Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 26, 1842, Image 2

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    highest atteibutes of our nature; as fur
nishing resolbees of pleasure and gratin
eatiotrin the solitary and the cloudy hours
of life; is fitting us to he more useful and
to, do more good to our fellow beings than
by Iny other means we can adopt, as ens
the best'. advantage the
powys-Whicb-Ood has fu4iiihed, nf
:01cfbeonntelves awl thesedeperident on
our self p*pitict. and , saving
WOO from low-pleasures and pursuits; and
as - securing a position of.respectability and
influence in society—education, in the best
and Moat enlarged sense of the term, can
not beta° much regarded by the rural
and‘leocning classes. There is indeed no
hindrance in the way, why our farmers and
their children should not be among the
best informed persons in the co mmunity.—
Hen Colman.
Att.enti*t to manners may notlappear, at
ftrat,vieWA64uive, any connexion with the
health Hittilia not so. All our habits of
body and - -mind are so intimately related,that
their mutual influence is great; and not one
of these habits can be named that does not,
directly iiiindirectly. affect the health. And
I maintain that icentlentanly manners prey -
alent in. good society., are favorable to health.
I speiknotitere of Chesterfieldian niceties,
nor of Cheeterfrel:lian abstrditie4; but of
"those fundatitentatrules Ofpotiteness, which
regulate the conduct Of a gentleman. These
principles dispose hint to treat others with
urbanity, kindness, and due respect; to make
kiwi extremely-Conti 'us of injuring their
feelings. diminishing -their reputation, or
throwing obitacles in the way of their en.
joymen'. Ant) on the contrary, it is a lead
ing subject in all his intercourese with oth
ere, to make them happy; not indeed, by
any sacrifice_Qf truth, or principle, but by
exhibiting a disposition to befriend them;
to overlook their minor feelinv; and to give
them credit for every virtue which they re
ally exhibit. _Non; such treatment from
our fellow men, has a powerful tendency to
buoy up tl e mind, and make it cheerful;
and thus to promote t'te health. And by
cultivating such . feelings towards others, we
shall perceive a happy reaction upon our.
selves;. contributing not a littlt to bodily, a:
well as mental sanity and erjoyment.—
Bees Yew Work.
To the great horror of the America
people be it spoken, that Dickens is wri•
Ling a work on this ill fated country, in
which it is more than probablethat he will
cut ns up into mincemeat, and leave troth
ing of us t.,) gratify the cruel appetites 01
future tourists. The new book is to be cal
Ind 'American Notes for General- Circula
tiotic' and judging from sundry on dits of
dreadful - Signification, those notes smell so
strong of gunpowder, that it is to he ap
prehended when they appear, poor Uncle
Sam will have to give up the ghost.
'This is ettteit in Boz, very! • For did we
not do every thing that humble sinners
enald do : conciliate his favor and effec
tions,.and get a kind •word from Vdmi Did
we not fa*n upon-him like spaniels, and
run hither and tiiither in his train like
puppy-dogs,end dinner him, and poetas
ter tirti, and almost worship him, until
there• Was no life expectedl—And yet; of
terAll'fotsooth, he turns round arid writes
bard , thingi of us. 0, Dickens! you have
ncrmure pity in you than there is blood in
a pa+►ing stone! Bnz! Boz! where do you
expect to go to when you did
However, we have one consolation in
our afflictions—and that is that the toa
diesthe fellows who got up balls, par
ties, and dinners for him, and all but licked
the dust• from his feet—will come in for
the largest share of the quarry, so -that
while we, the commonalty, merely get the
sprinklings, they will he smothered in
wrath: At ail events, such is the public
expectation in England, for it seems that
Box found nothing amongst us to offend
him so , much as • the toadying, fawnings,
and - familiarities of our tipper classes, as
theyeall themselves that is our semi hum
buti-setti-knoW nothing society who are
astratned that they' themselves or theif - ,
fathers were once farmers, drapers, and
met'Onilleners, and whose lion-hunting
propensities and spurious imitations of
foreigoaristoOracy, are enough to make a
dog strike his father.
All world will be a-gape till the Boz
wnfkeomes out, and when. it does come
outilt;Dickens don't play the very dickens
we'trust the critics may knock
hint-int& a three-cocked hat.—N.Y.Chron
Awful Calamity at Kee.eville.
More. than Twenty Lives Lost. —The
-4 follOvAnd graphic &set i*i'm of this calam
ity la an extract from the letter of a lady,
stayipg—ap*eeseville, 4,0 her husband
KEESEVILLA Sept.ls 1842.
"Richard ha,' just got to the budge aq it
broke::: He saw several of the people drown
Three little boy, and it was supposed one
wourais,„bad gone down to rise no more.
Such heart-rending cries for help I never
Wail-before. Three men held on to the
iron railing of the :bridge for an hour and
a ratter. Robert Miller ;vent out in a
email boat to save ;hem, but the current
was so rapid that tha r boat upset and he
too Wits drowned, the' more regretted for
liis,tenerees exertions in trying to rescue'
tlwr'otisers. All the stores and shops were
closed and every one came to help. Ropes
were:thrown out to them, but they broke
and only one man was saved. It is sup—
, r eed that twenty are downed, among
Omit= tif the best awimmors in Reese
have returns from
247,194,118i:i0 which Fairfield's Majority ,
owittibiosorkis-stinethousond seven.hufri
- lint44l4d Aig.4"4 ind his gain over the Whig
eilafigetet,ampt,isst .fear, three thousand:
oneAstsruire4t - apul Apt.
.It is: ;doubtful.
vehat4r,.4,44111 16 ft/A/P.44940"
.rse. putt.tir • wk
Kr - Die Gszette is working away most
diligently; in the vain attempt to make
some capital for its party out, of the Tariff
question. ` lt seems .
eedingly out . of hu
mor becanse we - not the editors of
the Manufacturer wheo its alleged anti-ta
riff extract from that paper was written,
and petulantly says that that is our "only
defence " We should like to know what
better 'defence' we could have. The en,
tire suffiCiency of our 'defence,' too, is stit-1
parent from the fact that trite. Gazette is dri-
ven to extremities, and has been busy for
the past two days quoting irrelevant say
ings of Ooliticians and editors 4 every
State in (he Union, to prove its first posi
tion: - that - the Mot ning Post is hostile to a
Tariff. _
The Gazette ought to ba, the last paper
. ,
in the fitveld to inculcate the idea that a
party pnperis answerable for all the ptcu
liar vie Ws and varying shades of opinion
held or expressed by the writers and ora
tors of its party. How if the Gazette were
held accountable for the conflicting' otions
of that most corrupt and ill-assorted crew
which shouted and sang Harrison into the
Presidency in 18401 Or how if that paper
were held to be the especial organ of the
thirty eight Whigs, with 'Adams at their
head, 4lio voted against the late Tariffl .
Would that paper suffer itself to be treat
ed as the organ of that division of the
federal :party?. Not for a moment. And
yet the Gazette would make us secounta
ble for the views of Mr. Senator Williams,
of Maine, W. Easton, of New Hamp
shire, the Morning Post, of Yew York,
and Heaven knows who and what beside.
We do.not deem it necessary to do more
than allude in this place, to the oft-re;
peatec4 and as oft refuted, calumny about
Mr. Buchanan and low wages. It is too
miserab l y stale and contemptible to merit
studied reply.
The Gazette man says "he can put no
trust in our sincerity, while we remain
where we are," &c. We can tell the edi
tor that we have not shaped our political
course to gain his confidence nor approval.
When we find that we have either, we
shall begin to distrust outselves. We
maintain a Tariff fur Revenue because we
believe it to be expedient and advanta
geous to the country, and not, as the Ga.
zette does, for the purpose of effecting
political purposes. We advise the Gazette
to confine itself to apologising for dldams,
3rnolcl, Botts, and the remainder of the
38 whigs who voted against the late Tariff
bill, rather than again meddle with the
views of its opponents upon that subject.
The Times.
It is with much pleasure that we daily
perceive a change taking place in Mercan
tile and business affairs, and matters arc
now assuming a more firm and healthful as
pect. We ascribe this change to several
causes. The discharges antler the Bank—
rupt Law, however in some instances Irau•
dulent or unjust, unfettered many really
honest and active men, andihave:given them
a new start in lire. The great abundance Of
agricultural cross enable the farmers to ar
range matters with the country storekeep.
ers, and the storekeepers in their turn, to
accommodate affairs with the eastern Mer
chants. The Tariff has caused prices to
remain firm; has prevented many Factories
from going out of employ, and has restored ,
others Which were heretofore idle. And
above al!, there is a restoring energy, eirtue
and' enterprize, in the democracy which
cannot long be repressed or defeated. The
signs of the times leave tv . ) doubt of its
re-establishment in 1844,' and the hopes
and confidence of the p , ople revive with
the prospect.
We should now learn wisdom from dear
bought experience; and undying hostility
to that system of paper money which per
mits irresponsible monopolists, to flood
the country with irredeemable RAGS, should
and must form the controlling maxim of
every patriot. With the hard struggle of
the democratic party, the monetary affairs
of the country are gradually improving; the
corruptions of the banking system are slow
ly but surely disappearing with the extinc
tion 'of the corrupt institutions, and the pub;
lie mind is becoming fixed in a settled hos
tility to a renewal or creation of bank char
. terse
We thus have the pleasing prospect that
in a short time, depreciated bank paper will
have disappeared, and its place will be sup
plied with gold and silver, or the,mperof
banks that at all times.can be converted into
the constitutional currency, without going
through the shy!ock process of a shave.
- Tholmlievera in the doctrine of Sweden
bou;rg in
New -York,are about to start a•
weekly paper is thaE etty l to demur e
, Itattint , litietOonhtof-yel'Oowtir Aomal and
Tgotm. Titityliroptist to 9 . 104,1 v
•• - !
- ••••!' - •
..:~, ___
aGif; moNpAvt . silirr. 26.180.
See First Palm.
amusing 7 7 77 -
by afWk
will be lffleecottlit:lo th#fr;t° l6l 4, 2 lb!
Christian, thindieol.-firofpeix.:ololo...
count of its vigor and freedom Lig, .10 0141 11
*out Ignites and suggesting their- remedies.
Excellent s tories.illustrative of the state of
society, will be found in each numbie - ;'and
nothing in the least offensive will ever at
pear in its columns.
News.—The Providence (Oteile Island),
Chronicltsays that ~a man brthe lame of
Loockernian lately -mdde, an at sank upon
John C. Legrantr, Esq., Secretary of State
of Pennsylvania."
The Chronicle is mistaken in making Mr.
Legrand Secretaty Offiliitiof-Pernasylvanial
he holds that offictkin Maryi*; ourSeere•
tary is the Han• A. V. PARSCifirg.
The Herald men appear puzzled to knew how
we can be in favor of a gold and sliver currency;
and at the same time "not object to money."
We can't arse any "iltaplioill mine in this;
at least there appears none to us. • -
We will "define oiavosition:" •
We are opposed to the present banking system
because, a - charter for a bank gives a few men.
privileges which are denied to the mass of the peo
?le. For instance: If a company of men without
banking privileges had one hundred thousand dol
lar+ which they wished to loan,they could only re
ceive interest for one hundred thousand
But a company with banking privileges can, with
a specie basis of one hundred tboasand dollars,
manufacture at but a trifling expense at least three
times that amount, and, of course, receive interest
for three hundred thousand dollars. They "receive
interest on what they owe," as Thomas Jefferson
This is one reason among the many we could
adduce, why we are opposed to the present system.
And we would ask the editor of the Herald if this
one is not enough ? It all, in fine, amounts to
this—the e /no are enabled to amass the wealth pro
duced by the many. Is Tula tear?
But we have said that we are not opposed to ALL
banks. We go for free trade in banking, if the
Herald can comprehend our meaning. We can
see:no reason why banking should not be throws
open to competition, like any other business.—
B tokers will then be responsible the same as other
men. It is not so now. When they tssue a dol.
lar in paper they must have a dollar to redeem it.
Should they attempt to swindle;they will be sent
to the Penitentiary.
Such a currency would not fluctuate—it would
be regulated by the natural laws of supply and de
mand. It would be like flour or any other article
of merchandise. If we had more than enough,the
over plus would ge where there was a demand for
it; or, if there was not enough it would soon flow
in. Il3' Let rot the editors of the Herald meet
this by the sickening cry of "not. specie enough
the world for the purpages of trade."lf.stxuse:':
np that argument in short order by an appeal to
Is what we have said "comprehensible" to the
Herald? We are in favor of n metallic currealy
for the ordinary business transactions offr fe, and.
of paper, (such as bills of exchange,) (ergo
commercial transactions, where specie would be
cumbrous an 1 inconvenient. And we can't see
why bankers should be bound together by a legis
lative charter; or, why the business should be con
fined to a few rich men.
Another Declination.
We are authorized to state that IVIr.WILLIAM
McIUNKIN, of Plum Township, who was nomi
nated by the Working-men's Convention, for Re
gister, declines being a candidate. The nomina
tion was not desired by him, nor is he willing to
be instrumental in placing in jeopardy the success
of the Democratic Ticket.
The Working -man's Journal will please with
draw his name and announce the fact of his decli
nation to its seaders.
gJ MOSMOD ism. -Ell
Messrs. Editor.—Sirs, in your columns of the
20th inst., I find an anonymous article, written by
some person who thinks himself "too small a fish"
for me to ":micb."
This is to say, sirs, that a fish too small to bear
a name, I do not desire to catch, fa. all the good
fish will have a name, found written in the
"Lamb's Book of Life," and consequently will be
"gathered into vessels," while "the bad a ill be
I wish to say to the public, that all and every
thing that is required by me, of any gentleman
that wishes to discuss with me the subject of my
religious faith, is simply Ibis: I wish to know
t'tem, by public report, or by letters of commend
ation, from s ,, me society, or gentlemen, of good
report, that I may hare some warrant: to know
the applicant is of respectable character worthy
of public attention.
Yea. I speak for myself, and the church to
which I belong, and say that we would be happy i '
yea, very happy, indeed, to see any respectable
character come to our places of worship, and treat
us respectfully, and redeem ui from our e,rurs, if
error we believe: on this condition: we must have
the privilege of hawing half the say. The scrip
tures of the Old and New Testaments being the
rule of test. Yours, respectfu o lly H ,
Symons.—Mr. El ijah Curtis, who has been for
some time past the proprietor of the Jefferson
HOUFe, corner of Pine and Main sts , in this city,
destroyed his own life, and tittles ended all his
earthly troubles, by drowairto tiiikilalf in the river
about dark last evening. lie tfrtw himself—it
is thought—from the steamboat Meteor, into, the
Mis*aippi,ias he was seen by a boy struggling
in the wat er a short distance below the boat.—
, His hat was taken out of the river, but the body
has not as yet been found. We understand he
had been insane tor some days past, occasioned
by some pecuniary embarrassments.--
St. Louis M. City;'lsth inst.
DROWNED —A gentleman named Nathanie 4
Warren, in attempting to pass from the Marquet
te to the Jasper, yesterday, fell between the boats
into the river and was drowned. Mr. Warren
was about fifty years old, and a native of England,
but has resided for many years in .X.exingtott, Kg.
He was on his way to Burlington, lowa. with his
family. His unhappy wife. in a moment of phrems
ay, at the time of the occurrence, attempts to
jump overboard but unta prevented.--LA:
“Van you are a marred man. Simivell, you'll
mierstand a pill raw thinge u jwithaget un
dts#lo34 now; aul , lielk*C - MI ifol.k.ylkikt foie ,
.6rolig . licip-fltach,l* ,
.+l:!aa the: 'aistrity
IT NO tes'lle,irot #4 1 1 0111 . 0 0 1 , 1 ? 6t : 1411 .
.11 '
' • -- - , , , '',Z --tr ~-,.?
. —...., ---
.?.?, •",:.:f,yeick*.;..4.-tai*/**:***furtkerirs.'rsl%.. stiiiiia4 isliuW-Th3.4.04 - 6ettireft4 ;-
: ligOv -4',0.14-ITC4fieir:i:.* man of 00 - 4 ! A , ' ii*(#oedtpii, the litOdholdeetetten
• i6..‘..±,werit-otto3Vitli,'WetrißiadY, a miii4kentioni'ilie* in session St:lleWnert; 'lei' 1.,
*l-tidt,',...i_ttit,7ftretiiitl tut brand y, brandy, a er i Vlbr the filMiose'-'0 concocting a *new. eon ,
i s
es and more things Stitutiow l -forthif state, have ' -preserved, in
e t _relation, to suffrage, as reported. by its corn.,
tit') .dainty.„-and itisses - in_ plenty , .But.
ienith the sad "4ili e w , grew m oray me i_ Mil tee, the odious feature of a property qual
ification for electors. It is true, the arti
and; and
. tok,,kit_was - walking, and, kissing
talking, with •..pt'ettY . Miss Brady, the cle has not yet been definitely acted span;
nice liiderady. a parse full of thino, (I. wish but there is no room for espettation that
the Convention will forego this favorite lea
it_was mine ob,Y I*. whipt from her pocket,
, lure—the
e—the only-cme. by- which t.ttet aristocra
.anci cleated like a rocket. But soon he alas
of property in that state east be preserved,
taken, while tracks - he was.,. making, and eY
lodgings eee m ee d hi m, w h ere j ust i ce m igh t .and the power of the - rich over the poor,
:given them by .their British charter, can be
finti... him. But the maid, on the morrow,-
came forward in sorrow, her little heart •PerPetwited- To frame a constitution up
heaving,. and tears her eyes leaving, and on this basis, they welt know, is but a farce
:begged that his Honor would pity poor ,:and a mockery. It is but a repetition of
Connor—to which he consented, as Con- ji,t4ault to two thirds of the entire population ,
'nor repentedr when off went the couple, of the state, already „sufnciently trampled 1
with limbs might supple, and left us pre-' upon and derided by, the grace of a Kingly 1
-atiniing,that runt so blooming, herself to charter. Iht so thoroughly imbued with
a life of ouch Atcitikle was dooming; For - the spirit of aristocracy and the M b
of 41r4u..
Johny; - the blockhead, who picked rho ineering power have the 'favored' few' of
wh i pd' h e
r okt, when married, I'm thinking, Rhode Island become, through their cnar
will wh e like winking. ter of disfranchisement of the best portion
of their fellow citizens, that an Ethiopian
N. Y. Morn. Chron•
might as well be expected to change his
skin, as they to consent to an equality to
those whom they have so long held in po•
litical bondage. If, as there is every rea
son to expect,this feature of their 'new con
stitution' is persisted in, and the disiianchi•
sed majority are again driven to a manifest.
ation of indignant and patriotic feeling by
this reiterated insult— this determined per
severance in tyrannical oppression—but lit
tle sympathy will he Tait for the oppressors,
let the consequences to them be what they
may. .
The first section of this hopeful article
of the 'new constitution' gives the right of
voting to every male citizen of the United
States, who may he seized of real estate to
the value of 8134, and who in +yhave resi
ded in the State one year, and [istonislung
liberalit)!] it does not matter whether the
property lies in the town where the person
lives or not. The second section gives the
right of voting to every white native citi
zen who may have resided in the State two
years, with sundry provisos, requiring re•
gisnstion of name, &c., proof of payment of
taxes, perf, mance of military duty, and di•
vers oilier sundries. The third section
shuts out Uniied States soldiers in our
forts, marines, paupers, lunatics, and felt ns;
the fourth excludes persons living upon
United Stag's Lands and Narraganßeit In
dians; the fifth ordains that no person shall
be eligible to an office in the State who
does not possess the qualification of an elec
Removal of McCleester to Westchester.
Yesterday, John McCleester was re
moved from the city prison, by officer Rel
yes, to Fordham in Westchester county,
for examination before JuAice Findley, on
charge of being one of the principals in
the late prizefight,between Lilly and Mc-
Goy. He was 'attended by his counsel,
John A. Morrill, who waived the cross
examination of Justice Golden and other
witnesses, the prisoner by advice of his
counsel refusing to answer any questions.
His counsel inquired whether the prisoner
could not he admitted to bail, as they were
prepared to give bail to any amount. Jus
tice Findley refused to take bail on the
ground that a justice ofthe peace was not
allowed to take bail in cases of offence high
er than those involving five years'imprison
ment in the State prison. McCleester
was then charged,-also, with a misdemean
or, in being a second in the fight between
Bell and Sullivan, on Hat t's Island, some
time since, and bail in that case fixed at
$lOOO. He was, however, committed in
full to the prison at White Plains, to an.
ewer both charges against him. N. Y. Sun.
Free Colored Men Excluded from LOHi4I.
ana.---Warniog to Shipmasters.
The last Leigslature of Louisiana made
a law, said to be unconstitutional, entitled
`an act more effectually to prevent free
pet sons of color from entering this State,
and for other purposes) it, consists of
fifteen-sections, and provi.les that no color
ed person shall enter the State in any ca
pacity, on board any steamboat or other
vessel, passenger or hand, under penalty of
being arrested by any legal officer, and
imprisoned until tha vessel or individual
bringing such colored person leaves the
,Mate, mad pays all charges for.arrest,
Tortsonment, &c. A second return sub
jects the colored person to State Prison
labor for five years. Heavy fines and fru
prisonments are denounced against any one
who introduces any free colored person;
also against any citizen or family in the
State who shall board or harbor free color
ed people.
A Galveston paper says there is a young
lady in Texas each of whose feet meas—
ures eighteen inches. It is the first time
we ever heard of two feet making a yard.
At a camp meeting lately held in Con
necticut a preacher delivered the follow
ing:—l would that the gospel were a
wedge and I a beetle, I would whack it
into every sinner's heart among you.'
Next door to it.—Have you found your
dog which was stolen? asked a gentlenian,
orythe door step of a certain provision store
the other day. Not exactly, was the reply,
but I know where they sold the sausages.
"Pa,' said a precocious urchin yesterday.,
"Pa, haiut Mr. Clay got no house?"
"Certainly he has, a very elegant house
at Ashland."
•Well, the papers always say he is in
the field."
3 Tender Husband.—All who know
young Sniffkins, know that he married old
Miss Betsy Blotchit for her money; that he
cannot touch it till she dies, and that he
treats her very badly on account of what he
calls her unjustifiable longevity. The oth
er day Mrs. Snitflins finding herself unwell,
sent (or the doctor, and in the presence of
Sniffkins and the medical man, deitared
her belief that she was 'p'isoned,' and that
he, Sniffkins , 'done it.' 1 didn't do it!'
shouted Sniffkins. 'lt's all gammon—she
isn't p'isoned. Prove it, doctor—open her
on the:pot-1' tn willing.'
rrA. Millerite advertises in an eastern
paper that as the world will be destroyed
in Sprit next,, he has procured a handsome
pair of horses and wagon, and is prepared
to carry the timid, at a small price, out in
to the country. Shrewd notice.
The Result ih Vermont.—Tne Montpe
lier Patriot gives returns of the vqte for-
Governor from 220 towns, from w'Rch it
appears that Paine's Majority in the State
wklkiot exceed oue thousand. The Patti
ot gves the following statement ,of the
members elected to the legislature: Sen
ate—Democrats, 14; Whigs, 16. House
—Democrats; 103; Whigs; 127; 4bOlition
iota one. This. it will be observed, porres
pUnds exactly with the statement of the re
sult given in this paper on Tuesday last.
Otrintkay.—Weregretto announce the decease,
at Bacon's Castle, Surryeounty, Virginia, of S.
D. Langtree, Esq., one of'the original editorß and
proprietors of the Democratic Review, aged 31
years. The deceasea was a native of Ireland,
lie was educated to the medical profession, and
LAST WORDS or HARRISON. Two OT three days
before the good old General was killed by the came to the 'United States in 1832, as physician of
vindictive end sel fi sh men about him, be made an English ship, tit compliance with the direc
f o ll o wing a ff ec ti ng remark to p ro & t o f In dy. tions of the government, that a physician should
called to see him: , be sent out with every passenger.sbip.during the
an*, who
"Ptolsl, I am glad
see you. The federal r- ' prevalence of that fearful pestilence. the chol=sa.
lion of the Whig party of- making desperate of- • His tastes; however, were decidedly literary, and
forts to, seize the reins of government; they are averse from his profession. His reading was ye
trzing the most unmerciful -proscriptioM and, if ry extensive, and ha wrote witli facility and ener
thpy con ti nu e to d o au muc h l onger , sh . 11 gy. For the last 16 months,Mr, Langtree had had
eY 'al
adve me teadr. I no communication with the Democratic Review,
- t' *
. 1 iss 't* ach had been under the sole condtret of his
. t Writerritirbo n' -
, __
, r!et,
.ot a if
. ot . ec w h en l!ces i brother. to lily, Mr. O'Skillivart. lie , had retired
la diVibtalt. • -z. 1 ~ to Virginia with the view or leading the life of a
A l; .-_- TWorgo,,4,.49titifiti is t ti m agon not a wpm , : Pitoteqjt,t-xlitt eceupztion ht was extensively
-11--,.•:**.... ~...., ..._, • mason not . ,-..'':!.. Ofillagot-:•The;fataldisenett was emitted:l , o hil
r littn ITe 6 '" -- - ' . — --- : ikieltiiiL4lkb. 1 - • `..
1 ,,,
~...,.__ - ~,, -. - ty...- -.=- -- - - '
Death of Thomas Lloyd.
We learned yesterday that Air. Loyd,
late collector of the city revenue, who was
charged with being a defaulter to a consid
erable amount, died on boar I of the Brio.
Hope, on her passage from Monrovia, Af
rica, to this port. This is the vesel in
which he left the city, bound for 'Cape de
Verd or a market.' After disposing of her
cargo and getting ode in return, this port
was made her point of destitta ion. On' the
voyage' the Attica') fever broke out, and in
its ravages carried 'off the best part of the
crew, and one or two passengers, amongi
the latter was Mr. Loyd. Titus ends the
life of a man, who from the force of cir
cumstances and not innate depravity, was
stigmatized as criminal and depraved. We
have always be!leved that Lloyd w s more
sinned against than sinning. His natural
generosity cf disposition made him a t7c
tiin. He al not fortitude to resist the
impo:tuni'ies of professed friends and was
led step by step, into diflicu ties and eutbar
rass:nents from which, when it was too
late, he found he could not cx•ricate him•
self. Mr. Lloyd, has left a wife and chit
dren to mourn his unhappy fate . —Pleb.
An necessary on.
'Will you take this woman to ba" your
wedded wife?' said a ma , istrate who was
placing the indissoluble knot of matrimony
on a couple mutually attached to each oth
er, in Illinois.
'Well, I swar squire,' said the male pir
tv to the contract—a wolfish looking cus
tomer by the way—'Well, I swar, squire,
you must be a green one to ask such ques—
tions at-that ar. Do you think I'd be such
a plaguey fool, old feller, as to lose the
sport of the bar hunt, and take this gal ofl
from the quiltin frolic, if I NO'S: n% con—
scriptiously sartin and deormined to hitch
on to her?—Drive on with the business,
squire, and ask me no mire such daind
foolish questions as that.'—N. 0. Pic.
3 candid admission. Mr. Adams, in his
speech, admits that himself and friends
have not, by their official duties, won the
confidence of the people:
'Now, this Congress had, it best, but a
short time to live; on the third of next
March it dies; at that day every man here
will be politically dead,
- -save the compara
tively few who shall be reelected. What
are we to lose? Our seat in this House?
It is very possible, I know, that I shall lose
Why will comparativelyfew of thepres
ent number be re elected'? Because the
many have been recreant to themselves—
their Gda —their oaths—their- country , and
the pepple. The brand is on their f
heads, burned in by their own hands.—
Their destiny is—to beset asideforever.—
Portlond .Bmerican.
• Setter I, oto •
The transactions , of the last
li m ited, both in dry goods sod
country merchants and people / re,
when necessity urges them t o
business of the present month sill p,, t
ticipations formed on . what has ge e , '
i n s e yriember.
F, 4o d, ee , however, is snixiegl
experts continue to be heary_ t h oo. ,•
believed that . we are no !ohm. •
the East or the South; and this cipi l e o
ed by recent exchange eperat'oos,
Missouri is selling sight exchange e a
per cent. prem.; cot e! doors
cent., but unquestionably sight hip,
mild at par. From New Orleans ar e
ceiving, and shall continue to r
mounts of specie, which shows that
of trade is in our favor in that
there is evidence of the same fact is
the East, in the abundance of F as t en
in market. -
In our currency there has beep (' ' ,
tibia imprevenient. The amountnt
specie paying bank notes in - circuit' •
materially increased, and this impr..
b e progressive, as we shall for the
months contintic to export much Sis
irn; art, in trade.
Bagging eg Rope.—These articles
15 for the former and 6 crnts for th e
Bacon.—Hams from stores, 6 a 7;
shoulders, 3. a 4 cents. De.raod e 304.
Flour.—City M.Ns, supe r fi ne *3 2 5
other brands • 2 75 a... 411 pp., t ;, 0./
specie. Tl:e receipts donne the treats
G heat, 35 a 31, specie .
45. The receipts have teen heavy, be
adily effected at quotati.4l.
14 a 15 per bushel; corn in de. 18,
15 a 16 cents.
Hemp.—The r. co , pts of the anti
aod the demand is limited. We
L s( e ) esd P I'7l ' i ' s th ar li t.r i L uil c d nntinneet o k '
ir we talc. into consideration the lut
river, an I tlr consce 'eta ditli=uhiy; _r
tiou. Sales have it et, made at 21)1,5
followingco --S ar•
e N r , e , m l u:l 4 e
85 a 3 05; No. 3, 1 75 a 2 02;
The receipts r.f: the week amount
whi c kry —Sales are reported et N. : ; . : , 1 ..„
CC 11
Baitimoie mniketF.
Toes lay even al.
C a'tle Abaut 9,00 hc,id uF [4.di
yeste,t - lay -old at thy• yards at 1119.1
the rm.) , ((pal to •1 '25 a $1 50 rat.
a little. advance.
F/one.—Howard street has
and w quote it firm at $4 25—tv
Cty Mills 4 25. e.urquchanna,nee
Grain —WI eat has advai c
nrob.bly shor ness of supplies.
has be; n about 5 cents p r bustielee-,
of inlerior grades, and 3 or 4 cents oa , .t
tic;. The range of the market Nei
8d cents; the alcoreiog to qua:,
dition. There is no Pennsylvana
market. We quote Maryland souti
a 52 cents, and yellow a. 52 els%
nia arrivinir Maryland O a t s 21 3
land Rye 43 a 4.5 cent;. %e note
Pennsylvania at 60.
Irisioeg.—!-;ales of bh Is at 21 trey
at 21 a :22, with a moderate demon.
price of bbls. 19 cents, exclusive old.
azy.R EA D Vll[4o
.71fr..1. W. Cook—Having seen
Dittiey's Pain Extractor Ina late unztenit •
I was induced to glee It a fair trial,lntit
say. with the g,tentest success. A
rhly burned by a red hot prixer fang , ,1
suffering severe"y in' consequence, when -
thfi extractor gave immediate relief, on
a ,, le to wall: about :Again on the Montly'
the trial I It :.ve made of ti, I have no dot a
licle of the kind in the city. Youelt;
JOHN ts,
corner of Fourth all'
ril ISIiU r 2 11, April 25. 1842
for sale at TUTTLII . 9 N!FDlekt. AO
SI reel, near Wood, Agent for l'eldensli.
The N iet‘l iron Court of Pita
nia ," lt,: Cum t nis-ioners uf lie estate
will otfer at public sale, at the Eschangt
bu rah, Penns% tvania , on Monday,
nes t,:it 10 o'clock, A. 51—the fo!lotvin;
situated in the State of Pentayrrat•? , •:.
A TRACT OE.' I AND situata
—A LSO— L .
645 Tracts of Laud in Erie county.
—ALSO— - 4:-
420 Tracts of Land in Cranford rotor;
-264 Tracs of Land in .31errer county.
130 Tract= of Land in Boiler county, 4.,
312 Tracts of Land in Beaver covnty.
—ALSO— -.
80 Tracts of Land situate in Venatto
-68 Tracts of Land situate in Warren
-7 Tracts of Land situate in M dial;
-19 Tracts of Land situate in Jefferso
5 Tracts of Land situaie . in A ronnor
-14 Tracts of Land situate in Indiact.- -
17. Tracts of Land situate in Fayette •
For a further description ihereui,
new;papers publisher. iu ihe resprith e
Tite land will he sold to stiisfy
monwertith of l'enngyivania, by JOO 5,
cured by Fiscal and Judicial liens.
1795. and March' 1793.
The Cominiarlioliers will attend at Its"
in Piii - shurgh;from the llth of October"
Sale. to give rurther infornialloo.
The ierins or sale will be—ten kr rear .
sale, -and ihe balance in four equal e39'
JOIN DVSS ‘R E 169.)
I•'‘' ILL! vo rlt MRCSE ,
liarrisLurgh, Pa.. Sept. 3. 1842.
lan in Dearborn county, Stalei
land it about twenty miles from thee
town of Lawrenceburg. (twenty five
nail) on the road to Indianapolis.
neighborhood. A catholic church I+
near said land. Apply to Mr Harr%
CR ITO RS take notice that tO O
Court ofCommon Pleas, of O. to i
of the insolvent taws, and that said Cot
Monday, the 24th day of October nest. 7,
me and my creditots at the court ackOti•
when and Ortere you may attend. if M ir
Net Ca7SPANY, Letter Dresser,
to the Court of Common Pico es•
ty, for the benefit . of the Insolv
aen the/
Le o
wealth of Pennsylvania, and tht
appointed the iitti Monday of October Ito
Mt! and my ereditors, at the Court" 11a701
PittsbUrgh, when and whore
w you
Tol l -
ar i d
proper. rit
• Aili
sep 2.1-3 t
itwatediatsty refiaguishiwir rap
haesieterrnined.to regains the
FleAvill give his aitention to u ''"
side and Surgery, in all of which Ile
Otitae and yesiderize No. 71 ree ith l
aheve Wood.
ORR 26,
is boys an
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Can't be
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der occwr
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Q 9 partiary
ice of butt
These. iii
they gel on
aised from
P l P f l e
p er
s 'I trout
e eUrtg—
Pledge k
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o unnooo
;.f the Her
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t,) o❑
9th 1842
I. JO •
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7 1 barg