PA TAW e9l77,Cti • Afa .004 ERS TAKE simet.... ~ pd.with the Safety tuard with a figure of the ap udt deceived ,by misrepr..' their boats to bp proviOrd n.they are not r rueturmi 1%. Jill; Ira list of boats sopplit i t !tie Port of Pittsburgh—n im have the improved sp.. i#ltilporsibie for ao uplink% A, FORMOSA, ILLINOIN DU QU JEWEgs, MONT(4 t LYONS, CA RDC FORGE, INDIA* Qt GALLMit, ATER, QURKNoyIi MAIL, DUKEOFO BRILLIAN, ECLIPSE, 1 3 4IfIDIGAL osPRET : I„ PEXELA BOKINA, A GN Ezi; MESt,',ENtIE INb. TTE, lIAND, N SET T, S IRATOe i j .TH. oggpANl 01110; CECILIA. J. If BILL; GALENA, MENTuR. 4. community ate respen r,ahe a etiorce of a boat, to -Itier it would not be to IWO to choose a Safety Guard lc; in preference to curia ,;ion—and that they teiliYij citron has the unqualified i•ri +rine builders-_Eetatimem ~stand the subject, and who Iwsides a number of certifitatil and others—all of which ca 10. Water Ftreet. where hal 7 ,1 tinter to exhibit tile trouble to call. DW ALLADII END, l' A, a• A a EHOUSE.—H.Itton 4 T arturees,SteaSeurille,Onio. known to the public er warehouse in Pittsinirgeori rrr• doors smith of Firth r where they will keep roast of paper. consisting of w , • r•r, Ica and wall paper, aod .on w it h which they will I and school an I. tfl , Five assortinenl ofTli wa he Fold law for ci.Vll,ol' z ..1:+1 , •-n. - nti In ern at Stetehearat; ttewholds,frutie y of pniwr, lye 11 , vusohis is fa ll} empourei4 ' = . n the manxzement of their TitOal JAMES ' ,EFI) D.—Wanted , _Dods, a quantity of Flaza k ocii: of Country Produoe - i , • cr zood , s at 11 2 1 / 4 11 II 1 ti'S Weill • I Comm i•••=ion Warrlrow4 1 ART. Co rnmise ion Nrciant. • nd _172 erica - 7i Manorfactarts, C-q.. P:itsbnrgh Far!. C :c!:ran of E'd . 1?-:nT:1 del Cn. thli , ourne. E=9 , Madison P F NI FOE. SALE. --J• T no which J I iITR, in Walla d. cOvlainMe one hundred, 2rrer of which is elearei. Thefe are upon it thre .3 fret by 34; as appleoraba .croly Serra of coal• The of any upland farm in k ..own on application to the a. WILLIAM WAL lA NI C. WALL, Palo cral Picture Frame Jdattoti: Pntsbargh.—Can vafa 11sts, tatrays on hand. 1.0301:1 framed to order- gepairigd, ;,r attention Frod to 40,iug op Steam Boats Or beso l ot:ge. to can- E LEP. D . —The subseriterl2rt furnish painters, and cabers While Lead made of the fits if not saperlor to any ot. add rPogect to Dunlap • • • 1 S+Tond street, Pittshere DONIA? CASIHONABLE /SHOE , St.. ea e doorfersa Stela./ t respectfully ioserens Lt. and vicinity that be be • oe of his oleo mans factomsl o ill keep constantly On W I Ott kinds of ladies, attn.-4,. of the let quality. *bleb' titres Be will SOW i fancy work—welt of sr: . tutored gaiters. zed ImAltins• silk !alters. •ite-• v. - ads at the shortest Ontit e.o ,die; tcitl please can anit ess • tetcriber feels confident that le , in his line they may iiirali t " . Don't forget the am Harris's lateiligeoce 01 . °° 4 - 1: arket Street. TLLIISI DlGBYhaving tale haziness oft:Huss k florsliOlk y r.treet sod 4 2 market. 000 4 . 1 be. ou meroos Wards -JO .‘r the very liberal support Aid • n him. io conneetioli 111 ,dsi v o swore them that.eatelli7" 1 • cow itillaltiOlß .c invite their attends * I r. which he Ist ends selgittittli I :1 bees ever offered. be414,„,,,,tti le of the stock of Abel/ 186 ; das be oteadls to erille oe ..:fittess.'he feels eotrfidesi •-; F his stock, either isehESPllll.' orortmooobb- I'-'• se %alike ootleethat e s.W 'Pittsburgh- sloszoW, .16000tlitgr A' Sku /nos Wart, - 11 :± 31 out .111e4st striffifl -1 " " 80 /At 160 - I M IS . hi " We _tl7 res. . 1.-NO 16. BLISBED BY IPS do W. H. SMITH, OF WOOD 4. FIFTH SIS. DOLLARS a year, payable in TWO CENTS---for sale at the and by Sews Boys. and Manufacturer . E,Y, al the game office, on a doable TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad• pies. SIX CENTS. g of Advertising. ir TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 0.50 I One month, it: 00 0,73 Two mottle, 6.00 00 1.00 Three months, 7. 1.50 Four months, R.OO 3.00 Six months, 10.00 4.00 One year, 15.00 V ADVERTISEMENTS. OCABLK AT PIZABCRE. TWO Squarer. 512,00 '4,11 months, $23.00 25,00 I One year. 35.00 isements in prorortion. ines DOLLLILS a year. C OFFICES,&C. . Third be , wren Market and Wood lc. roFttrin.l , r. • wet . ..4th (loin from Wood Et. Peter r John R Hock. collec:or. ood I.etween Fiat 40d Second ram. Treasurer. Third street. next door to the reit —S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Mt, between Market and Wood , Mayor. Or. Fourth. near Market, st. BANKS Market and Wood streets. on AItr:FACTriIiCRS. •WD FwßYti6 Dr- Raving Fund,) Fourth, betwLen eel. near Wood. • 110 T . r, Water slrvel, near the Bridge. orner of Penn and Bk. Clair. corner of Third and Wood. orner 0± Third and Smithfield. rner of Penn vtreet and Canal. rty vireo. near Seventh. Si oppo.ite Wayne IC Hoc FE. Penn St opposite Canal 1)S, ATTORNEY AND I R AT LAW.-01Ewe s on Grans d., Dealty opposite next rooms to John D. Mahon, set, 10 Lo T, M. I).- Officr remora to t, between. prAll aa d Liberty $l,•, P 10 reeion Mackey'. tvh,,leeale and in Eutlish. Frrncti. ae d I.lod..etir Market et .Pdtztearch. 5eP 10 & .M.CLURE, Aitorneys and Law: Office .11 the Diamond. hack se.ritt9lmrgh,cep 10 E. Morrow, Alderman; °Mee north st,, between Wood and Smithßeid sep 10 144Iolesa:e Crater tiectifying Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh .Vo. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts- Pep 10 I cm. S. Ilmwovis : • DILW 0 RTII--W hole' ale cc a nd Com nt .si:ion Merchants, and Manufactured articles, o • sep 10 OBINSOIS„ Attorney at Law; rt of the Dia mond,hetw4lea Pfp 10 22111111 E Aitornev at Law; lendera rvtees to Ibt public. Office cur- Streets, above D. Lloyd 4- Co's sep 10 J.<. N. KiUN EAN, Manufacturers of Copper. ron Ware. No 80, front st , Fitts. 'rtg and Steamboat work promptly seep 10 FRANCIS L. YOUNG. NG & C 0.., Furniture Ware cf Hand st. et Exchange Alley. urchase Furniture. will find it to us a call. being fully tailiafted that quality and price. sep 10 MS.—Just received 160ehoice Mu( I cured sod for sale cheap by +hest° ISAAC HARRIS, N 0.9, Filth st E43pp'y , Sterrhonts?.Ron , to itonto ofeither of the Trnsteesof the !aid United States La Company. D. R GRIGGS. - President of the United States Land Co. Boston. August 20, 1840. tsep 10) BY Morrison k Co. London. for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, tourer of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. pbo ts sole agent for 4Vm.tern . Pennsylvania. sep 10 FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for Pale a tract of land situated 4 miles from Freewill. la the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo 'township, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whirls are in meadow—a good square leg dwelling. home and cabin barn erected thereen—an apple orchard of 80 beating trees—and a spring of excellent water convenient to the house_ FOR TERMS apply to the subscriber* residing at the Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mite above Free port. Pep 10 W 111.4 PHILIP BAKER. DR. J. WESTON'S Vegetable Expectorant Syrup,an infallible cure for whooping cough. This *pease is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a suffocating cough, %lid a deep shrillstiand, called a whoop; it comes on with difficult breat bins, thirst. boa 'lnnen, and cough, with difficult expectoration: The violent exec ! ions in coughing bloat the face, which turns purple, and the eyes swell and become prominent. • Consumption-often dates its oriein from this disease. • which has hitherto baffled the still pf the nu t' able 0 13 ,- 1 siciana but now by this simptt vegetable medicine this disttessiag and frequently destructive disorder ran be ce-.. red ma few days. Thousands have 'Men it a trial and is I,o _=. l &""Witere used according to the direction has it failedOnlessitructhe viscid matter and mating ii easily expecteratedivithout mach elitlent straining as is invaria bly experienced by Htliesuffererstry every mode of treat 'went that bas here recommended. Coughs. colds, ectissiteeelost, asthma. 4e. owed by Dr- Wesson's Indian Cough Medicine, essay cares of coestaip tions.Soinelit the advanced wages azd gives up as locum hie .by playsichinishaveheeu cured by this nsabeine with his iriiiS and *weir. *liaise bottles, snail 51) the Pills 25 cents.phurtir 25 es. ills Strengthening Plaster is the beat in the witild for weak back', pain in the dile. to. liv. dr. J. Winion'a Eye Water cures alt disorders of the olive wheil ail 'other means fait. Price 25 casts. Ms Cora Salve is void* 121 cis. per box, containlic enough to cure 20 earn, o us. Be ism also a perfectly safe and highly tra . bloc fore. - 25 cents per batiks. nis Bootees are superior tdt; Oben% heihalaMkusi 6 rep d ;..„ times the strength of any dist _. tie purchased at any_ of the drOggisils, estch as arpearatititAtanasast, iemon.trawer i pte ender. .ritialei. stiwiedsimerW insot,rwaioarj;e l arialsay. 4-r, kr: Price 12i. ends per bottle. or 50 cis, put , cane containing .4 botilensmr 15 -rad forbore' s winialaksg6 bottles -- Porm4,k4Vltintristepsoniseriseety 153 ViiertY.l. l l, next it* -Wthe *;Three Big Doors." - sap 10 Dg,J. i.l'iljßiTT`B, 15apeetfidly Worm the chi zernisall viehrhy. Ott be bas rehire ett to the eltr. hopes to sham the raraiihreee of Ma former pawns ; sad the pular. generalty; sod reheat a renewal of* pertian of their patronage. In eonnedeNti he would -observe. that theoperiaiire of lAtboutty, hreatiPlL ityertgrela the bladder, aad'alievripp Mao ofittkilse arian,) Is every *here seenoeltarkr the railptatitet; bops Jo extant the I "fhb prefeasioe bribe Albin' erl. fohlemallieenwe. rit the Madder and Ithineyrk—which earegeletiblegeter -- 081 . 7//0* fliPatatishlegr Abothorlifianneass 249 11 7 -Yirb ktuelrr. "If 4111 fred cki be acessaineoltag ighbrettoniaClettenref parattire* %Nis thlinNiONnabe "WO spitUbentilke. aegalr lam se. i4l PROSPECTUS sit* _ NiNt.lC-4 " ; ._t_:_ PRICE PIVO U:=MC:=U:aM For the Menditi reiltatTned frie allocation &nos the mind .A t sillttpla timid the hues ineliesdf et, no* strange nor To see a buoi Unwise* :Soar; And sorthniCarda,4 telt* a /MI 'Midst alphabets without a gr est: Subtract, divide, and add by role, Aa say two leg'd' boy at school. Which has seem braise. the pit mime, Who shows the beast, solve but 11 / 16 : 0 1 10 4 One thing is certain. well we know The pig's the Lion sf Turas op bin nose at Stillhaosil And roots qp lettets.".demaillef'grabm Abandicas garbage for the lamp Of learning, oh the saucy eamsfe ct And wisely seek* to earn his bread - Sy elan:Age of snort and heatk , ilristier op for lose of inamorea • . Show• his tricks worth more than prasessie t Se setae hi's baron and his lard' By playing well his insider's card. The amoral thee of Ibis is plains • A gruntliwg can improve his brain; And though a silica purse, 'tis said. Of a Strw's ear cannot be made, Yet Piggy proves luatsetr we For having game awhile to school. • GRUNTERL Later Swat aorraliallr• Seeing that Judge Noah ie in the SAP; once moreii.wrote a few Beefalxweditiao- 41 Geneany ; wbicb .he may o tbink ~with while publishing in his ; new joufnal—to which 1 he:unity Wishnii hie anctentr, _ - It is OneAtindred in the shade! •Prett weather. Smfrileeping, as we do here, wit"... a feather bed over as well as under yogi. What a harvest is there here—whet .11 , ;_ year for the vintage—what $ season sunshine and earthquakes. But donitaniett, them, for we have a great deal :to 43itcuso respecting politics. Here, widxrst farther ? preface, I commence. _ As the Duchess . - d'Orleana is a Omuta' lady there is great sympathy for her, thro' the whole of the Gee ratan States. .Fittit deprived her of the chance of wearing crown, but she will have a higher duty to. perform. She is no the .guardian of her children, one, of whom, in all !nob-. ability, will be king of Fiance for many years, Anxious as the French arefor war. b. itt much doubted here whether the" ears.wr will bear a long Regency. The or Europe depends on the continiiill . istence of Louis Pliiiippe,—the Isis* Prince of his time, his pkosecutionsof Press excepted. If the Regent will _ his sword, his dycasty may continue to* rule over France. If be insist upon It pacific policy, he and his will be iirig: kicked out of the kingdom. Again, if the Regent should resolve on war, he must draw the sword and, throF his scabbard. No petty war Wilt serri, ; the French. They require, whatlitiple; on gave them for so many, years, CoOfteest, Glory, accessien of Territory. arid the , spoils of art, taken from conuerea to make their Paris, the miniature metrcip - - 1 olisof the world.—Will the rest of Europa allow it? In many parts of Germany there have been public demonstrations of the sympathr generally felt with the Royal Family of France. 'The most strkirig was gives in Frankfort-on-the-Maine,--which you wilt be so good as not to mistake for Frankfort , '- on-the... Order. The titter is *Small Park I siah city with almost 18,000 inhahlianie-t -and has greatly fallen off once its•unissreei., , ty was Waasferred, in 1800 1 to H>teis but Frankfort-on-the-Mains is the 10044 the Germanic diet,_ and one of din teeitt , Free Cities of Germany, with a tereitor* Of 95 square. miles, (as fixed in 1818, k 9 the Congo:fa of Vienna.) and rt-totwi.„ pepsin! '- lion of -4,000 inhibitants. .011h.e (oaf free cities it is the first. and has at (repel& can) constitution of us own. In this Frankfort, which is a riartestant. city. a public demonstration has bees inwhe - which shows and was intended to shots., great sympathy for the loss Louis MGM and his family have recently sustained. The Municipal authorities=lbst is tits l imo Burgomasters. the Senate and tieOnso of Assembly—decided on lassirig celebrated Requiem performed is the Catlin edralyin memory of the late ItnketiValtoan., , They, left a the details of the Rowan Csilhor--,- elle Agra of the city, two of die-Bar . and twenty-fine diplomatic: represmnettott: of Roman Catholic Statesee—the .4*****, inprowatatives of all the flii*ettlant..SPLitoi* of, gUrape Unaiiawas# itiMsoo4 l ll-4,-Ott rangentent..' - • Oa the 12th (August) the Cathek‘k fine old Gothic bufliinig, was throwl epoO. It was Nook with K l 4 draPeTY; centre aisle was a catafalque, -on twfl _was platted a bier decorated with - theVettif 4 1.601440 Dike. In toe cludrlA : the Municttal body of Frankfort, 111 011 44 b:. Will the Admit* body;Atifee, till,Plarbf &owe. - wegisrigNekh their left teens. Firtf-fitritelflbe" s and;nearly ` all the 'lakillative VielkilOtA 2 • .0 Were the two 111141 0 *' Oltotere. - - ~~~ ~~_ ~'~° 4~~ From the N. T.Vabs.