Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 05, 1842, Image 1

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    ,yAmis ,
LAVELEIti3 TAlatt2l
- ....
provided with the Safeiy Gau t .
primed with li Agate of-the a
on are alt deObbred by ... _
1 otatin Weir Wm tO tor prot iag - i
rd, when they are aot t kiecarei
're Conovrinz hi a list of bails ~,
oard at the Port. of Pivabiltyls....
0., te net have MO imposmaa ,
raf .1. it is impossible for as ex .
.ti ‘R A, Hfi Qu::
~ERNS, s JEW 4...
TON, MO: ',.
Ai; WATER, QUEEN '-:.-
1 7 ESS MAIL, DOKE t •
AMA, , 10Wiy.
!A:0, AGNEs, •
.;II ANN._ ME:v.iE, -.
.. ('UN E. • CECILIA.
LAID}, J H. BI t
Naseiing community ate
they make a choice of a bord,tt
ee whether it would not be is
Io choose it Safety Cuel
atte. freight, in 'preference tows
explesion—and that they wit
invention has the natratiirt
-eamengine bwitillerr--yestleumet
under - -tami the solierl, and w
- red--beeides nuather of cert. ,
-nen en and others—all of Irbil%
fi,e, J.O. Water street, where k
ure at all times to exhibit ay
, iu lake the trouble to eel.
lil CADWAL •
rgit WAREIIOUSE.--Banns
%lanufheturers, "eteubenville,Oisik .
of waking known to the rare
a paper warehouse in Pilnstwrgh,
tk4,thrre doors south of Filth Et«
.:wr: where they will keep 1.0120
gin, pt). of paper..ronFtclinz of
tr t;,--r. tea and wall paper,..and
with wi.tizh they Trill
• ik bonk , and srisool books.
. .
, , a n f-NlenSiVCaSlo/11I1Ynit of
" 1 be Fold lcsr for casb,ar
• • •-' It, them at Sienbest
r t In Pirrr.hrrryt.. H. K. Eel - bolds. la
Recool,t, 11; fu 11, erne ,
tracts io the macurzernent of tbek
r as.: or ,v:oods, la quantity of Flax
• k.nrif , of Country Produce
Cl.b or rood., at HAR RIS^3Iur •
21-1' con,..isiion Warr •
4 11 AR T. Commisidea 31 •
date . and ..Ir4fr,ran Jfentaftuntgru.
E-G., PtitEburgh
aron Bart
ante , C.,chran of E'd.
so D. Davis,
Way k Hanna.
art. O:den el- Co.
Woodbootne, Egg., Madisos
• ,rm on which • 1 tine, in WOkins
cLstield, containing one handfed
70 acres of which is cleared.
~ t wred. There are upon it than
• ''n rn 63 feet by 34; a n apple °WWI
. ,N , at secretory acres of coat. The
, o that of any upland farm in
de known on application to the
rernixg. WILLIAM WA
L L.I C. VC A LL, PisiA
Pierstre Frtrat
St rut Pat sbErgk--Cauva ss
ri if 42., always on band• Lot
frarued to order- gepairin
c,zz.lar attention paid to reetating
i.-r,ns filling op Stimm Boa Cs or
,/dvant2gelo call.
BITE L E D.—The suts3criterst
to tarnish painters, sod otters
;tore White Lead made of ta b
equal, if not superior to say otf- •
z , r. addressed to DontapiY Be_ • -
No. 110 Second street, ritD 6o : ll '
+-^d to. DUNIAr
Frith St_ oneito.r fres Old Stamm
subscriber respectful!), 10"41W
ureb and sictnity that be tog
Simm of his own onalifacture.tl
re lie will keep constarolly as MOO
of ail kinds of ladies,rWe s,34
,t;oes. of Ilse twst quality.! to
the times fie Will skip
of fancy work—saeb as while
, rs, colored gaiters, and besides
ellsters, silk gaiters,
made at the shortest norire-am•
Ladies will please canoed •
sul Briber fretseonfideh t
:•ricle in his line they ssay'ara.t
-o 10
Don't forget the ply —Nol,
rrom Harris's I ntettigeome airlCk
• -.Markel Street. •:;40—
ILLI 51_ Di GOY itavlOg 10 ". -L
business attar , k H
rtY gteet and 42 Ilarttet IWO"
• ss to the anateroas fries* , alt;
. for the very liberal
td tahim . lo wasseeliell -100
Los to assure theta that evell " a t '
The Witt issatioa tios Oa& „.
I ( WIT. lathe ihelr latestiosj Iv o w
thing,w bleb he lattodosettilltill
c has *eta ever offereas - 1188,8
w bole of thestocleof the late af .r
ard as be istesass• egall*lot
Susi sem, he frets 01110 4114--0
a. his start, either s. Plailb
of wortataashilt
h-atir_ to tate ooticeptat ever!
. -
• la __Pittaistrait•
111:1(tr. 110$11 01 W 7; r 7
diem Ira: /1 .
sad sarW . 2= it 6 ,
o 7 :
en thee d ..r -- d
'others sae eatteled
siodro o , e
_ :: 1 - 00 4; gi sm iteo
N T 42
T. 1: N
f, DOLLARS a year• payable in
ms TWO CESTEL—for sale at the
zvel by News Boys
ry and llannfacturer
LT of the ianye afire. on a doable
a rear. in ad.
of Ads - ertising.
0.414 One monlb. $7.-1.00
(4.75 TN° 4,...4144., 5.00
Lon 414,-c44. 7.00
1.44 Four 0.04,•41,4. R.OO
1 5.00
3.00 1 f‘.ll mcnY.
40u Ortr tea*
/LELA AT rtkAf.:FE•
1 , 110 mrrllff
:45 . 00 , On, rr'ar•
pxrttifl prnrnn•or
Fit n^l L.E. 7. FP2
C 0 - F FICE S, &C
t Market and Wood
tior,e from %I - nod Ft. Feller
.), J.i", 1V mock, covet or.
nod between
Fir and Sccznd
RT. Ti. , rd street. next door to the
et:lush—S. C. Johnson, Tleaseirer.
ri , url etween Market and Wood
Frlurth, near hacker'
r. ar R and Woad iorerls. an
%to- r. T - TitES . F•u Russ' Dr-
T'A Ftp,d. Fourth. t.eterten
Per ry: SL CIA ; r
n` T rd '. 001'1
r htirld
F., • P W r vnE
Co. II ,t T
OR AT LA W.— , , t 5( e rrma
re' —I opl-ko,fte
, eel! rootr, .10ith D. Malmo,
."1 , 10
fort m . 1) , - prf rentoced to
Le72,7tr. Per,: cnAl S',.
G 7 , 10
„ 11.,; , ..1e and
r” ,-h.. a l d 10011,..£1 IC
se7 10
s & : trtu-nE, I , tc,rney , and
,he IlNiennnd. lack
uep 10
l•r rn3n: 015. r north
tl of 1,1(1 Str.llllfivicl
.• - r 111
--~ ~ r,,,,-~ r Rer~if, in:
2:, Street. Pats
.1 , 111
11 1 11111".",SON.
tn,• , • ‘•P' f.t.
" - P 10
W. V •fl n under
L;ov1 k Cr ,
c•-; , lq
J. KY.,'
Lit ( - 0., I'M', ‘v.,,
4- E.,
-.01 , 6, - d I
2. •t , v halo
No 9. Flffil FL
r• 1114 Fre.sh Ru
h, c Varrehhes Of Tertiip
a; F. tr , C D Pimrs at tLe
-I; 5. refl. head of Wood.
1%,;a , and Shoe M a I,ufacto
K;; and in F-tioef wade in
nt, utwesi Frencli ptierts.
NI LTIC ACLU'S. in idle to limit
tat._ rt-; to In disponed of by
brad of Vinod.
Flowers and Plower Seed.. of err
can ale 2pr be had at the Drag
I.'l-1 Liberty ,-treei, bead of Wood.
Anr-u.:l !Mammoth °Mon Send, for
rot and seed store of
1P.4 .ireet, head of Wood.
•st re - erred LV
1P.4 Li hen s 'wad of Wood 51
, Thizlon! of lice,. Fancy Spadt.
P.adVA;• Tool., Bodoni':
rru.olLer Shrnrs. etc.. Intel re-
y head of Wood
rerelved a sou l) sap
Ve-515.0a Hams, as retail
U.S.i AC H iP.BIS. Agent,
and Corn. merchant
tr Seel. Orchard Grass and
C .Tass-, atwari on hand and for
146, -"Y street, head of Wood-
:NAN. Artor 4.63 r• 0157,
D,aititnte. too".mortoerogew ,
beisween Markel and Wood
sap 110
LA NK :3. for procepdio•l in At
be at law. for set •t this Office.
on tile Sortn East cornet of Cold
BL"A pply to
GTON, Market, sear 411h6t.
tle.s Freon 6h:ar Beet aced4lBsl
foe tate at the Drag and Send
18 4 L, r. meet, bead of Wood-
totore emoting Lerma WIL:
N 11,41111% HOPEWELL istbisda/-
rte: lfl Ciaan Di.t usatittnimbil
heirs* la Retinal up like lordiien
r !LIMN Ilia ItY.
EX!. T.l/41airifi4a.
- .- •"-',-,-'---' :- a - --" r- ,- 7 ---.4. lir-- -- :. - ..."
it:.. ,
. ..,......
,„4., ..i. _..,
ifingairr t bEimsr, commis &site
1) 11- 064 hm.as Bawd raiirkint
jotiragrm* STOCKTON, Booksellers. Primers aori
Paper Silsorfavorers. &ICS?: Barter et. orp
JOON iMIDEILSON. Smithfield Poandry. Wiles m
mar the liaammgairla Rouse. Pith& omit. eeple-ly
LEONAED JOHNS. Alderwan..St.Ctstr scree, se
cond door from Liberty. sep 111—ly
DR. S. R. HOLMES. Office in Se,sond greet. mess door
to litstvaislr 4- Co's Glass Warehouse rep 10-1 v
SHIN FE 4- SINLIL Y. Attorneys at. Law, Fourtb-ra..
near the Mayor's Office. Pfttshiireh. sep 16-it
THOS.HAMILTON A I tnrney at Law. Fill 11,, lay warts'
Woad £anith field Pittahart.h. sap 10-1!
HUGH TONER. Atio , rwa at Law, Nook Ea-1 rorner
of Smithfield .2n4 Foori stmeie. set) 101-1 y
HANNA k TININBUI,I,I3 Paper Warehouse. No.
1114, Wood 61., where may le bad a eenerat supply
wrapping, printing. wall paper, titanic books.
school books, kr, kr. sep 10-1 y
C. TOW N.S.C.ND 4- CO.. Wire Area-kers sod
R. Maw adorers, No. 33 Market street. between 2d
and 3d meets. sep 10-19
EXCFIANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
Ft reel A. try 11.1cSIB8IS 4 SMITH.
cep 10-1 y
1G METAL —77 tons soft Pie Metal for gale h" ,
J.G. A.GORD 314,
No. 12 Water greet
p 13
3 0 L . B CON 11A MS- 16.000 Itw. Bacot'
0,0 L Shon!derg. for gee by
J. G. ¢ A. GORDON.
N 0.12 Water once.,
FPI , 13
P A TTET: F4DN, Jr., Birmingham, near Pilisterrch,
Pa.. Ma”urn-titrer of Locks. Illomc and Bolts; To
lacro. Fu leer . VI a nd Timber Screws; Bonsen Screws for
Rollin: Mills, 4-c. rep 10—IT
10FIN ?WC WS KEY. TA iior and (lathier. Giber.
sheet, between Sixth ana Virgin alley, South side.
srep 10
JW BCRBRIDGFi tt CO., Wbotmale Grocers and
Comenisgion Merchants— Second street, between
Wood and Arai; tifir/d stf., sep 10- I_v
a" •Gk con nos. Commission and Forwarding
M-rcnar.t...., Water a.. Piitahurgh. sap 10-1 y
A MS.—frocks ha 1111 F, la rood artieb., reetivyA per g
B Corrair, sod for sale by I. G.¢ A. GORDON,
orp iD Na 12, Rater street
Qt'G A R 1r !MM. A SizES kbdg New' Orleans Su
►7 r; 0 tads New Orleans Unlns,na - , for tale by
Pep 10 1. G. 4- A. GORDON.
SUG A R.-7 hfid; prime N. 0. &clay. received per .S.
R Maine. and for tale by .1. G. 4. A. GORDON.
Pep 10 No. li, Water greet
t a BACON" CASKS ,in order. on hand and for tale by
UI" cep 10 J. G. 4- A. GOD. DON, No. 12, 'Maier Ft
Q . C'G AR ANO 11101. 4 SSE:S.-1.3 Ithdo and 4li IA N. 0.
Fara r, 32 bbls S. 0. Molaose, - ..., receives! prr Sireimhoat
r...port,r. and fnr ...ale by J. C 4. A. GORDON,
10 No. 12_ Waif., curer(
11111. S. LARD OIL. tar drat.. b..
B. A. F 11 rn .
4.O(Pf ti IVrod:o4.
1631 r %11:131 4 GPTITIA141:01,1T Latop El a vy for
I.v H.A. FA N E-zTeit - K &10..
ro-“or of Wertelol.v.
laoo i'repa”-d 1.1." PO by
1. c o
corner ..16t h and ltion4
SUG AR AND MOE, k.SSES.-6o With.. \. 't. Soffar,
115 bbts. do. do.. 100 do. Plaotatioa Jll.Aaart , for
7. G 4 GORDON.
No. 12 Water greet.
zale by
Fer 13
o he ti-ed in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed°.
p ad plper,and in the forms approved by the Court.rar sale
.1 I hr Offirr of the Mercury and Democrat. Pep 10
IVl'3l. HUBBARD, Eadies• fashionable boot and
V host %I :mut:ale rer. No. nil, Third greet, hel Wren
\ Z, l, :7;.klthfield streets, Pittsburgh set , 10,
; • his other to the corner of Postith
-;rt-et a: a Alley, heaves tensiibliekl and Grant
Pep 10
FOR RENT.—Thedwellids and Idle eoalainine 4
Allerheny. near the Bearer troad.tately
orro l .ip ( ll, ‘ h r . =av;oe!Chsrch. Apply at the. Merchants
Jac) klannfav ulcers' Rank. 10 W. El. DENNV.
;;._7 IJ , MAKER., No. 95. Ida.ket or...et, pin..
Iv , ha 411. teivireen Fifth and Liberty Fi reels,
FINGER RINGS, C PAINS, KEYS, C 0.1785, „iic.
iFep 10
supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at his agenry,the Drugstore of
imp 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DR. DAVID WARD hat his office and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Coon House.
second d from Ron street. 8e will faithfully attend
all rails pertaining. t o his pro Gmitra. Night calls should be
made at the door above the basement. FP 10
R CMOVAL —!Matthew )Ones, Barter and Hair Dress ,
er, has removed to Foul - lbw neet., opposite the May.
nlEfice. where he will he happy ta:orait upon permanent
or transient cmOutners. Re share of public nat.
IVIV M. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn st. three
door below Irwin street. Hones of husinem. from
9 ♦. it.. until 5 P. x.. after which time he will attend
to no one except is 4:2-9elt of actual sterm.sliy. He
would further intone those who may think proper to
employ ht.:11,1 - 11ot he expects immediate paystest, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. nen 10
JOHN WFAILL AND, 17plasterer exit Clariact
Af-ter. Third st. between wood Merkel streets,
respectful infirm, hie friends aad the public that he a
prepared to 'aerate all orders for Sofas. Sideboards. R.
reaas. Chairs, Tables. Bed:nada, Steeds. 'lair and Spring
Matreasses.Cartains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering,
work, which be will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. +Pep 10
110 Word Urea. PittabargS.—ft. A. Bauman.
Aunt tioneer and Commin.irin Merchant. is now prepared
to receive nod sell all kinds *Moods and blerciaoince,
at his large and carmen= mount, No. 110, North East
Corner or Wood and Fifth Streets, EiliSherr.h•
Reenter sales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday at !Steil week.
Hardware. Cutlery, Pry Goods, and Faulty articles, as
Tuesday. Wednesday, sod Thursday eyeshot.
Books. 4c. every Hatarday evening. -
Liberal advances usade°On Consignoseiuswhes wanted.
Mesas. John D. Dam.. Enq., _ ,_ 1 ,
~ Ranaley4 Smith. . i .--
Hampton. Staub, 4 Co., - I .- • - .
rr F Lorenz 4- Co, i .
4. 1. W- flashridge.4- CO.. I
" S. brfiee 4- Ca. I •,. q
• Capt. James Nl'Marr,R4. } rethhordit
". C. Ihntamr, Hi A. ' #
1 . Jona ItTaddien, Hai. f
•r- Loran * Kennedy.
“ J. Y. Moorhead 4 op, I .
.- Jaz. P. art, Fo lk _ .1 -
I . A! larberaGatwatp,Eni: - _ I _-- - - -
ao Capr. lap" IMay._ i '
a. - lieltnyklhampa. . (b., _
1.. _ ? Naha Symms..._ l l4lllethlit-1
4 ';-.11..11.1L7.";
- -.` 1 4. - . 1 0 61 4:7 4e1414 ,0 - _. ,
[-, ' ." I " 44 IVAISI - 4 1 . 4 4 18 r'iltda.
1 &ease/watt, .
• CniriVffialint
S•AX:4O . IiAW- 44
. _ . . , • --
A AS taiftiaelmeei brerettatir trim:and sill • hos de.
. Ay (Seada ) a.ettee t fte44 k filliaMT: Sealter at 11 ~
eloik A . a; 'mica . Pittsburgh at 3 o'cior.k, it_ N. COW
1 .. -...
neva at Beaver with the ,
Pewarlyiwartia and Ohio Lip _
of Freight And Raked a trial. hails Weea ilielver,. and
Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville reant7tvaala. Lamp
Beaver daily at 6 oteioctt N. This liae conneett Wilti
two dilly Mew. on the Pennsylvania visa to parthmhl.
, and the Iteir York nod Ohio line on the Erie
canal: and field York.aad , Ohdo tine
,astOblei taint all
so with vim:at freight and passage boats, brigs_ and
seltdronerv,oa the Lakes. l`be , proprietors of thief well
known. line .ill he.prePated 9Pesing:ol
- to tratiliort neriehandize to any of the interuiedi.
ale ports on the Pitalasylvanta find Ohio. and" Otrict:cai
to any port ori Lake Brie„ and the tipper Lakes;io
and from New York. City and PliDadelphia.
McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver, Pa.,
Cakb Wormer it Co, Cleveland, 0.,
Bees 4. Tailor. Warrea, 0.,
ji z tita
LIN - E.'
/I. B. BOLES, Master.
. _
RCVS daily (. 4 zu oda r a except mi.) between ?J ITS. Fre Ligr.__ iii well finished and comfortable I weave,.
err gigri 4- RE AVER. leaving Bearer at BA. M. J. • cit . Ishontio,lents wilk leek ballstints.wable, ear
and Pittsburgh at 2P. M. prixeiil.ii wits .E/Sitilis'it Safi' tiltriibeillr. lie: fictii.ili , low iiisr unavertbom r .
ty Heard to Freesia Explosive of Boller*. - ' - This Vesiphrly Wsiwiated below the 044eittiary. near
[ Thrssteendid and fa-t rooming. Steam Bart basica: 4 llle maid en ,. as,. w w. g apieir. . l 6 Ix ,
irpry 4e4rabie
men compte: ed expreody for this trade, and lanai/El reeldenre. Par terms ld•nre. Inquire of ex. Moorhead, or the
onneet ion with 1 .wihneriher. G. W. BARNES Onion Factory
CLARKE 4- Co's Pittsburgh cad Clorelaad Live of i seplll-2w
Cleveland, mi..
Or down the Ohio canal to Massiton, 4-e. and Erie Ex
ten Finn Line to Greenville.
TI e Canal Pats of this Line are towed to and from
Pittio.urgh dielvt, and the husineis conducted 4.0 the
mo-t prompt and HrenOrniril.l Sprit - Is. Having a connec
tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Phaadels
phis and Baltimore, and Steamboats tannin; town the
Ohio river; also, throns.h our Agents at Cleveland, with
'3. M. Bend's Steamboats 211ilseveral Lake Vessels, and
the 7 roy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Erie canal, we ace prepared fo- the I I-snipe: wean
of Fr i - ight to and from all points on thermal, the lakes
and the Iliv - r, or the Eastern cities, at prima* Una air
any other line.
A only to G. X. Hectors, No. 55 Water N i .ge at Steam ,
boat Michigan's Landing. PittsLorgia.
Clarke 4- C. Reeser.
Hub!, {rod k Ireotheriee, Warren.
Wireler d- Co. Akron:
Talmo, Richmond 4- Co. Cleveland
111E7E4 TO
.1. ft . Wick 4- Co.. Greenville;
W. C. Males, Sharon,
R. W. 011...in.ham- New emote,
John Ktrk.Younpeown,
John Campbell Newton Falls;
Campbell 4' miller, Ca napliellstown;
Babcock d• Mcßride, Ravenna;
C. 4. D. Shod-a, Franklin;
H. A .Miner it Co.. Cnyaltoga Falls;
Wens - man 4- Whitehead, SI as.itren;
Ger.diin William.. 4 Co.. D , Tr Oll ;
Biome, n2,is 4- Co., Buffalo;
C.irrine. It irbmond. Williams 4- co., New York
seri '0
121. Co,.er of W adeed d Pewit
ihr Strew.. PlttsAugh: ha= on hand a complete as-
Qnern.ware. =oiled in the rile or couniry
1.7.115. a choice selection of pore while and gold
sun d DINING AND TEA WARE. in large small sets,
nr eepai ale pie , tto to snit FM rrbasem
rA , I: of 413. 60. or 84 piece wts, !zaperhiv painted
Toy Tmorare. phin. awl rich painted awed gilt; from
In $5.00 per sot
Children'? Mars of evet v deer, int ion
White China tihnoine. 13—'n.
Ctanite 2.11 Tea Service*, in white and with
spterulid A inericio scenery printed in hive :and Mack.
A lar=evaretyefSteamboat Dining and Break - fact Stte,
imported to match. complete.
Fire Proof stone hating plates and dishes. Crain the
Derhyvhire P(11 tears.
Flint and Green Glass. In ati their varieties.
Window Masi., of every
Paden+ Ruckels.. Tnhs and getters
Stone Pipe tirade. 4-c. 4-c. Qr.
Al! of which are reepertruity offered In the pat.
tic on the most favoratoe Jar' 26.1542-1 v
FrlJ. FOX ALDEN Attorrey axd Coals seller al
• Lay. Cif( rg htta vrofe,ntional gervices to the cit
izens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a champ( pohlic pat
ronage. Me will extent !I' all kinds f writing with neat
fie:mond dispatch. Cage.. hanicroptcy attended to on
reasonable terms-015re in Smithfield gireet, at the
house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom be rprerr.
r-er 10 • T. J. FOX ALDEN.
DAVID CLARK. A g7t. eas Alio:Late Boat Afaker,,lL
;las removed to No, 34 Market eareet. between
Serond and Third streets, where he woo'd tie happy
to pee his old customers. and all -others who feet dispos.
ed to patronize him. He uses notion!: hot first rate
meet - , sod employs the hest of workmen; and as he rivet
constanttlts personal al tent ion to hosinesv, he trusts that
he will deserve and naive a fair share of patronage.
A Hunker rerpertfatly informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the best quality of ire_
Creams, together with at: - kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in their season, at his estahrishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, between Wood and Bartel.
N- B.—Parrafts supplied on the shortest softer!. with
cakes. oronything in his line. Atao families furnished
with Bread. sap 10
TOM B. GUTHRIE, As:lain:leer and commis
sloe Ilerchant..ni.lo6„ carver of Wood 4- Fifth! its.
Pittibtizi: Haring been appointed one of ibe Anctioa
eersfoi the Mir of Pit_ - burgb. tenders his services to job
bers, ntanufaci arm and dealers. who may he itLimased
to make trial of this market- He i , prepared to make
advances on constr„nmems of all saleable commoditien
and tracts to satisfy correspondents by quick sates, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him. shall be adequately protected. be brings to the nO
of h 4 own experience in iradaessaud acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the Ferric' es of Hr. Smarm,
Fasserrocc heretofore advanmeeously known. as as
emptwter and Antler in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent esten_vement is made.
R urea ro
Ile era. si. Tiernan. Fresh-of .11_ 4. IL
Sank. i
• kirtington 4 'Pretties,
✓ Robert Galway.
✓ Jamie* lt. Cooper,
R. IL Riddle, } Pittsburgh
• W Robtamen• Ir. Pres% I
.• of Pmehainge Rank. •
Hamptoo.Satith,.4- co.,
•• John H. Davis, 1
•• Hasuseitinsreb.
• /.
/an 1117..ilessendt
✓ John Ritiont.4 Ca •
v EWA& 4 411441evi,;- - 3
2i SIC'W
Jobe EL 1114.111 ti. .
Jolts loaloett.l sePle
VlVABfig i g iCANOBittLE PILL 101.--411111 A-,.
A. 4 RAU J. Flidelfitt, iesiipac at 66#ot i l e um' s,:
Few rot, was Witted !lOU prosianis I tall* too
, .
sitoinosed rot,. Tits +Mattison awe !Went dead.
sae. yea ; d0r,kw,,....thr...... 0 . J..4_ 1
bona,. psi. to 44 l.P.oltall 11 1 0111011113111,30431,311113,
istridird stoonn, sensation of slaking 31 the tams&
forted comae, snenntoritb Ctoinent . soitiossolitaisots i
innards Meet re tettiesOn. These bad Comae* sp. 1
Orsini of a t , obits, to easmiltfar or„Vit i ._ 1
Boum 1681,10 street; sad odhlantlitoi ts b sier I
roctstfet sad
..,tt - tic ,
is intatnnetoc itra..,,totteat '
Otts 4: 0 11 1 - rnblit iistnnsit Soto s 4.
etootiltit o nol ' *Oen nosiindiddelutialicticOz
at. glad, AVegitis*
limi 4,
rill' Rte, aiholletail IT . ° " ,1 ":
-,? • . , . •, . •_ z.l , " H' AL AntidliNkAaideto
'.. otjpi ' .
,1 gro.itt!,Ndinjortitt,itektist etionad.,:
-7... - .:,... , -- ' - i C— - . = r 1 •
I ANIMA. ITEAZY. Agent, ."
bi 0.60 Water Area, rithilmael4
• '''4 'w.„7
.. ,
,= - C... i ,?-; ,
.4 4 .:- ...
rtitiAiinoilellrbefeirretW ireihate Mb: Theme
-11-41rgo UOf
itie: fillet ' tt ,
tom" istor thokirier..friot sr
ergit -. or reseraliielithz of lithe IrieL • Tbruobviale
eatrittiessi , int iiisierikse and rams=
2 r eeik k ft E !new rWbvre WOON`the riiiedirse sod
approhattior of the ioOst r
robileot Phyairamoila the :LW- ,
too 4 MateS Thrsolo Wholfeeelw ikod
Retail. by, '
Aelile i biri. ft:Wood &reit, betair
lg. All AIR, Bea awl Skee Maker, Lai' Per 0/..„
4 • , " •PlaaitiiikisAami j libeitkjeU st., PirtshorgiL--
Ttresateerther having knight oat the stork of the late
Tindal* ofaiktiy, deceased, her coninteneed basiness
in the cat ataad of Src 1., and is preparedra areeale
all descriptions of work in his line, in the test manner
andistateadiee-0 Helmets e ol4 rtiintlY on band
a lame issortoseet ofshoe fiadingsof all descriptions and
of the test (strike. Tleyolielts the patihitate of the Pah
lie alai of the. emit: WM. ADAIR.
sea 10
' and as ter far Carriages at Easters Prices.
Tie subieribera iownerarints and knew constantly on
band Coach. C and EMptie Sprlop (warrantod.) Juniata
Iran fettreraid -fteantpiated Dank' Paws, Bram
call plated Bob Banda Suitne Jolene. Patent Leatne*.
Silver Red "grans Latino. Three foil Fteps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Binges. do
JON ent.Elll A ST.
St. Matt 41.. near "a tir..hrey grader
NOTICE TO CREDITOR S.—Ta kr itiotinn chat I
J. have arptied to the hiders Of the Conn of Corn
mon PIeDIF of Venanga cavalry. for the benefit of the taw.
made for the relief of Insolvent Dehtirne, and that they
have a;ipninted the fourth )Joan 0 1_,Nowitther.fer the
hearineofinn ani my , reditors, at the Court flame, in
the figrOsigh adTrank lin—when and where yenertay at.
tend, if you think proper, and show rause, if any yon
have_ why I . shoutti not be dbehareelf.
nen_l:l—fh WILLIAM ICEARNI 2 -.. _
LI D. SELLERS. 11. D.. office and dwells! in Fanlll4.
R. near Ferry FS (FM a p 13—ly
S TOLEN. from Me shop of the sah-zrrlhei. in Third
street., some I ime last_ week, a . pair of Shemin, for
kair_etittine. They are ready. or quite a foot tore. and
very slim. It i• snpprwrd the Ihierpold them somewhere
in the nit will pay the purcaaser any rrarsanahle.price
'the Witl bring, heart to an,. 11. JONES.
pep 13-3 t.
Tin .—onn Scardav,l7lll instant. at 3 seriort, P.,
IJ, I will tell, by order (alba Amknrwe, nit the nraori'ec,
the follomine dencrihml property. viz: A ku of Grouad
feet front by ahnni 100 reel deer, with a aabstantial
frame buddin. on it. wneti new 'vs a machine shop. eon
tainine a ennui Stem En•rine am! Ocarina, Two Circular
wows and Dream, vitmee in AfienbanY Car. between the
Canal and the Crarnutona. - adjailing the Methodist
Chturria--farnwrly anettoialt as a looking gball factory,
by T_ 4 flilfter 4- Co_ Ternm•at race:
rep 11-71 1. B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer.
n '
fllpg. I RV' LEAF TOBACCO. in Ininre and
J. G. 4. A GORDON.
sen 13 No 1.2, Water serves.
C NNON. SHOT A Nn sorALs..— Rcarat OF ORD(
.1•11 HTDInGfItIPFIT. 3d Seidenllo4”*. 1842
Sealed Prone--a I , will le racei red at this narvaa until
o'clock. P. M..of Ow 15th October next. far farnishine
and detiverine, hi the proportion*. and at .the places here
in desienated. the following numher and descriptio n for
-- Sf3Siel,7llC - 171iffy eight inch Paixhan flint , . of
about fri cwt. ?Sett. Seventy thirty-Inca Pounderetioshr
41 esti_ and u rn arils, the preilarP weeht or each to he dt ,
tertnined berenftec. Pier he mired eieht inch shells;
Three hundred eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand
thirty two pnnndrr shot. Deliverable as taigas:
11)rizin in Pataltan *nos Deliveratde ae
200 isit.ht in. shelf. I Sackett's Mr.
11)0 eiebt solid shot hoc, nn
I St thirty two pounder run* tar before the
zson thirty-two pounder shot 3 15th May neat
1a eight. in. tatihan torts Denverable at
I.slleieht in. shells I Buffalo N. V.,
ion Pi•lal in. solid shot }on or before
25Thiely two pounder Vita I the 13th Ma's
3_sooll,frly two pounder shot
. 1 nest.
10 pi f ilt in . Paixhan eons Iheliverae at
150 eh! tit in. shells I Erie Penna.
100 eiOn iv . ..solid shot on or before
Thirty awn *winder grins 1 the 15th May
211110 thhty two prrunder shot next.
rite prntmsals mast state dislinetly the rate per bon (of
I went v-two litindreal and fort v pounds). for llm rune. and
the rate per pound for the shoo and shells, deliverable a*
21.0 VP, ant° Ile sn ,, ject to.and underms proof and in
speci ion a. this Bo 'eau may deem proper to authorize;
and none will herald for that lanai not pars such in.
spent ion an mar he entirely sal isfartary
&lnds. with two approved mreties, wit! he required in
one third he ecs imams] a MMUS of IhP colorant. and ten
per eentuta of the amens' of all hilts will be retained as
co/lateral seenrity for the ?Antral nelf.......Arire th-reof.
which will he paid only on the satisfactory rampletion of
the contract; and ninety per rent nen of all deliveries will
he Paid Oa hilts property antheuticated., according to the
provizions orate pont Tact. within thirty days after their
pr eApnl at ina tolhe Navy neer%
The nefers mos' . s.ate at what agency the costumier
as &siren:Bimetal , ' he made.
Drawineoftheennewitiae furnished from Ibis Ba
rren. and they must he cast and finished to conftms to
them in every respect.
No hot blast 'Petal is to be used, and the shot 11011. 1 he
cast is sand airmirts. am 12
I .
EE— l nwwetden" un derstood
much disorder,o 1 rni d depend fortbe cure
upon a due alien' fon to the body. It is cow n 'Werra nod
how trainable is that medicine which will remove morbid
.aecutnolations without weakening the bodily power. It 'is
now 'understood that 't here is a reciprocal influence be.
tweet' the mind and the body. it is now andersiood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills trill remove a melan
choly, and rims insasely is cured by perseveres's!y using
them. It know understood bow much doirmair happi
ness depend,' upon the healthy condition of the digelive
It is now welt known that the Bruridrelh Pills have
cared thousands of hopeless and helptme persons, even
when the first physicians had pronotaneed them beyond
all human means of relief. It is near not . only weft
known that the Rrandretb Pitts so care. but it is also gm
derMood how they ism that it inlay tbehrnurifyistg elect
on the blood that they restore the body to health.
The vatmeofthe medicine is hemming more and More
manifest, it is recommented daily from family to family.
The trandreth rubi remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious accumularionsand parity midi:2l , km.
rate the bided,and their :coil effects are not counter/mien
cod by any itiminvenieomen being composed - entirely of
vegelaidenthey do not erpoge tinge Who site them to ,
dimwit and their effeminate as tertais as they are stilt-
Ivry; they are daily and safely adwititUllemd to infancy.
youti‘Maillingtd, gad odd tunt: and. to womies is the most
critical and delicate dresmestauces. •They do note disturb
twalhottlk iliemithwid (visitants, but' rer.ore their order
and meahli4i theft heable. .
Seidel Dr. Reamireih's Rare, Na. 93, Wood Motet.
Pitinfatielb. - Mee 13 irelins per km, ark k fell dire:Timm
NAGS—The only place in Pittsburgh where the I:sna
il:Be Pills can he obtained, is the immor'sawu oilier. So.
91,Wittidinteta.'- . - map to
ANA &Own hleurfit;TtHLlr. of rick dieriehrrei-
MIL spre re fly acquaints his rereads algid tbc put.* VW
eritly, that he baseelesseseed the Mashie hashoem at
ampler efilrAllisatt Libertrehr-mbereiritt esaleanilk .
eajull4: l olo 4 t* l4 %. eiletel useikaiseeit. -
fese stetkeg. Wide stabs Au. cahiset gars, zed every
Whit to the besieesi,.. He will warrant his,
• Area dtmee.ansd lteildr d 1e iseatersite
- 111,00iFtsa s6nre or *Wit pat«wrige. Iry 70-
-.-- ..." -IF .g 424 1% No —rwftrat•Z ood Coussinam
ma/mg. Arm for liolowtost 004004 mid
- -rlif4ol. l " - Liiiii.'l4*lN‘ feilleiti‘i
t li ttinia
AireetlifilOolbr 21Maillial *AU-. XPINI
1 h i=la i rgfk*.4 oll1 40 NW*
- 01 10,1 0014,1 1 k ap elk Ai
- •
Par,lisktishor . sue-
,: iittiktedegor Ana
MDT, * kind ido •-, • -
rrinz &lberxibery hank% wade arrangements Mt wipe
1 the AMericitit lianufaetarer and littabergit Menem
ry laso one Journal. berveconahnied,. to ant Wish a daily
paper With tbelitle.gr the Da* M.rs g rszt.
The leading elided of itte.*Pene" gill be tbed-Wonnina
t ion and defence ollbe political prhtelpint that bavelorte-
Mime been maintained by the When. in their remote - Ilve
IMpera, aed their best effmin will still be devoted to the
advaimemmat aide:teem of thine doelthser.
Althwaet. in politico, the Paper Litt Le thorniest►
democratic. yet the Edam, hope, by.giMag as below,
candid history of passing Polhical events. Fore me n
emit Dominate Intetrmesee,aud brief notieer of alt mat
teta and occurrmatee that come properly within the miter}
of a Public Animal, to make their paper tottliciently in
eresting to entitle it to the patronage of the yuLlic, it
rftmeettre of party considerations..
In addition to the political and general tears that wilt
be found in the ..X.r•in: Post." the Editors win take
pains to fattish the betaissems eoa►mtiaity with
the latest and most Inttrestbm t°omMeaca►t'
ammo from all parts of the country, and to have prepa
red Farb` accountOof the Markets and tbe Stale of Trade
as will he advastageoas to our Merchants and Business -
Men in their several calling.
Tear.—The Post ►ill be noldinbed en a bops Wiped
at sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
lourast) at Ike awasually tow rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable is advance. It trill also he sold by
sews-boys at the IoW rate of TWO CENTS a ropy.
- Affeertisestestv - will he inserted at the lowest rates
charred by the ether daily papers of else city.
y•TtV CCTV active tads are wanted to sett the Post,
who will be engaged' on tiro moat liberal terms
:w=ait 31. 1842. W.s. SM I TIL
Licerpoel Commercial Lim of Poctete. Saibmg We kly
Tire Subscriber would resreenfutly Inform such perrorr
restdins in this country as are desirous for Pendia! fer
*heir friends to come out from tne old country. that he
eontinnes as usual to make enragentents by which pal
.n.tegers are brought out en very moderate. Perms. is Pitt
ships, ',Hinz from Liverpool weekly. and would ,
assure per :eons desirous of coming by the above Liar.
that a; agents of first reapertabitha are engaged at Li
verpool, there will be so detention whatever at that
He i= atm prepared at 2fl fitness* furnish 1111:ht Dr/rlll
for any amount to onsisit in 'rewire; wmpree.s for the
yoyare, payabbethrotmhoutthe United Kingdom.ard in
ewe , the parties armed for stionid dee'ine cornier out. the
nassare money shalt be refunded without reduction.
POT further pa n icuia rs apply it by letter to
No. el. 801:1 , h meet. New York.
At the Wareboore f DALsctr.4 FLEMpIe•
rep 10 No. 24 Water greet, Piltsburzh. Pa.
RV AUCTION.—Witt be raid by rubric Anoka+,
without reserve, for cash. to close the concern, at the
tiall of the Marlhoroneh Chapel, in &Won, on ToPsday ,
the room day of October neat, commencingat nine of
the clock in the forenoon.
Ail the property oft he fruited States Land C rot pony
conchs is_ of about
140.000 litres of good and well watered Farming and
Gl:mi.e and very valnalite Timber Land, lying in inter
com. INt•Kean and Clearfieht criariti, in the Slate of
eminsvlvania—on parissif.rhich there is abundance o
Coal. Lime end Iron 011,, and mane Minerals;
And of Claim: against sundry pnrs.ons for land sold
And o' Stock and Toots on a PAM. in 'he lowegiblis
of Bradford, in the eosn'yordirgialis, is said SIAM of
The land will he Fold in lots to Fah porch:LA.l . F, coo
lainin. from ahnut 12010 5000 are.
Further particular! , will be made known am the nile,or
on inquiry of the imtpw•riber, at No. 12 Lone Wharf—
of F"Whers and flaidwin, Merchants' Row in Bosto-t—or
of either of the Tratteesof the rani United Fates Land
Ca airway. D. R GRIGGS.
President of the United States Land Co
Boston, A tyrant, 20, How - Oen 10)
BY Morriw. .n k C o London, for sale only by S.
Wickersham, corner of Wood aver' and Vireo
alley Tirtshor.ts Pa. and B. Harwood, Beaver Pa, who
is sole agent for W e stern Penns, tvania. srp 10
FARM FOR S LR.—Tt.e ander sizneil olfr rs sale a
tract of land situated 4 miler from Freeport, to the
direction of Kittanning. Buffalo hownalsio. Armr-tron!
county. cos:Marline 100 acres, gs cleared and under good
froze; 10 of whim are in meadow— a errod rya are los,
&setting , bonne and cabin horn erected theeeon--an apple
orchard of 80 haarinc trees—and a *into( excellent
water onnvonienl lathe house.
FOR TERMS apply to the aohaeritters residing at the
Salturorks on the Penerylvania Canal, I little above Free
Dg. J. WES TON'S Yelre, dalde Expectorant Synip.a a
infallilde cure for whnopinf cough. This disease
musty confined to children, and is attended with a
suffocating roneh, snd a deep shrill sound. caned a whoop;
it comes on with difficult breathing_ thirst, hoarsene!" and
cough. with dilecult expectoration. The violent Me
gan. in COUXilinf bloat the fare- which turns purple,and
the eyes swell and become prominent.
Commint thin often dates its orisin flogs this disease.
which has hnberto bathed the still gib. most able phy
sicians. hat now by this simpli vegetable medicine this
distressing and frequently destructive disorder can be cu
red in a few days. Thousands have given it a trial and
in no ca, , e where treed according to the direction has it
failed. 1: - cocening the viscid matter and snaking it easily
expectorated without such violent straining as is invaria
blyesperiericed by Wile sufferers every mode of treat
ment that has been recommended.
Coughs. colds. eonsulaption, asthma. tc. rand by Dr.
Weston's I tteha n Cough bletlirins. many canes of rams
tirms, some to the advanced raam acil given spas ismer
hie by plrygiebann, have been cared by this sneeticine with
his pills and plaster- 11l large bottles, small 50 rt.. Pills
25 cents. platter 25 ets. Ms Strengthening Piaster hi the
best In the world for west backs, pais iolheside.
Jr. , liVerton's Eke Water titre's ail disorders of the
eyes when all other weans fail. Price 25 omits Dia Corn
Salvo In sold at eta per hos, eontainitm enough to
rare 20 rants or more. Ile has abet a perfectly; safe and
highly valuable triediciae for worms—price 23 cents per
1444E 5 . 1 w:eel are superior to all others, beim( at taut 6
time; the Strength of ally that can he purchased at any of
the tifet*'ts , teeth as peppermint. spearmint, cinnamon.=
lemSghtlfart.e, lavender, cloves. femme/, ahmood, herlier
mot, rosemary, carramay, ke. kr.' Pride 121 orate per
boale,nr 50 cis per eve containing 4 bottles, oc 75 era
forboses coati; Ding 6 bottles.
Pormle at lots TboutposecGrocery 153 Liliherty "4
nest door to the .Three Big Doors." sup 10
Ink It, .1. IL TI *MITT'S, Itesperthelylolenn the eta
zens of Plusher:band siehmhy. that ha hen retire
ell to tbe dtv. Be boner to Aare time resilience of his
former mimes son the pebiis golteranY;"heCitehicks
renewal of a wwiton of Mei/ pairoakr. In. roonexion
be winain eteerw a . the nprfftittis octillellhetity. for
Wv9kirbig 'be Mose I* the bladder awl aDwilagitto pus
of whir the - wrine,3 every where eoinntendlnn tbedeep
•ent interspe. hoppir tormterod take bowel- gable leant*
41' fah iiiirergaigia toile ;Meted. E:rrieteres. Mew s of
11141141111 W and Widnes Ai.— which ocentiosolly
hiuswine receive -allesliou. -
Tex w liras a, dialacce wiliitisg, bather. 4tfarwatiam
will ay* paiwitany ar by letter. ar if 4berined raa aC
atemegaiNedradderitarriThichi of
iiy.on rani, betweewlimerry sad lAble4 Ma- ant
rimi lwkillo.
*idea lrot
tfir 1.1 Ads'
alr got lilt" 4.1=
'ate itIO
ami froft.
opitt set
. 14. 411111"141."617
PRICE TWO-I,:prilret.
- 4 VFW •
**tar Ao.
There are men, who, ft ____ ___ ~,
their town. And ditineaviiiriftirdee
Miry , false' tisitiori. 'TI
fore, , idwaystmetanfor =tabie, -
fit:Revlon,: merely - Stain etn'aiwili_._ __
ertionof their very, bt eltorillitil OM*
the pots assigned their. -- - 7 •*'-' 4 .- ' - It 0 .1 to*
414 r -
A The Drams of life it, it Alt - tlitiiiiio - -:-
utterly uslike the Thandeititelekatit Z l l'
rage IA
atre Royal. There the firakT --- ile ' -
Litneer_by any Amami'_ftittedkinfit lliliVilliiit .. ;
gated patiteltretur4t- almaitCabrir,lll,
sylph-like Columbine ever' `iks 4
pnt on black velvet and eon*'
Lady Macbeth. If Tbisfdlika--Mtestit
characters for which titillate Miduriteth '
Ither in voice. figure or ability, : th - '
ved to be hissed, fur the'agate
is the result Of their own five iiill..---ilqMe
in the - Drama. of Life the aim bilie4fate .
leftist no choice of part*. Mester iretkiiW,
be a Parson, beestitielllkkr iiritjMnArroiliti
the gift of an uncle; itiobii lobe it l iktiliSi
ter, because his Godfailler-tinit' ' ,r - . '_icy_ --
, get him on; and Timothriatii r ' ---
spite of weak nervesand blit4C .t .- -
OPY r -1
Lotion, bec.iuse be it theloungeticeffigmo
two having been doonseit tti.lhillifitilltli!,,
and the law, nothing is 9e# ter ragiivieit i
Coronet's commission. -1,,, = 1 i-IPI- ;---. 4) ,
Thus it is that, we 'haste' Parent* WClPislir. 4
pulpit oratory is any thierbittneidlEffiliii
bneffess Barristers, whose - tuan is ifiiiiii itt 4 '
the entopoi.tion of nonsense - vesseir,:.aiMrd
pigmy Officers, who in their tall caps, Rieir- 47
1 as they u arch by the sideef thaw
like urchins goi.ig out to drdloather
important petsonages mitided - ingiiis skii ,l
work of command.
My case was peculiar', aeriarturmate; f
being by nature timid and%of feadi INAlea„
I was permitted to milk the nadliy!wey
life until goy manhood; end thee, efeeibeialgp. ,
involuntarily united to a very ant ,vretinfit 4
was forced inio situatious utterly ,00sonot
to my habits, and became -et-lenadr as ite.. - "s
voluntary volunteer. Ido itotbelittitek,*: . .
make pub is the resals.ntemareantemmit iS
iocougron- - ; there writ, a manifest_ tlmitaailiter
tion in the very name, the adjlatiieW- - *et
so completely oppoeed to the segos:4 iiet
noon. •
My wires main object in lifelearbsisw - -
ceal a my deficiencies. alwaya - seeming iiQ -
consider me a man of valons i andwitaammir
timid reserve and nervous sppralimasisa l / 2
wets on any occasion bet:Jailer!** sow
rent, she would praise me (befoicirgirkkira
for my madder .te forbearaoci4 u4 lra*
of me as a" lion in rep .se. •
she, be is formidable! yes% wittfAistrissiWr
Sir Peter Tremor an bit
domesticity, can little w -
in the beat of political'. - argismcisk-mr itss- , 44
storm of indignant anger.'
This was all very well itallmj..• fircalk- 1 1.
kept steeple from quarrellinveilir use; Stitt-
as this sword of seemed likelsttushim.,.:.
ber during my time._ L= did riotimapeid
that I should ever have the fufluillabligiall""-' 1
ities imputed to me by my erifeciesaifille- 1 / 4 1,
test. But though noliodripairelletWiik.-j
-me, toy reputation •for valor-,,,Wored-a>1.4.1
who din quarrel amourthermillsensoinainK ,
their grievances-to erbium - doe. Ansi 0041411. 4
one nista called nut arrotherse-.
happened to be acquainted -teith adoo..woor‘
su=e- to call upon me a his friend frriemit:
insisting that 1 should act tishiCanowillo+.44:
In such cases I generally
leasing my wife to tell fibs : aboet4isarlitainfti
lof my health. But occasiondly
ken by surprise. and. ObligedAw4oo6olll.4
communi :at i .n with the riesperatneiudlor-;.A.
ger; I then astonished him liy.mrsoari‘sa - ' l ..
tend ucies, always ealiiloting iagthing
valor, save its- het er ran Disempsini.. - ,4iirmart .
ma .y insia.occs 1 was the as!ppyjilloapiitti4
preventing bloottibett, : bririgtag slOotstatir.
satit.n of hostilities itt goys mom auspacort,
ted by my indisuant Principal, fer 11 , 4wPOL-.7.-
scrupled at compromising ltia
secret, making an unauthorised ssillplngsnel
and concessions on his part; antliANl-1311Wi
made persons shake pandas-whiksiircuAa ,
had they known all coutioaeil
And surely I was vigil: My lettreflie4a . " 4 "
meriting cracked Ftiendshipit thateals
hest that could bo adopts:4, 'tis ilea Aim, -
exchange rishots okew prtothreitellloo46-; -2
ciliation, always provided-. the> Pitiatiditelai --
are -not externally separated by liestiktui 6 "
'Exchange' in proverbially 'no flotdiery: -
but an exchange of shots is apt twin* nos'''
of the combatants - of i life. - - Hy petßeffor
plan was therefore far preferable: • lermir- -4 ,1
forth arstkorized to euerirt itaiittesagierei
But as I invariably submitsued' the UMW
accent of apology and correhiatiodit
tbe opposing patties together hi atitattatti4- 10
MC way, eactibeing Ulu) anima itisidie:
other,wss themes. whir had
der, and made
now seta -then estrOW4 Waciparieitatablia'
n fitguidesuismatfi4oivitb_ifitseer eltiii' 3
oppositeparty. and to Xedtetermiaaliii"
to extricate myealg bat what ate ftbiteita.
pared with th-r:eilimioarnibsposiAliiiiifirm: ,
I shudder as I _ a writsethenitamsb;lind ihanr;--46
certain, that all pettcsablf it - tatted perstaithui?
will applaud micesadein Demi, heille-=
er, my tender regard Inglis* wtelfeeirtilV
others very - nearly brortght-sbeitemarissefiL-'
destructioni and tharrit bappeavidt
_.Cietn4Slipslop, my wife'Slttelthlt
Cornet: in due course of time lenteletPl i
caPtauri and eaTarine-InnadOK.
ever. Iterrontli incite* later A :. n
leave,. to vibe us in _
vir were tame any titiatennt411:4110 01 ,1 1 140: : ?;
1*aad444 1 4 1 5 11 440, 1 10•4 0 * - A0 4 40 1 fr i,, - -
4 . -. 4115;t4pA-,,