Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 23, 1842, Image 4

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    RAM MADE icoprESt. EHOUSE,"Arurtli_
Sr, too doers frost the 0. S. Bank. Wet Pro-
Ditto, -Undertaker, respectfully informs the public that he
I'as .. .removed his ready made coffin warehouse to the
xiiiding recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,direetly
opp?iite his old stand, where be is always prepared to al •
rend•promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at.
genitor' to an the details of the business of an Undertaker
net lloilasiOtnern public confidence , He will be prepared
DI ALL 11017 R. to provide
"Hearses, Biers, Carriages add
every . regolsite on the most -liberal terms. Calls from the
country will be promptly attended to.
Al residence is in the same building with his ware
house, where those who need hts services may find him
at any time. REFERYNCEr.:
W. Ih'.
s ksc 71 slut's,
sep 10
a:Da Zi)3l'itaLtar34
eclitil 8 EETS, HORSE BILLS,
Together wiilt every description of I.et ier Press Print
leg, furnished with pettiness and despatch, and on mode
rate terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post.
sep 10
JAMBS HOWARD it CO„ Jilamilarturers of Wall
Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.—
Nave always on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
Glazed and plain PAPER. HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders, of the la:est style and handsome
patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have on hand at all limes—
Printing. Writing, Letter, VV tapping and Tea Pa per„Bon
net and Fullers! Boards—all of which they offer for sale
on the most accommodating terms; and to which they
invitellie attention or merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the best qnality,
School Books, etc. always on hand and for sale as above.
N. B Ba2si nd Tanner.' Scraps' taken In exchange.
N"flOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully in
forms his old friends and the public that he has
(mental a Temperance Hotel, in fifth Street, near the Ex
change Bank, and in the house lately occupied by Mat
thew Patrick, and has hmsted anlronii gn."The Iron
City Holel," where lie will lie very hact - v to accommo
date all who may please to call or. him. Rig table
shall be provided with the best fare, and every posiiihle
ai•comniodation lo town and country customers and
A few hoarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
lice , . can he taken, and gentlemen who live out of town
,can have their dinners daily.
He has large and good stables, and the best flay and
Oats, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
ers and gentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges
more moderate than at any respectable Hotel in the city.
LI RR A RV of Religious, Histoticayolitical,and M is.
cellaneons Works, will he open every day, Saidiath ex.
cepted, lone 7 o'clock, A. M., nut il 9, P. M., in the Ex•
change corner at St ,Clair street and Exchange
where punctual attendance will be given by
sep 10 1. I:F,SIM
WASHINGTON lIALL.—Tiw subscriber has
opened the late residence or James Adams. Esq.,
deceased. for the reception of visitors and hoarders;
the house is very pten,amly situated on the hank of the
Ohio, 2 mites from the city—possessing all the delight
ful accompaniments of a country residence, without
[wing too tar distant for per.orts doing business in the
city. Visitors will he furnished with every delicacy of
the season.
An Omnibus runs regularly every hour f r the A Ile
glieny end of the Bridp.e.
N. 11 —No Alcoholic beverages kepi.
strurnent Nlanufaciory —The Subscriber fnanufae.
tures and keep , constantly on hand, every description
. 0( r, tit lery, Surgical and Dental lost ru melds; Tailors. Hair
Dress. 1 , , and Hatters' Patent Shears, Saddlers' tools. kc.
All goods mania:toured of the best materials, and all
orders ati , nded to with the 2 reatrai deepatch, at the low
est Cash prices.
Jobbing in g,.ncral done, and v arranted to give satis
faction. .1. CARTWRIGHT. 'set, 10
Johngon, Bookbinders and Paper
Rulers', S. W. corner of Wood and
Fourea sireels, are now prepared to ex
ecute all kind. of Bookbinding and Pa.
per Billing neatne.s and lk`FPll l
Ilia II k book. rii , ed and bound to
any given pattern at the
N. R. All work done at the :tl.nve warranted. (cep 10
VVM. RIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to
It; old stied, No 107, Smithfield Street,
where lie can he consulted any hour during the day,
on his profession. sep 10
REVIOVAL.—Geor:2e Armor, Merchant
respectfully announcea to hi , friends and pa•
Irons, that he has re-,loved his estallislintent from his
old -tand, in Third street, to the ,nrner of Viotti and
Sink bile!Cie the basement story of the Monongahela
House; where hr intends keepht2 on hand a eeneral as.
sortencat of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen
tlemen's wear.
He hopes, by CIORC nip - Ole:Won, to merit a share of the
busines , so liherally extended to him at his old stand.
N. B flaying made arrangements in New York and
Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers
may rely on having their orders executed according to
the tatest style. GE(JRGE ARMOR.
sept ill
41 ft OlL.—Tha Subscriber would most respectfully
inform the public in genera that lie has an article of
a Lrd Oil of a superior quality, manufactured at the Cincin•
nail Oil Ntanufactory,by R.%V.Lee co.,wkich is warran•
tett to tie equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
litachitt.-iry. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous
matter, smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it le as clear and
a= while as vpring water. Not a particle 'of crust Is left
on the wick. The light is pure and brit:Mut,
an d wilt lab? as long, if not longer, than that from an
equal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The subscriber informs
the public that he has taken a place nearly opposite Ihe
Post Office, where he will tight up several different lamps
eve." , evening. and he would respectfully invite the in.
habitants of Pittsburgh. Allegheny, and their vicinity, to
call and judge for themselves. He feels confident they
will he convinced that the above statement is perfectly
correct. Out of twn hundred individuals who have tried
the Oil, there has not been a single limit found with it•
The Lard Oil costs one third less than Sperm. Ile would
lesitieetfully stlicii the early at tene , ion of Dealers and Ma.
cliinists In the
The fonowitm Churchec are nnw maw! the Lard 'ln :
Second Presbyterian Church. Pitt-bur:lt,
New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh,
First Presbyterian Church, Atte:: hcny City,
Associate Reformed Church, do.
All the barrels are branded R. W. LEE k Co, Cincin
nail, Ohio, •
We, the undesigned, Captains of the Express Line of
Packets, on the _Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are
using an article of Lard Oil Introduced here by Matthew
C. F.dey, and manufactured by R. W. Lee k Co., at the
Cincinnatti Oil Factory.
We feel confident in asserting {hat the above is equal
to the best Sperm Oil; that it is entirely free from smoke
or any other glutinous matter Whatever; the light is per
fectly pure. clew and brilliant, and will last as long, if not
longer than that from an equal quantity of Sperm. Oil,
We have no hestitatlon In recommending Ina our friends
and to those who use Oil.
HENRY TRUST, Captain, Packet John Adams,
G; W. HILDEBRAND, Captain, Packet John Hancock,
A. CRAIG, do do, John Madison,
JOHN THOMPSON. dt. eo Pittsburgh.
sep 10
FOR SALE.--40'M Kentucky Began, 80 wooden
bowls assorted sites.
200 dozen 8.10, 10 12, 10.14 window sash.
30 Reams of Writing, letter, and wrapping paper.
100 pieces paper hangings, border, 4.c.
500 boxes wafers. 20 kegs white lead.
30 holes and lbs. of Cotton Bail.
30 3 / 4 ezet and Sd quality of Raisins.
2gdotioditau and torn brooms.
gp yeekiicoutiontly medicines
of wisteb will be sold on accommodating terms
or Cash, ;modems, and 111 I nois: , ollifr. PellniYittania aad
Omen all onsurrent beak, notaitalten laptymPnt on the
est $O6Oll/1e tettoth _-101 1 4 AC
- Agent atOithltaliballiell
REV. Z. P. swim
M. C. EDEN', Agent
Pittsbur2h,..lone 21.6 t, 1842
--'"" ..-- ---7 .--=
-111.NWE6il1 ~ 00 - VI sG WN i?i.—Tat next iws.ssoit or I
1,1 this inititilitiOn wiireo Inmence on the lst da y on
October, n 11411600 nate oist th e 41
h of July following. The
schools of. the Ottliersity* wh 1.1 °reit respective Proles.
sots, are: I F
I. A ncleil Llanguagess—Dr. Gessner Harrison.
2. !Roden .Languases:4--Dr. Chat les Kraitsir.
3. MathetbaOcs.—Mr. Edward li. Conrienay.
4. Natural Philosophy}—Mr. Wm. B. Rogers.
8. Civil Etglitteerins,—the subjects of which are di
vided betwe n the Professors of 'Mathematics and Natu
ral Philosolitilyi
6. Chemi4try and -Wisteria Medica.—Dr. John P. Em.
7. Medieloes—Dr.Henry Howar 1.
8. Anatomy and Surgery.—Dr. James L. Cohen.
9. Moral ;Philosophy.—Mr. George Tucker.
10. Law.—s Judge Henry St. Geo. Tucker.
In both Schools of Languages are also taught the liter
ature of the respective languages, and Ancient and
Modern History; in the 'School of MathStnat Ms is ince.
tied mixed Mathematics; in t hat of Engineering, Mineral°.
gy , and Geology, iii that of Moral Philosophe, Belles Let
tree, Logic end. Political Economy, and in that of Law,
besides muncipal Law in all its branches, the Law of Na
ture and of Nations, the Science of Government and Con
stitutional Law. .
To he admitted into this institution the applicant must
be sixteen ye:trent' age; nip the Faculty may dispense with
this requisition in favor of one whose brother is a stu
dent, .
Every student is free to attend the schools of-his
choice; but if lie be under twenty-one years of age, he
shall attend:at least three. unless authorized by his pa•
rent or guardian. In writing, or by the Faculty, for good
cause, to attend a less number. •
All students under the age of twenty-one years are re
quired m board within the precincts.
By a resolution of the Faculty, SI inieters of the Gospel,
and young men preparing for the ministry, may attend
any of the schools of the University without the payment
of fees to the Professors.
The enactments which lately required students to wear
a prescribed uniform have been suspended.
Every student resideut within the precincts must, on
matriculation, deposite with the Patron all the money.
bills,drafts,itc., under his control, intended to defray
his expenses while at the University, or on his return
thence to his home: and the amount so deposited must be
sufficient to pay his fees to professors, dorreliory rent, for
use of public rooms, three months hoard, a contingent fee
to cover fines and sontessments. and to purchase the text
books. itc., he may want at the commencement. All
funds:eubsequently received by him trust be deposited
with the Patron, who has cliarvi of his disbursements;
and upon all deposites a charge of two per cetitum com.
mis s ion is authorized.
The act of the Legislature, prohibiting merchants and
others under severe penalt es. front crediting students,
will be strictly enforced. The license to contract debts,
which the Chairman of the Faculty is authorized to
grant, is confined (except where the parent or guardian
shall otherwise. in writing. request), to cases of urgent
necessity; and these, it is hoped, that parents and guar
dians will, as far as possible, prevent from arising, by the
timely supply of the requisite (bride.
Religious services are performed at the University ev•
ery Sunday by Me Chaplain, who is appointed In turn
front the four principal denominations or the Slate.
The expenses of the session of nine months are as rol
-1 lows -
Board, washing, lodging and attendance, $llB
Rent of Dormitory, s';', for half, if occupied by two,
U-e of putilic rooms and matriculation fee,
Fuel and candies, esi inlet ed at 211
Fees, if only one Professor be attended, $5O; if two,
to each professor s3fi; if more Mali two, to each
$25, say 73
Total exclusive of clothes, hooks and pocket money, $223
I n the School of Law there is an extra fee of 20, Pay
able by students attending the senior does.
'l'lle allowance for clothes is limited by the enactments
to $lOO, and for pocket money to $45
WI LLIS 11 e. ' CODLEY, Proctor and Patron U. of Va.
sep 10
AnooN To TIM HUMAN RACE!— , .Discover
what will destroy Life, and you are a rreat man.
.• Discover whit, will prolong Life, and the world will
call you Impostor."
There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us.
with which certain herbs have affinity. and over which
they hare power.
Dr. B. Brandrelh's External Remedy, or Liniment.
which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or
Sorette,s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Swellings,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en
largements, Tender Feet, and every description of in
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are
cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be srlitiently
extolled remedy.
I.'EnrivicATx.—The following letter from Major Cen•
eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme
dy, speaks volumes:
Dear Sir—Will you ohlige tug wit It another bottle of
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the best of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
knee, ahout which I was so it neasy ,and I have found it
productive of immediate relief in several cases of ester
nal injury in my fatuity. A few evening.: since, my
yontigest child was seized with a violent attack of Croon,
which was entirely removed In twenty mihnt es, by rub
bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem.
Pity. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
for general use, instead of confining the use of il, as you
have heretofore (bile, to your particular acrpmini nees.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
DR. B. BRANDRRTII.24I Broadway, N. Y.
07-Tor sale at 241 Broadwa!, New York, and at his
office ,No. 9 t Wood street,Pitishttrgh. PI ICE-50 rents
per bottle with direetionc. seplo
The subscriber offers for sale, at the present redu•
re'd rates, the greater part of his real estate, situate in
the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. viz: Three of hls
Brick Warehouses, nearly new, a. (substantially imet,
situate on Market street, between Second and Fi ont. em
bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sale en
tire, or separately to suit purchasers, and upon long ere(
Also, a select building lot in Allegheny city, 64 feet in
breadth, h 3 upward of 350 feet in depth, having tt.o
fronts, one on the Pennsylvania canal arid ihs other on
Washington street.
Also, the lot adjoining the above, 100 feet In breadth
by nearly 350 feet in depth, including the large and ele
gant mansion house which 1 now occupy and outbuild
Also, a lot with two two story brick storehouses, situ
ate on the corner or Market and Front streets, subject to
a moderate ground rent, and now occupied by Mr. Hoyt
as a groeery. ALEX. BRACK ENRIDG E.
sep 10
These Pills are eomposed of herbs, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
nod equalized In its circulation through all the vessels,
whether or Ihe skin, the parts situated Inter nal ly ,or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, I here is a consequent increase of
every .evetion, nod a quickened action of the absorbent•
an d s t ia f ee l or discharging vessel.. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected. all obeirm.
those are removed, the blood is purified. and the body
resumes a healthful state. Forsale Wholesale and Re
tali by R. E.SELLERS, Agent,
sett 10 N 0.20 Wood st. below Second.
claps of indlvidnalsis very numerous. They are those
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work
men In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
manufacturers, are all more or hiss subject to disease ac•
cording to the strength of their constitution. The only
method to prevent disease, is the occasional use of a
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
rious humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
In any form are injurious, as they only ;at off the evil
day to make it more fatal. The use of , Brandrei it's Pills
will insure health, because they take all impure matter
out of the blood; and the body is not weakened but
strengthened by their operation, for these valuable Pills
do not force.but they assist nature, and arc not oppcsed.
but ltntetionize with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Piti.burgh. Price . 25 cents per box, with full directions.
MA Fig—The only place in Pittsbtirgh where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained; is the Doctor's own Of.
flee, NM9B Wood street. sep 10
This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
at the ',Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recc v.
er. This preparation is in Innocent, so efficacious. and so
pleasant, that no child will refuse to let hs gums be rub.
bed with it: . When infants are at.the age of four months.
the' there Is no appearance of ,teeth, one bottle of the
Sirup should be used to n the. pores. Parents sbonhi
never be withoutilw sy p in l
1.0; nursery where there
are young chlldren,far A child wakes in the oightimiltb.
Pikl-illalis , --itethi , thelipap isOlediatity - glves suctete
Opsaing %Report% and kettliogibeglaws;ther*).:o l ,Mte
I big Canvetsinnsjevenr, 4,e.. fFpr'SsJe whoopide - 4a,
1 s e gagtoi • i i IL M.MnitY"A'lthit - ',...
,sepfllll ' - ' ~.',.- NO.S. illbod-lin,iiiiilditaltiolte
1 - -, :t -,-: 2.1.-::g:' , - 1..-2..,-,..:i,,;.6
InclOnettle elitivinett runt!te MOW/
-This vegetable and MAY innocent medicine, Pelt
piss TUN 'BLOOD, and immediately stays the further pito.
onto of Innen, in the tennen of those whose powers of
life arc not already exhausted. Witere,, human means
can avail, there' scarcely is any complaint, or fornilar
sickneps, that the baarmerra Pir.Le do nut relieve stud
generally cure. Although thec pills produce a KNOill.if
tyvecT,that eireet IS not to prostrate the body, as With
other medicines, but the frame is invigorated by the be
moan' of the cause of weakness, the morbid, the vitiated
humors from the blood.
Harmless in themselves, they merely
A amity N Areas
That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin
Bra ndreth upon it.
That there must be upon each box three signatures,
NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 11142
To throw out the occasion of sickness from the hotly,
and they require no alteration In the diet or clothing.
In fact, the human body is better able to sustain with.
out injury, the inclemency of time weather, while under
the influence of his infection destroying,disease. eradica
keg Medicine titan at any other time.
The importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen and
travelers is, therefore,self evident.
By the timely use of this Medicine how much anxiety
a tui sickness, might we not prevent. Cold. Billions of
reckons, Typhus, Scarlet c imti fevers of all kinds; would
he iinknoiv mil But where sickness does exist, let no
time be lust, let the BRA NE/RUTH'S PILLS be at once
sent for, that the Remedy may he app led, without fur
liter loss of tin.e.—To BE REMEMBERED
-1" hat Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test
in the United Stales.
That they are a vegrdable and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, Whether chronic
recent; infectious or otherwise.
That they phrify, the blood, and stay the further pro
gress of disease in the bunion body.
That. in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of
ulceration had laid bare ligament and hone, and where,
to all appearance, no human means could save life, have
patients by the use of these pills, been restored to 2ood
health; the devouring disease having been completely
Thai each of the genuine has upon it THREE COPYRIGHT
And three signatures, thus:—
"All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, which must be promoted by art when nature
'toes not do the business itself. On this account, an
ill timed scrUpulousamsabout the weakness of the bony
is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to makeevacuations necessary, which nature attempts
after tne humors are tit to he expelled , but is not able to
accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can
affirm, that 1 have given a purge when the pulse has been
so low that it could hardly be fell, and the debility ex.
urerne, yet both one and the ether have been restored by
it." The good effect to he derived from the Brandreth
Pills have lo be experienced to be fully believed. By
their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would ever assume their malignant fat
To appreciate to Oie full extent,the incalculable bene
fits of BRA NDB ETIPS PILLS, they must be used when
the First Symptoms of Disease present themselves. One
dose then, and their good effects will be felt throughout
the attack—lx 15 TAKING THEM IN TIME 11111 t is the_ rent
secret in the cure of all appearances of disease arising
from bad blood, and 1 presume there are few at the pres
ent day, will say anything of those diseases which affect
the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have
yet to see.
[loping that some who read this may be benefitted by so
doing. 1 am respectfully,
the public's servant.
241 Broadway, New York.
The public will please observe that no Brandrelli Pills
are• genuine unless the box has three labels upon P.
each containing a fac sintilie signature of my hand
writing thus—B. Brandrei h. These labels ars engra•
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ex
pense of several thousand dollars. Remember!' he top
—the side—and I Ile bottom.
Ent red according to act of Congress in the year 1841,
by Bet gamin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dts
tjlCt Court of the Sot there District of New York.
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only plore in Pittsburgh w bete the genuine
Pills can he obtained. Each Agent who sell. the true
Era n'drei h Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency.
renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds
of $5OO to sell none other Pills than those received from
Df. B. or his special General Agent. Mark, the cerlili•
cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate
there is an exact copy of the three labels on each box en
' graved thereon. Pllfellner. see that the engraving of
the labels on the certificate correspond with Ihose on t
The following are Dr. Renjamin Brandreib's 4Eents
for the sale of his Vegeta:4e Universal Pills. in A Iteffhe
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled
Price 25 cents with direel lons.
Principal Office, No. 08, Wood Si reef, Pittsbuc
Allesglieny, Mr. ions GLASS.
McKeesport, 11. ROWLAND.
Nobleslown, JOHN JOHNSON.
Stewarle Town, CHESSMAN s r PAULDING
Elimihei blown. C. F.DIEnt..
East Liberly, DANIEL NEGLEY.
PRESSLEY IRWIN, rlellSallt Hill.
DAVID rt. 1700N—Plitilill Township.
WM. 0. HUNTER— Allen's Mill. pep 10
pLEs cured by the t se of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Hartich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency Dom you for the sale of your medicine, I
formed an acquaintance wi;h a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent palnfnt attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated ,
that lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion. she commenced using von r Pills , and was
perfectly cured. Yours, itc. JAMES R. KI RBY
October 3. 1840. Cham bersbn g, Pa.
IrrOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets Pillsburgh. sap 10
INTERESTING CURE performed by Dr. Swop e's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgin Mau, or Wild Cher•
ry. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant cough, spasms. convulsions, 4- c.
or which 1 had given upail hopes of its recovery oni II
was advised to mike trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con•
Hulling to make the same trial upon myself, which en•
t irely relieved me of a cough that 1 was afflicted with for
many years Any periion wishin.t to see,ine can call ut
ely house In Beach Strum, above the Market, Kensington.
.1. Wit.cox.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation In our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
SWANNI . B Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
come from truly grateful hearls.exprm , stve of the benefits
which they have received from ti.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine. who can speak with confidence of Its
virtues.—Saturday Chronicle.
Fati.ow Crrizess:—With sincerity I would advise
you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr. SW•YNZ'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
in your house—it Is invaluable in cases of emergency,
such as Spitting, of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent
Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blooa,
Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright, and various other causes, producing great
alarm, sudden colds from Improper exposure. which
are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means being' ready at - hand;—and as - 1 have used Dr.
SWAVAiII Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
in my family, and always with marked success—l can
recommend it with confidence, as being one of the best
family medicines which has - ever been offered to the
Saturday Chronic/8.
Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale it Retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. 1i0.53 Market Street. sep 10
WILLIAM SEED. Xerchant Taiter.--ItespectAilly
Informs his Mende and the public In 'general
that be hae commenced bosinem at 11 Market atm*,
weetied4l*.itom the corner of Prod, where be bores by
OSA ititelttlott to 4enesi to °murltasbareof penile
Tkd 6 1 * ftilikillk; 1 44 1 4..ilithi01***,
Ile hint Alkera:,o4fiaN th e i rWli-lit""*"41""
Mt UM . ,
facturer of Tin, .Cepper, and Sheet Iron Ware,Otd
Dealerin Japaned Ware.
No. 26. Market Street, (Si AAI. of the Coles Pot),
Also keeps on hand Portable Tepid Baths; Slipper had
Shower do.; Bright or Planished Coffee and Tea Urns
Coffee Fillers; Plate Wariners, , ke, 4• c; Russia Iron Sqtlare
Silde Fenders, plain and beautifully ornantenied, which
he will sell on reasonable terms, wholesale and retail.
The public are respectfully requested to call and exani•
ine uis stock of ware.
[l7•llighest price paid far old tnelals.
t d 0,7 9. 12t: t
stet,ztweeWa7smilhj :: s
Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con.
slant ly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every size anti description; covered
'nes, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar. and Pine Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may require.
A credit given in all cases, either of,coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEARES, Undertaker.
sep 10
175 BRLS. WHITE LIME, a superior ari ir le, lor
sale by J. G. 4- A.G"RDON,
No. l 2 Water street.
VA iIETY. Just received from New York, 3000
Temperance Almanacs for 1843; 5000 copiesof the
Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris
tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Maga
zine and Pitt slmigh, and the Franklin Magazine and Coln
mon Almanacs for MB; nq the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 61 !cents. Also,
Cottage, Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa.
meets, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn
flook-; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ.
Harp, and almost all kinds of School Books; Gunn's Do
mestic Iledicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let•
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red Mk, by the
gross, clozen,or bott ni eel pens, quills, stales. pencils and
wafers; Cyclopedia of History, Western Pilot, and a con.
sideraide variety of Books and Station e ry, for sale on ac
commodating terms for cash or country prnduce.
IBA AC II A R R IS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street
J• K. 11100RM:in. G. E. WARNER. J: PAINTER.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, Alleghe y City, at the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
l'arn.Coli on Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Vatting,
4-c., and ate prepared is fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest stid most improved machi
nery,a nil employed the manager who has attended to the
HOPE FACTORY for the last five years, they are otanufaetu-
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warps made in order,
Order= through the Pittsburgh Pr,t Offire,or left al the
store of J C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty street; or Logan
LS• Kennedy, Wood street; will meet With prompt atten
tion. Address—J. K. MOORHEAD 4- co.
sep 12-1 y
VlO PE:IIA LES.—There is a large class of Females in
this City who from their continued sitting, to which
their occu pat lons oblige t hent,are affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex•
ettion. sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound. an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling inthebow•
el.. sometimes a sense of F fro cai ion , especially. after
meals when any exertion is used, as going, quickly up
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield an
once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa.
sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills inst before dinner, are oleo found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way; they aid and assl , t digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,enilven the spirits, impart clear
ness to the eomplexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. 11-ondreth's Offiee. No. 98 Wood since?,
Pittßburah_Price 25cent.: per box, with full directions.
M ARK—The only plane in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
fire, No 98 Wood street. srP 10
/...7 STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and ,iurgirol
Instrument _Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians. Dentists and Drugaists can have their in.
struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality. and
obbine done as usual. sep
LIVER CON'I PLA I!S T.—Thls disease often lentil
natesin another of a more serious nature, if pro
per remedies are not restarted to in time. I n :Alt forms
of this disease, Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfegt cure
—first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, thuS remo
ving all disease.; from the Liver, by the use of the Ger
man A per ie n t Nils, after which the Compound Strength
ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone in . those
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
a permanent cure. These Pills are neatly put up In
small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam•
uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa.
sop 10
ALLEN KRANIER, Exchange Eroker, No. 46, Cor
ner of Wood and Third Streets. Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
Pittsbutsh,Pa, Wm. Bell 4- Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May
Philadelphia, A lekander Bronson 4- Co., John H. Brown
4 Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
..410., J. It. fir Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Pres't Bank Ky. sep 10
REMOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform
the public, t hat he has removed from Ills old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large PIANO PORTE
WIRE Room, and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of PIANOS ever offered in this market.
His pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo
deled, and yonsirneted hrongliont of the verse- best Ella
terialg,WiliCli,lor durability, and quality of tone, as well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange.
wog to supply the Increasing demand for this instru•
meet, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.
chase to call and examine his assortment befotepurcha.
sing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell LOWIR, for
cash,than any other establishment east or west of the
mountains. F. ELTTM E,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair' streets,
sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CERTIFICATES.—LeiIerfrom the Bon. M'Clel
lan,Su !Ilona County , East Tennessee, Member of Conzress
WASHINGTON, July 34. 1838.
Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit: and Win
faction, and believe it to hen mast valuable remedy. One
of my zonsil taunts, Dr. A. Carden, of CamplVell county,
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which 1 did,
and he has mployed it very successfully in his practice,
and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place,. thinks yon would probably like ian agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. as
a proper person 1.1 officinte for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he IS willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by Water to the
care of Robert King 4.• Sons, Knoxville coutity.Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Taiewell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt bat if yon bid agents In
several counties in Erin Tennessee, a great al of medi.
eine would be sold. • I am going to take sons of it home
for my own ; use. and that of my friends. and Oduld
Melo-hear from-you whether you would li ke an agent
,at Bluntville, Sullivan County. But Tenn ..1, tangs.
same of the matehmite to act for you sal live ittAtjheye.
YstivaliY4 - ' , = ''•—• ''' • —'-` - ' ' ' ''.
'-' ;• AARABM4ll 4 ol.lllllatior'OdAlreeN
Far self Whiilatataandßt*l4* '' ' -; •: 4 ':- - 7 :
7,.P ' , II , '•ilkil t ~' • - 1
tkOtikArliat *Mg -..
•. . '
':-,--., : • t.
~£ ~Yi'i
.Fit* PROOF':: IRON .CRESTS, 411*wrofik.lare4. by
AA A nessiv, Siitk street,-424fas RatitilAdd
4,treet,Pittitivrgh. •
Pittsburgh, June 18, 1839
Mr. Joan Dgicutua: Dear Sir—Having been present,
yesterday, at the experiment which you were pleased - to
make, in the presence of a number of our business men,
of the safety of your IRON CHESTS, in case of fire, it
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as 1 wns capable of
judging, the lest was fair, and the result exceeded my
The Chest was a small one, about 30 Inches - high, by
about 18 or 20 Inches In breadth and depth, and Was pla
ced on a block of wood about a foot in thickness, so as
to elevate it about that height from the ground; several
books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the
manner in which Merchants and others would usually
place them—u large quantity of light pine wood [slabs
from an adjoining Saw was then placed around
and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side,
so as to drive the flame against the back part of the chest.
The fire was kept up about three quarters of an hour,
until you had gone among the spectators and received
from them their universal answer that the test was
sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire,
and coulee, and opened, and examined. Tile contents
were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack
of one hook which appeared to he a little charred. Fruit'
what 1 witnessed, 1 think that these chests are desert,
Ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps, the best security
to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can
have without building,' large, thick, and expensive vaults.
1 would consider them a better secdrity than many vaults
which I have seen built. Your friend,
We concur In the above statement, having been Ares
sent w hen the chest was tested
JII. Cooper, J. K. Shocnber, ger, Robt Bell,
J. I aughlin, J. Painter, A. Cordell,
R. Miller, Jr. CL. Armstrong, A. H. Hoge,
7'homus Craig, S. C. D. Howard, J. IV. Hoyt.
Eztract of a Letter from Pugh It ANord, dated Cin
cinnatt, Z9th Mar: A .1342-
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We
have the satisfaction Instate as the best recommendation
we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, t hat we
haw! one of them which was in an exposed situation in
our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn•
lug of the 10th inst. which consumed our Polk Hoth.c to.
Zet her with a large portion of the meat, lard, which
it contained; —anti that our booksand papers which were
in the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken
front it after the fire; without ever tieing discolored.
Youn,4c. PUGII l L VORD.
Extract of a Letter from Slater 4 Holbrook, dated St.
Louis, Feb. 24th, 11141.
NI R. DENNING, Dear Sir: one of your second size chests
was burned a few days azo, in a leather store -itpre
served its contents. Respectfully yours,
LIVER. COM PLAINT cured by the use of Sir. Har
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Writ. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cored of
the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, loss ofappetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach,,sick head-ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed toa citron color, diffi
culty of breal hi ng.. disturbed rest, attended wit It a cough,
great debiiitv. with other symptoms indicating, great de
rangement of tne functions of the liver. Mr. Richard;
hail the advice of several physicians, hot received no
relief. until usin: Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which termina
ted in effecting a pe•feet con e-
Principal Office. 19 Nor! li ciith, II Street. Philadelphia.
For sal, in PittsMirgli by Samuel Frew, corner of I.lber
tv anti Wood streets. sep 10
Cincinnati, February 15, 1840.
Dr. SIVAYNU—Dear sir:— Permit me to take the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express my approbation,
and to recommend to he attention of heads of families
and others vour invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virginiann, or Wild Cherry Bark. lii
my travels - of late I have seen in a _,eat many instances'
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit-
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,l
Wheezing, Choak trig of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, 4-c.
kr. I should not have written this letter, howevet ,at
present, although I have felt it my duty to add my testi•
nosy to it for some time, had it not been for a late in
stance where the medicine above alluded to was instru
mental in restoring to perfect health an "only
whose rase was almost hopeless, in a family of my ac.
quainiance. "I thank Heaven," said the (loafing moth.
cr,omy child is saved from the jaws of deal lii 0 how I
feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any
other country. lam certain I 'lave witnessed more than
one hundred cases where it has been attended with com
plete success. I am rising IL myself in an obstinate at. ,
tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a ex
ceedlngly short time, considering the severity of the case.
I. can reromend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; l would advise that no family should he without
it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The public are us.
cured there is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,
N. Y.
Sold by WM. THORN, who'esale 4- retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. sep 10
PARTMENT.—The plan of instruction in this de
part ment of the Universitylpresents peculiarities not to be
found in no other School of Medicine in theiUnion. The
Lectures commence on the first of October, and termi
nate on tie 4th of July ensuing.
Owing to the length of the session, which embraces a
period anise months, three Professors are enabled to
perform all the duties which In other medical institutions
are usually assigned to six; and the students are seldom
required to attend more than two lectures on the same
day. By this arrangement, the students have an oppor
lushly of being well grouneed In Anatomy. Physiology,
and other elementary branches of Medical Science. be
fore they investigate th lir applications in connection
with the study of the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
Immediately before each lecture, the students are sub
jected to a full and and rigid examination on the vete
ceding lecture,or on portions of approved text hooks. It
is apparent, that the plan, of which the outlines have
been briefly stated, is one which allows the student to
commence as well as to complete his medical studies in the'
institution; and presents a happy combination of the ad
vantages of the system of ),,nstruction by private pupil
age and that of public lectures.
Any person of approved moral conduct may offer as s
candidate, and receive the degree of M. D., without ref
erence to the time he has been engaged in the study of
medicine, or of joining the school, provided he undergoes
In a satisfactory mantle the various examinations pre
scribed by the enactments.
The Professors are:
John P. Emmet, M.D.. Professor of Chemistry, Phar
macy and Materia Med lea.
Henry Howard, M. D., Professor of Pathology and
Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics and Medical Jorisprn-
James L. Cohen, M. D., Professor of Anatomy, P bysi
()logy and Surgery. WILLIS H. WOODLEY, Proctor
Fe p 10
Harrlshnrgh, August 24th, 1842.
LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notice is hereby gi
ven that in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth,
nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly
passed the 27th day of July, 1842, proposals will he recri
ved at the State Department until the last:day of Novem
ber next. for the sale of all and each of the Canals and
Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth.. for which
Statepock.at par value, will be received in payment.
Each individual dr Company's tiquired, specifically, to
state. the particular line of Canal or -Rail Road which
they desireto purChase, the amount oe l their respective
bide therefur,4he given and !surnames of 01. concerned in
the offer, together ,with their place punted.. of residence.
In order that the sauna may be laid before the n ext Le g' s.
eta re.
. .
:The PlnP°Prle toed up and a rrested to the
- -elary orcotaraonmhil*-Terith att intdorieloser Abs.
fin. i* iniragte •pf Us Peelle
44#01**00;e5merfior ,-
Ezploaion of Seet* Bede,,
I. provided with the Safety Guard
bills printed with a figure of the apparat
ful you are not deceived by minew .
gents stating their boats to be pruvidet
Guard, when they ate not mectreti
The following ii a list of how suppk
ty Guard at the Por of Pittsburgh -11
first on the list have tha improved ap,
apparatus it Is impossible far an explo n ,
NIAGARA, in 1 41.1 .
The traveling community are retiet , ::
before they make n choice of a hoat,tat
and see whether it would not he mr
and security to choose a Safety Goat
passage anti freight, in preference toot:..
against explosion—and that they
that this invention has the unqiialifid
fifty steam eruine builders—gentler:lei
it is to understand the subject, and wit .
Interested—besides a number of terufma
is gent lemen and others—all of wilier a
my office, No 10. Water street, where
pleasure at all times to my
who will lake the trouble to call,
sep 10 CA DWALLADri:
Manufrifturers,Steuhenville , Ohis , n.
unity of making known to the public
opened a paper warehouse in Pinshorrh,n
No. 104, three doors soffit] of Fifth
their paper; where they will heap ((indium!
general supply of paper, consisting of wciti
printiuf, letter, tea and wall paper. and Ms
and fullers boards.
In connection with which lhvvgill inpa
of blank books and school hod ,
Likewise, an eN tensiveassortotwa liaG
MI of which will be sold low Ibt mk% '
raas nd lan ners' sera pa.
Orders addressed to them at Stes*lq
Azent in Pirtsbureli. H. K. Rez.uald°4
size or quality orpaper,lvill be prompiO
Reynolds is fully empowered int
contracts in the management of their iill4
cash or goods, a quantity of Flax and
Almost all kinds of Country Produce
for casts or roods at HA R RlS'g
sep 21-1 f Commission Warehouse,
JOHN HART. Commission filo-chain
duce and .thnerican ..ilfanufacturei,
Jno. Grier, Esq., Pittsburgh
Aaron Hart,
James Giehran of It'd. "
Jno. D. Davis,
111`Vay & Hanna,
Avery. Ogden k Co.
„Inn. Woodbourne, Esq., Madison.
Farm on which 1 live, In Wilkins
Braddockstield, contatnins nne hundred
acres; about 70 acres of wl,kl' cleare. a
well Unaided. There are upon it threal•
and a barn 63 feet by 34; a n apple orchard
Also, nhuut seventy acres of coal. The .;
be equal to that of any upland form In
Terms made known on application to the
in the premises. WILLIAM WALLA
WILMA lit C. W ALL, Main of F
and Piastre Frame hlassfirti
Fourth Street Pitts bstrgh. —Ca nvam
for Artists, :111V11 , 78 on hand. Leann
promptly framed to order. RepaitiOtt
es t not ire.
Particular attention paid to regilditgie d
ery description.
Persons lilting up Steam Boats or bass
thci r ad vantage to call.
'V I V HITE LEP_ D.—The subscrilertet
to furnish painters, and others
chase pure White Lead made of the s e
ranted equal, if not superior to any
All oider.i addressed to Dunlap k Bug
er Co . No.llo Second street, Pitighllb•
attended to. MINIX
-LA Aft A St., one door frost Oli
The Subscriber respictlally Woo
Pittsburgh and vicinity that be kst
tailing Shoes of his own manufacture. ,
where he will keep constantly on Ms
ment of all kinds of ladies, misses, asa„.
and shoes. of the best quality. *hick
ces to suit the times. He will less
kinds of fancy work—soeh as wkiu
slippers, colored gaiters, and Nokia
children's ellslers. silk gaiters, /re., 41.
will be made at the shortest notire,oo
ner. Ladies will please call and assist
as the sukcriber feels confident tlntlK'
any article in his line they may watt.
PPP 10
P. S. Don't forget the place—Nals,
door from Harris's Intelligence Offs%
I from Market Street.
WILLIAM DIGBY having takes
business of DIODT ff HOPEIVP4.",'
Liberty street and 42 Market street, P.
thanks to the numerous friends and r
firm, for the very liberal support tie
tended to him, in connection with S wi l. l l
wishes to assure them that every ssert o i
merit the continuation of the same' ""4
Peetfully invite their ,attention to biU
Clotbing,which he intends mina; h . ,' o T ei t
than has been ever offered, helot go d
the whole of the stock of the late iris 0
ilbte ; and as be intends to confine 11 110 ,1
cash business, be feels confident so
surpass his stock, either in c hesykri ll '"' -
ness of workmanship. -M"
Please to take notice that every Sp. —
tured in Pittsburgh
grio rgPi
V.A1111:1EL MORROW, X 0
Shea Ire* Ware, 10. 1 ?
Weed sad Xarket klreets.-15 PrePPLO
to hie Hoe at the abodest riolio•
aed others are solktleml to 40'70
or *wok ois t ioh ,wolbe sold 00101#
ill terms.
B °l * * *"l"llamtiov•itratuorr,
. ^~~~~,.
r *Volk
rate e
by NSW,
Y, at the en
lee, RIX CEN
et A,
1.50 Four
3,00 Six m.
4.00 One y
.00 Six
s OO One y.
Svc Dot.LA
bird bet wee
of master.
41 11 door
.1111 i Hoe
• bet wee!
ird el re,
—B. R.
Fourth, n
arket an
itrAcTv RYA
Vine Fun
near Wo
lOT EL'.
Wnter !or,
iter or Penn
urner of Th
n er of TlOrt
r Of. Penn R
V !wept, 00
!forst:. Pel
on G
next rooms
.11 amen Pe
- English, •
rho , Nit
Law: Office
Morrow, A
4tler in-Pr ,
N.• 224 L
nod Con a
Mllitifaci it
4301 V..
vices to
AN, 51•
t Witr,..
anti Elea
frn call, I.
'ality and
S.—Just r -
cured and f
au rip'y
!:er differ
, r sale at
,$ Boot
rth St., ne
, K Id an.
by the n
ers; to 4e
51.--J u