.iovidwil with the Sate, Ctrog lioed with a 'figure octtie apia are oat deceive& by at ing, their boats to be pro i nd o when they are rot tr/Serwrl °Howley is a list of bozos d at the Port of Pittsbeteb—a fhe tan have the bewared 1t45 itspoisible f or age= NNA.FORM I, AN, ILLINO %RA, _ ANS, ..JEWIDiks - ON, MO OF LYONS, CADDO, EY FORGE, INDIAN I, pirr. ER-, GALLANZ, WAT UEEN • ,SS NAIL, DUKE 0 . VICTR osPREv PRATE._ WIND. ETTE. `:YRANI), Ni A, 0, AGNE.,.; i Ihtj!..Z.i. 3lr,tll4TE G N . A,` • TT, s 42 1301G1 A NTH. " ORPHAN' ( PARK, OH 10, .: UN E„ - CECILIA, k I DIE, J H SU H BEND, GALENA,. ETTA, M ENZ.& vet ing - communily ate rennet choice of a beat,ie %% ' , ether a would not he nil 'ay to thoni , e a Safety Card freight, in preference to ~ xplcsion—.ad that ;bey wi Invention has the unquatiflol "I engine huilders—gentlentet iters , tand the stit,lert, and %slat i. —besides a number of rerii.••••• r, en and others--all of whirl' • No 10. Water street, wbere it •• al ail times to eabittit my lake the trouble to call_ CA DWALLA : WA REIIOUSE.—Ifaiina Cr. oof2 , turern.Steuhenville,Oldo.`. .oakinn known to the public '.apex trafitiouPe in rillsiiaqh, doors solotti. of Fifth et.. r; ac here they will keep roost I y of pa per, cooF-istine, of yr', lea and wail paper, and • ,:board, Frlloll with Wltieli they Will k t, ,r a,l scivaul books. ens ive .2ssorl went of '; t. ~; i e 561 d low for cash, or ~ ,act.-=-, ' a ,o {oetu at Sievicari#l, r.,.!-Imr u h, 11. K. Reyookts. 'fa , a .;oatoy of pc r. Ise • Reynohh= is folly enipovieteilieb • . • in the management of their TllOlOl JAlilEi SE E . / 1 W-IXTE-13. — WaOlti 0 r , znotiF. a quantity of Fax ati klrals of Ctusaltry Produce - ~t t•crnis , al A 'IRIS'S lateir— f Coo 111 io n Wareham, 11,1P.T. c Ol. Mil , BOn Jikrekelat . and .9r n criran Mairitraarw, 'I R TO-40, E-q.. rAlsburgh Haf?. _ C ,)inn of 1). 1 , 31 - 1., Hanna. 4/ n 4- Co. •,CoodbuurnC, Madiroa tr.LE FARM FOR EALE-4: , nn which I live. in Wilkio coloairlic_ one bandied r ' 71! arrps of which is cleared. i. . There are upon it tht 01:3 feet by 34; an apple orcha ~, venly acres of coal. The I hat of any upland farm is s. newel on - apyilleal inn to tier , no , ea. WILLIAM WALLA, LIAM C. WALL. Pica tsar Piourc Frame ifirsiif I'ittsborgiL—C3o42.9.3 B always on band- 1 . 00 (mated lo order. Repairiag • ~ ILar attention paid 10 Mildina tin: up Steam 13021 A or bowel V2Ttla:Plo , • TE LEA.ll.—Tbe satmcriLenzi in fo,iiish minters. sod other; e Willie Lead made of the bem ••i 1, if not superior to may OEO • addressed to flaaolap - • n. 111.1 Second street, Pittabordtt• DoNLAr Es rAsHioNABLE, silos , •-i , SL. one doorframe DigiSfigotof h•scriber m - pecltally - littoral and vicinity that he bli s She: re bis own manufactam la he. wall keep constantly ou ba • • ' ail kinds of ladies, nii.coeS , 2 011 _ . oflike ikcst quality. 'which a the titr.es. He will also -A- fancy work—sorb' as '011 1 . 1116 , -. colored gaiters, sod liel0 11 0 6 : ., eastern. silk callers;lte;s" made al the Eshortest nositergad will please ealtaod eV' üb-....criber feels ronfident tha, • ,cle in Itis line they tuay 1. watt . • Don't forget the plate—. l s* -10 • 01:11 Harris's I uteiligeorre kl at ket Street. di ILL 1 SI GBY baying Ar final nest ofthoar4 flortror."." v street and 42 Market etree 4 to the putneroas friends tad.__. 1.4 the very liberal aaltroalt r" iit ari to Wan. in connection °I D. 7.40 . 0 apure them that e.irer9 elgit ; , f . Malin/ration of the saute a 'lv iayile their atteation Sti w.f....which he ialleftitiPClUK as been ever offered, beton 4 " Dle of the stork of tie Nttertri"- aril-as her intends to roeinte • ' hugging, he feels isoadorm i 11111 f'shia.abek. either II ebotiV elli4 workat:lnsbip. se to take notieetbat elferl - in Pittsburgb MUST. 111011110 W" ino' a• Shea Iran Warft._ awl Aleriret Streflor4W4ll bee aR the .40 0 hemema *IA :MI --ror'l4 ~.174:AlAgg&WA4 L_NO 19. PUBLISHED BY & W. Ff. SMITH, ER OF WOOD FIFTH STS. VC poLLAHS a year, payable is ' c rtes TWO CENT :?,--for Fale at the a, and 0 News Boys_ ry and Manufacturer al the .11IDE office, on a doable TACO DoLLAniz a year. is ad. opie.- FIN (-CNTS I fo of Advertising. OF TW NNE 1.1.5F.5 O 1 LESS:. 0.50 , One noriTtl. t 5. - 00 (~, Two mow?. 6.00 IMO , Therenron,hr., 7.00 1.:,0 1 Four mr,,,,11:, R.Oll 3,00 51•1 month'', 10.00 4.00 , One var. 15,00 LY A OVECTI...F.I,IENTS. "GEL C.I.E AT Pt )(AFT'? E. Tr . SfaCrti. t;ir months, !13,00 .3.").00 El S.OO One P'n r. - C OFFICES,&C. rs Third hel rmee Market and Wood d)r. rO. l IMS,er 4th door from Wood Ft. Peter .or Joan IV Mock, Collector. T . Woad In-tween Fir-t and Second R 2 rt,ain, Trf-aszirer rT. Ttord street, next door to the n Chnrcli—S. R. Johnston,TreaPorer. Fourth, letween Market a nd W ood r y. Manor. Food h. near Mark 4!_ n Market and Wood greets, :on . . . fit,rr ,TrillETS: •ND F•RlCgitle - DZ. !v Sr,;, Fund., Fourth. letwtefl .t ".•.• near IV ood 1101 FA,' ree l nearl he Bridge k r, of rern and Si CIA, ,prot, of 71,r11 anti r 0,,, T h ,rd a rtfl Scull Wield iMl= „ r z, op,,,,,elVacnc ..1, • ' Ii S nines=ne Canal 0011 , ;.. ATTORNEY AN D LOR .1T L 1 R._ G Ell= r. otit roPars ie Jr,ht, P. Mahn nt , 1C L!OTT. M. D.— r , ”orrd 1p re. te'r!,i7 f'rs Crel L,Lcrru Si,-, p 10 Vac rt in rt.: . NI d I tnrn fir 11, • plO & :111 1.141 P,. A , torneys3 and g InantonA. Wick 8,100 _ A41 , - rrnan; otraee norih s• . Wnod and Smithfield FCSI 1(1 ITT. v; .e G or,r P. ert if, ing d .rt PT roA tire and Pitt Ffitt 211 Lib crt 157reff , Pitt, Fer l 10 O;11:!MEM1C1:1 t[1.....T1 •n+., and 1; •ed :111,Cr, N Fcp 10 A RAIIIINSION. Law: ,f 111 111,tnn , i, 111 R 1A •••• at ,rl{o. iki: I ,f;ir4 lIMEIIECIIIME=IIIIII F%N. n , rl:o:y 17 NG Fti r 14E Ure r of If a 1,,! -I k E‘rt rr r. A f:r purrl.a, n 01 find it ;0 lis uualei an t i wore. _p\. —I c: , : rrvrred 160 rlitrif.! 11.1 rwrri arni (or rf,,p by d o IS Vl(' H E No ?. Filth - vt t4I V 770 r' t,l t,lf IPI 11 , 3 of Tern in ne 10!\':,f ti LE n - , En nEn - Es ai tile of F SNovi - AIEN, 0. 1".4 I '.O-, hcad VI Wood. SET 11,..w 'id Shoe Ikhantifario- FoUrU, S . . r,r. , door to 4.11.-17. vales I iCI 14411, la de ;o our by !LP os!,reyt Freoefi pattern*. IGLUS. in tot! to Suit hasTrF: to be cti.pnA•d of by F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty ,treet. hand of Wood . Flowers , and Flower Seeds or ey aL tan alwayil be had at the ;Hu ; F. L. SNOIVDES. 1a.4 Liberty street. head of Wood. Annual Mammoth Onion seed, for rug and Seed Elute of F. L- SNOWDEN. IR4 Liberty F-trert, head of Wood. JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, st rereived by F. T.. ,SIIIOWDEN, No. 1 1. Libel-1y brad of Wood st , rark:w.: ttrr, fi rwg. nrY Badding rc r rU , 1111:1 SOPS r 5, rte., irtISI re- F. I. SNOWDEN: Li!.Prlrro.et . head of Wood. Jfl received a small Amp ets on retail Cu MG IIP tz . zA AC II R IS. Al;ent, and Corn. Mocha,,( borer S,lll[. Orchard Grass and eGraiF. always on hand 2nd for F. L. SNOWDEN. lat.ny "reel, head of Wood. Att ar •e ca La*. office Lw,atuuna, -Attorney's/Law," ree/ • kinteri r.:rket and Wood aep 10 LA NKS. for p ro ce*dingx is AC_ the late lava, for sale at This Otte. Is on the North Enst (*met of Coal street. Apply to V2rket., near 4th EL 'eth's French t r agar Bpd Ede4.inan 1 4 for sate as the DM.' and seed P. L. SNOWDEN. 184 Lnesty et red, head of Wood. OF PARTNERSIZIP.--The _heretofore eriectio. metweeli Mir NJ tin Si HOPEWELL is thia day Wi laaseerby is axtbetieei i the hr ia sauliaeop the hatiness • WIL IAANBiCBY BENI. T.HOPEW., ... ...... .. R. 4•. ' . • :. .• ..-.... •., - 5 . -. . . ~, . : .A. ~-.- .- ) •,, . . . . • .•. .. . . . .• . •..... : - - ~ rkR. EatEllignir,lloollBT, ooze is Suitl. .fiel4 MIMI! &and ni Thiri rep 10 JOFINSTON,4 STOCKTON * llters. Prinleys and Pg.per ilanodwinrers, We. 27. Itlarket st. sep 10-1 y JOBS ANDMESMN, Smithfield Foundry. Water At •l near the Monongahela eel 10-7! LSOrtiARD S. JOHN'S. Aitterman,ELClair sired, so wed door from Liberty. sep 10—ly DS. s. R. ROLM RS, Office ht Second street, next door to yulvany ¢ Co7s Glass Warehouse sep 19-1 y FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Foorthrs., , near the Mayor's (Mee, Pntsbn sep 10-ly TBOZ AhliLTON.Altorney at Law. Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield taa—Piustotrati. imp i 0-4 y "RUG H TONER. Attorney at Law. North Eatrorner of Smithfield and Fourth sure e. eap 10-19 HANNA TI7RNBUT,L7B Paper Warebnene_, No. 104. Wood it., wham aray be bad a general supple of "tent "VP.l.g.privithag.-wall paw, blank book!. school boota;d-e, ire. rep 10—ly C. TOWN..4END d- CO., Wire Workers Glut R. -Vas arfact arers, No. 23 .11arket street. between 2.d and 34 striee. sep 10--ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair gtieClß, by . bie.MBBIN ¢ SMITI3. Fell 10-1 y IG 311 ET AL —77 lons soli Pis Metal for sale by J. G 4- A . GARD sep 13 No. 12 Water street 3 LBS. B %CON DAMS. 16.000 Bs. Baton 1000 Shoulders, for 'e by J. G. k A. GORDON. s•r , 13 No. 12 Water street, rAs. PATTE 11 SOS. Jr.. 8 irmin7ham, near Piliglinreh, it 12_, Mann fartitrer of Locks. Hine": and floOr; To icietn. Falter. M itl and Thu her Screws"; Hoosen Screws for totting minx, 4-e. Pep 10—Iv TORN Are LOS K Tailnr and (Ini bier. Liber.y F Ifeet, between Sixth ann Virgin alley, Soath side. PI) In W BCRBRIDGE 4- co.. wholcmie Grocers wed •.1 Commission Merchants— Second street, betweesi Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittsburgi. 4. seplll . , I,t• JC 4- • . GOIGDON. Comerie•-.4nn And FOrwarditiff .P4,rrhar.t, Water st.,Pitts-borri, seri 10—lc HA INS.--4 casi.s hams. a r.ood a rticle, received per S ft corirair, and for safe by J. G. - A. GORDON. geP 10 No. 12, Water street L Q.I'GAC A- Mot. ‘Sizf..S..- , -4.0 Mods New Orlclns Su ear; CO 1.1.1 s New Orleans Molasse._=; for sale by sep 10 J. G. ¢ A. GORDON: SUGAR. -7 prime N. 0. Sivnr, reeeided per S. R Maine. and for sac by J. G. 4• A. GORDO:C. sep 18 No. 12, Water stmet n BACON CASKS .in order, on band and fc.r-le by sep 10 J. G. 42- A. G 0 R DON. No. 12, , Vat si -Q.I3GAR AND MOL hhds and 4 h` . 1.1 N. 0. 4,7 Pairar. 32 hhls N. 0. M rfT.eived per Sieambnat Aiwport.T, and Cot =ale by J. G. 4- A. G 0 Di , N, Sep 10 No. li . Water Greet BBLr3. L.AI of 1.. for sate hi , E. A. FA HNE.QTOCK k CO. sep 10 corner of 6th and Wood elf. d3-ILIII f'A PETS Gerwarrtown Latnp Llac.k for gale iFi• C. A. FA fiNESTOCK k corner of (*.Oland Wood Flo. LBS Prepared Chalk. for imie by e‘ol7 C. A. FIINESFOCK CO , F , 'l , 10 cornrr of 2114 WClllti SUGAR AND IMOLA SSES.--60 tifilds. N. 0. Saar, 35 Mots. do. ft.. 100 do. Plantation Molas.nes, ' for sale by 1. G. k 4.608D0N, sep 13 No. 13 Water street. _I3LA K PETITIONS, NOTI4U.t*s, o be ozeil in Bankruptcy proceedings. printed on zood p-+per,nnd i n the rum: approved by t be Court ,for ta le otr,e, of the blercnry and Democrat. imp 10 M. r7BBARD, Lathes' fashionable hoot and =hoe Ni nufacturer.No. 101. Third s.reet,belween v rod and Sal it lifteld streets. Piushnirr,li cep 10 7k, BUCKMASTER, ADRNEY AT LAW, othol to the corner of Fourth =lrro Alley, between Smithfield and Grant 01..1, . C. Thomsen, Em. t ' .. Joan .31."faddep En., Lallneit Fetglial- 4 ' - ... J. if." Mellrheait4lC4t. .; ilw 1!. S. Jas. - P.. Vitmit, 5p41, . i, , i . , L. iloirui 1 014orablisi. . ~ i , I , . Copt. 9., MAI% . - - I I. i - 4t- •." • "' - igrArar. l *".2.4.v•- .., ,J , - , -- --1, - = Y. , Ifintityp o us t , -. 5- .. - ~., Mithwielim _AilarAlkor geita...7. CL• • --' ''''.--. 1 - - .j.•',..- "1. , 7.` ; - . - _ , '-',...... - .'Flq:',.. ' :''' ,4',,,.•4 PIVTSIIEJftGIt, OCTOBER:; 3, 1842. It 4 2,1, Papaw:A : 4a Beaver Picket: s4eami.gt ' OLEVETAi • s.turz alk . 1311,111PRLU, Mester, HAS equaarealamllievinular a, will nia ty (Sundays exceoteit) leave= Beaver al so' clock A.W. leaves Pitisbargb at 3 a'clorlt 1 1- cow sees at ' _ - - Pennsylvania and Ohio " Line it °r i p la sod Packet - C.lv le ! cialkliet : ' itiiher. and C mil Ohio, and Creehietile, Penny ise. Leaves Rimier daily at 6 o'clock P. N. Thigh titaness with two d.illy lines on the Penstrvirrania can* to Plifladel. phia, and with toeffew York and Ohio bacon tbe Erie canal, and New York and Obio line and Ohio canal,Ol - with strm freleht and passage' boats, .brigs and ihoosiers,on the Lakes. Tbe. proprietors of this well known line wilt be prepared on the ,opening of nastra lion .to tran.port tnerchandize to any of Ihe interinedi. ale ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohiniea., naafi, to any port on Lake Erie, and tie fipper Lalres3o and front New York City and Philadelphia. - McClure 4- Dickey. Eerier, Pa, - Cobh Wormer k CO., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., JAWVa. , " A. VEAZY. Agent, N 0.60 Water, street, Phial,tam+ PiTTSBURGEI ¢ CLRVELAND LINE. STEAM PACKET idlettiGAN, W - 71talt W. B. Bolts, .Master. RUNS daily (Stindar s excepted,) between PITTS. BURGH ¢ BEAVER. learint Bearer at 8 A. M. and ritisirareb at 2 P. M. provided with Evoiss's Safe ty Guard to prevent Etplosion of Boilers. This splendid and ra-A • ranui az Steam Bort filmiest neen crimple; ed expressly for this trade, and tuns in onnerlion with CLARKE 4- Co's Pittsburri cad ,Cierie/aatt Live of FREIGHTAND'PA.S'EAGE BOATS. daily to Clevelsrad. Ohio_ Or down the Ohio canal to Idas=iton, ¢e. and Erie Ex_ tension Line to Greeniiite The Canal Floats of this Line are ,towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the hetsinm•s conducted 1-Fl the mo-t prompt and economical systeir. Having a connec tion with the Peuhsylvania Canal Lines to Philade!• phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running eown the Ohio river:3lSO, ihrourtt oar Agentsat Cleveland, with C. M. Reed's Steamboats amine+ , oral Lake Vessels, and the Troy and Michigan and !filtrate Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are prepared fa, Ilse traospotratio.n of r,i s tit to and from all points on Ih= canal,t ie. takes and the Riv.: r, or the Eastern cilies.at prices ZS' low as any other Hike. A ll oy to O. JLL.Elitrion, No. 55 Water Ft, or at &Cant. RIORE 'Richt:a — Ws Landing. Pittsburgh. Clark, 4- co. Beaver. Hubbard k Weatherbee, Warren. Wheeler & Co. Akron: Thomas Richmond d• Co. Cleveland REFER TO J. R. Wick 4- co.. Greenville; W • C. Malen, Sharon, E. W. Cun.tingltam. New Castle, John K irk Youngstown; John Camphttl Newton Falls-, Campbell 4- miner. Campltellsiown; Babcock & Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D. Rlio•les, Franklin; H. A. Miller k Co.. Cityalto2a Palls; Welleman 4- Whitehead, Massillon; Gurdon Williams. r... Detroit: K inne, Dark 4- co.. Buffalo; Cowhen. Richmond, Witham= 4- Co.. New York. oPp 10 mc BY—A - 0. 1 Corner of Wood trod FT (rat E. I • Streets, Pittshm-r,k, has on hand a complete as. sortmentof Queen-o art- suited to the city or country A! n. a choice se!ection of pore while and gold hand DINING AND TEA WAR E. in N.rge or small sets, or separate pie -r. to suit purchasers- A cask of 46. 60. or 84 piece seta, superbly painted and gill English C:dina Triivare.at very tow price:. Toy Traware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1.00 to 85,09 per set Childrexie Stags of description. While , China Shaving Maw Crunite Dining a. d Tea Services, in while and with . splendid American scenery printed in .Idge and Hack. A largewarirty of Steanitioat Dining and Breakfivt imported to match. complete, Fire Pronf stone baking plates tint( dishes, from the Derhyshire Potieries. Flint and Green Class, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of eery ize. Patent Pockets, Tnhs and,Keeters. :none Pipe Heath.. kr. kr. kr. All of which are recperi folly offered I n the putt. tit ort the tOOSI favorable turtnc. Jan 26,1842-1 r TJ. FOX ALDEN Attorney and CoaalPellor at • Lary_ ctllr r= hi profe i .sionaJ Cervices to the cit izen• of Pht.litir2h and hope,. for a-share of public, pat rona:e. ' He will execui: , all scindf Gr writing with neat nenc and di.pateb. Ca.ee in bankruptcy attended to on reagonable term , .-01fire in Smithfield =trees, at the hon--4, of Mr. T horna. O'Neil. to whom he refer.. nep 70 T. rox. ALDEN- DAVID CLARK, A g't, fias kip - male Boot Afaker,— jj removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he waled be happy to see his old citgonters. and all others who- feel dispos_ ed to patronize him. Be uses nothing hnt fir rate -.lock. and employs the hest of worknien; and as he gives its coin‘natit personal attention to business. he trtist.tirat hewin deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. *OO4 Fl UITS, ICE CREAM. k cONFECTIONARY.— A Honi;err e =peel fully 'nearing his friends. and the puhlic that they ran always find +he beat quality of Ice Creams. los/ether with at: kinds of: eon rectionare and froity. in their season. at his, P.Slablkjigneat— 11. Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. B.—Parlieg snpplied on the shortest 'twice. with cakes. or anything in his line.- Also families furnished with Bread. sup 10 TOILN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis on Merchant, No. 106,corace of Weed 4. Fifa ate. Pittsbarrk: Having been appointed one of the Anct,ion eersfn, the City of Pitshargb. leaders his services to Joie hers, Dirinafav firers and dealers. who may be disposed to make trial of this market- He is prepared to make advance; on isaninunmenis of all saleable commodities', and trusts tot:ail:4y correspondents by quick Wm, and speedy •rilnd favorable returns. That the various interests orrhielt may he morlided to hi., shall be adequately prot&-ted, he brings to . the aid of hia own experience in lansineas and acquaintance with merchandise general's', the wakes of Mr. fixtrrrs Frams - rocs; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with wham a permanent enzmement is made. REFER TO !deists. M. Tiernan, Preet. of M. 4 M. Bank. Darlington ¢ Peebles, : I . Hobert Galway, .A Jinxes Ai. Cooper. James May, C. M. Biddle, Pittsburgh • Wm 'Robinson. Jr. ?met of Exchange Bank. • Hampton, SMith, 4- Co, , John D. Davis, : I • Samuel Churrh, • J. K.. Moorhead, • Jas. W. Brown ! • ) • John H. Brown. it Co. litaith it it matey. st, hardly 4.ll,Ners, as iohe S Maine, .101111 batoeii. aorws CAMOMILE PILLS. —AggA : nwif•J. CLEAVER. at 66 Malt stmt. . New York. was affilefed -with I:4aperia hi u s R i ca utrawasei - feta. WIW-43riaptaws game Wallow -read-' attic. greet_ iieNiMl7. fete!. otelivelPttai Can*. %WU Dare. gala hi Ibe cheat and iaomaeh always viler leaday., appetite. seataation of slaking at thealtimieli. fartedtotwae r , same'. viMil ( OW" iimmisilliiktligrail* PaWant a. ' night int teineaess. Thalielbad, vostimeirup, ward or'a toielleokiOnt, eloweir!ittg Afteglettalai Meet to bie *iv* 1"""Millin0 alireg!fie-WPit oft. U paitirt stleti mace of t felofitaerli -0111343,4310411011**1410eitreitheidite. r ille,WiallielMeatik t ii t e , - A g g if f; I • "Aka*, `, sito. how satima.l ; I,lv lIVEL GOODEM Ceteinsted Fenehe Pitts. Them llns are sthonit teopfamended to the notice of the ladles - as a site WIWI effrelent remedy in remavian those complainis peculiar to their sex. train- want of ex-, erene, or general debility of tbe system They obviate onMlienommind eonaterari Rygerital and Nervous. ea:ego* Terse Pinot bare gained : the sanction and appsobation of the most eminent Pans in the Uni; led arts, and amny Mothers. Pot side Wbolemle and /1 41 41 1 -itY SELLERS, Agent. /13.' l&. ADAM, She Xoder. /Ansi ../waits the Lewd /of Nttslistrrik 14ehtiasertber hawing, out the stock of the late Tlionui - lialTerty,•deceased, has eameeneed business in the Old :Maud of Mr; R., and is prepared to execute all deralptions hf work in- his line, in the best spanner and on the - shortest notine. He beeps cor starkly on hand nine& assonment ofsboe findings of all deseriptiotia and olithe hest quality. Be solicits the patrtmaee of the OW tie and of the era& WM. ADAIR. sap 10 vprrTssuncEr MANUFACTORY.—sprats 111 +bed AtzZes fir Carriage at . Easters J The aebczibrra arainnfacture and keeps constantlybon heed Coach,M and Mliptie Sprints - (warranied,) Juniata Iron Aalfs, Silverand Bras plated Dash Frans, Brass and plated Bab Bands. Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Waver kind Brans 'Lamps, Three fold Fteps, Malleable fron, Door Bandtw and flings. e—kr , JONES & ent.EMAN. -- 1/RO - 10 Ft.Clatt sll— near e ille!heny Prorittors. • ; ET.-A well finished and cornfortabi* iwoNo rp hoary, totether with tort htividinen, statle, ear rbeidhonse, 4-cr. rioes.siss'on _Even inunediatriv. This ir boort v issituated below the Peohentiary, nrar the reaidence of Mr. Wm. Batralee. and isa very desirable resifts:ire.. For terrns inquire of 7. IC. Moorhead. or the subscriber. G. W. BARNES Union Factory. sersla--.21. NoTien TO CREDITOR.—I'ahr Notice Iliad I have applied to the huires of the Conrt of Com. twin Eteas of Venango county, for the benefit of the law= made for the relief of Insolvent Detente; and that they have inioninted the fourth Monday of November far the hearing of me and my rriditors, at the Conrt House, in the &hough of Franklin—when and where rat 11/217 - 2 - tend. if you think proper, and show cause, if any you have. why I should not be discharged. sett IS-31 WILLIAM XE 1 4 it Nit. 11:.SELLER.S. M. D.. office and dweiline. in Fourth nPar Ferry StTPPt. sPpl3-1y STOLEN.: from the shop of the sehsrribei . in Third 4 reet, sometime last week, a -*air of Shears. for hair.culittug.. They are nearly. or (liaise a foot lour. and very siim. It i= sappm.47 thiefsold Them somewhere in the eit v: I will Inv the purchaser city re,deonalde mire if be - wiii bring them tome. M. JONES sep AssiGN EES' FA LE Of REAL ESTATE. AT Atte. TION--On Saturday.l7lh instant , at 3 o'clock. P.. M. I xifl sett, he order of the Assignee, on the rwrmi-rs„ the fnl'owing described properly. viz A lot of Ground 32 feet front he ahont 100 feet deep, with a substantial frame hullrling on it. used now Ns a machine shop. eon taininn a ,t , oorl SI en. Entine and Gearings, Two Circular Saws and Drams, Si . uwe in Allegheny City. between the ('anal and the Commons, and adjoining the Methodist Church—formerly onenpied as a looking glass factory, by T. k.fliPier 4- co_ Terms at sale. pep 11-7 i J. B. CUTIIRIE, A tic! loneer. 100 DUDS. KT LEAF TOBACCO, in store and for sale by J. G. 4- A GORDON. seo 11 No 12, Witter st reeL CANNON'. SHOT AND F-HELLS. —Fir - Rear or Oana trastrE •III) UT DEOCRAPPIT. 3d Septeinbee, 1841 Seated Pronn:s will he rereived at thin rureau until 3 o'clock._ P. lit_ nc 1511 i (1 , - , nt.er nait. for furnishinz and drlircrin_,in rb« ncriportion... and at the placea here in draiannied, the rnllon enn - d,ar and description for ransvan,Fdiot and Sbella.for the Kiva/ Serviee. or the Strttea . , viz; Thirty e+,l,-ht in.)] Pnixban pinta. of aboutf3 Oirt. each. Seventy thirty two Rounder runs of dl ert. and wriaarde, the. preciaAweetti or each to he de. terieA44,- ttorearter. - liondred eiert twit leiteffet Three lrundred eiyht inch .ntirl shn , and izeren IN - mann(' thins - Iwo ronadrr snot. Deliverable a. follows: 10eiziti in. Falxhast gone - Deliverable at 201 pietit .... qi,ii. 1 Sackett's Dar -100 nicht in: Witt shot • }hor, N. V., nn 20 thirty Vivo pounder puns lor before t he . 1500 thirty-two pounder shot 1 15th May next 10 eicht, in. Paisiran runs 114diverable at 150 nicht in. shells I Buffalo N. V.. 100 eight in. s olid shot on or before 2.; thirty two pounder sons 1 the 15th Bda7 IWthirty-two pounder shot 1 next. 10 eichtin.. Paichan cans 1 Deliverah'e at 150.14.03 t in- shells I Erie Penna. ]OO ei7la ir•.solid shot lnn or hpfn, 20 thirty-two nou nder !runs i the 15th Mar 2.04)0 Ohio two pounder shot next. Thr,propctsaks must state distinctly the rote per ton (of Immo e.t mn hundred and forty pounds). for Ihp eves. and the rate -per potind for the shot and shell. deliverable as ahove.allto be, snhket tn, and tindereo curb proof and in spection...lm this Bureau may deem •prnper to authorize; and none Will he paid for that shall not pan smith in. spec! ion. as mar he entirely satisfactory. Bonds. with two apProved sureties, will be-required in one third the eglimaiedamonnt of the contract. and ten ner remain of the amorist of all bills wilt be retained a. rolfuteral Warily foi the faithful performance thrreof which will he paid only on the sati&fartnry ramptetion of the contract: and ninety per renttim of all deliveriew will be nail on bill.properly anthentieated, arrnriithr: to the prori , iong uf be contract • within thiri v dap; after their p• e-v. r n let iilTl rot be Nary Are nt, The ofrprs mn .s•age at what a:;ency the eontracter may nes . ur pavment tn he made. Drawinifof the limns will ne furnished from this Ba rran, and Hwy mast 4* cast and Onisbed to confirm to in every tespett. No Wit:blast metal is 'tribe used, and the shot Mlll.l "be eas=t in sand mould?. rep 12 TO TILE WlSE.—iris now well understood how mach dMoreleru cretine mind depend for their cure upon a due aitention to the body, It is now linderStOod . bow satiable ls that medicine which wit' remove morbid apcomutitions without weakening the bodily pow * er: it is now understood that there is . a reciprocal influence be. the mind and the body. ft is r now understood that purging with the Braqdreth Pills trill reimove - n meta's chertv,unci even insanity is cured by perseverin.lr using them: It is now understood how math domenie happi ness depends upon the heal; by eondil ion of the digestive Swot tut 'Tit is now well known that the grandieltt Pitts helve' tweed iltotmnds or hopeless. - and helpless persons, even wisest the stst physicians had - Pritnowtred'thess beyond an human weans or relief it is now not onty well iSnown that the Brandreth Pills so csie.:*htit it is also un Act - Stood how l hey cure; that it is by their purifying elect wo ttte bloodtbet they restore the hOdy to health- The nine-of t.kc medicine is irecomingmoreand more manifest,it ie recommended daily froM family to The Etrandrelb Pills remove in sta almost temerreptibte manner all noxious accumalatiorm and purify and necks*, rai e the idond,andiheir Maid erects are net corintertman red by any inconvenienees; heing .croinonhed • entirely or.. rresmaidesthey do not lipase those who u than Air dancer, and odreAects areas - tertith as they are salts: Tarr: they are rially aid safety , admith.renid to infancy , . youth. manhood, and old are. and to women in the MOM critical and delicate circumstances. They do . not disturb or-shock the animal funeiangtni Ann, teens* their order and eetaidk.b they . - &tidal Dr..*Braitrinities °One,' No- *Zg. - livsea street- Vutsbunt4 prior, 2.5 44kplaveitimx,with full iI _ . . _ my . ". MARX:L-11i'. y place in Pittgborzb where the int Pillg Can be obtained; la the Locior's ow - a ollfice. Tiro. 9S'SFaod slreei. pip 1O _ . 1111141114.41;4HUYikirMityz—t.potekientioefida l e; _eppckfotireeoouloheitisfrietels aodi.lboonblee svelte; that He bits tostehtiesei the Matihte hoeleelwaLthe Cftref OtAnb abdi tit r lefty gin-410S oa bagd! 9 02 .104. OEM,1100016,4F.;: time and redl stooes. table shatwfor cabiWet ware, ius4 #vcry Wilde spot/Weisz to the tkosOess. He will 'eraiiato his Toe* to beweAl eitme, sod :148,e4tr0 orlittibeEkoihmito pioliaa* set 14 a. .afriAltdot-4„: - eaa -Stembea"tievitead :Loa O vi _ltcrestris tater. - ny: co ,tearWeod todemmidield, is prepared MC= rirMi 17"11114,11-40.1he M=MMMI -PROS'PECTIIS Far *rah Dear Pl.ll ll ttli as Callt of Pitts ,il rg*„ to k asiirt.d us • • DAILY 14011Mr1Ia POST EESabeetibers letvuurnitele orranmenseles Merge • • tle - Atmeriesin Manufacturer and, Pittsburgh Marra. ry into out Jountal. hatrectimelembr to pahlirb a daily paper wits) the title of the Daily *owing • The brieliag rii.ject elf linattPcsir" wUI be the dissentina aad,defence of the lioliitical.piiseipiettliglisre here- Were' been maintained by the Edbora : in their respective •papesni a 4A:heir IlseseedNiitliiiii -- iditimidatrotatta lie adva and emmessef those doctrines. .. : •-! • to polities : tie paper will tio thoroughly democratic:. yet tie editors hope. bygiving as hoseet, candid' history of passing Political events, Foreign and Dames* ishilligetsce,indbrief notices of 'ail mat- tem antwarreoces that taste property writ bia iheambeire OfiPaldic mike - their MiPer sudiclent , y in erruchsg. to7euktfrile Jiro patroasms of the petal:4lr ' respective of party considerations. : In addition in the political and ;client news that Witt be found is the .t.litserittg, Irsaa;" the gialerS Mill taste pains to fartib the taidoesat . community . With the latest and meet hsteresting COIENUM(2“; asses from ail parts of the country, and to have prep red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous! to Amt Merchants and .13Mdarts1 Men in their several eitliegs. Tercel.—The Pear wilt be published on a law tutperi al Sheet of fine _paper, (inanalketured especially for this inured) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLAILS per annom,payable in advance. It will also be sold by newt boil; at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Adaestiatasteata wilt to inserted at "the lowest rates charged by the caber daily papery of .. the city. ills-TWENTY actitne ladsareasaillist to sell - the Post. who will be engaged on the most liberal term! • • - THOS. PEILLIPS, Mime 31, tB4. W. E. SMITE. • OLDFC....TABLISHEDEMIGRANT OFFICE, NO. 61 SOUTH STREET. RELY YORK . New Yrrigied Liverpool Commercial Limey)" Peelers, !Who: Week/y.— TbeSubscribeewortld respectfully inform _arch perr.ons residing. in this country as are d es irons for vendlng for heir friends to cove out 'from the aid count ry, that be continues Ag Hausa to make engagements by which pas sengers are bit:right out en very moderate term., in First 113 zs Ships, galling from Liverpool weekly, and would I , FU re persons desirous of coming by the above Line, that as agents of first reitpectahility are engaged at Li verpool, there will Jbe no detention whatever at that point. a Ino prepared ai all : timer no furnish Sight. Drafts for any amount tonssist in preparing parnen•e,s for the voya=. Payable throughout the United Kingdom. and in cam the parties agreed for .should deciMe coming oat, the palmate money rhatt be'refnadecr without reduction. For farther particulars apply it by letter to JOHN 111311D511 A 30.61. Soh vire. New York. Orin JOSEPH KJEGKPATRICK, At Ihe WarPltenrit. f it PLENUM, SEP 10 N 0.24 Water wee'. Plush:ln:h. Pa. GREATS LE OP PENNSVLVANI L RV AUCTION—WiII be sold hy roldic Aartioo, without re/terra, for Cie,. to dose the concern, at the 'tali of the Marlhorosigb Chapel, In &mon, an Tuesday. the fonnl , day of October next, commencing at nine of the clock in the forenoon. All the property of itte United Staten Land Coltman:ly con=4 in,T or about 140.000 Amts of good and well watered Parming and Grazing and very ialsableTinsber Land, lying in infer. MR, McKean and Clearfield counties. in the Slate of Penib. - vivania.--.on.parta of which there in abandance of Coill.Lime and Iron Ore, anti iiksim Mill seam; And of Calor; sanliant tawdry penes' for land sold tying in said connlien, that are eon -Oipredertod. • And f !Leek liand IWO" oat a Farm in the - township' ^r Itradfatd.Ao themoonty oftMeEtan, in said 13tattn .of Pesnir'finada ' •Thr - iledihdilltlidandifiddlatron- sail anneltaneroeani lainine from about Moto 5000 acre?. Farther particulars witt be made known at The sale, or on inquiry of the subreriber. at No. 12 Long Wbarr— of Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants' Cow in Boston—or ofrither of the Truste&.of the said. United Suite; Land Company. D. R GRIGGS. Preahlent of the United States Land Co: Boston. August 30,1840_ . - ' lsen 10)- BY Igor:Won a- Co. powdon, for sale only b? S. 14. Wickersham, cosier of Wand street and Virgin afier Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Penns Icania. • sch 10 FARM FOR SA LR.—The undersigned nfftrs for PI if' a tract of land situated 4 mile= tionsFreeMsll • la the diretlion of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township. Armstrong eon rty.rortainias 100 aeree.6s cleared and under good fenne; 10 of whim are in meadow— A. good egnare log hnuteand cabin tiara erected thereon—an apple otehard of 30 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent water enovenieni tothe hbuae. FOB TERMS apply t.lies - ulte.cribers - mi.:idiot t ihe Sattiorks on the Penoylvaoia Cana/, 1 tulle above Free po,t. DC. WESTON'S %rem; table Expectorant Eynapr,aa infullilde cure for witoordnii couch- This disease it mostiv confined to chitdren, and is attended with a ffocz ring cough s and a deep thrill sound, called a P/1110005 it comes on with difficult breathing. thirst, hoarseness and rough. with difficult expectoration, The violent exer tions in enaistaine bloat the fare, whieb tarns perple,aod the eyes swell and berosee promdarirt. cement/teflon often dates its origin from this disease, which has hithertofiaMed the still pf the moat - aide phy sicians. but now by this staple ,vereetNe medicine this dirirerAng and liequently'destractrve disorder ran he an ted inn Lew boys. Thouranda hare fOgnein dun trial 'and in no case where used according to the direetion bas it railed, Irosennigtbe viscid 'matter and tanking it easily expectorated without ouch violent strain' ng as is invaria bly experienced try little sufferers by every mode of treat ment that has bretirecommeaded. . - Coughs:m.l4s, toonimption, asthma. *c: raimi by Dr. Wemon's ndianCa ah bledi6ne manvcafesnfcoauntmp tionl:,aaetaeleiit.eadvancedstaperacd given op a/Sinatra. bte by plimiet . ann.have herb cared I.y thitimelicine with big pill, and ;limner. $1 iargebotties, Fame 50 tit. Pitts .5 teals. platter 2.'5 ele. a r b , 'Strengthening Piamer it the in the world for weak hacks, pain in the dide: e. Jr. J. Wm ton's Eye Wafer amen all dinordera of the +eyes when all other means fail. Price 25 teats. His Con Salve is mold at IN etc. per box, containing estoterti to cure 20 Milli or more. He has alto a peribeetyaire and biahtyvaluable medicine or wpnas,--priete 25 cents per bottle: ,Hi.Drences re parytriOr to off otheriAielovat kiwi 6 times the stren2th of soy tint can be purchased stamp of 1 be di 1 4= 4 . 18 ; Filch as PaPPeriaiat, vearagint.tianasse. tetpoa.ozaaee,ta.eotier, doom.. feriett, allooot, 'prot,rasfrmary, cam-away. fir. 4.c. Price eelto per 'bottle, or 50 eta per moo .loolfzeioiog 4 toWeit. or 73 eft 1 pm -Loxes cordzioirre . 6 bottles. ?or sake at deekalisomiiiiistimnocery • 153 Libeity nest door to the t•Tklee rigitotonier , Nl* 10 • - ir DR; S. B or . art riti llßlTTs3, itespe +Rat=h ltd tr y ely ht t t e ttal the t . ed to the ehy. Be bogeaio, share the ettatitletweaf . Me fimktrons and the patMe getiertqtyk and !Whitt a, . .., fa portion of their patronage.' 'Tst" cosiiiient be would otwerae. that - the hnenitharat - Litlitatity, (or breaking t hes-tone In the teattaer aid 1 1 3 , 0 0 Wiag it le Pm of the arioe,) is every where eammanitilla litedeeft ertiatorept. 2 fle holies toirsteamit the bileiie efflitiraiiineh lleglis P"Tiknil. /10 Ow airles94,, 'Ealicsitreivillapiers. air the Mader atteiridnewblett nottehiiharty WM hitearhe receive itheitinti; - • ' •' • ." —' - ;Thane trim a dinattee whatingglnslblei haitatatien wilt apply personally orr,:thy twit% qw if ilifilit4 via he aerodatell at Ms dwell aw.is a crtiree jetil or theei ir 4Se Thus, ihecopei — i FIHOWILIit Uhertirtax. nep - fir • . , • , _ ti0..141 pirovaltri,noi..ivipee „op Attenditetait - - avallikater ia /Testa ma aaikitaillai ciaiir likarbaftity suilbnewlkia folo T ApoterailOgillk*Wivta, . - • v?"..';'.••• - . 4 ibe, Aor - Leil* ithied a la - te.)qad dame Sidellat eigHer-3lliqii_4‘ MM2IO =EI =M11:=1 WM. 4- PHILIP BAKER. 1Z:Ell ' - - PRICR,TWO-CENn A T ii 6, M - 14M11 1 1WM Pm* the ßeasmosanifa,-, --- Wary Cl*y sat MA fix *Maki mr,l4lft, A - pleasant-story in related of leilhemis. nobleman, that be was lathe bahltniFisit. - ' ,—. ieg his wife every New-Year's day' 0 clay. my dear, how old, will it please Irettletr , dyship to be this year?' Certain ryirs* Whigs of Philadelphia, etho seem read this ae.te =Ante. hare rereatlY.l. to Lexington. Kentucky, tol.lft, their thrice defeated canslidate - miittelo-k ~ . Pples it will please him that the 'erhigligg-` ''''' ' ty shall Profess.'derieg the eiteniiik - 7Reia-: - identiai campaign. And Mr. ClaYilatiment them a civil answer, not too long Inuits young whiga to commit to meinory,lW* down for their guidance six preinte litical doetriae, which he modestly. sea to be 'the principle objects wbia gags the common desire and the: ems exertions of the whig parte to bringtaim*, 4 lathe government of the United - - . 4, 4teiL,‘ The tatter may be read et liaget 16414 curious' in the Feens3lvintia , Ingniree.or this. mousing, (Sept. -23 d,- the editor it which_ diurnal, in introducing it to his MM.. dexs, pays his own party a most left bit ded compliment. He says that seer Liens has arrived , for the abandcininent eft& quibble, of political trick, of all closliki: - dealing .fanus.faeed policy.' Orilla" news ' for the expiring wl4g party! lioakiettaf and two dollars a day' are - no longer:.. mean soap front a society and no work ,ot wages. All political trick is tie bed abur- ,- doned. Farewell a long farewell It - e'en' hard cider.—Of the cabin, not one tog i" . fe left upon another. arid 'that same old come is, as the southern people say, to 'leave the world and take a tree.' Double 411., ing is to be given up. Whig candidates ' are to have some principles fur the Puhlic,, eye.' and the Janus-faced policy citAatimg a Pro-Bank man here and Anti-Baekthere„ Pio-Prohibition ins one State and ;. Anti* Prohibition in another in another,' lye° longer, to be indulged in. But most 'eta; fortunately this promise of retort/ fres - bee* . so long defered as to have very south- the appearance of those excellent sentiments_ and praise-worty eulogiums upon nistsur that used to abeund in last dying speethMi - and confessions. As the whig party Urn been hastening to ancribilatirri neat:sinew they attained power, it If drawing too largely on , the .eredulity and ignomaen-4 the people to suppose that they win beau soon duped again by fine promiies. Tamil,. i ty stares in the Union baiing 'placed-their.; veto on their performances, it es not likely, ;, that many will be .found when this Pflitst:V dential election arrives, se silty as to lot* for anything better from them. - rot . lal, leave-the Imioirer audits prefaterm ish of "aninpetir, and take vip_iiiii_: . the day" promulgated for the-dirtticrui*4-.: the faithful. Whether they are:free from quibble, double-dealing - and :32iinns: ' policy, will soon be -discovered, - 1. 77:1 - First Poixt of W/iiggery. • '-.A. sound national currency, regulated by the will and authority of the Phithslek rr 4 Here is a pretty c.Omn3ent on the or; - ..,'... posed abandonment of duplicity AO ote ble dealing . What is a sound cu V., One man thinks the notes of apeciepar ing banks are sound enough, another is sat. - isfied with anything that he can get eft and a third regards nothing as soiled but _ .2 the constitutional currency, which is the only kind of -currency in this count r_ which ir Beyer proteVea for non Oliver& - _. But this is not the national currency Which . Mr. Clay supposes to be Tas he awkward, expresses it} one of 'the principal olects which engage the common desire and the common eirttrtion Of - the whig party to bring al:brit; since it recret t legal .1,111 rem" hag lone sioce been .•t'w • tllLrbt about, the rtutiders .rtour Goviefeitteve - having been. according to Mr. TY. stet., 'hard money men,' owing terivittoM/ exerti-ms 'an nation ever bad a hottay rent.) , than the United States': Wheat Clay and the whigs pilule of a- nationst currency. they mean .not , a carreatty eir - 'money. such as the Constitution- of the United States declares that Cowes" ARO have power to 'coin,' but a currency, of bank notes, payable 01141emaiml perhaps and perhaps not, to beizAmed by a corp."... ration which Congress lots net the ,tight to create and which - it cannot instrein t - Such a currency Mr.tlay -erects to be lieve, Could be..'reguleted by the will. anti authority of the natiort:' Whiran absoni deal • Are banters or finaticeivis more mons now than they were Twen4.-firs , years ago! Does Mr. Clay; do any affair adherents set iously believe that it is is %kw.: power of of Congress.or of-the nation to irim- ':, elate: a Bank 'Attie 'United Stalest If n 0,„,"„.. we must conclude that the Ugly) , of the e , : United States has been read with veil rib , --' , . tle prttfu. We Jinni quote sgaiait ~Agia: Chu the Whig. the sentiments OfMr.:011-. the Democrat, delivered in . Coneao lit 1811, when he was seme - tWtiuottri Yenoger thin now and perhaps a fit t , o „ ester; at all ri.enls,- it was beforetim -kat/ so much money out bribe late hank- He said: final lair eorpprorlckalarerW -* as this hill ctintetakiss . - I- it is **phalli& - aisociation ctindividtaeht likkes, from the mass of soci ety , and Irestallf 1 0h exam"P' dotes sad iturrtinntlea with; intutullitkrk,„,:= By whittle 1s this irk &war iritge4 II - .P.Y a 134 Y winl l o l ..itlitiott of 0 4 a' I ~ l PrineWe'ar our i l * gtl tl?thrift rea p -, . - ( Yu) the people. arf' 44 alitAt entiliit '• • atockbokier**l4thlrlifVe4 f3iwkln- ' . `. .1 41114 * - Artitifeicer ' ef f tlig` ' r::....z.' , y. - at' ,11.> ,titt