Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 30, 1842, Image 1

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    AVE LERS TARE' NOT — lciLis'
provided vitt 'EIi - Safety Er 4
ri nted with a Stare of Rae ap
u are El 'At deCeiVeti bY Lll4temi,
stating 'their boats to be protridelij
othen they are net e saecaree
e Col Io lazja a ,iistof-hasta-suppii
acrd at. the Part. et_PlUeburgh-.0
list H ave eHa ,
a r.r.414 is ituticibie . for ariexpigi4
iTAN, '
;AR A.Dh (Atli
roN, MO
BRIM' it
V IC' iiy
\ MA;
OS i•
POv4 IN A;
;0 PARK, ..01110,
AIDE, 11..131c:
'll BEND. GALEN. 4,
I,llvsling community are rev.
• hey snake a ehnlee of a boat.to
s• whether it umuld not be to •
twity to chbose a , Safety Guard
and freight. In- preference toast
exploston—and that -they. wie
;.,3 invention has the. unqual
earn enzine huildera—genttenwn,
understand the sallect; and tirli
is-d—lides a number of rerlifiet
!Pis en and others—an of 'Which •
-e, No 10. Water street.where li
e att-times -to exhibit say'r,
tit lake the trouble to tall.
onfacturers, StenSenville,Okitk''
,t waking, known to the public
a super warehouse in Pittsburgh,
14. three doors smith 0r,..01'111' it.,
,;ter; where they will roost
-upply offaper, eons of w.
Irilrr, tea and wall Aher, and
I!, M boards.
with which thev-Ayill
I,onk, t.ed s . choid { ro oks
Ch an e I ensiveassortme.nt of *-
v hi, I, will Le Fo:t1 loW EDT icash,
mi tar tiers' Fc ra pa.
ierca k resscd to tbem at Steitite
t rt Pittsburch. Itcrm
r quality of paper, will he,
iteyeehts la fully entpowettlk
in the ntanagetnentottheit
X SEE!) W.I.A - 7'ED.—Wan -- -T.
orroodF, a quantity of Flats
rt , L kinds of Country Produce I
or roods at /I A R RIS'S Wel
--tf Corn n. ission Vrateitom
N li A R . CO 1111RISZIOSI Are/wise,
,• and Amcricart Alizr4f4w4grei,
. Grier, E-q., Pitisburzh
o. Hart,
c.,liran of R'd.
. D. Davis.
iv Hanna.
4- Cn.
%VoodLou Madison
. on w Welt i live, in Wilkins 111
I conlairtirll one hundroli:
~;it 70 acres of which is cleared, al
in. , red. There :are lepton it Liget
. r 33 feet by 34; an apple orciooti
1. of ...event) , acres of coal. The oi
0 :hal Of_any- upland farm in
de kriosest OR appiicationt o The
1. LTA M C. WALL, ?lain all
d Picture Frame Amur
: ; . f 7-err Plitsburgh. —C3 riffaSS* eE
ri LEts, ahcays on hand. 'Actin
v framed io order- Repairing de
lar attention paid to regildiugasi
rip' ion.
ns fining up S. learn Bostit or bobid
-ant:tge to call.,
r. LL D.—The iubserilers
furnisti painters; and others wl
e White Lead made Of' tile ben
al, if not taperiorto anz Or,
ri addressed topuntap,* Bag
10 Second street; riji l Vl b '
• litftLiitr
, • St.. n e doerfrira Old Maxi of
•=criber respettletlly 4 4 Orns
r2 ll and vicinity , Ilalk-:161hal
hoes of his own mailafittureA l
I e will keep constantly Orr "0
t all kintlofutiarr egk
soarthe best quality:
the times. lie will also ms
fancy work—such
colored „gaiterii,sa
Olsten, silk
made at the shorlcieTWOSers . : --
:elle , will please call and essinw .,. ..,,
obscriber feels confident
4,-ie in his line they may
Don't forget the gi3Bee.-4 10 '
m Harris's Intelligence Offia,
arker Street
AM DIG BY hay _
'business of Mow/ 441 . , i :;;;#
, street and 42 'Mane.
to the numerous fay/1411 10 1 4
r t Ile vers; liberal unSter l .,%."o
'0 Tam, in conneetlnn'yortt-, fori,
10 assure them thif eve/7 De .
continuation atre
11, invite their
97. which he, f nieit vettw•w it, ,
~. been ever offered,
3:e of the stock of
d as be tatends 10 eittol.F7:- i 'wo — „,'
-iness,lie frets estslidri„
his sleek, either lei
workutanaltip. 0 0E ,,
to take notieet hat tt:~
in Pittai;urgh•
Skeet fres itral,:7o- 1 7
liae rv-;
;t the
"Poildlea - • -
Wilda sr„tar -
__z .
1.-NO 12.
R OF wool)* FIFTY STS.
E n oLLARS a year, payable in
,pre TWO C P3—for gale al the
and try Sews Boys.
ry and nannfact firer
K LT. at the same office, on a double
TWO I) , )LL F:S. a year, In ad.
°pie:, SIN CE.NTS.
s of Advert ising.
0,50 , One month, .I:I.(10
0.7 S I Two moot!. 6.00
1,00 j Tbf CP months.
1..-A1 Four moullti, 11,00
300 Biz month,,, 10,00
4 . 00 One }ear.
Tr* Squares.
SISAIO Fir months. $23,00
25,00 One rear,
,1 7'hird I,e'tvcen Market and Wood
dU, ro.masier.
VV:. , cr.4t() dam . from I.V.ond M. Peter
,lnjor Jahn W i !lock. Collect or.
T, IVond to4ween FirA and Second
!lartram. Treasurer
rav, Tittrd =trees, next door to the
n B. Johnston, Treasurer.
Fourth. between Market and Wood
flay. Mayor.
veep ‘larket and Wood greet?, on
Irert 4
near ll'ortd.
Or zE Waier Fireet. near the Firkig,e
corner of Penn and Si Clair.
zi..roriler 0( Third and %% oat.
L.ri.rner ai Third and 511011.60 d.
r 0,.„„ of P r ,„ nod Canal.
LAI) , y am.. near Seer of li.
lic,se,lo,,iv 71 opposi,e WayllC
14,10% I'rno Sr nrspoille Canal
0011 S. TITM NEY A NI)
LOH AT L.Vll'•-- , . IE. r
,ffires f , tl 11.1 , 10-.OIIS 0000,110
C. urst /0011:S 10 Julio P. Mahon,
PP 10
'MOTE M. I).—";remorrd to
: , ttrre , rtnn Ltherty
5 1.10
Nlnrk,v, 31111
e r: E li: Frf . lirlt. at a uniw , gir.
. 1 . ‘ l,f Sep 10
& Aitorney., , and
nr I,a,‘ the Diamond. hack
Sop 10
g. Morton. Alderman; offiee north
hence , n Wood and Smithfield
tep 10
vrrr. Giocrr Rectiking
Produce and Pill .bn cg
224 Liberty Strecl. Pats-
Rep 10
s 45, 111 i,woltrrit.--‘v hoirsair
rot, t,,d, m el Cha
r:o Itholfaclored article;, No. 29.
iwp 10
IL ROBINSON, Viorors al Law;
,north -4.1 e ki Iltatunt,6.•(`‘Ween
)R kW. 11 , 40 , !ler U : [ender,
Ooa: to 111 r oxihio,
art., t S Lloc.t
a. Sf•i,
• hr,‘N. 11.11vii,riurpr: of dipper
rl I;on IVnt , . No FAI FlCint
002. ork
Fr, h,sl,
OUNG AZ Furniture W.lro
r f ttanA -t Em - 030.7., Aber.
o Fornilitre, o 111 find 11 ;0
-; 00 ~. a ra::. 1;0;07 Folly ~a tisfied Thal
-Pp 10
rn nrraor a . and prim
I AlfS.—Just r,r•ved 16001,31 re Mu(
sw, t lor sole rio•ap tiyihr do
50.2, Fifth st
;.I. of La,at‘eih's Fresh Ru
ud o he, d;irerrot varietbes orrurnip
•.tf aria sale at hxorc xn PRICES at the
Fore of F. L. SNOWDEN,
!sr , I Lihpriy or reel, head oh Wood.
LOSE I,S Root and shoe !annul - act°.
ti.t Ft/ItTi II , nett (14 4 1 r eo %1 C. =sates
Pro arila , and Satin Shoes made ;n
nrr, ano by the newest French patterns.
VAL'S MULTICAULUS. in Tots to su
purchasers; to I.e disposed of by
No. 184 lalverly street, twat" of Wood
KoTig.„riowers and Flower See& of ev
-4,1aK,.., cam al Vea tea lie bad at the Drug
of F. L. SNOW DC.N.
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
',hole Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for
the Drug and Seed store of
IS4 Litiertry streei.itead of Wood.
rd just received by
F. 1.. SNOW MN,
No. 184, Liberi v head of Wood M..
O LS, ing of floes. Fancy Spades
toir.2 Trowels, Eddirir. Tools; Budding
EeWCS, 'Pruning Shears. etc., kis( re
- le by F. L. SNOWDEN.
184 liiwriy street. head of Wood.
isen 11 4111 A.--J um. received small slip
y c hoice cured Venison Hama, on retail
torrent money
nd Com. Merchant
Ciover Seed, Orchard Grass and
Y Si ne Gram, 2iways on hand and for
6 °.
[.theory signer, head of WOOL
!UCHNSX, Co,eg La Z Office runt the 121‘arootot, tiornersßOwt"
uctb street , isetween Market and Wood
SKS, for pr aceedin.s in At_
underthe fare law, for sale at this Office.
--Lots on the North East corner or Coil
nigh street Antorto
TI DARLINcToN, Market, near &het.
Landreth's French :korai. Beet eeediust
inrd and for sate Ellie lAtag 4114/ Bled
184 Liberty weer, bnAd of Wood
rohlo he re retofo emoting Worsen Whir
and BENJ AIMS IiGTEMILA•iII-tithillar
Ina' consent. William Digttyla antlsosismil
ore of LtLe firm seutins, np dice besieges
sew, ir.imegivisiA.
D R. E. BERRrTT I DraiatricAltit Shia
field, icicles Seernel sad TAird
FRP 10 Perresvicay.
TOR NSTON 4- STOCKTON, BookselienyPrinteng nevi
J 'Paper Starnifacturers, No. 37, Starks[ n. sep 113-19
JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water si
near the Monongahela House, P , urgh. sep 1071 Y
LEONARD S. JOHNS. Alderinau,St.Chtfr street, se
cond door from Liberty. sep 10-1 y
DR. S. li. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door
to Mu'rally ir Co's Ohm. - Warehouse sep 111-1 y
SHUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourh st.,
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sap 10-ty
rritios. HAMI LTON. Attorney at Law. Fifth, between
1 Wood and Smithfield Ha., Pittsbureh. sepl 0-1 y
HuG u TON CJI. Attotnet , at Law. North East corner
of Smithfield and Fourlh strut=. sep 10—ly
HANNA 4 . TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No.
104, Wood st., where may he had a general supply
of writing. wrapping. printing, wall paper; blank books.
school hooks, 4.c, frc. seP 10-1 y
C. TOW CO., Wire Workers and
R. Moo ufacittr ers, No. 23 Market street. ween 2d
and 3d tnreets. sep 10--1 y
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
st teeig, by IIcKIBEIN 4• SMITH.
sep 10—IY
IG META L.-77 tons soft Pis Meta! for sale by
LG. 4- A. COED - IN,
No. 12 Water meet
41 anti LBS. B ICON HAMS. 16,000 tbs. Bacon
itNIV/ 1 11.1 Shoulders, for sa'e by
J. G. 4- A. GORDON,
sep 13 N 0.12 Water street,
JAS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Milt:burgh,
Mani of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; Tor
Imcca, Fuller. Mill and Timber Sere FE; Hoosen Screws for
nolling Mills, 4c sep 10-1 y
JOHN 211'CLOSKEY,Tai!or arid Oct hier, Liber.v
Ft. eet, lieivreen Sixth aria Virgin alley, South side.,
Rep 10
JW BURP lIIDG 4 - CO., Wholesale Gropers and
Commission Merchants-. Second street, between
‘Vood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. genie- ly
G 3. GORDON. Cornmii:sion and Forwarding
Merchant=, Water Ft.. Pitisburgh. sep
Ell M ca=ke hams, a good article, received per
B Corsair, and for sale by J. G. k A. GORDON,
Grp 10 No. 12. Water street
SCJG AII ..S• 1001.45i , E5.--40 !aids New Orleans Su
ea , : SO toils New Orleans M01at00.. , -, for sale 1w
sep 10 J. G. 4- A. GORDON:
Sit:C A R.--7 WM: prime N. 0. Sit:tar, rereiveii per S.
R Maine. and for sale by ].G. lc A. GORDON.
sep 10 No. 12, Water street
50 BACON sey 1 C
J A "* G K S Br , in A
. o G r d o e
rt r . D o o n a hand o
.a fol 2, 4 . es
QVG AP. AND MOL A SSES.—I3 !aids and 41. Is N. 0.
Swear, 32 hid.: N. 0. Molasses, received per Sleamimat
Inivorter,7l(lli for =ale by .1. G. 4. A. GOB DOS,
sep 10 No. 12. Water street
5 B BLS LAB)OIL. for sale by
rep 10 corner of 6i ti and ‘Voodsts
1631 P.% PERS Germantown Lamp Black for sale
by B. A. FA HN Brt.: I TOCK k CO.,
se nlO corner of6tli and Wood sts.
tiLBS Prepawd Chalk, for en , e by
hell/ It, A. FA lINE.Sf OCK CO
Pei , 10 corner of 6th and Wood sti:
SUGAR AND MOLASSES.-60 blida. N. 0. Sugar,
2.5 idols. do. do., 100 do. Plantation Molasars. for
7o I.e used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
good pa pe r,and in the forms approved by the Couri,for vale
tie Office of the Mercury and Democrat. cep 10
M. HUBBA.RD, Ltdies' faultionabte boot and
shoe Manufacturer. No. 101. Third street., between
Wood and ithfi.eld streets, Pittsburgh sett 10
reittri - ved his office to the corner of Fourth
11 , 11 . 1iiirry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
FOR RENT.—Theclwelling and lot containing 4
acre,. in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road, lately
ocrupied , .y Mr. Samuel Church. Apply at the alerchants
ai , d Manufacturers' sank, to W. H. DENNY.
MAKER, No. 95, Market street, Fitts
• :. burgh, between Fifth and Liberty streets,
1 sep 10
_ supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand; and for (MAC at hie agency, the Dry: store of
sep 10 184 Lit.et - t9 street, head of Wood.
R. DAVID WARD has his o ffi ce and residence D on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court 'louse.
second dwellinstrom flossstreet. Fle will faithfully at tend
all calls pertaining to his prof ess ion. Night calls should be
made at the door above the basement. sep 10
REMOV A L —Matt hew Jones, Barber and flair Dress
er. has removed to Fourth st rek.t, opposite the Mar
ors office, where he will he happy to wait upon permanent
4,1 r tra nsie n t customers. He solicits,s share uf,public nat
fon sett 18
WMr. A. WARD, DENTIST, Penn Ft. three
door lielew Irwin street, Hours of betsioess, from
s. K., tali ) 5 e. wt., after which time he wit( attend
to no one esrept is eases of actual necessity. He
would (of-titer inform those who may think proper to
employ him,t itat he-expects itrintotitatestayineut, wit bout
the neceity on his part of sending in bills. rep 10
OHN M'FARLAND, Upkolsterer and Cabinet
.41 . ..ker, Third at. bcrwees Wood ag Market,streete,
respectlnlirrflrms his Nen& anAl the public that he is
prepared *execute all erdersCoegaras, Sideboards, Su
rea us, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Mailramm, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
wort:, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. Pep 10
Ile Word Street, Pittsburg —t, A. Batsman.
AuctioseerandComuannion Ilerthant,ia now prepared
to week:resod sell ail lauds of Goods and Itterellandize,
at his large and capacious moms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Pittsburgh.
. SegularsaLes of Dry GOods, Furniture, Groceries and
others rticles,os Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Mardw.sse.Cotlery,Ory Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday earerds:s.
Books. 4-r-, every Saturday evening.
Liberal advances wade on-Consignments when wanted
Masers. iota 4). ijay.is, gag-. I
• Bagatek 4- Sorith„ I
u Hamptoti. smith. '4 C. 4 .
u F. Lore= 4- co., .
u J. W. Barbridge 4 Co., i
'" S. !Mee* Co. f
" Capt. James Wthargll4, -1., 'Pittsburgh.
u C. Ihissea. Erq. . 1
u Joao JEFiLdden 800. I
.. Logan 4¢ Kroority.
0 J. Ir..'iltoortiom4 4 Co.. A
. , i
•. Jsus.lPiltuart. Pk. . j
• SolertGaiway,lloll: , '- ,1
"-- .Capt, los. Nay s :. :I • , '
u 1i0 3 174,11a05a, 4f Co.
• AWAlliiket-Soweil.- - , - 7. '''
i W- 11 1 " 4 I
• A. ' 8.6. Heim! - ‘• •: • . "i4ovelisill:
1 1 - 11141, k 04 k4q. - Co.ti •• 7c: '.,_,,,, -,. ~ , riWilk!..- . 1:-
• Pennsylvania and Ohio Line
of Freight esti Packet 'Canal baaill between weaver, and
Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville, Pennsylvania. Leaves
Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with
two d., fly lines on the Pen rsylvania canal to
phia, and w.th tee New York and Ohio, line on the Erie
canal, and Dew York and Ohio line and Ohio canal. al.
so with ste..m freight and passage boats,, brigs and
schoonere,on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well
known line will be prepared on We opening of taaviga.
lion to iran.pcirt merchandise to any nrsite intermedd
ale ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca
nal.; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper h,akes;td
and front New York City and Philadelphia.
McClure 4 - Dickey. Beaver, Pa.,
Cobb Wormer 4 Co.; Cleveland, 0.,
Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0.,
J. G. 4 A. GORDON,
No, 12 Water street
• r. ,4;
• •• , .
•• • ,
and Beaver Perla.
HAS commenced her regular trips, and *Ulan dal.
ty (Sundays excepted.) Leaves Beaver at $
dock*, MI, leaves l'ittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. M. eon
neeti at Beaver Stith the
N 0.60 Water street, Pillshurele
W. R. rtew.c.c.
RUNS daily (Sunda:. S eXf,e(ll .) between I'ITTS.
BURGH 4. SEAVE.R. leaving Beaver at 2 A. M.
and Pitt .ibur!lt at P. M. provided frith EV42.1 . 8 safe
ty Guard to prevent Explosion of Boilers.
This.iplendidand fa-t ranninz Steam Bort liasjust
oeen couipte;ed exineTuly for ibis trade, and •tuns in
onneetion with
CLARKE 4- Co's Pittsburgh aid CJette/and "Line of
Cleveland. Ohio.
!4 '.
Or down the Ohio canal to klas4iton, 4.e. and Erie Ex
Tension Line In Greenville
The Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from
Pit tsburrrli direct, and the husiners conducted on the
mo.t prompt and economical system. ' Having aconnec
lion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel
phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running gown the
Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with
C. N. Reed's Steamboats and sev era! Lake Vessels, and
the T roy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Frier:lna!, we are prepared fo, the transportation
of Fr-ight to and from all points on the:can:a, tho lakes
and the Inv. - r, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as
any other line.
Apply to G. if. Bartow, No. 55 Water CI, or at Steam.
twat Michigan's Landing. Pittsturgli.
Clorkr k Co. Beaver.
Hubbard 4. Weatherbee, Warren.
Wheeler 4. Co. Akron:
Thomas Richmond 4- Co. Cleveland
.1. fi. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville;
W. C. Malen. Sharon,
B. W. 0111.6m:ham. New Castle,
John K irk, Youngstown,
John Cam Own Newton Falls;
Cam pbel I 4 Miller, Ca mpliellstown;
Babeock $• Mcßride, Ravenna;
C. 4- D. Rhodes, Franklin;
H. A. Miller 4- Co., Cuyahoga Falls;
Wellsman & Whitehead, Massillon;
Gurclon Williams. Co., Detroit;
Kinne, Davis 4 Co., Buffalo;
Cowing, Richmond, Williams 4- Co., ti'"ew York.
sep 10
/-11 G BY—No. 121. Corner of Woodund Front
ILII Streets, Pit h, has on hand a complete as
sortmentof Qucensware suited to the city or country
trade. Also. a choice selection of pure while and gold
hand DINING AN D TEA W ARE. in large or small sets,
or separate pieies to suit purchasers.
A cask of 46. 60. or 64 piece sets, supertdv painted
and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices.
Toy Teaware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from
1,00 to $5.00 per set
Children's Mugs of every deseript ion .
While China Shaving ?dugs.
Granite Dining at d Tea Service , . in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in (dye and ',lack.
A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Stts,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every size.
Patent Packets, Tnbs and Feelers.
Slone Pipe Heads. kc. kc. &r.
All of which are respectfully oTered in the pub.
lie on ttre most favorable tr rms. Jan -26,1342—1 v
TJ. FOX ALDEN Attorney and alma sailor a t
• L . C fir rs his professional fPrvice€ to Ihe rit
ir.ens of Pittsburgh and hopes for a share of public pal
ronage. He will execut e all kinds of writing with neat
ness and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on
reasonable terms.—Offire in Smithfield street, at the
house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers.
sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN.
DAVID CLARK, A g't. "shiowable Boot Naker,
nas removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he wou'cl be barmy
to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos.
.91 to patronize hint. Be nses nothing but first rate
stock. and employs the best of workmen; and as he give:
hrs eon..tant personal attentiODLONlSifleSS. ben rusts that
be will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
Pep 10
A Hunker re.peetfutly informs his friends and the
politic that they can always rind the hest quality of Ice
Creams, together with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits, in t heir season, at his esiaidishment—No. H.
Fifth street, heiween Wood and Markel.
N. B.—Parties snpplied on the shortest notice, w ith
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. sep 10
1 - OILS B. GUTHRLE Auctioneer and Commis
slon Merchant, No.l96.corser. of Wood 4- Fifth stp.
Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the Auction
eras for the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to job.
tiers, manuf6tourers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of /hiss/30:st. He I , prepared to make
advances on consignments of ail saleable commodities ,
and trusts to maki.-4 correspondents by quick sates, and
speedy land favorable return*
That the various interests which may ire.eonts.ded to
him, shall be adequalety protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SA.xest
Fsnicas - rocE heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in ElarAware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement Is made.
Menses. M. Tiernan, Preset. of m M.
•• Darlington 4 , ,Keeliles,
Robert Galway,
•• James M. Cooper,
" James May,
•• R. M. Riddle, } Pittsburgh
At Wm Robinson. Jr. Prm't
•11 of Emchange Baok.
••• Rampioo,Smitit, 4- Co.,
• • John D. Davis,
Raman' Church.
" J. K. Moorhead,
•• Jas. W. Brown 4- CO.
‘0411.0 B. "Blown, 4- Co.
gfilitii 4- ft igsley. •
• Yardly f Bluets,
s• John S. libbite,
.s John Dalaell,
HAM Y. CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, ries_ afflicted with Dyspepsia in its roost
Ai= mAmAA.ed ArFairr:' symptoms weriTirinient need
ache, greet ;ellindiily. fere-, COStiVeVeIS•_ Pengby hesiCt
rsr„ patiat,4omiiytest and stornack *ware-after /siting,
impairsaigspe4lteesation or stinting al thesnowatit,
(erred ionsiire.riansea, with frequent-voinkiegr„ticeiliess
ounirdi night aid resileness. There had twinned np
propt o f a toreweininiik, when. on consokieg . Dr-Win.
.teairk, 100 Chathaart Akre% and selonitUriii to ever
inieciOnad and egreenbie Anode- of treatment, item stillest
reare r .vinkinWriestoredroribeelik the shell "Pun or
Airielpirenktriekgralefivi der ikermiciicalableriernekt rierivc2
od ‘ eiaddpriparieformniedied nolainineel.ilieriboireetate,
iFor s*t!,STAPiesge. 404 Prok - - 1 .4
41 , 0 _
, ,
~= ~,::
I)I‘4 O GOOMPE. Cite/noted Amon Pats. ?bete
1/11 are strongly recommen, en ded to the eetke _of
11* ithiten-int a Mlle aid endear remedy ht removing
heim_ceniptaints peestlauto their sex, from wactiof ez
efeir*, general debility of the system. They Obviate
coMivemar, and connteractAill Hysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation Of the moat eminent Physicians in the Eel
led Statetcand many Mothers. 'for mde Wisdom* and
Retail. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
seP 10 No. 20:Wood Street,helmar Second.
ADAIR., Boot and-Skos Maker, Larly st,
. • oppos,ite tke kenifsf Mat Odd at., Picts/mega.—
Tim suteerlher having bought out the stock of the lare
Thoth= ,RaMinityijdocenied, -has coMmenced badness
in the'old stiluyPef. Mr: R., and is prepared to execute
an deseriptioniy-A" workin - his line, in the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. -He keeps oorstantly on band
a large assortment ofshoefinditts of all descriptions and
of the heat quality. He solicits the patronage of the nub
ile and of the craft. WM. ADAIR,
sep 10
sad .10.stes for Carriagcs at Eaittera Prices.
Tiie subscribers mannfaeture and keeps - constantly on
hand Cooeh,C and Eliptie Sprincs forarranted44,lloiala
iron Axles; Silver and Deans Plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Rub Bands. Slump Joints, Palest Leather,
Zilyeetted Dram Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Itott, Door liaadles and Di PgPig. Ire ,ke
TO LET. ---A well finished and comfortabt . twosto
ry house, ice ether with back butithries, stable, car
riaeelltottse, itossenzion given Immediately.
is ptoperty issituated belowthe Penitentiary, near
be residence of Mr. Wm. Bagaley. and L. a very desirable
residence. For terms inquire of I. R. Moorhead, or the
Fubseriber. G. W. BARNES Union Factory.
'rep 111.-:-2w
NOTICE TO CREDITORS.--"fake Notkc that, I
have applied to the Judges of the Court of Com
mon Picas of Venangn county. for the benefit of the laws
mad. for the relief . of Insolvent Debtors; and that they
have a7priinted Ilkfourth Mondaymt November for the
bearing' of me nati my rrrditors,at the Court House, in
the .Itorousti orlrranittin—wken Invit where yea may at
tend, if putt- thltillopropez, and show cause, if any you
have. why I shoulttnist he discharged.
ern ift—`;t • WILLIAM KEARNS'.
IT D. @EL LER S, M. D., office and dwetline in Fourth
. near Ferry sheet. sep 13—IY
STOLEN. from the shop of the subscribe*, in Third
street, come time last week, o pair of Shears, for
ha ir.cuti ing . They are nearly, or quite a (not long, and
very slim, it is supposed the thief sold Them somewhere
in the city: I will pay the purchaser any reasonable price
if he ..fit bring Mom t.a.m. M. .7TJAZir3.
TICe:C.—On Saturday, 17th instant, at 3 o'clock. P.,
M. I :vitt sell, by order of the Assignee, un the premi:e.,
the fol , owing described property. viz: A lot of Ground
32 feet front by about 100 feet deep, with a suhsLantial
frame building on it. u-retil now ps a machine shop, con
taining a good Stem Reline and Gearings, Two Circular
Saws and nftllTlP . ,vitevete in Allegheny City. between the
Canal and tpe C9tumani: and ad joining the Methodist
Cl urch—fiirmerty oneupied as a looking glass factory,
by T. A.-11 il lie r Co. Termsaf sate.
sep 11-71 J. B. GI_TTEnt IE, Auctioneer.
100 DADS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO, in slam and
for sale try 1. C. fr A CORDON.
No 12, Water plreet.
NANct AND FlYDRooltsetyr, 3d Septesaben 1842.
Sealed Proton. Is wilt be received at this Pure.on until fl
o'clock. I'. M.,of the 15th October neat, for furnishing
and dr•livering, in the proportions, and at the places here
in designated, the following number and description for
Bannon. Shot and Shells.for the Naval Service of the
United 'Stater, viz: Thirty eight inch Prlizhan guns, of
about 63 eV. each. Seventy thirty-two pounder runs of
41 elleehltd - iiitwardts, the nreilse vre 4 .lll of each to he de.
!ermined hereafter. Five hundred Melts inch, shells;
Three Int ndred eight inch solid stint and Seven thousand
thirty-two ponnticr snot. Deliaerable as /allows:
Weight in. Patch:in gnns Deliverable al
200 eight in. shells I Sackett's liar.
100 eight in. solid ghat. bor, N• V., on
20 thirty two ponn.lej guns Inr before the
2.500 thirt v-two pounder shut J 15th May next
10 g 121“ in. Pai.than guns ) Deliveeable at
150 tight in. shells I Buffalo N. V.,
100 eight in. solid shot on or before
r !Sthitty two pounder suns I the 15th May
2.so(ithirty.two pounder shot j twit.
10 eight in. Paixhan guns - 1 Deliverable at
1.50 rif ht in. shell I Erie Pen no.
100 eight in r :stotid shot •• ;. on or before
20 tlai rt v-twn Imundm...guris J the 15th May
20)0 thitty tWOnentuter sheit j nest.
The protocols most state distinctly the rale per ton (of
twenty-two hand re.ti and forty pounds), for the cups, and
the rate per pound for the stint and_shells, deliverable as
alinve,alltn be subject to; undergo stich proof and in
speetion.as this Bureau may deem proper to authorize;
and none will he paid for that shall not pass such in.
spection as mar be entirely satisfactory.
Ponds, With two approved sureties, wilt he required in
one third the ezlimated amount of the contract, and ten
Per centum of the rionut of all bills will he retained as
collateral security tor the faithful performance thereof.
which will be paid only on the satisfactory completion of
the contract; and ninety per rentum of all deliveries will
he paid on hilts properly authenticated. according le the
provisions alto contract, within thirty days after their
p-e , entation to the Navy Agent.
The offers mu , state at what agency the corttracter
may desire payment to be made.
Drawinnof the guns wilt be furnished from this Bu
reau, and they most be cast and finished to conform to
them in every respect.
No hot blast metal is tobe used, and the slot mu.; be
cast in Fand montds. Sep 12
TO THE is now well understood how
much disorders of the mind daperni for t heir cure
upon* due attention to the body, it is now noderstOod
how valuable is not medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations Without weakening the bodily power. It is
now-anderstood that there is a reciprocal influence be.
tween the mind and the body. .It is now onderstoottidiat
Plltrelhe with the flraudteth rim will remove a melon
ellutY, and even insanity is cored by nersegerinely usint
them: it is now understood how much domestic happi ,
nese depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
It is now well 'known that the Brandreth Pills have
cared thou sa nds of hopeless and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians bad pronounced thed beyond
an human means of relief. It is now not only welt
tnown that the Brandreth Pills so cure, but it is also un
derstood how they core; that it is by their plirifying effect
on the blood that they restore the body to heal h.
The Value of the medicine Is becoming more and more
manifest, it is recommended daily from family to family.
The Drandrelli Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious aCtUrligiatiOn9 and purify andtnvib
ratethe bin - ad:and their geed Mreasare not counterhalan
ced by anit.ineonvenienchtiing composed .entstely of
rregetabtestlithit do not expose those who use them to
danger; altd,Sheir eiftccis arc as certain as they are s.alu
tary; they grwdally and safely admin6lersd to infancy,
youth. manbood,sind old ase. and to women in the most
critical and delicate circumstances. They do not &Math
or shock the animal functions, but restore their order
and establish their health.
Sold at Dr. Brastireib's Office, N 0.93, Woad street,
Pittsburgh. .Prire.,23 cents per hos, with full diractipas.
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where the genu
ine OHM can he obtained, isthe Loctor'smorir dike, ria.
9S Wood street. seP 14)
J sep 10
NlARitior. OFAUTUtt Y.--eatsick Cawfteld re
It!.s Ns friends and the public gen
erally,,that-he his ernotnenced the id orbit. istsinessat the
corner of Fit sand Liberty sts., where will heoottstantly
on harni,totab Armes, 'mantel pieces, inonatnents, held
andloot tabie slabs for cabinet Wale, 11 /Wfm7:.
artieVeapPertainiag to the holiness. He will .warrant bra
ist*Sthealigittiortei and his charges win he ottslorste.
fleiesliocanitgjeskor a share of public patronage. sep
*lying rani& tbe4are
- •
• • • bum It• Ce - .. 1110.60.
Alter g'. 11 " 14 4 1 ". 111 p r
u R • - ' •
isigfteCri. 6 * er ;•••
- .7.71 , r... - E r AZ' 1 - 7IJT. EAT A .
S . elan. near f , e Vierhetoy
~ , „., . , ; 4,,,, • .:,:i.,,-;;-,f
„ 4 ,,,!- -.:',.'„ -',,-,*4_,
!M►}nßAitßiss_s saw Daily Itigier is as COI of Plus
buret, is ba Li 4
fßESatinarthera having made avransonseats to merge
the anrevican lianafaclarecanni rimihatab Mercu
ry kilo one Journal. have concluded to publish a daily
paper with Hie title of tbe Dena atronfreg Pest ,
The leading object of the .Porrn mill be livedistemina
iklit and defence of the-political principle, that have here
tofore been maintained' y the ir.ditoro, in their rag:wetter
poem, and their best efforts will mill be devoted to the
advancement "and soma of thine deciding.
Although, in potiticr, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the gators hope. by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Potitical creels, .Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of nil mat
tars and occurrences that come pedperly within the Inhere
ore Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in
cresting to entitle it to the patronegre of the piddle, it
respective of party consideratioall,
In addition to the political and genera; news that will
h e fee " In the " 2 /end*/ Post." the Editors will take
pains to furnish the hosinens community with
the. latest and most lattresting CIMIICIL(L\ L InTstu
cram from all partsof the country, and to have pram•
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade.
as will beadvantageoes to oar literehaute and Enslaves -
Men in their several
Terms .—Tbe Parr wilt be published on a law 'WIWI
-ffluirpareT, umniuracrunntriwpeelally for this
Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable in aJvanee. it will also be sold by
newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a cony.
Adoertiseneves will he inserted at the lowest rates
charged by
j 4pber daily papers of the city.
irrT active' /*are-wanted to sell the Pot,
who will be engaged oil lbe roost liberal terms
August 31, 1842.
• - •
44/I A.
Liverpool Commercial Live of Packets. Sailiagr Weeklg .
The Subscriber would respectfully inform such persons
residing. in this country as are desirous for sending, for
their friends to coacte oat from Inn old country, that he
continues as usual to make engagements by Which Pas
sengers are brought out on very moderate terms, In First
tia :a Ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, and would
lssure persons desirous of coming by the above Line,
that as agents of first respectability are engaged at Li
verpool, there will be no detention whatever at that
He la also prepared at all limes so flarnittrakht_Dnitts
prrnarrint — passenze.s tor the
voyage, payable throughout. the United Kingdom. rd in
case the parties agreed for should decline coming out, the
passage money shall be refunded without reduction.
For further particulars apply it by fetter to
No. 61. South strret,New York
At ihe Warehouse f DALZELL 4 . FLEMING,
No. 34 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
BY AUCTION.—WiIt be •old by Politic Auction,
without ruses& for cash. to close Ihe concern, at the
Hall of the Mar lhoron.h Chapel, in Boston, on Tuesday.
the fount. day of Octoher next, commencing at nine of
the clock in the forenoon.
All the property of the United Slates Land Company
congist Int of about
140.000 Acres of good and well watered Farmins and
Grazins and very vatnabie Timber Land, lying in Jeffer
son. McKean and Clearfield counties, in the Slate of
Nmowlvania—on parts of which there is abundance of
Coal. Lime and Iron Ore, and many AI illseats;
And of Claims against sundry persons for land sold
lying in said ronnties, that are eonAdered good.
And or Stock and Toots On o Farm in ihe township
of Bradford, in the county of Alcilea n, in said State of
The land will he sold in lots to snit purchasers, con.
taining from about 12040 5000 acres.
Further part icntars will he made known at the sole, or
on inquiry of the sub.rriher, at No. 12 Long Wharf—
nf Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants' Row in Boston—or
of either of the Trusteesof the.gaid Unitedl3 , ates Land
Company. D. R GRIGGS.
President *fag United States Land Co
Boston, Angnst 20.1840. (sep 10)
gY Morrison k ro. London. for sate only hv S. N.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa, and H. Harwood. Beaver Pa. who
is Sole agent for W e stern Penns I.rania. Pep 10
FARM FOR SA Le.—The under Si2ned offi-rs for sale a
tract of laud situated 4 miler from Freeport, In the
dirertion of Kittanning. Buffalo "township. Armicronv
counts. containing 100 acres. 65 cleared and tinder good
-fence; 10 of avtlitn are in meadow— a good ersnare log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 bearing tures—and a spring of etrellent
water convenient lathe hoarse.
FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Sattworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, I rn:te above Free
Dtt. .1. WESTON'S Vegetable Expectorant Syrup,an
infallible cure for whooping cough. This disease
is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a
suffocating cough, •Ind a deep shrill sound. called a whoop;
it comes on with difficult breathing. thirst, hoarseness and
cough. with difficult expectoration. The violent exer
t ions in coughing bloat the face, which turns purple, and
the eyes swell and become prominent.
• Consumption often dates its origin Gout this disease,
which has hitherto twilled the skill pf ate mast able phy
sicians. but now by this simple vegetahte medicine this
distressing and frequently destructive disorder can be Ca
red ins few days. Thousands have riven it a trial aad
in no case where used according tothedirection has it
Nile& 1-osening the viscid matter sad making it easily
expectorated withoutsitch violent straining as is invarim
lily experienced by littlesniTerersity every mode of treat
ment that has heen reeeimiatadei.
Coughs. colds, contrittnplian. - asthcna, 4.e. cured by Dr.
Weston's India n Cough ateitirine, wan v cases of ronsu mp
lions. some in the advanced slagatd given up as incurs•
hie by physicians, have been cured 4 , 5 , this medicine with
his pills and plaster. l large bottles, small 50 eta. Pills
25 cents, plaster 25 cis. His Strengthening Plaster is •
best in the world for weak hacks, pain in the side, 4c.„ 4c.
Jr..l . Wftdon's Eye Water cares all disorders of the
eyes when ail other means fail. Price 25 cents. His Corn
Salve is soldat 121:01.:. per box, containing enough to
care 20 rents or mons, - Afelatis also a perfectly safe and
highly valuable tnedteitite . for aflirms--price 25 cents per
Es....nees are saperier to MI others, being at least 6
times ibe atcangth of any that can be purchatesi at any of
the dru7.sists, such as peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon.
lepron.oranee, lavender, cloves. fennel, almond, beep
mot, rosemary, omrraway, ke. Price 121 cents per
bottle, or 50 eta per ease containing 4 bottles, or 75 cis
for boxes coniaining6 bottles.
Formic -at JohoTliontielon'sGentery 153 Libel, "L - ,
nest door to the "Three Big Doors." nap. 10
DR. J. B. TIBBiTT'd, HesPeellbfir torero th e el*
rens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that be Iran ratan,-
ed to the city. He hopes to sbarethe confidence of as
Former patrons and the public getters/1y; and solicits a
eenewul,ofn portkni of their "Patronage. in connexion
tie would olueeve,•thali theaueration or Lithotrlity, (Of
breaking the stonein tbe, bladder and allowing tiro past.
of with the urine) is-every wbere cornetindhelf the deep
est interest. He hopesla extend the benefit ofthidt *anal
o f his profession to ibe Strictures, Disown s of
the Bladder and itidiwja,—whiseallydnlioW,--
will likewise receive eneeilev-
T'hospe et dieraucc Aluther
wilt Bpply personait~ :or by inner. -or.if dashed tae be'
uccotaalwilided slide dintilLeavhe a "indiroit - Partuf
tit td
tyi.ott Third, between Fermi and - Lily _ men JQ
I WM;(9. 441k1 4.4livtystiest, AllasWash. WhOli.
71. side 111111 R. 4socer 141044rabi' , whoa 1,..
aad *silk essiirsai caustic, vo , inibeasi
0111",".-314 thePualic generanT, l LattacMok 4l
lbrirbiriaers brims nedestry alAled; boge ,and coo,*
of oroserwt, wiodOw dtwitis salikibil
P ntouliWie stria
1'4;4 AN4*
ek ,
"AN sure a dog as eau fiatglit at bead."!* - riladh
They who have had a fatorite
who has nett , --who have that
mute sympathy in affliction, sad liistot
mation and gaiety which hiagattilit
around our happier hours will to* aisdii I 1 ik
to participate ' in the grief of thel :etalrOle
family of Augus Oareertm, la theyl ',..pelalit_ . '
upon the faithful creature who. Aar fffilliff
up hie bead and looking.in his , Ait
face for the last time, sank ckatier
and, while poor little Jeanieffuig. kitteele
beside him, stroking his stiffening_ ire*
and mixing her fast falling tears Witiethfl
life-blood that dabbled NE shaggy utak
stretched orrt his limbs, gave-two - trek/is
convulsive, twitches, and died. -.Alai, -
would not believe that Leath was deadi
and oven her grandfather. -although aleW .
tredicting her assertion tliat he stilt .ffiNde!
with the irritability of sorrow, - rhsr4
by indignation, raised the body of.,
yourite, with a half hope that life 'U* ,
extinct, and when it fell hask- - e hap*
weight upon the _clay floor of their ethdielta t , : - ,-
broke into bitter denunciations aPoWAill, '
cowardly tyrant who had slain, in watsatdiet.
nese of anger and power, the beet add;
bravest dog that ever u•od - the brief:4
The peculiar cireumstances of thalweg& -
and the time lent a double force/00ml)* ,
clansman's malediction. It was akeitrik.
twenty years after the Forty-five, inAdder ,
unhappy insurreciton the chief of iffsai.
branch of the Camerons, together"
many chieftians of that brave and anchreit .
house, had adhered to the last to 641404, -
tunes of Charles E.iwatd, had heen!gteiii4"
ted and forfeited, and had died Brokaw
1,..... - a .4-I_l.— • • :
young at the time of the rebellionwpar...,- :
take of his father's guilt (the old rest
did not give that name to the part hitrie*--.
er, Glendarroch, took in that remarka ble rising) was deprived of hie inheriting%
while the large property from which IW
derived his territorial title was bestelred;
upon a Campbell, the sworn enemy ot ilthr
clan, who had intermarried with - a dims
kieswoman of the Camerons. He 100, via
deed, leayisg only a daughter, reared aid
educated in England; while an Eirh-,- -
er, or, at the best, a lowland Scot, an lii4„
of the debateable land, was placed by , t _ > :`' -
Campbells, her father's kindred, as eveifr, -
looker, factor, (which ever were the- 440 1 -
noxious word of a mot obnoxious offioe9, - 7 ,
over the ,estates and vassals of the ralitt_.
He it was, a keen sporientasotts&aitoll: ,
and ,fiery...num. saho_alreadrdeep; ANA* _. ~..
n'ar among-the clan, with whose halm*" ..---_,
and manners he was unacquainiedc . Mad
r whom be at, once , mistrusted anddespusto; -
he it was, this very Gilbert Elliot, whit 44.
now filled up the measure of biapititkh7,-. ; ..,„;,- . -
'shooting Luath. White little Jeaniels. , ,, , _
crying herself into comparative calmnaial-,: - ,, -
over the body of the faithful creature,„ssi -
long her playmate, Anguttlounil.a . teller_
nearly similar in pouring forth, io btu tis .i.
I rive GRlie, the story of his wrongs; with a;;; : -<.
fury and energy which really amount/4K
e!oquence, so deeply was the old man stitpjf..:
by the mingled passions of grief 'and hate,:
The story, in ?lain English, aid Septirai - T,
ted from Angus Cameron's
,bitter ratoperall_
non, was briefly this; -: -.
Elliot, who had, as it appeared, ituttiot
oAcasion for red deer venison, to calefiriktir":_,
the coming of age and expected arrisal.X:,...
the fair heiress, had eel forth before suoihts,:
upon this uolu- fly noir ing, attended .hy_
two or r theee Highlasui gilhestrd a 1 4 11 *,- -
of well trained dogs. wilt the purpnatt:4:- .
staking some tierr,-which had botst-erciA
upon the hills be', and the lake, Li llenoi,l -
_. r ,i
having leached a station where, `ioneeSl4 -
by a tree, he was enabled to Idea Wee'T
at the noble deer, which he hattbeettikidt-'. - z-:
ing for so many hours; when e -jtist • 0 1- tki --- .
had raised his tine to fire at 'the - 1 - 0,1*:: - . , -__
!ic hich stood, half suspicious, heir
,seeatiV' - ' - ::
on the brew of a small etnineoce,itlat_aaTrk:7 -.--
tu range of a shot, the baying of ahottot 1- ... ,
was heard on the other side of the 1414 ltiske,l"
in an instant, the - stag bounded sway iktliW - ." .
sight and hope ; and Lnath, -who bad
pily attended his master,-probably forts*iar , .:
purpose oot-far distiimilar, dashed Antitank ' '
the very spot from whence Wit appillteet:
had driven the destined prey: -The titiiiii: '-...,
tation of immediate vengeaaee,ootiotwelr --
upon the poor dog, but his nasaftexaor :Itith:
loss of his gams proved irrnsistilde,.. , iftiliot . „ . i -
fired, aniktuath fell; and theseette of iiii . o4* . '
and ailgry recrimination which. , .,
ended Orin in the Lowlander dernaudifik __4llllloL r r , l.
fire - arms,; of _ which, as . he justly .sroW#44. trv.c.,.
law; fOtbade uot merely the pse, but lbet**! , r . ' ,- -7. - _.
session among the forfeitedclants.-ays4
the veteran's indignant refusal 10,dstitts
his weapon, he gave him noticeAhati; - ,_ ,I,ifi-i:..-1;,
should .send-not merely 10 _ iakil '' 3-
force all ticalmoe found it '-thel,
- the hue; but, to dislodge - . ths 1
_..,.._ --*.
and, if need were, to pull,iltatafr . -Stelvitaka
ling. 'arbtit -teddy; 9untb -00 01 d44,4 4
_. .--,4.
oftiee, 'shall lin& nse. neo4,ooilikegit, , :-,3
/end gin fire A nit *rani 4wati shii:c . wadi*
4 The leddYrSai44 ll3 AngthiV* 4l Witk r k 7,
_ 1 ,
ter, quoting the; rte with fist.r4hai:APi .
uses. 'The lady, and ;
this to..,Akti,c.COlpg -, 4:
faitt4l3442A be, is the laiguloottel
- Gaol, inli:Srhiob rhe ranusinder . .4 ._.: ': -4 .
/aro_ *is ' , caroled 90, *of korfeftlai , lflil4fir.: 4 :
rut chic _-.#-O Airow -Yogi - 4 o4rAlee"Sl il lWll
moot 4l"Pig# 4 .! x 4so w , c4 1 ,..- --
' ' ' *tlyksaitt, : srmeltifil* .. , ~.: ...,... :
*4 : P 9O r **49lslYll,4llMlcsfutt?-.41k. , ,
hoi-r41#0,4 - . fw* ii*-,14 1 0 .--. . - . ll ll* - 1 11 : l.
• .uthlitest—es wel t - as her mvsk.-44ri t,„;.
ft.: -.0.V,4t-'
. . •-•