Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 01, 1842, Image 2

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    xi - since the establishment of the pre
sent system of government. It it sound
10 is subject to the control of the people's
representatives. But the bank note cur
-rainy width Mr. Clay and his follovvers
Want, is .a currency unsound, uncertain in
amount and value, and is to be issued by r
men who are to be really and. truly rim- --Whitt meanies 4'lltelttaCiVaril.
spibisible not to the nation,but to 'a few i This meeting held on last Thursday ev
stockhrilders and they chiefly foreigners.' l'ening, in the sth Ward, was a dry affair.
Another point will be blunted , 'in our ,Th ere i sas no enthusiasm
next.' s ANTI=JANus. coonskins nor
hard cider, though several speeches contain
lag the usual quantity of slang, bitterness
anti nonse4. Old fashioned federal dem—
agoguism provailed—it %A as sticking fritt
all coVer. Lawyers and gentlernen. of lei. .
sure were plenty. 'Squire Lightner took
the chair and behaved, in our opinion, very
welL Vice Presidents and BecreKierr were
appointed, and a Committee to clitifrresolu
tions—one of whom was Joe Barker!!!
They then got to work, a lawyer named
Forrester made the first speech. He lick
ed it into the poor Loco locos and went it
hard for a Tariff.
Next was a Mr. Miller, (who is he!) he
followed in the footsteeps of his predeces
.Mr.-Wise, in a letter to his constituents, just
pobßibed, says:
informed and authorized, by one who saw
theMarresaript draught of the act or 1833 beiore
iwzp offered, to state, that when Mr. lay drew
i.144414.ff 1833, and showed it to his friends in
handwriting, after the - Manse which pro
-16-deiathat only aria duties dull be laid as are
Messer) , fisr an economical administration of the
Gritentinitut, after the 30th of June, 18•0, the rol
ler-wing words, or other wards precisely equiva
lent, wore added, to wit: O .AnJ such as shall
be kid withora reference to tilt protection of any
donteirtio articlts whatever.
.' -This was the form (as it stood at firat) of the
gomality designed to begiven in the compromise
ant).lPat the G.wernment should return to
,its een
iiiitirtional function of levying taxes for publi
Riad of private us s. They were to be impaired
*witliont reference to protection.' It was thus, in
express terms, that Mr. CLAY agreed to abandon
bie-protective policy.
.Tht, mode ofexpressing the idea that the rev
enue power could only be '3onstitutionally exerci
sed to raise money for the Government—nut for
the rises of particular classes—was curtailed, pro
bably,to save appearances, and because the omit
ted part was implied in that retained. The
pledge was declared simply in these words: 'Sven
NINTFF.' Saying that the duties should be laid on.
for revenue, excluded their imposition in refers
eves to protection. The latter might accrue as
tne mere incident. but was not to control. the pri•
teary object.
•So far lrom this stipulation being observed by
the followers of Mr Clay in the late tariff imposed
that; it is absolutely reversed; and such du
tise are now kid as are onty necessary for be
protection (or rather the promotior.) of private in
terests; and what is worse, at the expense of the
ne,ceisities of any, the most economical adminis
tration ofthe Government The revenues of the
treasury will he greatly reduced by the excessive
imposts levied on cottons, woolens, and a multitude
of othir articles, for the express purpose pf pre
emitting their importation, and giving the mane
-1 karats a monopoly, and a power to tax the
cotiontinity for themselves.
The 'Great Transparency.
Mr. Clay's retreat from the Senate was heralded
by,himself as a retirement to the peaceful shades
of Ashland, for the repose and seclusion for which
he had been pining so long, and which had always
eluded him in consequence of the pressing calls of
public dutv, But he was resolved to be baulkd no
longer, and with tearful eyes bid a final adieu to
his public associates. This occurred nn the last
dsy.of March. The next day, the ht of April,(All
Fool's day) we find him publishing an abusive let
ter - against the man who occupied the Chair he
had inierrintriguiog for es er since his baTain with
Adams. This was peaceful retirement with a yen
- peace
g i be day after his resignation he commenced
a war upon President Tyler, which he very wel
knew (and it was so designed) would continue to
rage with increasing fury until .the autumn of
---We next find him abusing the President in a
three hours' speech ayhe *white virgin heifer bar
' in Lexington.
We next see him 'stt mping it' in Ohio, and
accepting an invitation to prearobulate the State
of - firdiana as soon as he turned the tide in the
"fluekort State'
After subduing frigiana, we learn that he is to be
taken to Minhigan, and we see that the Detroit
Whigs are maturtnz arrangements for hi! recep
tion. He will doubtless 'stump it' in ev - eiy Slate
in the Union. He is a real 'old coon' Reader,
is nit Mr Clay's.retiretrent to the Shades of Ash.
land' a perfect transps rencyl--1 Madirenian.
3:tektite of New Orleans.
The first time I wended my steps towards the
'pot where this battle wad lough., E was alone.
with no Companion BOVC my owa thoughts —not
always-the best company in the world. I had, in
Fact, stolen a march unon my worthy host, who
had thrtatened to accotnpsny me, much against
my wish, as I could never
.bear to have my mu
singainierrnpt•ol when visiting a place which has
either been hallowed by tradition or consecrated
by -song. 1 had taker, care to py . ovide myself
willi-Goodwin's biography of General Jackson,
which answered all the p u rposes et a guide. The
ST I4 'o U ( '‘ct that attracted my attention was the
well ittiown Cfpress Swamp, where General Jack
son erected'hisfantous breastwork, whence he ra.
Iced the Plitglish troops so eff•ctively on the fatal
atir 'pl_lmutiry. It is seldom that the annals of
-_ Warfare.thiee prektoted anything more gi4anttc in
..-7.-,'., • coiscCjrthli, 'or bold in execution, than ii is stupen
tatetti'irelleirte of defence; nor is it posgrble to con.
,tr i eritte,- need'at this distance of time, the won
_ ity perseverance and fortitude, which
, *n General exhibited throughout, with
tint-htunglApressed with a profound sense area
eseniiti:for the genius and military skill. Much
--..•-= 'ls I - bad-inlaid . bf this celebrated battle, and the
leiccits - which. attended the. American alms, I had
ittioet• , formed a -jog , conception of the position
.77::„Tiji,liiiit the , American, army oceapied, nor of the
, *- - Ylitiinr
.materials 01*w : bleb-it was formed. Bred op a
4***ll — iroyself, and well acquainted with military
' Tollitaiek 1-would rather , hive 'been the author of
... ;.;044,defence, than have planned the proudest but-
Ali-ever won either by We-lington o f Napolpor.—
What, added greatly to thw glory of General Jacks
a.m. was the supcitor number <of the enemy—the
wel-known bravery of the Brifish troops, and the
intrepidity and caper , ence of the galttnt offv...ers
that commanded them. flow 'Avidly rime before
my ireaginatiosr, as I stepped rilently along the
lieliks M the, Mississippi, the whole line of the
~ -Siiiish force, advancing with. the, utmost delibera -
tide ins - diri columns, confident of attecess, and
with dreirtestiines and ladders, fully_prepared to
elorrdthe .American worts: Hon! well I could
fancy Use ; : discharge . of art illery'which broke Open
the Entliid, line, causing them.toatagger and fall
back in elementary confusion.,,Tbon' the intreps
ad Packenfiam,- Making vigorous. alferoptain rats
ly his.dienerloo.inlifiers, arhdontwithstandingl4e
terrible-hist:wind/iv id thk4erankiiVoitOd agdity
and _again reetraiterl the aesatilti Lairt'..of all; the
_the- !Mantis who,rtteablet. .10 artand.itbe'4
-continued blavi of destru,ction Feared . in- tiPc" , i
theits,itidlishr fir - tined' at this ImakAnimeat ,all 4,
their general officers, ,vetreatett in tilirr!iiy , :.T!"3!4,
interointem-of Provident* rotasi never more din .1
played than in the . rout, lts nflthie , battle-Teities f
....tild t Random Seola.art Snot/seat fireekki. '11: . 25 l
, r , : 'Ajlillh!L•ferl °flkdifilsoodburis gs::
:fibitlii ,:rbeik:o43ll agas4l3l,ag- builol Ilt t h e g
.1-rstoti Inca 1t
mole eobalY, ^ great.
im GIVIOI " ' '. t in, ...., --
however very
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iiTURDAY OCTOBittI 1 :. %
LD . AiLy . htoitTilo - -To
'lif:. !pIJ •
Next came the Don. Derma'. Denny,
who inflicted a, speech on the meeting. He
urged them to go the Union Ticket--talked
about the loco focis and the importance of
a Tariff. He also charges the Democrats
with involving the State of Pennsylvania in
debt?! Is it possible that any of his bearers
could swallow such an assertion?
Then we were favored with the report of
the,Committee, read by Mr. Stewart, %dm
made a speech. Ills speech and report
were pretty much like the other speeches
—not worth much.
Mr. Dunlop, (our good natured fellow cit
izen) made the concluding speech. He
paid the ticket was unpopular but that it
must .be swallowed.
Joe Barker did'ot speak. What's the
matter with Joe?
They then adjourned.
A Comparison.
The Whigs stout over their victory in
Vermont with a degree of enjoyment which
shows that they dreaded a different result.
And they attempt to show that the over
whelming democratic success in Maine, was
owing to their supineness;that they permit
ted the election to go by default! The fact
that Edward Kent, their atrongesl man, I
the man with whom they succeeded in 1837
was their candidate at the late election, is
proof of the falsity 44 is. But the enm.
parison4the results in Vermont and Maine
affords better ;pryer. that their defeat was
Caused by the permanent decline of their par
ty. In 1840 Vetwrottt went for Harrison
by 15,000—now they have it, by 2000.
In 1840 the whiffs carried Maihe by 400—
now they lose it by 12,000! In both states
the Democrats have gained immensely—
some 12 0r,14,000 in each. The Whigs
have lost as much—and yet they will cry
victory, in Vermont, and blame Gen. Apa
thy in Maine!
A Definition.
For years th e Democratic rresses have
endeavored to coax or drive the federal
editors into some explanation of the term
'loco foco,"—some reason why they ate.
Cached that name to the Democrats. The
only answer they have given is a reiteration
of the epithet. But at last we hear some
thing approaching a definition from the Ga
zette. That paper of yesterday assures us
that a contest is going on between the Post
and the Chronicle for the publication of the
List of Letters—and the editor remarks-that
he will soon see whether "loco focoisin or
meanness" will gain the day. Thank you,
Deacon White, for your candor; of course
'loco focofsm" di:c4meanness" are antago
nist gcalities. The definition is sufficient
ly explicit and entirely satisfactory. We
I have the authority of the Gazette for say
' ing that 'loco focoism" and "meanness" do
.:not harmonize.
Rohbery in the New Yolk Custom Holuse.
The Uni9 of the 27th says that the "Collector
this morning made• c ornplaint —again* one Mr,
eirrguett, who was found by-the' watcbruen ste.
tioned inside or the Public gtore, : No. 12 Broad
stteet,concealed be.`•inti some bivies in . this third
story. The man had, by me:.nsvfan iron lustre
alentopened a ease of goods. and••juat began to
lig them eat. He bad opened the iron window
Shutters of a window in the rear of , the store, and
was no doubt ready to pass outthe goods to 191111)
accomplice on the . outside."
Elestruettwe Fires.
A Steam MiWand Wool Carding Machine ! —the
forater belonging to Messrs. Jack 4. Rankin, and
the latt-r to Mr. Hugus,—in New Salem, % est
teeirehttoi,onfinty.—were totally destroyed. The
likeipuldicanmaysit sopporad`to be the work of
4 . l l l Wilight, incelOiC7-•
Aleloo an Fspladioa - • •
linildincittinin4 I.lni.annery
levy company, at liet!ra, ft ! 1., was set 04.17;
'w re tortnnately dinswertni Ist titnein•be safeettail,
;. mid Itir low Wallin; Oqui- 7 4*
;Af l . 41*. repac,u4lita have 1,,i14k..'' . :: 14 / / f 4bm* 0 . 10
_rani.knrD l 3eas in itxitlinut sio pundit'
; •
4 AU Sou trtirtiso*
kritiCileraM.brroesikkf rnoto4saintoo.,
ees the a rierarY editor the Bain
papea.co niales thefolkow Mr.
Not sotarit Mr. Pest,
Lest yen hear what is true;
Since God's taken.
We , the devil give yt..u.
Is that his first effortt If so, we may for
great things.
UTA spirited Suffrage Clam Bake has been
held at Dartmouth.
Dinuerorg is going ahead with his new The
atre at Louisville.
Rhode Island Affairs.
A letter to this Boston Democrat, dated Pruvi.
denei Sept 22, gays
"We are looking upc again in this city. The
Algerines are alartrilikat their own conduct, as
well they Indy be. kregtrisition from Gov. Da
vis to Gov. King, Air the body - of W. P. Blodgett,
has just arrived' in the city. lie is .indicted in
Norfolk eounty for burglary, in breaking ofori the
house in Bellingham. Their own acts will -de
stroy them; every move they make plunges them
deeper inlet difficulty. The usurpers are in con"
vent;on at Newport, but will accomplish -nothing.
We had a glorious meeting at Washington Hall
on Monday evening; the spirit of 16 seemed to
pervade the whdle assembly. The grand juryfor
this county will meet week eller atezt.
.!"The Mermaid is astonishing the natives at
Boston. The Democrat says the striking re.
semblance between her ladyship and a celebrated
whig politician, is a subject of generatritrirk.
and attracts many visitors to •tote B.:ston
0z:7 -Counterfeit hall eagles have made their up
pearance in New York.
LIJ"The maidermarn^ of MIN. Tyler was Letiti'i
Ott—The B **ton papers caution the public
against a man named Stower, who pretends to be
a lieutenant in the army, but who is said to be a
rhn.vote of lowa against a sties government
is 2696.
ez:rMr. Pray, foimerly editor-of the Boston
Herald., is publishing a penny paper In London.
o:frThertiew Jersey Whigs can't, go 'honest
John Davis" for'theVice Presidency.
(:-A prolific vein of gold, eit , nding nearly 20
miles, has been discovered near the Bay of St.
Francisco, in Upper California.
117 James Fennirnore Coopee has recovered a
verdict for $2OO, in a libel case against Tburlow
Weed, editor of the Albany Evening Journal.
(The last census shows but 759 persons in
the United States over 100 years o•f age.
ITTAn individual near 'lsfontfeal has been de
tee..sd in forging his father's n line to the amount
of.£lB,Coo. He has fled to the States. •
UzrEdmund Eccles has been tried at Bristol,
(R. 1 ,) for stealing the coffin platen from the tomb
of toe lYt.4 (*mil', and convicted.
113 The Trenton Emporium says Ike( New Jar
sey will go fur the Deinoci sts positively.
Rather Expettaive.—The recent riotr in Piffle
delphia cost the city $1,373.
Ozy-On I y 200 persens have applied for the ben
egt of the Bankrupt Law in New H unpshire,
Strong in the Faith.—Many of the
Millerites are so confident of the llestruc.
tion of the world on the 23d of April neat,
that they are disposing of their property
and settling their earthly affairs, in order
to devote the remainder of their lime to
making preparations for the great event.
We wonder if the Parson is still specula•
ting in lands—now would be a glorious op
portunity to buy cheap.
North and West.—The Equestrian
North married a Miss West. The matri•
monial squalls wilt be regular North-west
When we see worth clothed in poverty
respected and honored, and scoundrelism
clothed in scarlet and 'fine gold despised, we
shall say tbe world is honest. A great
change must take place before we make the
important announcement.
New version of Sampson's valor.—An
Irish preacher descanting on the strength of
Sampson, said, "That with a jaw-bone of
an ass, he put a thousand Philistines to the
Something New.—ln Indiana they are
making molasses from corn stalks. It is
acid to be better than the molasses made
from engar cane. P has the appearance of
strained honey. The Hoosiers are waking
There is a new sect lately sprung up in
England, which acknowledges nothing as
truth in the New Testament except what
they term its democratic spirit.
Rather Hard.—The taxes to be raised in
the City and County of Philadelphia this
year, will amount to one million of dollars.
hard case.—No roan can be elected to
the Legislatere in Will county, Illinois,
until he gets married.
Dan Marble is playing at St. Louis.
We have found out that hatching ideas is
not so profitable as hatching chickens.
'Well Miss,' said a knight of the birchen
roil, 'can you decline a kiss?'
.yes sir,' said the girl, dropping a per
plexed courtesy, II can—but I would rath
er not.
Commentary.--Bennet says New
York could give Sodom and Gomorrah
eight in a game of ten grins; and beat them
-at that!
The Albany Argns contains a notice of
ae std pensioner—Mrs. Warren, of• Oswe
-gweonnty--mow in die TOsth year of her
age. There are also nn the Albany-Pen
sion list two persons of the - advanced age
of 104 years.
A late ariival:from Liberia rePreseata the
*fairs of that eolony in a flourishing con-,
dition. This successor of:Governor
chaaan is a tcolored _ntao,..by the name of
ft*kbetis. - 4 _
" Tomato ihurapting*, will be fashionable
=ono time.,
- -
.40150;10,0uniliii**en. Lonts. i .
shortly,d e s fl ay c re
heirik hiO4 00 itinett 1 0:0341 kiln•
person gifted' D. Hoover, politica
himself upori the good people of Columbus.
Masi., as a licensed preacher; he stated
he was from Pennsylvania. Be has been
found out. and published as an impostor.
The Yellow Fever was raging at Tam
pico, at the latest dates.
Seventy:seven horses were recently kil
led by lightning in a stable in Douay,
The N. Y. Herald says that Webster has
no jjitentio • of-leaving the Cabinet. his
is what said before.
Old 4pough.—A German paper says a
farmer lately died at Felsoe Foerock, Triton
sylsania, who was in the -135th year of his
age. lle always enjoyed good health, and
worked in the 'field until just before his
The Suffrage Ladies of Providence are
getting up a Fair on a very extensive scale
for the benefit of the suffering families of
those - who have been compelled to flee from
their homes by the cruelty of the Algerines
it will be held on the 18th of October.
The :rial of the Rev. Mr. Verron for per
juring is in progress in the'New Yatic Ses
The Hon. John C. Clark, M. C., of N.
Y. is dangerously rill of Typhus Fever in
Dalton, Mass.
./111for Love. —Two Wacks killed a third
one in Baltimore on the - 21st. inst. A lady
was at ti:e bottom ()fit.
Tire whigs of Richt!.lind ofte - red Botts
a dinner, bin he had no appetite.
We see it stated that the Arch Stree*.
Theatre is doing lithe business. This
is Charles Porter's house—Good !
Q^ Mrs. and Miss Barnes have gone to
Yellow Fever, in N, 0. on the 19th. inst
14 admitted, 3 discharged, S died.
Savanna is healthier this season than
fur many years
The, Rev. Dr. Mbliarty has delivered
a Lecture in Lancaster on the subject of
Pigeons and Prairie Chickens are as
thick as hops in lowa.
Coal.—The total amount of shipments
from the Schuylkill region this season, is
331.422 tons.
The effects of the Grand Gulf Bank
are advertised for sale by the Sheriff'.
Diek9W New Work.
The New Yclik Aurora;' has by some means,
pilfered the for.owing extract from Buz's new work
on America. It is given as a specimen by which
we way jut;ge the whol:
'Levees are hluff4 on American rivi ra, where
slaves colfireg rte to d inne their ahori : inal dan
ces, ane at which great (planate,: of witcrm%dons
are drat tr. Paw 1'11(03. a aiecies of large cher
ry, is used on the Mississippi in feed an animal
called Ho',aier, arid the , atn , i riv .r abounds with
an odd fi-11 called Sucker. It is great sport in a
town in Kentucky, to shoot Lit the Corn Crack
ers, a species of birds that 'toles' the houses. The
.country, on the whole, is well worth a visit; but
we advise a traveller to carry a life preserver,
for when the steamooat 4 are heavily loaded, and
after the passenzers have paid their fare, they o
pen a boiler and blow some of the passengers
overboard to make room for those they expect at
the neat landing.' •
Disgracetnr 4 Outrage.
The folllwi.tg account. or a daring atirageColll.
mitted in tkitrat county, Ga., we glean from a
letter to the Editor of the Cassvil'e Pi..neer, da
ted Sept. 13.-0.1 the night of tho Saturday pre
vious, the Sheriff's office was broken open, and all
the papers taken therefrom, relming to the hazi
ness of the approaching - term of the Cireat Cc*ti
and all others, in fact; and on the night previous:,
the Clerk's office was entsred, and all the papers
taken, troret her with the records, minutes of cour
and other books. Who the author of this daring
outrage is, yet remains a mystery, and is even be
yond probable conjecture—bat time will solve all
things. ,
Philadelphia.—There are more accounts reach
us front "city of brotherly 'love . ' of murders,
suicides, abductions, swartwouting, frauds. r. b
heries, thefts, etc., etc,.. than from all the other
cities of the union. Philadelphia is getting, to be
a nice place—very.
The Canton, Ohio, Democrat ask.; for informa
tion of one John Sheridan, a printer by . , : tradewho'
+A that place last April to visit some' friends in
'Fittsbnrgh and Johnstown, and has not since been
'heard of. Persons who may have Beet or heard
any thing concerning him, will do an act of char
ityby sending information to the office of the
Canton Democrat, or to his father at Bryan, Wil
liams county, Ohio.
- Ky-Some person has presented MiasC. Cush
man with an ancient volume of "Beannsowt. and
Fletcher. containing 50 plays. It bears the irn.
print of 1627.
"Those who have been disappOinted in
prom ing copies of the Chronicle, contain
tng tee Visionary: will find a large portion
of ii , in , next Saturday's , "Iron City."—
/gorning Chronicle, 29 - h inst.
Then won't hey the "Iron City" of
- 11nottSittuidayi!nor will I hey the Chronicle,
until-the= editors bave finished that Tom
Fool's story. We. have had visionary "'to-
nes enough from;the lute C - ingress of the
U. States, in tryingto head Captain Ty
ter—andntir c i ty C ouncils , have a vision
on hands,at present, of erecting
a -Market , Hone, and a gteat Town Rouse
in, the centre of one tbe, most beautiful
streets nfour city. This latter Visionary
will demand our akt.ten*ti for sometime
coate. , •
azteowea4.4.. =
- 7. - -t
hiarOgg occurred ate Windham, ft - i son
day last. It appears that a partially insane man
vaned Rpm:Ming, of Nets 'lpewieh , lA {llls State,
bell his home a short time ago and went to Wind
ham. Last week his brother went there after
him for the parpose of bringing him back. On
Sunday niorninghe wan standing in a -dhea with
him, seemingly peacemb'e and quiet,:when he re.'
ceived en his head• a wooed inflicted with an ale
by the mad man, which eaased his desth in a
few hours. The insane brother has been lodged
in Newlane jail to await his trial."
A Pontiac (Michigan) paper .of the 16th inst.
save—•"A most terrific storm of lightning, wind
and rain, passed over this village and towns adja.
cent, on Monday last. The principal damage
appears to have been sustained, gofer as we have
learned, about five miles north of here, where it
is , said that in one place, within the compass of
two miles-square, no less than fourteen barns and
houses are :unroofed. Oak and hickory trues
three and four feet through, were blown down
and twisted off in Any quiritity. T:te row's in
many places are represented to be so'full of fallen
timber as to he entirely impassable:"
To the Editors of the Morning Post
Slaving seen several articles in tle.Mnru.
ing Chronicle designating the Editors of the
'Morning Herald' as the Editors of the 'Safety
Guard.' & as I eon dived it was to produce an im
proper impressiin upon the public mind I called
upon the editors of that paper for the purpose of
ascertaining why it was done. Among other ex -
planations which they m ide me, they told me that
'the term had ori,rinated in the 'Post,' which upon
examlnatidt. I find to he the case—see tic article.
in your paper of 27th inst. Now I desire to tell
you as wall as the public that-g do not •
my safety guard the power (as you set't
timate) of preventing the explosion of - . 7:..tif
the political parties of the day; nor is aiiKir t gie
proceeds of the inwrition applied la 'lie support of
any paper farther than to pay for its regular ad
Yotrare perfectly it 'Ai:fly however - At) say that
the sl'ety guard is fully 'capable to prevent Lite
explo ion 01 any boiler, whether belonging . • to
whie.s,l.)e..fneos, er antimAsorre, snit if antg o
ttman will take the trouble in call at my office
I wilt make it appear to their full satisfaction
that the orinciples ofthe screty guard arc as true
as Euclid, and further, that they are designed for
the public good a thine which in my opinion
would puzzle either or he p ulitic,l partici to
Prove. What think you Mr Post?
Very re=pectfully, &c.,
[IF Mr. Evars proves that the prinCiples
of the Safety GI-arc:l-are true and designed
for the public good, as we have no dolibt
he can, we shall he very glad of it--but
his proving this will obviate the necet,sift
of .:rir attempting the same thing.]
I have heard of a transaction between two Mar
ket tdrettt Ati.ttrchants - (Bank Directors, to:).) and a
e-ebtienoin near the city--,which would dkgrace
Bt ly IVlollen.
It appears that th t tvo
_merchants are owners
of some Lots of ground on Virgin alley, which the
gentleman wanted to purchase for a particular
porpose, and which loth they offered, and positive
ly agreed to sell, at a certain spittuified price.—
The 'gentleman was satisfied wad' the price, and
set himself to w irk to comply with his part of the
'iargain. Whim he hrd compl , ted the arrange
mentg he called on the two merchants to comply
with the contract. But, 1.) his surpti,e the Mort.
chant , refused to ratify the cont - act, unless the
gentleman w,ml I agree to pay them $2.10 more.
Now the c , uet of such mercenary creatures
should be exposed. They 'Ascertained, after they
had contracittd to sell the lots, that the purcha , er
was very anxious shout the lots, and they thoUght
they could screw $?.00 more out of
A boy in Maine fifteen years old has
been sued 'fora breach of promise !
Q . ALT —2OO b Ala No. I Sall, jii.t received, and for
sale by J. W. BUII.FIRIDGE 4 CO..
oct 1— No 75, Second street..
sale b 9
()AKU4I.-25 Bales Oak 3 nn , : v . l u ha ß n s ti ß a ni nc a l
E fo 4 !
No 75, Secohd sheet.
T ' THE PUBLIC. 124 d. yerriti. entarly to nry forcer •
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine. I maybe Permitted`lo say, that it
has Intlett to the lot oc lmt few persons - to have enjtiyed
so liberal or larie a share of obstretrical practice as my
own has.heriU for tit , last 30 or 40 years,
The experience of that long period of active life, and the
fact of my having been twice, - since (830. associntedAvitti
Or. 11. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, (In both a
period of five years.) -- enables me to judge fully of the
merits - of his pills.
So - convenient, so efficient, and yet so see. did f sateen
these pill...l:int for the 'last fere yenta in my praCtice Tor
the cure of chronic disesise.i.of whieet , er cams, and sane
of females in - parlicul.ar,l have used more of them than
all other medicines.
Like every Miter medicine. this most fail - in some in
stances, hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
meet nod morr satisfaction in t:ic administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing me.
If my patient required 'a safe aperient medicine either
tw.fwe or .n fter pa rtu rition, the Wllsort's•pilts were just"
the thing 1 Wanted.
If a drspept lc acid condition of.the stomach, combined
wit it costlverrss or Inactivity of the liver constituted the
Idisease of my patient, - the pills were just the thing t
ir. I treated a case requiring an emutenagogne, the
Witson's pills were just the thine I wanted.
I I' palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, iii•other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance_ of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient •t the *taro
of lire,' the Wilson's pills Werejust the thing I wanted . .
Thus, without rostuet to the name, a dallease.`lnfeli
happen to wear at the time I have hill itisiidirlreat
ment, particular indications or ovnintons arising.` were
al —ays mo=t promptly, and most happily met bl i the.
Wit:totes pills, •
Thet-so great a number oftlisesales, and eornetlitieep.
narebtly opnogite enes, In which itave seed'these pills,
sinned be clued_ more readily by them thin by any Other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory. hat
why it is so lg./Mclver to my mind-as that a ereat 11211111 f
persn'ns should become thirsty from rar many difirent
cause.s.and yet all requirethat common a ridtreatest of
all blenings, water to quench their thirst.
conctu.ion, it is due the eputation of 4. 1 1* medicine
and the nubile, to say-decidedly and tmeonditlonall y, that
the Wilson'e pillstretheonty eUmhination f hare ever
.et with In my lone course oforattiee, that really pow
ewes anything curative or specille for sick headache,
Years •Ifttit. MITA it oksts._•
The above Piths desianed'partlealerir Toryttie sick
nape. Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of thelloivefi 1114
nreasted by the proprietor •Of Witiion, :Ctid rot
talc, W
wholesale and retail, at his - tits:tinny; itiVerinstreet
be ' , : •','' • Oil
For the Motnint Post
Terrible Tornado.
.. . . , .
A 1TT1.901...re Dvegeiste end ' Veistitir_ Nov
skants,--Thore valuable -evtieltsg . WllinfteVe
BALM OF COLINRY A for tlier llpirs tiiiliket,A.lNl '
At ET for the Piles; tr... have - hebin'eieeeistfeft ibianter:'
iVifed. Those venting' these -stsstriViiiiitu‘eittl - pleitse'
erdeuessugesek's articles- The tritel:hittellit tftitite__
.. .lil a(
polite or sionoture eitvays lot ifl*0 , 411140ef , ./tilanrgswer-if
will •dtvitiell . W rein:tabor gat. when , Iriettft. the; Is '
clearipiaktilllitaraOdatititttlottutry, that iiio-alatidiot:
At yhOdi 1111011VitOlie so itaftatitaiaelieftlibtli„
F ine
- ,he a
'igtOhtlte oirtionay ha laid 4. 71141**AiRt
mat' rSrditlai- itki )14,1r:WOd• -- '''''''
17s1=a 1 S..;; .4,,;"4,,..:4;;;:ii:•'-'•--4
wi t los . v At cotopr
1 4444 1 4
of promise of marria ge , h„
cal student, 4250 to ab l ;',
Vlt is stated by th e
ligencer that the Hoe.
has been retained as
Alestandei, who murdered
in Philadelphia,
0- . ..When we are yo N
ly employed iu p row
whereby we may live
we grow old; and whew ae
ceive it is too late to live u
There are in the Phila.
two men, three - boys, tied
of whom are employed on
ton's steamer.
N. W. Corner of Wood
Tnz proptifelois of the
and the patrons of chose paper ! t h y
and well chosen assortment of
• 07iffallillet
AND &ILI ©111a12114
Neeersarylo a Job Niatin6o64ll
pa:Nike:o ft
Printed pp the shortest notirearihx
Wrie.4l44eci to Ily ask the paironA,
UjtjftblKAn general in Ilikhrit.e d
Sep'. :39, 1R42.
i"-IzAr.a.tr ELDER, Atiotre,
• Rakewell's tinhhills a , xaa l
teari Ilottee. on Grant sired.
169, cornier of Liberty and
jr CJliirarß/G/IT relottn
LP •
ell zens of Pirtsbnrylvzfnt Tine .
dinary tratrona,ze he haAterelorort
still to merit a continual ion d the
mined to manufacture all :micro 14
stinerior to any thing of the kind ern
and that 'f'd tstm reit shall well merits'
The subscriber having always an
sive stock of Home At anu factered g , •
Western Country, woe d particularly'
of Surgeons, Dentilyl.a and Dm:loots
For the Morning Coat:
Wanted imme !lately, n :nod 10C2l1
none neril apply 101 l ibr IM woriann
CRRDTTORS lake noti❑e,thnl n~
Codri of Comknon Ptenß or .1/t ,
IM benelli oft he laws ennemifivMe '
Wants. and that satd Court lin)
in'OctOtter next. et the Court fictm,
the hearing orlis and our credit 01S,
MRS , al Nu& it you think proper.
R 018 FM .411 .I,IK Matcher. erne - lan
Drea.soct Cannot:it ,Skindretser,
sett 30-31
I Riiig or Lntlin. i
C 8 01 tteadv,
Wank Che pa,
— X[f Mutts of VII
Sta g e, Steamb'oat, and Canal Bret
priate Cu,,
Surgical Instrument
Hard ware Merchant: to I sslat ,
flan!cf rs, tailors, Halters and Hair N.
of Potent Shears, kcotc.
And Ihat his eslah khinentbeint n.
the caßh principle. per , ons dearntod
once discover 1 he ad va nine of calliq
elaewitarr.:jobtdng done in a superlia
lbaii ever.
I. o_l4 , direrlin2 his sole:1140411i
er with INv frig in his fsmil , y the DIA
men, lit !es to merit the approbttttt
Ia rmp.
1) - EDIC4TION. —The new Cr
will he dedicated to
en next Sitilnith, tOclorier NJ; nm
o'Onelc in (he irtOrnilmt. three in thes
in tile The Ordination o,
Warr in ctie :Thermion.. Al fort,
Fill be taken for the porposr of
debt on ate Church. ft In 6°1 , 011101i
rOty of our citizens will he rxliiiiited
Piwkotay be rented nny sfte, noon the
etairch hrtween two and fire u'rl
hdving associated thentnorr ,
firm of Hampton ¢ Smith, wiictooli,
Dry Goods business in the how r
Date pton, - Smit 4-Co. tvaere they sill
few days a new stock of Fah and Wisl
respertfully invite their old friends,ar
•Pirisbargh, to call • •
OR,SA/J.l.—A coed assortunsl
10-12, and 1014 Window Sash
putty. White Lead and asariety of
customers. For sale on neecumnocksic
Country protium. 18,1404
Sent 28. td'
a Court of A npea., far the
lgt. Brigade. 15th Div limo. Pennqtre
'held at the house of James A rrusirOn.l.
1E1) rutsturgh. on Friday, the 7111 dal
at 10 o'clock, A: M. A Court of AP •
the 147th Ce2inieut, at the saa:e
at 3 o clock I'. M.—when and where
may atter:d. Co's. Wage and Hamill ,.
han will conga it nie !he Court, if ar
present may 9LIIIStiIUte, By order of
. Pep t.I 'lllO3. MAO".
MECHANIC:' Independent •
Philadelphia and !tiger!.
iferebandize to and from. Pittsbargi.
aiui Peamoytaarrirt
fatsortit ,
Tha,stocit of this Line consists of
Cars; Meta Roofs, and New Deetai •
ewnitnanded by sober and ezrieri oo6l'.
Aderattanti by this Line are
Giiiidslattinped - as ellen p. and WOO
'fitany oi her Line. One float
'not of Willow at reef *
.Raii Road on
.or a Stoma Boat, which is kept
The Proprietors will give their
'respectfully Invite Western Merely
call, - ow they will dadll. much to I
All goods consitned WiThes
'wise or via DelawaTe and Raritan l'
ed at thek-warehouse.fool. al' Mhos
Phlladelph.la, where loads can he Pe j
, Vessel into the Boats without adtllW
; pease:
WILLIAM BEILId AN' * t° , r ,
help Orinad: to floittlaysbaiT ,
' 11.1.. PATTERSON. ..
' From Rcrlidaysherch to Patshall''
1 ititsAfdreSgbfatere.tßlBV 4. co.,
vbu cano
P144,07,1' Kunea,Wilkm street
• Orithe fktletware.at Phlladrillilia"
. install E. for*. Bali
L. PATressolt, FolidayshStlll,
Jasse-Parsaitsos, Johnstincs.
Refe2-10 Inere.haatir generallf tb
SIIOZ_A 2, 3,l2 Tilit,k.A.O.—.lnst We 11°
striAt 6, Ind blaach silt
lollettheisitadthlt-esetplete astortlllet,
I" g, Urge awlertmeat braitil
-I.l!rd 29-
.tor.neo.:A ua ll
street, near th.
A=47 , '
ROPe - I . n P
waken!. -
u informed
"Out opt'.
Plane rtro
g fully lb.
, et!. The
M r , John
; utter count
ed by Mee-
y of this cit
the rope
a hem
S care to
„ ch fit:an
loads, w
PP SltittlB
which i
turn of
Dolt of i
forest of
acrd of ou
be enc. ura
higs have
o'clock, at
'll be theta
nday's Post
0 -Night. M
us all try
he. don't h
very much
t pleasure
ratio Asso
inter cour
eserve the
ocrats, au
aching ,
many di
rtog Buigi
idy night la:
Kelvey, in
e person
dves, and t
d some oth
away in a b
here'they w•
ley went in
slept and t
aide. 1:117
re the (laugh
nd took a p
at been ar
) person i
A Fight 7
e took p
on Tues
wa wha
:Went of
a hill, WI)
-7th, its A
• sling I.lls.ehi
wee entirely
e flouxe, w
o doubt or it
learn that th
• d;d tturr d
ing but Ono%
m *has there
o' the boards
he engine, bu
Bull Is Ito
in the numb
uring the tiro
nee Mcelihg:
notch Hill M
s Fie'dm,
a4l•Dridge P
• - • Bill 11
htr corner o
• itibout thir
it, v.
77%1 . 4,
Vie* itri;
: $ IRV&
eijon g
matitnet (41
T .
~ ~