~:, - • •-.- ; The Via„ —The vales ero p i iiin , ' io, at from ft/ to 91 cents p.r a siat._. is store. Ibis-week. ASO MKALo:4...63lll4liimitai has taken place in tlie-Sx y week. Soiei:Oxi the day SlilPiters could he had at tat 374. Tricepriee itnee for st andarcrqua)ity l.:. :A . : e 'rnere is:very hale is , are light, y Last Nightlllll4 Steasni.yeat.k. T. Lytle 's Sue and sunk. The Bell • t•ff-laith-thelies =of s' Slap Factory, led on vle-.2.4th 311 0011 C 4111) • INTING 11. Corner of TriditA. .., , roprietetitOr the .1103.311111 Pori ,NrrAc-Trava cespeetrally, intone ronsoc these pfpere, that , I . ost”ii aofortanat of ry to a Job PrintieviNfite.angi pet.red.to eitettie TER PRESS PRI OF EVERY DESCIIIPTI I RD or Lading, j 4 I Bill Bel/4F, f makek L'imcks, It iiinbS. tit Stank ram boat, awa Cm!! teat ERN priate Cats, n The siinrirst notice and 'noel paironav of fn veneral in ibis tiratirbarst; ~i 2 l l. Sep:. :39, i 34- to ups .L 1.1.41 ELDF:g, Alton*, I t Ilakeweirs Utsihtit,gs, zezrty on Grant_sirect. A'S TTSEtt; RG 11 CCI. AnD cal Instrument. torver of Libiily acid Siti TIrRIG HT returns his si• . zees of Plitz=burgh and vicinity h, onaze be iraA heretofore r, ; Grit a continuation o' Ihe caw, ,nanufacture all ar: ides in Sae ;my thine of the kind e*er e,.. e.:Liburgh tcliall well meritto be ti EFFf.ELD OF AME hayiatt always On tent! nt Home Manufactured rted.filt , t '9lint ry, lean particutarty',, cr.. Dr-Mist -3 and Druggiettte hilt Merchants to his Mott ot rp,lors,,Hatiers and Hair D - ~I:l:if:. being ratan! • .nriple. pereons desirOurof rer t lie advantage of done iu a superior el soleallet,t;onti • rgrup!t7y . the ermcl la n.t.r4t the 'approbation t f...I)NS fartor • • , 1:k 7he Lefel F..tkulen f.f , .11 , V/Cl. I S NEVER TOO : 1. olLjot/ the d 1.. I rP:1.111,,i (nrtU pmperap. /am.. Clem: men. anal AS •• In fife stronaeft fern,. of I*" • r. fOid., COn.nnlption,l3nd of tile lunp,,Pease 45- RO ( s e rurre. three 111(111%,nr:44 eerti in Its land, anncrtnice its lir • P. ?Cal Oil he ear is at tizziats and no lanai w;L !Lou t a package or Pcnie4 ' Mr S:1 id hd geoa e. vs' ito . pc.,"r rf.lnit,aeratite= I .11arth sir et. nEar WO6d-' I: I) TO S take notice. that we bate t' , ,trt of Cotomon Pleas of Alleets. • the lain, enacted for the retie! foA that said Court Itasappoistr4 .r nett. at the Court House, is_ I:, a Yid uit r eredito'r.s, whet rnt! if tcu t hink proper. .t S .11 A •:;' rol.r r bet , Cregframcille .m , Sk indresscr, Lew (700 i) . CO-OSS liriftAertE t ' r ,is• l ntrltisrnte Ofri e The • r e r rt . . Wetl recomnsea , Apply ; ). to the bad iels.-- 111 LINEK • L. begs most reh- - "peet fully Mint , . :rah and Its vicinity that phe fm London. with a beautiful pieta ti.-west elide. Her tonnes - 4e t . ~•e iter t introduce the latest - ....t,onnr her with alphare of their . r=elf to keep every third 4 t, n. and pay strict attention le confidpnreAlcs. T. ;moo • n nude COrSetS; also her sirte rr , ry whirti sooerior to aayl cou TI it includes links talc. Capes a to Cardinal. i • resturne. Collars Cab, P,oro' . .ne and CaTv. tc - • t,r,r approtrat ion on the 9th or %ratline the arrival of her " No. 2 Ferry street, bastes Tf0..4'.--*rbe new Grant ~ r h wilt be dedieated to• the .1.hr,11), (October 2d); servwes al morsting. three In the one - ,,, a_• The Ordination Of lit. iNe afernoon. At oaeb Wert' %cri for the purpose of lion " ' .• ehureh. It if: hoped that the r citizens will le etthibillid . tre rented any aftetno o 4 between two and Illveratiocir-_ -• • ERSHIP.—G. P. in 41 11' . r. associated themselvr l ' 4 innion k Smith, will tontine , besirteits in the hottie retie_ Sndth 4- Co. where they new trek of Pan and -v invite their old friendA. lo4 , -:.ing Pittsburgh, to can as UTIOX OF THE (INN*. t =iiip existitta between Jam lterraa is this day dissolved tor o ions sa iit be duty Dotiegoil. widl g /es aa flexed. and - Barer 0 4 1 ," sub.eraber until *the 1111/1 !• on the pr e mpjec 150 p:•:ted for imtnediallej?. .MO4' _if tun 9, !WA!' •ALE......A good. asondfilleS,. - .!: and 1014 Window. Ole Lead 311111 i aiirntkt7 ' . For sale on Produce.. -4041 0 • ADE - ORDER6---Se ee, 'van of -Appear, for de, 15th . e bopeeof laseer4ll.7.;,' 'met; tukt • tD§tIVIV & E 17- i ll 30 --- Ott affairli. 111111=m"" -- of isabel;a's beatliiful verses laid• We recret this extreme tended to preserve tlr•rn as a e genius of oar "na'ive lady :qr terions. ,lay night, about 12 o'clock, ,riBge was seen passing hur andusky s tr eet, Allegheny en!y•stopped in the neigh ld pump. After remain ab"ut a minute, a female do :I:, with a bundle, came cl the vehicle, which thee, as the h,.t se could carry wt , tii I nut :rain—n , r the MyStCtliils SWaf twoutation. the b u i;J:e we cann9; divine b e en (1::::::flq• of bt cad and it j,,urm'y; or, perhaps some. eeri ur rea.hrs ad- m ,r,menti To-Night, 'Winans' Benefit. canital bill, and he 's a capital elf, and No really h.pe he apital house. But we have will f«r he has many ()Id I ilzet him mik • a l,•quid[ bLisine.ss .1.1 i ie (.10:)rs after 11,e m n fling. We subscribers s we da, and sramps 1:,1s, t.! . .Vez i,a, :net), Ti_a / a ilttt .v.n7aclvorin ,, Moi— r! r rf =MEE= t''(rfgt Its d futurr ilne kviac) go to wit by eaying is dtiting the per Icl A certain person; ti •-• q a chance they Lace:-tors 3 rap (i : m a '3,slorl giri —A s; (" , :; c`j (11 1 .. t mane scut" at 13ittstittl*B13. 3 ,111 i I)1.1' Nit 1) %! tr. ),...11.•. S. 1., , i. ~ ~ a,. ~~ T.~;:,~ .'.i,,:,i Y4Vi: 1T FIIFIti!IT AT PITISPA:IICIT ~ 7 •• TA, per lOU lb-. urtion ...alt v,- . 1 . v. 2 "'Octet:. P. PI WIH lIIIIMMII CZ.UtFern zlk my clore. , orne. of Wood J. P.. CL — ffinlE, Auct'r. received No. 15. yellow. to , ach and fin, clo in threads. • ,nr - to.nr F:ndirt. . ~. , :fbruslos always on hand. LA lA - 0. A t torney al Law, Office Lbe Tfieaue, Poisburgh ARRANGEDZENT. ..f/deftrd cr r 7 . ransportatior List T• and ET'ta.mo-r. For Trentsporting re fr... Pa:,targh, rid 7Yde Irc.stre Cara... r, ABBATU AND 7.4IPEILINCK 1s . , L"'! of first Spring 4d •N cur Der . ..ell Tide-Waier Beals, ra , d ex ncr.nrrd I 'di - lintels. .Lrar arc enar , lcd in have their tan. and ss much dr stmtch•as fret t..nt il l I have daily from 14" :1 Cal-tea:ad rn Ind Drinware, in , Tood whic" txtrct , Ay for timt.Pur. wtii give their %hole attention, and Wf•ilern h lerehoce.s to give Meal a n 4 ft ne4 10 tictr aavontage. dared rriZl.Tra Fzc. k Co. e" B t . are and C..:•rida a canal, b e reeeii. USP.1"001 of WIDOTZ street Rail Road, -re goods Can be put directly from the air wiLLaut athiatooal handling Or ex- AN & C o to ) Ilw itiny , lturz. 'P IERSON. Proprietors. , arth to I ' ms6ar~ h. Co, Canal Basis, Liberty street street wharf, .1 ,at Philadelphia, I • E. Etna, So-uvulas, } .firkslit• liolidarebur : h , a, Johnstown. -geserviy tbrotizAra kitt,4o coavanso DA.4.1. ler aux. ituigOliat PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. pr Merck. 4- Man. bit,. par Egehange tank, 'par ' , Bk. of Gerioantows Ea, - ten I auk, ' Lancaster dis Hank or Cheater Co. par Faro:ere - a Balks Co. Doyitown bk do " Bk of N America Phil. Bit of Northern Libettles,.. Commercial bk. of ra. Far. 4. !der:barites bk. 4 Kensington rnil Artithia ht Schuylkill bk. Southwark Mr. Western t. g. Bk. of renneylvaitta, Bk of Penn T. Par ?dun. Mechanics bk. IS Mechanics hk. par Movautensir4 bk. Itt Girard ba..k, 5O U. Stale,: bunt, Linntiornien,', Warren. 75' Frank. bk Washiiii4ton, par Miners bk of Polieviie. 6 Bk of Montrotnery Co. par Mon. 1-k Brownsville. 2 Erie Bank. 5 Ilarrisitureh hank. F.ir. - iik Lanais - ter, Bk of Middletown, 6; Bk. of CharrilwrOurgh, 6 CarliFle bank, 6 Bk of Norl ItntrOverlntld Columbia bk k 13. rove co. Bk Sty , rpielinora Ilk of [I. !aware Ca. par Lebanon lb. orzii hk. 61 York rank. Far. 4- orovet= I.k. of Waync,=r,:b Cu, re ncy 11132:1032 • vvvon•in: igmk, 121 1",1 , •:••21. SI:or SC-Si P. 4 1:,•• trc do do sin It! Reck,: 60 12 Towanda.. 2 514,1101 .•k Far- & .•fyea. 2 I.k ..,rst r:3l I.L. Demand Ti t Au fniirrrne y Nsw Lis- bon Demand do Ptlst einrin rt al i ,pccie pay Mech. 4- Tf atlxri hi: of Lk of C,,lurplm =II l'a.ll)r r) ZRrogvitte t k T. STEWART, . No 49, lift lo et, . 111.4 k and straw Anti tosses always on hand All dcrs et to fed wit h r.eatness and despatch, on accomrno- ft:11111Z 1(1111:11 1.1 , '1REP,.. IR LAIIIIIIOII & C 0. 7 Ex,llarlE.• 41 I: FOttri n rPrq, :rd door beiwx Market. Fe; 29-1 y B-139WN:•=1"11.i.f.: it7NI.ITA 41:0N WORKS--E vra•ti Hn^ham Alanufarturer of Iron and N'aits, Warr izouge, Nn 25. Wood ST.. Piirstpuro_ sep ly Lots is .I,:atache=ter, One t.r.,1 r.,nrth .A rres Of Laid on 11ointe' H HI. Lots 41, 42,52, 5;, 54.181, 184 an: la 4, in Ceols:s plan ni LU, on Hollne% Hr7l A Isto. Lots no 2.6 and 7, in Cools's plan of Lot= on 11;;; ; It street, near the new Cowl Floc.e for terms apply In Z W. 11 E MINGTQN. se p 10 j) R. J. Vegetable Head-J.7,4e Pills.— They are remzrkali!y uoo,l in various kinds or Fe ma'e Cn,npl:linis, casei; of Costiven e ss, Indegestion,Cohl liend.Arne and D"zzineFg. 'l'; e valuable properties of thile Pills, in purlint the Lend and stornarh rfolll 1 he foul humours that occasion 7,olcni pain in the head and face, is well known and voy r..roin mended, particularly in cases when a vio. ol! l.a= sottled in ?lir head,eatisine severe pain fare and ter , h, they never fail in giving re the 1,10 , q violent C:3 , 1 : 4. even when hleedinr. and itare !pen tried in vain. They act as a e and will not prevent tae patient from at MEM= a , 1.41 n Thomp , on's Grocery, 1-58. Liberty o t he—Three Big Doors." sep 10 1,,N,t , N. (.:-RRY Ck F'C ICE. Ftakalrtl. Confectioners-and Dealers in n kinds A Wbotesaleand Relail, Feder ,' r" I, nearly oppcvFile the Post Office, A Ilnheny City. 11*Fq14!:tlz Parties, 4te Enpplied at' 4 r.ll times pith the sep 10 =MTN VIC If OLSOX LAXDS.—In pursuance of a decree n "The IN tcln knit Cour: of Pleas of Pennitylva t cn,onCts-iotteri of the estate of John niTer sate, rst the Exchange. Hotel. in Potts. Lac:tans!. Icanitt . on Monday, the 24th of October next s at le n'clocl4. A. he ftat.lotviLz described tracts of Lund, 01,1,1,1 in the Fiate of PennSV!.vania , nit; .'F.E..c7C4, - OF r-q.v. Wer,tmcizelaad co. -A LSO 643 Trnnts of Land to Erie county -ALSO 420 Tracts of Land to Crass foal county .-A LSO- - 264 Tract_ of Land in Mercer counly. —AI. SO 130 Trart. of Land in Bailer county. ALSO 212 Trzrlsof -Lam; in Bearer county. —A LSO 80 Tracts of Land Al nate in-Venango ceiinty. —A LSO— T raris of Land situate in Warren county. —A LSO— : Tf2Cl4 of Land situate in McKean county. —A LSO 19 Tract. of Lard situate in Jeffer.n county. —A LSO 5 Tracts of Land situate in Armstrong county —A LSO-- 14 Traci: , of Land stutate in imitana county. A•L SO 17 Tracts of :Land situate In Fayette county For a tur4bcr description thereof: see bills and other new.rgpirs pit' iiirbes It. The nespeLlire counties. The and will Pe sold to satisfy the debt tine the Corn monwealth of Pen nsytvattia, by John Nicholson, and se cured by Fiscal and Jadicial liens, dated in December, 179,5,and Starch The Commissimters Wilt amend at the Eartit,,n 2 , in gittsburgh, from the 1 1 h of October until the day of sale. to give Inn her information. 'The terms of sale will be—ten per cent. at the tiute of sate,.arid the balance in four equal payments. iVe. 3011 N DUNBAR CREW'', WI LLI M PRIMROSE, Cootakiisliolers JOHN f: (OMITS. Nteuni...ser C'omottssiersas • Orr:r2.4 IlarrisTmrgh, Pa., cent. 30841 5 per. 2g.--1 QTATF.: OF INDI4X4.—For acres Cl land in Dearborn county, State otdniiiana. Ertid tand is about twenty mites Row the large and thKrtohit4 town orLawretteebnre. (twenty Ore miler. below Cineia. nail) on the road to Indianapolta, in a thickly settled neighborhood. A eat haticphureit i= now jaeiqg ere 0d near rald laud. Afildy.to Mr. Harris, Fifth slrt?el. Dear Market. I:cp 24—If EWA*, C ABEL—Wm. M. Mature; M. mit /NIL istaraiatety ?Ann:irking 114 prevent litestaess has determineit to repose the mortice otitis profeadeitt. He twin eare hia.otteathan to the several branettes °Mei. tine and ft r ineyi, ip all of which . be was teittlarifttid nate& Ofir l 4 ll and nosideliee No. 71 Foortli Afeet.eow floqt ahove Wood. • top 17--for: Ilipr-esitg Aim 4 441 41 3 blikt Ikaires. ant caleutick- 011 Pri a ff.!. #* 44 1 4 P 4l _. 4P 44 41 .Tetre4, 41 600 ,t 43.44 1- 2 71 t , . -••••"•-! • 2 w-. Hasoaita Sauthpki. CVO Sorsa*: Xenia. DOSOn, Sr-WO. 014 601011 r ti , Mia.lbe, p r an,lsk Lava-Met, 2 2 2 raastae, - . Coin- bk. Lake Erie, 35 Far. bk:ottaintort, 50 ,Urbana A * 10 NII**ANA. I Staue bk. 4- Branches, 21 State Scrip. 4C K ENTOCIET 411 banks State hk fr Branches. 65 Shz cvneeiown. 65 VICCINIA Bank of S rririnw, AO Va I IPY + I Far. bk. of Vo:rillia, I Exrhaoze bank. I ti. Weil. bank 2 [ SI r. frMer- do. .. MARYLAND. Baltimore Banks, Country Banks, DELAWARE. All Banks, NEVIS JERSEY . • All Pa r Banks, NEW YORK. rit% • Par C. tint ry hanks. 3 A- 4 5 , :a fay 10 Rrd Bark. / to 1 KEW ENGLAND. 1 Bost on -Bunks, p:T .14 Country t• LOUISIANA. I 0 riea I,s Ranks. NOR TO CAROLINA Santis. SOUTh CAROLINA Rank. COLUM :AA :tanks. A LA BA 11.1 A Good Paok. TENNESSIE %II Battk Mc of F.l. Clair, dn. J H. Smith 5 CANADA Cnod banks, 340 8 Enstern Exchange. NPW York, fla , t more, itasAort. western Eichanze. 'incinnaii, par Lon i~cirle, par Cleveland, Wheelit.g. par GOLD AND Sfi.V£s, par hrdstprer and Paper Banter, twei.n Wood and Smltl,field e p 30— 1y Jo-urs H. Ifni l 003 PRICE fr-A.W- PATtE I OO 2I I rear SWILL - seP-10. • 014 140•0011/01*2,1014 It& lasi 1.04 a r a iiitiNionrafil, iiisOtaidinsinsaidr„ frkads , tho g Agigoiwot *SS .4. Me- , I he ,abok . wider Ilte4lray - of KelleiltV4.,siotninuoet Lis tome. loodnies aldealet Ip.iros and Sallo.ptitis old Maud, ll4.t.3.Pnaat wce Wood sod Mortis vs-. A renearOd` ti ofd coaip" op& the pal towage of the. peak generally, Is_ reimectruny Oquerlsed- Piosho . 44114. • 13A11171% 'CELLE'S., sep IQ _JILEX'S. MILAN' A I N Elii3. .44 cerorner T' g orih , „ . it tr fi ed titS. FieF TO tk sECii.P.TAKIVPS OFFICE 4 22 13,kaaltanacia. sniogezobertd - h.18 , 43.4 SALE f F NF THE COZ. 1140NWEALTH, AT AUCTION. • -EN conua nee of the provisions of tae 4th sectiosMan - Aexo Asawmbly, passed the 27th day of Jtate- - Tist, ealltied,aAn act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the Governmentpayment of tbe interest on the Slate Debt—receiving proposals for the sale of the Public ' Workv. and Car other porposff. , ," there will be exposed to public sale. at the Merchants' Exchange. in the city of rhillidelPlll3, gut Wednesday, the 23d.day of Notewher next.at la o'clock, L. a.. the following Stocks, owned by the Commonwealth, to wati , -:- 37 , 600, a res of stock in the Bank of Pennsylvania. I 5333 do an the Philadelphia Bank. 17114 do in t; c Farmers anal !dee:tanks , Bank. ';900 do in the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company: 2500 do in the Union Canal Company. 1500 do in the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Com pany. 500 do-. in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. 1990 do in the Schoylk. ill !Cavitation Company , 320 do in the Bristol Stearn Towboat and Trans portation company. AlFri, at tl.e State Howe. in the boronth of Harr'. burg. Da Monday. the 2Stli day of November next, at IQ o'clock. ♦. K. 2905 share-- of stork in the fkinvirle and Pottsville Railroad Company. • 2000 do in the Cumberland Valley Raitroad Cosa party. 2000 'lO Franklin Railroad Company. 400 do Wrighisolile, Yo-k and Get yf...borg Railroad Co. 6110 do eodorus Navigation Co. 995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Novi ration Co. 2500 do Monongahela Navigation Co. 4500 do Barrie Lure Bridge Co. 2400 do Northumberland Bridge Co. 2160 do Monongahela Bruin Cp. 1600 do A I leghen y Bridge Co. 560 do W ilke.thar re Bridgrr Co. 400 do Lervisburg Bridge Co. 600 do Pig Braver Bridge Co. 600 do ilanrifle Bridle Co. 490 do Neropeck Bridge Co. 350' do French Creek Bridiie Co. 100 do Conesnatigh Bridge Co. 60 do schnyikill and Prot.:town Bridge Co 100 do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co. 92 do Minion Bridge Co. 171 do Robb...town Bridge Co. 200 do Towanda Bridge CO. 1250 do Franklin and Allegheny flrid^e On. 120 do F,hoy(kill Bridge,tat Matson , a ford) Company. Willlamsnott Bridge Co., Washing 300 do inn ronnty. Al.o,stnrk in t-iie foilowine Turnpike road Compa to "124 ter'sett-g# .4.10 1 * , 1 i -• ` '''. - tlieii biliiiiielialeiWe Wealt* ile imaironitkatk et 4si*.EitiffiVelif iii g - - „ s ~, 8 ' 4 ' 1 4 0 ... - - : • ," - f -, - .44:5wai5,2:4E1-,' , :var;4l : : 5. - = , - i-.14-.4k -~-;~s~ . _.__. - LATE PUI4.ICATUJNS... a - .. ~„,;._, IV" EMOlRS'ofthe laic Rev. parfef J'f-r/41.1ke.. PO*, A. LT Pre;i4enT of Dick - wino Colleen,Larlikle.,lo46ollo' - Miltrr. D. n..12.n0. v. tilt a hart'Peate.portyalL.),,, , ?,, , - - E.f- t CO..ifFo/: 7' TX .9FFL.ICTRIX- A sprios 4 sfe tu t i! , . lions, by /a inrs linrha pan. D. D.. [Lief ,Gtllltltiiilitebt. l :, - "' hollit.'fir,rt American. fr ,, 01 the ginEdie , ureh 441,*arc .-- ~... * t SEIBITL'S.i. /10.Arf,:i from NivreptAt. Hivisk o r : -1 nations ard ol.servatiHrif , tut the aanirat - itiliaiitli . ' Irieit4if Berta. fit Ft int rodueed to loll,* irlovlre lily len; ' . Samuel ru, rh .F.A. M.. I.3ovidoti eit .01 too • I- a ."; -, ir. - A TRIBUTE. OF PAR EIVVI TL .e..I I TEC74O* V... Ch." des .Stt !a in. A. M. - - - - _ ' +-‘ , i -irff- ,- .t -: .-',.,......... DEC4POLIS- or the individualohlitratientie Clithillt. , '''' darts lo rave souls from death; an Emmy by iptielt . tri ,l Ford—fourth A nterira n, from the g'st is Londlni , ,u l=' , ._ .. : .S:RII,0 if !NG ' YET REJOICING-0r - ' 'lr. recant . - tiir,eg.tretimeaverriente in a.minititei'e fiselllFil'Z' • ' ,C..7tRL/E sEV.MOCIR--or the .G.Orl As tic mt.i4lhe ... Pad A3lnl; 17 M , As C.nheritte'Sineliiir:344 . :%V._ . hot tvi4 LIVE 11 RILE YOU .1.. - IPEL--rolitiik :74 • -...- • . erimase. I.ife a Rare Life a Cittsr.io.„ Li' . a .i..'.'reitTitre for eternity.tty the Rev. T.. - _...;;,..._ CI7RISTI..V LOVE--or es thrkiinly or - pe#o3 for the irtilliedin.r. cony. rsiot...ol the Itettettiti4"..l,._ 4 : THE EXT F-V - T -8-. VD LIFICJICY 4414 . 41 . 1 . '..„,:r , ,•...-: ILEA - T.-I , y I Ir•srard Mak.. Int. President. Ol s Gettir ‘ .4.-..4 - . 74- - 7 ' - r-. F.- . •.-4: , - .',: Cotleire..K y.-24.ed it iori 18 op. The Mora I 1 nilnence, Dancers and Duties. C;0111 .54 ---- 07 - , , tri It Great Chi ei•---111 fetka 1 . 044 , ;3801. . ; 4N- -- --- - , , The _rare 4nd duty of iiiiing spitipta#l.t. alotteill. illeair' red and r3tnclienrlV Imp.Toviiii - . ldMt 43 wen,. 11 D.I. ,- . . - - HISTORY OE TH.I.: GRES? REFORA4I4 ...._ : I /mitts,' er nth refl. u. r in .Geruta riy. Swilzerland i AteiMr : I. Tl. Iqr , l , D ' .l3l`l. 3 lbe, President fiff Lb!. Thool9llkilikk; - 7 - . Setiont of Geneva, It., ill 3 yids. 12 inn.; 24 .4.petigruk- - , - . ..;,/,- ._ Irmo the $.ll London edition. LURE 1.( 10 1 611 e. - Arilliti 4 7.'"' - i'..n: sep 33 No: 89trfisi4 s . - r'. 1 555 00. do do do do tAXtStt VS__ 1 d u db 'do d° it so oo. 4,... -.- I do du 'tic, do 1A)(104,, , P0:. , 'do do do do :, 50att: i With ratting. irFpri an addition of 53 to para - iiriiiii-, ~... Iflormant F.eales for" the tr-e of Vlorartitoictes,,, F11,...1:104 , !urns. 4-r., th e same prier* a 5 above- - .. .c . .:,„:„!•,-; . .;:.. ' At - wt.:While's Paten! CIDUIllif Scale. whip - 0, - roii -' - ; ut,proven:.ClllF, and a variety of . odles leooollet .-:, - 1 which they twill sell for noin sto 61.5, - i They alio . marrufartore s:vain 'Engines f o r . rilirtry a ti : mil .F.,-,,, ~ mw W , s. Sall ork: d 4„. doi!tae 40417...:' - ti -: i :earedle i;,- lathe-A.(oot and other lathes (disci:o4tr,' • I Illa Chil l ,. ., for iellantinz chairs, planing Snarhittes, land tnill 'machines. Hail's . pat. ns Jtor , e Jnill*l l lA 1, ~ rroti hoot tI , rn Wag inachineTs, a snperiot• artie.c.. 'pros _ 1 sane shaft., macnit;es fOr saiihl lalh,Tistiiit'S: mask. • ;IX chines and ton!sitiallci,-s;riPtictehl,alFO tarns:Ml4ooW • - tog boxer, a -uiterior,ariirle; zorernors for !seal*, otrAtir,fo ,tortes. top; ar4l dies. colfre MM.. bed/Seidl- 'or 361.! !Inr , and mat hirtery.'ke maliion tile same. cotton rittorj , ileq citintryloadii*renafied; priming presi philtres tare -3 114 printing. pre". Tni:rpFared. J A Si M=. M;iy: Arent. 'rep "22--.Y* ' rov.:.s. - G 4; 13it_Azi;st.T01....,. - _ _ , , , --,•:n ,•••,.. LOOK AT TIM. , . „..,.. ~,:, Thf, 2ttent ion Witto e who iTave kin ,6 . -.. 4 . i 4 tical in reference to the nowirrous reatik.g.attef, grit ._, in favor offer. f'• wayne's Cosnixtnent_4 yip .tr, ~ .19,. -- tkitsi a . ry, on acronnt oftbe persons beingys4nowa ~.., tion of the State, is respectfully dicectelitilt , cerlificnte,The writer of whielf hasiwiori Odom v borough for seVerstl years, aad I. tra? .. f4;it il.i., .1r integrity and Il II sesptinsibitity. ,--.. ~ .1 - 4.4- 1 1 4 ..1 . ,-, 4 . - 7 4 , lA!:.Atri 2 .;f - X _ ..1 I bare staktt:Dr...4 iie, Ste romp *ag7l: o ,f":lPA- Si, - Cherrr tbr artwigh . i. with whi ch 1 liaw.e„kleirri itererW:4l4. fireli4rrar Oast four`l6oo-1111A:and l' 14 tir , b re no .be I ttitell in ,srsiorthat itlitherookt ofreeti sit-01* • been able to prow*. . it ettemeterA agree: nett with my x`-AVOWdiej.1—:101141141000.1 ,. . *emit appetite. .1_ carriieell irterteilieent ii•:,traw*lllit . in.itaite. irOltebra. J.Slisawcy.:Ltorootheifethla bbi a ll *_• - biarek4. MO 7 5 .. ' -• ;.', , - '-- - ' : 1 4 30 0 .-- A L "C For Pa'r br SAUL .1 4 A*11119r1:1" 2,3,: . II FRUIT, airiVE,; TgE AND_ : RNA: " _ . • - .Vi .___ ~_,,:. . ,,•44.,..;-••', Itillitr4o ll ,..4filso* of POO 2 O ll l - 1 1 N.P 4 -"S-' 4 o 4 *- -4,.::::S . " i goiNoot; iiesfirksitto l •'—.ll ll o.•.:. _.' "-..k,-;- - :-.t. ::,-,1-4 . - . I joss i 1 tut - -IkAPtOmir'.:.:.i-:::: , -.. 4'.-zi,-'2.. - ---, .43 ! !tviMtilikimfeVOl - ' ''. -' 4-„. - :‘!7 4 ! % Y . • - • - 1 ""r" - Iti i' e tip4:-iidi.**- :-' , ' 4: - .1 . ' - 0:f _ ~,:, .F::iii.,;•,.-4:ik --- 1: "-:: , 'A.:y; . : 3 tt .-11 . ,..,, , A;k,v , '" ' 1~ vt 3;3 A _ :!!...,.',..'.i.''-i4 - . ix - q;•.A: ! -.. 2 4 -,, i...,- , ,A7 :-;t:'l.-i;f:: ,piirmi loolved boi ti Mate* tOwPen Oft"- dreg:A.l,V thait rift* Itaiii4244 •, composed it 1116.4.1 , la ' 1, , titC l % Elllialarat. 4.0.F11414-4* -r• - ..-g'..