttag mast. t.
The upyal Mail steamship Columbia,Captain
lifer, (late Judkins) arrived at her, whrf, East
11.1ston. nn Tuesday morning at a quarter past 5.
. he,perft Liverpool oa the 20th, at 2 P. M. and ar
ivelp_at Halifax on the 24 inst. at 11 A M. and .
014104144,111,,, tor—,Bemali-41kuk5,.:01,06,,g
--ff•rectii:sTreliwie hi - 13' - 0,4. itrid-15honre. ~. .
. Tttlii, Opp flittitiarriveif lit Likerpcipl
....firth 4 141h'inst. with Abe news or - the ratified
CotiinVi' v oiratliiit drianPing itLivirpool,owingi
-.-'4----••'-1f1,:tii•-llie'ensettleil relatilris between, the em -
I . Vries Fitt IP-Ofidttiltiielr.t -,'' ' .IJ ' •--
trairlseltattr;totAforaigtt iibearlted .risieoi,te 3.6 a.
1,1-r: shit , -Ari 7 id. Pr,,4b1,!:: VuFiii.C•llt,e
li p
'.• elk ' iMtli, ,American Boor adyeoced.6 l .
...t , ' Ir.; 'atiallreeque-017"thistithriintAige was foil.
Queen ictoria had returner front,Sciiiliintl,---
oltait -tolditriditiroolwfolt Otri Alid-1 '7 ..lt it W hike one was
9f0,1411021wit-tr vent enthoshani. '• • i-: • •
i-,., t r,„„tiffys isotptlitng. later ; Items India - and China.
kr! Tittp#lfift from Ameriollf_fll s - LIP L iverga.
1, t roEieitilrbr die 2Oth,"renitive CO the ratification
4,'4?-I,lrifWitibiittoti'4 ticaiy With the U. ttatee by
ellitEttiiiite,ititid the oeltletnent - ef the Arnerican
1-,fitri•hai,:heen math , commented 'upon - id - Inert.
• ii 1.4 4 1,. •I'dil'clett karl•.by ,the, pr. iss. By some, int nor.
' f i en4 liptoodiate heuents to trade en this r ide
t _ -..areprecnete fi .- t e operatien , •
"-',.. tartlet cridittitirOrWhil:t;. by others, the conclu.
'l4•s"llothe lblreaoCiint itir - practicil working is
tilt, analiillistoiable;and it is confidently ameerted
r:elhi.civf4ll,rasither'answer as a. ,question. of r4ve-
'''o3o l 9e,..ati, ft protection to ,Am'etican onanufao-
IrSO-.. the adltuityiloplAr the . points 'of differcnce ‘
rirjial '.iiitlieli Lord kanbuitori•was empowered to
—44tfetti -Waif been' viktived - Witli ' pretty general j
-:, itisfactjon. Thd effect which .wildle produced
rl\-Fllickftedo:.l! Ole conclusion of. the treaty: with
-'0445PC!....,,,r „Peen a poOt of. inteiest and curiosi
,*dtteitasing the merits of the pnestten;, and,
kniti•hoiliteittlry; - tio it thlatee to the article in the.,
!trebly ificiiildiriefin•the'reciprocal right of search
'toi the onpinossion of the slave trade-on the ciaastl
ofAfriaa. ' • • - _
1 0 _failures for Ike preceding fortnight were
01 - te :numerous, chiefly arising , from the non-
tideeirs'of Eno late ettenstve spectilati,n in grain.
.ftelintd Roberts; the celebrated spef s plator in cot..
. n, hank, and railway shares at Manchester, has
••l44:ailtnli ; His liabilities to the..flank. of Man -t
ciles,tovare some £60,000•
'Theiiiis very 'little alteration in the money,
market., A good deal of caution is, used in thil
fhitionnt market' US to the, character of the paprr
l irseiiteil for negotiation.
v,This t return of the. Bank of England liabilities .
and Assets for the quarter . nding the lOt';, is gen
• '-11.1Y,tFatifSActory, an increase being exhgted in
::I`braitches - Of its: bOsine , s, as compared with the
. t..otriiiit of Aug.l:l,tli.
Mneh complaint is made .in Lyndon o' the high
price of bread, notwithstanding the abundant
t• lii2V, • •Pfr i ead 'continuer, to,.ne just about twice
,he price by weight in tonfi.m that. , is in Paris.
lier Majesty's steamer Kite arri'ed at Lisbon
~r ithe'2li ult.„ from the coast of Africa, haVing
.ichciard - -thh 'teitaining persons who for ,nedlthe
*ger expeditton.. ' A
MossßroT3 IN MANCrIESTE9 —.an a ttack was
"VI de 013 several mills in -Sapid, and, in one in
.tande,llie hands were'tilt tritheff Out by the riot.
• 14. le another attack the hinds proved too strong
i'.yri.ofi r e mob, end .one-of tie rioters was killed by
;honeyera beating he r ereived. After considera.
IA skirmishing q uiet was restored, but detaiih
,,,eas of no ti ce an d s picials were constantly par.
-iding.different_distriou. A few
_more hands had
~iiii§ , to r is , ,atk, b• li i, v was supposed that at least
- 10 weavers= wer fitill - out.. At Stockport, how.
. _ •... .c .1,;,....-I,:un_bad.-r4'
:timed-work.. ~' ,
If Bolton, tit - 6 *band's employed in Ilargieaves'
mill turned out on -4aturday evening, the lath,
aid - it-witik,expeited- that the tarn-out would -be
general:: --: -
-At :Staleybridgo,the turn.out was almost gene.
`aiti- „4,Bl,Put,frova the idlers was all that seemed
necessary i *
t. prOduce an instant strike.
In the Ataittifacturing' distrias generally, the
1 riiiiKicei)E t inned' troops was all-that pievented
oitliterebelf-on. . • , .
..., .
AR.44-P5.44-glie secret societies at Paris-appear
trOkpatilj tatyrnrk on the project.of overturning
the cligiagoiternment. Another 'infernal machine'
. •
I.afrlif treen i discore red.
The'Prineurle\Joiriolle was about to re-embark
in4lie Belle Poole frigate: .
s Wlref re.unh government had at last resolved to
crent the, million of francs demanded by the
()reek Cabin; t.
Titki Tribunal of Brest had sentenced to hard
'Ain- COr life, -th ffi
e captain and t eers r;f• a Porto
Envie! _teasel,, captured off Mozambique by a
FrVill.ll;cf(lll3er"fur,pirscy and Slave trading/ ;
. Tli; bOUIt of PesilliOn annulled the decision of
V -O'Reiytil, Omit of Paris,' Which condemncdhhe
editeis 6ettie Temps to 20,000 franca fine, for an
; nformatity. in:the publication of the journal
. l'he,affair, is; therefore, to .come '•de novo" before
-- theCoirt i of Amiens. ,* ,
Ers s.-
journals continue to
heifirefi'witli•aistiessitig accounts Of the ra'v. gei
nenniitinea fry siroutdati ens' in Catalonia. it sp•
peen Btaiiiainfell..in torrents during-several days.
Akawati still; refOrted that a ,modificatien , would
slex_ty, tithe,.plaeo, in the cabinet. Nothing psi
tive,-h6Wiyer,Was imonii, op the Subject.
, blialittalli the m Finance, iter of Was ac
tivelyNpVesecutlnk thelrefornt,of his- depart Merit,
inte- which-4e ,had alree - dy inttoduced many ,use.
ful anotintportaiti.raterations. -_ • . ,
___ --•-----:_
Texas ,aneifs _Resources.
Mr. James Izok..of Natekte, Dlrmerly
a resident in. Texas, a gentleman who is
%veil acquainted l'xith` that country, has,
hated the e,ditor of.the Natchez Courier'
!heSplioWing statistics, which are,ofinter—
„at ~ . .to ..every reader. They were taken
from, correct authority, during the sojourn
..f hfic.Viod ir the Republic of the lone star.
Estr*fid are...df Testis in acres, as defined by
the acts of Congres.s of ,
- .Ariininit. or lan . ) granted •
rAptt.he - .Mexican Gov -
Itritsiiiimt ane confirmed r- ,
s'.,,;,..;.:Z47'l:ii,lfrarOnv't of Tercis, , 52,311,3E6
', : -.4:4l,,,itnntinf-, land, granted
---,4.03; Gov't. of Texas, ~
, . irbacyg4Declaration . •
t 4k10.9Pe net ' . -.9,697,356 ,
e 'Ol a nt. rant. - r
iikitlke-Grov't. of Weal ;
, as tug the .tst. of Octo.
M.' 7 '-'-'' ber; , 4837, . - - ' '3',535A7`4
ri7:4q- ,AratiteA as bona:.
- '•- , =r :,''': ; goer wh - oa 'cried
. .
.• , '2 ;limy. ..zia..;.:: - .1 ::: _
- .,t .
Am , , * -,, ransrierip, is+
'','• Mll4 7 F...tini fa 4l 9o*” it .
.- - Crt4 9 1 ' TOW& Je ,, •1- 4.00 0 , 00(1 • 679 408 . 673 r.
, ..., ,
ri„...1.e-. e:i c . , ..;;-...: - -,: . I*-i—i'
olor, onapiatoptigod .. . - z 1
~ -I ,o.l,titzes) .136,14 1
43.1 Z
of the , #irty.—
ff al rf qfint'lt* P-'4lklitiel--ilifl.44oo•loP,
hit *A.PIAIs t *AV OP"?.4 I CAPtit ,
..._ ~v r i#efr, -, ,nionoc._, - . thpre.
-- ' s'" • .411;1154* , FIP!!- L. ...... L t' trfrf*Pqr , ltait - been
S i
. Vef4tßigisu,WeAikid pent.l,o-
40rH,!..0 1 + , AIM; Awe : jNigen, and ,
-. ~.. . , A,
_a , ~.... -. ,
* /f 9'... Alltiosea t-ika
n ' - itiirea4it 'ficiii:4: ' -1 a ctheefaifiei.'waf.
oninoPllllip ~ ',. __Kew-, .i.L--t.t-i ,- t
45-14014#telitt.'., '' ' W - '
4 1
- . r il..i.r' '...ii, tlia ' ' '-"'
A7gif t fogNlNG POST
.;bardliEß , .! Ite-
- • .
: • ". atte t poduty"Tieket.-:. - '
'AVM-% 'BRACKENRIDGE, Allegheny city
JOHN STEVENSON, Moon township,
JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt to wnbhlp,
_NVILI4AM...ICARNS, Allegheny city. .
JAMES CONNER., Upper St. Clair.
- THOMAS FAWLEY, Allegheny city
WILLIAM 11. smirk!, City.
sl3e First page.
Harmony gestured.
We are pleased to learn that the difficul
ty 'existing- among the democrats of the
Tioga Senatorial districts have been hap
pily adjusted and - that the whole party will
now act liarmlniously together . Mr.
Clover, of Jefferson and iNlr. Lowry of
Tinge have withdrawn and Judge Wilcox
of-McKean is now the only democraic
candidate, and of his success by a trium—.
pliant majority, there is not a doubt - Tinga
promises to giv.,. , him 1500 and pledges
the diatrict for 4000 !
The difficulties in the Northumberland
districts,.are likewise settled and the par
ty is now united on Jesse C. Horton, who
has been unanimously nominated.
In speaking of the elections in the Sell
atniitir districts, the Keystone says w
.31011l_have beyond dispute carry all vacant)
dernheratic districts, and secure Eyer oP'
Union, and Bailey of Chester, in lieu of
whigs. Thia will give us a clear majority
in the Senate of Three. Then we have
the strongest possible hopes c:I . catrying
Judge Champneys in Lan'easter and York
---Reiter in Dauphin and f.ehanon —Parke
in. Washington—and possibly Emlen in
Philadelphia. Let our friends then every
where rejoice and be glad at the certain
prospect of redeeming our State Senate
fur once from the galling thraldom of fed
eral whiggery!
Remember this, democrats of Alleghe
ny, and rally one and all to the polls on
Tuesday next and vote the ticket, the whole
ticket, and nothing but the ticket.
CLAY AND CHANGES. —We are told that
eady pledged, in case
r-resurenty, .
every democrat and Tyler man from office
at one swoop. He is opposed to the plan
of removing one now aid then, his policy
is to make but one job of the matter—
knock off all their heads at once. A whip
who was an applicant to President Tyler
for an office, but was rejected, thinks this,
-an excellent plan, and has already signifi
ed the office he would like to be appoint
ed to. We are afraid this gentleman wil!
find it "all dickey" with him and his party
shout the time the -returns of the next
Presidentitd Election come in.
The Gazette of Friday bas a column of
matter miMepresenting the course of the
'democrats in Congress on the passage of
the Tariff Bill, It would be labour lost,
to reply to the• brazen misrepresentations
of that journal on the Tariff Tresti r.;
When it has shown that the following dec.
latations of Daniel Webster, one of the
apostles of federalism, are false, we may
consider the falsehoods of the voracious
'Deacon, worthy a serious reply. In Mr.
W's late speech in Boston, he says:
Skt.ris ANNA.—Gen. Santa Anna, Pres
ident of Mexico, is a tax payer in New
Orleans. The Crescent City saps tie
owns some fine property in that city, pur
chased some years ago.
The'Austin Gazette asserts that Gen
onstoa•received $lOO,OOO as a bribe to
release Santa Anna, after . tbe battle of San
Jacinto. Don't believe it.
Federal ilfoani.=-The Phila. Enquirer
says eight or' ten more Whigs' have been
renioved" the New York Custom
I;fouse, arid their places supplied by- Loco
"clew. So: much the better; the•gvetsi
meet will have better SerValltiVantrinori
rreverruuiry such a change:
visitAla* 3Orkin ~NoVember.,
''-'474-744-rt-i). •
-._ oessicoui , y stig . ) -.3D
.Lv tfti: AN i
.1.- 4,....u. - , , - _Ps_ ,i -
11l # 0 A 1 4fhilfittli 4 /4000 4 ,4 Olt ,
.` - .1 - .- ,.. -- -, " iliti ' Wit: -*~
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-- -11.eiltitit* : ',:_,2,- , ... ' ',A-' . 'ej -..i''k-<-,WOiuT-11-__13.!4_4. !'•':: •..
me ..
The itinontlie .iii**:, -,'
~,;, ati'fl,
~,,..__,._:,#Wl, :.:. ,,i, - ,,r
. leltiladerphhi;
Jouinal,4: F;1 . 44,- O baiii4Vil I t :'. ':- ": arni4.4940011 -.7.:
idea of the
tel ratrl
.._, l -. ~• -'--"..- --'• <---'- • - AsVistiannittirAn4 • — x• ~.< - nohl ie works are Skit.
Labore-IMtadbeen laced tr ' keit for--77--L- , ,:: ,- - -,- --", ~*'' .1- ..x _.=, -1! . :...-= t ~a - 2-,
- --__,,' - ,•• ndet4e:pieseittqfPosiat ofCanal Cop!"-_.
the Legletainre*ss created ilitjteat, -,exeittr. s . ro -i i i iii -- It . i , b e
..... seen that in the short space of
ment among the 9azette.cligut) and - the air.mantbs nearly a huncired thetratod dotariniiiye
Whole force of the antimasonit thnr has -been saved in Q.& iiipenses of the tilumbia Rail
aka' the nominee; with an Road alone, and We7are infeirria •th at th . e . mtisgs_
been turned a
apparegaidetermination to annihilate him by on other portions pr the Pmb'ie-Works r r ent;l,
. .11 e is assai i s dl ir - s a itor i4 . same proportirms. This is highly eredg#lain*
a single ',charge ' concerned but more escially imirarse d,41. - tbe
als,communicatioa nntihandbilis,and ef
in alli -- . •
ficient cofirmisstonlits who h*a , :',' .`ut)ted*4 itYli
the leading objection is; that William Karns tem. of econornytrilhe. , manage m ent oribe rit.' 6lie
is a' laborer—haw disgraceful. Bewaie of I mprovements tso
that is 'prd' noing. att . & bene ficial
Wm.Karns, laborer, shouts deacon White ; results to the State. Who can 'doubt far a no,-
beware of Aim Karns,LtiortEa,.exclainni ment, that onrCaeals and 'Rail:Roads most short
his correspondents; beware of William 4y he a source of vast ;revenue to the -cemm""
wealth, when we find such salutary results from
Karns, LABORER, chimea in the distribuo
anti:commies} management of their affairs as ate
tors of lying handbills. exhibited' by the following statement:
'co say thatthe placing nf,..'74 . sTliateKarna
COIUMbia - ortilT Philadelphia Rail Road.
o on f
T.lrenteeeell,ro, 8442.- s atrurz er rowsa narivram.
1 Ittatc.h, A•"
it was neither SOU 2 ht 'or desired by the dem- pril. IVE., and June',
In y
ocrats; they supposed that Mr. Karns' worth '''
In August
was well enough known to the workingmen
of the city awl 'coon ty, to insure him their
support, and if Iris own merits would not in
duce them to vote for him, it was not likely
that their favors could be secured by trick.
But the leading objection tirged-agains t
William Karns, is that he is a Laborer—
this word so hateful to "all the decency,'' is
arrayed in every obnoxious faun that italic,
caps. and small caps. will admit of. The
party that sent alaborer to the watchhouse
for sneaking; in a whig meeting, cannot en
tertain the thought of permitting one of that_
class, to receive the suffrages of his fellow'
citizens, and they attempt to rouse t h e in
dignation of the whole county against the ,
workingmen for their "trick" in nominating*
laborer for the Legislature.
But while these antimacons have discov
ered a (rick in the nomination of Mr.jKarns,
they have no objection to make to . the
other democrats that have been taken up
by the workingmen, and who, if supported
must: have a tendency to injure the dem
ocratic ticket more than that of our oppo
nents. If there is any "trick" in this mat
terlit is on the part of the whigs and an.
tiniasons, and to turn public attention from
their unfair doings, they make a charge of
trickery against the democrats.
We hope that no member of the demo
cratic party will think, for a moment of
suppiirting any ticket but the one which we
Publish at the head of our columns to day.
--1.--• o< - -- w . t.... 1 1, nnminated _ ticket of the
party, and composed of honest, competent
and deserving men. The candidates are, i
and always havebeen, the advocates of prin
ciples with which the interests of the work
ingmen are identified, and their election may
justly be considered a triumph of the work
ingmen over a party that becomes indig•
cant at the nomination of a laborer for an
office of trust, and who have, on the eve of
the election, set every engine of their party
to work to defeat him. If the Working
men of Allegheny think withDeaeon White
and his correspondents that a laborer is un
fit for a public office, they will support the
men who sent laborers to the watchhouse
for daring to speak in whig meetings; but if
they think otherwise, they wi!l rally to the
support of WILIA'M KARNS, /aborer,and
his colleagues on the regularly nominated
democratic ticket, and by its election tri
umph with the true: principles of the work
.- T
Another Bank Failure.
The Phcenix. Bank of Chat leston, Mass.,
has,,gone by the board. Ou Monday, the
3d inst., a notice was posted on the door of
the banking house, stating that the bank
fial failed, which created such an excite—
merit as has not been witnessed, says
the' oston Post, "since the town was
dest led ,by the British, perhaps it has
had o severer blow." The bill holders
and positors will be paid; but the stock-
I holde have but a sorry chance.
ap toiler in Philadelphia, named
hung himself in a fitof -religions
Lt on Friday last.
knew is raging in wale parts o
.angei.—Miss Helen IS'heady
ed up in New York for tak.
t of a gentleman's- breeches
he Chron'Oe thinks she has
Ikle, and Mr. Moon is a good
A Falle
bas been to
ing money .1
pocket. Oh
such a prAefi;
The Cott
to be much i
the pickings
Cotton on th
Op Britannia was to leave,
on the 46; if she. Makes the
in Ale ordinary Cilia; 4- she will ar.
nt the 1S cfr,l9th.
The ste
c A p
t l6l : a a
of #Oilois the T I :e s :
& T 4 ed . Of of the
third crop thi0.0741, Mies. of the
H . Dearing , •' 0131riit.
• 0 at place
Crop in Lomb Lana, is said
red bytheinnifOtt. rains;
ye been preyent4d . anit the
stocks is spoiled.
Expenses paid during the
above time $53.769 66
Liabilities ine.urrred un- $4,693 50
paid 58,463 1G
Add amount due frorn Repair D.
partment for new Rope and Repai:s
to stationary Engines at Ir.clined
Total Favirto to thP six months, $49159 81
Sept 1. 1R 42, Rerita DErslitT3taNT,
Amount of Road Tolls
eollepted to April, May, and
r n July
In August
Expenses paid during
the xhove time $18,341 63
Liabilities iiieurred un
Deduct am't due to Motive Power Da
penmen'. for Rune and Repairs to
stationary engines at Inclined plane, 5600 00
Total saving in 5 months,
Average saving per month in Motive
$8193 30
do ir. Repair drp'trnent, 10150 14
Total av-Tacre saving per montll, $18343 44
Saving in Mativa Power dep'tment
in f month. , , • $49159 81
" in Repair dep'tment in 5 months, 50750 72
Total saving as above
3. B. MOORHE AD, Sip's, Sz.e.
Tylr J]S. WEAVER, Jr. Clk
- 13" The Gazette clique is laboring with
might and main to show that tho nnmina
n ion of Win. burns, on the Working-
r ens' Ticket is a "loco foco trick," to
guile Whig ant) Antimasonic voters into
the support of that candidate. They take
good care, howevet , to keep their readers
in the dark as to who the other candidates
of the Workingmen are, and how their
success will affect the candidates on the
Democratic Ticket. It is a fact; that every
man nominated at the late m eting of the
workingmen's convention. is a Democrat
And there is not one single candidate on
the workingmen's ticket that has been an
avowed and reliable whig voter. Aiessra.
Barnet and Scott are the only landidates
on that ticket who have ever acted with
the whig party, and they were not de
cided wings. if the workingmen's nomi
nation be a "loc foco trick; it is a
most stupid one, for they have, taken up
men of the Democratic party against the
regular ticket. It we could believe that
the leaders of the Writskingmen's party
could be: used to do the dirty work of
whigery, we should have no hesitation in,
saying that the late nomination was a
paltry whig trick.
0 Maryland Alia jade folio Red suit, followed
O Maryland the jade &Mowed suit ;
0 Maryland the jade,
Alter all the vows she made
Bas..the ragocrats - betrayed,
What a bru!c. •
The returns of the'Maryland election that have
been received promise a triumphant dem "cretin
victory, notwiths'andingtthe extraordinary efforts
of the federalists. They counted with much con
fidence on carrying Baltimore, but as will be seen
by the subjoined, they have been beatea as usual
by the sterling democracy of that city;
The election in the . city of Biltiniore on Wed.
nesday, resulted in the triumphant success of the
democratic ticket by an average majority of 752
The two highest candidates for , Representatives
received—Democrat, 6822; Wlrig, 6105. No re.
turns from Baltimore -Comity: - In Cecil countyf,
two de , nocrats and two whits are said to be elect.
ed, and in Ha tford, three whigs and one tie.
Proposed change of the...4irrolaid; Constitution)
—The majority of the city,of Baltimore against
the proposed Change of.the constitution, extend.,
c i
ing the term of office of4lihmbersl `of , Amembly
from one year to, two, and to iett*theri the l tisem
of Governor and Sheriff, was 5472:in tWelmi. ou t oC the fourteen Wards, the other two' not Tieing 30,
ascertained. The vote was 207 1 . tor r affirmwe
tiro, ithk7s43 in the , negative.
We are, sitifiad at this decisive -rejteCtruf
one of the !ptalp.ikt which the aristocrats of nut''
country oro-txthtitsintlyi aiming, and which they' :
hope to - carry into`egect seine day through;the
supineness of the people : I, ' - • -
The in 14/442009n.,cqu0ty is 400.
i*titliWtt.9 l o#4 ‘iilliijc•wAslegi,Year , - - ". '
, . • •,,,, - +c , * viii 1 1 0 1 0 1 60 4 *'
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:-;. F - !.. Tkintlmiset*eetintiptatcr, -- .. t
886001 -0, Bre
filr" .
uttinf tistidu ? : '.. in favor:. of - Te rttletince
bi-*-thf *ere P r itFog .o*as! rittherl - Wash.
inktbilitiliit illitrror-the:VlVirmation of those
-who. are , prohibited from' attending ifiair
meetings, an consequently deprived of
hearing and seeing much that is interesting,
lAtiall drop -a f- • .:--- ~- - occasionally, for
iheir , boned,' thr t-:, ,-,z - .- columus of your
excellent paper. 61 last Wednesday ev
ening, according to previous arrangement,
the T. A. Army assembled at the corner
:of Smithfield and Third.streets for the Our
pose -of , forming into a procession; after
all were •regularly -filed, they marched - to
the Monongahela bridge, and were there
greeted with the 'Sligo Brass Berta,' which
took its position iri front-of the procession
and escorted them to the Vigilant Engine
'House, where they received the Vigilant
Company into their ranks. All was life,
and animation as the mighty phalanx pro
,ceeded to the "Sligo Iron Works. " singing' .
'the song of their redemption from the gal l
,ing ch f ilui of tyrant Alcohol. Messrs Wil
liams and- Galley addressed the meeting
in their peculiar styles on their arrival at
the - place, and receiviny some names to the
pledge, after which they took up thr line
of march to the city.
Friday evening the Martha Washing
tonians held a meeting in the Hall, and to
give . a correct description of it would be an
useless task fur the overpowering excite
ment which prevailed,the vast number that
composed, the audience, and the general
appropriateness of the speeches, were cal
culeted to inspire every soul with enthusi
asm and spread aroued a "great commo
tion." Capt E. F. Pratt and 0. 0. Mc-
Clain, Dr. Elder, and -- Layng, Esq'r,
severally addressed the meeting and ob
tained upwards of forty signatures to the
pledge as the result of their Libor. It
would be well here perhaps to remark that
the conduct of some towards one of the
speakers was highly disrespectful, and
should meet the hearty denunciation of ail
lovers of correct decorum. When the la
dies meet to deliberate upon the evils of
intemperance, their arrangements are
made beforehand; consequently their speak•
ers are chosen, and if they do not meet the
expectations of the people they should not
be disregarded and murrified for that they
could not avoid. Therefore it is hoped
that in future meetings no such disgrace
ful treatment &mil bn indulged in toward
any speaker. With the foregoing excep
ions the meeting spoke well for Temper
The ladies with their melodious
voices all-gd - the Hall with sounding praise
for the happy change; while , the caurser
sex made the floor, in rumbling accents
speak their rega+4l.if so glorious a cause.
J. K. M.
$14;073 90
*30,248 6
$102,022 97
$43,559 81
5600 00
651,714 86
$12.839 80
$15,095 83
27,935 63
$79,650 49'
4,958 14
0,299 77
$56,350. 72
850750 72
$99910 53
Montgomery,; •
Ann Arundel, . .
Barroll •
Prince Geofge
"Ct,ieen Anne
VI :Kalov
''oaroline •
, AllegettY
• .
, and •
sof the
191k:4 t';?:c.4u .o,et -onot
es kiesliby .‘ and.
„ „
From Texts.
Highly Important!—San .Intonio taken
by the Mexicans!-Fifty-three of the prin
cipal citizens taken *Prisoners!—Destruc
live Storm at Galveston.—The Crescent
City, of the 26th Ult., publishes in its sec
ond edition, the following highly import
ant intelligence, received at New Orleans
on that morning, by the arrival of the
steamship Merchant, from Galveston. It
is of great interest.
'San Antonio was completely surprised
on the 11th inst , by thirteen hundred Mcx
ieans, under Gen. Wall. Fifty-three of
the principal citizens were taken prisoners.
President Houston has issued a proclama
tion ordering the, marching forthwith of •
the 'militia of Braiario, Austin, Fort Bend.
Colorado, Victoria, 'Gonzales, Jackson and
Matagorda counties, against San Antonio;
and the counties of the Upper Brassos - and
Colorado to march to Austin; an I the citi
zens of the other counties to hold them
; selves in readiness. The orders of the Ex
ecutive are direct, that in the event of the
oia6iiatipn of San An!„rinio by the" Mexicans
they are to.Aie,:pursued beyond the Rio
Grand;, and chastised as "their audacity
deserves." Id 'the event ofa formal inva
slop:, the western counties are to hold them
selves in check tintiLl the rest of the repub•
lie can rally to the rescue.
When San 'Antonin. was taken, the.Cir
Court was in session, and the judge
and officers of the Circuit were made pris
Galveston was visited by a most terrible
and destructive storm on the 18th instant, .I
which done great damage to the shipping,
destroyed two churches, blew down a num
ber cif other buildings, awl commited great
havoc among other kinds of property.
During titu prevalence of the storm, in
the dead honr of the pigtit, many families
were" compelled to flee from their falling
- b-atses and seek shelter with their neigh—
bors, after wading through a raging serf
propelled by a hurricane.. Before the
dawn of day the winds lulled and the wat
ers subsided with the 'same rapidity as they
The total loss of property arid injury
sustained, it is supposed, musthave amount
ed to $50,000.
- Dem
Baltimore city,"
14th inst. at 2 o'etor.e, r.
and Lot, situated on the
steeets, in the sth Ward mm l 7
two stories high, with a ,
Terms at Bale—By %der ord it
To the Honoreele titej.d ,
Quarter SeSeipWS nji.orAe
of Allegheny. . ,
rri H E petition of Nicholas L,,
Ifeespcn, In Ve ri t a i det
aforesaid, humbly shewsib",
pspvided - himself wilh
of travelers and others,nt
ship sroresaid, and p , systinn ys t
alto:rapt him a license kesp t -
ininnicut. And your pethhisti,
i 3:
' t
~ ~.
4 *MOM
.'a _yhk't2_.
riitsburgh, October 6
I he subscribers, citizens oft
certify, t hat the above petitions, 4 ,
est y and temperance, and it vet
room and conveniences for leek.,
jug of strangore and travelers, 44 ;
Matthew Elliot,
A. Atwater,
11. B. Sindlair,
John Cook s
lain Long,
John Harison,
Cct 7-31
Ji t a
A. R
In the Conn of Quarter&ln
of A He: heny Comity.
"recta the Clsik In give W I
newspaper= lintlishid
persons iiiiptested in Hal,"
said COu (I oil Monday !Jell, ( 100
M., then mid there lo,rate.,„ ) .
have made in the plau of twv t hsw
they shall he heard. By Thetret .
Oct 7-3 t T.L.v.
8008 Aiii
Corner of Iroo
Tne p ropy jet() Is of
•ND MANUFACTI'Iri.ft respectfuN
and the pat roes of- those pap,rvy
and r nnsin ns.ornneta of
CIED - 1211C
C) 7 A I J.-1:1 , 111'.
Necessary to a JA ''rit.tiaz Off,
OP EVERY nesr ,
Oina or Lak
Pa mph:og,
Rhrk CL l,
Zit hinbs of 13'
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal 6;
male C II
Printed on the short eat notiren!
We res; ecl fn{lv nyk (he KI,Fal.
the puLliu in 2enerzil in 1111;tniai
PilistAir.,th, Sep:. :39: 1342.
V V VILLI .11f ELDER, Attorm
Court 11 use. a Grans = rr,
/114 tiE T/Crilm: qibd ,
4,1•11 rt or colotion
the beet fit of the I,,ert,,v 1,..1,1f
edit that said Cde,
pexl tor q.
credr or s, OW court 1110 ., 11 1 :o
111 R .1
Oct. 5, 1842-3
fl .A 1113A11
\V hr•Pliw,4
SIMON P• BR ADDlirt ,6 'S'
HUGH 0 rt tvneAm.
JA 11 FS ST E FN, 0 N,T 0;
40 lin],
Li' B o a
e z;s ,
4 R . io Coffee
Spiectly inform the raft!,
tinily, that he contemplates fo
ly, , frer the Purpose of Ivor loot tt
mental musk. Ile plefteegliinott
method of instruction i i i.,,yoetnate
no pdins ellPli Ire spared to (aril; "
pa pis.
Ladies; will he waited on at their.
M r. B. hat reduced his Imre; m..
For particular- pease call at Co!.
Atte. , hefty lit .I 'l'
toe Military Companies ir;
glieny. In the Ca ,aett v of tkinsivito
itt:tructtio, clothist , and instrutet
Many parents are under tie is
cal knowled,Te of a Ittusieat I n•ii ,
tendency over the morals of
may :that draw inn much of
studies or occupation. To the
to say, that the acquisition of lit.
tar a source of recreation and yelp
substituted. The taste becomes
inclination for study more ardent
mind is la ore ahst ram ed from Ilicq
youth are so liattle to fall into.
lion to music in any wny WOO
occupation, as the lime derotelt
ways l ave Ito definite time,
Another &lett ion that 11311.14:1.
811071 1 d their children become : 104 -
he led into irre.mtar hacks.
might say with the rattle pralthe..
his son taught Co write a cood - ho
a counterfeiter, so that the teis;
we make of any :irgoirfrotol.
U is now to be hoped that f:Gaili
prejudices that may have her tol:I
of parents are removed, and that .
their children lite privilete of es'e
PtirtunitY• Call at Col. Trovildt:
N. B. No boy nerd apply" ,
written consent from ins pref,•,en(
Fresh. Arrive and OW
Vr (HE Subscriber haring kat
-I. Carnets and Dry Goode,t4
wants of the community at et.
cosh. They earnestly solicit al'
wishing to buy, before took's:
Their Stock consists as foliose ,
Brussels Carpets, new style, 1
Superfine ingrain, /
Fine; .do do
Common, do do 5
4 4-3.413 4 Plain Venetian , 7
4.43 45 ft Twilled, do I'
Listing Carpet, a new good ' '
article. ,
Flour 'Oil Clothe, alt idt
connection with a wet et •
Taney Cry Goods at as o' oo •
*Mei establishment in the y
W. WO,
oct lt-Std 1a" N._22.1.1.11"1°'
Boanto(Trustees of dif:
letinsylVania will oe treld It dit
11116aday the 10th inati. at le'ol,
WB4l T 000.5, 1
------ ----- r d
4 1 11 -able fairtHy, two,,,
Teacher and Governess. ore 0
atvd retiatilla qualideatioes,od.., I
*le. futitt*.telisions fa mil
, or
)gent at N illi It IS
-aft pa di la
pfeCtOkiii 00
v'tsinalta-iia say OW
1400labla tensor aa ,
R- 40 4 'is
Strait ,
A 'ng ,„
et 1 401144 -
• sib
Mr. S
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dr., Dun
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to-rmirrol ,
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But it
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Uncle S
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oh this si
we ay e
ioiis s t
Filly. Co
pass 6. o'cl ,
Co dry a n g.
ase make
= . 0..50t
a ,Tempt.
'action Wi
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bent from )
"'fling like
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ber; This
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, tests.