Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 26, 1842, Image 3

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    LOITIS ,16241,17:
SLUT on&
ions of the
dr7,11906,-4nt •
hams and peopkiiii
7 urges them )4 44.i
e present siontling
end on *hat has atolls
- sorer, is
nue to be beary'--06,0.
we are no looter ia
Soufin and Ibis
. "' ti exchange operat
tHog nightthodogottir,7
em -; cat'of dlakrattle
questionably Sight la t •
From New Ors we
shall continue to r
-tie, which abeam that
our favor in
one that d• , _
of the same fitct is
‘e abundance of &Ken,
en,cy there has beeil ip t *
ant_ The tneurtt. d 3 ",
bank notes in eireulatiai
ceased. and this imp/
a, as We shall fer the -
tie to export. much peon
, • .
Rope.—Ti ese ankl es
met and 6 cents for the
...ins from storca, 6 a 7;
a 4 cents. De,rand mod.
;y Mins, sayeTfirie $3 Ski,
it 75' akit,3 fa% ette-215
eccipts dttriaz the week
licit. 35 a 374. apetie
•pti have been heavy, b ut
el at roatikatiat.a. OSts
USIRI; c.art in an. 18 a 24
r. c&pts of the wtek
and is limited. We ea*
..idrer: priund , .
.is article continues%
o consideration the low •
cnnsre: sent dtifrk•uhire er
h en made at 2 41a 111
were made at they'
rates: No. 1, 4 513 54
rj 3, 1 75 a 2:Oily' X, i e
ri the week amounted%
~alzs are reported at 151
Uaitirooke Maikets.
'Pura lay evening.
20f) hcad of Betf
i at th, yards et 2.1211
-1 to 3, 25 a Si 50 net; t
..-,:varci street has slight'
it firm at $4 25 —*no
! 25. 7.-u-quehanna, new'.
.1 i eat Las aeval c,d
ness supplies.
,us 5 cents p-r bushel aa•
.ades, and 3 or 4 cents on •
..rioe of the market fag
a-:coreiog to qanday
re is no Pennsylvania
- 1. quote Maryland anita
• 7.:; yell-nv 52, , ttr. Ns?,
M,ryland Oats 21 a 22
a 45 cents. Nis note?,
at 60.
Y--` , •2ICS nP WI is at 21 tents,
ita a mrl&rate demand.
cenLe. exclusive of the
17'7 D "t111.41;*
• L ;It: sees- Tow allot
lix‘rarlot a late U.A.larleinat
it LT123.10d4 Or.
eaipsi , 11 ,- re.f.t. n e
r. d 1.0 , p,Pce , ral:itte;
2:,re immtltnie relief, and
t,,,e1 011 the Monday
tt.ic , I have no dotal
e ad o: the eily. YODelLeit.
,oreer of Fourth and
1p , 1! 23. 1842
'ft TILL . . , Vl' 0.1 , 11. A
for rillsbUrth
, - \ "I) S. —1 n {Armand
N ,c'. , Cou: of, Pleat
, r ale of
a! the Exchange
n. - 7. I:1 . on 'Monday, the
A NI ..ihe fo , .lowiend
. • s,nip of Pennsylvania,
uF siivatz in VC --
-:-- A LSO—
, • -I - L.:‘,3d n r.,ie county.
v of Land in Cato Cord Mull!
Lan-1 in Mercer toasty.
--ALSO --
Lanirin BUJ ler tutut.ty.
—ALSO- -
. n t Lund in Beaver cowl:ay.
Laud sitnatein Venano
—A LSO--
situate to Warren •
- Laud situate in Sidieatt
.1 Land siluate is Jefferson
Land snoaicln Arnesasong
.3( Land siittaie in Indiana
„f Land rit uate 311 Fayekig if
, Ilf r dtscrii;tion thereof. S
...,t,ttirtme in the rpettive
, id le mold to sitk.fy the dr*
,f Pe n nfylvaola. hi Joan•'”
- al and .Jadieial ilea*. Saw"
,rch 1790.
tr.lo..kers 'will attend at Ilse .','
~ from the 'Mb of October
to•ther inTormatlekil.
.1f sale W:I 1 be--tell peT Gee.
~ a latsre in four equal t 139
, Is f3UNII 111 CllOO O ./
:.LI ‘NI ,itimgo:sg. .
' .-
-!pc noBERTS.
r, % !if I..SIoNERS . 0111 1 - •
_la, Pa., r..'epl. 3.184.2.
9.F 1.1"D1.8X21.- - For
f)earborn county, Stale if
• I wen, v mile r s froe thG is4C
• reticeburg. (twenty fivei °164
•• road to odiartepolis, $
A Caiholic church 1 4 11 :
d. Apply to Mt. Mart%
TORS take notice that I Itsf e
1Cowl:DOR Plea. of AU.es.
went laws, and that said CO
4th2 clay of Oetohei stea- o,^ *
y creAitots at the eelal li ‘ 41.1°4 _,,
pre you may attend. f
;, ir "'
'.axasy, Leiter'Dressef,
rar ORS TAKE 9IrOTICS I,l°ll
• 4
Conn r
el Common ies 4 "'
benefit of the lavo W
PennFyieania„ and the the
40 Monday of Octsgie r
"reditdrs, at the Court ilosse•
when and svpeor :wog oar
%vs,. Torricg.
Vra l.llll.
neditasty rabeloles i.
media siessisss
e his ailestior 1 41 4 6 .0. 1
"gavot:y.l,e all et
Ishillesze SP "
DAITEVer 12013 Z,
EMBE R 26, 1342.
! elpttia boys are afraid to ac
enge of the Club of the Pitts
kssioN. They do not like
the sinewy SODS of the Iron
think the Wasbingtoniins are
far; the Cider businefs has been
mb:ere can't be vcry good ?oliti
or the! %could soon sce that the
heretofore received for cider will
it ..treasaries for flour, beef.
. Tear ti,iwn your cider pre,ses,
41 doer , a little more of the neressa
cn who have been in the habit o f
sh for drink will not keep it stow
, it out in food and clothing for
blunder occurred in ear paper of
p akinz of Legrand, the type`
h e wa 4 pariary deranged. We
c price ,itvr w,Il rise again
ci the V.lonte , r ennytt vies c...)1n
-day. Thcs , military men %saki.:
when they ge"tt on a bu:t. . Daring
nt it raiser; from 10 cents to 25
,n be had in Nllrl. - se
lIC half P• Lcl,c, can 1.
cents p rln• li 1
- ;:foi cry re,puctaLl
tardal a ',.cr - fp , un at 1 ••'c; k,
ter Feet r sc.ce;ics were delis
!JAI Markt
re was a treincrLi E-edieria!l
clii:dren. Srec:ics were dc
wtre g—and aln list of
lhcir 86D1,-
MS fitt . orc.! thc most eX , cn , iv , ly
d kr , ow a hal they w,uld
fird In Ullll,lll tat
for .f the [feral,'., ar!i,cci to 1::!5,
• ntion. Legion.
111 a! the 11,1 a
11.,q(1:: Sept.
C. TI:OVII,1,(1,
pl . WI 1..42
of the oite f Ar73n•lc:ncril
e of Cot.. Lt.n.
ISt. lhe WdS
t lift St V , tt,l V, ' l,l ttc c •riv,3trt‘
;c4. r. d up
g, t, v.siC pr ,, .
Lfic 11.• r•, .•• :1..% lu thl:
the !it , r u
Le u. I I
C. S' d t y t'.r' o ,rl*l
S: a r 11.
ed ‘b,t• tfl- H NV. b
ert ss (*;•1 b
IrIE contity
I].\: •lianqe it
• I;,P. \I
-%hc n',
the t'ttir,et...
witi - .l,u' ~!.
to t v.,tll:l
oT , lof tie recepiu7l o'
'• p A -ri "man
.1. H.:
23 'l2.
tie Nlartha IVa=.lngion T. A
re r clue -04110 uir.•l 1105 10 \t
Teloo.^; - :10re , r;:cl, 10 take
prie:v of i.ohlin! a Fair, for clw par
aqui (or the hene•
Mfr. Bv rortlw
RS RE guAten.—Waa glolen from
‘er, in front ( Firwart • , Hole!. in
5 , al , , Vas r I,tenrifLr nn
nu: y 4,144
he LL.lHots for LLaLLeL-LceLALL. LerL , eg lert
of C \ (n
tnt order (or lit 13(r. an
^1,4 4 .WO. -fi , to a nnt
agalogt qtr ear . oll . !Of New ca s •IP
Icbria (or $50 0 : :inol::er of G. 11
the above papers. reenl:ertrri. A deer!
relation to pro:lrriy hy se
of Ne‘v C7,11e. Fi
rs addr , e=ed , 0 me by 1 7
re.aml a i;.rce mimhet fl' Re
. and an , 71 1 liaA frialKr
30d Mnnow , I • n
on 2 wr-r i.nihn in reizois.n
!rapt,. whirl: I vow own. Any
r, Pa. , or w t:ve information to
Obtained, wilt be etollle,l to the
r 22.. 1842- r.
epeodert Tranoportatiost Line to
d Boit,more. For Traosporting
rem Pittsburgh, ria Tide Water
cooststs of the first e'n.-e Spring
New Decked Tide Water Roals.
and experienced Captains.
Line arc enahled to have thrir
2., and with as much d. spatch.aa
oe Boat will leave daily (root the
itßoati nn the rietassare, In Tow
is kept expressly for that pur
give Theis %bate attention, and
Meat:tarns la give them a
Mach to heir adv, mate.
Will Hai/Kam jtrCo . rnapl•
and aa titan Canal. wilt he memie
ft4ol at Wttlow street !tali toad,
• • I can be put directly from the
without additional handling or ex.
LbIAN ,t Co, )
edidaysbory. 4
ERSON, Proprietors.
to riusbergb.
4 Co., Canal Sarin, Liberty street.
Mow greet wharf.
- t Philadelphia,
Elam, Baltimore, } Agents.
gencraus thros:bout the City.
.4.ili:il:ViLPA'etelialigtOgice 016A1411*0110-ttlif
near wrath. new 101 117 ' : 44,1 gareei 70 1 0 .7 lb*
Kw, of rilinbahNk tooLibibig - 114 - ieteritidesl of which
cv pre ♦ALIXSI 1110 M.
L--:-..1 2 11 - RON AND CONNISSION - lIENCHANIN.— a t„ Nei. r 410 ens dewed sad eag er - fr om p rom ig N._ 1 8 at*, of
1 ter skroold . w.speellhtlY lefiwin big old asstoteersawliemostletW. - *geed Chair' ea a gtagpsea r a- geo p eat w an di
2 frients,that he has thin sty aweetated with ikijle , l abalireetetbehoggepseearite are a lame *aim lime
2 illwaine. UMW the first of S. Netter t sad nineteel Weebitatag IfFiewees - weilfernbbed.ealeelated fur a Ta
-2 his former business ordeater i•ln*k amid Nalls.ad Igett id i gent 41r Riaate Dwoniolha lintoe Sam IS by Witaite ,- 1
wan d, aT a . 0. Front st., between Wood awd Natitst ea. bieweset, and aidiebsiodreisind other oat lhosseSsult-.
A r e newal of his Gid eteatotn„ and the patronage Or the able ibe senementt-2 garde= senounded with
2 i*Air generally. is resperifetly requested.. lw-Iletoot ashler, awl* well of ercilfreaVeater• with a
2 1 Pittsburgh. Aping, Ma NANUEL KELLEN, I OW* at the ibeetdeor. fa telation - tottePlitsbeigh
ALEX% WILWAINII. awilzbeer esarket. *bent is ireobtee sow offered Rot
2 rep 10 sale with awe ladle:meat to Own wishing to pirecbase
near Pittsbargb.tbe saws will be wads oiceierate. for
&Tiber PkittollatooltlitY 19 tat plC4FirielOt at his Chelan
taare. 1 - Awry street, terser of Vint% Alley.
• _LAvele&cr.
N. E. If sot said--irdlllo4. ibe Ist of October nett. It
win be disHilied into *ant 'Macre lots Until web:-
ners. sep 10
Bank of PittStHareh. pari
Mere'. 4. Man. hk. par r ]
Exchange bank.. pa
Bk. of Germantown
Easton tank,
Lancaster bank, di!
Bank of Chester. Co. par
Farmers' bk Backs Co.
Doylestown bk do
Bk of N America Phil. “
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Far. d- Mechanics bk.
Philadelphia bk.
i• - ;ouiiisvark hk.
W, .stern bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania.
Bk of Penn Ti. par
Man. 4- Mechanics bk 18
ele , :banies Ik. par
Movamensing bk. 13
Girard 47
.'tares hank. 60
Lumtiermerv. Warren. 75 1
Frank. ilk Ci'asltiwzlon, par
lit incr. Irk of Poi h.vile.
Bk of Moni!lomery Co. par
I Man hk Brownsville, 2
Erie Bank. 5
Flarricl.urzh to +A.
• i
For. hk :21
Ilk cf 64 ;
PAr of Chartihcrsl urzh, 6f
C. 4 rllFie hank. 6i
Bk of North , ' rol,Prland, 61
ralumh aLk Itlitl;:r2 co
Bk F-11., 4 ,iphan , .:i Co- 9
Pk 01 ti, tar -pre Co Pa ,
Cen rsln+r_h Ik.
York hark. 61
Far Ilrev , c iI. of
1 41.11,1,v
f)1111.1 CAROLINA
1 4 r44 - 4 9 •
( . 0 k
11,1110 rilp,ca t.I I
Q Irk of rzlcn
br nv
ilf!rro:/t !.
Ha ~1;a Lk [tea ;,ad
Cf:lun; , n.ci t:
on De •
•,1 n.li S- "1
h l / 4 ~1
T. STEW . A 11T, iTh!,o',tcrer nod Payerlinorer,
2.*P . 4. ..or. 1,1 wee, Wood ;mil
-1, I: no,l Sl , a‘v elan nr.:l , on nand. All
, •4" tiled %% It it t1,11f1e,,❑1,1 arrnunnn-
Fep 20 1 y
da~tr^ Ian::
VV,:Li..1 , 011, tr.
Ex -it t oz.! Brokers. Fourth
L A 111 MER & CO.,
, I t ird door below Mat ket. FC it 20-1 v
mount St Gary's College.
COLLF,GE. ri.er
in ho ++.o;l TOR.. rifle-
or NT
- 't:
-5 v.. n and moral
i , rd in point of
Ttl. Cot
.'rfrtr, by the !..rglici.ture
_47a7-11! , rnprf , i.loru '63(1.
tie clll,- , " Of I- rk,1, , it.6r . v.-Ivr. v;ll l .rnrinz ah
(.1,517r: neniliriz Room
and ,rienl . ls , - per todom!=:
1 . :". -;,!!.- at A ppa 01 us Chemical
..!•••(' of F!t'7l' Ge.rrnan. and Bonk.
'e r r a
. . .
on El- I !!ri•t,r. 0 r rf •
W, 11, a acrd Sat. ra!
1 C.Po'n2
dra., aka k‘as,
HE% 7. k -a .f I :al - .
I 52,, ~,,m . y.ary in ridraneP.
air acti Ann „_ linty r X , ra
are ea , II s4u
f :1 , 1101 rll.
~,,,rtntm4..trarr.erts i= Itphi n, the Itt=l
:tr. = ole iptte= l ,lzilis alPeat I he
16 , h of A tren=l.
..1 from Ra Brno, P Fft from
Frr '0 ri-k. r , Ehteon.;ttirl Iron Gel!)-shurgh.Pi.
r. ,I. Iq^r Nl , ' • A PrCfel..Or of
n' , l
11. LC , - . . e pre=l.. prof. of 17,s
.A ¶1 ^rr•G r: prof. of
CrPot, a , ,el La in, and I in A
114, Ilorgna. D li. prof. cf l'henlogy and of
Crf d ilome
Ponerritu, -, Naupt. 'O. prof: of French and
tirr Thlou,-.. Alrf7.lTrPy. 4 M. Pr Pferl 111 Dkripline,
:iti.junct of Lai in and I usit:l,lel in Geoz , antly,
j A, M.. Pr..1,-,F•or o! German and
(1,,r5 and Laid
1 mi.-. A. IL. Graduate of U. Military
;Lie, . ‘ V.eQi rOl , ll, Prcfciii,or el Mailleniat its and
^.t I .vipl•y
(;I,Gra '.alnie ref the ,Erol e , enira i e d es
otic,,ures• Proi - es.sor of CheoliAry
and and I o,!ror Int in frx7nr!..
Toin, reek, tat in, F.12'14 , 11. Arithmetic and rd her
Rey'd Wm. Elder.A. NI.,
Franc v. C. Nrfarland, , lolland, late of Aston
John Gar rolleffe, England,
Lellaet Marlin,
Thon.a ,
Johc Iluz,dc. Henry Currie.
.1,!to 1 Xi' en_ Andre. Prof. of Music,
Ja , nr , .. r rOl - 1.7. - FOl of Drawing and Writing.
Pr , frrt , of Difopline.
Nreatrrey, John Harken,
Pa' II rph`, JOlin
' IJdaut Srp'. 1841 rept 17-3sv
Bathe=. Alanofar4trrr of Iron and Nails.
Ivo, choose, N 0.25. Wool =t.. Potsber:ti. Sep 10-I.Y
Lc) ron s'ILE.— ;our [Ails in 1411inette.ter. One
awl.a f.iorth Acres of Land on Holmes' Mil. Lots
nos. and 184. in Cook's roan
of Lot?, - on Heinle' 1-101 Also, Lot: nos 28 and 27, in
C - ook's Wan of Lots on High si tee: , near the new Court
House. For lerms apiay to Z W. REM I NGI'ON
sep 10 •
DR. J. W ESTON'S Vegetable Head-.4cAe Pills.—
They are remarLal.ly rood in various kinds of Fe
male Complaints. canesof Com ivenms, Indiregiain,Cold
Stomadi. Head. C hi. and D'zziness.
The valuable properties of these Pill!. in ptimina lite
head and ' , Lomat!' from the foul humour, that occasion
violent pain in the head and face, is well known and
highly recommended. particularly in cate-s when a rico_
lent cold has settled in the Itead,causing severe pain
bronati the face a nd teeth. they never fail jn givirt7
lief in the mom violent cases, even when bleeding and
toolit.drawins have been tried in vain. They act as a
retitle puree and wilt not prevent the, patient from at
ten d o business.
For sale at John Ttiompson'A Grocery', 153 Liberty
street, neat door io the-" Three Ric Doors." or* 10
DASUL PC entity. ....ers.
Joan Pates.
URR V k PRICE, Bak. C ; oaftxtittaers arid Dealer!
is Oilcloths of Fmk. Wholesale and Retail. Fetter !
of Street, nearly appetite the Fest Office, liegheaTeßY.
Wedding Parties, tz. zepplied at . all thins with the
cbeinta articiew ley IR..
Comma, .
Post notes.
Chili - tent be,
Fran. ik Columbus, 4
121 R , on tby corner of Forth ;Ind Sznitilleld siti-sep 10 l
Hamilton, 40
Aitssrßau, September 1.1111.11424
1C0nt..14:. Lake EF:I 40
Far. bk: of Canton, e, 50 j SALE (F STOCKS OWNED BY THE cox. 1
INDIANA. IN pursuance of the provisions of the 4 1 b section Of no 1
S Stale bk. , * Branches, 21 Act of Mae:ably. passed the 27th day of July lasi,
Slate Scrip. 50 entitled, - An act to provide for the. ordinary expense: of ,
KENTUCKY. the Government -payment of the interest on the &ate '
.All banks, 2
Dela—receiving proposals for the sale of the Public
ILLINOIS. Works. and for other purpose!," there will be exposed to
Flta . r . Ilk k Branchw. 65
public sale. at the Merchants' Exchange, in ,the chy of
Stu, rt neelm/rri, 65
Philadelphia, on Wednesday.tbe 23d day erNicreiliftc
illynl; of I - h.:gnat, I next.at 10 u' elo , t, A. a.:the following Stocks, owned
the Commons:whit, to vett;
do V ey. 1
1 . '3750 shares of stAck in the Bank of Penuttylvanks.
Far. IA of VII villa,
' S''"'l3 do in the Philadelphia Rank.
Eir ham:J. lank, 1 -,
1708 do in t• e Farmers and 211er-hanks' Beak.
N. We.: hank 2 goo do In the Columbia Bank and BridgeCoulpanyi
Mer knee dn. 2 J 2 . 500 do in the Union Canal Company.
I 1500 d o in the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Coin
Raiamnr , tt a ,,k,, par :any.
Contort think.. 310 6 500 do in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
DEL A tV AR E. Company.
AII rant ~, par 1000 do in the Schuylkill Navigation Company.
par and 1 320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans
ill Roo., portation Company,
A. at the State Roue, in the haraush of Harris-
Par burr. on Monday. the 2301 day of November next. at 10
O'Clart. A- M.
2905 shares of stock in the Danyble and Pottsville
. Railroad Company .
21100 do in the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com
p; r parry.
~r ,
~umrr ban6s
np,d )
s.r.o , or 1;:k111.,
d o 6 To 1/11::, - 11..
C op d
Rk. of SI. ('lair,
J s:11. Sibi! h
(' N 1).1.
auk,. 510 121
FAst Exchange.
r; n.
:• , 1
rn 17xcrign2e
I lII,Vi
ll'{ 'IA
, JI,F) 'N[) SILVER, pat
JOI=EPR 11. 1111 L
Menu! Sr. Mnry's
Fri,,tred cc,
;d11:11 iu long
r C nna the whel
1:;c fo•tc fivt
OBERT PORTER, Aterweyst_
Franklin Railroad Company.
Yo-tr. and Get ysimr:
Railroad Ca.
Codorus Navigaiion Co.
Bald Caen and Spring Crrek Navi-
?Winn Co.
Monorigehela Navigation Co.
Barrisimrg Bridge Co.
Northumberland Bridge Co.
Monongahela Bridge Co.
All , gheny Bridge Co.
%Nil k rsisa rre Bridge Co.
1.. e w rg Bridge Co.
Big Beater Bridge Co
Bridge Co.
Nesr operk Bridge Co.
French Creek Bridge CV.
Conernan.iii Bridge Co.
hovllcill and Pottstown Bridge CO.
Loyal Fianna Bridge CO.
M i!I on Bridge Co.
Pobhf , town Bridge CO.
Towanda Riiilre Co.
Franklin and Alletbeny Bridge CO.
Brid!e.(at Stetson's ford)
Corn Pan v.
i! mnpoit Bridge Co., Wiumhieg
f !lowine Turnpike Road Comp
v,ric in t
IP Ft isbn 7., Carlisle and Chambere
t,u r!!..
'iare9 in I
rz and Bedford
Ledford and Sinystown.
Striy.i own and Greensburg.
er,r,,iinr ,, and Pitisburgh.
tin atinerion,„ Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Wa , erford. .
Eerkionten and Reading.
G.in and Newport.
Waynesburg, Greencastle and !der
M Gr.:113443w n, Churehtown and Bine
tie Conestoffn.
lb•rkg and Donphin.
Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid
EaFl on and Wi.keshar.e.
t"..Thc..-nnehanna and Lehigh.
Milfwd and Ocro.go.
Ipwningion, Ephrata and Hard.-
Centre and Kir.haeinif t ag.
F.ll gne nna and York borough
York and CoHyshor:
New Holland.
Snr ne ilou<e, Northampton and
rnzta ~Irl SnFonrhanna.
!=nstinellanna anti Waterford.
Sopinellanna and Tiora.
Ftri.izeur:ver and ‘'l'ilkegharre.
Fi~lshnrgh and New Alexandria.
NFW Alexandria and Conemaugh
Felmnnl ar.d Eamon.
Pi.l.nreli and Roller.
p5..13 n d tz , ngqaeha nua
Puller and Merrer.
Merrrr and Meadville.
Ancler.nfl's F.rrv. Waterford and
New I-I:v,•n.
,11,, , ,nr,n and Steubenville.
RideP Road.
Bethany and Dinsman's Choice-.
Rotnistovrn and Mount Pleasant
Mount Ftea-niit and Soinefoet.
Stsiers.it and Redford
Hatioarr and Carlisle.
Mii the rat own and 1.0-n noon n.
Bi•ltelnatr and
Platad,itti, to. Brandy wine and
Pei 11,00 and 02 1 :1 0 an.
14arriire itind iilerstown.
Phil ,delptita and Great Rend.
Len - it-ioicn and Huniintdon.
Airn.trong and Indiana.
Clifford and SVilkesita're.
Indiana a nd Eltenshurg.
‘Washiogien and Wiiliameport.
and rilleburgh.
I,yronling and roller.
Middietown and Itnrrishorg.
"e;lefonie. .iar.m...zi.urg and Young
II I ,
200 do Butler and Kittanning.
1610 do 111Pcgburg and Smethport.
204 do Derretown and Youngmanslown.
244) do Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh
403 do York Haven and flarrisburg bridge.
200 do Abingdon and Waterford.
2RO do Warren and Ridgway.
9i do Lew ishurr. and YOUIIVIIIIIIAOII , II.
360 do Somerset and Conewaugh_
24 do Carbondale and Lackawana.
320 do Somerset and Colunerland.
123 do Lewittoarg and Jervey Shore.
160 do Liennier and Johnstown.
40 do Warren and New York Stage Line.
93 do Titusville and Union Mills.
224 do Atenstrong and C'earfield. ,
160 do Warren and Franklin.
AO do 5a.....ar Grove and Union.
80 do Brownington, flarrisvineand Frank
200 do Snowshoe and Packersvilbe.
43 do Latkawalen.
200 do flurier and Freeport
64 do Sterling and Newfoundland.
96 do Lenoc and Hamm ...v.
224 do Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics'
160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg.
160 do Luthersbnrg and Punzatawneyi
'GO do Birmingham dad Elizabethtown.
64 do Bald Eaate and Brittany Valley.
The terms and conditions of raid sales will be made
known on the days a foresaid, or by an appßicatiothat way
time. to this office. Slate stock will be received le pay
meal at par, or certificates of credit. which have been
entered on the books of the Auditor General, is
once of a resolution of ihe General A z - vembly, parsed Do
the 7th day of A pril, 1842_
By order elite Governor.
Secretary of the Connocreltb-
Rep Nl-4ts
BOND AND XORTGAGE.—Wanied, the aloal of
LIP linemen hundred dollars on bond and smonside far
one or more years, (at she option of Ora Landes) au city.
property ric amble the amount. N. B. A preideis 11401111
be given. Apply to Mr. Harris, sth street, sear Martel:_
JUST RECEIVED, N 00.5 and 6 or 13Iiiliglito with*"
Westilationiam the deli. Anal and firtfo
noa, of the Cold Water Eneatilise; a largo
and Chalins Maas ler 11MIXOsi
Ea ahoy of Temperas= Docostatio.
at EAREIES sod Coalinloo Was;
N 0.9, Fifth arem
Harris's Intel c- Office.
vitErEltaL good teachers elate faralsbed ID W.Orwis
in town or custory. A goad female leacher. welt
reeitannteaded. wit It lite advantages of experiestoo. Wishes
a *lce to wee raspretable private 'Easily; rotiorgt lake
charge rit a patine sebool. Places' wanted for irretet
ele&food,boys. owebaaidiOaaiters. ebantlerwalds. Orb
!broil work antithesis; saes. Ali kinds of twines
done at this dike for Mange,* and ethers visiting-the
city. Perms , a mediae, an agent la any thing. wilt tied
here long experience and a thorough karowledre of Nod.
N. R. A tall painted pate sunsikbelare, the door
Titan sehme.iberi respectfelly WI the attention of
J their friends and the pabriegesterally, to their pre
sent assortatent of raper Ihrvivrt. which contains a
large and extensive variety of paiteras of the fallowing
deseriptlons, which apes inspection will be foand to be
of superior quatity and Mush.
Ustiila Walt Papers, or all derenptions, fer psyering
rooms and eat rieeout ends per piere.
Glazed MOT Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
paperingrooma and entries. at 371 cents.
Americas Wittl Paper, of beir own manufacture, for
halts; Fresco sad ether styles for parlors and
chambers.on fine satin glazed amends.
Frew/. Wail Papers, Decorothso and Fetes patterns, in
plain and rich eoiors.gadl gaNlriteer papar.
Velvet cad imitation Borders.
Lasidsespe Papers., in actin, for Orrin: hotel?, balls
and dining rooms, at reduced prieett„
Fire Board Prints, Statues.
IT hulas, Blisd Paper, plain and figured, of different ea
Western merchants and others are respetlfally invited
to salt and examine their stock and prices,, off Which last
a liberal discount will be given for cash.
Prom long experience in the business. they are altle to
manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep up the character their ropers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive the encouragement hitherto so liberally extended.
No 49, Market street, between 3d and 4th
Tittihnrgh. Sept. 19. 13-42—da wit
__,UOll6 , piF
. .
IT S. MAIL LINE of Splendid Pitmen:et &naafi Pack-
Li . els from Ci nei n nal ito St. Louis.
The neve, splendid, fast running, it light draught abeam
Packet. West Wiwi and Nsapareit, will ran as regular
Paetem, from Cincinnati in Si. Louis. Will leave-Cin
cinnati and Si. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
Passengers from the East and Welt may mly npou
t heir starling punctually as advertised . rep 10
JOHN BUTTERWORTH, Amasses? and Cirnatis.
liOlt .711erckaat, Louisville, ET.. wilt attend to 111..
sale of Real Estate. Dry GoOds,Gioceries. Fa rtiii ore, 4-e.
4-c. Regular sales every Toesday. Tbursday, and Fri
day mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. iltsb advances made
on consignment& sap 10
Per tAs Trausnertation of ilerchoradize re asd from
Pittslinril,-Battiatore,Pkiladelpkia, Nero rark,aad Dos
taw. Tatintelkia (kit slutateartiorr:
THE United States Portal to Boat Liar.. is composed of
Boats built in flair sections, each section capable of
containing, seven tors. and suscepitble of being separate
or detached and transferred from Canal to Rail Road;
thus, as it were, forming a complete train of Ca . 75, Or
presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sa nivel , on land
and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned 1., re
shipping at the several judicial; and terminal iOeS of Ca'
nail' and Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment and .
the damage the foods *asut n by I requent handling; and
rendering it iiripmes. ;hie to separate lots of goofs on the
way--owing to the peculiar toastruction 6f t e Baal
having fear separate apart:eats in which gOOd are sto
red, renders them less liable to damage goods by water or
otherwise than by any other modeof transpOrtalion.
The system of Tranaporlat ion, as recommended by the
(?anal Commissioners and lately adnoted by the State.
refers particularly to this class of Rocs. The Roats of
this Line are owned by responsible captains that run
them, and is the only Line now in operation free from
monopolies or combination.
Goods consigned to the undersigned neat* will i.e re
ceived free of commission and shipped without delay at
the lowest ruler. All charges paid and every fnm rtlet ion
promptly attended to. C. A . iIif*NULTY # Co. Ads.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
F. F. POPE. Agent. 75 Rawly's Wharf, Baltimore.
THOS. BORBRIDO E. AeentPhila. cep 16 —lf
Clair s recr.
Lares and 11 ibhons.
%Vide and narrow sets,
Lace and Muslin collar , .
Infante' frock waists,
Ladies. French Kid, Mohair.
Lisle Thread. and Cotton Gloms.
Black Mohair nets for Veils—very cheap
A large assortment of Engloh Sim.% Bonne's.
Also, a variety of Straw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid.
of t he tales? fashion, and at exeeediggly rate&
These goods are now selling, off et prices to not the
Ladies are respect fully invited to call and purchase.
seri 10--tf
I Necks/ He Remedy.—Tbe extreme beastly of the
Teeth, their indispensable nee, and the frequency of their
decay. heeled to wane inventions for Mete peeeeruatipe;
vet how to pre- serer them in a elate of health an prhaine
hettatv„ to the later prziode of ecietenre, was entirety
unknown until the discovery of the above intratuabbe
preparation. fi tbrwes a pure tinetarecoutpated of veg
etable leterrdiente, and is pia:amused often- mast delirious
odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes mote
of incipient decay. polnhee and preserves the eased. to
which it gives a pearl-like Whiteness, arid; from !lodide..
recline properties,poseesees the virtue of giving sweetness
to the breath.
As an Asti 6corintie, the Courses° sham in its trans
ardent powers; Scurvey b eradicated from -them, a
heathy action and redress is iodated. which offers to the
notice of the medic! practitioner lodebitabie evidence of
their healthful state. Manatee examined and used by
several of the best physicians Of dda city. with have no
hestliatien isoecesamendhq it as- dit excellent want - for
the Teeth, Geses.ete,
Among the MONO
Davin tried Or. "Thom 's Tea Berry Tooth Wash."
aid bettowe ammo ed with the digradients of armee
et inn. I cheerfully say. l rostdolw it one ortbe toast.=
it is the wt pleasant Teeth Washes saw ie me.
on Sep IS, Ift42 DAVIDRUNT.Deatist.
I tate piessere in stalls& bathe[ wade tae of.Tborn's
Tea Berry Tooth Walk." Itotit is sae of the heel den-
Orifices is see. Daisy lea liquid Cam, it winakres nest
sees with eonere, While it camases the enamel
and removes the tartarriess Woe timetb, its perfume voids
a-baranee peeallarly deekebir. J. P;TTSBETTS. M.D.
AThenadinsioned bait need ..Thos es Onopsittad Tea
Barry Tomtit' Wask iw ituidi kanslikarld it to beavrettrese
,ty plektust dastifilte. sa«elalae s wok anistoty infs.'
este ~the Tee* soil Sawn Presstilksit; *bore - indir
Pet!shiesre*etts bets pretwaktratidesay , perverting tbe
atearsitaationiffatlitr.wad illtdrOnthe **PM ear
bag tberanybil lamed.liiiitklastswe tate pkgs./eft re
owaseendkry ilia tie pubille, belittle: it to betist best ar .
Debtor tke Wadi saw la nae
-1018algISON: AillaSSP APCir. -
IldalieDoll4 onsuareaufliztas.
.1411,10001kg."410:- - .I.4llSiteltirr.
rwmparet-01161,1131 WUZI3I.
J 10.4.491
I rrAtilli)1101111113.2.111*Illosigg ' ,41101 t.
I -KrrtaiMat-Yieihformii.` - toleap t
liomshboosCrespespidtp balm am - ONO _he Jae
aside avast. ®.elpel bipinasoitioroweeir' shi soolkias
weer lossows, pait with* wilt,* opielehd beassfor as
ftersaiosaa epoch to she art of heolitr. i
After ast atiesistrimlicalial Of ?earth atertled aY lion
hest saedheal writers. aid the Hers afelltPtiettea drelr• - .
from a widely emoted practice, be lea* ilmettled •
easy le operation, yet so pomerlfial la ell t4 l - as safe to ter.:;
and yet at then:aft; therapettalelt Is qtatlitY. that it will
radically are wady alit base diseases to whirh bantaat. , '
ty hobo*. The medicine 1. so sleety propottiowed—its
romposeat Itigtedhaerts are tw aermately attlasted.thal
operates nom thettem- es. 11$141c, and Tenets of the sys
tem withpowerfal efficacy- •
i.iiiiivesditerders its etheet tiwooderfist It removes
.be vitiated and add War. promenes a healthy ruction.
and soon mimes that all tatyportam miewir•ta a natural
°amnion, and wholesome 'tensity. 1a romplatatsef the
stomach, it k. partksearly traleahle. It drawee it of all'
morbid sad pernicious aratter.lnerenees the appetite. and
throe:olnm stomach. fires tone and rigor to the whole
Dem. eir indigestion, that tormentor of oar ram ,
fields is = medicine its mates enemy. A course
these ecampletele rare the most inveterate cam
of climate Despepsda, and whet the diverse ei only to Its
eerier gages, a few dome will eradirate it, and hanich
snits symptoms; the patphation of the heart, eiddir .reee,
dilemma ofmaht,eruemioa, wind in the tercets, Prams
irritation. (myrmidon at the semetaih. costiveness &T.,
which Millet the antbrlnaate Disorders of the
masons membrane. like those draelt purgatives known
by the name of patent
East risk. wed cuticular affections are cared in a short
time by a proper use of this invaluable medicine. it eau.
sm the pores of Meek% lobe opened; removes exere a e.
ces, and dispels incipient &seam by Iprodoeinr 2 natural
Amt of preptratilan.
I The Diehetesnad all other diseases of the urinary er
mine will he cured by the use of this medicine Without any
noxicew effects. le the diseases of children they fariltibe
highly teeneficiel. esprelativ dories the time they are get.
tins teeth, at which time infants suffer the most .
Put not alone in these diseases me their eurative pre
'writes powerful, hat many others have yielded to their
forcible efficacy. ,lotvgits, colds, consumption, diarrtrah,
itmearratraye. °pitmen% paralysis. headache, rdearisy, in.
flamations of the intestines, vertigo. the renerial or French
diseam, and pains In the hack and limbs, are all radically
curet by a tonne of this medicine.
Rut in those complaints which are incident In females.
mwtholarty at the turn of fife, these pills la their
!realest sanative pawer; Floor athuit, as the whites. chat
or tire green sickness, ohytruttion of the menses,
sheet. sick headache. hysterical affection!. and all the we.
ions revere pains, which afFiiet women at the elimaeteries,
and the nausea and dietereeallie sensation, neenmpanying
prewnacy, will ire totally dispelled by this medicine.
Tether any thing so beautiful as' a clear complexion.
glowing with all the hnee of health. and outhloomine the
rose? Do ladies desire the possession of ibis treasure?
Then let them toy, anti use occasionally Dr.
Pills, fur they are one of the hest eoemeties, or he:lmM_
ers in existence. They purify tr. e blond. remove all
pimples, ernplinns and blotches from the skin, drive the
bile from the system, and thus render the complexion
clear, rich, and transparently fair.
In the use of this msdieine, no attention need be paid to
diet. nor 'iihnnid there he any dread of exposure to the
weather. Every thing ran be eaten with benefit, end
with perfect trrionntlY-
The entice of the public is particularly called to one
thins. that unlike the common purmtlires, and patent
pill, cif emnicies, they produce little or nn pain. The sirs.
tern Is purified. the tone oft he stomach restored. and the
warionsorrans bennelit again to a state of healthf 1 acti
vity. without any of the sickness and griping attendant
on the use of common remedies. The internal enwerinr.
which extends from the millet to the anus. is tno frequent.
Ic injured, if not eel ire deet roved hv Strong dras' le Plirga
liyes. But this is not so with these pills. for they are en
gentle in their operation that they link themselves with
nature and only lend her an 201112 TV hand.
TSetimayials of the beet tied ran he ad/breed. if reetm
vary. In prove Dr. Felix's skill. his !one study, his Treat
experience. and his eminent imereees in pearl .re. Num
been af ...mermen ef respectability and talent have awed
his pilly.aarl all unite in renderine.,•pcabm to this safe,
powereal, and wonder - MI cathotican.
Por certificates me my lianffrilis.
These pills are prepared only by Dr. asolaz Frits. at
Youngstown. Westmoreland hat they ran he bad
in el onri. from Ms aect , deed aeries. accompanied with
'1 direr , ions far their use.
They min land of Mr. it. r. Sellers. Thmgrist, Vo N'Of
Wood street, below second. my sole a7Pni for the City o
2-5 e•nlgr for ?ox: R 2 .5410 pr enzao.
M v Eqxir of Looi mg, goon ho broil Thl *.ernr , . th•
onTale. GEORrVE IrEI,IX. crn 10
DR. JORN WE TON'S Indian Specific. A certain
cure for ilrftnierr. Blonde Fin r,Clintera ‘torhos..
Summer Complaint.and alt disorders of the hnwelz. Per
forming a perfert core in one nr Iwo dart. Millinret
have died with the draenterv. Sommer f.romplainta. and
other disorders lir the howe s. from the moron 9i real menl
and improper men/time." made nw.of hr Physicians and
()Mersin attempting. to cure. The art /eh.< this me licine
is COMM:Wird Or, were and in the fir=t Warp among the
Indians. and has never failed in a sinTle inctanee, to eif
recline a cure for any disorder of the bowels, in yrung or
oIA. A* it exceeds any thing ever dicrnrMp4. everr
mother glinted have it eOnSianlty by her, and r hnurd cs
tend the knowledge eitas far nv lava in her power. and
by this means nave the thee, of thottannd., who would
otherwise die Willey knew not of thin medicine.
It is a poaltive core for any ifienrde, of I he howpfg even
in the youngest Hind hit perfect Iv ca fe. no.] very plearant
Bad never falls in curing the Chn.era nr Som
mer Complaint, which carries off to many children In
rairMiicvrics or rrn . —Mr.. Ann ratirreon. E.,cl
R'hiteland Chewer rn. t rot a bottle of the Indian Q.neel
lie for her youngest child, that had suffered severely with
romotaint in lie bowels for nearly a year, It commen
ced when the child was only two week, old. and after
that its ston's were alma ye had. ;wing very much twined
and slimy until it was nearly a year old; all the medicines
they made nee of, dtd the child no toed until they tot the
Specific. and this cured her in a very short time. hrin:ing
away sever*, worms.
lane Warple, We** lnwn, used Pr. J We , loWs Indi
an Ppecific nn two of her ehi , dfen that had a severe at
lack of the flywniery, schen this complaint wes rasing at
West Town, (so much so that the whalers had to leave
the institution) it rued her children immed•aleir: nisi)
another child in the farm house helongin , in the !chord.
with a number anthers, both adults and children around
the nels.hborhood.
Our younsest rbild was born with the dysentery, her
ins the complaint from its mother who was attacked
with the complaint a short time before entifinement,(but
wascureti in one day by taking the specifir) it paused
i ,rye quantity of slime and blond, and wan violently Eri
peel. at two days obi ',recommenced and rave it the spe
cifie which cared it in a very few daya,-1 Warms.
Dayeez yonnEect child was :tin ted in its
bowels until it was raw six :vont hts old, its*toW, were al
ways green like paint, then it took bad with a vi b-nt at-
tack of the dysentery, pang:ins large qsrvnittiry of blood,
t‘ey became very mach alarmed and Ent Ih. xperifin In
the evenine. a nd save it accordlnc to dircrtian , until 12
o'clock at oht, then the sperifie passed- throtieh an how
ctsand iteot well almost immediately and has been well
(gibe above are the fob
. 4 .$4141:-4 1
, _
ever WPM.
A young man thins with Towerend Sachets. Goshen.
Chester to., was so bad with the dmentary that he tbol
he would certainly die. all the medicine be made rise of
made him worm, he was Immediately mired by J. Wes
ton's Indian Speclle.
We ward mention a thotemnd other Cage* bet we deem
ft unnecessary-
Prepared only by Dr. John Wtorton. on the C.onewerea
turnpike, East Whitetand. Chester en., Pa.. and may be
had at John Thompson's Craw!. Ito. 153 Liberty
nest door to tbeuThree flit ftoromn imp. 10
A SSIGN BE'S NOTICE —Tbe Goan °Mammon Pinup
of Allftgaeley county, bovine appointed the under
fie netlAsukt. tee ajrnavid !egret!. an innohrent detaor.all
person; the raid insolvent'. or bolding proper
ty Wonting to hint.aretenuested ituntediately to pay and
delieerover an verb saw of money ;and proprely to the
Alrattner- All creditor. of the ineolvento re ale* request
ed topreeerttirsir respective ac epee' or delnarvie.
.1011 N A, WILLS. !ta‘igren.
WM -E. AINSTIN, Attorney' at Law, Tiasionmh, P 3
Nike he Ali h semi. opposlieiforke's Beriteins.
Wa.16131116. Auserts. Feu-, lurid M'se binational.," so my
unfinished ham. and I seminar/4 him to the psiormr
age or ney frisooks. WALTpft Follnifii ID
mp 19-17 , --.---_ •
WAI. STHELE, patia.sor to IlMorlpey) Pas*.
ioaaOle Boot Illaker.tiliesSY al.. --24 debar from
Vi .is Alley. Tbe oilNseriber resperfally Warms ibe
public that be los coessiesodi th alipep bamboos in the
sbop for/seedy powpied by Mr. !(teary brelaskey.
-molded be Ulmer palpated ro =semi ro all orders in his
lineenlolllpatell and on ibe nowt reasonable
trews. Frost bis,, esperierbwinlsbe wanntaesnae of
PasbionalAe l!losisk, be teals osselaWri %al ail solleles
(row bis establialuoisa will *ea saiistwtbri to Mn
trees- A sbassorpnlille paaysoir
iLudfassar— -
rolirre' AftPitilrOirreft
ax Fb~l
iT I*** - —ll * - I'6 l d
amed liraamoillicatiegi as 46 *: 1 0*4:
ikagatry,the use of ftrasdnett - kalagioa` '
them an hash, is astern*_ which hatee4 14' dIW
an* of Einem, tuid-isaastrethts ?Waters assibtint -
Read and bedialviaresk Take the asedieine aisibletwed.:
i.ffrtifOßD,Wlß r eau OF ffirtoXdraffat.,-
Ducal KEA, Amp Arai:yr:cox tirt LW/441.i
Japatteusw. of reethealte. Wash/ogle" etalaty.litdoo;
Wag duly *wont, gam that be was takes oishatkp shah,
*boot ski nanstbs.sinna. The pains is hie inatit .holdWie
hark, tell side and ismep hetet so had thin im was entai.;
ht to hetp atorselfsaird was thevi isno tt e asthal OIL
Pitei to the tit of Pasta". That affet hats to said
basphat five weeks. Dacha Otis said be did ma had*
what was the manes with his, and that tue magi roi
nothing fbo him, am mold be prescribe ass avastishem
That he, therefore. was CoaVerdtfuoar Ilse fitseboat ffotti
pital to the Saffor's retry?. *a Stales tilted. That A,*
mothers physkited with all sorts of tardichas fora pert , -
ad of four ibouttis,sofferlr4 sfithttime the nowt heatt.
rending misery.— That. besides bit atieetioatef his boom*
Le was trautried muck with a Mem* of the la witm stunt*..
those Is.. would spit a quart ef phlegm lathe ibetbeldias
this affection Le had a had Diarrhea. which bul#lololO
or tem attended 11112 i from the comaseseemem of his Ott
uses. That at nUIPS he dreaded a stool wore it lie
would have dreaded death; that he no comparothe Meet
log to nothing save that of knives passing through hie
bowels. After suffering worse than death at thefdadta,N
I Itet rest. an Stales Island. the doctor told hits Oat IMO
I eine was of so suet* Mo. that he 11111-1 try to 'itirabittit
At this time be was suffering lbe !Willett 1111blefr. Tait
his bones ware so geodes be could not bear the *Mayen*
em upon the elbow or upon the tare, that his Dusty We,
mo,t painful. that as the Doctor said 1* wadi Ore bin
no more mt'dteiue he determined to procure some of Dr
Hrandrelb's Pills, wbteh be did. fram HrawattaY
New York; that he commenced with five Pilie. and to*
times increased the dose to, eight. The first worn Its A
so much iheneeted him ‘ that the doctor. cal kliaPiltik
What be was using. Wild, 'MOW. 21141 W, ran look MC, .-
4 man again; if you improve in this war. Yen wilt time lb
well.' That he Lord every diens of Diandleth Pfd
' relieve him, first they cured him of the pate when it
stool; that they nem cared the diattlawa, sad featly tin
piing in his bones;—That the medicine ,wined to ad
strength to him every day.. Retold tint doctor yettlas ,
day the 11th instant, that he felt himself well, sad ohm
that he owed his recovery to fliendreths nada .
Providence. that he hail taken the tnetikine elm? Sty
for 19days; that the doctor told him if he had known be
had been icing that medicine. he should not bane itartre
another day in the house. He coraiders his his duty. it
make this rtoMie statement for the benefit oral! shnitart -
afflicted; that thee may ksow where to fed awed/eh'
that will care them. JOHN SHAW..
John Slow helm he me duly swore this 13th Slay' o
pril. 1842, did depose and say that the &redoing *ate
ment to true. .1. 1:1 WSlEELElLentstutiesinnerot
The BRAM:MEM PILLS are told at Dr. RIM*.
dreth's principal °Mee, 241, BRO.ODwar. New rairll.
and at his principal office, Nn.93 Wood strest,pirt44lo,
the ONLY FL ..?CE in Pittsburgh where the genuine In
he obtained. rep 22--tire2m,
HATS—VV. 4 M. Doomery inform their (Meads *e4
the public that they have commenced manuisoldw
ring Hats, and INA they have now ready tor sale,
their Stott, 143 Liberty street, betwees Itliarltet and 6th
street, no acsortment of the very but Haig, *Ma they
are anxious to d is-pose °fon the atustaped and mote reason
able ierms. Their Neck conslirl of the very but Rh - 06N
via:—Reaver. 01 ter. Neat ria, Castors. start Nal pad, last
sta. For and Pita Hats.
W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular twee getters. iber
have had extensive experience as Jcarrteveten In Melt*
establishments in the Country; their ilals are all vat up
under their own inspection, and tiwt.pstcure the piddle
that nothing hut the very best artietrean the wed rea
sonable terms will be offered for sato. srp le
- v,IEMOIRS otthe late Bev. Clot-lee XPrhet. D. D.„tale
IYI President of Dickinson College, Carlisle, by Snail
IMilier. P. D.. 1.2m0. w ith a hanfsnam portrait.
COXFORT IX AFFLICTION— A reties of stiedita.
lions. by James Buchanan. D. D., Bleb Church, EA"-
burgh. first American, from the 910 Edint•nreti edition.
SPIRITUAL HONEY from Nan - mitt. titres; or met,
itathms and onserval ions on the natural history slid ba,
bits of Bees. first int rodnried to public notice in len, by
Samuel Purchas., A. 11_ London ed IR n.o
Charles Saran. A. M. -
DEC.EIPOLIS— or the isultvidcal ohlEnition of Chi/o
-il:los to Fere soul, from-death; ao Essay by DAvi.t! E.
Ford—foam h A meriroo, from the sari h London alit inst.
S`RRorriiro YET REJOICING—or mitiative Of
recent asezemive hertmirentrot, in a minister', fitaiiiy,
C.G.ESLIE SEYNOUR--or the Good Alin: and
Rad Aunt; by Miss Catherine rineL2ir.3ded. T 8 rno.
LIFE PI RILE YOU LIVE--rontaitiftrg Life '*l4l
- Life a Race. Life a Confiet, Life *lthattyin.Lol
a Seed T.rer for eternitr.l.y t he Rev. T, Griffith. A.
LOVE--or the duty of perwmaaieforl4,
for the immed iate eon rerxion 01 the lorpenitest..
jgFjrr—_t,y Howard Ma m
Prideut of qoorgetelltrit
(Wier,. Ky.-24 edition 18 a O.
The Morat Influence, Dancer. and Duties. connected
wi h Great Cifies--by John Todd. IS mo
The !rare and duty of heir! spiritually minded. deLts
red and practically improved. by John Oirrn. D D .12oto
the =teem+h century in Germany. Switzerland. 4te...
1. H. J.lette D'Aubigne, President of t he Theolt4icial
School of Geneva. H., In 3 vo!a. 12 too.; 24 Anieniesra
(coin the s:h London edition. LUKE LOOMIS,Ageo
sep .12 Nate Wood:greet
Potim Me Platform Scale" - on out !*, weigh ;"45f11l L _
555 PO.
_ _ _
do do do do 24115 at 845 04
do do . do do 1:6000 25 011
do do do do 1.0.00 at 20 OD
do do do do .500 at sOp
With raisins fevers an okition of $3 to each >p>S r j•
Dormant seats far tire ere of Warehopses,' vicstirs
dills. ie.,the tame prites as atore.
Alan. White's Nicol Counter Scale, with 0. Voiai".a
improven.ents. and a ratirty of cotter minicar sailea..
n - hirh they will sell for front 14 to $l5,
Their also nranufariore Steam Engines for Flowing
Miils Saw Sliils. Fan Works, te,. dock and sift; s
reared slide tat hes,foot and cubs, lather: for woad tempi.
machines for tenanting chairs. planing machined. dd i!
and gosh mat-lanes Hall's pat, pt horse power. with lir
without thrashing inachitte‘. a superior arlieie: awe*
saw shafts, n.wel ioes fer sawing lath. Timmer's mi.
chines and tools Mall descriptions. ;Om for making Mae* s
ing holes, a Aieerier ler; vivernora for Mimes eraf.iiiel.
clocks. lofts and dies. coffee mills. bedstead or jelled- bilOt
and mar inners for orikine the same, rooms factory inP
ehinery made or vermin - a; printing press platiens turned
and print - sae presses repaired
srp 22—lf
Tin- alb-colon , fitio.e who have bees mirmewhat- seeL
tient in re&rrace to the numerous cereilmaav paid/WO
in favor of Dr. Saba:rues Ceeepoorie Syrep erWisVirgr.
rv, ea acrtiaav attire penults beim* itakeenvia is Ibis rine'
lion of 113 e Raiej,rappvalreflyigwerediu lbw Sidloware
eri iticale, the wriiiiOlkoritich has Letaa ahem pritit*
:•nroozh for severatlesmand is hues u sea gelttleintSt
of tote;rity amid rearotooWlity. . .
• .r. the Agesit..3hr. 1. Zuurr
I have sand Dr. Ssratritett _Corp. Atilt*Nyirtplt Witd,
Cherry far .comfit, with witieq I base home tropersty_
Olaf far aboott tour.monnts. tpwast llortatittitilt`
ie siryisi Ling it istbe mot ofectica siefirlseittal intoo
area able to Ittrocar, , ...,.. , ,...k.:ecorptutHea rorent,,, - said .
nrreeit trap with- introifetki.4o.4l l mmuiditica rgltiitir aiel
rood apeetile. I akt freely tratommiTsit It tottH sob+
alDie.hta J. Illtrat ricAtorsith Mimics... Lg.
Nareatif.l4*. -
Forva*e bi 431 790n5 zo. 53 Iffrrkei *Mt
ElPERMlNCSpransticqt . Skit* _
'!1%;k , :44" - 4 1 0 11, •
.OW* 71i , % :fitti*Dim 4loo4ll o l o ll
• .=
t- 3
.. ~`.~a
' '
steered OW ,
miaowed by
telr Steehhie
54 TO. tire
nail, ?ks
&secure liked
1 the Wiler
Coo4ooell of
No. 1. Fart.
die Flattops%
Stales on oflelo t
urclib 4911
t ado* Wu(
r :-