Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 29, 1842, Image 2

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    . _
powersio Mich PoWent as to them'svill emu most' ' ,
,':' "With
f h,„,„
....,,,to effect their safety and'happonass." In pi 'I, ''
~:. k. ':,,v4 . :_ r - fr
~,,* 4 .).:-",„ , ,,,_..i. ution
accordance with this right of freemen. the of he
„poted4 W 8 i
„,, ,gaillk s -
.•,-.- - ".. ~ i tions,
- of Mode island ii 1790 adopted a Bill of does, rtoon naiiinietseMbritite, • , •':--,•,. a/ewes
Rights, in which she declares 'that all power it , rainttte4 in other Stateit:'....„
_Theo. gnitgepf that
euttittl In and derived from the people,' and Ohir aiiiiAtecontreeetiminftlies.'-fOurthrticle of
peeiter of government may be ressaumed by. the the con dilution is, 'a rere9iLosazej.with 'ma..
-;. 4 , 7 4lllolol l llValMeaiguitallitaba"V"tr. tt!their halt- ‘ssri,ftlirriy;or sthso crime.' '('reason here means
'-'1411MItel• This ii: the tine ApterMan-doetrine, and treason against the Uuite I States, which had been
lavethre7eirtifixtrriet Orono febalvhich" rests the sus defined in the last section of the preceding asti=
seritritertiire of perpulir liberty and of equal rights. .ale--and felony, and other ,crimes frat"ens offences
ta,if:sras-the--doctiinti of:those venerated petrify** kra.nin as seat at • common kw, ana:excludes tho
whisXthefouridation,of thiitooriblic. It was idea of thoce political offencea. :it °WS not the
the sentiment of Washington, himself, who de- consequenee of applying this preilsion to political •
ielitrei-iif.thel rich legacywhich•he_beqtkathed to offenceishave a , direct and inevitable tendency to
:•'..-•.:4oteeleett,,that thabasis of our-political Sy:Mewls invoke one State ini the controversies of another?
the Tight of the people to make and alter their Should it so happen that a faction in any one
senotitutis of government.' In the organic law State by fraud or violence gets possession of the
~, orsiyowit State are incorporated sentiments hons governmeot in pat Ole violation of tbe coristitos
, opeptite,to her potriotie sires, and • to' which her (ion, and elusttt,' , 42,:, - arbitrary laws making it a
,sets.: - will • ulleg with. 'unyielding pertinacity. penal Mid even " .'",--,-,,„ 'offence to call in question
peTheryiedterace.the great principle ofpopular Soy- their authori • '-'.„-.. hd should their opponents flee
~ ,,,e nti voy. Ars o ays,sAll men arc born equally for ,refuge to ‘.f r i l :,' ' :ring State, rind should a
.. „olltd independent;oherefure all government of right requieitidne„ • i 1 1 far their surrender, would it
Origibuttes from the people, is founded in consent, be proper to
1 ; •••;'''.1y with such requisition, and
• aeidsioatituted for the general good.' thus aid in carrying into effect the purposes of
•,•01.5 eame-principle is interwoven with all our such a faCtion't I thigh not. We were near wit
• ...reinstitution:), it has become the corninon senti- neseing such a /date of things in Pennsylvania
, :Steal of the freemen of this free collo ry. It was w hen e ver a ew years b ince._ And it•may happen again
the z 2 natural fruit of the revolutionary cotoe.ll. - in this free country an attempt shall be
SS - eking of civil government, Rigor Williams, made to set at neught the voice of the people
, ,tjurgreat'apostle of liberty, a...yrs that • ohe sever- Ice nstitutionally and rightfully expressed. Sep
t ,ektor-and original-foundation lies in the people— pose the majority in a State becomes so exaspera
ei&osa•Ohey must needs mean d stinct frrm the ted that in a period of a great excitement they
, ,..siosemiment set up, and if so, then a people may pass severe lays against the opposing party., who,
,Srect. anti, establish what for ii of government to escape persecution, flee to other States, are they
s:9 l l 4ooo t9:ll,tem moat meet for their civil meridiem to be surrendered ..n a requisition, and daimon
, jt•ist: , Such governments as are by them en- the Executive.of a sovereign' State in whereeleirls
a• .' fished, have no more power arfd diction they h. to talreti refuge? q-aitit)-4. the
. . .
.„i4.0. . i =longer _time than the civil power. or peop/e meaning of the constitution of
Peon frie republic?
-7•o•Artualentitio..end agreeing, will trust them wih Can the liberty of the Americale rest upon
, ,
' is
not only in reason but in the experi- such a principle? 1 think not. I can give no
sf ,MeMtof all commonwealths where the people are coumenance or support to executive such octrine. It 1 ,
_inot, deprived of their natural freedom by tyrants.' cannot be that the supreme of a State,
Tbe Supreme Court of the United States rector- when called upon to exercise his authority to re- 1
- Olga this same principle, when it says,consti. mo re a person who is within his jurisdiction, is to
tt i t is the formal a government delineated by disregard the ese,ntial principles of civil liberty.
'ffillt:Might, hands of the people, in which certain That he is nut to enquire whether the-person to
f.. 41.*,prottoi. ecof fundamental law are establish he Rent to another jurisdiction is to be punished
ad. .-•tehipaeamount to the powee - of the Legisla for actual crime, or merely for his opposition to
• „ ...terve.i . :ThaLegialatures are creatures of the con- , ihe lof a dominant and successful pary. I
_ - ,
itutiort. They derive their pewee from the con. think it ie not only his right but his duty so f t in.
.',tifit'ution. -The constitution t he i r he work or will quire, as it is the &et and highest duty of every
~Of thepeople themselves. ie or-kerma, stover- Chief Magistrate to uphold the principles of fiber
•ifign• etttion/imited capacity. Law le ;he work of ty not only in his own jurisdiction but in other
,Att kgislature in their derivative and subordi States, so far as he may be called upon to do any
:41141-041cii•V? ' official act that may effect them or their people. I
- „•,..,.Snott are the authorities which I have consid- cannot, therefore, with that propriety - which 1
'...ptetttimteetiary to, present in this answer, going to hope ever to martian), and with that regard to the
4slsser What are thr!political rights and the politi- - constitution and the law whieh I purpose scrupu.
. lottl-poweri of thi-*ple--emphatioally the sov- toasty to observe, surrender Gov. Durr upon your
elevrigentsof-thie oonntry.' They seem-teems , mind requisition, for the porpese of having him taken
*efficiet teileti f Y th" coneiu4ionsl haveexProse to your 'State for trial upon the charges made
~eitls . But it is objeeted-that although the people against him. I dee"dy regret the unhappy contro
piteemli-the povror 'Walter. amend, and, institute versies which have some time past existed in
4 " _ - - -
sgeetenttnt4t,' yet theyeannot exercise this - power the State of Rhode. Island, and I earnestly hope
nrathweil feria asked and obtained from the exist- that the time is not far distant when there shall
40 . 1 .....ttrarnanint.- I cannot consider this eabjec
llbe erestoration of entire tranquillity and order
_ .. "•_.-amereo•elean_ artis hi Imp_ tits unmet. e*.tgi.... ....-n.yug her people.
-surghtl‘itiolimited.' as quoted from the Supeteme Dated at Charlestown, this 19th day of August,
.-4atlrtslentn-Issire no meaning. If the power is bri A. D. 1842. HENRY HU BBAR D,
Ihear-it cannot certainly be - derived from the ex- Governor of the State of New Hampshire.
;$ ;government. If the power is 'unlimited,'
s_ .theanther existing goyernment can have no power
40-Serforeet_ any, limitation upon its exercise. It
opeold he a rtontradien in terms to - say thaethe
z.:'l4--hatre-thetightljilltut are not to exercise that
- , hot at the= re of the government. This
wetoldlesto nullify the right itself—to limit ' its
. semsollth would be to destroy it—to transform 'i
lOW into slavery=-to break down the dearest
"'gbh: of Nelsen, and place in their stead the de- •
Isming,doctrine of slavish dependence.
• If we cannot abolish tyranny in this land of
~ stosthlst liberty, until the tyrant grants permission,
ImOn effect wive to tyranny an untinited duration.
- • 1 1ig.. 1 : 41 " ,....04 Iti-An ,-”:-esoe- 1"lea betrin n. Flere we hold
" reuros. --e.s., ...- •
, twin we practised upon this principle when we
et:Cognized the independence of the South Amer
- Inattitepsblica and of Texas. These governments
game into existence without leave asked of the ex
klifig.governinsnt. The people of the old Ameri
41111% States. formed governments for themselves,
indenendent of other authority. In more modern
tines the State of Michigan was admitted into the
esinfellereey OfStatea by the independent and sov
ereign act of herooton people, without the sanction
of her-then elistietstivernment. And so it was
with Itispeoplet of , ode Island. They acted as
they had artirthsrent right to act in their icde
, pendeottiod eovareignscapacity. They first held
itcontrention of delegates chosen by the people;
tbat conyention called another to form a constitu
tion; a onnstitntion was formed and submitted to
the people and was 'accepted by a majority of her
adalt population; when the people passed upon the I
constitution they pwised upon all the ordiminaty
steps by which it was brought into existence; when
they adopted the constitution they adopted the
manner, inode, and the whole process used in its
establishment. It has thus become obligatory as' ,
the e•organic law of that Commonwealth. They not
only. established their form of government, but
tihey rightfully designated their agents to put that
igovenment into operation.
-Beliesine is the correctness" of' the' opinions
lint:. before advanced, notwithstanding the ob
ieettitshertmuie against them, the conclusion of the
matter ie./flat no requisition can rightfully `be
, made on me, by anyindividual acting as Geyer , .
twat' Rhode Island, for the surrender of Thomas
'Wilsoo Dorr, who ie, in my judgMent, its Chief
Magiartite,de jure. ,
, ; The acts wbieh he-did while Governor were
actin vielethmof any existing law in force; and,
gene simastitittionstrisnse can imlbe considered saill
ficrittlllreelk.justice.' It has been well said that
are,stiithatpunishes a citizen fot an innocent ac
*moor in other words for an wet which. when
-abbe, wee intrielatioo of eo existing law, Is con
trerefto the great principles of the social • corn
y-Stet; and cannot be considered a rightful exercise
eglegialittivesathority." The fact that Governor
flortoliMeWitterentedgby circumstances beyond his
ociottiltiabilitintinuing• to exercion the functions
(Whim) offherecannot changelais 'relation to the peo
plo--of that'Sta‘e, or make those acts criminal ,
Whhalthiere innocent and rightful at the time.—
istinitrit,: for the reasons a-signed, comply with
• • yWor.rettoest. , •
,Itsmoy, boarever;he amid, thatin comPlyiug with
theriecond section of the fourth article of the con
stitution- otthe - Untted States, a - Governor of any
Shatia, - oer wheat- a requisition may be made; is
°Otto iviptife woe is the seeing Governor of the
Stitee-miskiti*-stitah requisition: This posit; on is
nitecond.' In. gush a time the most notorious deur
- $r mike should happen •in get the 'control far a
dine : etaay !ate, mutt be recognized ' by :the
Goerrietora of other'States, and thus - they might
%Waite 4411 ittottementt to aid in executing his
mangennee agtinAllierierWhy ;wit dared to oppose
I& eisopetinq, and -"oifici'lletil lied rrOM the State
ito,!lienkyi - • I am **am that ainepo itidepentiint
-. s .
- peeir.
.i a government •"defieefe' is redeemed as
miemeeibag the nation fir tbe tittle being. Twit
, .
, ;11,,frevise#t rests allths neceitify of the case, and
, • uneglntorweind that'one nation bail - int right to de.
'.• . tildisiithether.tlif government of atidther is' laWfal
. , eut'lert. 7 •'Sut in my-opinion a differtiff•rtile meet
to thatitatenthieh are Olt .if ono Confect-
sprain& The entire itieory .of ratir, - Syidsim
- ' .MilifittoEthe Prinelphetirat all ' authority ,is to 'bia
Ailigliktemflieriirelf from the 040 es-the tick
,, ',„•,.,„,..,..,_ teniter-eli Of all
i ponies; Koji
j.. ' . ..*Mkirtntimet.:,at: faili: cannot be reepg..
`• ' i... • ''''._
.. ' . by Ilicatesil authori t ies; nr those cif .
'[....o#*igihOiti:l;47filf,litiiiiithieibi or Holdfdlemi ' of
A l t atiiillftititertsittik'mniiffri t inn i tit tetite 'S e p tirli:,
• .. 1. 41 .Y 1 ' 04 '• aiietentit' ol64l POO: It It be not
—i t ers - o. *alo , iiilti-44a14F
.- 4-.4aFizeitikAu. '---
4411411,15 r
I ` .
. tea - . r .- .; ~ .
~iy. - _
{ % r ay. r . tf' - 1
'':---niore Ligiig-
In 1840, during the Presidential canvases
a committee of the citizens of AlleiW
addressed letters to the several ettn4lll#lo
for the Presidency and Vice Presiden4,
containing interrogatories touching some of
the most important questions involved in
the contest, such as a National Bank, the
Tariff, etc. The Democratic candidates re
plied to the questions of the committee, but
the candidates of the Whigs did not, and
the people who voted for them had to do so
without knowing their sentiments on the
_questions at issue between 'the .
two great parties of the country. it was
supposed that Gen. Harrison, if he replied
at all, would declare "suchopinions as would
suit the views of his 4/confidential commit=
tee," and that they would of course be in
favor of a National Bank—be was admitted
by all to be a bank.man. But, JOHN TY
Lza, it was known, had but a abort time
previous been one of the m(
ponents of an institution of
and it was believed that I
mained unchanged. To al
on this matter, the ',Pittsbl
addressed him, and we nuw
Tyler had prepared an answer, in which he
candidly admitted the right of all citizens
to call for his sentiments on public ques
tions, and honestly declared that he still
held the opinions he had ever entertained.
that a "Bank of the United Stales wae
unconstitutional, and that he could not
sanction the incorporation of one Without
an alteration of the Constitution." The
letter was submitted to a nenaber Of the Whig
leaders, and they had it suppressed, fearing
that its anti:bank sentiments Would iajure
their cause in a city so
- mush under the itt
fLuence of-the rag barons as , is Pittsburgh.
This information we had i.ume flays since.
from a New York peper, and the following
extract from a letter of Eimer A.Wrse to hie
constituents, published in the Madisooian
of the 26th, confirms it beyond a doubt , —
Speaking of President Tyler's course on
the Bank Question, Mr, Wise says: _,
"Not to go back to 1819 and to the . 4.,,,!
ry of Mr. Tyler in'Congres% in .he tr ,
in the 3enate,the true history Ott the :: -
ititif`rmitt-rthrk . . .'. ,
session of 1839 and 1840 Mr. Tyler add - a .
me, in Washington, a letter from Williamsbu i.
Virginia, saying that a meeting of the Democ is
in the city ofPittsbur7h, Pennsylvania, tad csfled
on him, especially to say whether he would in any'
event sanction the incorpnration of a United States
Itl'The Advocate of yesterr:lBs has a Bank; he enclosed to me the proceedings of their
long article beaded "The Position rinrsetsrouteettiiponess,wansdubben:teatt
the . r
the m hi e s et r it e l p e i ;nd w t i h t e h i
Loeofocos," in which, like the Gazette, it leading memiters of the Whig party for them to
determine whether it should be transmitted to
from om every man and every paper P ittsburgh and be published or hot. The substance
bqt those itshould quote from, in order to of that reply I remember well. It was spirited
show our true position in regard to the aLd ize e n a s pl to ici e t a . li
rAorftel..risadmitting the right of all
sentiments on public ques.
Tariff. The Advocate says that it was :he lions, and stating that the fair objects of such
"notorious determination" of the locofococalls s h oul d always be to enable the electors to cast
their votes intelligibly, according to their own
party to destroy the Tariff, and that this convictions of right, after knowing the true opi
nions of candidates, he expressed -the opinion,
which he hal ever entertained, that a Bank of the
I made Mr. Clay step in and plan the Rev- United States was unconstitutional, and that he
enue laws down tot the horizontal duty of cou t ld hotitsanct.tioun
-20 per ceut. tve are at- a loss to know oetnlwahnaticarlyaatled those who addres e s . ed him, if
how the editor Of the Advocate is able to these were their sentiments, whether they would
vouch for the "determinations" of the
Democratic party. He must have some ing them to the country? This reply, thus given. I
au perier system of divination to discover 1 w
h tl o td ,
ernbittotnos severalthou
g m m n
s e t menngiffi
o ori r f p e e s e i i
such "determinations" in the conduct of and deference, and they decided that it was im-
General Jackson and his supporters, at that p n
lio"ntsiewteeregiavleretatdPyekbn"oewitnY;athnirthMatr.itTyal,ears'aunnaPici. I
time. History, notwithstanding the posi - cessary to array them directly against those of ;
tive assertions of the Advocate, has tore-many t w he t la w n e k r e a ii t t es fir
c o o r u o l, f a a me tn ta kl n an h d is al s l en w to l i m ,.
made u
cord of these "determinations;" but the we in the past, which bad never been recanted,
t g
Compromise proposed by Henry Clay,
no i o d ne couldltit
any dece p ti o n
n th w at as they, - d e rort
stands forth duly recorded in. the:enact- accordingly returned Y the p papers to 4 r t: ler:.-- -.
meets of Congress—the hostile intentions
ellehcitsiors after Thelea n d is erslmr e could nomination and before
not pretend hete that
of the Democratic party towards the Tar- they did not know what he would do in regard to
if, exist only in the weak presumption of 1 a bank"
an excited opponent -the hostsh" - a!eleerb of 1 Among the members to whom Mr. W.
Henry Clay, tre they not writteVie- the refers was the Jlon. RICHARD Bit% of
laws of the nation? this city, and it is not improbable sup-
The Advocate has taken much pains to pose, that he communicated the sentiments
of the letter to the leading federalists here
show that the vvhig party and Henry Clay
It is then clear, that the wings who, for
are the exclusive champions of "protec
tion." •In our article on that subject yes.:: t some time past, have been heaping moan
terday we said that Henry Clay was not tains of imprecations upon the devoted head
an advocate of Protection, (as the Advo, of President Tyler, and applying to him
every,eoithet that could be found in the
cate uses the term) and that no declara
tion to that effect could he drawn frem calendar of Billingsgate, because he would
him. In thits ,, ik:a•ecent letter from the not sign the Bank Bill, had his written de
great ComfirAutrer bears us out. Andi °Walk' in their possessioo before the else.
the editor of the Advocate will have the lion, that he could never sanction the,
acti in
setts on, after, cudgelling his brains in
• f • corporation of a Bank without an alteration
the vain attempt to show that hiscandidata in the Constitution. • ,
is an unqualified Tariff man, to see his la- 1 What have the federal leaders
to say now
bore destroyed by that carolittati himself. l about PresAdent Tyler deceiving the party
Inlaying don v iews to be sustained by that elected . him? It-now appears that , on
his followers, Mr. Clay tells thereelhat he 1 his part thine was no concealment. Even '
goes for l in the warmest part ef 'the contest ' when
Revenue,"Awed/Nutßevenue,, with
th fair pro: ',the men whose,eandidaie he :was,
teracm.aeArnedean?dustrY." among `to every species of dishonesty' t 01 407
, tl)ht,plairrie‘annectit jiken bin" deceive- and cheat Abet people; b e • beidtv
,nl li"nn. 1i,74411.1119if\ef Pro
~ n; and ; avowed his septirnenti and - desired their
5h0w5.,1134„.. Mr4lnyill,llo longer willing to in a h - osi : nu ' sh he knew that
1 : i
be Itemised thet, : "&tOlbeife 440°in - nt -r-ro t a e nigh oh fii ifet
.. ~ , . - ... .,g l it- pi. ,li r .eat hur eleetion.
#o*-witibingtolnlythintelee.: ':.. lor.iti,'-fetiera 4 ,,,,,r , .,....-,.. --- - , ,, ~.-.-$
~-'4-giiii4:4-: ",-mTP 24P - -"t"7LtflF lo.-
-Nivtorm 4-
.... , ,2 .-,5 2 ;,,:,:• , ~.. w -.7,,1.1*;;;, , ,y`...
~...,* , 7.- ... ~.. :- ~., - '
See First Page.
Are ion AeeeSSed?
Voters should remember that unless they
shall be assessed this day, or TO-MOR..
ROW, they cannot vote at the approaching
e assesseira L treast 10 days previous to an e
lection, (exclusive of the election day itself)
otherwise they cannot vote. Let all, then,
attend to their duty in this matter.
in ti;r4i
- a
lfe r !-- •
eattor, a
ih m f r om t..tk
wtilfnr bliif with ( *M a -
• The teini4:lll
- 1844.
time Af t Novera and
•—•9 has
i d w n i t :d i i e 9 l. B u- i n s s it m t e a .: 'ant
y o 1171.1 b een
aevslju, s
ai t vague
p o ' l t T e : c n .
o ' A.
• - - 4
- • f,,5 -
reteft4% , , Ott* eye an host -ra
esstph-Afli3--nitifotm boailitizy to a - .. 13.
7: Bank. It Mi. Wise, or any friend
J o f President Tyler, his a copy of the letter,
they shniddierit before the.phtlie, by all
means. The impression hasj been made
het; by the federal lelidera, that Mr. Tyler
ha , : assurances during46.eititipaign ,
,Id aid in carrying out die lead
rf the federal play, and his
coulee on the bank question, -after the elec
tion, is pointed to as a violation of his
pledge, and an instance of bade treachery to
the party that elected him. The publica
.tion of the letter *M . silence this charge
and remove from John Tyler much of the
obloquy Incurred by his connexion with the
Whi in 11340.
?The 'Gazette and Chronicle lire
sparring about the "List .of Letters" an.
•their Lists of subscribers. The Chroni
cle employs its usual gasconade on the
subject, and offers to '•prove its circule
tiou to be larger than any of its cotem
poraries." Will the Gazette dare its op
ponent to the proof'? When the discus
•'ion has reached-its most segry point, we
propose to step in and settle it, as the fox
didthe contest between the lion and the
bear, by seizing the bone of contention,
(the glory of the greatest , circulation, we
mean, not the letter list) and bearing it off in
_O7- The Gazette has an article in rela
tion to the workingmen, in which it asserts
that the Democrats '•boasted" thoy would
defeat the- whig-union ticket by means of
the workingmen. Now we believe ft is to
ba a fabrication out Of whole cloth.—we
have heard naAemocrat make use of any
such expression, nor du we believe that
one of them ever thougtt of such a thing.
Besides, the chief movers in the matter of
a workingman's ticket were intelligent
whigs. whom the .Gazette slanders vilely
in asserting that they were to be used by
the Democrats in defeating the federal
But there is another feature in the Ga
zette's article which should arrest the at
tention of the people, and arouse them to
their duty at the coming election. It is
nothing less than an viguarded avowal
that if the whigs . gt.Olie ;Legislature , They
.. ,
tout district - . ate so, as to exclude the
. .. ...
. Democrats poWer,! - in any event.—
he declaration.ii-contSined in this sen-
orettent, eieetton ta - tirfery important one,
and -will decide, prebakly, thd political character of
our state government for the next ten years"
Now. what-is-there in, this election that
ecide the •IpalitiCal character of our
state,governme-nt for the next ten years," if it
belt*t intention of the federal party to
nrake such an apportionment of the legis
lative districts as will defeat the democrats
continually. At the last election, the dem
' ocrats carried the State by 23,000. Wha
has 'aappened since then to weaken them?
Have the squabbles of ,the Clay men and
Scott men irjured thelemocratie party?
—The Gazette will net say so. And yet
they propose, by means of the next elec
tion, to decide the character of the State
g party
government for the next "ten yearsl,"
This we believe is no unimportant expres
sion, but the determination of the federal
party unwarily declared by the Gazette.
Let the people look to it.
Tragical and nearly tratal Occurrence.
.12 double escape! POwerftd and desper
ate effect of Love!— To-day about noon, the
sudden report of a pist,ol. attended by the
shrieks of females was, heard in the vicini
ty of our office, followed in an instant, by
-the appearance of a woman leaping from
a balcony in the second story of a house on
Commerce, between Little and Wide Wa
ter streets, occupied 16 a boarding house
for seafaring persons; by a widdw lady,
named Mary Ann Anderson. The facts
connected with the case are substantially
as follows:
It seems that. an Italian, named Michael
Francis, recently sailaliaker of the revenue
cutter Taney, had forisome time entertain
ed a strong attachment for Mrs. A., with
whom he had been al boarder for several
years. She had repeatedly rejected his ad
dresseb. Francis had several times decla
red that.she should never marry any other
man than himself; and to jealously appre
hensive was he that she might become the
wife of another. that Of late he was seldom
absent an hour from the house.
This morning he 'again renewed the
declaration of his attachment, and Mrs. A.
firmly expressed to him her determination
oevet to 'become his 'wife. He was then
pacing the room in an agitated manner;
Mrs. A. was .seated in a corner, near the
window engaged in sewing; opposite, but
a few feel distant, sat her
A. niece; and beside
el4t• •
gra. was a vacan chair . -Francts.sod:
dimly Bested _irons f,
near Mrs4A, and
. - . ...
,sata, 'Mary Ann!' at e same instant, pre-
Benting it her hlad a*mall riliebarrel pock,
0,148691,- he fired. I • . * *
The .ieund of her name, uttered in a
t„.."oo"what unusual, caused,. hart() raise
hillFllend quitlAY when the ball passed 'kit
' bet., and lodged in the
141- luldoiretpe*ce
v, •
614itirtrseatiit'ad, 'rttiar: `to the
-chiher;a attcNi., .to the
filtfo4*lo*-.k -14 : of abaitt t' : feet.
'Matinwhila, - tbe-young lady, the niece of
Mrs, A.; who was an eye Witi4es ifif the
whole scene, dreadfully Rimmed, ran into
the balcony, and called for help,. Francis I '
threatened hey- -With instant death,if she,
made an outcry. 'He then •threw himselfl
on the floor, presenting the, empty pistol at l
his head; in whiA -situation he was found
when thee crow - d, alarmed by the cries of 1
the fernalea, entered the hbuse r
He had, it seems, Ohtained the pistol
mentiatted , from the trunk-Italellow-boar
der, and had another loadati r - 1 2 tail adjoin
ing room; with- which ha ~,,, ",, , ,i% (it is
supposed)lotake his own ,i - . , ;4 ?.7_killing
U. A. 4 butre 1 a was p .: 2 ,7 1 1-4fom get
mting it, by the persob whc;:*seilhen in that
room—who, it appears, was; either inten
tionally by Francis, or otherwise acciden
tally fastened up there.
Francis was immediately. committed to
jail.—Norfolk Phenix of Tuesday.
For the Morning Post.
crates soliloquy.
My anxious aspirations .are about to be
gratified..- Aut., can I be , qlected. Ah!
thei:e's4tie - in-b. Should I The defeated,
thereiSan*idito my political life. Then,
whether - 4.h better to retire; or to stand
out, baldly facing the many victims of my
spleen.,Abl. ! me thinks I see in the llim
rlistan'the spirit of the lamented J. C.
Gilteli s inV thl. why ditl,l. : ; ever disturb
that-marge_:ashes? What Will his friends
say-what would the lamented Harmon
say,NVere he , alive?—Would he advise his
old friends to support me? Would ho say
to them, forget the vile stigma he attempt
ed to, affix to my character? What will
the friends of Thos, Williarris • say, will
they support my assertion that he is a wilt' ,
ning Spaniel? What will Geo. Darsie say,
will he admit the truth of my charge,
"That if impudence and ignorance qualifi
ed a mati for office, then, he is eminently
qualified"? What will the friends of R.
M. Riddle say? What will.the friends of
W. W. Irwin say,, will they-admit that I
was right and that:tie is a traitor to his par
ty and principles? What will the friends
of Walter Forward say? What will the
friends of Wm. Little say? What will
the **Little Whigs''„,sayl What will the
Diamond Alley petiole say, about the mo
•ney I screwed out of them fot - my 3 feet
6 inches of growl? What will James S.
Craft say, about 4'lle old
_Mansion House
on the bank of the Rivet, where I was
born, and the little back window? What
will the friends of Wm. Wilkins say?
What will the friends of C. Shaler say?
This is a long array of victims to my ma
lignant attacks.--The contemplation of
which almost freezes the very blood in
my veiri4, and yet the list is not half corn
pleto4,,,-::-. • •
W ' 1.0 be done. Shall I resign'? No.
Tti :" 01136 an acknorvent of
.....7..-. - ....milt, ----c. - sore
good kind i etierny would- come out and a
buse me, 'But that they won't do, the an
imositr:.of mine enemies must be deep
noted and settled; only to be vented at the
ballot boxes. ,But, I have it. A happy
thought. I will publish a card of defiance
which shall by its assumption of indepen
dence create a feeling of alarm fur the
balance of the Ticket, and at the same
time draw out some personal abuse, upon
which I can fatten into public favor.
[From the Phila. Sp. Times ]
Constable Shot•—lu'orrnation was received by the
Sheriff on Friday, that an attempt would be made
that night by a party of hand.loorn weavers from
the city. to burn down Kemptoo's mill at Mana
yunk. The Sheriff in consequence of this infor
mation, sent two or three officers to apprize the
citizens of that torough of the .fact, and adopt
mPasures to prevent the outraie,;_ apd secure the
depredators. Very soon the I.tiftrate . ^.lown was or
ganized, and together with ali t : ftiaittprough vol
unteers, prepared for the attack: . All the n.en
employed in the mill were armed; small parties
were also dispatched in different directions, to
give notice of the approach of the weavers:
About two o'clock on Saturday morning, a
hndy of some thirty men were seen by rho scouts
stationed bel w, approaching the mill. They
were at first taken for friends, but the mistake
was soon discovered, and scarcely had this been
made kn wn, before they were firedoon by the
assallonts,and Mr. Collins, the Manairaink consta
ble, who had charge of the party, severely wound
ed inflie necit. Several of the other men were
theft hats, some got shot in
teceived a shot in the arm, and
antilli'4.llleabin skinned:: They fired baca
in relgrh,,l4 - almarently without much if any
-efft et. tfieWeaversfinding that their project was
- kitowm-reWrped to the city.
T he
,tottrtvia this contemplated villany, we hear.
was that the mill in question has been manufsc
titriknocis met) as the hand weavers *ere in the
practiee,-of oinking. They therefore determined
thus, efloctutilly to stop off the water power!
Hang such rtscals! The very mill they wanted
to destroy, we understand, has now thousands of
yards mote goods than they know what to do
with, from giving.employment to numbers of men
who might otherwise starve. And yet thrirc.ity
weevers were not satisfied.
Terineasee.—The Legislature of Tennessee. will
meet next Monday,. for the purpose of districting
he sia'e.eccording to the late Ani9tttotrient bill.
DISSOLIMON OF THi„;i_ 'kite, copart
nership existing between:UMW:o: •Kitbourn and.
David I. Morgan is thli day dis.solveatiy.mp - mai consent.
The conditions will be duly noticed, With the signatures
of both parties annexed, and Barry Aall will be continued
open by the subscriber until other arrangements ate per
Fur sale. on the premises, 150 WA, chokewinter an"-
pies, if applied fur immedinteli... B. K I LHOU R N,
77sep 29—if No 9, Mailtet;niul 74, Front st:
‘.l Covsirrs BALM ar Ltrz.is *most effectual; rem.
dy tor Coughs, Colds. Dyspesta,'BrOncleitis, and all dis
eases of Abell:lags and wituipipe , It is particularly ad•.
opted to pillinonio diseases ,and dkspensio. thoio ea
sex it Will not fail if taken-in time. FOrpsilo- wholesale
and retail at Tuttle's ,Hedizoi kr iey-s6= Fourth Areei,
opposite thechronicle`ollice,,,,,'-inthefilitlierge , assortment
of vatnahie patent.medicinesAkainliiiriliEfound
Sept 22. i—it
sNe toll '
_l:,4P.ElsB,l:l_veri'lutftliv*-; -
Boon AINr — I
N. TV Corner of WOOd
Tut porprietots of , the Mosstso
and the patrons of those papers, thu
and well chosen asaartment of
e7'411121.11.11 '3ll"sic
NM Crinlrgrilixt
Neees.sary to a Job Ninting Office ,u 4
pared to exetuie
Bills of Lading,
Black Checks,
ittnbs of 131,
Stage, Steamboat, and Carta! Boot
pnate Cy,
Printed on the shortest notice and mg
We respectfully ask the pairotap of
, the public in series& in ibis hnneher,
Pittsburgh, Sep'. 39, 1942. PHILLI
Cbegs eve
ARRI,NDcztOt h i e no L st ad r iese etioy
o f pittsini reit and li£l vicinity that she •
rest front London, With a hea t pir dp...
L a dies . tionor her tv , i j t r ii sa a .
rs , of the newest style. tier ra nnexim ,
t ;7:f: e t:n o r m ::
times enable her to int roduce lltelaten to
pledges herself to keep every thiget ,
desc it r i t s pl: w o i n o , andoo strict 6 p d a: n,e
and London made Cornett; Mrn t,,,,, , p .
ric,Enihroidery, ii Ileli is superior to an
doced in Ili is crmitry . it its tutiss Bo y
sears; Orientals, Capes a la C MCtil,
than for Eve fii ea 4 'osiume, c„ iim , c _.
kerchiefs, iii oriitsit! and Night raps,
really for Illelr approbation on th e he
Mrs. T. is wahine the arrival
Europe, at No. 2 Ferry glreel,
Fourth F‘i reels.
sept. 29—ctif
En re.arm.y:—The nrw
lL Uiturril I% ill lir df dicated io ib - e
on next Sabbath, ((lei& er 2 , 1); reran
o'clock hi the inortint2. three n,
In I l.e evrnitil. The Ordination oft'
place in the afternoon. At earl,
,wi II be taken or the purpose of Iqu
debt on the Church. It jo hop,' Ito
ra lily of our citizerlo wiII tnteibihulnlb
Pews may he rented any a ft?! noon thu
the church bet wcen IWO and fur ticlre
Co- PARTA p.—G. ;mu:
baying associaled themselves
firm of Danipton 4- smith, will CORI,.
Dry Goods business in the house I
Fl am pton, Smith 4- Co. where they n.
few days a new stock of Fall autl ii
respectfully invlte their old friemd4,t
eratly, visiting Pittsburgh, to rill;
5100 K,
- City Property for
IWILT, sell my Dwelling Hoare:
st reel, Cherry nit y and Strawleu
four fc et froni on 7th street; and in dein
forty feel. This property is elegantly.
lug of a commodious two story Net
kite hen, trash house, stable, 4-c. w uha•
uable garden under a high state of ix
thousand dollars will he required in'-
acre made known upon application to
This property, if not disposed of
be exposed 13 public sale a , auction
Saturday, the 15th day of Octollcr n •
In the afternoon of said day.
surd. 28—d4 Wte.
FOR 8 1 L-E•— A pond aoaoia,
1012. and 10 14 Whaley; 'la
putty, White Lead and a y n tie.ai
cissininere. For sale on :wagon
o_olk eot atra produce.. ISAO
ila Z.
131 100 bills lidolasseit, first mica
10 do Lard Oil, do
Received and for sate by
Fep 27-3 t
BRIO.RDE ORDERS.—N 01 if€2i," ,
a Court of A ['pea:, for the
Ist Brigade. 15th Division. Penneyt
held al the house of James Arinsirte
tfl) Pittsburgh, on Friday; the 711, a.
at 11) o'clock, A. PI. A Cour tof 1:!,
the 147th Beg - intent, at the same pa -
at 3 o clock P. M ,-_when and wheel! '
may attend.'Co's. Wait and ilartelen, -
ban will constitute the Cour!, if ;me' f
present may substitute. By order of e-yr. r g
sep 27- td THOS. hlch:MVS.*Ar t iii
Drss 0 L UTION.—The pa ri nerl+)
ing under the firm of Curry
solved Ity mutual - consent
Allegheny, September 24 1842.
The Conftct!onary• business trilibe
and by P,
Ncrrieu.—Al!drld 5 aad demands atr
of Curry er P tire, A‘le.4ileny coy , miA
M. Curry, as he alone is rnpcnsih:e kw
sep 27-3 t
of "The Niel , . lon tour: cif
nia," the, Coin rn is-ioners oft lIP Nl:we •
will offer at public gale, at the Elchrft.
burgh, Pennsylvania, on MOndDY. 114
Rex t, at 10 o'clock, A. M the In!lowlo:
land, Situated in the Stale of Penosyr ,
64:1 Tracts of Land in Erie con*
-420 Tracts of Land in Crawford I.',
-ALSO- - •
- 264 Tracts of Land in :fiercer c00r.7(
130 Tracts of Land in fuller rept::
-312 Tracts of Land in Ite:ifier CO'tii
-80 Tracts of Land situate in Verak.
69 Tracts of Land situate In War'
-ALSO --
7 Tracts of Land situate in /ROI
-ALSO- -
19 Tracts of Land situate In Jei
-5 Tracts of Land sliunte in arc.'
14 Tracts of Land sOttate
17 Tracts of Land situate to fk-
For a further description their
newspapers, puhtishea in the respev
The land will be sold to satisfy
monwealth of Pennsylvania, 401
cured by Fiscal and Judicial Jiro
1795, and March 1796.
The Conamissioners will attewill;
in Pittsburgh, from the 11th of Be"'
sale. to give further informatio n.
The terms of sale wili be—ten t
iliejanti--lbo balance in four riOpialo„
o r ricri
NtOuoLuou Comisugsoririts'
- liabrishurgh, Pa., E:ept. 9.184
ST ATF: OF . INDISNA.--P,r "td
land to Dearborn countli
hand Is about twenty miles fro
klsito /A:Lawrenceburg, (Wall 651
nati) . on the road tondianaPit
neW ga'
thorhood. A Ca th olic cho rd ' fl
-near land. Apply to
la iv
NtEDK:Af., 0 ARD.—VVL hid
issibsdiete i g
tiikitimiragnea the Po'?
als-100140€ ca tion le
• y. sit of whir
~ 4 3~"?~F.~.
g Mt
to Lard La
ted by
r oft
we buy
- • - are I ,
od scree
olio Elde
one in w•h
or which
`By fink.
le given
t one.
, ng of the
o T. A• •
, r the co , .
'..ty, large
tfh the etr
ed by th
it wi
the to
ILy even
4:9y, w
we were
ex) Irt
the CI
in a
1 , 13 e,
p.iirE 1
, Boav
hilt d
• , Louis
ley, N.
ring to
ilia. E
T Fitt
• 15 i•
Tai. 37
7 5
• t rece
,wo. A
, ne ar
in fro
age w.
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