Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 26, 1842, Image 1

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    fAT - MirreAlitrnitoi
10,41,4' animikawaii
ed with the Safety Guard bat,
w i t h a figure of tbeappars
•A deceived by
their boats to be provided
they are rot venal:TA 'Si',
Jog iva list of boats supptilid
he p or : of Pitisbergb—en
have •the Improved apparatis
; impossible for au explosive to
- OEO inn' AN QUI
ECU psF„
os PRET,
AG N Es,
H B!LL4,
“.2, community ale ricrac
, atte a elinice of a boat, tow .
her It would not be to thei r ,
cliocii-e a Safety Guard Ica.
-,1 2 111, in preference tower*
...ion —and that they
r~rion has the unqualified a
.1, / Me builde`rs—gentlemen
Hiand the subject, and whom
w-riles a number of terrific:2es
l and others—all of which mi
10. Water Street, where it a
pI times to (1111 1 4 my
le ute trouble to call.
111E11013S11—Fianna ¢T
hirers, Steu:henville,Obio,ta ,
Line known to the public tU ,
rr warehouse in Pitist•orghon
doorc south of Fifth 14., fa
v. here they will keep constantly
s: of paper, consisting of we',
I , 'T. tea and wall paper, and •
~.n kith whirls ihey will keep
4. , and PCIIOOI hooks.
• " aoei ve asscrti wen! anal
is wilt be cold low (Of'CaSh, 0?
tt , reanr , l in 11 , e tit at Sletiktitallla..
K. !try noitic Aral/
ftt c Or I.prr. acill he pr
Ify e ul powered in
.tie manazeuve-tot of thArr
t. FD fr.l.y7'ED.—ll'anied to
r 4 toods,a quantity of Flax 211 d
k..IF. of Country Vroduce lakes
,d at II AdRIS'S !WORE
Cllllltl 1.--lon Warehouse,.
k RT. Co'1,11114115P; _Merchant,
,1 Amer/can Jiburgfactigres.
er. E-q.. r.ileourah
,r,.n of R'd.
I i tnlt a,
k co
E , q ,MadifOn
.• which I live, in Wilkins, .
• .•Id, cOtTlaiumg. l ine hundred
7o acres of which it cleared, aid
d There and upon it three
("I by 34;an appteorebard
• verly acre of coal. -Thesoii
• • 01 any upland fano in 1•
on application to the
M C. WALL, 4
Picture Frame Aids
Pittsbtrgk.—Canrits ; "e.;,
t-ts, always on hand. Look
aoied ig
to order- C epairing dose
r auention paid to mildinta"
1 ., in! op_Steom BOW! or boons
!..vge to call.
I: LEA D.—The sobstritersar
:0 rniAs painters. and other*: IFS
1V iiite Lead made of the bee
if not superior to any-ofirrri
to Dunlap 4ti • -
1U Second street, Pittsbu
s•e dorr frost Obi Staid of
rater respectfully intortns
and vicinity that he b '
• of his own manufacture,at 4
.11 . 1 terp constantly On hal a
I. F lndsof ladiee,ml- an -
aftheb.sl quality. uhick
the times He will 1 115° 111" .J 14
agcy work—sneh as wtike
'''Pred ;gaiters, and buskins,
t.tlslsls. silk gaiters,
de at the shoriest ocktire:2oll.•
.sr, please call and casuist
riber frets confident Ibs be gs !
in bin line they nay iota.
al forget the place—PO . 0r
Barris's Intelligence OEO
i,iAld DiGBY having taloo tY
DICEY it flOrieleigUlt.
ieet and 42 Market strePt•
he numerous friends stud • 0 )
the very liberal Itlappgret Lbel 1. 0
• faun. in connection irttli 'lL' y l
.Atni re Orin that every everl7o
r mot inflation orithe volVe-
1412 Woo
Dane their &menthol' _to
. which he intenthstelling.otw- ,
tees ewer olTerel.
e of the stock of the bite 1117141,
as be intends to coltliste
mess, he feels confident 11°
ps stock, either in 0 11441.114-
ke notkethatt elogr°lsl
Situ! fro* -
ti iiptevri
i d s ar kettarviketc , * ooo „ ,
e Illa
pessrsZ001111"":11.111C o
.41 1
E DOLLARS a year, payside in
Itopi• TWO CENT= --for sate at the
. •, and by News EJys.
ry and Manuf act urer
EKL.V, al the Fame office, on a dJuble
at TWO DoLL Ails a year, in ad.
cor ie, SIX CENTS
is of Advertising.
. 0.50 1 One month, $5.00
0.75 Two mont E. 6.00
1.00 Three months, 7.00
1.30 Four months, n.an
3.00 Six months, 10.00
400 One year. 15.00
n.trcceet.e .T PIEASUP.E.
re Two Square.•
Sig.llo Rix months,
23.(ki line yrar.
Tc ri prorortion.
r hets z , tx f10tt.....RF. a year
bruirc Third between Market and Wood
, Water. 4ili door from Wood et. Prier
Major John Wittock. , :oltector.
T, Wood 'l.ellk Fir..t and Sert:md
Itartrarn. Trramrer.
ne. Tiord street.l , o door to iii
Chnrrll-5 , .. R. jil , lll.orl, Tre,tirer.
'•Fourth. 'et un, en Market and 11 00.1
as, Maim,
ABCS. Fourth. near Ma -}c,
peen larkct and
. •
NI ON , r4t1:111‘.P.,. F•11!ER . r).
irriy F..vic; ruild , Futlrsll. betw(en
sl rorl 11,1 r VlO ti
fps/ TEL'.
N' •s , rear we Prltt.z,
/.. ,rrirt rrrtfi . 1,1 SI r
TLL. err( rOl .il4l 11 (10.1
t..corr, Thad and S:olp
LIIN , I • • .
LLOR AT nit•
. ttpacy tt
r 6,011 ., 0
11. I)
eor'rr. 'I 1 , r,a Cv, LP
_ i .~,_.,.,., s ~
1. ‘l,kri -1 .
'SS & 3111,1•11 L. •
•1 1 tV 1,111. 11,
Ilou=r. P.• 12
_r..~i , ~~ ~. ~~~~,~.~,
vi - r r.
is t,~-. ~,. __l 1.: ..
& 1)11,W ORTIL - -
Mr,lkago , , and
r2'' I.l,,,uf.,ctorrd
.kII.OIIINSON, %. , o,nev LaW
le ttor;ll , lEIP -I I n 11‘:, tt).l.lret wo.e
-,1, lil
1/A 1. :11
•00 . to i : IOW), ()air,
Art S a t•OVC A - ('
5,p 10
E irj
t I`.
I:. “t p
7 4 ; & CO., Flu %Var.
licr of Hand st Cat I,,tn!ze Alec.
) purclm-r Fnrnivire, tx ill find it In
, ice az a call. Leine fultc =attstied that
R.ll 10
giva:ity acid Nl,'
iMS—Just rere•ve-41 I 6t) choice Slut
der 11 cured and for rlirap by !be dre
Nu I. rink
Oit V.trlVl , f , 0: Tllr,i)
and for Salt - , :tt CLI,F
re of F iz Wl\ DE's:
I S IF: V Built and St,,e M ,uf,irlo
' Fourth S. . neti tin t to i
tineila, tii atid Satin Shoc, 11,;, tie in
r, anti by the nrwczt I.
RUS 9i I . LTICI[I.I'S n tine to suit
F.l. SNi)WriEs:.
0. 1;11 ,ireei. head 01-
TS, Flower, .; F!ro..-4-, , V•
ton. ran ;Th.v:. tt;l,l ;it t11.111(1 , 4
F. 1 .. SNOWDEN.
134 Id 'Jeri y eel,tad of Wood
Annual 11an,uiornt CllO,ll Pt•d. for
Eug acid 1... , eed store 01
F. I. I , ..sifilV DEN.
184 Liberty street, head of Wtrod
[lst rective', ' y
No. IS-1, Liber , y Arad of WorKl,
S, rOlk:=!FI u : of lines. Fa try Sr,de.
Trowel !toddle
ive ftu,itie St,cars, etc., jest re
by F. L SNOW . DEN
84 Liberty street, head of Wood
Hams.--Jusi received a small sup-
OitP curd Venison Hams, on retail
ISAAC II 11 EIS. A:ent,
aad Cr.‘ll. Merchant
Clover tied. lirri,ard Grass and
lac Grass. alWays on hand and for
Vl4 t.ti.rtc FIT - eel, head of Wruld.
• AN AN, .9etorneyft et Law. office
lb' I.hanook&lo -Aktorney's-Row,"
street, l.clo-teu Sh.rkiet and Wood
, :...BLANKS, for prof . eedint, j ‘‘ At_
r the late law. for at this Office
cols on the North East corner of cm,
gh street. Apply to
DARLINGTON, Market, near 4111 ct
adreth's French Sugar Beet Seed, just
and for sale at the Drag and Seed
184 Liberty rt reel, bead of Wood.
'p heretofore exiaing between Wll,
I consent. William Dighy fe authorized
of the firm io settling ay tie-bosinein
DR. E. MERRITT, DENTLST, olict is Smith
field, beisccez Second gird 'Third Sis.,
sep 10 l'errssrac
To H NSTON 4- STOCKTON, Book Eel tens. Primers &lid
sj Parer Manufacturers. No. 37. Iftrket a. ser 1017
JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry., Water Azs
nen r the Monongahela House. Pittslur2b. sep 10-4 Y
LEONARD S. JOHNS, Alderman, St-Clair street, 4e
cond door from Ltherty. rep 10-1 y!
DR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door
to Illnl . eany fc Co's Glam. Warehouse ser , 104-11
SKUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth At-.
near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. sep 104 Y
THOs.HAMILTON. Attorney at Law, Fifl h, between
Wood and Smithfield stn.. Pittstittrzh. seep 10-=l9
HUGH TO": FR, Allot nes . at Law, North East corner
of Smithfield and Fourth street .< sep 10—,-137
HANNA k RNRITLI,'S Paper Warehouse. No.
1f1.4. Wood where maybe had a general Amply
of writing wrappin2. printing, wall paper, blank honks,
school hooks, kr, kr. Pep 10-71 y
Tows.,:r,sn CO.. wiry Workers cued
111., Manuf az r ers tie, 23 Markel street, between 24
and .trl streets. sep 10-1 y
LXCIIANGE HOTEL. Corner of Penn and St. Glair
A etteels,by McKISIBIN t r SMITH.
51" p y
11G METAL —77 tons soft Piz ?Art& for sate by
No. 12 Water street
err, 13
41 flan 1.13 S B ICON HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon
•1111 , I/ lit Shoo laprs, for sa . .. by
J. G..( - A. GORDON,!
No 12 Water street,
TT.E SON. Jr.. Birminaha rn near Pitssbnegh,
anu';r river of Locks. Hinges- and Boll;:To
iarm. Fuller. %lid and Timber Screws; Hansen Screws for
PoNina Mills, 4-c. seP 143--ry
JOHN 31-CLOSKEV_Tai:9I- and Clothier, Lilier.vi
sweet tettcee“ Sixth ann Virgin alley, South side.
K - FU Rill I u(li: Co., Whow..=3;e G r oeers 'and
erc 111 nl , F..,-rr,n4l st rect. btlAiteen
11 . o°,l Sr,nsep 10- Ty
'.G 011 WAN, Commi,-1 ,, n end Forwarding
SI f; . .Lt.t.., st aep to--iy
I I--4 =mc. al7 and a ruck., reeeireil pet S
R and for s,, by J. G. 4• A. CORDON,
n, 14, No. 12, IValer streel
11 NPls , Orlearii , SU
Nexy Orivanl, ‘1.1!:14•e- - .. for Sale I.e
ter .In .1: C. 5- C01:111031:
-7 I.bid , prrnr N. O. Sazar. received per S
rind I , r sale by J. G. &A. GORDON.
• "1" - i C ISK ,in oTtier, on hand and for sale by
1(1 3. G. 4- A. (7.01; nr»:. No. 12, Water ft
E. SD 1'1101.0 4 : 7 4.:5.--1.3 hlids and 4 Is N. 0.
C 7.1 ..12 10.1 s S. 0. hlolasi . .r.s, rmeived per Slearnharat
1 :,n‘l for sale I.y J. G. k A. GORDON,
;) f4 , r sale b y
PA!FrSTOCIC. 4, co.,
corner of 6th and Wood sic.
1631 I . \ ri.11.7 4 tern: .1.1:own 1...010n Mack fo r sale
y B F fr.‘ ESTOCK
Mil corner of 6th and Woods's.
I'll , 0,,r:11
• • •
.300 P ptirrd le he
evr E. A. FAIIN ES rocK k CO
=en 10
Q.UG A .N MOLASSES.—tiII 10,11, - . X. 0. Sis7ar
1 7 -1 W!s. do. do.. 100 do. Plant:)) ion MolaFges, for
-aP 1.1
-ep 1
- 1• i. n<rd in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
good pa 2 , r.a nd in the forms approved by the Coo rt,for sale
.:1 the Ot!le, of the 1 11crr ry and Democrat .p 10
11731. lIILBI3IRD, Indies' fashionable honk and
V i.11 , 1f NI nu fact urer o. I lii, Third reet, between
and r sep 10
'. 131 - C AT'RNEt AT LAW,
Oft IC ,. 10 Itte corner of Fourth
"1-.1 ch.:rry A Tits, Net,vecn Smil htield and Grant
orPels. cep 10
FOR RENT.—Thedueiling and lot cootainiog 4
acre , . in %Heal - telly, near the Beaver Road, lately
Mr. S, nooet church. Apply - at the Merehoots
aid Mar rilati , uret... 11.itik. to W. H. DENNY'.
rep Cashier.
[IA V I S N DS, IV A71;11 & CLOCK
rfP I/ ALI h ER, Nn. 95, Market street. Pitts
burin. boa Pen Fifth and Liberty streets,
-en 10
j ANI - 11'S GARDEN SEEDS.— A full
11-1 7,ty of I.ritultetlo's Garden Seeds, RIWB/6 on
for sale al Ills agr ery, the Drug store of
DR. DAVID WARD has his office and rutenCe
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court. House.,
second dwelling from Rosstreet. lie will faithfully attend
all rails pertaining. 1 0 his profession. Night calls should be
•❑ade al the door above the basement. sep 10
1.30 r mos- A L —Matthew Jones, Barl•er and Hair Dress.
rr, , has removed i o Fonrt st reel opposite The May
o-s iitre. where he will he happy tol.wail upon permanent
or transient customers. He solicits a share of public pat
nep 10
EMOV A L.—W m. A. Ward. Dentist, his removed
1. Ik, 10 N.l ILthree doors below 1 rwio el reel,
One square :.one the Exchange Hotel. Hours of business,
Iron, `.! 0. M.. unlit .5 P. M . oiler which hour he .will at
te,i,r, no one except in camas of actual neressii y. He
ttoutd her inform those wtio may think pr6per to
Itit,lnat he experts immediate payment,Wit how .
um tir-re,sit ) on his part of sending in bills, rep 10
1 OLIN .11'FARL %ND, Upholsterer and Calriort
IPJF !V.! er, To,rd at. betreca Wood 4. Morlar streets,
re,,r t for inf irms his friends and the public that be is
prepared ro execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bu
itr:,ll., Cha h s, Tables, Cedsleads, Stands, Hair and Spring,
Matt rasses. Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Uphbisterin:
i worx, which he wilt warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. iep 10
110 Weed Street, Pittabarck.-11. A. 'kinsman.
A net ioneer and Conimi.iiion Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell al l kinds of Goods and hierchandize,
at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, Mirth East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Fitisharshi
Regular sates of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and
other a r ides, on "1 0111(13” and Thursday of each week.
Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goiwk and Fancy arMtrlesi on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thu rtiday evenin:s.
Books. "fr., every :Saturday evening.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davie. Esq-, 1
" Bnaley 4- Sioitte, 1
- Hampton, Smith, 4. co.. I i
" F. Loren 4. co,
J. W. Ritrbridgek Co.. l :
" S. Pel'hee 4. co. 1 ;.
" Capt- James lit'Cargill,, Pittsburgh.
" C. Ihmsen, Esq.' I
" Jonn alrFadden EA. 1
L ogan it' Kennedy. i
" J. K. Moorhead 4*. CO.
.. Jas.. P. tAnart. EN.
. .
og . .
.. Robert Galway, TIN: - . I ' ..-
~ Capt. Jas. Mdy, j
~ IlluVay,lianna, 4. Ca. H
.. William Symms.
... S.C. [leery virto
- -
Smith,' rag;
t. leY tt Co. -
sep 10' . _
1 - 2. ‘Vater streot
No, 12. IVaier .t.teet
corner ~ f and Wnod sic
J. Ct. k A.CORDOS,
No. 12 ►Pater street
134 rt y nreet,headof,Wood
. -
. .
• . ' _ • _.... 1... . ...,,,,, _Tr: --.:: --.- - ''.....-4,
.....: , •••:-,...-',.J.4-..., ..4.-. --- ... -- . -- - - -,k,P-1,- , .:0 ., 2,-;?:: - 2 , -t..- -, - - - . ...5 . 1
; 4... -.-,..,-.• - . '
; t .--...
.... 1 , . .
. . _
. , :',-...•,•-• -?::: _
. ,
• - - - '.=.;
• 1 _
' .
... ~ . . .. - .. ~
i .
- .... . . .
• .
•• • •
• Pittsburgh ea i*:(4 7 Psibet.
- Star Whist • •
BEN tilt, .1114ter
lIAS -:
ansinteneed tivrregehir trips, and Will midis.
jjjj ly (Sundays emoted.) Leaverl"'Beaver art 0'
clock A. id., leaves Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock r. lt. COlN
peas at Beaver with the
reams!ivirlda and Ohio Line
of Freight and Packet Gana' boats between dearer, and
Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville, Pennsylvania. Leaven
Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line connects with
Iwo &fly lines on the Pencsylvasfa canal to Philadel
phia, and with toe New York and Ohio linens the Erie
canal, and New York and Ohio liasplund Ohio anal; at.
so with steam freight. and passage' boats. . s and
schooners, on the Lake!. The proprietortt4l4his shell
known tine •vial be prepared on the opening of naviga
tion to transport , inerchantize to any of the iniermedi.
ate ports on the Pennsylvania int! Ohio, and Ohio ca
nals; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakeicio
and from New York Cityand Philadelphia.
McClure .1 Dickey, Beaver, Pa..
Cobh Wormer 4 CO.. Cleveland, 0.,
Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0.,
Fr. S. ROTES. Master.
RUNS daily (Sundays excepted.) between PITTS.
BURGH 4- BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M.
and Pittsburgh at 2P. M. provithd with Evans's Safe
ty Girard to prevent Explosion of Boners
This splendid and fast running Steam Boat hasinSi
teen complex ed expressly for this trade, and runs in
onnert ion with
CLARKE 4- Ca's Pittobartk sad Cterastred Live of
Cleeelaid. Ohio.
Or down the Ohio canal to Maa.lion, 4-e. and Erie Ex
tens=ion Line to Greenville
The Cap , Boats of this Line are towed to and from
Pittsburgh direct, and the business conducted t.n the
mo-t prompt and economical system. Having a connec
tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel
phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the
Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with
C. M. Reed's Steamboats and sev eras Lake Vessels, and
the Troy and Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Erie canal, we are prepared for the transpot tation
of Frt it ht to and from all points on the canal, the lakes
and the Rive r, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as
any other line.
Apply to 0. X. Hart on, N 0.55 Water st ,or al 'Steam.
boat Michigan's Landing. Pit tsturgh.
Clarks A- Ca. Beaver.
Pub!: and A- Weather/Jet, Warren.
Wheeler 4- Co. Akron:
Thomas Richmond co. Cleveland
J. ii. Wick 4 Cm. Greenville;
W. C. Maten, Sharon,
R. W. Cnn.,ingham. New Castle,
Joint Kirk. Youngstown,
John Campbell Newton Palls; •
Campbell 4- Miller, camphellstown;
Babcock 4- Mcßride. Ravenna;
C. 4- D. Rhodes, Franklin;
11. A. Miller 4- Co.. Cuyahoga Fulls;
Wells= n 4- Whitehead, Massillon;
Gordon 4. Co.. Detroit;
K Moe, Davis 4- Cn., Buffalo;
Cowing, Richmond, Williams dr Co., New York.
sep 10
HlGl3l"—Are. 121. Comer of I'Voodawd. Frost
streets, Piershi.cijk, has on hand a complete as
sortmentof Quer ismi , are suited to the city or tolittity
trade. Also. a choice refection of pure while and OW
hand DINING AID TEA WARE. in large or small sets,
or separate pieces to Full purchasers.
A cask of 46. 60. or 114 piece Wig, superbly painted
and !Pt China Teavrare, at very low prices.
Toy Teaware, plain, and rich painted and gill, front
LOP to $5.00 per set
Children's Mugs of every de-cription.
While China Shaving Mugs.
Granite Dining a. d Tea. :Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in bite and black.
A large Variety of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derhyshir'e Potteries.
Flint and Green r.i71£0 , . In all their varieties.
Window Glass, of every FiZe
rateto P.uckets, Tnhs and Reelers.
Stone Pipe Heads. 4-c. 4.c. err.
All of which are respectfully offered to the pub.
tic on the 1110S1 favorable terms. Jan 2.6, 1842—1 y
TJ. FOX A LDF.N .fftrorrecy and Counsellor a t
• Late_ fto rs his profeinnal services to the cit
izens of Fitishnr2h and hopes for a share of public pat
ronaze. He will execute all kinds c f writing with neat
ness and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on
reasonable terms.-offire in Smithfield street, at the
ttonae of M. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers.
sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN.
DAvin CLARK, A g't fashionable Boot Maker,—
Has removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he wood be happy
to see his ohd customers, and all others who *WI dispos_
ed to patronize him. He uses nothint , hot prst rate
stork, and employs the best of workmen; and as he rives
his constant personal attention to business, he trwstlirat
he will deserve and rcceive a fair share of patronage.
t.rp 10
A Hunker respecifnity informstis friendsand the
public that they can always find the best quality of lee
Crearns, losether with at: kinds of confectionary and
infita. in their season. at his e ,- .tahlishment—No.
Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parti e s supplied on the shortest notice, with
cak., or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. sep 10
JOIIN B. GUTIIRIE, Anciinneer and .Commis
elan Merchant, Xo-106,carae, of Weed 4- Fifth sic-
Pirtsbarii: Mamie! been appointed one 'of the Auction
eers foi the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to job
bers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He 1-3 prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities.
and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he Wings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise r.eneralic, the services of Mr. SA lIIVEL
,FansesToca; heretofore advantageously known, as an
Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, P res't .ofM. t M. 1
•• Darlington 4- Peebles,
u Robert Galway,
James M. Cooper,
' , .;Tames May.
• R. 11. Riddle, } Pittsburgh
Win Robinson, Jr. Pres%
of Exchange Bank.
• Hampton, Smith, 4- co.,
.• John D. Davis,
• Samuel Church; I
• J. K. Moorhead,
• Jas. W. Brown 4- co.
• Jobe it. Brown. 4- co.
•• Smith ¢ It matey,
Verdi) , ¢ air sera,
John S.
• Jobs Datwell,
HAN J. CLEMEIt , residing at 66 Nett street,
New, York, was afflicted with Dyapepsia .its meta
ammrated form. The symptoms were violent head
ache, great debility. fever, analieness; cough, heart
burn, pain in the chest and stomach always after t.alitt,
impaired appetite, sessation of-slaking al the stomach,
furred - tongue, trauseaotrith frequent trosititiMrs, diaziness
towards night and muteness. Thew had iontlinted up.
ward of it twelvemonth, When. on totitudtiag
Evans..loo Chatham street. and subsaittlag to his ever
suctienatt and agreeable mode of trisianent, the patbnat
was; completely restored to health to Ike short space of
onemoullysimilapralefal for the tatualculaliehese6l deals:
ed. gladly came IbriPard and' vohilieared tie ibiyanstate
rot isle, Wholesale and Retail by
Iro:l6,l*otid:l — tr -Sccondi.
N 0.60 Water street, Pittsburgh
). Ph itadeVa
i Pep IQ
.--prp.:tps:; - *;, - .'i.4A . 44 - ;.
Goonvis cc:gaits:4 Frode Pins- They!
AL. Pillsitte - mther y vermatmende‘to thevettee - or
'the ladies as a sari and etimettef. tweedy .11 1. - Tanilmin
- complaints pearlier to their sea, from want of et
eneise.es galdebility, of the „system, They obviate
thetetethit alt tftsterleal and Nervous
reffa -Tlathe .Pohr , have- rodned;the.; and
approhation of the meet trainee!. Pbysici In the Uni•
led thides,and'iltittay Mothers. ror sale Whalmeale and
Retail. by R. SELLERS.. Areal.
aep 10 No. MIL Woot.threet, below Second.
W/ADAM, pho and Slag Mater, Likedt
pinntifir tie head of latitlifield st., fittobargit.-- ;
Xt.e subscrtherbaving height oat tbe flock . k tbe7ate
Timms ltaffetty , has commenced business
OM. inane r: E., and is' prepared to execute
ail descriptions or, work in his line, in the best mangoes
and na the shoilest notice: Be keeps coratantly on hand
1 a fame assortment ofshoe findings of all dencriptioni and
albs bent quality. He solicits the patronage of the nab.
tinned ed . the &eft. WM. ADAIR.
10 -
iffr Carriages at Easters .Prices.
Ttie substiriben maratrarittre and keeps constantly on
hand Coach.o and Eliptic -Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Innt Axles, *River and Brass plated Dash Frames. Brass
ate plated Bub Bands, Stamp Joints. Patent Leather,
WltirSind Brass Lame, three fold Fteps, Malleable
Tree, Poor Handles and Binges. ke,ke.
Clair st_. bear t! e *le. way Bride",
LET.-1 well finished and comfortaide two oro.
ty house-, together with tack hutidines, stable, car
ritmellisense, ponsetwion Oven immediately.
This property Issituatedtelow the Penitentiary, scar
the residence Wde. Wet. &matey. and is a very desirable
residence. For term 'inquire of J. K. Moorhead, or the
subscriber. G. W. BARNES Union Factory.
sep 10-2 w
have applied to the Judges of the Court of COM.
woe Pleas of Venango county, for Lire benefit of the laws
made foram relief of Involven4Debtors; and that they
havea?pointed the fourth Monday of November for the
Miring orate an-I any creditors, at the Court House, in
ihe.itaroagh of Franklin—when and where you may at.
lead, if you think proper, and show rause, it any you
have. why I should not Be discharged.
lan 1.1-3 t WILLIAM KEA RN:z.
D.SECLERS, M. D ,office and drrell.ne in Fourth
• near Ferry streeL seri 13—ly
QTOLEN, from the shop of the euhribrit. in Third
street, some lime last week, a pair of Shears, for
hair-tutting. They are nearly, or quite a foot loos, and
vety-slim. It is supposed the thief soli them somewhere
in the city: I will pay the purchaser any redsonahte Mice
if will bring them to me. M. JONES.
- Se 13-31.
ISTION.—On SaturdaY,l7th instant, at 3 o'clock, P.,
M. 1 will sell, by order of the Assignee, un the neemke..,
the fol , owlng described properly. viz A lot of Ground
'32 feet front by about 100 feet deep, with a suttani jai
frame bonding on it, u,ed now rs a machine shop, con
taining a good Stem Engine and Gearings, Two Circular
Saws and Drums, situate in Allegheny City, between the
M - mal and the Commons, and adjoining the Methodist
Church—formerly oocapied as a looking glass factory.
by T. A. Hillier 4- CO. Termsat sate.
step Tl-7t J. B. GUTHR I E, Auctioneer.
IBEDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and
00 for sale by G. 4- A CORDON.
sep lv No 12. Water street.
IVIVAN/10N. SHOT AND SHELLS.—Duraastr or Cent .
'kJ itwis AND HYD/OGRAIIIT, 3d September. 1842.
Seafiltd Wats:oafs will he rereiSed at I his Bureau until 3
o'clock, P.„ 11111..0f the 15th October nest, for furnishing
and delivering,iu the proportions, and at the places here
to designated. the following number and description for
Cannon, Shot and Shells,for the Naval Service of the
United State% Thirty eight inch Paixhan cane, of
altaMt 63 cwt. each. Seventy thirty two pounder runs of
41 cwt. and upwards, the precise we'gtp of each to 1w de.
termined hereafter. Five hundred eight ins h
Three hundred eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand
thirty-two ponndrr stmt. Deliorrable as foliates:
10 eizlot in. Paixhan gn ns Deliverable a!
200 eight in. shells 'Sackett's liar
-100 eight in. solid shot y hoc, N- V., on
20 thirty two pounder guns lor before the
2.500 thirty-two pounder shot I 15th May next
10 eight in. Paixhan guns Deliverable at
150 eight in. shells 1 Buffalo N. V.,
100 eight in. solid shot on or before
25 thirtv two pounder grins I the 15!h May
-2.soothirty.two pounder shot 1 next.
10 eight in. Paixhan guns ) Deliverable at
150 eight in. shells ! Erie Penny
100 eight in.solid shot ton Of I.efere
20 thirty-two pounder guns I the 15th May
2,000 [hilly two pounder shot j nest_
The proposals must stale distinctly the rate per ton (of
twenty-two hundred and forty pounds). for the guns, and
the rate per pound for the shot and shells, deliverable as abifve, all to be subject lo,and undergo such proof and in.
seem .as this Bureau may deem= proper to an , horize;
and none will he paid for that shall not pass sorb in.
spert ion as may be entirely satisfactory.
Bonds, with two approved sureties, will he required in
one third the estimated amount of the contract, and ten
per centum of the amount of all hills will he retained as
collateral security for the faithful performance th , reof,
which will he paid only on the satisfactory completion of
the contract: and ninety per rent um of all deliveries will
he paid on billeprOperly authenticated, according to the
provizionsoftheittntracl. within thirty days after their
I pre,..vntation lathe Navy Agent.
The offers most s'ale at what agency the contrattcr
may desire payment to he made.
Drawings of the mans will ne furnished from this-. pla
teau, and they must be cast and finished to conforpito
them in every respect.
No hot blast metal is to be used, and the shot mo s t he
cast in rand moulds. rep 12
TO THE WISE. —I. tis now well understood how
much disorders of the mind depend for their cure
noon a due attention tothe body. It is now understood
how vatuablc is that medicine which will remove morbid
accumulations without weakening the bodily power. it is
now understood that there Is a reciprocal, influence be.
tweets the mind and the body. It is now understood that
purging with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan
choly, and even insanity Is cured by perseveringly u.ing
them: It Is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive
it is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have
cured limit:rands of limn-less and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced I hem beyond
ail human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Brandreth Pi 115 so cure, but it is also un-
derstood how they cure; that it is by their purifying effect
on the blood that they restore the body to health.
The value of the medicine is becoming more and more
rnanifest,it is recommeneed daily from family to family.
The Brandreth Pitts remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious accumulations and purify and Invigo
rate the bioedand their good effcelsare not counterhalan
ced by any inconveniences; being composed entirely or
vegetables they do nereapose those who use them to
danger; and their effects arc as certain as they are rjtaln
tary; they are daily and safely admini4ersd to inFie,
youth, manhood, and old aye, and to women ti tbenitti - , st
critical and delicate circumstances. They do not dkzterb
or shock the animal' functions, but restore their order
and establish their health.
Soldat Dr. Brzadreth's Office, No. 9S, Woed street.
Pittsburgh. Prire.2.s cents per box., with full directions.
MA 1111—Tbeirtily place in Pittsburgh where the genu
ine Pills can be obtained, is the Lotter's own office, No.
suFood street. sep 10 •
111/IAOIII.B MANUFACTOR. V.—Patrick Cowfield re.
1,71 speelthily acquaints Mal/lends and the public mr- -
erally,eltat he has commenced the Marble busineT at the
corner otrifth and Liberty sts.ovhere will be eminently
on ban& tomb stones, mantel monuments, head
and foot genes: table slabs for cabinet, ware, and every
artkieappertainlite to the busheem. Be will warrant his
work 'lobe well Mine, and his chary.en will be moderate
-Be lennedkrietlyaskit estate of nubile oat/mine. seplo
ir — Ainn A. VEAZEY. Errigarilinr soul Cersaristisi
Aferfking4. Agent for Slauribaat Clevelaud and
ellytrattia and ONO' Lies. Mainz tenped-rbe-orare
htmuir-Urrir*fimulliettl, litnidOtam..srox - ime. 60
to vecolirelfediworartglisihrtirairsiant niiiietrOleor
- • =, 2-
1U . , : .' . ,! . ; , ;-.:' , -.'#:..., , ;,:":„: . :. .-.
llf ita
!or 'lshii i 8.4 is g 4 aim ar - s , . 14 1 , 4 tar v." Rut*
*tog*, to ki I,lc '
MAHE Ettbseribers has* Maifi arrangements to Metre
.1 the American -Vaunt - and rPtitsboreti Menai
ri into one Journal. have ' 40 mildish • daily
paper whir the title of the Deflatlftws4ag Past.
- The leading object of the t*Pose'l wilt'be the dianetnina
lion and defence of the political prinetates that bane herr
,„. . e been maintained` tx the Editor', in their rtspective
and their teat efforts will mitt he devoted to the
taneentent and sateen of theme doctrines.
Attiwatrio, lit noun*, tbe paper will be thoreuthlY
despacsadie.. yet the Edkors hallo—Jr/kWh): an honest,
candid hilittory of panting Pdliticaf events. Porekm
otaliAttistatin Intelligence,.aod brief opines of all oat
te4 and eiltiareeimes that creme proper!! within the sphere
Plettlielosirital, to wake their lousier sufficiently In.
erecting to-entitle ILA° the tearoom/ of the public, it
respective of flirty einadderations.
is addiiioltio thePaitical and general seers that will
be found in the 4.,Veraisr Nat," the Editers will take
pains to furnish the hosinesss tommunity with
the latest and most ititt,mting Coximotetat; Isrstaa,,
wires from:ail parts of the country, and to have prepa
red such accterhts of Markets and the State of Trade
as will he advallageous to our Merchants led Ensigns
Mei in their seeeral callings. - •
Terras.—The Poor will itejniblishest i enwhatig looped
al sheet of fine paper, (nanulifetured especially for this
Journal) at the unusually low raie oEFIVE DOLLARS
per a °num, payable in advance. its 111 also be sold by
newe.hoys at the low rale of TWO CENTS a copy.
Adcerrieratests will he in se rted ati the lowest rates
charted by the other daily papers of the city.
rrTW ENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Past,
who will be engaged native most liberal terms
August SI, 1842.
Liverpool Commercial Lise ef Packet*,i Seat., Weekly.—
The Subscriber would respectfully inform such persons
residins in this country as are desirous for sending for
their friends to come out from the old. country that he
continues as usual to make engagements by which pas
sengersnre ttro , r,ht out on very moderate terms, in First
Cla , s Ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly, and would
assure persons desirous of coming by the above Line,
that asagents of first respectability are engaged at Li
verpool, there will be no detention whatever at that
;le is also prepared at all limes so furnish Sight Drafts
for any amount to assist in preparing passengets for the
voyage, payable throughout the United IC ingdom, ard in
case the parties agreed for should decline coming out, I be
passage money shall be refunded without reduction.
For further particulars apply it by letter to
No. 61. South street. New York.
Att he Warehouse DAIZELL Er Ft.es mu,
No. 24 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
BY AUCTION.—WiII be sold by Public Auction,
without reserve. for cash. to close Hie concern. at thn
Halt of the Itlarlboroughetrapel, in 80-ton, on Tuesday.
the Burl► day of October next, commencing at nine of
the Octet in the forenoon.
AU the property ofthe IJohed States Land Company
COnQiStinw of °heat
140.000 Acres Mod and well watered Farming and
Grazing and veryvalnable Timber land, lying in JelTer.
son. McKean and Clearfield enunties, in the Stale of
Pennsylvania—on parts of which there is abundance of
Coal, Lime and Iron Ore, and many Id ill sealsl
And of Claims against sundry persons for land 'Sold
lying in said connties, that are considered good.
And or Stock and Toots on a F.rvin in the township
of Bradford, in the courry of McKean. in said State of
Tire land will he sold in lots to suit purchasers, eon.
laining from about 120 to 5000 acre..
Fnrllr r particulars will be made known at the sale,or
on inquiry of the subserilier, at No. 12 Long Wharf—
of Fishers and Baldwin, Merchants Bow in goston—or
of either of the Trubleesofthe said United Stales Land
Agricultural Edueation.
It has always been my earnest desire to
see the Agricultural profession eza:ted, sad
rendered attractive to the young. How
shall this be done? Fire highest distinc
tions in human character, the brightest or
naments which can be worn in life; there
which 'sparkle with an inherent les ire all -
their own,' and differ from the mere artifi•
cial trappings of society as the diamond
differs from the paste, are moral integrity
and religious principle. I shall not fitu
ther speak of these in this case.' But the
distinction which, separate from these.
gives elevation to the character, is the im
provement of the mind. This confers a rank
which wealth cannot purchase, • 'fiisettinC.
mands a respect which the proudest wino&
racy might envy.
In order to render the Agricultural pre.
fession more attractive and respectable. we '
must seek its intellectual elevation. lagen
eral ntelligence and practical wisdom the
farmers of New England as a body are sot
wanting. Much more than this is &Bin
ble. There is no class in our comaniky
who have more favorable opportunities for
the improvement of their minds than Oar
farmers. Our long winter evenings, which
bring so protracted a respite from labor,
furnish quiet evening for reading and ste
dy. Many intelligent men among es; some
of whom have been the boast of:science sod
the ornaments of literature ) have made them
selves what they were in devotion of
hours of leisure, whichtheir voyages
or intervals of business afford to the ire
prOsements of their minds, the c &glow
of taste, and the acquisition of knowledge,
Our farmers have equal-, in some respetgs t _
more favorable opportunities. The it* ,
provement of our common velmoterefore
and the elevation and extension o f the
course of instruction pursued in them, par
ticularly concerns the agricultural hums*.
It is not enough to meet the present coo
dition of society that our boys and girls stns
able wread and spell, to write ad cypher.
aneto 4 inve some knowledge of-pampa—.
phy. The highest branches of intellectual
science, the principles of moral araisitiol
lectual philosophy and .of political eisemo-s-
my, should be at least so for taut*. in
them; which is at present-p erhaps we
have a right to espect, that. a- tastinfew
tha*continued pursuit might betimes&
ingniry awakeoed, `-and-the tie& marked:-
out by. which they might,- unassisted ad
vance at their own pleasure to high/ 1111 M' 1-
meats! The establishment - -of-stssiel
braries and lyceums in every'- ad
town, and_ associations bringing:both seam
together ler mutual intellectual jollPme"
went, shou!d have every e
end would be followed with iltit,'Tieit',7o
- Such Chltisation of theirishrittliat::' ' 3- " 1
not interfere with the necessary.l -- 4iielo -h ::
rittisunkwbo, , lfial orPthe- fares; but render w gam, No. tatirtiatneel) ,
i awaikef anaceralid ler lit jailh ' UL 11006 OtheliFijk, eaakik
madaikcasually . , -
C' "" kt 0411' lama vadiarrareoitgas .and
sue plialtelciaranri I st !! . . - -
4.4 Aka'
c( O r a e lr l , I W O - 45-4 . r- ` ~'
~saa4asaifaaltrr twos. t ,
• - ' •
.3 " -
Company. D. R GRIGGS.
Prpsirlent of the United States Land Co
Boston, A unn.t. 20.1540. NIT 10)
BY Morrison 4- Co. London, for sale only by S. N.
Wickerahatn, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is so!e agent for Western Pennsylvania. lap 10
FARM FOR S IL.R.—The undersigned offers for Fair a
tract of land situated 4 mile; from Freeport. in the
direction of Kii tanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong
connty. containing 100 acres, 65 cleareit and under good
fence; 10 of whicn are in meadow— a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Salturorks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free
DR. !. W Vegetable Ripectorant Byrup,an
infallible cure for whooping cough. This disease
is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a
suffocating cough, itnd a deep shrill sound, called a whoop;
it comes on with difficult breathing. thirst, hoarseness and
cough, with dif f icult expectoration. The violent exer
tions in roughing bloat the face, which turns purple, and
the eyes swell and become prominent.
Consumption often dates its origin (torn tfs disease,
which has hitherto battled the skill pf the most able phy
sicians, but now by this simple vegetable medicine this
distressing and frequently dwuroctive disorder can be cu
red in a few days. Thousands have'civen it a trial and
In no case where used according to the direction Las it
failed, IN:F. - ening the viscid matter and making it easily
expectorated without such violent shaining as is invaria•
bly experienced by little sufferers by every mode of treat
ment that has been recommended.
Coughs, consnmmion, asthma. 4.. c. cured by Dr.
Weston's India n Couch Medicine, 111211 W CAFES of eonsum rt-
Lions, some in the advanced irag..ard Riven up as inettra •
ble by physicians, have kern cured by this medicine with
his pills and plaster. 31 large Nattier., FMAii 50 ct.. Pills
25 cents, plaster 2.5 cts. Ills Strengthening Plaster is the
best in the world for weak hacks, pain in the side, 4'c. ec.
Jr. J. Weston's-Sye Water mires'nn dlsordersof the
eyes when all other means fail. Price 25 cents. His Corn
Salve is sold at 121 ets. per boa, coataining enough to
core 20 turns or more. Ile has alsna a perfectly safe and
highly v.iluahle medicine for worms---price 25 cents per
Pis Emmnees are s=unerior to all miters, bein at least 6
time the streneth of any that can be purchased at any of
the &iv:gists, such its peppermint, spearmint. einnannro.
lemon. oronee, lavender. cloves. fennel. ;inland, hers,
mot, rosemary, caraway, 4-e, 4-c. Price 12 errs per
bottle., or Mitts per ease containing, ; 4 batik:l6'or 7.; eta
forbexes containing 6 bottles.
Pots:lle at John Thompson's Grote.) Liberty M..
nest door to the -Three RI Doom?! - sep 10
Dg,3. B. TIBBITT‘ 3 , Respectfully Inform the citi
setts of Tiu sbu rah and vicinity. that he has return
ed to the city. He hopes to share the confidence of ids
former patrons and the tddic.geirerally; ard solicits .a
renewal of a portion of qbair patronage. In connexion
he would observe,that theoperation of Lithotrkty. (or
breaking the atone in the bladder and allogring it to pant
of whit the wrote,) Ls every where cOntinendin the deep:,
cat interest ; He hopes to extend thniwcwfit ofthishranCh
o f his profiltairon to the aZictell. Strictures, Meatus of
the ligLidder And Kidneys,-,whith tictatsienally Whelk,
rant likewise receive attention.
Those from adictaLce wishing forither Inforattathas
will apply pet-serially or by letteri4orif dey•irsd. ran-be
accommodated at hie dwelting.ln a Allred partial - the ti
tynoe Third. between Ferry and fdioefly wit 10
A softening thensht °father pews,
A fisting noted to bean • ';
When liSs was t e!' too bright for tank
And hope satsg wreathed with, sowikre;,
A 'memory of arections fled.
Ofseieee heard sompore.
Stirred in goy wurit when I teed '
The Juan offoadnwe o'es.
Oh, Mothert4-in that magi t-arse*
What loves Lad joys combiner
What hopes. too oik. alesolefiNmst ,
What watebless-ugriers--ont. WOW
Yet never, LW the hew we tour:4: 4 ' -
11y wenn" Ahrens own& -
fa:anima to prise that helimet
A living -0 elbW4l klegair
Ten tbosumul raja: et midnight pont*
Betide our csuc of nese--
Their/obn wearinein aafaeed.
To soften ow - eerie%
While new noitinormerked. law 100.1*,
Not.toite sells* thy elline,
Ho+r, fte t givi4
To pity end Mnmas
What &lial &slues* traziapaid,,
Or could repay the prase
Alas, for gratitude-dee - 111,014
Regrets that rarely
'Ti. only when the deist is thrown
Thy blessed bosons *seri !
We muse on all thy kindnessehown.
And with we'd /wed thee warm
'Tis only when the lips sre_cold
We mourn, with late - tsgset.
'Mad myriad memories etwlat.
The days forever eat:
And sot an set, nor look, itor allessilekt
Against thy meek control. •
But with a sad renseadecence Wit. -
Wakes as;oish in the soul!
On every hand—in every clime,
True to her sacred cause--
Filled by that influence sublime
.From which her strength she draws,
Still is the mother's heart the S.lllllll-.-
The mother's tot as tried.
And, oh, may nationsguard that aims
With filial power and pride:
[From toe Boston Pest) _-
Mr. Editor—Will you ask some good mist ma.
poser to set The following to music/ I /MIS 110
will do justice to the owl chorus; as it is panise
lady wanted for the new edition of tie villsig song
18t:I.—Tippecanoe and Tyler toe!
Corkadoodle doe:
Captain and mato of ocr congwetierwrew
Cockadoodle doo!
Fly a way, little Martin, were don with
Coekadoottle doo!
1311-42—Tippecanoe and' Tyler too,
Too who? too who? too who?
,That enraed check mate of oar qoarred.
ling crew,
The wretch at - the enl °Me Aciencie.
A otoecowpoop-and-a-viihilio-Iwor ,
I)—n him and his lireiewe •toot
Too who? -ino whol too shot •
'.. - .:;..;::.-f,•i4,:
.'''' .- ,',.'i' .- -
-• .2:'vr..,'fil:,,,