~- ~ .._. _..~ s ... F, VELEIR TAWIt provided with the Sahli, c iza i' ini ed wills a kite arlbe ou are e x dertheed I. -.twin= liwir boiliath f it • Ord. -ellen they ate net eglantine's' '!te futtavviar, is a Ltd of Leafs ; atii at th e Par or nu* oa the list butte theititisrowed is impostAsie for,ais -ItiA, FOR , ; ( 1 ; 1: , . 1 \ 1 1 , Z : % JEW N ON. t'Y OF LYONS, CrApgn !A. EY FORGE, T PITT. A KW ATER, QUEEN' •.s 7t.: AIL, DUKE BUIL ECU V. IN D.Mira . 9, ETTE. tts • • I Y RAN 0, • pian POI% 1 7 ,EZ O. AGSES, k ANN, c: it AG. ANSETT. S ‘TI ANTII. t . 3 GO PARK, OM% - I'TUNE, CECIL" J II • ..Z . l II LEND, GAL x . S 'ETI'A, -are:ter. community aet %,3. mate a choice of a hum, he; tier it would aot at. it', Ie cteov3 a Safety Ciaa - it - richt. in ;Iterate's:* ia twat ilea w int-enlion has the ussiirdaiii eruine Lailderp—reir r.3343/4-3 , 12hd the sal jeer, aed a candela' en and Gibers-2N of wail% N: 33 lit Water ii - tteel, trbetWi! .1 ail titres is nihilist' 'my ;; lake the trona:eta tad. CADVVALI. E.llol7lla—Elassa o farm/era iLtectaesi! ho the pal& ••al,er carettoeve. is "'tittle :4, 1 •:•r , r door! tiara h of Fink A, where they vein keep r • !viper. etw -Li F tiwf d 7 '7 7 . , ar..G srs - r,V. pzrer, z..•• • ,c.n witb 1 1 ,4 • 1 • ttiF • ; 'Five A , A-s:nrl v'l,l a' c.,t, at 5441 - I,!VVE ,1... 11 K- ker f ,s iTtlit-101•1000- no:y esripemmemi :he 1-3.4l=7,cmcial of ktrEA TIM /A T 1 • c r qUasalily of Fbi al, T.. 1. 4, of Cog &try PlaliSCE 11A KRIS'S Ire • 21— f Wit • fiN C,matissisa r-, Mezzlectires, =BMOC! I'.llsturgb of it'd. " I!, - 2.1,2 ',len 4. Co. Ea-1,11:6AM- LI k t r :LE PA RM FOR SALL—I is rna en erLisb I lire, is Wiltiltf t , cargair.raz Ore 1411 slvit , 70 acres of r.bicb Tier e' are e p os srl ra feet by S-1; 2 / 3 aPPie 0 •,•trt serealy acres of coal- Tie , to tbavae an; upland Urn " • csade kuorra speak-alio-a lame ;.:es&cs- WILLA A.Ai WA LLI All IL"- WALL, P2cia cal cad Pieticre Frame SiENZI ' ' S. rm.. Pitts 3.errit. —Caorses rliA.e. 11R2115 Vd bind- • • : 'c ft a q.eal to order- Cevaitin rt.ci 1-2 r at 1 ertliOn pid to nebg'4'' •••, - r3l - , • /Gt , . fitlim! ttp Ftmm Roam CC 7var.l7.r.e . to can. ITE LEA 13.—The Egt-ceer" r.simers, and cativo Pe-e IFLite Lead made + - A-J... 1 , if ii , ot „•:-Aaprrior la a ' • ry 3 , r. 04..11--samd to nool2ll . i 'lt; S. toed ravel, Pir.a td6 _ fiC5l.O F.VSHIONAIBLZ £4O Sl_ ere deerfreot 01.41 Smog -t r sir r respectfully ioXffr!,, r:han,7.iemby WO be #0 Shoos of hi= owe ebacciacia mal •,i e er::: keep constantly dm WO r '2O kgcd.. - , - of auk 14.0r5, of the irarTgl quality-all** .03; Ibe tiara. Ile grill ibc of I:Aecy wei k_olezi as wide. Fr colored Wren,. sod MA... :Tee's elsl!•rs. 4C-1" :e made 31 the sborvesd Ladle.. evil please earl skad - e - l&rriber iiel6cdsfider t z.rlitie in bit , . Sisieltrey sas)' in w " :0 S. Don "1. forret ti,x. ptece -503 " • frog laleVitleace ' "' c Market . 4 -4 reei- TILLIIU ti t ' • , • busiersts Mass Jr 0 't ens street zed 4 - 2 Marta MOO. i.E 101 be riteserees t, for the werTliberal -!ed to COllOOlOO6 WWI r-liv.slo aware tbeatabst,ri er ! ii lae coat iseatese of tk* _ - fely maybe 'their' siteatissi 10. Web be isteseStellog '3l s bas been eves *Sere, WSW 1 •4 0 ;e. of the slack at, Oa lalleP7 and as be inteiegbiell efille li bissistess. lie feels coadraleas bis afeek.!.mdber la of urerkmaattala, - , • tlease la talk ealleatlaia :A gas! 1.3 :J nor y A issast-ArsirAk.7 -- , - tt ..wt iitikaser"Ct", his ism &sae' shocuo osbessosiistsvidiaig o4olll o6 ooo, L•% •V. BLISII ED BI LIPS WH. small, R OF rOOD k FIFTH STS. a Year. ttaFtl , te is E TWO CESTE---fot tql'e at the ste NEAPS Soy*. and Manufacturer LT. at ,bf. Fame c e,on a 6acible TWO P , A.I.ATZS a year. in ad. SIX CENTS of Advertising. TWELVE LISES OE LESS: 050 Oaf mow t). 0.75 i Tao 110 Ttr» ca-onltei. 7,00 1.30 Fon; 1 30)1 I..zixauni;b.s. .4.00 Oat ice. 13.00 ADVEETISEV ENTi,. ' 11.1 oT PIRAC: EL. fro Sfale , CP • 1810 S-11 /1.-DINUP.... 1123 .00 23.0.) ; One Trs, 35.00 tr I r. Pri , ripri • p n. yezr. • 0 FF 1 G E S, &C. Thr..l Le: (Veen Market awl Wood sr. roF".m. 4111 Grr,r from Wood Et. Teter ', P74+ Al i 1-CK k. L'otiecior. yy cafad hr: cen Firg. and stcza riram. T. Tiorti next door ut the arch—S. C. 3eihnston.Tre3gorer. I , e;teven Markei and Woad Maf Of •1.5 G E. Fourth. near }Janet F kNKS een Market and :r-`^P!s- oa •I•crbr-rrarrs' .vra FAir.mrase '4 F-Jcln: Ford.; roarlb, tottirten ro-rr 9 -1" r ,par the 8144'e Pen , . M. , •; . 1 , W oi:hd ME=4=l MEE= tin - r < • N.TT:,RNEY AND OR %..T LOI , r .'7;. - C it !!p•.Pn 1( ITT. 'l. D.-- Cfr, -,yr-re to s :‘ 19 I , . n, and h. al A 0vrc,44* . : 4 4r FeT , 10 i S v.( LURE, Aitoraerz and Drau,sael., kvek t QUGAB AND 3IOLASSES..-13 taste and 4 tels Al. 0_ SUrr. . 1.1,1; N. 0. nv..eivesi per Sleaeoboat n.I f-:,r ate by J. G. 4t A. GORDON. 0 No. 13 Weer greet o1•-e nor!, I, IF: =a!: •7 E. A. F A!! N:F.rrlsr3CK 4- co ro•^tr of Grit atui Weradci.. . n , ••f 63 PS P£H SGe rrna Mawr! La , em!, for rate -1L C-. 1. FA 11 1 B'. TOUR CO _ fr1 , 171 , e7 of I. 2,4 Woorl f-P p ifl '• l'" "'"'" .11M LaS Prepr.ovd Claari, for tcs3e by Et. A. FAHNE.4S rocc * co comer of 641, ami Wood at:, .*.s; 1)11N; 18 N., 7,5 plO sut„ R khds. Saoar. 1 MU- do- do-. 1110 de. Plata-20 , 0 aletbsorg. roe a• Law: ale In' .I. G. 4- A. CORDON . a+rsa. AN . -. I 1-,-; 11011INNON. I,"Ls , IRE t . UNC; & ti;, A. ra.irchni , ftfrd 11-2/ p lE= VS. 6 , 20 111 ~ r , bt iSA 5C fiAEßitz, Ft MffMM 01 rl,lp Ll+ 2.1 11re F L. SNOWDEN', 1 !teat! of Wood. znd Slot IA aus fatl o . r.,xl d+),r to 1 ti. a bes aur; Salie 1.211:39,=. ersaLle re ftf. is p:alef CS US -Mil-TIC to lots tosoit Zat.t.r.s; .ore dre:pctz . d of by F. 1... SNOWDEN, • M-1 Übe -fly stmt.. head of Wood. S.tioareps ftsul rfos - er:.-te, - 41. of er e, can aI twayi be bad at tae Olaf F. L. SNOWDCS. 14 Libras - gtroel, brad of Wood. •i rmtr.l Mammoth Ot,ioa :Feed. for Drat: rd ::;eed-sione of F. L SNOWDEN, I,'A Liberty strei, bead of Wood. V JERSEY SWEET POTATOaz ;zast rer.eivell bj F. L SNOWDEN, 13-i Liberl3 - brad of Wood ft q. of Fi•,e.s.-. raucy Sindes • F....diar Tools &Wolin •-re. rrocic: .. , i2ezrs. etc., jaist re r. L. SI.QOCVDEN. ` 4 4 st head of Wood. 1-12 =a , rtreived a 5=211 SUp- etlisOc Damn. ou retail tat i6One CIOVIERCIALAt CTRIVAI ROOMS, N. Ac A. lRtlS.Agresl. I V HO Wood Street, Pittsimerit--IL. A. Oaatmaf. and Cow. Merchant Asolioineerand Conossithon" liereiass. is se mi prepared w reoeireand sell ail kids in(Gosen and aderekoodsce. i cam, °retard Grass sad at 1115 tune and vas:miens tonnos,ll*—ilo, North Easo always en band sad for j Corner of Wood sad 4ratik F. L. SNOWDEN. Retoolarsal of Di yeltet. Cotroddthe. Cathodes sad L ", Slrert, bead of 10 1 licood- itherstrisles., on Mommdaiyn'armit TYtsisyd then week. Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Gook amil Palley entitles, as Timothy. Wednesday. sad Thanday eniairrs. Ileeks. , 4-c-, every firetuenlay urrulog. side outs Iran 41 c . Apr et Inc. Mice b oo ooad. to - AttoreeeMtello," Qom, riortieg led Wood arp Io BLANKS, far in -At tbe•site lair.for sa* st this Mote. • -mike Son h Es•sz censer of Coal stmec Applyio DA tuNcrex. starte.iFeirtal r ah's' Preach Scgatseta..ed.just fin swe at the Drug mid feed F. L. FSOWENIM. Ittabei ty tow, brad of WaPoiL NOP PARTN-ments.—The saeLocno mean loacsom S EXIAXIII HOMMLittl* . 1* of coastal. Wftliata Disbrisaatiosoasst %kolas sentatmplimaitsciailits inu.tait mow; MIL T.18M*444. PAIL V Tin. B. 312:11.2.117, DElMri stria. JLI fetid, istimers Stiorriani sep 10 TOHNSTON - 4 STOCKTON. BosifellerLrrinters sad a , Paper Na-SLlllairketst. aep 10-1! JOHS ANDERSON, oisitlifield Famodnr. Water xi, near ibe Nesearaiirla Hour, Pltisileir4b. pep 10,-17 y F.OSAID S.. MINS, Alderisas,Sir:Cisir street. se .LA coed doer frost Laverty. sep 10-4 y DR_5. R. HOLES Nice in Second striesi, seal *gar to II alirany 4. Co's Vim Wavettosse sep 10-1 y S ' FlttNit it FINDLAY'. Attorreys at Law. Fourth 111.. wear the Mayor's Mee, rfttsiattib. se, 10-ly THOS. HAMILTON. A Hisriter at Lam.MR. betiorom Wood as Smithfield Hs- Pittsburgh. sep HUGH Tali ER. Attometr at Law' o• Ewa COMMIT of Staitb6o4 ard Foorxis ammo.. cep 10-19 11110X7fall MUMMA ../.&111:11 TlT.3llrt HANNA 4. 'Tll23llE r f-Ll3 Paper Wanebense. No. lig. Wood at-, where may be bad a general lapel" el Writilek arraPoin.e. printing, wail paper, Want books. school baPts.kr., 4e. scp 10-17 . TOWNAEND k CO- Wire Worker, mad 11L. Xcs.rac!:rest, So_ 23 Market greet. betureell Paid 3d streets rep 10--1 y LIXCHANGE HOTEL. Corner ofTena whelk_ CbLir rt,eeis,by IicKIBBIN f SMITH. Pep 1&—IF. U,IG METAL-71 ions soft Piz Metal for sale by L G. 4 A. GORDIN. Mo. 12 Water street 1 sep 'l3 _ . a LIM %CON HAUS- 16000 tbs. Beeves 3199 U Sboaiders, /kw visa by 4- - A. GORDON, No- 12 Water street, PATTERSON. Jr, Sinitic:bairn, ne2fAureh, a .P 2.. oil iorrrs•-tsteer of Locks. Stews sae Bolts; So. acre. Fn93er.JiiiiaadTischerScrw%HouseaScreasfor eoiarre , Mins, sera 10-1 y titys - ypeLOsKEY. Tui sad C3othier, Lther.y slreet_ botireou h aM Virgin alley, South ride, sFp 10 W BUR BCIDGE 4- co.. Woke Grocers and COMISILRFiOI3 Nercbiet3-4.Secoed Meek, Wigwam Word and Smithfield rts,titssbers,k. seplo- ly J. G GORDON, Comaßiggio• szeijonrarding Mercract.c, Water st....Piusbargh. sap 10—by lIIA 45 .-4 casts bacem, a rood article, reci+red per S. ILI. B Corsair, aetl for sale lay J. G. 4. A. GOILDOS% Stn 10 No. 12, Water strew_ QVGAR 5- MULkSSES.--40 'Ads New (Mews Su ..rar; ty14.5 Stir OrLe2lls Mot few sale my pep gi S . G. I A- GORDON: L•bell, pilaw N. Ct. emu, loll**oll per S. B *aloe. alai fc:r sale by j.G. k A. GOEDON. xr 10 lie. 12, Water etrer gm - foN cAsX.S.in ordig. op band aed for sale by ,p 10 J. G. 4- A.GOR DON, No. 12, Water Ea B LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, JECt..-- 13.:- , eJ in Bankruptcy Inoceediliws, inlaid ea t - Kni ni rrr And i n the forms approved by !be Coara,for sale CPI , . of the Iferrury ,and Democrat rep TO M. HUBBARD. Lictie fashionable boot aad 01/ ihoi Manufacturer No. 101. Thini s'reel. between zoC Sai! bfield Arens. Pittais vet XlO BV C K MISTER, AT S IINEY AT LAW, 11 . L.L.”recl Ins often to the corner of Fourth se-ry Attey, het - Irmo Soitlifield and Grant se? 711 FOR RKli - T...--Thedwellieg zed tot robtaining 4 acres. in Allegheny. Dear the Bei ama, lately o,r.z44.db F It r. cooe Church. Apply at the Item/tants Marafacinrers" Cant, to W. B. DENNY. rhAVID SA MASON ATCLI & CLOCK ,*1 -.MASER, Biz.- 9i. ma,tea street. pros, _ tmi,gb, bellween Fifth 264 Liberty simile. DE-4LER IX WATCHES,CLOCES,BREASTPIXS FINGER ELX.GS. C LtALVS, KEYS, COWES. 44- cep ICI L ANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A fan of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always ou U3Vd., and far ale at i.ia ne cry , the Druz store of F. L. 8140WDES. re? ItO IS4 Liberty street, befid of Wood. DR.. DAVID WARD hm hie Mike and nmakore oe Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court Hoak_ seemed rierellin: from K/k.1.. et. He will faithfully attend nil =tills km:Mint° prefemacm. Night calla should be made il the door aterre the leemmest orp 111 VIEh EIIOV A L--Matt hew Jones, Barber and Bair Pmts. JILL fr. has rethoned to Fomi h street, opposite the May ors offise, >obere be *rift he happy tot e orant open permanent ua transieot eahsoaners. He seticitsa Mainly public W3l. A. WARD, DENTIST, Pm three ainer below Irwin *reef. Hours or business, fawn 9 it- until 3r. a, after which time his will attend I to no one except in eases of artaat neremity. tie would farther inform tine trim may Mist proper to employ him,tbat be ' , lmparts issinelimmine smut without the necessity on his port of-madam in bills. cep 10 IOM APIA RL .421 Upbeirsterer bad Callum! )11-ker. Thirst st. irthrecalririmi % sofa muds, r - cpect Eve hal-tuns his friewlaited tbepaidie [bat be ill prepared to exerate all orders far_ Sobs. Sbielboards.-9a tea sr. Chairs, Tabir. Zedsleads,Stames„ Hats and Sociog Mat‘rassrf, Ctirtaliw. Carpets, all sorts of Upbotsteriog trots. andel' be will warraat 'mind kr any bode herbe city, tai on mrsonabie terms. - rep 19 . il _ Idl's IL flaviAt.a4 7 .. Ba r garey it Soak. .. , ~ ce. , fiampos. Santa, it - I g_ Loren it OIL. ! , *:, a. W . Barbriige k (4'-' ...._ I - - da CaPIL : 711111Kle..e° 4 : EV J. I T G: 1111.1. - .y e 11112 4. Zaire grralliila Esq. i vie • /CAINIe*- ' 1 - es ' ... •IC: Illimpeemil *Oa. , • ..."Jas. P. 81•11M.1311. t •. . "oleo Ciaw•y.Eii - .. ,I. a:.._ T 411"- 1.147 --; IleVi -' it ' -1 *- ' ' .J '; ' ''- '• '" ahmesi. - -•-• '-- :.:'c ' ., *'''''''' --1 -• ':', Tl V ''.,, ', ~. " :I, tcl 4 .4 , :.1 ',•l-C,.- r , ,40/110/4frit.C. , , ' • -,114 .--.....-,,,,,-:', •--. - •"":. 4 . - - • ,-- ';:"'";''•-. : . ... ,,, -...t.-.. - -. - ....-: _ -._-...-_-.- _ ...-„, 7 - .-:".'-':, -. . , :. ~. ~,-„••--,.--.- - ..=., ,, r , -; „., , -*M- -,:,;--, • . ~...„ .:_7'..:_-_--. • . • . --', -,-(:-",:.-- -.- . --,. •:-'---- •. •':'..f-'•• • • = - L - i•<''=:".•:; , •;.-. o s .. .. :- - ..• ~,:, . ... - --, , '-'••-;•,• .1, ''' ';, ..: i• „ , 4. i •,,•,... 4 •,,t ~... ;• ',.'"t.,. ... . . ,'. '•-•• ' • ''''',...; 4 1 4 t !11,'...• .. . , --- •• i k 4 _ ~., ~, - .2-; 1.-__• ft. t ., . ~,,L'-'•• , . ~ , * ,_. %,....-___. ..', i .. i • ~. ... t-‘,-. , . .. - ' ..,•!:,- . 717 . - ~.... . . .... • .._ '•- , • • _ ~_ . v .... - -,,t,:t PITTSBMIdII, M_Th_l3Ml 7, Is42‘, SAL 2 _Patolowelli awl Boomer lilscliwk„ _ . Sitar, 131FAIS , regular lzipo, alit loth tho Am iability XX iy (Sowlioyikexceethil.) boom Beaver at 3 111* clock A. it loam Piiiikargili as 3 o'clock IP: Y. cow mem alliworer with the Peasswgivarsis and thine Liae of iratiett awl Parke Canal ants Intones Rawer, oaf ClevelsuniOndo. and ennenvisle, Pataspiraala., Leaven gamer daily at 6 attack P. M mg tiaeloaaeets with two daily tires on the reonsyhatight caul to rittlaid pb is, aid wail the New York aid 011ia.fwe of tie Brie moat, aort.Pfew York and Obio Igoe a 0 Ohio amt. ai on with skew (might and Pagano IRV a" selatrassey. on the Lobes. Tine - peoprni* rows of litht6pnii Llama Doe orin he acellare*" the areatiolf ofIttO#611: Liam to traosport saLtrehrpnifeeto INT of the iltithWeet aio pans on the rennoyhroon, sad Ohio, and 040 =- DAR to any port oat Labe Ma, nad the - Upper , Lahmto and from New York City sod llitodelpiria. McClure * Beave4 ra-. • Cabb Wonserk OS, Omega!, 0-, Rees 4 Taylor. Warren, 41, Propeleters. LAMES A. VIIAZY. Agent. N 0.60 Water street. Pituninkeb .48TTS111711611 4 M.CLEVELAND • STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, _ W. B. BOLES, Master_ UN'S daily Cambers excepted.) betimes PITTS. 8112VBIL. fearing Bearer at 8 A. M. and Pittsharzh at 2 P. Erooto's Safe ry Gnat( to yreveat Erptiantsj Boilers. ThisspleaMilaad fast ramming. Steam Heat has 'jest seen emsplet ed expressly for ibis trade, and riias in assertion mitt" CLARBZ 4 Cy": Pittsburg* and Craraos, Lise of 111BEIGHt-Lrb PASSAGE Barrs.kai is - CUrelat, obi, Or dowa the Ohio casal to Idasolon, jr. and Erie-Ett. tessior Tate tioGraeaviik.. The duce roam of this Line are tpsed to and rwilit fittslArth direct, awl the basic Ci /*edictal ca the INIOA prompt nod economical system. Ravings conger- HOU with the Pesnsylvania Canal Liss to Irhftaalei phia and Baltimore. and Shmenboals linatitir dose the Ohio river atm., atrial:lt oar Agents it Cleveland:aril-la `..7. 11. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake V,e.eele, an d the Tray and alich*att and Buffalo 4,ake boat-lines on the Erie tans% we are prepared ran' Itit 1111.1114.01 Wien of Frf-.llbt to and Prom all points on ths canal, tie! lakes and the Nice v l or the Eastern cities. at prices as ow an any other hoe. pphr 60 G. X. Herres, Mr.. 55 Water it, or at Steam. boat ldietrtan's Landing_ Pittitatrgh. Clark. ¢ Co-Beaver ireatkerice, Warren. Wlterter 4- Ca. Akron: Thomas Itichncsi f Co. Cleveland iLINCII TO J. . wick 4. Co. Greenvih e W. C. Malan. i•;bason. B. W. Con.iincharn. New Castle, John Kirk. Teurmslown, John Campbell Newton Falls; Campbell 4- Slitter. CamcitnalLeown; Babcock k Mcßride. Bavenna; C_ 4 D. abode,. Franklin; U. A. Miner 4- Co— Ceyaboaa Falls; We hanaa 4- Whitehead. Maimiticn; Gordon Williams. ¢ CO.. Detroit; Sinoe.Davis 4- Co., &dialer. Covrier...o.ichanand, Williams 4- Co., New York. sep :0 121. Carom of Wood.oLd tryst Pitzahl6 , 7 4 , his on hand a complete as .truitvealof Qurcatsware vatted to the city or country nude. A , vo. a choice selection of pare white and gold ' , arid DIN{ CG AND TEA WAN, E. in large or small sets, or veparate pints to suit purchasers. A cart o( 46. 60, or 84 piece sets. superbly painted mitt Enerevh China Tears - re. at very tow wriest. '— Tay Teaware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, &ciao 1.00 to .11E1-0 1 0 per net Chiidnes - s Mimeo( every description. Wsketasasii v• 'Grasse throng aid Tea iServracev, is white avid with spbradidAsteMess seemerymisted is ighw and Math_ A larva variety of Steamboat Mein aid listatfik awls. impothed to match. compk4e. Fire Proof Morse baiting plates and dillies, frets the flerbythisr Potteries. Flint and Green Glaa, la all their varieties. Window Glass-, of evrrY ! I lze- Palen( Brackets, Tale sad Knees. Slone Pipe Reads_ itc. kc. All of whirl' are respenfully.,,oresed Isr Oat 4rob. it on the Hock favorable Imam Jan 26.1141k -1y mit J. FOX ALDER .Btiorney gni Ceseretior it e - • Lem_ OM es his peofrAenia/ services to the eir Mom of rittitior7b and boiw for a share of Public Pal romme. He milt ereemeall triode of writing with oat meta and ilLthatek.. CWati is bankruptcy miesoileelo on reammable rent—Olfice in Smithfield Amer. S the bone of Thomas 13 - Neil, to totem be rrreei. - aep 10 T.l. FOX ALDEN- DAvin ( - LARK. Aft. shiltissable Nest Zr_ . e:E ilea removed to N 0.34 Market wren. between Second and Third street., where he weed be happy to nee his old enstowters. and all other:7, Who feel tiisubs. pa to patronize, hum He uses riothrwirliont fist rile sleek, and employs the best of workuarloind as be tires los COletct.2l.L personal attewtion tobatattirsu, be truvlstital be wilt deserve and wctive a fair shale of patronage. 1...0 10 ,FRUiTS, ICE CREAM. ¢ CONFECTIONARY:— A Hanker retpectfully informs his friends aad the pelt is that they can always find ibeliou quality a ler er171.1133, thee/bet with at: kinds of confeekiesary and fruits in their reason. at bis enahlielnearat—Nrkill. Fifth greet, between Wood aed Market. B.—Partiessupplied oa the shortest solirie. urhh caltmor.aurthin is his use. Al4O families Tethishof with Bread. - N B. GUTHRIE" Anctionser.alnoHommis Jsins Merchant, B. 1416,c•rnw Mud it /VIA stn. Pitt' ebsinglc - Orrice bees aerl one. of tie nomioa eessfai the City of I`n.-bursts. tenders his services to Jab bers, manufact stress and dealers. who may he di-pored to Make trial of thismarket• He prepared to matte ad wances on conmassents of all saleable commodities, and trusts losati4y era s Near s by snick sates. and speedy "Pied Ikesondide That the various nnesmils may ice waged to him. shall tie adamantly protected,be brings to tbk of Sin own experience in busisess and acquaintance aiercluiadise generativ, the service s ;_ , of Ur- Sawa. - FAscpastucr. beretakire advantageositly knosra. as as importer and dealer in Hardware end Catiery:' with whom a permanent eaVileaselltitiniatle• RUM' To Seism U. neroab, Presi. of M. 4 M. Root- Darlintpa 4- Peebles, A • Robert Galway, • James St • Cooper, - • Jams 1437. • IL M. Y - rittoorgb • W. ltelatosoo. Jr- meet 84hame-Iraisk. _• Baspooo.failb" Co. Joh* D. Davie. ' Iloorbead, Jai IV- Brows 4. Co. "fairs EL swam of cik: - soak* it warp. • Yourely f ilitgrits, Miff% • Jabs. Irwin. WitMN'S- CAININIMITLF, PILLIA.—AIIIIIi wi HAM J. curium, residin at 66 MOH Setaell. ftelProk; -allitird - Visiepia its4sest aligniVellai lona. The symivfflovinkeirielemit Soma acie, pad yeißiq. ( w, AsmoirolitiaOsgk beart. sop% pair !nabecbei‘mi•aiisanisaifthieitin'- #lo 4 lAinceleim iirdwa444llo. - . .. , lisnogirok Po l W •1114110eami-_- bad e„abamsarairi-- ' - : ,- .r."0•4 OP - - 40 60 e'er,' ' - a tliNelammilit - amd _ 1 11141m 11 0151 - , - lageK.iti*EldsaAle'llii i ~ ... wade- iiikgbelioA pito l e a-- "' ' Vilkall let. oaltaltiOie ~: 9 , _,i , ~~ ,rot.; •Goomps Pillaareatiestily- textp Wale . * at tie lhadheara a safe/Nil eased - fleasavin thaprelanpvemapierailkie-to albeit aes.:llealp•uraat earlae. tr ;eau!!l aelaWf o r sysleat. They o/nriala eassacathe lilt Ilyeafileat aA Neriraii ayTheme Pills . lam plied l ike saa4lama sad -appealielios at the most featlarat Petaiehaus la the 12Tai• led Illater., AM Lamy latleaci. Fariale Wiaimie aid Retall.4ty - : Y E SILLLEXII, Areas. sep lo • - No. 20 Weall,/.lbaleer Seciald. , WIC AD AIR, Rastas.' irks( Jfelssr,. "aerie St.. v topporbe tfe kasisf Sodtkjksti st.. ParsiereS,— Thisigmfaerinviag big* an Ikea/ark of tie tete Thome decesied. has ecolleseed befemew is Owl* stood of Mr: it„ asi is permed to reseaste depestwioes of work in bl6lies 7 le the best maser set white sbortest babe. Ile keeps awseusty We bead karre*Weriseet *film Simkins *fall ieitriptioas adi oftbe hestqaadity. Ile - solisks the patreoa of the psb lieu& Oftkerkaft. - WK. ADAIR. selo le PirrINBURGEL **ATP ACVMM—sioriags Aries for Caris at Saviors. Priers. The takbacriben alassfactikrie sad keeps coastaally oa haul tbareb,C sad sorlates pwanailodalliabda Iron Aalet, Eleaeraad Braisidated Daub PratOPP. gaISS and *toil Dab %ads. Panay Ulan; Meal. Leather. Moir lad Draw Liaiiiikee fold Etepa,..lllallealtie hos. Thiji !bodies and harm 110 Prfintibliand cowl - OmM. lsosto o* tome, tneetber with hotklbethronem I.2aide,,tur rimefbiseve.ketommoesiosairent honsedbately. Thin operty loolitaated below the Penitentiary...lieu the nuldlenee of Mr. W. itaealeo. and tea eery .fimlrattle rtoblesbe. For lento lagalre OT L K Moorhead. or the msboertler. C. W. BACNIEZ Union Factory. sep .OIIOE TO "CREDITORS..—Take ..tiotiec that 1. sititlited to the !Lim of the Court of Com. , of Verairoo county. for Me-hew& of the laws aiide hirthe relief ortoiolvent DebtorM mid that Ow, have Opoitated the fourth ihoodwir of November for the heiriiiitifine asi me eviditors„. at the Court Mode, . la the !larva* of rruallitt—whert and wbee yes ara.,,e feud, if you think proper. 2134 show rause.. if ar yea tease: rty I ahouid 11104 bedbugs:2l7.rd. WILLIAM 111. S.Ei.LERS,A4OI:4*e aad dwritiar Pourvit. WSW Ferrs:stneecii4 sep L'IrLFS. from the shop ofthe izelgtirThiet— - soles Choke tasttolskr— par tif Shears, foe balit ^ot rore are remit. of-quite a toot too". :Lo d_ -wiry iditp. It is salivated the thiefteilti theto itottsechetr win pay the Pose laser e . re.o.osat.le it be will Owing l hem me. IL JONES. - [ sepls—St. ASizIGN EfS"BALE OF REAL EkITATE. AT ACC_ Tlitrii—Ou Saturday, t7tb testae% at 3 oteloek. 1 win tvo, by ordrr of the Assignee-, nu the pre tee, the foirosvhts derertherly. viz A lot of Ground 32 fret front by about 100 feet deep, with a substantial frame taaddlos or it. wed now vs a uraetrlve shop. eon raisin; a errrt &era Ell fiat and Gearing, Taro arcutar Paws aai Dream, ta , trate ie Attitgbeer City. between the Carol - and the Commons, sad 'ad:icicles the IdethadiVa Church--formerly occupied as a Raking Oars factory, by T. I- Ilitrier Jf Co. Terasat rate. :roil-71 - J. B.GUTOIIIII. Auctioneer. 100 BROS. HY. LEfr TOBACCO. b Pone and for sale by 3.0. 4 A CORDON. Igo 12. Wafer street. CANNON. MOT ANM .11E1.1.0. RAU/kr or ORDC traces LIM IlTlifIT• 34 See 10 , e- Sealed Proposal. will he received at thin Ilimentt until l o'clock. P. Ilt. of the 15th October nest. for furaist' iing and delirerine, in the proportions. and at the !daces here in mated, the followilogium.bev and description for Carinoo-.Whot and smells,Sir thellfaral ''''..et .t..... of she Coined stare., vbc Thirty eight inch ezizhan tide. of :beet C rum-each. Seventy thirty-two pounder rants of 41 ext- ip 1 e t t we, the Pleel:se weetio r -r„b; a,, Threehundred eight Melt's:Mid shoe 2 4.fecenititramod thirty-Iwo ponodcr shot. Delieerahie as ransom: leeight lit. Tall/ban gays 1 Deliverable at 20(1eight is. shells l Patten's Bar -100 eight in. "arid shot 5. bor. N- T., on 20 thirty two pounder guns lor before the 2.300 thirty-tvorprei shot J 15th Way sext 10 eLeht in. Pairhan ewes 1 Deliverable at ISO Mehl in. "Melte I Etoffaio N. Y.. 100 Pieta ie. solid shot }on or before , 25thirsv two pounder 0r I the - 15th Na, 1 2.sooth!rly-two pounder shot 3 MU. 10 eight in. Paishau gins 1 Deliverable at 150eMlIt in. shells 1 Brie Peens- HO elzhEill.solid shot 't, on or before - 2ft thirtv-two poondergries i the 15th May 2.0g0 [hilly two premier shot „1 mat The proposals talaMstase distinctly the rate per ton ref twenty-two trundredand forty poundal. for the VMS- and the raoe per pound for the FMK avid *belle. deliverable m stevo..ollto be tat jest Wood undergo such pioof and in mertiori _m this Boman may damn proper to authorize; and none. Will be paid for that shall sot pan such in. spectiou is Mty be entirely eat infer:tory. Bonds. with two approved mrefiest. will he mg - aired in one thinlthemsimated amount of the eontract. and tea Per centornofthe amount Mali bins will be retzioed as eoitaiersi smutty for the faitholl.,perfornlarice th--reot % which wig be paid only on the szdillfuelory campletios Mr ; the eisriraie and ninety4,deentspis or a ll d e li ver ies w g. be Folio° batooroperiy.'alihrmiejmot, meoraioto to the ! prey ies - Gni oft he coal tat:lL:within thirty days aller their , T., ..a.eotorios intbeNans Agent .- ' ~ The offers mod tome at chat a.;4ncy the contramcr may des re mivizent to he Made. 1 Drawiousof the gyro will Mefarniabed from this 80-. 4mi, and they mast bacasionet tokted to matelot° them 4i:revery otopeet. ~ INo hot Most Ireton: totemed, aid the shot nea=t he mottasand moold.. net 12 TO THE WM.-41 is p.m Well tradeneood bow , .mach . &sonless of tie ecihtd,l for their care wailli"a - dlabattratiso lathe 'body. It is cow imiderstowe hatic trabalible is that toedichie which will remove morbid Bois without weakening the bodily power. It is ' Wierslood that there is a reciosead latjaence be. tieiwi. s the ailed and the body. it is mow itaitershied that issmiag with the Braminetb Pills will remove a snetan cholly, and earn humility is cared by perarseritgla. who-- oleic 41 is now understood_ how iamb domestic bappi netipos the healthy conditioaTof the d4eine t .irtata- illt - - It is rash well *own that the litjahttieth Ms brace: eared thowands orticipele_Qi and kiltaithe Fewness, wren whets - Mettle physicians had proacianied thew beyond 1 all how rowans of relief. it is now not only well ier he radreth ds .yossik., =bow l the ß y cart; that s " by eufett thei r pa ri li f i* * *l" ... as the blood that they matorethehody to health. Tie wan of the asedicine is becoming wore and more Ingillitfttt, it is recomeocti-ted dailyfroni family to tawny. retb Pills rename- in an ahem: 1111761Mleptialle - -' allaosiow acealwitations wad ratify and lairiga. taleir ' tebialtaliaOdthea goad erects are wit conateebabia cet byn . lhOseroorealeacel being Chilifitled entirely or me ' . 11/Wit i, do not ecialse iliesawrlio nine then to' thitteeh bill Meek elects are as ants* int they ase sada- 1 tart'; they *e dolly and =ley adatintiet infane74; nsaaboadotati ablare.asittai, la tbewast critiralAsid Ardicateditbasstftwies- Weida not disesth tAwr Arch the admit dosethisa, inet - iniattse their .ardor' awl ithaddish theirleabb.. , ~. , stAtir Dr. Bnrigireolei eilleht4oSa. 91; *era sites.' I Pintetiscrell. i. PricaiS cents Ow iins,,,reil: -1004 , dyetlitstes bljtag—.-Ttie only ewe in Pitt , loistMLvethe eqsit, We Pitts can be °Waken!, lathe irrt. e - n ! , arigolt.. voroos murk. 1:,.., Y-- , rif*.i. s ew -6... :-. --- rhiladeYa. iv, 113 _ _ , _ .. rien *ls . lidrAlthlLE Ira • cerrgeie r e. ;IA meetallyarithali th e , lo64" - be !aft Vth eraii,Witgeffell'abill. 'tiethieseat the rather of Fifth aithpthergives.oothers *Nisi eththeeily limed. ilath motel pieces, themie~ite, heed fothathile‘tthile thebelkar thililithi_rwate-; elPielres7 ithiesee4therthie‘anth the`Widths& We gal yeatthist tie - * *WeVeittale, - Sall ills eithintht isill blithitheene. , .- - - • &Oath erththliesdrosne• thICUP . _ _ eKS A. ir,gaztlr. poimmtiv , wed Ompoisp JitettAut. Agent Pk filembenA at- 4. _ - s'~ "- 've t y, JONES CAC/LEMAN_ itt...ebor inv,r e Irie.rt_ way Slider PROSVECTUS Fig pasuttria' Paper it the Mgi Pitts 2 1 . 140,1, pottakakthe MX -110INIM FOWL regre. krvisi Mode asivage se mini -g , Ow AssericusilasaluttaretasiVriusimusil anew milito are isosotti, base opodatial to PARA a *hali The jai, piper Wilk the tittectibeVoili'llionriojr Amt. The holing otteet often mitore" will to Ile lessemitot- sillcarto take ties - tad defesbvilibe - 1 prioeipies Oat )t u ne Neve- Drearkself b, Wont boo , *Abysm to tbeiresposbre Vi.,..,..„.8. piet t papers. and nick ' grill stil be l dental to tbe ''. solsoseereitt mai ;#lll'ioistilt Wee tiblettisea. - - 1 ~. itir NM AlLiber4l4-1* polilies„-tbe met, rein !ethoosoght/ ph, have beta iessir m i c . it yet the liiitbrs MOB. brawn! as lwagret , th e leillet teous& re , nandisietory ot _patois: Tolitical warm - illgoolos. 7 , sal Bootestte. hatililtesta, sad brief, of seljessil , ' Will -, ".. T teisandiwasneseet ibaterialspriperlyt 'bet, ofit !Silk Jositpd, to wake** poiker sarKilel l lPY - to erestige no ~hie ittorielentoa7QeTtie p i 3ic. regieciive of patty assaidettabsas, • Is Maio* to the political alai several sewn that silt be *Sad itt the ....iferftile • ' i a irditais. Übe Pabto to. Assisi the braisesit .centaseadty salt the labia aad asst[ !utensils; Caintsatesu„ bITICLII- C 1 1 211 1 4 Were( me econfisy, asekap-bwletollo reelidelt, aceonsissif tbe Markets sad theellate searifilweibtantagewas to ear Ideadituits *l4 !dew io , their several =Wings, ' Yeses Purr will be pablidied ea a tiro raped al sheet arias paper, opatodansred eteeefaltr: for ilds loarwil) at Ike evaissally low rate ef FIVE DOLLAt2 per asparekparabSe in advance. - It will 3120 lie iota by newslannist the lovr rate of TWO CENTS a ropy. ..ildscreitenears will be fattened at the lowest rates charm, lay Ike other daily Repers of rte city irrl`W RIMY active lack , are wanted to a 1l tie Pan, who will be escaped on the tams , -g• 71106, W. El: Atgasi qt. 1842. (WI WTABLIST/Ell EIIIII6ItART OFTIOR, 110,b11, V' SOUTH sre urn, NEW volts— Av. Liesrpast Cemstercial List.' Packets. Seiko: Wfelir.— TheSsbrcriber would respeetfatly lamas sada-permed reclklialt in this comma? .as are &mimes for !ela‘taw ale , beit Wee& to ooze out tom ttie o enestry. that he rostioaes is setrat to make essmealeats kv seeqers are broo.et oat ea sw y ,sr,atelerata., is Piro cu-, Eh: ma _ r w ere.=v" wpool weekly, and 'ribald ..are permit's desirous of coaling by the:above Lime, that aa agents or Erst respectability are eapvsi at I.I T , venom% Were will be so detail:as' awit:never ad. • pew. He z also prepared at aft liIMESS! forabb Bight - Drafts for, any woos* to amict.ia resat**_ passema.s for the royage., payable throsshout the gated gisetioas.ard fie lase the parties agreed Borshosld deetbse roadsg oar, the ,money shall be refunded without, reduction- For thialer patirsapply it try letter to • JOHN HES DISAN. No. 61, Sootbstreet. New York. JOSEPH HiIIPAYTICK. At the Warehouse f Disbars. 11•_ Fistula, No- ?A Water street. Pfttsbargb. Pa. SEAT S aLE OP f FSN'tzTLV ;03 A LA spa, arc_ . T ACTION.WiII besokt by Public Avelino. miaow reserve. for mob. to elate tie mom''', lathe flail oftlte Illaribortfuelt Cha, ei,in SegOsi. Oa Tuesday; the room day of October next, conmessiogat sine of the clock is the forettotto, AU the properly of tbe United "States Lead Compass' y eosseict ilk! of about VAS* acres of Bond and swell 'Watered Fariedes nni Grazing and sexy valualt. Tenter Land, lying ist son. Wrenn and Clearfield counties, in the Slate of garts of sthith Mere is aineetthee - of Coat. Lime and Iron °mond litany Mill seats; Andttlf Oaths; *aim* sitatire persons -*Sr bumf add tying in said ectonties„ that are considered good. And of Stock and Tools on i 1 7 .4 m in the tanntsitis of Bradford:wilisir -z • - The Land he said in loft to snit pnrchtwera, coo- Mining from afloat 120 to 5000 arres. Further particulars will be made known at the sak,or on inquiry of the astern - her, at Be. 12 low Morr— o( Pi bers and Baldwin, Illeschante Bow in 8000%—or of either elite Ttnideesoftbe said United Stales Land Company_ D. R GRIGGS. Pregilent (Alb'. Menai Rates Laadi Ca. Boston. August 28.1848. otp Err_ MOTIIi9O6 4- Co_ Lgadoa, forme only by H.. Wickerstam, GOTSP4' of Wood Aro!! lad Vbryia *Bey Plibrtanyb Pa. sad H. Harwood, Vivra. wbo `brio* ' s eat (Or Wftl.erta Pearoldrania,, am 10 FA sutirOrs A Lg.—The andel...Mead ofera for mae a tied - or lead railroad *miser from FreepOtl, ill the dirrolon of Katmai lirai; Itufabo Nowashia. Aract roa cove. roar:Ube 160 arm., 6 eliirtstaert ender toad fewer; 10 of entice are it meadow— eo n—ace square Ism X dwriTiag ad eatan bans ereried apple °mbar& at imein taws—aad- a speta4af cceenall water can i Mite hoe e -111301Sawil- to tbe wo , werihers "reading *Vibe Srlterorko Gail* festerylveaia Canal, I,le alarm Free Wit. * PHILIP BAKIM... W. J. -WESTON'S Ire"... :31.1e Essertrirant. Plyrirttan 11 infallible core far sr iieopi. contit. This iseate is nitwits confined to children, and litatended with t soca:Min coneh,lind a deepstirillsossid.eallototslitstg homes an with difficulthreathbag.thint.ltsianelleit tad min. With alkali ernetistation. Tie violent ow . Was lasi:main ldoatthelbte, whichtnros portile,and theilfressweltand beottne prominent. ' Coessnanion often gates its orftin film thts diseline. Irbkb too bilbertobattled the still petit. newt able phy sicta'm Let now by Ibis et pie s rPeZetal , :e mei 'Erie! this dhs resting and frequents' dos rsetnre disorder an be es -Ired isi few days. ThasemidSlldDie nivel' it a trial-std i• so case where look aszoriflog to the direction has it railed. P:ceentrartbe viscid natter sled etsbiot it eitegy espectoratedwithourtiasch vidieritstraiSdsksofirisivarit blf.lenerd by littlestelrerers by eveirssode of treat 'went ;at leastheeirreconimeaded. Cambs. colds, comrreepliee. =lbws, ie. eland by Dr -145Nesei le&a• Cough Vedieise.ssasv cries arm 'wimp dole; Mee is nes/trim . rage , aid fivesrell of ilirlifl bYol7,Plusiciass.baselleeD afind f.y this reeelleirre rcithi bieiafterlad iiter. DI large tirades. small New Ms 35 easte.plasierltS dav, ins Sineztiergeg Pastet belie beilli k ie the worSti tor weet baets„paie is the side. ie. kr- J. *Woes Eye Wraer eareCall ilisorliere of tie !reedits "Dottier mean! fail. Price 25cents- Ms Cora Satre lituroliaz 1.41 eti- per lies. esHislisieS mese' to etre tterpope.oraiiia;: . De basabe iiperieeDygiiire sad *IWO ralembie imeridn ' e for mass---paiee 5 awe* p&isittimees OrolllllgfiOT 141 aft ether , Imaberskleast fi Hates sbe asesaysiti ofaar shatela -We pistellaaat at agile ! me *ext.-eta, pack as peppermint. sqatm ! 'Seassa„orasser.taresafer, elo.e . feaad. mai; siisesasal: earrasiray.'4i /pp.' !Priae 121 0 1 4 rf_ beetle,* ftais Per cafe 010 , 44 -.4.1. 4 1 1 :. 33• gritbsx4.cbalaisdik4'lia;, - ' IPatiake la- 4011-112=tgra 1 4.1.55. lalsOr 1 alsOr m • agi Our Lathe • .- _ . ..•. - 1104 JAL 71111417" rd. Reftseaded, illefine Idie-edb. _11.7 seas of rithieradi and vidia'dy. not 11*halundonir % id Ole sky; Be lapperdo- slatelbe istsidliessit Allow pellsokir-somd filue pellidsvserally; aurd aSI a reetival of Nokias of their Fstreikiier- iii.,ceinesting De1i ia 1 11 6 07 4 1.4 111 01"..enotion of 41111a0115. Itit tie stems %lite gladder aid -adliedrdiNilitis pm . the -e*ifa tgl,iery vibeee 44101=11nm Ille - derP- 1 VS diellidis to elizedlaie lowa Oaks %meth 1 jilts - prismoitilifi-laintied:'-ertesineNvasews al -, theinsaireflr.--, wialmt wilt tabeiase atteatipst. Time foams . ailing/1e idoidait -finis ' iiellsinatils ir s:o:= t al!ir b dwidihe, reiw t ai:Led iail*"4l iiiit of esi a" ' tr'Malloo4.o6- 111 * - 11 , 0 -.— . _ rallelkS ..Gtstl llllo 9 011 1 P " ." 64 .; - • 4444.4iz PRICE Mo-74-0 THE COIING- Istalioniriatio vi m utoosig Taw syoffeirrny a it u raise of - Il amenity.° • he adlurced be completed! pie and thE names of W' ticurins, are their ircasegrored iSki!:- -Th quer by armies- - t mule° ta rstbethetuelg, as to the true'ines before Acura erful coal:tido nf private inadtmthr: BIN IC 111 FOIL THE- PURPOSE 4 TAINING POWER, to irate*lie -11* - pahlieloreasury ant noun fixtuaso ll rbi of e - tax ridden tinientekr y engaged in **worker • - • noir nriernettenstirti* thereby to seams rrext Leirpdature rot rinte*4 out their = ei? unholy design, Democracy, and set up hi 4iiLshoad tim*- acutcatition of Banks,- promises. ---- --ran' ad leaders of Wendiser,:awthhity to defer: James Buchanae, the defemilererir democracy, the supporter of the-dism ic adudnistortion of Andrew hater* tiVe::; leagued with the More Eltodeto. - genial followers of the datarefiee OW N of-AlnAtimnionn, thedisci ofiheintiste.e ral unistinf Fanny , WcW. mut thitimindle* openly- -advocate a ispedhelie `et- fitiette-: debts, for -the purpose of procuthignna: joriry in-the Le ere. - Their: eeatiiii' wouid be the signal for a seriesait,thir- - . MOST DARING USURPATIONSigier revolutionary act . which have ever . 4oe. graced our tonatry,r and it !trill' dike the vigilance of the true democracy tkriii. mvent their daring schema'. Look with, 03 for a trwent, at the me el important interest!, involved ito ., *poo, ritical complexion of the next Legralatuz and let the knowlabe of what is it_ gained or lost, dispeleawy,trasee= and AROUSE. ANEW TIM_ OF '76 in &naming cosstad.:oll44ll4:: to elect. - • k- I tn- ars of De yoitark ati ricike r c takir therTir**Mlllr mocr vieteiee, • whole land is thickening epos ast - B-001111 -- .) be a foul blot upon Penns3rheithiullurr represented kw six pairs jry Thaddiatt': Stevens; Thomas Burrows. ceiliseenikt. • back-wimiow hero °ldle Backidgrk-aria it was the votes of Penneylimmice - De** cratic Senators which savoillim Tidir,med we must again elect a Democrat - to &cure a penuormat Tail, - The Southern Incisor have ticrimmima to agitate this question again, *eta RlM be sealed forever by the people. - - No tariff eau proclaim rehi*faraish het for the farmer; pumas__ ankw - the Mikes* der our commerce secarepri*olliont'allaahr. emp'oyment and fair wage" to the MOW UNLESS IT IS PERMANENT. - mast be separated -font pany made a national queXtiert giraW = 4"4' stead of a contingent on par This is wheat - the people de.ire, buithe *MP a n ngue of federalism and the kerma& aler t • onus of nullrir-..tion. are d-lebnined TH WA ht's . ra MR WISHES ani -4 4 • aid of cant •. packed e SEP Tag LATE TAR O!' SIBLE. It is for the tutonsen ufreamill; - vastis to desenaMe whether the tlealiamear . of Washington. Madison, liontete4Mirao‘ - Snyder mad Wolf, all sf Win*phi - Tariff to protect .thaeriCart k herd : aside to gratify the desipperre*. , , Rise - tun and mil oar libestaT4iill*-_ murder haataauttak- It is - Moierafer incumbent oft me vet of Pennsylvania to take ataaalaas* correctly *ingested-in the Iftei*d esaitsf ' *lmam en the subject of the "--`: Public Last amoog the atom - - --, . .„ -, - Vederirriet true to its prinehier Med Ilio. , stinetig. Wished; to huAi Op ai r ldW- Power. br aelrePthig- the - $ 11 0 1 0 1 4 4 e. proceeds - Or *look's i hAtiwirtecgAi writithemthe - ciiihed*'ibe olotionary eires, nem orptoodered fanteire. or'mole deral .the GE I CTIO . NE'I Peti". of HL sebum yon 13tateit ileoetot rerillhe • As pribrielinde.: , It is amok iiii#l64*, Peosoyhrallielr idtettrett iii [branch of theriretife iincen not therero _ - exo Iti.Yedorlit4 , ' od "iii, " Vie "- 4is tif ek , ^k` ~ _ y '.:s~.,i` ~. 1:11 , +#l2!S.. ~, Y .~ ; {~: r '~ F -E , `~'- ~ 'ca. ,tom,,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers