Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 30, 1842, Image 2

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    'wire' brit bare There be
gad aims
_-enow in Glendorroeh, to
- leoCkthis Sassenaeb looker that the Cam
will submit to no woman's rule, least
,4 1
4' When that woman is a Campbell.'
'You forget, dear father,' rejoined Catb
, !that the blood of the Pee:Won* 'lds!)
'tie.lWiri veins of the yoorg heiress.
lifie-ivere arrived! She, at Intl,
leibkrnpinrsible for the evil deeds
. of her,
sniiiteil-eedguardiang, or for-;-the hasty
,writ :violent doings of their Inept% end
iiishe'bears awoman's heart,' she will not
gee a wbite liared follower of hermother's
WAIN turned with his widowed daughter
and helpless bairn, to couch with the hill
I .hit and "the roe. I Would that the lady of
Ififinatiorrock were, rather, far rather, than
Ant brave and gracious boy —may
*Wien-bless and prosper hrmi—wirom we
einfuta but call the chief! Too much of
l iaildlyblood bath been shed in Glendor
irockz We must have no struggle, dear
istbei;lnust not give just cause for sever
_ityvrthese Sassenach rulers. Hat k! .vllO
bestsat the door - V
'The factor and his folk,' replied Angus,
gtagpingbis weapon VI Ith a resolute air.
lo or was the answer, as she lifted
_ theiatcli and admitted a fair-haired young
man;irbo,gazing at her for a Moment will)
As-whole heart in his smile and joyous
etes,tbrew his arms round her waist,'ex
ehriming,. Why! have you forgotten your
-410fitidorroeld' cried the father and
deeOter involuntatily. All the faithful
.crionarnan'a devotion was in one greetirg, '
at oldman doffed his bonnet to -his
- eefrall the tender woman's affection itt
timinther, as she pressed the hand of her
old talayfellow.
Cheerfully and cordially wet e their gree
tings returned. Claude's look, as he re
sawed +ls seat et the ingle side, and look
er:lithe/et, end spake to`Angus as if they had
rota yesterday. making acquaintance
'443earrie, alluding slightly but feelingly
04* loos of her father, and entering into
• thefigieneral 'grief and indignation for the
-Baia' of Loath, the descendant of a race
ofirege who had' belonged to the chieftain
oftaiendorroch from generation to genera
_ L.,
shall abide the deed.' And then waiving
offentil anothertime the particular account
-of himself and his fortunes which their af
fectionate interest required and deserved,
andelaying only generaly that he had en
ter* the service of a German prince, and
afterfilling the post of aid-de-camp to a
dietinguiihed officer, had accompanied his
tointriander on an important embassy,
- so that big prospects were fair, he returned ,
to_ilw, grievance' of lie hour, and offered
his assistance to Jeanie, who was by this
tinieseated on his knee,to dig a grave a
' lin* . the birks and gowans for her poor
tali state.
' eyeallied forth accordingly. lt was
a bright autumn evening. The hills were
purple-with heather, while the narrow' val-.
ley, through which the bright burn ran
Wiropling. Wag green as an emerald, ex
cept where' the sun slept with a gold - an
shine upon patches of velvet turf. and the
holifolnd the mountain ash, with their co
ralberries crept up the side of the hills.
Tuilisof blue-bells waved lightly in the air
_ ametibe silver bark of , the weeping birch
glittered through 'the light and feathery fo-
lite_ scene was full of pastoral beauty,
tClaude Cameicin surveyed it with the
ags of an exile restored to his native
- land; feelings with whose unusual softness
tbe'''wallings of the tender hearted little
over her dead favorite accorded well.
Wile young soldier would have respect.d
ji another the tears that certainly stood in
eyes,if they did not find their way down
his cheeks; nevertheless; he was a little
ashamed of emotion, and gathered himself
up.'quickly, when just as he was replacing
- the turf over Luath's humble grave; he
heard loud sounds of contest and distress
front the. path leading to the cottage, and
Ittniiaware ottilhert Elliott's myrmidOns
Ihriaittirgr forth Angus Cameron, in spite of
the old man's sturdy resistance, and the
disrinied cries 01 his daughter.
an instant Claude was at their side.
- withheld with a lion's strength
fotilirthe factor's emmissaries was yielded
*Mi.childlike docility(such was the in-
Aitilliarsf feudal obediance) to his chieftain,
the rest, although unacknowledged. head
of Clan Cameron; and one word spoken a
part.,„.JAded by the chink of gold in a well
- • - purse, overcame the lesser diffi.
persuading Gilbert Elliot's people
Ater furtbrr • proceedings until the
rrival of the lady, now, from intelligence
Gated by as avant courier, confi
entlyzeitpected on the morrow.
.-The:'morrow came, and, gathered to.
ll'every device which the indefat
factor vould devise, half the retail- '
eriiakelhoese awaited the youthful heir.
0010 ire thegates of Glandorroch. -- 4 13dr
friettat-Angus and Cathleen, accompanied
Jeanie, attended in fulfilment of a
premise to Claude, Who was nowhere vis
. The old men was dark and gloomy,
tes4 l llo-Wee - all around,' in spite of 'young.
to carrying.baskets of flowerg, and. chi"-
' .Irith garlands, and pipers plaAng the
frattiiiNcisnd a brolkeunosecl carmen firing
elittisikthe half hour as an engineer
'w t 11011)091'9 well adapted to his artillery,
being time of au arm and deg,. -- C - ould coo
triii#lo tranpass. o7 , Xvery outward symbol-1
'isideforen thatvietextower could com-1
sasibititnis - ftediely bestowed: Nothi"?g..
• 'except that tree and ' g p n ai ne
loggiltiA4totalty which- no Heleu
taVer the real chieftain of the old
fing*itfintld excite - to -the W)Nrm hearts o f
Visit iiiithfol people. The arrived,
lailklifelim -as any'since that a n d
• ' - ofthOetnin',whri wrongtt the
"' { r All Smiles and :blitsited the fa
'gazed= 416, het for alt ,
liotifiy - tookiniritfili in '4 16-
in AnOtpti'e
Glenclh.S24;o: ll' ,. , ,fiXitt 4ipon
I - lifted - sdt. his loVely companion,
turned her
IfeutlYr abilshed 8011'.`Ishignefeced she
stood' toward the wondering, expectant
'throng, and doffing gallantly his plumed
bOnnet, said, with a tountentuce radient
with happiness, 'Friends sod liinsman,this
is your lady and min
- e, my own dear wite,
Helen Cameron.' _
FRI DAY, SEPrk.AI HER 30. 1842
See First Page.
Another ftlsehoottag,sinst the Governor ex
Gov. Porter may certaiilly bo considered
the ..best -abused" man in the State. From
the time of his nomination till the present
day, he has had to . eirdlrunter the most 'bit
ter, malignant and ungenerous iipposition
ever brought.against a public functionary.-
1-10 has been charged with almost every
crime amenable to the laws of the State,
and to induce the public to give these char
ges credence, they have been:Se:4lorib at
tested by the affidavits of some of the vilest
tollowersof the federal camp. who are al.—
wa) s ready to swear to any statement for a
The last eharge'brought against him was
a second edition of the Stonebreaker calum
nies of 1835, in witiat- a Mr. Rothrock- fig
ures as principal accuser, and which has
given the federal journals an opportunity to
give vent to their malignant hatred fn. the
Governor. But a plain statement of the
facts in this case, by those who know
the circumstances, has destroyed every
shadow of dishonest conduct on the part
of Gov Porter; and gives a.uo.ther•evidence
of the baseness of federal politicians.
The .facts as we find them stated are
briefly thus: Some half dozen years agn,
While yet a private citizen residing in Hun—
tingdon, David R. Porter hired a certain Mr,
Rothrock to plaster a house which he was
then erecting. He paid him a considerable
sum in advance, and before Mr. Rothrock
had concluded his contract he (Rothrock)
left that section of country, and Gov. P.'r.
ter was obliged to procure the services of
another plasterer. - He never 11.eard another
word respecting this redoubtable Mr. Roth
rock, until during a recent - visit to Hunting
dun, when he was aecoitted, by his brother
in the street, demanding additional compen
sation for the plastering. Gov. Porter in
formed him, that he had already overpaid
his brother—he having never performed
the services - he had engaged to perform; but
that, if upon an examination of he receipts,
which were then at Harrisburg, lie found
anything due, he would-cheerfully liquidate
the claim: To this the brother readily as
sented, being apparently well satisfied with
the asauranees given hint by . the Governor.
He neither:heartE-of or saw Mr. Rothrock
afterwardi. - A few days thereafter, howev
er, he left town, and while in the first lock
below the borough of Huntingdon a witig
constable stepped on board the packet, and
served upon him a process for the alledged
debt, issued by a vindictive Federal Magis—
trate, named .Bfrica—and on the strength
of this "small potato" proceeding, Federal
liars and calumniators are again . waking
the "welkin ring" against the man who has
defeated all their former efforts to destroy
his reputation with his fellnw citizens.
Articles of impeachment were on Friday
presented in the County Court of N. York,
against Justices Matsell, Parker and Sie
yens: Mr. Patterson, who makes the char
ges, in his report states, that they, in two
weeks, between the 28 , h March and 12th
April, 1842, caused 70 convicts at Black!.
well'i Wand to be before the
terms to which they tieire sentenced had ex
pired—that they were. ketti (;ii the island till
the Eight of the 1 ith April, when they were
all brought down to the city to vote at-the
charter election on the 12th April, and that
many of them did vote. The chfrrges are
two in number, with specifications, in w hich
it averred that they - catieed - discharges to
be ante-dated, also furnished several war
` rants in blank, to be filled up by the keeper,
or'others, so that they might discharge such
- 0 - they saw fit, kc.
Two Distinguished Tourists.—Gener
al Dititress and General Apathy. The for
mer seems to be travelling all over the coon
try,i WM% the latter confines hi, "stables
principally to whig meetings. General De
, feat is likewise a fast friend of the whigs,
atul for, the last two years has led their col.
mans m all election returns. . -
l'heN. Y. Chronicle says that /Nose
ford's proposition Itibuild a Theatre'in-Lon
'swine is Att nvi&ace that al/ burnt children
do not dread the Ere. We observe that bis
partner in thweniereise is a -Mr. Cittutariw,
'Titbit person laliiii - inithor oftlie4A4rn ire*:
we will have a dice lint is
liaWtheatrea. ••:-• ,• • `.T
- ;
r: We
31 r-
14igt4.0**1406.:1.1,;77,.: ; on t 4:
authority MilParlis;:thitihe money was
4rawnfrom;the . '7 7 issthiti* ancfpaid`over to
_Lightner: The GazettelMe
r eil a "mare's nest" in-the fact that Mr
not actually draw the money, and,
ap=pears to think that: this fact hatt destroyed
shat iocensurable on his part in thii dis-
I reputable transaction. Rut. we Is#rn from
the editor'i remarks that Mr. D. received an
order from Mr. Lightner to get the money,_
and.that he would have done so, had it - not
been drawn by Mr. Reeler.,
So, the Gazette admits at last, that - Isaac
Lightner, the great federal , .oformer; the
man who was lauded so 1111161} . for his efforts
in the Investigating Committee - and his zeal
in Concocting charges ofcorrUption and fraud
against democrats, has been guilty of plun
dering from the state a large amount of mon
eyfor which he never rendered the slight
est service.
Although the Gazette admits the "fact,"
now, it has not one word of censure for
this high handed piece of fraud, but actually
attempts to shift the enormity From Light
ner, and to make the ,. Committee, of Ac
coutys responsible for the act. When the
editor "denied the fact." he amid if-it was
proven to be true, he would not justify Mr.
Lightner. He now has no doubt of its
truth, but instead of censuring Lightner, he
smears to regard his conduct rather favor-
ably, and we should not be surprised to see
him ro to out in a few days -in defence of
extra pay. We infer that mother CAREY 'S
chicken, has been advising, you le this
course, Mr. White. As he expects to set
in Harrisburg this winter, he thinks it would
be advanta.4entis to have an opportunity , of
following the example of Lightner, and
drawing extra pay fir the time he may be
attending to his own business during the
The Nicholson Gond Spooltallow,
John Nicholson was among the first Of
the Biddle class of financiers with which
our good old commonwealth was cursed.
By means of the *eerier"' which is only
known to your-paper -speculators, he be
came possessed' Oran , immense amount of
land; comprising the one seventh part of the
State. fie became indebted to the State,
and mortgaged his property to secure the
debt. Under the very lenient system which
has been pursued towards public defaulters,
the State Government has permitted the ac
counts of Nicholson to slumber, in an un
settled state. The necessities of the Treas
ury have at length driven the arimini4trar
Lion tobike some measures to realize m on
ey from the Nicholson property, and there
is every reason to believe that if the plan is
carried out much injustice will be done to
many worthy .peoPle who have bought and
paid for their land, and never dreamed that
all their hard-earnings would be wrung
from them by the cursed entailments of a
dead and rotten speculator.
Nicholson was.a partner of Itribt. Mor
ris, the great banker,, whose great failure in
early times, was similar in its 'nature and
'effects to the recent explosion of the U.IS.
Bank. Care ishurild Ise taken, that the
failure of Biddle's great balance wheel,
shall not inflict upon remote generations
the same distresses which Nicholson'i ava
rice entailed upon his fellow-citizens and
their descendants.
Clay's Prospccls.—ln all the states where
Clay has been nominated for the Presiden•.
cy, the federal ticket has been defeated.—
This is rather an inauspicious omen for the
•virgin heifer" candidate.
Ft is every day '-becoming more evident
that the friends of the "virgin heifer" can•
didate, intend, if possible to revive the hum
buggery of 1840 for the next Presidential
campaign. They have issued a volume of
doggerels in Cincinnati, called "Clay Mel
odies," on which the political loafers are
already practising.
British, Queen.—This steam ship was
expected at New York on the 260. She
bring news from Antwerp to the 7th
inst, and from Portsmouth ‘o the lOth; be
i.tg six days later than the last arrivals.
Gou. Dorr.--The time in which the re
ward of $5OOO might have been claimed for
the arrest of Gov. Dorr, expired.yesterday.
There is still a reward of $lllOO offered,
which will be paid for his apprehension any
time before the Bt'i of June next.
rule working both ways.—The Grand
Jury of Norfolk County, Massaehuietts,
found bills of indictment against Blodget
and severai other Charter men of Rhode Is.
land, for their eonditet in kidnapping some
of -the suffrage men , at the house of a Mr.
Crook% in B
turbauce: N
;frith tiefijo
4.4 tit
*#7l, 101460;i4timeotoVh •
still - digrat at the dwitigbaS affair which wmt.
nottc input of VittOday, and :4 ,
anich:3eal in investigating the istif ,
ter as did bis illustrious predecessor
dining the object of a certain ticket that
as- voted for in 1849. Some stfppose that
the editor of the Gaillte knows inqw- a
bout this matter than he chooses -to-tell, as
it might be person* unpleasami l to him if
all the facts were known; but this we can
not crrit fora moment, as we feel confi
dent that our neighbor won't "diddle.*
: As he appears determined to persevere in
ferreting out this diabolical plot, we 'feel
disposed to give him all the aid in our pow
er, and would inform him that if he will
cross tho Monongahela by the tripartite
Bridge; and agitate himself along some one
of the many roads in that part of the coup-
try, until he comes to Mrs, Wagner's, who
keeps a place to stop at, he will most prob
ably ha = ve the whole diddling matter explain
ed to his entire satisfaction.
Emigrants Returning. —The New York
papers state that large numbers of emigrants
are returning to the - homes of their child.
hood, probably - to fare worse than before
they left it. - Utley say they can live easier
in Ireland than Ain:riea. 3Ve only wish
this was tr.ne.
Ifir. Scattering received 2,539 votes for
Gwernor at the recent election in Maine.
The old gentleman is gaining popularity.
Every roan is wretched in proportion to
his vices
Rich —Bennett d flouncing - 14,iii.niable novels
and obscene newspai ers.
11CrThe weather is just like a neutral pa
per:-cool in the morninr —hot at noon—iknd cold
atm:tight. It is trying to please all tastes, hat
pleases nune.„
lUThe Catskill Mountains a‘ra covered wi.h
(" - r. -The St. Louis Organ trade its appearance
daily nit the first time yesterday. We made it
wele.mte. We now want to see the Picayune and
Crescent City slidin' in some of these days..
1..1 - "It is said that there are six hundred Ameri
cans on the &Ind.:viol] Islands, who are property
holders. We dont belit•ee it.
Or—i'Ve return our thanks to the c:erk of the
S. B. -Periel ye for late Cincinnati pipers.
A Fact.--nunt's Merchant's Marazina says
that with "a populati oi of 17,000,000, there is
now less paper in c.rculation, than in 1830, when
the populatian was only 12.000,000! The pro •
ductive wealth of the country i, now immensely
greater than ever, but the paper system has recei
ved so severe a blow that in all probability the fu-
tore necessary iv crea , ze in the circulating rnedi
urn must Zongist or coined money "
(From the N. Y. Herald of Ntonflay.l
Arrest ofJames Sullivan, the Prize Fighter.
Thua mar, a participator in :the recent fight be
tween McCoy and Lilly, was arrested yesterday
and brought to this city tinder the following cir
m-Instancos: It appeaes that Sullivan in company
with Ford, who was one of the seconds of Lilly,
and another person, whose name is unknown, but
who is supposed to be in some manner engaged
in the recent fight, have been cruising in the low
er bay, in a small s..il boat, for the past several
days, as is supposed for the purpose of nbtaining
a passage to Europe in so tie one of :he first
transient vessels that sailed that would take
On Saturday List, a blacksnaith while gunning
on the beach near Sandy Hook, perceived the
sail boat containing these men. Suspicion , : were
created in his mind that the boat contained some
thing or somebody that was not as it outritt to
he, and he conveyed them to Passed tiliiii,h,ipman
flirtlett, of the U schnonet Washington, enrrs_
ged in a survey along the roast. Some of the
crew suppis , ing that the boat might contain a
prize of some sort, or fram the description as given
by their informant, that it might possibly be tti.e
prize fighters,' far Whom a reward of MO was
offered, proposed to Passed Midshipman Bartlett
to go in search of the suspicious boat, if he would
accompany them. They prepared equipments
and made a cruise around Sindy llor k, and in the
Bay, but could discover nothing that looked like
a 'long, low black boat,' of a suspicious charac
Either on the return of the steamboat loins
from Long Branch, yesterday or previous, these
particulars were communicated to police officers
Ben Hays and Jo Staunton, who were on a short
visit to the Branch, and as the boat came up the
lower bay with Pa•-sed Midshipman Birtlett, the
blacksmith who gave the first information, and
the officers, with the other passengers, all hands
were on the- look-out for 'the boat.' On nearing
Staten Island, a small sail boat was seen in the
distance, that in some points answered the de
scription given by the blacksmith, when all was
excitement on board the steamboat. Hays clap
ped the Spy glass to his eye. and as be brought it
to bear upon the sail boat in the distance, ex
claimed, 'Yes, that's them—Ford and Sullivan
and some one else.'
Captain Ailaire ins - tautly tconsented, et the re
quest of the officers, to gllape the course of the
boat towards them, and no sooner was it percei
ved than Sullivan and Ford crouched down into the
boat for an instant, but fi iding that porsoit was
intended, they lowered their sail and sprang to
the use of their oars in order to reach Staten Is
land shore before avertaiten.
The excitement on board the steamboat was
immensa, the fires were urged, but the small boat
appeared to be the gainer. Resort was then
made to one of the yawls of the steamboat, which
was well manned, with Passed Midshipman Bart
lett and officer flays as cmduators of the cbape.
The boat containing the pursued, during all this
delay of ?reparation at the *steamboat, was Skim
niitta it over the surface . of the water with great
speed, propelled forward by the athletic force of
themuscular oarsmen, whose libarty depended on
the energetic efforts of alrnotit" an instants Her
The excitement upon the river had by this time
extended to the United Stat ' soldiers on shore.
stationed under the hill belo w the Teleaph, who
stared with wonder at the extgordinary proceed
ings going on before them. 1
The boat from the bias was now underway, in
te dist Ince between the shorn
ted was perhaps never rowed in
reached A first, and the three..
With the agility' of deer, and ;
.., with the iagility of men who :
;top, nor bet stbpped. The persons
upon the - soldiers who were look.
* t
abase. when D'ivn was etipti4,_
104144 AO '' ' • ividuilit AO ,
kl i fi l a t ß.o l . .* 61 4 60 4 . 1041 ,
- - iiiii:iiis - -'-iiild-z,?_400;.,
-ethnic, et ' ove - their
is J4e4oat,‘!• , ker.-g0 ained
upon the;lislanititi, pewee= the seerilifem.
.4 sgattier ofistlier *fie sent dwellVv - day
af ernoan for the same Pot:pose. It is,„thei:elitrt
to be presumed - that ttiey
Sullivan stated - at the prison that the third per•
son in the boat who escaped, whose name is con
cealcd,had no participtiliten in the' fight, but woe
employed by biro ta aid thts , -managernent'',of
said boat. -
He also says that he has -not seen Lilly - since
Ole R ednesday night after the fight. He com
plains very ion& of the exiiiternent against him,
and denies all participation in !getting up' the
fight between Lilly -and McCoy.
contnuxtiai Ngius.
Thursday, Sept. 29,18'42.
Business begins to revive and chomrs Up the
hearts Lathe people, and our Merchants, Manu
facturers, and ,llechanies are well prepared and
are beginning to shore out well in all our streets
"Near and Cheep Getis;" and it is very cheering
to see the new life gradually insusc3 into our bu
siness community.—Our IVimlesale and Retail
Stores are generally well supplied with clioice
fresh Goods, and Merchants have been very put
_ dent and jukleious in their sdeeting on sub
stantial useful Goods in every branch of trade.--
We have never in oar mercantile expc,rience of
thirty-five years'seen Ametican Flannel, Muslin,
and CAlicoes so very cheap, and the quality co
lors and patterns so very excellent.
Our money market is rather badly supplied,.
ant) is very titre grrd” ally revising and int.:
proving, and the industrious and prudent liminess
community are in good spirits, , -and wc'have tu.ten
told at [tank that cur merchants meet purre!nally
all new business notes. from the excellent and
cheap stoalts - on hand we may expect a moderate,
slie and good business in October and November.
for caSh„Tood country produce, or to very punclu.
al good customers the usu:l credit. Om coun
try merchants can now visit our mat ket with
cash or c.untry produce to a very great advan
tage: Those who come to purchase by retail
will also find a most eliartning assortment of very
cheat) "no , k of all kinds at very low prices, and
excellent 'bargains.
Fluor—ls at a sand and sells from boa's and
wagons at $3 a 3,112. 1 t; and from stores at e , 3,25 a
3,37 k per bbl.
Grain—Wheat 50 Rye 33. Barley 32 a 33
eta. Oatr, 13 al4et A. Corn 25 a 27 eta.
flop HI cents per lb
H ay, $6 t S per ton
Fruit—Good Dried Peaches, Apple.. and Cran
beries arc all in demand, Peach°. 1,50, Apples
621, Cranberries 1,50 per bli , bel; r:re:11 Apples 75
to 1,1 . 2 a bbl; by the bushel 25 a 50.
Ashes—Scorchirigs 3,1 a 4; Pots 4A a 5; Pearls
5 a cents per lb
Bacon—Sales ot 4010 lbs rnim 1 at 41; sides
at 4 a 4.3: sLouldors 3 a 4; barns 61 a 7 cts.
Beef—Our butchers itre paying b"3 per 100 lb
for gond heel': fi.,e 31 , and fir very fat and choice
n. a 4. cts per lb.
P n-k—Salcs of a small drove of hogs at an
av , rage of $3 per 100 lbs.
Fi , h—fierring 4,60 a $5. Maelierel No. 3
7,50 a $3,50. Shad 8,50 a $9.
Lird —stles of 150 ke.rs at 53. cts currency, for
the Eastern market; small sales at 6 n 6i.
Fathers—sales 41100 lbs in lots at 3.
Groceries—our market is esc well sun-.
Cotfee—ore house receved thin week 700
halls of g.od Ili° Colf.e, an I sold 15) bags price
and time not transpired; sales in lots of good at 104
a 123 to town, and 121 a 133 to the country•
So.!ar —sales in fluids of middling at 53 a 6 aad
good at c 3 a Q. and in bb!s 7 cts.
Tea—the ,tocks are large fresh and excellent
and the Friecs low.
Molasses—Sale to the city—one lot 25 bbio ne.
per gall in, and in smaller parcels 20 to 2';r-., to
the country 28 to 30.
Leal her—A good supply, daily sue, in market
the (lant ity—comitry 20 to 21—Spanisi 21
to 21 per lb.—Upper \ Luther p , r dozen 324 to 28
—Calf Skins per doz. $l2 to 36 according to qual
ity. Hides—country 4.4—Spanish 121 a lb.
Oil—Tanner's 70e per gallon. or about an ave
rage of $2O a bbl. Flaxseed oil 75 a 80 e a gallon..
Lard Oil, 60 to 75 dr.
Seed—Clover, Timothy and Flax Seed are all in
demand; sales of 6 bbls Timothy at 1 50; Flax,
seed 75c, and Cl.)ver aced $4 a bushel.
Cheese—Dull, small sales 41 a•sc per lb.
Tobacco—Sates of inferior iraf to the trade, 14
to 2c p, r Ib; good to-choice 2?i to 4c per lb„ cav•
enlist' 411 to 5; Virginia Twi.a .5A a 6e; Flog is
8; Ladies Twist 11 et pis per
%Vont—Clean well washed elturnon 18 to 20;
-1310 A 20; kdo 22; do 24; do 26; full 28, mid
❑rime 3
0,..:)—0ne of our largest houses had an order
from l'hiladdphia. fo porchal,e 5000 lbs common
at 2d cents, and did not succeed in purchasing it.
owder— ats.on's Rock $3 75; and rifle 5 25
r kce.
Salt— N.: 2 $1; No 2.81 - ,k per bb!.
Iron- Juniata 1,10 ,ms $5O a 55 per top—a sale
of 150 tons at $55 on long credit.
Plg Melal—Sales from 20 to $25, an , ordinz to
quality and paymcnt—n sale of 29, lons Allegheny
s2.r,' for currency —6O toes at $2O, 2 r-t roes. fnd
Gar 190 toms sort 22 dolls, offered at 22 dolls, 4
rno:. and refused,
From the New York Herald of Wednesday
Money Market.
A great question that concerns the farmers of
the West is, .how is the surplus crop of grain in
this country 'to be disposed of now that the har
vest of England is ascertained to be such as not
to admit foreign corn? The mar ket fm - Ameri
can produce since 183'7 has been ex:ending, itself
in all directions. So soon as the paper system
gave way. and allowed priers to fall to their level,
.(whiel we take to be the money value of the flonr,
as compared with the in ,DeV rallue of the results
of an equal a;illount of labor in those comercial
countries with which we hold ,ntereourse.) the im
port ceased, and the export Yiltridly i..creased, and
was accelerated by the accumulating stoek recut.
ring from the inereasing iodcistry of the people.
When cheat was holt* here in 1837, at the paper
rate 82 pc , bushel, near 4,000 000 bushel were
imported; 1,500,000 bushels came from Germany.
and near 1,000,000 'bushels frons England and
English colonies. To •what a horrible resu't'
did the paper system bring the United States,,
wnich containing 5,900,000 active people of whom .
3.700,000 are agriculturalists. was obliged to im
port bread to eat! This was "developing the re•
sources of the country,litirough the banking eye- ,
tem," in a most remarkable manner.
Business In Baltimore.
We quote the following remarks from Lyford's
Commercial Journal.of Satordayi—"Business
general is perceptibly improving, and begins to ex
tend itself, embracing all branches of trade. Pri
ces of Provisions, Breadstuff: and. Dry Goods are .
low, but they are probably not dispropretionably_
en, when compared with other articles of Merchan-!
dine which, though not, co readily to be found on
the'order-book as thnse. constituting the necessa
ries et life, are notwithstanding prominent on the ;
merchant's list, and therefore among the import.'
ant items of commerce. Money Waters, as
term is understood, :re easy the baiks are at all
times prepared to disemintiptind Paper, and prob
ably if more of that deacrirition were,offcring, it.
ivoold be fully as agreeable, irolhose institutions.
That more is , not bfreiiog ,an <indication that :
moderation and pruder co characterised the op r
Ittiodtv , 6l , one men, audit:Oita:Vol.boric/
The Phihim ik
Camas.—The salesclepp6
bags Rio, at from si 4
at 91 a 93 cents pvr lb. oa t i vt,
racaibo is store this week.
„rum* AND Mast..... -An I.
b arre l ha,e taken place in th e mi tt
this day, week. Sales oa Mendel
later in the day Shippers elver%
all that could ho had at thatefi..
some at $4 373. 'The price sib
it 450 for standard quality. A t
day. Tnere is very little Floark,
receipts are light.
By Last Night's w
Steamboat IL T. L ytle
Duolin's Slue and Sunk. The B e l'
b a g -gut f•ff 'With the loss oft
rut' S mip Factory, at Cali. ;
consumed on Pie 25th inst.
fr. Comer of Wood 4,
Tine proprielots of the Mortxtu Pi
♦ND M ANUF.I.CTrIt£II respectfully. irft
and the pal cons of I hove papers, lt tl
ti rid well c hosco assortment of
air irilw
e'Alga atniChlk.kla
Necessary iu a Job ."riming Offatabi,
pa:ed to ezeclue
OF EV Ettr DEs.cp di
nil;4 of !ado),
n , :i
Ol.ck CUto.l,
no a k > .
II a tidbifi-,
ail mitts of IRA'
Sta g e,. St COM Goat , and Canal Batt 2
prta.c elf.,
Printed on I lie Phortest inmiteandmost
We respectfully ask tee patronage it
ilie puhllc ur i:enerai in !his 6raer4
ritislitinfli, Sep'. 39, 1!:41
14. DER, Attaruit
Court House. nn Grant strut.
Surgical Instrument
196, corner of Liberty and St 4
CARTWRIGT return:hp,
t, • ciltzens of Pit tsber2l, and victim
dinary patronage he lia.4 heretofore t
still to merit a continuation theca,
rained to manufacture all aricles
superior to any thin_ of thy: kind evert:
and that Pittslairelt shall well merit irk
The suhscriber having altvaysonßid
sive stock of Home Nlanufactured gothic:
Western Conntry, wood particularlyi , :
or St, rgeons, Dent ists end Druggim!
Hardware: itiorchantt to leg stark
Bankers. Tailore, flatters :tad Han
of Patent Shear=, $c,,5 .
And that ei:a!, i..htnent la.iasra'f
thecarh principle. persole; &strove(
once dreenver the advantafe el eaten!'
e!sew here: joi.hing done in a eaperiur
han ever.
I. C., by ilireetimt his
er with hnvirig in hi? VIIIptiT the rn. , 4
men, holes o merit the linruha:ton
Wanted irnme lintety, n ring forrrit
none it er'd apply hut the l est w..oorea
advice that has for its
silutiTd he treafured ap forit(r;elr
Physicloop, Clecg• men. and d i)
suokewiwthe stronoesi ternim of "
for cOn2lis. concompl ion. and
affect ions of the I ungs,•Peas e g goes
of lioarhountr.
More than three thnieiand certit
rharacters in the and atinmiuce its
iviss. The Fe 1.5011 of lite ear is at thind -
and weak ronsdilutions, and no h.
slion Id he without a package of rite,
possrsi: ion.
Remember, ae vge saiiitecore, ;0,14
tno lay
For sale, xv hofesa le and ref ail.at Trtt
ty. KG Fourth st eer, nOar Wood.
CREDITORS lake notice, hai we
Coati. of Common Moog: of Aor, •
100 - benefii of the !awe enacted for the
idebfars 4 and rat said Court
' 'October next. at the Court law, la,
'the Ilea ri u Istovand - our creditnr, , , win
may attend, if yOu think prover.
R 0 BERT SHAW.l,3lllrlier,
r`LELslii cAmft!iNt , Litt; ial-eiiiscr, Lent
cep 30-3 t.
rilliß'PE GOOD coo,rs /r.e.4-7 , A - 1)
at Hearts' n t,vie.e, ,, f. Offir.e. The
be wliite. and rr.rolitnleuto A rip'.
Ne. 9, TWO F' ITO
RD, to tne Ladie......• Nil Nil
FteNCY, begs most re-pert hilly to btf
of Pittsburgh and its vicinity that •he lm
rect. from London. with a be,nititwei citt '
ry of the newest style. Her rOlintll o t l
imes enable leer to introduce the fac
the Ladies horror her with a share Weir
pledges lie ' roelf to keep every Wins oft
description, and pat• strict a Itentinn 10 -'
It is with confidence Mrs. T. KOS ,
and London made Corsets; .11 ,0 br't
of Embroidery, IV riot 10 21,1
ducedin this country: it lin ludes Roby '
=coca: Orientals, Capes a la Cardinal'
t has for Evening Costume, Conan: CA
kerchiefs, Mornfmg and Night Cate. t
ready for their approbation on the 911 l
Mrs. T. is Waking the arrival dile
EUrope, at No. 2 Ferry street, hewed
Fourth Streets.
se pt. 29--dif.
DEDICATION. —The new Graal
Church will he dedicated to the
On next Sabbath, (October 2d); servirrt '
o'clock in the tnorniug.three in VIC 3n,
in the evening. The Ordination ofs,
place in -the afternoon. At each met:
will be taken for the purpose of tiquide ,
debt -on the Church. it ig hoped that tn
ratity of our citizens will he exhibited as
Pews may be rented any utter noon On,
the church betivien two and five o'clott
having associate' ikmiserr , r t•.
firm of Hampton' k Smith, Will con lo .
Dry Goode business in the horse recr •I
Hampton, Smith 4. Co. where they vi o
few days R new stock of Fall and 1,11••
respectfully invite their old friends, a •
eralty, visiting Pittsburgh, to call aA .
nership existing between Jame
bay id_J. Morgan- is this day disolvod if°
Th . e- Cenditiolls will.be duly noticed. 10 !
or twat parties annexed, and Barry tier
open by the euti:ieriber until other art 24.
reeled. '
For sale. eel he p reß yisep, 130 hhlt
ples,"if applied fußiminOdiaielv. JAS.&
r • No 9. Market .0
FOR SALE.—.A good assortmen til
10-12, and 10 14 Window Sash 1 " 1
pally; Witlye Lead 2nd a variety °CFI
ettatomcrv. For gale on necommodend
equntll produce.- - ISAAC
0 01
COOtt af.Appeny for the Oita
1 " ` B rigade 15th Di v istan. Peanilrea,"
held at the 4sauscof Jatoes • ArrnFirtult (
teij Fittsbergh, on Friday, the .70 43 / 1
at 10 o'clock,-A. kir: A Gaut of A 1 , 1 0 ..
lethMetlrelitit. at the same pit,7
ioookt. 411.4:esikenaise .w here all
liteekistread:r-COVS' Welt find ilareittea.r
lt WilF*liahltuteltititettrt, if Wa n
acs.By order of
-b e
We Mgt's,
ea' to Pr e "
'eniue or 0'
y n i g h t , abo
e w as see
d pump.
ut a min
dr; with 41
;the vehicle
as the hors
di.! not
aterious a
bundle we
clothing -
urneyl or,
our liters'
''tal hill, and
~end we r
`Cal house
I for he h
not forget
thake a recoil
oat from Lb
ft it in the
either o o
. e
ly suggest t
r the msolv
Pig and a
"on of sow .
,Subject fn
t as Wo wer ,
which is of i
f Allogheny,
refore postpor
certain calit
display their
the.actcra d
out: A c
e ladies get
We the 014
en from a
n-but wll
,phi 4 :l, tl4).
18, - Louievill
.s, BJaver,
y th, St. ',auk
epaiing to de
- Masi - 460.
el*? FREIGt
15 cen
1 - 111), at 2 o'clo
:mat Machines.
be eeen at my
J. B.
—Just receiver!
. bfractran
splete atgailmen
'YAW, fluor
treat, near
spendott frr
it Baltisrume
trots 'Pittsbu
1 ea Sisal,
e consists of .
Neuf • Deck
Ire e
Itan o d- on
is kept
give their
estera ker.-
oniTch to
41 4-Mairiteß
scat add
_4llO .
y~- -~"s'~YtgLl~