Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 29, 1842, Image 3

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    r::4. .s=n
. 110 0 3 144311,44,
Corner of 7.41, 4
rietoisop-lhe piisr
;Ler eneß, *gesPeeirniY
ongoritiogo Pape* slut - the ) ,
oxen aiiittment of.
• 110111 r allEnik •
o a Job rrioting Offieett•W
pamdlo eiet tits 1.
PRESSlli c i ''
OF iSVER illNfttlS' ,
- Bills'of-.indini, s'-
1 3111 - Heeds, - 6 ., -.
Illaisk Cheeks; •
2.11. ittitlfs of 35141 ,
snboas, and Canal Boot Bilk
prints Cuts,
the shortest notlee,anti roost
etfully ask the patronage sr
in general In thin branch-of
lt, Sept. :39,1j42. PHILLIPS
, tol he Lad tes...m I LINEII
begs most reanectfully to
b and its Manny that the ha '.
, radon, With
.a hitattlifhl anion
wed style. • lElcr conne x i ckn
to her to introdute the latest
honor her with itsiteriottlicli
reel f_ t o 'keep e very thing VI:
and-pay strict Intentionto
h confidence Mrs. T. recom
n made Corset - it...alio-her 'IOU
broitipetitii to tow
it is "country: it incluees Roby
„t ale, Capes a la C - ritdbaat,
;pent cg Costume, Collate Caft - ,,,
ittorntng will Night lips,
their approballoll Olt lie 9111
I, waiting the arrival of I
No. 2 Ferry street, bet .
'ATM-V.—The new_ Grant
;rrli wilt be dedicated to ilk .
Wm , h, (October 2d); serrroj i i
he tnurning.t Wee in thong
'lin!. The Ordination o
Lie 'nfiernoon. each ni
.en for the purpose of liquidijo i
.• Church. It is hoped that the
ur citizens will he ezitiliited od , .
he rented any afternoon Misc.
.1 between two and live o'cloct,
• /: ,
associated thenis.elSes tot.•
iimpton- 4- Smith; will omits
business in the hcinse fere
Sinittfit Co.sehere they 'Arkli
h new stock 'of Fat:Land Tat:"
Us invite their old frleads,tuul
isiiing Pittsburgh, to call ad
City rropgrty - for
1, sell ray Dw . elling House and I
Cherry a.lty and Strawberry
!runt on 7th street; and in deptly
I. This property is elegantly
ottimodious two story NH(
hOUSP, stable, 4e. with a •
rdcn under a high Malanf im•
dollars will he required in'
ch• - boown upon apPlication to
properly, if riot dispbsed of a
r , •d 13 public sale a. auction ,
c. the 15th day of October ne
l! , moon of said day.
R I.E.— ft cond . attsostrm-ntal
11.12, and 1014 VVindOei Sa§l) fig
Whlte Lena :lad a v;irldyerAkiii4
11 , ( T. 7 FOES:ill! CM ar coal
try produce_.
100 bills Molasses., first rate at'.
10 do Lard Oil, do di
veil and for sale by
a Court of Appeal, for the 276
41 , 2ade. 15th Division. Pennivirook
A :he 11...tise of James Aringiron
on Friday, the 7111 day
a', lark, A.'.l. A Court of Appal
Tin negiaient, at the same Wart
clack P. M hen and where alt.
Co'.4. %Valt and flomilion,a
conslitute the Court, if prevent,
may t - ukslitute. By order of
27 - td THO.S. ISIeKOWN. E
under the firm of curry ¢ re
v mutual cOnelll.
e - 2 . leny, Serocmher24.lB42. JO
,•,,nr,c,!onary busfilen , will
--All debts and demands apt
•& Price, Atlegheny city, must •
as he alone is responsible For
7-3 t Ji
POLSON LANDS.--in pursue •
n -The Nichr Icon Court of Plan
h . Coin nO4-ioners of the Wale of
~ r at public sale, gybe Exchange
Pennsylvania, on Monday, lie
1 10 o'clock. A. M.,the forlowing d
h.ated in the Stale of Pennsylvan
~ . ACT OF LAND situate in S
—A LSO--
. / . ..1: of Land in Erie county;
—A L SO•—"'
r racts of Land in Crawford con
—ALSO-- ~
l'racts of Land in Mercer county.
—A LSO- -
i'mo. of Land.ln BUller county. i
-ALSO-- 4 :
Tracts al Land in Beaver corny.
s .
acre of Land situate In Venantu
Tracts of Lanihitaate in 'Warren,
=ALSO --
racts of Land situate in /dege ao
Tracts of Land situateln letittO
',lets of Land sliOateln Ana ~
—ALSOr --
Tracts of Land situate in lndialt.f
—ALSO-- : •
Tracts of Land Situate lA Pal - '
a further description 1110° 1
I apers puhlisbet in the reepa•
e Ihnd will he sold to satisfy 11 : 4 -
earth of l'ennsyleauis• by.
by Fiscal and Jaidicial l!Itil s, 1.
and March 1196.
t wist 0:
.. Conuniasioners will. *tie ~,o t g i
ti:litirsh, from the 11lb or 30 " :14
1 ,, are further info:in:O w; ri
e octets °reale witt be,--tettl ei
Lud the hatance *ft- folic equal:,
".40N Cotextrowites! Or_ %O i l
~;.hursh, pa.. Sept, "3:1
'FE or INIMANZ -0, 4,0ed
tint] in Dearborn ejninth'-'7-,..ligirl
1- about twenty mile' (o 0n.,"
of -Lawrenceburg. (Yive__ B l t h h to
on the road to indb l 7 l 13 tie
ozabcdit. % p ots,
raid land.. APPIO"'"'"
rffronnsivo SYMW.
7rEMBER 29, 1842
ottte Sffairo.
.eays Lard Lainps.
wly patented article for burn
invented by a citizen of 0-
~ chaser of the right to vend
in this and the adjacent
left us a couple of them,
"al. we have found to he an
economy with
cle, 'ion] bi ni ng
They are for sale at B. C.
Wood street.
Witty decline publishing the re
ondentlo Elder Page. The sub
ion is one in which our readers take
d one of which we believe the pub
heartily sick.
ge apple given WI by friend Y. I t
cullent one. We arc obliged to
meeting of the Executive Commit
hingtnn 'P. A. Society of Pittsburg,
as resolved—That they hive seen
ret,after the conclusion of the street
• society, large assemblages of per
through the streets at a late hour
ranee Songs. Such proc•cdings
enanced by this Committee nr au
' Society, it will therefore be die
cartel, and it is hoped that every
Pier IflAChilrZiii, his duty at the
i future, will retire at the con
••regge..., which will be as nearly
1. 1. ASIIRRIDGE, Se-rt:y.
/11. TII F. FrIST
us:—Among the many sourees n
instroction which we ei•j - ty
t..r coy, I know of none more des..
in Clan th•• te•noerance meetings.
eof attending lb • M. V. Socie
; 'ut^sday evening, held in Doct or
•Alicghenv, whim in addition to
ut ud•lresse , d••lite - ed by Messrs.
,ru , eys r e erl ghted with the
lie t).l (liken ido.:ketaili a booti
e hymn, snit r be Mr. Wrig„lit, a
I underst ti.d, intend; devoting
ivinn instructions in and
• et the trio ortunily vlii :11 he may
acquainted with this beautiful
oir of the Chorch also sung Rev
pieces in a very creditable man-
of 33ittobitrilt.
cr, E)bert, ‘1 heeling,
itoiCs, !leaver,
licinphill, do.
e, tell 'llan, New Cie le
Hemphil.l do.
13,i!ey, N. Or'can
orr . onring to depart:
1. Cool E Paidgew atxt
15 ccrits per 100 lbs.
37 "
ion -afro•
tOth, at 2 o'clock, c. m., I will sell
mot Machiues.
be seen at my cif - me, cornet of Wood
J. B. CUT6RIE, Auct'r.
—.1t14 received No. 15, Yellow, No,:
1 It Idoncfi and fi no clo-ing threads.
.lett F:ndinzs
o,p. d• J. NLAIR
Moenl of bruslics always on hand
GATED, Attorney at Law, Office
si rcet, near the Theal re, Pittsburgh.
RS I? E stolen from
in front of SI essart's Hotel, in
the was rimming) on the nialit
• 'alise, tontainin4 many papers valu•
the following papers only Is recollect
r. h)II:rof 11'w. G. Alexander: one of
r $3OO.
to my order for $150,: an nerrplanre
on 01$-1.900. anti another of $5OO,
Rev, Palk. Corry, A. M. Prefect of Studies, prof. of
Greek and Latin, and Instructor in Algehra.
Rev. Philip Borgua, D. D, prof. of Theology and of
Sacred Scripture.
Rev. Hotioratus Xaupi. A. M. prof: of French and
ilchrist for 850 r; anot:ler of C. W. l Spanish.
d against Dr Barlow (of New Castle,
the above papers recollected. A deed
relation to property bought by toe
of New Castle. Pa.
rs adtiress , ll in me by Enginecrs anti
rs,and a la p2P
—and all lap«is West I had relat le,•
and Slimmer; Cana lir, mauv nth
long whit, were same in relation
legvailli, which I ;row own, Any
papers to me at Pilt-lisirgh, or In
Pa., or will glee information to
- otstalned, will be emitted to the
er 32. IR42—if.
dependent Transportation Lire to
n d Baltimore. For Transporting
franc Pittsburgh, via Tide Hater
consias of the first class Spring
d New Decked Thic.Water Boats,
and experienced Captains.
Line are eriahled to hays their
and with as much drspatch,as
ne Boat will leave daily from the
stißoad on the Delaware, in Tow
h is kept exprenly (or that pur.
give their titiole attention, and
tusteen Merchants to give them a
tit, math to their advontage.
.•ei lYilG¢s Ileiintee 4- Co. coast•
and Raritan Canal, will he retch,.
-rooter Wdlow street Rail Road,
goods tan he put directly from the
without additional handling or ex.
ILNIA..PI 4- Co, - 1
~h io Pittsburgh.
k Co., Canal Basin, Liberty .strect,
r Willow street wharf.),
Nat fi,iladelphia,....
B. Elmira Baltimore, .41Vnt:8,!-,,
, HolidaYshurgb. -_,. -,-;""
101 4
s g pFa,
e y thrpti;hout.llt ;
.-14 e
B34NKIVOTIrr an D' E.T,pfIADTOg, Taker:
co a g oirxr, DAILY, Dr KI/41111*,
Bank of Pittsburgh. pa
klatch. Matt. bk. par
Exchange bank. Par
Bk, of GeruantOwn
Barton tank,
Lancaster bank, dig 2.
Bank of Chester Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks CO. "
Doylestown tk do
Bk of N America Phil: "-
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Par. Ider.hanics bk. "
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia hit
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk. .- - F4T
Western bk. • .-',,.•.- if -, .ir...
Bk. of Penneylvgitirii, ....i2, ; :.
Bk of Penn TT T. l'.l:::Par
Man. dr filechaniekl;k.' 1,3
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamenslng bk. 10
Girard ba.,k, Sol
U. Fillies bank, 60,
bumberittens', Warren, 75 (
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners hk of Pot tsvile, 7
-Bk of Montgomery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 2
Erie Bank,
tiarrisburgh bank. 611
Far. bk Lancaster, 21
Bk of Middletown, 61
Bk. of Chatnitersburgh, 61
Carlisle hank, 61
Bk of Northumberland, 61
Columbia bk 4- Bridge co. 3
Bk Susquehanna Co• 9
Bk of Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 61
Get t t,sbitru.ll bk. 61
York bank, 611
Far. 4- Wavers hk. of I
Waynesburg 11, 8
~ •• Currency notes. 8'
Finnestin IP. 2
Wynmin2 bank, 121
Pit shall sinte Scrip. .5
rn,lnt, v do do sto 111
Berk , Co. hank, 60i
Lewistown. 121
Mo nntp!rssanl hk
Far. 4 - 'Mech. bk. of Slew.
Belrnovt bk or St. Claire.
vine. 2
Marietta hk. Demand,
do Correney notes, (3
olorelinina bk New Lie.
boo Dein:,ed. 2
do Post mars.
I :iorionati specie pny
iitir brinks, 2
Mech. ,- Traders bk of
Union bk of Columlxu3,
Demnnd notri, 2
Cirrlevilh , (11. Litvrence
Ca.hier) :2
Zanrsville lA. 2
I . No 49, Fifth strrei, b.
ste . . Musk and straw Alattr
orders: eXectited with nealne
dating terms
I AMMER & CO,, Exchange Brokers, Fourth
/ street, tl ird door below Markel. sep2o—ly
Mount St. Mary's College.
MOUNT ST. M A RA'Y COLLEGE. near annietee!:
buTgrh,Jlla,yland.—Situated in the, most romiaitio
lir; of Frederick county, Maryland. Mount. St. Mar
Criticize to car withdrawn fro-n the distractions and moeily
dancers of a city. ltri location is
. unrivalled in point at
health, I,ennt y, and appropriateness.
This College eras incorporated and empowered to con
fer degrees and other literary honors by the Legislature
of Maryland, in the month of February 1830.
its course of studies is comprehensive, embracing oh
the arts, sciences, and languages usually taught in long
established and well conducted Colleges.
lit Library is select and extensive; Its Reading Room
affords access to the best literary and scientific periodicals:
It has an excellent Philosophical Apparatus. Chemical
Laboratory, ,]-c
The classes of Orenrli,Spanish, German. and Rook.
keeping are kept either three or four limes a week, the
lectures on ft tonic and Moral Pl:ilosophy are given
four t Imes a week; the lectures on Chemlsti y and Natural
ehlinsophy, three times n week; those on ilisitory, on
Mineralogy. and Geology twice a week; and all the other
Classes are kept live times a week, during the forty-five
weeks of the Scholastic year.
The charge for board and lui' ion, including the entire
classic nod scientific course. the modernrlarigunges and
all other branches (except music and drawing) also wash.
ing, mending, tied and bedding, and Doctor's salary, is
$lB2 per annum, payable half yearly in advance. Mu
sic and drawing (the only exira charges) are each $4O
per annum.
The a nntml commencement Is held on the last Wed—
nesdny of June. The session of s:udies begins about the
16th of August.
This rollege is distant from Baltimorefifty miles. from
Frederick. Maryland, eighteen, and iron Getlyshurgh,N.
tive:ve miles.
Revd. John McCaffry, A. M. ?monism, Professor of
moral Philosophy and Rhetoric.
Rey, John A. M. Vice prest., prof. of His-
Rev. Thomas llcCaffrey„4. N. Prefect of Discipline,
adjunct prof. of Latin and Instructer in Geography.
Casper J. Iteleke, A, M.. Professor of German and'
Instructor in Greek and Latin.
James Clarke. A. M., Graduate of the 11. S. Milking.
endernv, at West Point, Professor of MathenuaticS'and
Nia ural Phillyrophy.
FICIA I'. Giraud,Graduate of the .Deole eentrale,
Art , t.i Mannfactures' of Paris, Professor of CheatiArr,
and Geulozy. and Instruct6r in French. - '
Tut nt s in Greek, Latin, English, Arithmetic and nther .
Branches: Itev'd Wm: Yilder,K. M.,
Francs C. M'Farland, L. st.,Wm. Holland, late of Ascott
John Backer!, College, England, •
Pat rick Murphy, Michael G. Martin,
Edward Youog, Thnnta o O'Neil,
John C. Brady, Henry Curoe,
John O'Donnell, Wm. Andre, Prof. of Music,
!sines Dickey, Professor of Drawing and Writing. ,
Prefects of Discipline.
Rev'd Thomas M'Caffrey, John Hackett,
Pol'k Murphy , John O'Donnell,
Mount St, Afar Y's Collegr, Sep , . 9th, 1842. Sept 17-3 w
tova , d Hughes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails,
Warehouse, N 0.25, Wood at, PitiOuralt. sep 10--iy
LOTS FOR S A LE.—Fotti Lothl lancim.ter. One
and a fourth Acres oft
~,, tames' Hitt. Lots
ons. 41, 42,52. 53, 54,131:184 - fink, in Geok's' plan
of Lots, on Saline's Hill. Also, Loth nos. 26 and 27. in
Cook's plan of Lots on High street; near the new Court
House. For terms. apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sett la
riR. J. WESTON'S Vegetable Head-./lobe pair.—
Thry are remarkably good in various kinds of Fe
male Complaints, eases of Costiveness, Indigestion,Cold
Stomach. liend.Ache and Dizziness.
Tue valuable properties of these
Pitts, in purging
head and stomach from the foul humours that occasion
violent pain 1n the head andface, is well known and
highly recominended, particularly in cases when a vio
lent cold has settled in /hc head..caAising severe pain
through the face and feed', they never fail In: living re
lief in the moat violent . easea, even . when' bleeding and
loolli.drawing have been tried in vain, They act as..*
gentle purge and will not prevent the patient Rom at.
For sale at John - Thampson's GroCev, 153 TeihertY
.+W .l ..4 4 !tirlottleuThree Ulg Doors
Annya RY,4 RICE. Rakeris. Coareettol2l* srad-Reat
IL! Wbolet4lo4,4,B4ltctill
10i#00*—#1t P P itti O ril A,Vatgei-AM _*( ll 2f*
E. tank! s - alt OD* . 'lO
Sandinfki, ,
Scioto, • -
Poet notes,
Fran. Ilk Colo take,
Coin. bk. Lake Erie,
Par. bk: of Canton.
, ' 2
. 121
State bk. 4- Branches, 2}
State 13crip, , 48
All banks.
State bk 4- arandiel. _65
Sim wneelown, £5
Hank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Exchange bank,
N. West, hank
Mer. 4.Mec. do
Baltimore Banks,
Country Banks,
All flanks,
All Banks. par and. I
Cby Banks, par
Country banks,
(safety fund.)
Bed Bark, .
Boston Banks,, prr
Country •• 4t
'Orleans Ranks,.
Good Ranks,
MI Bankn, 8
Rk. of St. Ctair, 5
Do. dn.! 4.. H. Smith 5
Gond honks.. 3 to 8
Eastern Exci►nnge.
New York, 4
Western Exchange.
'Cincinnati, par
Louisville. par
Cleveland, a
' Wheeling,_ par
pliolsterer and Paper Hanger,
et wean Wood and Smithfield
asses always on !laud All
ss and despatch, on accommo
rep 20— 1 y
Jossra d. [hit
ania -
Da- A- VW- PATTEMiCtg , ,,
neir SUM.
IltON AND COMM Di fiIDN htEIItIIIAICI'S.- 11 . 71 X 01.
let would - rupectfulty4)aform hit old cniteMewand ,
friends. that he - has this day associated with bird A. Mme :
twang, upder the firm of S. t C 0.., and eedumeir
his formsibusimwa4 4 leater Iron and. Nails, at lug old
gland, N0.•53,' Front M., between Vu a:441 and /dirket sts.
A renewal of his old custom,
_and .the patronage of the
public generally, is respectfully requested.
Pittsburgh. AprilB, 1442. SAMUEL KELLER,
sep 10 ALEX 'D bI'ILWAIN E.
Attars er at Lato.-01ftne
'kW on the comer of Forth and Smilhfleid its. sep 10
DARRISBUROH, September 14'e,1842..
IN pursuance of the provisions of the 4th section of an
Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of July last,
entilled,i.An act to provide for the ordinary expenses of
the Government—payment of thatelerem on the State
Debt—receiving proposals for th e-Attie of the . Public
Works. and for other purposes," there wilt be exposed to
public sale, at the Merchants' Exchange,' in the city of
Phillideiphia, on Wednesday, the 23d day of November
next, at 10 o'clock, A. m.: the following Stocks, owned by
the Commonwealth, to wit;
3750 shares of stock in the Bank of Pennsylvania.
5233 do in the Philadelphia Bank.
1708 do in tte Farmers and Mechanics' Bank .
000 do in the Colombia Bank and Bridge Company&
2500 do in the Union Canal Company.
1500 do in the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Com.
pa ny.
500 do in the Cltesapeake and Delaware Canal
1000 do in the,Sehuyikill Navigation Company ,
320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans
portation Company,
Also, at the State House, in the borough of Barris
bnrg. on Monday, the 28th day of November neat, at 10
o'clock, A. K.
2905 shares of stock in the Danville and Pottsville
Railroad Company.
2000 do In the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com
2000 do Franklio-Railroad Company.
' . 400 do ' Wrightsville, Yo•k and Get ysburg,
Railroad Co.
600 do Codorus Navigation Co.
995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Nay'.
gallon Co.
2500 do Morrongehela Na vigation Co.
4500 do Harrisburg Bridge Co.
2400 do Northumberland Bridge Co.
2160 do Monongahela Bridge Co.
)600 do Allegheny Bridge Co.
MI) do Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
400 do Lewisburg Bridge Co.
600 do Big Beaver Bridge Co
600 do Danville Bridge Co.
HIO do f,:,,Feopeck Bridge Co.
250 do French Creek Bridge Co.
100' do Conernauidt iii:ilge Co.
60 do Schuylkill and Pottslo;vn Bridge CO
100 do • Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
92 do Milton Bridge Co.
171 do Rohhstown Bridge Cu.
200 do Towanda Bridge Co.
1250 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co.
120 do Schuylkill Bridge,(at Matson's ford)
300 do Williamsport Bridge Co., Washing.
ton county. .
Also,strick in the following Turnpike Road Compa
nine, to Wit:
2124 shares in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambers
Chambershure and Bedford
Bedford and Sioystown.
Stoystown and Greensburg.
Tlreensbure and Pittsburgh.
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perktomen and Reading.
Gap and Newpart.;.
Waynesburg, Gm...macastle and Mer
cerstm re.
Moreantown,Ght ciit and Blue
Little Coneatogai—
Barks and Dauphin.,
Laarster, LiViNflirtsvii and Mid.
dletownt'• •
Easton and Wirkesbaye.
SnF•que.lianna and Lehigh.
Milford and Owego.
Downington, Eplitala 13args
4310 do
2154 do
2564 do
1780 do
3477 do
100 do
1360 do
512 do
250 do
Igo do
200 do
580 do
lryo do
E. 250 do
100 do
1240 do
640 do
Centre and Kisbar.oquilfou.
SuFunehanna and York borough
400 do
5Q do
1600 do
400 do
116 do
500 do
York and Gettyshur:.
New Rolland.
Sot ne; House. Northampton and
Caynan and Susquehanna.
Susquehanna and Waterford.
Susquehanna and Tioga.
Bridgewater tied Witkesbarre.
riudiurah and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conernaugh.
Belmont and Easton.
Mitshureli and Butler.
ehi , insiatrl and Susquehanna.
Butler and Mercer.
Mercer and Meadville.
Anderson's Ferry, Waterford and
300 do
5600 do
328 do
516 do
967 do
322 do
350 do
947 do
680 do
882 do
1010 do
100 do
New Haven.
Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
Ridge Road.
Bethany and Dingman's Choke.
Robbsiown and Mount Pleas.. nt.
Mount Pleasant and Somerset.
Somerset and Bedford•
Hanover and Carlisle.
Millerstown and Lewistown.
Bellefonte and Philipsburg.
Philadelphia, Brandywine and
Belmont and Ogliquaga.
Harrisburg and Millerstown.
Philadelphia and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon. -
Armstrong and Indiana.
Clifford and W ilkeabarre.
Indiana and Ebensburg.
Washington end Williamsport.
Washington and Pittsburgh.
Lycoming and Potter.
Middletown and Harrisburg. "
Pettefonte, Aaronsburg and Young
529 do
500 do
280 do
:100 do
660 do
672 do
100 do
717 do
779 do
500 do
100 do
800 do
256 do
980 do
360 do
J 5% do
560 do
329 do
966 , "do
409' • do
2sD:' do
1400 do
I/Ia nstow n
Buller and Kittanning.
ilesburg and Smethport.
Der rsi ow n and Younginanstown.
Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
York Haven and Harrisburg bridge.
Abingdon and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewisburg. and Youngmanstown.
Somerset and Conemaugh.
Carbondale and LaekaWana.
Somerset and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and JerSey Shore.
Ligonier and Johnstown.
Warren and New York Slate Line.
Titusville and Union Mills.
Atmatrong and Clearfield.
Warren and Ptanklin.
Sugar Groveand Union.
Rrownington, Harrisvilleand Fraitk•
Snowshoe and Packersville.
Butler and Freeport.
Sterling and Newfoundland.
Lenox and Harmony.
Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics'
Radford and Hollidaysburg.
Luthersbung and Puntatalvneyi
Birmingham and Elizabethtown.
Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley.
The terms and conditions of said sales will be made
known on the days a Coresald, or by an application,nt any
time, to this office. *hate stock will he received in pay.
merit at par, or certificates of credit, which have been
entered on the books of tlie Auditor Genertil, in ,purse;
ante of a resolution of the general A ssembly. posited on
tbe 7th day of April, 1842.
By order of I he Governor.
sep - 20-41ta
ErVD 4XD NORTGAGig-Wanted, the..*or fll
lifleeen hundred dollars Goland mnd uggSpbteroP
one or more years,- (at the option --
'property of unable the amount. N.
be 'Oven. Apply to Kr. - Harris, Sti
T IMONNED.Iktes.S and
.hlgtoniane; the -Jely t .A)
14 e Cold , Wltice , MOutellt
an 4 'Efittistian Ala ai
e.F, 51 ' 1011 4 11 1nritet9 9 tuv
41 . 11 4 16 " 4 060111
A, P A RElMfeem t ri
eecrtgaryof thr Comtplinelth.ll-
401,1160-at;44ls kfta*attlatOttptOor sate
.. .:4 4 4trakiAytk4iiiitokaTovniksaillvt4totittafiikak ttak
asbikrik v spawning i tacrmentador Wiakb
, 60 eV tired atLooklek. recce; ,from 'IS to 20 ones of
sudowi 2 gcod-Orehards of Aptstes, a fmrresseit. and
Cherryttreem—the Improvements are a large frame house
containing 10roomswell r arnished, calculated ihr a Ta
vern - orprivate a frame Barrt'.2ll by.6o,stone
hasenansts and stabling, Binds turd other oat houses snit
able for, a tenement:-2 - gosid Gardens mwroanded - with
currant hushes, and a well of excellent water; with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ileghphy. market. there is tia place now orripred for
sate with mnrernducemetANto those wishing to purchase
near Pittsburgh. the terms-wilt-be made moderate, for
further partieularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing
lMons,,lterty street, corner-of Virgin
N.II.I4INYot sold before the let of October next. it
will be dieldid into 10 and 20 acre lots tosuit purcha.
I Ben!' sep 10
Harris's Intelligence Office. •.
SE/r4R4L goad teachers can be furnished to se.hoole
in town or - country. A good female teacher, well
recommended, with the advantages-of experience, wishes
a place in saute respectable private family; sne
charge - Of a public sehool, Prices wanted for several
clerks and boys, mechanics. waiters, chamtermaids, girls
for all work and laboring men. All kinds of business
done at this office for strangers and others visiting the
city. Perso , a needing _an agent in any thing, will find
here lotit experience andm thoroimh knowledge of busi
N. B. A tall painted pole stands before the door
TRE vultsc.iber respectfully tall the attention of t
their friends and the public generally, to their pre.
sent assortment of Paper Hangings, which contains a
large and extensive variety of patterns of the following
descriptions, which upon inspection will be found to be
orsuperior quality and finish.
Unglazed Wall Papers, of al! desenptione, few rinAering
rooms and entries, at 35 cents per piece,
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
paperingroomi and entries. at 374, cents.
American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
halls; Fresc other styles for parlors and
chambers.., ' in glazed grounds.
FrestaLke M'ti:_•corarion and Fresco patterns, in
old and silver paper.
velvee'"?`.: der,.
Landigis7,; . t - O
'setts, for papering hotels, halls
and dining,. n. at redured prices.
Fire Board Printki, Statues, Ornaments, te-
Windom Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different ca•
Western merchants and others are respectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and ptittes'ofr which last
a liberal discount will be given for cash.
From long experience in the business, they are able to
manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep up the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re•
ceive theencouragement hitherto's° liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
l'iltshlrgh , Sept. 19,1942—dawtf
S. MA IL LINE of Splendid PrOtsenger Steam Pack•
. eta front Cincinnati to St. Louis.
The new, splendid, fast running, k light draught steam
Packets West Wind and Areipareit, will run ns regular
Packets, from Cincinnati to St. Louis. Wilt leave Cin
cinnati and St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at
Passengers from the East and Wdst may rely upon
their starting minrtualty as advertised.• sePSO
1011 N ..Bmetioneer and Commit.
sion Merchant, Louisville, ICY.. will nilend to tit.
sale of Real Estate, Dry Goods, Gt oceries, Farah u re, tc
dtc. Regale-reales every Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri
day mornings, nt 10 o'clock. A. M. Cash advances made
on consignments. sep 10
_•_ • -
•=-1 ._
- -
.. • -
It,TIRE:E . BOAT liffie.
ltbr."ihts'nettripoiltition of Nereherndize Cr, and from
Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York,and Bus
, Ar °ugh in the shortest time.
jitinited States Portable Boat Line, is composed of
Coats built in four sectiens,_each section capable of
containing seven tons, and susceptible of being separate
ofiletaelied and transferred from Canal to Rail Road;
thus, as it were, forming a complete train of Cars, or
preianting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land
and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned by re
shipping at the severs tjtictions and fermi natioas of Ca'
nals and Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment end'
the damage the goods sustain by I requent handling; ,and
rendering it impossible to separate lots of gootie - on the
way- -owing to the peculiar construction of the Boat
having, four sep - arate apartments In which goods are sto
red, renders them less liable to damage goods by water or
otherwise than by any other mode of transportation.
The system of Transportation, as recommended by the
Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State.
refers particularly to this class of Botts, The Boats of
this Line are owned by responsiblearnins that run
them, and is the only Line now In SittOration free from
. _
monopolies or combination.
Goods consigned to the undersigned:alents will be re
ceived free of commission and shipkbri without delay at
the lowest rates. All charges paid and-every instruction
promptly attended to. C. A. M * NULTY it' Co. Agts.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh,
F. F. POPE, Agent. 75 Dowly's Wharf, Baltimore, _
THOS. BORE RI DG E, AgentPhila sep 16 —I f
Clair araat.
Laces and Ribbons,
Wide and narrow nets,
Lace and Muslin collars,
Infants' frock waists,
Ladles, French KW, Mohair,
Lisle Thread, and Euttoon Moves,
Black Mohair nets Rai *elts—very cheap
A large assortmen - .of: English Straw Bonner.
Also, a vatlely OnAn and fancy Tuscan braid.
of the latest faii4lo4 U 'exceedingly low rates.
These goods are no* selling off at prices to cult the
Ladles are respectfully Invited to call and purchase
Sep 16—tf
inualitabie , Reatedy.—The extreme beauty of the
Teeth, their indispensable use, and the frequency of their
decay, - has led to manyaventione for their preservation;
vet how to pre. serve t in a state of health an pristine
beauty, to the latest periods of existence, wasentirely
unknown until the discovery of the above invaluable
I preparation— It forms a pure tincture composed of
stable ingredients, and is possessed, of the must delicious,
odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes spots
of incipient decay, polishes and preserves the enamel, to
which It gives a pearl4ike whiteness, and, from its
fecting propertiee,possesses the virtue of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As art flati-Seorbittie, the GUMBSOSashare in its trans
ccdent powers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, a
heathy action and redress is induced, which offers to-the
notice of the mrlicl practitioner Indubitable evidence of
their heatthfulgesate. It has been examined and used by
several of the-best physicians of this city, who have no
hestitatiOn In recommending it as an excellent wash for
the Teeth, Oams. etc. ,
&Moog thevecoininendations to the above are the fol.
Having trt Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tootb Wash,"..
andliecomita suited with the Ingredients of Its comp°•
idifoo,T ch fully say, 4 consider it one of the safest, as
His one of e most pleasant Tooth Washes now in use.
Pittsbu t Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure In stating, having. made ose of . .. Thorn's
-Tea Berry Toot h 144,0." tir.t it is one of the best den•
trifices in use. Being is a liquid form, it combines neat.
ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, .its pvrfrtmeyetds
tkfragrattee peculiarly desirable. 3.. P. TIBBETTS:11. D..
The undersigned have used oThore's Compnuod Tea
Berry Tooth Wash,"and have ft:Hindi, to.bean extreme
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercieing *meat salutary infia.l
enci,overllieWt and GlMun Preserving. those. indict-:
„pensable tie Viers from premature daisy. preventing the
` oeconvulatia of TWIST, mut: purifying the Breath. liavA
-Aar ' , tested Its virtues, we;take, pleasure ill re.
public, belie eing.it io bc.tbebeet ar
in use. • • • -
CA#19,13 sCritr.Y.
. OrAuircArviDAoart,
1 '-'
LL`,.fdlirlitp,: ' ''--' 7,, —' 1"4-4: 14116*111'
wttillaiiinsti- '''' 7 ,— 'l : iii.tiptAllidk.4da he has
made one of the' • . - . . slant iffsooveries it medicine
ever kntowni and ":11' . l' 111 regarded.horeafter as
fortniticon epoch le - tker. L.. beating. . .
After ao.ardous app kalkOit of years, assisted by the
heat medical stillentiondt be lights efesPerienne- drawn
from a _widely. extended practke, be has loveoted a pill so
easy le operallou t yet en powerful ineffect- so igtfe in use,
a i l
and yet so those - ugly t rapetutick le gualitY, that It will
radically :cure weerigal t hose Crimea to which humani
ty is heir. The toe eis so nicely proportioned—lts.
component ingredbe are so accurately adjusted, that
it operates open , the o nib-pests, and meth of the sys
tem with powerful elßelecy. -
t. 3 hilliousdleorders D s erectly wonderfhl. It removes
the vitiated andacid Om promote, a healthy stcretion,
i n
and soon restores that ' II important status to a natural
condition. and wholes eactivity. lo,complaintsofthe
stomach, It !spanks , * ly valuable. 4teltptOlTS It of sit
morbid and pernicious atter.inerestonftiodp*lite, and
through the stomach, .lives tone and itliee'. W:he 'whole
system. '.
. I Si
Dyspepsia, or Indtgestl°rt. hat t
t or l.B ;4* i
'our race,
finds in this medicine i its greatest euent+, 4 4 coarse o r,
theta pills will completely cure the most inveterate miss
of chronic Dysttensia• end when the disease h , onlY in it s
earlier stages, a few dtutes will eradicate it, and tat nich
alike symptoms; thephiphat lon of the bean, Giddine ss, dimness ofsight.ernetaition. wind in the bowels, nervous
firth:Won, oppression Ist the stomach, eosttveness ,j r..
which afflict the unfortunate sufferer. Disorders of the
mittens membrane, like those drastic purgatives known
by the name of 'patent plus.'
Castritie and calitular of are cured in a short
time by a proper use of this invaluable medicine. Itenit
see the pores of the skin to he opened, removes exeresen
cm. and dispels incipient disease by producing a natural
flow of prespirat4n,
The Dietraieirii - I ' Lotter diseases-of the ntlnury or
gene will heeniergill,r &WV ofthismeritelnettithout any
noxious effecter:A*4 Alsenres of children they will be
highly beneficial, es hilly during the rime they are get.
tins teeth, et which Hine infants rarer the most.
Rut not alone in these diseases are their curative pm.
perties powerfol. hut !many others have yielded to their
forcible efficacy. Combs. colds, consumption, Marlyn
bfamorraltnee, opltepsy. paralysis, headache, pleselsy. in
finmatbms ofthe intestines, verlien.i he venerial or Drench
disease, and paimejn thetack and limbs, are nil radically
cused by e coneseAfthis medicine.
But in those ctlittplints which are incident to females.
parliettlarty at the turn of life, these pills possrsy their
greatest sanative power; Flom aibne,oi the whites, elml.
orosis, or the green slckneits, ohstrnction of the menses.
Meet, sick headache. hysterical affections. and all the va-
Mug severe ;mina, which afillet women nt tile rdimacteries,
and t he nausea and dike:rem - Mle sensations accompanying
preenney, will he totally dispelled by this medicine.'
Is there any thing. PO henntibti an a clear romnlexion,
glowing with all the-hues of health. and onthionniimethe
rose, Do ladies desire the possession oft his treasure?
Then let them Fay. and nstt. ocrostonnfii
Pills, ibr they are one attie best cosmetics, or heautifi.
ern in existence. They purify Ile blood remore nit
pimples, eruptions and blotches from the skin, drive the
hile from the system, inert thug render the complexion
clear, rich, and transparently fair.
In the use of this medicine, no attention need he paid to
diet. nor should there be any dread of eiposu re to the
weather. Every thing can be eaten with benefit, and
with perfect impunity.
The rotice of the public is particularly called to one
thing, that unlike the common purgatives, and patent
pills of empirics, they protince little or no pain. The PVt ,
tem is purified, the tone ofthe stomach restore - el, and the
various organs brought again to a state of healthf t acti
vity. without any of the sickness - and griping attendant
on the nee of 'Common remedies. The Internal covering.
which extends from the gullet to the anus, isteo frequent
ly injured, if apt entire destroyed by strung drag' ii' purga
tives. But this is not l so with these pills, for they are so
gentle in their operation that they link themselves with
nature and only lemilter ayt rtnxilary hand. -
Testimonials of the best kind ran he adduced, if neces
sary, to prove Dr. hie tone study. his !rent
experienee,-and his eitineet simerYs in pract're. NOM
beraof*egllemene~ikl and talent have used
bis plils w and all unite in rendering-praise to this safe,
powerful, and wonderful eathedienn.
Etircertificates see toy ha ndhills.
These pills are prepared only by Dr. °NORMS Faux, at
Youngstown,Weatmorelantl county. hot they can he had
in all parts Crittn his Accredited acute, accompanied with
directiOnaßrt - thetY*:
Th r ey C2ll be had o;l'Air. R. E. &Item. Ertirtlyt, fln. 201
- Woad street, below second, my sole agent for the City o
25 centmfor onti nett; 82 50 per dozen.
My Elixir of Long Life win neon bo bronchi before tiw
public. CEOREETRI.t X. M. D. acp 10
DR. InFIN WESTON'S Indian Specific. A certain
cure for Dyse+ry. Bloods Flox,Chniern Markus.
Summer Complaint. andall disorders ofthe bowels. Per
forming a perfect mire in one or two days. Millions
have died with the dTsente.ry. Summer Complaints, and
other disorders of the howe s. from the wrong ltral Meat
and improper 'medicines made um of by Physicians and
others in attempting to cure. The articles this me Nellie
Is composedof, were ased,in the first place among the
indlans, and has never failed in a single instance. in of
'lettings cnre,for,any:disorder of the bowels. In.yguns or
old. Asltexceeds any thing, ever discovered. 4wery
mother should have mlllol'lll4 , by her, and should ex
tend the knowledge oi It as far as lays In her power, and
by this means save, the Byes of thousands, Who would
otherwise die If theOrrirw not of this medicine.
It is a positive rum for nnv disorder of the howels ern
in the youngest child it is perfectly safe, and very pleasant
and never faits to curing the Chniera infan.nromc,9um
mer Complaint, which carries off so many tfilliken in
riIITIPICATES OF rI7RPN. —Mrs. Ann Pn , iorson. 'Eno
ti'hitelandChester Co.. sot nhntlteof the indlan
fic for her ynnturest child, that had suffered severely with
a complaint in its bowels for nearly a year, It rommen
ced when the child titan only two weeks old. and aPer
that its stools were always had. keine. very much urlped
and !MOW until II war nearly e year old; all the medicines
they made use of, did the child no good until they sot the
Ipecitle, and i his cured her in a very short time, bringing
awn% several warms.
Jane Want's., West Town, used Pr. J Weston's Indi
an Specific nn two Of her children that had a severe al
tick of the Dysentery,w,ken this complaint migrating at
West Town, (so much an that the scholar. had to leave
the instfintion) it co-ed her children Immediately; al s o
another child in the farm house belonging to the school.
with a number ofothe*.t 'loath adults and-children around
the neighborhood.
flue youngest child ivtiirhOrn with the dysentery. hey
Ing the complaint from its 'mother who wits attacked
with the enmptaint a short lime before eonfinentent,(hut
was cured In one dab' by taking the specific) it passed a
large quantity of slime and blood. and was violcutlY art
ped, at two days old we commenced and rave it the ape
cific which cured it 1p very fery days.—t WErroul
William Davis' ti *Wiliest child was Militted in its
hoWets until It %vat. post gig mOrillis old, its stools were
iVaysdrreen like palki, tftt u7t timk bbd with a vi.tlent at
tack of the dysentery. IMPEIFIZ large onantitles of blood.
they became very Mitch alarmed and gnt the specific in
the evening. and rive it according to directions until 12
o'clock at night, then the sperific passed 'broach its bow
els-and it sot welt almost Immediately and has been well
ever since.
A young man livinr. with Tnwnsend tachers. Coshcri.
Chester - en., was so r had with the dysentery that he tlio't
he tortilla certainty die. all the medicine lie made use of
made him worse, h r WAS Immediately cured by I. Wes-.
ton's Indian Specific.
We could mention a thousand other cases hut we deem
it unnecessary.
Prepared only h 9 Dr. John. Weston,on the _Fon .
turnpike, Fast Whiteland, Chester en., ait4 he
had At John 'l l ltninpson'S Grocery., No. 153 L st,
next door. to the ....Three RJ Doors."
A eSteriErt4 NOTICE —The Court orComtion ?fens
11l of Afthen! many, having appointed the under
signed Aeelvnee ortnevid Jewell., en. Insolvent deb. tor.ell
Oniony indebtini to the said insolvent; or hear; proper
ty belonging to httiteare riqtterded floutediatery to pny nd
deliver over all oak h 15111M11 re( dome)! and property to the
ASEigl2Ce. A Itereditors of idgritnotrent, ant also retittest
ed 1 o ',retie); their 'respect' whirrs:MO , or Amends:
nen 19 IICAVVIrniLe. A'Jsigne*-•
:E: KusnN, Atinconef' 11',./4M.',Plftsheritc.Pn.
Office in '4lth street e .
ti. ' "rre riisaftenhion tun)!
unfinished Mistimes, and I recommend him to thenalron
ake of my friends. 'WATER FOitWANY).
!eP: IO 7 - Iy. ; -
UPC ritddeflairldfi. Bit% .rley). ftsl"
1 11`1/ idamMellehaldater,LWaiiitilet... 2d dant tam
tatlacril4gliikwlfelty Informs the
pnblielliei teri 'imitiMeileeligillifiklielVetteljtetel -itte
abaft 1"4111)ei4 aeculdeil bylki‘. Weary 11PCloalcay.
and thatta is‘noirpretaded In tattaarto all orders is MP
iliteoftitidafilaVritti iv:scannable
terms.: ?rola IA loaf expefireacelta
raitiaditalde fraistalifirlatii 4 .IINCIN
su i
11P11;10W-4 etreiernitattfontri
lira* , It ihtlitird taxMk,* vedielt
, _ ,
4.4 - suittwrom
• *lLiMilinnit , 0 1 4 i• *l** oe SON -hall
4#o,o:itlivots• Mit 46: 01e,ffirksiOss et 11. S.
allipi4o. - tvred •
'T ET ItiVOl(dif ieatftiieVit*liin' I ' i ls - N*-
11-4 clan* or i iiii,jolizatigii,.if -: ofiC ,:i4 .
days hy ttie pee OfOraoditilk -NOV A
there ore herbs In tinier, Whielt")Mieigli4l4 1, ;Ok.
A t ,
Read artd hetet:winced. Take thertiettichatiattAti
, xi - nteoraine,diity c utrg,oi t sonars - k _
DlARltitockil; AND tTPFECrItfI I I:01.044:
Joust Prts.W', of Pont(eofte,WaShingloll Ckik.,
.J 11 _W.1411„ ...
bei - ng dilly sWorn k sais, that he wisitika4ll ollitilt
about six months slet:e. _ ,Tho pains_h ad
in .-..„ . „._, 11 1 1 1-.1ffitir"s:
, back, left shleandlitinfli b eing so
. °Sa- 4 ‘im '. -V*iiokir
hteto hilt, himsetf,end wag lAA' iiith'ildg t-',, ' , Lkew.„
pita/ in the city ofitastoo, That ofte _ r ,'!"`: A„.7 . 11111
hospital five weeke,Doelor Cola raid be , ,
~- 0 P Ilt ':, ," . • ,
What was the mane, with hint, Sot P11 1 '.4 11 .. Aft
tidii *
nothing for him, nor meld be preset** SOY ill,,'_.
That he, therefore; was conveyed from the Vb1)4,411_, hat
pita! to itte Railer's retreat on Staten laland, NW .-
was there physickett whit &Hunts ofastedietl4.fintagne*" - L . =„
od offoor Months, so ff ering 111 the:ltittlie . moist gilifett.:„
rending misery . -That. tinkles his'atectloatifiiitio*- - ::::,..,„
he was troubled with a diseaseef the hzlPlkl
tunes Ito weak' spit a quart of phlegm.in the -
this affection be had a. bad Diarthcon, whtok -1110 .4. 10 / 1 1t, - .
' or Ices at tended hiar DOM the commeneemeorotadle* ------.''.
ness. That at times toes dreaded n stool wOrtatirAlat -
would have dreaded death; that he can comp* 'Auk - _
lot to nothing nee that .of knives waking - thigialklitk 7 2
bowels, - After wafihrlag winsetitan death at illidliti"
Retreat...on Staten island, thid.r..l es. told tdm.Ohlit.ll4loll.!_
clan west - Woo ose UrItIM, that he utast ley Itb-illtit.
At this throe he was suffering the greaigst militioo"littd.
his bones wire PO tender he could nol.aur thelOlO4MM. .- --
Mire upon the elhow or upon the knee,. that Ida ,kitstecloi9o. ,
most painful, that as the Doctor said liestveistit g,,,i . - ,
no more medicine IM deterinined to proem* Want , .'-. ',7„ - •
Brandreth's Pills, whiiii he did. frOm 241 O . : r •, - -
New York; that he eourmenredwitlifiveplite; ' , .
times increased the dose to eight. The fi rst :- r' - ' 4„. '
so much ,benefited him, that the doctor, cot;, `, • . dt„
what he was using, rectottow.Dhaw, rot leak lakit a. ,
man again; if you Improve in this way, you Will soisit-he
well' That he f..urd every dose of the Prandrith Pills
relieve nim, first they Cored Min ofhg- vi
t pain tiew,p, ~
stool; that they nett cored the . dial Olga. aad ,fitodlyAl*
Vilna In his bonel;--111at lite Medicine iteonMi itt add
strength to him every day. He told tint doctor.:rister. -
day ilte 11th instant. that he felt himself welk isothio.
that lie ft
owed. his recovery to .andreths i
- .PO,
Providence, that he bad taken the medicine . t
for 19 days: that the doctor told him if he had - .. k..
had been taking that medicine. he shook, OW bilAtifi '
[another day in rite house. He considers - it Is hltedat'elit
make this public ra al entent . for the lenelit ofttil 4lnittirlyi
afflicted; that they may knotty where to find ainidkana
OW will eurelltern; - .. ‘ JOHN SHAW.
John Claw heing he me dii!'y morn tide lith.dayi tor
April. 1842, did depose and env that the foregOltheetate&
, ment is true. J. ft WHEELEll.Cemods.stotter or - polio,
The B gAND BETH PILLS are sold at Ds. , fillet
dreth's principal office. 241, BROJSD WAY, New 'Vint,
and at his principal office, No.Bll Whottatteet;PittaM4O,
the ONLY F L..-!CE In Pittsburgh where thitomthierWta
be obtained. . Iscp`2l—Aivlite.
- i - i --
4- M. INmERTY luforai their file‘it*
the plittik that they have commented mono Pi .
ring Nate; and t bat they have-cow . reedy" 'rot '
-their Store,l4B Liberty street, between Pdarirkt
street, an acsortment of the very hest Nati, Illtieirlitey
are antrousto divoive DCOlitke cheapest and ntetstreallOu•
able terms. l'hetr stock consist of the very hest-Vada t
v lc—Beaver, Otter. Neutria, Castors. stretri -Nap red, - 1116-
cla, For and Slit Hats.
W. 4 M. Dpiteriy are Lath regular hied - ibigerik4EY
have had extensive exnerience as ic:Urncfmetliii*Oest
estahlishinenteln the aonntry; ihels tietß *le 4tlkat4VP
under their; own Inspection, and they assore 14;peidie
that nothing but the best artirfes. on .fhe OW* OM,
CnnailiP fenny will he offered for ~ep• . la.
Alp Mot its of the late Re*. 'Carrtia VAiiikp i l WAIT*
01 President of Dickinson Colleae, t Ct* rife*,
Miller. D. D.', 12Mo. Vvith'a hin4lotne r :
lions, by James Rechanan. th Matt'' , lnWcY4•ldint
burgh, first Ainerican, from the 9th Ildinl•uratitaltion.
SPIR TCML If&f 1 from. ri,terAlk#kßiVlCE,:atir.
nations and observattone or the natural ttistorylitrif •
bits of Bees, first 14heduced to .miblic notice In .1#610 6 3 ,
Santuel - Perchas, A. 31.,London ed. IR tun -
TRIBV7'E OF 09,1VFXOrirp*,
Charles Swam. A. N. , -
DECAPpLIS— or the individual tibiOntlan.Of4.**.
'Hans io save souls from death; an Essay ,by 0101! -C-
Ford—fourth American, rt4)11) the sixth Londottedttioh,
SDii'ROWINO YET REJOICING—or istftathitibt
recent suemssive t.ereaventents in n minister's family.-
C/lIRLIE .6.E Y .- AMUR—or the Glood-ditentAltrtiLthe,
Bad Aunt; by Minn Catherine Rinclatr.3d ed. ; .18 114 g
LIFE w NILE Yof7 LIPE--eoniatal*P . '4:rit
rimage, Life a Rare Life a Conflict, Lireital : 4.1, 'n •
a Seed Time for eternity, by the Rev. '.Y.: x . 14,11604: 'II I.
CHRISTISN LOPE-=or the dui - Tilt petior*itteito '
for the immediate conversion of the Impinitislit" : ' ---
.MENT--by 'lnward Malcrlm, President of ceimpsito
College, K y.--2d edition 18 mo.
l'he Sham! I nflnence,, Dangers - and {puke, connected
with Great Cities.-:by John Tcald,:litijno,
The grace and duty nfheing snirliontly minded. deers:
red and prnct Ica Ily imnxnved.by John Owen. D.P4l2atei. ~
the slater alit rrtancy in Germany, Switmernind.' s.,,Ay
J. H. Merle IT Aiitildnt, President of the Thilthxlcist
Sehool 'of Geneva, 11.. in :3 volt, 12 nio.; s,l' Aar:slams
from the .T.h London edition. LUKE LOOMILA"Onf,;„
cep 22 No. 99 Woad stiofit
Porta',le Matron') Schle,4 uti N heels, to the Z..11,P,
$55 DO.
do do do do 204 41.41;:1ef
do do do I,BBQat 25'00 ,
. do do do io I,OOOUt - WA*
do do do do . 'BM nt SkAKk ! " .
With raising levers an addition of $3 en sack,
Dormant scales for the we of War - chi:Awes: .
Mine. it r.,iherame'pricPs as above.
Also, White's- Patent Counter State; with 0: 'Venture .
improvements, and a variety of other coui9er
which they will sell for from 8 10515, '
They also manufacture Storm Engines f_ol v !F kmthiir
Saw Mills. Salt WOll3. kc,, - doable_ lad Maps
geared elide tat ttes,foot - and other tailing for iro*ltuiretits.
machines for termsting, chairs, planing towe'hiatuk, Moor
and sash msehines. Hells 'patent 'horse Or'
without thrashing machines, a superior arttele;' glstsilst
saw shafts, mochinos fcri Sawing lifft,'Tirkter • est ma.
chines and t riots of nil descriptions, also for Making liltrelki
mß tioxes,a superior art idle; gorgrairraYor steaufelititties
stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills. bedstead aftistiettituiM.,
mid machinery feir Milking the same. cotton GietarYße.
chinery made or sepatreit; prtntttr press platten, WM**
and printing presses repaired
sep r
I.OOK. AT 'PH_ I$ ' ,,l7:C'
•have. Web itiltei4iiii '''.-
"be attention ‘fthme who
limit in reference to the numerous 14_
rotavtr2 l 4
n favor ark. Stwayne ' s ColOPbOWl t rilf-
ry, on acerfont ofthe persona heinfr: thati
~ t t 'ff . li ct ...
rimy of OM State, IS respeeifttllfthMeUd TO , " JOE
certfilertre, the writer oftvlikti - hitt*iiia , 4ol%ist.
borough for , several years, And _is itit*it lg. tir!• 4.#1,14145t
of tut-eider - and respensiby, ": ,, ~;:. . ',., ~
' 4i.`f ~.
to INS Afeiit" Mr i r 14. 1 ..,',
T ha . vetised Drr Etwaynes, Chunk, do 4 , 0*- af :b
cherry Tor a cough , with wiikii I have'neen ierr" .
dieted far about &Ur Mouth3.,ltud I bare na '
fa sayint that it l at h e MOO lefhtlive tuaticH+tliltit •
been able to procure. it eta/roses ail Unootioollut
avrees well with my dietind" mantains a .1110 1 1 1 1 MLA
good wart.- I can *eery recommend it to etit.Othattyt
situbriv nifileted. J. &imam, Retroirstkoff
- id",":. Itt4o. , 1 , . ,iVia '
Fel *ate by WILLIAM THORN tic s .t. 3 Mitrigo:4omorte
fry* , A
FRurr, siisApE, • - 4:4-
5- 'Frith - " • ''
" • 1 - • r
cti l ;rita4
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tsar i t
Ltt t(0310II
I PrdVed tlat
fetr trohlite
w two
:e Mt% Vitte.
ounOtoro sad
twri the follow.
ooloimul, of
Noi Dort!
le ' thitiWA
calesou Walk
WS W '