Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 05, 1842, Image 4
RIADY CONlifl= garmistiousr,../14571A • ir-T 10 00 trir OF VIIIC-4141°.'";''' eel! s r 4 lll *- a l 'OIL: 1 rliy o 111, , tire sewers yeses the Fb S. Bari: Ire - try- Ai , title austitnifon ceennenee 4kte Vatil:lialsrlase-rateetwafally informs theyoblie dtr altdAerrikthele_eethe4th_ itorfone_ .-MMl,latelleire his relief mad Man werebbese go the atlirolilhOlif!.llle Orltitersol, tilegF " 1 1' L'O' *tieing recently emeopied by.lllr. R. G. Ilettftwilaltreetly sersiertg ; his l/stand. tihes% he iestsraysistemtred to at • 1. A tient Leugtreges—L-thrt,Geasiter Hartitian. prOmptly teen yardestrin end hrtarlet at- :51. billaleCts LittegUlligelt.,--.BV-Ctttkis IC raitSte.. tittflittAto all Unidetailsof the hilliness Of an Giulektaker 3. bildhesistilts_ EdWar 4-11 - COtltlenaY. he hem ta mera publietofidete *MT* prepared 4. Neittrat Phnosopityi—Mr. Wan .:B.;itogern. el swamps' to provide H ears e s.e -l eisßi. Carriages and . s..otrit Gagimeering,-..the salrjecisof which are di *•cost, reentsite rut the most liberal terms. Cells Nile the vided Between the Professors ;of: Idathetnailes and Nail:-" euentry twill be promptly attended so. . rat Philosoplay. WS residence is in the same building WICK his ware ; Chemistry end Malaria Medica.—Dr. John\ P. EDI house; where those who need late services may God hits Mel ' -all tag - Ittvgagatoes: T. Sl.ediciao.—Dr..Henry llowar I. nr.w.t ime ear. .102 it st.isctr.D. D. 8. Anatomy and Surgery.—Dr. James L. Cabe,. loves etente. nee. enemy attune, O. 9. Illorah-Philosophy..-.lllr. George Tucker. armee Farrow. *yr. •MaCti. virtLtlasta, D. 10. betv.—Judge Henry -St. Geo.Tocker. se. S. lemmas, env. acumen luny big h *boots of Languages are ales taught the thee- Isaac eaetus, ans. Jaime S. basis, ature the, _respective- languages. and Ancient and. asP 10 sew. r.invitrr. 11.0dertt llielory; lit the School of. Mathew/ 11 es is ded miSed Mathematics ; that of Engineering, Minentlo ova tpuisteastaa andGcofogy, , In thatdfltoral Pliiloitop that o hy, Belles L et treg, Logic and. Political Economy, and' in f L hesidet numcipat Law in All its branclitvi., the. Law of Na ture arid of Nations, the Sciegee of Government and Con si it in ional Law. To be admitted into this inwitnt ion the pplkant must he sixti-en yeare of age; hut the Faculty may dispense with k tb requisition in favor of One whose, brother is a atu dent. Cveky student is free to attend the schoo's of his , choicei but if he be under twenty one years of age, he shall attend at lemst three. unless authorized by Pie pa rent or guardian, in writing, or by the Faculty, for good cause, to attend a less number. Alt iitudews under I lie ageof twenty one years are re quired to board within the precincts. By a resolution of the faculty, Ini-ders of the Gospel, and young men preparing for the ministry, may attend any ofthe sritools of the University without the payment of fees; to the . Professors. The enactments which lately required students to weal a prescribed uniform have been suspended. _ Every student resident Fitliin the precincts until, oil matriculation, deposit? withlhe Patron all the money. bitls,draPs,itc.„ under his control, intended to defray his expenses white at the UniVerellr, or on his return thence to his twine: and the amount so deposited must tut sufficient to pay his fees to professors. dormitory retti, for use ofpubtic rooms, three months board, a contingent fee to rover fines and assessments, and to purchase the text books. 4c., he may want at the commencement. All funds:subsequently received by him must be deposited with the Patron, who has eliar/e of his disbursements; and upon all diliosites a charge of two per rentum coin. mission is authorized. The act of the Legislature, prohibiting merchants and others,under severe permit es. from crediting students, will be strictly enforced. The license to contract debts, which the Chairman of the Faculty is authorized to grant, is confined (except where the parent or guardian shall otherwise. to Writing. request), to cases of urgent necessity; and these, it is hoped, that parents and guar. titans wilt, as far as possible, prevent from arising, by the iirnely supply of the requisite funds. Religious services are performed at the University ev ery Sunday by ire Chaplain, who Is appointed in turn from the four principal denominations of the State. The expenses of the session of nine months are as hol lows. Board, washing, lodging and attendance, Rent of Dormitory, $ , 3; for half, If occupied by two, Use of puhlicettoms and matriculation fee, 15 Fuel and candiesaled at 20 (mated Fees, if only one Professor toe attended, $5O; lit wo, to each professor 1$30; If more than two, to each 825, say 75 Total exclusive of clothes. hooks and pocket money, .28 In the School of Law there is an extra fee of 20, pay able by students attending the senior clare. The allowance for clothes is limited by the enactments to sloo.and for pocket money to $45 V% I LLIS H OJOODLEY, Proctor and Patron U. of Va. sep 10 • acimts, • STEAMBOAT oitts, rmirobwrs, lIOR9II nci,t,s. WIANKS; • VISITING CAR DS , ADDRESS, DO., BeSI NESS DO.. :5 HAND RILLS, CI RCUI 2 NO,,,,Affe,-,te., hsr With every descrlVote,r- 1:0 ter Press Print 014-4rtthilstd iteatneart and despatch , and on mode ihtif fermis, at the officc.cif the Daily Morning Post. :11411.65410WA,110 a CO.. .Afassjacturses of Walt Paper. IR, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Muss always *a ..trstd:an extensive assortment of Satin -Milled and : Wain, PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet . ..and ..ljohiatlciit Bard/MN ; of the latest style and ' handsome ,pattanievforstiptivlog halls, parlors and chambers. ~...,41telliaittnisfiretere and have on band at all times— Prildltt.Writitnt, Letter, Boards—all of which they offer hostile pa the most accommodating terms; and to which they . boriteptitaita,piton of merchants and others. Ule—r Ittil It k Book's oral! kinds and the hestgnsitil y. Edo* Simko, He. always on hand and for sate as above. Razitt nd Tanners' Scraps` taken in exchanee. .. NEW groTEr„—The subscriber respectfully in his old friends and thionblic that lie has _Wpetteci n Temperance Hotel,ln fifth tst reet, near the Rs '-ittinge Ronk, andin the house lately occupied by Mat 4iieW Satriek, arid has hoisted an( ran ti •gn, "The Iron `Vitit flotel,'''where he will he very harey to acCommo- Alase•all who may please to call or. him. His table ` WWI Ite provided with the best fare, and every possible airetnitincithition to town and country customers and travlelers: A kVieboarders Who wish to lodge in their stores or of. lices,;eAu betaken. and gentlesuen who live out of town have their dinners daily.- . He has large and aood stables, and' the best Hay and •Oatis.etid a !Mod Hostler, and will accommodate travel. id l e gentlemen who have horses. Men taken by the day, week or year. Charees moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city. sett 10 JOHN IRONS. 101*MOURGHCIRr:ULATING AND REFERENCE . 1/118R ARV of Religious, S ho or irn',Polis leal,and M Wprk°, will be open every day. Saltbath ex. replied. Icns 7 o'clock, A. M., Inn it 9, P. M., In the Ex •ehange Banding, corner of St rlalr street and Exchange sety. - wbere punctual attendance will he given by cep 10 J. GEMMII.. ASHINGTON BALL.—'lire , subscriber has °toned the late residence of lames Adabis, Esq., —alle4, for the reception of Altura and boarders; the horse is very !deacon' ly situated on the bank of the . 61tio. 2 miles from the. city--possessing all the delight. filltAiecompaniments of a country residence, without helot too far distant for persons doing. business In lite city. Visitors wily be furnished with every delicacy of the season. •An Omnibus runs regularly every hoar f r the A lle giatoy end of the Bridge, N. IL—No Alcoholic beverages kept. Pep 10 WM. C. HERN. pitgoLurrox OF THE UNION'—The eoparl• nership existing between James E. KlMourn and David J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The conditions will be duly nal iced. veil h the stylist u res 0(11)(01 parties aanexed, and Barry Ball will be continued opomby the subscriber until other arrangements ate per. tided. For sale, on the premises, 150 httlt. choice winter up pliOltppplled for immcdim My. JASE. K 11.1tOURN. eep No 9. Market, and 74. Front st: - .-.--- - p ot OOKBINDING.--Nrcandim4- ' . -.-- - - - - 3 - -::1 'Jo" Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper ' . -1-: - - - >----__-.\ Rulers, S. W. corner of Wood and v.,....... \ L - .- - - - 71 Fourt!tt streets, are now prepared In ex is - = 2:- 17 - *gale all kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. -__ .i - --._ per Ruling with neatness and despatch. - 1---- - jr- Blank hooks ruled and bound to iityilteli pattern at the shortest notice. (sep 10 N. - R. - All work done at I he a bove is warranted. WWes.BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to his otd stand, No. 107, Smithfield Street, where "be can be consulted any hour during the dny, on bte profesPion. pep 10 'Et ESSOVA.L.—George Armor, Merchant Tailor, jjf vespectftilly-,announces to his friends and pa. Milt. that he has removed his establishment from his Old nistod,• in Third street, to the rurner of Pront and gook Meld. in the basement story of Oise Monongahela' Weise; Where he intendOkeeplng on lianil a general as. sOilloolli or Fashionable Goods, ounabie for Gen• Omen's writ. Ela hopes. byelose application, to merit a share of the Irsodoess so liberally extended to him at his old stand. N. R Ills Wing made arrangements In New York . and fillabidettihta, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for 4 1ii1edriseetinton of Paris and London Fashions, customers Ilstryireigoa having their orders execivied according to ibis baton 'vie. GEORGE ARMOR; A"' ~,...-44? i iiSaltscriber would most respectfully inform the puldlitittlettent that he has an article of Aug 011 of a soperloritgalitir, mennfactured at the rind nr All 0111.111mtufactory,hy . 11..W:Lee Co„,which is warren - - IMM bs equal to the best BPerm. - 011, both for Llght and Mnishlndry. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous IOW.", smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and ailerhiteas raring water. Not a particle of crust Is left Ali the wick. The light is pure and brit:Mat . , INN( IA last as long, if not hanger, thrn that from go =entity of Sperm. Oil. The suhsc, iher inform ie _ that he has taken a place nearly opposite the . .;111610111See....*Itere he will light tip several different lamps etieey'evening. and he would respectfully invi.e the in. hlblithithts of Pittibuqh. Allegheny, and their vicinity, to 4111. end Judge for themselves. He feels confident they Milliertooniineed that the above statement is perfectly Ont - oftwo hundred Individuals who have tried pip Oil:there has not been a single fault found with it. Tile tart Oil coals one third less than Sperm, He would Milpeldeldlystrlick the early attention of Dealers and Ma. elliMatiFto the above. TM 'Following Churches are now using the Lard Oil: enema Presbyterian Church, Pituillurgh, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Plitsbuigh, '• first: Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, - - Ameelete Reformed Church, do. itilthe birreia are branded RW. LEE Co., Cincin 4101; MIME Pitisburch. June .21st. 1842. Illifellikeigned, Captains of the Expreve. Line of PatikikteritSii&Peniisylvania Canal, have tried and are Ming imactieleof Lard Oil introduced here by Matthew C. P4ey. anti ininithatured by R. W. Lee 4. Co., at the Chudanatti Oil Factory. Viralkeignitlident in asserting that the a'ave Is mina' taftkithest Sperm 011; that it is entirely free from smoke Ovattother glutinous matter whatever; the light is ter pare. clear and brilliant. and will lam as long, if not Wept . than that from unequal quantity of Sperm. Oil W have no annotation in recommending itto our friends Bwl ,to Oran Who ium OH HXHRT TRURV, Captain, racket John Adams. iiiillt./114 , DEBR/ I, ND,- Captain, Packet John Hancock, Ar 011.1119,. d 3 do 'John Madison. 300 ft tßostrsoN. di. (0 Pittsburgh. weft, trtirE• . E.-40 111 Kentucky Sellars. 80 wooden I"*ldatscrtemillisell 14 window sash. gy_........... 4 410 , 10 12, 10- a on paper. Ai n! . terrer.and um P KiiienH4l W- fian-kinr, border e: ~~aper h an-kis•e. kegs . white lend. 3 " fera ''' t ton Bail. ? km f 3d ridlintY° i, "'d lbsi. °f e° f Kanto. , - 4 - • ota and "Pm blooms. 1,-;st -. I r. * m op arril~ *Pi"- .d. fdiTrlt MO !PI he sold 167:iiije felmlllg4l*"sl - e nd 1 11 I no tg __ ..' .. ti *maw* 43411' -,-- iv... 1 - ic rustlncriimr, cfokitirwi,„-,T -Iyraeol44 • „op; _._ - -.-' l iSksaLol d us„VAZ okt. _r l -Pi-Y,... --"-- - - • flomi , ,, 4 , h-i-,c , . ~..- ..--,.....u,,....A....a,,,:„.....,... . - ABOON TO TILE HUMAN vokat will destroy Life, and you are a great man. .t Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will call you Impostor." •There are jam/flee, bodily and intellectual, within us. with which certain herbs have affinity, and over which they have power." Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment. which, by its extraordinary power., abstracts Pain or Sorerters; thus Sprains. stiff Sinews, White Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en largements, Tender Peel, and every description of in jury affecting the Exterior of the Duman name, are cured or greatly relieved by his nerer-to be sofficirotly extolled remedy. CICRTIFIC•TE.—The following letter front Major Gen. eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme dy, speaks volumes: New YORK, Fein 9,11142. Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle of your exrellent Liniment? 11 is certainly the b e st of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's knee, about which I was so uneasy• and I have found ii productive of immediate relief iti several cases of eater nal injury in my family. A few evenings since, my youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Croup, which was entirely 'removed In twenty mirotfes, by rut, ling her chest and throat freely with the External Rem. Pity. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general nee, Instead of confining the use of it, as you have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD. DR. B. Ba•rinnirrn„ 241 Broadway. N. Y. r•For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at his office ,No. 9.1 WOOa et reel, Pittsburgh. PRICE—SO cents per bottle with dirvetions. sep 10 • - VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SAL E The subscriber otters for sale, at the present redu• red rates, the greater part of his real estate, situate in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. viz: Three of 10s Brick Warehouses. nearly new, a (substantially btri'l, situate on Market street. , et ween Second and Flora. em bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sate en tire, or separately to suit purchasers, and upon long cret its. Also, a select building lot in Allegheny city, 64 feet in breadth, bt upward of S:5O feet in depth, having 'no fronts. one on the Pennsylvania canal evil the other on Washington street. Also, the Int adjoining the above, 100 feet in brendth by nearly 350 reel in depth, including the large and me :ant mansion house which I now occupy and uutimild logs. Al.:). a lot with two two story brick st oreltott , es. situ ate'on the corner of Karket and Front streets,-abject to a moderate ground rent, and now It...colder( by It r. troy. :ma groeery. ALEX. 1111ACKENRIEHIP ,„ sep 10 B , RoN VON RUTCIII3I.EI These Pills aru •outitosed of hefts., wlttelo exert a specific action upol the heart, give Int mils, or strength to the arterial system; the blond is quickened and equalized in Its circulation tbroueb all the vessels, whether of he skin. the pails sit nated Internally, or the extremities; and es all the reeretions of the hudy are drawn from' the blond. there Is II ronsequent 'acre:lse of every secretion, and a quickened pet ion of the absorbent. and exhalent, or dlschargitir. vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected. all (Norm: lions are removed, the bland, is nitrified. and the body resumes a healthful state. Tor Sale Wholesale and Re. tail by R. E.SF LLERS, Agent, seplo N 0.20 Wood st. below Second. TO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR AC( R AVATE DISEASE.—This class of individuals is very numerous. They are those who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work. Alen In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead manufaciurers, are all mom or less subject to disease ac cording to the strength 'of their constitution The only method to prevent disetFe, Is the occasional use of a medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete rious humors, and expels them by the' bOurels. Tonics In any form are injurious, as they only -dt off the evil day to make It more falai. The use of Brandreth's Pills Will insuriheakth.beceuse they take all impure matter Out of the blocid; and the body ,is not weakened but strengthened by their doer:atlas, fur these valuable Pills do not fOrce, hit they assi-t nature, and are nOtoppcsed. Out harmonise with her. Sold at pt: tid reib't Office. No. IN - * street, . Price '25 Cents per hoz, wfth.o rem ions. IHARIK - The Only place in Pittslirirp*.Vitere the 9ENUIN can 110 ohtained,is the DOOttiOt own of- I ice, Pi 0.99 Wood streitt. sep 10 M. C. EDEY, Agent Ilk B. WILLIAM EV n.fteV BOOTH fti),o - SY R U P.— Lill This tofattille 10140 has preVervett hundreds' when thotight past tettrielqrStuin ionvitstiins. A. soon in the Syrup 14 . retail • s viiilfiriiints, the:band wilt/en( v. er. 'lnds preparnttoi: 1040*rkia,iiiillidothipus.nud so' nirtuant;that , no etilid . •vVin *Vase tot ' . ...•:. • , ifts he rub . h-Witritttjt.' 'When lityntittirsie at ttie -:',. -,:.; '' r tininths the there thi ittittlietientioe , 'of teeth ;. , '..."4 . ...;. ...;of i tte Ora p *Mild bi eirdiFte tilt* the 'trioreiC -. :',. .. itis;stioutd t o t i tirittie.*ltheettiie . isp.trt "thOliistieriAttere. there' te y Debit .iblhitei,4l3 if tgeht*kinites 'Oho Ithilfi *lib: to-ih the , gistasUttii . ttlitiniedletOrp.4 3 i 46 V - itiar ,t lY. 1044401,*Pategi and - heeling t I * . "! l o:l le ! e bYlt t C A TT . 1' 0 ',C#47 1 .! 1 '.rt - itti:4s l, - .l *ai i * 4 t o tibr, L -;',',....':?':'....'.r ,*:*.Ri . .. 1 1 . '',":_ll,k.t.. ~• , ,,......,,,,, _ .t . „,:„.-A . - - _ ...,_ ' l ,-, ..-..... -7. r...1... , ..-... z.;',..R.!4. , ,-..*:::.."-.',,..:,.. isitusavii.Mallattuall rstir•le "m54111.1-ssitieff,?i. , r.,Al4oollll',#iLL*--, " ,Otr,Thiatv Tema 4refi ,tfirhisetiat o,:epatt.- riss Tag Taal tad tat itagdiutittratupt:ftljaellattr e t: i t ica. alma in thane Wheat luwers of life:ark iimottrealif--eithausted.; Where blimaii:merins , taairatillvaiertruesteely Is any somplalot; Or form of *atom thattheiittaarturritTltrie do not relieve and' generally care. Although 'Mime pills produces Knows w i teT ,tivaietreei is net to :p/ostrate the body. es With other - mcdicinetiobut the frame Is invigorated by the,ie moval of tee.. - catiSe of weaknest, the morbid, the vitiated'. humors front theidood. Harmless in themselves, they merely • , '‘ AstasTNiersitS ,To throw:mut theoccasion of sickness; from the body, and they .requir*no alteration In the diet Or In needle human body is better able to sustain with. out injury, lbeinelemency of the weather, *title . untler the influence of t Ids infect km-destroying ,diticase eradica Aline Medicine than at any other time. The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen - and travelers is, therefore; self evident. By the:timely use of this Medicine how Mock anxiety and sickness, might we not prevent. Vold, Billioneaf fections, Typhus,. Scarlet snd fevers of all kinds, would he it nkrmwilt - But- where stcknesa= deem exist,. let nn time be-lust, let the BRA fil/RVPH'S PILLS he at once. sent for. that the Remedy may be appled, without fur Cher lose of threr--To as RicatetnEttlita— That Brandreth'i Pills have stood a seven years' test in the United Stiles. That they area vesutable , and innocent. medicine, yet all poiverful for die retrieval of disease, whether chronic recent; infectious or otherwise. That they purify the blood, and stay the further pro. press of disease is the human body., That. inmanytases, where the' dreadful ravages of ulceration had laid bare ligament anti bone, and where, to all appearmire, no human . menns,conid save life, have parients hy the use of these pills, . been restored to good health; the devouring disease liev)rog been completely eradicated. . That each or the genuine has upon it TURKIC COPYRIGHT LAHRLB That each lapel has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth upon it. That there mist he ,upon each box three signatures, thug; B. BRANDILICSII, M. D. And three signatores, thus:— BENJAMIN BRANDR6TII. DR. FRANKLIN SAYS "All acute fevers ever requires° tie evacuation In bring them ton perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which rlll{6l promoted by art when nature does nut do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupulousness:llmm the WCakiirS , of the body is or laid consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts after tne humors tun titso be expelled ; but is not able to accomplish for the-most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly be felt, and the debility ex. treme, yet both one and the :titer have been restored by it." The good effett to he derived front the Brandrettv Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. Try their timely use neither the Scarlet, the typhus fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant form. To appreciate in ;Ire full extent .1 he inealcutable bene fits of lIR A MUT !VS Pt LLB, they must be used when the First Syntmoins 01 Disease present themselves. One done then, and (lieu good effects with br felt tbrougham he attack—lT ISTAHLNG Timm IN TIME I hat hi the great secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising front bad blood, and I presume there are few at the pres cot day, will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. -. Hoping that some who read this may be benefit led by so doing. I am respect foPy. Cite public's servant, B. BR AN DR ETII, 61. D. 241 Broadway, New York.: TAO COUNTERFEIT'S Mr.IATTI P.1,01V. The nubile wi!l please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine antes: the box has three labels upon it. each containing a fac similie signature of my hand writing thus-13. Bra itdrein. These lobe's al.g engra ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done nt an rx peti=e-cif severallhousand dollars. Remember! the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to art of Congress in the tear 1841, by Bet la min ftrindret h, in iPr. Clerk's Olive in the Dis lite! Court of the So: there Itistr.el of New York, Dr. B. Bratuireill'a own office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pit ishu rf:h. Only pk.ce in Pittsburgh w heir die genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent ,who sett: the•l rue Era ndreth Pi.i, has no engraved celittiente of Agency renewed every twelve months, nail has entered into bonds of $5OO to sell none other Pitts than lIIOPe received from D , . B. or his special General Agent. Mork, the certifi cate is aft engraved except the Doctor's name, wirick_ is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on rad) box fn. graved thereon. Purclu.ser, see that the engraving of the labelson the certificate correspond' with those on the box. The following are Dr. Renjantin Bra tuireth's %gents for the sal, of his Vegeta: le universal Pills, in Alleghe Iry cooly, Pa., who, are supp'ied with the rew labelled boxes. Price 25 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pill.4but I.llPglieny, Mr. Joon ELass. McKeertport,ll.lloWLAND. Noblest own, JOHN JOBNSON. Stewaris Town. CHEssmAN 4. SPAULDING A LEXANDKR ANDALE Clinton. EEW•RD Timm rsos‘Wilkinsburgh. GEORGE PORTER, Fairview. ROBERT SMITH PORTLR, Elizabethtown, C F.luenc. East Liberty, DANIEL NEOLEY. PRESSLEY favvia, Pleasant Hill. Div:to R. COON—Pinnili WK. 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. (sep 10 Drecover PILES cured by the tse of Dr. Harltch's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir- , .Shortly after 1 received the Agency from y"u for the sale of your medicine. I lot med an arqnaintaner wilt a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or len years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician ronsidPred her case so complfrated, that be very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through rhy perimasiotr, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, Brc. JAMES R. ICI R B . October :3. 1840. Cb4mliersling, Pa. Office and General Depot, No. 19, North Eighth Street, Philadelphia: And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburgh. step 10 INTERESTING CURE performed by Dr..Siogynee 11 Compouud Syrup of Peunna rirginianu,or Wild Cher ry. Having made use of this Invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely eared my child. The .aynirdoma were wheezing and, choking, of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, ikc, of which I had given up all hopes of its recovery until W 33 advised to mike trial of this invaluable medicine. After wing theeffects it had upon my child, and con• dulling to make the same trial upon myseif, which en tirely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted witht t for many years. Any person wishing to see.une can ca at my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wu.cox. DR. SW4kYNE'S SYRUP OF WILDODERRY We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates witieh have been in circulation in our paper and some othirs of thia city, highly recommending Dr. SWATIM . II Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates. and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts,exureisive,of the benefits which they have received from ti t at valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine, who ran speak with confidence of its virtues.—Satirday Chronicle. FZLLOW CITIZEPS:—With sincerity 1 would advise you, one and all, toih sick and well, always to have a bottle of Dr Sw.svirs'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry in your house—it is Invaluable in cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood. Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of Moos. Violent Neilrous Affections, which occasionally come A/ad.:fright., and various other causes, producing great alitmi,„sudden colds from improper exposure. which are:0110 let run to an alarming extent, for want of Meaniiieltin ready at hand;—end as I. have tisk Dr. SWitsiles Compound 'Syron of Wild Cherry repeatedly in my family, and always with marked success—l Can recommend it with confidence. as being one. of the best family medicines which. has ever been offered to the ,Wrify Cararricie. Sold tirVI7M. 6 rhotn., Wholesale,* Retail, only agent for P:tistinro. 10.5$ Mr*. sap 1 0 , 0 I ' I. di or. coped 4 tatitresslftiSrfriende and the titthitt , th getterat , that-he hie trenteneneed huehteee at. PWII -11 1 4 1[4 1 . Wee , . second doer, ;tier 41,4-zerner Frotti. where - 11e boles hy strict eiteetkte Itet-,beeteeeti:to tteettirshants 1 1Pri , nalre - 401 0 0 11 . --. 4l.**Z4loll* # * * ""4l -:; ME==== "111-1.11,04-1-Sii4L , HilfersoWai„, Stesarnost. wwpaetfuhy to -itifitrilt .the OrPittiihargfir *edits vicinity,thit she, has arrived - Ltisniort, With It beaulifiragscirititent of Minitit rli attire hawk Style. Her connexion there Will sit all 'Mies enable her to Introduce the latest fashion tredlitl" lo the tattleston& her with a share of their patreifige, sins pledged herself to keep every thing of this most stylish deseription, and pay strict - attention to economit. -.- It Is with ronldence kits. T. recommends her French and Londontlandts' Corsets; also her splendid assortment of Eniiiroidery, whit_ is superior to , !Anything -yet intro. dated in- Ibis country: it includes Baby Linen, Coyne!" seam Oriental's, Capes ala Cardinal. Danl. dittolßer. , that for Evening:Costume. Collars _CUTS, Pocket Hand , frerchiefs, ,itiorteog Sod Night Cape, JO.. which wilt be ready-for their approbation on theAtb of October pest. Mrs. T. 14 waiting the !whist of her Bonnets from Europe, 'at No. 2 Ferry street, between' Liberty and Fourth streets. , sent. 29—Mf. H. e. XiCIRAVV ONO. P. IIiaLIL'TON. jAGR A W tj HAVlLTON,Attorwerve at Lew,. have removed their Office to the residence of WS...Ma.. t ow, on FourOst, rwedoora ahoie Smithfield. ben 10 _..— , CO WA L EIntr I E I 9— :F,r II : I siree,BeMkod 1e r a Two doors from the coiner of Wood street. Con. stantly . on hand ttn'assort meat of 10() ready: made COFFINS, tgcvery size and 'descriPlion; covered oises, Udtii CIM It: Mahogany, Cherry, 'Black VA'alnat; Poplar, and Fine CoM as. .. , ALSO, Plates ne'aliy engraved; Hearses and Cairlages forni.hed: - G , nves procured; and all 'services 'rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in oil race's, either of cOffins or *carriages, requested. HENRY BEARES., Undertaker. rep 10 ' ' 17, BBI.S. tA' HITE LIME, a superior article, for CP sale by J.G.df A. VRDON, N 0.12 Water street. VA lIETY. Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs for 1843;5000 copies of the Journal,of t he American Teraperanea Talon and Youth's ; Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a good asSortnient of. Loomis's ; Maga. ziste and Pitistiusgli.. and the Frailklin Migazine and Com. mon Almanacs for 1d43; by the gross, dozen or single; 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 6; 'cents. Also, Cottage. Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets. David's ['satins; 6tetbodiat and Temperance Hymn Ilook-i; the beauties of limmiony, Introduction to Sacred Music; Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. Harp,and almost all kinds of Selinoi Books; Gunn's Do mestic ltedicine;Day Books and Ledgers; Writ in, Let ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross, dozen,or lint- 1.-; steel pens, quills, slates. pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia of History. Was'ern Pilot. and n con. sideralde variety of Books and Station e ry, for sale on at:. eV)," mOdal ji‘g terms for cash or cou Wry produce. IS k A C 11A [MIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep '2 :slO. 9, Fifth street. 3. K. MOORDEAD. G. K. WARNER. 3: PAINTER. UNION COTTON FACTORY, A y City, ni the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn, Co'ion Twine, Candlewick. Carpet Chain, Baiting, rind at e prepared te lilt orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest end most improved machi nery,a lid employed the manager who has attended to the Hoes FACTORY for the last five years, they are manor:lou, ring a superior article. Cation Warm: made to order, Orders through the Pittsburg/1 Po=t Office, or left at the store of J C. rainier Co.. Liberty street; or Logan - Kennedy, Wood street; will meet %vitt] prompt alien. lion. Address—J. K. MOOR LIE 1D 4. CO. sop 12—ly /I\U 1. Elf A LES.—Theie is a large ClasS of Females in this City who from their continued sitting. to which their °cent - n.llO'lE , oblige t liem,a re a lied ed with costiveness which gives rice to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertion. sense or heaviness extending over the while head, Intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the altentinti In any menial operations; "nitrating in 111 e how; els, sometimes a sense of suffocation , especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly lip slairs; lenince fickle; these are scmpionis which yield a , °tire to a few doses Of the lira ndreth Pills The occa. Mona' use or this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years . of suffering. One, or Iwo, or even three of the Brairarri II Pills just before dinner, are of en found highly beneficial; many use I hem 'ery advantageously fn I his wit; tries aid and assl-n digest ion, restore I lie bowels to a proper cOnditinn,entiven the spirits, impart clear ness to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a general fe.eling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. 11-ditrireth's Office. No. 98 Wond street, Pillghtirc 11—. P rice 25 cell! ; per linX, with full directions. M I( —The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is I he Doctor's own Of fire. No 98 Wood street. seri 10 QIURGic AL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN srßum F.NTS!— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgiral ras trunzent .Maker, Third street,4learly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE. GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Drtigists can have their in' stntmentsmadeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors'. Patent Shears and Scissors always on band. also Halters Shears, a . superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. R. All.trticles warranted of thebest quality. and •nhhina clime as a<nal. seri 10 LIVER COM P I ST.—This disease often term!. nateslit another of a - more:serious nature, if pro per remedieß are not restarted to in time. lit all forms of thin disease, Dr. Harnett's Compniind Strengthening and Germnn 4perienl will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thus remo ving all dlsra=es from the Liver. by lie nor of the Ger man Aperient after which the Compound Strength. ening Pills are taken to give strength RIM tone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permanent rare. Tln - Re Pills are nrativ put up In small packages, with full directions. For sale :it No. 19 North Eight St reet, Philadelphia. A lso, for sa'e In Sam. net Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sin., Piitshurgh Pa. sop 10 ALL EN I.ItANIER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor• re, of Wood and Third Streets. Pittsburgh Po.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes. bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. . REFERENCES Pittaburgh.Pa, Win. Bell 4- Co., John D. Davis. F Lorenz. J. Painter 4- Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4' Co., John IL Brown 4' Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M 'Ca nd less St. Louie, Ala., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. 11. Pope, Esq. Presl Bank Ky. :zeP i 0 • REMOV A L.—The undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the corn r of Penn and St. Clair sty., opposite the Ex change Hotel, where Ire has fitted up a large Pismo FORTI Worm Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid assort meat of Ptsavus ever offered in this market. His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Mahogany, benutifnlly finished and mo• deled, and constructed throughout of the very beet ma terfals.whicb,for durability. and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As lie has en!arged his mnnufaefory, and made arrange. mepts lo supply the increasing demand for this instru• !tient, he respectfully requests those intending to par. chase to call and examine his as.ortment befOreporeha. slut elsewhere. Rb he is determined to sell LOWER, for eash,than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. PLUME, Corner of Penn and SL Clair streets, scplo - Opposite the Exchange Hotcl, Pittsburgh. Pa AVARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills: CERTIFICATES .—Letter from the Hon. Ah'h'm Weld. lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee,htemberof Congress W ASIIINOTON, July 3d, 1838. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of yonr Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it to hen most valuable remedy. One of my zonstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, Tenneesee. wrote to me to send hint some. which I did, end he has mployed it very successfully in his practice,.. and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, yonr agent at this place,' thinks you would probably like an agent fit Tennessee. If so,l would recommend Dr. A Card‘nrits a proper person t 3 officiate for the sale of your, celebrated medicine. Shook! you commission him he is willing to act for you. You can Pend' the medicine by water to the• care of Robert King k Sons. Knosville county. Tennes; soe, or by land tip' Graham 4. Bouston,TaieWell, East 'Tennessee. I haVe - no doubt but if yolk hail agents In -severaltoindlis In East Tenninee, a great deal of me.di. eine would *sold. Lam going to taakesome of It home fur my own use, and that or 'My friends; and should Mite tohear fawn whethar, koti would Rite an mot at Slanted*. Eullivan County Poo 7 en - new:4j can get same of rho 11440614 s ho act fo r yOu as thee, tiear,piew Years• - • tot 'llettet4o; o l . : 7 7zo ll **;': - . fvfifiitesWhidioritiOrd'Utral: by s , 11ktiffi,t4iiiA - sifter bctritifieji Op .10 le,:i4to 0 - yp. r ne deaf .106 AutS , 11140, - • 411144.141 - . 'Pitt shu rgh , , June 18,1839... Mr. lons Drairtao:--•Dear Leers present, yesterday, at, he ex perimettt which you were pleased lo make, -in . the presenceof a number of our intkinesa men, of the safety of- your IRON CH EsTs, in case of fire, it gives me pleasureto say, that so flu as I was capable of Judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded expectations, The Chest:was risme,' noe, about.--30 Inches high. by about 18 or 2(linciresin treettah and depth, and was pla ced ott a block of wood aligns a foot in thickness, so , as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several books and newspapers were demented lush:le : of it, in the manner in which Merchants and others, would usually Place them—ra large eudallty of light pine wood talabs from au adjoiningfinw M fig was then placed • around and above it, and the fire kindled on the wind and aide, sons to drive the flame against the back part of thechest. The fire was kept up ;about three , quarters of an hour, until you had goneamong the spectators and received from them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire, nod conies', and opened, land examined. The contents were all safe. and the only injury done was to tile hack of one book which appeared to he a little cnarred. From what I witnessed, I think !lint these chests are iiezlery ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps, the best security to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can have without building, large, thick, 1, n d expensive vaults. I would consider them a better SFr 1 , 11% I ban many vaults which I have seen bud:. Your cd, Srh• CHURCiI. We ronctir in the abov:! staterto , o, vim; been pres split when i lie clietit wag lestei W. )11. Cooper, J.H. Shoe. brr J. I aaghlin, J. Painter, R. .Atiller, Jr. C L. ;Arm, t roll , Thomas Craig, S. C. D.7lamard, Ereract of a letter from Pneh filvord, dated Cie einnatz, 29th Mar , k,1842. J. Denning, Pittsbur,gb, Pa. Respected Friend: We have t he sal isfact ion to state an the test recommendation we cart rive of the utility of roar Iron Safes, I hat we one of them which was in an exposed Filtintion in our tomtit tna room, at the time of the fire, on the morn ing of the lOt It inst, which consumed our Pot k House in. :tallier with a large portion attic meal, lard, kr, which it contained; —and that our bookstand papers AVIIICII were in the Safe, were entirety uttiojitied, and were taten from it after the fire; without ever twinE discolored. ke. PUGH k A L VORD Extract of a Letter from Slater 4. Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. .2.411 t, 1841. Ala. WINNING, Dear Sir: One of your srcond al= CI)C1318 was burned a few days a. 20, in a leather store—it pre. served its contents. Respect rutty yours, gyp 10 SL 1:11 7 .11. 4- HOLBROOK. LIVER COMPLAINT cured try the use of Dr. Mir:. Pcli's compound Slrenglhening and A perlerft Mr. Wm. Richard., of Pittsburgh., Pa,. entitely cured of the above dbitressing disea.e His symptoms were pain and writ! hi in the left side. itISA of appetite, vornitina, arid eructations, a disiensioit of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, coon! ena rice changed to a citron rolor,diffi cull y brew hiag..disinru ed resi.attentied n irlt a cotoli, meat detiitity, with other symptoms indicating great de. rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard. had lire advice of several phy.icians, lull received no relief. until usin2 Dr. Medicine, which terminn. led in effecting a pe•fect cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Si reel. Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Pi ew,Tortter of Llher Iv and Wood Streets. rep 10 Cincinnati, February 15,1E141. • Dr. Ftvwnx—Dear : ir:— Permit n.e to take the liberty of writing to you at ibis time to express my approbation, and to recommend to the attention of bends of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound :••••yru pof Prunus Virginiatin. or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have seen in a vent many instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit. drill of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, heezing. Cho:II:mg of P itlegui. Ast lima tif attacks, 4•c. kr. t should not have written this letter. however ,at present, although I have fe tit.my duly to add my testi loony to It for some time. had it not been for a late in. stance where the medicine above alluded le was Inst ra• mental In restoring to perfect health an ...only child," whose case wa , almost hopeless, in a 'family of my •tc. quaintance. thank 'Heaven," said the doating moth. er,i•nty child is saved from the Jaws of death! 0-how I feared the relentless. ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" .Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrop of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. Ia rn certain t t ave witnessed more than nue hundred cases where It has been attended with corn. plete success. I ant using it myself in an obstinate al. tack of Bronchitis, in which it moved effectual in a ex ceedingly snort time. considering the severity Of the case. I can reeomend it in the fullest confidence °fits superior vist nes; I would advise that no fatally should he without •t; it in very pleasant and always beneficial—worth iloulne and often ten times its price. The public are as mired there is no quackery about it. R. Jai-aeon, Dl. D. • Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, N. Y. . . Sold by W.M. THORN, wito'esale retail, only agent for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market street. sep 10 UNIVERSITY ftP VIRGINIA—MEOICAL, DE. P RTMENT.—The plan or ins:ruction in ibis de. part meat of the Universitylprenents peculiarities not to be found in no other School °Medicine in thelDnion. The Lectures commence on the,first of October, and termi• nate on the 4th of July ensuing,. Owing to the length of the session, which embraces a period of nine months, three Professors :ire enabled to perform all the duties which in other medical institutions are usually assigned to six;and the students are seldom required to attend more than two lectu es on the same i day. By this arrangement, the students have an oppor tunny olbeing well grouneed in Anatomy, Physiology, and other elementary branches of Medical Science, be fore they investigate iii fir applications In connection t. ith the study of the practice of Medicine and Surgery Immediately before each lecture. the students are sub- jected to a full and and rigid examination on the prece- I ceding lecttire,or on portions of approved text books. It is apparent, that the plan, of which the outlines have been briefly stated, is one cvlilch allows the student to commence as well as to complete his medical studies in the institution; and presents - a happy eombination of the ad ntages of the system of Instruction by private pupil age and that of public lectures. Any person of approved moral conduct may offer asa candidate, and receive the degree of M. 0.; without ref erence to the lime be has been engaged in the study of I medicine or of joining the school, provided he undergoes ' in a satisfactory manner the various examinations pre scribed by the eitactmen s. The Professors are: John P. Emmet, M. D., Professor of Chemistry, Phar- macy and Malaria Medico. henry lioutaid, M. D . Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics and Medical Jurtapru• dance. James L. Caltell, 311. D.. Professor of Anatomy, P byri. Moat , and surgery. W ILLIS H. WOODLEY, Proctor. rep 10 • SaCR START'S Ornrs, Harrisburg h, A (must 2.1 t GALE OF THE CANALS AND RAIL ROADS RE. lila LONGING TO THE STATE.:—Nwice is beret.) , gi ven that In narsuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and ttirentleth Sections of the Act of Assembly missed the 27th day of July, 1842. proposals will he reeei . ved at )he State Department until the lasi - day of Novena her next, for the safe of all and each of ihd CllOOl3 and Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth. for which Stnie,Diock, a t .pa r rolae, will be yeeised•ln payment, Each indltildnal or Companyin required, apeciiAcally, to st.ate. the particular line of canal or _Rail Road :which they disireto- Purelmse„.the ;amount Of their respective bide I berefpi , the ;lien and sarnames °call concerned la thi , elfer,trigetber, with their PliCe or Places of reaidenee. in order that the same may be lait4before We next. Lees attire. . - • The prop:Oats meat -beseatetl-wp and directed to the Secretary of Commonwilltfi Ott dr in etidorneinentotetbe, .muiter *•l4**inssilie•fort C - ;iiiiriketstii it -tkie"Sibtit . woorderiatheiGoteftorr - - • A.. TI'PARSIORPi lier# 10 „~~"~v; r, Robe Bell, A. Cordeit, .Yr -W. 'Hoge, .3. IV. Hop. seerPrj.attwao'""';+ o ''' _ • e -4, AASW 4 A , Tar th I`l 441 Ezp/iptioit iff TriAvr.Leim TARE Eo provided with the Safety bills printed With a figure of die fit! you are not deceived by I{a. gentssiallns their boats to h, p , • Girard, when they are rot e tsep tti The following ion list of 1 , 034 ty Guard at the Kir of Pips3s iu first on the list have 11101,011ton/1 apparat,i.ii Is impoasibie for Inn SAVANNA, FOR 1 RAIZ !TA N, NIAGARA, ORLEANS, CANTON, Mow LADY OF LYONS, CAOK VALLEY FORGF, FORT PITT, GAL BREAKWATER, QUEE3 EXPRESS MAIL, bu KE , ALPS, MIL CASPIAN, P:LI IDA, VICTI; WEST WIND, NI A PC/U ETTE, OSPI I TALLEYRAND, r 0, 734 c P E A R N ( I ) . , 4 , SARAH ANN, 11F z . NARRAGANSETT, SLlkt , AMARANTH, nRPt MUNGO PARK, Ulllq NEPTUNE, CECILII ADELAIDE, J II It NORTH BEND, G ALEN MARIETTA, MEN! T he .1 raveliaA me in before they make a choice of a boAn and one whether it would nal le and security to elloo - e. a Safely (; pasmme anti freight, in preferenet tt againct ex nlesion--and that they ' t lint this invention bac the unpnai•.. fifty steam engine buil&rp--!Entlptli it in to understand the ponied, and interested—besides a timber of Ito Ic gent feu en and ot hers—all or wind my office, No 10. Water sueei,wheir pleasure al all times to eilabit toy who will lake the trouble in rail. nep 10 CADWALI. PA PER W A 11E11 OUSE.-11alini Manufacturers. Steuttf [ladled : 6' 'unity of ittakintt known to the Rultit opened a miner u•nrehnn?r in rinshurt No. 104. lliri r of Fdil• their paper; where Or, trill I‘ollllnr fzeneral supply or pa prr.1•00•14i11! 01 prinnnt I . letter. tett nod wail porwr, aid and fullers board-'. rottilectinn pith wl Will of 1.1.•t0k hooks am! • - Librwiiip, an eti r aFenrisorni All of which will be tell lute ra,lis rags and la nners'scra Orders add respril to them al Sigti ,, Agent in Pittsburgh, H. lE. hroo•St . size or quality Of papir, will he pt ILK. Rerunlds is thfly empowm contracts in the management of the, JAM FLAX SEEDW.INTF.D.- 114- NW; or goodf.', a quantity of Fat almost ail kinds of Country Produtt for coot or p.00d.9 nt HARRIS'S In e, Frp .21— , f Commission Warrio JOHN 11 1 RT. COMIRIS i 011 Nen duce and American Afenvfaita fl ErEn TO !no. Crier. E -1., Pittsburgh, Aaron Hart, James C. , cluran of R'd. Jno. D. Paviir, k Hanna, Avery, 02den Jno. Woodbourne, E.q ,MadWn VALUABLE FARM FOR SAI.E. Fnrm on whirl, I live, in %VOID! Braddneksfield, CONI3i/lif ^ one tWird acres; about 70 acre , of v. h ipelent well timbered. There are upon it tli and barn 63 fret by 34; an npple orrl Alm, nbout seventy aims or real. The Ire equal In that of any upland fain Terms made known on application in ice in be premises. W I LLI AM WA WILLI ANI C. WALL, plain vi and Piet ure Fraine Algot Fourth Street Pitts burgh. —Canvas': c for 'Arlialtt, always on hand. promptly framed to order • Reouitt, eat not Ire. Particular attention paid to rer,lidill ery deserip , ton. Persons fitting up Stearn BOW! or , their advantage to call. IViIHITE LE D.—The subscrilto In furnish painters. and, otbto chase pure While Lead made of thelic ranted equal. if not SI I prrior In any el All order.' addreseed to Dunlap k 4- co . No. 110 Second street, NuttArtU attended to. IO LADIES ,AsHioNAR. Fifth St., one door from Old The Subscriber respectfully WO° Pittsburgh and vicinity that he lig tailing Shoes of his own manufaciami where he will keep constantly ea meat of all kinds of ladies, Ilai,,EeS, and shoes. of the best quality.• lo ces to suit the times He will sae kinds of Canc . ) , work—such 115 telppera, colored gaiters, and NOM ebildren's elisiers. silk sailers, ke' t' s will be made at the shortest n ot net. Ladies will please rail a nd en' as the subscriber feels coalfield dotir any article in his line they may we, "P /0. P. S. Don't forget the plnce—N o, door from .Flitrris's Intelligence from Markel Sireet WILLIAM DIGRY having istrt business of Omar 4' Hog °. Liberty street and 42 Market stree. Ihab ks to the numerous friends est - firm. for the very liberal support the s , tended to him, in connection with to , bates to assure them that every es ,uterit the continuation of the rawo• , Peortru t iv invite their attention to 9 '. Clothing,which he intends pettier 3 1 , Minn has been ever offered, being 11 . the whole of the stock of the !ate!" aible;wrA &she intends to confine business, rya Noels conadeot 0 sarmaak his stoat, either in cheapen! nese of workmanship. Please to take not lee that evils lured tn Pittsburgh. UEL MORROW, iteillOcte WIN ~ 4. Sheet fro* Ware, Wood and Market Streets. -11 10747, in hie lineitrilre-lihttritst not e. and sttirewr wslirAted to call estil/400r off yam, which willbetuot? Wl * al! Senn!. eP 10 - . - ..f:.:_. _NO ISTIED - "g• ',TWO I ' ,LIARS a '1;11X; ■d Mau at the same 0 DOLLAES RIX CENTS. Adverti WELVE LIN 50 One moos 13 Two mom 4 Three mo - -.4t Four mon i SIR month I . One Year , RTISEM AT VIZAAT It A- Six mom One year. In proanti DOSEAREI Et FFIC • ird'hotweeti U inwitter. 4th door from hn WIIIork,"• between FI ram, 'rreaguret. 'lord strept, eh—S. It. Joh rth, tetween Bt WWI*. , Fourth, near BANKS. , Market and V 1 r 4.CTO R YR s' On; Fund,) near Wood oT F, . Water street, er of Penn and rner of Third , er of Third an of Penn qtree itreet„'near e, Liberty Si oraw.Penn 8 ATTO AT LA on Grnot $t xt rooms to ,M.D. tureen - Penn a remon 4. Mink - Etiglish, Frei'. 'Act :PillAnt M'CLURE air: Office ingil ,rittshurgh. borrow, A MEV !., between .1 4 , %V lig 'lrv) '4O if . %II PrmltU•e ;? No. 224 Liber DILIV OR 14d COM Itli9l.i unufa et will BINSON slae td t lie up 110111 ~/ttiornv Ices to iitt. reels, abov - N, AVare, No tid .St. CO., Hand al. 4-_ se nirnitit •cati, being y and price. —Just rece!v; red and for RA supp'y of La r different v. ule at aEDe F. I • Liberty sire y y Boot and het., next do Kid and Salt .y the newest ULTICA UFA rs; 10 dipn. F. L Liberty tree suers and Fl n always be F.[ Liberty sire. ual fdnmtnott nd deed stor• Liberty strce SEY SWE: - -'ved by F. 184, Liberty Winger H els. Eltelin; raninq-SiIP rty street, rece red Venisot !They. ISAAC II ati Seed, Ur. always Aftorite 'ftd.to . wren I 8, for p lair, for North g; "MN, gi rettih s a i *la th F. kbett,